trobriand islandsr

Trobriand Trobriand Islanders Islanders Argonauts of the Western Argonauts of the Western Pacific” Pacific”

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Describes the cultures of the Trobriand Islands, including subsistence, chiefdoms, and the kula ring.


Page 1: Trobriand Islandsr

Trobriand IslandersTrobriand Islanders

““Argonauts of the Western Pacific”Argonauts of the Western Pacific”

Page 2: Trobriand Islandsr

Trobriand IslandersTrobriand Islanders

The Trobriand Islands are part of several The Trobriand Islands are part of several chains of islands in the Southwest Pacificchains of islands in the Southwest Pacific

They are best known for the kula ring, a They are best known for the kula ring, a system of trade involving two kinds of shell system of trade involving two kinds of shell ornamentsornaments

Bronislaw Malinowski conducted a study of Bronislaw Malinowski conducted a study of this culture during World War Ithis culture during World War I

His His Argonauts of the Western Pacific Argonauts of the Western Pacific is an is an anthropological classicanthropological classic

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Location of the Trobriand IslandsLocation of the Trobriand Islands

The Trobriands (in red)are The Trobriands (in red)are located 120 miles northeast located 120 miles northeast of New Guinea (upper left)of New Guinea (upper left)

It is a largely featureless It is a largely featureless chain of islands about 12 chain of islands about 12 square miles (lower left)square miles (lower left)

Kiriwina is the largest; the Kiriwina is the largest; the official name for all the official name for all the islands is Kiriwina Islandsislands is Kiriwina Islands

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Climate and TopographyClimate and Topography

The islands have the usual dry and wet The islands have the usual dry and wet (monsoon) seasons(monsoon) seasons

Kiriwina is a flat island with few areas of Kiriwina is a flat island with few areas of storage or streamsstorage or streams

The only sources of water are wells and ponds.The only sources of water are wells and ponds. Drought is rare, but occurs often enough to Drought is rare, but occurs often enough to

cause concern among the Trobrianderscause concern among the Trobrianders

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Cultivating YamsCultivating Yams

Yams are the single most important food.Yams are the single most important food. Overproduction of yams is commonplaceOverproduction of yams is commonplace Partly to compensate for any year of drought Partly to compensate for any year of drought

in which no yams can growin which no yams can grow Mainly to make a display of wealth, Mainly to make a display of wealth,

particularly among the chiefsparticularly among the chiefs Slash and burn technique is usedSlash and burn technique is used Fallow period is usually three to five yearsFallow period is usually three to five years

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Division of LaborDivision of Labor

Men clear the brush, burn the slash, and Men clear the brush, burn the slash, and cultivate the soils.cultivate the soils.

Women do the planting, weeding, and Women do the planting, weeding, and harvestingharvesting

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Subsistence Activities and TradeSubsistence Activities and Trade

Fishing is done among coastal peoples; often Fishing is done among coastal peoples; often trade fish for yams trade fish for yams

Women gather shellfishWomen gather shellfish Imports from other islands: polished stone Imports from other islands: polished stone

axes, pottery—there is neither stone nor clay axes, pottery—there is neither stone nor clay in the Trobriandsin the Trobriands

Specialty foods, such as sago from Dobu Specialty foods, such as sago from Dobu Internal trade is unorganized; external trade is Internal trade is unorganized; external trade is

directed by the chiefsdirected by the chiefs

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Sex and Gender: Childbirth BeliefsSex and Gender: Childbirth Beliefs

Traditionally Trobriand Islanders thought that Traditionally Trobriand Islanders thought that pregnancy occurs pregnancy occurs

when women’s bodies are infused with ancestral when women’s bodies are infused with ancestral spirits on Tuma, one of the islandsspirits on Tuma, one of the islands

This was thought to be where one goes after deathThis was thought to be where one goes after death One hypothesis is that yams contain chemicals with One hypothesis is that yams contain chemicals with

contraceptive properties (phytoestrogen)contraceptive properties (phytoestrogen) So that the connection between sex and childbirth So that the connection between sex and childbirth

were not madewere not made

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Sex and Gender: Sexual Behavior Sex and Gender: Sexual Behavior and Marriageand Marriage

Not surprisingly, sexual behavior is Not surprisingly, sexual behavior is promiscuous during teenage yearspromiscuous during teenage years

Marriage involves no major ceremony; a Marriage involves no major ceremony; a couple shows up at the groom’s residence and couple shows up at the groom’s residence and announces the factannounces the fact

If the man is of a chiefly lineage, the residence If the man is of a chiefly lineage, the residence is that his mother’s brotheris that his mother’s brother

Otherwise they move to the man’s father’s Otherwise they move to the man’s father’s hamlethamlet

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Marriage and Social OrganizationMarriage and Social Organization

When a woman marries, large quantities of When a woman marries, large quantities of yams is given to her father- or brother-in-lawyams is given to her father- or brother-in-law

This compensates for the land she surrenders This compensates for the land she surrenders in her own clanin her own clan

A chief with many wives gains numerous A chief with many wives gains numerous stores of yamsstores of yams

In a food-insecure environment, this give him In a food-insecure environment, this give him leverage over many households. leverage over many households.

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Social Organization: Household Social Organization: Household and Village (and Village (DalaDala))

Basic unit is the householdBasic unit is the household A matrilineal group called the A matrilineal group called the dala dala owns the plots of owns the plots of

land, making it a corporate entityland, making it a corporate entity The head of the dala manages this propertyThe head of the dala manages this property The headship goes from a man to his eldest sister’s The headship goes from a man to his eldest sister’s

sonson This successor joins his mother’s brother at age 6 and This successor joins his mother’s brother at age 6 and

brings his wife with him upon marriagebrings his wife with him upon marriage This is a classical example of This is a classical example of avunculocal avunculocal

postmarital residencepostmarital residence

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Village Group or ClusterVillage Group or Cluster

Six or so villages comprise a clusterSix or so villages comprise a cluster These village clusters are endogamous: only These village clusters are endogamous: only

women and men from within the cluster may women and men from within the cluster may marrymarry

Warfare was not allowed within the clusterWarfare was not allowed within the cluster Villages are ranked; the chief of the highest Villages are ranked; the chief of the highest

ranked village coordinates the entire clusterranked village coordinates the entire cluster

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The Kula RingThe Kula Ring The Kula ring involves two kinds of The Kula ring involves two kinds of

shell ornamentsshell ornaments White armshells (mwali, upper left), White armshells (mwali, upper left),

which are exchanged for which are exchanged for Red necklaces (soulava, lower left) Red necklaces (soulava, lower left)

made of a string of spondylus shellsmade of a string of spondylus shells The partners trade a white armshell for The partners trade a white armshell for

a red necklacea red necklace As the map shows (next slide), the As the map shows (next slide), the

mwali always goes in one direction; mwali always goes in one direction; the souvala always goes in the other the souvala always goes in the other directiondirection

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The Kula Ring: GeographyThe Kula Ring: Geography

The kula ring connects the The kula ring connects the various islands various islands

The Mwali (white The Mwali (white armshells) go in a clockwise armshells) go in a clockwise directiondirection

The soulava (red necklaces) The soulava (red necklaces) go in a counterclockwise go in a counterclockwise directiondirection

The journey is a treacherous The journey is a treacherous one for those plying one for those plying seagoing canoesseagoing canoes

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The Kula TransactionThe Kula Transaction Each kula valuable has a history, and Each kula valuable has a history, and

so enhances its valueso enhances its value Therefore, when one partner gives Therefore, when one partner gives

the other an arm shell, the second the other an arm shell, the second partner must give a necklace of partner must give a necklace of equivalent valueequivalent value

If the second partner cannot repay on If the second partner cannot repay on the next visit, he give a small gift as the next visit, he give a small gift as a promise to repay at a later datea promise to repay at a later date

Upper left: two men in front of a Upper left: two men in front of a kula canoekula canoe

Lower left: a kula canoeLower left: a kula canoe

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Spheres of ExchangeSpheres of Exchange

This is a formal relationship This is a formal relationship A kula valuable may not be kept by any one A kula valuable may not be kept by any one

trader for longtrader for long Except for Dobu, all kula transactions involve Except for Dobu, all kula transactions involve

only chiefsonly chiefs On Dobu, all men can participateOn Dobu, all men can participate The kula ring is separate from trade of The kula ring is separate from trade of

ordinary goods, called ordinary goods, called gimwaligimwali

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ConclusionConclusion Trobrianders are a chiefdomTrobrianders are a chiefdom Power is derived from control over yams from the Power is derived from control over yams from the

chief’s in-lawschief’s in-laws The islands are interconnected via a kula ring, The islands are interconnected via a kula ring,

dominated by chiefsdominated by chiefs There is an economic dimension: inter-island trade of There is an economic dimension: inter-island trade of

gimwali (ordinary) products accompany the kulagimwali (ordinary) products accompany the kula The political dimension involves linking the island The political dimension involves linking the island

through this system. through this system. Threatened droughts also enhances the chief’s power Threatened droughts also enhances the chief’s power

through control of yamsthrough control of yams