ttttp inbeitjtldn...and will hnvo prompt despatch itti mails and pas ongsrs for ium ports tho...

kP TTTTp Vol I IfOHEIGN IXBM3 Bisniarok Is anid to bo seriously ill Mountains Etna and Vosuvius arc both iu oruptiou Brazil and Italy havo sovored di- plomatic ¬ rolatious W R Ddley is now manager of tho Alcazar theatre A oyjlouo has dqstroyod crops and buildings in Georgia Tho Valkyrio III will sail for Now York on July 18 Tho Philadelphia is at Mare Island probably for two months One houo in all that Gro has left Forest Lalv Sin Joaquin County Cattle killed by hail Dostruotivt storm sweeps over Southwestern Iowa Tho Cornell crew is expected to win tho Thamos races easily by 2 or 3 lengths Mrs Cleveland has had another little baby girl It is likely to bo natnod Naomi Bridgeport under wator Swollen streams overflow and inundate the Kansas town Seventy poraons injured by a bridge disaslor at Bristol Indiana Many will dio Tho Russo Ghinoso loan has been successfully floated with a lien on the maritimo customs In tho coming English elections tho conservative majority is estimat- ed ¬ to become 40 or over Miss Susan B Anthony aud Rev Anna Shaw havo left San Francisco for their homes in tho East A terminus in San Francisco for the valley road has bpen socured by tho lease of the China Basin Spanish troops in Cuba have de feated a rebel ambush with an im ¬ mense loss to thoir assailautB Tho U S Goverumtut havo de- cided ¬ to take an appeal in the Stan- ford ¬ case to tho Supremo Court Firo causes the loss of over a quarter million dollars at tho Pal fio Lumber Cos plant Scotia Oal Professor Eamsey has tested chipping of rneterrites ant found argon and helium in all of them There is much pquabbling over so oialism in Germany Von Gorlaeh has lost his Beat as member of tho Reichstag A tornado struck Bixfor Sprirgp Kansas July 5 and laid it ruins Five people were killed aud twonty wounded Ex Governpr Stevenson of Idaho committed suicide at Paratso by taking laudanum He was oraled by illness Gba Warron Stoddard tlio post of the South Seas well and favor- ably ¬ known here is now on a visit to San Francisco Tho Storthing in Norway has do bided to pay the outlay for the di ¬ plomatic and oonsular service by largo majorities There has boon appalling destruc- tion ¬ by wind and rain In Missouri BHlios of 12 victims havo already b on recovered at Wlnoua Tho spooial venire of 150 jurors t5 try Durrant for the murder of Blanono Lamont and Minnio Wil- liams ¬ is called for July 22 and 23 A lone highway i3an Btopped tho mouth bound Redding and Bilbor stago July 7 and compelled tho driver to throw out both express boxes and mail bags A torrifio riot betwoon Hindoos and Mussulmon over rollgious pro cessions broko out at Kutiy war pro killed and 181 wounded A singular discovery has boon made in Hungary of evidence of movable typo having beon used by tho centuriona of tho 4th legion in tho uoooud century INBE T A F Is 1j I E 3D FOR II L JULY 16 3895 Tho filibustering sohonnors now aro said to b- - at Tegucigalpa Hon duras The yacht Aggio has turned up at Port Townsnnd and donies all ounention with fihbustors U S Ambassador Etislis at Par is said havo told a Figaro reporter that Great Britain must not give iny nousonsM or Canada would bn -- mnexed Tho roport is discredited There aro rumors of a conspiracy to overthrow tho Brazilian Govern mono and form a junta with Gonernl Guadoao as War Minister and Ad miral Goncalves as Minister of Ma r ho Gonoral Molver ox Consul to Dnnia Spain states that thero is fraud and conspiracy amongst the Consular officials and tho State Do oartraent He is regarded as a crank Iu England Gladstone has with ¬ drawn from the Liberal parly iu dis- - gust on account of the scandalous promotiou by RoBebery of million aires to th6 peerage in exchange for election fund contributions For forty one houis Joseh Dollas his wife Rosie and two children one 7 years and tho other 11 months old wore in an the lUlJUJU TfrkfitR to All PfllnlR In lUU Lahnlna full wln ri or Honolulu th ufUilrnoons UDuiuuui vuuuv iwva r1 flflVM Iarents and children had become delirious when rescued Manitoba is to be forced to re ¬ store the right of separate schools to the Catholics If not done a spe- cial ¬ session of tun Dominion Parlia- ment ¬ is to be called Three of the Frouch members of tho Dominion Cabinet aro said to have resigned Affairs iu Turkey aro as follows Servia has had another ministerial revolution The Armenian affair stands in statu quo Much excite ¬ existB in Bulgaria and Mace donia Plots against the lite of tho Sultau havo been discovered in Con stantinoplo and a reactionary policy is expected against foreigners Tho number of near relations in the new administration is interest- ing ¬ They inulude fathor aud son Mr Ohainberlaiu and Austin Cham berlaiu a father-in-la- aud son-in-la- w Lord Salisbury and Lord ShI bourn two brothers Arthur and Gerard Balfour an and two nophewc Lord Salisbury and tho Messrs Balfour and two brother in laus Lord George Hamilton and Lard Liusdowne Politics in tho United States seem to bo in a fermnnt Cleveland is said to bo working for a third term Ex Attorney Gonoral Garlaud says thero will be sevon Presidential tickets in tho Geld next year Demo- cratic ¬ Republican bimetallic Sin- gle ¬ Gold Standard Populist Prohi tion and Womens Rghts Henry Watterson announces his belief in the coalition of the conservatives of all parties into a union in support of good government and sound money Sqds Souci The most lovely Bpot on Oahu is Sans Souoi This favorito seasido resort which has beon immortalized by the pon of Robert L Stevenson who resided thnro for months is only four miles from Honolulu and within roaoh of tho tramcars The and bathing at this famous resort aro superior to auything found in tho Hawaiian Ilauda Cottages and board cau be obtainud on easy terms Tho taldo set by the manager is better than any offernd horo at othor Iiot tola For pionics bathing parties and outings tho best accommodation can bo securod by giving notice to tho manager m Address all to tho Elitnrial Departmtuit of tbo l UZiXJUSip 4JUUIUUU A1VJ1 W7i AJUOr viuco of Gujorat Iudia Threo vero noea lottora ehouUi bo addressed to J Jt UUUIUUl XUIO 111 MUVJi nUIJ tho present- - as tho Post OUioo will withhold all mails addressed Bimply to i ho Indlpendent owing to tho Buit brought by A V Guar If you dont gdt your pnpor ring Up 811 it JtLdN JJJeLiIM JL r r i OOFYRIOTa HONOLULU TUESDAY surroundings oommunications TUElNDErENDENT Oceanic Steamship Co Wilders Steamship Go AnslraMJIil Service Far Sau Francisco Tho New nrvl Finn Al el Steamship -- MAKIPOSV Of th Oceanic Scnmrillp Compnny wlH bo ltio ut Honolulu Iroiu Sydney and Auckla id on or about July SjBtli And 111 1avo for tho nrt with Mails and Passong on or aboift thai lato For Sydney Auckland Tho Now and Flno At Steel Btramshlp ALAJUEDA Of tht Ocanln 8tniisliln Company will be due nt Honolulu from Bun Fjanclsco on or aboat -- Augiist 1 st And will hnvo prompt despatch itti Mails and Pas ongsrs for ium ports Tho undersigned are now prepared to issno j open boat n u lf Ilnlfflri ment easy VU AWA Dbov re TiincrliiVrt Inde- - above SfHlBS For ftftlio- - DTtluHrs recrardinc Freiijht nud 1aK aifo apply to Win G IRWIN CO Ld Gnerl Agontsnf Ucolnln Oceanic Steamship gxlr TIME TABLE Local Line S S AUSTRALIA Arrvo Honolala from B F s Leavo Honolala H F JnlvlB Julv20 Aug 0 Auk it Boor 2 7 Bent 7 hept 30 0O2 O t 2 O t27 Nov IB Nov 20 Through Lines From San Francisco for Bydnoy Irriic Honolulu for From Svdnav for Ban Francl co Leare Honolulu Mnnowa July 4 Alameda J n27 Alameda Au 1 Mnripoi a Jul V5 Min oia Auir 2 j Mnnwnl Aui 22 Monoalboit 20 Alameda Bept in Alamo iu Oct 21 Mailposi uot 17 0AHU RAILWAY MD COS TIMH TABLQ From and Atr July 8 1805 - sj 5p rf 2 w S B TIIA1NB fs a ogj t s sS Us 3 s AM AMr PM PM Leavo Honolulu OjlO 917 145 flo Uaa rcrl city 710 95S 228 AA3 Lcmc la Mill 810 1010 219 011 Atrho Wttlanae 10 SI VjO J OPJ 3 te rr r TItAlNS b gS VK c5 S as 52 Mm Mm g cj AM A M PM PM Icao Walanno 041 112 Ieao Kwa Mill 710 010 2 07 861 Uao leart City 7M 0H 238 122 Arrlo Honolulu 8i1 10 30 311 165 On Batuidny anil Sunday iiIbIiIb KuiiMIU lastenger Train will arrlo lnllonolulu at 665 inntuiul of lV p m rrelsUt Trains will carry Beconil class Passen ger nccommodiitlons F O BMirit Ucnural IlissoiiRcr ticket Agent G I Dpnihon Superintendent Wm G Irwin Co J Limited Wm O Tiwin ErosllRft Aranager Qlans Binw knls Vlo -- PresI iont W M award Secrolary isTroasuror Theo O iurtor Auditor Sugar Factors AMD Commission Agents AOlKTS OP TUB Oceanic Steamship Compy i Of Ban Franoisoo QnU TIME TABLE 0 L WIOH r Pro B B KOBE Boc Capt J A ICIa PotSupt Stmr KtNAU CLARKE Commander Will Ipnvfl Honolulu at 2 r m lonohlj nt MliItln Mnnlxca Hny and Make a tho inmenuy Mahukonn Kawalhao nnd Lnu paho lion tho foiliwluc day nnlvlnn at tillo tho saino LEAVE8 IIONOI UM7 AURIVES HONOLULU rncsdny Jitlv 1G I Tue dny Jiily 2J P Idny July 6 F Idny July Vi Frldnv lulvSJH I Frldnv Auk 2 Tuesday Aug 01 Iu sdayAig 13 Frl iay rui Au 27 briuny Tm sdiiy Friday incs my if iuy Aug 10 sday B fpt 6 ijopt 17 B pt 27 Out 8 O t 18 lusday Oct fli FtldV Friday Ang23 lSV 8 Tuesday- - rov 19 Friday Nov it Tu MluyT Deo in Friday Dto 20 I uosuay Bent 8 Frlrta 13 lueuday Brp it FrI Oo 4 Inesday Oft 15 Fri av Oct vfi Tusdayj Nov 6 TrldHV l v Tih dayov Fridav W 0 Tnesuayr Ioo 17 Friday Dc 27 ReurnliiK w 11 lovo Hilo at 1 oiloolc m toucliliiL at Lnunnhoehoo Alai koha and Kxwnlhao stuo Makena nay off Mnalnea liny and tho W- - day nrrlvlngnt im nn I1V uncle M o KB IB 0 n- - p- - No Froltht ill bo received 12 noon on day of Milling Stmr CLAUDINE CAMERON Commandor at 5 v m I Will leavo Tuesdays Co Kept after iinm- - aairu anWoS at -- WU olliitNuu Kanpo on second trip of each luontb ftf No lVflclit will bo received after i v ii on day of sailing - i This Compariy willrosorves tho right to make chanrs in tho time of departuto and arrival of Ita btamcra wIthn notlcoand it wll not be rosponsiblo fur any conse- quences arising thr reftom Consignees must bo nt tho Landings to recolvo their freight ihs Company will not h Id itself rosponslolo for freight after It has beon landed Llvo Stock only at owners risk This Compnny will not bo lesponslble for Money or Valaibles of paisengois unless placed In tho care of Parsers Pnssenuors are rea nested to pur chase Tlckeis bofore embarking Those tniling to di so will be subject to an addi- tional ¬ charge of tweuty flvo per cent T B MURRAY King Street Tho Leading Carriage and Wagon Manufacturer alt Materials on hand Will furnuh evflythliig outsldo steam buatb and bolleru No Ball Bearing Axjes Around This Shop J ny 821 323 raLBPiiuNB 572 mmmm Life and t At best bates Enquire of tea DOWBTDTT TO LET dl Houses Furnished and Un ¬ furnished Land For Sale DAVrD PEYTON 42 Morohant Street 1 19 BuaftfosB barda ANTONf3 ROSaT Attorney- - at Liw Knahnmanu Btrect Honolulu PAUL NEUMANN r P ff CoCNSELtOB AND AlTOnNET-AT-Lx- Morohant 8trot Honolulu - JOBtNNOTT lf- - -- i rik Plumdino Tin Coprcn and Sheet InoN Womi King Street Honolulu GONgALYESGO fZ Wholesale Grooebs andihe1 Mebohants 225 Queen Street Honolulu BrBrrapMAsT kl f V I CONTBAOTOR BoiLDEB Building MatoIals for Estimates Furnlshod H P BElRTMANNt CONTBAOTOB BUILDER kinds of BepMring Qinorol Carpen- - ALLBN Ai ROBINSON - f Jih1 7qj Dealee3 in LuiniEn boildino matebial3 07 Aliinw - ajJd Queen Stroet Honolulu i RECMWORanJtlClFICCSS Engines and Launches ii ii ii THE BEST THE MARKET They cannot V surpassed Motive Iowor BEDJETOR OATALOaTJB JOS TJ1TIE3R l ST Solo Agent NnuBiiu 8treet MVNUrAOIUBINO Jeweler Mlnite KOKDI 3EWelRYV3PECIALTY Particular attention w Itepal No Coal ni AND sale AND All and and IN for ttv kinds 4 Campbell Block Merohant Street THEAELINGTON VA sMufr ftotrt t KKOU0B - rop WMMMMMiBI Per Day 200 Por Week 1200 bpeoial mqnthl BATK8 Tho Heat Attendance the Boat Situation and Finest Meals this City rt iijv i NOTICE PEnSONS ACQD1RINQ MONEY claims against Houe senatlvea f fir samo tMi to all of X of In th of aro requested to pmont Hills onW before norf of THUB8- - DAY of each wek lin imlil nn IiMilnva nld rs the Approvod claims will 3 Kwauiuu aaunxua Ghftlriuftn Gommlttoo of Acoonnti i - ii y 150t

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Post on 12-Feb-2020




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Page 1: TTTTp INBEitJtLdN...And will hnvo prompt despatch itti Mails and Pas ongsrs for ium ports Tho undersigned are now prepared to issno j open boat n u lf Ilnlfflri ment easy VU AWA Dbov




Bisniarok Is anid to bo seriouslyill

Mountains Etna and Vosuvius arcboth iu oruptiou

Brazil and Italy havo sovored di-


rolatiousW R Ddley is now manager of

tho Alcazar theatreA oyjlouo has dqstroyod crops and

buildings in GeorgiaTho Valkyrio III will sail for

Now York on July 18

Tho Philadelphia is at Mare Islandprobably for two months

One houo in all that Gro has leftForest Lalv Sin Joaquin County

Cattle killed by hail Dostruotivtstorm sweeps over SouthwesternIowa

Tho Cornell crew is expected towin tho Thamos races easily by 2 or3 lengths

Mrs Cleveland has had anotherlittle baby girl It is likely to bonatnod Naomi

Bridgeport under wator Swollenstreams overflow and inundate theKansas town

Seventy poraons injured by abridge disaslor at Bristol IndianaMany will dio

Tho Russo Ghinoso loan has beensuccessfully floated with a lien onthe maritimo customs

In tho coming English electionstho conservative majority is estimat-ed


to become 40 or overMiss Susan B Anthony aud Rev

Anna Shaw havo left San Franciscofor their homes in tho East

A terminus in San Francisco forthe valley road has bpen socured bytho lease of the China Basin

Spanish troops in Cuba have defeated a rebel ambush with an im ¬

mense loss to thoir assailautB

Tho U S Goverumtut havo de-


to take an appeal in the Stan-


case to tho Supremo CourtFiro causes the loss of over a

quarter million dollars at tho Palfio Lumber Cos plant Scotia Oal

Professor Eamsey has testedchipping of rneterrites antfound argon and helium in all ofthem

There is much pquabbling over sooialism in Germany Von Gorlaehhas lost his Beat as member of thoReichstag

A tornado struck Bixfor SprirgpKansas July 5 and laid it ruinsFive people were killed aud twontywounded

Ex Governpr Stevenson of Idahocommitted suicide at Paratso bytaking laudanum He was oraledby illness

Gba Warron Stoddard tlio postof the South Seas well and favor-


known here is now on a visit toSan Francisco

Tho Storthing in Norway has dobided to pay the outlay for the di¬

plomatic and oonsular service bylargo majorities

There has boon appalling destruc-


by wind and rain In MissouriBHlios of 12 victims havo alreadyb on recovered at Wlnoua

Tho spooial venire of 150 jurorst5 try Durrant for the murder ofBlanono Lamont and Minnio Wil-


is called for July 22 and 23

A lone highway i3an Btopped thomouth bound Redding and Bilborstago July 7 and compelled thodriver to throw out both expressboxes and mail bags

A torrifio riot betwoon Hindoosand Mussulmon over rollgious processions broko out at Kutiywar pro

killed and 181 wounded

A singular discovery has boonmade in Hungary of evidenceof movable typo having beon usedby tho centuriona of tho 4th legionin tho uoooud century


II L JULY 16 3895

Tho filibustering sohonnors nowaro said to b- - at Tegucigalpa Honduras The yacht Aggio has turnedup at Port Townsnnd and donies allounention with fihbustorsU S Ambassador Etislis at Par

is said havo told a Figaro reporterthat Great Britain must not giveiny nousonsM or Canada would bn

-- mnexed Tho roport is discreditedThere aro rumors of a conspiracy

to overthrow tho Brazilian Governmono and form a junta with GonernlGuadoao as War Minister and Admiral Goncalves as Minister of Mar ho

Gonoral Molver ox Consul toDnnia Spain states that thero is

fraud and conspiracy amongst theConsular officials and tho State Dooartraent He is regarded as acrank

Iu England Gladstone has with ¬

drawn from the Liberal parly iu dis- -

gust on account of the scandalouspromotiou by RoBebery of millionaires to th6 peerage in exchange forelection fund contributions

For forty one houis Joseh Dollashis wife Rosie and two childrenone 7 years and tho other 11 monthsold wore in an the

lUlJUJU TfrkfitR to All PfllnlR In lUU Lahnlna full wln

ri or Honolulu th ufUilrnoonsUDuiuuui vuuuv iwva r1 flflVM

Iarents and children had becomedelirious when rescued

Manitoba is to be forced to re ¬

store the right of separate schoolsto the Catholics If not done a spe-


session of tun Dominion Parlia-ment


is to be called Three of theFrouch members of tho DominionCabinet aro said to have resigned

Affairs iu Turkey aro as followsServia has had another ministerialrevolution The Armenian affairstands in statu quo Much excite ¬

existB in Bulgaria and Macedonia Plots against the lite of thoSultau havo been discovered in Constantinoplo and a reactionary policyis expected against foreigners

Tho number of near relations inthe new administration is interest-ing


They inulude fathor aud sonMr Ohainberlaiu and Austin Chamberlaiu a father-in-la- aud son-in-la- w

Lord Salisbury and Lord ShIbourn two brothers Arthur andGerard Balfour an and twonophewc Lord Salisbury and thoMessrs Balfour and two brother inlaus Lord George Hamilton andLard Liusdowne

Politics in tho United States seemto bo in a fermnnt Cleveland issaid to bo working for a third termEx Attorney Gonoral Garlaud saysthero will be sevon Presidentialtickets in tho Geld next year Demo-


Republican bimetallic Sin-


Gold Standard Populist Prohition and Womens Rghts HenryWatterson announces his belief inthe coalition of the conservatives ofall parties into a union in supportof good government and soundmoney

Sqds Souci

The most lovely Bpot on Oahu isSans Souoi This favorito seasidoresort which has beon immortalizedby the pon of Robert L Stevensonwho resided thnro for months isonly four miles from Honolulu andwithin roaoh of tho tramcarsThe and bathing atthis famous resort aro superior toauything found in tho HawaiianIlauda Cottages and board caube obtainud on easy terms Thotaldo set by the manager is betterthan any offernd horo at othor Iiottola For pionics bathing partiesand outings tho best accommodationcan bo securod by giving notice totho manager


Address all to thoElitnrial Departmtuit of tbol UZiXJUSip 4JUUIUUU A1VJ1 W7i AJUOr

viuco of Gujorat Iudia Threo vero noea lottora ehouUi bo addressed toJ Jt UUUIUUl XUIO 111 MUVJi nUIJtho present- - as tho Post OUioo willwithhold all mails addressed Bimplyto i ho Indlpendent owing to tho Buitbrought by A V Guar

If you dont gdt your pnpor ringUp 811

it JtLdN JJJeLiIM JLr r i





Oceanic Steamship Co Wilders Steamship Go

AnslraMJIil Service

Far Sau FranciscoTho New nrvl Finn Al el Steamship

--MAKIPOSVOf th Oceanic Scnmrillp Compnny wlHbo ltio ut Honolulu Iroiu Sydney andAuckla id on or about

July SjBtliAnd 111 1avo for tho nrt withMails and Passong on or aboift thailato

For Sydney AucklandTho Now and Flno At Steel Btramshlp

ALAJUEDAOf tht Ocanln 8tniisliln Company willbe due nt Honolulu from Bun Fjanclsco onor aboat

--Augiist 1 stAnd will hnvo prompt despatch itti Mailsand Pas ongsrs for ium ports

Tho undersigned are now preparedto issno j

open boatn u lf Ilnlfflri







Inde- -



For ftftlio- - DTtluHrs recrardincFreiijht nud 1aK aifo apply to

Win G IRWIN CO LdGnerl Agontsnf

UcolnlnOceanic Steamship gxlr


Local LineS S AUSTRALIAArrvo Honolala

from B F


Leavo HonolalaH F

JnlvlB Julv20Aug 0 Auk itBoor 2 7 Bent 7hept 30 0O2O t 2 O t27Nov IB Nov 20

Through LinesFrom San Francisco

for Bydnoy

Irriic Honolulu


From Svdnav forBan Francl co

Leare Honolulu

Mnnowa July 4 Alameda J n27Alameda Au 1 Mnripoi a Jul V5

Min oia Auir 2 j Mnnwnl Aui 22Monoalboit 20 Alameda Bept inAlamo iu Oct 21 Mailposi uot 17


TIMH TABLQFrom and Atr July 8 1805

- sj

5p rf 2w S B

TIIA1NB fs a ogjt s sS

Us 3 sAM AMr PM PM

Leavo Honolulu OjlO 917 145 floUaa rcrl city 710 95S 228 AA3Lcmc la Mill 810 1010 219 011Atrho Wttlanae 10 SI VjO


te rr r

TItAlNS b gS VKc5 S as52 Mm Mmg cj

AM A M PM PMIcao Walanno 041 112Ieao Kwa Mill 710 010 2 07 861Uao leart City 7M 0H 238 122Arrlo Honolulu 8i1 10 30 311 165

On Batuidny anil Sunday iiIbIiIb KuiiMIUlastenger Train will arrlo lnllonolulu at 665inntuiul of lV p m

rrelsUt Trains will carry Beconil class Passenger nccommodiitlons F O BMirit

Ucnural IlissoiiRcr ticket AgentG I Dpnihon Superintendent

Wm G Irwin Co J


Wm O Tiwin ErosllRft AranagerQlans Binw knls Vlo -- PresI iontW M award Secrolary isTroasurorTheo O iurtor Auditor

Sugar FactorsAMD

Commission AgentsAOlKTS OP TUB

Oceanic Steamship Compyi Of Ban Franoisoo QnU


0 L WIOH r Pro B B KOBE BocCapt J A ICIa PotSupt

Stmr KtNAUCLARKE Commander

Will Ipnvfl Honolulu at 2 r m lonohlj ntMliItln Mnnlxca Hny and Make a thoinmenuy Mahukonn Kawalhao nnd Lnupaho lion tho foiliwluc day nnlvlnn attillo tho saino


rncsdny Jitlv 1G I Tue dny Jiily 2JP Idny July 6 F Idny July ViFrldnv lulvSJH I Frldnv Auk 2Tuesday Aug 01 Iu sdayAig 13Frl iayrui Au 27briunyTm sdiiyFridayincs myif iuy

Aug 10sday

B fpt 6ijopt 17B pt 27

Out 8O t 18

lusday Oct fliFtldV

Friday Ang23

lSV 8Tuesday-- rov 19Friday Nov itTu MluyT Deo inFriday Dto 20


uosuay Bent 8Frlrta 13lueuday Brp itFrI Oo 4Inesday Oft 15Fri av Oct vfiTusdayj Nov 6TrldHV l vTih dayovFridav W 0Tnesuayr Ioo 17Friday Dc 27

ReurnliiK w 11 lovo Hilo at 1 oiloolcm toucliliiL at Lnunnhoehoo Alai

koha and Kxwnlhao stuo Makenanayoff Mnalnea liny and tho

W-- day nrrlvlngntim nn I1V







n- -

p- - No Froltht ill bo received 12noon on day of Milling


at 5 v mI Will leavo Tuesdays




iinm- - aairuanWoS at

-- WU olliitNuu Kanpo on second tripof each luontb

ftf No lVflclit will bo received after iv ii on day of sailing


This Compariy willrosorves tho right tomake chanrs in tho time of departuto andarrival of Ita btamcra wIthn notlcoandit wll not be rosponsiblo fur any conse-quences arising thr reftom

Consignees must bo nt tho Landings torecolvo their freight ihs Company willnot h Id itself rosponslolo for freight afterIt has beon landed

Llvo Stock only at owners risk

This Compnny will not bo lesponslble forMoney or Valaibles of paisengois unlessplaced In tho care of Parsers

Pnssenuors are rea nested to purchase Tlckeis bofore embarking Thosetniling to di so will be subject to an addi-tional


charge of tweuty flvo per cent

T B MURRAYKing Street

Tho Leading

Carriage andWagon Manufactureralt Materials on hand

Will furnuh evflythliig outsldo steambuatb and bolleru

No Ball Bearing Axjes Around This Shop



821 323

raLBPiiuNB 572


Life and

t At best batesEnquire of




Houses Furnished and Un¬


Land For Sale

DAVrD PEYTON42 Morohant Street



BuaftfosB barda


Attorney- - at Liw

Knahnmanu Btrect Honolulu



Morohant 8trot Honolulu

- JOBtNNOTT lf- --- i rik

Plumdino Tin Coprcn and SheetInoN Womi

King Street Honolulu


Wholesale Grooebs andihe1Mebohants

225 Queen Street Honolulu

BrBrrapMAsTkl f V I


Building MatoIals for EstimatesFurnlshod



kinds of BepMring Qinorol Carpen- -


Dealee3 in LuiniEnboildino matebial3 07

Aliinw -


Queen Stroet Honolului


Engines and Launchesii ii ii


They cannot V surpassed MotiveIowor



Solo Agent NnuBiiu 8treet



Particular attention wItepal







All and







Campbell Block Merohant Street




Per Day 200Por Week 1200

bpeoial mqnthl BATK8

Tho Heat Attendance the Boat Situationand Finest Meals this City

rt iijv i


PEnSONS ACQD1RINQ MONEYclaims against Houe

senatlveaf fir samo


to all of



th ofaro requested to pmont Hills

onW before norf of THUB8- -DAY of each weklin imlil nn IiMilnva



Approvod claims will3

Kwauiuu aaunxuaGhftlriuftn Gommlttoo of Acoonntii - ii y 150t

Page 2: TTTTp INBEitJtLdN...And will hnvo prompt despatch itti Mails and Pas ongsrs for ium ports Tho undersigned are now prepared to issno j open boat n u lf Ilnlfflri ment easy VU AWA Dbov






-- Jt




Bxoept BandAy

At Brlto KaU Koala Stroot


Oaintt the wrong that nttdt resittanctTr tkt right that nttdt atthtanceTtr th future in the dittanet

And the good that wt can da

lam in the place whereof I am demandedJeiucUnct to ipeak the truth and the truthItpitk impugn it uho u lilt

usiafcxrnow batesPer Month anywhere in ih Ha- -

walin Islands r0Tt Year 6 00Ter Year postpaid to Foreign Coun-


8 00

Payable Invariably in Advance

Adrertleoraenta unaccompanied by spoclfio Instructions Inserted till ordered ont

Adrertieementi dtsoontinied beforo xpiration of sproified period trill be ohargedai it eontinned for u 1 term

Address all communlootions to the Edi¬

torial Department to Edmund NorrleBusiness letters should be addressed toO 0 Keuyon

K3SC0HD NOWftlE Editora O JCENYON - Kanagor

Residing in Honouln



Some of the Patriots wkohalted respectable citizens ia Janu¬

ary last vrero biff mea with guns intheir fiats Now they look shabbyhumbled and debased Ia manyoum natirti and white quasi royal-



are furnishing them poi andcake on terms of charitable assistanee

Our paper looks small but it is

not It priats more matter ofgreater interest than any otherpaper in tow One feature we de¬

sire our readers to notice is thochanges our advertisers mako from

time to time in our columns As amatter of business it will frequentlypay our readers to look and see whatthey hare to say and then go and

them Sometimes thoy willmako more this way than by reading

the news Nerer think because theyare placed on tho outside or insidepages that they are so muck themore or the less worth reading All

re valuable And all are intendodto be read Yon may lose many abusiness chance by not attendingto this

War elouds in Europe in all direc-



Political turmoil nod split ¬

ting up of parties in the States And

in Hawaii the Land Bill the Hogbill the Electric Railroad grab and

the Executire chance to buy a CableBill We rather think Europe and

the States have tho best of it

Messrs Damon Baldwin and Mc

Oandless made a fine trio in tho Sen ¬

ate yesterday on the question of notallowing the Government to selllands ia blocks of more than 1000

stores at once Dont they want any ¬

one else to havo the same chance as

thenualvest Where would they be

if that had been the rule formerly

Another case of woro on top and

we mean to stay there Is that it

The Advertiser coolly says theDole government is calmly con¬

tinuing the conduct of affairs on a

sound business basis What Go-



behind 39000 a month you


A Senator took tip a 50000 bond

last week Is that what Miniitir

ucosiui- -

Damon means by bringing pressureto bear on tho Treasury to sell landin large quantities Or does ho fearho will havo to return tho bond be¬

cause a still heavier corporationSenator wants the same land or islikely to want it Out with itOpon confession is good for tho soul

Tho Miuister of Financo has givon

us figures which show conclusivelythat tho government of which ho is

amomboris going to tho domnitiou bow wows at the rato of ovorono thousand dollars a day So faras we aro individually ooncerned itmatters very little to us as havingnothing we have nothing to loseBut thore are a largo number of per ¬

sons who havo no affiliation withtho family compact or sympathyfor their unrighteous coupo whomust some day awako to a realizingsense of responsibility for tho debtinto whioh tho com try is beingplunged Pay day will surely come

and the fact that a man has had noing to do with tho junta who des¬

poiled tho country and its too trus-


pooplo will find it of no availto plead non complicity A personcannot afford to be indifferent womean from a monoy point of view

Tho day will surely como whonpeople of means must pay for theexperiment now being carried onIs it not the part of wisdom for thohundreds of men of moans whohave studiously held aloof while theexperiment was being worked outparticularly in view of the financialstatement made by the Minister ofFinance to come to tho fore Purelya meeting to consider the stato ofthe country is in order and it cannever be moro timely

Fancy filibusters coming fromHonduras this time What wonder-


energy To be able to sail aboat right across Central Americaover the mountains before the canalis built Or shall we have to waittill she can get round the Horn Intho last case tho Lohua charter islikely to bo indefinite

The Advertiser almost breaks itsnock in trying to prove that Snort-


Jim and his Victoria bustedtrolloy combine aro strictly honestand dont intend to take any moro

than the public will give them Itstates they are even prepared toallow certain conditions of the ox

elusive franohiso asked for to besubjeot to the approval of tho Min ¬

ister of the Intorior How kindlHow magnanimous How honestBut this only shows how they will

act when they get their iron cladcinoh on the rest of the franchiseThey originally proposed only tosubmit the matters to the InteriorDepartment But rather than lone

the rest they will aotually allow thoMinister of tho Intorior to approveof these certain matters but not ofthe rest Bah Come out from un-



the bed Jimmie

Says the Star in relation to DanLyons The entire community ro

cognizod the sterling worth of thisman Poor Dan is dead but we areof opinion if he could rise again to-



he would ask the Star man toshow him whero he could get some

practioal recognition of sterlingworth more pockotable than afterdeath oulogies Tho other fulsomereforonoos of the Star aro occasion-



blasphemous and read in thelight of actual occurrences seem

deliberately insulting sarcasm on abody hardly yet cold in death

- Xfir- -t A uw -

Apparently Seattle and Port Townsend woro too cold for thorn so theyhavo migrated to Central America

First thing you know thoy will bo

coming from South Africa or JapanIsnt it time tho Lehua charter was

extended permanently and a stopput to this kind ofrot This timeConsul Goneral Wilder does not say

ho knows all about it

The Land Bill is utterly unconsti-



in its present shape fromits titlo to its last section Whynot out it up into three four fivo ora dozen aots and make it constitu-


The Ministry dont apparently yotunderstand the efforts of their own

Constitution To day Minister Smithwasnt suro if tho Land Bill titlowas all right or not Ho thought itwas Thoy would try it anyway

A more ill counidored badlydraughted ponderous and vorboso

measure than tho Land Bill canhardly bo concoived When dis-


arise under it and tho courtscomo to construo it there will bo amonkey and parrot timo

The Lord said It is written Myhoueo is cnll d a house ofprayorbut ye havo made it a den ofthieves Chief Justice Judd Andecho answers Who

John Emmeluth says Lot MrDoble whoever he is mako a gen-


franohibe for tho proposed elec-


railway and put it up at auctionWhat does John moan Why notauction off the repairs to tho Sta-


House roofs- - etc

Referring to tho Registration Actwe have said that it was passed bytho Legislature of 1892 and signedby the Queen and then lost to sightTho bill was the offspring of thePlanters Labor and Supply Com ¬

pany and its whole aim and purposeis to perpetuate the poouliar laborsystem on these Islands To forceit through tho legislature requireda liberal uso of money The moneywas furnished by saints and sinners

the saints contributed euphemis-


to promote legislationwhile the sinners said it was to purohase votes Of course sinners hadto apply the money whero it woulddo tho most good while the saintsturned their baoks and thanked Godthat they were as other men areand proceeded to build ohurohesand support the Y M C A

The importance of the law may bemeasured by an incident which tookplace after the riot of January lastAs is matter of history the Queenwas arrested and the Chief Justicoaccepted the office of detectivo tosearch the privato residence forher complicity with the riotersWhen tho Chief Justico met thocustodian of the Queens premisesthe first question ho asked was

Whero is the Registration LawThe sugar barons and their pioussupporters desired to have the res-


for the law rest upon thewicked monarchy if possible Failing to find tho law after due searchtho Chief Justico ignobly avengedhimself by perusing the womansprivato diary andwo can hardlyboliove it hor will

The eleotric railway boosters ap-


to bo tho only filibuttering ex-


whioh has materializedhere up to dato from the Coast

The filibusters havo appeared It is said that tho 4th of JulyBgaia in tho Advertisers columns committee paid Dr Cook 175 for

AIWMM wiiti mimimMiihbratmir3 Tiw1M

that celebrated oration of his Dear

at that or any prico wasnt it

If it is dangorous to withdraw oil

under 115 for illuminating purposes owing to the inflsmmablo na

ture of the town why isnt it equally

so uol when so many kerosene

stoves aro used Whoso nigjror is it

F A Medeikou

m Jtil MM f irif



f t f

S DKcczn

Medeiros Co

TAILORSHold Stroet Arlington Block

Tup cy of Hard T mes hs reached nsall cnl realizing Hint man wnst bo

clothed wo nave decided to

Reduced Oar Prices for tho Next

30 Dap


Suits and Trousers

At prices that will be wthln the reach ofvv rybody vo cirry a Select block ofOno is and canrante a Perfect it flidFirst olaH Work Tboe who renlh devie tt be oreBaed eatly and nattily a dannot alfbM t spumi much money in

their clothes will do we 1 in calling ut ourSwro before going ehowhere

S DECKER - Manager

EHoMbrorGoKing Street opposite Oaatle


Household Sewing Machine


Wines Liquors Beers



Baby Carriages a Specialty

Inspect tho Beleoted Btoolc of

En HOFFSOHLAEGER COKing Sireet opposti Hurtle Cooke

Brace WariDg Co

Real Estate Sealers

603 Fort St near King

building lotsHouses and Lots and

lands for saleParties wBhinR to dispose of their

ProportiHB aro Invlwid t cull on iih

Partnofohip Criaage

CHAN KHR THIS DAY RETIRESihe Firm of Kwan Toko Hmo

Company doing a General Mnvhu iilsoMuvnoss at 3 6 Nmim Btr ei in Hono-lulu


im lUe I land of Oahu aivl OhanMun Kah ontcrs the sxid firm in place ofth- - retiring partner tho firm now on lat ¬

ins o Oban Young an O an Man KahSigned OH VN KICK


Dated Juno 0 1805OHAN MUN KAH


11 Hw

Four Second hand Bullock Garts

UM For particulars apply to

OONBALVEB CO4 U Queen street


Timely Topics

- -MJI4 - -

MMMMmMHonolulu July 9 1895

Lord Rosebuvy is out andLord Salisbury is in Thochungo is of comve of thogrtatest importaneo and it isproper to look into tho causeswhich lud to tho ppeedy downtall of tho libral partyThe majority of tho Liberalswill say that the retirement ofGladstone from tho prem crship made hw party weakand that Rosebury could nothold tne different factions tomth r Othms will claimthat the vai il atiog foreignpolicy puiMied by tho Liberalgovernment made tho partywhich it represented and fiomwhich it gained t power un¬

popular Tho English peo-ple


are always preachingpeace thornr elVes but theylo not allow their govern-ment


to do it mid they arcjealous of any real or imagi¬

nary attempt to infringe onfheir dignity at a nation byany lblist d furriner Thevexed quention of Homo Rulohas ai o ben blamed for thodownfall of the LiberaK andthere is no doubt that the ailuro to solve that questionhad something io do withKoBberyr defeat It isfinal y said that the ex preinerrt inclination for racohoises mado him unpopularamong the very Christianinidd o cla sea who considerbetiing on the trac and allthe other paraphernalia of anorne race as wpriw or ciisSatanic Mnjcty And thatis the real mistake mde byLord Kosebcry If he ludpossessed suftVient wi domtie would have dropped horcoracing and horfces and hewould have purchased a Mon-arch


Bicycle and gone outwheeling Wo a o now exPCtintf a fivbh invoice Ittook only one month to selltho fir t lot imported by usWo have only two whecta leftand thoy are b th intend dfor Jadi s The wheel is be-


so popular and hofashionable iu Honolulu thatvery hhoitly everybody ihatknows eno gh to ho in thomove will own a Monarch andnpin along streets and roadsAs long um you Bit on ihemyou cant fall off Tho Monarch in as intelligent as ahorseand cares you perfectly sat oand it never bhies Wo sug¬

gest to all perso s who nowride or who intend to do so toleave th ir orders for a Mon¬

arch now Our invoice willbo hero in tho Australiaand it may bo too lato ti se-


a wheel after the steamerarrives ifraern uro now pour-ing


in Kemembtr th t wcro the Sole Agents of tho

Munarch m tho HawaiianJsiandw and that tho wheelcannot bo purchased else ¬

where in Honolulu

Tae Hawaiian Hardware Go Ld307 Fort StkeetOpposite Bpieckola Block

-- a

o -


Page 3: TTTTp INBEitJtLdN...And will hnvo prompt despatch itti Mails and Pas ongsrs for ium ports Tho undersigned are now prepared to issno j open boat n u lf Ilnlfflri ment easy VU AWA Dbov


Lowla Co bavo a full supply oficohousp good etc

Tho Criterion Saloon has rocoivoufrosh Wieland Ber

Miss Laui Atkinson loft on theKinau this nftoruoou

Percy Lishman catno back fromStanford Uuivorsity yestoiday

Gpo H Paris Manager of tho Ha ¬

waiian Qazotto Co has returned

Thowith a

Kluau left this afternoonlargo numbor of passongere

Lolohulani will bo takon to tlieCoast by Fred Horner next Australia

Raymondstop over intembor

tourists to Japan willHonolulu onrly in Sep

T J Kings son T V oamo barkfrom Healdrt Business Collogo yestorday

Harry Juon one of tho politicaloxilos returned by permission yesterday

Tho California Fruit Markot haa full lino of icehouso goods andfruit otc

H A P Baldwin leaves this afternoon to attend his daughttrs marriago on Maui

A Louisson of New York and SanFrnnoicco camo by tho Australia toboo his brother Sam

Tho Houpo of Representatives ad-


for 15 minutes at a timo intho iniddlo oi its work Thirst

Miss Kato Benson of Honoluluand Th W Spencer of Californiawero married at San Jose Oal ouJune 27ih

Annual Meeting of tho Board ofFire underwriters at tho Chamberof Commerce tho day after

at 2 oclock p m

The friends of tho late A PPeterson received a decoration yes ¬

terday conferred on him by theJapaueso Government

Ladies Sailor Hats at 25c 3515 50i 75c and 1 at L B KurreA large assortment to seltct fromThe very best value to be had

The timo table of the Oahu Rail-way


and Land Co may be found onour front page It will be a guidofor you when on excunion thoughtsintont

Viotnria Lawns reduced to 60c apiece Ladies Vests ten for 1 Tre ¬

mendous bargains in Lace Curtainsand Ftnoy Draperies at Sachs Clear ¬

ance Sale

Those Scotch Ginghams Chambrins Ohalliep Indian Liueu andLinen Lawns deserve spooial atten-tion


at L B Eorrs Call and inspect thom

Captain S W Pigman relievedCaptain Thomas of tbo Benningtontoday with the usual formalitiesCaptain Thomas leaves for theStates on tbo City of Pfking

Bids for the building of a coldstorage addition to tho Elect rioLight Cos present structure havebeen opened The Enterprise MillCo ot t he job Tho coat will beabout 20000

L- - B Kerr has just received a fineassortment of now Suitings Trou-serings


otc Also a eleot stock ofCollars Neckties Sox and StrawHats These vanod lines should beseen Getamoveongentlemon

The first tramcar from Punabouran off the track this morningagainst a tolophone pole tho mulessaying on account oi a bate oi nayfalling from a passiug Chinesewsgon Oar slijjhtly damagedPassengers not injurod Littledolay

Mono A Vizzavona arrivod yostorday to act as French Consul horoMons Vizzavona is well and favor-ably


known here from bis formerposition in tho Frenoh ConsulateHe was on his road horo to reliovotho lato Mons Verloye who hadbeon promoted to Slam when heheard of that gentlemans death

Sans Souci

Tho most lovely spot on Oahu isSans Souci This favorito seasideresort which has beon immortalizodby tho pon of Robort L Stevensonwho resided thero for months isonly four miles from Honolulu andwithin easy roach of the tratncarsTho surroundings and bathing atthis famous resort aro superior toanything found in tho HawaiianItlands Cottages and board canbe obtainod ou easy lorms Thotablo sot by tho manager is betterthan any offered horo at othor ho ¬

tels For picnics bathing partiesand outings tho best accommodationcan bo secured by givtoR notico totho tuaungor



Ronato mot as usual this mpruingIt was announced that tho jointresolutions relating to tho Pali Roadand to thn system of auditing accounts had been presonted to thePresidont for signature Committeoreported favorably toohango Pobru

ry term of Circuit Court from Kauto Punaluu Tho Land Act cameup on third reading Sonator Baldwin moved to amond Sec 80 relatingto Olaa lando so as to allow theholders to to retain thoir leases byputting 500 improvements requiredeit hor into house ns now by tho leaseor into cultivation but in order toit cure the issuo of a land patent torequire expenditure of 600 in addi-


to 15 percent cultivation Car-ried


Senator Waterhouso moved toowor tho prico of tho lots to 6 andfcl respectively Carried SonatorBrown got angry at this and movedto strike the rosorvo of 250 foot and

ivo the settlors the whole countryNot seconded Minister Hatchmoved to strike outS c 90 repealingall confl cting acts He stated thatif this was left iu it would coofliotwith Section 63 of tho ConstitutionSenator Baldwin moved to insert inSec 24 tho fiuuro 8 instead of 2 sons to givo longer notico before ter-minating a plantation lease of gov-ernment


or crown lands Manyplantations could only raise a cropm 2 years and it really took 3 yearsfrom timo of ploughing to grindingthe cano at the mill It didnt effecthim personally but wo should pro-tect


tho sugar interests MinisterHatch objected It would tie thehands of tho government too muchIt would givo the present tenants ainch on thoir leases nobody oleo

would touch them and if theamendment was passed the govern-ment


would have to give the tenantsnotice in every caso that no re leatowould be granted Minister Smithsaid the Exooutive Council had favor-


One years notice only and twowas certainly long enough He sup-ported


Minister Hatch SenatorBrown wanted to know if it appliedonly to leases to be granted underi he act or to the existing ones aswell If the latter the notice wasnot long enough Wo ought toguard the sugar interests SenatorHocking said by Sec 27 tho com-missioners


could extend time ofholding lease ouo year After muchmore argument Baldwin finally withdraw his motion Tho bill was thenread by title Senator Brown askedif the title should not bo amendedMinister Smith said under Seotion63 of tho Constitution an act mustrefer to one thing and that must bexpressed in its title and that as theamending clause Sea 00 had beonstrickon out ho and his colleaguesthen thought the title was now allright Senator Brown said how aboutSec 89 whioh expressly repeals Chap45 Session Laws of 1884 so far asnot permitting further operationsundor it but preserving what hasbeen already done Minister Smithsaid ho thought that didnt mat torBill thon passed its third readingunanimously Minister Smith ask ¬

ed to introduce a bill repealingthe acts relating to Labor Commis ¬

sion so far as to make threo unpaidoommissionors instead of five paidones Senator Brown Hooray I

Read a first timo by its title Min-


Hatch announced tho Presi-dent


had signed thobjto restrictChinese immigration and the billempowering tho Marshal or hisdeputies to administer oaths Onmotion of Senator Brown tho Elocrtrio Railway Bill was road a firBt

timo by title and referred to Printing Committee Tho Kerosene with-


bill was then road a first timoby itlo It provides for permittingtho withdrawal of ipecially ooloreuoil under 115 firo tost lor fuel andmechanical purposes MinisterSmith stated in the United StatesCongress no engrossing was doneeverything was printed SenatorBaldwin sotto voce Is this aprinters conspiracy Ho then gotup and asked leavo to go to Mauifor 8 days to attend a littlo cere ¬

mony which must take place everynow and thon Leavo granted Re ¬

cess wo taken to 130 p m

Hy mens Bond

J F 0 Hagens was married atSt Androws Cathedral at 730 lastaverting by tho Bishop of Honoluluto Miss ElizaHug6 Judgo W A

Whiting gave awoy tho bride GeoRodick and F W Weed wore bestmon and Misses Roso Mossman andCarrie Grubo bridesmaids Aftortho wedding tho bridal party rotirodto Pauoa whoro Mr and Mrs Manatendered them a reception Thepresents wero rich1 and elegant Amost delightful ovoning was spentand dancing was indulgod in to tbomusic of tho Kawaihau Club Mrand Mrs Hagens left for thoir homoat Kalihi

Tho Hawaiian National Band

R W Aylett has written a letterto a friond horo describing his tra ¬

vels Tbo band baa been all ovorSouthern California and will go toWashington to see Cleveland AtRodondo Beach John Inea and JoeKaaua jumpod 160 feet from rocksin the sea to the surpriso and de ¬

light of 6000 spectators Everywherethe gentlemanly conduct of tho boysis praised and thoir freedom fromdrunkenness From tho newspaperaccounts of Hawaii people expootedsuch different things So far theboys sredoing well financially

If vou dout wot your paperup R4l The Independent


I Second hand Liglit Spring Draj

In Condition

Apply to10 lw W 0 PEACOCK CO

Oceanic Steamship Co

Australian Mail Service

For San FranciscoThe New and Fine AI 8tl Btoamshlp

MARIPOSAOf thn Oceanic Seamcnip Company willdo nuo at Jionoiniu iromAuckland on or about



Sydney and

And will 1flvo for the abov port withMalls and Passengoro on or about thatdate

For Sydney AucklandThe Now and Flno At Steel Steamship

ALAMEDAOI thn Oifanlo Steamship Company willbo due at Honolulu from San Fiaucisco onor about

--A-ugust 1 St

And will have prompt despatch Ith Mailsand Pub engors for iuh above porta

Tho undersigned aro now proparedto isane

Through Tickets to AH Points In the

Doited States

For firtho nirtinilars recardinsFreight and Passage apply to

WmG IRWIN CO LdGneM Agents

Oceanic Steamship Co

time tablethtt

laocal LinesS S AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu Leavo Honolulu

from H F for b FJuly 15 July 20Aug 0 Aug 14Sopr2 Sept 7fopt SO Oou2Oot 2i Oit 27Nov 15 Nov 20

Through 3CmeFrom San Francisco

for Sydney

Arrive Honolulu

MonowalAlamedaMurhosaMonowalAlameda i

July 4Aug 1Aup 29Sopt20Oct 21

From Sydnov forSan Francisco

Leave Honolulu

Alameda Jnne 27Mariposa July V5

Monowai Aug 22Alameda Sept IDMariposa Ootif


Clearance 7 SaleN

620 Foet Street




Commencing Monday July 15 1895


On account of Extensive Building Alterations

Tlie Exrtire StoolsWill be offered at a Great Sacrifiea

Big Bargains in Every DepartmentITS AH Goods marked in Plain Figures and sold for

Cash OnlyBonn fidn Sale jgj jr positive

Manufacturers Shoe Co




Now Browor Book


ooejustioSteamship Co




ton tub above roBT on

Saturday July 20thAT 4 OOLOOK PM

Tho undersigned are now prepared toissue Through Tickets from this City to allpoints in the United States

For further nartlonlara reeardlnsFreight or Passage apply to

Wm G IRWIN CO Ld18 Gt Qcnoral Anonta


Baseball -- - Association

On SATURDAY July 201b





Art mission 25c

Mill anil Alfalfa


For SaleBY


Ring up 841 if you bavo anythingto say to Tub Independent



Boots Shoes

516 Fort SteeetHonojulu Hi I

Benson Mi I Co


Fort Streethonoluluh I

California Fruit MarketCorner King and AlaVeo Streets



From San Francisco with

Fresh Fruits OystersSalmon Poultry

Etc Etc Etc


Records Collector Copyist-T- RANSLATOR IN -

English and HawaiianReal Estate Agent Typewriter Stamp

Dealer Purchasing Commissionand Advertising Agent EtcOffice No 827

former private office of E B


King street the




Hollister Drug Go




Independent CO

Page 4: TTTTp INBEitJtLdN...And will hnvo prompt despatch itti Mails and Pas ongsrs for ium ports Tho undersigned are now prepared to issno j open boat n u lf Ilnlfflri ment easy VU AWA Dbov





General Agent for Hawaiian Islands

Booma 19 Bprookels Honolulu H

Pi t




Alliance Marine and General assurance Company opLONDON


i - - - t- - r--- y





Life Fire and Marine Bisks Taken teopba Rates

Tlieo H Davies Co Ld

tfmm tj1- -





iVa ji

r i I 44 j



li--i-co -- v rLi 10


0 tl


i i








General MerchandiseAND


Agents for Lloyds

Canadian Australian Steamship Lino

British Foreign Marine Insurance CoJ

Northern Assurance1 Co Fire and Life

Canadian Pacific Railway Co

Pioreer Line Packet from Liverpool

arerf- -

i lJ V


aQV25Szr c5 iVTo--rffT



oio P6P

Vu- - nBUIB

H McINTYEE BROBast Oobneh fort Kma bts




f-- n


t-- 4

P OBokl



Groceries Provisions and FeedNow tni Trooh Qooda received by every packet from California EiBtorh

States and Karopoou Markets

Sttadard Grade o Ginned Vegetables Fruits and Fish

Goods delivered to any part of the City


The World loves Golden


And Z Bo It with GroatMoro Spood

Fnmitnre and Baggage





nro delivered and moved bytbo Fastest Expresses in town

My Wagons

nro nn band wbenovor a stenmorarrives and bnguaoimlfto jhtreach ibclr destination nearlybofore being landed


aro a specialty I move Pianosaccording to tboniOO upprov dmethod They dont even gotoat if tnne II tboy d i nndthe owner should iloslrf It Iwill tnnothom tnyfolf and thatwould bo flue for tbo Wano

Leave orders at my ofllco

Corner King and Nuuanu

OR RINO ur--

Teleplxone 345


Telephone C07 P 0 321


Carriage Manufactory

123 ISO Btrcot





Carriage BuilderAND REPAIRER

Blacksmithing in all Its Brandies

Orders from the ohr Island in BuildingTrimming Painting tito Kto

prumpt y atteidtd to

W W WRIGBT ProprietorSuccessor to G West


that the above dryGoods Storo ia an avnrrd fact nnd

has been iponod for bnslnods Ince JulyIB it in ptopar d t saii fy tho raott fati- -dions taateHOf iIih inbltii Lmll a will ft dit f tbeirailvaniaxo to call hern first andsee for tbeniBolvo bfforo going olowhereto mko their pitronass Tney ill herefin i a large ana vanod assortuiout of


Muslins Lawns Calicos

Prints Bennbcd and Unbleached CottonsUntrltnuifcl Hats nose Hn Ikr--

chu f i Perfumery Kto Kto

gM No trouble at all to thow Goods

M E BTTVA afanager

Galiromia Hawaiian FrnltND


Opposite O R L1opOt ou King Btrcot

Groceries and ProvisionsIce H aso Goods Fish Vegetables Frozen

Oysters Eto received by everystcanior from San Fran

cisco and Vancouver


tar TELEPHONE 755 gj


JOHN PHILLIPSHas romoved his Plumbing Ttains3 from

King bircet to tho premises on

KCotel StreetFormerly occupied by Woven

Wire Bailey

lilil i1 MXlLfaj- -wiM --- ---



W F REYNOLDS Proprietor



Gash Basis

Stationer Newsdealer


Music by Every Steamer

Outdoor GamesToys Notions Etc Etc


Anchor SaloonCorner King and Nuuanu Sts

W M CuNNtKcniAM - Manager

Headquarters for Mechanics and Laborers


Fredricksbarg Draugbt Beer


Solo Agents Tor the Renowned

Long LiifoAND


Oysters for CocktalsPer Every AustraliaCall and be convinced

Criterion SaloonFort netr Hotel Streets

0 3 McCarthy - Manager

PupnlarBrandofStriiitGoodoALWAYS ON HAND

Try tho Great Appetiser

The Biownio CooktaUA Specialty with this Hosort


Famous Wleland Lager BeerMl

Empire SaloonCorner Nnnann and Hotel Pts

0 T Day Manager


Half-aiKi-Ha- lf on DraughtMoBRAYBRS

Handmade Sour MashA SPECIATTT

mmmj n i


S I SHAW Proprietor

Corner King and Nnuanu Streets

Choice LiquorsAND- -

TELEPHONE 401 -- afc


QUSnRHJBU8 AUK REPEOTFULLYkj noiuiea mat au uuscrnuona aro pnablo trlctly in advance by tho inpntquarter or year

0 0 KENYON17 tf Manager




Very Batibfactory Showing

Tho closing exblbitiou of tho StPotorfl school took plnoo yesterdayafternoon at the school room nextto St Adrows Catbtdraf Tbopupils nro nil Obinoso ami tboywell their teachers nro entitled togreat orodit for tbe progross madeduring tbo past year

St Potora school is under tbodirect supervision of tho Bitbop ofHonolulu Chiuoao and English arotaught in To rent branohos givingtbo children nu ordinary schooloducation Tson Chan is tho Eng-lish toacber and Mak Wan Taagives instructions in Chinese Tbochildren also roeeivo lotsons inmu dc and tboir singing in English

woll in Chinese proved tboefforts made by Yon Tot joungohluose who plays tho organ andwho is studying for holy ordersYon Tot is probably ono of tho bosttiro scholars in Honolulu

Tho services at St Fetors Churchito bold in Cbinuso and quitolargo congregation is in attendanceTbe Rev Foo Goe Ban is tho pastorof tbe Church

Tbe school of St Fetor is doingexcellent wprk and tbo largoaudience presout at tbe exerciseswas ploasantly surprtstil to hoar thopure diction in Euglich of most oftbo pupils among whom worenumber of little toddlers A roe Sta-

tion of two little girls in blue wasreceived with npplauBo was thorecitation of Locbiuvar by Mak FinOu who possesses cortain oratoricalgifts Little Ah Tot was thecutest in tho lot and was applaudedlivolily by tho audience After tboprogramme was finished prizes andcertificates woro presented by thoBishop ot Honolulu who spokofew encouraging words tboscholars and teachers In tboaudionce were noticed brides tboBishop and Mrs Willie C mmisdoner Hawes Governor OleghornRev V H Kitcat Mr Paetow ofIolani College and many others Aluro number of prominent Chinesowere also present showing tboir in- -

teroctinthowork Nono of tho Boardof Education or of tbe legislativecommittee considering tbe newschool bill bad been nblo to Sud theirway to tbe exhibition If they badthey might bave reconsidered theirrecommnndatiun of tbe bill wbicbeems directly intended to kill tho

Chinese school of St Peter

Colli t Notes

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as asa







Stipulation for bearing on July25th bat been filed in Strom vs Wilon and Coburn Petition for letters

of administration in tho estato DW Kalua of Kamoiliili have beenfiled by Ids wife Miriam value 500V motion has been filed for distribu-tion


of amount of sale in the nstatoof E K Nahaololna et al vs Kaahuet al The case of Obera vs Ackerman is ordered continued to July22 1 be accounts of S K Kaneguardian of Keahu and Fiilani aro

ti fio P it Hayselden is orlorodto prevent tbe loss of tho GO sharesUeciprooty sugar stock belongingto tbe Gibson estate final orderingto be made later Cecil Brown isrequested owing to illnes of JudgeBuWtou to sit with Judge audFrear on tbe Supremo Bench in tbocase of J O Carter aB uurdlin oftt G McGrew vs Mutual Life In-surance


Co New York Pjaintiilhas filed a bill of exceptions ii Vhomatter of E G Trousseau vs Ofcrtwright and Mclntyro

Metropolitan Meat Co


G J Wallbb - MAHAQEn

Wbolcsalo andKotall


J Navy Contractors r

rojt SALE

Four Second hand Bullock Carts

0T For particulars apply to

G0NSALVE8 CO4 tf QawufltlMt


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