transfer workshop southbay chinese baptist church 5/22/2004

Transfer Workshop Southbay Chinese Baptist Church 5/22/2004

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Page 1: Transfer Workshop Southbay Chinese Baptist Church 5/22/2004

Transfer Workshop

Southbay Chinese Baptist Church


Page 2: Transfer Workshop Southbay Chinese Baptist Church 5/22/2004

Transfer Workshop

6:05 – 6:20 Welcome and introduction of the workshop6:20 –7:00 6:30

DinnerIntroduction of Caleb/ SCBC and GraceFellowships

*6: 50 – 7:15 “Outlining your Academic Career”7:20 – 8:00 “College Introduction and Personal experiences” (part I)8:05 – 8:30 Personal Statement / Essay writing Tips8:35 – 9:15 “College Introduction and Personal experiences”(part II)

“Should I consider out-state U?” (Pros / Cons)9:20 – 9:50 “Plan ahead for your transfer!”


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Alan Lau - Cal Poly Christine Lau - UCLA Ivan Lee - Plan for your transfer Alison & Wyman Lo - UCB Catherine Tong - San Jose State Univ. Siu Ying Yip - Out-state Univ., UCSD Others

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Hope you will appreciate that this is a different kind of transfer workshop...

Opinions expressed are based on our guests’ personal experiences and researches. They are not necessarily those of SCBC or “objective”.

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Outlining Your “Academic Career”

Ivan Lee

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I. What is your GOAL?

Short term: transfer to your dream university

Long term: …err???

So how sound is your “dream”?

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According to U.S. News, “Most undergrads switch majors at least once, sometimes twice or more, during their college years.”

What does this translate?

$ =

Time =

Future =

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Why should you give it a serious thought NOW?

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Why should you ...

Decide on your major as early as possible--especially if it might be a highly structured curriculum such as engineering, pharmacy, nursing, or architecture.

After you transfer, you probably have 2 years away from graduation. In those 2 years, you are going to face couple challenges:

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…give it a serious thought …

• adapt to the new study and living environment

• looking for an internship

• Survive your financial need

• job search and/or apply for graduate school

• maintain a good school record, etc.

you can also be sure that your workload now is definitely the lightest throughout your college study. So why not do a little more thinking and research?

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II. Finding the right Major

1) Your interest (Don’t just follow the ever-changing trend)– Do you know what it’s really about

Practical ways:

a) Get some real life experience - Work

b) Talk to the professionals – professors or any persons you know (e.g. in church)

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II. Finding the right Major

2) Your strengths- Do you see yours?

- NO < > no strength

What you really need is Self-confidence!

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But persuade yourself that you are ready to answer the practical questions:

3)Talk to your parents. Learn from their experiences. But you need to filter…

4) The kind of living you are looking forward to.

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(Extracted from)

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But persuade yourself that you are ready to answer the practical questions:

3)Talk to your parents. Learn from their experiences. But you need to filter…

4) The kind of living you are looking forward to.

- Research: Starting Salary

-And the “price” you are willing to pay (advanced education?)

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How far are you ready to go?

Associate degree

Payoff hits triple digits for some

Average $116,550 Liberal arts $63,667

Business $92,908 Social science $79,013

Computers $148,695 Science $104,521

Engineering $192,660

*based on figures collected in 1996


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Bachelor's degree

Lifetime gain can be huge

Average $308,588 Liberal arts $243,883

Business $349,028 Social science $210,080

Computers $443,180 Science $283,286

Engineering $497,930 Education $108,461

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Master's degree

A mixed result

Average $180,010 Social science Less than 0

Business $375,780 Science $136,873

Engineering $362,092 Education $106,388

Liberal arts Less than 0

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But persuade yourself that you are ready to answer the practical questions:

3)Talk to your parents. Learn from their experiences. But you need to filter…

4) The kind of living you are looking forward to.

- Research: Starting Salary

- And the “price” you are willing to pay (advanced education?)

5) Your future location (residency issue)

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What am I trying to tell?

Not that I’m $-oriented!

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What am I trying to tell?

•It takes courage to pursue your dream…

•But an justified courage takes knowledge and education!

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- However well thought through, it’s still possible that you may change your mind later and which is not necessarily a bad thing. But if you can at least narrow down to minimal choices, there are still some things you can do to reduce the impact when the change of mind does happen.

- Double major?

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The Key

You are the only person accountable for your future!

And… don’t be REGRET-ful four years later.