truth for life - 20 years

and tablets, and on podcast. Driven by the desire to share the good news of the Gospel without cost as a barrier, the ministry made the entire Truth For Life teaching archive free for download at its website in 2009. Since then, over 55 million messages have been downloaded! Encouraged by this response, Truth For Life made access to all of its CDs, DVDs, and books by Alistair Begg available at cost, with no mark up, in 2011 and now routinely distributes over 10,000 resources each month! In celebration of this milestone, Truth For Life extends a grateful heart to the hundreds of radio stations who broadcast the program daily, to the thousands of men and women who have partnered with the ministry through prayer, letters of encouragement, and financial support, and to God for His steadfast faithfulness and providence. Truth For Life celebrates 20 years of radio ministry. TRUTH FOR LIFE, THE BIBLE-TEACHING MINISTRY OF ALISTAIR BEGG, IS CELEBRATING THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF ITS DAILY RADIO BROADCAST. I t was on February 27, 1995 when Truth For Life began airing its 25-minute daily program on seven radio stations. Today, Truth For Life can now be heard in every major radio market across the U.S., and also in select Canadian markets, through 1,655 radio outlets. Throughout the years, Truth For Life has drawn an ever-growing audience. The unique, expositional teaching of Alistair Begg is now internationally known as an inspiring source for clear, relevant instruction rooted firmly in the Scripture. Studying God’s Word each day, verse by verse, is the hallmark of Truth For Life’s ministry. Passionate about seeing unbelievers converted, believers established, and local churches strengthened, Truth For Life faithfully looks to God to proclaim His Truth through the program and to transform the lives of those who listen through His Spirit. Today, millions around the world can access the teaching of Alistair Begg without cost online at, through smartphones

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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and tablets, and on podcast. Driven by the

desire to share the good news of the Gospel

without cost as a barrier, the ministry made

the entire Truth For Life teaching archive free

for download at its website in 2009.

Since then, over 55 million messages have

been downloaded! Encouraged by this

response, Truth For Life made access to all

of its CDs, DVDs, and books by Alistair Begg

available at cost, with no mark up, in 2011

and now routinely distributes over 10,000

resources each month!

In celebration of this milestone, Truth For Life

extends a grateful heart to the hundreds of

radio stations who broadcast the program

daily, to the thousands of men and women

who have partnered with the ministry

through prayer, letters of encouragement, and

financial support, and to God for His steadfast

faithfulness and providence.


It was on February 27, 1995 when Truth For

Life began airing its 25-minute daily program

on seven radio stations. Today, Truth For Life

can now be heard in every major radio market

across the U.S., and also in select Canadian

markets, through 1,655 radio outlets.

Throughout the years, Truth For Life has

drawn an ever-growing audience. The unique,

expositional teaching of Alistair Begg is now

internationally known as an inspiring source

for clear, relevant instruction rooted firmly in

the Scripture. Studying God’s Word each day,

verse by verse, is the hallmark of Truth For

Life’s ministry.

Passionate about seeing unbelievers

converted, believers established, and local

churches strengthened, Truth For Life

faithfully looks to God to proclaim His Truth

through the program and to transform the

lives of those who listen through His Spirit.

Today, millions around the world can access

the teaching of Alistair Begg without cost

online at, through smartphones

“We will never speak the truth until we know the Truth.” – Alistair Begg

Why do we give away teaching free and sell hard copies at cost?One reason really . . . we are passionate about proclaiming the Gospel! We believe that no truth is as dramatic, extraordinary, and profound as the reality that God sent His Son to save sinners. Therefore, it’s our great desire to remove any barrier, particularly cost, so that all can learn more about who Jesus is and why He came!

When we are thanked by listeners for making our archive free however, we really need to redirect this thanks to another group of people – our Truthpartners. Truthpartners are listeners from across the country and around the world who support the ministry financially each month and pray for God’s Word to go out through Truth For Life in a life-changing way. Truthpartners are vital members of our team and as we celebrate 20 years, it’s a privilege to thank and acknowledge them for their sustaining partnership.


Bob: You go, chapter by chapter—actually verse by verse—through a book of

the Bible as you’re teaching. Do you think that verse by verse approach is still

a relevant approach for listeners today?

Alistair: Yes, I think that the exposition of Scripture and allowing Scripture to

unfold in the way in which it’s given to us in the Bible is very, very important. You

don’t read other books by just jumping around in them, especially where there’s

a sustained argument or a development of thought. The revelation of God has

been set out that way under the jurisdiction of God; therefore, it’s best understood in that


Bob: Do you remember early on when you started to hear back from listeners—

that this was resonating with people and God was using it in their lives?

Alistair: Yes, but I think I realize it far more today than I did back then. In the

early days, we weren’t sure that it would be a sustainable thing, and so we were

grateful for every kind of encouragement that came along. When in a routine

week now, we are on the receiving end of all of these communications from all

over the place, now we can say, “Wow, yes, it really has touched lives and made an impact in

a way that we never, ever anticipated.”

Bob: To think that on any given day, in any given week, there are tens of thousands

of people who are listening to a sermon you may have preached 5 or 10 years

ago. That’s humbling isn’t it?

Alistair: Yes, it’s very humbling. That’s why I think it’s so vital for me that the

radio program comes from my pulpit—that all of the control factors are there

that are built into life in the local church.

Bob: The mission of this ministry is to teach the Bible with clarity and relevance

so that unbelievers will be converted, believers will be established, and local

churches will be strengthened and built up. Can you unpack that mission a little

bit and why that’s such a priority?

Alistair: We found it helpful to decide what to rule in and rule out and, from the

beginning, to establish a line upon which we are seeking to walk. And it’s no

surprise that we took the line of the Gospel. So we decided to pray and work to

that specific end—that the material will serve each of those things.

Bob: As you look at where the church is today, and where young pastors are

today, are you more encouraged about where the church in America is going or

are you discouraged?

Alistair: I’m encouraged, as I go around, to realize that, in the midst of a culture

that is increasingly disinterested in these things, young men are really fastening

onto the fact that the Bible really does its work. And to encourage them not to

rely on a certain methodology or approach but that the confidence is actually in

the Scripture itself.

Bob: As you think back over the first 20 years, is there a story that stands out of

a listener being impacted by this ministry? Something that has encouraged you

to continue in what you’re doing?

Alistair: I’d have to really think about that long and hard, but I think I would

have to honestly say that what would form up in my mind is a mosaic of things.

Whether it is the widow or the widower or the teenager or whoever else it is, the

reach of the ministry is just this great amalgamation of God’s Truth penetrating

stony hearts.