transport of liquid chemicals in bulk -...

1 © Marstal Navigationsskole - April 14 Transport of Liquid Chemicals in Bulk Safety Whenever a transport of liquid chemicals in bulk has to be undertaken in a safe manner, it is of utmost importance to be aware of the dangers that might arise from such a transport. Furthermore it is essential to know which precautions should be taken to avoid or eliminate the hazards and to be familiar with all contingency plans. Hazards The most predominant hazards in a chemical tanker are: Toxicity Fire and explosions Corrosion Pollution Precautions To protect the crew, the vessel, the cargo and the environment precautions may be implemented in the following fields Construction of the ship Arrangement and equipment of the ship The behaviour and education of the crew. Besides the usual requirements as to stability, strength etc. more specific and elaborate requirements are given for chemical tankers. These requirements are established by the IMO in the IBC-code (International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying dangerous Chemicals in Bulk) and are endorsed by national authorities such as the Danish Maritime Authority "Søfartsstyrelsen" and by the classification societies. Of course ship arrangements and equipment must be in accordance with regulations from national authorities, but again the IMO has established fundamental rules depending on which products the vessel is intended to carry Behaviour of the crew Neither the construction nor the equipment of a vessel can eliminate all dangers which may arise from the cargo. If the crew does not behave in a safe manner, all technical safety efforts will be in vain. It is therefore of utmost importance that everyone on board knows the hazards and knows how to avoid them. Furthermore, it must be strongly emphasised that a violation of the safety rules causes danger, not only to the man violating the rules but to the whole crew and the environment. The crew of a chemical tanker must be utterly competent. Besides the knowledge of the inherent dangers of the products they must be Construction of the vessel Arrangement and Equipment

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Page 1: Transport of Liquid Chemicals in Bulk - of Liquid... · Transport of Liquid Chemicals in Bulk Safety Whenever a transport


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Transport of Liquid Chemicals in Bulk

Safety Whenever a transport of liquid chemicals in bulk has to be

undertaken in a safe manner, it is of utmost importance to be aware

of the dangers that might arise from such a transport. Furthermore

it is essential to know which precautions should be taken to avoid

or eliminate the hazards and to be familiar with all contingency


Hazards The most predominant hazards in a chemical tanker are:


Fire and explosions



Precautions To protect the crew, the vessel, the cargo and the environment

precautions may be implemented in the following fields

Construction of the ship

Arrangement and equipment of the ship

The behaviour and education of the crew.

Besides the usual requirements as to stability, strength etc. more

specific and elaborate requirements are given for chemical tankers.

These requirements are established by the IMO in the IBC-code

(International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships

carrying dangerous Chemicals in Bulk) and are endorsed by

national authorities such as the Danish Maritime Authority

"Søfartsstyrelsen" and by the classification societies.

Of course ship arrangements and equipment must be in accordance

with regulations from national authorities, but again the IMO has

established fundamental rules depending on which products the

vessel is intended to carry

Behaviour of the crew Neither the construction nor the equipment of a vessel can

eliminate all dangers which may arise from the cargo. If the crew

does not behave in a safe manner, all technical safety efforts will be

in vain.

It is therefore of utmost importance that everyone on board knows

the hazards and knows how to avoid them. Furthermore, it must be

strongly emphasised that a violation of the safety rules causes

danger, not only to the man violating the rules but to the whole

crew and the environment.

The crew of a chemical tanker must be utterly competent. Besides

the knowledge of the inherent dangers of the products they must be

Construction of the



and Equipment

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familiar with internal Company regulations as well as Port State

regulations and Flag State regulations. All aboard should be

familiar with such rules, not just some key personnel.

In 1978 the IMO called for a conference on education of seafarers.

The conference adopted a convention commonly known as the

STCW-convention (Standards of Training, Certification and

Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978). The text of the convention has

been changed several times and the current regulations regarding

chemical tankers are found in Regulation V/1-1 and in STCW Code

section A-V/1-1.

This course has been compiled in accordance with the STCW

Conventian and Code, including 2010 Manila Amendments.

Convention on Standards of Training, Certification

and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978

The STCW Convention has been recognised by almost all seafaring

nations and that is 158 nations representing almost 99% of the

world tonnage (May 2014).

Section A-V/1-1, Table A-V/1-1-3 and section B-V/1-1 in the

STCW Code give description and guidance on the training

programme for the “advanced training for chemical tanker cargo


The 2010 amendments Chapter V in the Convention deals with “Special

training requirements for personnel on certain types of ships”.

The importance of tankers in world shipping is recognized by the

inclusion of this chapter. Its intention is to ensure that officers and

ratings who are to have specific duties related to the cargo and

cargo equipment of tankers shall have completed an approved basic

safety training (STCW A-VI/1) and have completed either an

approved period of seagoing service on oil or chemical tankers, or

an approved basic training for oil and chemical tankers.

Requirements are more stringent for masters and senior officers.

Attention is paid not only to safety aspects but also to pollution

prevention. The chapter contains two regulations dealing with oil

tankers and chemical tankers - and liquefied gas tankers,


Chapter V is shown on the following two pages:

Special requirements

for tankers

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For Danish ships, order no. 1218 of 21 October 2013 is in force:

Uddrag af Søfartsstyrelsens bekendtgørelse nr. 1218 af 21. oktober 2013

Bekendtgørelse om kvalifikationskrav til søfarende og fiskere og om sønærings- og


I medfør af § 18, § 19, stk. 1, § 20, § 25 b, stk. 1 og 2, og § 27, stk. 3, i lov om skibes besætning, jf.

lovbekendtgørelse nr. 168 af 27. februar 2012, som ændret ved lov nr. 493 af 12. maj 2010, lov nr. 1231

af 18. december 2012 og lov nr. 1384 af 23. december 2012, fastsættes:

Kvalifikationskrav til personel og beviser for

tjeneste i tankskibe

Om tjeneste i tankskibe

§ 35. Officerer, befarent skibsmandskab og

enhver anden person, som i forbindelse med

ladning og lastbehandlingsudstyr har særlige

opgaver og særligt ansvar i tilknytning til disse,

skal være i besiddelse af bevis for gennemført

godkendt kursus om grundlæggende

tankskibsoperationer for olie-, kemikalie- og

gastankskibe, jf. STCW-konventionens

reglement V/1-1, paragraf 2.2, og reglement

V/1-2, paragraf 2.2.

Stk. 2. Skibsførere, overstyrmænd,

maskinchefer, 1. maskinmestre, duale

seniorofficerer og enhver anden person, der

under tjeneste har direkte ansvar for lastning,

losning og kontrol med ladningen under rejsen

eller for arbejde med ladningen, skal ud over

opfyldelse af kravene i stk. 1 være i besiddelse

af et gyldigt kvalifikationsbevis for ledelse af

operationer for den type tankskib, der gøres

tjeneste på.

Stk. 3. I stedet for det i stk. 1 omhandlede bevis

kan Søfartsstyrelsen tillade, at befarent

skibsmandskab i skibe registreret i Dansk

Internationalt Skibsregister har erhvervet

udenlandsk bevis udfærdiget i henhold til

bestemmelserne i STCW-konventionens

reglement V/1-1, paragraf 2.2, og reglement

V/1-2, paragraf 2.2.

Stk. 4. Sønæringsbeviser til duale

skibsofficerer, navigations- og maskinofficerer

indeholder det i stk. 1 omhandlede bevis.

Om kvalifikationsbeviser for tjeneste i


§ 36. Til erhvervelse af kvalifikationsbevis for

ledelse af operationer for olie-, kemikalie-

og/eller gastankskibe kræves, at vedkommende

1) har gyldigt sønæringsbevis, der giver ret til

tjeneste som dual skibsofficer, navigatør eller


2) har forrettet tjeneste i 3 måneder som officer

i den type tankskib, hvortil beviset er gyldigt,

eller har forrettet tjeneste i mindst 1 måned som

overtallig officer i den type tankskib, hvortil

beviset er gyldigt, og under tjenesten

dokumenterer mindst 3 lasteoperationer og 3

losseoperationer og

3) har gennemført et godkendt kursus for

ledelse af operationer for henholdsvis

olietankskib (STCW-reglement V/1-1, paragraf

3), kemikalietankskib (STCW-reglement V/1-1,

paragraf 5) eller gastankskib (STCW-reglement

V/1-2, paragraf 3), hvortil beviset er gyldigt.

Fornyelse af sønæringsbeviser og


§ 63. For fornyelse af et sønæringsbevis som

dæks- eller maskinofficer eller for fornyelse af

et tankskibsbevis for officerer kræves det, at

vedkommende er i besiddelse af

sundhedsbevis, der er gyldigt for den tjeneste,

som beviset giver ret til, og dokumenterer at

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have gjort godkendt tjeneste i søgående skibe

som henholdsvis navigatør, dual skibsofficer

eller maskinmester i mindst

1) 1 år inden for de forudgående 5 år eller

2) 3 måneder inden for de sidste 6 måneder

forinden fornyelse af beviset.

Stk. 2. For fornyelse af et sønæringsbevis som

dæks- eller maskinofficer med gyldighed efter

31. december 2016 skal vedkommende ud over

de i stk. 1 nævnte krav dokumentere at have

vedligeholdt kvalifikationer om grundlæggende

søsikkerhed og om brandbekæmpelse i skibe

for skibsofficerer.

Stk. 3. For fornyelse af et tankskibsbevis på

ledelsesniveau kræves det, at vedkommende er

i besiddelse af et sundhedsbevis, der er gyldigt

for den tjeneste, som beviset giver ret til, og

dokumenterer at have gjort godkendt tjeneste i

søgående tankskibe af den type, som beviset

giver ret til, i mindst 3 måneder inden for de

forudgående 5 år.

Stk. 4. Anerkendelse af tjeneste som dual

skibsofficer i henhold til stk. 1 forudsætter, at

vedkommende har virket i en stilling som dual

skibsofficer i henhold til en

besætningsfastsættelse. Hvis personen har

indgået i en sådan stilling, har vedkommende

optjent fartstid som både navigatør og


Stk. 5. Hvis et sønæringsbevis som dæks- eller

maskinofficer eller et tankskibsbevis på

ledelsesniveau er udløbet, kan fornyelse ske for

personer, der har gennemført et kursus i

søsikkerhed og brandbekæmpelse for

skibsofficerer og

1) har bestået en prøve, hvis indhold og omfang

fastsættes af Søfartsstyrelsen under hensyn til

den pågældendes eksamensår, fartstid,

dokumenteret praktisk erfaring og sidste

udmønstring, og med tilfredsstillende resultat

har gennemgået et eller flere kurser efter

Søfartsstyrelsens bestemmelser eller

2) dokumenterer at have gjort tjeneste i

søgående skibe i mindst 3 måneder umiddelbart

forinden fornyelse af beviset som navigatør,

maskinmester eller dual skibsofficer i overtallig

stilling eller maskinmester i lavere stilling end

den, der svarer til pågældendes bevis.

Stk. 6. Ud over bestemmelserne i stk. 5 skal en

person med sønæringsbevis som navigatør

udstedt før 1. februar 1997 have gennemført

supplerende uddannelses- og/eller kursuskrav

fastsat af Søfartsstyrelsen under hensyn til den

pågældendes sønæringsbevis, som skal fornyes.

Stk. 7. Fornyelse af et sønæringsbevis som

dæksofficer i handelsskibe og for

sønæringsbevis som styrmand af 3. grad i

fiskeskibe eller højere kan kun ske, hvis den

pågældende er i besiddelse af certifikat som

radiooperatør i GMDSS (GOC, LRC eller


Stk. 8. Ud over bestemmelserne i stk. 1 skal en

person med et gyldigt sønæringsbevis som

navigatør eller maskinofficer udstedt før 31.

december 2016 opfylde de særlige

uddannelseskrav, der er fastsat i

bekendtgørelsens bilag 2 for at kunne få udstedt

et sønæringsbevis som dæks- eller

maskinofficer med en gyldighed efter 31.

december 2016 og med samme

sønæringsrettigheder som det sønæringsbevis,

som skal fornyes.

Stk. 9. En person med et gyldigt

sønæringsbevis som navigatør i fiskeskibe

udstedt før 1. februar 1997 kan få udstedt et

sønæringsbevis som navigatør i fiskeskibe

påtegnet efter STCW-F-konventionen med

samme sønæringsrettigheder som det

sønæringsbevis, som skal fornyes, når


1) opfylder bestemmelserne i stk. 1 og

2) består prøver eller gennemfører kurser efter

Søfartsstyrelsens bestemmelse under

hensyntagen til den pågældendes eksamensår

og senere beskæftigelse.

Stk. 10. Søfartsstyrelsen udsteder fornødent

sønæringsbevis som vagthavende maskinmester

til personer, der udfører tjeneste som nævnt i

stk. 5, nr. 1 litra b.

Stk. 11. Fornyelsen af et sønærings- og

kvalifikationsbevis kan tidligst ske 6 måneder

inden udløb af et eksisterende sønærings- og


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Structure of IMO

It will be appropriate briefly to introduce the structure of

IMO as most rules and regulations met in the tanker busi-

ness originate from IMO.

The Organization consists of an Assembly, a Council and

four main Committees: the Maritime Safety Committee

(MSC); the Marine Environment Protection Committee

(MEPC); the Legal Committee; and the Technical Co-

operation Committee. There is also a Facilitation

Committee and a number of Sub-Committees support the

work of the main technical committees.

The Assembly This is the highest Governing Body of the Organization. It

consists of all Member States (170 by May 2014) and it

meets once every two years in regular sessions, but may

also meet in an extraordinary session if necessary. The

Assembly is responsible for approving the work

programme, voting the budget and determining the

financial arrangements of the Organization. The Assembly

also elects the Council.

The Council The Council is elected by the Assembly for two-year

terms beginning after each regular session of the


The Council is the Executive Organ of IMO and is

responsible, under the Assembly, for supervising the work

of the Organization. Between sessions of the Assembly the

Council performs all the functions of the Assembly,

except the function of making recommendations to

Governments on maritime safety and pollution prevention

which is reserved for the Assembly.

Other functions of the Council are to:

(a) co-ordinate the activities of the organs of the Organization;

(b) consider the draft work programme and budget estimates of the

Organization and submit them to the Assembly;

(c) receive reports and proposals of the Committees and other organs

and submit them to the Assembly and Member States, with

comments and recommendations as appropriate;

(d) appoint the Secretary-General, subject to the approval of the


(e) enter into agreements or arrangements concerning the relationship of

the Organization with other organizations, subject to approval by the


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Council members for period 2013-2014 biennium.

Category (a): 10 States with the largest interest in

providing international shipping services:







Republic of Korea

Russian Federation

United Kingdom

United states

Category (b): 10 other States with the largest interest in

international seaborne trade:



Brazil Canada




Netherlands Spain


Category (c): 20 States not elected under (a) or (b) above

which have special interests in maritime transport or

navigation, and whose election to the Council will ensure

the representation of all major geographic areas of the



Bahamas Belgium





Jamaica Kenya




Mexico Morocco



Singapore South Africa Thailand Turkey

Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)

The MSC is the highest technical body of the

Organization. It consists of all Member States. The

functions of the Maritime Safety Committee are to

“consider any matter within the scope of the Organization

concerned with aids to navigation, construction and

equipment of vessels, manning from a safety standpoint,

rules for the prevention of collisions, handling of

dangerous cargoes, maritime safety procedures and

requirements, hydrographic information, log-books and

navigational records, marine casualty investigations,

salvage and rescue and any other matters directly affecting

maritime safety”.

The Committee is also required to provide machinery for

performing any duties assigned to it by the IMO

Convention or any duty within its scope of work which

may be assigned to it by or under any international

instrument and accepted by the Organization. It also has

the responsibility for considering and submitting

recommendations and guidelines on safety for possible

adoption by the Assembly.

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The “expanded MSC” adopts amendments to conventions

such as SOLAS and includes all Member States as well as

those countries which are Party to conventions such as

SOLAS even if they are not IMO Member States.

The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC)

The MEPC, which consists of all Member States, is

empowered to consider any matter within the scope of the

Organization concerned with prevention and control of

pollution from ships. In particular it is concerned with the

adoption and amendment of conventions and other

regulations and measures to ensure their enforcement.

Sub-Committees The MSC and MEPC are assisted in their work by seven

sub-committees which are also open to all Member States.

They deal with the following subjects:

Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping

(HTW); - former STW

Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III);

Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and

Rescue (NCSR);

Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR);

- former BLG

Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC);

Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE); and

Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC), –

former DSC

(The composition of the subcommittees was amended with

effect from January 2013. The next page shows - for

information the subcommittees as they were up till end



ESPH working group Under the subcommittee PPR (former BLG) a “powerful”

working group has been established with the purpose of

the “Evaluation of Safety and Pollution Hazards”.

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Types of tankers and the products they carry

There are five main types of tankers: Combination

Tankers, Crude Oil Tankers, Product Tankers, Chemical

Tankers, and Liquefied Gas Tankers. It can, however be

difficult to distinguish between the main types and a few

tankers cannot be placed in the above division.

Combination Tankers or OBO-carriers (oil/bulk/ore) are mainly large ships de-

signed to carry bulk cargoes (coal, grain, ore), but they are

also equipped for the carriage of crude oil, both in wing

tanks and holds. Owing to the special risks of these ships

they are subject to a special set of safety rules.

85.000 m3 OBO Carrier

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Crude Oil Tankers are ships which are designed to transport nothing but

crude oil. Often they are very large with comparatively

few cargo tanks. They have a simple piping system and

very large cargo pumps in order to make a fast loading and

discharging. A crude carrier of more than 200,000 TDW is

often called a VLCC (Very Large Crude Carrier) and a

tanker of more than 300,000 TDW is called a ULCC (Ul-

tra Large Crude Carrier)

300000 TDW Crude Oil Carrier with Double Hull Note:

Oil tankers of more than 5 000 TDW delivered before 6 July 1996 would most probably have been

constructed with no double hull. MARPOL Annex I regulation 20 gives “phase-out” requirements to

single hull oil tankers of more than 5 000 TDW. The conclusion is - that such an oil tanker must either

meet the requirements for a double hull tanker or be taken out of service as an oil tanker on the

anniversary date of delivery in 2010.

Product Tankers cover ships of all sizes and qualities. Ships for dirty

petroleum products (DPP) are very like crude oil ships but

smaller and they have equipment for heating of the cargo,

which is often some quality of fuel oil.

Tankers for clean petroleum products (CPP) usually have

many cargo tanks and a high developed piping system

proportional to the size of the ships. This enables them to

carry several products at the same time and to load and

discharge without contamination among the various


Clean oil ships are often so well equipped that they are

certified to carry some solvents and less dangerous chemi-

cals - and also vegoils.

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47000 TDW Product Carrier

As to safety and equipment all the above ships are subject

to the rules and regulations of "Tanker for Oil".

Chemical Tankers are a further development of clean oil ships. They are sel-

dom of more than 40,000 TDW and they often have a

separate piping system for each cargo tank.

30 000 TDW Chemical Tanker

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3700 TDW Chemical Tanker

As to construction, operation and crew, chemical tankers

are subject to IMO's rules: "International Code for the

Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous

Substances in Bulk" (the IBC-code).

are a special variety of chemical tankers due to the prod-

ucts they carry. As to construction and equipment, how-

ever, they differ so much from other tankers that the IMO

rules for chemical tankers cannot be used directly. But this

fact does not prevent gas tankers from time to time to op-

erate in the chemical trade.

IMO has a special set of rules for gas tankers: "Interna-

tional Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships

Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk" (the IBC-code).

Gas tankers are mostly divided into four main types:

1: Fully pressurized ships

2: Fully refrigerated ships

3: Semi-pressurized/Fully refrigerated ships

4: Insulated ships

1: The product is carried under such a pressure that it

will be a liquid at the ambient temperature i.e. pres-

sure in the tank equals vapour pressure of product.

System is mostly used for smaller tankers carrying

propane/butane and ammonia.

2: The product is carried at a temperature close to the

boiling point. The ship's compressors are able to ex-

tract the boil-off gas to maintain low temperature

and even to cool-down the cargo if necessary. The

boil-off gas is reliquefied in a condenser and carried

Liquefied Gas


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back to the tank. The method is used mostly in LPG-

ships but also in some LNG-carriers.

3: In semi-pressurized ships the gas is liquefied partly

by cooling and partly through pressure. The tanks

are insulated and have fixed limits for pressure, tem-

perature and density and this combination renders it

possible to carry a wide range of products, even

some chemicals.

4: On insulated ships you will find no reliquefaction

plant. The product is delivered sub cooled and in

liquid form by the shipper and rise in temperature is

met with through boil-off. The system is suitable for

large LNG-ships where the boil-off gas is used as

fuel for propulsion of the ship.

1730 m3 Semi pressurized/Fully refrigerated

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35000 m3 Fully refrigerated

Types of tanks In the transportation of gases the types of tanks are of

great importance. IMO has laid down the following defi-


Integral tanks Independent tanks

Membrane tanks

Integral Tanks form a structural part of the ship's hull and the "design va-

pour pressure" should normally not exceed 0,25 Bar.

Integral tanks is only used for special products of which

the temperature will not fall below -10°C.

Independent Tanks are self-supporting and do not form part of the ship's hull.

Such tanks are often named according to shape and the

construction of the tanks is dependent on maximum pres-

sure and minimum temperature. The greater part of the

worlds gas tanker fleet is fitted with independent tanks.

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Membrane Tanks are non-self-supporting tanks which consist of a thin layer

(membrane) supported through insulation by the adjacent

hull structure. The membrane is designed in such a way

that thermal expansion or contraction is compensated for

without undue stressing of the membrane.

Semi-membrane Tanks are membrane tanks with flat sides, bottom and top and

rounded edges to compensate for thermal expansion or


Independent tanks are named after their shape thus:

Spherical Tanks

Cylindrical Tanks

Prismatic Tanks

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IMO Regulations, IBC-code There are several international regulations, which are im-

portant for chemical tankers. The most fundamental regu-

lation is the SOLAS convention which defines and makes

the IBC-code mandatory.

Extract from SOLAS chapter VII

Part B Construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous liquid chemicals in bulk

Regulation 8

Definitions For the purpose of this part, unless expressly provided otherwise:

1 International Bulk Chemical Code (IBC Code) means the International Code for

the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in

Bulk adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee of the Organization by

resolution MSC.4(48), as may be amended by the Organization, provided that

such amendments are adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance

with the provisions of article VIII of the present Convention concerning the

amendment procedures applicable to the annex other than chapter I.

2 Chemical tanker means a cargo ship constructed or adapted and used for the

carriage in bulk of any liquid product listed in chapter 17 of the International

Bulk Chemical Code.

3 For the purpose of regulation 9, ship constructed means a ship the keel of which

is laid or which is at a similar stage of construction.

4 At a similar state of construction means the state at which:

.1 construction identifiable with a specific ship begins; and

.2 assembly of that ship has commenced comprising at least 50

tonnes or 1 % of the estimated mass of all structural material,

whichever is less.

Regulation 9

Application to chemical tankers

1 Unless expressly provided otherwise, this part applies to chemical tankers

constructed on or after 1 July 1986 including those of less than 500 tons gross

tonnage. Such tankers shall comply with the requirements of this part in addition

to any other applicable requirements of the present regulations.

2 Any chemical tanker, irrespective of the date of construction, which undergoes

repairs, alterations, modifications and outfitting related thereto shall continue to

comply with at least the requirements previously applicable to the ship. Such a

ship, if constructed before 1 July 1986 shall, as a rule, comply with the

requirements for a ship constructed on or after that date to at least the same

extent as before undergoing such repairs, alterations, modifications or outfitting.

Repairs, alterations and modifications of a major character and outfitting related

thereto, shall meet the requirements for a ship constructed on or after 1 July

1986 in so far as the Administration deems reasonable and practicable.

3 A ship irrespective of the date of construction, which is converted to a chemical

tanker shall be treated as a chemical tanker constructed on the date on which

such conversion commenced.

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Note: Offshore support vessels used for transport and handling

of limited amounts of hazardous and noxious liquid

substances in bulk can fulfil IMO Res. A. 673 (16) instead

of SOLAS VII part B. The resolution has the title:

“Guidelines for the transport and handling of limited

amounts of hazardous and noxious liquid substances in

bulk on offshore support vessels”. Definitions and

limitations as well as a list of substances allowed to be

carried are found in the annex to the resolution.

Regulation 10

Requirements for chemical tankers

1 A chemical tanker shall comply with the requirements of the International Bulk

Chemical Code and shall, in addition to the requirements of regulation I/8, I/9,

and I/10, as applicable, be surveyed and certified as provided for in that Code.

For the purpose of this regulation, the requirements of the Code shall be treated

as mandatory. (See note below)

2 A chemical tanker holding a certificate issued pursuant to the provisions of

paragraph 1 shall be subject to the control established in regulation I/19. For this

purpose such certificate shall be treated as a certificate issued under regulation

I/12 or I/13.

Offshore Support


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Danish national requirements:

From “Meddelelser B” fra Søfartsstyrelsen:

Afsnit B Konstruktion og udrustning af skibe, der transporterer

farlige flydende kemikalier i bulk

Regel 8 Definitioner Ved anvendelse af dette afsnit gælder, medmindre andet udtrykkeligt er bestemt,

følgende definitioner:

1 "Den Internationale Bulk Chemical Code (IBC koden)" betyder "The International

Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in

Bulk" vedtaget af Organisationens maritime sikkerhedskomité ved Res. MSC.4(48), som

kan ændres af Organisationen, forudsat at sådanne ændringer er vedtaget, trådt i kraft og

bragt til virkning i overensstemmelse med bestemmelserne i artikel VIII i SOLAS

konventionen vedrørende de ændringsprocedurer, der finder anvendelse på andre tillæg

end kapitel I.

2 "Kemikalietankskib" betyder et lastskib indrettet til eller egnet for og anvendt til

transport af ethvert flydende produkt, der er opregnet i kapitel 17 i den internationale

Bulk Chemical Code.

3 I regel 9 betyder "skib, der er bygget" skibe, hvor kølen er lagt, eller et tilsvarende

byggestadium er opnået.

4 "På et tilsvarende byggestadium" betyder det stadium, hvor

.1 et byggeri, der kan identificeres med et bestemt skib, påbegyndes, og

.2 samling af dette skib er påbegyndt, omfattende mindst 50 tons eller 1% af den

anslåede samlede skrogvægt, hvis denne er mindre.

Regel 9 Anvendelse på kemikalietankskibe 1 Medmindre andet udtrykkeligt er bestemt, finder dette afsnit anvendelse på

kemikalietankskibe bygget den 1. juli l986 eller senere og omfatter tillige skibe med en

bruttotonnage under 500. Sådanne tankskibe skal opfylde bestemmelserne i dette afsnit

samt enhver anden relevant bestemmelse i nærværende regelværk.

2 Ethvert kemikalietankskib, der er under reparation, ombygning, forandring og

udrustning i forbindelse hermed, skal uanset byggetidspunkt fortsat opfylde de

bestemmelser, der tidligere gjaldt for skibet. Disse skibe skal, hvis de er bygget før 1.

juli l986, som hovedregel opfylde forskrifterne for skibe bygget på eller efter dette

tidspunkt i samme udstrækning som inden, de undergik sådanne reparationer,

ombygning, forandringer eller udrustning. Reparationer, ombygning og forandringer af

væsentligt omfang, samt udrustning i forbindelse hermed, skal opfylde forskrifterne for

skibe bygget den 1. juli l986 eller senere, for så vidt Administrationen anser dette for

rimeligt og praktisk muligt.

3 Et skib, som ændres til et kemikalietankskib, skal uanset byggetidspunkt betragtes som

et kemikalietankskib bygget på det tidspunkt, hvor en sådan ændring påbegyndes.

4 Eksisterende kemikalietankskibe, bygget før 1. juli 1986, skal opfylde bestemmelserne i "Code for the

construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) " med senere


Regel 10 Krav til kemikalietankskibe 1 Kemikalietankskibe skal opfylde forskrifterne i Den Internationale Bulk Chemical

Code (IBC koden) og skal, foruden at opfylde de relevante bestemmelser i kapitel I, regel

8, 9 og 10, synes og certificeres, som foreskrevet i denne kode.

2 Kemikalietankskibe, der er forsynet med et certifikat udstedt i overensstemmelse med

bestemmelserne i stk. 1, skal være omfattet af den kontrol, der er foreskrevet i henhold til

kapitel I, regel 9. Med henblik herpå skal et sådant certifikat betragtes som et certifikat

udstedt i henhold til kapitel I, regel 12 eller 13.

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Cargo- and stripping pipes

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IBC-code The IBC-code (International Code for the Construction

and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals

in Bulk) has several purposes. First and most it is a con-

struction code, which ensures that all chemical tankers are

built to high international standards.

(For chemical tankers build before 1 of July 1986 the BCH-code ap-


Furthermore the code has a lot of information which influ-

ences the daily operation.

The IBC code was thoroughly amended with effect from 1

January 2007 due to revision of MARPOL Annex II.

The code consists of 21 chapters plus an appendix with the

model form of the International Certificate of Fitness for

the carriage of dangerous chemicals in bulk (C.o.F.) and

also different Standards and Guidelines relevant to the

code. Here is for example shown an example of an

optional shipping document for the purpose of MARPOL

Annex II and the IBC Code.

During the normal operation the typical use of the code

will be a check to see if the chemical the vessel is about to

load will demand any special precautions.

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The Procedure is: 1. Find the chemical in the index, chapter 19:

Extract from Chapter 19:

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In the index you will find a reference to Chapter 17 or 18 of

the IBC-code or you will find another name for the chemical.

The fourth column gives the UN Numbers of products which

were available up to February 2001.

If the name of the chemical is not in the index the shipper

must be contacted to see if he has another name for the


If the chemical cannot be found in the code the vessel is not

allowed to transport it, unless a tripartite agreement is made

by the flag state’s administration and the administrations of

the port states involved in the transport (IBC 1.1.6 and

MARPOL Annex II regulation 6.3). The latest edition of the

MEPC.2/Circ. contains some lists with associated pollution

categories and minimum carriage requirements which have

been established through Tripartite Agreements and

registered with the IMO Secretariate. The MEPC.2/Circ. is in

fact just as important to have on board as the IBC Code!

If the chemical is listed in chapter 17 or if the chemical is

listed in chapter 18 with a pollution category “Z”, the product

must be listed on the ship’s “Certificate of Fitness”.

If the product is listed in chapter 18 without any pollution

category (“other Substance” OS) there are no restrictions for

transport other than commercial restrictions.

List of products to which the code does not apply, (Chapter 18)

The products mentioned in chapter 18 are products which in

spite of their chemical nature and names are not considered

dangerous. This means that those products in principle may be

transported in any tanker except for the fact that some of them

present a minor pollution hazard. If the product has a Pollution

Category Z it must be listed on the vessel’s Certificate of

Fitness. If the ship is not a chemical tanker (i.e. holds no CoF)

the product must be listed on a NLS-certificate ( Noxious Liquid

Substances). Of course the equipment of the vessel such as

coating, packings, pumps etc. is decisive as to which products

actually can be carried.

From 2007 chapter 18 only contains a little less than 40

substances compared to more than 250 substances before that


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Extract from the IBC-code, chapter 18

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2. If the product is listed in chapter 17 the next step is to check the requirements

in this chapter.

Summary of minimum requirements (Chapter 17)

Column a: The Proper Shipping name (PSN). See comments above.

(Column b: ) (Column “b” is deleted with effect from 1 January 2007.

Column “b” showed the UN number, if applied. See

comments given to the Index above.)

Column c: The pollution category can be X, Y or Z according to the

criteria laid down in MARPOL’s Annex II. The pollution

categories are only kept updated in this list and not in


Column d: Indicates whether the product is included in Chapter 17

due to Safety problems (“S”) or due to Pollution problems

(“P”), - or even both (“S/P”).

Column e: Chemical tankers will be assigned one or more ship types

according to the ship’s construction.

Type 1 ships are constructed and equipped to carry the most dangerous

or reactive chemicals which require the most extensive

precautions to avoid spill if the vessel is involved in a col-

lision or grounding. Furthermore the requirements to

damage survival capabality and buoyancy after a collision

or grounding are rather stringent

Product Name:

Pollution Category:


Ship Type:

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On the figure is shown the most important demands to the

construction of the hull and the cargo tank’s location.

IMO Ship Types

Type 2 ships are constructed and equipped to carry less dangerous prod-

uct than type 1, but nevertheless so dangerous that the ves-

sel must be capable of surviving minor collisions and

grounding without leaking cargo to the environment.

Depending on the size of the vessel type 2 ships are sub-

ject to almost the same requirements for damage stability

as type 1 ships.

Type 3 ships are constructed to carry products that represent a greater

danger than oil products and consequently requires some

protection. A type 3 vessel has no demands to the location

of the cargo tanks, but is subject to some requirements as

to damage stability.

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Column f:

In addition to the requirements to the hull construction and

the location of the cargo tanks, also the tank construction

is classified.

Independent tanks (tank type 1G) means tanks which are not part of the hull

structure. An independent tank is not essential to the

structural completeness of the hull.

Integral tanks (tank type 2G) are tanks which form part of the ships hull

and which may be stressed in the same manner and by the

same loads which stress the hull.

Gravity tank means a tank having a design pressure not greater than 0.7

bar gauge at the top of the tank. It may be an integral tank

or an independent tank.

Pressure tank means a tank having a design pressure greater than 0.7 bar

gauge. A pressure tank should be an independent tank. (A

pressure tank is not specified for any of the products cur-

rently in the IBC-code.)

Column g: The requirements for tank vents (Open or Controlled) is

explained in IBC Code Chapter 8.

Independent tanks

Integral Tanks

Tank Type:

Tank vents:

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Column h: The column offers one of four possibilities.

Inert: The tank and associated piping must be inerted by filling

them with an appropriate gas or vapour, which will not

support combustion or react with the cargo.

Pad: The tank and piping must be filled with an appropriate gas

or liquid, which separates the cargo from the air and this

condition must be maintained during the voyage.

Dry: The tanks and piping must be maintained at a dewpoint of

–40°C or below.

Vent: The ullage space of the tanks must be ventilated – either

by natural or forced ventilation.

Column i: This column states the temperature class and electrical ap-

paratus group for equipment to be used in gas dangerous

areas. Furthermore it is stated whether the flashpoint is

above 60°C or not. Chapter 10 of the IBC-code deals in

detail with the requirements for electrical equipment.

Column j: Also this column offers one of four possible devices.

Open: A method of gauging which will expose the gauger to the

cargo or its vapour. An example is the use of a normal ul-

lage hatch.

Restricted: A device which penetrates the tank, but only exposes the

user to small amounts of vapour. Examples are portable

gauging devices mounted on sounding pipes with a valve.

Closed: Devices that penetrate the tank but which do not allow any

vapour to be released during their use. Examples are float-

type systems, pressure sensors and tank radars.

Indirect: A device which does not penetrate the tank and is inde-

pendent of the tank as for example a flow-meter.

Indirect devices are not presently specified for any of the

products in the IBC-code, but may be used in stead of

closed devices.

Column k: This column specifies whether the vessel must have on

board special detector equipment for the product. If the

column specifies F, the vessel must have at least two in-

struments capable of checking for a flammable

atmosphere of the product.

If the column specifies T, the vessel must have at least two

instruments which are usable for testing for toxic concen-

trations. If it is impossible to obtain measuring equipment

for a specific gas where this column specifies T, the ship’s

Certificate of Fitness will reflect this by requiring addi-

tional supply of breathing-air.

In either case one of the instruments can be a fixed instal-


Tank environmental


Electrical equipment:


Vapour detection:

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column l: Specifies which kind of fire-fighting media will be the

best for the product. All chemical tankers must have a

foam-system, but addition of some products to the

Certificate of Fitness could mean requirements for large

amounts of dry powder or for a water-spray system.

(Column m:) (Deleted from 1 January 2007)

Column n: Whenever “Yes” appears in this column it means that the

ship must have suitable respiratory and eye protection for

every person on board. The equipment must include self-

contained breathing apparatuses with at least 15 minutes

air supply.

Column o: This column refers to special requirements from the code’s

chapter 15 and/or 16. The special requirements vary con-

siderably from product to product, and as quite a lot of

them have operational significance it is absolutely

necessary to check these requirements for each product.

Amended IBC Chapters 17, 18 and 19 As many new substances have

been introduced since the current edition of the IBC code

was issued in 2007, they need to be listed in the

MEPC.2/Circ. and stay there, until an amended IBC code

will be released.

Therefore, with effect from 1 July 2014 the existing text of

IBC Chapters 17, 18 and 19 will be replaced by new

chapters 17, 18 and 19.

When a vessel has been surveyed and found to match the

requirements of the IBC-code a "Certificate of Fitness" is

issued either by the National Authority or by the Classifi-

cation Society on behalf of the National Authority. At-

tached to the Certificate of Fitness is a List of Cargoes.

This list states the tanks that may be used for the carriage

of a product from chapter 17 of the code (And category Z

product from chapter 18). The certificate will also mention

any additional requirements or exemptions valid for the


The Certificate of Fitness is subject to the same surveys as

most of the other statutory certificates, i.e. Annual, Inter-

mediate and Periodical surveys.

The CoF is issued for a 5-year period and the IBC-code

states categorically, that no extension of the 5-year period

should be permitted, meaning that it is of utmost impor-

tance to make sure that the surveys are carried out in due


Fire protection:

Materials of


Respiratory and eye


Special requirements:

Certificate of Fitness

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Below is shown an example of the first pages of a Certifi-

cate of Fitness and also a page from the accompanying

product list.

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Please note: with effect from 1 July 2014 Chapters 17, 18 and 19 of the IBC code are

updated to reflect the amendments to the entries since 2007 when the IBC code was amended as

a consequences of the revision of MARPOL Annex II.

The vessels’ existing Certificate of Fitness shall be replaced by revised certificates as a

qonsequence of the entry into force of the amendments to chapters 17 and 18 of the IBC code.

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The notes in the product list reflect various operational notes from the IBC-code and the

Classification Society’s interpretation of these notes.

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Chemistry Most people have learnt about chemistry at one time in

their career, but many have later on almost forgot more

than they have learnt. That is a pity because just a tiny

knowledge of the most elementary chemistry can explain a

lot of why and how when dealing with the operation of

chemical tankers. Of course chemistry is decisive for how

a cargo can react with itself, with other cargoes, air, water,

cleaning additives, and chemistry can help to explain the

results of wall wash tests.

To make it short, - cargoes can be divided into organic and

inorganic substances where organic substances are

molecules containing one or more carbon atoms (C –

atoms) (except for CO and CO2) and inorganic substances

do not have any carbon atoms in their chemical

composition. The majority of cargoes carried on chemical

tankers are organic substances where a main group is


Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons are compounds containing only the

elements carbon and hydrogen. A very large number of

compounds are known.

Hydrocarbons are insoluble in water (benzene is slightly

soluble in water). They are not toxic, except benzene.

There are several subdivisions of hydrocarbons like:

Aliphatic hydrocarbons - chain-like skeleton of C-atoms like for instance pentane

Aromatic hydrocarbons - benzene and its derivatives, e.g. toluene

Saturated hydrocarbons - having no “spare combining capacity” therefore

chemically unreactive: names all end in –ane. E.g.


Unsaturated hydrocarbons - having one or more double bonds, therefore more

reactive. Names end in –ene. E.g. hexene (or –diene

when two double bonds like butadiene)

Alicyclic hydrocarbons - having a ring structure in the molecule like cyclohexane,

but excluding benzene and its derivatives

Alkanes or Paraffins The simplest hydrocarbons are called alkanes or paraffins.

Nomenclature: ending in “-ane”. The molecules are chain

shaped, completely saturated with H:










Methane (CH4) Ethane (C2H6)

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HHHH Propane (C3H8) Butane (C4H10)

The general formula for the alkanes is CnH2n+2

The C1 to C4 substances i. e. methane, ethane, propane

and butane are gases at ambient temperatures. The next

ones are liquids and have their names from the number of

C atoms in the molecules taken from ancient Greek. E. g.

pentane (5), hexane (6), heptane (7), octane (8), nonane

(9), decane (10), undecane (11) etc. From C15 the straight

chained molecule substances are more or less solid


If a hydrogen atom is removed from an alkane molecule

you have a radical, an unsaturated hydrocarbon. The

names are derived from the alkane names but with the

ending -yl. They cannot exist as pure substances, but are

connected to other radicals or atoms. The most common












H Methyl (CH3-) Ethyl (C2H5-)





















H Propyl (C3H7-) Butyl (C4H9-)

Substances with the same gross formula are called

isomeric. They are common in the alkane family

from C4 and up where branched chained molecules

are common. A simple branched chained alkane is

called an iso-alkane. Two different iso-pentanes


















Both have the gross formula C5H12 but quite different

geometrical shape. The common name is iso-pentane. The

first one is also more correctly called 2-methylbutane, as it

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might be considered as a butane molecule with a methyl

group attached to the second carbon atom.

The latter might in the same way be considered as a pro-

pane molecule with two methyls attached, wherefore it is

called 2,2-dimethylpropane. The commercial name is neo-


Iso-products often have a lower boiling- and freezing point

and a different density than the normal alkane.

Cycloalkanes (Naphtenes) Besides the chain shaped hydrocarbons also circular shaped

molecules exist. They have the same names as the normal

alkanes but with the prefix "cyclo-". The most simple are

the gases cyclopropane and cyclobutane, but cyclopentane

and cyclohexane occur much more frequent.

















Cyclopropane (C3H6) Cyclobutane (C4H8)

Cyclopentane (C5H10)


































Cyclohexane (C6H12) Cis-1,2-dimethylcyclohexane


Cyclo compounds are used as solvents, but also as base

products in the chemical and medical industry by ex-

changing hydrogen atoms with other atoms or molecules.











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The latter chemical name explains the molecular configu-

ration as a hexane ring with two (di) methyl groups at-

tached to two adjacent (1,2) carbon atoms and pointing to

the same side (cis).

Alkenes or olefins In a hydrocarbon molecule the carbon atoms might also

use two of their bonds for connection to the neighbouring

carbon atom. Such a double bond is weaker than the nor-

mal single bond, and the molecules become unstable. Hy-

drocarbons with one double bond are called alkenes, for-

mer alkylenes. When writing an alkene formula the double

bond is shown by two dots, one above the other. Below

examples on different alkenes:









Ethene (ethylene) CH2:CH2 Propene (propylene) CH2:CHCH3

Compounds containing double bonds are also called

unsaturated hydrocarbons or monomers. If the

double bonds break, typically at elevated

temperatures or if inhibitor is not present in

sufficient amount, the product might polymerize i.e

the monomer turns into a polymer that is very long

chains of molecules, and the product turns from the

gaseous or liquid state into a solid.

From butene three different isomers might be derived viz.:











1-Butene (n-butylene) CH2:CHCH2CH3












Cis-2-butene CH3CH:CHCH3










Trans-2-butene CH3CH:CHCH3

From pentene and hexene more different isomers might be

derived, some of them are shown on next page.

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Cis-2-pentene CH3CH:CHCH2CH3














Trans-2-pentene CH3CH:CHCH2CH3















Trans-3-hexene CH3CH2CH:CHCH2CH3

Alkenes are very much used in the synthetic industry for

plastic and fibre production.

Aromatics Among the ring shaped molecules the aromatics make a

special group. They are generally more toxic than the

equivalent alkanes. The base element in this family is the

so called benzene ring made up by 6 carbon atoms bonded

in a special way so that each carbon atom only have one

free bond for hydrogen or radicals. Benzene and toluene

are the most well-known and both are shipped in large




















Benzene (C6H6) Toluene (C7H8) or

MethylBenzene (C6H5CH3)

Also the xylenes are very much used as solvents.

They consist of a benzene ring and two methyl

groups. Three different isomers exist viz.:

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As seen from the above-mentioned xylene, isomers may

have rather different properties. Therefore, when isomers

are possible, information about gross name or gross for-

mula is not enough, but a full description on the chemical

composition of the cargo must be given.

More benzene rings might be connected to each other.

Most simple and well known is the naphthalene, made up

by two benzene rings.













Naphtalene (C10H8)

Unsaturated aromatics When alkenes (or olefins) chains are attached to benzene

molecules the substance is called unsaturated aromatic.

Examples are Styrene, Vinyltoluene, methyl styrene.

Unsaturated aromatics are liable to polymerisation.

Orthoxylene (C8H10) or



mp: -25°C bp: 144°C

Methaxylene (C8H10) or



mp: -47,4°C bp: 138,8°C

Paraxylene (C8H10) or



mp: 13,2°C bp: 138,5°C

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Inorganic Compounds The only ones likely to form tanker cargoes are:

Solution of alkalis like caustic soda, sodium hydroxide

Strong acids like hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and

sulphuric acid

Fairly strong acids like phosphoric acid

Acids and Alkalis Acids are defined as compounds that yield hydrogen ions

(H+) when dissolved in water. In the same way alkalis are

defined as compounds, which are able to combine with hy-

drogen ions. Generally acids and alkalis are corrosives i.e.

substances that may be damaging to metals, organic mate-

rials or living tissues.

Example on reaction with water:

Acid (Hydrochloric acid): HCl H+ + Cl


Alkali (sodium hydroxide): NaOH Na+

+ OH-

(Caustic soda)

The following diagram shows how acids might be formed

by oxidation of non-metals and alkalis by oxidation of










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Mg (Magnesium) S (Sulphur)


MgO (Magnesium oxide) SO3 (Sulphur trioxide)


Mg(OH2) (Magnesium hydroxide) H2SO4 (sulphuric acid)


MgSO4 + H2O

Magnesium Sulfate + water

If acids and alkalis are mixed, they will more or less neu-

tralize each other and make a salt plus water. E.g. Hydro-

chloric acid and caustic soda:

HCl + NaOH Na+ + Cl- + H2O

If the amounts are adjusted to a neutral solution, salt water

is formed.

Many metals or substances containing metal (e.g. certain

coatings) are dissolved or react chemically with acids and


E.g. Hydrochloric acid + zinc:

2HCl + Zn 2H+ + 2Cl- + Zn H2 + ZnCl2

By this reaction free hydrogen is formed so that apart from

the damaging corrosive effect also danger of explosion

might be expected, even though most acids and alkalis are

not flammable.

The strength of acids

and alkalis

is measured in pH, which is defined as the logarithm of

the hydrogen ion concentration with opposite sign. The

pH value might also be expressed as the number of litres

that contain 1 g H+ denominated exponential. E.g. if

10000 l contain 1 g H+

the pH = 4 as 10000 = 104


Practically only pH values between 0 and 14 are used, and

pH = 7 designate a neutral solution, a pH value smaller

than 7 an acid solution and a pH greater than 7 designate

an alkaline solution.

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pH values of some well known substances:

Substance pH

Beer 4 - 5

Cows milk 6.3 - 6.6

Detergents 9 - 11.6

Drinking water 6.5 - 8.0

Egg white 7.6 - 8.0

Gastric juice 1 - 3

Hydrochloric acid 0.1

Lime juice 1.8 - 2.0

Potato 5.6 - 6.0

Sea water 8 – 8.5

Sodium Hydroxide 14

Sulphuric acid 0.3

Vinegar 2.4 - 3.4

In the chemical transport business other methods are often

used to tell the strength of acids, or to tell the acid content

of the product, - e.g. the AV or FFA.

AV = Acid Value is a number stating the amount in grams of KOH

(potassium hydroxide) necessary for neutralizing 1 kg of

the product.

FFA = Free Fatty Acid is an indication of the percentage of free fatty acids in or-

ganic oils and fats. The AV number is generally twice the

FFA number taken from the same sample.

Some properties of common acids and alkalis

Hydrochloric acid HCl: The pure product is a gas. Normally shipped in a 38 %

concentration in water, which is a highly corrosive liquid.

Sulphuric acid H2SO4: Dissolves most metals and forms hydrogen. Steel is re-

sistant when concentration is higher than 80%

Nitric acid HNO3: Strong oxidizing agent. Dissolves most metals and forms

hydrogen. Stainless steel is resistant.

Phosphoric acid H3PO4: Dissolves metals and forms hydrogen especially at ele-

vated temperatures. Stainless steel is normally resistant

but impurities (especially chlorides) in commercial prod-

ucts might cause corrosivity.

Acetic acid CH3COOH: Dissolves most metals, but not aluminium. Vapours are

explosive (LEL 4 %). Stainless steel is resistant.

Sodium hydroxide (caustic Solid crystalline substance, normally transported as a 50

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soda) NaOH: % solution corrosive to most organic substances and

many metals especially aluminium. Stainless steel or

epoxy coating is resistant.

Potassium hydroxide

(caustic potash) KOH:

Nearly same properties as NaOH.

Ammonia (ammonia

aqueous) NH4OH:

Ammonia (NH3) dissolved in water. Corrosive to copper-

zinc- and aluminium compounds. Ammonia vapours are

combustible, LEL = 16%, UEL = 25 % but the energy

required for ignition is very high, so it is unlikely that

ammonia vapours will ignite.

Inserted on the next page is a copy of the “Periodic Table of the Elements:

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All the hydrocarbons mentioned above consisted of carbon and

hydrogen only. Very often also other elements are present in the

organic compounds e.g. Oxygen, nitrogen, halogens etc. These

compounds may be grouped in different chemical families. In the

following, chemical families often carried will be discussed. The

grouping is also in accordance with the US Coast Guard Compatibility

Chart and the numbers in ( ) refer to that.

Alcohols (20) An alcohol is derived from a hydrocarbon by substituting a H- atom

by the hydroxyl group -OH. Their names have the suffix -ol. They are

generally toxic but in a very varying degree. They are all flammable.

The following are some of the more common alcohols:

Methanol (methylalkohol) CH3OH

Ethanol (ethylalkohol) C2H5OH












Also some of the higher alcohols, such as 2-ethylhexanol (octanol) are

commonly encountered.

Glycols (20) have 2 OH groups and are also called dihydric alcohols. Some glycols

are very toxic. A typical examples from this group is:








Glycerol (20) is a trihydric (three OH groups) alcohol. It is non toxic. Used widely

in the explosives manufacturing business.

Phenols and cresols (21)

Formally these substances also belong to the alcohol fam-

ily, but generally they are considered as an independent

group. The phenols consists of a benzene ring with one or

more -OH group(s) attached. Cresols furthermore have a

methyl group attached to the benzene ring.











Ethyleneglycol CH2OHCH2OH

2-propanol (iso-propylalkohol)




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The phenols are acidic as they are able to yield H+, they are very toxic

also by skin contact.

The most well-known is phenol (carbolic acid) C6H5OH and naphtol

C10H7OH, which has two benzene rings linked.

Cresol, also called methyl phenol, has the formula CH3-C6H4-OH and

is found in three isometric compounds.

Ethers (41) are alcohol anhydrides as they may be derived from alcohols by

elimination of water thereby having the generic formula ROR´ where

R and R´ are organic radicals:


The most important is ethylether C2H5-O-C2H5 the same as ether in

common speaking.

An other common ether is 1,4-dioxane C4H8O2, a glycol anhydride

with a ring shaped molecule. The formula is often more correctly

written in the following way:


All ethers are toxic, more or less, typical with a narcotic effect, and

the vapours form flammable mixtures with air.

Ketones (18) is a class of liquid compounds in which the carbonyl group is

attached to two carbon atoms i. e. the denominating group is inside the

hydrocarbon chain. The substances have very different properties, but

most of them are narcotic and flammable.

The simplest and most well-known ketone is acetone:







Another commonly transported ketone is the methyl ethyl ketone

CH3COC2H5, which often is abbreviated MEK.

Organic acids (4) The most important group of organic acids contains in the molecule

the carboxyl group -COOH or more correctly




which always will be at the end of the chain.

The strongest organic acid is formic acid H-COOH. The strength of

the acids decreases with increasing number of carbon atoms.

Dimethylketone (acetone) CH3COCH



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The most well known are acetic acid CH3-COOH and propionic acid


Also two -COOH groups are possible e. g. the oxalic acid HOOC-

COOH or malonic acid HOOC-CH2-COOH.

Anhydrides (11) If water is removed from acid, an acid anhydride is formed. They may

be very toxic and might react violently with water giving off heat.

The most common are acetic anhydride (CH3CO)2O and propionic

anhydride (CH3CH2CO)2O. The constitutional formula of acetic

anhydride is as follows:









Esters (34) Organic compounds corresponding in structure to a salt in the

inorganic chemistry. Esters are considered as derived from acids by

the exchange of the replaceable hydrogen for an organic radical. Their

names normally are derived from acid names with the suffix -ate

Esters have very different properties, some are very volatile with a

narcotic effect if inhaled. They often have a pleasant odour, and are

generally not very reactive. Waxes are esters derived from fatty acids

and alcohols, while fats are esters from fatty acids and glycerol.

Commonly carried are:
















and also some of the phthalates such as Diisooctylphthlatlate (DIOP).

Alkylene oxides (16)


Organic compounds containing a reactive group resulting

from the union of an oxygen atom with two other atoms

(usually carbon) that are joined in a triangle. Characteris-

tic properties are a very wide flammability range, burns

violently and are very difficult to extinguish by smother-

ing due to the oxygen content.

Transportation is carried out in inerted tanks. Heating should be


The only product normally encountered in chemical tankers is:

Methylacetate CH3COO-CH


Ethylformate HCOO-C2H


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Aldehydes (19) is a broad class of organic compounds having the generic formula

RCHO, and characterized by the unsaturated carbonyl group

They are all very toxic with vapours irritating to the eyes and mucous

membranes. Most of them are soluble in water and alcohol and some

of them are able to polymerize.

The smell is characteristically pungent.

The simplest as formaldehyde HCHO and acetaldehyde CH3CHO are

transported as water solutions, while propanal CH2CHCHO, butanal

CH3CH2CH2CHO and furfural C4H3OCHO are transported as pure


Amines (7, 8, & 9) A class of organic compounds of nitrogen that may be considered as

derived from ammonia (NH3) by replacing one or more of the

hydrogen atoms with alkyl groups. As a general rule, hydrocarbons

containing nitrogen are more toxic than equivalent compounds

without nitrogen.

Amines are subdivided into subgroups according to the organic

radicals connected to the nitrogen atom.

Aliphatic amines (7) consists of one or more alkyles joined to the nitrogen atom e. g. ethyl

amine CH3CH2NH2 and diethylamine (C2H5)2NH.

Aromatic amines (9) have one or more benzene groups. Example: aniline C6H5NH2 and


Alkanol amines (8) a compound such as ethanolamine HOCH2CH2NH2 or

triethanolamine (HOCH2CH2)3N, in which nitrogen is attached

directly to the carbon of an alkyl alcohol.

Amides (10) are organic compounds containing the group -CONH2 e. g.:







Propyleneoxide C3H6O




Acetamide CH3-CONH2

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Cyanates (12) are compounds containing nitrogen in the form of -OCN. Most of

them are iso compounds i. e. iso cyanates. Frequently carried is

toluene-2,4-diisocyanate CH3C6H3(NCO)2.

Acrylates (14) are monomer esters from acrylic acid. The denominating molecular

structure is CH2:CHCOO-.

Generally transported is methylacrylate CH2:CHCOOCH3.

Acrylates must normally be inhibited during transport.

Allyls (15) are derived from propene (=allene). Polymerizable substances with the

group CH2:CHCH2-. Known examples are:

Allylalcohol CH2:CHCH2OH and

acrylonitrile CH2:CH-CN.

Epichlorohydrin (17) CH2CHOCH2Cl is an epoxy compound that is able to polymerize at

elevated temperatures. It is poisonous and flammable and reacts with

several other cargoes.

Vinyl halides (35) are derived from vinyl CH2:CH- (= ethene) with halogens attached to

the free bonds. Most of them are gases at ambient temperatures.

Common are:

Vinyl chloride CH2:CHCl

and vinylidene fluoride CH2:CF2.

Halogenated hydro-

carbons (36)

Compounds between hydrocarbons and halogens. Some

of them are poisonous especially as they decompose when

heated and forms toxic gases. Some of them are used in

fire fighting (they quench the flames) others are used as


Regularly transported is ethylene dichloride (EDC) ClCH2CH2Cl

Glycol ethers (40) are transported widely under the trade name "cellosolve" and are

mostly used in the paint industry. When transported they are often

mixed. They are chemical stable compounds but also very often both

flammable and harmful to the health.


Ethylene glycol dimethyl ether CH3OCH2CH2OCH3.

Nitrocompounds. (42) are compounds with nitrogen apart from those already mentioned. The

radical -NO2 is seen frequently. As mentioned earlier all nitrogen-

hydrocarbons should be regarded as toxic especially in a fire situation

in which different nitrogen oxides may be formed.

Example: Nitrobenzene C6H5NO2.

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Water solutions. (43) This name covers a great variety of many different substances. The only

common property is that they are all water-soluble and contain water. They

should not be stowed adjacent to cargoes reacting with water. The properties

of a solution might be quite different from those of the pure product.

Compatibility Chart If chemicals are mixed in tanks or pipelines, the resulting chemical reaction

might be very violent, high temperatures or pressure might arise or

dangerous substances or vapours might be evolved.

The IBC code gives no help on this problem; it simply mentions that cargoes

or slops, which dangerously react with each other, should be separated by an

intervening compartment that does not contain a reactive substance.

US Coast Guard, Department of Transportation has regulated this problem in

the Code of Federal Regulations, 46 CFR 150.

The cargoes are divided into chemical groups or families and group numbers

1 - 22 represent reactive chemicals, while 30 - 43 are products that do not

react mutually with each other. The missing numbers are reserved for future

extensions of the chart.

Using the Com-

patibility Chart

If you wish to investigate whether two cargoes are compatible or

not, you must find the group numbers in table 1.

If both group numbers are between 30 and 43 incl. the

products are compatible, and it is then not necessary to use

the chart.

If both group numbers are not between 30 and 43 you

enter with one group number in the left side and the other

from the top of the chart.

An "X" in the chart means that the two products are not compatible

with each other, unless informed otherwise in the Appendix 1 -

"Exceptions to the chart".

If the intersection is blank, there will normally be no problems with

compatibility, but there might be exceptions which also are mentioned

in App. 1.

A foot note "2" in table 1 means that the substance should be checked

further in App. 1.

Examples: Group Compatible

butyraldehyde - acetic acid 19/4 yes

allyl alcohol / toluene diisocyanate 15/12 no

decene / ethyl benzene 30/32 yes

ethanolamine / acetone 8/18 yes

ammonia / dimethylformamide 6/10 no

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If two or more non compatible cargoes have to be loaded, they should

be separated from each other by two barriers such as a cofferdam, an

empty tank, a piping tunnel or a tank containing a cargo compatible

with both other cargoes. Isolation across a cruciform joint is

equivalent to isolation by two barriers.

Also the piping and venting system from the two incompatible cargoes

has to be separated by e. g. Removing a valve or spool piece and

blanking off the pipe ends or Installing two spectacle flanges in series

with a means of detecting leakage into the pipe between the spectacle

flanges. A "Seutelven" valve is usable.

The US Coast Guard regulations apply in US waters only, but are

widely used in other parts of the world, also in Europe.

Updated table1 on

idx?c=ecfr&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title46/46cfr150_main_02.tpl you will

find an updated 46CFR150

Seut Elven flange

Spool piece and Seut Elven flanges

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Table I to Part 150 – Alphabetical List of Cargoes

Chemical name Group No. Foot note CHRIS Code Related CHRIS Codes

Acetaldehyde 19 AAD

Acetic acid 4 2 AAC

Acetic anhydride 11 ACA

Acetochlor 10 ACG

Acetone 18 2 ACT

Acetone cyanohydrin 0 1, 2 ACY

Acetonitrile 37 ATN

Acetophenone 18 ACP

Acrolein 19 2 ARL

Acrylamide solution 10 AAM

Acrylic acid 4 2 ACR

Acrylonitrile 15 2 ACN

Acrylonitrile-Styrene copolymer dispersion in Polyether polyol 20 ALE

Adiponitrile 37 ADN

Alachlor 33 ALH

Alcohols (C13+) 20 ALY


Oleyl alcohol (octadecenol)


Tallow alcohol



Alcoholic beverages 20

Alcohol polyethoxylates 20 APU/APV/APW/AET

Alcohol polyethoxylates, secondary 20 AEA/AEB

Alkanes (C6-C9) 31 1 ALK






n-Alkanes (C10+) 31 1 ALJ







iso- & cyclo-Alkanes (C10-C11) 31 1 AKI

iso- & cyclo-Alkanes (C12+) 31 1 AKJ

Alkane (C14-C17) sulfonic acid, sodium salt solution 34 AKA

Alkaryl polyether (C9-C20) 41 AKP

Alkenyl(C11+)amide 11 AKM

Alkenyl(C16-C20)succinic anhydride 11 AAH

Alkyl acrylate-Vinyl pyridine copolymer in Toluene 32 AAP

Alkyl(C8+)amine, Alkenyl (C12+) acid ester mixture 34 AAA

Alkylaryl phosphate mixtures (more than 40% Diphenyl tolyl

phosphate, less than 0.02% ortho-isomer)

34 APD

Alkyl(C3-C4)benzenes 32 AKC





Alkyl(C5-C8)benzenes 32 AKD






Alkyl(C9+)benzenes 32 AKB






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Chemical name Group No. Foot note CHRIS Code Related CHRIS Codes




Alkylbenzene, Alkylindane, Alkylindene mixture (each C12-C17) 32 AIH

Alkylbenzenesulfonic acid 0 1, 2 ABS/ABN

Alkylbenzenesulfonic acid, sodium salt solutions 33 ABT

Alkyl dithiothiadiazole (C6-C24) 33 ADT

Alkyl ester copolymer (C4-C20) 34 AES

Alkyl(C7-C9) nitrates 34 2 AKN ONE

Alkyl(C7-C11) phenol poly(4-12)ethoxylate 40 APN

Alkyl(C8-C40) phenol sulfide 34 AKS

Alkyl(C8-C9) phenylamine in aromatic solvents 9 ALP

Alkyl(C9-C15) phenyl propoxylate 40

Alkyl phthalates 34

Alkyl(C10-C20, saturated and unsaturated) phosphite 34 AKL

Alkyl polyglucoside solutions 43 AGL/AGN/AGO/AGP/AGM

Alkyl sulfonic acid ester of phenol 34

Allyl alcohol 15 2 ALA

Allyl chloride 15 1 ALC

Aluminium chloride, Hydrochloric acid solution 0 1 AHS

Aluminum sulfate solution 43 2 ASX ALM

2-(2-Aminoethoxy)ethanol 8 AEX

Aminoethyldiethanolamine, Aminoethylethanolamine solution 8

Aminoethylethanolamine 8 AEE

N-Aminoethylpiperazine 7 AEP

2-Amino-2-hydroxymethyl-1,3-propanediol solution 43 AHL

2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol 8 APQ APR

Ammonia, anhydrous 6 AMA

Ammonia, aqueous (28% or less Ammonia) (IMO cargo

name),seeAmmonium hydroxide


Ammonium bisulfite solution 43 2 ABX ASU

Ammonium hydrogen phosphate solution 0 1 AMI

Ammonium hydroxide (28% or less Ammonia) 6 AMH

Ammonium lignosulfonate solution,see alsoLignin liquor 43

Ammonium nitrate solution 0 1 ANR AND/AMN

Ammonium nitrate, Urea solution (containing Ammonia) 6 UAS

Ammonium nitrate, Urea solution (not containing Ammonia) 43 ANU UAT

Ammonium polyphosphate solution 43 AMO APP

Ammonium sulfate solution 43 AME AMS

Ammonium sulfide solution 5 ASS ASF

Ammonium thiocyanate, Ammonium thiosulfate solution 0 1 ACS

Ammonium thiosulfate solution 43 ATV ATF

Amyl acetate 34 AEC IAT/AML/AAS/AYA

Amyl alcohol 20 AAI IAA/AAN/ASE/APM

Amylene, seePentene AMZ PTX

tert-Amyl methyl ether (see also,Methyl tert-pentyl ether) 41 AYE

Amyl methyl ketone, seeMethyl amyl ketone AMK MAK

Aniline 9 ANL

Animal and Fish oils, n.o.s. 34 AFN


Cod liver oil


Neatsfoot oil

Pilchard oil

Sperm oil

Animal and Fish acid oils and distillates, n.o.s. 34 AFA


Animal acid oil

Fish acid oil

Lard acid oil

Mixed acid oil

Mixed general acid oil

Mixed hard acid oil

Mixed soft acid oil

Anthracene oil (Coal tar fraction),seeCoal tar 33 AHO COR

Apple juice 43

Aryl polyolefin (C11-C50) 30 AYF

Asphalt 33 ASP ACU

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Chemical name Group No. Foot note CHRIS Code Related CHRIS Codes

Asphalt blending stocks, roofers flux 33 ARF

Asphalt blending stocks, straight run residue 33 ASR

Asphalt emulsion (ORIMULSION) 33 ASQ

Aviation alkylates 33 AVA GAV

Barium long chain alkaryl(C11-C50) sulfonate 34 BCA

Barium long chain alkyl(C8-C14)phenate sulfide 34 BCH

Behenyl alcohol 20

Benzene 32 BNZ

Benzene hydrocarbon mixtures (having 10% Benzene or more) 32 BHB BHA

Benzenesulfonyl chloride 0 1, 2 BSC

Benzene, Toluene, Xylene mixtures 32 2 BTX

Benzene tricarboxylic acid, trioctyl ester 34

Benzylacetate 34 BZE

Benzyl alcohol 21 BAL

Benzyl chloride 36 BCL

Brake fluid base mixtures 20 BFX

Bromochloromethane 36 BCM

Butadiene 30 BDI

Butadiene, Butylene mixtures (cont. Acetylenes) 30 BBM

Butane 31 1 BMX IBT/BUT

1,4-Butanediol, seeButylene glycol BDO BUG

2-Butanone, seeMethyl ethyl ketone

Butene, seeButylene IBL/BTN

Butene oligomer 30 BOL

Butyl acetate 34 BAX IBA/BCN/BTA/BYA

Butyl acrylate 14 1 BAR BAI/BTC

Butyl alcohol 20 2 BAY IAL/BAN/BAS/BAT

Butylamine 7 BTY IAM/BAM/BTL/BUA

Butylbenzene,seeAlky(C3-C4)benzenes 32 BBE AKC

Butyl benzyl phthalate 34 BPH

Butyl butyrate 34 BBA BUB/BIB

Butylene 30 BTN IBL

Butylene glycol 20 2 BUG BDO

1,3-Butylene glycol, seeButylene glycol BUG

Butylene oxide 16 1 BTO

Butyl ether 41 BTE

Butyl formate 34 BFI/BFN

Butyl heptyl ketone 18 BHK

Butyl methacrylate 14 1 BMH BMI/BMN

Butyl methacrylate, Decyl methacrylate, Cetyl-Eicosyl methacrylate


14 1 DER

Butyl methyl ketone, seeMethyl butyl ketone MBK

Butyl phenol, Formaldehyde resin in Xylene 32

n-Butyl propionate 34 BPN

Butyl stearate 34

Butyl toluene 32 BUE

Butyraldehyde 19 BAE BAD/BTR

Butyric acid 4 BRA IBR

gamma-Butyrolactone 0 1, 2 BLA

C9 Resinfeed (DSM) 32 2 CNR

Calcium alkyl(C9)phenol sulfide, polyolefin phosphorosulfide


34 CPX

Calcium alkyl salicylate, seeCalcium long chain alkyl salicylate (C13+)


Calcium bromide solution, seeDrilling brines DRB

Calcium bromide, Zinc bromide solution, seeDrilling brine

(containing Zinc salts)


Calcium carbonate slurry 34

Calcium chloride solution 43 CCS CLC

Calcium hydroxide slurry 5 COH

Calcium hypochlorite solutions 5 CHZ/CHU/CHY

Calcium lignosulfonate solution,see alsoLignin liquor 43

Calcium long chain alkaryl sulfonate (C11-C50) 34 CAY

Calcium long chain alkyl phenates 34 CAN/CAW

Calcium long chain alkyl phenate sulfide (C8-C40) 34 CPI

Calcium long chain alkyl salicylate (C13+) 34 CAK

Calcium long chain alkyl phenolic amine (C8-C40) 9 CPQ

Calcium nitrate solution 34 CNU

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Chemical name Group No. Foot note CHRIS Code Related CHRIS Codes

Calcium nitrate, Magnesium nitrate, Potassium chloride solution 34

Calcium sulfonate, Calcium carbonate, Hydrocarbon solvent mixture


Camphor oil 18 CPO

Canola oil, see rapeseed oil under “oils, edible.”

Caprolactam solution 22 CLS

Caramel solutions 43

Carbolic oil 21 CBO

Carbon disulfide 38 CBB

Carbon tetrachloride 36 2 CBT

Cashew nut shell oil (untreated) 4 OCN

Catoxid feedstock 36 2 CXF

Caustic potash solution 5 2 CPS

Caustic soda solution 5 2 CSS

Cetyl alcohol (hexadecanol), seeAlcohols (C13+) ALY

Cetyl-Eicosyl methacrylate mixture 14 1 CEM

Cetyl-Stearyl alcohol,seeAlcohols (C13+) ALY

Chlorinated paraffins (C10-C13) 36 CLH

Chlorinated paraffins (C14-C17) (with 52% Chlorine) 36 CLJ

Chlorine 0 1 CLX

Chloroacetic acid solution 4 CHM CHL/MCA

Chlorobenzene 36 CRB

Chlorodifluoromethane (monochlorodifluoromethane) 36 MCF

Chloroform 36 CRF

Chlorohydrins 17 1 CHD

4-Chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid, Dimethylamine salt solution 9 CDM

Chloronitrobenzene 42 CNO

1-(4-Chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl pentan-3-one 18 2 CDP

Chloropropionic acid 4 CPM CLA/CLP

Chlorosulfonic acid 0 1 CSA

Chlorotoluene 36 CHI CTM/CTO/CRN

Choline chloride solutions 20 CCO

Citric acid 4 CIS CIT

Clay slurry,see alsoKaolin clay slurry 43

Coal tar 33 COR OCT

Coal tar distillate 33 CDL

Coal tar, high temperature 33 CHH

Coal tar pitch 33 CTP

Cobalt naphthenate in solvent naphtha 34 CNS

Coconut oil, fatty acid 34 CFA

Copper salt of long chain (C17+) alkanoic acid 34 CUS CFT

Corn syrup 43 CSY

Cottonseed oil, fatty acid 34 CFY

Creosote 21 2 CCT CCW/CWD

Cresols 21 CRS CRL/CSL/CSO

Cresylate spent caustic 5 CSC

Cresylic acid 21 CRY

Cresylic acid, dephenolized 21 CAD

Cresylic acid, sodium salt solution (IMO cargo name),seeCresylate

spent caustic


Cresylic acid tar 21 CRX

Crotonaldehyde 19 2 CTA

Cumene (isopropyl benzene), seePropylbenzene CUM PBY

1,5,9-Cyclododecatriene 30 CYT

Cycloheptane 31 1 CYE

Cyclohexane 31 1 CHX

Cyclohexanol 20 CHN

Cyclohexanone 18 CCH

Cyclohexanone, Cyclohexanol mixtures 18 2 CYX

Cyclohexyl acetate 34 CYC

Cyclohexylamine 7 CHA

1,3-Cyclopentadiene dimer 30 CPD DPT

Cyclopentadiene, Styrene, Benzene mixture 30 CSB

Cyclopentane 31 1 CYP

Cyclopentene 30 CPE

Cymene 32 CMP

Decahydronaphthalene 33 DHN

Decaldehyde 19 IDA/DAL

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Chemical name Group No. Foot note CHRIS Code Related CHRIS Codes

Decane, seen-Alkanes (C10+) DCC ALJ

Decanoic acid 4 DCO

Decene 30 DCE

Decyl acetate 34 DYA

Decyl acrylate 14 1 DAT IAI/DAR

Decyl alcohol 20 2 DAX ISA/DAN

Decylbenzene,seeAlkyl(C9+) benzenes 32 DBZ AKB

Decyloxytetrahydro-thiophene dioxide 0 1, 2 DHT

Degummed C9 (DOW) 33 DGC

Dextrose solution,seeGlucose solution 43 DTS GLU

Diacetone alcohol 20 2 DAA

Dialkyl(C10-C14) benzenes,seeAlkyl(C9+) benzenes 32 DAB AKB

Dialkyl(C8-C9) diphenylamines 9 DAQ

Dialkyl(C7-C13) phthalates 34 DAH


Diisodecyl phthalate

Diisononyl phthalate

Dinonyl phthalate

Ditridecyl phthalate

Diundecyl phthalate

Dibromomethane 36 DBH

Dibutylamine 7 DBA

Dibutyl carbinol, seeNonyl alcohol NNS

Dibutyl hydrogen phosphonate 34 DHD

Dibutylphenols 21 DBT/DBV, DBW

Dibutyl phthalate 34 DPA

Dichlorobenzene 36 DBX DBM/DBO/DBP

3,4-Dichloro-1-butene 36 DCD DCB

Dichlorodifluoromethane 36 DCF

1,1-Dichloroethane 36 DCH

2,2′-Dichloroethyl ether 41 DEE

1,6-Dichlorohexane 36 DHX

2,2′-Dichloroisopropyl ether 36 DCI

Dichloromethane 36 DCM

2,4-Dichlorophenol 21 DCP

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, Diethanolamine salt solution 43 DDE

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, Dimethylamine salt solution 0 1, 2 DAD DDA/DSX

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, Triisopropano-lamine salt solution 43 2 DTI

Dichloropropane 36 DPX DPB/DPP/DPC/DPL

1,3-Dichloropropene 15 1 DPS DPU/DPF

Dichloropropene, Dichloropropane mixtures 15 1 DMX

2,2-Dichloropropionic acid 4 DCN

Dicyclopentadiene,see also1,3-Cyclopentadiene dimer 30 DPT CPD

Diethanolamine 8 DEA

Diethanolamine salt of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid solution,

see2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, Diethanolamine salt solution


Diethylamine 7 DEN

Diethylaminoethanol (IMO cargo name),seeDiethylethanolamine 8 DAE

2,6-Diethylaniline 9 DMN

Diethylbenzene 32 DEB

Diethylene glycol 40 2 DEG

Diethylene glycol butyl ether, seePoly(2-8)alkylene glycol

monoalkyl(C1-C6) ether


Diethylene glycol butyl ether acetate, seePoly(2-8)alkylene glycol

monoalkyl(C1-C6) ether acetate


Diethylene glycol dibenzoate 34 DGZ

Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether 40 DIG

Diethylene glycol diethyl ether 40

Diethylene glycol ethyl ether, seePoly(2-8)alkylene glycol

monoalkyl (C1-C6) ether


Diethylene glycol ethyl ether acetate, seePoly(2-8)alkylene glycol

monoalkyl(C1-C6) ether acetates


Diethylene glycol n-hexyl ether, seePoly(2-8)alkylene glycol

monoalkyl(C1-C6) ether


Diethylene glycol methyl ether, seePoly(2-8)alkylene glycol monoalkyl(C1-C6) ether


Diethylene glycol methyl ether acetate, seePoly(2-8)alkylene glycol

monoalkyl(C1-C6) ether acetate


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Chemical name Group No. Foot note CHRIS Code Related CHRIS Codes

Diethylene glycol phenyl ether 40 DGP

Diethylene glycol phthalate 34 DGL

Diethylene glycol propyl ether, seePoly(2-8)alkylene glycol monoalkyl(C1-C6) ether


Diethylenetriamine 7 2 DET

Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid, pentasodium salt solution 43

Diethylethanolamine 8 DAE

Diethyl ether (IMO cargo name),seeEthyl ether 41 EET

Diethyl hexanol, seeDecyl alcohol DAX

Di-(2-ethylhexyl)adipate 34 DEH

Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid 1 1 DEP

Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, seeDioctyl phthalate 34 DIE DOP

Diethyl phthalate 34 DPH

Diethyl sulfate 34 DSU

Diglycidyl ether of Bisphenol A 41 BDE BPA

Diglycidyl ether of Bisphenol F 41 DGF

Diheptyl phthalate 34 DHP

Di-n-hexyl adipate 34 DHA

Dihexyl phthalate 34

1,4-Dihydro-9,10-dihydroxy anthracene, disodium salt solution 5 DDH

Diisobutylamine 7 DBU

Diisobutyl carbinol (commercial cargo name),seeNonyl alcohol 20 DBC NNS

Diisobutylene 30 DBL

Diisobutyl ketone 18 DIK

Diisobutyl phthalate 34 DIT

Diisodecyl phthalate, seeDialkyl(C7-C13) phthalates DID DAH

Diisononyl adipate 34 DNY

Diisononyl phthalate, seeDialkyl(C7-C13) phthalates DIN DAH

Diisooctyl phthalate 34 DIO

Diisopropanolamine 8 DIP

Diisopropylamine 7 DIA

Diisopropylbenzene 32 DIX

Diisopropyl naphthalene 32 DII

N,N-Dimethylacetamide 10 DAC

N,N-Dimethylacetamide solution 10 DLS

Dimethyl adipate 34 DLA

Dimethylamine 7 DMA

Dimethylamine solution 7 DMG/DMY/DMC

Dimethylamine salt of 4-Chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid

solution, see4-Chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid, Dimethylamine salt solution


Dimethylamine salt of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid solution,

see2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, Dimethylamine salt solution


2,6-Dimethylaniline 9 DMM

Dimethylbenzene, seeXylenes XLX

Dimethylcyclicsiloxane hydrolyzate 34

N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine 7 DXN

N,N-Dimethyldodecylamine (IMO cargo name),



Dimethylethanolamine 8 DMB

Dimethylformamide 10 DMF

Dimethyl furan 41

Dimethyl glutarate 34 DGT

Dimethyl hydrogen phosphite 34 2 DPI

Dimethyl naphthalene sulfonic acid, sodium salt solution 34 2 DNS

Dimethyloctanoic acid 4 DMO

Dimethyl phthalate 34 DTL

Dimethylpolysiloxane,seePolydimethylsiloxane 34 DMP

2,2-Dimethylpropane-1,3-diol 20 DDI

Dimethyl succinate 34 DSE

Dinitrotoluene 42 DNM DTT/DNL/DNU

Dinonyl phthalate, seeDialkyl(C7-C13) phthalates DIF DAH

Dioctyl phthalate 34 DOP DIE

1,4-Dioxane 41 DOX

Dipentene 30 DPN

Diphenyl 32 DIL

Diphenylamine (molten) 9 DAG DAM/LRM

Diphenylamines, alkylated 7 DAJ

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Chemical name Group No. Foot note CHRIS Code Related CHRIS Codes

Diphenylamine, reaction product with 2,2,4-trimethylpentene 7 DAK

Diphenyl, Diphenyl ether mixture 33 DDO DTH

Diphenyl ether 41 DPE

Diphenyl ether, Diphenyl phenyl ether mixture 41 DOB

Diphenylmethane diisocyanate 12 DPM

Diphenylol propane-Epichlorohydrin resins 0 1 DPR

Diphenyl oxide, see asdiphenyl ether

Di-n-propylamine 7 DNA

Dipropylene glycol 40 DPG

Dipropylene glycol butyl ether, seePoly(2-8)alkylene glycol

monoalkyl(C1-C6) ether


Dipropylene glycol dibenzoate 34 DGY

Dipropylene glycol methyl ether, seePoly (2-8)alkylene glycol monoalkyl(C1-C6) ether


Distillates, flashed feed stocks 33 DFF

Distillates, straight run 33 DSR

Dithiocarbamate ester (C7-C35) 34 DHO

Ditridecyl adipate 34

Ditridecyl phthalate, seeDialkyl(C7-C13) phthalates DTP DAH

Diundecyl phthalate, seeDialkyl(C7-C13) phthalates DUP DAH

Dodecane 31 1 DOC ALJ

tert-Dodecanethiol 0 2 DDL

Dodecanol 20 DDN LAL

Dodecene 30 DOZ DDC/DOD

2-Dodecenylsuccinic acid, dipotassium salt solution 34 DSP

Dodecyl alcohol (IMO cargo name),seeDodecanol DDN

Dodecylamine, Tetradecylamine mixture 7 DTA

Dodecylbenzene,seeAlkyl(C9+)benzenes 32 2 DDB AKB

Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid 0 1, 2 DSA

Dodecyldimethylamine, Tetradecyldimethylamine mixture 7 DOT

Dodecyl diphenyl ether disulfonate solution 43 DOS

Dodecyl hydroxypropyl sulfide 0 1 DOH

Dodecyl methacrylate 14 1 DDM

Dodecyl-Octadecyl methacrylate mixture 14 1 DOM

Dodecyl-Pentadecyl methacrylate mixtures 14 1 DDP

Dodecyl phenol 21 DOL

Dodecyl xylene 32 2 DXY

Drilling brine (containing Calcium, Potassium or Sodium salts) 43 DRB

Drilling brine (containing Zinc salts) 43 DZB

Drilling mud (low toxicity) (if flammable or combustible) 33 DRM

Drilling mud (low toxicity) (if non-flammable or non-combustible) 43 DRM

Epichlorohydrin 17 1 EPC

Epoxy resin 18

ETBE, seeEthyl tert-butyl ether EBE

Ethane 31 1 ETH

Ethanolamine (monoethanolamine) 8 MEA

2-Ethoxyethanol, seeEthylene glycol monoalkyl ethers EEO EGC

2-Ethoxyethyl acetate 34 EEA

Ethoxylated alcohols, C11-C15, see the alcohol poylethoxylates

Ethoxylated long chain (C16+) alkyloxyalkanamine 8 ELA

Ethoxy triglycol 40 ETG

Ethyl acetate 34 ETA

Ethyl acetoacetate 34 EAA

Ethyl acrylate 14 1 EAC

Ethyl alcohol 20 2 EAL

Ethylamine 7 2 EAM

Ethylamine solution 7 EAN

Ethyl amyl ketone 18 EAK ELK

Ethylbenzene 32 ETB

Ethyl butanol 20 EBT

N-Ethyl-n-butylamine 7 EBA

Ethyl tert-butyl ether 41 2 EBE

Ethyl butyrate 34 EBR

Ethyl chloride 36 ECL

Ethyl cyclohexane 31 1 ECY

N-Ethylcyclohexylamine 7 ECC

Ethylene 30 ETL

Ethyleneamine EA 1302 7 2 EMX EDA

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Chemical name Group No. Foot note CHRIS Code Related CHRIS Codes

Ethylene carbonate 34

Ethylene chlorohydrin 20 ECH

Ethylene cyanohydrin 20 ETC

Ethylenediamine 7 2 EDA EMX

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, tetrasodium salt solution 43 EDS

Ethylene dibromide 36 EDB

Ethylene dichloride 36 2 EDC

Ethylene glycol 20 2 EGL

Ethylene glycol acetate 34 EGO

Ethylene glycol butyl ether, seeEthylene glycol monoalkyl ethers EGM EGC

Ethylene glycol tert-butyl ether, seeEthylene glycol monoalkyl



Ethylene glycol butyl ether acetate 34 EMA

Ethylene glycol diacetate 34 EGY

Ethylene glycol dibutyl ether 40 EGB

Ethylene glycol ethyl ether, seeEthyl glycol monoalkyl ethers EGE EGC/EEO

Ethylene glycol ethyl ether acetate, see2-Ethoxyethyl acetate EGA EEA

Ethylene glycol hexyl ether 40 EGH

Ethylene glycol isopropyl ether, seeEthylene glycol monoalkyl ethers


Ethylene glycol methyl butyl ether, seeEthylene glycol monoalkyl



Ethylene glycol methyl ether, seeEthylene glycol monoalkyl ethers EME EGC

Ethylene glycol methyl ether acetate 34 EGT

Ethylene glycol monoalkyl ethers 40 EGC


Ethylene glycol butyl ether

Ethylene glycol isobutyl ether

Ethylene glycol tert-butyl ether

Ethylene glycol ethyl ether

Ethylene glycol hexyl ether

Ethylene glycol methyl ether

Ethylene glycol propyl ether

Ethylene glycol isopropyl ether

Ethylene glycol phenyl ether 40 EPE

Ethylene glycol phenyl ether, Diethylene glycol phenyl ether


40 EDX

Ethylene glycol propyl ether, seeEthylene glycol monoalkyl ethers EGP EGC

Ethylene glycol iso-propyl ether, seeEthylene glycol monoalkyl ethers


Ethylene oxide 0 1 EOX

Ethylene oxide, Propylene oxide mixture 16 1 EPM

Ethylene-Propylene copolymer 30

Ethylene-Vinyl acetate copolymer emulsion 43

Ethyl ether 41 EET

Ethyl-3-ethoxypropionate 34 EEP

2-Ethylhexaldehyde, seeOctyl aldehydes HA OAL

2-Ethylhexanoic acid, seeOctanoic acids EHO OAY

2-Ethylhexanol, seeOctanol EHX OCX

2-Ethylhexyl acrylate 14 1 EAI

2-Ethylhexylamine 7 EHM

Ethyl hexyl phthalate 34 EHE

Ethyl hexyl tallate 34 EHT

2-Ethyl-1-(hydroxymethyl)propane-1,3-diol, C8-C10 ester 34 EHD

Ethylidene norbornene 30 2 ENB

Ethyl methacrylate 14 1 ETM

N-Ethylmethylallylamine 7 EML

2-Ethyl-6-methyl-N-(1′-methyl-2-methoxyethyl)aniline 9 EEM

o-Ethyl phenol 21 EPL

Ethyl propionate 34 EPR

2-Ethyl-3-propylacrolein 19 2 EPA

Ethyl toluene 32 ETE

Fatty acids (saturated, C13+),seeFatty acids (saturated, C14+)

Fatty acids (saturated, C14+) 34 FAD SRA

Ferric chloride solution 1 1 FCS FCL

Ferric hydroxyethylethylenediaminetriacetic acid, trisodium salt solution

43 2 FHX STA

Ferric nitrate, Nitric acid solution 3 FNN

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Chemical name Group No. Foot note CHRIS Code Related CHRIS Codes

Fish solubles (water based fish meal extracts) 43 FSO

Fluorosilicic acid 1 1 FSJ

Formaldehyde, Methanol mixtures 19 2 MTM

Formaldehyde solution 19 2 FMS

Formamide 10 FAM

Formic acid 4 2 FMA

Fructose solution 43

Fumaric adduct of Rosin, water dispersion 43 FAR

Furfural 19 FFA

Furfuryl alcohol 20 2 FAL

Gas oil, cracked 33 GOC

Gasoline blending stock, alkylates 33 GAK

Gasoline blending stock, reformates 33 GRF


Automotive (not over 4.23 grams lead per gal.) 33 GAT

Aviation (not over 4.86 grams lead per gal) 33 GAV AVA

Casinghead (natural) 33 GCS

Polymer 33 GPL

Straight run 33 GSR

Glucose solution 43 GLU DTS

Glutaraldehyde solution 19 GTA

Glycerine 20 2 GCR

Glycerine, Dioxanedimethanol mixture 20 GDM

Glycerol monooleate 20 GMO

Glycerol polyalkoxylate 34

Glyceryl triacetate 34

Glycidyl ester of C10 trialkyl acetic acid (IMO cargo

name),seeGlycidyl ester of tridecyl acetic acid

34 GLT

Gylcidyl ester of tridecylacetic acid 34 GLT

Glycidyl ester of Versatic acid, seeGylcidyl ester of tridecylacetic acid


Glycine, sodium salt solution 7

Glycol diacetate, seeEthylene glycol diacetate EGY

Glycolic acid solution 4 GLC

Glyoxal solutions 19 GOS

Glyoxylic acid 4 GAC

Glyphosate solution (not containing surfactant) (See also



Heptadecane, seen-Alkanes (C10+) ALJ

Heptane 31 1 HMX ALK (HPI/HPT)

n-Heptanoic acid 4 HEP

Heptanol 20 HTX HTN

Heptene 30 HPX HTE

Heptyl acetate 34 HPE

Herbicide (C15-H22-NO2-Cl), seeMetolachlor MCO

Hexadecanol (cetyl alcohol), seeAlcohols (C13+) ALY

1-Hexadecylnaphthalene, 1,4-bis(Hexadecyl)naphthalene mixture 32

Hexaethylene glycol, seePolyethylene glycol

Hexamethylene glycol 20

Hexamethylenediamine 7 HME HMD/HMC

Hexamethylenediamine solution 7 HMC HMD/HME

Hexamethylenediamine adipate solution 43 HAM

Hexamethylene diisocyanate 12 HDI

Hexamethylenetetramine 7 HMT

Hexamethylenetetramine solutions 7 HTS

Hexamethylenimine 7 HMI

Hexane 31 2 HXS ALK (IHA/HXA)

Hexanoic acid 4 HXO

Hexanol 20 HXN


Hexyl acetate 34 HAE HSA

Hexylene glycol 20 HXG

HiTec 321 7 HIT

Hog grease, seeLard

Hydrochloric acid 1 1 HCL

Hydrofluorosilicic acid, seeFluorosilicic acid HFS FSJ

bis(Hydrogenated tallow alkyl)methyl amines 7 HTA

Hydrogen peroxide solutions 0 1 HPN/HPS/HPO

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Chemical name Group No. Foot note CHRIS Code Related CHRIS Codes

2-Hydroxyethyl acrylate 14 2 HAI

N-(Hydroxyethyl)ethylenediamine triacetic acid, trisodium salt solution


N,N-bis(2-Hydroxyethyl) oleamide 10 HOO

2-Hydroxy-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid 4 HBA

Hydroxy terminated polybutadiene (IMO cargo

name),seePolybutadiene, hydroxy terminated



seePoly(tetramethylene ether) glycols (mw 950-1050)


Icosa(oxypropane-2,3-diyl)s 20 IOP

Isophorone 18 2 IPH

Isophorone diamine 7 IPI

Isophorone diisocyanate 12 IPD

Isoprene 30 IPR

Isoprene concentrate (Shell) 30 ISC

Isopropylbenzene (cumene), seePropylbenzene PBY

Jet fuels:

JP-4 33 JPF

JP-5 33 JPV

JP-8 33 JPE

Kaolin clay slurry 43

Kerosene 33 KRS

Ketone residue 18 KTR

Kraft black liquor 5 KPL

Kraft pulping liquors (Black, Green, or White) 5 KPL

Lactic acid 0 1, 2 LTA

Lactonitrile solution 37 LNI

Lard 34

Latex (ammonia inhibited) 30 LTX

Latex, liquid synthetic 43 LLS LTX

Lauric acid 34 LRA

Lauryl polyglucose, seeAlkyl(C12 -C14) polyglucoside solution

(55% or less)


Lecithin 34 LEC

Lignin liquor 43

Lignin sulfonic acid, sodium salt solution, seeSodium

lignosulfonate solution

d-Limonene, seeDipentene

Liquid Streptomyces solubles 43

Long chain alkaryl polyether (C11-C20) 41 LCP

Long chain alkaryl sulfonic acid (C16-C60) 0 1, 2 LCS

Long chain alkylphenate/Phenol sulfide mixture 21 LPS

Long chain polyetheramine in alkyl(C2-C4)benzenes 7 LCE

l-Lysine solution 43 LYS

Magnesium chloride solution 0 1, 2

Magnesium hydroxide slurry 5

Magnesium long chain alkaryl sulfonate (C11-C50) 34 MAS MSE

Magnesium long chain alkyl phenate sulfide (C8-C20) 34 MPS

Magnesium long chain alkyl salicylate (C11+) 34 MLS

Magnesium nonyl phenol sulfide, seeMagnesium long chain alkyl phenate sulfide (C8-C20)


Magnesium sulfonate, seeMagnesium long chain alkaryl sulfonate



Maleic anhydride 11 MLA

Mercaptobenzothiazol, sodium salt solution (IMO cargo

name),seeSodium-2-mercaptobenzothiazol solution


Mesityl oxide 18 2 MSO

Metam sodium solution 7 MSS SMD

Methacrylic acid 4 MAD

Methacrylic resin in Ethylene dichloride 14 1 MRD

Methacrylonitrile 15 2 MET

Methane 31 1 MTH

3-Methoxy-1-butanol 20

3-Methoxybutyl acetate 34 MOA

N-(2-Methoxy-1-methyl ethyl)-2-ethyl-6-methyl chloroacetanilide

(IMO cargo name),seeMetolachlor

34 MCO

1-Methoxy-2-propyl acetate 34 MPO

Methoxy triglycol 40 MTG

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Chemical name Group No. Foot note CHRIS Code Related CHRIS Codes

Methyl acetate 34 MTT

Methyl acetoacetate 34 MAE

Methyl acetylene, Propadiene mixture 30 MAP

Methyl acrylate 14 1 MAM

Methyl alcohol 20 2 MAL

Methylamine solutions 7 MSZ

Methyl amyl acetate 34 MAC

Methyl amyl alcohol 20 MAA MIC

Methyl amyl ketone 18 MAK

Methyl bromide 36 MTB

Methyl butanol, see the amyl alcohols AAI

Methyl butenol 20 MBL

Methyl butenes (tert-amylenes), seePentene PTX

Methyl tert-butyl ether 41 2 MBE

Methyl butyl ketone 18 2 MBK

Methylbutynol,see2-Methyl-2-hydroxy-3-butyne 20 MBY MHB

3-Methyl butyraldehyde 19

Methyl butyrate 34 MBU

Methyl chloride 36 MTC

Methylcyclohexane 31 1 MCY

Methylcyclopentadiene dimer 30 MCK

Methyl diethanolamine 8 MDE MAB

Methylene chloride, seeDichloromethane DCM

2-Methyl-6-ethylaniline 9 MEN

Methyl ethyl ketone 18 2 MEK

2-Methyl-5-ethylpyridine 9 MEP

Methyl formate 34 MFM

N-Methylglucamine solution 43 MGC

Methyl heptyl ketone 18 MHK

2-Methyl-2-hydroxy-3-butyne 20 MHB

Methyl isoamyl ketone 18 MAK

Methyl isobutyl carbinol, seeMethyl amyl alcohol MIC MAA

Methyl isobutyl ketone 18 2 MIK

Methyl methacrylate 14 1 MMM

3-Methyl-3-methoxybutanol 20

3-Methyl-3-methoxybutyl acetate 34

Methyl naphthalene 32 MNA

Methylolureas 19 MUS

2-Methyl pentane 31 1 IHA

2-Methyl-1-pentene, seeHexene MPN HEX

4-Methyl-1-pentene, seeHexene MTN HEX

Methyl tert-pentyl ether (IMO cargo name),seetert-Amyl methyl ether

41 AYE

2-Methyl-1,3-propanediol 20 MDL

Methyl propyl ketone 18 MKE

Methylpyridine 9 MPR/MPE/MPF

N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone 9 2 MPY

Methyl salicylate 34 MES

alpha-Methylstyrene 30 MSR

3-(Methylthio)propionaldehyde 19 MTP

Metolachlor 34 MCO

Milk 43

Mineral spirits 33 MNS

Molasses 20

Molasses residue 0 1

Monochlorodifluoromethane 36 MCF

Monoethanolamine, seeEthanolamine

Monoisopropanolamine, seePropanolamine

Morpholine 7 2 MPL

Motor fuel antiknock compounds containing lead alkyls 0 1 MFA

MTBE, seeMethyl tert-butyl ether MBE

Myrcene 30 MRE


Aromatic 33

Coal tar solvent 33 NCT

Heavy 33

Paraffinic 33

Petroleum 33 PTN

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Chemical name Group No. Foot note CHRIS Code Related CHRIS Codes

Solvent 33 NSV

Stoddard solvent 33 NSS

Varnish Makers' and Painters' 33 NVM

Naphthalene 32 NTM

Naphthalene still residue 32 2 NSR

Naphthalene sulfonic acid-formaldehyde copolymer, sodium salt


0 1 NFS

Naphthalene sulfonic acid, sodium salt solution 34 NSA

Naphthenic acid 4 NTI

Naphthenic acid, sodium salt solution 43 NTS

Neodecanoic acid 4 NEA


Nitrating acid 0 1 NIA

Nitric acid (70% or less) 3 NCD

Nitric acid (greater than 70%) 0 1 NAC

Nitrobenzene 42 NTB

o-Nitrochlorobenzene, seeChloronitrobenzene CNO

Nitroethane 42 NTE

Nitroethane, 1-Nitropropane mixtures 42 NNO

o-Nitrophenol 0 1, 2 NTP NIP/NPH

Nitropropane 42 NPM NPN/NPP

Nitropropane, Nitroethane mixture 42 NNO (NNM/NNL)

Nitrotoluene 42 NIT NIE/NTT/NTR

Nonane 31 1 NAX ALK (NAN)

Nonanoic acid 4 NNA NAI/NIN

Nonanoic, Tridecanoic acid mixture 4 NAT

Nonene 30 NOO NON/NNE

Nonyl acetate 34 NAE

Nonyl alcohol 20 2 NNS NNI/NNN/DBC

Nonylbenzene, seeAlkyl(C9+)benzenes AKB

Nonyl methacrylate 14 1 NMA

Nonyl phenol 21 NNP

Nonyl phenol poly(4+)ethoxylates 40 NPE

Nonyl phenol sulfide solution, seeAlkyl phenol sulfide (C8-C40) AKS/NPS

Noxious Liquid Substance, n.o.s. (NLS's) 0 1

1-Octadecene, see the olefin or alpha-olefin entries

Octadecenoamide 10 ODD

Octadecenol (oleyl alcohol), seeAlcohols (C13+) ALY

Octane 31 1 OAX ALK (IOO/OAN)

Octanoic acid 4 OAY OAA/EHO

Octanol 20 2 OCX IOA/OTA/EHX

Octene 30 OTX OTE

n-Octyl acetate 34 OAF OAE

Octyl alcohol, seeOctanol OCX

Octyl aldehyde 19 OAL IOC/OLX/EHA

Octyl decyl adipate 34 ODA

Octyl nitrate, seeAlkyl(C7-C9) nitrates ONE AKN

Octyl phenol 21

Octyl phthalate, seeDioctyl phthalate DOP

Oil, edible:

Beechnut 34 OBN VEO

Castor 34 OCA VEO

Cocoa butter 34 OCB VEO

Coconut 34 2 OCC VEO

Cod liver 34 OCL AFN

Corn 34 OCO VEO

Cottonseed 34 OCS VEO

Fish 34 2 OFS AFN

Groundnut 34 OGN VEO

Hazelnut 34 OHN VEO

Lard 34 OLD AFN

Maize 34 VEO (OCO)

Nutmeg butter 34 ONB VEO

Olive 34 OOL VEO

Palm 34 2 OPM VEO

Palm kernel 34 OPO VEO

Peanut 34 OPN VEO

Poppy 34 OPY VEO

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Chemical name Group No. Foot note CHRIS Code Related CHRIS Codes

Poppy seed 34 VEO

Raisin seed 34 ORA VEO

Rapeseed 34 ORP VEO

Rice bran 34 ORB VEO

Safflower 34 OSF VEO

Salad 34 OSL VEO

Sesame 34 OSS VEO

Soya bean 34 OSB VEO

Sunflower seed 34 OSN VEO

Tucum 34 OTC VEO

Vegetable 34 OVG VEO

Walnut 34 OWN VEO

Oil, fuel:

No. 1 33 OON

No. 1-D 33 OOD

No. 2 33 OTW

No. 2-D 33 OTD

No. 4 33 OFR

No. 5 33 OFV

No. 6 33 OSX

Oil, misc:

Aliphatic 33

Animal 34 OMA AFN

Aromatic 33

Clarified 33 OCF

Coal 33

Coconut oil, fatty acid methyl ester 34 OCM

Cotton seed oil, fatty acid 34 CFY

Crude 33 OIL

Diesel 33 ODS

Gas, high pour 33

Gas, low pour 33

Gas, low sulfur 33

Heartcut distillate 33

Lanolin 34 OLL AFN

Linseed 33 OLS

Lubricating 33 OLB

Mineral 33 OMN

Mineral seal 33 OMS

Motor 33 OMT

Neatsfoot 33 ONF AFN

Oiticica 34 OOI

Palm oil, fatty acid methyl ester 34 OPE

Penetrating 33 OPT

Perilla 34 OPR

Pilchard 34 OPL AFN

Pine 33 OPI PNL

Residual 33

Road 33 ORD

Rosin 33 ORN

Seal 34

Soapstock 34 OIS

Soybean (epoxidized) 34 EVO

Sperm 33 OSP AFN

Spindle 33 OSD

Tall 34 OTL

Tall, fatty acid 34 2 TOF

Transformer 33 OTF

Tung 34 OTG

Turbine 33 OTB

Wood 34

Olefin/Alkyl ester copolymer (molecular weight 2000+) 34 OCP

Olefin mixtures 30 OFX/OFY

alpha-Olefins (C6-C18) mixtures 30 OAM

Olefins (C13+) 30

Oleic acid 34 OLA

Oleum 0 1, 2 OLM

Oleyl alcohol (octadecenol), seeAlcohols (C13+) ALY

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Chemical name Group No. Foot note CHRIS Code Related CHRIS Codes

Oleylamine 7 OLY

ORIMULSION, seeAsphalt emulsion ASQ

Oxyalkylated alkyl phenol formaldehyde 33

Palm kernel acid oil 34 PNO

Palm kernel acid oil, methyl ester 34 PNF

Palm kernel oil, fatty acid, seePalm kernel acid oil PNO

Palm kernel oil, fatty acid methyl ester, seePalm kernel acid oil,

methyl ester


Palm stearin 34 PMS

n-Paraffins (C10-C20), seen-Alkanes (C10+) PFN ALJ

Paraldehyde 19 PDH

Paraldehyde-Ammonia reaction product 9 PRB

Pentachloroethane 36 PCE

Pentacosa(oxypropane-2,3-diyl)s 20 POY

Pentadecanol, seeAlcohols (C13+) PDC ALY

1,3-Pentadiene 30 PDE PDN

Pentaethylene glycol, seePolyethylene glycols

Pentaethylene glycol methyl ether, seePoly(2-8)alkylene glycol monoalkyl(C1-C6) ether


Pentaethylenehexamine 7 PEN

Pentaethylenehexamine, Tetraethylenepentamine mixture 7 PEP

Pentane 31 1 PTY IPT/PTA

Pentanoic acid 4 POC

n-Pentanoic acid, 2-Methyl butryic acid mixture 4 POJ POC

Pentasodium salt of Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid solution,

seeDiethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid, pentasodium salt solution

Pentene 30 PTX PTE

Pentyl aldehyde 19

n-Pentyl propionate 34 PPE

Perchloroethylene 36 2 PER TTE

Petrolatum 33 PTL

Phenol 21 PHN

1-Phenyl-1-xylyl ethane 32 PXE

Phosphate esters, alkyl(C12-C14)amine 7 PEA

Phosphoric acid 1 1 PAC

Phosphorus 0 1 PPW PPR/PPB

Phthalate based polyester polyol 0 1, 2 PBE

Phthalic anhydride 11 PAN

alpha-Pinene 30 PIO PIN

beta-Pinene 30 PIP PIN

Pine oil 33 PNL OPI

Polyalkyl(C18-C22) acrylate in Xylene 14 1 PIX

Polyalkylene glycol butyl ether, seePoly(2-8)alkylene glycol

monoalkyl(C1-C6) ether


Poly(2-8)alkylene glycol monoalkyl(C1-C6) ether 40 PAG


Diethylene glycol butyl ether

Diethylene glycol ethyl ether

Diethylene glycol n-hexyl ether

Diethylene glycol methyl ether

Diethylene glycol n-propyl ether

Dipropylene glycol butyl ether

Dipropylene glycol methyl ether

Polyalkylene glycol butyl ether

Polyethylene glycol monoalkyl ether

Polypropylene glycol methyl ether

Tetraethylene glycol methyl ether

Triethylene glycol butyl ether

Triethylene glycol ethyl ether

Triethylene glycol methyl ether

Tripropylene glycol methyl ether

Poly(2-8)alkylene glycol monoalkyl(C1-C6) ether acetate 34 PAF


Diethylene glycol butyl ether acetate

Diethylene glycol ethyl ether acetate

Diethylene glycol methyl ether acetate

Polyalkylene glycols, Polyalkylene glycol monoalkyl ethers mixtures

40 PPX

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Chemical name Group No. Foot note CHRIS Code Related CHRIS Codes

Polyalkylene oxide polyol 20 PAO

Polyalkyl methacrylate (C1-C20)

Polyalkyl(C10-C20)methacrylate 14 1 PMT

Polyalkyl(C10-C18)methacrylate/Ethylene propylene copolymer


14 1 PEM

Polyaluminum chloride solution 1 1

Polybutadiene, hydroxyl terminated 20

Polybutene 30 PLB

Polybutenyl succinimide 10 PBS

Poly(2+)cyclic aromatics 32 PCA

Polydimethylsiloxane 34

Polyether (molecular weight 2000+) 41 PYR

Polyethylene glycol 40

Polyethylene glycol dimethyl ether 40

Polyethylene glycol monoalkyl ether, seePoly(2-8)alkylene glycol

monoalkyl(C1-C6) ether


Polyethylene polyamines 7 2 PEB

Polyferric sulfate solution 34 PSS

Polyglycerine, Sodium salts solution (containing less than 3%

Sodium hydroxide)

20 2 PGT

Polyglycerol 20 GCR

Polyisobutenamine in aliphatic (C10-C14) solvent 7 PIB

Polyisobutenyl anhydride adduct 11

Poly(4+)isobutylene 30

Polymethylene polyphenyl isocyanate 12 PPI

Polymethylsiloxane 34

Polyolefin (molecular weight 300+) 30

Polyolefin amide alkeneamine (C17+) 33 POH

Polyolefin amide alkeneamine (C28+) 33 POD

Polyolefin amide alkeneamine borate (C28-C250) 33 PAB

Polyolefin amide alkeneamine/Molybdenum oxysulfide mixture 7

Polyolefin amide alkeneamine polyol 20 PAP

Poly(C17+)olefin amine 7 POG

Polyolefinamine (C28-C250) 33 POM

Polyolefinamine in alkyl(C2-C4)benzenes 32 POF

Polyolefin aminoester salt 34 PAE

Polyolefin anhydride 11 PAR

Polyolefin ester (C28-C250) 34 POS

Polyolefin phenolic amine (C28-C250) 7 PPH

Polyolefin phosphorosulfide, barium derivative (C28-C250) 34 PPS

Poly(20)oxyethylene sorbitan monooleate 34 PSM

Poly(5+)propylene 30 PLQ PLP

Polypropylene glycol 40 PGC

Polypropylene glycol methyl ether, seePropylene glycol monoalkyl



Polysiloxane 34 DMP

Poly(tetramethylene ether) glycols (mw 950-1050) (alpha-hydro-


40 HTO

Polytetramethylene ether glycol 40

Potassium chloride solution 43 PCS (DRB)

Potassium formate solution 34 PFR

Potassium hydroxide solution (IMO cargo name),seeCaustic potash


5 2 CPS

Potassium oleate 34 POE

Potassium salt of polyolefin acid 34

Potassium thiosulfate solution 43 PTF

Propane 31 1 PRP

Propanolamine 8 PAX MPA/PLA

Propionaldehyde 19 PAD

Propionic acid 4 PNA

Propionic anhydride 11 PAH

Propionitrile 37 PCN

n-Propoxypropanol, seePropylene glycol monoalkyl ether PXP PGE

Propyl acetate 34 IAC/PAT

Propyl alcohol 20 2 IPA/PAL

Propylamine 7 IPP/PRA

iso-Propylamine solution 7 IPO/IPQ

Propylbenzene 32 2 PBY PBZ/CUM

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Chemical name Group No. Foot note CHRIS Code Related CHRIS Codes

n-Propyl chloride 36 PRC

iso-Propylcyclohexane 31 1 IPX

Propylene 30 PPL

Propylene-butylene copolymer 30 PBP

Propylene carbonate 34

Propylene dimer 30 PDR

Propylene glycol 20 2 PPG

Propylene glycol n-butyl ether, seePropylene glycol monoalkyl ether


Propylene glycol ethyl ether, seePropylene glycol monoalkyl ether PGY PGE

Propylene glycol methyl ether, seePropylene glycol monoalkyl



Propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 34 PGN

Propylene glycol monoalkyl ether 40 PGE



Propylene glycol n-butyl ether

Propylene glycol ethyl ether

Propylene glycol methyl ether

Propylene glycol propyl ether

Propylene glycol phenyl ether 40 PGP

Propylene glycol propyl ether, seePropylene glycol monoalkyl ether PGE

Propylene oxide 16 1 POX

Propylene, Propane, MAPP gas mixture 30 2 PPM

Propylene tetramer 30 PTT

Propylene trimer 30 PTR

Propyl ether 41 IPE/PRE

Pseudocumene, seeTrimethylbenzene TME/TRE

Pyridine 9 PRD

Pyridine bases, seeParaldehyde-Ammonia reaction product PRB

Roehm monomer 6615 14 1 RMN

Rosin oil 33 ORN

Rosin soap (disproportionated) solution 43 RSP

ROUNDUP (See also Glyphosate solution) 7 RUP

Rum, seeAlcoholic beverages

SAP 7001 0 1 SON

Sewage sludge 43

Silica slurry 43

Sludge, treated 43

Sodium acetate, Glycol, Water mixture (not containing Sodium hydroxide)

34 2 SAO SAP

Sodium acetate, Glycol, Water mixture (containing Sodium



Sodium acetate solution 34 SAN AKP

Sodium alkyl sulfonate solution 43 SSU

Sodium alkyl (C14-C17) sulfonates 60-65% solution (IMO cargo

name),seeAlkane (C14-C17) sulfonic acid, sodium salt solution

34 AKA

Sodium aluminate solution 5 SAU

Sodium aluminosillicate slurry 34

Sodium benzoate solution 34 SBN

Sodium borohydride, Sodium hydroxide solution 5 SBX SBH/SBI

Sodium carbonate solutions 5 SCE

Sodium chlorate solution 0 1, 2 SDD SDC

Sodium cyanide solution 5 SCS SCN

Sodium dichromate solution 0 1, 2 SDL SCR

Sodium dimethyl naphthalene sulfonate solution, seeDimethyl naphthalene sulfonic acid, sodium salt solution


Sodium hydrogen sulfide, Sodium carbonate solution 0 1, 2 SSS

Sodium hydrogen sulfite solution 43 SHX

Sodium hydrosulfide solution 5 2 SHR

Sodium hydrosulfide, Ammonium sulfide solution 5 2 SSA

Sodium hydroxide solution (IMO cargo name),seeCaustic soda


5 2 CSS

Sodium hypochlorite solution 5 SHP/SHQ/(SHC)

Sodium lignosulfonate solution,see alsoLignin liquor 43

Sodium long chain alkyl salicylate (C13+) 34 SLS

Sodium 2-mercaptobenzothiazol solution 5 SMB

Sodium N-methyl dithio carbamate solution, seeMetam sodium MSS

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Sodium naphthalene sulfonate solution, seeNaphthalene sulfonic acid, sodium salt solution


Sodium naphthenate solution, seeNaphthenic acid, sodium salt



Sodium nitrite solution 5 SNI SNT

Sodium petroleum sulfonate 33 SPS

Sodium polyacrylate solution 43 2

Sodium salt of Ferric hydroxyethylethylenediaminetriacetic acid

solution, seeFerric hydroxyethylethylenediaminetriacetic acid,

trisodium salt solution


Sodium silicate solution 43 2 SSN SSC

Sodium sulfide, Hydrosulfide solution 0 1, 2 SSH/SSI/SSJ

Sodium sulfide solution 43 SDR

Sodium sulfite solution 43 SUP SUS

Sodium tartrates, Sodium succinates solution 43 STM

Sodium thiocyanate solution 0 1, 2 STS SCY

Sorbitol solutions 20 SBT

Soyabean oil (expoxidized) 34 OSC/EVO

Stearic acid, seeFatty acids (saturated, C14+) SRA FAD

Stearyl alcohol 20

Styrene 30 STY STX

Styrene monomer 30 STY STX

Sulfohydrocarbon (C3-C88) 33 SFO

Sulfohydrocarbon, long chain (C18+) alkylamine mixture 7 SFX

Sulfolane 39 SFL

Sulfonated polyacrylate solutions 43 2

Sulfur 0 1 SXX

Sulfuric acid 2 2 SFA

Sulfuric acid, spent 2 SAC

Sulfurized fat (C14-C20) 33 SFT

Sulfurized polyolefinamide alkene(C28-C250) amine 33 SPO

Tall oil 34 OTL

Tall oil fatty acid (Resin acids less than 20%) 34 2 TOF

Tall oil fatty acid, barium salt 0 1, 2 TOB

Tall oil soap (disproportionated) solution 43 TOS

Tallow 34 2 TLO

Tallow fatty acid 34 2 TFD

Tallow fatty alcohol, seeAlcohols (C13+) TFA ALY

Tallow nitrile 37 TAN

TAME, seetert-Amyl methyl ether AYE

1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 36 TEC

Tetrachloroethylene, seePerchloroethylene TTE PER

Tetradecanol, seeAlcohols (C13+) TTN ALY

Tetradecene, see the olefins entries TTD

Tetradecylbenzene,seeAlkyl(C9+) benzenes 32 TDB AKB

Tetraethylene glycol 40 TTG

Tetraethylene glycol methyl ether, seePoly(2-8)alkylene glycol

monoalkyl(C1-C6) ether


Tetraethylenepentamine 7 2 TTP

Tetrahydrofuran 41 THF

Tetrahydronaphthalene 32 THN

1,2,3,5-Tetramethylbenzene, seeTetramethylbenzene TTB TTC

Tetramethylbenzene 32 TTC TTB

Tetrapropylbenzene, seeAlkyl(C9+)benzenes AKB

Tetrasodium salt of EDTA solution, seeEthylenediaminetetraacetic acid, tetrasodium salt solution


Titanium dioxide slurry 43 TDS

Titanium tetrachloride 2 TTT

Toluene 32 TOL

Toluenediamine 9 TDA

Toluene diisocyanate 12 TDI

o-Toluidine 9 TLI

Triarylphosphate, seeTriisopropylated phenyl phosphates TRA TPL

Tributyl phosphate 34 TBP

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 36 TCB

1,1,1-Trichloroethane 36 2 TCE

1,1,2-Trichloroethane 36 TCM

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Chemical name Group No. Foot note CHRIS Code Related CHRIS Codes

Trichloroethylene 36 2 TCL

1,2,3-Trichloropropane 36 2 TCN

1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 36 TTF

Tricresyl phosphate 34 TCO/TCP

Tridecane, seen-Alkanes (C10+) TRD ALJ

Tridecanoic acid 34 TDO

Tridecanol, seeAlcohols (C13+) TDN ALY

Tridecene, seeOlefins (C13+) TDC

Tridecyl acetate 34 TAE

Tridecylbenzene,seeAlkyl(C9+) benzenes 32 2 TRB AKB

Triethanolamine 8 2 TEA

Triethylamine 7 TEN

Triethylbenzene 32 2 TEB

Triethylene glycol 40 TEG

Triethylene glycol butyl ether, seePoly(2-8)alkylene glycol

monoalkyl(C1-C6) ether


Triethylene glycol butyl ether mixture 40

Triethylene glycol dibenzoate 34 TGB

Triethylene glycol di-(2-ethylbutyrate) 34 TGD

Triethylene glycol ether mixture 40

Triethylene glycol ethyl ether, seePoly(2-8)alkylene glycol

monoalkyl(C1-C6) ether


Triethylene glycol methyl ether, seePoly(2-8)alkylene glycol monoalkyl(C1-C6) ether


Triethylenetetramine 7 2 TET

Triethyl phosphate 34 TPS

Triethyl phosphite 34 2 TPI

Triisobutylene 30 TIB

Triisooctyl trimellitate 34

Triisopropanolamine 8 TIP

Triisopropanolamine salt of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid

solution, see2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, Triisopropanolamine

salt solution


Triisopropylated phenyl phosphates 34 TPL

Trimethylacetic acid 4 TAA

Trimethylamine solution 7 TMT

Trimethylbenzene 32 2 TRE TME/TMB/TMD

Trimethylhexamethylenediamine (2,2,4- and 2,4,4-) 7 THA

Trimethylhexamethylene diisocyanate (2,2,4- and 2,4,4-) 12 THI

Trimethyl nonanol, seeDodecanol DDN

Trimethylol propane polyethoxylate 20 TPR

2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol diisobutyrate 34 TMQ

2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol-1-isobutyrate 34 TMP

2,2,4-Trimethyl-3-pentanol-1-isobutyrate 34

Trimethyl phosphite 34 2 TPP

1,3,5-Trioxane 41 2 TRO

Triphenylborane, Caustic soda solution 5 TPB

Tripropylene, seePropylene trimer PTR

Tripropylene glycol 40 TGC

Tripropylene glycol methyl ether, seePoly(2-8)alkylene glycol monoalkyl(C1-C6) ether


Trisodium nitrilotriacetate 34

Trisodium phosphate solution 5 TSP

Trisodium salt of N-(Hydroxyethyl)ethylenediaminetriacetic acid

solution, seeN-(Hydroxyethyl)ethylenediaminetriacetic acid,

trisodium salt solution


Trixylyl phosphate (IMO cargo name),seeTrixylenyl phosphate 34 TRP

Trixylenyl phosphate 34 TRP

Turpentine 30 TPT

Ucarsol CR Solvent 302 SG 8 UCS

Undecanoic acid 4 UDA

Undecanol, seeUndecyl alcohol UND

Undecene 30 UDC

Undecyl alcohol 20 UND

Undecylbenzene,seeAlkyl(C9+) benzenes UDB AKB

Urea, Ammonium mono- and di-hydrogen phosphate, Potassium

chloride solution

0 1 UPX

Urea, Ammonium nitrate solution (containing Ammonia) 6 UAS

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Chemical name Group No. Foot note CHRIS Code Related CHRIS Codes

Urea, Ammonium nitrate solution (not containing Ammonia) 43 UAT ANU

Urea, Ammonium phosphate solution 43 UAP

Urea solution 43 URE

Valeraldehyde 19 VAK IVA/VAL

Vanillin black liquor 5 VBL

Vegetable oils, n.o.s. 34 VEO


Beechnut oil

Castor oil

Cocoa butter

Coconut oil

Corn oil

Cottonseed oil

Groundnut oil

Hazelnut oil

Linseed oil

Nutmeg butter

Oiticica oil

Olive oil

Palm kernel oil

Palm oil

Peel oil (oranges and lemons)

Perilla oil

Poppy oil

Raisin seed oil

Rapeseed oil

Rice bran oil

Safflower oil

Salad oil

Sesame oil

Soya bean oil

Sunflower seed oil

Tucum oil

Tung oil

Walnut oil

Vegetable acid oils and distillates, n.o.s. 34 VAO


Corn acid oil

Cottonseed acid oil

Dark mixed acid oil

Groundnut acid oil

Mixed acid oil

Mixed general acid oil

Mixed hard acid oil

Mixed soft acid oil

Rapeseed acid oil

Safflower acid oil

Soya acid oil

Sunflower seed acid oil

Vegetable protein solution 43

Vinyl acetate 13 1 VAM

Vinyl chloride 35 VCM

Vinyl ethyl ether 13 1 VEE

Vinylidene chloride 35 VCI

Vinyl neodecanate 13 1 VND

Vinyltoluene 13 1 VNT

Water 43

Waxes: WAX

Candelilla 34 WDC

Carnauba 34 WCA

Paraffin 31 1 WPF

Petroleum 33

Wine, seeAlcoholic beverages

White spirit (low (15-20%) aromatic) 33 WSL WSP


Xylenes, Ethylbenzene mixture 32 XEB

Xylenols 21 XYL

Zinc alkaryl dithiophosphate (C7-C16) 34 ZAD

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Chemical name Group No. Foot note CHRIS Code Related CHRIS Codes

Zinc alkenyl carboxamide 10 ZAA

Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) 34 ZAP

Zinc bromide, Calcium bromide solution, seeDrilling brine (containing Zinc salts)


1. Because of very high reactivity or unusual conditions of carriage or potential compatibility problems, this commodity is not assigned to a specific group in the Compatibility Chart. For additional compatibility information, contact Commandant (CG-ENG-5), Attn: Hazardous Materials Division, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20593-7509. Telephone 202-372-1420 or [email protected].

2. See Appendix I—Exceptions to the Chart.

[USCG 2000-7079, 65 FR 67162, Nov. 8, 2000, as amended by USCG-2006-25697, 71 FR 55746, Sept. 25, 2006; USCG-2008-0906, 73 FR 56510, Sept. 29, 2008; USCG-2009-0702, 74 FR 49236, Sept. 25, 2009; USCG-2010-0759, 75 FR 60003, Sept. 29, 2010; USCG-2012-0832, 77 FR 59783, Oct. 1, 2012; USCG-2013-0671, 78 FR 60155, Sept. 30, 2013]

Table II to Part 150—Grouping of Cargoes

0. Unassigned Cargoes

Acetone cyanohydrin 1 2

Alkylbenzenesulfonic acid 1 2

Aluminium chloride, Hydrochloric

acid solution 1

Ammonium hydrogen phosphate

solution 1

Ammonium nitrate solution 1

Ammonium thiocyanate, Ammonium

thiosulfate solution 1

Benzenesulfonyl chloride 1 2

gamma-Butyrolactone 1 2

Chlorine 1

Chlorosulfonic acid 1


dioxide 2

tert-Dodecanethiol 2

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid,

Dimethylamine salt solution 1 2

Dimethylamine salt of 2,4-

Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid solution

1 2

Diphenylol propane-Epichlorohydrin

resins 1

Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid 1 2

Dodecyl hydroxypropyl sulfide 2

Ethylene oxide 1

Hydrogen peroxide solutions 1

Lactic acid 2

Long chain alkaryl sulfonic acid

(C16-C60) 2

Magnesium chloride solution 1 2

Molasses residue 1

Motor fuel antiknock compounds

containing Lead alkyls 1

Naphthalene sulfonic acid-

formaldehyde copolymer, sodium salt

solution 1


Nitrating acid 1

Nitric acid (greater than 70%) 1

o-Nitrophenol 1 2

Noxious Liquid Substance, n.o.s.

(NLS's) 1

Oleum 1 2

Phosphorus 1

Phthalate based polyester polyol 2

SAP 7001 1

Sodium chlorate solution 1 2

Sodium dichromate solution 1 2

Sodium hydrogen sulfide, Sodium

carbonate solution 1 2

Sodium sulfide, Hydrosulfide

solution 1 2

Sodium thiocyanate solution 1 2

Sulfur 1

Tall oil fatty acid, barium salt 2

Urea, Ammonium mono- and di-

hydrogen phosphate, Potassium

chloride solution

1. Non-Oxidizing Mineral Acids

Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid

Ferric chloride solution

Fluorosilicic acid

Hydrochloric acid

Phosphoric acid

Polyaluminum chloride solution

2. Sulfuric Acids

Sulfuric acid2

Sulfuric acid, spent

Titanium tetrachloride

3. Nitric Acid

Ferric nitrate, Nitric acid solution

Nitric acid (70% or less)

4. Organic Acids

Acetic acid 2

Acrylic acid 2

Butyric acid

Cashew nut shell oil (untreated)

Citric acid

Chloroacetic acid solution

Chloropropionic acid

Decanoic acid

2,2-Dichloropropionic acid

2,2-Dimethyloctanoic acid

2-Ethylhexanoic acid

Formic acid 2

Glycolic acid

Glyoxylic acid

n-Heptanoic acid

Hexanoic acid



Methacrylic acid

Naphthenic acid

Neodecanoic acid

Nonanoic acid

Nonanoic, Tridecanoic acid mixture

Octanoic acid

n-Pentanoic acid, 2-Methyl butryic

acid mixture

Pentanoic acid

Propionic acid

Trimethylacetic acid

Undecanoic acid

5. Caustics

Ammonium sulfide solution

Calcium hypochlorite solutions

Caustic potash solution 2

Caustic soda solution 2

Cresylate spent caustic

Cresylic acid, sodium salt solution

Kraft black liquor

Kraft pulping liquors

Mercaptobenzothiazol, sodium salt


Potassium hydroxide solution 2

Sodium acetate, Glycol, Water

mixture (containing Sodium


Sodium aluminate solution

Sodium borohydride, Sodium

hydroxide solution

Sodium carbonate solutions

Sodium cyanide solution

Sodium hydrosulfide solution 2

Sodium hydrosulfide, Ammonium

sulfide solution 2

Sodium hydroxide solution 2

Sodium hypochlorite solution

Sodium 2-mercaptobenzothiazol


Sodium naphthenate solution

Sodium nitrite solution

Triphenylborane, Caustic soda


Trisodium phosphate solution

Vanillin black liquor

6. Ammonia

Ammonia, anhydrous

Ammonia, aqueous

Ammonium hydroxide (28% or less


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Ammonium nitrate, Urea solution

(containing Ammonia)

Urea, Ammonium nitrate solution

(containing Ammonia)

7. Aliphatic Amines










Dimethylamine solution




Diphenylamine, reaction product with


Diphenylamines, alkylated

Dodecylamine, Tetradecylamine



Tetradecyldimethylamine mixture


Ethylamine solution

Ethyleneamine EA 13022


N-Ethyl cyclohexylamine


2-Ethyl hexylamine


Glyphosate solution (not containing



Hexamethylenediamine solution


Hexamethylenetetramine solutions


HiTec 321

bis-(Hydrogenated tallow

alkyl)methyl amines

Isophorone diamine

Long chain polyetheramine in


Metam sodium solution

Methylamine solutions





Tetraethylenepentamine mixture

Phosphate esters, alkyl (C12–C14)


Polyethylene polyamines2

Polyolefin amide alkeneamine


Polyisobutenamine in aliphatic (C10–

C14) solvent

Poly (C17+) olefin amine

Polyolefin amide

alkeneamine/Molybdenum oxysulfide


Propanil, Mesityl oxide, Isophorone



iso-Propylamine solution


Sulfohydrocarbon, long chain (C18+)

alkylamine mixture




Trimethylamine solution

Trimethylhexamethylene diamine

(2,2,4- and 2,4,4-)

8. Alkanolamines



Aminoethylethanolamine solution









Ethoxylated long chain (C16+)


Methyl diethanolamine




Ucarsol CR Solvent 302 SG

9. Aromatic Amines

Alkyl (C8–C9) phenylamine in

aromatic solvents


Calcium long chain alkyl phenolic

amine (C8–C40)


acid, Dimethylamine salt solution

Dialkyl (C8–C9) diphenylamines


Dimethylamine salt of 4-Chloro-2-

methylphenoxyacetic acid solution





2-Methyl-6-ethyl aniline

2-Methyl-5-ethyl pyridine

Methyl pyridine



Paraldehyde-Ammonia reaction



Pyridine bases



10. Amides


Acrylamide solution



N,N-Dimethylacetamide solution



N,N-bis(2-Hydroxyethyl) oleamide


Zinc alkenyl carboxamide

11. Organic Anhydrides

Acetic anhydride

Alkenylsuccinic anhydride

Maleic anhydride

Phthalic anhydride

Polyisobutenyl anhydride adduct

Polyolefin anhydride

Propionic anhydride

12. Isocyanates

Diphenylmethane diisocyanate

Hexamethylene diisocyanate

Isophorone diisocyanate

Polymethylene polyphenyl isocyanate

Toluene diisocyanate


diisocyanate (2,2,4- and 2,4,4-)

13. Vinyl Acetate

Vinyl acetate

Vinyl ethyl ether

Vinyl neodecanate

Vinyl toluene

14. Acrylates

Butyl acrylate

Butyl methacrylate

Butyl methacrylate, Decyl

methacrylate, Cetyl-Eicosyl

methacrylate mixture

Cetyl-Eicosyl methacrylate mixture

Decyl acrylate

Dodecyl methacrylate

Dodecyl-Octadecyl methacrylate


Dodecyl-Pentadecyl methacrylate


Ethyl acrylate

2-Ethylhexyl acrylate

Ethyl methacrylate

2-Hydroxyethyl acrylate2

Methacrylic resin in Ethylene


Methyl acrylate

Methyl methacrylate

Nonyl methacrylate

Polyalkyl(C18 - C22) acrylate in


Polyalkyl (C10–C18)


Polyalkyl (C10–C20) methacrylate

Propylene copolymer mixture

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Roehm monomer 6615

15. Substituted Allyls


Allyl alcohol2

Allyl chloride


Dichloropropene, Dichloropropane



16. Alkylene Oxides

Butylene oxide

Ethylene oxide, Propylene oxide


Propylene oxide

17. Epichlorohydrin



18. Ketones



Amyl methyl ketone

Butyl heptyl ketone

Camphor oil




Cyclohexanone, Cyclohexanol


Diisobutyl ketone

Ethyl amyl ketone

Epoxy resin

Ketone residue


Mesityl oxide2

Methyl amyl ketone

Methyl butyl ketone

Methyl butyl ketone

Methyl ethyl ketone2

Methyl heptyl ketone

Methyl isoamyl ketone

Methyl isobutyl ketone2

Methyl propyl ketone

Trifluralin in Xylene

19. Aldehydes








Formaldehyde, Methanol mixtures2

Formaldehyde solution2


Glutaraldehyde solution

Glyoxal solutions

3-Methyl butyraldehyde



Octyl aldehyde


Pentyl aldehyde



20. Alcohols, Glycols

Acrylonitrile-Styrene copolymer

dispersion in Polyether polyol

Alcoholic beverages

Alcohol polyethoxylates

Alcohol polyethoxylates, secondary

Alcohols (C13+)

Amyl alcohol

Behenyl alcohol

Brake fluid base mixtures


Butyl alcohol2

Butylene glycol2

Cetyl-Stearyl alcohol

Choline chloride solutions


Decyl alcohol2

Diacetone alcohol2

Diethyl hexanol

Diisobutyl carbinol



Dodecyl alcohol

Ethoxylated alcohols, C11-C15


Ethyl alcohol2

Ethyl butanol

Ethylene chlorohydrin

Ethylene cyanohydrin

Ethylene glycol2


Furfuryl alcohol2


Glycerine, Dioxanedimethanol


Glycerol monooleate


Hexamethylene glycol


Hexylene glycol

Hydroxy terminated polybutadiene


Lauryl polyglucose (50% or less)


Methyl alcohol2

Methyl amyl alcohol

Methyl butenol



Methyl isobutyl carbinol




Nonyl alcohol2


Octyl alcohol2



Polyalkylene oxide polyol

Polybutadiene, hydroxy terminated


Polyglycerine, Sodium salts solution

(containing less than 3% Sodium


Polyolefin amide alkeneamine polyol

Propyl alcohol2

Propylene glycol2


Sorbitol solutions

Stearyl alcohol

Tallow fatty alcohol



Trimethyl nonanol

Trimethylol propane polyethoxylate


Undecyl alcohol

21. Phenols, Cresols

Benzyl alcohol

Carbolic oil



Cresylic acid

Cresylic acid dephenolized

Cresylic acid, tar



Dodecyl phenol


Long chain alkylphenate/phenol

sulfide mixture

Nonyl phenol

Octyl phenol



22. Caprolactam Solutions

Caprolactam solution

23–29. Unassigned

30. Olefins


Aryl polyolefin (C11–C50)


Butadiene, Butylene mixtures (cont.



Butene oligomer



1,3-Cyclopentadiene dimer

Cyclopentadiene, Styrene, Benzene









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Ethylene-Propylene copolymer

Ethylidene norbornene2




Isoprene concentrate (Shell)

Latex (ammonia (1% or less)


Methyl acetylene, Propadiene


Methyl butene

Methylcyclopentadiene dimer



alpha-Methyl styrene





Olefin mixtures

alpha-Olefins (C6 - C18) mixtures

alpha-Olefins (C13+)







Polyolefin (molecular weight 300+)




Propylene-butylene copolymer

Propylene dimer

Propylene, Propane, MAPP gas


Propylene tetramer

Propylene trimer

Styrene monomer







31. Paraffins

Alkanes (C6–C9)

n-Alkanes (C10+)

iso- & cyclo-Alkanes (C10–C11)

iso- & cyclo-Alkanes (C12+)








Ethyl cyclohexane





2-Methyl pentane









32. Aromatic Hydrocarbons




Alkyl acrylate-Vinyl pyridine

copolymer in Toluene

Alkylbenzene, Alkylindane,

Alkylindene mixture (each C12–C17)


Benzene hydrocarbon mixtures

(having 10% Benzene or more)

Benzene, Toluene, Xylene mixtures


Butyl phenol, Formaldehyde resin in


Butyl toluene




Dialkyl(C10 - C14) benzenes



Diisopropyl naphthalene



Dodecyl xylene


Ethyl toluene

1-Hexadecylnaphthalene, 1,4-



Methyl naphthalene


Naphthalene mixture

Naphthalene still residue

1-Phenyl-1-xylyl ethane

Poly(2+)cyclic aromatics

Polyolefin amine in alkylbenzenes




C9 Resinfeed (DSM)2










Xylenes, Ethylbenzene mixture

33. Miscellaneous Hydrocarbon



Alkylbenzenesulfonic acid, sodium

salt solutions

Alkyl dithiothiadiazole (C6–C24)

Asphalt blending stocks, roofers flux

Asphalt blending stocks, straight run


Asphalt emulsion

Aviation alkylates

Calcuim sulfonate, Calcium

carbonate, Hydrocarbon solvent


Coal tar

Coal tar distillate

Coal tar, high temperature

Coal tar pitch


Degummed C9 (DOW)

Diphenyl, Diphenyl ether

Distillates, flashed feed stocks

Distillates, straight run

Drilling mud (low toxicity) ( if

flammable or combustible )

Gas oil, cracked

Gasoline blending stock, alkylates

Gasoline blending stock, reformates


Automotive ( not over 4.23 grams

lead per gal. )

Aviation ( not over 4.86 grams lead

per gal. )

Casinghead ( natural )


Straight run

Jet Fuels:





Mineral spirits


Coal tar solvent



Stoddard solvent

Varnish Makers' and Painters'

Oil, fuel:

No. 1

No. 1-D

No. 2

No. 2-D

No. 4

No. 5

No. 6

Oil, misc:







Gas, high pour

Heartcut distillate


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Mineral seal












Oxyalkylated alkyl phenol



Pine oil

Polyolefin amine (C28–C250)

Polyolefin amide alkeneamine


Polyolefin amide alkeneamine borate


Sodium petroleum sulfonate

Sulfohydrocarbon (C3–C88)



Sulfurized fat (C14–C20)

Sulfurized polyolefinamide

alkeneamines (C28–C250)

White spirit (low (15-20%) aromatic)

34. Esters

Alkane (C14–C17) sulfonic acid,

sodium salt solution

Alkyl(C8+)amine, Alkenyl (C12+)

acid ester mixture

Alkyl ester copolymer (C6–C18)

Alkyl(C7–C9) nitrates2

Alkyl (C8–C40) phenol sulfide

Alkyl (C10–C20, saturated and

unsaturated) phosphite

Alkyl sulfonic acid ester of phenol

Alkylaryl phosphate mixtures (more

than 40%

Amyl acetate

Animal and Fish oils, n.o.s.

Animal and Fish acid oils and

distillates, n.o.s.

Barium long chain alkaryl (C11–C50)


Barium long chain alkyl(C8–

C14)phenate sulfide

Benzene tricarboxylic acid trioctyl


Benzyl acetate

Butyl acetate

Butyl benzyl phthalate

n-Butyl butyrate

Butyl formate

iso-Butyl isobutyrate

n-Butyl propionate

Calcium alkyl(C9)phenol sulfide,

polyolefin phosphorosulfide mixture

Calcium long chain alkaryl sulfonate


Calcium long chain alkyl phenate

sulfide (C8–C40)

Calcium long chain alkyl phenates

Calcium long chain alkyl salicylate


Calcium nitrate, Magnesium nitrate,

Potassium chloride solution

Calcium nitrate solution

Cobalt naphthenate in solvent


Coconut oil, fatty acid

Copper salt of long chain alkanoic


Cottonseed oil, fatty acid

Cyclohexyl acetate

Decyl acetate

Dialkyl(C7 - C13) phthalates

Dibutyl hydrogen phosphonate

Dibutyl phthalate

Diethylene glycol butyl ether acetate

Diethylene glycol dibenzoate

Diethylene glycol ethyl ether acetate

Diethylene glycol methyl ether


Diethylene glycol phthalate



Diethyl phthalate

Diethyl sulfate

Diheptyl phthalate

Dihexyl phthalate

Di-n-hexyl adipate

Diisobutyl phthalate

Diisodecyl phthalate

Diisononyl adipate

Diisononyl phthalate

Diisooctyl phthalate

Dimethyl adipate

Dimethylcyclicsiloxane hydrolyzate

Dimethyl glutarate

Dimethyl hydrogen phosphite2

Dimethyl naphthalene sulfonic acid,

sodium salt solution2

Dimethyl phthalate

Dimethyl polysiloxane

Dimethyl succinate

Dinonyl phthalate

Dioctyl phthalate

Diphenyl tolyl phosphate, less than

0.02% ortho-isomer)

Dipropylene glycol dibenzoate

Dithiocarbamate ester (C7–C35)

Ditridecyl adipate

Ditridecyl phthalate

2-Dodecenylsuccinic acid,

dipotassium salt solution

Diundecyl phthalate

2-Ethoxyethyl acetate

Ethyl acetate

Ethyl acetoacetate

Ethyl butyrate

Ethylene carbonate

Ethylene glycol acetate

Ethylene glycol butyl ether acetate

Ethylene glycol diacetate

Ethylene glycol ethyl ether acetate

Ethylene glycol methyl ether acetate


Ethyl hexyl phthalate

Ethyl propionate

Ethyl propionate

Fatty acids (saturated, C14+)

Glycerol polyalkoxylate

Glyceryl triacetate

Glycidyl ester of C10 trialkyl acetic


Gylcidyl ester of tridecylacetic acid

Heptyl acetate

Hexyl acetate

Lauric acid


Magnesium long chain alkaryl

sulfonate (C11–C50)

Magnesium long chain alkyl phenate

sulfide (C8–C20)

Magnesium long chain alkyl

salicylate (C11+)

3-Methoxybutyl acetate

1-Methoxy-2-propyl acetate

Methyl acetate

Methyl acetoacetate

Methyl amyl acetate

Methyl butyrate

Methyl formate

3-Methyl-3-methoxybutyl acetate

Methyl salicylate


Naphthalene sulfonic acid, sodium

salt solution (40% or less)

Nonyl acetate

n-Octyl acetate

Octyl decyl adipate

Oil, edible:



Cocoa butter


Cod liver


Cotton seed






Nutmeg butter



Palm kernel



Poppy seed

Raisin seed


Rice bran


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Soya bean


Sunflower seed




Oil, misc:


Coconut oil, fatty actid methyl ester

Cotton seed oil, fatty acid


Palm kernel oil, fatty acid methyl


Palm oil, methyl ester




Soyabean (epoxidized)


Tall, fatty acid2


Olefin/Alkyl ester copolymer

(molecular weight 2000+)

Oleic acid

Palm kernel acid oil

Palm kernel acid oil, methyl ester

Palm stearin

n-Pentyl propionate

Poly(2-8)alkylene glycol

monoalkyl(C1–C6) ether acetate


Polyferric sulfate solution


Poly(20)oxyethylene sorbitan



Polyolefin aminoester salt

Polyolefin ester (C28–C250)

Polyolefin phosphorosulfide, barium

derivative (C28–C250)

Potassium formate solution

Potassium oleate

Potassium salt of polyolefin acid

Propyl acetate

Propylene carbonate

Propylene glycol methyl ether acetate

Sodium acetate, Glycol, Water

mixture (not containing Sodium


Sodium acetate solution

Sodium benzoate solution

Sodium dimethyl naphthalene

sulfonate solution2

Sodium long chain alkyl salicylate


Sodium naphthalene sulfonate


Soyabean oil (epoxidized)

Stearic acid

Tall oil

Tall oil fatty acid ( Resin acids less

than 20% )2


Tallow fatty acid2

Tributyl phosphate

Tricresyl phosphate

Tridecanoic acid

Tridecyl acetate

Triethylene glycol dibenzoate

Triethylene glycol di-(2-


Triethyl phosphate

Triethyl phosphite2

Triisooctyl trimellitate2

Triisopropylated phenyl phosphates







Trimethyl phosphite2

Trisodium nitrilotriacetate

Trixylyl phosphate

Trixylenyl phosphate

Vegetable acid oils and distillates,


Vegetable oils, n.o.s.



Zinc alkaryl dithiophosphate (C7–


Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3–C14)

35. Vinyl Halides

Vinyl chloride

Vinylidene chloride

36. Halogenated Hydrocarbons

Benzyl chloride


Carbon tetrachloride2

Catoxid feedstock2

Chlorinated paraffins (C10 - C13)

Chlorinated paraffins (C14 - C17)












2,2′-Dichloroisopropyl ether



Ethyl chloride

Ethylene dibromide

Ethylene dichloride2

Methyl bromide

Methyl chloride


n-Propyl chloride











37. Nitriles



Lactonitrile solution


Tallow nitrile

38. Carbon Disulfide

Carbon disulfide

39. Sulfolane


40. Glycol Ethers

Alkyl (C7-C11) phenol poly(4-


Alkyl (C9-C15) phenyl propoxylate

Diethylene glycol2

Diethylene glycol butyl ether

Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether

Diethylene glycol diethyl ether

Diethylene glycol ethyl ether

Diethylene glycol methyl ether

Diethylene glycol n-hexyl ether

Diethylene glycol phenyl ether

Diethylene glycol propyl ether

Dipropylene glycol

Dipropylene glycol butyl ether

Dipropylene glycol methyl ether

Ethoxy triglycol

Ethylene glycol hexyl ether

Ethylene glycol methyl butyl ether

Ethylene glycol monoalkyl ethers

Ethylene glycol tert-butyl ether

Ethylene glycol butyl ether

Ethylene glycol dibutyl ether

Ethylene glycol ethyl ether

Ethylene glycol isopropyl ether

Ethylene glycol methyl ether

Ethylene glycol phenyl ether

Ethylene glycol phenyl ether,

Diethylene glycol phenyl ether


Ethylene glycol propyl ether

Hexaethylene glycol

Methoxy triglycol

Nonyl phenol poly(4+)ethoxylates

Pentaethylene glycol methyl ether

Polyalkylene glycol butyl ether

Polyalkylene glycols, Polyalkylene

glycol monoalkyl ethers mixtures

Polyethylene glycols

Polyethylene glycol dimethyl ether

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Poly(2-8)alkylene glycol

monoalkyl(C1–C6) ether

Polyethylene glycol monoalkyl ether

Polypropylene glycol methyl ether

Polypropylene glycols

Poly(tetramethylene ether) glycols

(mw 950–1050)

Polytetramethylene ether glycol


Propylene glycol monoalkyl ether

Propylene glycol ethyl ether

Propylene glycol methyl ether

Propylene glycol n-butyl ether

Propylene glycol phenyl ether

Propylene glycol propyl ether

Tetraethylene glycol

Tetraethylene glycol methyl ether

Triethylene glycol

Triethylene glycol butyl ether

Triethylene glycol butyl ether


Triethylene glycol ether mixture

Triethylene glycol ethyl ether

Triethylene glycol methyl ether

Tripropylene glycol

Tripropylene glycol methyl ether

41. Ethers

Alkaryl polyether (C9–C20)

tert-Amyl methyl ether

Butyl ether

2,2′-Dichloroethyl ether

Diethyl ether

Diglycidyl ether of Bisphenol A

Diglycidyl ether of Bisphenol F

Dimethyl furan


Diphenyl ether

Diphenyl ether, Diphenyl phenyl

ether mixture

Ethyl tert-butyl ether2

Ethyl ether

Long chain alkaryl polyether (C11–


Methyl-tert-butyl ether2

Methyl tert-pentyl ether

Propyl ether


1,3, 5-Trioxane

Polyether (molecular weight 2000+)

42. Nitrocompounds





Nitroethane, 1-Nitropropane mixture


Nitropropane, Nitroethane mixtures


43. Miscellaneous Water Solutions

Alkyl polyglucoside solutions

Aluminum sulfate solution2


propanediol solution

Ammonium bisulfite solution2

Ammonium lignosulfonate solution

Ammonium nitrate, Urea solution

(not containing Ammonia)

Ammonium polyphosphate solution

Ammonium sulfate solution

Ammonium thiosulfate solution

Sulfonated polyacrylate solutions2

Calcium bromide solution

Calcium chloride solution

Calcium lignosulfonate solution

Caramel solutions

Clay slurry

Corn syrup

Dextrose solution

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid,

Diethanolamine salt solution

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid,

Triisopropanolamine salt solution2

Diethanolamine salt of 2,4-

Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid solution

Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid,

pentasodium salt solution

Dodecyl diphenyl ether disulfonate


Drilling brine (containing Calcium,

Potassium, or Sodium salts)

Drilling brine (containing Zinc salts)

Drilling mud (low toxicity) ( if non-

flammable or non-combustible )

Ethylenediaminetetracetic acid,

tetrasodium salt solution

Ethylene-Vinyl acetate copolymer


Ferric hydroxyethylethylenediamine

triacetic acid, trisodium salt solution2

Fish solubles ( water based fish meal

extracts )

Fructose solution

Fumaric adduct of Rosin, water


Hexamethylenediamine adipate


N-(Hydroxyethyl)ethylene diamine

triacetic acid, trisodium salt solution

Kaolin clay slurry

Latex, liquid synthetic

Lignin liquor

Liquid Streptomyces solubles

l-Lysine solution

N-Methylglucamine solution

Naphthenic acid, sodium salt solution

Potassium chloride solution

Potassium thiosulfate solution

Rosin soap (disproportionated)


Sewage sludge, treated

Sodium alkyl sulfonate solution

Sodium hydrogen sulfite solution

Sodium lignosulfonate solution

Sodium polyacrylate solution2

Sodium salt of Ferric


triacetic acid solution

Sodium silicate solution2

Sodium sulfide solution

Sodium sulfite solution

Sodium tartrates, Sodium succinates


Sulfonated polyacrylate solutions2

Tall oil soap (disproportionated)


Tetrasodium salt of EDTA solution

Titanium dioxide slurry

Triisopropanolamine salt of 2,4-

Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid solution

Urea, Ammonium nitrate solution

(not containing Ammonia)

Urea, Ammonium phosphate solution

Urea solution

Vegetable protein solution



Footnotes to Table II 1 Because of very high reactivity or unusual conditions of carriage or potential compatibility problems, this product is not assigned to a specific group in the Compatibility Chart. For additional

compatibility information, contact Commandant (CG-ENG-5), Attn: Hazardous Materials Division, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20593-

7509. Telephone 202-372-1420 or email [email protected] .

2 See Appendix I—Exceptions to the Chart

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Appendix I to Part 150—Exceptions to the Chart

(a). The binary combinations listed below have been tested as prescribed in Appendix III and found not to be dangerously reactive.

These combinations are exceptions to the Compatibility Chart

(Figure 1) and may be stowed in adjacent tanks.

Member of reactive

group Compatible with

Acetone (18) Diethylenetriamine (7)

Acetone cyanohydrin (0) Acetic acid (4)

Acrylonitrile (15) Triethanolamine (8)

1,3-Butylene glycol (20) Morpholine (7)

1,4-Butylene glycol (20) Ethylamine (7)

Triethanolamine (8)

gamma-Butyrolactone (0) N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (9)

Caustic potash, 50% or less (5) Isobutyl alcohol (20)

Ethyl alcohol (20)

Ethylene glycol (20) Isopropyl alcohol (20)

Methyl alcohol (20)

iso-Octyl alcohol (20)

Caustic soda, 50% or less (5) Butyl alcohol (20)

tert-Butyl alcohol,

Methanol mixtures Decyl alcohol (20)

iso-Decyl alcohol (20)

Diacetone alcohol (20) Diethylene glycol (40)

Dodecyl alcohol (20)

Ethyl alcohol (20) Ethyl alcohol (40%, whiskey)


Ethylene glycol (20) Ethylene glycol, Diethylene

glycol mixture (20)

Ethyl hexanol (Octyl alcohol) (20)

Methyl alcohol (20)

Nonyl alcohol (20) iso-Nonyl alcohol (20)

Propyl alcohol (20)

iso-Propyl alcohol (20) Propylene glycol (20)

Sodium chlorate solution (0)

iso-Tridecanol (20)

tert-Dodecanethiol (0) Acrylonitrile (15)

Diisodecyl phthalate (34)

Methyl ethyl ketone (18) iso-Nonyl alcohol (20)

Perchloroethylene (36)

iso-Propyl alcohol (20) Tall oil, crude

Dodecyl and Tetradecylamine

mixture (7)

Tall oil, fatty acid (34)

Ethylenediamine (7) Butyl alcohol (20) tert-Butyl alcohol (20)

Butylene glycol (20)

Creosote (21) Diethylene glycol (40)

Ethyl alcohol (20)

Ethylene glycol (20) Ethyl hexanol (20)

Glycerine (20)

Isononyl alcohol (20) Isophorone (18)

Methyl butyl ketone (18)

Methyl iso-butyl ketone (18) Methyl ethyl ketone (18)

Member of reactive

group Compatible with

Propyl alcohol (20)

Propylene glycol (20)

Oleum (0) Hexane (31) Dichloromethane (36)

Perchloroethylene (36)

1,2-Propylene glycol (20) Diethylenetriamine (7) Polyethylene polyamines (7)

Triethylenetetramine (7)

Sodium dichromate, 70% (0) Methyl alcohol (20)

Sodium hydrosulfide solution (5)

Methyl alcohol (20)

Iso-Propyl alcohol (20)

Sulfuric acid (2) Coconut oil (34) Coconut oil acid (34)

Palm oil (34)

Tallow (34)

Sulfuric acid, 98% or less (2) Choice white grease tallow (34)

(b). The binary combinations listed below have been determined to

be dangerously reactive, based on either data obtained in the literature or on laboratory testing which has been carried out in

accordance with procedures prescribed in Appendix III. These

combinations are exceptions to the Compatibility Chart (Figure 1) and may not be stowed in adjacent tanks.

Acetone cyanohydrin (0) is not compatible with Groups 1-12, 16, 17

and 22.

Acrolein (19) is not compatible with Group 1, Non-Oxidizing

Mineral Acids.

Acrylic acid (4) is not compatible with Group 9, Aromatic Amines.

Acrylonitrile (15) is not compatible with Group 5 (Caustics).

Alkylbenzenesulfonic acid (0) is not compatible with Groups 1-3, 5-

9, 15, 16, 18, 19, 30, 34, 37, and strong oxidizers.

Allyl alcohol (15) is not compatible with Group 12, Isocyanates.

Alkyl(C7-C9) nitrates (34) is not compatible with Group 1, Non-

oxidizing Mineral Acids.

Aluminum sulfate solution (43) is not compatible with Groups 5-11.

Ammonium bisulfite solution (43) is not compatible with Groups 1,

3, 4, and 5.

Benzenesulfonyl chloride (0) is not compatible with Groups 5-7, and


1,4-Butylene glycol (20) is not compatible with Caustic soda solution, 50% or less (5).

gamma-Butyrolactone (0) is not compatible with Groups 1-9.

C9 Resinfeed (DSM) (32) is not compatible with Group 2, Sulfuric acid.

Carbon tetrachloride (36) is not compatible with

Tetraethylenepentamine or Triethylenetetramine, both Group 7, Aliphatic amines.

Catoxid feedstock (36) is not compatible with Group 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or


Caustic soda solution, 50% or less (5) is not compatible with 1,4-

Butylene glycol (20).

1-(4-Chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl pentan-3-one (18) is not compatible with Group 5 (Caustics) or 10 (Amides).

Crotonaldehyde (19) is not compatible with Group 1, Non-Oxidizing

Mineral Acids.

Cyclohexanone, Cyclohexanol mixture (18) is not compatible with

Group 12, Isocyanates.

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, Triisopropanolamine salt solution (43) is not compatible with Group 3, Nitric Acid.

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, Dimethylamine salt solution (0) is

not compatible with Groups 1-5, 11, 12, and 16.

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Diethylenetriamine (7) is not compatible with 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, Group 36, Halogenated hydrocarbons.

Dimethyl hydrogen phosphite (34) is not compatible with Groups 1

and 4.

Dimethyl naphthalene sulfonic acid, sodium salt solution (34) is not

compatible with Group 12, Formaldehyde, and strong oxidizing


Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid (0) is not compatible with oxidizing

agents and Groups 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 18, 19, 30, 34, and 37.

Ethylenediamine (7) and Ethyleneamine EA 1302 (7) are not compatible with either Ethylene dichloride (36) or 1,2,3-

Trichloropropane (36).

Ethylene dichloride (36) is not compatible with Ethylenediamine (7) or Ethyleneamine EA 1302 (7).

Ethylidene norbornene (30) is not compatible with Groups 1-3 and 5-


2-Ethyl-3-propylacrolein (19) is not compatible with Group 1, Non-

Oxidizing Mineral Acids.

Ethyl tert-butyl ether (41) is not compatible with Group 1, Non-oxidizing mineral acids.

Ferric hydroxyethylethylenediamine triacetic acid, Sodium salt

solution (43) is not compatible with Group 3, Nitric acid.

Fish oil (34) is not compatible with Sulfuric acid (2).

Formaldehyde (over 50%) in Methyl alcohol (over 30%) (19) is not

compatible with Group 12, Isocyanates.

Formic acid (4) is not compatible with Furfural alcohol (20).

Furfuryl alcohol (20) is not compatible with Group 1, Non-Oxidizing

Mineral Acids and Formic acid (4).

2-Hydroxyethyl acrylate (14) is not compatible with Group 5, 6, or


Isophorone (18) is not compatible with Group 8, Alkanolamines.

Magnesium chloride solution (0) is not compatible with Groups 2, 3,

5, 6 and 12.

Mesityl oxide (18) is not compatible with Group 8, Alkanolamines.

Methacrylonitrile (15) is not compatible with Group 5 (Caustics).

Methyl tert-butyl ether (41) is not compatible with Group 1, Non-

oxidizing Mineral Acids.

NIAX POLYOL APP 240C (0) is not compatible with Group 2, 3, 5,

7, or 12.

o-Nitrophenol (0) is not compatible with Groups 2, 3, and 5-10.

Octyl nitrates (all isomers), see Alkyl(C7-C9) nitrates.

Oleum (0) is not compatible with Sulfuric acid (2) and 1,1,1-

Trichloroethane (36).

Phthalate based polyester polyol (0) is not compatible with group 2,

3, 5, 7 and 12.

Polyglycerine, Sodium salts solution (20) is not compatible with Groups 1, 4, 11, 16, 17, 19, 21 and 22.

Propylene, Propane, MAPP gas mixture (containing 12% or less

MAPP gas) (30) is not compatible with Group 1 (Non-oxidizing mineral acids), Group 36 (Halogenated hydrocarbons), nitrogen

dioxide, oxidizing materials, or molten sulfur.

Sodium acetate, Glycol, Water mixture (1% or less Sodium hydroxide) (34) is not compatible with Group 12 (Isocyanates).

Sodium chlorate solution (50% or less) (0) is not compatible with Groups 1-3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 17 and 20.

Sodium dichromate solution (70% or less) (0) is not compatible with

Groups 1-3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 17 and 20.

Sodium dimethyl naphthalene sulfonate solution (34) is not

compatible with Group 12, Formaldehyde and strong oxidizing


Sodium hydrogen sulfide, Sodium carbonate solution (0) is not

compatible with Groups 6 (Ammonia) and 7 (Aliphatic amines).

Sodium hydrosulfide (5) is not compatible with Groups 6 (Ammonia) and 7 (Aliphatic amines).

Sodium hydrosulfide, Ammonium sulfide solution (5) is not compatible with Groups 6 (Ammonia) and 7 (Aliphatic amines).

Sodium polyacrylate solution (43) is not compatible with Group 3,

Nitric Acid.

Sodium silicate solution (43) is not compatible with Group 3, Nitric


Sodium sulfide, hydrosulfide solution (0) is not compatible with Groups 6 (Ammonia) and 7 (Aliphatic amines).

Sodium thiocyanate (56% or less) (0) is not compatible with Groups


Sulfonated polyacrylate solution (43) is not compatible with Group 5


Sulfuric acid (2) is not compatible with Fish oil (34), or Oleum (0).

Tall oil fatty acid ( Resin acids less than 20% ) (34) is not compatible

with Group 5, Caustics.

Tallow fatty acid (34) is not compatible with Group 5, Caustics.

Tetraethylenepentamine (7) is not compatible with Carbon

tetrachloride, Group 36, Halogenated hydrocarbons.

1,2,3-Trichloropropane (36) is not compatible with Diethylenetriamine, Ethylenediamine, Ethyleaneamine EA 1302, or

Triethylenetetramine, all Group 7, Aliphatic amines.

1,1,1-Trichloroethane (36) is not compatible with Oleum (0).

Trichloroethylene (36) is not compatible with Group 5, Caustics.

Triethylenetetramine (7) is not compatible with Carbon tetrachloride,

or 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, both Group 36, Halogenated hydrocarbons.

Triethyl phosphite (34) is not compatible with Groups 1, and 4.

Trimethyl phosphite (34) is not compatible with Groups 1 and 4.

1,3,5-Trioxane (41) is not compatible with Group 1 (non-oxidizing

mineral acids) and Group 4 (Organic acids).

Appendix II to Part 150—Explanation of Figure 1

Definition of a hazardous reaction— As a first approximation, a

mixture of two cargoes is considered hazardous when, under

specified condition, the temperature rise of the mixture exceeds 25

°C or a gas is evolved. It is possible for the reaction of two cargoes to

produce a product that is significantly more flammable or toxic than the original cargoes even though the reaction is non-hazardous from

temperature or pressure considerations, although no examples of

such a reaction are known at this time.

Chart format— There are different degrees of reactivity among the

various cargoes. Many of them are relatively non-reactive: For

example, aromatic hydrocarbons or paraffins. Others will form hazardous combinations with many groups: For example, the

inorganic acids.

The cargo groups in the compatibility chart are separated into two categories: 1 through 22 are “Reactive Groups” and 30 through 43

are “Cargo Groups”. Left unassigned and available for future

expansion are groups 23 through 29 and those past 43. Reactive Groups contain products which are chemically the most reactive;

dangerous combinations may result between members of different

Reactive Groups and between members of Reactive Groups and

Cargo Groups. Products assigned to Cargo Groups, however, are

much less reactive; dangerous combinations involving these can be formed only with members of certain Reactive Groups. Cargo

Groups do not react hazardously with one another.

Using the Compatibility Chart— The following procedure explains how the compatibility chart should be used to find compatibility


(1) Determine the group numbers of the two cargoes by referring to the alphabetical listing of cargoes and the corresponding groups

(Table I). Many cargoes are listed under their parent names; unless

otherwise indicated, isomers or mixtures of isomers of a particular cargo are assigned to the same group. For example, to find the group

number for Isobutyl Alcohol, look under the parent name Butyl

Alcohol. Similarly, the group number for para-Xylene is found under

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the entry Xylene. If a cargo cannot be found in this listing, contact the Coast Guard for a group determination (see §150.140).

(2) If both group numbers are between 30 and 43 inclusive, the

products are compatible and the chart need not be used.

(3) If both group numbers do not fall between 30 and 43 inclusive,

locate one of the numbers on the left of the chart (Cargo Groups) and

the other across the top (Reactive Groups). (Note that if a group number is between 30 and 43, it can only be found on the left side of

the chart.) The box formed by the intersection of the column and row

containing the two numbers will contain one of the following:

(a) Blank—The two cargoes are compatible.

(b) “X”—The two cargoes are not compatible.

(Note that reactivity may vary among the group members. Refer to Table I or Table II to find whether the products in question are

referenced by a footnote which indicates that exceptions exist and are

listed in Appendix I. Unless the combination is specifically mentioned in Appendix I, it is compatible.)

[CGD 75–59, 45 FR 70263, Oct. 23, 1980, as amended by CGD 83–

047, 50 FR 33046, Aug. 16, 1985]


Combination Groups Compatible

Butyraldehyde/Acetic Acid 19/4 Yes.

Allyl Alcohol/Toluene Diisocyanate 15/12 No.

Decene/Ethyl Benzene 30/32 Yes.

Ethanolamine/Acetone 8/18 Yes.

Ammonia/Dimethylformamide 6/10 No.

Appendix III to Part 150—Testing Procedures for Determining

Exceptions to the Chart

experimental procedure for evaluating binary chemical reactivity

General safety precautions —Chemical reactivity tests have, by their nature, serious potential for injuring the experimenter or destroying

equipment. The experimenter should 1) have knowledge of the

magnitude of the reactivity to be expected, 2) use adequate facilities and protective equipment to prevent injury from splatter of materials

or release of fumes, and 3) start on a small scale so that unexpected

reactions can be safely contained. All tests should be performed in a well-ventilated laboratory hood provided with shields.

Testing chemicals other than liquids —The procedure outlined below was developed for chemicals which are liquids at ambient

temperatures. If one or both chemicals are normally shipped at

elevated temperatures, the same procedure may be followed except the chemicals are tested at their respective shipping temperatures and

the oil bath in Step 3 is maintained at a level 25 °C above the higher

temperature. This information is then indicated on the data sheet. If one of the chemicals is a gas at ambient temperatures, consult the

Coast Guard for additional instructions before proceeding with the

compatibility test.

Step 1

Objective—To determine if the test chemicals react violently and

present a safety hazard in further tests.

Procedure—Place 0.5ml of one (A) of the test chemicals in a

25×150mm test tube. Clamp the test tube to a stand behind a safety

shield (in a hood). Carefully add from a dropper 0.5ml of the other substance (B). Shake to induce mixing. If no immediate reaction

occurs, retain the mixture for at least 10 minutes to check for a

delayed reaction.

Results—If a violent reaction occurs, such as sputtering, boiling of

reactants or release of fumes, record the results on the Data Sheet

(appendix IV) and do not proceed to Step 2. If no reaction or a minor reaction occurs, proceed to Step 2.

Step 2

Objective—To determine the heat of reaction of two chemicals on mixing under specified conditions.

Procedure—These separate mixes of the proposed binary

combination will be tested. These are 2 ml : 18 ml, 10 ml : 10 ml, and 18 ml : 2 ml, respectively, to result in a final mixture of about 20

ml in each case.

A reference-junctioned thermocouple is prepared by inserting two lengths of 20 gauge or finer iron-constantan or chromelalumel duplex

thermocouple wire into glass capilary sheaths. The common wire of

each probe is joined, while the other wire of each is connected to a strip-chart recorder. The thermocouple probe which produces a

negative pen deflection upon warming is the reference junction and is

placed in a test tube of water at ambient laboratory temperature. The other probe is placed near the bottom of a Dewar flask of about

300ml capacity, such that the thermocouple will be below the surface

of the test mixture. The Dewar flask is equipped with a magnetic stirrer having a stirring bar coated with an inert material such as a

flourinated hydrocarbon.

Start the temperature recorder and stirrer. Deliver the test chemicals to the Dewar Flask simultaneously from separate graduated syringes.

If an exothermic reaction occurs, continue the test until the maximum

temperature is reached and begins to subside. If no apparent reaction occurs, continue the test for at least 30 minutes to check for a delayed

reaction. Stop agitation and observe the mixture at five-minute

intervals to determine if the mixture is miscible, if gases are evolved, or if other visible changes occur. In the interest of safety, a mirror

can be used for these observations. Repeat the above test for the

other mixture combinations.

Results—Record the results in the appropriate places on the Data

Sheet. If no reaction occurs or if the temperature rise is less than 25

°C, proceed to Step 3. If the observed temperature rise exceeds 25 °C or gases are evolved, do not proceed to Step 3.

Step 3

Objective—To determine if exothermic reactions occur at temperatures up to 50 °C.

Procedure—If a non-hazardous reaction occurred in Step 2, the ratio

of chemicals which resulted in the greatest temperature rise will be tested. Fresh chemicals will be used with a total volume for this test

of about 10ml (a ratio of 1ml:9ml, 5ml:5ml, or 9ml:1ml). If no

reaction was observed in Step 2, use a ratio of 5ml:5ml. Using the thermocouple prepared for Step 2, insert the reference probe into a

25×150mm test tube containing 10ml of water. Place the other probe

into an empty test tube. Start the temperature recorder and add the two chemicals of the combination, one at a time, to the empty test

tube. Lower the two test tubes into an oil bath maintained at 50 ±2

°C. Hold the samples in the oil bath until the maximum temperature differential is recorded, and in all cases at least 15 minutes. Observe

the test mixture to determine if gases are evolved or if other visible

changes occur. Follow prescribed safety precautions.

Results—Record the maximum differential temperature measured,

the time required to reach this temperature, and any other

observations in the proper space on the Data Sheet.

Send a copy of the Data Sheet for each binary chemical mixture

tested to: Commandant (G-MSO), U.S. Coast Guard, Washington, DC 20593–0001.

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Tank Coating and Tank Construction Materials

Most tanks in modern tankers are coated. i.e. covered by a

protective layer of a substance mostly of a polymer nature. A

number of coatings with very specific properties has been

developed for use in chemical tankers, and to avoid damage to

the coating it is necessary to have a thorough knowledge of their

possibilities and to treat them properly.

Tanks are coated for the following purposes.

1. Diminishing of corrosion in the tanks.

2. Avoidance of contamination of the cargo by ferrous substances

such as rust or by residues from former cargoes.

3. Easier tank cleaning and gas freeing.

4. Easier tank inspection

To comply with the various demands which are aroused for

chemical tankers several types of coatings have been developed

in all kinds of qualities. Some of the more important are:

Epoxy: Resistant to many chemicals and light organic acids, poor re-

sistance to strong solvents such as ketones.

Polyurethane: Comparable to epoxy but with better resistance to fatty acids,

and poorer resistance to alkalines.

Neoprene: Primarily for acids and alkalines. Poorer resistance to solvents

and hydrocarbons.

Zinksilicate: Very resistant to solvents and hydrocarbons, but normally only

resistant to products in the pH-range from 6.5 to 9.

MarineLINE MarineLINE is a multifunctional polymer coating with a very

dense, highly cross-linked molecular structure.

The resistance is very good and also the physical properties are

promising. This kind of coating has been on the market since

mid 1990-ies.

Resistance list Prior to any loading in a vessel with coated tanks the Resistance

Lists of the coating should be consulted to find any restrictions

valid for the product. If a product is not included in the list or if

in doubt, the company should be contacted to get instructions.

Any errors in this field might lead to ruined coating and cargo.

On next two pages is shown an example on a “resistance list”

from the paint manufacturer Hempel. Hempel’s cargo tank

protection comprises three different makes of coating i.e. a zinc

silicate based coating and two qualities of an epoxy coating. The

resistant list can be accessed from

Hempel’s Cargo protection Guide is a web-based database to

search for electronic information on the chemical resistance of

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Hempel’s tank linings towards a large number of chemicals/


Information in the Cargo Protection Guide can be found for

the following tank linings:

HEMPEL’s GALVOSIL 15700 (zinc ethyl silicate)

HEMPADUR 15500 (phenolic epoxy)

HEMPADUR 15400 (amine epoxy)

The resistance list offers a lot of information, for example:

-Chemical formula, if known.

The name of the product.

UN number, if any

MARPOL pollution category

Ship Type requirement

Resistance information and limitations

Methyl Acrylate carried in a cargo tank coated with

HEMPADUR 15500 is used as an example:

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A thorough explanation of the different comments is given in

the introduction to the list, but below is as an example shown

Note 13:

Repairs of the coating should only be undertaken in accordance

with instructions from the manufacturer of the coating.

Normally the Company should be consulted before undertaking

such repairs due to the possibility of infringement of warranty


The use of hot water during tank cleaning should also be

considered well as most coatings have a temperature limit of

approximately 70° C.

If packing or heating-coils of special materials are incorporated

in the cargo system, the resistance of those should also be


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Stainless steel Vessels with stainless steel tanks are considered to be resis-

tant to most products, but anyway care should be exercised as

some products will damage the surface of the steel. The most

problematic products in this respect are of course the strong

inorganic acids such as Sulphuric Acid and Phosphoric Acid.

Any tank cleaning involving sea water should always be

followed by a fresh water wash in order to remove traces of

Chloride as sea water and chloride is very corrosive to

stainless steel.

Below is shown an exempt of a resistance list for a high

grade stainless steel.


Remarks to ”Resistance”:

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Passivation If the tank surface has been damaged it might be necessary to

perform a new passivation of the stainless steel surface. The

passivation can be performed in several ways, but the most

general is to spray the tank with a 20% nitric acid solution. In all

cases it is always a good idea to consult the manufacturer of the

steel plates before a passivation is carried out.

Advantages and disadvantages of zink silicate and epoxy paint

Zinc silicate Over the years inorganic zinc-rich coatings have proved

themselves to be durable tanklinings in a variety of service

applications. The paint itself consists of a single layer,

typically of 100 micron thickness, comprising of inorganic

silicates (or ethyl silicate) pigmented with a high

percentage of elemental zinc powder. Usually the

elemental zinc content is greater than 90 per cent of the

paint film by weight. Complex curing reactions bind the

zinc particles in an inorganic silicate matrix which

chemically adheres the coating to the steel substrate. The

result is a paint system with outstanding mechanical


The paint film is porous in nature, in that the cargo can

physically penetrate into the interstictices formed between

the zinc particles and the complex silicate matrix binder.

The porosity of these paint systems has two consequences.

On the good side, very volatile solvent-like cargoes can be

rapidly and virtually completely removed from the coating

by evaporation/ventilation upon completion of discharge.

Thus the potential risk of contamination of the subsequent

cargo is virtually nonexistent as no residues remain behind

within the coating. On the other hand, the same cannot be

said for heavier oil-like (residual) cargoes (e.g. lube oils),

which cannot be removed by evaporation/ventilation. The

presence of these substances within the pores of the

coating presents the vessel’s crew with tank cleaning

problem and the risk of contamination of the next cargo is

considerably increased especially if the next cargo is a

“good” solvent (e.g. motor gasoline or benzene, etc.).

In general the life expectancy of these coatings is

proportional to their thickness. This is because corrosion

protection is afforded to the steel substrate by virtue of a

sacrificial cathodic mechanism whereby the zinc content

of the coating ultimately becomes depleted.

A major disadvantage of zinc silicate coatings of this type

is their inability to resist cargoes in anything other than

narrow “neutral” range of acidity/alkalinity. Thus strong

acids and alkalies, vegetable oils and solvents prone to

hydrolysis (reaction with water to produce acids) cannot

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be carried in cargo tanks lined with this type of paint. For

many shipowners this places an unacceptable restraint on

their trading activities and for this reason they elect to

have some or all of the cargo tanks of their vessel coated

with organic paint systems.

Epoxy paint Organic epoxy paint coatings comprise of a “family” of

products having slightly different properties. Suffice it to

say that epoxy paints consist of an organic resin system

which, when mixed with a hardener, forms a coating film

that produces a three-dimensional cross-linked array of

chemical bonds between the resin molecules. When fully

cured, this film offers corrosion protection to the steel

substrate by virtue forming a barrier between the cargo

and the steel.

The differing epoxy types, e.g. pure epoxy, phenolic

epoxy, isocyanate epoxy, etc., form cross-linkages to

different degrees resulting in increased resistance to

greater range of cargoes as the extent of cross-linking


Typically, organic coatings are applied in several layers

(three coats each of approximately 100 micron thickness)

to a steel substrate pre-prepared to a high standard using

blasting techniques. Temperature and humidity control of

tank atmospheres are usually necessary during application

of the coating as is attention to post-cure conditions.

In contrast to inorganic zinc paints, epoxy systems are

resistant to strong acids and alkalies and do not, in general,

absorb significant quantities of oil-like (residual)

substances. Such substances merely stay on the surface of

the paint where they can be removed by conventional

cleaning methods. Organic coatings do, however, absorb

significant quantities of solvent-like cargoes into the paint

film and subsequently desorb (release) these solvent

residues following discharge of the cargo. It is this

property of absorption and desorption of cargo residues to

and from organic coatings that has resulted in numerous

cargo contamination incidents.

Generally, absorption of a substance into a paint film

proceeds at an initially rapid (linear) rate and then falls to

zero when the film becomes saturated. In an analogous

way, desorption is initially rapid and eventually “tails-off”

to a level that does not necessarily represent a situation

where all of the absorbed substance is removed from the

paint film but a state, nonetheless, where no more is

desorbed. This is shown diagrammatically in the figure

below. (The diagram is notional only to illustrate the

underlying principles and are not meant for reference).


of cargo

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Absorption/Desorption of a Cargo in an Organic












0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20












It can be seen that in the above example the quantity of

absorbed cargo rapidly reaches a maximum within three

days but thereafter stays approximately at that level for the

duration of the laden passage. Following discharge (day

14) desorption occurs at a rapid rate until after four days

there is no significant further loss of the retained species.

It is emphasised that different epoxy types absorb and

desabsorb to differing extents and indeed considerable

variation is known to exist between similar generic types

of epoxy paint produced by the various paint


In general it can be said that cargoes having small

molecular structures are able to penetrate organic coatings

to a greater extent than those cargoes with larger

molecules, thus methanol is known to be a very

penetrative cargo and is widely acknowledged within the

industry as being one of the most “aggressive” cargoes

that can be carried in organic coated tanks.

Absorption/desorption characteristics for each cargo will


The rate of absorption and desorption is critically

influenced not only by thickness of the paint film but also

by temperature. Absorption and desorption rates are

increased as temperature is raised. Thus it is in the

owners’ interests to carry cargo at the lowest practical

temperature (to lessen absorption) and to increase the

air/steel temperature of their cargo tanks following

completion of discharge of any cargo in order to maximise

the rate of desorption . It is also known that water greatly

influences the rate of absorption/desorption, some paint

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systems having a considerably lower rate of sorption when

saturated with water. This effect has a direct bearing on

the type of tank cleaning which should be carried out after


It can be appreciated that certain cargoes cannot be

entirely eradicated from some paint systems in a

reasonable time between discharge of one cargo and the

lifting of the next. These retained residues subsequently

contaminate the next cargo by the mechanism of continued

desorption and can sometimes be found to contaminate

second, third and even later subsequent cargoes. This is

especially true for highly odiforous cargoes such as

acrylates and styrene monomer where even sub-ppm

contaminations can, in the first instance, be readily

detected by simple odour evaluation tests. In an incident,

styrene monomer has been shown to be the contaminant in

a vegetable oil cargo despite being the third last cargo.

Whilst the concentration of styrene monomer was not

great (0.3 – 0.9 ppm wt) modern instrumental analytical

techniques are more than capable of detecting such trace

concentrations and such detection is sufficient to give rise

to a claim. Vegetable oil cargoes are especially susceptible

to contamination due to the fact that they are often carried

at elevated temperatures, which considerably increase the

rate of desorbing contaminants.

Faced with a conflicting interest between trading

economics and the possibility of contamination of the

cargo, what can a prudent owner do to reduce the risk of

contamination incidents?

- Coating choice is crucial. The absorption/desorption

characteristics of the paint systems currently available to

owners differ significantly. Some paints (the best) absorb

lesser quantities of cargo than similar specified products

from rival paint companies and desorb more completely.

Selection of such coating systems significantly reduces the

risk of contamination. In future, paint manufacturers will

formulate coatings that will outperform even the best of

those available today.

Allow coatings to desorb for as long as possible. The rate

of desorption is greatly increased by raising the

temperature of the coating within the tank. It is not

necessary to continuously ventilate the tank, this has been

shown to be ineffective.

Avoid the stowage of “sensitive” cargoes such as refined

foodstuffs, potable ethanol, methanol, ethylene glycol,

isopropanol, etc. in tanks where “incompatible” cargoes

have been stowed as first, second and, if possible,

third/fourth last.

Reducing the risk

of contamination


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If unfavourable stowage is unavoidable, charterers should

be fully advised of the contamination potential and an

indemnity sought.

As a general rule, paint systems for tanks should not

develop substances that may contaminate the cargo. This

is particularly important for cargoes intended for human

consumption and pure chemical cargoes. Paint systems for

tanks for edible and potable cargoes must not develop

toxic substances or substances affecting colour or taste.

For this reason they need to be officially approved.

Consequently, the coating system should not only be

resistant to the separate cargoes but also to the alternating

action of different cargoes and cargo cleaning procedures.

While two successive cargoes may be individually

compatible with a tank coating system, a mixture of the

two, due to residues of the first cargo, may cause damage.

For instance when a cargo containing water follows a

Vinyl Acetate Monomer cargo, residues of Vinyl Acetate

Monomer in the tank lining (coating) will hydrolyse. By

this process Acetic Acid is formed which will cause

corrosion and attack the coating. Ethylene Dichloride

(EDC) and water will form Hydrochloric Acid, and

Chloroform and water form Formic Acid.

Therefore, special attention must be paid to additional

notes, containing warnings/restrictions, for instance

concerning acidity/alkalinity, presence of water in the

tanks, cleaning chemicals, cargo residues, etc.

A zinc silicate rich coating is not resistant to strong acids

or alkaline. Its suitability is limited to products in the pH

range between 5 and 9. The use of acidic or alkaline tank

cleaning products must also be avoided. Slight zinc pick-

up by the cargo is possible, depending on the cargo in


As mentioned above, certain products, such as esters

(acetates, phthalates etc.) and chlorinated or brominated

materials can react with water to form acidic compounds.

Thus, although these products are suitable for storage in

coated tanks when dry, pre presence of water may make

them aggressive or totally unacceptable. Such products

must therefore be dry and carried in completely dry tanks

and water leaks must be avoided. Water contents should

not exceed 0.01%, same as 100 ppm. These products may

cause some discolouration of the coating. Subsequently

cleaning of the tanks may be difficult so that

contamination of susceptible cargoes could occur. These

products are variable in composition, depending on

source, and consequently the effects on the coating can

also differ.


products and by-


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All personnel, who enter the tank during inspection,

control, repair, maintenance etc., must wear soft – soled

shoes, and this is of special importance for epoxy coated

tanks, which have been exposed to chemicals, softening

the coating.

Tank cleaning chemicals, especially acidic, alkaline and

those with strong solvents, may lead to chemical damage

of the tank coating if used improperly. A list of accepted

tank cleaning chemicals should be available on board,

most delivered with the coating resistant list. Vegetable

and animal oils, fats, grease and waxes are esters of

polyols and fatty acids, and containing mostly free fatty

acids as well. If in contact with water at higher

temperatures these esters can saponify resulting in

increased free fatty acid content. These free fatty acids,

especially the short chain types, can be very aggressive to

tank coatings. Thus during loading, storage and discharge

the acid values should not exceed the maximum values

given in the coating resistance list. The fatty acids

accepted can be transported only if they are of normal

composition and do not contain more than 2% short chain

organic acids (below C6). These aggressive cargoes can

only be carried when the coating is fully cured. Full cure

will for example be obtained after transport of a hot cargo

such as lubricating oil, animal oil or vegetable oil at

temperatures of 60 C for five days.

Care of the coating

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Safety regulations and precautions

in port

When dangerous chemicals are transported by ship the

routines known from traditional oil transport are not suffi-

cient. When loading orders are recieved and when work-

ing out information sheets it should be considered if spe-

cial precautions should be taken, and whether personnel

on deck and in the engine-room should have special in-


Preparation of loading

Pre-arrival planning When loading orders are received the following should be


Are the products mentioned on the ship's "Certifi-

cate of Fitness" (CoF) or in chapter 18 of the IBC-

code or are they oils as defined in Marpol's Annex I.

Are there any restrictions in the IBC-code regarding

ship type or tank type (this will also be stated in the


Are there any coating restrictions.

Are there any restrictions regarding filling of the

tanks because of high densities.

Afterwards the cargo can be "laid out" considering trim,

heating, and - of course - volumes. In this connection also

the filling limits should be taken into account.

IBC Chapter 16.1.3 states that “tanks carrying liq-

uids at ambient temperatures should be so loaded as

to avoid the tank becoming liquid full during the

voyage, having due regard to the highest tempera-

ture which the cargo may reach.”

It is normally assumed that a tank may be filled up

to 98 % but in order to be quite accurate one may

use the formula, which was given in the previous

edition of Tanker Safety Guide (Chemicals):

Filling ratio (% full) = 100(1 - αΔT) - S

where (α) = coefficient of cubic expansion per °C.

(ΔT) = expected maximum temperature rise


S = Safety margin, usually 2 % of tank vol.

During the loading operation all tanks should be stopped

before the highest high-level alarm is reached, thus pre-

venting an overflow due to a leaking valve. If necesssary

Loading and


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the tanks can then be topped off to a higher level at the

end of the loading operation.

It should always be considered in which order the tanks

have to be filled, and which cargo pipes and valves to be

used for each product.

Any irregularities should be discussed with the owners as

soon as possible to enable the shore organisation to solve

eventual problems before arrival.

Important checks after arrival

Prior to commencement of loading the ship will be pre-

sented with a Safety Check List. These lists often vary

from port to port but the main content is of cause the

same. According to IMO such a check should be available

in writing and shall comprise safety regulations, handling

procedures and emergency procedures. A standard layout

can be found i several IMO and ICS publications - for ex-

ample in the "Tanker Safety Guide". The check list is

meant to cover all types of tankers and begins with a gen-

eral part, and then comes different parts covering special

types of tankers. In the following is shown the general part

and the special part for chemical tankers.

In many ports the ship will be presented with additional

Check Lists which must be read thoroughly.

On the pages are shown the parts of the Ship/Shore Safety

Check List that are relevant for a chemical tanker.

Ship/Shore Safety

Check List

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Loading Before loading it is very important to check the function of

the P/V-valves and the high-level alarms. Loading of

chemicals should always start with a slow loading rate in

order to assure that the uplining is correct and check for

leakage in the cargo piping in use. The maximum loading

rate is agreed with the loading master taking note of the

construction of the cargo piping, the ship's construction

and the danger of the chemical to be loaded.

Topping off should be carried out in accordance to the

method of gauging stated in the IMO-code, and always

recognizing the character of the cargo. Gauging should be

carried out in accordance with the specification in chapter

17 column j of the code. The following gauging methods

are considered:

Open device (O): Gauging with ullage-tape or -stick is allowed through open

hatch or ullage port.

Restricted device (R): It is allowed to use a gauging system, which permits minor

amount of vapour to come into contact with atmospheric

air during the gauging, but in the rest of the time is com-

pletely closed. A typical example of such a device is a

vertical pipe with a ball valve on top. It is then possible to

attach a special instrument to the ball valve,-open the

valve and make the gauging.

Closed device (C): It is allowed to use a system, which penetrates the top of

the tank, but moreover is vapour- and liquid tight. Exam-

ples are float systems, electronic- or magnetic systems or

tank radar.

Indirect device (I): This system does not permit penetration of the tank, so the

only way to measure the content of the tank is to weigh the

cargo (draft survey), use flow meter or similar.

The gas venting system requires special attention when

loading chemicals. IMO distinguishes in the product list

between open and controlled vent systems and for quite

special products systems with safety relief valve. The open

tank vent is only allowed for products with flash point

above 60°C and which does not have any health risk. In all

other instances special rules should be adhered to, where

an important point is that the gas outlet should be placed at

least 6 m above deck and walkway or 3 m above if the

ship is fitted with high velocity valves.

It is important to notice, when transporting health risky

products, if there are special requirements concerning han-

dling of the vapour mentioned in column o in the IMO-

code. For many products it is required that the vapour is

returned ashore via a so-called vapour-return line.

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If the ship has only one common gas vent system the ship

is not able to load different chemicals, which react with

each other. For such chemicals it is required that the va-

pours are effectively separated.

When loading air-reactive chemicals some special provi-

sions have to be taken. It might be necessary to use inert

gas produced on board, use nitrogen bought ashore or pro-

duced on board. For chemicals that react slowly with air it

may be sufficient to use padding i.e. changing of tank

atmosphere after end of loading.

The technique and the problems in regard to these things is

dealt with in the special chapter on inert gas etc. Informa-

tion about which products that require inerting can be

found in the IMO-code and handbooks, but of cause it is

also very important to follow the instructions in the charter


Ullaging and sampling require special attention when

loading dangerous chemicals. It is wise to allow some time

for the products to settle down before taking the final ul-

lage. ICS recommends not to take samples or ullages until

30 minutes after ending of loading. Beware of overpres-

sure in the tank when opening ullage ports etc. Sampling

which is extremely important in the chemical trade should

be taken with care. Where it is possible the samples should

be taken at test cocks or by using the closed sampling sys-

tem if fitted in order to avoid release of cargo.

During these operations and also in connection with cargo

hose handling at the manifold, it should be considered

what kind of personal protection to be used. These consid-

erations about personal protection should of cause also be

taken during the normal cargo operation.

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Gas- and vapour formation and distribution.

Very intensive investigations on the behaviour of gases

and vapours have been performed, especially on oil and

product tankers, so that it should be possible to make a

judgement on where and when dangerous gases might be


In the following we will not distinguish between vapours

and gases from oil products or chemicals but use the

common word "gas".

When loading a non-volatile cargo at temperatures well

below the flashpoint there will be no flammable gas haz-

ard. On the other hand loading a volatile cargo will have

the effect that a certain amount of gas is evolved depend-

ing of the vapour pressure of the product.

As a high vapour pressure cargo enters the empty gas free

tank there is a rapid evolution of gas. Because nearly all

gases are heavier than air, the gas forms a layer at the bot-

tom of the tank which rises with the liquid surface as the

tank is filled.

Once it has been formed, the depth of the layer increases

only slowly over the period of time normally required to

fill a tank, although ultimately an equilibrium gas mixture

is established throughout the ullage space.

The amount and concentration of gas forming this layer at

the beginning of the loading depend upon many factors,


The true vapour pressure (TVP) of the cargo.

The amount of splashing as the chemical enters the


Loading into a gas

free tank

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The loading rate The gas concentration of the layer varies with distance

above the liquid surface. Very close to the surface it has a

value corresponding to the TVP of the liquid. For example

if the TVP is 0.75 bar the gas concentration just above the

surface is about 75 % by volume.

The gas layer depth varies of course also according to the

circumstances. But normally the gas layer depth during

loading will not be higher than 3 m when the TVP is less

than 1 bar. A rather steep decrease in gas concentration is

normal in the upper part of the layer so that only a relative

small part of the tank atmosphere is between LFL and

UFL and therefore flammable.

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Before loading it must be expected, that the gas concen-

tration is nearly the same all over the tank, and might very

well be flammable. If the last cargo has been a very vola-

tile product, the gas air mixture might be over-rich.

Both the tank and the gas outlet must be considered dan-


When the loading is completed and vent system closed the

evaporation will continue until the equilibrium gas mix-

ture equal the TVP has been established. During the voy-

age further evaporation might take place due to climatic

changes with increasing temperature of the liquid.

Venting the gas The amount of gas which has to be vented during loading

depends on the evaporation rate and the loading rate. The

composition of the vent gas is dependant on the position of

the gas layer in the tank.

When loading into a gas free tank the vent gas at the be-

ginning will be nearly clean air. During the loading the gas

concentration increases and during the final part of the

loading toxic and flammable vent gas is to be expected.

Gas concentrations from 30 to 50 % or even more with

high vapour pressure cargoes are not unusual during the

end of the loading and when topping off.

If loading is performed into dirty or non gas free tanks,

dangerous vent gas must be expected during the whole

loading period.

When a product is discharged from a tank, the same vol-

ume of air has to be introduced into the tank through vent

openings. The incoming air dilute the gas in the tank by

turbulence and eddies whereby the gas concentration de-


During and after discharging a non volatile cargo, only

small gas concentrations in the tank is expected unless the

cargo has been heated during discharging, in which case

some evaporation might occur.

During discharge of volatile products, some constant

evaporation from the liquid surface occurs and due to tur-

bulence in the tank the whole tank atmosphere might be-

come flammable.

This flammable tank condition might very well be present

during the whole discharge period. Discharge rate seem to

be of minor importance to the gas concentration. After

discharge the whole tank atmosphere is to be considered

explosive, or at rare occasions overrich. Inerting during

discharging assure a safe tank condition.

Loading into a non

gas free tank

Gas evolution after


Gas evolution

during discharging

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If water is introduced into the tank through the cargo lines

it must be anticipated that also gas might enter the tank,

even though tank cleaning and line flushing has been per-

formed. The gas might be present as a relatively thin layer

on top of the water surface.

Gas dispersion Investigations during the latest years has considerably in-

creased the knowledge of how gas is dispersed and diluted

to non flammable and non toxic concentrations.

Situations to which special attention has been paid are

those where outlet of gas might present a potential risk to

the crew and the ship. E. g.:

a: Gas evolution during loading and ballasting.

b: Outlets from P/V valves especially during the loaded


c: Gas evolution and outlet when tank cleaning.

d: Gas freeing and tank ventilation.

e: Disconnection operations.

The investigations has revealed that flammable and toxic

gas may exist in a considerably larger distances from out-

lets than assumed earlier. Furthermore the investigations

has shown that the greatest gas concentrations are met

when topping off with open ullage holes, and that the larg-

est gas volumes discharged to the atmosphere are during

gas freeing.

There is a potential danger of fire if the flammable gas

zone reaches any location where there may be sources of

ignition such as:

a: The cargo deck which, although it is usually re-

garded as free of sources of ignition, is a work area.

b: Superstructures and deckhouses which the gas can

enter through doors, ports or ventilation intakes.

c: An adjacent jetty, the ship's side and the water sur-

face about the ship where boats with ignition

sources might enter.

Gas evolution during

introduction of water

into the tank

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fig. 1 Gas distribution when one tank is being topped off.

fig. 2 Three tanks being topped up

fig. 3 Loading from lighter.

fig. 4 Discharging to lighter

fig. 5 Topping off at low tide

fig. 6 Problems at shore during topping off

Investigation conditions: Calm wind. High vapour con-

centration (50 %). Test chemical: Pentane.

Wind speed Dilution of vent gas is directly dependent on the wind

speed. But experience at terminals seems to suggest that at

wind speeds above about 5 m/s dispersion is sufficient to

avoid any flammability risk, when venting through the

designated vent stacks.

At lower wind speeds caution should be observed as the

dispersion might further be complicated because the di-

rection and location of the gas movements are not always


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In calm weather the density of the gas is important and

dangerous gas concentrations should be suspected at low

places on deck, along the ship's sides and on the water sur-


According to the IBC-code special regulations for vent

systems has been laid down for chemical tankers. All

tanks should be provided with a vent system appropriate to

the cargoes the ship is certified to carry. Common gas

outlets are only acceptable if the vapours from the carried

products cannot react with each other in any way. IMO

distinguish between different tank vent systems.

Open venting: Open venting either through ullage openings or through

open pipings is allowed only for products with a flashpoint

above 60° C, and not offering a significant inhalation

health hazard.

Controlled venting: Controlled venting system require pressure/vacuum valves

on the vapour line from each tank and might either be

completely independent or connected on the pressure side

into common header or headers with due regard to cargo


Valves in the vent system are not accepted, but by-pass

valves are allowed for certain operations.

Gas outlets should be positioned at least 6 m (4 m if the

ship is built before 1. january 1994) above the weather

deck or above the raised walkway if fitted within 4 m of

the walkway. If high velocity vent valves with a minimum

discharge velocity of at least 30 m/s pointing the gas

stream upwards are fitted the height of the vent outlet

might be reduced to 3 m.

Outlets should be positioned at least 10 m from any air

intakes or openings to accommodation, service and ma-

chinery spaces and ignition sources.

Toxic products might require larger outlet heights and

distances. Requirements are given in IBC code 15.12

Safety relief valves are required only on pressure tanks on

ships carrying special products with high vapour pressure.

Regulations for tank

vent systems

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PRES-VAC High speed valve

After tank cleaning it might be tempting to open the tank

hatches and tank cleaning openings believing that this

would contribute to a faster or a natural gas freeing proc-

ess. This is however an unsafe and dangerous method,

unpredictable amounts of gas might be present on the deck

area for a long time and the tanks are completely un-

protected from ignition sources.

SOLAS prescribe in Chapter II-2 reg. 59,2 (reg. 16.3.2 for

ships built after 1 July 2002) how purging and/or gas

freeing of cargo tanks should be performed.

Purging with IG until the gas concentration is below 2 vol.

% before purging with air.

1. Venting with air through vent outlets positioned as

described above.

2. Venting with a vertical vent velocity of at least 20

m/s through openings positioned at least 2 meters

above deck level and furnished with flame screens.

When the gas concentration is measured below 30 % of

LFL tank hatches etc. might be opened.

IBC chapter 8.5 also gives the requirements to gas freeing

in chemical tankers

Gas freeing after

tank cleaning

Ships with IG


Ships without IG


Item Description 1 House

2 Adapter

3 Pressure disc

4 Pressure seat

5 Booster

6 Booster Sleeve

7 Sleeve

8 Weight loading

9 Stem

10 Check lift

11 Vacuum house

12 Vacuum disc

13 Vacuum seat

14 Filter element

15 Venting cover

16 Check lift

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Personal safety In addition to fire and explosion hazards crew members

working on the tank deck should be aware of the possible

presence of harmful gases during the different cargo op-

erations. Personal safety protection equipment should al-

ways be used whenever the slightest possibility of per-

sonal contact with the cargo or harmful gases exists e. g.

when taking samples, ullage and temperature measure-

ments, or connecting and disconnecting hoses.

When standing at open hatches, don't stand with the wind

on your back as gas eddies might be formed on your front

side and eventually inhaled.

Positioning at open hatches

In stead of just releasing the gas evolved during

loading, resulting in air pollution it is possible to

divert the gas back to the terminal for further

processing. Some of the products mentioned in

IBC chapter 17 require the ship to be equipped

with a vapour return system but the code itself

does not in details specify the technical

construction of this system.

From 1990 USA has regulated this subject and the rules

will of course have an influence on the tank ventilation

and the vapour return system. In the following the Ameri-

can rules are summarised:

Vapour Control


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These regulations apply to oil- and chemical tankers. The regulations are found in Code

of Federal Regulations title 46 part 39, abbreviated to 46 CFR 39, and deal with Vapor

Control Systems (VCS). Please note that these regulations do not apply to gas tankers.

The regulations demand personnel who are in charge of operations involving VCS to

have participated in a training program covering the VCS of the particular ship. The

education or training shall include exercises and/or demonstration of the system in-

stalled on the ship covering normal operation and emergency procedures.

The training program must as a minimum cover the following:

Purpose of a vapor control system;

Principles of the vapor control system;

Components of the vapor control system

Hazards associated with the vapor control system

Coast Guard regulations in this part

Operating procedures, including:

Testing and inspection requirements,

Pre-transfer procedures,

Connection sequence,

Start-up procedures,

Normal operations;

Emergency procedures.

In 46 CFR 39 there are several requirements regarding design and capacity of the Vapor

collection System which will be too extensive to deal with in this course manual but

some of the interesting points are:

The vapor collection piping must be permanently installed, with the vessel's vapor

connection located as close as practical to the loading manifold

Incompatible vapors must be kept separate throughout the entire vapor collection


Vapor collection piping must be electrically bonded to the hull and must be elec-

trically continuous

An inerted tankship must have a means to isolate the inert gas supply from the vapor

collection system

An isolation valve capable of manual operation must be provided at the vessel vapor

connection. The valve must have an indicator to show clearly whether the valve is

in the open or closed position

The last 1.0 meter of vapor piping before the vessel vapor connection must be:

Painted red/yellow/red with the red bands 0.1 meter wide, and the middle yellow

band 0.8 meter wide; and labeled ``VAPOR'' in black letters. Each vessel vapor

connection flange must have a permanently attached 0.5 inch diameter stud at

least 1.0 inch long projecting outward from the flange face. This stud fits into a

hole in the hose flange and should thus prevent a liquid hose from being con-

nected to the vapor system.

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Vapour Manifold Presentation flanges, Orientation and labelling (from ISGOTT)

Each cargo vapor connection must be determined for each cargo handled by the va-

por collection tank of a vessel that is connected to a vapor collection system must

be equipped with a cargo gauging device which provides a closed gauging

arrangement and must be equipped with an intrinsically safe high level alarm and

a tank overfill alarm.

The VCS must be capable of discharging cargo vapor at 1.25 times the maximum

transfer rate

The VCS must have pressure sensors giving alarms at a high pressure of not more

than 90 percent of the lowest pressure relief valve setting in the cargo tank venting


The pressure drop through the vapor collection system from the most remote cargo

tank to the vessel system at the maximum transfer rate and at lessor transfer rates.

This drop in pressure must be included in the vessel's transfer procedures as a ta-

ble or graph showing the liquid transfer rate versus the pressure drop.

A cargo tank must not be filled higher than 98.5 percent of the cargo tank volume;

or the level at which an overfill is set.

A cargo tank must not be opened to the atmosphere during cargo transfer operations

except as for gauging or sampling while a tank vessel is connected to a vapor

control system unless certain requirements given in 46 CFR 39.30 – 1g (1 – 4) are

complied with.

The above were extracts from the most essentially regula-

tions but it is highly recommended to acquaint oneself

with the regulations and be sure to fulfil the requirements

regarding training in the system of the particular ship.

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Cargo calculation

In many countries the international system of units known

as the SI-system has become national law. In the shipping

and oil/chemical industry we still work with a number of

systems and even with combinations of these systems. In

any cargo calculation it is therefore essential to ensure that

the units applied are used correctly.

The idea of cargo calculation is in principle to find the

mass of the cargo by using the following relation:

m = dens.·V, where m is the mass, dens. is the density

and V is the volume. As these items can be expressed in

several ways, it is essential in each circumstance to make

clear how their connections are.

Density To state the density of a chemical the units of the SI-sys-

tem are used i.e.: 1 meter for length and 1 kilogram for

mass. The density which is defined as mass pr. unit of vol-

ume will thus get the unit [kg /m3].

Due to the chemical's big coefficient of thermal expansion

the density of a product shall always be given at a certain

temperature. For chemicals it is normal to state the density

at a temperature of 15° C (or 20° C which was normal

some years ago). If the density is not given from the termi-

nal it can be determined by means of a hydrometer.

Besides the "absolute density" two other indications are

sometime used, and that is Relative Density (Specific

Gravity) and API-Gravity.

Relative Density is defined as:

Rel.Dens t1/t2 = Mass of x m

3 product at t1

Mass of x m3 water at t2

As it is seen there should always be given 2 temperatures

after Relative Density before it has any value. The

Relative Density is of cause an abstract figure and it has

therefore to be converted to density when you will have to

use it to find the mass. The conversion is simply done by

multiplying Rel. Dens. by the density of water at the

temperature which is stated in the Relative Density. Then

we have:

Density at t1° = (Rel. Dens t1/t2)·(density of water at t2°)

In order to use this formula knowledge of fresh water den-

sity is a necessity and the following table shows FW den-

sity at the most common temperatures:

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Density of Fresh Water in kg/m3:

0°C: 999.8 20°C: 998.2

4°C: 1000.0 25°C: 997.0 60° F: 999.01

15°C: 999.1 30°C: 995.7

Example 1:

Relative Density 25/20°C = 0.8764. Find density 25°C. From the table

above the density of water at 20°C is: 998.2 kg/m3.

The liquid's density at 25°C = 0.8764·998.2 kg/m3 = 874.8 kg/m3

API Gravity is only used when handling oil products, but if you should

encounter it, API Gravity may be transferred into Relative

Density as follows:

Rel. Dens. 60/60°F = 141,5

(API Gravity 60°F) + 131,5

and then it can be transformed into Density.

The three different ways to give "density" can also be

transformed mutual by means of ASTM table 3 and table

21 which is found in Volume XI. An extract from this

table is shown below:



(60 DEGF) (60/60 DEGF) (15 DEGC) (60 DEGF) (60/60 DEGF) (15 DEGC) (60 DEGF) (60/60 DEGF) (15 DEGC)

1.5 1.0639 1063.2 4.5 1.0404 1039.8 7.5 1.0180 1017.4

1.6 1.0631 1062.4 4.6 1.0397 1039.0 7.6 1.0173 1016.6 1.7 1.0623 1061.6 4.7 1.0389 1038.3 7.7 1.0165 1015.9

1.8 1.0615 1060.8 4.8 1.0382 1037.5 7.8 1.0158 1015.2

1.9 1.0607 1060.0 4.9 1.0374 1036.7 7.9 1.0151 1014.4

Volume: We normally talk about two different kinds of volume in

the tanks and that is Gross Observed Volume and Gross

Standard Volume.

(GOV) - is the Total Observed Volume (TOV) less free

water (FW) and bottom sediment, being the measured vol-

ume of product and sediment & water (S&W) at observed

temperature and pressure. (In practice, GOV is usually cal-

culated with no deduction for bottom sediment if any,

which is very difficult to quantify).

(GSV) - measured volume of product and S&W at stan-

dard conditions of 15°C and atmospheric pressure. In

practice, the GSV is the GOV multiplied by the volume

correction factor (VCF) obtained from the appropriate

ASTM/IP Petroleum Measurement Tables.

Gross observed


Gross standard


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The notions for volumes are often understood different in

the different parts of the chemical business, so therefore it

is essential to make clear to other people what you mean.

When handling pure oil products we often meet the prob-

lem whether the amount of cargo is given as "Weight in

air" or Weight in vacuum".

The weighing of oil products was in former days based on

weighing the oil on a pair of scale against brass weights

with a fixed density (around 8000 kg/m3). The weight thus

determined in air is due to the difference between the

buoyancy of air on the light oil (about 850 kg/m3) and the

relatively heavy brass not identical to the "mass" (weight

in vacuum).

The difference between "Weight in air" and Weight in

vacuum" depend on the density of the product and is :

Densities from 500 kg/m3 to 1134 kg/m

3 difference 1.1 kg/m


1135 kg/m3 to 1802 kg/m

3 - 1.0 kg/m


1803 kg/m3 to 2456 kg/m

3 - 0.9 kg/m


For the most common products the difference is thus 1.1

kg/m3. Calculated in the SI-units you will get:

Density (in air) = Density - 1.1 kg/m3.

The density found in this way is often called "air corrected


To determine the mass of the cargo by the earlier men-

tioned formula: Mass = Density · Volume, the density and

volume must be given at the same temperature. In princi-

ple it doesn't matter which temperature is used.

The density is given at the relevant temperatures, - perhaps

from a table. Calculations are simply done as: Mass =

Density · Volume, using the density corresponding to the

cargo temperature.

In the chemical trade it is often normal to get information

about a so-called "Density Correction Factor", which we

here call β. This coefficient is used to change the density

given at the standard temperature (s) to what the density

will be at the temperature at which the volume is deter-

mined (t). (Be careful not to mistake this coefficient for

the volume correction factor).

The density conversion takes place according to the fol-

lowing formula:

dens.t = dens.s - β·Δt

Weight in air/

Weight in vacuum

Methods of cargo


Calculation of mass

when the density is

known at the cargo


Calculation of mass

using the “density

correction factor”

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where dens.t is the density at temperature "t" (the actual

temperature of the cargo in the tank), and

dens.s is the density at the standard temperature

(s),(normally 15°C).

Δt = t - s

Please note that the density is decreasing at an increase in

temperature contrary to volume, which increases with the


Besides, there is the following connection between α and


βs = αs·densitys

where αs is the thermal coefficient of cubic expansion.

Example 2:

Volume and temperature are determined to respectively 1142 m3 and

12.25°C. Density at 20°C is given as 0.9372 t/m3 and "density corr. factor”

(ß) given as 0.00132. Find mass.

mass = 1142 m3[0.9372 t/m3 - 0.00132°C

-1(12.25°C -20°C)] = 1081.965 t.

In the oil industry it is common to make calculations of

oil-cargoes by means of a collection of tables issued by the

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).

The tables are consisting of 14 titles where:

Group 1. (Vol. I, II, III and XIII) are based on API gravity

and 60°F

Group 2. (Vol. IV, V and VI) are based on Relative Den-

sity and 60°F.

Group 3. (Vol. VII, VIII, IX and XIV) are based on Density

and 15°C.

Group 1 and 3 are divided into four parts; one for crude

oil, one for products, one for products with a known coef-

ficient of cubic expansion and one for lubricating oil.

Group 2 is only divided into three parts and that is one for

crude oil, one for products and for products with a known

coefficient of cubic expansion.

Volume X of the tables comprises background, develop-

ment and program documentation with the exception of

programmes for the lube oil tables which are listed in the

individual volumes.

In the volumes XI/XII are found tables for conversion

between volume measures, temperatures and density


Calculation of the

mass of oil products

(inclusive lube oils)

by use of ASTM-


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Normally we are informed about the density at 15°C. Then

by means of table 54 (54 B for normal oil products and 54

D for lube oil) the gross observed volume is converted into

the gross standard volume. Then the gross standard

volume is multiplied by the density at the standard


Example 3:

In a tank with Base Oil (lube oil) the gross observed volume of the cargo is

514.6 m3 at a temperature of 3°C. The density is given from shore as 896

kg/m3 at 15°C. Calculate the mass and “weight in air”.

1. The observed volume is corrected to the standard volume at 15°C by means

of table 54D. A Volume Correction Factor found in the table is multiplied

by the gross observed volume.




TEMP. 880 882 884 886 888 890 892 894 896 898 TEMP. C FACTOR FOR CORRECTING VOLUME TO 15 C C

1.75 1.0094 1.0094 1.0094 1.0094 1.0093 1.0093 1.0093 1.0093 1.0093 1.0092 1.75

2.00 1.0092 1.0092 1.0092 1.0092 1.0092 1.0091 1.0091 1.0091 1.0091 1.0091 2.00

2.25 1.0091 1.0091 1.0090 1.0090 1.0090 1.0090 1.0089 1.0089 1.0089 1.0089 2.00

2.50 1.0089 1.0089 1.0089 1.0088 1.0088 1.0088 1.0088 1.0088 1.0087 1.0087 2.50

2.75 1.0087 1.0087 1.0087 1.0087 1.0086 1.0086 1.0086 1.0086 1.0086 1.0085 2.75

3.00 1.0085 1.0085 1.0085 1.0085 1.0085 1.0084 1.0084 1.0084 1.0084 1.0084 3.00 3.25 1.0084 1.0083 1.0083 1.0083 1.0083 1.0083 1.0082 1.0082 1.0082 1.0082 3.25

3.50 1.0082 1.0082 1.0081 1.0081 1.0081 1.0081 1.0081 1.0081 1.0080 1.0080 3.50

3.75 1.0080 1.0080 1.0080 1.0080 1.0079 1.0079 1.0079 1.0079 1.0079 1.0078 3.75

Volume 15°C = 1.0084 · 514.6 m3 = 518.923 m


2. Mass and weight in air is calculated:

Mass = (896 kg/m3 · 518.923 m

3)/1000 kg/t = 464.955 t

Weight in air = (896 kg/m3 - 1.1 kg/m

3) · 518.923 m

3/1000= 464.4 t

When we have measured or been informed about the density at a

certain temperature in Celsius degrees, table 53 (53B for

products and 53 D for lube oils) is used to convert this density

into density 15°C.

Then the gross observed volume is converted into gross standard

volume at 15°C by using table 54 and the mass can now be

found as:

Mass (weight in vacuum) = Density 15°C·Volume 15°C.

If we want to know the "weight in air" we use:

"weight in air" = (density 15°C - 1.1)·volume 15°C

Calculation when

density is known at

the “standard


Calculation when

density is known at a



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Example 4:

In a tank containing n-octane the liquid volume is measured as 514.6 m3 at a

temperature of 3°C. The density is measured with a hydrometer as 705.5 kg/m3 at a

temperature of 12°C.

Find the mass and the "weight in air".

1. The observed density is converted into density 15°C by using table 53B.

Density 15° C = 702.8 kg/m3




TEMP. 693.0 695.0 697.0 699.0 701.0 703.0 705.0 707.0 709.0 711.0 713.0 TEMP. C CORRESPONDING DENSITY AT 15 C C

12.00 690.2 692.2 694.2 696.2 698.2 700.3 702.3 704.3 706.3 708.3 710.3 12.00 12.25 690.5 692.5 694.5 696.5 698.5 700.5 702.5 704.5 706.5 708.5 710.5 12.25

12.50 690.7 692.7 694.7 696.7 698.7 700.7 702.7 704.7 706.7 708.7 710.7 12.50

12.75 690.9 692.9 694.9 696.9 698.9 700.9 702.9 704.9 707.0 709.0 711.0 12.75 13.00 691.2 693.2 695.2 697.2 699.2 701.2 703.2 705.2 707.2 709.2 711.2 13.00

2. The observed volume is converted into volume 15°C by using table 54B.

The "Volume Correction Factor" found in the table is multiplied by the ob-

served volume.



DENSITY AT 15 C TEMP. 690.0 692.0 694.0 696.0 698.0 700.0 702.0 704.0 706.0 708.0 710.0 TEMP.


2.50 1.0170 1.0169 1.0168 1.0167 1.0167 1.0166 1.0165 1.0164 1.0164 1.0163 1.0162 2.50

2.75 1.0166 1.0165 1.0165 1.0164 1.0163 1.0163 1.0162 1.0161 1.0160 1.0160 1.0159 2,75

3.00 1.0163 1.0162 1.0161 1.0161 1.0160 1.0159 1.0159 1.0158 1.0157 1.0157 1.0156 3.00 3.25 1.0159 1.0159 1.0158 1.0157 1.0157 1.0156 1.0155 1.0155 1.0154 1.0153 1.0153 3.25

3.50 1.0156 1.0155 1.0155 1.0154 1.0153 1.0153 1.0152 1.0151 1.0151 1.0150 1.0149 3.50

Volume 15° C = 1.0159·514.6 m3 = 522.8 m3

3. Mass and "weight in air" is calculated:

Mass = (702.8 kg/m3 · 522,8 m

3)/1000 kg/t = 367,4 t

Weight in air = (702,8 kg/m3 - 1,1 kg/m

3) · 522,8 m

3/1000 kg/t =

366,8 t

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Cargo pumps and their use For use on board chemical tankers special pumps that fulfil the

requirements in these ships have been developed. They should

be able to pump both light and heavy products, and also they

should be able to manage products with high vapour pressure

and high viscosity. They should be made from materials

resistant to a range of corrosive liquids.

If the ship is carrying different incompatible cargoes at the same

time it is necessary that these cargoes be separated completely.

In many ships installing one pump with its own piping system in

each tank has solved this problem. Such a submerged pump is

called a deep-well pump and is a centrifugal pump. This solution

also solves other problems e.g. the efficient stripping of the tank.

In smaller ships with relatively few tanks the use of screw

pumps located in a pump room is often preferred.

Pumping principles

in general

The fundamental principle of the pumping of any kind of

liquid falls into two distinct phases:

1. to move the liquid to the pump

2. to induce energy into the liquid in order to move it to

the required destination.

The first phase, moving the liquid to the pump, depends solely

on the natural factors of liquid level above pump level and

atmospheric pressure.

The second phase is a matter of mechanics depending of the

technical properties of the pump.

However, the second phase can influence the first since the

extent to which atmospheric pressure is of value depends upon

pump design and pumping conditions. Whilst no pump can

reduce pressure at its suction to absolute zero in order to make

use of the full atmospheric pressure of abt. 1 bar a well designed

pumping system makes the fullest possible use of this pressure.

The necessary pressure at the pump's suction side is described

later in this chapter as the Nett Positive Suction Head (NPSH).

There are many types of pumps designed specifically for

particular duties. In tankers the basic requirements are a

discharge pressure at designed throughput in the range 6 - 15 bar

(90 - 220 p.s.i. (g)) and good suction performance.

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Types of pumps Different types of pumps are used as cargo pumps in tankers.

Generally speaking these pumps may be divided into three

different main groups according to their working principle


1. Centrifugal pumps.

2. Displacement pumps.

3. Ejector pumps (eductors).

These three groups of pumps are working quite differently and

should of course be operated in a quite different manner.

1. Centrifugal pumps are today the most commonly used main

cargo pumps in tankers.

You will see them as both one stage and multiple stage pumps.

They are very suitable for pumping large quantities. The weight

is small compared to the performance and they are not

particularly sensitive to impurities and smaller particles in the

product they pump. They are easily regulated and easy to drain

and clean.

2. Displacement pumps move a certain volume at each cycle, the

centrifugal pump does not, and this is the main difference

between the two pump types. The centrifugal pump makes a

certain pressure and the volume pumped is mainly determined

by the head at the discharge side. The most well-known

displacement pump is the reciprocating piston pump, but also

the screw pump belongs to this category.

3. Ejector pumps have no mechanical moving parts, perform a

good suction even when air enters the suction line, and they are

not vulnerable to impurities and particles in the liquid. The best

performance is achieved with no or at least very little head on

the discharge side. On board larger tankers they are often used

as stripping pumps.

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Centrifugal pumps

Head/Quantity The pressure energy of a liquid being pumped is related to the

speed of rotation of the impeller and, for a given speed, the head

generated by the pump in meters is constant regardless of

specific gravity. Also the volumetric discharge rate is

independent of the gravity of the liquid.

The relationship between head and pressure is expressed by the

following formula.

Head[m] = ]m/s[81,9]/mDensity[kg


The energy required to maintain the pump speed does, however,

vary with density (or S.G.) of the liquid. It is thus convenient to

illustrate pump performance with graphs of head in relation to

quantity of throughput (known as head/quantity or H.Q. curves)

for given pump speeds. The relationship between head and

quantity is such that when the pump throughput is zero head is

maximum (for example, when pumping against a closed valve).

As throughput increases, the head decreases.

On the H.Q. curve in the following figure is marked the "design"

point. This indicates the condition of head and throughput at

which the pump works at maximum efficiency for the speed

indicated and will normally be the duty specified for the pump

when it is ordered. The ideal H.Q. curve is a straight line whose

slope is determined by the pump design. However when certain

losses (mainly friction) are taken into account, the typical curve

as shown in the figure is obtained.

The two H.Q curves on next page are from the same pump but at

two different r.p.m.

In the following we refer to centrifugal pumps only. Other

types of pumps will be dealt with later.

In centrifugal pumps the motive force is provided by a

rotating impeller which takes suction at its centre and

flings the pumped liquid out into the casing from where it

flows to the pump discharge. The head so generated, is

dependent on the diameter, blade angle and speed of

rotation of the impeller. Flow rate is affected by the

pressure in the discharge system and can fall to zero.

Reverse flow through the pump is also possible if a non-

return valve is not fitted in the system.

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The basic characteristics of centrifugal pump can be expressed

in the following mathematical formulas:


Q2 =


n2 = Throughput varies as speed


H2 =


n22 = Head varies as speed squared


P2 =


n32 = Power required varies as speed cubed

These relationships may be used to approximate calculation of

pump curves, but of course they are subject to appreciable

modification by the system in which the pump is working.

The following diagram shows the performance of a typical deep-

well pump with two speeds possible. i.e. 1784 r.p.m. and 1185

r.p.m. It is seen from the Q/H curves that this 33% speed

reduction causes a max. head reduction from 140 mlc to only 60

mlc, (the max. head is reduced by nearly 60%).

Power The power required for pumping varies with the circumstances.

For a given pump-speed more power is required to pump high

S.G. liquids than low. The power consumption is nearly

proportional to the S.G. (density). The minimum power

requirement is when the pump discharge is closed and head is

maximum but throughput is zero. As throughput increases head

falls but the power absorbed by the pump increases although a

peak may be reached beyond which the power requirement

again decreases. The pump is normally governed not to exceed

its designed speed when power demand is low. However, when

operating under conditions where the power demand is high, the

pump speed may fall because insufficient power can be supplied

to maintain maximum revolutions but the pumping rate, because

of low head, may, nevertheless, be very high. Depending on the

motor type the pump may stop if the motor is overloaded. This

is normally the result if the pump is electrically driven.

In the diagrams also an efficiency curve is shown. It tells the

ratio between delivered and absorbed power. When run most

economically this pump makes use of a little less than 70 % of

the power supplied by the electrical motor (shaft power).

The NPSH curve will be dealt with later.

When using the H.Q. curve for practical purposes e. g. during

discharging it is necessary to convert head in meters to pressure

or vice versa as it is the pressure given in some pressure unit you

read on the manometer. This of course is a little boring and

some pump manufacturers have done this job already by

drawing H. Q. curves for different densities of the liquids to be

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pumped. In the following diagram also different HP curves have

been drawn.

Back pressure from


From the previous discussion it is seen that a pump will work

somewhere on its H. Q. curve. Exactly where is decided by

the pressure or head in the discharge line. It is possible to plot

the pressure variation in the shore line into a diagram in the

same manner and using the same units as with the H. Q. curve

thus producing a so called Shore curve. If the ship's H.Q.

curve and the shore curve are superimposed in the same

diagram the common point will decide the discharge rate Q

and the head H in that particular discharge situation. If the

shore curve is steep it represents a discharge line with great

resistance typically a long and narrow line and the discharge

rate will be rather small with a high head.

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The shore curves from the different installations are seldom

delivered to the ship for information.

More often a certain pressure is required at the manifold and this

pressure, of course, also decides the discharge rate through the

particular shore line system.

The suction side The factors which cause liquid to flow to the pump are:

1. The pressure acting on the surface of the liquid in the tank

(normally atmospheric pressure) and,

2. The liquid level in the tank relative to the pump suction.

Since no pump can generate a total vacuum at its suction inlet,

only a proportion of the atmospheric pressure can be usefully

employed. Therefore, before a pump can operate satisfactorily a

certain pressure must exist at the pump suction and this is

known as Required Nett Positive Suction Head (NPSH.), which

is the minimum absolute pressure in excess of liquid vapour

pressure which must exist at the suction inlet of the pump to

ensure satisfactory operation (free from cavitation).

The value of required NPSH depends on pump design and is

specified by the pump manufacturer. The diagram two pages

ago illustrates a typical NPSH curve.

If the pressure at the pump inlet is lower than the NPSH plus the

vapour pressure of the liquid cavitation is the result. Small

vapour pockets are formed near the centre of the pump as the

liquid boils and these vapour bubbles are moved with the liquid

outwards to a higher pressure where they implode very rapidly

and by and by corrodes the metal of the impeller. This

phenomenon is known as cavitation erosion. Heavy cavitation

sounds like pumping rubble stones.

The best way to avoid cavitation is to use as short and direct

suction lines as possible, and to mount the pump as low as

possible. Submerged pumps in each tank using the deep-well

pump principle best accomplish this.

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If cavitation occurs, the pump speed should be reduced

immediately. This will reduce the friction loss in the suction line

as well as the NPSH.

If the pump speed cannot be reduced, flow should be regulated

by partly closing the discharge valve.

Deep-well pumps

Deep-well pumps are often electrically driven. The earlier

shown curve diagram is for such a multiple stage pump. The

shaft bearings of these pumps are cooled and lubricated by the

liquid surrounding the shaft. When the tank becomes empty the

pump must be stopped, otherwise serious damage to the

bearings may be the result, or worse, - an explosive atmosphere

in the tank may be ignited. Basically there are no difference

between single stage or multiple stage centrifugal pumps, they

should be operated in the same way. If speed regulation is not

possible the only way to reduce the flow, if this is desired, is to

throttle on a suitable valve on the discharge line, or to stop the


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Hydraulically driven

deep-well pump

If the pump is driven by a hydraulic motor it is always possible to

regulate the speed. The following picture shows a widely used

cargo pump in chemical carriers, the Framo pump.

Motor and pump is as a single unit. It is placed as close to the tank bottom as possible at

the end of the pipe stack consisting of three concentric pipes inside each other. The in-

nermost pipe is the hydraulic pressure line, the next is the hydraulic return line and the

outer pipe is an air filled cofferdam. The cofferdam ensures that the hydraulic oil under

no circumstances comes into contact with the surrounding cargo. The cofferdam must

be blown at suitable intervals with air or nitrogen to check that the system is tight

especially the sealings at the pump glands.

The discharge pipe is a separate line with discharge valve. After the tank has been

emptied the pump is kept running, the discharge valve is closed and the line before the

valve is pressurized with air or nitrogen thereby displacing the liquid downwards out

and up through the small diameter pipe, which is connected to the main line after the

now closed discharge valve. In this way it is possible to empty the discharge line to


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Screw pumps. A screw pump is a displacement

pump and has to be operated quite differently from a centrifugal

pump. The volume delivered is proportional to the number of

revolutions and with viscous liquids almost unaffected by head

and back pressure. Screw pumps have a very good suction

ability and are even able to pump air or gas. They are very

vulnerable to impurities in the liquid like threads, scale and

other particles, which must be avoided. Normally filters are

fitted in the suction line.

They are common on smaller tankers and are especially suitable

to highly viscous products, such as molasses and asphalt.

The figures below visualize the working principle of different

screw pumps.

The Bornemann pump has two spindles and inlet from both

ends. The outlet is from the middle of the spindles.

As the discharge pressure could grow to nearly indefinite values

if e. g. a discharge valve were closed a safety valve system is an

important integrated part of the pump.

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The following diagram is typical for a screw pump. Curves for

different viscosities are drawn and it is seen that the capacity as

a matter of fact is better for high viscosity (thick) liquids than

for low viscosity liquids like water, which is quite opposite com-

pared to centrifugal pumps. The explanation is that the screw

pump is not tight i. e. the rotors do not touch each other or the

housing and some back flow is possible especially with thin

liquids and high pressures.

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The following diagram shows that the power consumption

is proportional to back pressure, - another feature quite

different from centrifugal pumps.

The diagram below shows that a screw pump is able to

deliver cargo against high differential pressures, compared

to a centrifugal pump. (Differential pressure is the

difference between the pump’s discharge pressure and the

pump’s suction pressure)

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Performance diagram for various Bornemann screw pumps

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Handbooks and Literature The information which is offered in the IBC-code will not

always give a satisfactory idea of the dangers of the

chemical. Neither the dangers nor the possible precautions

are adequately described.

To get the essential information of the products, which are

to be transported, it is necessary to consult handbooks, or

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) which gives enough

information to get a complete indication of the dangers of

the chemical and the precautions to be taken during


The best way to accumulate the information will be in a

special Chemical data Sheet. An example is shown at the

end of this chapter.

Official codes and product lists.

IMO: Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying

Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH-code).

IMO: International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships

Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC-code).


Rules and Regulations from the Classification Societies.

US Coast Guard: Code of Federal Regulations (CFR 46)

US Coast Guard: M.E.T. Publication #515 (Rules and Regulations for Foreign Vessels

Operating in the Navigable Waters of the United States)

Arbejdstilsynet: Grænseværdier for stoffer og materialer. (Danish list of TLV´s).


Handbooks and Safety Guides.

ICS: Tanker Safety Guide (Chemicals)

ICS/OCIMF: International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals


IMO: Medical First Aid Guide.

Hawley’s: Condensed Chemical Dictionary.

US Coast Guard: Chemical Data Guide for Bulk Shipment by Water

Verwey: Tank Cleaning Guide.

Dräger: Detector Tube Handbook

Chemserve: MIRACLE, Tank Cleaning Guide

Hommel: Handbuch der Gefärlichen Güter.

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Hawley’s: Condensed Chemical Dictionary.

Acrylonitrile. (propenenitrile; vinyl cyanide).

CAS: 107-13-1. H2C:CHCN.

40th highest-volume chemical produced in U.S.


Properties: Colorless, mobile liquid; mild odor.

Fp–83C; bp 77.3-77.4C, d 0.8004 (25C), flash p

32F (0C) (TOC). Soluble in all common or-

ganic solvents; partially miscible with water.

Derivation: (1) From propylene oxygen and am-

monia with either bismuth phosphomolybdate

or a uranium-based compound as catalysts; (2)

addition of hydrogen cyanide to acetylene

with cuprous chloride catalyst; (3) dehydration

of ethylene cyanohydrin.

Hazard: Toxic by inhalation and skin absorption.

A carcinogen. Flammable, dangerous fire risk.

Explosive limits in air 3 to 17%. TLV: 2 ppm,

suspect of carcinogenic potential for humans.

Use: Monomer for acrylic and modacrylic fibers

and high-strength whiskers: ABS and acryloni-

trile styrene copolymers; nitrile rubber; cyano-

ethylation of cotton; synthetic soil blocks

(acrylonitrile polymerized in wood pulp); or-

ganic synthesis; adiponitrile; grain fumigant;

monomer for a semiconductive polymer that

can be used like inorganic oxide catalysts in de-

hydrogenation of tert-butanol to isobutylene

and water.

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U.S. Department of Transportation

United States Coast Guard

Chemical Data Guide for Bulk

Shipment by Water

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1. Product name

2. Chemical Formula

3. Chemical Family / Pollution Category

4. UN No. / CAS number

5. IMO Code Requirements (Ship Type Etc.)

6. IMO Special Requirements (Col. "o")

7. Treshold Limit Value / Odour Threshold

8. Liquid Density / Coeff. of cubic expansion

9. Relative Vapour density / Vapour Pressure

10. Flashpoint / Auto Ignition Temperature

11. Flammable Limits

12. Melting Point / Boiling Point

13. Viscosity / Static Accumulator, - yes or no?

14. Reaction with Water

15. Solubility in Water

16. Reaction with Air

17. Reaction with other Substances

18. Self Reaction

19. Segregation Requirements (USCG)

20. Health Hazards/USCG health hazard rating

21. Personal Protection Equipment

22. First Aid Eyes




23. Fire Fighting

24. Toxicity when at Fire

25. Spill Combating

26. Coating Restrictions

27. Special Information

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Special Cargoes

When handling corrosive liquids especially three danger

details should be born in mind:

1: Danger of corrosion of ship or equipment. Com-

mon ship-building materials will be corroded pretty

fast and many of the products in this group can only

be transported in ships equipped with special tank-

materials, special coating and with gaskets used to

the purpose. It is important to check if the concen-

tration of the product has in influence to the resis-

tance of the materials.

2: Danger of fire: When corrosive liquids attack

metal, fumes are evolved which may be flammable

or explosive if mixed with air. Especially acids

evolve free hydrogen, which is very explosive mixed

with air, and do not forget that corrosive liquids

themselves may be flammable and may cause auto

ignition in saw dust, rags or other similar materials.

3: Health hazards. The liquids will when they come in

contact with skin or tissue damage or even destroy

this. The wounds, which come, will be painful and

heal slowly. Eyes and mucous membranes are very

sensitive to corrosive liquids, so therefore do not ne-

glect the use of protection equipment.

Tank cleaning after corrosive products may require quite

special procedures and relevant tank cleaning guides

should be consulted.

The products in this connection can be split into several

groups i.e:

1: Liquids with a self-reaction. There will normally

be two kind of reactions in question and that is de-

composition or polymerization. Both reactions may

be catastrophic to the ship, and when transporting

such liquids it is important to monitor the tempera-

ture of the cargo at certain intervals. A rise in tem-

perature may indicate that a reaction is in progress,

and some measures should be taken to bring the

situation under control. Decomposition will also

cause heavy rise in pressure. Such liquids will nor-

mally be added an inhibitor and may require in-

erting, and the shipper should give a clear loading

instruction and voyage-instruction in relation to

control of inhibitor and eventually addition of extra


Precautions in

relation to extremely

corrosive liquids

Precautions when

handling very

reactive chemicals

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2: Liquids which react violently with water. Many

chemicals cannot come in contact water unless it

causes violently reactions. The reaction may be de-

composition with formation of enormous amounts of

dangerous fumes; it may be formation of acids or

salts with hydrogen evolution, and there may be an

undesirable temperature rise. Other reactions can

cause discolouration of the product or may form

other materials, which may attack the coating or tank

materials. Information about reactions can be found

in handbooks.

3: Liquids which react with air. As many products

may react with air it will often be necessary to inert

the tanks. The grade of inerting depends of the pro-

duct and its purity. It may be assumed that the ship-

per will give accurate instructions about the inerting

and whether traditional inert gas or pure nitrogen

may be used.

4: Liquids which react with other chemicals. How

far some of the products that are to be loaded can re-

act with each other, shall often be considered on

board, even if it may be expected that the shipper

will give information about this problem. The best

guide to this problem is US Coast Guard Compati-

bility Chart, but the information from this compati-

bility chart should also be compared with the infor-

mation from the shipper's data sheet.

It is a sad fact that a number of cargoes are contaminated

by remnants of the previous cargo carried in a ship’s tank,

despite thorough and conscientious cleaning prior to

loading. This naturally creates a serious problem whatever

cargo is contaminated, but becomes even more serious

when the cargo is meant for human consumption.

NIOP and FOSFA The National Institute of Oilseed Products (NIOP) in the

USA, and the Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associa-

tion (FOSFA) in the UK have both conducted studies and

research in order to eliminate the potential contamination

problem. Discussions have taken place with representa-

tives of importers and some shipowners in this connection,

and cargo lists have been prepared.

FOSFA lists of cargoes FOSFA gives a list of so called “Banned immediate previ-

ous cargoes” with more than 50 products and a list of

“Acceptable previous cargoes” giving about 110 different

cargoes which can be accepted as previous cargoes.

Carriage of vegoils

(edible oils)

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Acceptance procedure Before a ship can be accepted as carrier of edible oils it

shall comply with the FOSFA “International Qualifica-

tions for all Ships Engaged in the Ocean and Short Sea

Carriage and Transhipment of Oils and Fats for Edible

and Oleo-Chemical Use” giving requirements mainly to

materials of construction and tank coatings.

A statement, in the form of the FOSFA “International

Ship’s Qualifications Combined Master’s Certificate”

signed by the ship’s captain/chief officer shall be provided

for the shipper, certifying that the ship is qualified for the

coming voyage with edible oil.

The ship must also comply with the FOSFA “Interna-

tional Operational Procedures for all Ships Engaged in

the Ocean and Short Sea Carriage and Transhipment of

Oils and Fats for Edible and Oleo-Chemical Use” which

for example details the requirements to the previous car-

goes. It is worth noting that in order to accept a cargo as

“Acceptable Previous Cargo” it shall have been not less

than 60% by volume of the tank! The “Operational Proce-

dures” will also give details such as inspection of tanks,

sampling, heating instruction and loading through shore

hose directly into ship’s tanks.

European Union When trading to or between members of the European Un-

ion special regulations apply. They are much similar to

those of FOSFA, but are stricter as regards the re-

quirements to previous cargoes.

Conclusion It is hoped, by following the standards given by the recog-

nised organisations, that cases where cargoes meant for

human consumption are contaminated can be avoided.

Discharging Mostly the same precautions should be taken during the

discharge as during the loading.

Again it is important to check the function of P/V-valves.

At the very start of the discharge emergency stops should

be tested.

If the tanks have been filled above the level of the highest

high-level alarm, all tanks should be discharged to a level

below the high-level alarm in the beginning of the dis-

charging operation, thus allowing the alarm to be put into

operation, and giving the possibility of a warning if a

leaking valve in the system causes a tank to be filled dur-

ing the discharge of other tanks with the same product.

Sometimes it is not allowed that air is drawn into the tank

during discharge, so in order to prevent vacuum the tanks

must be refilled with inert gas or nitrogen. This is not a

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problem in ships with their own inert gas generator, but in

other ships it will be necessary to connect a vapour return

or a nitrogen source from shore.

During the discharge it is necessary to be aware of the

conditions in the pump room, if any. Even if the pumps

can be run from outside the pump room it is sometimes

necessary to enter the pump room to inspect the pumps or

valves there. Despite the operation of mechanical ventila-

tion, it must be a standing order, that nobody enters the

pump room without permission from the responsible offi-

cer. This officer is the one to decide whether to use pro-

tective equipment and moreover assure that the regulations

for entering the pump room are adhered to.

Ballasting It might be necessary to use uncleaned cargo tanks con-

taining residues as ballast tanks. This is not permitted in

tanks which have contained water reactive chemicals, as

well as it is of cause only allowed to ballast in accordance

to the regulations in MARPOL's ANNEX II. If tanks,

which have contained flammable or toxic cargoes, are

used as ballast-tanks, it must be remembered that a lot of

vapour is released when taking ballast into these tanks.

The local regulations on air pollution should also be

consulted in this situation.

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Let this chapter start with an article written by a representative from IVER Ships.

This article speaks for itself and covers many of the dilemmas concerned with the

transport of cargoes on board chemical tankers.

Tank Cleaning (from Iver Ship’s web site) From then till now.

Since tankers were first developed there has been the problem of how to effectively

clean the vessels tanks before loading the next cargo. In the first half of the 20th century

tanks were mainly cleaned by a high pressure hose man handled by a sailor. This was

dangerous work as the gas in the tank together with the slippery surface led to many

accidents. The first breakthrough came with the development of the tank cleaning

machine. This in effect was a heavy-duty garden sprinkler, which could be lowered into

the tank on the end of a hose. The water pressure was, via a gearing mechanism, used

to slowly rotate the machine and at the same time rotate the outlet nozzles. This meant

that all tank surfaces were exposed to the full blast of the water and ensured consistent

cleaning results. At the same time the cargo pump stripped away the wash water and

transferred it to a slop tank. As no personnel were required to enter the tank higher

temperatures could be used for the wash water thereby increasing the cleaning effect.

These machines and their hoses are however heavy to handle and most ships today have

the machines mounted permanently inside the tank. These greatly speed up the tank

cleaning operations and make it safer too. The tank can be kept fully closed during

cleaning, thereby reducing the crews exposure to cargo vapours.

All new tanker vessels today are built with a double hull and this allows the inside of the

cargo tank to be smooth sided. In effect one hull is built within the other and all the

structural strengthening steelwork is contained in the spaces between the two hulls.

Smooth sided tanks are a lot easier to clean.

Modern vessels with good equipment can perform tank cleaning safely and effectively

and compliance with regulations ensures an absolute minimum impact on the

environment. However cleaning tanks for certain chemical cargoes requires a lot of

expertise and hard work.

A precise view of an imprecise science.

Our business depends on being able to load our vessels with many different cargoes,

sometimes at very short notice. In order to do this, we have to be able to clean our

vessels quickly, efficiently and better than our competitors. Easy if you know how, and

even easier if you understand a few basic principles?

Tank cleaning does not play by any rules. What works one time will not give the same

result the next. It can trick you, drive you crazy and sometimes it can even make you


It does without doubt fulfil the definition of an imprecise science.

What is successful tank cleaning?

So how are we managing to stay ahead of the field? Very simply, by knowing when to

stop cleaning. This makes light of a very complex set of situations, but this is

fundamentally the essence of successful tank cleaning.

If you clean 'too short' then the vessel is not clean enough and the likelihood is tank


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If you clean 'too long' then you risk damaging the coated internal surfaces of the cargo

tanks. You will waste time and money, cause crew fatigue and still run the risk of tank

rejection. Over cleaning can lead to just as many problems as under cleaning. But still

a rejection is a rejection. Fundamentally though, tank cleaning is largely common

sense. It follows the same principles of washing plates and cutlery after you have eaten


If you keep the plates wet by soaking them in water, they are far easier to clean in the

morning compared to leaving them on the dinner table overnight. If you have oil or

grease stains, use a mild detergent to remove them, because water on its own is almost

ineffective. If the plates are still dirty after the first cleaning, you have to do them again,

but it is usually more difficult because the residues have had a chance to dry out.


It follows, that time is certainly of the essence here and it is fair to say that if you have

an unlimited amount of time, then any job is possible. But consider the enormous costs

of running a vessel for just one day. It becomes very apparent that saving even a few

hours can, and will, make a difference to the voyage. If we take too long to clean a

vessel then an alternative carrier will be sought, who takes less time. So we lose not

only our reputation but also dollars and cents in terms of lost freight. So getting the job

done quickly and effectively the first time would seem to be the key to keeping us ahead

of the competition. This will also secure the reputation of the company in the eyes of our

clients, without whom, we would not have the business to do.

Tank inspection

So if it is that easy, then why is tank cleaning always the bottleneck in the process?

After all, if we could just arrive in port every time, fill up and head off for the

destination without any delay, then there would be no worries! Everybody would be

happy and the perfect logistic process would be just around the corner!

The reason is the inspection process and satisfying the requirements of the load port

cargo tank survey. This survey is carried out to verify that the vessel meets pre-set

quality specifications. This result of the survey tells everybody involved in the shipment

that the tank cleaning has been carried out to a certain standard. In essence the

difference between loading petroleum products (CPP) like gas oil or gasoline and fine

chemicals like methanol is in the inspection process. CPP products are loaded on a

visual inspection, in other words the tank has to be visually empty and clean. For fine

chemicals a wall wash test of the tank surface is carried out. This means that the tank

not only has to be visually clean, it also has to be chemically clean as well. Although

wall wash tests performed on the tanks are precisely defined there are many variable

factors that can influence the outcome. Weather conditions, standard of test equipment,

sample containment and not least, surveyor expertise can all affect the final outcome.

Reaching these pre-set wall wash standards can and does cause enormous problems

and this is what causes the delays.

Consider that the vessel is floating in seawater containing approximately 33,000 ppm

(parts per million) of salt, and the usual wall wash specification prior to loading

methanol is 2 ppm! As a way of understanding how small one part per million is,

consider this comparison: One second in 11 ½ days!!

To improve our vessels ability to pass these tests our vessels are now using relatively

“high-tech” laboratory instrumentation to accurately monitor tank-cleaning

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operations. Coupled with ship's staff expertise and a lot of hard earned experience we

are able to continually expand our cleaning capability.

Our on board laboratory enables the vessels' officers to accurately know when to stop

tank cleaning and in certain cases, what to do next. This in turn takes the word

“guessing” out of the whole process. It is still not an exact science but our procedures

ensure that our tank cleaning results are not a lottery; they are more of a certainty.

With this approach we have been able to significantly improve our tank cleaning

capability and reduce down time and tank rejection.

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Tank Cleaning Operation Cleaning of cargo tanks in connection with the transport of liquid chemicals in bulk

calls for special considerations, which may be quite different from oil transport.

It must be taken into consideration, which product has been in the tanks and which

products are to be loaded. Furthermore it is of importance, which equipment is at hand

and how much time is available. Cleaning from and to chemical cargoes can be both

time consuming and expensive.

In all cleaning operations it is essential to remember that all safety rules must be strictly

adhered to.

The actual cleaning operation will almost invariably follow the flow diagram shown

below, as the same questions will arise each time.

Flow diagram

The details of the flow diagram are explained below.


Same Cargo? If the vessel is to carry the same product on the following voyage, the cleaning opera-

tion might be omitted. Of course this is not always the case, as there still may be a

number of reasons for the shipper to demand clean, gas free tanks before loading.

One such reason might be that the final use of the product is quite different.

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High Vapour Pressure? If the vapour pressure of the product exceeds 50 mb at 20°C, tank cleaning may be

accomplished simply by ventilation according to MARPOL's Annex II. Whether this is

an efficient technique or not depends on the product and the vessel's equipment. For

example it is possible and allowable to ventilate pure Benzene, but it might be unwanted

because of the toxic properties of Benzene vapour, and because of remaining smell

and/or solid residues in the tank.

Tank cleaning by ventilation alone requires efficient blowers and MARPOL specifies a

minimum blower capacity according to the diameter of the air and the depth of the


Tank cleaning by ventilation is an excellent procedure with many High Vapour Pressure

Products, as it eliminates the need to decide what to do with slops. The method is

particularly efficient if the vessel features a hot air or dry air system.

Prewash Annex II MARPOL's Annex II specifies a Mandatory Prewash for many substances. If this is

relevant for the product to be cleaned, the procedures in the vessel's P&A-manual

should be strictly adhered to.

Mostly the above mentioned considerations will be dealt with quickly, and what is left

is the actual tank cleaning where the purpose generally is to get the tanks as clean as

possible, as the next cargo might not have been decided upon.

Preliminary Cleaning For the first and, possibly the only cleaning, it must be decided whether to use water or

not. A few cargoes will react with water (for example TDI) and form insoluble sedi-

ments. For the great majority of cargoes there is, however, no doubt - the tanks are

washed with water.

The purpose of pre cleaning is to remove the residues after the discharge. The sooner

the pre cleaning is carried out after discharge, the easier oil and residues will be

removed. Pre cleaning should be done with tank cleaning machines using sea- or fresh

water. Temperature for pre cleaning depends on the grade of cargo previously

discharged, but the wash water temperature should normally not be more than 10 C

higher than the cargo previously discharged. This procedure has to be executed with a

view to obtain optimal results in cleanliness and is not set up in respect to MARPOL.

The next question will be whether to use hot or cold water, and this might well be the

most important question. With many products a wrong choice of washing temperature

will not mean a lot, but when cleaning after a "drying oil" (veg- and animal oils with a

low content of free fatty acids) it is of utmost importance to start with cold water as the

product otherwise will dry into a coat on the tank surfaces which is very difficult to

remove. Using hot water will also be a great mistake after many polymerisable


If in doubt consulting various Tank Cleaning Guides, Survey Companies or the shipper

might give a suggestion, and if it is impossible to get enough information the washing

procedure should be initiated with cold water.

Below is shown a list of some vegetable oils and animal oils.

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Vegetable and animal oils

Low acid value High acid value

Cold water Cold water Hot water

Drying oils Semi-drying oils Non-drying oils

Mustardseed oil Babassu oil Palm oil

China wood oil Candle but oil Almond oil

Fish oil Corn oil Arachis oil

Hempseed oil Cotton seed oil Camphor oil

Linseed oil Croton oil Canaga oil

Menhaden oil Fish oil Cashew nut oil

Oiticica oil Herring oil Castor oil

Perilla oil Maize oil Coconut oil

Safflower oil Poppy seed oil Cod liver oil

Soyabean oil Sesame oil Ground nut oil

Tall oil Sunflower oil Lard oil

Tung oil Wheat oil Neatsfoot oil

Walnut oil Olive oil

Peanut oil

Pine oil

Rape seed oil

Sperm oil

Tallow oil

Whale oil

Furthermore it must be decided how long the washing should go on. The time will

always depend on the ship's equipment, and might vary from one cycle to several hours

depending on the tank structure, the product and the washing machines. Again reference

to a Tank Cleaning Guide might be useful.

Tank Cleaning Guides Several companies, which manufacture cleaning agents, also publish handbooks or

instructions to explain how to use the cleaning agents for various products. Also some

independent companies publish such tank-cleaning guides. An example of such a guide

is the Tank Cleaning Guide published by Laboratory Dr. A. Verwey, Rotterdam.

This guide takes both the discharged cargo and the product to be loaded into consid-

eration. The list advises on the cleaning operation between 415 different products.

Below is shown a copy from the first part of the book which provides a cleaning code

by entering with the products in question.

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In the second part of the book the cleaning codes are translated into a cleaning operation

and a copy from this part of the book is shown bellow.

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The cleaning guide should only be used as a recommendation, as no consideration is

given to the coating, piping materials etc. Such problems should be carefully considered

and incorporated into the cleaning method chosen.

The most important answers to be found in a cleaning guide are:

1. Should the cleaning start with cold or hot water.

2. If we decide to use a cleaning agent - which type should be used and in

which concentration.

On the other hand the instructions in the guide regarding washing times are no more

than an educated guess. The guide mentions a certain numbers of washing “cycles” but

that is in fact a broad concept as the time for one cycle can vary from one type of

washing machine to an other machine.

Final Cleaning

Chemical additives There are a great many substances, which can be added to chemical cargo residues

which work on the detergent principle and facilitate the tank washing procedures. This

is especially true for water insoluble cargoes. These cleaning compounds consist of a

synthetic soap, a detergent and an emulsifier, all dissolved in an aromatic or aliphatic

hydrocarbon solvent. The synthetic soap and detergent activate cleaning while the

emulsifier keeps the impurities dissolved in water. These are carried into the water

insoluble residues by the solvent carrier. This is the most popular method of chemical

cleaning and is known as emulsification.

A second method of chemical tank cleaning is called saponification, a process which

basically turns the residue into a soapy solution. This type of cleaning is ideal for animal

and vegetable oils since they are esters and are composed of glycerols and fatty acids,

which can be broken down by the alkali such as caustic soda. The fatty acids react with

the caustic forming a soapy mixture, which is soluble in water.

There are products on the market, which contain a “quick break” emulsifier thereby

reducing the amount of tank washing. These emulsifiers ensure a clean break between

the emulsified residues and the wash water in the settling tank. The free water may have

a residue content as low as 10 ppm and therefore may be removed from the settling tank

for reuse. This way the amount of washing in the settling tank is kept as a minimum.

The use of any type of chemical additive must have the approval of the tank coating

manufacturers. This is usually done by the additive manufacturer prior to marketing his

product. In addition to the variety of emulsifying solvents, saponifying agents, etc.,

there are a large number of other products available to the operator committed to coated

tanks. These products include deodorizers, passivating paste for stainless steel,

hydrocarbon dispersants, degreasants, etc. The operator must temper the manufacturers’

recommendations with his own experience. Additive quantities and concentrations

stipulated by the manufacturers are sometimes on the high side and since none of these

products are cheap it is advantageous to the operator to become familiar with each

product so that an economical and effective point can be reached.

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If it is considered necessary to perform further cleaning after the preliminary cleaning,

more demanding techniques may be utilised.

1. Saponifying with caustics.

2. Cleaning with detergents

3. Dissolving with a solvent.

4. Chemical reaction.

5. Steaming

re 1: Vegetable and animal oils are easily saponified with an al-

kaline like Caustic Soda or Caustic Potash. The remaining

soap from Caustic Potash is readily washed away with

water whereas the soap from Caustic Soda tends to form

hard brittle particles, which are almost insoluble in water.

The schedule below can be used to determine how many

kilograms of Caustic Soda necessary to obtain a required

pH value of the tank cleaning water.


Tons of Kilogram of Caustic Soda

water pH 11.5 pH 12 pH 12.5 pH 13 pH 13.5 pH 14

3 0.40 1.2 3.8 12 38 120

3.5 0.45 1.4 4.4 14 44 140

4 0.50 1.6 5.1 16 51 160

4.5 0.57 1.8 5.7 18 57 180

5 0.63 2.0 6.3 20 63 200

5.5 0.70 2.2 7.0 22 70 220

6 0.76 2.4 7.6 24 76 240

6.5 0.82 2.6 8.2 26 82 260

7 0.89 2.8 8.9 28 89 280

re 2: After a cargo of mineral oil or its derivatives synthetic

soaps or special cleaning agents which are mixtures of

synthetic soaps (detergents) and other emulsifiers can be

used for the final cleaning. Some cleaning agents also

contain solvents, and will consequently be able to give

positive hydrocarbon test after the cleaning. Hence the

tanks must be washed thoroughly with water after use of

such cleaning agents.

re 3: Some residues have very high melting points, which

makes them difficult to emulsify. To clean such residues it

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may be necessary to use a solvent. Frequently used sol-

vents are toluene or white spirit. Both may be applied by

spraying or by the lift method (see below). Some residues

are persistent enough to make it necessary to heat the sol-

vent, and care should be taken to choose a solvent with a

sufficiently high boiling point.

Whenever possible the cleaning procedures adopted

should not involve personnel entering a non-gas free tank.

If however it is necessary to enter the tank, all precautions

should be taken to protect the personnel involved from the

health hazard of the cleaning solvent and a flammable sol-

vent should only be used for spot-cleaning and never for

spraying in a non-inerted tank.

re 4: Chemical reactions are rarely used for tank cleaning pur-

poses, but may be the only alternative if some unwanted

reaction during the voyage or during the initial cleaning

has left an insoluble residue on the tank walls. Further-

more chemical reaction may be used to remove rust (iron

oxide) from the coating and the piping. When undertaking

an operation involving chemical reactions, advice should

be sought from competent companies.

re 5: Another way to dissolve solid residues is by steaming or

even by steaming with a solvent (for example toluene) or

an alkaline cleaning agent. Steaming with solvents like

toluene should only be carried out in inerted tanks due to

the risk of ignition by static electricity.

All the above-mentioned cleaning agents may be applied

in a number of ways, which in brief can be described as


The injection method This method is practised by injecting the cleaning agent (caustic, detergent or solvent)

directly into the tank cleaning line either on deck or in the pump room. There are

several methods to use by injection with chemicals during tank cleaning, into the

mechanical tank wash system but the method preferred for tank cleaning at sea is:

Inject the chemical directly into the tank-wash line on deck. The chemical is injected

from a 200 litre drum directly into the tank-wash line on deck by means of an air

operated pump on the drum, a small needle valve and a short hose, connected to a spare

tank-wash hose valve. The main benefit of this method is that the injection and correct

dosage of chemical can be regulated and controlled at any place on deck, close to the

tanks being washed.

The recirculation method In general this method of tank cleaning with a chemical solution is highly effective. One

of the vessel's tanks is used to mix a suitable solution of the cleaning agent (for example

a 0.2 % detergent solution). The mixture is pumped through the cleaning line and the

cleaning machines and is stripped back to same tank. To work properly this method

demands a good preliminary cleaning as otherwise the cleaning mixture will quickly

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become inefficient. A great advantage of the re-circulation method is that both heat and

chemicals are recovered and used over and over again until one or more tanks are

completely cleaned. The effect of cleanliness may improve if a suitable filtering system

can be used between the pump and the cleaning machines. The most common system is

to insert a strainer into the X-tree when connection is made on the pump stack.

Remember: Re-circulation is only permitted between inerted tanks or gas-free tanks.

Recirculation with chlorinated solvents The preferred products purchased/supplied should be non-contaminated

Trichloroethylene and or Perchloroethylene. If the moisture content is not more than a

few hundred ppm, the chlorinated solvent should be acceptable for most re-circulation

operations. A larger quantity (10 to 15 tons) of Methylene Chloride (MEC) is usually

requested for cleaning after discharging of isocyanates like TDI and MDI, but only

when compatible with the coating. Equipment for recirculation and must be clean and

chemical resistant to chlorinated solvents. Furthermore, chlorinated compounds tend to

hydrolyse in the presence of water and form organic or mineral acid.


Bleach is also known as Clorox and Dixichlor. The chemical name is Sodium

Hypochlorite Solution (11 –13%), which is a strong oxidizer. The name “Bleach” is

used throughout this procedure. Precaution: The product is very aggressive pH 14, - in

particular to stainless steel and the aggressiveness increase with raised temperatures.

Any bleach solution must not be allowed to dry on any tank lining or stored in cargo

tanks as cleaning solution or slops.

Bleach solution should mainly be used in coated tanks and when diluted to maximum 1

% strength.

Diluted bleach is used for following purposes:

Removal of odour, if present after normal tank cleaning.

Removal of colour, if present after normal tank cleaning. (Colour may be present after

last cargoes having strong colour which is also the case after dyed gasoline).

Improving the Permanganate Time Test, if low after normal tank cleaning. (Low PTT is

often the result of a reducer remaining on the tank surface, which originates from an

inhibitor or the cargo itself). The bleach is known to be contrary to a reducer, which is

an oxidation agent.


After any seawater washing, ensure to thoroughly fresh water rinse the tank before

preparing the bleach solution.

Prepare the tank for re-circulation. Add fresh water into the tank enough for the re-

circulation and add maximum 1 % of bleach into the tank by the drop line. Secure the

tank and start re-circulation immediately. Apply the tank heating system and bring the

temperature up to maximum 50 °C.

On completion close the tank-heating system.

If a second tank needs the same cleaning method, it should be prepared for re-

circulation prior to transferring the used bleach solution.

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During re-circulation temperature should not exceed 50 °C due to the solution’s

aggressiveness. Hand spraying is not recommended. Immediately after re-circulation,

rinse the tank with warm sea- or fresh water for three machine cycles. After the end of

rinsing, take a sample from the discharge line and inspect it for traces of remaining

bleach, odour, foam, pH-value etc.

If the bleach solution is still present, the rinsing should continue until outcome rinsing

water is free of bleach and pH-value is the same as the incoming rinsing water.

On completion of rinsing, continue with chloride free sistilled water in order to remove

the salt/chloride because if bleach is still present in the coating, it will affect the chloride


Warning. If bleach solution is not washed off immediately after re-circulation or if it is

stored in cargo tanks, in particular stainless steel tanks, corrosion and or coating damage

can be expected very soon.

The lift method In some situations it may be convenient or necessary to apply a solvent or cleaning oil

to the tank walls. This is done by pouring the solvent into a tank and then slowly lifting

the solvent by pumping water in below it. The lift should not exceed about 1 metre per

hour, and thus the method is very slow. When the tank is full the water level is lowered

again by pumping the water to a slop tank. When the tank is almost empty the rest of the

cleaning agent is pumped into the next tank and the procedure starts all over again.

Toluene has often been used as the medium. Toluene is a highly static electricity

generator, so extreme care must be taken with the bonding of all equipment used

for the operation. One of the leading tank cleaning laboratories in the world, Dr.

Verwey, does not recommend Toluene Floating.

Hand spray method

The method is undertaken by spraying a cleaning agent directly onto the surfaces of the

tank. After a certain time, during which the cleaning agent works on the residues, the

tank is water washed in a normal pattern. This method is very efficient and the

consumption of cleaning agent is reasonably low, but it should be borne in mind that it

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is very important to protect the crew involved in the operation, as many cleaning agents

are rather dangerous to personnel. Also, this method should never be used with a

flammable cleaning agent due to the risk of an electrostatic ignition.

Type of spray equipment to be employed varies from simple hand operated sprayers to

compressed air driven pumps, pressure tanks, all connected via sufficient length of

chemical resistant hose to a suitable spray gun.

For manual spraying it is highly recommended to use airless type spray guns, thus

spraying tank-cleaning solvents under pressure without air-atomisation.

All personnel who enter the tank during inspection, control, repair, maintenance etc.,

must wear soft-soled shoes. This is of special importance for epoxy-coated tanks, which

have been exposed to chemicals, softening the coating.

Atomisation method The principle is the same as mentioned for the hand spray method, but instead of

sending men into the tanks to apply the cleaning agent, a lance-like apparatus with fine

nozzles is introduced into the tank. The cleaning agent is pumped through the nozzles

and after some time the tanks are water washed.

As this method almost invariably will generate large electrostatic potentials, it

should only be used in inerted tanks or in gas-free tanks with a non-flammable

cleaning agent.

Steaming method This procedure is mostly done after tank cleaning, and before loading of

chemicals. To make the tanks free of hydrocarbons, chlorides, also for a

Permanganate Time Test. For this matter we have a choice of several types of

chemicals, like aromatics, alcohols, ketones and products like perchloroethylene

or trichloroethylene. It is a matter of fact that the choice of chemical for steaming

complies with instructions of the coating supplier. When steaming the tank with

chemicals one have to consider about the lower flammable limit (LFL or LEL).

Steaming with Chemicals Calculation of volume percentage: The volume of vapour (gas) is equal to the number of mole multiplied by 24 litres, when

the temperature is 20 C. The number of mole is found as the amount of chemical in

kilograms divided by the mole mass.

Example: Steaming with 4 litres of toluene C7H8. Density 0.86 kg/l, mole weight 92 g/mole,

flammable range: LFL = 1.2 – UFL =7.0 volume %

litre897g/mole 92

l/mole 24 g/l 860 litre 4

In a 1000m3 tank, 897 litre of vapour gives a concentration of 0.09 volume %.

The volume of 1 mole at 60 C, which easily might be the tank temperature during

steaming, is 27 litres instead of 24 litres. Then the volume of 4 litre toluene as vapour

will be 1020 litre, and the concentration in a 1000 m3 tank will then be 0.10 volume %.

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Calculation to stay below Lower Flammable Limit (LFL)

Steaming with methanol in a 1000 m3 cargo tank @ 60 C:

CH3OH, density 790 g/l, Mole weight 32 g/mole. Flammable range: LFL = 5.5 – UFL

=36.5 volume %

5.5 vol% of the cargo tank capacity is 55,000 l vapour equal to molemolel



000,55 .

The mass of 2037mole is 2037mole 32 g/mole = 65.19 kg of methanol = 82.52 litres.

Then the Lower Flammable limit is reached!

Special considerations for Stainless Steel Tanks made of stainless steel cannot always be cleaned in the same way as coated tanks.

The primary resistance of stainless steel is a thin layer of chromic oxide which is

created on the surface of the steel. This layer is resistant to most chemicals, but rather

sensitive to substances containing chloride such as sea water.

Stainless tanks should thus preferably be washed with fresh water only, but if it for

some reason is necessary to use sea water, the tanks should be flushed with fresh water

without delay.

Fresh Water Flushing For all kinds of tanks it may be necessary to undertake a final rinsing with fresh or even

destilled water to remove any chlorine residues or residues from cleaning agents, which

may react with the next cargo.

Ventilation and Drying Any tank cleaning operation is concluded by ventilating and drying the tanks with


Drying of tanks The drying of the tanks is in fact done in the way that the air blown into the tank picks

up the humidity of the tank atmosphere, and thereby removing the water from the tank

when the air again leaves the tank. However it is important to remember a few

fundamental principles of how air can accumulate/contain humidity. The relation

between the temperature of the air and the water content in g/m3 is so, that the air is able

to contain a higher amount of humidity at a higher temperature as it is seen from the


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On the diagram is given the absolute humidity in g/m3 on the left axis, and the relative

humidity in % on the right axis as a function of the temperature. When the air reaches a

relative humidity of 100% the air is saturated and then no longer capable to take up

more humidity.

An example will show that only about 1,5 grams of water vapour can be removed per

m3 of supplied air if the air blown in has a temperature of 20°C and a relative humidity

of 90%, which is not unusual when at sea. One also has to be aware that there is no

reason in trying to dry tanks if the empty tanks are surrounded by cold ballast tanks

where the steel temperature is below the dew point of the air blown in. From the curves

can be read as an example that a 20°C warm air with a relative humidity of 90% will

start to condense if the temperature of the air falls to below about 18°C. So therefore it

can be recommended that the dew point of the air is determined and compared with the

steel temperature of the tank if in doubt whether it is worth while to start drying tanks

now or wait until the relative humidity is lower.

In some ships it is possible to dry the air before it is blown into the tanks. This can be

done by means of for example a “Münters Dryer” or by blowing the air through re-

ceptacles (cylinders) filled with a moisture absorbing substance, which later can be

regenerated. Using those methods the dew point of the air can be significantly lowered,

and the air will therefore be able to remove considerably larger quantities of water per

m3 air and furthermore it will be possible to dry even very cold steel bulkheads.

If the tanks are equipped with heating coils or if the ship is equipped with an air heater

then it will be possible to heat up the tanks during the drying, and it will be seen from

the curve above that a raise in temperature from for instance 20° to 25° will make it

possible to remove about 8 grams of water per m3 in stead of only 1,5 grams per m


The heating will of cause also result in a higher steel-temperature, so condensation will

be less probable; but in practice it is often seen that it is difficult to “catch” the under

side of the deck, which results in condensation under the deck and “rain” in the tanks.

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Inspection Chemical cargoes will mostly demand very clean tanks. Normally the shipper will

appoint a surveyor to inspect the ship's tanks and a number of independent survey

companies undertake such commissions. The vessel should always ensure proof of

any inspection carried out.

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Wall Wash Tests When the surveyor inspects the tanks, he often carries out different tests to ensure

the cleanliness of the tank bulkheads and horizontal surfaces. Such tests could be


1. Colour test

2. Hydrocarbon test

3. Chloride test

4. Acid wash colour test

5. Permanganate time test

6. Test for pH value


Some of these tests can be made by the crew itself, and if sufficient time is at

hand, tests should be made before arrival to ensure that any residues and traced

are removed, thus avoiding the rejection of the tanks. Some of the tests are easy to

do, for instance pH test, hydrocarbon test and chloride test. Other tests require

more attention and experience and some tests even need a kind of laboratory on

board the ship.

Many operators have equipped their tankers with a “Wall Wash Test Kit” e.g.

from the well-known chemical laboratory Dr. Verwey in Rotterdam. When that is

the case, it is important carefully to read the instructions supplied by the supplier

of the test kit.

Evaluation of Wall Washing and Testing

It is important to know that many factors have an influence on the test result. Also

factors that are not always obvious. Here follows some reflections on what to have

in mind when evaluating the result of wall wash tests:

Wall Wash Sample Test Result Possible sources affecting

the sample:

Possible sources affecting

the test:

Consequence of this:




















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Products Products can be divided in different groups for cleaning purposes like:

Group 1 Water – soluble

Group 2 Light Hydrocarbons

Group 3 Hydrocarbon test problems

Group 4 Permanganate or activity problems

Group 5 Hydrocarbon test, permanganate, and cleaning problems

Group 6 Leaded or dyed products

Group 1: Group 2: Group 3: Acid Toluene Naphta

Alkohols Benzene Alkyl benzene

Amines Trichloroethylene Diesel oil

Caustic Cumene Dioctyl Phthalate

Esters Cyclohexane Gasoline (unleaded/-dyed)

Glycols Xylene Gas oil

Ketones Hexane Kerosene

Ethylene dichloride Lubricating oil

Perchloroethylene Propylene tetramer

Group 4: Group 5: Group 6: Styrene monomer Cottonseed oil Gasoline (leaded or dyed)

Vinyl acetate monomer Soybean oil Dyed products

Acrylates Fish oil

Methyl acrylates Coconut oil

Isoprene Fatty Acids

Acrylonitrile Molasses

Toluene diisocyanate Palm oil

Phenol Safflower oil

Cresols Linseed oil

Furfural Raffinate

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Pollution regulations Introduction

The international community has become seriously con-

cerned about ship-generated marine pollution in recent

years. More than 80 international conventions and related

instruments address the problem. Among these MARPOL

is considered as the most important.

MARPOL, which deals with all forms of marine pollution

except the disposal of land-generated waste into the sea by

dumping, was born as a result of an international Confer-

ence. In 1969, the IMO Assembly – inspired partly by the

Torrey Canyon disaster of two years before – decided to

convene an international conference to adopt a completely

new convention. The conference met in London in 1973

and IMO adopted the International Convention for the

Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973. This was

modified by a protocol in 1978 and is now usually known

as MARPOL 73/78. The convention finally entered into

force in October 1983 – ten years after the first conference

was held.

Marpol 73/78 Marpol 73/78 has three Protocols dealing respectively

with Reports on Incidents involving Harmful Substances,

on Arbitration and The Protocol of 1997 (Annex VI) and

six Annexes which contain regulations for the prevention

of the various forms of pollution:

Annex I Pollution by Oil

Annex II Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances car-

ried in bulk

Annex III Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried By

Sea In Packaged Form

Annex IV Pollution by Sewage from Ships

Annex V Pollution by Garbage from Ships

Annex VI Air Pollution from Ships

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The relevant Annexes As chemical tankers transport both oil products and nox-

ious liquid substances it is relevant to deal with both

Annex I and Annex II. In the Definitions section in

MARPOL it is worth noting that “harmful substance”

includes any substance discharged into the sea which is li-

able to:

create hazards to human health,

harm living resources and marine life,

damage amenities or interfere with other legitimate

uses of the sea.

"Discharge", in relation to harmful substances or effluents containing

such substances, means any release howsoever caused

from a ship and includes any escape, disposal, spilling,

leaking, pumping, emitting or emptying. "Discharge" does

not include: dumping within the meaning of the London

Convention, or release of harmful substances directly

arising from offshore exploration, exploitation and associ-

ated processing of sea-bed mineral resources; or release of

harmful substances for purposes of legitimate scientific re-

search into pollution abatement or control. "Ship" means a

vessel of any type whatsoever operating in the marine en-

vironment and includes hydrofoil boats, air-cushion vehi-

cles, submersibles, floating craft and fixed or floating plat-


In MARPOL oil is defined as being any kind of mineral

oil and mixtures thereof, including crude oil, natural gas

condensate, oil sludge and oily residues, fuel oils and all

other refined oil products except petrochemicals which are

classified according to the regulations concerning noxious

liquid substances in bulk. A “List of oils” is found in

Appendix I to Annex I:


Regulations for the

Prevention of

Pollution by Oil

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Appendix I

List of oils

Asphalt solutions

Blending stocks

Roofers flux

Straight run residue



Crude oil

Mixtures containing crude oil

Diesel oil

Fuel oil no. 4

Fuel oil no. 5

Fuel oil no. 6

Residual fuel oil

Road oil

Transformer oil

Aromatic oil (excluding vegetable oil)

Lubricating oils and blending stocks

Mineral oil

Motor oil

Penetrating oil

Spindle oil

Turbine oil


Straight run

Flashed feed stocks

This list of oils shall not necessarily be

considered as comprehensive.

Gas oil


Gasoline blending stocks





Casinghead (natural)



Straight run

Fuel oil no. 1 (kerosene)

Fuel oil no. 1-D

Fuel oil no. 2

Fuel oil no. 2-D

Jet fuels

JP-1 (kerosene)



JP-5 (kerosene, heavy)

Turbo fuel


Mineral spirit




Heartcut distillate oil

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Annex I applies to all ships to which MARPOL 73/78 ap-

plies which means virtually all ships except warships or

similar ships owned or operated by a State. The discharge

of oil or oily water into the sea is prohibited in some areas

and severely restricted in others. Ships are required to

meet certain equipment and constructional standards and

to maintain an Oil Record Book. With the exception of

small ships, a survey is required and, for ships trading in-

ternationally, certification in a prescribed form is neces-

sary. Ports are required to provide adequate reception fa-

cilities for oily mixtures and residues to meet the needs of

ships using the ports.

The requirements for the control of operational discharges

of oil are given in regulations 15 (from machinery spaces)

and 34 (cargo area from oil tankers) of Annex I.

Within 50 nautical miles from nearest land and in

"Special Areas" (which are Mediterranean Sea area,

the Baltic Sea area, the Black Sea area, the Red Sea

area, the "Gulfs area", the Gulf of Aden area, the

Northwest European area, the Oman area of the

Arabian Sea, the Southern South Africa Sea Area and

the Antarctic area) discharge of oily water from the

cargo area is prohibited.

Discharge outside these areas is allowed provided that

a) the tanker is proceeding en route,

b) the instantaneous rate of discharge of oil con-

tent does not exceed 30 litres per nautical mile,

c) the total quantity of oil discharged into the sea

does not exceed 1/30.000 of the total quantity

of the particular cargo of which the residue

formed a part (for ships built according to old

rules 1/15.000),

d) the tanker has in operation an oil discharge

monitoring and control system and an approv-

ed slop tank arrangement.

The provision of above shall not apply to the discharge of

clean or segregated ballast.

The rules for

discharge of oily

water from tankers

are briefly:

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Special Area Annex I

and are MARPOL Annex I “Special Areas”

Also Waters South of 60º S

Rules for discharge of oily water from machinery spaces are given in regulation 15 of

Annex I. They apply to tankers as well as other ships over 400 GT.

Discharge of oil or oily water is prohibited unless following rules are observed:

Discharge from cargo area, oil tanker:

1. Transfer the oily waste into a slop tank.

2. Ship must be outside special Area and >50 nautical miles

from nearest land

3. Proceeding en route

4. An Oil Discharge Monitoring and control System

(ODME) must ensure that:

5. Instantaneous discharge rate <30litres per nautical mile,


6. Total quantity of oil discharged does not exceed 1/30000

of previous cargo

Discharge of oil from machinery spaces

of all ships:

1. Any discharge in Antarctic area is prohibited

2. Proceeding en route

3. Oily mixture is processed through an oil filtering equipment

4. No more than 15 parts per million of oil in the effluent

5. Automatic stopping devise when 15 ppm is exceeded

6. Alarm when 15 ppm is exceeded

7. Oily mixture does not originate from cargo area of oil tankers

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MARPOL Annex II, Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Nox-

ious Liquid Substances in Bulk

Liquid substances are defined as being substances having

a vapour pressure not above 0.28 MPa absolute (2.8 bar) at

37.8°C (100°F), i.e. substances, which may be transported

in a liquid state at ambient temperature and pressure.

Liquid substances, which are transported in bulk, must be

classified according to the criteria laid out in MARPOL's

Annex II, and substances, which are judged as harmful

may only be discharged according to particular criteria.

The regulations controlling the discharge of harmful liquid

substances are explained on the following pages. Sub-

stances, which have not been categorized, have to be pro-

visionally assessed by the authorities before transporta-


Annex II consists of 18 regulations giving detailed re-

quirements for discharge criteria and measures for the

control of pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances (NLS)

carried in Bulk. The principles on which the operational

aspects of MARPOL 73/78 are based are:

stripping of cargo tanks after unloading;

the ship’s speed during discharge of tank washings;

the minimum distance from the nearest land during


the minimum depth of water during discharge;

the need to effect the discharge below the waterline.

Furthermore Annex II contains seven appendixes giving

guidelines for the categorization of noxious liquid

substances, a recommended layout for the Cargo Record

Book and the form of the so-called NLS Certificate.

Annex II also contains an appendix giving the standard

format for the Procedures and Arrangement Manual,

(P&A Manual). Appendix 5 to MARPOL Annex II is:

“Assessment of residue quantities in cargo tanks, pumps

and associated piping”. Then appendix 6 explains the

prewash procedures and finally appendix 7 deals with

ventilation procedures when removing cargo residues by


The regulations Basically Annex II applies to all ships carrying noxious

liquid substances in bulk where a noxious liquid substance

is defined as any substance falling into pollution category

X, Y, or Z. The pollution categories are explained as:

Category X: Noxious Liquid Substances which, if discharged into the

sea from tank cleaning or deballasting operations, are

deemed to present a major hazard to either marine

The structure of

Annex II

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resources or human health and, therefore, justify the

prohibition of the discharge into the marine environment.


CategoryY: Noxious Liquid Substances which, if discharged into the

sea from tank cleaning or deballasting operations, are

deemed to present a hazard to either marine resources or

human health or cause harm to amenities or other

legitimate uses of the sea and therefore justify a limitation

on the quality and quantity of the discharge into the

marine environment.

Category Z: Noxious Liquid Substances which, if discharged into the

sea from tank cleaning or deballasting operations, are

deemed to present a minor hazard to either marine

resources or human health and therefore justify less

stringent restrictions on the quality and quantity of the

discharge into the marine environment.

Noxious liquid substances carried in bulk and which are

presently categorized as Category X, Y or Z and subject to

the provisions of Annex II, are so indicated in the

pollution category column of chapters 17 or 18 of the In-

ternational Bulk Chemical Code, - the IBC - code.

Liquid substances carried in bulk which are identified as

falling outside the Categories X, Y or Z and not subject to

the provisions of Annex II are indicated as "OS", (short

for “Other Substances”) in the pollution category column

of chapter 18 of the International Bulk Chemical Code

(IBC code).

It is in this connection worth noting that the discharge of

bilge or ballast water or other residues or mixtures con-

taining only substances indicated as “OS” in Annex II

shall not be subject to any requirement of this Annex. The

discharge into the sea of clean ballast or segregated ballast

as well shall not be subject to any requirement of this


For all three pollution categories discharge into the sea is

prohibited unless the following three conditions are


the ship is proceeding “en route”1 at a speed of at least

7 knots in the case of self-propelled ships or at least 4

knots in the case of ships which are not self-propelled;

1 En route means that the ship is under way at sea on a course or courses, including deviation from the shortest direct

route, which as far as practicable for navigational purposes, will cause any discharge to be spread over as great an area of the sea as is reasonable and practicable.

List of noxious liquid

substances carried in


List of other liquid


The discharge of

tank washing

containing Category

X, Y or Z:

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the discharge is made below the waterline through the

underwater discharge outlet(s) not exceeding the

maximum rate for which the underwater discharge

outlet(s) is (are) designed; and

the discharge is made at a distance of not less than 12

nautical miles from the nearest land in a depth of

water of not less than 25 metres.2

Approved ventilation procedures may be used to remove

cargo residues from the tanks. The following is an extract

from MARPOL Annex II Appendix 7, “Ventilation


Ventilation procedures 1. Cargo residues of substances with a vapour pressure

greater than 5 kPa (50 mbar) at 20°C may be

removed from a cargo tank by ventilation.

2. Before residues of Noxious Liquid Substances are

ventilated from a tank the safety hazards relating to

cargo flammability and toxicity shall be considered.

With regard to safety aspects, the operational

requirements for openings in cargo tanks in SOLAS

74, as amended, the International Bulk Chemical

Code, the Bulk Chemical Code, and the ventilation

procedures in the International Chamber of

Shipping (ICS) Tanker Safety Guide (Chemicals)

should be consulted.

3. Port authorities may also have regulations on cargo

tank ventilation.

4. The procedures for ventilation of cargo residues

from a tank are as follows:

2 Depth of water means the charted depth.

Ventilation of cargo


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.1 the pipelines should be drained and further cleared

of liquid by means of ventilation equipment;

.2 the list and trim should be adjusted to the minimum

levels possible so that evaporation of residues in

the tank is enhanced;

.3 ventilation equipment producing an airjet which

can reach the tank bottom shall be used;

.4 ventilation equipment should be placed in the tank

opening closest to the tank sump or suction point;

.5 ventilation equipment should, when practicable, be

positioned so that the airjet is directed at the tank

sump or suction point and impingement of the airjet

on tank structural members is to be avoided as

much as possible; and

.6 ventilation shall continue until no visible remains

of liquid can be observed in the tank. This shall be

verified by a visual examination or an equivalent


Any water subsequently introduced into the tank shall be

regarded as clean and shall not be subject to the discharge

requirements given in MARPOL Annex II.

Efficient stripping Contrary to the discharge of water containing oil residues

from oil cargoes, where the oil content can be detected by

an oil content monitor, it is not possible to construct a de-

tector which can detect all residues from chemicals.

Therefore, in order to ensure that only a minimum of

noxious liquid substances are discharged into the sea

during the disposal of tank cleaning water, MAROL

Annex II requires that the ship must be constructed with

so-called efficient stripping.

The construction requirements differ in three “levels”:

1. Ships constructed before 1 July 1986. (Also called


2. ships constructed on or after 1 July 1986 but before

1 January 2007 (“existing IBC-ships”), and

3. ships constructed on or after 1 January 2007 (“new


ad1) Every ship constructed before 1 July 1986 shall be

provided with a pumping and piping arrangement to

ensure that each tank certified for the carriage of

substances in Category X or Y does not retain a

quantity of residue in excess of 300 litres in the tank

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and its associated piping and that each tank

certified for the carriage of substances in Category

Z does not retain a quantity of residue in excess of

900 litres in the tank and its associated piping. A

performance test shall be carried out in accordance

with appendix 5 of Annex II.

ad 2) Every ship constructed on or after 1 July 1986 but

before 1 January 2007 shall be provided with a

pumping and piping arrangement to ensure that

each tank certified for the carriage of substances in

Category X or Y does not retain a quantity of

residue in excess of 100 litres in the tank and its

associated piping and that each tank certified for the

carriage of substances in Category Z does not retain

a quantity of residue in excess of 300 litres in the

tank and its associated piping. A performance test

shall be carried out in accordance with appendix 5

of Annex II.

ad 3) Every ship constructed on or after 1 January 2007

shall be provided with a pumping and piping

arrangement to ensure that each tank certified for

the carriage of substances in Category X, Y or Z

does not retain a quantity of residue in excess of 75

litres in the tank and its associated piping. A

performance test shall be carried out in accordance

with appendix 5 of Annex II.

Important! The stripping test shall be performed by using water as the

stripping media.

For BCH-ships and existing IBC-ships a tolerance of 50

litres per tank is acceptable. For example, an existing IBC-

ship can be accepted even if the stripping test shows up to

150 litres.

Verifying the efficience of a stripping test

on board a newbuilding in Rumania

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Reception facilities Ports must have adequate reception facilities for any tank

washings or residues that must be discharged in compli-

ance with Annex II and terminals must have suitable ar-

rangements to facilitate the stripping of ship’s cargo tanks.

It is important to note that cargo hoses and piping systems

of the terminal, containing noxious liquid substances re-

ceived from ships unloading these substances at the termi-

nal, shall not be drained back to the ship.

Remember: Cargo hoses and piping systems of the terminal, containing Noxious Liquid Substances

received from ships unloading these substances at the terminal, shall not be drained back to the ship.

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Measures of control MARPOL Annex II Regulation 16 states that the

government of each Party to the convention shall appoint

or authorize surveyors who shall execute control of for

instance the unloading and prewash in accordance with

control procedures developed by IMO and adopted by

Resolution A.787(19) and amended by A.882(21).

The surveyors shall as a minimum endorse in the Cargo

Record Book entries of prewash operations after category

X products. If the ship has been given any exemptions

from mandatory prewash, such exemptions shall also be

endorsed by the surveyor.

At the request of the ship's master, the Government of the

receiving party may exempt the ship from the require-

ments of prewash where it is satisfied that:

(i) the unloaded tank is to be reloaded with the same

substance or another substance compatible with the

previous one and that the tank will not be washed or

ballasted prior to loading, or

(ii) the unloaded tank is neither washed nor ballasted at

sea. The prewash shall be carried out at another port

provided that it has been confirmed in writing that a

reception facility at that port is available and is

adequate for such a purpose, or

(iii) the cargo residues will be removed by ventilation.

If the unloading of category Y or Z substances is not car-

ried out in accordance with the approved pumping condi-

tions, which is the case when the efficient stripping system

has not been in use, or if the substance unloaded has been

identified as a “solidifying” or “high viscosity” substance

then the tanks shall be prewashed before the ship leaves

the port of unloading. It is possible to obtain an exemption

from the prewash in accordance with the conditions given


In MARPOL Annex II regulation 1 solidifying substance

and high-viscosity substance is defined.

A noxious liquid substance shall be regarded as a Solidi-

fying substance:

1. if the melting point is lower than 15 °C and the cargo

temperature at the time of unloading is less than 5°C

above its melting point; or

2. if the melting point is equal to or greater than 15 °C and

the cargo temperature at the time of unloading is less

than 10°C above its melting point.

Prewash and

endorsement in Cargo

Record Book by



Special cases where

prewash is required

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Benzene can be used as an example to illustrate the pro-

blem. Benzene has a melting point of 6 °C and therefore

the temperature at the time of unloading must be at least

11 °C if benzene shall not be considered as solidifying and

for that reason require a prewash.

A noxious liquid substance shall be regarded as a High-

viscosity substance:

in the case of category X and Y substance with a

viscosity equal to or greater than 50 mPa·s at the

unloading temperature.

It is a requirement of chapter 16 in the IBC-code that the

viscosity at 20°C and the melting point should be stated

on the shipping documents if it is relevant. If the viscosity

at 20°C exceeds 50 mPa·s it should be stated at which

temperature the viscosity will be down to 50 mPa·s.

Removal of solidified palm stearine from cargo pipes the “hard way”

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More about viscosity:

As many category “Y” - substances might require prewash of cargo tanks after

unloading because of the cargo being “High viscosity” at the unloading temperature, it

will be appropriate to refresh the “connection” between different units of viscosity:

MARPOL Annex II defines High Viscosity in Regulation 1.17as:

When there is a chance that a substance might become “High-Viscosity”, there will be a

reference in the IBC code chapter 17 column “o” to IBC code 16.2.6:

How to proceed: When the viscosity is indicated in the shipping document in the unit “milli Pascal

multiplied by second” or mPa•s, we are on safe ground!

Dynamic Viscosity mPa•s is equal to another expression for the dynamic viscosity,

namely cPoise or centiPoise or cP. (The SI unit for dynamic viscosity is N•s/m2).

Kinematic Viscosity Often the viscosity is indicated in the shipping document in the unit centiStokes or cSt.

(The SI unit for kinematic viscosity is m2/s.

Important: 1 mm2/s is equal to 1 cSt.

Conversion to mPa•s 1. mPa•s = cPoise

2. mPa•s = viscosity given in centiStokes multiplied by the cargo density in g/cm3.

(The viscosity and density given at the same temperature)

Other useful relations: 1 cSt = 10

-6 m

2/s = 1 mm


Viscosity and reference temperatures The viscosity of a fluid is highly temperature dependent and for either dynamic or

kinematic viscosity to be meaningful, the reference temperature must be quoted!

17. Viscosity

17.1 High-Viscosity Substance means a noxious liquid substance in Category X or Y with a

viscosity equal to or greater than 50 mPa.s at the unloading temperature.

17.2 Low-Viscosity Substance means a noxious liquid substance, which is not a High-Viscosity Substance.

16.2.6. Where column o in the table of chapter 17 refers to this paragraph, the cargo’s viscosity at 20°C shall be

specified on a shipping document, and if the cargo’s viscosity exceeds 50 mPa.s at 20°C, the temperature at which the cargo has a viscosity of 50 mPa.s shall be specified in the shipping document.

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Viscosity and handling temperature of selected vegoils The revised MARPOL Annex II requires Prewash after unloading of substances of

pollution category “Y” when the substances are “solidifying” or high viscosity

substances. A substance is a high viscosity substance when the viscosity at the

unloading temperature is more than 50 mPa·s.

The list below shows the carriage temperature and unloading temperature together with

viscosity for selected vegoils. (Guidance only)









AT 20 °C



= 50 mPa·s



Castor oil 20-25 30-35 950-1100 60

Coconut Oil 40-45 40-45 39-43 24

Corn Oil Amb.-60 15-20 52@20°C 27 27-30

Cottonseed Oil Amb.-amb. 20-25 80 32 32-35

Fish Oil 20-25 30-35 60-90 25

Groundnut Oil Amb.-amb. 20-25 60 30 30-35

HE Rapeseed Oil Amb.-amb. 20-25 60 35 35-40

Lard 38-41 51-54 Solid 35

Linseed Oil Amb.-amb. 15-20 48 19 20-25

Olive Oil Amb.-amb. 20-25 75-79 32

Palm Acid Oil 52-55 55-70 Solid

Palm Fatty Acid


52-55 55-70 Solid

Palm Kernel Oil 27-32 30-39 Semi- Solid 28

Palm Oil 32-40 50-55 Semi- Solid 44

Palm Olein 25-30 32-35 Semi- Solid 29

Palm Stearin 40-45 60-70 Solid 54

Rapeseed Oil/Canola


Amb.-amb. 15-20 55 27 27-30

Soyabean Oil Amb.-amb. 20-25 60 28 28-30

Sunflower Oil Amb.-amb. 15-20 68 27 27-30

Tallow 44-49 55-60 Solid 45

Tung Oil Amb.-amb. 30-50

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Nomogram for temperature correction of viscosity Vegoils are listed in IBC Code chapter 17 with pollution category Y. If the product’s

viscosity at unloading temperature exceeds 50 mPa·s ( = 50 cPoise) the tank has to be


As viscosity depends on temperature the nomogram below can be used as a tool to

determine the temperature at which the cargo shall be unloaded in order to lower the

viscosity below 50 mPa·s and thereby avoid a prewash.

Remember: always obtain permission before heating the cargo!


To use the nomogram connect known values of temperature and viscosity with a straight line (e.g. 750 cP

at 20°C: line (1)). The intersection of this line with the reference line gives a reference point. Draw a line

from the known temperature through this reference point to intersect the viscosity scale. This gives the

viscosity at this temperature (e.g. line (2): at 80°C the viscosity is found to be 29 cP).

*) For conversion in SI Units: 1 centipoise (cP) = 1 millipascal · second (mPa · s)

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Cargo Record Book Every ship to which Annex II applies shall be provided

with a Cargo Record Book, whether as part of the ship's

official log-book or otherwise, in the form specified in ap-

pendix IV to Annex II.

The Cargo Record Book shall be completed, on a tank-to-

tank basis, and shall cover operations such as loading,

unloading and internal transfer of cargo; ballasting, dis-

charge of ballast and cleaning of cargo tanks; disposal of

residues to reception facilities, discharge into the sea or

removal of residues by ventilation.

Each operation shall be promptly recorded in the Cargo

Record Book so that all the entries in the book appropriate

to that operation are completed. Each entry shall be signed

by the officer or officers in charge of the operation

concerned and each page shall be signed by the master of

the ship. The entries in the Cargo Record Book shall at

least be in English, French or Spanish.

The Cargo Record Book shall be kept in such a place as to

be readily available for inspection and it shall be retained

for a period of three years after the last entry has been


Survey and certification Surveys are required for all ships to cover Annex II re-

quirements; the condition of the ship and its equipment is

to be maintained and may not be changed without prior

sanction of the marine administration. An “International

Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Nox-

ious Liquid Substances” (NLS Certificate) is required for

ships in international trade.

Chemical tankers which have been surveyed and certified

by the marine administration in accordance with the IBC

Code or the BCH Code should be accepted as complying

with the requirements and do not require a NLS Certificate

or an additional survey. Such a ship must have a Certifi-

cate of Fitness as required by the IBC code.

A ship when in a port of another Party to MARPOL is

subject to inspection by officers duly authorized by such

Party concerning operational requirements under Annex

II, where there are clear grounds for believing that the

master or crew are not familiar with essential shipboard

procedures relating to the prevention of pollution by

noxious liquid substances.

Port State control

on operational


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Resolution A.787(19) “Procedures for Port State Control”

as amended by resolution A.882(21) says that if the

deficiencies found in a ship are serious the Port State

Control Officer shall take such steps as will ensure that the

ship shall not sail until the situation has been brought to

order in accordance with the requirements of Annex II.

The Guidelines to the resolution shows a list of de-

ficiencies which are considered to be of such a serious

nature that they may warrant the detention of the ship in-

volved. This list is not considered exhaustive but is in-

tended to give examples of relevant items. The following

is an extract of the list:

Areas under the MARPOL Convention, Annex II

1) Absence of P & A Manual.

2) Cargo is not categorized.

3) No Cargo Record Book available.

4) Transport of oil-like substances without satisfying the


5) Unauthorized discharge bypass fitted.

Any ship, which is certified to carry substances of category

X, Y or Z shall have on board a Manual approved by the

Administration (Maritime Administration or classification

society). The manual must carefully describe all procedures to be

followed in connection with cargo-handling, tank clean-

ing, discharge into the sea, ventilation and not least

prewash. Obviously these procedures must be in full

accordance with the provisions of Annex II.

Furthermore the P&A-manual must contain a detailed de-

scription of the cargo handling equipment such as descrip-

tion of cargo pumping and piping arrangements and strip-

ping system; description of underwater discharge outlet

for effluents containing noxious liquid substances; type of

tank washing machines with capacities and pressure rating

etc. etc. The P&A Manual will also contain flow diagrams

which in an easy way list the relevant procedures to be

followed when discharging a noxious liquid substance into

the sea.

The manual is prepared in accordance with a layout given

in appendix 4 to MARPOL Annex II and will as minimum

contain following sections:

Section 1. Main features of MARPOL 73/78, Annex II

Section 2. Description of the ship's equipment and


Procedures and


Manual (P&A-


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Section 3. Cargo unloading procedures and tank stripping

Section 4. Procedures relating to the cleaning of cargo

tanks, the discharge of residues, ballasting and


Section 5. Information and procedures.

Section 5, Information and Procedures shall contain:

Table 2: Cargo tank information

Addendum A: Flow diagrams

Addendum B: Prewash procedures

Addendum C: Ventilation procedures

Addendum D: Additional information and

operational instructions when

required or accepted by the


Extract from a P&A Manual:

The small chemical tanker ERRIA MARIA.

Below is shown an example on prewash information.

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Example 1

The ship has unloaded a cargo of Rapeseed oil, pollution category Y at an unloading

temperature of 15°C. At 15°C the viscosity of the rapeseed oil is higher than 50 mPa·s

wherefore the cargo is considered as being “High viscosity”

Using the first flow diagram in “Addendum A”, - we end up in box:

The cleaning and disposal procedure could then be:

CDP 1(a): “Strip the tank and apply prewash. Discharge prewash to

shore reception facility. Then wash tanks to commercial

standards. Dispose of tank cleaning water more than 12

miles from nearest land at a ship’s speed of not less than 7

knots, water depth more than 25 metres using underwater

discharge”. Or the cleaning and disposal procedure could


CDP 1(b): “Strip the tank and apply prewash. Discharge prewash to

shore reception facility. Apply subsequent wash and add

ballast to the tank. The ballast water is discharged more

than 12 miles from nearest land, water depth more than 25

metres.” (This procedure is not very common, as many

chemical tankers will never carry ballast in their cargo


Example 2

The ship has unloaded a cargo of Rapeseed oil, pollution category Y at an unloading

temperature of 30°C. At 30°C the viscosity of the rapeseed oil is lower than 50 mPa·s

wherefore the cargo is not considered as being “High viscosity”

Using the first flow diagram in “Addendum A”, - we end up in box:

The cleaning and disposal procedure could then be:

CDP 2(a): “Strip the tank. Then wash tanks to commercial standards.

Dispose of tank cleaning water more than 12 miles from

nearest land at a ship’s speed of not less than 7 knots,

water depth more than 25 metres using underwater

discharge”. Or the cleaning and disposal procedure could


CDP 3: “Apply ventilation procedures in accordance with the

P&A Manual’s addendum C.”

(This procedure will of course not be relevant for a cargo

such as rapeseed oil as the vapour pressure is much lower

than the required 5 kPa (50 mbar) at 20°C).

MARNAV’s remarks: For CDP 3 there is an “X” in line 5 saying:

“Ballast tanks or wash tank to commercial standards”. This must be

an editorial error as it makes no sense first to remove all cargo

residues by ventilation and then afterwards wash the tank with water.

Furthermore it is not stated how to dispose of that water!

CDP 1(a) or 1(b)

CDP 2(a) or 3

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As the two examples show it is quite simple to follow the

requirements from MARPOL Annex II as far as discharge

of residue/water mixtures is concerned if the instructions

in the P & A Manual are watched closely. It should always

be taken into account that there may exist some local re-

strictions that could go beyond the minimum requirements

given in MARPOL. So when in doubt - always check with

the local agent or local authorities for special conditions

for discharge of residue/water mixtures containing noxious

liquid substances.

Residues left over in tank after unloading fish oil from 12 000 TDW chemical tanker

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A/H Antwerp, Hamburg range of ports

ADR Agreement on the transportation of Dangerous goods by Road

Aframax Average Freight Rate Assessment Scale large tanker (79,999 dwt max)

AIA Anti Icing Additive

AMOCO American Oil Company

ANSI American National Standards Institute

API American Petroleum Institute

ARA Antwerp, Rotterdam and Amsterdam range of ports

ARAMCO Arabian American Oil Company

ASA Anti Static Additive

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

ATK Aviation Turbine Kerosene = Avtur = JP 1A

Avcat Aviation catalytic kerosene

Avgas Aviation gasoline

Avtag Aviation turbine gasoline = JP 4

Avtur Aviation turbine kerosene = JP 1A = ATK

bbl Barrel

BCF BromChlordiF1ourMethane (Halon 1211)

BDN Bunker Delivery Note

BIMCO Baltic and International Maritime Council

BLEVE Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion

BLG IMO Sub-Committee on Bulk Liquids and Gasses

BP Boiling Point

BTM BromtriFluorMethane (Halon 130l)

c.c Closed cup

CAS Chemical Abstract Service

CBM ChlorBromMethane (halon 1011)

CBT Computer Based Training

CBT Clean Ballast Tank

CDI Chemical Distribution Institute

CEFIC Conseil European des Federations de L’Industrie Chemique

(Sammenslutning af europæiske kemikalieproducenter)

CFR Code of Federal Regulations (USA)

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CHRIS Chemical Hazards Response Information System

CHRISTAL Contract Reg. an Interim Supplement to Tanker Liability for Pollution

CLC International Convention on Civil Liability for Pollution damage

COFC Container on Flatcar

CoFR Certificate of Financial Responsibility

COW Crude Oil Washing

CPP Clean Petroleum Product

CRISTAL Contracts Regarding an Interim Supplement to Tanker Liability for oil


CSC International Convention for Safe Containers, 1972 as amended

CSO Company Security Officer

CSR Continuous Synopsis Record

DGR Dangerous Goods Regulations (Air transport)

DIN Deutsche Industrie Norm

DOS Declaration of Security

DOT Department of Transportation (USA)

DP Dynamic Positioning

DPP Dirty Petroleum Product

DS Dansk Standardiseringsråd

DSC IMO Sub-Committee on Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and


DSC Digital Selective Calling

ECA Emission Control Area, (former SECA)

EIAPP Certificate Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate

ELSA Emergency Life Support Apparatus

EmS Emergency Procedures for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods

EU European Union

FCL Full Container Load

FEU Forty foot equivalent unit

FGPSO Floating Gas Production, Storage and Offloading facilities

FMC Federal Maritime Commission

FOSFA Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Association

FP Flash Point

FPSO Floating Production, Storage and Offloading facilities

GESAMP Group of Experts on Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution

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GV Grænseværdi

HCWM High Capacity Washing Machine

HFO Heavy Fuel Oil

HGV Hygiejnisk Grænse Værdi

HIS Hazard Information System

HP High Pressure or Horse Power

HVI High Viscosity Index

HVN Heavy Virgin Naphtha

I.A.S.C. International Association of Seed Crushers

IACS International Association of Classification Societies, or International

Association of Cargo Surveyors

IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency

IAPP Certificate International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate

IATA International Air Transport Association

IBC Intermediate Bulk Container

IBC Code International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships

carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk

ICS International Chamber of Shipping

IFO Intermediate Fuel Oil

IFSMA International Federation of Ship Masters’ Association

IG Inert Gas

IGC Code International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships

Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk

IGS Inert gas System

ILO International Labour Organization

IMCO Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (now IMO)

IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods code

IMO International Maritime Organization

INTERTANKO International Association of Independent Tanker Owners

IOPC International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund

IOPP Certificate International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate

IOTTSG International Oil Tanker Terminal Safety Guide

IP The Institute of Petroleum or Intermediate Pressure

ISF International Shipping Federation

ISGOTT International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers & Terminals

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ISO International Standards Organisation

ISO International Standardization Organization

ISPS (Code) International Ship & Port Facility Security Code

ITF International Transport Workers' Federation

JP Jet Petrol

JP4 Avtag

JPlA Avtur = ATK

K Kelvin

LC50 Lethal Concentration, 50 per cent

LCL Less Container Load

LD50 Lethal Dose, 50 per cent

LDF Light Distillate Feedstocks

LEG Liquefied Ethane Gas or Liquefied Ethylene Gas

LEL Lower Explosive Limit

LFL Lower Flammable Limit

LG Lugtegrænsen

LMFO Light Marine Fuel Oil

LNG Liquefied Natural Gas

LNGC Liquefied Natural Gas Carrier

Lo/Lo Lift on, Lift off

LOT Load On Top

LP Low Pressure

LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas

LPGC Liquefied Petroleum Gas Carrier

LSA Life Saving Appliances

LSA Low Specific Activity

LVI Low Viscosity Index

M.C.R. Maximum Continuous Rating

MAC Maximum Allowable Concentration = TLV

MAK Maximale Arbeitsplatz Konzentration

MAP gas Methyl Acetylene/Propadiene mixture

MARPOL The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from


MARVS Maximum Allowable Relief Valve Setting

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MCT Moment to Change Trim

MEPC Marine Environment Protection Committee

MFAG Medical First Aid Guide for use in accidents involving Dangerous


mlc meter liquid column

MOGAS Motor Gasoline

MOLCO More or Less at Charterer’s Option

MOLOO More or Less at Owner’s Option

MOU Memorandum of Understanding

MPa Megapascal (106 Pascal)

mPa Millipascal (10-3 Pascal)

MSC Maritime Safety Committee; Manchester Ship Canal

MSDS Material (or Marine) Safety Data Sheet

MSL Maximum securing load

MT’ Empty

MVI Medium Viscosity Index

N Newton

NLS Noxious Liquid Substances

n.o.s not otherwise specified

NIOP National Institute of Oilseed Products

NND Neutralised Naphtenic Distillate (Lub. oil)

NOR Notice of Readiness

NOS Not Otherwise Specified

NOx Nitrogen Oxide

NPFA National Fire Protection Association (USA)

NPSH Nett Positive Suction Head

NRC Non Reusable Container

NSR Naphthenic SO2 Raffinate (Lub. oil)

o.c. Open cup

OBO Oil Bulk Ore (Carrier)

OCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forum

ODP Ozone Depletion Potential

ODS Ozone depleting substances

OEG Obere Explosions Grenze

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OO Oil Ore (Carrier)

OPA Oil Pollution Act

OPEC Organisation of Oil Exporting Countries

ORM Other Regulated Materials

OS&D Over, Short and Damaged

OT Odour Threshold

P & I Protection and Indemnity

PANDI Protection and Indemnity

PCB Polychlorinated biphenyl

PFSO Port Facility Security Officer

PL Protective Location

PM Particulate Matter

ppb parts per billion

ppm parts per million

PSC Port State Control

PTC Poison Treatment Chest

PVC Polyvinyl chloride

QA Quality Assurance

QI Qualified Individual

R.O.D. Rust, Oxidation and Discoloration

RD Relative Density

RID Reglement International concernant le transport des marchandises

Dangereuses par chemin de fer. (International sikkerhedsreglement for


ROB Retention of Oil on Board/Remaining On Board.

RSO Recognised Security Organisation

RVP Reid's Vapour Pressure

S.B.M Single Buoy Mooring

SADT Self Accelerating Decomposition Temperature

SBPS Special Boiling Points Solvents

SBR Styrene Butane rubber

SBT Segregated Ballast Tank

SECA SOx Emission Control Area, (now ECA)

SG Specific Gravity

SI Systéme Internationale d'Unités (International System of Units)

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SIGTTO Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators

SMPEP Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (MARPOL)

SOLAS The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea

SOPEP Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (MARPOL)

SOx Sulphur Oxide

SRB Straight Run Benzene

SRG Straight Run Gasoline

SSA Ship Security Assessment

SSO Ship Security Officer

SSP Ship Security Plan

STCW The International convention on Standards of Training, Certification

and Watchkeeping for Seafarers.

SWL Safe working load

TEL Tetra-Ethyl Lead

TEU Twenty feet Equivalent Unit (20' container)

TLV Threshold Limit Value

TLV-C TLV - Ceiling

TLV-STEL TLV - Short Term Exposure Limit

TLV-TWA TLV - Time Weighted Average

TML Tetra-Methyl Lead

TOVALOP Tanker Owners’ Voluntary Agreement concerning Liability for Oil


TPC Tonne Per Centimetre Immersion

TSPP Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention

TVP True Vapour Pressure

UEG Untere Explosions Grenze

UEL Upper Explosive Limit

UFL Upper Flammable Limit

ULCC Ultra Large Crude Carrier

ULCS Ultra Large Container Ship

UN United Nations

UND Un-neutralised Naphthenic Distillate (Lub. oil)

UNN Number Four-digit United Nations Number is assigned to dangerous goods most

commonly transported

USCG United States Coast Guard

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VCM Vinyl Chloride Monomer

veg. Vegetable

VI Viscosity Index

VLCC Very Large Crude Carrier

VLGC Very Large Gas Carrier

VLPC Very Large Product Carrier

VOC Volatile Organic Compound

VRP Vessel Response Plan (OPA)

VTS Vessel Traffic System

WG Water Gauge

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Some web addresses:

(do not write: www) (Danish Maritime
