transformation ritual 2 - spiritual awareness · transformation ritual 2: sacred ritual for...

1 Transformation Ritual 2: SACRED RITUAL for Personal & Planetary Transformation through The FIVE DHYANI BUDDHAS According to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, understanding of the wisdoms and exercising the mantras of the Dhyani Buddhas is a most important lesson on our path to victory. In fact, it could be the difference between attaining our ascension or not. The mantras of the Dhyani Buddhas are crucial for the protection and transformation of ourselves and our planet, especially from the misuses of the secret rays, as in the misapplication of nuclear energy and genetic engineering. As a solution to this problem she explains that giving calls to the Dhyani Buddhas will intensify the light in us, strengthen our being, our chakras, the very atomic structure of our four lower bodies—protecting us from the last plagues, illness, cancers, mind control—in fact all misuses of God’s sacred energy of the five secret rays. For maximum effectiveness we should make these calls from the authority and level of our Buddhahood and we should not be disillusioned that attaining our Buddhahood is many embodiments in the distant future. This is a fallacy that religious dogma has sown between the folds of our consciousness and can be dissolved by the Dhyani Buddhas in the twinkling of an eye by calling forth the diamond-shining vajra, the Mighty Thunderbolt that consumes all that is less than perfection. The mantras to the Dhyani Buddhas bring out our inner Bodhi nature. By calling to these Celestial Buddhas we can protect not only ourselves but also transform our entire planet as well.

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Page 1: Transformation Ritual 2 - SPIRITUAL AWARENESS · Transformation Ritual 2: SACRED RITUAL for Personal & Planetary Transformation through ... to glimpse thy great cosmic perspective


Transformation Ritual 2:



Personal & Planetary Transformation



According to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, understanding of the wisdoms and exercising the mantras

of the Dhyani Buddhas is a most important lesson on our path to victory. In fact, it could be the

difference between attaining our ascension or not. The mantras of the Dhyani Buddhas are

crucial for the protection and transformation of ourselves and our planet, especially from the

misuses of the secret rays, as in the misapplication of nuclear energy and genetic engineering.

As a solution to this problem she explains that giving calls to the Dhyani Buddhas will intensify

the light in us, strengthen our being, our chakras, the very atomic structure of our four lower

bodies—protecting us from the last plagues, illness, cancers, mind control—in fact all misuses

of God’s sacred energy of the five secret rays. For maximum effectiveness we should make

these calls from the authority and level of our Buddhahood and we should not be disillusioned

that attaining our Buddhahood is many embodiments in the distant future. This is a fallacy that

religious dogma has sown between the folds of our consciousness and can be dissolved by the

Dhyani Buddhas in the twinkling of an eye by calling forth the diamond-shining vajra, the

Mighty Thunderbolt that consumes all that is less than perfection. The mantras to the Dhyani

Buddhas bring out our inner Bodhi nature. By calling to these Celestial Buddhas we can protect

not only ourselves but also transform our entire planet as well.

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Leader: Let us start with our opening invocation, together:

O Eternal Light of Alpha and Omega, in Thy Name, we invoke the presence of the great lineage of Buddhas and Christed Ones! Descend beloved Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ, Padma Sambhava, Lanello, Guru Ma,

Vajrasattva and the Five Dhyani Buddhasbeloved Vairochana, Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha and Amoghasiddhi.

Holy Ones, sanctify our humble offering of prayers and service to release sentient beings everywhere from unliberated existence, pain, and suffering. Bathe us and our planet in your purifying

firetransforming the five deadly poisons into the supreme compassion of the enlightened Mind.

Resplendent Buddhas of God’s Sacred Wisdoms, bless and empower us with the all-pervading light of the Sun whose radiance will dispel the obscuring clouds of ignorance, revealing the wisdom and clarity of our own individual awakened nature. Raise our consciousness to glimpse thy great cosmic perspective that we may contain the All-

being of Godand transform selfhood into Godhood. Grant your blessings, we beseech you, that we may be free from the wheel of rebirth and attain liberation in this life.



Let us tone together to raise our own frequency, as well as our group consciousness by unifying our voices with the Dhyani Buddhas through the chanting of their seed syllables.

OM……… HUM…..…. TRAM…..…. HRIH…...….. AH …….... (5x)



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Let us now petition the Wisdoms of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, beginning with Beloved Akshobhya, the Blue Buddha of the Eastern Paradise, the Etheric Realm:


O Akshobhya, thou ‘the Imperturbable’ One

Fill my being with your Mirrorlike Wisdom that reveals the true nature of all things calmly, objectively, uncritically and without bias. Saturate me with the dazzling, sapphire, blue perfection of your electronic presence that I may mirror the perfection of my I AM Presence.

I surrender completely my mortal identity, all sense of mortality and death

that binds me to the ultimate illusionbeing separate from God. Transform

the poison of hate and anger—toward myself, others or Almighty Godinto clear mirror-like wisdom.

Great Celestial Buddha, anoint me with your vajra, the diamond thunderbolt that embodies the immovable, immutable, indivisible, and indestructible

state of enlightenmentthat which cannot be disturbed by anythingas I desire to become a clear reflector of my I AM Presence, Brahman within me.

Leader: Let us now petition Beloved Ratnasambhava, the Yellow Buddha of the Southern Paradise,

the Mental Realm:


O Ratnasambhava, thou ‘the Jewel-born’ One

Fill my being with your Wisdom of Equality and the inner knowing that all life comes from the same source, raining down

the same loving-kindness and compassion equally for all. Let me see the universe through your eyes as one great dance of vibrancy and joy. Saturate me with your scintillating, brilliant yellow flame to become a

reflecting chalice for the Higher Mental Bodymy Holy Christ Self.

I surrender completely my human creation of the carnal mind, the seat of the lower intellect and all awareness that is devoid of the Christ. I surrender its serpentine logic that spews the great lie: ‘Ye shall not surely die’ our point of departure from Lord Maitreya’s mystery school, the

Garden of Eden. Transform the poison of pridewhether human,

intellectual or spiritualwith all its egotism, arrogance, and rebellion into the wisdom of equality.

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Great Celestial Buddha, anoint me with your three jewels, the symbol of the inexhaustible treasures of spiritual riches as I desire to contain the Diamond-shining Mind of God.

Leader: Let us now petition Beloved Amitabha, the Red Buddha of the Western Paradise, the Astral Realm:


O Amitabha, thou ‘One of Infinite and Immeasurable Light and


Fill my being with your All-discriminating Wisdom, the wisdom of clear sight that allows me to discern the desirings of God for my

lifestream from insatiable, carnal cravings, the bottomless pit of passions that will never be satisfied by the endless exploration of the material realm. Saturate me with the pulsating, flaming, ruby perfection of your electronic presence to revive and restore the original, pristine purpose of my astral

bodyto become a clear, still, reflecting pool for the God desire of My Mighty I AM Presence.

I surrender completely the Karma Rupa, the seat of animal passions and all

insatiable cravings, inordinate desires and unlawful ambitionsthe root

cause of my sufferingthat would lead me farther and farther astray from the

path of Christhood. Transform the poison of the passionsall lust, cravings,

covetousness, and greedinto All-discriminating Wisdom.

Great Celestial Buddha, anoint me with your beautiful, heavenly flower, the lotus, that confers the attributes of purity, openness, beauty, gentleness, and compassion as I desire to become a clear reflecting pool for the inner stillness and peace of the Buddha.

Leader: Let us now petition Beloved Amoghasiddhi, the Green Buddha of the Northern Paradise, the Physical Realm:


O Amoghasiddhi, thou ‘Almighty Conqueror’

Fill my being with your All-Performing Wisdom of Perfected Action which confers infallible judgment, karma-free encounters and unerring action. Saturate me with the fiery, emerald green perfection

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of your electronic presence to precipitate the physical expression of my divine identity in this bodily form.

I surrender completely my identification withand attachment tomy physical vessel and the material objects of this world. Transform the poison

of envy and jealousyincluding all fear, doubt, ambition and

materialisminto the All-performing Wisdom of Perfected Action.

Great Celestial Buddha, anoint me with your double vajra, the crossed thunderbolt, conferring the state of the fully awake mind, the highest comprehension of Truth and the ability to bring synthesis to all opposing forces as I desire to manifest the qualities of the Divine Mother in the physical realm.

Leader: Let us now petition Beloved Vairochana, the Buddha of the White Fire Core, the Center and Capstone of Being:


O Vairochana, thou ‘Who Is Like the Sun’, the radiating One

Fill my being with your All-Pervading Wisdom of the Dharmakaya which reveals the sphere of the highest reality and Truth. Saturate me with your radiating, pulsating, sacred fire perfection to center my awareness in the white fire core of being,

my true and eternal identity, that original, pristine state of the indwelling

Buddha natureBrahman in manifestation.

I surrender completely my point of original departure from God, my ignoring of the Law, thus displacing divine reality with compromise and impermanence. Transmit to my soul directly, completely, and

instantaneously the Mind of Enlightened awarenessthe sublime

experience that all life is interconnectednessdissolving forever the maya of a separate existence.

Great Celestial Buddha anoint me with your dharmachakra, the golden, solar wheel of the teaching, to consume in me now all that is unlike God, all ignorance of the law, all delusion of Selfhood, all misunderstanding of Who I really AM. Unlock the gateways of my inner being that lead my soul to the nexus of True Being. Purify my heart! Purify my motive! Clear the channels of the Chakras! Transform the poison of ignorance obscuring the Buddhic consciousness and blinding me to Thy reality. Water the seeds of the Buddha nature that I might manifest the full outer being of Buddhahood. Transform the five deadly poisons into pure Enlightenment. Restore to my soul the balanced flow of the Father/Mother Light.

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(Optional Section)


Now let us meditate with eyes closed, focusing our attention on Vajrasattva , the Bodhisattva of Purification, in his role as the integrator of the five transcendent wisdoms of the Dhyani Buddhas. We meditate on these Buddhas and their qualities to develop oneness with Vajrasattva and the five Dhyani Buddhas….In this state of oneness, these celestial beings reflect back to us the poisons present in our consciousness and assist us in transforming this

misqualified substance into wisdomthus awakening our own inner Buddha nature.

So with this in mind: Center in your heart with focused attention on your I AM Presence. See before you a blazing, milky-white, translucent Cosmic Being crowned with rainbow jewels of sapphire, gold, ruby, emerald and diamonds. His appearance is sheer beauty and his countenance is the essence of purity radiating the supreme spirit of all Buddhas. In his right hand he holds the vajra,

the diamond thunderbolt that confirms his skillful perfection. In his left hand, resting on his thigh, he holds the ghanta, a bell that rings out the Truth of Being. These two symbols represent the yin and yang of enlightenment, integrating all the Wisdoms.

In Vajrasattva’s heart, you can see a brilliant gold vajra. In the center of the vajra there is a dazzling HUM in blazing, golden letters outlined in a soft pink hue. See the HUM as being three dimensional—radiating out pure light as you gaze on it from all sides. It embodies all the wisdom of the Buddhas. It embodies our very own true nature, the true nature of our Higher Mental Body. This HUM is the essence of our true awareness.

You now become not only cognizant of its wonderful radiance, but of its heavenly frangrance and sublime sound as well………radiating these sacred emanations in all

directions……reaching the entire earth all plant life, animal life, the oceans, the seven continents, even the tops of the highest mountains. In fact, its sublime vibration touches the entire cosmos and all sentient life—purifying all deadly poisons and miscreations—transforming all into Buddhas.

See the totality of the light that has gone forth to touch the Cosmos, gaining momentum, gathering up all the sacred energies it has encountered, as well as the blessings of all the Buddhas, now returning to Vajrasattva’s heart. This light is absorbed into the golden-pink HUM. As this process is taking place, Vajrasattva’s heart appears more and more brilliant as this Light becomes more and more vibrant, transforming all that is unlike God into pure fohat--swirling cosmic energy.

From the golden-pink HUM, nectar starts to flow. This nectar contains all his essence, compassion, joy, wisdom, power and loving-kindness. It completely fills Vajrasattva’s form and begins to overflow. Drink now, drink in this nectar of the Buddha, this sweet, healing offering of the Buddha. Feel it flow through the channels of the chakras. Feel it filling the Heart Chakra with the fearless compassion of the Buddha. Feel it filling the Crown Chakra with the water of illumination. Let this nectar fill your entire body with its healing essence.

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It cleanses disease and illness. It purges incorrect mental and emotional patterns. It washes out impure presences. It flushes the misqualified substance out of your four lower bodies. Let the layers of human consciousness melt away. Feel the draining of your being from any remaining burdensome energy as it pours out and is readily absorbed and purified by Mother Earth, transforming the five poisons into pure enlightenment…and removing the hindrances to attain the enlightened body of a Buddha.

The letters of the HUM now dissolve into each other becoming pure Light-essence. Vajrasattva’s form also melts into pure Light, pure formlessness—a swirling clould of cosmic fohat. See now, sense now this fohatic energy taking residence in your heart, filling you with the profound essence and conscouisness of Vajrasattva.

You now sense a newness and a feeling of purity, cleanliness and joy. You feel clear and luminous. You are filled with a great and blissful joy and peace. Your body is completely filled with light and is clear like crystal, revealing the inner Buddha-nature. Affirm that only Light exists in your world and pledge to the ‘Bodhisattva of Purification’ that you desire to continue to create only blissfulness, joy and peace. See yourself becoming Vajrasattva, becoming the Buddha….becoming one with your inner Buddha, your supreme Body of Reality, the Great Darmakarma.


Now centered in the white fire core of your Being, your true and eternal Identity, let us invoke the Mighty Vajra, the diamond thunderbolt from on high:


VAJRA (9x)



Leader: Let us unite in prayer as we call forth the transformation of terra into the realm of the Buddhas:

O great lineage of Buddhas and Cosmic Beings who wield the transformative power of the secret rays:

Let your purging fires bring all mankind to a higher awareness of eternal life.

Manifest the original, pristine purity held by the Mind of God for Terra.

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Purge our planet of all that is impure, all that is obstructing self-realized enlightenment, all that is blocking the expression of

our true nature, the Buddha-nature.

Guide the leaders of the nations to resolve all conflicts in order that peace may ensue. Take charge of the governments of the world so that beings everywhere may be free to worship

their Creator.

Manifest Heaven on earth—anchoring your etheric paradises, the purity of your buddhic consciousness over the entire planetary body for the enlightenment, salvation, and spiritual transformation of all life that desires to be God-free.

Let Vairochana’s All-pervading paradise descend to earth.

I call it forth!

Let Akshobhya’s Abhirati paradise descend to earth.

I call it forth!

Let Ratnasambhava’s Shrimat paradise descend to earth.

I call it forth!

Let Amitabha’s Sukuvati paradise descend to earth.

I call it forth!

Let Amoghasiddhi’s Prakuta paradise descend to earth.

I call it forth!

Our entire planet is transformed into the paradise of the Buddhas. All sentient beings are now transformed into Buddhas! In all, the Inner Bodhi nature now springs forth like the pure white Lotus flower springs forth from the impurity of the mud. Everywhere all I see are Buddhas! In my Heart, I know it! In my feelings, I sense it! In my mind, I think it! Through my third eye, I project it! Everywhere I project peace and harmony. Everywhere I project love and compassion. Everywhere I project goodwill to my fellow brothers and sisters.

Infinite Light, descend! Immeasurable splendor, manifest! Imperturbable waves of harmony, roll in! Jewel-spendored drops of joy, rain down! Sun of the Darmakaya, shine, glow and radiate! Perfected action, manifest! Beauty, Beauty, Beauty everywhere!

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The four corners of the earth are purified and blessed. Bless the cities of earth. Bless the mountains, the valleys, and every square inch of Terra that people may be mindful to practice the spiritual path. Bless all beings that they may be freed from fear, sickness, ill-will, maya and samsara. Bless North America! Bless South America! Bless Europe! Bless Asia! Bless Africa! Bless Australia! Bless Antarctica!

With my third eye vision, I see the earth transformed and all minds enlightened with the radiance and splendor of Almighty God. There is only perfection.

It is done! It is done! It is done!

We seal this ritual in the light of God that always prevails to manifest goodness for His children. In eternal gratitude for all I have received, I give thanks O LORD for opportunity to be in Thy service with my brothers and sisters of Light.

Amen… Amen…and… Amen.