treatment update: advanced skin cancer


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cancerCare connect® Booklet SerieS

Advanced Skin Cancerand Melanoma

treatment Update:



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Treatment Update: Advanced Skin Cancer

and Melanoma

Introduction .................................................................................4

Treatment Approaches for Advanced Basal Cell and Squamous Cell Skin Cancer....................................................4

Treatment Approaches for Melanoma.................................7

Clinical Trial Research for the Treatment of Advanced Melanoma.....................................11

Treatment Side Effects...........................................................13

Communicating With Your Health Care Team .. ..............18 CancerCare’s Free Support Services and Programs....20 Frequently Asked Questions.................................................21

Resources ..................................................................................... 23

Table of ConTenTs

ediTorGregory a. daniels, Md, Phd Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California San Diego, Rebecca and John Moores Cancer Center

© 2018 CancerCare®. All rights reserved. 7/18

All people depicted in the photographs in this booklet are models, used for illustrative purposes only.


One in five people in the United States will develop skin cancer over the course of their lifetime. If found early, skin cancer can usually be treated with a relatively

simple surgery. Basal cell skin cancer is the most common type of

skin cancer, followed by squamous cell skin cancer and melanoma.

Treatment Approaches for Advanced Basal Cell and Squamous Cell Skin Cancer At the time of diagnosis, most basal cell (BCC) and squamous cell

(SCC) skin cancers have not spread from their original location

and are managed with local treatments, including resection

(removal) of the tumor and the use of topical (applied to the

skin) medications. While less common, radiation therapy may be

considered for some cases, in which neither resection nor topical

medications is an option.

In advanced cases of BCC and SCC, the tumor spreads and affects

other parts of the body. Resection may be more difficult or even

impossible, and radiation may not be an option. It is in these

situations that a medical oncologist may become part of your

health care team, and the use of oral or intravenous

(through the vein) drugs will be considered as a way to destroy

the cancer. Drugs differ based on whether the cancer is basal cell

or squamous cell.


Advanced Basal Cell Skin Cancer Several years ago, researchers discovered that more than 70

percent of BCCs have certain gene mutations (changes) in what is

called the “Hedgehog pathway.” These changes activate the growth

of the cancer cells and allow for their survival. Finding the mutations

meant that drugs could be designed to target those pathways.

Vismodegib (Erivedge) is a Hedgehog pathway inhibitor. It was

approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2012

to treat BCC that has spread to other parts of the body, comes

back after surgery, or cannot be treated with surgery or radiation.

Vismodegib is a targeted therapy taken in capsule form.

In 2015, the FDA approved the targeted therapy sonidegib (Odomzo)

for the treatment of people with locally advanced BCC that has

recurred following surgery or radiation therapy and for people

with BCC who are not candidates for surgery or radiation therapy.

The development and approval of vismodegib and sonidegib

has launched additional research efforts, which may lead to the

creation of new drugs to treat basal cell cancers.

Advanced Squamous Cell Skin CancerAdvanced squamous cell skin cancer is rare, and until recently

there have been few clinical trials. There is much more data

available on squamous cell cancer of the head and neck, and the

FDA has approved the targeted therapy cetuximab (Erbitux) for

those cancers; it is also approved for the treatment of certain

types of colorectal cancer. Cetuximab, given intravenously, can

block one of the signals that tells a tumor to grow by attaching

to a structure on the cell called the epidermal growth factor

receptor (EGFR).


Clinical trials now show that cetuximab is also effective in treating

advanced SCC of the skin. If a drug has been approved for one

use, doctors may choose to use the drug for other conditions, if

they believe it may be helpful. Doctors are already prescribing

cetuximab for some patients with advanced SCC of the skin whose

tumors cannot be surgically removed or treated with radiation.

Chemotherapy drugs are sometimes used to treat advanced cases

of SCC. These drugs, given orally or intravenously, can slow the

spread of the cancer and relieve some symptoms. In some cases,

they may shrink tumors enough so that other treatments, such as

surgery or radiation, can be used.

In April 2018, the FDA granted a priority review for a biologics

license application to the immunotherapy cemiplimab as a

treatment for locally advanced SCC that cannot be treated by

surgery and for advanced SCC.


Treatment Approaches for MelanomaMelanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer. It develops in

the cells that produce melanin, the pigment that gives color to

skin, hair and eyes. Most cases of melanoma are diagnosed at

an early stage, with a tumor—often a single thin spot or lesion—

appearing on the skin. In the majority of people, the melanoma is

effectively treated by the removal of the tumor.

Advanced (or metastatic) melanoma has spread from where it

originated to another part of the body. Deciding what treatment

option is best is based on factors unique to the individual

person—including their health history, energy level, where the

cancer appeared initially and where it appears currently. As there

are a number of treatment options for advanced melanoma, it’s

important for people to ask their health care team questions to

understand what treatment may be most effective for them.

Immunotherapies in the Treatment of Advanced Melanoma Immunotherapy is treatment that uses certain parts of the immune

system to fight illnesses, including cancer. There are several

immunotherapies approved to treat advanced melanoma:

• Interferon(IntronA,Sylatron). In 1995, the FDA approved

interferon as an adjuvant (post-surgery) therapy for patients

whose advanced melanoma tumors were removed surgically.

The use of interferon in these circumstances may stop the

growth and spread of any remaining melanoma cells.


• Aldesleukin(interleukin-2,Proleukin). Since the late 1990s,

aldesleukin has been approved as a standard treatment for

advanced melanoma. Given through a vein, aldesleukin helps

the body’s immune system shrink and destroy tumors more

effectively. Aldesleukin is not used as commonly today as

it was in the past, because there are newer and more

effective treatments.

• Ipilimumab(Yervoy). Ipilimumab was approved by the FDA

in 2011 for treatment of advanced melanoma. This drug, given

through a vein, helps the immune system in a different way

from aldesleukin. Ipilimumab seeks out and locks onto

CTLA-4, a protein that normally helps keep immune system

cells (called T-cells) in check. By blocking the action of

CTLA-4, ipilimumab is thought to help the immune system

destroy melanoma cells.

• Pembrolizumab(Keytruda). Pembrolizumab was approved

for the treatment of advanced melanoma in 2014. Given

intravenously, pembrolizumab blocks a cellular pathway known

as PD-1. The PD-1 pathway restricts the body’s immune system

from attacking melanoma cells.

• Nivolumab(Opdivo). Like pembrolizumab, nivolumab works

by blocking the PD-1 pathway and is also given intravenously.

Nivolumab was approved for treatment of advanced melanoma

in 2014. In December 2017, the approval was extended as a

post-surgery treatment of completely resected melanoma that

is either advanced or has lymph node involvement.

• Talimogenelaherparepvec(Imlygic). Talimogene laherparepvec

is injected directly into the melanoma lesions, where it causes

cancer cells to rupture and die. Talimogene also appears to

improve the immune system’s response to cancer.


Additionally, the combination of ipilimumab and nivolumab is

approved for the treatment of people with advanced melanoma.

This combination treatment, given simultaneously, is designed to

block the actions of CTLA-4 and the PD-1 pathway.

TargetedTherapyintheTreatmentofAdvanced MelanomaTargeted therapies are designed to inhibit specific cell

mechanisms important for the growth and survival of tumor cells.

Patients who may benefit from targeted therapies have specific

DNA changes (called driver mutations) that allow cancers to

develop and grow.

A number of targeted therapies have been approved by the FDA

for the treatment of melanoma:

• Vemurafenib(Zelboraf).In 2011, the FDA approved

vemurafenib, a drug that inhibits the “signal transduction”

pathway in people with a BRAF gene mutation. Vemurafenib

can help slow or stop the spread of melanoma cells and can

shrink tumors in areas of the body such as the liver, bowel

and bone.

• Dabrafenib(Tafinlar). In 2013, the FDA approved dabrafenib,

which targets the BRAF gene mutation in the same way

vemurafenib does.


• Trametinib(Mekinist). In 2013, trametinib was approved

as a single agent to treat people with metastatic melanoma

that cannot be removed by surgery. In 2014, the FDA

approval was extended to include treatment in combination

with dabrafenib. Trametinib blocks a protein called MEK,

which is “switched on” by BRAF. In April 2018, the combination

of dabrafenib and trametinib was granted FDA approval for

the post-resection treatment of advanced melanoma with a

BRAF V600E or V600K mutation.

• Cobimetinib(Cotellic). In 2015, the FDA approved

cobimetinib for the treatment of patients with unresectable

(unable to be removed) or advanced melanoma with a BRAF

V600E or V600K mutation, to be used in combination

with vemurafenib.

• Encorafenib(Braftovi)andbinimetinib(Mektovi). In 2018,

the FDA approved the combination treatment of encorafenib

(a BRAF inhibitor) and binimetinib (a MEK inhibitor) for the

treatment of people with unresectable or advanced melanoma

with a BRAF V600E or V600K mutation.


Clinical Trial Research for the Treatment of Advanced Melanoma Researchers are currently investigating therapies for the

treatment of advanced melanoma, including:

• Additionaltargetedtherapies.About 3 percent of

melanomas have mutations in a gene called C-KIT, a type of

receptor found on the surface of many different types of

cells. The results of clinical trials are showing that targeted

therapies, including imatinib and sunitinib (both of which are

FDA-approved to treat other cancers) can block the mutated

C-KIT receptor.

• Combinationofimmunotherapytreatments. There are a

number of ongoing clinical trials whose purpose is to study

ways to combine different types of immunotherapy, which

may be more effective than monotherapy (only one type of

therapy) in the treatment of melanoma.

• Vaccines. Melanoma cells (or parts of cells) that have been

killed can be used in a vaccine to stimulate the immune system

in an effort to destroy melanoma cells in the body. Using

vaccines in combination with other immune therapies is also a

promising approach currently being explored.

• Adoptivecelltransfertherapy(ACT).An experimental type

of immunotherapy, ACT modifies a person’s own immune cells

to activate the immune system against melanoma. The

treatment uses tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) cells from

the person’s surgically-removed tumor, which are then

modified in a laboratory to increase their number and potency.

The person then receives the modified TIL cells intravenously.


The Importance of Clinical Trials






Your doctor can guide you in making a decision about whether

a clinical trial is right for you. Here are a few things that you

should know:


and benefit from new treatments.


informed as to the risks and benefits of the trial, including

any possible side effects.


against a standard treatment to find out whether the new

treatment has any added benefit.


any reason.


Treatment Side Effects All cancer treatments can cause side effects. It’s important that

you report any side effects that you experience to your health

care team so they can help you manage them. Report them right

away—don’t wait for your next appointment. Doing so will improve

your quality of life and allow you to stick with your treatment plan.

It’s important to remember that not all patients experience all side

effects, and patients may experience side effects not listed here.

SideEffectsofChemotherapyThe side effects of chemotherapy depend on the type and dose

of drugs given and the length of time they are used. They

can include:

• Fatigue

• Nauseaorvomiting

• Hairloss

• Increasedriskofinfection(fromhavingtoofewwhitebloodcells)

• Easybruisingorbleeding

• Changesinmemoryorthinking

• Peripheralneuropathy(numbnessortinglinginhandsandfeet)

SideEffectsofRadiationTherapyChanges to the skin are the most common side effects of radiation

therapy; those changes can include dryness, swelling, peeling,

redness and blistering. If a reaction occurs, contact your health

care team so the appropriate treatment can be prescribed. It’s

especially important to contact your health care team if there is

any open skin or painful areas, as this could indicate an infection.

Infections can be treated with an oral antibiotic or topical

antibiotic cream.


SideEffectsofTargetedTherapyCommon side effects of BRAF and MEK targeted therapy can

include fever, skin rash, sun sensitivity, headache and joint pain.

SideEffectsofImmunotherapyImmunotherapy acts to enhance your immune system’s response

to cancer. Because it may attack healthy cells as well as cancer

cells, certain side effects may be experienced, including fatigue,

decreased appetite and digestive tract symptoms. The management

of these potential side effects is discussed in the next section of

this booklet.

ManagingGeneralSideEffectsThere are certain side effects that may occur across different

treatment approaches. Following are tips for managing these side

effects. Your health care team may have additional guidance for

your specific treatment type.


Nausea and vomiting

• Avoidfoodwithstrongodors,aswellasoverlysweet,greasy,

fried or highly seasoned food.

• Eatmealscoldoratroomtemperature,whichoftenmakesfood

more easily tolerated.

• Havingsomethinginyourstomachwhenyoutakemedication

may help ease nausea.



• Drinkplentyofwater.Askyourdoctoraboutusingdrinkssuch

as Gatorade that provide electrolytes as well as liquid.

Electrolytes are body salts that must stay in balance for cells to

work properly.

• Choosefoodsthatcontainsolublefiber,suchasbeans,oat

cereals, oranges and flaxseeds. Foods high in pectin (a fiber

found in fruits) such as peaches, apples, oranges, grapefruit,

bananas and apricots can also help to avoid diarrhea.

• Lowfatfoodchoicesarelesslikelytocausediarrheathanfatty,

greasy or fried foods. The fats you eat should come from healthy

sources, such as olive oil, canola oil, avocado, olives, nuts

and seeds.



• Eatingsmallmealsthroughoutthedayisaneasywaytotakein

more calories and maintain your weight. Try to include protein

in every meal.

• Keephigh-calorie,high-proteinsnacksonhandsuchas

hard-boiled eggs, peanut butter, cheese, ice cream, granola

bars, liquid nutritional supplements, puddings, nuts, canned

tuna or trail mix.

• Ifyouarestrugglingtomaintainyourappetite,talktoyour

health care team about whether appetite-building medication

could be right for you.


Fatigue (extreme tiredness not helped by sleep) is one of the most

common side effects of many cancer treatments. If you are taking

a medication, your doctor may delay or lower the dose of the drug,

as long as it does not make the treatment less effective. If you are

experiencing fatigue, talk to your doctor about whether taking a

smaller dose is right for you.

There are a number of other tips for reducing fatigue:

• Takeseveralshortnapsorbreaks.

• Takeshortwalksordosomelightexercise,ifpossible.

• Tryeasierorshorterversionsoftheactivitiesyouenjoy.

• Askyourfamilyorfriendstohelpyouwithtasksyoufind

difficult or tiring.

There are also prescription medications that may help, such as

modafinil. Your health care team can provide guidance on whether

medication is the right approach for your individual circumstances.



Both cancer itself and the side effects of treatment can sometimes

cause pain. There are a number of options for pain relief, including

prescription and over-the-counter medications. It’s important to

talk to a member of your health care team before taking any

over-the-counter medication to be sure it is safe and will not

interfere with your treatments.

Physical therapy, acupuncture and massage may also be of help

in managing your pain. Other techniques, such as mindfulness

meditation, deep breathing exercises and yoga may also be helpful.

Consult with a member of your health care team before beginning

any of these activities.


Communicating with Your Health Care TeamAs you manage your cancer, it’s important to remember that you

are a consumer of health care. The best way to make decisions

about health care is to educate yourself about your diagnosis and

the members of your health care team, including doctors, nurses,

nurse practitioners, physician assistants, dietitians, social workers

and patient navigators.

Here are some tips for improving communication with your

health care team:

Startahealthcarejournal. Having a health care journal or

notebook will allow you to keep all of your health information in

one place. You may want to write down the names and contact

information of the members of your health care team, as well as

any questions for your doctor. Keep a diary of your daily experiences

with cancer and treatment. You can separate your journal or

notebook into different sections to help keep it organized.

Preparealistofquestions. Before your next medical appointment,

write down your questions and concerns. Because your doctor may

have limited time, you should ask your most important questions

first, and be as specific and brief as possible.

Bringsomeonewithyoutoyourappointments. It’s always

helpful to have support when you go to your appointments. The

person who accompanies you can serve as a second set of ears.

He or she may also think of questions to ask your doctor or

remember details about your symptoms or treatment that you

may have forgotten.


Writedownyourdoctor’sanswers.Taking notes will help you

remember your doctor’s responses, advice and instructions. If you

cannot write down the answers, ask the person who accompanies

you to do that for you. If you have a mobile device, like a tablet or

smartphone, ask if you can use it to take notes. Writing notes will

help you review the information later.

Recordyourvisitifyourdoctorallowsit. Recording the

conversation with your doctor gives you a chance to hear specific

information again or share it with family members or friends.


Your medical oncologist is an essential member of your health care

team, but there are other health care professionals who can help

you manage your diagnosis and treatment:

• Yourprimarycarephysicianshouldbekeptupdatedaboutyour

cancer treatment and any test results.

• Yourlocalpharmacistisagreatsourceofknowledgeaboutthe

medications you are taking. Have all of your prescriptions filled

at the same pharmacy to avoid the possibility of harmful

drug interactions.

• Makesureyouroncologistknowsofanyothermedicalconditions

you have, or any pain you are experiencing, so that he or she

can consult with your primary care physician or your specialist

if needed.

• Askyouroncologisttosendasummaryofyourvisitstoyour

primary care physician and all doctors involved in your care.

Remember, there is no such thing as over-communication.


CancerCare’s Free Support Services and Programs Itcanbeverydifficulttoreceiveadiagnosisofcancer,and


CancerCare can help. We are a national nonprofit organization

providing free, professional services to anyone affected by cancer.

Our licensed oncology social workers can provide support and

education, help in navigating the complicated health care system,

and provide information on support groups and other resources.

To learn more about how CancerCare helps, call us at

800-813-HOPE (4673) or visit

You will likely also build your own personal support network

comprised of family and friends. In doing so, it’s best to take some

time to think about the people in your life and how they are best

suited to help. Match the task to their strengths—ask a family

member who loves to shop to pick up something for you at the

store; ask a friend who’s a good listener to come over for a chat.



Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Can you explain what the “abCdes” of melanoma are and

why they’re important?

A: If you have any moles with the following features, ask your

doctor to check them out. Such changes in the appearance of a

mole may be the first signs of melanoma. There is a high likelihood

of a successful outcome if the melanoma is recognized and

treated at an early stage.

• Asymmetrical: One side of the mole looks different from

the other

• Border: Irregular or vaguely defined borders

• Color: Uneven coloring or multiple colors

• Diameter: Larger than a pencil eraser or growing in size

• Evolution: Growing or changing in any way

Q: i was treated with immunotherapy for my melanoma,

and it has now recurred. Can i be treated with another


A: More than likely, yes. Different types of immunotherapy work in

different ways. It may even be that the immunotherapy you were

treated with initially may work. This is an area of ongoing research.

On a related topic, it is important to note that there is no known

reason to undergo multiple treatment types at the same time, and

that approach has never been investigated.


Q: are melanomas genetic?

A: Most melanomas occur in patients where no family or genetic

link can be found. However, there is a rare form of melanoma

that arises in childhood, without sun exposure, which is thought

to be genetic. In addition, it is important to provide your doctor

with your family’s cancer history, as melanoma can be caused

by gene changes found in families; these changes also have risks

for breast, colon and pancreatic cancers. For melanomas related

to sun exposure, having a close relative with melanoma is a risk

factor, but it’s not clear if the link is genetic or behavioral. Annual

screenings for melanoma are recommended if you have a close

relative with melanoma.




800-813-HOPE (800-813-4673)

american Cancer

Cancer.netPatient information from the American Society of Clinical Oncology

national Cancer

Melanoma international

Melanoma research

The skin Cancer

CliniCal Trials WebsiTes

national Cancer

This booklet was made possible by an independent educational grant from Merck & Co. Inc. and Bristol-Myers Squibb.

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