transformed magazine - solid foundations

TRANSFORMED HumeRidge Church of Christ Magazine Solid Foundations Audacious Faith Why Not Youth? Hagar Cambodia SOLID FOUNDATIONS

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Transformed Magazine - Solid Foundations


Page 1: Transformed Magazine - Solid Foundations

TRANSFORMEDHumeRidge Church of Christ Magazine

Solid Foundations

Audacious Faith

Why Not Youth?

Hagar Cambodia

Solid foundationS

Page 2: Transformed Magazine - Solid Foundations

TRANSFORMEDHumeRidge Church of Christ Magazine

I always love the start of a New Year. It’s like getting those new books on the first day back at school. Everything is neat and nice and fresh and new, and there is so much anticipation in what lies ahead.

I know things soon become untidy again, routines return, and some

things don’t turn out quite as we had hoped... but there’s still something exciting about the start of a New Year. I am quite excited about some of the things planned at HumeRidge in 2012, and encourage you to engage with God and others through the various ministries of HumeRidge Church of Christ.

In February a huge array of connect groups, youth & children’s programs, LifeKeys courses and other activities recommence after the summer holiday break. Each of these facilitates opportunities for lives to be transformed!

During the year there will be spiritual retreat days for men, women and youth. There will be special guest artists in April, a Seniors Convention in May, the Seasons Women’s Conference in August, the Global leadership Summit in October, and our end-of-year Youth Camp in December.

Our teaching will aim to have us building our lives on Solid Foundations. We kick off with a teaching series on Foundations followed by an encouragement to live a life of Audacious Faith. Then in Term 3 we plan a church-wide teaching series involving Sunday Services and midweek Connect Groups around one of our key focus areas – Transforming Families.

I hope you enjoy this first edition of Transformed for 2012... and that in the year ahead you may build your life on solid foundations!


cONTENTS Solid Foundations 2 Neale Proellocks

Audacious Faith 4 Steven Furtick

The Solid Rock 6 Jean Willoughby

What’s on, on Sundays 7

February Calendar 8

The Year Ahead 9 HumeRidge Church 2012 Events

March Calendar 13

SOAP Readings 14

From the Editors Desk 15 Natalie Tucker

Why Not Youth? 16 Abigail Tucker

Hagar Cambodia 18 Jenny Savill & Lauren England

Contact Details 21

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Men’s spiritual RetreatJames Byrne Centre Highfields ContaCt: JaCk kaMst

26th FebRuaRy

Eternal Beauty

ContaCt: natalie tuCkeR46350350

3pM 24th MaRCh

Mad hatteR’s easteR bonnets

Women’s Afternoon Tea

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The psalmist asked, “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Psalm 11:3. G.K. Chesterton, the English philosopher and author wrote, “When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing -- they believe in anything.” Both the question of the Psalmist and the quote of the philosopher have never been more pertinent than to today.

The Wexner Art Centre at the State University, Columbus, Ohio, was constructed as the first major public “Deconstructivist” building in United States. Designed by Peter Eisenman and Richard Trott, it is intended to reflect the post-modern view of reality. The building has no pattern. Staircases go nowhere. Pillars support nothing. The architects designed the building to reflect life.

When he was shown the Centre, Christian philosopher, Ravi Zacharias enquired, “Did they do the same thing with the foundation?” Zacharias went on to comment that you can get away with tampering with infrastructures, but you can’t do that with a foundation.

If firm foundations are essential to the stability of a building, how much more are solid foundations the prerequisite for a stable, secure and meaningful life? Contemporary man may be able to get away with random thoughts and ideas that sound and make us feel good, but once we start tampering with foundational beliefs, we begin to see serious effects.

Over the past few generations, the Biblical foundations of the Judeo-Christian faith have been tampered with and replaced by the philosophical view that truth


TRANSFORMING LIVES to Christ by experiencing and reflecting God ’s love together

TRANSFORMING LIVESto Christ by experiencing and re�ecting God’s love together

Hearts Hope Families World

Solid foundationS

Neale Proellocks

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and moral values are not absolute, but are relative to the persons or groups holding them. Yet as news media reports daily, relativism as a life foundation does not provide a rational set of answers or meaningful significance to build life upon. It does not support a social order that promotes basic security or well-being.

Society’s abandonment of Christian foundations can be traced back to the church’s ambivalence towards Biblical doctrine; the foundations upon which dynamic faith and lives are built. Foundations disappeared when theologians denied the existence of God, when clergy questioned the reliability and authority of Scripture; when Christian seminaries reasoned away the fallen condition of humanity and people believed that salvation can be found other than through Christ alone.

As we substituted God’s self revelation with our own limited views of God, the foundations disappear. We reduced God to a manageable, grandfatherly size, and there was no final authority to which we were accountable. We turned our back on supernatural Scriptural revelation, and reason, emotional experience and pragmatism become the guiding rule of life. We denied the sinful state of humanity and personal responsibility for lifestyle and choices was rejected and blame was directed on others. We denied salvation through Christ alone by accepting self improvement programs. We become our own gods and saviours.

When the foundations were removed, in the name of enlightenment, the structure became unstable and insecure. Society in general, marriages, families and personal lives in particular no longer withstood the

surges and tides of temptation, conflict, disappointment, stress, death, sorrow. Around us and within us we see the carnage of broken lives, people fearful and devoid of hope. We’ve all contributed to the misery of this world.

Yet foundations can be restored and lives rebuilt. By humbly acknowledging how far we have moved and returning to the solid foundations of God’s revealed truth, lives can be rebuilt and wholeness will be restored.

In an interview with the legendary basketball player Kareem Abdul Jabar, he was asked if there was one coach that he had during his career that influenced him the most. Immediately, Jabar answered, “Yes, John Wooten of UCLA.” He was then asked what it was that made Wooten so special. Kareem’s answer is worth noting. He said, “Wooten was an ardent student and teacher of the fundamentals of basketball.” He then went on to tell the story of how on the very first day of practice, Coach Wooten taught the whole team how to put on their socks so as to never get a blister, and how to tie their shoes so that they will never come untied. How simple, yet how profoundly effective.

The solid foundations of the Christian faith are simple but profoundly effective, fundamental to building a significant life.

Jesus said, “These words I speak to you are not incidental additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are foundational words, words to build a life on. If you work these words into your life, you are like a smart carpenter who built his house on solid rock. Rain poured down, the river flooded, a tornado hit—but nothing moved that house. It was fixed to the rock.” Matthew 7:24, 25. MESSAgE

HumeRidge Church of Christ Magazine I 3

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If you’re like most Christians, audacity is not a word you use to describe your faith. Audacity, my dictionary says, makes regular people behave with “boldness or daring, especially with confident disregard for personal comfort or conventional thought”. And, if you think about it, confident disregard for the status quo is the essence of the gospel. It describes the radical path Christ’s life took on earth. It goes to the heart of what it means to live by faith.

Of course, every believer in Jesus has a measure of faith – it’s the prerequisite to salvation. But after that, if we’re honest, we think of faith primarily in terms of a spiritual though or a comfortable feeling. We hope it’s enough to get us to heaven when we die. But in the meantime, it’s barely enough to keep us praying, giving, and going to the eleven o’clock service.

Let me ask you: does the brand of faith you live by produce the kinds of results in your life that you read about in the biblical stories of men and women of faith? Chances are, not even close. For most of us, this disparity is hard to live with. The chasm we see between our mundane spiritual experiences and the overcoming faith we read about in the accounts of biblical

heroes is downright discouraging. It can create a heavy weigh of condemnation and a sense of failure in our hearts. We can begin to feel like maybe our faith isn’t the real thing. Some believers I’ve known have gotten so tired of faking faith that they have just given up altogether.

Post-traumatic Faith Disorder

I’ll admit that faith is a sore subject for millions. It’s been abused, mishandled, distorted and ultimately disfigured. Sometimes it seems like there’s a custom-tailored faith for everyone:

• If the galatians 2:20 kind of faith – “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” – is too clunky for you, trade it in. Exchange it for an easier, no money-down model.

• If trusting in the miracle-working power of Jesus is too out there for your modern mind, play it safe. Don’t ever ask God to provide for you supernaturally. Don’t dare to ask for healing or anything else that might put God on the spot. Because what if he doesn’t come through?

A lot of Christians I know stagger through life in a daze. Suffering from post-traumatic faith disorder, they hunker down I the

4 I


TRANSFORMING LIVES to Christ by experiencing and reflecting God ’s love together

TRANSFORMING LIVESto Christ by experiencing and re�ecting God’s love together

Hearts Hope Families World

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basement, open a can of Beanie Weenees, and wait for the end of the world. Am I reading your mail? If so, you’re probably stuck in spiritual survival mode. You’ve settled for spiritual mediocrity. You’re not trying to be a hypocrite. It’s just that so far the faith thing hasn’t, well, worked for you.

But we can’t let abuses and misunderstandings hold us back. God has no Plan B. the Bible throws down the gauntlet in Hebrews 11:6 “Without faith it is impossible to please God” It doesn’t get any plainer than that. Faith isn’t just a Get Out of Hell card. It’s the most vital building block of your relationship with God. And it’s the only real foundation worth establishing your life on.

We can’t abandon the life changing promise of full-frontal faith because some have dealt with the topic recklessly and unbiblically. It would be a shame for us to let bad experiences or past disappointments keep us bound, poor and blind to what God wants to do in our lives.

TraNsForMeD I 5

“ Without faith it is impossible to please God” ~ It doesn’t get any plainer than that!


This is an excerpt from the book, Sun Stand Still, by Steven Furtick, 2010, Multnomah Books.

About the Author: Steven Furtick is the founder and lead pastor of Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, named by Outreach magazine as one of the fastest growing churches in the US. In just five years, they’ve seen more than 15,000 people receive Christ as Saviour.

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My hope is built on nothing less

Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness,

I dare not trust the sweetest frame,

But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

When darkness veils His lovely face,

I rest on His unchanging grace;

In every high and stormy gale,

My anchor holds within the veil.

His oath, His covenant, His blood

Support me in the whelming flood;

When all around my soul gives way,

He then is all my hope and stay.

When He shall come with trumpet sound,

Oh, may I then in Him be found;

Faultless to stand before the throne.

Dressed in His righteousness alone,


On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;

All other ground is sinking sand.

All other ground is sinking sand.

~ Edward Mote (1797-1874)

In the first verse, Edward Mote makes a very clear statement that our hope for eternal life depends completely upon Jesus’ righteousness. Nothing in this hymn even hints that any work on our part can add to Christs’ work in order to secure our eternal salvation.

The second and third verses recognize that there are times when doubts, cares, or the darkness of the world will seem to weaken our fellowship with God and veil His face from us. Even in these times when “all around our soul gives way” God has not left us. Our anchor of faith can still hold in the darkness, knowing, that even though not seen, He still sustains us. Hebrews 11:1 It is at these times that it is most important, in Mote’s words, to “rest on His unchanging grace.”

If we adhere to the tenets expounded in Scripture and remember the certain promise of God of salvation, then we can rest in the firm knowledge of our destiny. These are the thoughts which Mote finishes with in the fourth verse.

The refrain is a triumphant and glorious affirmation by each person who sings this great hymn of grace.

Edward Mote was a cabinet-maker who thought out the words of the refrain as he walked London streets on his way to work. He completed four verses the same day and others within a week.

Jean Willoughbyhymn singingJoin us - second Wednesday of the month


TRANSFORMING LIVES to Christ by experiencing and reflecting God ’s love together

TRANSFORMING LIVESto Christ by experiencing and re�ecting God’s love together

Hearts Hope Families World

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what’s on on Sunday mornings SERIES – 9Am



TRANSFORMED New YeaR edItIoN 2011 I 7

AudAcious FAithfaith for a transformed life mArch 4th – Dale White

“Lessons from the Hall of Fame”

Hebrews 11:1-12

mArch 11th – Dale White

“Prayer that Stops the Sun”

JosHua 10:1-15

mArch 18th – Dale White

“Hear. Speak. Do”

romans 10:17 & James 1:22-25

mArch 25th – Steven Furtick DVD

“Audacious Faith”

(From GLs)

Solid foundationSFebruAry 5th – Dale White

What we Believe about God?

FebruAry 12th – Neale Proellocks

What we Believe about Scripture?

SunDAy@5 – Ross & Elicia will also be exploring the Solid Foundations of the Christian Faith.

FebruAry 19th – Neale Proellocks

What we Believe about Humanity?

FebruAry 26th – Neale Proellocks

What we Believe about Salvation?

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6.30am Prayer10am KYB

1.30pm Hymn Singing

6.30pm Stumpy’s

6.30am Prayer10am KYB

6.30pm Stumpy’s

6.30am Prayer10am KYB

6.30pm Stumpy’s

6.30am Prayer10am KYB

6.30pm Stumpy’s

8am Prayer9am Sunday Service

4pm PrayerSunday@5

5pm Youth Grades 7 & 87pm Youth

Grades 9-12

5pm Youth Grades 7 & 87pm Youth

Grades 9-12

5pm Youth Grades 7 & 87pm Youth

Grades 9-12

5pm Youth Grades 7 & 87pm Youth

Grades 9-12

4pmMusic team Practice

4pmMusic team Practice

4pmMusic team Practice

4pmMusic team Practice

day of Prayer (Day 1 of 40 Days of Prayer)

8am Prayer9am Sunday Service

4pm PrayerSunday@5

8am Prayer9am Sunday Service

4pm PrayerSunday@5

Men’s Spiritual Retreat day

6.30am Prayer10am KYB Regional

introduction Day6.30pm Stumpy’s 12.45pm KYB

12.45pm KYB7pm the Marriage


9.15am Golden eagles 12.45pm KYB

7pm the Marriage Course

12.45pm KYB7pm the Marriage


februarycalendar 2012

8am Prayer9am Sunday Service

4pm PrayerSunday@5 7pm LifeKeys

7pm LifeKeys

7pm LifeKeys

7pm LifeKeys6.30pm

welcome dinner

Solid foundationS

~ february SerieS ~



1st February

Recommences3rd February

5pm Grades 7 & 8 7pm Grades 9 – 12

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Sunday 8am & 4pm and Wednesday 6.30am

Prayer is a vital ministry of HumeRidge and we believe apart from Christ we can’t do anything of eternal value. Therefore, everything we do will be under-girded and surrounded by fervent prayer. We invite you to join with us in this necessary and powerful ministry seeking God together as a church on behalf of our church, community, nation, and beyond.

For further information contact Neale Proellocks.

Weekly Prayer

Connect GroupsFor all Ages and Stages of Life

All of us benefit greatly from meeting with others to fellowship and study God’s Word together. At HumeRidge we believe Connect Groups play a vital role in helping each individual grow in their relationship with God. We encourage each individual and family to be part of a Connect Group in 2012. Contact Tim Smith for more information.

kyb – know your bibleWomen’s bible Study

Wednesday 10am [with child minding] // thursday 12.45pm

Functioning similarly to Connect Groups KYB ladies meet each week to explore God’s Word and share life together. The Wednesday groups are ideal for young mothers as child minding is available by qualified carers.

For more information contact Wendy White or Denise Hogarth.

the Year ahead

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Spiritual Retreats Men // 26 February

Contact: Jack Kamst

WoMen // 3 June

Contact: Natalie Tucker

Youth // 15 July

Contact: Elicia Weursching

At HumeRidge we believe the most important relationship we have is with God. Each one of us needs to regularly make time and space in our lives to build into our relationship with Him. Spiritual Retreats assist us by providing a wonderful opportunity to enjoy time alone with God, as well as encourage, challenge and equip us for our daily walk with Him.

At HumeRidge we value the commitment and input of our volunteers who contribute to the life of our church and community. We encourage everyone to consider becoming part of one of the teams who serve in numerous areas. Remember “many hands make light work”! And, it’s a great way to get to know others and have some fun together!

Below is a list of some of the Volunteer areas you might like to consider in 2012. If there is another capacity in which you’d like to serve please contact the church office.

You may also be able to volunteer to serve at one of the special events throughout the year. You can register your interest by emailing Natalie at [email protected].

Volunteering in 2012

• Communion Preparation Team• Gardening Team• Info Counter Team• Coffee Cleaning Team • Gift Shop Serving

Contact: Danny Salzke

• Audio, Visual and Tech Team• Music Team

Contact: Brendon Walmsley

• Welcome Team• Home Communion Team• Pastoral Care Team• Connect Group Lunch Team

Contact: Tim Smith

• Children’s Ministry Leaders• Youth Group Leaders• RI in Schools

Contact: Ross Savill

the Year ahead

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life keys courses

ChurCh Wide SerieS - term 3

Each year in term 3 we set aside time to study various topics as a Church Family. This year, in Term 3, the Sermon Series and Connect Group studies will be on Relationships. Together we will explore our relationship with God, our families and others.

the marriage course

term 1

• Search for Life – Women• Woman to Woman• Man to Man• Valiant Man

term 1

• Valiant Man• Man to Man• Parents with Courage• Search for Intimacy

(Grade 13’s)

terms 1,2&3

• The Marriage Course

terms 1, 2, 3 & 4

• CAP Money

Contact Person: Jack Kamst 0434729115

the Year ahead

transforming families


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12 I

Major Events 2012

MAY 18 - 20 Seniors Convention

Guest speakerGraham agnew

senior minister, northside Community Church, nsw

12th & 13th octobeR 2012

APriL 6–8HumeRidge Guest Artists

including Melbourne Gospel Choir



June JuLYState of Origin Night and Weekend with Sue Hanna

AuGuSt 11

the Year ahead 7-9 December

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HumeRidge Church of Christ Magazine I 13


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6.30am Prayer10am KYB

6.30pm Stumpy’s

6.30am Prayer10am KYB

1.30pm Hymn Singing

6.30pm Stumpy’s

6.30am Prayer10am KYB

6.30pm Stumpy’s

6.30am Prayer10am KYB

6.30pm Stumpy’s

8am Prayer9am Sunday Service

4pm PrayerSunday@5

5pm Youth Grades 7 & 87pm Youth

Grades 9-12

5pm Youth Grades 7 & 87pm Youth

Grades 9-12

5pm Youth Grades 7 & 87pm Youth

Grades 9-12

5pm Youth Grades 7 & 87pm Youth

Grades 9-12

5pm Youth Grades 7 & 87pm Youth

Grades 9-12

4pmMusic team Practice

4pmMusic team Practice

4pmMusic team Practice

4pmMusic team Practice

3pm Mad Hatters easter Bonnets - women’s

afternoon tea5pm

Music team Practice

8am Prayer9am Sunday Service

4pm PrayerSunday@5

8am Prayer9am Sunday Service

4pm PrayerSunday@5

12.45pm KYB7pm the Marriage


12.45pm KYB7pm the Marriage


12.45pm KYB7pm the Marriage


9.15am Golden eagles 12.45pm KYB

7pm the Marriage Course

12.45pm KYB7pm the Marriage


marchcalendar 2012

8am Prayer9am Sunday Service

4pm PrayerSunday@5 7pm LifeKeys

7pm LifeKeys

7pm LifeKeys

7pm LifeKeys

AudAcious~ mArch series ~


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II Samuel

II Samuel

II Samuel

II Samuel



































































































































































S = ScRipTuRE

Which particular Scripture stood out to you from today’s reading? Write it out in full.


Outline the main theme of your reading:

What is taking place in the passage? What is the main point of the verses? What thoughts come out of the reading?

A = ApplicATiON

Make it personal. Outline how this reading applies to you. How will you be different because of what you have read? You may need to identify some specific steps of action.

p = pRAyER

End by writing out a prayer that expresses your heart to God about what you read.


Scripture. Observation. Application. Prayer.S.O.A.P. studies are about developing a healthy habit of spending regular time with the Lord. If you commit to a reading and journaling on a daily basis, your life will be truly revolutionised.

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In this first edition of TRANFORMED for 2012 we’ve shared articles on faith and stories of lives transformed by Christ. My question for each one of us is “Do we really live lives, and pray, like we truly believe God can transform the lives of our family and friends [especially those who don’t walk with God], and at times ourselves?”

If you are anything like me there are days when God seems so close and all things seem possible but there are other days when the hopes and possibilities are drowned by the dark clouds of doubt and disheartenment. When the reality of life’s difficulties make it hard to see the light of hope that deep inside we know God offers us we need to hold firmly to what we believe and let go of the feelings and events that drag us down.

Faith holds firm to the truth of God’s Word.

As you read TRANSFORMED I invite you to open your heart to God and allow Him to transform your life in 2012. And as you consider what’s written, and the testimonies of the lives shared, I hope you are encouraged to be bold in prayer and remain strong in your faith no matter what you are facing because we serve a God with whom all things are truly possible when we seek to live according to His will. Life may not be what we expect or hope for, but my experience tells me that God remains faithful and He makes all things beautiful in His time.

May you all know the reality of God’s transforming power in your lives during 2012.


transformed through faith

Natalie T.HumeRidge Church of Christ Magazine I 15

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why not youth?

HumeRidge {youth}

abigail Tucker

If someone asks me what I’m doing on Friday night, my answer is simple “I’m going to youth group”. If someone asks me why, my answer is “why not”. A lot of my friends don’t understand it and I’m sure there are lots of people who don’t get youth group or understand why young people want to spend their Friday nights there. I think that’s because they don’t get what it’s about. For me youth group is a time to get to know other young people and learn more about them. Everyone feels free to be themselves and just have fun in a safe place. I think it’s important to learn how to meet different people in the environment you’re in.

Another inspiring aspect of youth group is our comment to supporting the work of Hagar International who

rescue women and children from slavery and sex trafficking in Cambodia, vietnam and Afghanistan. In 2011 we had visits from Sue Hanna and Coralie Nancarrow who shared their stories of the people and work of Hagar in Cambodia. By joining together we can make a difference in the lives of individuals in need so they can live lives free from slavery and find healing for the terrible things they endure. God had a special place in His heart for widows and orphans and it is important for us to join Him in caring for them too.

On the first weekend of December the youth group all jumped on buses and headed up to the Sunshine Coast for our annual youth camp. It was a time to meet people you didn’t know, to build your relationship with your clump group


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and leaders, and to learn more about God and how He works. It is also time to have a whole heap of fun. This was my clump’s first youth camp and we were so excited. I’m so glad we went. We met people we probably never would’ve met and learnt how God has had an impact in others’ lives and how if we trust in Him, He can do amazing things with our lives. One of my favourite parts of camp were the sessions. Elicia’s stood out to me more than the others. She told us her life story, how she turned her life around and came to God. Her story taught us that it doesn’t matter what we’ve done in the past, God will still accept and love you. No matter if

we were doing activities with people we’d just met or going to the beach as a clump, we had so much fun.

I would really encourage you to come to youth group and to everyone who came last year - keep coming, you won’t regret it!

On behalf of the youth group I’d like to thank Ross, Elicia and all the leaders, for all the work they’ve put into youth group. It wouldn’t be the same without you guys!

Youth Group 2012 Friday nights5.00pm Grades 7 & 87.00pm Grades 9–12

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Hagar have a relationship with “Emergency Relief for Miserable” – a small school working in an old Rubbish Tip in Phnom Penh. The difference between these children and their surroundings is phenomenal. These kids are clean and happy – their toothbrushes hang in buckets on the wall. They danced traditional dances for us and sang “He’s got the Whole World in His hands”. After their performance, they took us by the hands and lead us through what for many of them was home. Naked children squatted on piles of filth, the contents of their sick tummies adding to the mess on the ground. Women sit with meat cleavers on dirty floors, hacking suspicious cuts of meat. A mother, from a bucket of cold dirty water, washes a little boy. He smiles and waves at us. Piles of

rubbish smoulder and reek – dust covers everything. Skinny animals wander around – vendors sit with their bizarre looking goods trying to make a living, surrounded by piles of rotting garbage – dusty, dirty and reeking. 500 families pay $5 a month to live in this tip.

Hagar’s clients come from lives like this.

Lives that you and I can hardly imagine!

Between 1975 and 1979 Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge completely destroyed the fabric of Cambodian Society. More than 2 ½ million Cambodians were massacred. The country is still recovering. Poverty and corruption is rife.

Hagar do an amazing job loving and caring for their people. With a brilliant trauma-counselling program from John Hopkins University and staff who

the World

hAGAr Cambodia January 2012 Jenny Savill & lauRen englanD

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love God, they are committed to doing “Whatever it takes for as long as it takes to restore a broken life”.

Hagar is doing an amazing job. Their care is thorough and complete. The light of Jesus shines in their lives.

Thank you, HumeRidge, for enabling Hagar to completely change lives and influence the future of Cambodia.

The entire team was greatly moved by the testimonies of the people we met. The reality of lives so different from our own despite our shared humanity moves one’s heart deeply. As you read these stories remember they are not just names on a page but real people with real lives.

SothY’S StorY

Sothy is a 34 year old family man from Phnom Penh. 18 months ago he was hired as Hagar Cambodia’s Communications Coordinator. This shy, reserved man was a devout Buddhist. Whilst attending the trip 12 months ago our young people met him and quickly formed a friendship. Today Sothy beams with confidence. He

openly admits that Jesus is at work within him and changing his life from the inside out. Sothy has a key leadership role within Hagar Cambodia and is committed to “Restoring Broken Lives” doing Whatever It Takes For As Long As It Takes.

treY And PAi PAi’S StorY

Trey and Pai Pai grew up in a very poor family in the provinces of Cambodia, raised by a struggling single mother. At the age of 7, Trey was sold into the trafficking industry for a mere $200, however to a poor Cambodian family this is a fortune. Hagar caught wind of this and intervened rescuing Trey from a year and a half of torture and torment. Whilst Trey was safely in Hagar’s care the price for Pai Pai’s virginity was quickly increasing. Today the recent price tag for Pai Pai’s virginity and services is estimated at $700, with the mother strongly considering the offer. Whilst the mother was in the process of selling her, Hagar intervened and offered the mother the opportunity to educate Pai Pai within Hagar’s Schooling system.

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When I first attended HumeRidge in March last year, I came along knowing no one and was nervous to join a new church. I grew up going to church but through high school, I had fallen away from God and felt as though something was missing from my life. The community of HumeRidge was so welcoming and it didn’t take me long to find a loving group of friends. I had never considered going on a mission trip until I heard Sue Hanna speak one Friday night to the youth group. Her passion for Hagar inspired me so deeply and I felt drawn to support this wonderful organization. When I heard about the youth trip going to Cambodia, I knew it was something I wanted to be a part of. The support of HumeRidge leading up to the trip was overwhelming. This support enabled us to fundraise a great deal, this included a large amount of the trip cost. The trip to Cambodia was truly life changing and has given me a new outlook. It has made me appreciate just how lucky we are to live the way we do. Seeing firsthand the work that Hagar is doing within the lives of so many troubled young children and women, has given me a passion to support their work. I am now determined to fundraise and see this great organization supported even further than before. Without the amazing community involvement within HumeRidge, Hagar’s work would not be possible. It has assured me that the money our church is giving is worthwhile and is making a huge difference. I am so thankful for the opportunity to go to Cambodia and I can’t wait to see more people become passionate about Hagar.


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Pai Pai now 5 is attending the CLC with her results showing that she will easily pass her first full year. Hagar is under immense pressure to try and keep her in their programs as the mother has all legal rights to Pai Pai and still considers to this day the $700 price tag. A number of Hagar’s employees are determined to do “Whatever It Takes” to keep this young Cambodian girl free.

honthY’S StorY

Honthy or “Thy” to most people is a former client in Hagar’s Programs. From age 3 he begged his way through the early years of his childhood under the watchful eye of his “Big Brother” a synonym for Owner in the Cambodian Street Culture. He was beaten, starved and stripped of any rights he had. Thy was found by another organization and quickly referred on to Hagar. He thrived in Hagar’s Schooling and Shelter Care Programs and now is one year shy of completing his IT Degree. He is 19 and works as a volunteer in Hagar’s IT department with a full time position beckoning. He loves his role as worship leader in his local church and admits that his life has been transformed through Jesus... “I can now smile again and I feel compelled to be a strong role model to all the young boys in Hagar’s care”.

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pHONE 07 4635 0350 FAX 07 4635 4674 emAIL [email protected] WEbSiTE ADDRESS 461 - 469 Hume Street Toowoomba Q 4350PO Box 7564 Toowoomba South Q 4350OFFicE HOuRS 8:30am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday

Editorial by Natalie Tucker

Designed by Kristy Fielder // Black Canvas{ }

Senior Pastor Dale White 0419 756 469

Pastor – Evangelism Neale Proellocks 0419 737 950

Pastor – Congregational Care Tim Smith 0438 350 376

Student Minister/Ministry SupportNatalie Tucker 0409 393 439

Careforce Lifekeys & Pathways Jack Kamst 0434 729 115

Pastor – Youth Ross Savill 0411 201 227

Youth Worker Elicia Wuersching 0402 158 700

Children’s Ministry Chris England 0413 580 012

Music Ministry Brendon Walmsley 0419 654 548

Minister Emeritus Bruce Armstrong 4635 9885

Youth Turn (House 469) 4636 2981 Graham Storey 0431 268 065

transformed magazine submissions and enquiries EMAIL [email protected]

TRANSFORMING LIVES to Christ by experiencing and reflecting God ’s love together

TRANSFORMING LIVESto Christ by experiencing and re�ecting God’s love together

Hearts Hope Families World

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461- 469 hume Streetmiddle ridge

Phone 4635 0350

at Humeridge