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HARRY S TRUMAN33rd President of the United


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BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD Born on May 8, 1884 in Lamar, Missouri Born to John and Martha Truman Grew up on his grandparents’ farm in Grandview When Harry was six, the Trumans moved to

Independence, MO to receive proper schooling Harry loved reading, history, and music Harry had poor eyesight, so he was forced

to wear thick glasses Harry was an excellent student Graduated in 1901

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Initially, Harry didn’t attend college because his family didn’t have the money Studied for 2 years in the 1920’s towards a law

degree, but eventually had to stop because of financial troubles

He worked as a timekeeper on the Sante Fe Railroad for 6 months

In 1903, he began working as a bank clerk in Kansas City

In 1905, he signed up with the National Guard Harry was told to quit his job and come back to

help on the farm because his family struggling

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TRUMAN AND WORLD WAR I Harry worked on the

family farm until he left to serve in WWI in 1917

Truman was chosen to be an officer, and then battery commander in an artillery regiment in France. His unit was Battery D, 129th Field Artillery, 60th Brigade, 35th Infantry Division, known for its discipline problems.

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BESS TRUMANAt the end of the war (1919), Harry returned to Independence and married his long-time love interest, Elizabeth “Bess” Wallace, on June 28 of that year.

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Later, the couple would have a daughter.

She was born on February 17, 1924,

Later, she would pursue a career as a singer, and would write biographies of her parents.

She would later marry a reporter, Clifton Daniels, in 1956, and together they would have four sons.

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When Harry returned to Independence in 1919, he decided that he did not want to be a farmer anymore, so he sold his farm.

Instead, he opened a haberdashery (a men’s clothing store) with one of his friends from the Army, Eddie Jacobson.

The store was prosperous for a short while, however, a recession in 1921 caused the store to become bankrupt.

Fifteen years later, Truman would still be paying off debt on the shop.

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PENDERGASTS/ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR In 1922, Truman was elected as a judge (an

administrative, not judicial, job) of Jackson, with help from the Pendergasts

The Pendergasts were a powerful (and corrupt) family in Kansas City and the surrounding Jackson County, and even held sway elsewhere in the country

Truman served his term (2 years), and was not reelected in 1924

However, Truman was elected as presiding judge in 1926, served his term (4 years) and was reelected in 1930

There, Truman created the “Ten Year Plan”, in which he built 224 miles of roads and a new county courthouse

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Truman wanted to run for either Governor or Congress, and approached the Pendergasts to ask for help, who initially rejected him but later grudgingly accepted to back Harry

In 1934, Harry ran for Senator of Missouri and won

Assumed office under Pendergast cloud Worked diligently, spoke little, listened often Ignored by many, esp. Franklin D. Roosevelt Had yet to be taken seriously

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In 1940, Henry ran for reelection for Senator This time was much harder- he had no

support from the Pendergasts or FDR Truman campaigned tirelessly & combatively During the general election, he defeated

Kansas City State Senator Manvel H. Davis, retaining his seat in the Senate

This is to be a common theme in Truman’s political life- he was usually the underdog (esp. 1948 run for White House)

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THE TRUMAN COMMITTEE In 1941, Truman took a 10,000- mile tour of military

bases He saw many cases of military wastefulness, so he

made a Senate committee intended to investigate this

Senior military officials opposed the idea However, congressional leaders advised FDR that it

would be better for Truman to head such a committee than someone less sympathetic to the President They also said the committee wouldn’t cause much

trouble because the committee’s budget was $15,000 and was to investigate billions in defense

Committee created by unanimous Senate consent on March 1, 1941

Saved estimated billions of $ in cost overruns

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…AS A SENATORLeft: Truman in one of his hundreds of committeehearings

Below: Truman with Tom Connally of Texas in 1941

Right: Truman as a busy Senator. He would later say his years as senator were the happiest in his life.

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NOMINATION FOR VICE PRESIDENT Truman was selected as Franklin Roosevelt's vice

presidential candidate in 1944 Advisors to Roosevelt said that the incumbent VP,

Henry Wallace, was too liberal In contrast, James Byrnes of NC was too conservative Truman was nicknamed the ‘Missouri Compromise’

because of his appeal to the party center Truman did not want to serve as VP, but he reluctantly

did so anyway because he felt it was his duty to the country

In the presidential race of 1944, the Roosevelt/Truman team easily won against Republican candidates Dewey/Brickler (432 to 99 electoral votes)

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Sworn in on January 20, 1945 Vice Presidency was relatively uneventful As VP, he presided over the Senate, attended

parties and receptions, and shook endless numbers of hands Thought he wouldn’t like being VP, however, he

actually loved the ‘round of social engagements’ Only met twice with President Roosevelt

Roosevelt didn’t keep him informed- domestic affairs, how things were unfolding in Russia, the Manhattan Project, etc.

Didn’t even meet Secretary of State (Stettinius) Vice President for only 82 days…

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On April 12, 1945, Roosevelt died of a massive cerebral hemorrhage (Roosevelt’s health had been deteriorating for months)

Truman was completely uninformed about world affairs or domestic policies- Roosevelt had told him practically nothing

Upon assuming the presidency, Truman asked all of Roosevelt’s Cabinet to remain in place

“I felt like the moon, the stars, and all the planets had fallen on me”-Truman to reporters on becoming President

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On May 7, 1945 German forces surrendered to Allied forces- V-E (Victory in Europe) Day

In July & August of 1945, Truman attended the Potsdam Conference, which was a meeting of the US, England & the Soviet Union to establish post-WWII order The results of this conference are detailed in the Potsdam

Agreement The Potsdam Declaration was issued on July 26, 1945 by

Truman, Churchill (England) and Chiang Kai-shek (China). It outlined the terms of surrender for Japan (who we were at war with). It also said if Japan didn’t surrender, they would be subject to “inevitable & complete destruction of the Japanese armed forces.” Russia wasn’t at war w/Japan, thus didn’t participate in the

Potsdam Declaration

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HIROSHIMA & NAGASAKI However, the Japanese government dismissed

the Potsdam Declaration and chose to ignore it. In the end, Truman made the decision to drop atomic bombs

on Japan. His intention was to bring about a quick resolution to the war by inflicting destruction and to basically shock Japan into surrendering. August 6th, 1945- Hiroshima 140,000 dead August 9th, 1945- Nagasaki 80,000 dead

On August 15th, Japan announced its surrender to the Allied Powers.

Some say the bombs probably saved hundreds of thousands of lives that would’ve been lost in an invasion of mainland Japan that was also being planned. Eleanor Roosevelt supported this view

However, many critics have argued that the use of the bombs was immoral.

“I knew what I was doing when I stopped the war…I have no regrets, and under the same circumstances I would do it again.”-Truman on the decision to authorize the

use of the atomic bomb

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A set of international policies put forth by Truman

Arose from a speech Truman gave to Congress

Declared that the U.S., as the leader of the free world, must support democracy worldwide and fight against communism

Requested $4 million in aid to both Turkey & Greece to help rebuild their countries (from WWII) and to fight against (the Soviet Union’s) Communism

“ I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.

I believe that we must assist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way.

I believe that our help should be primarily through economic and financial aid which is essential to economic stability and orderly political processes.” – Truman, March 12 1947, before a Joint Session of Congress

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THE MARSHALL PLAN A.k.a. the European

Recovery Plan (ERP) Named after Secretary of

State at that time, George Marshall

Enacted in June 1947 by US as a way to help rebuild Europe after WWII

Another goal of the ERP was to prevent communism from gaining a stronghold in war-torn countries

In total, the US spent $13 billion on this

Ended abruptly in 1951 when we became involved in the Korean conflict Secretary of State Marshall

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Was a broad legislative agenda of Truman’s & a major push to transform the U.S.’ wartime economy to a peacetime one

Called for national health insurance Influenced LBJ’s enactment of Medicare

Called for the repeal of the anti-union Taft- Hartely Act

Instigated an aggressive civil rights program Integrated the armed forces First president to address the NAACP

The Fair Deal wasn’t too successful- only the Housing Act of 1949 was ever enacted

"Every segment of our population, and every individual, has a right to expect from his government a fair deal.”-Truman, 1949 State of the Union address to Congress

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On June 24, 1948, the Soviet Union blocked all access to 3 sectors of Berlin

On June 25, Truman approved a plan to supply the blockaded city with food and other supplies by air.

The airlift worked- ground access was granted again on May 11, 1949

It was one of Truman’s greatest foreign-policy achievements, and it significantly helped his presidential campaign in 1948

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1948 ELECTION In the spring of 1948, Truman’s public opinion rating

stood at 36% However, Truman still decided to run again The ‘New Dealers’ in the Democratic Party tried to

give the nomination to General Eisenhower, who was very popular, but Eisenhower refused

The other candidates included: Strom Thurmond – Dixiecrat Party Henry Wallace – Progressive Party Thomas Dewey- Republican Party

In almost unanimous predictions by pollsters and the press, Dewey was projected to be the winner. He seemed unstoppable…

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MEET THE CANDIDATES…Top Left: Harry Truman -DemocratBottom Left: Thomas E. Dewey -RepublicanBottom Middle: Strom Thurmond -DixiecratBottom Right: Henry Wallace -Progressive

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A popular cartoon from the election of 1948. Dewey was projected by most to easily win the presidency.

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VICTORY!! In his campaign for the presidency, Truman

traveled 21,928 miles on his ‘whistle-stop campaign’- making brief appearances at a number of small towns over a small amount of time

At the end of the election, Truman was the winner: Truman- 303 electoral votes Dewey- 189 electoral votes Thurmond- 39 electoral votes Wallace- no electoral votes

The country was flabbergasted. Not a single polling organization, radio commentator, journalist, or political “expert” had predicted a Truman victory.

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NATO- Truman was a strong supporter of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It established a formal military peacetime alliance with Canada and many European nations that hadn’t fallen under Soviet control during WWII Truman successfully guided the treaty through the

Senate in 1949 People’s Republic of China- On December 21,

1949, Chiang Kai-Shek fled to Taiwan from Mao Zedong’s Communist Army In June 1950, Truman ordered the U.S. Navy into the

Taiwan Strait to prevent conflict between the warring Communist government and government-in-exile

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Throughout his presidency, Truman had to deal with accusations that the federal government was harboring Soviet spies at the highest levels.

These accusations were largely propagated by Senator Joseph McCarthy of WI. McCarthy was never able to substantiate his claims, yet much of the U.S. was still swept up by Communist hysteria.

“…the best asset the Kremlin has.”- Truman, on Senator McCarthy

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On June 25, 1950, the North Korean People’s Army invaded South Korea, and the South Korean Army was quickly pushed out of their capital, Seoul. This precipitated the Korean War.

Truman promptly urged the UN to intervene, which it did. With UN forces, General MacArthur led a counterattack, scoring a stunning but extremely risky surprise victory at the Battle of Inchon.

By 1951 the war had become a stalemate at the 38th parallel. On April 11, 1951, Truman fired General MacArthur from all

his posts in Korea and Japan because MacArthur had disregarded Truman’s explicit orders. This was a hugely unpopular decision by Truman- after this, many called for his impeachment.

An armistice was signed on July 27,1953, ‘ending’ the conflict.

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…MOST FAMOUS BALCONY IN HISTORY In 1948, Truman ordered that a balcony be added to the

White House’s second floor, arguing that it would ‘balance’ the look of the White House. This decision was largely unpopular.

A short while later, engineering experts concluded that the building was in a dangerously dilapidated condition. These findings weren’t released until after the 1948 election. Ironically, the only safe place was Truman’s new balcony (“Doesn’t that beat all!” he said.)

The decision was made to demolish and rebuild the whole interior of the White House, while retaining the famous exterior of the structure.

The work lasted from December 1949 to March 1952. Meanwhile, Truman lived across the street at Blair


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On November 1, 1950, Puerto Rican nationalists Griselio Torresola and Oscar Collazo attempted to assassinate Truman at Blair House.

Truman wasn’t harmed, but White House policeman Leslie Coffelt was mortally wounded.

Torresola was also shot and died on the spot. Collazo was sentenced to death, but was later

commuted to life in prison. Ironically, Truman had done a lot more for Puerto

Rico than other Presidents. He appointed the first the first native to serve as governor, allowed Puerto Rico to determine its relationship status with the United States, and extended Social Security to them.

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AFTER THE PRESIDENCY Truman decided to worked to raise private donations

to build a presidential library. After his presidency, Truman was practically broke- if

weren’t for his army pensions and some property he had inherited from his mother, he would have been broke.

As it was, Truman was forced to take out a loan. He decided to publish memoirs of his life; these proved

to be great successes. In 1956, Truman decided to take a trip to Europe with

his wife. In Britain, he received an honorary degree in Civic Law from Oxford University.

On December 26, 1972, Truman died from multiple organ failure. Bess Truman died 10 years later, on October 18, 1982.

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Truman’s vice-presidential acceptance speech was less than a minute long

Truman was a key figure in the establishment & recognition of Israel

Truman’s mother, a Confederate sympathizer, refused to sleep in Lincoln’s bed during a visit to the White House

Truman’s middle initial, S , doesn’t actually stand for anything. It was actually a compromise between both of his grandfathers’ middle names, Shippe and Solomon.

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