troaching institute how troaching works

How Troaching works

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How Troaching works

Page 2: Troaching Institute How Troaching Works



Traditional training:

“The acquisition of knowledge and skills as a result of teaching = transfer of know-how & know-why.”

Training can occur in the form of a lecture, by reading, by demonstrat -ing, in group discussions, by doing or by teaching others.

The best results are achieved using Accelerated Learning Techniques.

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The disadvantages of training are:

● that the least effective method (lecturing) is used the most resulting in a retention rate of only 5% vs 75% of practice by doing.

● that while there is a transfer of knowledge, there is no control over the actual implementation.

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According to consulting is:

“The providing of expert knowledge to a 3rd party for a fee. Consulting is most often used when a company needs an outside, expert opinion regarding a business decision. E.g., a company seeking to sell its products abroad may look for a consultant familiar with the business practices of the target country.”

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The disadvantages of consulting:

● while it provides with expert advice, it fails to explain why certain things are done in a certain way which leads to:

● providing a solution which is like taking a short cut and consequently:

● produces short term instead of long term results.

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In Coaching:

The coach helps the client or coachee to find solutions to problems in themselves by asking questions like, “What can you do to achieve this goal?”, “What five things can you do to lose weight?” ”By when will you to this?”.

Coaching takes advantage of the resources & experience provided by the client. The client therefore takes full responsibility which leads to concrete action.

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The main disadvantage of coaching:

In situations where the client lacks certain necessary knowledge to achieve a goal, the process of reaching it can become much longer than with the other methods.

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All these forms are equally effective and ineffective.

While they can achieve great results in one area with their specific techniques, they completely fail in others.

By combining, they become strong.

The success formula is:

Training + Consulting + Coaching

= Troaching

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- +

Training No control over implementation

Transfer ofKnow-How &


+ Consulting TakingShortcuts

Advice from an expert

+ Coaching Takes often tooooooo long

Leads to action & achieving goals

= Troaching... where the advantages of all three meet!

At a glance

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The Troaching Program

Step 1: Your individual Troaching Program

Based on the information & objectives you provide us with, we prepare an offer & your individual “Troaching Program”.

The Troaching Program consist of 6-9 “blocks”:

1 meeting (~2.5 hrs) + 1 consulting element (~2.5 hrs)

= 1 Troaching Block

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The Troaching Program

The meeting = ½ training + ½ coaching

During the training element you receive 1:1 the quintessence of the most important knowledge you currently lack which allows you to save time & money.

During the coaching element, we take the new knowledge & your own experience into account & explore how that can be applied to your business.

You leave the meeting with a clear action plan also called “home work”.

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The Troaching Program

Consulting element

Your “home work” as e.g. writing a Sales Copy of your new product, always gets assessed, reviewed, edited, commented.

You will always have expert eyes overseeing the process & interfere to suggest a course correction or slight adjustments where necessary.

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The Troaching Program


The full program consists of six to nine

“blocks” where one block =

½ Training

½ Coaching

Please request a Sample Troaching Plan directly from our website!

50% consulting (~2.5hrs)

+ 50% meeting (~2.5hrs)

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Contact us

Let's have a non-obligatory (virtual) coffee. Please contact our 'Head Troach':

[email protected]

Include when it's best for you to meet (virtually) & a brief introduction to yourself & your current


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How Troaching works by Sandra Bichl, Troaching Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

Thank you for sharing under CC license:

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