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LUBP Special: Documentary evidence of payments made to Pakistan’s Chief Justice’s son LUBP is publishing exclusive documents which show that Dr. Arsalan, son of Pakistan’s Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry, did indeed accept bribery from Malik Riaz of Bahria Town in monetary and non-monetary forms. We have received these documents from at least two sources via email. The documents comprise summaries as well as receipts of Dr. Arsalan’s various trips to London, Monte Carlo etc. It is important to mention that a significant portion of payments were made in cash.

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LUBP Special: Documentary evidence of payments made to Pakistan’s Chief Justice’s son

LUBP is publishing exclusive documents which show that Dr. Arsalan, son of Pakistan’s Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry, did indeed accept bribery from Malik Riaz of Bahria Town in monetary and non-monetary forms. We have received these documents from at least two sources via email.

The documents comprise summaries as well as receipts of Dr. Arsalan’s various trips to London, Monte Carlo etc.

It is important to mention that a significant portion of payments were made in cash.

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By establishing through documentary evidence that Arsalan did actually accept monetary benefits and by alleging that the money was accepted in the Supreme Court’s name in order to influence the outcome of judicial proceedings, it is the integrity, independence and credibility of the SC that has been impugned. The charge levelled by Malik Riaz never was that the exercise of authority by the SC or the CJ had been influenced by illegal gratification. That was not the main cause of concern in public mind.

The charge was that the CJ’s son had made a promise (in the name of the SC) in return for consideration and had failed to deliver. Consequently the questions and doubts in the public mind were threefold: One, did the CJ’s son accept money and benefits from Malik Riaz? Two, if so, was the receipt of money the outcome of genuine business dealings between private persons?

And three, if the CJ’s son accepted money by creating an impression that he could get someone relief from the SC, would the SC prosecute him with the same fervour and rigor that it unleashes on those

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implicated in lesser corruption scandals? In not recognising and addressing these questions and concerns in the Arsalan Iftikhar-Malik Riaz case, the Supreme Court has seriously erred.

The three failings evident in the Supreme Court ruling are these. One, the assertion that the court usually refrains from exercising its inquisitorial powers under Article 184(3) isn’t backed by the court’s record in the many corruption cases it has handled recently. When it assumes supervisory jurisdiction and issues categorical directions and timeframes for inquiries in other scandals, why leave this matter to the attorney general? Application of restraint in one case and activism in others without any significant distinction in the subject matter raises the question of whether the court is applying double standards.

Two, the court celebrates the role of the media when it highlights scandals implicating executive officeholders, but issues a sermon when the media acts as a whistleblower in a graft case involving the CJ’s son. There is no denying that the media needs its own code of ethics, but a case involving the alleged impropriety of the CJ’s son might not have been an opportune time to drive home the point. Additionally, here the media did not allege any facts that are untrue. So having stumbled on an embarrassing story regarding the CJ’s son, should it have simply shoved it under the carpet in the ‘larger national interest’?

And finally, to assert that the concerns in public mind stand addressed because Malik Riaz has submitted in writing that court verdicts weren’t affected by his bribes is to miss the point completely. This man sits on national TV for two hours and continues to hurl accusations at the CJ and his son and the honourable court asserts the very next day in a detailed judgment that the matter now rests. Such naïveté lends credence to SC detractors who allege that we are living in an era of selective justice. (Source)

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Post Published: 17 June 2012Author: Sarah KhanFound in section: Original Articles

Tags: CJ Gate, Malik, Riaz

Previous Topic: Nasim Zehra’s resignation, a proper class act

Next Topic: RIP Fauzia Wahab

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13 Responses to “LUBP Special: Documentary evidence of payments made to Pakistan’s Chief Justice’s son”

Owl says:

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June 17, 2012 at 7:08 am

Kami KhanYeah Dr. Arsalan kaka is a baby. He doesnt know what he was doing and these documents talk volumes about the reality justice of our freedom of justice award winner. They call it a conspiracy . When it comes to their own accountability then its conspiracy. Criminals and rogue elements in their own judiciary are protected , supported by this Iftikhar Chaudhary and he calls it conspiracy. What does the west know about it? fucking nothing. They are Threatening the stability and security of the whole region and he calls his own conspiracy against the security of the region as the conspiracy against judiciary. He calls his own venture to create civil disobedience in the country as the conspiracy against the judiciary.

Lunpe KhanWhen the media reports the wrong doing of the son of the CJP it is crossing its limits and promoting conspiracy against the judiciary !!!!! Is it a cover up to avoid the lime light of the wrong doings of his son and remove attention and media glare from the real bone of contention???? Malik Saheb keep it up by providing us evidence on this media …

Roshan says:

June 17, 2012 at 7:09 am

Ansar Abbasi of ISI-TTP defends Arsalan:

Naila Cheema says:

June 17, 2012 at 7:11 am

A baffling questionIqbal Hadi Zaidi

All Pakistanis whether male or female; bracketed with the government or opposition or even neutral and whether living in my beloved Pakistan or overseas like me are very much awed and gripped as to what is going on between Dr Arsalan Iftikar and Malik Riaz Hussain. Much has been said, read and written on the subject and I need not go into the details on the same rather on the contra I will limit to just posing one and one question only which to the best of my knowledge and belief has not been raised by anyone. This question itself can answer many other questions. Who is the female (name, nationality, age, marital status) who accompanied Dr Arsalan on the trip?


Naila Cheema says:

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June 17, 2012 at 7:17 am

Has the opportunity to reach the real conspiracy been lost?

Maj Gen (retd) Tahir AliSunday, June 17, 2012 From Print Edition

ISLAMABAD: A week back, the nation was dumbfounded and shocked by the revelation of family-gate and related developments. As per the story, Malik Riaz, a real-estate tycoon, facing numerous cases in the courts of law, had spent a considerable amount to entice Arsalan Iftikhar and the latter, somehow, fell into the trap and enjoyed a life-style not commensurate with his position.

While the politicians preferred to shy away, the Media, as usual, came in the forefront to present differing viewpoints on the issue, some terming it as a conspiracy against the judiciary while the others felt that there was meat in the ‘story’.

The anxiety was turned into hope when the CJ, in an unprecedented move, took a suo moto action on what may be ascribed as ‘hearsay’. People thought that not only speedy justice would be provided in whatever transpired between Malik Riaz and Arsalan Iftikhar but also those involved in the conspiracy, if any, would be exposed.

As the proceedings progressed, people also hoped that in the process all those who had been financially benefited or bribed by Malik Riaz for gaining certain advantages would also be exposed. Unfortunately, this was not to be.

To start with, in this case there was no complainant, no defendant, not even an FIR, yet the CJ took suo moto action. May be, in his perception, the action was justified as judiciary’s image was at stake. The bench has, however, now ruled that “reputation of judiciary stood cleared” by just Malik Riaz’s statement, notwithstanding what Malik Riaz said in the press conference and the fact that a number of black coats are out on the streets to show solidarity with the CJ.

It seems that the bench has hurriedly drawn this conclusion to pass on the bucket as it did not want to tackle the major issues stemming from this case—allegations against Arsalan, conspiracy to tarnish judiciary’s image and exposure of Malik Riaz’s beneficiaries.

It is now a matter of record that within a span of few years, Arsalan Iftikhar’s business, whatever it is, has expanded at unprecedented pace. The allegations by Malik Riaz are also substantiated by written documents (though not of entire amount). However, the case has been handed over to the government for further investigations which itself is facing numerous charges and prone to blackmail and compromise.

The trust reposed in the government investigation agencies in this case is, to say the least, intriguing. All indicators are that Malik Riaz could not have done it alone and, complicity of the government, due to numerous reasons, could not be ruled out.

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Now that the case has been handed over to the AG, part of the government, any possibility of investigation into a conspiracy to tarnish the image of judiciary has been closed.

Besides, being very close to the ruling elite, a manifestation of which we saw in the protocol given to him, it is unlikely that Malik Riaz would be probed about those obliged by him with bribes and other benefits.

As such, by referring the case to AG, the matter is practically closed or, should we say, hushed up, especially with regard to conspiracy and Malik Riaz’s beneficiaries. Judiciary has lost an opportunity to consolidate their hard-won independence. Probably the price, this time, was too high, higher than the blood and toil of many who struggled for the independence of judiciary.

Rehman Khan says:

June 17, 2012 at 7:17 am

NAB chairman’s daughter quits Bahria Town

Asim YasinSunday, June 17, 2012 From Print Edition

ISLAMABAD: In the midst of the controversy over the Bahria Town and inquiry into the affairs of Bahria Town and Defence Housing Authority (DHA), the daughter of National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Chairman Admiral (retd) Fasih Bokhari has resigned from the Bahria Town.

“I can confirm it that the daughter of NAB chairman has resigned from Bahria Town two days back,” Adviser to NAB Chairman on Awareness & Prevention and in charge Media Cell, Dr Ayesha Siddiqa told The News. The resignation of NAB chairman’s daughter came as questions were being asked how NAB could probe Bahria Town affairs when the daughter of NAB chief was an employee of Bahria Town.

NAB started the inquiry into the affairs of Bahria Town and DHA last week, and probably the resignation came in the backdrop of the probe to avoid the clash of interest.

A Bahria Town spokesman when contacted confirmed the resignation report but said the daughter of Fasih Bokhari was working with the Bahria Town since a long time before the Admiral took over as NAB chief. He said Bahria Town sees only talent and competence while hiring people and that is the reason that its projects meet success.

When Dr Ayesha Siddiqa’s comments were sought by The News on the reports that the deal of using the name of ‘Bahria Town’ between Pakistan Navy and property tycoon Malik Riaz Hussain was signed during the tenure of Admiral Fasih Bokhari, she denied, saying it’s all misinformation as it was signed during the tenure of ex- Navel Chief Admiral (r) Mansoorul Haq.

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She said she discussed the issue with the NAB chairman on and he told her that when the deal was signed, he was Fleet Commander in Karachi and deal was signed by then Naval Chief Admiral Mansoorul Haq and then Rear Admiral Javed Iqbal.

Dr Ayesha Siddiqa, a renowned analyst and author of ‘Military Inc. Inside Pakistan’s Military Economy’ told The News that the NAB chairman also told her that when he was appointed Vice Chief of Naval Staff in 1997, he ordered an inquiry against Malik Raiz Hussain at the Navy level, and again in 1998 when took the charge of the Naval Chief, he asked the ISI for initiating an inquiry against Malik Riaz Hussain. “But interestingly, Malik Riaz Hussain came out as a clean in both the reports of the inquiries,” she said while quoting the NAB chairman.

She said following the reports of the Navy and ISI, being a Naval Chief Admiral Fasih Bokhari, issued the directives that the financial transactions of the land should be monitored.

She said when Admiral (r) Fasih Bokhari resigned as naval chief and Admiral Abdul Aziz Mirza took charge, the Naval Chief has terminated the partnership with Malik Riaz Hussain.

When asked about the claims of PML-N senior leader Khawaja Asif about the meeting with Admiral (r) Fasih Bokhari on the Bahria Town issue in 1997, Dr Ayesha Siddiqa said the NAB chairman told her that he never met with Khawaja Asif on this issue as in 1997 he was a Fleet Commander in the Navy in Karachi. “I never met Khawaja Asif on this issue,” she said while quoting NAB chairman. She told the News that in 1998 Habib Wahabul Kheri approached the Supreme Court of Pakistan and his case No CP1593/98 to stop Malik Riaz Hussain form using the name of Bahria.

Abdul Nishapuri says:

June 17, 2012 at 7:22 am

The number of pending cases in front of the Supreme Court is one the rise. This happens when country’s chief justice becomes politically as well as financially corrupt.

“The Supreme Court is so busy in taking suo motu actions and handling politically driven cases that it has become almost impossible to get a date of regular cases”, Fawad Chauhdry, a leading lawyer and Special Assistant to PM on Political Affairs said. “The number of pending cases in the Supreme Court has reached around 25000. It was around 20000 one year back. The judges are not interested in clearing the backlog while love sitting on high profile cases and deciding them in days not months while the common people of the country are suffering”, he said

Haider Toori says:

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June 17, 2012 at 8:15 am

Pak chief justice’s son is not new to controversiesReports alleged that Dr Iftikhar sought favours from a big business magnate, Malik Riaz Hussain.DAWN CORRESPONDENT 10th Jun

Dr Arsalan Iftikhar (C).akistan Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry took suo moto action against one of his own sons, Dr Arsalan Iftikhar after reports alleged that the latter sought favours from one of the biggest business magnates of Pakistan, Malik Riaz Hussain. Dr Iftikhar is not new to controversies and was earlier brought to the limelight in 2007 when Pervez Musharraf filed a reference against his father before the Supreme Judicial Council. The reference stated various allegations against Iftikhar, however, none of them were proven during the trial of the chief justice.

Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry was suspended by Pervez Musharraf in March 2007, on various charges pertaining to corruption. According to the reference filed against the chief justice, one of the charges levelled against him was that he allegedly committed misconduct by employing his position to gain undue advantage for his son. The bizarre reference stated that Dr Iftikhar secured an overall C grade in intermediate examinations, which was not sufficient to grant him admission in Bolan Medical College in 1996. It was alleged that the then Chief Minister of Balochistan was approached to nominate Dr Iftikhar for admission against leftover foreign vacant seats/special seats. According to the reference, Dr Iftikhar was appointed as a medical officer at Institute of Public Health, Quetta in 2005. A few days after his initial appointment, the Chief Minister of Balochistan passed an order, which called for Dr Iftikhar’s promotion as section officer in the health department. The orders were allegedly given to the then chief secretary of Balochistan who referred the case to Services and General Administration Department (S&GAD), as the authority to approve postings and transfers of secretariat staff.

Ironically, the reference also stated that in August 2005, the Ministry of Interior addressed a letter to the chief secretary of Balochistan regarding Dr Iftikhar’s services being required in FIA.

In September 2005, the Ministry of Interior issued a notification to appoint Dr Iftikhar as assistant director in the FIA. In April 2006, Dr Iftikhar was promoted to the position of deputy director in FIA. After being promoted in FIA, it is alleged that a campaign was launched to recruit Dr Iftikhar in the police service.

The reference also mentions that in May 2006, the Ministry of Interior issued a letter to Commandment National Police Academy in Islamabad to attach Dr Iftikhar for field training along with under training ASPs. A few days later the Ministry of Interior issued another letter which stated that after the completion of Dr Iftikhar’s training at National Police Academy, the services of the trainee be made available to the Punjab Police.

Iftikhar Muhammad ChaudhryMeanwhile, the Prime Minister Secretariat was allegedly approached to permanently induct Dr Iftikhar as an employee of the Police Service of Pakistan. However, his permanent recruitment required an

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amendment in the Police Service of Pakistan Rules 1985, which could only be introduced through the President’s approval. The authorities claim that the chief justice exerted immense pressure on the Prime Minister Secretariat to ensure his son’s permanent induction in the police force.

The aforementioned charges, along with other cases, brought about the suspension of Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry.

The charges filed by former President Musharraf were challenged by the chief justice in the Supreme Court of Pakistan as he believed that the Supreme Judicial Council will manoeuvre the judgment according to the President’s will. Shortly afterwards, Musharraf imposed emergency in Pakistan, during which chief justice and his family were under house arrest.

It is now being alleged that Dr Iftikhar has accepted up to Rs 400 million in bribe from Bahria Town’s Malik Riaz Hussain. It is also alleged that between 2009 and 2011, Hussain sponsored his trips to London with credit cards to be used at his discretion.

Haider Toori says:

June 17, 2012 at 8:16 am

‘Pak chief justice’s son ran judiciary like a don’

Read more:

khalid humayun says:

June 17, 2012 at 1:31 pm

Malik Riaz may be illiterate but he has brains more than our elite class. He might be crook, a cheat but he justifies his deeds (you can not get your passport, your driving licence wihtout paying under the table). So, he has nothing to lose, only the CJ, the super-hero, an icon of integrity and brevity, his status is at stake.

I could see the difference between yesterday and today and guess whats going to happen tomorrow. In a talk show, there were three anchorpersons discussing this hot issue. One anchorperson (I have forgotten his name)balatantly objected the way CJ is reacting. A video was run again and again to show, NEPRA Chairman, holding some files was standing close to CJ. CJ was presiding a meeting to discuss what to do with the “planted talk show” of Dunya. Two other brothers of Supreme Court Bench were also sitting there and the video was being played. Anchorperson was furious about the attitude of CJ, as the latter kept the PEMRA Chief standing like a peon or messenger and asked pricky questions that the poor fellow was explaining to the best of his ability. The Anchorperson was right in his remark that that

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was not a court proceedings. It was a formal meeting to know if a contempt court proceeding be initiated or not. He said PEMRA Chief was a respectable person of the society, and since it was not a court proceeding, he should have been asked to sit on any vacant chair around the table. This shows the dictatorial attitude of the CJ. I think the new developments unleashed by Malik Riaz is telling on CJ mental strength. The anchorperson further said, and rightly so, the judges that witnessed the video can not and should not sit in the contempt proceeding as per norms of justice (predetermined minds).

Regarding the documentary evidence as produced above which I took the pain to go through minutely, it is an open and shut case. Can CJ give Arsalan case the status of Asghar Khan/Mehran Bank case, I think not.

This illiterate person (Malik Riaz) has divided the media, divided the black coats, divided the politicians. People from all walks of life were behind the CJ — no more. When he looks back in anticipation, the mysterious silence says hello to him. The best he can do is put Malik Riaz behind the bar, but a Malik Riaz in jail would be as active against CJ as out of jail.

Ansar Abbasi says:

June 18, 2012 at 2:50 am

Hahahahaha Hello LUBP pathetic fascist liberals … hope tumhari [obscene comments deleted].

khalid humayun says:

June 18, 2012 at 4:27 am

In response to Maj. Gen. (Rtd.) Tahir Ali:

“To start with, in this case there was no complainant, no defendant, not even an FIR, yet the CJ took suo moto action. May be, in his perception, the action was justified as judiciary’s image was at stake. The bench has, however, now ruled that “reputation of judiciary stood cleared” by just Malik Riaz’s statement, notwithstanding what Malik Riaz said in the press conference and the fact that a number of black coats are out on the streets to show solidarity with the CJ.”

This is what every sane person has been grumbling during the whole 4 years of judiciary activitism. Now that suo moto has been so abundantly used to the brink of habituality such that it has become an integral part of Pakistan’s judiciary, there was no way out but to bring this out of the court sensational “gossip” into the court. Who is at the receiving end – only Riaz Malik. Only fool would think “CJ did a right thing to take sou moto action and now the whole conspiracy would be dug out”. May be conspirators are behind Riaz Malik but can that be unearthed by a SC that has limitations in investigation. Riaz Malik’s stand is more than 40 cases have been filed against his Bahria Town and he is being victimized. CJ can not force ISI or Army for that matter to compel Riaz Malik to tell the truth. Besides, since CJ has dissociated from the Bench (reluctantly though) there is no chance to bring

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“conspiracy theory” during the proceeding. The question will always the same whether or not Arsalan Iftikhar Ahmed did take monetary benefits for which he (Riaz Malik) has filed undeniable evidences. Riaz Malik did not malign Supreme Court in any way. It was Supreme Court themselves that pronounced SC integrity is at stake. It is the four years cultural attitude of SC that is speaking big time. Gilani junior is involved in corruption so Gilani Sr. has to pay. Bureaucrats of Hajj ministry are involved in corruption, so Hamid Saeed Kazmi was put in jail (nothing proved though). This adventurism by judiciary has turned into addictism. Now how can they revert to common judiciary norms that son’s deeds has nothing to do with the father – well it is not easy unless you eat your own past rulings.

“It seems that the bench has hurriedly drawn this conclusion to pass on the bucket as it did not want to tackle the major issues stemming from this case—allegations against Arsalan, conspiracy to tarnish judiciary’s image and exposure of Malik Riaz’s beneficiaries.”

SC acted as per law. Where there are solid evidences, the genuinity and probability has to be investigated by any investigating agency. Attorney General has been assigned to get it done either by NAB or FIA. So far so good, none of them can make black a white and white a black. There are videos in the possession of Riaz Malik. He has made a Pukka case. The slogan of conspiracy can not change the fact. Arsalan Iftikhar is no kid that he can be hoodwinked on a lollipop.

Another controvertial question is in the wait – the time of knowledge of this bribery. CJ has categorically told he came to know about this only two/three days before first day of Suo Moto when the news was circulating in the media. Aitzaz Ahsan’s version is he told Chief Justice about what was happening behind CJ’s back six months earlier. This anomaly would not die down. It will surface after Arsalan’s case is decided.

It is integrity of Supreme Court, no doubt, that nobody not even anyone from media, is speaking that Arsalan case would raise finger towards Chief Justice but deep down in their hearts this is lurking big time.

Rehan f says:

June 18, 2012 at 10:21 am

What I suggest is to start criminal trial in court, let the court decide who is guilty, just like you are waiting for Gilani’s and his son’s innocence.

Rehan f says:

June 18, 2012 at 10:24 am

Someone please delete abusive comments of Fake ansar abbassi. I am amazed you are not monitoring comments.