transferring an automated test generation tool to …...dustrial practices of automated software...

Transferring an Automated Test Generation Tool to Practice: From Pex to Fakes and Code Digger Nikolai Tillmann Microsoft Research Redmond, WA, USA [email protected] Jonathan de Halleux Microsoft Research Redmond, WA, USA [email protected] Tao Xie University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL, USA [email protected] ABSTRACT Producing industry impacts has been an important, yet challenging task for the research community. In this paper, we report expe- riences on successful technology transfer of Pex and its relatives (tools derived from or associated with Pex) from Microsoft Re- search and lessons learned from more than eight years of research efforts by the Pex team in collaboration with academia. Moles, a tool associated with Pex, was shipped as Fakes with Visual Studio since August 2012, benefiting a huge user base of Visual Studio around the world. The number of download counts of Pex and its lightweight version called Code Digger has reached tens of thou- sands within one or two years. Pex4Fun (derived from Pex), an ed- ucational gaming website released since June 2010, has achieved high educational impacts, reflected by the number of clicks of the “Ask Pex!” button (indicating the attempts made by users to solve games in Pex4Fun) as over 1.5 million till July 2014. Evolved from Pex4Fun, the Code Hunt website has been used in a very large pro- gramming competition. In this paper, we discuss the technology background, tool overview, impacts, project timeline, and lessons learned from the project. We hope that our reported experiences can inspire more high-impact technology-transfer research from the re- search community. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.3 [Software Engineering]: Coding Tools and Techniques— Object-oriented programming; D.2.5 [Software Engineering]: Test- ing and Debugging—Symbolic execution General Terms Languages, Experimentation Keywords Testing; Symbolic execution; Technology transfer 1. INTRODUCTION Producing industry impacts (such as producing successful tech- nology transfer and adoption) has often been an important task Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full cita- tion on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or re- publish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. ASE’14, September 15-19, 2014, Vasteras, Sweden. Copyright 2014 ACM 978-1-4503-3013-8/14/09 ...$15.00. for academic or industrial researchers when conducting research. However, it is generally challenging to transfer research results into industrial practices. In recent years, a set of promising research re- sults around automated software engineering tools have been pro- duced by the research community and demonstrated to be useful on various real-world open source projects. There are substantial opportunities for exploiting these research results to improve in- dustrial practices of automated software engineering. Furthermore, there are substantial demands from software practitioners to ad- dress urgent and critical issues in their industrial practices. However, demonstrating effectiveness of proposed research tools on open source code or even industrial code (as often reported in the research literature) does not naturally lead to successful transfer or adoption of the tools in industrial practices. The research com- munity [27, 48, 78] has already realized gaps between academic research and industrial practices, and has called for training and education of researchers and practitioners in conducting success- ful technology transfer and adoption. Furthermore, there have been various cases of successful technology transfer on static bug find- ing [23, 81], dynamic bug finding [26], and software analytics [31, 32, 46, 76, 77]. In this paper, we report experiences on successful technology transfer of Pex [63], denoting the (P)rogram (Ex)ploration tool, and its relatives (tools derived from or associated with Pex) from Mi- crosoft Research and lessons learned from more than eight years of research efforts by the Pex team in collaboration with academia. Moles [34], a tool associated with Pex, was shipped as Fakes with Visual Studio since August 2012, benefiting a huge user base of Vi- sual Studio around the world. The number of download counts of Pex and its lightweight version called Code Digger [15] has reached tens of thousands within one or two years. Pex4Fun [66, 74] (de- rived from Pex), an educational gaming website released since June 2010, has achieved high educational impacts, reflected by the num- ber of clicks of the “Ask Pex!” button (indicating the attempts made by users to solve games in Pex4Fun) as over 1.5 million till July 2014. Evolved from Pex4Fun, the Code Hunt [62, 64] website has been used in a very large programming competition. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the technology background for the Pex project. Section 3 presents the overview of Pex and its relatives. Section 4 presents the indus- try, educational, and research impacts of the Pex project. Section 5 illustrates the project timeline. Section 6 discusses the lessons learned and Section 7 concludes. 2. TECHNOLOGY BACKGROUND In this section, we present the technology background underly- ing the Pex project: Dynamic Symbolic Execution (Section 2.1), which is the technology that Pex has realized; parameterized unit

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Page 1: Transferring an Automated Test Generation Tool to …...dustrial practices of automated software engineering. Furthermore, there are substantial demands from software practitioners

Transferring an Automated Test Generation Tool toPractice: From Pex to Fakes and Code Digger

Nikolai TillmannMicrosoft ResearchRedmond, WA, USA

[email protected]

Jonathan de HalleuxMicrosoft ResearchRedmond, WA, USA

[email protected]

Tao XieUniversity of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign

Urbana, IL, [email protected]


Producing industry impacts has been an important, yet challengingtask for the research community. In this paper, we report expe-riences on successful technology transfer of Pex and its relatives(tools derived from or associated with Pex) from Microsoft Re-search and lessons learned from more than eight years of researchefforts by the Pex team in collaboration with academia. Moles, atool associated with Pex, was shipped as Fakes with Visual Studiosince August 2012, benefiting a huge user base of Visual Studioaround the world. The number of download counts of Pex and itslightweight version called Code Digger has reached tens of thou-sands within one or two years. Pex4Fun (derived from Pex), an ed-ucational gaming website released since June 2010, has achievedhigh educational impacts, reflected by the number of clicks of the“Ask Pex!” button (indicating the attempts made by users to solvegames in Pex4Fun) as over 1.5 million till July 2014. Evolved fromPex4Fun, the Code Hunt website has been used in a very large pro-gramming competition. In this paper, we discuss the technologybackground, tool overview, impacts, project timeline, and lessonslearned from the project. We hope that our reported experiences caninspire more high-impact technology-transfer research from the re-search community.

Categories and Subject Descriptors

D.2.3 [Software Engineering]: Coding Tools and Techniques—Object-oriented programming; D.2.5 [Software Engineering]: Test-ing and Debugging—Symbolic execution

General Terms

Languages, Experimentation


Testing; Symbolic execution; Technology transfer

1. INTRODUCTIONProducing industry impacts (such as producing successful tech-

nology transfer and adoption) has often been an important task

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or

classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed

for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full cita-

tion on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than

ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or re-

publish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission

and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected].

ASE’14, September 15-19, 2014, Vasteras, Sweden.

Copyright 2014 ACM 978-1-4503-3013-8/14/09 ...$15.00.

for academic or industrial researchers when conducting research.However, it is generally challenging to transfer research results intoindustrial practices. In recent years, a set of promising research re-sults around automated software engineering tools have been pro-duced by the research community and demonstrated to be usefulon various real-world open source projects. There are substantialopportunities for exploiting these research results to improve in-dustrial practices of automated software engineering. Furthermore,there are substantial demands from software practitioners to ad-dress urgent and critical issues in their industrial practices.

However, demonstrating effectiveness of proposed research toolson open source code or even industrial code (as often reported inthe research literature) does not naturally lead to successful transferor adoption of the tools in industrial practices. The research com-munity [27, 48, 78] has already realized gaps between academicresearch and industrial practices, and has called for training andeducation of researchers and practitioners in conducting success-ful technology transfer and adoption. Furthermore, there have beenvarious cases of successful technology transfer on static bug find-ing [23, 81], dynamic bug finding [26], and software analytics [31,32, 46, 76, 77].

In this paper, we report experiences on successful technologytransfer of Pex [63], denoting the (P)rogram (Ex)ploration tool, andits relatives (tools derived from or associated with Pex) from Mi-crosoft Research and lessons learned from more than eight yearsof research efforts by the Pex team in collaboration with academia.Moles [34], a tool associated with Pex, was shipped as Fakes withVisual Studio since August 2012, benefiting a huge user base of Vi-sual Studio around the world. The number of download counts ofPex and its lightweight version called Code Digger [15] has reachedtens of thousands within one or two years. Pex4Fun [66, 74] (de-rived from Pex), an educational gaming website released since June2010, has achieved high educational impacts, reflected by the num-ber of clicks of the “Ask Pex!” button (indicating the attempts madeby users to solve games in Pex4Fun) as over 1.5 million till July2014. Evolved from Pex4Fun, the Code Hunt [62, 64] website hasbeen used in a very large programming competition.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presentsthe technology background for the Pex project. Section 3 presentsthe overview of Pex and its relatives. Section 4 presents the indus-try, educational, and research impacts of the Pex project. Section 5illustrates the project timeline. Section 6 discusses the lessonslearned and Section 7 concludes.

2. TECHNOLOGY BACKGROUNDIn this section, we present the technology background underly-

ing the Pex project: Dynamic Symbolic Execution (Section 2.1),which is the technology that Pex has realized; parameterized unit

Page 2: Transferring an Automated Test Generation Tool to …...dustrial practices of automated software engineering. Furthermore, there are substantial demands from software practitioners

Figure 1: User interface of applying Pex

testing (Section 2.2), which is the technology that provides a play-ground and motivation for Pex; fitness-guided path exploration (Sec-tion 2.3), which is a key technology that allows Pex to improve itseffectiveness and efficiency.

2.1 Dynamic Symbolic ExecutionDynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) [38, 54] is a variation of

symbolic execution [29,43] and leverages runtime information fromconcrete executions. DSE is often conducted in iterations to sys-tematically increase code coverage such as block or branch cover-age. In each iteration, DSE executes the program under test witha test input, which can be a default or randomly generated input inthe first iteration or an input generated in one of the previous iter-ations. During the execution of the program under test, DSE per-forms symbolic execution in parallel to collect symbolic constraintson program inputs obtained from predicates in branch statementsalong the execution. The conjunction of all symbolic constraintsalong an executed path is called the path condition. Then DSEflips a branching node in the executed path to construct a new paththat shares the prefix to the node with the executed path, but thendeviates and takes a different branch. DSE relies on a constraintsolver such as Z3 [35] to (1) check whether such a flipped path isfeasible; if so, (2) compute a satisfying assignment — such assign-ment forms a new test input whose execution will follow along theflipped path.

2.2 Parameterized Unit TestingA key methodology that Pex supports is parameterized unit test-

ing [67], which extends previous industry practice based on closed,traditional unit tests (i.e., unit test methods without input param-eters). In parameterized unit testing, unit test methods are gen-eralized by allowing parameters to form parameterized unit tests.This generalization serves two main purposes. First, parameterizedunit tests are specifications of the behavior of the methods undertest: not only exemplary arguments to the methods under test, butalso ranges of such arguments. Second, parameterized unit testsdescribe a set of traditional unit tests that can be obtained by in-stantiating the methods of the parameterized unit tests with givenargument-value sets. An automatic test generation tool such as Pexcan be used to generate argument-value sets for parameterized unittests.

2.3 Fitness-Guided Path ExplorationDSE, or symbolic execution in general, suffers from the path ex-

ploration problem: there are typically a huge or infinite numberof paths in the code under test for the DSE engine to explore. Totackle this exploration problem, the Pex team developed the Fitnex

search strategy [75] for guiding the DSE engine (Pex) to achievethe target test coverage quickly. The guided search provided bythe Fitnex strategy alleviates issues encountered by previous DSEsearch strategies such as (bounded) exhaustive search [38, 54] orrandom search [28]. In particular, the Fitnex strategy assigns to al-ready explored paths fitness values computed by program-derivedfitness functions. (Fitness functions have been traditionally usedin search-based test generation [47].) A fitness function measureshow close an explored path is in achieving the target test coverage.A fitness gain is also measured for each explored branch: a higherfitness gain is given to a branch if flipping a branching node forthe branch in the past helped achieve better fitness values. Thenduring path exploration, the Fitnex strategy prefers to flip a branch-ing node whose corresponding branch has a higher fitness gain in apreviously explored path with a better fitness value. The Pex teamintegrated the Fitnex strategy with other fair-choice search strate-gies [75], which work well for other types of exploration problems.Such integration of the Fitnex and other strategies achieves the ef-fect of getting the best of both in practice.

3. PEX AND ITS RELATIVESIn this section, we present the overview of Pex (Section 3.1) and

its relatives, i.e., tools that are derived from or associated with Pex,including Code Digger (Section 3.2), Moles/Fakes (Section 3.3),and Pex4Fun/Code Hunt (Section 3.4).

3.1 PexBased on DSE, Pex [63] is an automatic white-box test genera-

tion tool for .NET., which has been integrated into Microsoft VisualStudio as an add-in. Starting from a method that takes parameters(either a parameterized unit test or a method under test), Pex per-forms path-bounded model checking by repeatedly executing theprogram and solving constraint systems to obtain inputs that willsteer the program along different execution paths, following theidea of DSE. Pex uses the theorem prover and constraint solverZ3 [35] to reason about the feasibility of execution paths, and toobtain ground models for constraint systems (Pex was one of themajor reasons for initiating the Z3 project). The unit tests that Pexgenerates can be executed by various unit test frameworks (suchas MSTest, NUnit, and xUnit) without Pex. Figure 1 shows theuser interface of applying Pex in Visual Studio. Pex can be invokedanywhere in the Visual Studio code editor (via clicking the con-text menu item of “Run Pex Explorations”) and does not requireany pre-existing tests. The results are presented as an input-outputtable as shown in the lower-right part of Figure 1. Each row rep-resents a set of inputs to the method under test and the observedreturn value or exception. The results can be easily saved in theVisual Studio solution as traditional unit tests. The generated testscan also be debugged just like any other unit tests.

3.2 Code DiggerCode Digger [15], the first Visual Studio extension from the Pex

team for Visual Studio 2012, generates test data that show differentbehaviors of the .NET code under test. Figure 2 shows the userinterface of applying Code Digger in Visual Studio. Code Diggercan be invoked through clicking the context menu item “GenerateInputs / Outputs Table” in the Visual Studio code editor. The gen-eration result is a table showing for which inputs the code undertest produces which outputs, as shown in the lower-left part of Fig-ure 2. The table helps the developers understand the behavior ofthe code, and it may also uncover hidden faults. Under the hood,Code Digger uses Pex to systematically explore paths in the code,trying to generate a test suite that achieves high code coverage.

Page 3: Transferring an Automated Test Generation Tool to …...dustrial practices of automated software engineering. Furthermore, there are substantial demands from software practitioners

Figure 2: User interface of applying Code Digger

Out of the box, Code Digger works on only public .NET codethat resides in Portable Class Libraries. But options are availableto allow the developers to configure Code Digger to explore other.NET projects. By restricting the code exploration to Portable ClassLibraries, Code Digger avoids problems with code that has depen-dencies on a particular platform that the Pex engine does not un-derstand (Portable Class Libraries are a neat way in .NET to ensurethat there are no external dependencies). In addition, when usingCode Digger, developers do not need to change their project undertest (e.g., without the need of creating a new test project, as neededin Pex); therefore, Code Digger can be conveniently used by somedevelopers in a project team even when some other developers inthe same project team do not use Code Digger.

3.3 Moles/FakesIn software testing especially unit testing, it is often desirable to

test individual units (such as classes) in isolation. In other words,all irrelevant environment dependencies should be mocked or sim-ulated, so that the unit tests for the code under test run quickly andgive deterministic results. Ideally, to address the problem, develop-ers can refactor the code under test by introducing explicit interfaceboundaries and allowing different interface implementations. How-ever, in practice, it is often not feasible to refactor existing legacycode under test, especially the code from a third party.

To address the issue, the Pex team developed a new lightweightframework called Moles [34]. The Moles framework allows thetest code to provide alternative implementations for non-abstractmethods of any .NET type. Using code instrumentation, the Molesframework redirects calls of a method to its alternative implemen-tation. The Moles framework has been designed to work togetherwith Pex to enable automated test generation. Pex can analyze only.NET managed code. Consequently, when the program executioninvokes a method (e.g., a system-library method) not implementedin .NET managed code, Pex cannot infer the constraints that reflectthe behavior of that method, and thus Pex cannot generate test datato achieve high code coverage. Moles allows developers to replaceany method at test time with .NET code that simulates its behavior,which in turn facilitates test generation with Pex.

Achieving high industry impacts (see Section 4.1 for details),Moles has been shipped with Visual Studio (since Visual Studio2012) with the new name of Microsoft Fakes [17]. Similar toMoles, Fakes comes in two flavors: a stub and a shim. A stubreplaces a class with a small substitute that implements the same in-terface. To use stubs, developers have to design their application sothat each component (e.g., a class or group of classes designed andupdated together and typically contained in an assembly) dependsonly on interfaces, and not on other components. A shim modifiesthe compiled code of developers’ application at run time so that in-stead of making a specified method call, it runs the shim code that

Secret Implementation

class Secret {

public static int Puzzle(int x) {

if (x <= 0) return 1;

return x * Puzzle(x-1);



Player Implementation

class Player {

public static int Puzzle(int x) {

return x;



class Test {

public static void Driver(int x) {

if (Secret.Puzzle(x) != Player.Puzzle(x))

throw new Exception(“Mismatch”);



behaviorSecret Impl == Player Impl

Secret Implementation

class Secret {

public static int Puzzle(int x) {

if (x <= 0) return 1;

return x * Puzzle(x-1);



class Test {

public static void Driver(int x) {public static void Driver(int x) {

if (Secret.Puzzle(x) != Player.Puzzle(x))if (Secret.Puzzle(x) != Player.Puzzle(x))

throw new Exception(“Mismatch”);



behaviorSecret Impl ==

Figure 3: Workflow of playing an example coding duel in

Pex4Fun or Code Hunt

Figure 4: User interface of playing a coding duel in Code Hunt

the developers’ test provides. Shims can be used to replace callsto assemblies (such as .NET assemblies) that the developers cannotmodify.

3.4 Pex4Fun/Code HuntPex4Fun [66, 74] ( is an

interactive gaming platform for teaching and learning program-ming and software engineering (supporting .NET programming lan-guages such as C#, Visual Basic, and F#). It is a browser-basedteaching and learning environment [24] with target users as teach-ers, students, and even software practitioners, etc. The core type ofPex4Fun games is a coding duel [65] where the player has to solvea particular programming problem. Figure 3 shows the workflow ofplaying an example coding duel in Pex4Fun or Code Hunt [62, 64](evolved from Pex4Fun, with more details in the end of this sec-tion). A coding duel created by a game creator (who could be anyuser of Pex4Fun) consists of two methods with the same methodsignature and return type1. One of these two methods is the secret(golden) implementation (shown in the top-left part of Figure 3),which is not visible to the player. The other is the player imple-mentation (shown in the top-right part of Figure 3), which is visi-ble to the player and can be an empty implementation or a faultyimplementation of the secret implementation. The player imple-

1The method signature of a coding duel must have at least one inputparameter. The return type of a coding duel must not be void.

Page 4: Transferring an Automated Test Generation Tool to …...dustrial practices of automated software engineering. Furthermore, there are substantial demands from software practitioners

mentation can include optional comments to give the player somehints in order to reduce the difficulty level of gaming.

After a player selects a coding-duel game to play, the player’swinning goal is to modify the player implementation (visible to theplayer) to make its behavior (in terms of the method inputs and re-sults) to be the same as the secret implementation (not visible to theplayer). Apparently, without any feedback or help, the player hasno way to guess how the secret implementation would behave. Theplayer can get some feedback by clicking the button “Ask Pex” (or“Capture Code” in Code Hunt) to request the following two typesof feedback: (1) under what sample method input(s) the player im-plementation and the secret implementation have the same methodresult and (2) under what sample method input(s) the player im-plementation and the secret implementation have different methodresults.

Pex4Fun applies Pex on the synthesized test driver code (forcomparing the returns of the two implementations, as shown in thelower-left part of Figure 3) to generate such feedback (as shown inthe lower-right part of Figure 3) and determine whether the playerwins the game: the player wins the game if Pex cannot generateany method input to cause the player implementation and the se-cret implementation to have different method results.

Evolved from Pex4Fun, Code Hunt [62, 64] ( instills more fun and entertaining effects, addshint generation, adds language support to Java, etc. There are foursteps to follow in playing games in Code Hunt. In Step 1, fromthe suggested sequence of sectors in the game, the player discov-ers a secret code segment by selecting a sector. In Step 2, afterthe player clicks a sector, the player is presented with the player’scode, as shown in the left part of Figure 4. Then the player clicksthe “Capture Code” button (as shown in the top-middle part of Fig-ure 4, equivalent to the “Ask Pex” button in Pex4Fun) to analyze thebehavioral differences of the secret code segment and the player’scode. Then Code Hunt displays the feedback on the behavioraldifferences (as shown in the right part of Figure 4). In Step 3,based on the feedback, the player then modifies the player’s code tomatch the secret code segment’s behavior. Then the player iteratesthrough Steps 2 and 3 until no behavioral differences of the secretcode segment and the player’s code can be found by Code Hunt. Inthis case, the player reaches Step 4, winning the game.

4. IMPACTSIn this section, we present the impacts that the Pex project has

made in the industry community (Section 4.1), the education com-munity (Section 4.2), and the research community (Section 4.3).

4.1 Industry ImpactsInside Microsoft, Pex was applied to a core component of the

.NET architecture, which had already been extensively tested overfive years by approximately 40 testers within Microsoft. The com-ponent is the basis for other libraries, which are used by thousandsof developers and millions of end users. Pex found various issuesin this core component, including a serious issue. Furthermore,there have been many other successful cases for applying Pex onMicrosoft code bases.

In the broad software industry, Pex has had high download countsin industry and academia, e.g., 30,388 during a 20-month period ofFebruary 2008 - October 2009, including 17,366 downloads withthe academic license and 13,022 downloads with the Devlabs in-dustrial license. The release of Pex (including Moles) has led toan active user community (including members largely from theindustry). From the period of October 2008 till November 2010,

the MSDN forum dedicated to Pex and Moles included more than1,400 forum posts made by the user community.

Microsoft Fakes was shipped with the Ultimate editions of Vi-sual Studio since Visual Studio 2012, benefiting a huge user baseof Visual Studio around the world. The substantial benefits andimpacts of Microsoft Fakes were also reflected by the Visual Stu-dio user community’s request to “Provide Microsoft Fakes withall Visual Studio editions”. The request post states “Include Mi-crosoft Fakes with all editions of Visual Studio including Profes-sional edition rather than being restricted to developers with Ul-timate editions of Visual Studio. This will allow all Visual Stu-dio developers to leverage the capabilities of the Fakes mockinglibrary since mocking/stubbing is a necessary part of every devel-oper’s Unit Testing toolbelt.” This request got 1,457 votes from theVisual Studio user community.

Since Code Digger [15] was shipped to the Visual Studio Galleryin April 2013, the number of download counts of Code Digger is31,165 (as of July 2014). There have been many very positive usercomments on Code Digger. Some quotes are below:

• “Very easy to use and quickly see the potential input sanita-tion problems!”

• “What an awesome tool.. Help us to explore our logic byproviding accurate input parameter for each logic branch..You should try this as one of your ultimate tool :) It reallysaves a lot of our time to explore every logic branch in ourapps..”

• “Great tool to generate unit tests for parameter boundarytests. I like to see it integrated into Visual Studio and thetesting features as far as in ReSharper! :)”

• “What a fantastic tool. Whilst it’s not bullet proof, it showsamazing promise. I ran the Code Digger over a number ofreal-world methods and it immediately identified dozens ofedge cases we hadn’t thought of. This is getting rolled-out tomy team TODAY! Well done. Brilliant. Really brilliant.”

• “Top stuff here. Very anxious for more of the Pex featuresthat were available in VS 2010 Pex & Moles (like auto-genunit tests). This tool is poised to become indispensable foranyone writing solid suites of unit tests.”

4.2 Educational ImpactsPex4Fun [66,74] has been gaining high popularity in the commu-

nity: since it was released to the public in June 2010, the numberof clicks of the “Ask Pex!” button (indicating the attempts madeby users to solve games in Pex4Fun) has reached over 1.5 million(1,544,979) as of July 28, 2014. Pex4Fun has provided a number ofopen virtual courses (similar to MOOCs in spirit) including learn-ing materials along with games used to reinforce students’ learning.

In May 2011, Microsoft Research hosted a contest on solvingcoding duels [8] at the 2011 International Conference on SoftwareEngineering (ICSE 2011). During the main ICSE program, confer-ence attendees could register a nickname in Pex4Fun and completeas many coding duels as possible within the ICSE 2011 main con-ference period. Whoever solved the most coding duels by the endof the period won the contest. The ICSE 2011 coding-duel con-test received 7,000 Pex4Fun attempts, 450 duels completed, and 28participants (though likely more, since some did not actually enterthe official ICSE 2011 course to play the coding duels designed forthe contest).

Recently, Pex4Fun inspired the new contest form [22] in the2013 ICFP Programming Contest [7]. Competing entirely over theInternet, more than 300 participating teams of programmers fromaround the world were asked to complete a series of programming

Page 5: Transferring an Automated Test Generation Tool to …...dustrial practices of automated software engineering. Furthermore, there are substantial demands from software practitioners

tasks, using any programming languages and tools that they de-sired, to address an extremely challenging scenario in program syn-thesis. Results were assessed using Microsoft Research’s Z3 [35]running in Windows Azure to compare submitted solutions to ac-tual solutions to determine correctness, in a similar way as codingduels in Pex4Fun. The generic problem description was “guess theimplementation of a black-box function implemented in a simplefunctional language through querying a web server for informationabout the input/output behavior of the function.” Over the contest’s72 hours, Z3 received about a million requests and successfully de-cided all, except about 300 problem instances, within an imposedtime limit of 20 seconds, the overwhelming majority within a mat-ter of a few milliseconds.

Various Pex4Fun users posted their comments on the Internet toexpress their enthusiasm and interest (even addiction) to Pex4Fun [74].Here we included some examples. “PEX4fun could become a bet-ter FizzBuzz than FizzBuzz.”, “it really got me *excited*. The partthat got me most is about spreading interest in/teaching CS: I dothink that it’s REALLY great for teaching | learning!”, “Franklythis is my favorite game. I used to love the first person shooters andthe satisfaction of blowing away a whole team of Noobies play-ing Rainbow Six, but this is far more fun.”, “Teaching, learning -isn’t this really the same, in the end? In fact, for me personally,it’s really about leveraging curiosity, be it mine or someone else’s- at best both! And PexForFun (+ all the stuff behind) is a great,promising platform for this: you got riddles, you got competition,you get feedback that makes you think ahead...”, “I’m afraid I’llhave to constrain myself to spend just an hour or so a day on thisreally exciting stuff, as I’m really stuffed with work”, “PexForFunimproves greatly over projecteuler w.r.t. how proposed solutionsare verified; in fact what it adds is that you don’t just get a ‘nope’but something more articulate, something you can build on. That’swhat I think is really great and exciting - let’s push it even furthernow!”

Evolved from Pex4Fun, Code Hunt [62, 64] offers more fun andentertaining effects, hints for players, language support for Javabesides C#. In April 2014, Code Hunt was used at a very largecompetition called Beauty of Programming in the Greater ChinaRegion. In three rounds, 2,353 students scored in the game, withan average 55.7% puzzles solved across this large number. CodeHunt is being offered for more competitions, as ongoing efforts.

4.3 Research ImpactsThe Pex team has published a set of papers on Pex or its rel-

atives along with experimental extensions of Pex [20]. Work onexperimental extensions of Pex was mostly conducted in collabora-tion with the Automated Software Engineering research group ledby the third author at North Carolina State University (before July2013) and then at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(since July 2013).

As of July 2014, the major publication on Pex [63] published in2008 has got 464 citations. The major publication on parameterizedunit testing [67] published in 2005 has got 172 citations. The majorpublication on the fitness-guided path exploration [75] published in2009 has got 102 citations. All the preceding citation counts werederived from Google Scholar in July 2014.

Pex itself is not open source and only some extensions of Pexare open source [19] (including extensions [75] being part of Pexreleases and other extensions [30, 53, 58, 60, 61, 72, 79] as researchexploration). However, Pex has been used by other third-party re-searchers from academia (who did not have direct collaborationwith the Pex team on carrying out the academic research) in dif-ferent ways. First, some researchers (e.g., [49–52, 80]) made ex-

tensions of Pex by leveraging the APIs of Pex (without requiring toaccess the Pex source code). Second, some researchers (e.g., [33,37, 56]) compared Pex (as a stand-alone state-of-the-art test gener-ation tool) with their new approaches in empirical evaluations.

5. PROJECT TIMELINEThe initial idea of Pex arose from the Spec Explorer project [70],

which produced a model-based testing tool with an embedded modelchecker for (a subset of) .NET. At the core of Spec Explorer wasXRT [40], a self-contained runtime of (a subset of) .NET that en-abled the dynamic analysis and exploration of model programs writ-ten in (a subset of) .NET. While it is possible to apply this enginenot just on specially written model programs, but also on carefullychosen real-world .NET code that stays in the supported .NET sub-set [67, 68], it became also clear that it would be a very labori-ous task to extend the self-contained runtime XRT to support thefull, or at least a very broad, subset of the .NET runtime. Therequired work would have clearly exceeded the manpower of theresearch team. It was under this consideration that the Pex projectwas started based on the idea of instrumenting, monitoring, andguiding execution paths in the commercial .NET runtime. We nextlist the timeline of the Pex project.

In 2005, Pex was started by the Pex team (at Microsoft Re-search), which initially included only the first author. Then inSeptember 2006, the second author joined the Pex team.

In March 2007, the Pex team blogged about the Pex tool to thepublic [2].

In May 2008, the first version of Pex (under a Microsoft Re-search License) was released to the public. It was integrated withVisual Studio 2008 Professional.

In September 2008, Pex integrated the Fitnex [75] search strat-egy in combination with other fair-choice strategies (the sourcecode of Fitnex was also released as open source [18]).

In October 2008, an early version of Code Digger was releasedfor supporting Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010. CodeDigger allows to start the path exploration from the code undertest, not from an already existing unit test or even parameterizedunit test.

In October 2008, Pex became one of the first three DevLabsprojects [11], and available as a Microsoft Download for VisualStudio 2010 Community Technology Preview (CTP). The new Mi-crosoft Download comes under a Microsoft Pre-Release SoftwareLicense for Pex. This license is different from the Microsoft Re-search License agreement: this license does not explicitly rule outall forms of commercial use. Note that some of DevLabs projectsmay turn into features in Microsoft’s existing shipping products;some may be open-sourced by Microsoft to the community.

In October 2008, Stubs, a simple framework for .NET test stubswas released with Pex.

In May 2009, Pex included a new feature, Unit Tests as Inputs.Before using heavy-weight constraint solving to explore hard-to-reach execution paths, Pex can leverage already existing unit teststhat call parameterized unit tests: Pex scans their body to extractthe parameter values, and then Pex uses these values to seed theexploration. (In the past, Pex would have seeded the explorationby simply using the default values for all parameters, and nothingelse.)

In September 2009, Moles [34], a lightweight detour framework,was released with Pex. Moles is a new extension of the Stubsframework: it lets developers replace any .NET method (includingstatic methods) with their own delegate.

In December 2009, an extension of Stubs to write models, wasreleased with Pex. With stubs and moles, the Pex team provided

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a framework to write record/replay tests (i.e., mock-based tests)against any .NET type, interface or not. The extension further al-lows developers to write simple implementations with behavior thatcan be used to replace the external system during testing. The ben-efit of using the extension is that the resulting test cases are muchmore robust to code changes since the tests specify the state of thesystem, rather than a sequence of method calls and outcomes.

In January 2010, the Stubs framework was renamed to the Molesframework. The Pex team decided to make the Moles the center ofthe framework and as a consequence, renamed “Stubs” to “Moles”.

In March 2010, after more than a year of community feedbackon DevLabs, Pex and Moles took the next step and had becomeVisual Studio 2010 Power Tools.

In April 2010, a Facebook page on Pex and Moles [5] was launchedto better build its user community.

In May 2010, Moles was released as a standalone tool on VisualStudio Gallery [13].

In June 2010, Pex integrated Rex [71], being smarter about reg-ular expressions.

In June 2010, Pex4Fun was announced, being a web site thatbrings code to life. Pex4Fun on the web was a radically simplifiedversion of the fully featured Pex Power Tool for Visual Studio. Thewebsite came with a set of code puzzles, where a player’s task isto simply guess what a given Puzzle method does, by studying thecode of the Puzzle method.

In July 2010, the game type of coding duels, being interactivepuzzles, was introduced in Pex4Fun. Coding duels are differentfrom those simple puzzles announced in June 2010.

In August 2012, Visual Studio 2012 was released, including Mi-crosoft Fakes, which was evolved from the Moles framework. TheMicrosoft Visual Studio product team took over and owned thecode base of Moles/Fakes, relieving the Pex team from subsequentmaintenance efforts of the code base.

In April 2013, Code Digger, an extension for Visual Studio 2012,was shipped to the Visual Studio Gallery [15]. After shipping theMoles framework as Fakes in Visual Studio 2012, this effort onCode Digger was the subsequent step of bringing the Pex projectto the latest and greatest development environment. Since then,ongoing efforts have been taken for further technology transfer ofCode Digger/Pex.

In February 2014, Code Hunt, evolved from Pex4Fun, was re-leased to the public [4] and formally announced in May 2014 [3].It is a significant extension of Pex4Fun by instilling more fun andentertaining effects, adding hint generation, adding language sup-port to Java, etc.


FERIn this section, we illustrate main lessons learned from the Pex

project in terms of technology transfer and adoption.

6.1 Evolving “Dreams”Tool researchers typically would like their “dreams” of tool adop-

tion to become true. However, turning “dreams” to be true can bea long process (or even may not be possible at times) and tool re-searchers would need to evolve their dreams by being adaptive toevolve their focus to different types of tools or variants of their ini-tial tools.

As discussed in the project timeline (Section 5), before the Pexproject was started, the first author, along with some other researchersat Microsoft Research, worked on the Spec Explorer project [70],a model-based testing tool with an embedded model checker for

(a subset of) .NET. Although the Spec Explorer project led to sub-stantial adoption in the Microsoft’s Protocol Documentation pro-gram [39], the Spec Explorer tool did not reach wide adoptionby practitioners. During the promotion of adopting the Spec Ex-plorer tool (e.g., within Microsoft), it was observed that systematictraining of test engineers played a critical role in their adoption ofmodel-based testing methodologies or tools [39]. The adoption ofthe Spec Explorer tool at Microsoft was driven by having more ex-perienced test engineers to mentor less experienced ones; however,experienced test engineers might not be commonly available, thusbecoming a bottleneck in the tool-adoption process.

After observing the difficulties of “shaping” the target tool users(e.g., via training), the first author moved on to propose and fo-cus on a more lightweight formal-testing methodology, parameter-ized unit testing [67, 68], which relies on specifications written inunit tests to provide test oracles, and relies on an automatic white-box test generation tool to provide test data. At this timing, thePex project was born (in 2005). Although the Pex team and thethird author had great passion and high hope in promoting parame-terized unit testing (in combination with automatic test generationprovided by Pex) in practice, such methodology seemed to get wellaccepted and adopted by only a relatively small subset of advanceddevelopers. A large portion of developers did not seem to popu-larly write parameterized unit tests, likely due to higher abstractthinking skills required when writing specifications encoded in pa-rameterized unit tests.

Then the Pex team relaxed the usage of Pex to be beyond theusage scenario of requiring parameterized unit tests before runningPex: developers can simply run Pex even when they do not writeany parameterized unit tests. Such new mode of Pex along withCode Digger was provided to attract more developers as tool users.

Furthermore, after observing the strong needs of tool support formocking (independent of whether Pex or another automatic test-generation tool is used), the Pex team further invested efforts todevelop Moles [34], a lightweight detour framework. Only sometime after that point, in August 2012, Moles was shipped as Fakeswith Visual Studio, benefiting a huge user base of Visual Studioaround the world (being the first such shipped tool from the Pexproject).

Although Moles has relatively simple technologies behind thescene, interestingly its timing of being shipped with Visual Studiowas earlier than other more sophisticated tools such as Pex fromthe Pex project. In addition, Pex4Fun and Code Hunt, educationalwebsites based on Pex, also got high educational impacts. How-ever, in the future, Pex itself may get as wide adoption as (or evenwider adoption than) Moles/Fakes or Pex4Fun/Code Hunt.

6.2 Dealing with “Chicken and Egg” ProblemIn the Pex project setting, there are two types of tool transfer

and adoption: (1) convincing the target users such as developersin Microsoft product teams or developers in the broad .NET usercommunity to use Pex or its relatives; (2) convincing target toolvendors such as the Microsoft Visual Studio product team to shipparts of Pex or its relatives with future releases of Visual Studio.

Typically, the second type of tool transfer and adoption wouldsucceed only after the first type has succeeded, because the tar-get tool vendors would like to see a large enough user base ofthe tools before committing to ship such tools in their future prod-uct releases. Tools with public releases already typically will firstbe shipped at Microsoft DevLabs [11] or Microsoft Visual Stu-dio Gallery [14] for some time before being considered for beingshipped with Visual Studio.

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In fact, in early phases of transferring a tool, accomplishing thefirst type of tool transfer and adoption is quite challenging. Thechicken and egg problem occurred when developers were facedwith the decision on adopting Pex in early phases. Below are ex-ample conversations that occurred in early stages of tool adoptionbetween a developer or project manager and the Pex team:

• Developer/manager: “Who is using your tool?”

• Pex team: “Do you want to be the first?”

• Developer/manager: “I love your tool but no.”

Developers or project managers in industry tend to be conser-vative and might wait and see more substantial success stories ofusing a tool before they commit to adopt the tool. It is generallydifficult to recruit the first early tool-adopters but having successstories of these early tool-adopters could help convince others tofollow the adoption.

To address such challenges, the Pex team was persistent in tack-ling real-world challenges, finding early adopters, addressing tech-nical and non-technical barriers for technology adoption in indus-try (e.g., providing a tool license that does not prohibit commercialuse), etc. In addition, the Pex team adopted the strategy of incre-mental shipping, e.g., shipping Code Digger before aiming to shipthe full-fledge Pex.

To convince target users (e.g., developers from industry) to be-come early adopters of the Pex tool, the Pex team selected anddemonstrated how Pex can be applied on complex real-world classessuch as the ResourceReader class [1] from the .NET framework. Itis important to go beyond simple textbook classes (such as simplewell-isolated data structures as often used in testing research pa-pers) because the target users might have a pre-impression that aresearch tool might not work well on real-world cases.

To convince the Microsoft Visual Studio product team to shipMoles as Fakes in Visual Studio, the Pex team selected and demon-strated successful and important scenarios of applying Moles suchas assisting unit testing of SharePoint code. Among Microsoft Pat-terns & Practices2, the SharePoint Guidance [12] highlighted theuse of Moles for testing SharePoint code. Successfully addressingpain points of testing such important type of code provided strongincentives for the Visual Studio product team to ship Fakes. Ingeneral, it is very important to demonstrate that the tool to be trans-ferred can be applied to address one important scenario very well:the more important the scenario is and the better the scenario is ad-dressed, the stronger case it is to convince the target tool vendorsto ship the tool.

In addition, to make a strong case, it is important to providequantitative information (for reflecting the tool’s importance or ben-efit extent) to the target tool vendors. It is a common practice ofreleasing a tool as an installation file via the Internet and keep-ing track of the download counts, without keeping track of whichorganization’s members downloaded the tool or whether/how thedownloaded tool was used. However, based on our experiences,there are three main issues with such common practice. First, amember of an organization (e.g., a developer from a company) candownload the tool’s installation file and share the file with othermembers of the organization. Thus, counting only one downloadin this case does not faithfully reflect the reality. Second, those whodownloaded or installed the tool do not necessarily use the tool intheir work (in a regular basis). Thus, it is important to incorporatea mechanism of collecting tool usage information (such as those inthe Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program [10]).

2Microsoft Patterns & Practices provide popular recommendationson designing and developing custom applications using the Mi-crosoft platform.

Third, not all tool downloads or usages are equal: downloads orusages by members of important customer companies are valuedmore by the target tool vendors than downloads or usages by oth-ers. Thus, it is important to identify the organization affiliations ofthose who downloaded or used the tool.

6.3 Considering Human FactorsIn the research literature, there was little discussion on human

consumption of the generated tests (user studies on test generationtools conducted by Fraser et al. [36] briefly touched on such is-sue). Based on substantial user feedback on Pex, it is important togenerate user-friendly tests for users to digest and interact with.

As a past anecdotic example, a user of Code Digger asked a ques-tion on string values generated by Code Digger previously [15]:“Code digger generates a lot of “\0” strings as input. I can’t finda way to create such a string via my own C# code. Could anyone show me a C# snippet? I meant zero terminated string.” ThePex team responded “In C#, a \0 in a string does not mean zero-termination. It’s just yet another character in the string (a very sim-ple character where all bits are zero), and you can create as Pexshows the value: “\0”.”

As another past anecdotic example, below are conversations be-tween a developer and the Pex team on desired representative val-ues for generated test inputs by Pex:

• Developer: “Your tool generated “\0””

• Pex team: “What did you expect?”

• Developer: “Marc.”

More recently, Pex (inheritably along with Code Digger) hasbeen improved with a number of techniques to take human fac-tors into account. For example, the latest version of Pex tries to usehuman-friendly characters and integers. Pex now prefers human-readable characters over strange Unicode characters, if both coverthe same execution path. Similarly, Pex now prefers small integersthat do not cause overflows over big integers that cause overflows,if both cover the same execution path.

To accomplish these techniques, Pex modifies some outputs ofZ3 instead of taking Z3’s outputs directly as test data. Pex includesa wrapper around Z3 to give additional guidance to Z3 in its con-straint solving. For example, Pex feeds Z3 the original constraintsfrom path exploration along with additional basic range constraintssuch integers being between 0-100; if no solution is provided byZ3, then Pex falls back to the default setting without additionalguidance. In some other cases, Pex starts with small test data anditeratively queries Z3 to see whether the provided small test data(such as the array length being a small value) can be the solutionto the original constraints; if not, Pex increases the value of the testdata and queries Z3 again.

Because users need to interact with the generated tests, even thenaming convention of the generated tests would matter to the users.Below are conversations between a developer and the Pex team ondesired naming of generated tests by Pex:

• Developer: “Your tool generated a test called Foo001. I don’tlike it.”

• Pex team: “What did you expect?”

• Developer: “Foo_Should_Fail_When_The_Bar_Is_Negative.”

When developers write traditional test methods manually, theyuse meaningful naming conventions for these test methods. It isnatural for developers to expect to see meaningful naming for gen-erated test methods (especially when no parameterized unit testsare written, and the generated test methods are used for robustnesschecking as directly inspected by the developers). In response touser feedback like the above, the Pex team improved the naming

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convention in various ways, e.g., when a test throws an exception,‘Throws’ + ExceptionTypeName is added to the name of the gen-erated test method.

Pex incorporates a number of techniques to minimize the users’inspection or investigation efforts. Pex includes techniques to pro-duce fewer “Object Creation” messages that are not actually rel-evant to better engage the users to cooperate with Pex to addressthose challenges faced by Pex [72]. Pex includes techniques tosuppress warnings that are hard to understand (they are still shownin the diagnostic mode) or do not matter. Pex also allows users tomanually suppress “Object Creation” messages that are not rele-vant in the users’ context by clicking the “ignore” button. Pex alsoprovides convenient views such as the Global Event View, the Ex-ploration Tree View, and the Exception Tree View to enable usersto conveniently navigate through the path-exploration results.

Pex incorporates various convenient mechanisms to seek feed-back from users. For example, the Pex team added the thumbs-upand thumbs-down buttons along with a link on “Send Feedback”(for asking questions in the Pex forum) in the Pex result view.

6.4 Performing Well on Best-Case ScenariosWhile Averagely on Worst-Case Scenarios

In general, a proposed technique, such as a search strategy, mayoften have its best-case application scenarios and its worst-case sce-narios. For example, most previous approaches to DSE [38,54] typ-ically use a fixed “depth-first, backtracking” search strategy, wherethe next execution path would always share the longest possibleprefix with the previous execution path. Therefore, much resourcemay be allocated to analyze small parts of the program under testbefore moving on. The worst-case scenarios for such search strat-egy would be code including a loop with its loop bound dependenton program inputs, because such search strategy would try to un-fold the same loop forever.

A patch to such search strategy (as often adopted by previousapproaches to DSE) is to impose a fixed bound on the number ofiterations of a loop. But then the worst-case scenarios for suchsearch strategy would be code including branches whose coveragewould require the number of iterations of a loop to be beyond theimposed fixed bound. Some other well-known search strategies,such as breadth-first search, do not get stuck in the same way asdepth-first search, but it does not take into account the structure ofthe program, having its own worst-case scenarios.

To allow Pex to be applied generally well on a variety of real-world code, the Pex team could not afford to adopt any of theabove-mentioned search strategies, which typically work quite wellon their best-case scenarios but quite poorly on their worst-casescenarios. To address such issues, before September 2008, Pexpreferred a fair choice between all such unexplored branches of theexplored execution tree. Pex included various fair strategies, whichpartition all branches into equivalence classes, and then picked arepresentative of the least often chosen class. The equivalenceclasses clustered branches by mapping them according to differentcriteria.

In September 2008, Pex combined the new Fitnex [75] strategywith its above-mentioned fair-choice strategy. Such combination infact enables to perform well on best-case scenarios while perform-ing averagely on worst-case scenarios. The best-case scenarios forFitnex include code whose coverage is amenable to fitness func-tions, and the worst-case scenarios include code whose coverage isnot amenable to fitness functions. For Fitnex’s worst-case scenar-ios, the search-strategy combination can make Pex to perform verysimilarly to its fair-choice strategy.

Although such search-strategy combination does not read like asignificant portion of our proposed work in the published paper [75]on Fitnex, the combination design is very critical to enable the in-tegration of Fitnex to Pex releases. To our best knowledge, therewas no or little discussion on such desirable characteristic of “per-forming well on best-case scenarios while averagely on worst-casescenarios” for a proposed new technique in the research literature.However, such desirable characteristic is a precondition for a tech-nique to be integrated into a tool aiming for adoption in practice.

6.5 Dealing with Tool Users’ Stereotypical Mind-set or Habits

Tool users may have specific stereotypical mindsets. In fact,different subgroups of tool users may have different stereotypicalmindsets. For example, one stereotypical mindset towards an auto-mated test generation tool is that using such tool would be simplyone mouse click and then everything would work just perfectly.A developer with such stereotypical mindset could easily get frus-trated and give up in continuing using a tool when the tool faceschallenges in dealing with the real-world code base that the devel-oper intends to apply the tool on.

Therefore, setting realistic expectations right away is very im-portant [73] when introducing a tool such as Pex to the target users,e.g., developers. Although it is important to illustrate the potentialbenefits of the tool to the target users, the tool will typically havelimitations, and these limitations must be clearly communicated tothe target users and how the target users can deal with such lim-itations. In other words, the target users should be informed andtrained on helping the tool to deal with those faced limitations ina cooperative way, as advocated in the cooperative testing method-ology [72]. For example, training the target users to know how touse Moles or Fakes to isolate environment dependencies is very im-portant to enable successful application of Pex on real-world codebases, which tend to have many environment dependencies.

Note that tool users often may not realize the hidden complexityof the code under test brought by the invocation of some third-party API method and then blame the tool for the achieved lowcode coverage [73]. Below is an example code snippet under testthat a developer applied Pex on and complained about achieved lowcode coverage of:

void Sum(int[] numbers) {

string sum = "0";

foreach(int number in numbers) {

sum = (int.Parse(sum) + number).ToString()


if (sum == "123")

throw new BugException();


In fact, invoking simple API methods such as int.Parse andint.ToString can incur challenges for Pex or any other test gen-eration tool, because the implementation code of these API meth-ods can be complex, including a huge or infinite number of pathsfor Pex to explore.

In addition, some tool users may have a stereotypical mindset onthinking or expecting that a test generation tool (capable of achiev-ing high code coverage) would detect all or most kinds of faults inthe code under test. It is also important to emphasize the limitedkinds of faults (e.g., crashing or uncaught exceptions) that can bedetected by the tool when the users do not write any specifications(such as properties in production code under test or parameterizedunit tests) to reflect the intended behavior of the code under test.For example, it was observed that a developer complained “Yourtool only finds null references.” When that developer was askedwhether he wrote any assertions, he answered with “Assertion???”.

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Some tool users may have existing habits on sticking to partic-ular development styles such as Test-Driven Development (TDD).Then convincing them to change their development styles can bequite difficult. For example, a developer, being a unit testing en-thusiast, stated that “I do not need test generation; I already prac-tice unit testing (and/or TDD)”. A developer, being a TDD convert,stated that “Test generation does not fit into the TDD process”. Itis not easy to change the habit or philosophy of these developers.Therefore, it is important to highlight how a new advanced technol-ogy relates to earlier approaches, emphasizing on complementaryaspects instead of differences or total replacement. For example,if a developer has adopted TDD, it should be emphasized how pa-rameterized unit testing (in combination of Pex) is a natural gener-alization of TDD, and not a radically new one or replacement.

During the evolution of Pex, before May 2009, the released ver-sions of Pex were agnostic of the traditional unit tests manuallywritten by developers, and would create test data from the scratch.Then the usage of parameterized unit tests with Pex did not havecomplementary or cooperative nature with manually written unittests, which quite some developers typically would write. Then theadoption of Pex faced quite some resistance. To address such is-sue, in May 2009, the Pex team added a new feature, Unit Tests

as Inputs, to the Pex release. With this feature, Pex can leveragealready existing manually written unit tests that call parameterizedunit tests. So that developers who get used to writing traditionalunit tests can keep their existing habit while seamlessly enjoyingthe benefits provided by parameterized unit tests and Pex.

On the other hand, in August 2010, the Pex team added a newfeature, Test Promotion, to allow developers to easily turn an auto-matically generated test into part of the traditional unit tests man-ually written by the developers. In particular, when the developerslike a generated unit test, they can click on the “Promote” button toturn it into a “manually written unit test”. Pex then will move it tothe main test class and remove its attribute that indicates being anautomatically generated unit test.

6.6 Listening to PractitionersThe success of Pex and its relatives largely attributed to that

the Pex team closely interacted with and gathered feedback fromthe target tool users directly (e.g., via the MSDN Pex forum, techsupport, outreaching to Microsoft engineers and outside-company.NET user groups) and indirectly (e.g., via interactions with theMicrosoft Visual Studio product team, being a tool vendor to itshuge user base). As stated in Section 4.1, from the period of Oc-tober 2008 till November 2010, the MSDN forum dedicated to Pexand Moles included more than 1,400 forum posts made by the usercommunity.

Besides interacting directly and indirectly with the target toolusers, the Pex team also proactively attended venues oriented forsoftware practitioners or with significant audience as software prac-titioners. Attending one such venue helped shape or reinforce thefounding of the Moles project, which eventually resulted in theMicrosoft Fakes framework shipped with Visual Studio, achiev-ing substantial industry impacts. We next describe the brief back-ground on the birth of the Moles project.

Environment dependency (which the units under test commonlyhave) has been a well-known problem for unit testing, includingautomatic unit-test generation, as aimed by Pex. If environment de-pendency involves native code, e.g., x86 instructions called throughthe P/Invoke mechanism of .NET, then Pex cannot instrument ormonitor such native code. Even when environment dependencyinvolves managed code and Pex can instrument the code, instru-menting and monitoring such managed code incur significant per-

formance overhead including the huge path-exploration space to beexplored by Pex.

Initially, to apply Pex on real-world code with environment de-pendency, developers were suggested to refactor their code by in-troducing explicit interface boundaries and allowing different in-terface implementations, i.e., by employing the design pattern ofdependency injection [9]. However, often the time, developers hes-itate to refactor their production code for only the testing purpose.In addition, when the code is legacy code, refactoring it is moredifficult (or even infeasible when the legacy code is from a thirdparty). Instead of further educating developers to refactor theircode for dependency injection, the Pex team decided to take a dif-ferent route to solve the problem after observing much resistancefrom the target tool users on such refactoring.

In August 2008, the Pex team members attended the Agile 2008conference, a conference in agile development with significant au-dience from industry. There, the Pex team members observed thatmock objects caught a lot of attentions from practitioners there, be-ing a hot topic, and there was a strong need of providing effectivetool support for mocking. Then the observation from broad prac-titioner communities at the conference reinforced the Pex team’sdetermination and efforts on starting the Moles project, which wasviewed as critical in enabling the success and adoption of Pex inpractice. After months of tool development efforts, Moles was re-leased to the public in September 2009, was released as a stan-dalone tool in the Visual Studio Gallery in May 2010, and wasshipped as Fakes with Visual Studio 2012 in August 2012, achiev-ing high industry impacts (considering the huge user base of VisualStudio).

6.7 Collaborating with AcademiaCollaborations between the Pex team and the academia have

been very fruitful, playing important factors in developing a num-ber of key technologies to enable the success of Pex and its rela-tives. Such collaborations are win-win for both the Pex team andthe collaborating academic researchers. For example, the Pex teamcould extend its man power (with only two full-time employees) toa larger scope in order to feasibly explore both short-term and long-term research goals. On the other hand, the academic researcherscould (1) focus on important research problems (in practice) deter-mined with the help of the Pex team, and (2) leverage powerful toolinfrastructures developed by the Pex team so that the academic re-searchers can focus main efforts on research innovations other thaninfrastructure-building engineering efforts, which are also criticalto enable applying proposed tool features (developed for the re-search innovations) on real-world code bases but which themselvesmay not be research innovations.

We classify the collaboration forms as industry-located and academia-located collaborations as discussed below. Note that below wemention primarily concrete examples of collaborations that alreadydirectly resulted in or indirectly contributed to technologies as partof releases of Pex or its relatives.

Industry-located Collaborations. In the form of industry-locatedcollaborations, collaborative research is conducted at the collabo-rating industrial research lab (e.g., Microsoft Research) with aca-demic researchers as consulting visiting faculty or student internspaid by the research lab. This form can ease transferring the col-laborative research outcomes (once demonstrated to be valuable tobe transferred) to be parts of the released industrial tools, with-out complications of intellectual property (IP) issues. We illustrateconcrete examples of such form as below:

• Faculty visits. The collaborating industrial research lab hostsa faculty member as a consulting researcher to visit the re-

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search lab for conducting collaborative research. For ex-ample, Xie, the third author of this paper, spent some timevisiting the Pex team during summers in the past severalyears. Xie’s visit during 2008 Summer resulted in the Fit-nex search strategy [75], being integrated as part of the Pexreleases since September 2008 (note that the resulting Fitnexsource code was also released as open source [19] to engagethe research community to develop future extensions of Pex).Based on a technique of regression test generation [57], Xie’svisit during 2010 summer resulted in the game type of cod-ing duels [66,74], being integrated as the major game type ofPex4Fun since July 2010. Voronkov’s visit resulted in stringanalysis [25] integrated in Pex releases.

• Student internships. The internship of Lakhotia [44] resultedin an approach called FloPSy for handling constraints overfloating point variables, being part of Pex releases (note thatthe resulting FloPSy source code was also released as opensource [6] to engage the research community to develop fur-ther improvement on solving floating point constraints). Theinternship of Thummalapenta [59] resulted in an approachcalled DyGen for generating tests via mining dynamic tracesrecorded during program executions; this approach was inte-grated in internal releases of a tool extended from Pex. Theinternship of Vanoverberghe [69] resulted in the definitionand measurement of state coverage; measuring state cover-age was integrated in releases of Pex since September 2010,but it has not been enabled by default due to high runtimeoverhead.

Academia-located Collaborations. In the form of academia-located collaborations, collaborative research is conducted at theuniversity where the collaborating academic researchers are (e.g.,North Carolina State University previously and University of Illi-nois at Urbana-Champaign currently where the third author was/isaffiliated, respectively). Although the collaborative research out-comes produced in this form cannot be directly incorporated to beparts of the released industrial tools (e.g., due to IP issues), suchcollaborations can still produce substantial indirect impacts on re-leases of industrial tools:

• Immediate indirect impacts. In collaboration with the Pexteam, Li et al. [45] identified the challenge of complex reg-ular expressions faced by Pex, and developed an approach,called Reggae, to reduce the exploration space of DSE whendealing with complex regular expressions. The Reggae ap-proach provided an initial step to address the challenge ofcomplex regular expressions and inspired researchers at Mi-crosoft Research to develop a more advanced Rex approach [71],being part of the Pex releases since June 2010. In collab-oration with the Pex team, Thummalapenta et al. [60] de-veloped an approach, called MSeqGen, that statically minescode bases and extracts sequences related to receiver or ar-gument object types of a method under test for generatingmethod sequences in unit-test generation. The MSeqGenapproach directly inspired its dynamic counterpart, calledthe DyGen approach, resulted from the internship of Thum-malapenta [59], being part of internal tool releases, as de-scribed above. In collaboration with the Pex team, Panditaet al. [53] developed an approach to guide DSE to achieveboundary-value and logical coverage. Such approach pro-vided an initial step to address a request frequently madeby Pex users in demanding more and higher-quality test in-puts being generated and reported beyond just those achiev-ing new branch or block coverage. Along with the UnitPlus

approach by Song et al. [55], such approach inspired the def-inition and measurement of state coverage, produced by theinternship of Vanoverberghe [69], as described above, alongwith the work on augmented DSE by Jamrozik et al. [41,42](which was part of Jamrozik’s master thesis awarded for thePoland’s best MSc thesis in computer science).

• Long-term indirect impacts. In collaboration with the Pexteam, Csallner et al. [30] developed the DySy approach, aninvariant inference tool based on DSE, showcasing that Pexis an extensible platform of dynamic program analysis andbeing the first open source Pex extension. In collaborationwith the Pex team, Thummalapenta et al. [61] developed theSeeker approach, being a state-of-the-art approach for ad-dressing one of the most critical challenges faced by Pex inpractice: generating desirable method sequences for object-type method arguments. In collaboration with the Pex team,Xiao et al. [72] proposed the cooperative testing methodol-ogy to engage Pex users to cooperate with Pex to addressthose challenges faced by Pex. Such methodology has in-spired and aligned future directions for improving Pex to bet-ter serve and engage practitioners.

7. CONCLUSIONIn this paper, we have reported the technology background, tool

overview, impacts, project timeline, lessons learned from MicrosoftResearch’s Pex project, which has been going on for more thaneight years. The Pex project has resulted in Pex, Moles as Fakes,Code Digger, and Pex4Fun/Code Hunt, which have accomplishedsubstantial impacts. For example, Moles has been shipped as Fakeswith Visual Studio since August 2012, benefiting a huge user baseof Visual Studio around the world. The number of download countsof Pex and its lightweight version Code Digger has reached tensof thousands within one or two years. Pex4Fun, released in June2010, has achieved high educational impacts, reflected by the num-ber of clicks of the “Ask Pex!” button as over 1.5 million till July2014. Code Hunt, evolved from Pex4Fun, has been quickly gainingpopularity. The Pex project at Microsoft Research is still ongoingfor further technology transfer. We hope that our reported expe-riences can inspire more high-impact technology-transfer researchfrom the research community.

In future work, we plan to collect quantitative data for furthercorroborating the learned lessons reported in this paper. For exam-ple, we plan to manually study Pex-related questions being askedby Pex users in StackOverflow [21] and previously in a MSDN Fo-rum [16]. In addition, we plan to conduct a user survey among Pexusers or conduct a field study among Pex users to gather their feed-back on using Pex along with learning about their testing practicesassisted by Pex.


We thank people from Microsoft Research and product teams alongwith academic collaborators for their assistance on the Pex project.Tao Xie’s work is supported in part by a Microsoft Research Award,NSF grants CCF-1349666, CNS-1434582, CCF-1434596, CCF-1434590, CNS-1439481, and NSF of China No. 61228203.


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