training series wia youth activities and services wia workforce investment act

TRAINING SERIES WIA Youth Activities and Services WIA Workforce Investment Act

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Post on 14-Dec-2015




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WIA YouthActivities and Services

WIAWorkforce Investment Act

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WIA Youth ProgramsClosely linked to local market needs and

community youth programs and servicesStrong connection between academic and

occupational learningPromotes youth development and citizenship


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WIA Youth Activities

Purpose of WIA Youth Activities:To provide effective and comprehensive

activities with a variety of options for improving educational and skill competencies

To lead to academic and employment successTo provide effective connections to employersTo provide supportive services to eligible



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Step 1: Objective Assessment

Purpose of assessment: Help youth confirm interests, skills and

experiences Identify internal and external factors that

support or impede success Identify information that will enable service

providers to effectively target and tailor support Evaluate and monitor progress and ultimately



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Asset-Based Assessment

Emphasis on strengths and interests Emphasis on personal and social support Positive approach to identifying issues and

barriers Working with partners Feedback and opportunity for dialogue Alignment with WIA Youth Outcomes


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Identifies: General educational matters Relationship to the world of work Career choices Barriers Internal and external resources


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Assessment Methods

Off-the-shelf tests & surveys Checklists Interviews of client Information from individuals that are part of

the youth’s life Activity evaluation, such as job shadowing,

mentor report, portfolio


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General Education Matters

Youth assessment requires: Literacy & numeracy assessment School status (in or out of school) Dropout status Highest grade completed


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General Education Matters

WIA Educational Activities include: Basic skills training Tutoring Study skills training Dropout prevention strategies, such as

alternative schooling, after-school opportunities, etc.

Occupational skills training


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The World of Work

Assessment of Youth’s Relationship to Work Prior employment Internships Job Shadowing Volunteering


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Career Assessment

Career assessments help determine what type of job would be a good match.

Such assessments may include: Interests Aptitudes Work and personal values Other tests (personality, communication, etc)


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Labor Market Information

Labor market information tool: Employment trends and job projections Wage information Labor force skills/quality Employers and employment opportunities Educational opportunities for careers in

demand Career paths


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The World of Work

Work-related activities include: Work-readiness assessment Employability skills training Work experience (paid or unpaid) Summer employment opportunities Internship (paid or unpaid) Job Shadowing Job placement and career services


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An eligible youth may be faced with a variety of issues that will affect his or her ability to succeed in education and employment.

WIA identifies certain critical barriers: Educational Socio-economic (homeless, offender) Family (single parent, pregnant or parenting,

foster care, runaway youth)


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WIA authorizes local boards to identify additional circumstances that act as barriers to their clients’ success. Examples include: Work-related (terminations, job-hopping) Community-based (gangs, resident of high

poverty area or subsidized housing) Economic (long-term assistance, “working

poor” family) Family (history of abuse, substance abuse,

illness) WIA

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Internal Resources

Assessment of a youth’s personal strengths as well as external resources: Commitment to learning Positive values Social competencies Positive identity Involvement in constructive activities


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External Resources

Assessment of a youth’s external resources: Family support Other adult relationships Caring neighborhood, school, church


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Additional Activities

WIA activities and services should play to the youth’s strength and shore up weaknesses.

Additional activities may include: Adult mentoring Guidance and counseling Leadership skills building Character building activities such as

community service, peer mentoring, etc.


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Individual Service Strategy (ISS)After completion of the Objective Assessment, case managers must complete an Individual Service Strategy (ISS)for each eligible youth. The ISS is the road map, based on the

objective assessment, that documents the appropriateness of decisions made and the combination of services offered to the youth.

ISS records employment, educational and personal development goals.


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Supportive Services

Supportive services are services that are necessary to enable an individual to participate in WIA-authorized activities. They may include:

Linkages to community servicesAssistance with transportation costsAssistance with child care costsAssistance with housing costsReferrals to medical servicesAssistance with uniforms, tools, etc.


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Follow-up Services

All youth participants must receive some form of follow-up services for at least 12 months after exit.

The types of services are determined based on the needs of the individual.


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Follow-up Services

Follow-up services may include:Supportive servicesLeadership developmentCase management contactsJob search/upgrade assistanceWork-related peer support groupAdult mentoring


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Quiz 1

The first youth activity is Basic Skills Training.




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Quiz 2

All WIA youth activities must be offered by a local board through contracts with service providers.




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Quiz 3

Supportive services for youth may include transportation and child care assistance.




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Quiz 4

Follow-up services may include which of these activities/services? (Select all that apply.)

a.Supportive services

b.Job search assistance

c.Basic skills training

d.Adult mentoring


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Questions or Additional Information

If you have any questions or for additional information, please contact DEO’s WIA policy and technical assistance staff at: [email protected].