
Violet Deceit Treatment By Shantelle Keech and Rosie Betteridge

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Post on 26-Sep-2015




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Violet DeceitTreatmentBy Shantelle Keech and Rosie BetteridgeGenre: Supernatural dramaInspiration: The Lovely Bones allows us to be as mysterious and extreme as possibleDuration: Two minutes

The film

Target audience: 15+

Women: more sympathetic and compassionate

Men: exhilarating scenes The mental and psychological themes wouldnt be appropriate for young children

Flashing images: dangerous towards people with EpilepsyTarget Audience profileFemales between the age of 15 to 24 years old and within all classes; it's got an intelligent meaning behind it which would stereotypically be appealing to the middle class. This is the aspirers demographic due to the fact that they would aspire to relate to the themes and artefacts within the film, therefore linking to Blumler and Katz's theories of personal identification. It will also attract working class audiences because of its edgy background and gritty themes. Women are the specific target audiences because the film features a female protagonist who's persona they could possibly relate to. Women are stereotypically quite sympathetic and compassionate towards the stories being portrayed onscreen. It can also be focused at males around the similar age; they're stereotypically more mature around this age and are more interested in exhilarating scenes that are portrayed within the film.

OutlineOpening sequence:The film begins with an opening scene of a white room with bright lighting and the noises of heart rate monitors. The protagonist closes her eyes and wakes up in a room of smoke Whilst attempting to make sense of the situation by trying to clear the smoke and see what's going on, she looks down and sees blood dripping from her hands.She begins to crawl across the floor on her hands and knees when she comes across a knife. She closes her eyes again and when she opens her eyes there are bright lights and her personal narrative begins to play. She speaks about the doctors and how they are, questioning where she is which is overlapped with mumbles of the doctors talking. The bright lights then transition into Violet crouching and leaning against a wall in the past dream. The sequence is ended with a cross fade whereby the camera zooms out of her eye.Character breakdown:

The Antagonists: Name: LauraAge: 16Personality: A lot of free time and spends it with her boyfriend.

Name: SamAge: 17 Personality: Un-loyal and spends free time with his girlfriend.

Name: SunnyAge: 16Personality: Passive and doesnt get involved in discussions.The Protagonist: Name: VioletAge: 16Personality: She struggles with stress and keeping up with friends.Sixth Form studentsAll from British backgroundsTake Violet on a break and go to a abandoned house

Smoke machineImportant as its effective and creates atmosphereStrobe lighting Makes the scene look more dramatic and traumatic

Effects whilst editingDream like effectTransitions, fade in from white to give the impression of someone opening their eyes

Visual elements: Audio elementsWe will be using a mixture of both fast and slow paced music, this will add tension to the scenes. Whenever the scene cuts back to the white room/asylum the soundtrack will go silent and well hear the beeping of machines and doctors talking (echoing) but this will be murmured and it will not always be clear what theyre saying. This narrative part of the soundtrack will also be played on top of some of the scenes where Violet is within the smoke, this effect adds a dream like mysterious theme.Set

Beginning:Appearance of an old roomDustyDullDark

End:Pure white roomMental asylumPlainBrightLots of lightWhite every where

ResearchSecondary researchWe have looked further into the supernatural drama genre to get a understanding of what fits the genre.We have looked into different movies within this genre and found that: It usually centres around supernatural elements, such as ghosts, gods, goddesses, and miracles.Known for their suspense.The highest rated supernatural movies was: Transformers: Age if Ultron.

Primary researchConduct a questionnaire of what young people would prefer to see in a supernatural drama.

Constraints, contingency, legal considerations and budgetConstraints and contingency:Our film will be set in a abandoned or old building.It is going to be a struggle to find a location to fit our specification. If we are unable to find a abandoned house that we will be able to film in, we will look for an old or run down house instead to give the same effect.When we edit our music in during the post production stage we may have issues with copy right.To overcome this we will either find alternative music that has no copyright or ask the owner for rights to use their music.

Legal considerations:There will be legal issues when filming in an abandoned building. If we are able to access a abandoned or run down building we will need to ask for permission from the person who owns it to film our opening sequence.

Budget:20This is for any costumes or props, most equipment we can supply.Psychological Thriller Mood Board