treatment brochure

Treatment Brochure

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Treatment brochure from Oris Medical


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Treatment Brochure

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• Botox Anti-Wrinkle

• Dermal Fillers

• Chemical Peels

• Thread Vein Treatment

• Micro-Needling

• Cosmeceuticals

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By using facial muscles repeatedly throughout our lifetime, the skin is creased in ares of greatest use. The ageing process causes collagen and elastin production in the skin to reduce, so as we age these areas of overuse become damaged and the lines become permanent.

Muscle relaxant injections (commonly known as Botox® and recently renamed Vistabel®) are the most popular anti-ageing treatment used to prevent the formation of wrinkles and to soften existing lines. Popular areas for treatment are the glabella (frown lines between the eyes), peri-orbital area (crow’s feet) and the forehead.

Botox®/Vistabel® treatment relaxes the injected muscles, therefore reducing movement. This reduced movement prevents creasing of the skin, hence reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Botox® /Vistabel® treatments work only on the specific muscles injected thus allowing surrounding muscles to function normally and facial facial expression to be maintained. A smoother, younger-looking appearance which lasts for 4 to 6 months is the final result.

Botox®/ Vistabel® also work as preventative treatments. If the skin is unable to crease, wrinkles are not able to develop. Over time the benefits of this treatment become more impressive.

Botox® has been used in medical treatments for over 30 years. It was originally used in the treatment of squints, often in children. Since the late 1980's, Botox® has successfully been used for cosmetic treatments, revolutionising the cosmetic industry. Remarkable results combined with very few risks and no recovery time have made it the world's most popular non surgical treatment.

Botox® line and wrinkle treatment can be combined with other treatments such as dermal fillers and chemical peels to make your skin look even younger and fresher.

After consultation with your Oris doctor, a personalised treatment can be formulated according to your individual needs.

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FAQsWill I have the opportunity to discuss the treatment with a doctor and ask questions?

All Oris treatments follow a detailed pre-treatment consultation. At this consultation you will discuss with the doctor the look you wish to achieve. If you decide to proceed, the doctor will take a detailed record of your medical history and conduct a careful examination of your face.

How is the treatment administered? Is it painful?

After cleansing the skin, the product is injected directly into the areas which you have decided to have treated. The needle used is extremely fine and most patients experience only minimal discomfort.

How long will the treatment take? Will I see immediate results?

The entire treatment takes about 15 minutes. You will start to see the effects develop over the following fortnight.

Can I continue my day as normal after the treatment?

Most patients continue with their normal day without anybody noticing. It is important not to massage or rub the areas after treatment so we advise you not to have a facial or do vigorous exercise. We also recommend that you remain upright for 3-4 hours after your treatment.

What side effects should I expect?

Following the treatment there may be minimal redness. Bruising is uncommon.

Side effects of line and wrinkle treatments are rare. It is one of the safest cosmetic procedures available. There is the possibility, however, of the treatment being dispersed into an adjacent muscle which may cause a temporary weakness such as drooping of the upper eyelid. These effects are temporary, lasting a few weeks at most.

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Dermal fillers are used to soften contour lines, folds and wrinkles. Unwanted folds and wrinkles can be “plumped up” to reduce their appearance, resulting in a smoother, more youthful looking skin.

Dermal fillers are particularly suitable for the lower face. The naso-labial lines (between the nose and mouth), Marionette lines (around the mouth), smile lines on the cheeks and chin indentations can all be treated.

Dermal fillers are also effective in restoring the lips to their younger and more sensual appearance. Over time lips gradually become thinner and smaller and can develop fine lines around their borders. Dermal fillers not only smooth these lines but can enhance thin lips, create a more defined lip border and lift the corners of the mouth.

The most commonly used dermal fillers are Hyaluronic based. The gel-like solution is injected into the skin to add volume and create a more youthful appearance.

The effects of dermal fillers usually last for 6-12 months. Most patients have top-ups when they feel the effect is starting to diminish i.e. any time between 6 and 12 months. repeated treatments the effects often last longer. If you choose not to have the treatment repeated the correction of the wrinkles and the enhanced lip effect will gradually become less noticeable until your skin looks as it did before the treatment.

Treatment can be given to almost all adults apart from those who are pregnant or breast feeding.

After consultation with an Oris doctor, a personalised treatment can be formulated according to your individual needs.

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FAQsWill I have the opportunity to discuss the treatment with a doctor and ask questions?

All Oris treatments follow a detailed pre-treatment consultation. At this consultation you will discuss with the doctor the look you wish to achieve. If you decide to proceed the doctor will take a detailed record of your medical history and conduct a careful examination of your face.

Following this, the doctor will explain which Dermal Filler option is best suited to your requirements and what facial improvements can be expected.

How is the treatment administered? Is it painful?

There is an anaesthetic in the product injected. If required a local anaesthetic cream (Emla) can be used to numb the area which will reduce any pain experienced.

The Dermal Filler is gently injected into specific areas of your skin to reduce the depth of the skin crease. Your Oris doctor will customise the exact depth and number of injections to achieve the most natural result. Different Dermal Fillers are used in different areas of your face to produce the most effective result.

How long will the treatment take? Do I need recovery time?

The procedure takes about 15-30 minutes and the results are immediately visible. Patients are able to continue with their normal day after treatment.

You should leave the treated area untouched for 48 hours to allow it to settle. We advise that you avoid a facial or similar treatments that may disturb the products or expose the newly-treated areas to strong sunlight for 2-3 days.

What side effects should I expect?

In the days after the treatment there may be some redness and minimal swelling, which normally settles within 1-2 days. Very occasionally patients may suffer some bruising at the injection site. Your Oris doctor will arrange to see you for a review of your treatment two weeks later.

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Many skin problems are associated with an excessive build up of dead skin cells which make the skin thick and dull and can clog up the pores. Extremes of weather, pollution, lack of sleep and stress can all have an impact. As a result the complexion can become uneven with altered pigmentation, sun spots, acne, scarring, rough patches, fine lines and wrinkles.

Chemical peels involve the careful application of a chemical exfoliant to the epidermal skin removing the layers of dead skin cells and revealing new skin underneath. This new skin looks brighter, fresher and younger.

There are various chemical peels available. The nature of the compound, the concentration of the chemical and the length of time it is in contact with the skin will determine the level of skin penetration and the level of peeling.

Oris doctors have the expertise to tailor a treatment specifically to your skin’s needs.Oris Medical offer the following three peels;

Neostrata Glycolic Acid (superficial)

This is our most superficial peel. It is effective at improving the skin texture and dealing with superficial skin problems. A single peel can brighten the skin, perfect as a good exfoliation before a special event. We recommend, however, a course of 4-6 peels to produce a more significant and longer lasting effect. This peel may cause minimal redness for a short time following the treatment. It does not cause the skin to peel making it our ‘no down time’ choice.

Easy TCA (superficial to medium)

This chemical peel results in a slightly deeper peel making it ideal to deal with more significant skin problems such as acne, melasma (pigmentation), fine lines, rosacea and superficial scars. A single peel will result in a visible effect but we advise a course of 4 peels at weekly intervals. The treatment progressively softens lines and wrinkles and improves age spots and acne. Your skin may be slightly pink for a short time following treatment. This will usually settle within one to two hours. Superficial skin peeling occurs on day 3-5 following your treatment. We advise you to apply moisturiser frequently. Your skin will not blister.

Innovation Concept Peel (superficial to medium)

This chemical peel is excellent at dealing with problems of pigmentation and can also deal with acne scarring, fine lines and superficial scars. It is suitable for Asian or Afro-Caribbean skin types.This is a single application peel. It is applied by your Oris doctor and needs to remain on the skin for up to 8 hours depending on skin type. Your treatment includes all products needed to prepare your skin prior to treatment, to remove your peel at home, and products to complete your treatment course in the weeks following your peel.Your skin may be red on day 1 and pink for up to day 4. Peeling usually starts on day 2-3 and may continue for a week. We advise you to apply moisturiser frequently. Your skin will not blister

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FAQsWill I have the opportunity to discuss the treatment with a doctor and ask questions?

All Oris treatments follow a detailed pre-treatment consultation. Your consultation starts with a discussion with the doctor of the look you wish to achieve. Your Oris doctor will advise you which treatments will be most effective at helping you reach this. If you decide to proceed the doctor will take a detailed record of your medical history and conduct a careful examination of your face.

Can I have the treatment immediately after consultation?

Depending on which chemical peel is advised, your Oris doctor may recommend a period of skin preparation prior to your treatment. This will involve you using products at home to apply to the face to ensure you get the best possible result from your treatment. These products do not cause any redness or peeling.

How is the treatment administered? Is it painful?

On your treatment day, your Oris doctor will cleanse your skin and protect your clothing and hair line. You will be asked to remove all jewellery. Your chosen peel will be applied to the skin using a soft brush. The peel may cause some mild discomfort or a feeling of heat. You will be given a fan to minimise these sensations. The peel will usually remain on the skin for up to five minutes and is removed using specialised products.

Will I be able toI continue with my normal day after treatment?

You will be asked not to clean your face until the morning following your treatment to allow time for the post treatment products to work. We recommend that you avoid sunshine for 2 weeks. After all chemical peels it is essential that you always use a good high factor sunscreen.

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Thread veins (also known as red veins or broken veins) can appear on several areas of the body but particularly on the face and legs. The majority of adults suffer the presence of thread veins to a varying degree.

At Oris our doctors use a system called Veinwave® to treat this common condition. Veinwave® is a revolutionary technique developed by leading vascular surgeons specifically for the treatment of fine thread veins, telangiectasia and rosacea.

It works by using microwaves to heat the vessels, utilising very high frequency energy, resulting in their instant disappearance, a process known as thermo-coagulation.

Other treatments for thread veins are available. Micro-sclerotherapy is a widely used procedure for the removal of thread veins on the legs but is generally less effective on the finer veins and is not usually suitable for the delicate areas of the face or ankles. Laser devices on the other hand, originally designed for hair removal, are in some cases used to treat thread veins but the procedure is painful, offers limited success and carries the risk of long term scarring.

Veinwave® uses a very fine needle which allows accurate application of the treatment. The procedure can be applied to any area of the body, even to the knee and ankle which are otherwise too difficult to treat.

In most cases a series of Veinwave® treatments may be required to achieve the desired result.

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FAQsWill I have the opportunity to discuss the treatment with a doctor and ask questions?

All Oris treatments follow a detailed pre-treatment consultation. Your consultation starts with a discussion with the doctor of the look you wish to achieve. Your Oris doctor will advise you which treatments will be most effective at helping you reach this. If you decide to proceed the doctor will take a detailed record of your medical history and conduct a careful examination of the areas you wish to be treated.

Do I need to prepare my skin before my treatment?

Prior to treatment your skin will be cleansed, if necessary, to remove any makeup. We advise that you do not have treatment if you have fake tan products on your skin.

What is involved in the treatment? Is it painful?

Veinwave uses a very fine needle which the doctor inserts along the length of the veins to be treated. This results in a fine ‘pricking’ sensation. Most people find this sensation mildly uncomfortable.

Can I continue with my normal day after treatment?

The treatment lasts for a maximum of 15 minutes. No bandages are required and you can resume your everyday activities immediately after your treatment session.

Afterwards the area may appear slightly red and may feel warm to touch. This usually settles within a few hours. Make-up can be applied immediately after treatment.

When will I see an improvement to my skin?

In the days after the treatment the treated veins can initially appear darker in colour than previously. Over time the veins become paler and much less noticeable. In most cases a series of Veinwave® treatments may be required to achieve the desired result. We recommend a 2 week rest period between treatments.Your Oris doctor will arrange to see you for a review of your treatment two weeks later.

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Micro-needling treatments are very effective on a wide range of skin conditions and even more so when in conjunction with our range of cosmeceuticals, which help to actively nourish and rejuvenate the skin.

Lines, wrinkles, stretch marks and scaring, particularly acne scaring, show significant improvement with regular use of a micro-needling roller device.

The rollers consist of almost 200 tiny surgical grade steel needles usually less than 1mm in length. When rolled gently across the skins surface tiny punctures are created that soon heal. During the healing process the skin is stimulated to produce elastin and collagen fibres which plump up and thicken the skin, actively reducing lines, stretch marks and scaring.

In addition the tiny channels formed by the micro-needling treatment aids the penetration of our specially selected rejuvenating and anti-ageing products, further improving their effectiveness.

What does the treatment involve?

Your Oris doctor will advise you on which treatments will be most effective. Home use rollers are one option which have tiny 0.25mm length needles. These may simply require only 5 minutes treatment each evening, combined with the application of a suitable skin care product to increase its effectiveness.

It is normal to see some redness in the treated area for a short time after rolling but this fades in hours and certainly overnight.

For deeper scaring or stretch marks your doctor may advise a treatment with a roller having slightly longer needles. For this reason this is best administered in a clinical environment with a local anaesthetic cream to prevent any discomfort.

Roller treatments administered at an Oris clinic typically take around 20 minutes and any residual redness may take a while longer to fade. A course of up to three treatments may be required for deeper scaring.

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F.A.QsWhat conditions are micro-needling treatments effective on?

Broadly speaking micro-needling treatments are effective on the follow conditions:

• Reducing the signs of ageing• Reducing fine lines and wrinkles• Treatment of Hyper-pigmentation• Scaring• Acne scaring• Stretch marks

Does the treatment work?

Yes it does. Due to the fact that the treatment stimulates the natural healing response and generates new collagen and elastin production. The treatment is becoming increasingly popular in the US and more recently in the UK, as growing numbers of clients are experiencing very impressive results.

Is the treatment safe?

The rollers used by Oris Medical are manufactured using very fine surgical grade steel needles which are mechanically inserted into each roller which is then sterilised and individually sealed. The rollers used at our clinics are used just once and them disposed of. The home use rollers can be easily sterilised but will need to be replaced for continuing treatment as the tiny needles blunt.

Does the treatment hurt?

No. With the home use devices the client will hardly feel any sensation at all. The user has total control on the amount of rolling they do at any one time and the needles are so tiny they only penetrate the top layers of the skin. It is difficult to cause any pain even in the more sensitive areas of the face like around the eyes. The rollers used in our clinics (with longer needles) will probably require the use of an anaesthetic cream, which will numb the area prior to treatment.

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F.A.Qs (cont’d.)

Are there any side effects?

The client will experience redness of the skin which is a normal reaction – this will reduce and disappear over a few hours. Treatments administered with the longest of the needles may result in more redness or occasionally a bruise. There have been no major long term side effected reported in recent years when the rollers are used correctly.

Can I use a micro-needling roller at home?

Yes. For home use Oris Medical will be happy to supply you with a suitable roller and advice in its use with a suitable active skin care product.

How long before I see results?

Generally you should expect to see initial results in two to three weeks but this may vary. Results depends on how your body reacts to the micro-needling, your age, the thickness of your skin and how quickly your skin produces collagen. Results are also quicker and optimised with the application of suitable skin care cosmeceutical products.

What is a cosmeceutical ?

This is a cosmetic skin care product combined with active pharmaceutical ingredients proven to treat, rejuvenate or nourish the skin. Oris Medical only use specialist doctors to advise treatments and they only choose products backed up by real clinical research and theory.

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Good skin care is very important, but few of us really look after our skin properly. We drink too much alcohol, smoke, don’t drink enough water and expose ourselves to far too much sun. The response to this is generally to pay a fortune for a magical cream hoping to reverse all of the damage that we have caused. - unfortunately this approach seldom works.

Through research by our doctors and using other clinical evidence, Oris Medical have developed a 3 stage combination skin care regime. We have sourced a range of skin care products which have all of the active ingredients needed to actually make a difference and at a affordable price.The Avène product range allows us to formulate a complete daily skin care regime for individual clients.

Oris Medical 3 Stage Daily Skin Care Regime

Stage 1. Use a daily cleanser and avoid soap. Soap leeches away natural oils in your skin and even so called simple soaps can dry the surface of the skin, whilst a good cleanser allows you to wash whilst re-enforcing your skins natural barriers.

Stage 2. Apply a quality moisturiser every morning suited to your skin type. We would advise either one suited to dry skin or oily skin. A good hydrating moisturiser stops the skin drying which prevents cracking, flaking and redness.

Stage 3. Use a recovery cream at night. A recovery cream can calm and nourish the skin, gently helping it recover from day to day irritation and wear and tear whilst rebuilding the skins protective layers.

Remember the basics:

• keep hydrated• stop smoking• use a sun block• don’t drink too much alcohol

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