train time. jen iwe -€¦ · train time. c. & n-w. r. r going weht....

TRAIN TIME. C. & N-W. R. R GOING WEHT. No. 6.01, I’a***t*iißer ;. D;BS a. in. No. 6Oft, Pasxeuffer 7;81p.» n , No, 117,Time KrHglit 3:25a.m. No. 15, Way Treinht 4:00p.m. GOING EAST. No. 604, PflKHeriKer 0:20 p. ni. No. 502, l’(tHrtet)«er 0:42 a, rn. No. 128, '(’line Freight ... No. 80, W«yKr<lgnt 7:65a.m. Non. 501 and 504 daily, other* daily except Sunday. All train* carry pu«- Heng**r* ex*ept Time Freight Non. 117 n d 128. Correspondence . DRAKOLA. Mis* May Brown is helping Mrs. Lewis Adams (or a time. Mr*. VV. IS. Pratt is at home again and we art glad to Htate that she ih very much improved. Letters received from A O. Brown report them safely arrived at Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wheat, Mrs, Belle Craven, and Mrs. W. P. Roberts are spending a few day« with the family of S. G. Boss, of Farnsworth. There was a daace at tho Varland home last Saturday night. A large crowd attended and a line time is re- ported. Boy Brown is hauling water for Eugene Newell these days. BRIRIZ LALK BLIZZARD. Mr. aud Mr*. Glaavsen and nine children arrived la*t Saturday even- ing from Emdeu, Germany, and will make their heme in Spirit Lake tovvuihip. At present they are at the home of HcnryKrull,a nephew of Mr. Claaswen. Adam Poppen last week shot three wolf whelps and dug one out ef a den. He left the three dead whelps on the prairie, never thinking that a bounty paid on the pests, Mrs. Grotjohn has been on the sick list of late. A daughter of Pat Nordland has been with the lady during her illness. H. Poppen’s horse brought from lowa a few* months ago seems to please the horsemen of Spirit Lake. Corn planting ia a little backward this spring. In spite of that fact, however, there will be a larger acre age than last year. Herman Meyers’ young people visited with the H. Poppen family Sunday. H, Fieldkamp, of Sibley, la., is ex- pected to arrive soon with a party of Undseekers. BANCROFT. L. J. Dill gave an open air concert Tuesday night. All hearing it enjoy- ed it immensely. Everybody is as smiling as a bas- ket of chips slice the rain. Mrs. Geo. Lobb, of Lakeside, was visiting at W. A. Buckley s the last of the vreek. figr George Farmer built him a houae down by the track last week and his • has moved into it. Wise man he don't have to got a mile for water any more. C. O, Dill has sold 100 bushels of seed corn already. The cold weather did not scare the farmers. Spenco Eggleston went up to Watertown Saturday iu his horseless carriage. O. C. Dill accompanied him. They got back Sunday night by hsrewg livery teams from each town to bring them. The autimobile has not got back yet. It is just the thing to go with when it don’t need fixing. Tom Tyrell has his chicken coop nearly finished. The family will move soon. Geo. Farmer. Sr., has been work- ing on Jim Costello’s bouse the past week. His daughter Maud, went to Iroquois Sunday for a few weeks. Mrs. Watson and children came last Wednesday. Alf Buckley anil daughter drove over to the farm Tuesday. Mrs. W. A. Buekiev was called to D* Smet Sunday by the illness of a nu ce there. Mrs. Eggleston visited in De Strict one day last week. “Hide and go se*k” the latent game iu town”. Old and young tako u hand in it. Mr*. LTaw-ie Vouug, of Carpenter, visited at Mrs. Dill’s Thursday. The work on the new bauk is being done. The basiment is ready for th« masons. tween Manchester and Ran croft j s. Score stood Banl 9in favor cf Manchester. Bancroft plays Iro quois u»-xt Saturday at Froquois. Mr. Jen k a ca u i b ink from L > Sffibt Tuesday where ho had been visitiug his daughter, Mrs. Joe Purmtuo. After hunting several days, Mr. Voigt had Ihe good luck to find hie cattle south of Manchester. ERWIN. Ed Wolkow, of Marshfield, Wis- consin. accompanied by his cousin Mis* Nettie Wolkow, of Minneapolis, arrived Thursday morning, last week to attend the funeral of his si-ter. He had a bad ease of blood poison in one of his Hands, but it is mu h improved at present writing an t be will hoou be able to resume work. Mabel Nayesand Miss Sarah Oweu were iu Erwin the latter part of last. The editors started for St. Louis Saturday. Many of our citizens are planning to go soon. The fair will undoubtedly be a larger affair than the one at Chicago ten years ago. Carpenters have besn obliged to suspend work of late on account of high winds. Claude Fuller, of De Smet, and Mr. Arensen, of Brookings, were in town last Friday in the interests of Fuller’s Big Store at De Smet. Claud says he is getting poor, only weighs 187 pounds. Mrs. Pete Christiauson was a pas ¦eager for Madison Monday morn mg. She took her daughter down for treatment. Mrs. A. J. Hilton wout to Yankton Monday morning to represent the Rebeccahs of this plac* at the I. O. O. F. convention at YauktoD this week. Mr. Frank Scott took the train Monday morniug for Yankton to be with her daughter Maude, a few days. Mr. Bergstrom’s family arrived last Friday and are living iu the temporary store house until the erec- tion of the residence building is com- plete. New drug houses seem to be springing up all over South Dakota. They have a fair atart in Aberdeen aud Sioux Falls. When we get one iu Erwin, w# will only have to carry the goods across the street aud save freight charges. John Johnson and mother were up from Smet Thursday, and on re- turning took back with them Mrs. Mack for a few days stay prepara- tory to a permanent location. If you want a good shave or hair cut call at the Erwin Tonsorial parlors ou East Main street, aud our new barber Mr. Funk will serve you. A baby girl was bora to Mr. and Mrs Soren Frank Wednesday, May 11th, weighing 8| pounds. Mothsr and child doing well. Walter Fritzel departed Saturday morning to be at the bedside of his father whe is not expected to live. Frank Scott returned home Satur- day morning. His brother is at this present writing much better. ci <~i ~: as: .• _ * _ o _ _ O. U. VMlLutug »* no iu t'M*> u oaiui - day ou business. N. A. Nelson has started the con- struction of a half block of cement walk east of his restaurant. Some will also be laid ou Main street. This is a good move. The next thing we would like to see is a brick block or two. A deal was made Monday whereby August Amonson became owner of the house and grounds ou 3rd street formerly owned by J. E. Hollister. Mr. Amonsou will make it bis home here and we are glad to welcome him both iu social aud business circles. ¦ ' Mrs. Chas. Wolkow went to Lake Preston Tuesday to spend the day with friends. Autou Bertlesou weut to Brook- ings Tuesday to accept a position in the Olson Bros’, clothing store ai head clerk. His friends regret to see him go. Mrs. Hiukley went to Watertown Tuesday evening to atteud the State Congregational church convention held there this week. A special meeting of the Home Guardians was held iu Odd Fellows Hall Tuesday evening for the on •tailment of a new lot of members. Simon Ferry. —Dr. J. H. Hall is fitting bis resi- dence with a hot air heating plant. Mrs. M. L. Puriqtum and daugh- ter have moved into the Lattin house on Taylor atreet. —The dance Tuesday evening un- der the auspices of De Smet Wood- men was a successful affair, both •orally and financially . The Trou- badours, who furnished the music,, gave as great satisfaction as any or- ganization that ever struck De Smet. The Woodmen cleared about $25.00 on the venture. —H. J. Hamilton is taking the assessment and listening to tales of poverty. It’s oue time of the year wheD we are ail poor. Mrs.G. C. Bradley represented the Lady Maccabees at Mitchell last week and is attending the Rebekah state assembly at Yankton this week. —G. W. Elliott is preparing to add forty feet to the store building oc- cupied by Burdick &, Sen. Mr. El liott is seriously considering cement blocks as the material to be used. —E. P. Sanford and VV. H. Ruth went to Huron Thursday with the boys to take in the inter collegiate sports. They joined the Brookings college crowd on the morning train. Rev. Henry Preston will depart next Tuesday for Philadelphia and other points in Pennsylvania whero he will spend a vacation of ten weeks. Mr. Preston has not visited his old home for nearly five years. We hope that he will have a pleas- ant visit, and no doubt that he will —G. Forsburg was iu the city Tuesday evening and stated that he had that day started his household goods from Tracy, Minn., for this city. He expected to settle his family in the Taylor house in the next few days. De Smet people are glad to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Fors- burg to De Smet once more. —The little child of Mr. aud Mrs. Ole Edmonds, living south of town, was terribly burned last week, aud the chaucee for recovery are still in the balance. In some way a pail of scalding watei was spilled over the little one, the water burning over a large surface, iu some places burning quite deeply before the clothes could be torn off and the damage arrested. The danger from the vvouuds lies notin the depth of the burns, but in the large extent of surface which they cover. The best of nursing and care is being giveu, and it is hoped that the little sufferer may be brought safely again back to health. Sun. Jack Sully, the desperado who terrorized the cattlemen of the range couutry aud the farmers ou the fron- tier west of Mithell, was “lauded” last week by a deputy U. S. Marshal who had orders to take him dead or alive. He took him dead. Cured His Mother of Rheumatism. “My mother has been a sufferer for many years with rheumatism”, says W. H. Howard, Huband, Fa. “At times-she was unable to move at all, while at all times walking was painful. 1 presented her with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm aud after a few Applications she de- cided it was the most wonderful pain reliever she had ever tried, iu fact, she is never without it uow and is at all times able to walk. An occasional application of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was formerly troubled with.” For sale by all druggists. Petit Juors. The following is a list of the petit jurors drawn for the regular June term circuit court to be held at the court house iu the city of De Smet, on Tuesday, the 7th day of Juue: K.J. Heath. C. Caaperaon Harry Long J.H. Bouehie Ed Latnpc P. C. Murphy Thou. Collina Win. Auwt John Coulaon ChHH. Rehfeld Jorgen I. Stevens Joseph Kary Joe H Hndgt-a Paul Anderson M H. O’ETora Iverlverson. V. B Hay L. J. Boyd L. J. Hustafsnn Cash Andrews J. W Bare. C. Christensen August Chader Clias. Nordland Steve Rodney E. S. Davis A. C- Lindner P. P. Duniin C. G. Patterson S. K. Davis PIANO TUNERS. They Are Mn«ter* of Harmony, bat Few Know Written .’Uaale. The piano tuner was jangling the keys’with one hunil as he twisted aud swung his little hammer at the pins with the other. Now and then he would strike a chord nonchalantly, but he never pretended to produce any succession of sounds that resembled a theme or phrase of music. He wound up with a final jangle of chords that were harmonic, hut not in any manner related to one another. Then he screwed on the front of the case and announced that the tuning was fin- ished. “Won’t you play something for me?" asked the mistress” of the household expectantly. “I am afraid I can’t gratify you, madam,” was the response. “I can’t play.” “Not play? I should think any per- son with such knowledge of harmony would be a master of music,” said the wornau. “The tuner is n master of harmony, or his ear is,” said the man, "but few of us know written music. We don’t need it in our business. All a tuner has to have Is an acute ear for notes and their harmony. With the pitch of u fork set at a certain point he has a basis to start from, and all he does is to give each string on the instrument Its proper grade in the scale. It takes a mighty fine car and much training of the sense of hearing, but that ia all there ia to it” “What a cool and indifferent air Miss FTappay has! She acts just aa If she didn’t know that anybody was looking at her” “Yes; she inherits that. Her mother naed to hake pancakes in the window of a quick lunch restaurant”—Cleve- land Plain Dealer. '• -*.. J ,7'7.7 ..... . . •• Home Seekers’ Excursions to the North- ”r22, W2st “n‘i Southwest: Via the North-Western Line. Ex- cursion tickets at greatly reduced rates are ou sale to the territory indi- cated above. Standard arid Tourist Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars aud “The Best of Everything.” For dates of sale aud full particulars apply to agents Chicago & North- Western R’y. JjjS&IB J| Special Reduced | Excursion Rates | Will be In effect from nil points on the Chi- cago & North-Western railway for the occa- sions named below: Atlantic City, N. J., July 18-15, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Cincinnati, <)., July 18th to 28rd, Grand Lodge B. Ac I’., Order of Elks. [ San Francisco, Sept. sth to 9th, Triennial Conclave Knights Templar. Sian Francisco, Sept. 19th to 25th, Sover- eign Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F. For information as to rates, dates of sule etc., of these or other occasions, call upon the Ticket Agent of the North-Western Line. WARNING. You canuot have good health uu- less your kidueys are sound, for the kidneys filter the blood of impurities which otherwise act as irritating poisons and break down the delicate organs of the body aud cause serious trouble. If you have kidney or bladder trouble and do not use Foley’s Kidney Cure, you will have ouly yourself to blame for results, as it positively cures all forms of kiuney and bladder trouble. L. E. Sasse. Stops more pain, relieves more suffering, prevents more heart aches aud diseases than any other remedy. That ia what Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents Bradley’s Drugstore. For Sale. Two building lots on fourth street. Apply to Chas. E. Ely. Foley’s Honey and Tar for children,safe,sure. No opiates. HOLLISTER’S Jk PHARMACY. / Drugs, Wall Paper, Stationery, Cigars, Candies. Prescriptions giveu careful attention. Leave orders for Dr. A. R. HOLLISTER & CO.. Aok tor American Stock Food. RESTAURANT. * I have opened a restaurant and bakery in the Straight building on Calumet avenue ami am prepared to serve I 5 Meals and Lunches on, short notice. Will also keep in stock Bread, Pies, and Cakes. Will take special orders and give prompt service. MRS. K. J. HEATH. IWe were all Born Equahfor a Minute, j | Then our Troubles Commenced. | v You can mitigate these troubles greatly and save 1»> ,!| X A 20 per cent, by buying your goods at the Big Corner Store. A ©You can buy red raspberries, 6 cans for §I.OO, that are @ S worth sl.l2J£ in Chicago, plus the freight. Why? Be- © | cause I buy in large quantities, buy early before they leave g © the cannery. X X lbs of prues for SI.OO. Others will give you 3or 4 © 9 lbs. for 25c; figure it out. S © That we are enabled to give you such immense qualities © © of fine shirts at 05c is not usual in so small a town. © B Curtains has just Arrived | York House, at $2.00 to SIO.OO. Y >le Linen, Napkins, Towels, India Lin- <> vhite goods. X nent has everything from a work shoe Y her. O ;w Make up of 10c counter. | e bargains. Come and see. O C. S. G. FULLER. | y.wwwww>»a>ooo»oooo»e<* Robinson Co., Dealers in Lumber Grain and Coal. Best Cough Medicine for Children. When you buy a cough medicine for small children you want one in which you can place implicit con- fidence. You want one that not only relieves but cures. You want one that is unquestionably harmless. \ou want one that is pleasant to take. Chamberlaih’s Cough Remedy meets all of these conditions. There is nothing so good for the coughs and colds incident to child- hood. For sale by all druggists. IF YOU MUST SMOKE Take Something That is G00d... “Kingsbury” Best 5c Cigar, HITS THE SPOT Made by N. E. TACKABERRY, De Smet, S. D. 'Mk

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Page 1: TRAIN TIME. Jen IWe -€¦ · TRAIN TIME. C. & N-W. R. R GOING WEHT. No. 6.01, I’a***t*iißer;. D;BS a. in. No. 6Oft, Pasxeuffer 7;81p.» n, No, 117,Time


GOING WEHT.No. 6.01, I’a***t*iißer ;. D;BS a. in.No. 6Oft, Pasxeuffer 7;81p.» n ,

No, 117,Time KrHglit 3:25a.m.No. 15, Way Treinht 4:00p.m.

GOING EAST.No. 604, PflKHeriKer 0:20 p. ni.No. 502, l’(tHrtet)«er 0:42 a, rn.No. 128, '(’line Freight


No. 80, W«yKr<lgnt 7:65a.m.Non. 501 and 504 daily, other* daily

except Sunday. All train* carry pu«-Heng**r* ex*ept Time Freight Non. 117n d 128.

Correspondence .


Mis* May Brown is helping Mrs.Lewis Adams (or a time.

Mr*. VV. IS. Pratt is at home againand we art glad to Htate that she ih

very much improved.Letters received from A O. Brown

report them safely arrived at LosAngeles, Cal.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wheat, Mrs,Belle Craven, and Mrs. W. P.Roberts are spending a few day«with the family of S. G. Boss, ofFarnsworth.

There was a daace at tho Varlandhome last Saturday night. A largecrowd attended and a line time is re-ported.

Boy Brown is hauling water forEugene Newell these days.


Mr. aud Mr*. Glaavsen and ninechildren arrived la*t Saturday even-ing from Emdeu, Germany, and willmake their heme in Spirit Laketovvuihip. At present they are atthe home of HcnryKrull,a nephewof Mr. Claaswen.

Adam Poppen last week shot threewolf whelps and dug one out ef aden. He left the three dead whelpson the prairie, never thinking that abounty i« paid on the pests,

Mrs. Grotjohn has been on thesick list of late. A daughter of PatNordland has been with the ladyduring her illness.

H. Poppen’s horse brought fromlowa a few* months ago seems toplease the horsemen of Spirit Lake.

Corn planting ia a little backwardthis spring. In spite of that fact,however, there will be a larger acreage than last year.

Herman Meyers’ young peoplevisited with the H. Poppen familySunday.

H, Fieldkamp, of Sibley, la., is ex-pected to arrive soon with a party ofUndseekers.

BANCROFT.L. J. Dill gave an open air concert

Tuesday night. All hearing it enjoy-ed it immensely.

Everybody is as smiling as a bas-ket of chips slice the rain.

Mrs. Geo. Lobb, of Lakeside, wasvisiting at W. A. Buckley s the lastof the vreek.

figrGeorge Farmer built him a houae

down by the track last week and his• has moved into it. Wise man

he don't have to got a mile forwater any more.

C. O, Dill has sold 100 bushels ofseed corn already. The cold weatherdid not scare the farmers.

Spenco Eggleston went up toWatertown Saturday iu his horselesscarriage. O. C. Dill accompaniedhim. They got back Sunday nightby hsrewg livery teams from eachtown to bring them. The autimobilehas not got back yet. It is just thething to go with when it don’t needfixing.

Tom Tyrell has his chicken coopnearly finished. The family willmove soon.

Geo. Farmer. Sr., has been work-ing on Jim Costello’s bouse the pastweek. His daughter Maud, went toIroquois Sunday for a few weeks.

Mrs. Watson and children camelast Wednesday.

Alf Buckley anil daughter droveover to the farm Tuesday.

Mrs. W. A. Buekiev was called toD* Smet Sunday by the illness of anu ce there.

Mrs. Eggleston visited in DeStrict one day last week.

“Hide and go se*k” i« the latentgame iu town”. Old and young takou hand in it.

Mr*. LTaw-ie Vouug, of Carpenter,visited at Mrs. Dill’s Thursday.

The work on the new bauk is beingdone. The basiment is ready forth« masons.

tween Manchester and Ran croft ’ js. Score stood Banl 9in favorcf Manchester. Bancroft plays Iroquois u»-xt Saturday at Froquois.

Mr. Jen k a ca u i b ink from L >

Sffibt Tuesday where ho had beenvisitiug his daughter, Mrs. JoePurmtuo.

After hunting several days, Mr.Voigt had Ihe good luck to find hiecattle south of Manchester.


Ed Wolkow, of Marshfield, Wis-consin. accompanied by his cousinMis* Nettie Wolkow, of Minneapolis,arrived Thursday morning, last weekto attend the funeral of his si-ter.He had a bad ease of blood poisonin one of his Hands, but it is mu himproved at present writing an t bewill hoou be able to resume work.

Mabel Nayesand Miss Sarah Oweuwere iu Erwin the latter part of last.

The editors started for St. LouisSaturday. Many of our citizens areplanning to go soon. The fair willundoubtedly be a larger affair thanthe one at Chicago ten years ago.

Carpenters have besn obliged tosuspend work of late on account ofhigh winds.

Claude Fuller, of De Smet, andMr. Arensen, of Brookings, were intown last Friday in the interests ofFuller’s Big Store at De Smet.Claud says he is getting poor, onlyweighs 187 pounds.

Mrs. Pete Christiauson was a pas¦eager for Madison Monday mornmg. She took her daughter downfor treatment.

Mrs. A. J. Hilton wout to YanktonMonday morning to represent theRebeccahs of this plac* at the I. O.O. F. convention at YauktoD thisweek.

Mr. Frank Scott took the trainMonday morniug for Yankton to bewith her daughter Maude, a fewdays.

Mr. Bergstrom’s family arrivedlast Friday and are living iu thetemporary store house until the erec-tion of the residence building is com-plete.

New drug houses seem to bespringing up all over South Dakota.They have a fair atart in Aberdeenaud Sioux Falls. When we get oneiu Erwin, w# will only have to carrythe goods across the street aud savefreight charges.

John Johnson and mother were upfrom D© Smet Thursday, and on re-turning took back with them Mrs.Mack for a few days stay prepara-tory to a permanent location.

If you want a good shave or haircut call at the Erwin Tonsorialparlors ou East Main street, aud ournew barber Mr. Funk will serve you.

A baby girl was bora to Mr. andMrs Soren Frank Wednesday, May11th, weighing 8| pounds. Mothsrand child doing well.

Walter Fritzel departed Saturdaymorning to be at the bedside of hisfather whe is not expected to live.

Frank Scott returned home Satur-day morning. His brother is at thispresent writing much better.

ci r» <~i ~: as: .• _ *_ o _ _

O. U. VMlLutug »* no iu t'M*> u oaiui -

day ou business.N. A. Nelson has started the con-

struction of a half block of cementwalk east of his restaurant. Somewill also be laid ou Main street.This is a good move. The nextthing we would like to see is a brickblock or two.

A deal was made Monday wherebyAugust Amonson became owner ofthe house and grounds ou 3rd streetformerly owned by J. E. Hollister.Mr. Amonsou will make it bis homehere and we are glad to welcome himboth iu social aud business circles.

¦ ' Mrs. Chas. Wolkow went to LakePreston Tuesday to spend the daywith friends.

Autou Bertlesou weut to Brook-ings Tuesday to accept a position inthe Olson Bros’, clothing store ai

head clerk. His friends regret tosee him go.

Mrs. Hiukley went to WatertownTuesday evening to atteud the StateCongregational church conventionheld there this week.

A special meeting of the HomeGuardians was held iu Odd FellowsHall Tuesday evening for the on•tailment of a new lot of members.

Simon Ferry.

—Dr. J. H. Hall is fitting bis resi-dence with a hot air heating plant.

Mrs. M. L. Puriqtum and daugh-ter have moved into the Lattin houseon Taylor atreet.

—The dance Tuesday evening un-der the auspices of De Smet Wood-men was a successful affair, both•orally and financially . The Trou-

badours, who furnished the music,,

gave as great satisfaction as any or-ganization that ever struck De Smet.The Woodmen cleared about $25.00

on the venture.

—H. J. Hamilton is taking the

assessment and listening to tales of

poverty. It’s oue time of the yearwheD we are ail poor.

Mrs.G. C. Bradley representedthe Lady Maccabees at Mitchell lastweek and is attending the Rebekahstate assembly at Yankton this week.

—G. W. Elliott is preparing to add

forty feet to the store building oc-cupied by Burdick &, Sen. Mr. Elliott is seriously considering cement

blocks as the material to be used.—E. P. Sanford and VV. H. Ruth

went to Huron Thursday with theboys to take in the inter collegiatesports. They joined the Brookingscollege crowd on the morning train.

Rev. Henry Preston will departnext Tuesday for Philadelphia andother points in Pennsylvania wherohe will spend a vacation of tenweeks. Mr. Preston has not visitedhis old home for nearly five years.We hope that he will have a pleas-ant visit, and no doubt that he will

—G. Forsburg was iu the cityTuesday evening and stated that hehad that day started his householdgoods from Tracy, Minn., for thiscity. He expected to settle hisfamily in the Taylor house in thenext few days. De Smet people areglad to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Fors-burg to De Smet once more.

—The little child of Mr. aud Mrs.Ole Edmonds, living south of town,was terribly burned last week, audthe chaucee for recovery are still inthe balance. In some way a pail ofscalding watei was spilled over thelittle one, the water burning over alarge surface, iu some places burningquite deeply before the clothes couldbe torn off and the damage arrested.The danger from the vvouuds liesnotin the depth of the burns, but inthe large extent of surface whichthey cover. The best of nursing andcare is being giveu, and it is hopedthat the little sufferer may bebrought safely again back to health.


Jack Sully, the desperado whoterrorized the cattlemen of the rangecouutry aud the farmers ou the fron-tier west of Mithell, was “lauded”last week by a deputy U. S. Marshalwho had orders to take him dead oralive. He took him dead.

Cured His Mother of Rheumatism.“My mother has been a sufferer

for many years with rheumatism”,says W. H. Howard, Huband, Fa.

“At times-she was unable to moveat all, while at all times walking waspainful. 1 presented her with abottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balmaud after a few Applications she de-cided it was the most wonderful painreliever she had ever tried, iu fact,

she is never without it uow and is at

all times able to walk. An occasionalapplication of Pain Balm keeps away

the pain that she was formerlytroubled with.” For sale by all


Petit Juors.The following is a list of the petitjurors drawn for the regular Juneterm circuit court to be held at thecourt house iu the city of De Smet,on Tuesday, the 7th day of Juue:K.J. Heath.C. CaaperaonHarry LongJ.H. Bouehie

Ed LatnpcP. C. MurphyThou. CollinaWin. AuwtJohn CoulaonChHH. RehfeldJorgen I. StevensJoseph Kary

Joe H Hndgt-aPaul AndersonM H. O’ETora

Iverlverson.V. B HayL. J. BoydL. J. HustafsnnCash AndrewsJ. W Bare.C. ChristensenAugust ChaderClias. NordlandSteve RodneyE. S. DavisA. C- Lindner

P. P. DuniinC. G. PattersonS. K. Davis


They Are Mn«ter* of Harmony, batFew Know Written .’Uaale.

The piano tuner was jangling thekeys’with one hunil as he twisted audswung his little hammer at the pinswith the other. Now and then hewould strike a chord nonchalantly, buthe never pretended to produce anysuccession of sounds that resembled atheme or phrase of music. He woundup with a final jangle of chords thatwere harmonic, hut not in any mannerrelated to one another. Then hescrewed on the front of the case andannounced that the tuning was fin-ished.

“Won’t you play something for me?"asked the mistress” of the householdexpectantly.

“I am afraid I can’t gratify you,madam,” was the response. “I can’tplay.”

“Not play? I should think any per-son with such knowledge of harmonywould be a master of music,” said thewornau.

“The tuner is n master of harmony,or his ear is,” said the man, "but fewof us know written music. We don’tneed it in our business. All a tunerhas to have Is an acute ear for notesand their harmony. With the pitch ofu fork set at a certain point he has abasis to start from, and all he does isto give each string on the instrumentIts proper grade in the scale. It takesa mighty fine car and much training ofthe sense of hearing, but that ia allthere ia to it”

“What a cool and indifferent air MissFTappay has! She acts just aa If shedidn’t know that anybody was lookingat her”

“Yes; she inherits that. Her mothernaed to hake pancakes in the windowof a quick lunch restaurant”—Cleve-land Plain Dealer.

'•-*.. ’ J ,7'7.7

..... . . • •

Home Seekers’ Excursions to the North-”r22, W2st “n‘i Southwest:

Via the North-Western Line. Ex-cursion tickets at greatly reducedrates are ou sale to the territory indi-cated above. Standard arid TouristSleeping Cars, Free Reclining ChairCars aud “The Best of Everything.”For dates of sale aud full particularsapply to agents Chicago & North-Western R’y.

JjjS&IBJ| Special Reduced

| Excursion Rates| Will be In effect from nil points on the Chi-

cago & North-Western railway for the occa-sions named below:Atlantic City, N. J., July 18-15, Nobles of

the Mystic Shrine.Cincinnati, <)., July 18th to 28rd, Grand

Lodge B. Ac I’.,Order of Elks.[ San Francisco, Sept. sth to 9th, Triennial

Conclave Knights Templar.Sian Francisco, Sept. 19th to 25th, Sover-

eign Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F.

For information as to rates, dates of suleetc., of these or other occasions, call uponthe Ticket Agent of the North-Western Line.

WARNING.You canuot have good health uu-

less your kidueys are sound, for thekidneys filter the blood of impuritieswhich otherwise act as irritatingpoisons and break down the delicateorgans of the body aud cause serioustrouble. If you have kidney orbladder trouble and do not useFoley’s Kidney Cure, you will haveouly yourself to blame for results, asit positively cures all forms of kiuneyand bladder trouble. L. E. Sasse.

Stops more pain, relieves moresuffering, prevents more heart achesaud diseases than any other remedy.That ia what Hollister’s RockyMountain Tea will do. 35 centsBradley’s Drugstore.

For Sale.Two building lots on fourth street.

Apply to Chas. E. Ely.

Foley’s Honey and Tarfor children,safe,sure. No opiates.


Drugs, Wall Paper, Stationery,Cigars, Candies. Prescriptionsgiveu careful attention.

Leave orders for Dr.

A. R. HOLLISTER & CO..Aok tor American Stock Food.


I have opened a restaurant andbakery in the Straight building onCalumet avenue ami am prepared toserveI 5

Meals and Luncheson, short notice. Will also keep instock Bread, Pies, and Cakes. Willtake special orders and give promptservice.


IWe were all Born Equahfor a Minute, j| Then our Troubles Commenced. |v You can mitigate these troubles greatly and save 1»> ,!| X

A 20 per cent, by buying your goods at the Big Corner Store. A

©You can buy red raspberries, 6 cans for §I.OO, that are @

S worth sl.l2J£ in Chicago, plus the freight. Why? Be- ©

| cause I buy in large quantities, buy early before they leave g© the cannery. XX lbs of prues for SI.OO. Others will give you 3or 4 ©

9 lbs. for 25c; figure it out. S© That we are enabled to give you such immense qualities ©

© of fine shirts at 05c is not usual in so small a town. ©

BCurtains has just Arrived |York House, at $2.00 to SIO.OO. Y

>le Linen, Napkins, Towels, India Lin- <>

vhite goods. Xnent has everything from a work shoe Y

her. O

;w Make up of 10c counter. |e bargains. Come and see. O

C. S. G. FULLER. |y.wwwww>»a>ooo»oooo»e<*

Robinson Co.,Dealers in Lumber Grain

and Coal.

Best Cough Medicine for Children.When you buy a cough medicine

for small children you want one inwhich you can place implicit con-fidence. You want one that not onlyrelieves but cures. You want onethat is unquestionably harmless.\ou want one that is pleasant totake. Chamberlaih’s Cough Remedymeets all of these conditions.There is nothing so good for thecoughs and colds incident to child-hood. For sale by all druggists.


Take SomethingThat is G00d...

“Kingsbury”Best 5c Cigar,


Made by

N. E. TACKABERRY,De Smet, S. D. 'Mk