trust and estate management

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  • 7/24/2019 Trust and Estate Management



  • 7/24/2019 Trust and Estate Management


    The Basics

    A tripartite agreement between the settlor, the trustee and thebenefciary.

    Settlor is the person whose property is transerred to the trust.The transer process can happen while he is alie or triggeredupon his death.

    Trustee is administrator o the trust property and e!ecutes theinstructions o a trust deed.

    Benefciary" The end benefciary o this deed. The benefciaryreceies his benefts according to what the deed states. Thin#age, percentage per year, $i!ed s. %iscretionary etc.

    &ne o the primary reasons or trusts is that the settlor do nottrust the benefciary's ability to manage the be(uestresponsibly

    )ore oer, trusts are e!tremely *e!ible and accommodatie

    +ey terms - nterios trust, testamentary trust and ntestacy

  • 7/24/2019 Trust and Estate Management



    Benefciary can either be entitled to the incomea trust generates or the capital o a trust. Atrigger eent is necessary

    A trust cannot retain income or its own good.ncome retained becomes part o capital at theend o fscal

    ie interest - a condition in the trust deedallowing the use o property or a certain timelietime o the occupant/

    0emainder interest Ater the lie interestceases, the property can be li(uidated or cash.

  • 7/24/2019 Trust and Estate Management


    2ested s.

    3ontingent 4roperty is said to be ested i all the re(uirements

    set out in the deed are met. no re(uirements areset, the deed is said to be ested absolutely.

    Absolute esting means the benefciary can sell theproperty ested without haing to ta#e possession.

    2esting can be sub5ect to riders li#e sub5ect todiestment

    2esting can be contingent on occurrence o acertain eent.

    The di6erentiation is important when winding upthe trust.

  • 7/24/2019 Trust and Estate Management


    Setting up a trust 3ertainty o intent

    clear intention to transer property to thebenefciary and with it, all its economic benefts.

    The trustee has to hae a legal obligation tomaintain the property and not a moral one.

    3ertainty o Sub5ect )atter

    4roperty must be clearly identifed

    3lear understanding on the #ind o benefts *owing ncome or 3apital

    3ertainty o &b5ects

    4hysical identifcation o benefciaries is important.

    7aming each benefciary rather than describing aclass or group o people

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    The settlor should be an able man with a sound mind

    Trustee can be anyone including a corporation

    Benefciaries can include any legal entity

    Transerring the trust property to the trusteeessential to #ic# start the arrangement.

    A trust cannot go on oreer. aw re(uires a fnite

    lie o the trust or commercial and economicreasons. 3urrently, lietime o a lie plus 81 years.

    4roinces hae their own ariations o the perpetuitylaw Some oerride the 3ommon aw, some haeproisions which act as wait and watch.

  • 7/24/2019 Trust and Estate Management


    Trust classifcation

    nterios trust 9stablished while the settlor is alie

    0educe ta! liability or benefciaries ta! liability

    0ing ence assets rom creditors

    Testamentary trusts established upon death or inaccordance with proincial legislation.

    Testament trusts are liable or income ta!es. $edralgoernment sees these trust as any other person

    earning an income. :ill become a inter ios trust i it receies additional

    assets rom another liing party

    3onstructie Trusts 3an be used to remedy disputesoer property during brea# up o relationship.

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    4ersonal s. 3ommercial trusts

    0eocable and rreocable trust

    %iscretionary Trusts

    Bare Trusts

  • 7/24/2019 Trust and Estate Management


    Trust Ta!ation

    Testamentary/ Testamentary Trusts ta!ed either in the hands o the

    trust or in the hands o the benefciary

    aw see#s a trust to be at par with an indiidual in

    terms o slabs and the marginal ta! rate/

    To sae ta!es, income splitting can be achieed bycreating two or more separate trusts or two or morebenefciaries.

    Two trusts cannot howeer be created or onebenefciary.

    :hen a ta!payer dies and leaes the property toanyone other than spouse or common law partner, thetransaction is treated or ta! purposes as i the

    property had been sold or proceeds e(ual to airmar#et alue

  • 7/24/2019 Trust and Estate Management


    nter ios trusts

    ta!ation Ta!ed at either the hands o trusts or in the hands o the


    To the e!tend that such income is paid or payable to a

    benefciary it may be deducted in calculating the ta!ableincome o the trust.

    Any income attributed is ta!ed at the rate o ;igh ta!ation has seerely restricted the ta! beneft otrust creation.

    Transers to non rolloer inter iios trusts are deemed tobe dispositions at air mar#et alue.

    mportant to distinguish between a rolloer and a nonrolloer trust.

    )ust fle an income ta! return or the trust called T?, nolater than @ days ater the end o the ta!ation year.

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    the trustee disposes a capital asset andrealies a capital gain, and orwards theproceeds o the disposition to the benefciary,

    the benefciary can record that income ascpital gain and only

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    Alter 9go Trusts C Doint

    Spousal Trusts A trust or onesel the only indiidual who has any

    access to the trust capital during the settlors lietime

    The settlor must be age E< or aboe

    A named benefciary other than the settlor ater thedead o the settlor

    4rotectie Trusts +ind o Alter 9go trust withe!tra layer o protection or the settlor

    Doint spousal trusts are similar to Alter 9go trusts,with the only di6erence being that only the settlorand his or her spouse or common-law partner can

    receie the income or capital o the trust duringtheir lietimes.

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    ie nsurance

    Trusts A trust specifcally set up to receie lie insurance

    policy proceeds on the death o the person insured.

    3an be done inter ios or testamentary

    ncome splitting is a popular reason or settingthee trusts up

    3onfdentiality Trusts by pass the 4robate phase.AU) is not made public

    A change in benefciary attracts deemed dispositionaction or income ta! purposes.

  • 7/24/2019 Trust and Estate Management


    nsurance trusts or )inors

    A split dollar arrangement could be structuredusing an e!empt uniersal lie policy on theparents lie, shared between the parent and a trust

    established by the grandparent o the grandchild.

    4remiums would be shared between the parentsand the trusts

    The grandparents would contribute cash to the

    trust or the purpose o paying the premiums.

    $or a child oer 1F, the income allocated to thechild will be ta!ed at his or her marginal rate. $ora child under 1F, the income receied will be ta!edto the trust at the trusts marginal rate or to the

    grandparent at his or her marginal rate.

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    &bligations o a

    trustee Trustee act o the proince establishes

    statutory powers, duties and obligations orall trustees.

    egislation gies the trustee certain powersli#e the power to inest the trusts unds incertain categories o inestments.

    Trustees hae to apply or permission tocourts or actions outside those defned inthe deed. mplication %eed should becrated ater deliberation and discussion.

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    egal ist System

    Trustees are not allowed to ma!imie returnon inestment

    Straight 5ac#et the trustee to ensure thereal alue o the trust assets can bemaintained oer time.

    0estricts the trustee rom achiing true

    portolio diersifcation.

    A settlor can ree the trustee rom theserestrictions by esting powers to act reely

    Some proinces, on the other hand, do giebroad powers to trustees

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    Trustee %uties and 4owers

    Trustees do hae a statutory power to sell realproperty under proincial legislation

    Trustees can borrow money on behal o the trusti the trust deed proides or. Generally to meetcurrent liabilities.

    $or trusts which hold part cash and part asset,the trustee should hae powers granted to assign

    alues to the belonging distributed.

    $ulfll debt obligations

    :hen managing trust property, the trustee mustact with an een hand. This means that he should

    consider the best interests o the benefciaries.

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    9nding a Trust

    There is no trust once the property hasbeen distributed to the benefciary and aproper distribution has ta#en place.

    9nd o trust can get triggered post an eenoccuring

    the trust is reocable

    Upon agreement o benefciaries to dissolethe trust and distribute the possession

    the trust ails to accomplish the tas#