transfiguration sunday february 23, 2020 you call us to

Transfiguration Sunday February 23, 2020 Grace United Church Annual Meeting Sunday “In you there is a vision, in you we learn to dream… In you there is a future, in you we find our way.” from MV 84 “Grace United Church strives to welcome, inspire, and support all in personal and spiritual growth as we walk with Jesus Christ on our faith journeys.” We Gather to Praise God Music Prelude O Thou Loving Saviour Wilson Welcome and Greeting May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you. And also with you Call to Worship Looking right and left, behind and before, We see our brothers and sisters in faith. They are boisterous and well-behaved, outgoing and shy, discerning and sometimes dull, joyous and despairing, passionate and sometimes disengaged. They are who we are, children of God striving to live out the love of Christ. During this time of worship, upon this day of annual meeting, We offer thanks to God for this family. As we congregate, we celebrate, for the gifts are many and the opportunities to serve abound. By the grace of God we gather; to the glory of God we voice our praise. Come let us worship God. Hymn: “Lead On O Cloud of Presence” VU 421 Prayer of Approach and Confession* It’s part of the rhythm of our congregation’s life, Loving God, to gather each winter, taking stock of how we have answered your call into the world. You call us to love one another as you have loved us. You call us to love our neighbour as we love ourselveseven if that neighbour is a stranger to us or just strange in our perception. You call us to love our enemies and even those who persecute usdespite how painful that may become. You call us to shepherd your good creation by paying attention to the intricacies, the interdependence, the interconnectedness, and the wonder of life in our loving. You call us to your mission and your ministry in this place as people who faith. May you bless what we do this day as we meet, guiding our deliberations, informing our debates, and affirming our discipleship. Journey with us in all we express and choose. Help us discern that which we no longer need to carry We ask not for what we want, but for what you know we need. Silent prayer Words of Assurance It is a central joy of our faith that God is both reliable and loving. God will support us, guide us, and inspire us all of our days. It is our joy to offer thanks in response. Greeting Your Neighbour and Passing the Peace of Christ Hymn “It Only Takes a Spark” VU 289 Time With the Children The Lord’s Prayer Service of Lighting the Candle** We light this candle to remind us of the presence of Christ. The light from this one candle shines equally for each of us. We light this candle to remind us of the love of Christ. The light from this one candle shines equally for the world. Choir Anthem Irish Blessing We Hear God’s Loving Word for us Prayer of Illumination***

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Transfiguration Sunday February 23, 2020

Grace United Church

Annual Meeting Sunday “In you there is a vision, in you we learn to dream…

In you there is a future, in you we find our way.” from MV 84 “Grace United Church strives to welcome, inspire, and support all in personal

and spiritual growth as we walk with Jesus Christ on our faith journeys.”

We Gather to Praise God Music Prelude O Thou Loving Saviour Wilson Welcome and Greeting

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you. And also with you

Call to Worship Looking right and left, behind and before,

We see our brothers and sisters in faith. They are boisterous and well-behaved, outgoing and shy, discerning and sometimes dull, joyous and despairing, passionate and sometimes disengaged.

They are who we are, children of God striving to live out the love of Christ.

During this time of worship, upon this day of annual meeting, We offer thanks to God for this family.

As we congregate, we celebrate, for the gifts are many and the opportunities to serve abound.

By the grace of God we gather; to the glory of God we voice our praise. Come let us worship God.

Hymn: “Lead On O Cloud of Presence” VU 421 Prayer of Approach and Confession*

It’s part of the rhythm of our congregation’s life, Loving God, to gather each winter,

taking stock of how we have answered your call into the world. You call us to love one another

as you have loved us.

You call us to love our neighbour as we love ourselves— even if that neighbour is a stranger to us or just strange in our perception.

You call us to love our enemies and even those who persecute us— despite how painful that may become.

You call us to shepherd your good creation by paying attention to the intricacies, the interdependence, the interconnectedness,

and the wonder of life in our loving. You call us to your mission and your ministry in this place as people who faith.

May you bless what we do this day as we meet, guiding our deliberations, informing our debates, and affirming our discipleship. Journey with us in all we express and choose.

Help us discern that which we no longer need to carry We ask not for what we want, but for what you know we need.

Silent prayer

Words of Assurance It is a central joy of our faith that God is both reliable and loving. God will support us, guide us, and inspire us all of our days.

It is our joy to offer thanks in response.

Greeting Your Neighbour and Passing the Peace of Christ Hymn “It Only Takes a Spark” VU 289

Time With the Children The Lord’s Prayer Service of Lighting the Candle**

We light this candle to remind us of the presence of Christ. The light from this one candle shines equally for each of us.

We light this candle to remind us of the love of Christ. The light from this one candle shines equally for the world.

Choir Anthem Irish Blessing We Hear God’s Loving Word for us

Prayer of Illumination***

This is the time of reflection. This is the time of inspiration. This is the time of determination. This is the time to set out in a new direction,

May you, our most just and loving God, bless our receiving of the word. Amen.

Old Testament Lesson: Exodus 24:12-18

Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures. Thanks be to God.

Gospel Reading: Matthew 17: 1-9 The Good News of the Gospel . Thanks be to God.

Hymn: “You Servants of God” VU 342 Meditation We Respond to God’s Word in Faith and Action Offering Invitation****

God’s way in the world is illuminated through the gifts of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, who guide us to choose life— to choose the presence of God, now and always.

Let us offer our gifts—that the work of the Spirit can continue the work of bringing life in our community and around the world. Let us join together in our morning offering.

Offertory “Is There Anybody Here” Spiritual Offertory Response VU 540

Grant us, God, the grace of giving, with a spirit large and free, that ourselves and all our living we may offer faithfully.

Offertory prayer***** Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession Life and Work of the Congregation

Hymn: “Deep In Our Hearts” MV 154 (insert)

Grace Commissioning and Benediction****** Choir Benediction Irish Blessing Postlude “Reverie” Higgins

Written by *Gord Dunbar; **Jeanne Wilson; ***David Sparks; ****Frances Flook;

*****Robin Wardlaw; ******Kate Crawford. Gathering ACE 2019-2020. Pgs 47-55. Used with permission. Today’s service is being recorded and is available to view on our YouTube channel ‘Grace United

Tavistock’. Permission to print/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license A-621399 and Christian Copyright License # 11316249.