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Page 1: TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION TUCSON. ARIZONA · TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION . Corvairsation i s a monthly publication of the Tucson Corvair Assocjation, which i s . dedicated to the


Volume 18 Number 3 June 1992

( )


Corvairsation i s a monthl y publi cation of the Tucson Corvai r Assocj ation whi ch i s dedicated to the preservation of the Conai r model of t he Chev rolet Notor Division of Genera l Motors The Tucson Corvair As sociat i on is a chartered member of the Cor vair

-_ Society of America (CORSA)

MONTll Y MEETINGS are hltgt1d on the fourth Wednesday of each month except December One tpdllli calsocial p vent is planned for each month with the exception of Ju l y and Augus t

MIlMBPRSHIP DUES a re $1200 pel yea r and are payable to th TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIAT[QNth rough t he Nembership Cha irperson

CIIANGIl OF ADDRESS Report my challge of add res s or phone number to t he ~pmher8h i p Chairperson Do not repor t such changes La the Editor

CORSA NENJl ERSHIP DU Fs are $25 per year and include a subs cri ption t o the CORSA Communique a monthly publ Lcat ion CORSA membershi p is not requi re for membership iI TCA but is hi ghly recommmded See any TCA off icer f or informa t ion

CLASSI PI ED ADS are free to members and $1 per line t o all ot hers

IlBAOIINB tor all materials submi tted to r publicatioll i n the Corvair sa t ion 1 S t he IOtll for that month s issue Mail or de li ver all material s to t he IdI tor

BUS1NESS MAILiNG ADDRESS PO BOllt 50401 Tucson Arizona 85703


PRESIDENT BO~D MEMBER-AT-LARGE CORVAIRSATION EDITOR Cecil Alex Barry Cunningham Lynn Bloom 775 W Roger Road 73 3725 E 32nd Street 4072 F 2nd st ~ - 1( 7 Tucson AZ 85705 Tucson AZ 857 13 Tucson Az 85711(60 2)293-4156 (602)747- 9028 ( 602 ) 323- Y183

YICE- PRESIDENT MEMBERSHI P CHAIRMAN ASSISTANT EDITOR Ron Bloom riClrcy Tucke r Marcy Tucker 40 7 2 E 22nd st 197 Le ilox 18503 P O Box 18503Tucs on AZ 85711 Tucson hz 857 3 1 Tuc s on Az 85 7 31 (602)881-1443 (602)795 - 7459 (602 ) 7 g) - 74 59 TREASURER LIBRARIANS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ron All en Dave amp Beverly Baker Current TCA Officers81 31 W Lost Acres pi 6110 g 5 th s t Aot 27 Corvairsation Ed itor Tucson AZ 85746 Tucson AZ 85711 Dave Baker amp Ron Al l en (602)883-8458 (602) 296-1392

RECORDING SECRETARY HERC DISE CHAIRMAN Vern e Cauble Don Robi nson 5950 N Camino Arizpe 2044 W Shal ima r Way Tucson AZ 85718 Tucson AZ 857 0 4 ( 602) 299-2911 (602)297-1356







enl) ~IVA~OJ lInV~lIH ~O ASllMnO)

gtlt1-bull j - ~

bullbull - J In10)

Vice Presidents Column

Let Hlf~ inll(lduc e nlypl r h) tllnsp mernber s wh() Ii ) 0 L k nnw Illf r1y nme i 8 on J III r)(lm ~)y ifAS IIClm e jG IV II II I hve 1)((11 m e )ll~r si nefgt 1JJ 1 1 (I~II 8 ( I V~ i I l i th I wll Lch I jurrhaseltl fLm l ( rOllt I [nem)J

I dr)n L know h (gtv r b~~c~mp Vilp Jtpsiden L t 1 GliesA 1 WOlS 1lP o ll iv ltJskfgtrl Lh lL did nL say --NU r A8li yeA bPc1 Il GP 1 l1lL Lo g ive snmeLhlnp io 1h e 11th

Tilp mljol 18SjloJA illi 1 i Ly of Lhe V r i A to sclwrluJ e mi d -m on 111 ilc t iv 1 Lies there is Isnmp 8tilTi ties r l lnned ill the month s ahelri ilS of Lhi R wri ti Ill JI)Wt~VliJl I neer) every me mb prs OlssisL~IJ ce i1l 8ccompl ishi rlf thif 1 1rk rc you JltlVP ~lIy irls OJ ltII will inrc Lo il elp ) j I I p i 10 me r1 I

)11[ JUlie Liv i Ljp Ln Ki LI j IL 1 Iv8S rUII

DIl Il enjoyed by 11 iloll nrl Ceci l as in the Lead Lhe l esL of us WOlS brilJgJng up t h e r ear Finn nd my Ge I f L(l(lk more Lime cltmi ng up t il e p1e 8S we wt ed 1 p)J ioy Lhe view Ha c k Lo l d us joll e tlr 1n8iJy hewlll rdIalp 8L gtUI next meelillr isLIel as v Lile bJesin[s on Lhe [(oj lu ik nar rY ilnrJ Il is CILend Cltlme LlslIil1g in L~L~~r l s Ir l( )rmiddot tljUinr (lUI 11 j 1- 1

Lo the ity lIe PelkI rlv 11 U lUIP we hpI GiLlinfo nLil J n rl we tlV Pll t G8e m Lh8 m rjllc e l )Ii Ple Was LlrirLeell or itS thele ~nr a [uillre Co tVF j r (WIlPl VJ~S Lh~r~ nd llls name i s Ze P Ih pr~ W8l ru ttl CrJlvllrs

p J)rc d to ~rk nursl 1 ncr j ufl why liP hr-d (JIlg Lo a COIITlt1I r club 1(lI wh L PV Lll p iesso n yeour e fl ere whel hl Lo p rpse[ve and e nj oy you r Corvsir or just stArt in to leArn Ah out them islL Importa nt VI else hAle your kn ow shyle(lge and expertence wIL b orhe mpmbers on Lhe oLher hand you may not know whi ch e nd o f the car Lhe englnp i in imiddotVeryne can contribute to the club i n some w8y Iltlend the me eti ngs Go to the mid - month lctivi LIes TIring 8 friend a l ong to Lhe meet ings lJ() SOME1IllNG

In c l os ing 1 jusL WltHlt io sny Lh8L Lillngs sure Just Jump foollYou don haWllo gohappened qu i c kly for me at I CiI Iess then a year BOIng boIng boIngl ago 1 mee t 1ar1Y arHl h e showed me h ow to seal all the (l i l In my va lr Sh ortly CLer meeting Larry I joined the c lub 1 l ook forw8rd and hope Lo become beLLer a c ~u ainteri with a ll of the members III Lhe m()nL b s t) enOe

Ii ) 11 131 00m



~ Y ll fl m is lyJ IIJ 11 )( ID I11Jd J VI jus t Ipltelltl Y -cG lL erl [Ilp IlllLi~n )1 p IiI

[ wo uld Ii lIe Lo 1 this time to exp r ess 1)1) 1 ll reci a tJ oil [01 11 11 r Jlt - I 11 J r i T 11 1 1 11 f I I l l I I l tmiddot II j f I fill Ifr - J tldnf h e h Jr dOll o LC I II PlI middot I ()rfgt~ vpr IIp oJ J s

ll Eed 1llfdIK YI ) VA I 111 1 11 (Ul t Jlll j(lJ ~(J1

8 ~dJt(~r 1 Jl tr y Ln bl~t l1 f n ) 1 (~xt~ i Ll np lnd Jjltlt ()p l (lrLlcJp~ 11 nll)L YIJUI ( ( v l l rs

i j th ~ J I tJ(J IiJ ri ( lIll you nIl w ~ vil l be aoJe Lo co mp lJrlth 1 j [ - 18

Anu 1 11 be hltLinr on 11 uf 1 101 1 1 and my infurmatioJ) 81 Ucle s l l d even phoLos

In c J osine J jusL lid t o sy -I m exc ited that J h avfgt the oPlollunity to eive so mpthin f t o Ih e r l u b J 1001lt [ I)IvaId La meel i nr all the memhprs a nd l ) be come bel tel ltlr IFillt Prl j n Llw n1onLhro Lo OITP

Ly 11 tI BJp(IOI

- -----

1-11middot1 IIIlilI 11 1111 11 middot1 (11 AWl II IFI llfIAlllltl 1 li iLII 11111 111 1( I middotIlIlllfl I I I 1111 I-II 1 1 I II J AlFlI 1 11111 1111 1)[ 11 Ii I Alt III H III T I i (middot11 it -q Yt I I I JI jI I 1 II 1111 1 middot1 111


1 Spek to People The re is nothing s( nice as a cheer ful word of greeting

2 Smll II People II tekes 72 muscl to frown only 14 to sm ile

3 Call People by Name The sweetes music to anyones 9ars is the sound 01 hi own name

4 Be Friendly end Helpful If you woI have friends be a friend

5 8 Cordllli Speak and Bct 89 if every thing you do is 8 genuine pleasure

6 Be Genuinely Intereeted In People You can like almost everybody U you try

7 Be Ownroul with Pr bullbull - caullou with c ritic ism

8 Be Conlder with the Fbullbulll1ngl CJ

Othen There are usually three sides to controversy yours the other lellowmiddots an the right side

9 Be Alert 10 GIve Service What count most in life is what we do for others

10 Add to Thl Good Sene of Humol a big dose of Dttipnce and a d~sh C hllmilil v tnrf VO l W ill ~laquogt r aw~Hrfp OTIo


The regular monthly meeting called to order a t 740 pm Cafeteria Ivednesday May 27


of the Tucson Corvair Association was by President CECIL ALEX at Picadilly 1992


April Meeting notes were accep t ed as printed in the Corvairsation after correction was mad~o sho that our picnic took place in April rather than in January

IJl RON ALLEN stated that the treasurers books had not been audited as yet therefore there would

gt H DON ROBINSON announced that he o U

DAVE BAKER stated library report New phone number

RON BLOOM amp BARRY a trip to Kitts and Ajo near the

that in the

THE GRIFFITHS were the big winners in the great Rally last month and were presented a trophy by Don Robinson

GORDON CAUBLE reported about a new enterprize in Tucson--Arizona Auto Storage Open 9-5 Group rates Also Clarks catalogue has not been distributed as yet

BARRY CUNNINGHAMS show and tell described the various clutch discs of the Corvair He showed the heavy duty clutch disc which is now available at Clarks

Announcement was the last one put a long time--and In the meantime

made that the May issue of the Corvairsation was out by Van --who has served us so well for such the Club asked for volunteers to serve in hiS place its up to the rest of us to see that our paper

gets published each month




0 Meeting adjourned at 9 c III Relpectfully ~bmtted

They have just moved to 6110 E 5th Apt 227 is 747-0840

CUNNINGHAM said that our mid-month activity is Peak Saturday June 13 Meet at 10 am Mission Donut Shop



be no treasurers report

had some Corvair T shirts for sale

absence of BEVERLY there was no




DANDRIDGE (License Plate)


81~ilJltJhT ~rorr 0))1 t SeCTre To Crsshy

Pen _


Early Model Speedometer Gears By Bob Kirkman Cvrl)allatics

Fe Speedometer Gears rom SilvlY suggesled 1 (llli((I on

speedumeter geClrs (at the real (lxh ) be((lllce ti l

frequent substitutions 01 C C(llvir passenger

(i1r recH ltI xle iSSeurolllbly inlo an rc flllre ofh1l i~ a qUfSlioll of what 10 do Iboul speedolTleter

geilTS sinn th ee is ltHI obviuus (hfferellceuro intire

si7e It seem logicCllhltlt the CrJtViljr axl would turn slower (revs r er mile) iIKi wOllld nerd geilring 11) speed up Ihe speenorlleter II lIeuroerls buut a SY boo~1 or bout I looth less Oil Ihe

driven gear filling Bu CAUTION ~eilrl 011

bltgtfQre you s imply do h(1

1100kerl in Illy rehwelTY 1972 r amp A CttltlklY

for help My ildvice is d ont look in thai hook fUI

1Ilr II C)llli1iIlS 1lOT errors 111lt111 good stull Following liI1 I obtAined gear thowil19S

desigll layouts illci aselllbly nHtlual s to pul together the (01)011119 illfOT1J1ltllioll It dues 1101

ltIglee wilh sUflplier catalogs They probably tried to dedpher the II amp 1 stull

Speedo Drive Gear (Steel) Ihis i ~ the 9ltIr 0 11 the rear axle pini)11 5hillt

lil a looks tikI it is rnltlrl~ as [I it of (he s halt il se lf II s ve ry rldlirull II) relllOVI ltInd replace w ithoul ltI1I1ge 1900 CorvairS did hltlve the gear

ill(lchilled (5 rar uj the shilfl This was changed

I pre~serl VII geilr ill 1961 p(llly due 10

Ullnltlli Clio (lllh~ 327 ltIxlc rltl(io Ihall equ ir ed a

Icu ge r steel gflL



(I SO 13 CnTvili R51 8-10

iOIl 1-1 (jrelltjCt ~II) 700



Uri V( Gear OrhPIl J)riE (ellr oriven

AJoCle HaHo Oulicte Uia GeM1 ~e lh Olll~ide Oia Geilr TI(gtlh

J 08middot J 27 18114 2(1 1 8~~ 2 1

(11 1 n(ll J91 IlUilIUII1)

1 55 18-111 n 1 7(1 23 IJ7f11l1Y31 tifPRUqq) 21 (elrly 101

389 176 I N I (J I 25

1J7f11l1Y91 (tlJ7RtIYY) 26 (eilTl~ 1961))

SO IIltgt ltlesi911 Ider uce to his r ) in hul 1l)9ftlr illtH r)l1ll(lH J U8wls uSeO lor ltI s ltorl pel if in 13

on cr with 1021 1[ e rgil1tgt mdl s peed lrill1 ltrll i$ju lll Yilt dtld wl( 111I~ rtiolo ltIn r c lnll ~s y(IU

ltllso hltlve il hig V R engine

bullbull I quId 0) rlCl19li7e tmylhit19 Itllhi)Il~W Yfrilll for Vltl liIlU IJ tn tgt 5 1


Corvilir 11 Pul Into An rC Driven Gear Illl o rrlliltioll

3 27 Hilli) ~e use your old FC 20 Im gtI gea T

3~ 1~ il1io 1 here is no recognized good substitulioll YOlleltgtd ltl 22 luuth yeaf bu t there IS

nOlle 10 Iii Ihe sleel drive gevr II yOll lIS~ Ihtgt COlvair 23 loolh gpltIr yetI

speed ome ter odometer will read about 5 slowpr

389 Ratitl Hemiddot use your old rc 21 toolh ge M

111 drive gelrs hwe 8 h~plh Yuu can see 8

slarls 0 11 th e end of the gear Its difficult to

count teeth across the top o f the gea r

While all hav e 8 leeth there are two di[felellt

oUlside d(lllleters and pitch diameters Th erefore

you C(lIlIlOt 011middot hand s witch parts arollnd

Speedo Driven Gear (plastic) his s the geM 1111 Ihe end of the tOTperlo

housing Ihll is reHlovabie hom Ihe reM a)(le hmlsirgtg These geMS have 20 Of more leelh This is what the f~ c tory put in to match your axle

ralion of 327355 or 3 89 Instrument Cluster is h(t unil wilh ~ glilss

II 0111 I 11lt1tlllOUllis to II Ie illstrument panel Within

it is fhe Speedomeler Head A55embly fhat is a

r emov(ble unif rOlltilining fh e Spepdomel er

wh ich is Ihe need le all rl mitfs per rou r pMI of

thp business The Il e (ld Assemgtly ltllso Clgtlltlills

the Odo meter w hich is the miles frlveleu row or

numbers With the o dorneltgtt is I set o f geltlrs Ihll

take lOOI1fOtuIi0115 of Ihe sreerlomPI(gtr shalt nr cable 10 ro ll up o lle (I) lIlile All fil r t~ Hlcgtrlpl Cnrvlirs anrl a ll F C s rld Ihis s ltlme gfal illg 0 1

lOt re vs peuror Illite r-o r refe relle th e 19659 CHvair wi(h lelt Ironl w heel 5peedornff p r ( llgtle drive had ooolleler geltlrillQ lor 82Srev~ pfr Illile)

Thf Speedometer c( n Igte rf(~Iibrlfd 10

register fMtgtr or slowe 1Y ( ~peerlnll1pttgt shop Tfgltl Hll e ss 0 1 ltIlly q(gtlring t thp a t le l1d ()j 11i(

spfedome le r c(lgtIf Its I nlllttfr o f t11lt1gnetislll

eeio~ conellt s no 1I11111cI ~Ir i llg

A speednmetf ~hl 1 tl ( lmol p(IIIgtIle illl

odometer Aillhey (Ill dn i~ 11) put ltIll (gtJoC IPTIllI

oltlrl (r (r p(ld Ih t 9ltgtltIr poo I ld $1-) 10 t1ffdu )l

or ~Iow dowll th p speed0l11Clei (Igt If Whlevel

an adlpler dues 10 lIffecl the oeiOll1eler Iso

allecl5 the speeciomeler So Ih(Is why r QI1l a~kerl I()t 11 lew

(ullknowil1gly) IIHlt1SltI lld vo)lds

SpeeOOllie tel gerig lt11111051 lIever prodl1t(gts ob50tute acclT(lle re~u lls Generally they kepi 0 11 Ih e fa~t sieie by at-ou l 5 excepl for 1960

Esselltially no OIIP IISIS oligillill lire Si7fS l orl (~ so you r speedullleter is no lIme 01 less

ilccurilf Ihll1 ori gin1 If you ge t inlormltion hOI11 ~Ollf lire stlpplier Oil

revolutions per Illile you rail 00 S(lIlle


(Revs Mile) ~ (Axle ~ il lio)

IBi 100 II

Numuer 0 1 teelh in drilen gear

Use lewer leeth lid VOllr spperlonleler head

TUI1S fast Use more teeth ltllld it rUIlS slow

As a SUlllmcuy caut ion ac cording 10 records f

can piece together 2U 21 22 leel h geMS IMY be inlerchanged ill iI I eltll aole Geltlrs of 23 211 25 26 leeth 1llay ue int er changerl in ao aole but you canlmx ue lwe en the groups 1 hltve exreriel1ced

gpars 011 axle rebuild that I coulei 110t gel lugelhpr heclllsP Ihe e~tlr wele jal1l1l1e(

logether 100 c1ostiy I 111 ( heltlrd Ilf the plaslic 9( (r h vil1g thc tfeth 11(1 (1 011 IIgt just 11 fe~u

revolu tions whell jllSt ~OIlle -Ie WltI$ put ill

Ihtgtle to lill Ifl lhe 11I1f In the best of illY kll(llVt~Ogl Ihi~ I Ihe right

infonn(llion IIthel is HI en (H (h(1 you knowQl

pleuroltlse rnl1(d 11110 51l1 rltll1 hI ~lrtitJhtlllgtd oul

lill pf



By Gary Baxter

The March 1983 COnSA Communique had speed ometers are driven directly by the front larger lire Iaslhe opposlle eHect Usually the some good Informallon on wlteel and tire seshy wheel the tire has 10 make 825 re volutiolls cIanye Is slight Ho wever changing 10 lecti on To carry it a lillie further I would like per mile also This requires a Ure with a rollmiddot something like a 180middot 70x 13 has fhe effecl of to show some of the effects lire size has on illY diame ter of 2445 inches or using the changing the final drive ratio from 355 I to speedomeler accuracy and engine speed 1025 valve from above a free diameter of 384 1 and Increases the engine speed by

folrsl an explanation of roiling diameter 2505 inches 8 --shyvs free diameter When a loaded tire rolls it Interes1ingly enough the standard IIres You probably nollced a wide variation in flexes causing Ihe effective diameler and used by GM did nol malch Ihls dlameler dimensions for the same size tire This has alshyIhus the distance traveled to be less than that Several Corsas Ive driven show about 3180 ways been a problem wllh the old number of a non-loaded or free tire The distance the rpm on the tach when the speedometer and leiter size lires The metric size lires elim shyfree lire travels Is lis circumference or shows 60 mph The lach should only show inates such wide ranges from one style or 3 1416 times ihe diameter By measuring 2933 rpm for the Ideal size lire This means brand 10 another The first number 180 In the distance that a loaded Ure travels we can the speedometer needle Is registering prop middot the above example shows the width at the calculate Its effective diameter a11d the pershy erly for a lire that Is oilly 92 6 of the tdeal widest point The second Is the ratio or permiddot cent that this Is of the free lire For a sel of or a free diameter o( 23 1 inches I howe cent that the height between the rim and the adlallires J measured I came up with an efmiddot measured 6 50x13s with free diameters of Iread is of Ihe widlh or 70 of 180 which Is eclive loaded diameter of 97 6 of tile (ree 2325 10 24 3 Inches The smaller tile Is 126 These numbers are III millimeters so diameter This means that the free diameter close to what the needle appears to be set we need 10 COnvert 10 Inches to find the has 10 be 1025 limes larger than the loaded for The odometer however seems set for dialneler 126 divided by 25 4 eqlJltIls 496 diameter Ihat I want to end up wilh Other the ideal lire I also measured a 700x 13 Inches limes 2 since there is a section of lire styles of lires might vary slightly from this diameter at 24 75 Inches on each side of the rim gives us 9 92 inches

Late speedometers have a sticker showing Changing lire diameters also affects the for the lire plus 13 inches fo r the rim for a that they are designed (or 825 re vo lutions engine speed at a given road speed A small shy lolal diameter ot 22 92 per mile At 60 mph the speed ometer cable er lire has the effect of lowering the gear has to be turning at 825 rpm Because Ihese mlio which increases the ellglne speed A

More on Tires Speed etc

The fitsl chari below shows the flee diameter for several avail~ble lire sizes The second shows engine speed vs yround speed for both 3 27 1 and 355 1 fillal drive rallos Thts Assumes that til Ideal size liT is uSd

SIZE 50 60 70 75 80 13x 175 1989 2127 22 65 23 33 2402 185 2028 2174 23 20 23 93 24 65 185middot80 is 160 100 ~mall

195 2068 2221 23 75 24 52 25 28 ~--14x

185 2128 22 74 21 20 24 93 25 65 185-75 is 48 100 small 195 2168 2321 24 75 2552 2628 195-75 Is 188 100 large 205 2207 23 69 2530 26 11 2691 2U5-7U Is IU 100 large 215 2216 2416 2585 2670 215-60 is 355 100 small

lihls equalls 369 gear rallol 15 185 2228 23 74 2520 25 93 195 2268 24 21 2575 2652 205 2307 2469 26 3U 27 11 215 2346 2516 26 85 27 70

SPEED TRANS ENGINE RPM mph RATIO 327 final drive 355 I LI 45 48 9 lU 311 1 1399 1520 2U 22U I 198U 2151 25 1471 1654 1797 30 1471 1984 2156 35 U 1575 171 4U U 18UO 1956 45 U 2025 2200 50 LI 2250 2444 55 U 24 75 2689 60 1 1 2700 2933 65 1 1 2925 3178 70 11 315U 3422

RPM trailS rallo - 3 11 220 147 U 6000 speed 429 60 6 907 1333 (327 rear end) 6000 395 55 8 83 5 1227 (355 rear end) shy7000 46 U 65 1 974 1431 (355 reor end)

The above gear ratios are Ihose of the 66 middot69 Saginaw 1 speed The ralios for 6163 are 3 65 2 35 144 and 1 I fnr lsi 2nd 3rd and 41h respecllvely 64 65 ore 320 218 144 and 1 1

Major life companies houtd be able 10 ~lpply IItp diameter re volutions per mile md recommenrled rim wirlths for IIPlr IIres partIcularly their performance treo iJo expecl thfi disro llill hri1llds (0 know diM you are 1lklng aboul lei ill o l1E hilvP my irIltinn

P(r) IN ~ ON1E ~ SE~VICtTM

RON BLOOM - PH 881-1443 C-39R Ucensed Contractor C-62

bull Warm Air Heating bull Service Maintenance bull Cooling amp Ventilating bull Home Improvements

bull All Types of Repair 4072 E 22nd St Suite 197middot Tucson Arizona 85711

Bonded Fax 602-745-8114


TI trp I SlIre r s rpo r t wll l he available as soo n a s a comp lete nHt is pe rf ormed Lo ok for re po rt in the n~xt CO I-vaj rs at lOll

Ron Tl Ll en Trea su rer

Wrecking out


Ben amp Son Aulo amp Truck Salvage (formerly Jeny Bi~)

4260 E Illinois

Tucson Arizona 85714



Castings - Aluminum - Iron

1lt Siraighlcd 1lt Welded

1lt Rebuill

- ANTIQUES REBUILTshy Malthines Eng ines Cars

217 N CicveinllJ

P O Box l7J

Bowie l riZ)i)l 85(it)~


Larry Dandridge


1710 S JEFFERSON 10 TUCSON ARIZONA 85711 571-9680

Please patronize our advertizers whenever you can They help us - Lets help them

NOTE- - Ad s in VA I RS N SPA RE S ar e f ree to jCA membe rs No n -mem bers ca n p lace a 4 line a d fo r $ 2 50 Member s se nd a dsVairs 0 Spares di rect l y t o CORVAIBSATTON editor Non shymembers sen d ad and payme nt to Go rd on

shyPARTING our 66 Monza Coupe Many good used ilems stil l available ind uding windshield and rear glass red door panels and other misc parts If I have whal you need its available at a lair pr ice Gordon Cauble (002)299-1122 592

I I n ~A fp (1 NpmJ IUl Hro atiy 1 1 lilL llt I ell ( Jil lll I lie IIncHI li IIee 11If1()m fl l lI P rl i III 11][ irl 00 ril l Cl ( II 1 1(1 11 1 EIIgi Jl Nun L SelJ imiddotve r y lhll lB 1l)S 11 0 Uu I)(() VOl kswOf nn 1311 1 l e w r e nl p l

i u ~lum fOL ~~ Neel s l1 f fp l ill i sh0d A ki p ~ AOO OII )13 UltlC J lI) lloo f l~ t gt O jIl Adj)J I shyn lJ l c 11111 l o I II I f- 01 1II d IJr l m 1 to lJ r u nl ~~ 1() Orgt 1nl p l L e loLs ll f ~ll R (4J 1 111(11 1IS bull AII t Vo lknI r) II lcIlLI1 l lpfHl l ltlll I h lJ~ j LI 2)~ - ~ MI I r GIGI d 1gt pound11 Ave lII (srln Az iI ) (I(

FOR SILt= 66 MONZI 2-door autolll atio body stfalghl except for crease on Fight door greel interior ok paint ru ns good $900 Call John McNamara 624middot4045 292

FOR SALE 64 CORVAIR Monza 2middotdoor Complele or pnrt OUt Flusted uul good parts Del ~lgl (602Ifl836794 o r 8 83 - 5902 12l1

FOR SII F 65 AlGIIl DOOR (lor 2-lt100r) t 15 two ebuiluaole carburetors $ 15 101 both 6~ amp 65 bumpers and trim parts and filters Make olle r Del Ught (602)883-6794 1291

FOB SIL[= 63 f)OOIl amp QUIRIErI PINFU 101 a onvertlblc red wiHlOut buuulIs Larry Dandridge 57t-9660 109 1

rOR SAL r SPYLlEn COUPE 64 while wwhitp seats and red Interior IrilO Rust Iree body and new tire A aile owner car that can be driven anywhere

aBO Call Gordon Cauble at (602)299-1122 491 ($2500 )

FOR SALE The Al e xes have to se l l Esthers wh ite 4 d r 4 on th e f loor 6 6 Monza wit h fac tor y AC Cecil

t ltill drive h i s 65 Co rs a Ca ll - 29 3- 4 156 fo r details

Ca ub le 5950 N Camino Arizpe Tucson 85710

AUla BODY REPAIR and restoration Traveling estimates It could be less than you think but thell again II could be more Corvairs are my first love Ted Christianson 887middot9449

FOR SALE NEW AND GOOD USED PARTS- - Rebuil t f lywhe e ls for ear ly o r la t e bolted ba l shyanced and g uaranteed $90 all other parts f o r clutch job available FC a xles with pa c ked be a ring $75 e~

65 Corsa wi ring harn e sses mai n amp engine $30 ea new gas d oor g ua rd $20 reconed Co rva i r radio speakers ea rl y $]6 l a te $20 Call Gor do n 602299-1122

FOR THE DOI fYOURSELFEAS Mag ignition wires and long rotos ptus all regula ignition itellis Wlapped Ian belts all and 011

fillers plus IllolI O -rings and oil cooler seals Calt Gordon Cauble (602) 299-1122

I-OR SALE conVl1R PARTS Large outdoor yard lull of great Corvair parts Call Barry Cunningham for Informalion at (602)7 47 shy9028

CORVAIfl PARTS Large selection 01 early and late Resonable prices Larry Dandridge 571 -9680


Piccadilly Cafeteria 676 7 E Broadway Tucson

630 pm Parking Lot Bull Session 700 pm Dinner (opt i onal ) 740 pm Heeting sla r ts

cotunG EV~NTS

l l llj 1(11 II 11111

Dues Reminder - Check be mailing label below - yours may be duel

Regul ar Honthl y Heeting Wednesday ~-ebruary 26 1992 TCA Board Meeting Wedne sday Mar 2 1 992 at JBs Swan amp Speedway 730pm

PI r IJrJJ1I(illJ Ii l I A I II I AI)llHr (n 1 111 J W j 1)1 FHI INI ((Jn UI tRI IlIill 1If rI I

Tucson Corvair Association 4072 E 22nd 51 SuitS i 97 middot Tucson Arizona 857 11

J--_ ~at ~ AS5~f

Page 2: TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION TUCSON. ARIZONA · TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION . Corvairsation i s a monthly publication of the Tucson Corvair Assocjation, which i s . dedicated to the


Corvairsation i s a monthl y publi cation of the Tucson Corvai r Assocj ation whi ch i s dedicated to the preservation of the Conai r model of t he Chev rolet Notor Division of Genera l Motors The Tucson Corvair As sociat i on is a chartered member of the Cor vair

-_ Society of America (CORSA)

MONTll Y MEETINGS are hltgt1d on the fourth Wednesday of each month except December One tpdllli calsocial p vent is planned for each month with the exception of Ju l y and Augus t

MIlMBPRSHIP DUES a re $1200 pel yea r and are payable to th TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIAT[QNth rough t he Nembership Cha irperson

CIIANGIl OF ADDRESS Report my challge of add res s or phone number to t he ~pmher8h i p Chairperson Do not repor t such changes La the Editor

CORSA NENJl ERSHIP DU Fs are $25 per year and include a subs cri ption t o the CORSA Communique a monthly publ Lcat ion CORSA membershi p is not requi re for membership iI TCA but is hi ghly recommmded See any TCA off icer f or informa t ion

CLASSI PI ED ADS are free to members and $1 per line t o all ot hers

IlBAOIINB tor all materials submi tted to r publicatioll i n the Corvair sa t ion 1 S t he IOtll for that month s issue Mail or de li ver all material s to t he IdI tor

BUS1NESS MAILiNG ADDRESS PO BOllt 50401 Tucson Arizona 85703


PRESIDENT BO~D MEMBER-AT-LARGE CORVAIRSATION EDITOR Cecil Alex Barry Cunningham Lynn Bloom 775 W Roger Road 73 3725 E 32nd Street 4072 F 2nd st ~ - 1( 7 Tucson AZ 85705 Tucson AZ 857 13 Tucson Az 85711(60 2)293-4156 (602)747- 9028 ( 602 ) 323- Y183

YICE- PRESIDENT MEMBERSHI P CHAIRMAN ASSISTANT EDITOR Ron Bloom riClrcy Tucke r Marcy Tucker 40 7 2 E 22nd st 197 Le ilox 18503 P O Box 18503Tucs on AZ 85711 Tucson hz 857 3 1 Tuc s on Az 85 7 31 (602)881-1443 (602)795 - 7459 (602 ) 7 g) - 74 59 TREASURER LIBRARIANS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ron All en Dave amp Beverly Baker Current TCA Officers81 31 W Lost Acres pi 6110 g 5 th s t Aot 27 Corvairsation Ed itor Tucson AZ 85746 Tucson AZ 85711 Dave Baker amp Ron Al l en (602)883-8458 (602) 296-1392

RECORDING SECRETARY HERC DISE CHAIRMAN Vern e Cauble Don Robi nson 5950 N Camino Arizpe 2044 W Shal ima r Way Tucson AZ 85718 Tucson AZ 857 0 4 ( 602) 299-2911 (602)297-1356







enl) ~IVA~OJ lInV~lIH ~O ASllMnO)

gtlt1-bull j - ~

bullbull - J In10)

Vice Presidents Column

Let Hlf~ inll(lduc e nlypl r h) tllnsp mernber s wh() Ii ) 0 L k nnw Illf r1y nme i 8 on J III r)(lm ~)y ifAS IIClm e jG IV II II I hve 1)((11 m e )ll~r si nefgt 1JJ 1 1 (I~II 8 ( I V~ i I l i th I wll Lch I jurrhaseltl fLm l ( rOllt I [nem)J

I dr)n L know h (gtv r b~~c~mp Vilp Jtpsiden L t 1 GliesA 1 WOlS 1lP o ll iv ltJskfgtrl Lh lL did nL say --NU r A8li yeA bPc1 Il GP 1 l1lL Lo g ive snmeLhlnp io 1h e 11th

Tilp mljol 18SjloJA illi 1 i Ly of Lhe V r i A to sclwrluJ e mi d -m on 111 ilc t iv 1 Lies there is Isnmp 8tilTi ties r l lnned ill the month s ahelri ilS of Lhi R wri ti Ill JI)Wt~VliJl I neer) every me mb prs OlssisL~IJ ce i1l 8ccompl ishi rlf thif 1 1rk rc you JltlVP ~lIy irls OJ ltII will inrc Lo il elp ) j I I p i 10 me r1 I

)11[ JUlie Liv i Ljp Ln Ki LI j IL 1 Iv8S rUII

DIl Il enjoyed by 11 iloll nrl Ceci l as in the Lead Lhe l esL of us WOlS brilJgJng up t h e r ear Finn nd my Ge I f L(l(lk more Lime cltmi ng up t il e p1e 8S we wt ed 1 p)J ioy Lhe view Ha c k Lo l d us joll e tlr 1n8iJy hewlll rdIalp 8L gtUI next meelillr isLIel as v Lile bJesin[s on Lhe [(oj lu ik nar rY ilnrJ Il is CILend Cltlme LlslIil1g in L~L~~r l s Ir l( )rmiddot tljUinr (lUI 11 j 1- 1

Lo the ity lIe PelkI rlv 11 U lUIP we hpI GiLlinfo nLil J n rl we tlV Pll t G8e m Lh8 m rjllc e l )Ii Ple Was LlrirLeell or itS thele ~nr a [uillre Co tVF j r (WIlPl VJ~S Lh~r~ nd llls name i s Ze P Ih pr~ W8l ru ttl CrJlvllrs

p J)rc d to ~rk nursl 1 ncr j ufl why liP hr-d (JIlg Lo a COIITlt1I r club 1(lI wh L PV Lll p iesso n yeour e fl ere whel hl Lo p rpse[ve and e nj oy you r Corvsir or just stArt in to leArn Ah out them islL Importa nt VI else hAle your kn ow shyle(lge and expertence wIL b orhe mpmbers on Lhe oLher hand you may not know whi ch e nd o f the car Lhe englnp i in imiddotVeryne can contribute to the club i n some w8y Iltlend the me eti ngs Go to the mid - month lctivi LIes TIring 8 friend a l ong to Lhe meet ings lJ() SOME1IllNG

In c l os ing 1 jusL WltHlt io sny Lh8L Lillngs sure Just Jump foollYou don haWllo gohappened qu i c kly for me at I CiI Iess then a year BOIng boIng boIngl ago 1 mee t 1ar1Y arHl h e showed me h ow to seal all the (l i l In my va lr Sh ortly CLer meeting Larry I joined the c lub 1 l ook forw8rd and hope Lo become beLLer a c ~u ainteri with a ll of the members III Lhe m()nL b s t) enOe

Ii ) 11 131 00m



~ Y ll fl m is lyJ IIJ 11 )( ID I11Jd J VI jus t Ipltelltl Y -cG lL erl [Ilp IlllLi~n )1 p IiI

[ wo uld Ii lIe Lo 1 this time to exp r ess 1)1) 1 ll reci a tJ oil [01 11 11 r Jlt - I 11 J r i T 11 1 1 11 f I I l l I I l tmiddot II j f I fill Ifr - J tldnf h e h Jr dOll o LC I II PlI middot I ()rfgt~ vpr IIp oJ J s

ll Eed 1llfdIK YI ) VA I 111 1 11 (Ul t Jlll j(lJ ~(J1

8 ~dJt(~r 1 Jl tr y Ln bl~t l1 f n ) 1 (~xt~ i Ll np lnd Jjltlt ()p l (lrLlcJp~ 11 nll)L YIJUI ( ( v l l rs

i j th ~ J I tJ(J IiJ ri ( lIll you nIl w ~ vil l be aoJe Lo co mp lJrlth 1 j [ - 18

Anu 1 11 be hltLinr on 11 uf 1 101 1 1 and my infurmatioJ) 81 Ucle s l l d even phoLos

In c J osine J jusL lid t o sy -I m exc ited that J h avfgt the oPlollunity to eive so mpthin f t o Ih e r l u b J 1001lt [ I)IvaId La meel i nr all the memhprs a nd l ) be come bel tel ltlr IFillt Prl j n Llw n1onLhro Lo OITP

Ly 11 tI BJp(IOI

- -----

1-11middot1 IIIlilI 11 1111 11 middot1 (11 AWl II IFI llfIAlllltl 1 li iLII 11111 111 1( I middotIlIlllfl I I I 1111 I-II 1 1 I II J AlFlI 1 11111 1111 1)[ 11 Ii I Alt III H III T I i (middot11 it -q Yt I I I JI jI I 1 II 1111 1 middot1 111


1 Spek to People The re is nothing s( nice as a cheer ful word of greeting

2 Smll II People II tekes 72 muscl to frown only 14 to sm ile

3 Call People by Name The sweetes music to anyones 9ars is the sound 01 hi own name

4 Be Friendly end Helpful If you woI have friends be a friend

5 8 Cordllli Speak and Bct 89 if every thing you do is 8 genuine pleasure

6 Be Genuinely Intereeted In People You can like almost everybody U you try

7 Be Ownroul with Pr bullbull - caullou with c ritic ism

8 Be Conlder with the Fbullbulll1ngl CJ

Othen There are usually three sides to controversy yours the other lellowmiddots an the right side

9 Be Alert 10 GIve Service What count most in life is what we do for others

10 Add to Thl Good Sene of Humol a big dose of Dttipnce and a d~sh C hllmilil v tnrf VO l W ill ~laquogt r aw~Hrfp OTIo


The regular monthly meeting called to order a t 740 pm Cafeteria Ivednesday May 27


of the Tucson Corvair Association was by President CECIL ALEX at Picadilly 1992


April Meeting notes were accep t ed as printed in the Corvairsation after correction was mad~o sho that our picnic took place in April rather than in January

IJl RON ALLEN stated that the treasurers books had not been audited as yet therefore there would

gt H DON ROBINSON announced that he o U

DAVE BAKER stated library report New phone number

RON BLOOM amp BARRY a trip to Kitts and Ajo near the

that in the

THE GRIFFITHS were the big winners in the great Rally last month and were presented a trophy by Don Robinson

GORDON CAUBLE reported about a new enterprize in Tucson--Arizona Auto Storage Open 9-5 Group rates Also Clarks catalogue has not been distributed as yet

BARRY CUNNINGHAMS show and tell described the various clutch discs of the Corvair He showed the heavy duty clutch disc which is now available at Clarks

Announcement was the last one put a long time--and In the meantime

made that the May issue of the Corvairsation was out by Van --who has served us so well for such the Club asked for volunteers to serve in hiS place its up to the rest of us to see that our paper

gets published each month




0 Meeting adjourned at 9 c III Relpectfully ~bmtted

They have just moved to 6110 E 5th Apt 227 is 747-0840

CUNNINGHAM said that our mid-month activity is Peak Saturday June 13 Meet at 10 am Mission Donut Shop



be no treasurers report

had some Corvair T shirts for sale

absence of BEVERLY there was no




DANDRIDGE (License Plate)


81~ilJltJhT ~rorr 0))1 t SeCTre To Crsshy

Pen _


Early Model Speedometer Gears By Bob Kirkman Cvrl)allatics

Fe Speedometer Gears rom SilvlY suggesled 1 (llli((I on

speedumeter geClrs (at the real (lxh ) be((lllce ti l

frequent substitutions 01 C C(llvir passenger

(i1r recH ltI xle iSSeurolllbly inlo an rc flllre ofh1l i~ a qUfSlioll of what 10 do Iboul speedolTleter

geilTS sinn th ee is ltHI obviuus (hfferellceuro intire

si7e It seem logicCllhltlt the CrJtViljr axl would turn slower (revs r er mile) iIKi wOllld nerd geilring 11) speed up Ihe speenorlleter II lIeuroerls buut a SY boo~1 or bout I looth less Oil Ihe

driven gear filling Bu CAUTION ~eilrl 011

bltgtfQre you s imply do h(1

1100kerl in Illy rehwelTY 1972 r amp A CttltlklY

for help My ildvice is d ont look in thai hook fUI

1Ilr II C)llli1iIlS 1lOT errors 111lt111 good stull Following liI1 I obtAined gear thowil19S

desigll layouts illci aselllbly nHtlual s to pul together the (01)011119 illfOT1J1ltllioll It dues 1101

ltIglee wilh sUflplier catalogs They probably tried to dedpher the II amp 1 stull

Speedo Drive Gear (Steel) Ihis i ~ the 9ltIr 0 11 the rear axle pini)11 5hillt

lil a looks tikI it is rnltlrl~ as [I it of (he s halt il se lf II s ve ry rldlirull II) relllOVI ltInd replace w ithoul ltI1I1ge 1900 CorvairS did hltlve the gear

ill(lchilled (5 rar uj the shilfl This was changed

I pre~serl VII geilr ill 1961 p(llly due 10

Ullnltlli Clio (lllh~ 327 ltIxlc rltl(io Ihall equ ir ed a

Icu ge r steel gflL



(I SO 13 CnTvili R51 8-10

iOIl 1-1 (jrelltjCt ~II) 700



Uri V( Gear OrhPIl J)riE (ellr oriven

AJoCle HaHo Oulicte Uia GeM1 ~e lh Olll~ide Oia Geilr TI(gtlh

J 08middot J 27 18114 2(1 1 8~~ 2 1

(11 1 n(ll J91 IlUilIUII1)

1 55 18-111 n 1 7(1 23 IJ7f11l1Y31 tifPRUqq) 21 (elrly 101

389 176 I N I (J I 25

1J7f11l1Y91 (tlJ7RtIYY) 26 (eilTl~ 1961))

SO IIltgt ltlesi911 Ider uce to his r ) in hul 1l)9ftlr illtH r)l1ll(lH J U8wls uSeO lor ltI s ltorl pel if in 13

on cr with 1021 1[ e rgil1tgt mdl s peed lrill1 ltrll i$ju lll Yilt dtld wl( 111I~ rtiolo ltIn r c lnll ~s y(IU

ltllso hltlve il hig V R engine

bullbull I quId 0) rlCl19li7e tmylhit19 Itllhi)Il~W Yfrilll for Vltl liIlU IJ tn tgt 5 1


Corvilir 11 Pul Into An rC Driven Gear Illl o rrlliltioll

3 27 Hilli) ~e use your old FC 20 Im gtI gea T

3~ 1~ il1io 1 here is no recognized good substitulioll YOlleltgtd ltl 22 luuth yeaf bu t there IS

nOlle 10 Iii Ihe sleel drive gevr II yOll lIS~ Ihtgt COlvair 23 loolh gpltIr yetI

speed ome ter odometer will read about 5 slowpr

389 Ratitl Hemiddot use your old rc 21 toolh ge M

111 drive gelrs hwe 8 h~plh Yuu can see 8

slarls 0 11 th e end of the gear Its difficult to

count teeth across the top o f the gea r

While all hav e 8 leeth there are two di[felellt

oUlside d(lllleters and pitch diameters Th erefore

you C(lIlIlOt 011middot hand s witch parts arollnd

Speedo Driven Gear (plastic) his s the geM 1111 Ihe end of the tOTperlo

housing Ihll is reHlovabie hom Ihe reM a)(le hmlsirgtg These geMS have 20 Of more leelh This is what the f~ c tory put in to match your axle

ralion of 327355 or 3 89 Instrument Cluster is h(t unil wilh ~ glilss

II 0111 I 11lt1tlllOUllis to II Ie illstrument panel Within

it is fhe Speedomeler Head A55embly fhat is a

r emov(ble unif rOlltilining fh e Spepdomel er

wh ich is Ihe need le all rl mitfs per rou r pMI of

thp business The Il e (ld Assemgtly ltllso Clgtlltlills

the Odo meter w hich is the miles frlveleu row or

numbers With the o dorneltgtt is I set o f geltlrs Ihll

take lOOI1fOtuIi0115 of Ihe sreerlomPI(gtr shalt nr cable 10 ro ll up o lle (I) lIlile All fil r t~ Hlcgtrlpl Cnrvlirs anrl a ll F C s rld Ihis s ltlme gfal illg 0 1

lOt re vs peuror Illite r-o r refe relle th e 19659 CHvair wi(h lelt Ironl w heel 5peedornff p r ( llgtle drive had ooolleler geltlrillQ lor 82Srev~ pfr Illile)

Thf Speedometer c( n Igte rf(~Iibrlfd 10

register fMtgtr or slowe 1Y ( ~peerlnll1pttgt shop Tfgltl Hll e ss 0 1 ltIlly q(gtlring t thp a t le l1d ()j 11i(

spfedome le r c(lgtIf Its I nlllttfr o f t11lt1gnetislll

eeio~ conellt s no 1I11111cI ~Ir i llg

A speednmetf ~hl 1 tl ( lmol p(IIIgtIle illl

odometer Aillhey (Ill dn i~ 11) put ltIll (gtJoC IPTIllI

oltlrl (r (r p(ld Ih t 9ltgtltIr poo I ld $1-) 10 t1ffdu )l

or ~Iow dowll th p speed0l11Clei (Igt If Whlevel

an adlpler dues 10 lIffecl the oeiOll1eler Iso

allecl5 the speeciomeler So Ih(Is why r QI1l a~kerl I()t 11 lew

(ullknowil1gly) IIHlt1SltI lld vo)lds

SpeeOOllie tel gerig lt11111051 lIever prodl1t(gts ob50tute acclT(lle re~u lls Generally they kepi 0 11 Ih e fa~t sieie by at-ou l 5 excepl for 1960

Esselltially no OIIP IISIS oligillill lire Si7fS l orl (~ so you r speedullleter is no lIme 01 less

ilccurilf Ihll1 ori gin1 If you ge t inlormltion hOI11 ~Ollf lire stlpplier Oil

revolutions per Illile you rail 00 S(lIlle


(Revs Mile) ~ (Axle ~ il lio)

IBi 100 II

Numuer 0 1 teelh in drilen gear

Use lewer leeth lid VOllr spperlonleler head

TUI1S fast Use more teeth ltllld it rUIlS slow

As a SUlllmcuy caut ion ac cording 10 records f

can piece together 2U 21 22 leel h geMS IMY be inlerchanged ill iI I eltll aole Geltlrs of 23 211 25 26 leeth 1llay ue int er changerl in ao aole but you canlmx ue lwe en the groups 1 hltve exreriel1ced

gpars 011 axle rebuild that I coulei 110t gel lugelhpr heclllsP Ihe e~tlr wele jal1l1l1e(

logether 100 c1ostiy I 111 ( heltlrd Ilf the plaslic 9( (r h vil1g thc tfeth 11(1 (1 011 IIgt just 11 fe~u

revolu tions whell jllSt ~OIlle -Ie WltI$ put ill

Ihtgtle to lill Ifl lhe 11I1f In the best of illY kll(llVt~Ogl Ihi~ I Ihe right

infonn(llion IIthel is HI en (H (h(1 you knowQl

pleuroltlse rnl1(d 11110 51l1 rltll1 hI ~lrtitJhtlllgtd oul

lill pf



By Gary Baxter

The March 1983 COnSA Communique had speed ometers are driven directly by the front larger lire Iaslhe opposlle eHect Usually the some good Informallon on wlteel and tire seshy wheel the tire has 10 make 825 re volutiolls cIanye Is slight Ho wever changing 10 lecti on To carry it a lillie further I would like per mile also This requires a Ure with a rollmiddot something like a 180middot 70x 13 has fhe effecl of to show some of the effects lire size has on illY diame ter of 2445 inches or using the changing the final drive ratio from 355 I to speedomeler accuracy and engine speed 1025 valve from above a free diameter of 384 1 and Increases the engine speed by

folrsl an explanation of roiling diameter 2505 inches 8 --shyvs free diameter When a loaded tire rolls it Interes1ingly enough the standard IIres You probably nollced a wide variation in flexes causing Ihe effective diameler and used by GM did nol malch Ihls dlameler dimensions for the same size tire This has alshyIhus the distance traveled to be less than that Several Corsas Ive driven show about 3180 ways been a problem wllh the old number of a non-loaded or free tire The distance the rpm on the tach when the speedometer and leiter size lires The metric size lires elim shyfree lire travels Is lis circumference or shows 60 mph The lach should only show inates such wide ranges from one style or 3 1416 times ihe diameter By measuring 2933 rpm for the Ideal size lire This means brand 10 another The first number 180 In the distance that a loaded Ure travels we can the speedometer needle Is registering prop middot the above example shows the width at the calculate Its effective diameter a11d the pershy erly for a lire that Is oilly 92 6 of the tdeal widest point The second Is the ratio or permiddot cent that this Is of the free lire For a sel of or a free diameter o( 23 1 inches I howe cent that the height between the rim and the adlallires J measured I came up with an efmiddot measured 6 50x13s with free diameters of Iread is of Ihe widlh or 70 of 180 which Is eclive loaded diameter of 97 6 of tile (ree 2325 10 24 3 Inches The smaller tile Is 126 These numbers are III millimeters so diameter This means that the free diameter close to what the needle appears to be set we need 10 COnvert 10 Inches to find the has 10 be 1025 limes larger than the loaded for The odometer however seems set for dialneler 126 divided by 25 4 eqlJltIls 496 diameter Ihat I want to end up wilh Other the ideal lire I also measured a 700x 13 Inches limes 2 since there is a section of lire styles of lires might vary slightly from this diameter at 24 75 Inches on each side of the rim gives us 9 92 inches

Late speedometers have a sticker showing Changing lire diameters also affects the for the lire plus 13 inches fo r the rim for a that they are designed (or 825 re vo lutions engine speed at a given road speed A small shy lolal diameter ot 22 92 per mile At 60 mph the speed ometer cable er lire has the effect of lowering the gear has to be turning at 825 rpm Because Ihese mlio which increases the ellglne speed A

More on Tires Speed etc

The fitsl chari below shows the flee diameter for several avail~ble lire sizes The second shows engine speed vs yround speed for both 3 27 1 and 355 1 fillal drive rallos Thts Assumes that til Ideal size liT is uSd

SIZE 50 60 70 75 80 13x 175 1989 2127 22 65 23 33 2402 185 2028 2174 23 20 23 93 24 65 185middot80 is 160 100 ~mall

195 2068 2221 23 75 24 52 25 28 ~--14x

185 2128 22 74 21 20 24 93 25 65 185-75 is 48 100 small 195 2168 2321 24 75 2552 2628 195-75 Is 188 100 large 205 2207 23 69 2530 26 11 2691 2U5-7U Is IU 100 large 215 2216 2416 2585 2670 215-60 is 355 100 small

lihls equalls 369 gear rallol 15 185 2228 23 74 2520 25 93 195 2268 24 21 2575 2652 205 2307 2469 26 3U 27 11 215 2346 2516 26 85 27 70

SPEED TRANS ENGINE RPM mph RATIO 327 final drive 355 I LI 45 48 9 lU 311 1 1399 1520 2U 22U I 198U 2151 25 1471 1654 1797 30 1471 1984 2156 35 U 1575 171 4U U 18UO 1956 45 U 2025 2200 50 LI 2250 2444 55 U 24 75 2689 60 1 1 2700 2933 65 1 1 2925 3178 70 11 315U 3422

RPM trailS rallo - 3 11 220 147 U 6000 speed 429 60 6 907 1333 (327 rear end) 6000 395 55 8 83 5 1227 (355 rear end) shy7000 46 U 65 1 974 1431 (355 reor end)

The above gear ratios are Ihose of the 66 middot69 Saginaw 1 speed The ralios for 6163 are 3 65 2 35 144 and 1 I fnr lsi 2nd 3rd and 41h respecllvely 64 65 ore 320 218 144 and 1 1

Major life companies houtd be able 10 ~lpply IItp diameter re volutions per mile md recommenrled rim wirlths for IIPlr IIres partIcularly their performance treo iJo expecl thfi disro llill hri1llds (0 know diM you are 1lklng aboul lei ill o l1E hilvP my irIltinn

P(r) IN ~ ON1E ~ SE~VICtTM

RON BLOOM - PH 881-1443 C-39R Ucensed Contractor C-62

bull Warm Air Heating bull Service Maintenance bull Cooling amp Ventilating bull Home Improvements

bull All Types of Repair 4072 E 22nd St Suite 197middot Tucson Arizona 85711

Bonded Fax 602-745-8114


TI trp I SlIre r s rpo r t wll l he available as soo n a s a comp lete nHt is pe rf ormed Lo ok for re po rt in the n~xt CO I-vaj rs at lOll

Ron Tl Ll en Trea su rer

Wrecking out


Ben amp Son Aulo amp Truck Salvage (formerly Jeny Bi~)

4260 E Illinois

Tucson Arizona 85714



Castings - Aluminum - Iron

1lt Siraighlcd 1lt Welded

1lt Rebuill

- ANTIQUES REBUILTshy Malthines Eng ines Cars

217 N CicveinllJ

P O Box l7J

Bowie l riZ)i)l 85(it)~


Larry Dandridge


1710 S JEFFERSON 10 TUCSON ARIZONA 85711 571-9680

Please patronize our advertizers whenever you can They help us - Lets help them

NOTE- - Ad s in VA I RS N SPA RE S ar e f ree to jCA membe rs No n -mem bers ca n p lace a 4 line a d fo r $ 2 50 Member s se nd a dsVairs 0 Spares di rect l y t o CORVAIBSATTON editor Non shymembers sen d ad and payme nt to Go rd on

shyPARTING our 66 Monza Coupe Many good used ilems stil l available ind uding windshield and rear glass red door panels and other misc parts If I have whal you need its available at a lair pr ice Gordon Cauble (002)299-1122 592

I I n ~A fp (1 NpmJ IUl Hro atiy 1 1 lilL llt I ell ( Jil lll I lie IIncHI li IIee 11If1()m fl l lI P rl i III 11][ irl 00 ril l Cl ( II 1 1(1 11 1 EIIgi Jl Nun L SelJ imiddotve r y lhll lB 1l)S 11 0 Uu I)(() VOl kswOf nn 1311 1 l e w r e nl p l

i u ~lum fOL ~~ Neel s l1 f fp l ill i sh0d A ki p ~ AOO OII )13 UltlC J lI) lloo f l~ t gt O jIl Adj)J I shyn lJ l c 11111 l o I II I f- 01 1II d IJr l m 1 to lJ r u nl ~~ 1() Orgt 1nl p l L e loLs ll f ~ll R (4J 1 111(11 1IS bull AII t Vo lknI r) II lcIlLI1 l lpfHl l ltlll I h lJ~ j LI 2)~ - ~ MI I r GIGI d 1gt pound11 Ave lII (srln Az iI ) (I(

FOR SILt= 66 MONZI 2-door autolll atio body stfalghl except for crease on Fight door greel interior ok paint ru ns good $900 Call John McNamara 624middot4045 292

FOR SALE 64 CORVAIR Monza 2middotdoor Complele or pnrt OUt Flusted uul good parts Del ~lgl (602Ifl836794 o r 8 83 - 5902 12l1

FOR SII F 65 AlGIIl DOOR (lor 2-lt100r) t 15 two ebuiluaole carburetors $ 15 101 both 6~ amp 65 bumpers and trim parts and filters Make olle r Del Ught (602)883-6794 1291

FOB SIL[= 63 f)OOIl amp QUIRIErI PINFU 101 a onvertlblc red wiHlOut buuulIs Larry Dandridge 57t-9660 109 1

rOR SAL r SPYLlEn COUPE 64 while wwhitp seats and red Interior IrilO Rust Iree body and new tire A aile owner car that can be driven anywhere

aBO Call Gordon Cauble at (602)299-1122 491 ($2500 )

FOR SALE The Al e xes have to se l l Esthers wh ite 4 d r 4 on th e f loor 6 6 Monza wit h fac tor y AC Cecil

t ltill drive h i s 65 Co rs a Ca ll - 29 3- 4 156 fo r details

Ca ub le 5950 N Camino Arizpe Tucson 85710

AUla BODY REPAIR and restoration Traveling estimates It could be less than you think but thell again II could be more Corvairs are my first love Ted Christianson 887middot9449

FOR SALE NEW AND GOOD USED PARTS- - Rebuil t f lywhe e ls for ear ly o r la t e bolted ba l shyanced and g uaranteed $90 all other parts f o r clutch job available FC a xles with pa c ked be a ring $75 e~

65 Corsa wi ring harn e sses mai n amp engine $30 ea new gas d oor g ua rd $20 reconed Co rva i r radio speakers ea rl y $]6 l a te $20 Call Gor do n 602299-1122

FOR THE DOI fYOURSELFEAS Mag ignition wires and long rotos ptus all regula ignition itellis Wlapped Ian belts all and 011

fillers plus IllolI O -rings and oil cooler seals Calt Gordon Cauble (602) 299-1122

I-OR SALE conVl1R PARTS Large outdoor yard lull of great Corvair parts Call Barry Cunningham for Informalion at (602)7 47 shy9028

CORVAIfl PARTS Large selection 01 early and late Resonable prices Larry Dandridge 571 -9680


Piccadilly Cafeteria 676 7 E Broadway Tucson

630 pm Parking Lot Bull Session 700 pm Dinner (opt i onal ) 740 pm Heeting sla r ts

cotunG EV~NTS

l l llj 1(11 II 11111

Dues Reminder - Check be mailing label below - yours may be duel

Regul ar Honthl y Heeting Wednesday ~-ebruary 26 1992 TCA Board Meeting Wedne sday Mar 2 1 992 at JBs Swan amp Speedway 730pm

PI r IJrJJ1I(illJ Ii l I A I II I AI)llHr (n 1 111 J W j 1)1 FHI INI ((Jn UI tRI IlIill 1If rI I

Tucson Corvair Association 4072 E 22nd 51 SuitS i 97 middot Tucson Arizona 857 11

J--_ ~at ~ AS5~f

Page 3: TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION TUCSON. ARIZONA · TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION . Corvairsation i s a monthly publication of the Tucson Corvair Assocjation, which i s . dedicated to the







enl) ~IVA~OJ lInV~lIH ~O ASllMnO)

gtlt1-bull j - ~

bullbull - J In10)

Vice Presidents Column

Let Hlf~ inll(lduc e nlypl r h) tllnsp mernber s wh() Ii ) 0 L k nnw Illf r1y nme i 8 on J III r)(lm ~)y ifAS IIClm e jG IV II II I hve 1)((11 m e )ll~r si nefgt 1JJ 1 1 (I~II 8 ( I V~ i I l i th I wll Lch I jurrhaseltl fLm l ( rOllt I [nem)J

I dr)n L know h (gtv r b~~c~mp Vilp Jtpsiden L t 1 GliesA 1 WOlS 1lP o ll iv ltJskfgtrl Lh lL did nL say --NU r A8li yeA bPc1 Il GP 1 l1lL Lo g ive snmeLhlnp io 1h e 11th

Tilp mljol 18SjloJA illi 1 i Ly of Lhe V r i A to sclwrluJ e mi d -m on 111 ilc t iv 1 Lies there is Isnmp 8tilTi ties r l lnned ill the month s ahelri ilS of Lhi R wri ti Ill JI)Wt~VliJl I neer) every me mb prs OlssisL~IJ ce i1l 8ccompl ishi rlf thif 1 1rk rc you JltlVP ~lIy irls OJ ltII will inrc Lo il elp ) j I I p i 10 me r1 I

)11[ JUlie Liv i Ljp Ln Ki LI j IL 1 Iv8S rUII

DIl Il enjoyed by 11 iloll nrl Ceci l as in the Lead Lhe l esL of us WOlS brilJgJng up t h e r ear Finn nd my Ge I f L(l(lk more Lime cltmi ng up t il e p1e 8S we wt ed 1 p)J ioy Lhe view Ha c k Lo l d us joll e tlr 1n8iJy hewlll rdIalp 8L gtUI next meelillr isLIel as v Lile bJesin[s on Lhe [(oj lu ik nar rY ilnrJ Il is CILend Cltlme LlslIil1g in L~L~~r l s Ir l( )rmiddot tljUinr (lUI 11 j 1- 1

Lo the ity lIe PelkI rlv 11 U lUIP we hpI GiLlinfo nLil J n rl we tlV Pll t G8e m Lh8 m rjllc e l )Ii Ple Was LlrirLeell or itS thele ~nr a [uillre Co tVF j r (WIlPl VJ~S Lh~r~ nd llls name i s Ze P Ih pr~ W8l ru ttl CrJlvllrs

p J)rc d to ~rk nursl 1 ncr j ufl why liP hr-d (JIlg Lo a COIITlt1I r club 1(lI wh L PV Lll p iesso n yeour e fl ere whel hl Lo p rpse[ve and e nj oy you r Corvsir or just stArt in to leArn Ah out them islL Importa nt VI else hAle your kn ow shyle(lge and expertence wIL b orhe mpmbers on Lhe oLher hand you may not know whi ch e nd o f the car Lhe englnp i in imiddotVeryne can contribute to the club i n some w8y Iltlend the me eti ngs Go to the mid - month lctivi LIes TIring 8 friend a l ong to Lhe meet ings lJ() SOME1IllNG

In c l os ing 1 jusL WltHlt io sny Lh8L Lillngs sure Just Jump foollYou don haWllo gohappened qu i c kly for me at I CiI Iess then a year BOIng boIng boIngl ago 1 mee t 1ar1Y arHl h e showed me h ow to seal all the (l i l In my va lr Sh ortly CLer meeting Larry I joined the c lub 1 l ook forw8rd and hope Lo become beLLer a c ~u ainteri with a ll of the members III Lhe m()nL b s t) enOe

Ii ) 11 131 00m



~ Y ll fl m is lyJ IIJ 11 )( ID I11Jd J VI jus t Ipltelltl Y -cG lL erl [Ilp IlllLi~n )1 p IiI

[ wo uld Ii lIe Lo 1 this time to exp r ess 1)1) 1 ll reci a tJ oil [01 11 11 r Jlt - I 11 J r i T 11 1 1 11 f I I l l I I l tmiddot II j f I fill Ifr - J tldnf h e h Jr dOll o LC I II PlI middot I ()rfgt~ vpr IIp oJ J s

ll Eed 1llfdIK YI ) VA I 111 1 11 (Ul t Jlll j(lJ ~(J1

8 ~dJt(~r 1 Jl tr y Ln bl~t l1 f n ) 1 (~xt~ i Ll np lnd Jjltlt ()p l (lrLlcJp~ 11 nll)L YIJUI ( ( v l l rs

i j th ~ J I tJ(J IiJ ri ( lIll you nIl w ~ vil l be aoJe Lo co mp lJrlth 1 j [ - 18

Anu 1 11 be hltLinr on 11 uf 1 101 1 1 and my infurmatioJ) 81 Ucle s l l d even phoLos

In c J osine J jusL lid t o sy -I m exc ited that J h avfgt the oPlollunity to eive so mpthin f t o Ih e r l u b J 1001lt [ I)IvaId La meel i nr all the memhprs a nd l ) be come bel tel ltlr IFillt Prl j n Llw n1onLhro Lo OITP

Ly 11 tI BJp(IOI

- -----

1-11middot1 IIIlilI 11 1111 11 middot1 (11 AWl II IFI llfIAlllltl 1 li iLII 11111 111 1( I middotIlIlllfl I I I 1111 I-II 1 1 I II J AlFlI 1 11111 1111 1)[ 11 Ii I Alt III H III T I i (middot11 it -q Yt I I I JI jI I 1 II 1111 1 middot1 111


1 Spek to People The re is nothing s( nice as a cheer ful word of greeting

2 Smll II People II tekes 72 muscl to frown only 14 to sm ile

3 Call People by Name The sweetes music to anyones 9ars is the sound 01 hi own name

4 Be Friendly end Helpful If you woI have friends be a friend

5 8 Cordllli Speak and Bct 89 if every thing you do is 8 genuine pleasure

6 Be Genuinely Intereeted In People You can like almost everybody U you try

7 Be Ownroul with Pr bullbull - caullou with c ritic ism

8 Be Conlder with the Fbullbulll1ngl CJ

Othen There are usually three sides to controversy yours the other lellowmiddots an the right side

9 Be Alert 10 GIve Service What count most in life is what we do for others

10 Add to Thl Good Sene of Humol a big dose of Dttipnce and a d~sh C hllmilil v tnrf VO l W ill ~laquogt r aw~Hrfp OTIo


The regular monthly meeting called to order a t 740 pm Cafeteria Ivednesday May 27


of the Tucson Corvair Association was by President CECIL ALEX at Picadilly 1992


April Meeting notes were accep t ed as printed in the Corvairsation after correction was mad~o sho that our picnic took place in April rather than in January

IJl RON ALLEN stated that the treasurers books had not been audited as yet therefore there would

gt H DON ROBINSON announced that he o U

DAVE BAKER stated library report New phone number

RON BLOOM amp BARRY a trip to Kitts and Ajo near the

that in the

THE GRIFFITHS were the big winners in the great Rally last month and were presented a trophy by Don Robinson

GORDON CAUBLE reported about a new enterprize in Tucson--Arizona Auto Storage Open 9-5 Group rates Also Clarks catalogue has not been distributed as yet

BARRY CUNNINGHAMS show and tell described the various clutch discs of the Corvair He showed the heavy duty clutch disc which is now available at Clarks

Announcement was the last one put a long time--and In the meantime

made that the May issue of the Corvairsation was out by Van --who has served us so well for such the Club asked for volunteers to serve in hiS place its up to the rest of us to see that our paper

gets published each month




0 Meeting adjourned at 9 c III Relpectfully ~bmtted

They have just moved to 6110 E 5th Apt 227 is 747-0840

CUNNINGHAM said that our mid-month activity is Peak Saturday June 13 Meet at 10 am Mission Donut Shop



be no treasurers report

had some Corvair T shirts for sale

absence of BEVERLY there was no




DANDRIDGE (License Plate)


81~ilJltJhT ~rorr 0))1 t SeCTre To Crsshy

Pen _


Early Model Speedometer Gears By Bob Kirkman Cvrl)allatics

Fe Speedometer Gears rom SilvlY suggesled 1 (llli((I on

speedumeter geClrs (at the real (lxh ) be((lllce ti l

frequent substitutions 01 C C(llvir passenger

(i1r recH ltI xle iSSeurolllbly inlo an rc flllre ofh1l i~ a qUfSlioll of what 10 do Iboul speedolTleter

geilTS sinn th ee is ltHI obviuus (hfferellceuro intire

si7e It seem logicCllhltlt the CrJtViljr axl would turn slower (revs r er mile) iIKi wOllld nerd geilring 11) speed up Ihe speenorlleter II lIeuroerls buut a SY boo~1 or bout I looth less Oil Ihe

driven gear filling Bu CAUTION ~eilrl 011

bltgtfQre you s imply do h(1

1100kerl in Illy rehwelTY 1972 r amp A CttltlklY

for help My ildvice is d ont look in thai hook fUI

1Ilr II C)llli1iIlS 1lOT errors 111lt111 good stull Following liI1 I obtAined gear thowil19S

desigll layouts illci aselllbly nHtlual s to pul together the (01)011119 illfOT1J1ltllioll It dues 1101

ltIglee wilh sUflplier catalogs They probably tried to dedpher the II amp 1 stull

Speedo Drive Gear (Steel) Ihis i ~ the 9ltIr 0 11 the rear axle pini)11 5hillt

lil a looks tikI it is rnltlrl~ as [I it of (he s halt il se lf II s ve ry rldlirull II) relllOVI ltInd replace w ithoul ltI1I1ge 1900 CorvairS did hltlve the gear

ill(lchilled (5 rar uj the shilfl This was changed

I pre~serl VII geilr ill 1961 p(llly due 10

Ullnltlli Clio (lllh~ 327 ltIxlc rltl(io Ihall equ ir ed a

Icu ge r steel gflL



(I SO 13 CnTvili R51 8-10

iOIl 1-1 (jrelltjCt ~II) 700



Uri V( Gear OrhPIl J)riE (ellr oriven

AJoCle HaHo Oulicte Uia GeM1 ~e lh Olll~ide Oia Geilr TI(gtlh

J 08middot J 27 18114 2(1 1 8~~ 2 1

(11 1 n(ll J91 IlUilIUII1)

1 55 18-111 n 1 7(1 23 IJ7f11l1Y31 tifPRUqq) 21 (elrly 101

389 176 I N I (J I 25

1J7f11l1Y91 (tlJ7RtIYY) 26 (eilTl~ 1961))

SO IIltgt ltlesi911 Ider uce to his r ) in hul 1l)9ftlr illtH r)l1ll(lH J U8wls uSeO lor ltI s ltorl pel if in 13

on cr with 1021 1[ e rgil1tgt mdl s peed lrill1 ltrll i$ju lll Yilt dtld wl( 111I~ rtiolo ltIn r c lnll ~s y(IU

ltllso hltlve il hig V R engine

bullbull I quId 0) rlCl19li7e tmylhit19 Itllhi)Il~W Yfrilll for Vltl liIlU IJ tn tgt 5 1


Corvilir 11 Pul Into An rC Driven Gear Illl o rrlliltioll

3 27 Hilli) ~e use your old FC 20 Im gtI gea T

3~ 1~ il1io 1 here is no recognized good substitulioll YOlleltgtd ltl 22 luuth yeaf bu t there IS

nOlle 10 Iii Ihe sleel drive gevr II yOll lIS~ Ihtgt COlvair 23 loolh gpltIr yetI

speed ome ter odometer will read about 5 slowpr

389 Ratitl Hemiddot use your old rc 21 toolh ge M

111 drive gelrs hwe 8 h~plh Yuu can see 8

slarls 0 11 th e end of the gear Its difficult to

count teeth across the top o f the gea r

While all hav e 8 leeth there are two di[felellt

oUlside d(lllleters and pitch diameters Th erefore

you C(lIlIlOt 011middot hand s witch parts arollnd

Speedo Driven Gear (plastic) his s the geM 1111 Ihe end of the tOTperlo

housing Ihll is reHlovabie hom Ihe reM a)(le hmlsirgtg These geMS have 20 Of more leelh This is what the f~ c tory put in to match your axle

ralion of 327355 or 3 89 Instrument Cluster is h(t unil wilh ~ glilss

II 0111 I 11lt1tlllOUllis to II Ie illstrument panel Within

it is fhe Speedomeler Head A55embly fhat is a

r emov(ble unif rOlltilining fh e Spepdomel er

wh ich is Ihe need le all rl mitfs per rou r pMI of

thp business The Il e (ld Assemgtly ltllso Clgtlltlills

the Odo meter w hich is the miles frlveleu row or

numbers With the o dorneltgtt is I set o f geltlrs Ihll

take lOOI1fOtuIi0115 of Ihe sreerlomPI(gtr shalt nr cable 10 ro ll up o lle (I) lIlile All fil r t~ Hlcgtrlpl Cnrvlirs anrl a ll F C s rld Ihis s ltlme gfal illg 0 1

lOt re vs peuror Illite r-o r refe relle th e 19659 CHvair wi(h lelt Ironl w heel 5peedornff p r ( llgtle drive had ooolleler geltlrillQ lor 82Srev~ pfr Illile)

Thf Speedometer c( n Igte rf(~Iibrlfd 10

register fMtgtr or slowe 1Y ( ~peerlnll1pttgt shop Tfgltl Hll e ss 0 1 ltIlly q(gtlring t thp a t le l1d ()j 11i(

spfedome le r c(lgtIf Its I nlllttfr o f t11lt1gnetislll

eeio~ conellt s no 1I11111cI ~Ir i llg

A speednmetf ~hl 1 tl ( lmol p(IIIgtIle illl

odometer Aillhey (Ill dn i~ 11) put ltIll (gtJoC IPTIllI

oltlrl (r (r p(ld Ih t 9ltgtltIr poo I ld $1-) 10 t1ffdu )l

or ~Iow dowll th p speed0l11Clei (Igt If Whlevel

an adlpler dues 10 lIffecl the oeiOll1eler Iso

allecl5 the speeciomeler So Ih(Is why r QI1l a~kerl I()t 11 lew

(ullknowil1gly) IIHlt1SltI lld vo)lds

SpeeOOllie tel gerig lt11111051 lIever prodl1t(gts ob50tute acclT(lle re~u lls Generally they kepi 0 11 Ih e fa~t sieie by at-ou l 5 excepl for 1960

Esselltially no OIIP IISIS oligillill lire Si7fS l orl (~ so you r speedullleter is no lIme 01 less

ilccurilf Ihll1 ori gin1 If you ge t inlormltion hOI11 ~Ollf lire stlpplier Oil

revolutions per Illile you rail 00 S(lIlle


(Revs Mile) ~ (Axle ~ il lio)

IBi 100 II

Numuer 0 1 teelh in drilen gear

Use lewer leeth lid VOllr spperlonleler head

TUI1S fast Use more teeth ltllld it rUIlS slow

As a SUlllmcuy caut ion ac cording 10 records f

can piece together 2U 21 22 leel h geMS IMY be inlerchanged ill iI I eltll aole Geltlrs of 23 211 25 26 leeth 1llay ue int er changerl in ao aole but you canlmx ue lwe en the groups 1 hltve exreriel1ced

gpars 011 axle rebuild that I coulei 110t gel lugelhpr heclllsP Ihe e~tlr wele jal1l1l1e(

logether 100 c1ostiy I 111 ( heltlrd Ilf the plaslic 9( (r h vil1g thc tfeth 11(1 (1 011 IIgt just 11 fe~u

revolu tions whell jllSt ~OIlle -Ie WltI$ put ill

Ihtgtle to lill Ifl lhe 11I1f In the best of illY kll(llVt~Ogl Ihi~ I Ihe right

infonn(llion IIthel is HI en (H (h(1 you knowQl

pleuroltlse rnl1(d 11110 51l1 rltll1 hI ~lrtitJhtlllgtd oul

lill pf



By Gary Baxter

The March 1983 COnSA Communique had speed ometers are driven directly by the front larger lire Iaslhe opposlle eHect Usually the some good Informallon on wlteel and tire seshy wheel the tire has 10 make 825 re volutiolls cIanye Is slight Ho wever changing 10 lecti on To carry it a lillie further I would like per mile also This requires a Ure with a rollmiddot something like a 180middot 70x 13 has fhe effecl of to show some of the effects lire size has on illY diame ter of 2445 inches or using the changing the final drive ratio from 355 I to speedomeler accuracy and engine speed 1025 valve from above a free diameter of 384 1 and Increases the engine speed by

folrsl an explanation of roiling diameter 2505 inches 8 --shyvs free diameter When a loaded tire rolls it Interes1ingly enough the standard IIres You probably nollced a wide variation in flexes causing Ihe effective diameler and used by GM did nol malch Ihls dlameler dimensions for the same size tire This has alshyIhus the distance traveled to be less than that Several Corsas Ive driven show about 3180 ways been a problem wllh the old number of a non-loaded or free tire The distance the rpm on the tach when the speedometer and leiter size lires The metric size lires elim shyfree lire travels Is lis circumference or shows 60 mph The lach should only show inates such wide ranges from one style or 3 1416 times ihe diameter By measuring 2933 rpm for the Ideal size lire This means brand 10 another The first number 180 In the distance that a loaded Ure travels we can the speedometer needle Is registering prop middot the above example shows the width at the calculate Its effective diameter a11d the pershy erly for a lire that Is oilly 92 6 of the tdeal widest point The second Is the ratio or permiddot cent that this Is of the free lire For a sel of or a free diameter o( 23 1 inches I howe cent that the height between the rim and the adlallires J measured I came up with an efmiddot measured 6 50x13s with free diameters of Iread is of Ihe widlh or 70 of 180 which Is eclive loaded diameter of 97 6 of tile (ree 2325 10 24 3 Inches The smaller tile Is 126 These numbers are III millimeters so diameter This means that the free diameter close to what the needle appears to be set we need 10 COnvert 10 Inches to find the has 10 be 1025 limes larger than the loaded for The odometer however seems set for dialneler 126 divided by 25 4 eqlJltIls 496 diameter Ihat I want to end up wilh Other the ideal lire I also measured a 700x 13 Inches limes 2 since there is a section of lire styles of lires might vary slightly from this diameter at 24 75 Inches on each side of the rim gives us 9 92 inches

Late speedometers have a sticker showing Changing lire diameters also affects the for the lire plus 13 inches fo r the rim for a that they are designed (or 825 re vo lutions engine speed at a given road speed A small shy lolal diameter ot 22 92 per mile At 60 mph the speed ometer cable er lire has the effect of lowering the gear has to be turning at 825 rpm Because Ihese mlio which increases the ellglne speed A

More on Tires Speed etc

The fitsl chari below shows the flee diameter for several avail~ble lire sizes The second shows engine speed vs yround speed for both 3 27 1 and 355 1 fillal drive rallos Thts Assumes that til Ideal size liT is uSd

SIZE 50 60 70 75 80 13x 175 1989 2127 22 65 23 33 2402 185 2028 2174 23 20 23 93 24 65 185middot80 is 160 100 ~mall

195 2068 2221 23 75 24 52 25 28 ~--14x

185 2128 22 74 21 20 24 93 25 65 185-75 is 48 100 small 195 2168 2321 24 75 2552 2628 195-75 Is 188 100 large 205 2207 23 69 2530 26 11 2691 2U5-7U Is IU 100 large 215 2216 2416 2585 2670 215-60 is 355 100 small

lihls equalls 369 gear rallol 15 185 2228 23 74 2520 25 93 195 2268 24 21 2575 2652 205 2307 2469 26 3U 27 11 215 2346 2516 26 85 27 70

SPEED TRANS ENGINE RPM mph RATIO 327 final drive 355 I LI 45 48 9 lU 311 1 1399 1520 2U 22U I 198U 2151 25 1471 1654 1797 30 1471 1984 2156 35 U 1575 171 4U U 18UO 1956 45 U 2025 2200 50 LI 2250 2444 55 U 24 75 2689 60 1 1 2700 2933 65 1 1 2925 3178 70 11 315U 3422

RPM trailS rallo - 3 11 220 147 U 6000 speed 429 60 6 907 1333 (327 rear end) 6000 395 55 8 83 5 1227 (355 rear end) shy7000 46 U 65 1 974 1431 (355 reor end)

The above gear ratios are Ihose of the 66 middot69 Saginaw 1 speed The ralios for 6163 are 3 65 2 35 144 and 1 I fnr lsi 2nd 3rd and 41h respecllvely 64 65 ore 320 218 144 and 1 1

Major life companies houtd be able 10 ~lpply IItp diameter re volutions per mile md recommenrled rim wirlths for IIPlr IIres partIcularly their performance treo iJo expecl thfi disro llill hri1llds (0 know diM you are 1lklng aboul lei ill o l1E hilvP my irIltinn

P(r) IN ~ ON1E ~ SE~VICtTM

RON BLOOM - PH 881-1443 C-39R Ucensed Contractor C-62

bull Warm Air Heating bull Service Maintenance bull Cooling amp Ventilating bull Home Improvements

bull All Types of Repair 4072 E 22nd St Suite 197middot Tucson Arizona 85711

Bonded Fax 602-745-8114


TI trp I SlIre r s rpo r t wll l he available as soo n a s a comp lete nHt is pe rf ormed Lo ok for re po rt in the n~xt CO I-vaj rs at lOll

Ron Tl Ll en Trea su rer

Wrecking out


Ben amp Son Aulo amp Truck Salvage (formerly Jeny Bi~)

4260 E Illinois

Tucson Arizona 85714



Castings - Aluminum - Iron

1lt Siraighlcd 1lt Welded

1lt Rebuill

- ANTIQUES REBUILTshy Malthines Eng ines Cars

217 N CicveinllJ

P O Box l7J

Bowie l riZ)i)l 85(it)~


Larry Dandridge


1710 S JEFFERSON 10 TUCSON ARIZONA 85711 571-9680

Please patronize our advertizers whenever you can They help us - Lets help them

NOTE- - Ad s in VA I RS N SPA RE S ar e f ree to jCA membe rs No n -mem bers ca n p lace a 4 line a d fo r $ 2 50 Member s se nd a dsVairs 0 Spares di rect l y t o CORVAIBSATTON editor Non shymembers sen d ad and payme nt to Go rd on

shyPARTING our 66 Monza Coupe Many good used ilems stil l available ind uding windshield and rear glass red door panels and other misc parts If I have whal you need its available at a lair pr ice Gordon Cauble (002)299-1122 592

I I n ~A fp (1 NpmJ IUl Hro atiy 1 1 lilL llt I ell ( Jil lll I lie IIncHI li IIee 11If1()m fl l lI P rl i III 11][ irl 00 ril l Cl ( II 1 1(1 11 1 EIIgi Jl Nun L SelJ imiddotve r y lhll lB 1l)S 11 0 Uu I)(() VOl kswOf nn 1311 1 l e w r e nl p l

i u ~lum fOL ~~ Neel s l1 f fp l ill i sh0d A ki p ~ AOO OII )13 UltlC J lI) lloo f l~ t gt O jIl Adj)J I shyn lJ l c 11111 l o I II I f- 01 1II d IJr l m 1 to lJ r u nl ~~ 1() Orgt 1nl p l L e loLs ll f ~ll R (4J 1 111(11 1IS bull AII t Vo lknI r) II lcIlLI1 l lpfHl l ltlll I h lJ~ j LI 2)~ - ~ MI I r GIGI d 1gt pound11 Ave lII (srln Az iI ) (I(

FOR SILt= 66 MONZI 2-door autolll atio body stfalghl except for crease on Fight door greel interior ok paint ru ns good $900 Call John McNamara 624middot4045 292

FOR SALE 64 CORVAIR Monza 2middotdoor Complele or pnrt OUt Flusted uul good parts Del ~lgl (602Ifl836794 o r 8 83 - 5902 12l1

FOR SII F 65 AlGIIl DOOR (lor 2-lt100r) t 15 two ebuiluaole carburetors $ 15 101 both 6~ amp 65 bumpers and trim parts and filters Make olle r Del Ught (602)883-6794 1291

FOB SIL[= 63 f)OOIl amp QUIRIErI PINFU 101 a onvertlblc red wiHlOut buuulIs Larry Dandridge 57t-9660 109 1

rOR SAL r SPYLlEn COUPE 64 while wwhitp seats and red Interior IrilO Rust Iree body and new tire A aile owner car that can be driven anywhere

aBO Call Gordon Cauble at (602)299-1122 491 ($2500 )

FOR SALE The Al e xes have to se l l Esthers wh ite 4 d r 4 on th e f loor 6 6 Monza wit h fac tor y AC Cecil

t ltill drive h i s 65 Co rs a Ca ll - 29 3- 4 156 fo r details

Ca ub le 5950 N Camino Arizpe Tucson 85710

AUla BODY REPAIR and restoration Traveling estimates It could be less than you think but thell again II could be more Corvairs are my first love Ted Christianson 887middot9449

FOR SALE NEW AND GOOD USED PARTS- - Rebuil t f lywhe e ls for ear ly o r la t e bolted ba l shyanced and g uaranteed $90 all other parts f o r clutch job available FC a xles with pa c ked be a ring $75 e~

65 Corsa wi ring harn e sses mai n amp engine $30 ea new gas d oor g ua rd $20 reconed Co rva i r radio speakers ea rl y $]6 l a te $20 Call Gor do n 602299-1122

FOR THE DOI fYOURSELFEAS Mag ignition wires and long rotos ptus all regula ignition itellis Wlapped Ian belts all and 011

fillers plus IllolI O -rings and oil cooler seals Calt Gordon Cauble (602) 299-1122

I-OR SALE conVl1R PARTS Large outdoor yard lull of great Corvair parts Call Barry Cunningham for Informalion at (602)7 47 shy9028

CORVAIfl PARTS Large selection 01 early and late Resonable prices Larry Dandridge 571 -9680


Piccadilly Cafeteria 676 7 E Broadway Tucson

630 pm Parking Lot Bull Session 700 pm Dinner (opt i onal ) 740 pm Heeting sla r ts

cotunG EV~NTS

l l llj 1(11 II 11111

Dues Reminder - Check be mailing label below - yours may be duel

Regul ar Honthl y Heeting Wednesday ~-ebruary 26 1992 TCA Board Meeting Wedne sday Mar 2 1 992 at JBs Swan amp Speedway 730pm

PI r IJrJJ1I(illJ Ii l I A I II I AI)llHr (n 1 111 J W j 1)1 FHI INI ((Jn UI tRI IlIill 1If rI I

Tucson Corvair Association 4072 E 22nd 51 SuitS i 97 middot Tucson Arizona 857 11

J--_ ~at ~ AS5~f

Page 4: TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION TUCSON. ARIZONA · TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION . Corvairsation i s a monthly publication of the Tucson Corvair Assocjation, which i s . dedicated to the

Vice Presidents Column

Let Hlf~ inll(lduc e nlypl r h) tllnsp mernber s wh() Ii ) 0 L k nnw Illf r1y nme i 8 on J III r)(lm ~)y ifAS IIClm e jG IV II II I hve 1)((11 m e )ll~r si nefgt 1JJ 1 1 (I~II 8 ( I V~ i I l i th I wll Lch I jurrhaseltl fLm l ( rOllt I [nem)J

I dr)n L know h (gtv r b~~c~mp Vilp Jtpsiden L t 1 GliesA 1 WOlS 1lP o ll iv ltJskfgtrl Lh lL did nL say --NU r A8li yeA bPc1 Il GP 1 l1lL Lo g ive snmeLhlnp io 1h e 11th

Tilp mljol 18SjloJA illi 1 i Ly of Lhe V r i A to sclwrluJ e mi d -m on 111 ilc t iv 1 Lies there is Isnmp 8tilTi ties r l lnned ill the month s ahelri ilS of Lhi R wri ti Ill JI)Wt~VliJl I neer) every me mb prs OlssisL~IJ ce i1l 8ccompl ishi rlf thif 1 1rk rc you JltlVP ~lIy irls OJ ltII will inrc Lo il elp ) j I I p i 10 me r1 I

)11[ JUlie Liv i Ljp Ln Ki LI j IL 1 Iv8S rUII

DIl Il enjoyed by 11 iloll nrl Ceci l as in the Lead Lhe l esL of us WOlS brilJgJng up t h e r ear Finn nd my Ge I f L(l(lk more Lime cltmi ng up t il e p1e 8S we wt ed 1 p)J ioy Lhe view Ha c k Lo l d us joll e tlr 1n8iJy hewlll rdIalp 8L gtUI next meelillr isLIel as v Lile bJesin[s on Lhe [(oj lu ik nar rY ilnrJ Il is CILend Cltlme LlslIil1g in L~L~~r l s Ir l( )rmiddot tljUinr (lUI 11 j 1- 1

Lo the ity lIe PelkI rlv 11 U lUIP we hpI GiLlinfo nLil J n rl we tlV Pll t G8e m Lh8 m rjllc e l )Ii Ple Was LlrirLeell or itS thele ~nr a [uillre Co tVF j r (WIlPl VJ~S Lh~r~ nd llls name i s Ze P Ih pr~ W8l ru ttl CrJlvllrs

p J)rc d to ~rk nursl 1 ncr j ufl why liP hr-d (JIlg Lo a COIITlt1I r club 1(lI wh L PV Lll p iesso n yeour e fl ere whel hl Lo p rpse[ve and e nj oy you r Corvsir or just stArt in to leArn Ah out them islL Importa nt VI else hAle your kn ow shyle(lge and expertence wIL b orhe mpmbers on Lhe oLher hand you may not know whi ch e nd o f the car Lhe englnp i in imiddotVeryne can contribute to the club i n some w8y Iltlend the me eti ngs Go to the mid - month lctivi LIes TIring 8 friend a l ong to Lhe meet ings lJ() SOME1IllNG

In c l os ing 1 jusL WltHlt io sny Lh8L Lillngs sure Just Jump foollYou don haWllo gohappened qu i c kly for me at I CiI Iess then a year BOIng boIng boIngl ago 1 mee t 1ar1Y arHl h e showed me h ow to seal all the (l i l In my va lr Sh ortly CLer meeting Larry I joined the c lub 1 l ook forw8rd and hope Lo become beLLer a c ~u ainteri with a ll of the members III Lhe m()nL b s t) enOe

Ii ) 11 131 00m



~ Y ll fl m is lyJ IIJ 11 )( ID I11Jd J VI jus t Ipltelltl Y -cG lL erl [Ilp IlllLi~n )1 p IiI

[ wo uld Ii lIe Lo 1 this time to exp r ess 1)1) 1 ll reci a tJ oil [01 11 11 r Jlt - I 11 J r i T 11 1 1 11 f I I l l I I l tmiddot II j f I fill Ifr - J tldnf h e h Jr dOll o LC I II PlI middot I ()rfgt~ vpr IIp oJ J s

ll Eed 1llfdIK YI ) VA I 111 1 11 (Ul t Jlll j(lJ ~(J1

8 ~dJt(~r 1 Jl tr y Ln bl~t l1 f n ) 1 (~xt~ i Ll np lnd Jjltlt ()p l (lrLlcJp~ 11 nll)L YIJUI ( ( v l l rs

i j th ~ J I tJ(J IiJ ri ( lIll you nIl w ~ vil l be aoJe Lo co mp lJrlth 1 j [ - 18

Anu 1 11 be hltLinr on 11 uf 1 101 1 1 and my infurmatioJ) 81 Ucle s l l d even phoLos

In c J osine J jusL lid t o sy -I m exc ited that J h avfgt the oPlollunity to eive so mpthin f t o Ih e r l u b J 1001lt [ I)IvaId La meel i nr all the memhprs a nd l ) be come bel tel ltlr IFillt Prl j n Llw n1onLhro Lo OITP

Ly 11 tI BJp(IOI

- -----

1-11middot1 IIIlilI 11 1111 11 middot1 (11 AWl II IFI llfIAlllltl 1 li iLII 11111 111 1( I middotIlIlllfl I I I 1111 I-II 1 1 I II J AlFlI 1 11111 1111 1)[ 11 Ii I Alt III H III T I i (middot11 it -q Yt I I I JI jI I 1 II 1111 1 middot1 111


1 Spek to People The re is nothing s( nice as a cheer ful word of greeting

2 Smll II People II tekes 72 muscl to frown only 14 to sm ile

3 Call People by Name The sweetes music to anyones 9ars is the sound 01 hi own name

4 Be Friendly end Helpful If you woI have friends be a friend

5 8 Cordllli Speak and Bct 89 if every thing you do is 8 genuine pleasure

6 Be Genuinely Intereeted In People You can like almost everybody U you try

7 Be Ownroul with Pr bullbull - caullou with c ritic ism

8 Be Conlder with the Fbullbulll1ngl CJ

Othen There are usually three sides to controversy yours the other lellowmiddots an the right side

9 Be Alert 10 GIve Service What count most in life is what we do for others

10 Add to Thl Good Sene of Humol a big dose of Dttipnce and a d~sh C hllmilil v tnrf VO l W ill ~laquogt r aw~Hrfp OTIo


The regular monthly meeting called to order a t 740 pm Cafeteria Ivednesday May 27


of the Tucson Corvair Association was by President CECIL ALEX at Picadilly 1992


April Meeting notes were accep t ed as printed in the Corvairsation after correction was mad~o sho that our picnic took place in April rather than in January

IJl RON ALLEN stated that the treasurers books had not been audited as yet therefore there would

gt H DON ROBINSON announced that he o U

DAVE BAKER stated library report New phone number

RON BLOOM amp BARRY a trip to Kitts and Ajo near the

that in the

THE GRIFFITHS were the big winners in the great Rally last month and were presented a trophy by Don Robinson

GORDON CAUBLE reported about a new enterprize in Tucson--Arizona Auto Storage Open 9-5 Group rates Also Clarks catalogue has not been distributed as yet

BARRY CUNNINGHAMS show and tell described the various clutch discs of the Corvair He showed the heavy duty clutch disc which is now available at Clarks

Announcement was the last one put a long time--and In the meantime

made that the May issue of the Corvairsation was out by Van --who has served us so well for such the Club asked for volunteers to serve in hiS place its up to the rest of us to see that our paper

gets published each month




0 Meeting adjourned at 9 c III Relpectfully ~bmtted

They have just moved to 6110 E 5th Apt 227 is 747-0840

CUNNINGHAM said that our mid-month activity is Peak Saturday June 13 Meet at 10 am Mission Donut Shop



be no treasurers report

had some Corvair T shirts for sale

absence of BEVERLY there was no




DANDRIDGE (License Plate)


81~ilJltJhT ~rorr 0))1 t SeCTre To Crsshy

Pen _


Early Model Speedometer Gears By Bob Kirkman Cvrl)allatics

Fe Speedometer Gears rom SilvlY suggesled 1 (llli((I on

speedumeter geClrs (at the real (lxh ) be((lllce ti l

frequent substitutions 01 C C(llvir passenger

(i1r recH ltI xle iSSeurolllbly inlo an rc flllre ofh1l i~ a qUfSlioll of what 10 do Iboul speedolTleter

geilTS sinn th ee is ltHI obviuus (hfferellceuro intire

si7e It seem logicCllhltlt the CrJtViljr axl would turn slower (revs r er mile) iIKi wOllld nerd geilring 11) speed up Ihe speenorlleter II lIeuroerls buut a SY boo~1 or bout I looth less Oil Ihe

driven gear filling Bu CAUTION ~eilrl 011

bltgtfQre you s imply do h(1

1100kerl in Illy rehwelTY 1972 r amp A CttltlklY

for help My ildvice is d ont look in thai hook fUI

1Ilr II C)llli1iIlS 1lOT errors 111lt111 good stull Following liI1 I obtAined gear thowil19S

desigll layouts illci aselllbly nHtlual s to pul together the (01)011119 illfOT1J1ltllioll It dues 1101

ltIglee wilh sUflplier catalogs They probably tried to dedpher the II amp 1 stull

Speedo Drive Gear (Steel) Ihis i ~ the 9ltIr 0 11 the rear axle pini)11 5hillt

lil a looks tikI it is rnltlrl~ as [I it of (he s halt il se lf II s ve ry rldlirull II) relllOVI ltInd replace w ithoul ltI1I1ge 1900 CorvairS did hltlve the gear

ill(lchilled (5 rar uj the shilfl This was changed

I pre~serl VII geilr ill 1961 p(llly due 10

Ullnltlli Clio (lllh~ 327 ltIxlc rltl(io Ihall equ ir ed a

Icu ge r steel gflL



(I SO 13 CnTvili R51 8-10

iOIl 1-1 (jrelltjCt ~II) 700



Uri V( Gear OrhPIl J)riE (ellr oriven

AJoCle HaHo Oulicte Uia GeM1 ~e lh Olll~ide Oia Geilr TI(gtlh

J 08middot J 27 18114 2(1 1 8~~ 2 1

(11 1 n(ll J91 IlUilIUII1)

1 55 18-111 n 1 7(1 23 IJ7f11l1Y31 tifPRUqq) 21 (elrly 101

389 176 I N I (J I 25

1J7f11l1Y91 (tlJ7RtIYY) 26 (eilTl~ 1961))

SO IIltgt ltlesi911 Ider uce to his r ) in hul 1l)9ftlr illtH r)l1ll(lH J U8wls uSeO lor ltI s ltorl pel if in 13

on cr with 1021 1[ e rgil1tgt mdl s peed lrill1 ltrll i$ju lll Yilt dtld wl( 111I~ rtiolo ltIn r c lnll ~s y(IU

ltllso hltlve il hig V R engine

bullbull I quId 0) rlCl19li7e tmylhit19 Itllhi)Il~W Yfrilll for Vltl liIlU IJ tn tgt 5 1


Corvilir 11 Pul Into An rC Driven Gear Illl o rrlliltioll

3 27 Hilli) ~e use your old FC 20 Im gtI gea T

3~ 1~ il1io 1 here is no recognized good substitulioll YOlleltgtd ltl 22 luuth yeaf bu t there IS

nOlle 10 Iii Ihe sleel drive gevr II yOll lIS~ Ihtgt COlvair 23 loolh gpltIr yetI

speed ome ter odometer will read about 5 slowpr

389 Ratitl Hemiddot use your old rc 21 toolh ge M

111 drive gelrs hwe 8 h~plh Yuu can see 8

slarls 0 11 th e end of the gear Its difficult to

count teeth across the top o f the gea r

While all hav e 8 leeth there are two di[felellt

oUlside d(lllleters and pitch diameters Th erefore

you C(lIlIlOt 011middot hand s witch parts arollnd

Speedo Driven Gear (plastic) his s the geM 1111 Ihe end of the tOTperlo

housing Ihll is reHlovabie hom Ihe reM a)(le hmlsirgtg These geMS have 20 Of more leelh This is what the f~ c tory put in to match your axle

ralion of 327355 or 3 89 Instrument Cluster is h(t unil wilh ~ glilss

II 0111 I 11lt1tlllOUllis to II Ie illstrument panel Within

it is fhe Speedomeler Head A55embly fhat is a

r emov(ble unif rOlltilining fh e Spepdomel er

wh ich is Ihe need le all rl mitfs per rou r pMI of

thp business The Il e (ld Assemgtly ltllso Clgtlltlills

the Odo meter w hich is the miles frlveleu row or

numbers With the o dorneltgtt is I set o f geltlrs Ihll

take lOOI1fOtuIi0115 of Ihe sreerlomPI(gtr shalt nr cable 10 ro ll up o lle (I) lIlile All fil r t~ Hlcgtrlpl Cnrvlirs anrl a ll F C s rld Ihis s ltlme gfal illg 0 1

lOt re vs peuror Illite r-o r refe relle th e 19659 CHvair wi(h lelt Ironl w heel 5peedornff p r ( llgtle drive had ooolleler geltlrillQ lor 82Srev~ pfr Illile)

Thf Speedometer c( n Igte rf(~Iibrlfd 10

register fMtgtr or slowe 1Y ( ~peerlnll1pttgt shop Tfgltl Hll e ss 0 1 ltIlly q(gtlring t thp a t le l1d ()j 11i(

spfedome le r c(lgtIf Its I nlllttfr o f t11lt1gnetislll

eeio~ conellt s no 1I11111cI ~Ir i llg

A speednmetf ~hl 1 tl ( lmol p(IIIgtIle illl

odometer Aillhey (Ill dn i~ 11) put ltIll (gtJoC IPTIllI

oltlrl (r (r p(ld Ih t 9ltgtltIr poo I ld $1-) 10 t1ffdu )l

or ~Iow dowll th p speed0l11Clei (Igt If Whlevel

an adlpler dues 10 lIffecl the oeiOll1eler Iso

allecl5 the speeciomeler So Ih(Is why r QI1l a~kerl I()t 11 lew

(ullknowil1gly) IIHlt1SltI lld vo)lds

SpeeOOllie tel gerig lt11111051 lIever prodl1t(gts ob50tute acclT(lle re~u lls Generally they kepi 0 11 Ih e fa~t sieie by at-ou l 5 excepl for 1960

Esselltially no OIIP IISIS oligillill lire Si7fS l orl (~ so you r speedullleter is no lIme 01 less

ilccurilf Ihll1 ori gin1 If you ge t inlormltion hOI11 ~Ollf lire stlpplier Oil

revolutions per Illile you rail 00 S(lIlle


(Revs Mile) ~ (Axle ~ il lio)

IBi 100 II

Numuer 0 1 teelh in drilen gear

Use lewer leeth lid VOllr spperlonleler head

TUI1S fast Use more teeth ltllld it rUIlS slow

As a SUlllmcuy caut ion ac cording 10 records f

can piece together 2U 21 22 leel h geMS IMY be inlerchanged ill iI I eltll aole Geltlrs of 23 211 25 26 leeth 1llay ue int er changerl in ao aole but you canlmx ue lwe en the groups 1 hltve exreriel1ced

gpars 011 axle rebuild that I coulei 110t gel lugelhpr heclllsP Ihe e~tlr wele jal1l1l1e(

logether 100 c1ostiy I 111 ( heltlrd Ilf the plaslic 9( (r h vil1g thc tfeth 11(1 (1 011 IIgt just 11 fe~u

revolu tions whell jllSt ~OIlle -Ie WltI$ put ill

Ihtgtle to lill Ifl lhe 11I1f In the best of illY kll(llVt~Ogl Ihi~ I Ihe right

infonn(llion IIthel is HI en (H (h(1 you knowQl

pleuroltlse rnl1(d 11110 51l1 rltll1 hI ~lrtitJhtlllgtd oul

lill pf



By Gary Baxter

The March 1983 COnSA Communique had speed ometers are driven directly by the front larger lire Iaslhe opposlle eHect Usually the some good Informallon on wlteel and tire seshy wheel the tire has 10 make 825 re volutiolls cIanye Is slight Ho wever changing 10 lecti on To carry it a lillie further I would like per mile also This requires a Ure with a rollmiddot something like a 180middot 70x 13 has fhe effecl of to show some of the effects lire size has on illY diame ter of 2445 inches or using the changing the final drive ratio from 355 I to speedomeler accuracy and engine speed 1025 valve from above a free diameter of 384 1 and Increases the engine speed by

folrsl an explanation of roiling diameter 2505 inches 8 --shyvs free diameter When a loaded tire rolls it Interes1ingly enough the standard IIres You probably nollced a wide variation in flexes causing Ihe effective diameler and used by GM did nol malch Ihls dlameler dimensions for the same size tire This has alshyIhus the distance traveled to be less than that Several Corsas Ive driven show about 3180 ways been a problem wllh the old number of a non-loaded or free tire The distance the rpm on the tach when the speedometer and leiter size lires The metric size lires elim shyfree lire travels Is lis circumference or shows 60 mph The lach should only show inates such wide ranges from one style or 3 1416 times ihe diameter By measuring 2933 rpm for the Ideal size lire This means brand 10 another The first number 180 In the distance that a loaded Ure travels we can the speedometer needle Is registering prop middot the above example shows the width at the calculate Its effective diameter a11d the pershy erly for a lire that Is oilly 92 6 of the tdeal widest point The second Is the ratio or permiddot cent that this Is of the free lire For a sel of or a free diameter o( 23 1 inches I howe cent that the height between the rim and the adlallires J measured I came up with an efmiddot measured 6 50x13s with free diameters of Iread is of Ihe widlh or 70 of 180 which Is eclive loaded diameter of 97 6 of tile (ree 2325 10 24 3 Inches The smaller tile Is 126 These numbers are III millimeters so diameter This means that the free diameter close to what the needle appears to be set we need 10 COnvert 10 Inches to find the has 10 be 1025 limes larger than the loaded for The odometer however seems set for dialneler 126 divided by 25 4 eqlJltIls 496 diameter Ihat I want to end up wilh Other the ideal lire I also measured a 700x 13 Inches limes 2 since there is a section of lire styles of lires might vary slightly from this diameter at 24 75 Inches on each side of the rim gives us 9 92 inches

Late speedometers have a sticker showing Changing lire diameters also affects the for the lire plus 13 inches fo r the rim for a that they are designed (or 825 re vo lutions engine speed at a given road speed A small shy lolal diameter ot 22 92 per mile At 60 mph the speed ometer cable er lire has the effect of lowering the gear has to be turning at 825 rpm Because Ihese mlio which increases the ellglne speed A

More on Tires Speed etc

The fitsl chari below shows the flee diameter for several avail~ble lire sizes The second shows engine speed vs yround speed for both 3 27 1 and 355 1 fillal drive rallos Thts Assumes that til Ideal size liT is uSd

SIZE 50 60 70 75 80 13x 175 1989 2127 22 65 23 33 2402 185 2028 2174 23 20 23 93 24 65 185middot80 is 160 100 ~mall

195 2068 2221 23 75 24 52 25 28 ~--14x

185 2128 22 74 21 20 24 93 25 65 185-75 is 48 100 small 195 2168 2321 24 75 2552 2628 195-75 Is 188 100 large 205 2207 23 69 2530 26 11 2691 2U5-7U Is IU 100 large 215 2216 2416 2585 2670 215-60 is 355 100 small

lihls equalls 369 gear rallol 15 185 2228 23 74 2520 25 93 195 2268 24 21 2575 2652 205 2307 2469 26 3U 27 11 215 2346 2516 26 85 27 70

SPEED TRANS ENGINE RPM mph RATIO 327 final drive 355 I LI 45 48 9 lU 311 1 1399 1520 2U 22U I 198U 2151 25 1471 1654 1797 30 1471 1984 2156 35 U 1575 171 4U U 18UO 1956 45 U 2025 2200 50 LI 2250 2444 55 U 24 75 2689 60 1 1 2700 2933 65 1 1 2925 3178 70 11 315U 3422

RPM trailS rallo - 3 11 220 147 U 6000 speed 429 60 6 907 1333 (327 rear end) 6000 395 55 8 83 5 1227 (355 rear end) shy7000 46 U 65 1 974 1431 (355 reor end)

The above gear ratios are Ihose of the 66 middot69 Saginaw 1 speed The ralios for 6163 are 3 65 2 35 144 and 1 I fnr lsi 2nd 3rd and 41h respecllvely 64 65 ore 320 218 144 and 1 1

Major life companies houtd be able 10 ~lpply IItp diameter re volutions per mile md recommenrled rim wirlths for IIPlr IIres partIcularly their performance treo iJo expecl thfi disro llill hri1llds (0 know diM you are 1lklng aboul lei ill o l1E hilvP my irIltinn

P(r) IN ~ ON1E ~ SE~VICtTM

RON BLOOM - PH 881-1443 C-39R Ucensed Contractor C-62

bull Warm Air Heating bull Service Maintenance bull Cooling amp Ventilating bull Home Improvements

bull All Types of Repair 4072 E 22nd St Suite 197middot Tucson Arizona 85711

Bonded Fax 602-745-8114


TI trp I SlIre r s rpo r t wll l he available as soo n a s a comp lete nHt is pe rf ormed Lo ok for re po rt in the n~xt CO I-vaj rs at lOll

Ron Tl Ll en Trea su rer

Wrecking out


Ben amp Son Aulo amp Truck Salvage (formerly Jeny Bi~)

4260 E Illinois

Tucson Arizona 85714



Castings - Aluminum - Iron

1lt Siraighlcd 1lt Welded

1lt Rebuill

- ANTIQUES REBUILTshy Malthines Eng ines Cars

217 N CicveinllJ

P O Box l7J

Bowie l riZ)i)l 85(it)~


Larry Dandridge


1710 S JEFFERSON 10 TUCSON ARIZONA 85711 571-9680

Please patronize our advertizers whenever you can They help us - Lets help them

NOTE- - Ad s in VA I RS N SPA RE S ar e f ree to jCA membe rs No n -mem bers ca n p lace a 4 line a d fo r $ 2 50 Member s se nd a dsVairs 0 Spares di rect l y t o CORVAIBSATTON editor Non shymembers sen d ad and payme nt to Go rd on

shyPARTING our 66 Monza Coupe Many good used ilems stil l available ind uding windshield and rear glass red door panels and other misc parts If I have whal you need its available at a lair pr ice Gordon Cauble (002)299-1122 592

I I n ~A fp (1 NpmJ IUl Hro atiy 1 1 lilL llt I ell ( Jil lll I lie IIncHI li IIee 11If1()m fl l lI P rl i III 11][ irl 00 ril l Cl ( II 1 1(1 11 1 EIIgi Jl Nun L SelJ imiddotve r y lhll lB 1l)S 11 0 Uu I)(() VOl kswOf nn 1311 1 l e w r e nl p l

i u ~lum fOL ~~ Neel s l1 f fp l ill i sh0d A ki p ~ AOO OII )13 UltlC J lI) lloo f l~ t gt O jIl Adj)J I shyn lJ l c 11111 l o I II I f- 01 1II d IJr l m 1 to lJ r u nl ~~ 1() Orgt 1nl p l L e loLs ll f ~ll R (4J 1 111(11 1IS bull AII t Vo lknI r) II lcIlLI1 l lpfHl l ltlll I h lJ~ j LI 2)~ - ~ MI I r GIGI d 1gt pound11 Ave lII (srln Az iI ) (I(

FOR SILt= 66 MONZI 2-door autolll atio body stfalghl except for crease on Fight door greel interior ok paint ru ns good $900 Call John McNamara 624middot4045 292

FOR SALE 64 CORVAIR Monza 2middotdoor Complele or pnrt OUt Flusted uul good parts Del ~lgl (602Ifl836794 o r 8 83 - 5902 12l1

FOR SII F 65 AlGIIl DOOR (lor 2-lt100r) t 15 two ebuiluaole carburetors $ 15 101 both 6~ amp 65 bumpers and trim parts and filters Make olle r Del Ught (602)883-6794 1291

FOB SIL[= 63 f)OOIl amp QUIRIErI PINFU 101 a onvertlblc red wiHlOut buuulIs Larry Dandridge 57t-9660 109 1

rOR SAL r SPYLlEn COUPE 64 while wwhitp seats and red Interior IrilO Rust Iree body and new tire A aile owner car that can be driven anywhere

aBO Call Gordon Cauble at (602)299-1122 491 ($2500 )

FOR SALE The Al e xes have to se l l Esthers wh ite 4 d r 4 on th e f loor 6 6 Monza wit h fac tor y AC Cecil

t ltill drive h i s 65 Co rs a Ca ll - 29 3- 4 156 fo r details

Ca ub le 5950 N Camino Arizpe Tucson 85710

AUla BODY REPAIR and restoration Traveling estimates It could be less than you think but thell again II could be more Corvairs are my first love Ted Christianson 887middot9449

FOR SALE NEW AND GOOD USED PARTS- - Rebuil t f lywhe e ls for ear ly o r la t e bolted ba l shyanced and g uaranteed $90 all other parts f o r clutch job available FC a xles with pa c ked be a ring $75 e~

65 Corsa wi ring harn e sses mai n amp engine $30 ea new gas d oor g ua rd $20 reconed Co rva i r radio speakers ea rl y $]6 l a te $20 Call Gor do n 602299-1122

FOR THE DOI fYOURSELFEAS Mag ignition wires and long rotos ptus all regula ignition itellis Wlapped Ian belts all and 011

fillers plus IllolI O -rings and oil cooler seals Calt Gordon Cauble (602) 299-1122

I-OR SALE conVl1R PARTS Large outdoor yard lull of great Corvair parts Call Barry Cunningham for Informalion at (602)7 47 shy9028

CORVAIfl PARTS Large selection 01 early and late Resonable prices Larry Dandridge 571 -9680


Piccadilly Cafeteria 676 7 E Broadway Tucson

630 pm Parking Lot Bull Session 700 pm Dinner (opt i onal ) 740 pm Heeting sla r ts

cotunG EV~NTS

l l llj 1(11 II 11111

Dues Reminder - Check be mailing label below - yours may be duel

Regul ar Honthl y Heeting Wednesday ~-ebruary 26 1992 TCA Board Meeting Wedne sday Mar 2 1 992 at JBs Swan amp Speedway 730pm

PI r IJrJJ1I(illJ Ii l I A I II I AI)llHr (n 1 111 J W j 1)1 FHI INI ((Jn UI tRI IlIill 1If rI I

Tucson Corvair Association 4072 E 22nd 51 SuitS i 97 middot Tucson Arizona 857 11

J--_ ~at ~ AS5~f

Page 5: TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION TUCSON. ARIZONA · TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION . Corvairsation i s a monthly publication of the Tucson Corvair Assocjation, which i s . dedicated to the



~ Y ll fl m is lyJ IIJ 11 )( ID I11Jd J VI jus t Ipltelltl Y -cG lL erl [Ilp IlllLi~n )1 p IiI

[ wo uld Ii lIe Lo 1 this time to exp r ess 1)1) 1 ll reci a tJ oil [01 11 11 r Jlt - I 11 J r i T 11 1 1 11 f I I l l I I l tmiddot II j f I fill Ifr - J tldnf h e h Jr dOll o LC I II PlI middot I ()rfgt~ vpr IIp oJ J s

ll Eed 1llfdIK YI ) VA I 111 1 11 (Ul t Jlll j(lJ ~(J1

8 ~dJt(~r 1 Jl tr y Ln bl~t l1 f n ) 1 (~xt~ i Ll np lnd Jjltlt ()p l (lrLlcJp~ 11 nll)L YIJUI ( ( v l l rs

i j th ~ J I tJ(J IiJ ri ( lIll you nIl w ~ vil l be aoJe Lo co mp lJrlth 1 j [ - 18

Anu 1 11 be hltLinr on 11 uf 1 101 1 1 and my infurmatioJ) 81 Ucle s l l d even phoLos

In c J osine J jusL lid t o sy -I m exc ited that J h avfgt the oPlollunity to eive so mpthin f t o Ih e r l u b J 1001lt [ I)IvaId La meel i nr all the memhprs a nd l ) be come bel tel ltlr IFillt Prl j n Llw n1onLhro Lo OITP

Ly 11 tI BJp(IOI

- -----

1-11middot1 IIIlilI 11 1111 11 middot1 (11 AWl II IFI llfIAlllltl 1 li iLII 11111 111 1( I middotIlIlllfl I I I 1111 I-II 1 1 I II J AlFlI 1 11111 1111 1)[ 11 Ii I Alt III H III T I i (middot11 it -q Yt I I I JI jI I 1 II 1111 1 middot1 111


1 Spek to People The re is nothing s( nice as a cheer ful word of greeting

2 Smll II People II tekes 72 muscl to frown only 14 to sm ile

3 Call People by Name The sweetes music to anyones 9ars is the sound 01 hi own name

4 Be Friendly end Helpful If you woI have friends be a friend

5 8 Cordllli Speak and Bct 89 if every thing you do is 8 genuine pleasure

6 Be Genuinely Intereeted In People You can like almost everybody U you try

7 Be Ownroul with Pr bullbull - caullou with c ritic ism

8 Be Conlder with the Fbullbulll1ngl CJ

Othen There are usually three sides to controversy yours the other lellowmiddots an the right side

9 Be Alert 10 GIve Service What count most in life is what we do for others

10 Add to Thl Good Sene of Humol a big dose of Dttipnce and a d~sh C hllmilil v tnrf VO l W ill ~laquogt r aw~Hrfp OTIo


The regular monthly meeting called to order a t 740 pm Cafeteria Ivednesday May 27


of the Tucson Corvair Association was by President CECIL ALEX at Picadilly 1992


April Meeting notes were accep t ed as printed in the Corvairsation after correction was mad~o sho that our picnic took place in April rather than in January

IJl RON ALLEN stated that the treasurers books had not been audited as yet therefore there would

gt H DON ROBINSON announced that he o U

DAVE BAKER stated library report New phone number

RON BLOOM amp BARRY a trip to Kitts and Ajo near the

that in the

THE GRIFFITHS were the big winners in the great Rally last month and were presented a trophy by Don Robinson

GORDON CAUBLE reported about a new enterprize in Tucson--Arizona Auto Storage Open 9-5 Group rates Also Clarks catalogue has not been distributed as yet

BARRY CUNNINGHAMS show and tell described the various clutch discs of the Corvair He showed the heavy duty clutch disc which is now available at Clarks

Announcement was the last one put a long time--and In the meantime

made that the May issue of the Corvairsation was out by Van --who has served us so well for such the Club asked for volunteers to serve in hiS place its up to the rest of us to see that our paper

gets published each month




0 Meeting adjourned at 9 c III Relpectfully ~bmtted

They have just moved to 6110 E 5th Apt 227 is 747-0840

CUNNINGHAM said that our mid-month activity is Peak Saturday June 13 Meet at 10 am Mission Donut Shop



be no treasurers report

had some Corvair T shirts for sale

absence of BEVERLY there was no




DANDRIDGE (License Plate)


81~ilJltJhT ~rorr 0))1 t SeCTre To Crsshy

Pen _


Early Model Speedometer Gears By Bob Kirkman Cvrl)allatics

Fe Speedometer Gears rom SilvlY suggesled 1 (llli((I on

speedumeter geClrs (at the real (lxh ) be((lllce ti l

frequent substitutions 01 C C(llvir passenger

(i1r recH ltI xle iSSeurolllbly inlo an rc flllre ofh1l i~ a qUfSlioll of what 10 do Iboul speedolTleter

geilTS sinn th ee is ltHI obviuus (hfferellceuro intire

si7e It seem logicCllhltlt the CrJtViljr axl would turn slower (revs r er mile) iIKi wOllld nerd geilring 11) speed up Ihe speenorlleter II lIeuroerls buut a SY boo~1 or bout I looth less Oil Ihe

driven gear filling Bu CAUTION ~eilrl 011

bltgtfQre you s imply do h(1

1100kerl in Illy rehwelTY 1972 r amp A CttltlklY

for help My ildvice is d ont look in thai hook fUI

1Ilr II C)llli1iIlS 1lOT errors 111lt111 good stull Following liI1 I obtAined gear thowil19S

desigll layouts illci aselllbly nHtlual s to pul together the (01)011119 illfOT1J1ltllioll It dues 1101

ltIglee wilh sUflplier catalogs They probably tried to dedpher the II amp 1 stull

Speedo Drive Gear (Steel) Ihis i ~ the 9ltIr 0 11 the rear axle pini)11 5hillt

lil a looks tikI it is rnltlrl~ as [I it of (he s halt il se lf II s ve ry rldlirull II) relllOVI ltInd replace w ithoul ltI1I1ge 1900 CorvairS did hltlve the gear

ill(lchilled (5 rar uj the shilfl This was changed

I pre~serl VII geilr ill 1961 p(llly due 10

Ullnltlli Clio (lllh~ 327 ltIxlc rltl(io Ihall equ ir ed a

Icu ge r steel gflL



(I SO 13 CnTvili R51 8-10

iOIl 1-1 (jrelltjCt ~II) 700



Uri V( Gear OrhPIl J)riE (ellr oriven

AJoCle HaHo Oulicte Uia GeM1 ~e lh Olll~ide Oia Geilr TI(gtlh

J 08middot J 27 18114 2(1 1 8~~ 2 1

(11 1 n(ll J91 IlUilIUII1)

1 55 18-111 n 1 7(1 23 IJ7f11l1Y31 tifPRUqq) 21 (elrly 101

389 176 I N I (J I 25

1J7f11l1Y91 (tlJ7RtIYY) 26 (eilTl~ 1961))

SO IIltgt ltlesi911 Ider uce to his r ) in hul 1l)9ftlr illtH r)l1ll(lH J U8wls uSeO lor ltI s ltorl pel if in 13

on cr with 1021 1[ e rgil1tgt mdl s peed lrill1 ltrll i$ju lll Yilt dtld wl( 111I~ rtiolo ltIn r c lnll ~s y(IU

ltllso hltlve il hig V R engine

bullbull I quId 0) rlCl19li7e tmylhit19 Itllhi)Il~W Yfrilll for Vltl liIlU IJ tn tgt 5 1


Corvilir 11 Pul Into An rC Driven Gear Illl o rrlliltioll

3 27 Hilli) ~e use your old FC 20 Im gtI gea T

3~ 1~ il1io 1 here is no recognized good substitulioll YOlleltgtd ltl 22 luuth yeaf bu t there IS

nOlle 10 Iii Ihe sleel drive gevr II yOll lIS~ Ihtgt COlvair 23 loolh gpltIr yetI

speed ome ter odometer will read about 5 slowpr

389 Ratitl Hemiddot use your old rc 21 toolh ge M

111 drive gelrs hwe 8 h~plh Yuu can see 8

slarls 0 11 th e end of the gear Its difficult to

count teeth across the top o f the gea r

While all hav e 8 leeth there are two di[felellt

oUlside d(lllleters and pitch diameters Th erefore

you C(lIlIlOt 011middot hand s witch parts arollnd

Speedo Driven Gear (plastic) his s the geM 1111 Ihe end of the tOTperlo

housing Ihll is reHlovabie hom Ihe reM a)(le hmlsirgtg These geMS have 20 Of more leelh This is what the f~ c tory put in to match your axle

ralion of 327355 or 3 89 Instrument Cluster is h(t unil wilh ~ glilss

II 0111 I 11lt1tlllOUllis to II Ie illstrument panel Within

it is fhe Speedomeler Head A55embly fhat is a

r emov(ble unif rOlltilining fh e Spepdomel er

wh ich is Ihe need le all rl mitfs per rou r pMI of

thp business The Il e (ld Assemgtly ltllso Clgtlltlills

the Odo meter w hich is the miles frlveleu row or

numbers With the o dorneltgtt is I set o f geltlrs Ihll

take lOOI1fOtuIi0115 of Ihe sreerlomPI(gtr shalt nr cable 10 ro ll up o lle (I) lIlile All fil r t~ Hlcgtrlpl Cnrvlirs anrl a ll F C s rld Ihis s ltlme gfal illg 0 1

lOt re vs peuror Illite r-o r refe relle th e 19659 CHvair wi(h lelt Ironl w heel 5peedornff p r ( llgtle drive had ooolleler geltlrillQ lor 82Srev~ pfr Illile)

Thf Speedometer c( n Igte rf(~Iibrlfd 10

register fMtgtr or slowe 1Y ( ~peerlnll1pttgt shop Tfgltl Hll e ss 0 1 ltIlly q(gtlring t thp a t le l1d ()j 11i(

spfedome le r c(lgtIf Its I nlllttfr o f t11lt1gnetislll

eeio~ conellt s no 1I11111cI ~Ir i llg

A speednmetf ~hl 1 tl ( lmol p(IIIgtIle illl

odometer Aillhey (Ill dn i~ 11) put ltIll (gtJoC IPTIllI

oltlrl (r (r p(ld Ih t 9ltgtltIr poo I ld $1-) 10 t1ffdu )l

or ~Iow dowll th p speed0l11Clei (Igt If Whlevel

an adlpler dues 10 lIffecl the oeiOll1eler Iso

allecl5 the speeciomeler So Ih(Is why r QI1l a~kerl I()t 11 lew

(ullknowil1gly) IIHlt1SltI lld vo)lds

SpeeOOllie tel gerig lt11111051 lIever prodl1t(gts ob50tute acclT(lle re~u lls Generally they kepi 0 11 Ih e fa~t sieie by at-ou l 5 excepl for 1960

Esselltially no OIIP IISIS oligillill lire Si7fS l orl (~ so you r speedullleter is no lIme 01 less

ilccurilf Ihll1 ori gin1 If you ge t inlormltion hOI11 ~Ollf lire stlpplier Oil

revolutions per Illile you rail 00 S(lIlle


(Revs Mile) ~ (Axle ~ il lio)

IBi 100 II

Numuer 0 1 teelh in drilen gear

Use lewer leeth lid VOllr spperlonleler head

TUI1S fast Use more teeth ltllld it rUIlS slow

As a SUlllmcuy caut ion ac cording 10 records f

can piece together 2U 21 22 leel h geMS IMY be inlerchanged ill iI I eltll aole Geltlrs of 23 211 25 26 leeth 1llay ue int er changerl in ao aole but you canlmx ue lwe en the groups 1 hltve exreriel1ced

gpars 011 axle rebuild that I coulei 110t gel lugelhpr heclllsP Ihe e~tlr wele jal1l1l1e(

logether 100 c1ostiy I 111 ( heltlrd Ilf the plaslic 9( (r h vil1g thc tfeth 11(1 (1 011 IIgt just 11 fe~u

revolu tions whell jllSt ~OIlle -Ie WltI$ put ill

Ihtgtle to lill Ifl lhe 11I1f In the best of illY kll(llVt~Ogl Ihi~ I Ihe right

infonn(llion IIthel is HI en (H (h(1 you knowQl

pleuroltlse rnl1(d 11110 51l1 rltll1 hI ~lrtitJhtlllgtd oul

lill pf



By Gary Baxter

The March 1983 COnSA Communique had speed ometers are driven directly by the front larger lire Iaslhe opposlle eHect Usually the some good Informallon on wlteel and tire seshy wheel the tire has 10 make 825 re volutiolls cIanye Is slight Ho wever changing 10 lecti on To carry it a lillie further I would like per mile also This requires a Ure with a rollmiddot something like a 180middot 70x 13 has fhe effecl of to show some of the effects lire size has on illY diame ter of 2445 inches or using the changing the final drive ratio from 355 I to speedomeler accuracy and engine speed 1025 valve from above a free diameter of 384 1 and Increases the engine speed by

folrsl an explanation of roiling diameter 2505 inches 8 --shyvs free diameter When a loaded tire rolls it Interes1ingly enough the standard IIres You probably nollced a wide variation in flexes causing Ihe effective diameler and used by GM did nol malch Ihls dlameler dimensions for the same size tire This has alshyIhus the distance traveled to be less than that Several Corsas Ive driven show about 3180 ways been a problem wllh the old number of a non-loaded or free tire The distance the rpm on the tach when the speedometer and leiter size lires The metric size lires elim shyfree lire travels Is lis circumference or shows 60 mph The lach should only show inates such wide ranges from one style or 3 1416 times ihe diameter By measuring 2933 rpm for the Ideal size lire This means brand 10 another The first number 180 In the distance that a loaded Ure travels we can the speedometer needle Is registering prop middot the above example shows the width at the calculate Its effective diameter a11d the pershy erly for a lire that Is oilly 92 6 of the tdeal widest point The second Is the ratio or permiddot cent that this Is of the free lire For a sel of or a free diameter o( 23 1 inches I howe cent that the height between the rim and the adlallires J measured I came up with an efmiddot measured 6 50x13s with free diameters of Iread is of Ihe widlh or 70 of 180 which Is eclive loaded diameter of 97 6 of tile (ree 2325 10 24 3 Inches The smaller tile Is 126 These numbers are III millimeters so diameter This means that the free diameter close to what the needle appears to be set we need 10 COnvert 10 Inches to find the has 10 be 1025 limes larger than the loaded for The odometer however seems set for dialneler 126 divided by 25 4 eqlJltIls 496 diameter Ihat I want to end up wilh Other the ideal lire I also measured a 700x 13 Inches limes 2 since there is a section of lire styles of lires might vary slightly from this diameter at 24 75 Inches on each side of the rim gives us 9 92 inches

Late speedometers have a sticker showing Changing lire diameters also affects the for the lire plus 13 inches fo r the rim for a that they are designed (or 825 re vo lutions engine speed at a given road speed A small shy lolal diameter ot 22 92 per mile At 60 mph the speed ometer cable er lire has the effect of lowering the gear has to be turning at 825 rpm Because Ihese mlio which increases the ellglne speed A

More on Tires Speed etc

The fitsl chari below shows the flee diameter for several avail~ble lire sizes The second shows engine speed vs yround speed for both 3 27 1 and 355 1 fillal drive rallos Thts Assumes that til Ideal size liT is uSd

SIZE 50 60 70 75 80 13x 175 1989 2127 22 65 23 33 2402 185 2028 2174 23 20 23 93 24 65 185middot80 is 160 100 ~mall

195 2068 2221 23 75 24 52 25 28 ~--14x

185 2128 22 74 21 20 24 93 25 65 185-75 is 48 100 small 195 2168 2321 24 75 2552 2628 195-75 Is 188 100 large 205 2207 23 69 2530 26 11 2691 2U5-7U Is IU 100 large 215 2216 2416 2585 2670 215-60 is 355 100 small

lihls equalls 369 gear rallol 15 185 2228 23 74 2520 25 93 195 2268 24 21 2575 2652 205 2307 2469 26 3U 27 11 215 2346 2516 26 85 27 70

SPEED TRANS ENGINE RPM mph RATIO 327 final drive 355 I LI 45 48 9 lU 311 1 1399 1520 2U 22U I 198U 2151 25 1471 1654 1797 30 1471 1984 2156 35 U 1575 171 4U U 18UO 1956 45 U 2025 2200 50 LI 2250 2444 55 U 24 75 2689 60 1 1 2700 2933 65 1 1 2925 3178 70 11 315U 3422

RPM trailS rallo - 3 11 220 147 U 6000 speed 429 60 6 907 1333 (327 rear end) 6000 395 55 8 83 5 1227 (355 rear end) shy7000 46 U 65 1 974 1431 (355 reor end)

The above gear ratios are Ihose of the 66 middot69 Saginaw 1 speed The ralios for 6163 are 3 65 2 35 144 and 1 I fnr lsi 2nd 3rd and 41h respecllvely 64 65 ore 320 218 144 and 1 1

Major life companies houtd be able 10 ~lpply IItp diameter re volutions per mile md recommenrled rim wirlths for IIPlr IIres partIcularly their performance treo iJo expecl thfi disro llill hri1llds (0 know diM you are 1lklng aboul lei ill o l1E hilvP my irIltinn

P(r) IN ~ ON1E ~ SE~VICtTM

RON BLOOM - PH 881-1443 C-39R Ucensed Contractor C-62

bull Warm Air Heating bull Service Maintenance bull Cooling amp Ventilating bull Home Improvements

bull All Types of Repair 4072 E 22nd St Suite 197middot Tucson Arizona 85711

Bonded Fax 602-745-8114


TI trp I SlIre r s rpo r t wll l he available as soo n a s a comp lete nHt is pe rf ormed Lo ok for re po rt in the n~xt CO I-vaj rs at lOll

Ron Tl Ll en Trea su rer

Wrecking out


Ben amp Son Aulo amp Truck Salvage (formerly Jeny Bi~)

4260 E Illinois

Tucson Arizona 85714



Castings - Aluminum - Iron

1lt Siraighlcd 1lt Welded

1lt Rebuill

- ANTIQUES REBUILTshy Malthines Eng ines Cars

217 N CicveinllJ

P O Box l7J

Bowie l riZ)i)l 85(it)~


Larry Dandridge


1710 S JEFFERSON 10 TUCSON ARIZONA 85711 571-9680

Please patronize our advertizers whenever you can They help us - Lets help them

NOTE- - Ad s in VA I RS N SPA RE S ar e f ree to jCA membe rs No n -mem bers ca n p lace a 4 line a d fo r $ 2 50 Member s se nd a dsVairs 0 Spares di rect l y t o CORVAIBSATTON editor Non shymembers sen d ad and payme nt to Go rd on

shyPARTING our 66 Monza Coupe Many good used ilems stil l available ind uding windshield and rear glass red door panels and other misc parts If I have whal you need its available at a lair pr ice Gordon Cauble (002)299-1122 592

I I n ~A fp (1 NpmJ IUl Hro atiy 1 1 lilL llt I ell ( Jil lll I lie IIncHI li IIee 11If1()m fl l lI P rl i III 11][ irl 00 ril l Cl ( II 1 1(1 11 1 EIIgi Jl Nun L SelJ imiddotve r y lhll lB 1l)S 11 0 Uu I)(() VOl kswOf nn 1311 1 l e w r e nl p l

i u ~lum fOL ~~ Neel s l1 f fp l ill i sh0d A ki p ~ AOO OII )13 UltlC J lI) lloo f l~ t gt O jIl Adj)J I shyn lJ l c 11111 l o I II I f- 01 1II d IJr l m 1 to lJ r u nl ~~ 1() Orgt 1nl p l L e loLs ll f ~ll R (4J 1 111(11 1IS bull AII t Vo lknI r) II lcIlLI1 l lpfHl l ltlll I h lJ~ j LI 2)~ - ~ MI I r GIGI d 1gt pound11 Ave lII (srln Az iI ) (I(

FOR SILt= 66 MONZI 2-door autolll atio body stfalghl except for crease on Fight door greel interior ok paint ru ns good $900 Call John McNamara 624middot4045 292

FOR SALE 64 CORVAIR Monza 2middotdoor Complele or pnrt OUt Flusted uul good parts Del ~lgl (602Ifl836794 o r 8 83 - 5902 12l1

FOR SII F 65 AlGIIl DOOR (lor 2-lt100r) t 15 two ebuiluaole carburetors $ 15 101 both 6~ amp 65 bumpers and trim parts and filters Make olle r Del Ught (602)883-6794 1291

FOB SIL[= 63 f)OOIl amp QUIRIErI PINFU 101 a onvertlblc red wiHlOut buuulIs Larry Dandridge 57t-9660 109 1

rOR SAL r SPYLlEn COUPE 64 while wwhitp seats and red Interior IrilO Rust Iree body and new tire A aile owner car that can be driven anywhere

aBO Call Gordon Cauble at (602)299-1122 491 ($2500 )

FOR SALE The Al e xes have to se l l Esthers wh ite 4 d r 4 on th e f loor 6 6 Monza wit h fac tor y AC Cecil

t ltill drive h i s 65 Co rs a Ca ll - 29 3- 4 156 fo r details

Ca ub le 5950 N Camino Arizpe Tucson 85710

AUla BODY REPAIR and restoration Traveling estimates It could be less than you think but thell again II could be more Corvairs are my first love Ted Christianson 887middot9449

FOR SALE NEW AND GOOD USED PARTS- - Rebuil t f lywhe e ls for ear ly o r la t e bolted ba l shyanced and g uaranteed $90 all other parts f o r clutch job available FC a xles with pa c ked be a ring $75 e~

65 Corsa wi ring harn e sses mai n amp engine $30 ea new gas d oor g ua rd $20 reconed Co rva i r radio speakers ea rl y $]6 l a te $20 Call Gor do n 602299-1122

FOR THE DOI fYOURSELFEAS Mag ignition wires and long rotos ptus all regula ignition itellis Wlapped Ian belts all and 011

fillers plus IllolI O -rings and oil cooler seals Calt Gordon Cauble (602) 299-1122

I-OR SALE conVl1R PARTS Large outdoor yard lull of great Corvair parts Call Barry Cunningham for Informalion at (602)7 47 shy9028

CORVAIfl PARTS Large selection 01 early and late Resonable prices Larry Dandridge 571 -9680


Piccadilly Cafeteria 676 7 E Broadway Tucson

630 pm Parking Lot Bull Session 700 pm Dinner (opt i onal ) 740 pm Heeting sla r ts

cotunG EV~NTS

l l llj 1(11 II 11111

Dues Reminder - Check be mailing label below - yours may be duel

Regul ar Honthl y Heeting Wednesday ~-ebruary 26 1992 TCA Board Meeting Wedne sday Mar 2 1 992 at JBs Swan amp Speedway 730pm

PI r IJrJJ1I(illJ Ii l I A I II I AI)llHr (n 1 111 J W j 1)1 FHI INI ((Jn UI tRI IlIill 1If rI I

Tucson Corvair Association 4072 E 22nd 51 SuitS i 97 middot Tucson Arizona 857 11

J--_ ~at ~ AS5~f

Page 6: TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION TUCSON. ARIZONA · TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION . Corvairsation i s a monthly publication of the Tucson Corvair Assocjation, which i s . dedicated to the


The regular monthly meeting called to order a t 740 pm Cafeteria Ivednesday May 27


of the Tucson Corvair Association was by President CECIL ALEX at Picadilly 1992


April Meeting notes were accep t ed as printed in the Corvairsation after correction was mad~o sho that our picnic took place in April rather than in January

IJl RON ALLEN stated that the treasurers books had not been audited as yet therefore there would

gt H DON ROBINSON announced that he o U

DAVE BAKER stated library report New phone number

RON BLOOM amp BARRY a trip to Kitts and Ajo near the

that in the

THE GRIFFITHS were the big winners in the great Rally last month and were presented a trophy by Don Robinson

GORDON CAUBLE reported about a new enterprize in Tucson--Arizona Auto Storage Open 9-5 Group rates Also Clarks catalogue has not been distributed as yet

BARRY CUNNINGHAMS show and tell described the various clutch discs of the Corvair He showed the heavy duty clutch disc which is now available at Clarks

Announcement was the last one put a long time--and In the meantime

made that the May issue of the Corvairsation was out by Van --who has served us so well for such the Club asked for volunteers to serve in hiS place its up to the rest of us to see that our paper

gets published each month




0 Meeting adjourned at 9 c III Relpectfully ~bmtted

They have just moved to 6110 E 5th Apt 227 is 747-0840

CUNNINGHAM said that our mid-month activity is Peak Saturday June 13 Meet at 10 am Mission Donut Shop



be no treasurers report

had some Corvair T shirts for sale

absence of BEVERLY there was no




DANDRIDGE (License Plate)


81~ilJltJhT ~rorr 0))1 t SeCTre To Crsshy

Pen _


Early Model Speedometer Gears By Bob Kirkman Cvrl)allatics

Fe Speedometer Gears rom SilvlY suggesled 1 (llli((I on

speedumeter geClrs (at the real (lxh ) be((lllce ti l

frequent substitutions 01 C C(llvir passenger

(i1r recH ltI xle iSSeurolllbly inlo an rc flllre ofh1l i~ a qUfSlioll of what 10 do Iboul speedolTleter

geilTS sinn th ee is ltHI obviuus (hfferellceuro intire

si7e It seem logicCllhltlt the CrJtViljr axl would turn slower (revs r er mile) iIKi wOllld nerd geilring 11) speed up Ihe speenorlleter II lIeuroerls buut a SY boo~1 or bout I looth less Oil Ihe

driven gear filling Bu CAUTION ~eilrl 011

bltgtfQre you s imply do h(1

1100kerl in Illy rehwelTY 1972 r amp A CttltlklY

for help My ildvice is d ont look in thai hook fUI

1Ilr II C)llli1iIlS 1lOT errors 111lt111 good stull Following liI1 I obtAined gear thowil19S

desigll layouts illci aselllbly nHtlual s to pul together the (01)011119 illfOT1J1ltllioll It dues 1101

ltIglee wilh sUflplier catalogs They probably tried to dedpher the II amp 1 stull

Speedo Drive Gear (Steel) Ihis i ~ the 9ltIr 0 11 the rear axle pini)11 5hillt

lil a looks tikI it is rnltlrl~ as [I it of (he s halt il se lf II s ve ry rldlirull II) relllOVI ltInd replace w ithoul ltI1I1ge 1900 CorvairS did hltlve the gear

ill(lchilled (5 rar uj the shilfl This was changed

I pre~serl VII geilr ill 1961 p(llly due 10

Ullnltlli Clio (lllh~ 327 ltIxlc rltl(io Ihall equ ir ed a

Icu ge r steel gflL



(I SO 13 CnTvili R51 8-10

iOIl 1-1 (jrelltjCt ~II) 700



Uri V( Gear OrhPIl J)riE (ellr oriven

AJoCle HaHo Oulicte Uia GeM1 ~e lh Olll~ide Oia Geilr TI(gtlh

J 08middot J 27 18114 2(1 1 8~~ 2 1

(11 1 n(ll J91 IlUilIUII1)

1 55 18-111 n 1 7(1 23 IJ7f11l1Y31 tifPRUqq) 21 (elrly 101

389 176 I N I (J I 25

1J7f11l1Y91 (tlJ7RtIYY) 26 (eilTl~ 1961))

SO IIltgt ltlesi911 Ider uce to his r ) in hul 1l)9ftlr illtH r)l1ll(lH J U8wls uSeO lor ltI s ltorl pel if in 13

on cr with 1021 1[ e rgil1tgt mdl s peed lrill1 ltrll i$ju lll Yilt dtld wl( 111I~ rtiolo ltIn r c lnll ~s y(IU

ltllso hltlve il hig V R engine

bullbull I quId 0) rlCl19li7e tmylhit19 Itllhi)Il~W Yfrilll for Vltl liIlU IJ tn tgt 5 1


Corvilir 11 Pul Into An rC Driven Gear Illl o rrlliltioll

3 27 Hilli) ~e use your old FC 20 Im gtI gea T

3~ 1~ il1io 1 here is no recognized good substitulioll YOlleltgtd ltl 22 luuth yeaf bu t there IS

nOlle 10 Iii Ihe sleel drive gevr II yOll lIS~ Ihtgt COlvair 23 loolh gpltIr yetI

speed ome ter odometer will read about 5 slowpr

389 Ratitl Hemiddot use your old rc 21 toolh ge M

111 drive gelrs hwe 8 h~plh Yuu can see 8

slarls 0 11 th e end of the gear Its difficult to

count teeth across the top o f the gea r

While all hav e 8 leeth there are two di[felellt

oUlside d(lllleters and pitch diameters Th erefore

you C(lIlIlOt 011middot hand s witch parts arollnd

Speedo Driven Gear (plastic) his s the geM 1111 Ihe end of the tOTperlo

housing Ihll is reHlovabie hom Ihe reM a)(le hmlsirgtg These geMS have 20 Of more leelh This is what the f~ c tory put in to match your axle

ralion of 327355 or 3 89 Instrument Cluster is h(t unil wilh ~ glilss

II 0111 I 11lt1tlllOUllis to II Ie illstrument panel Within

it is fhe Speedomeler Head A55embly fhat is a

r emov(ble unif rOlltilining fh e Spepdomel er

wh ich is Ihe need le all rl mitfs per rou r pMI of

thp business The Il e (ld Assemgtly ltllso Clgtlltlills

the Odo meter w hich is the miles frlveleu row or

numbers With the o dorneltgtt is I set o f geltlrs Ihll

take lOOI1fOtuIi0115 of Ihe sreerlomPI(gtr shalt nr cable 10 ro ll up o lle (I) lIlile All fil r t~ Hlcgtrlpl Cnrvlirs anrl a ll F C s rld Ihis s ltlme gfal illg 0 1

lOt re vs peuror Illite r-o r refe relle th e 19659 CHvair wi(h lelt Ironl w heel 5peedornff p r ( llgtle drive had ooolleler geltlrillQ lor 82Srev~ pfr Illile)

Thf Speedometer c( n Igte rf(~Iibrlfd 10

register fMtgtr or slowe 1Y ( ~peerlnll1pttgt shop Tfgltl Hll e ss 0 1 ltIlly q(gtlring t thp a t le l1d ()j 11i(

spfedome le r c(lgtIf Its I nlllttfr o f t11lt1gnetislll

eeio~ conellt s no 1I11111cI ~Ir i llg

A speednmetf ~hl 1 tl ( lmol p(IIIgtIle illl

odometer Aillhey (Ill dn i~ 11) put ltIll (gtJoC IPTIllI

oltlrl (r (r p(ld Ih t 9ltgtltIr poo I ld $1-) 10 t1ffdu )l

or ~Iow dowll th p speed0l11Clei (Igt If Whlevel

an adlpler dues 10 lIffecl the oeiOll1eler Iso

allecl5 the speeciomeler So Ih(Is why r QI1l a~kerl I()t 11 lew

(ullknowil1gly) IIHlt1SltI lld vo)lds

SpeeOOllie tel gerig lt11111051 lIever prodl1t(gts ob50tute acclT(lle re~u lls Generally they kepi 0 11 Ih e fa~t sieie by at-ou l 5 excepl for 1960

Esselltially no OIIP IISIS oligillill lire Si7fS l orl (~ so you r speedullleter is no lIme 01 less

ilccurilf Ihll1 ori gin1 If you ge t inlormltion hOI11 ~Ollf lire stlpplier Oil

revolutions per Illile you rail 00 S(lIlle


(Revs Mile) ~ (Axle ~ il lio)

IBi 100 II

Numuer 0 1 teelh in drilen gear

Use lewer leeth lid VOllr spperlonleler head

TUI1S fast Use more teeth ltllld it rUIlS slow

As a SUlllmcuy caut ion ac cording 10 records f

can piece together 2U 21 22 leel h geMS IMY be inlerchanged ill iI I eltll aole Geltlrs of 23 211 25 26 leeth 1llay ue int er changerl in ao aole but you canlmx ue lwe en the groups 1 hltve exreriel1ced

gpars 011 axle rebuild that I coulei 110t gel lugelhpr heclllsP Ihe e~tlr wele jal1l1l1e(

logether 100 c1ostiy I 111 ( heltlrd Ilf the plaslic 9( (r h vil1g thc tfeth 11(1 (1 011 IIgt just 11 fe~u

revolu tions whell jllSt ~OIlle -Ie WltI$ put ill

Ihtgtle to lill Ifl lhe 11I1f In the best of illY kll(llVt~Ogl Ihi~ I Ihe right

infonn(llion IIthel is HI en (H (h(1 you knowQl

pleuroltlse rnl1(d 11110 51l1 rltll1 hI ~lrtitJhtlllgtd oul

lill pf



By Gary Baxter

The March 1983 COnSA Communique had speed ometers are driven directly by the front larger lire Iaslhe opposlle eHect Usually the some good Informallon on wlteel and tire seshy wheel the tire has 10 make 825 re volutiolls cIanye Is slight Ho wever changing 10 lecti on To carry it a lillie further I would like per mile also This requires a Ure with a rollmiddot something like a 180middot 70x 13 has fhe effecl of to show some of the effects lire size has on illY diame ter of 2445 inches or using the changing the final drive ratio from 355 I to speedomeler accuracy and engine speed 1025 valve from above a free diameter of 384 1 and Increases the engine speed by

folrsl an explanation of roiling diameter 2505 inches 8 --shyvs free diameter When a loaded tire rolls it Interes1ingly enough the standard IIres You probably nollced a wide variation in flexes causing Ihe effective diameler and used by GM did nol malch Ihls dlameler dimensions for the same size tire This has alshyIhus the distance traveled to be less than that Several Corsas Ive driven show about 3180 ways been a problem wllh the old number of a non-loaded or free tire The distance the rpm on the tach when the speedometer and leiter size lires The metric size lires elim shyfree lire travels Is lis circumference or shows 60 mph The lach should only show inates such wide ranges from one style or 3 1416 times ihe diameter By measuring 2933 rpm for the Ideal size lire This means brand 10 another The first number 180 In the distance that a loaded Ure travels we can the speedometer needle Is registering prop middot the above example shows the width at the calculate Its effective diameter a11d the pershy erly for a lire that Is oilly 92 6 of the tdeal widest point The second Is the ratio or permiddot cent that this Is of the free lire For a sel of or a free diameter o( 23 1 inches I howe cent that the height between the rim and the adlallires J measured I came up with an efmiddot measured 6 50x13s with free diameters of Iread is of Ihe widlh or 70 of 180 which Is eclive loaded diameter of 97 6 of tile (ree 2325 10 24 3 Inches The smaller tile Is 126 These numbers are III millimeters so diameter This means that the free diameter close to what the needle appears to be set we need 10 COnvert 10 Inches to find the has 10 be 1025 limes larger than the loaded for The odometer however seems set for dialneler 126 divided by 25 4 eqlJltIls 496 diameter Ihat I want to end up wilh Other the ideal lire I also measured a 700x 13 Inches limes 2 since there is a section of lire styles of lires might vary slightly from this diameter at 24 75 Inches on each side of the rim gives us 9 92 inches

Late speedometers have a sticker showing Changing lire diameters also affects the for the lire plus 13 inches fo r the rim for a that they are designed (or 825 re vo lutions engine speed at a given road speed A small shy lolal diameter ot 22 92 per mile At 60 mph the speed ometer cable er lire has the effect of lowering the gear has to be turning at 825 rpm Because Ihese mlio which increases the ellglne speed A

More on Tires Speed etc

The fitsl chari below shows the flee diameter for several avail~ble lire sizes The second shows engine speed vs yround speed for both 3 27 1 and 355 1 fillal drive rallos Thts Assumes that til Ideal size liT is uSd

SIZE 50 60 70 75 80 13x 175 1989 2127 22 65 23 33 2402 185 2028 2174 23 20 23 93 24 65 185middot80 is 160 100 ~mall

195 2068 2221 23 75 24 52 25 28 ~--14x

185 2128 22 74 21 20 24 93 25 65 185-75 is 48 100 small 195 2168 2321 24 75 2552 2628 195-75 Is 188 100 large 205 2207 23 69 2530 26 11 2691 2U5-7U Is IU 100 large 215 2216 2416 2585 2670 215-60 is 355 100 small

lihls equalls 369 gear rallol 15 185 2228 23 74 2520 25 93 195 2268 24 21 2575 2652 205 2307 2469 26 3U 27 11 215 2346 2516 26 85 27 70

SPEED TRANS ENGINE RPM mph RATIO 327 final drive 355 I LI 45 48 9 lU 311 1 1399 1520 2U 22U I 198U 2151 25 1471 1654 1797 30 1471 1984 2156 35 U 1575 171 4U U 18UO 1956 45 U 2025 2200 50 LI 2250 2444 55 U 24 75 2689 60 1 1 2700 2933 65 1 1 2925 3178 70 11 315U 3422

RPM trailS rallo - 3 11 220 147 U 6000 speed 429 60 6 907 1333 (327 rear end) 6000 395 55 8 83 5 1227 (355 rear end) shy7000 46 U 65 1 974 1431 (355 reor end)

The above gear ratios are Ihose of the 66 middot69 Saginaw 1 speed The ralios for 6163 are 3 65 2 35 144 and 1 I fnr lsi 2nd 3rd and 41h respecllvely 64 65 ore 320 218 144 and 1 1

Major life companies houtd be able 10 ~lpply IItp diameter re volutions per mile md recommenrled rim wirlths for IIPlr IIres partIcularly their performance treo iJo expecl thfi disro llill hri1llds (0 know diM you are 1lklng aboul lei ill o l1E hilvP my irIltinn

P(r) IN ~ ON1E ~ SE~VICtTM

RON BLOOM - PH 881-1443 C-39R Ucensed Contractor C-62

bull Warm Air Heating bull Service Maintenance bull Cooling amp Ventilating bull Home Improvements

bull All Types of Repair 4072 E 22nd St Suite 197middot Tucson Arizona 85711

Bonded Fax 602-745-8114


TI trp I SlIre r s rpo r t wll l he available as soo n a s a comp lete nHt is pe rf ormed Lo ok for re po rt in the n~xt CO I-vaj rs at lOll

Ron Tl Ll en Trea su rer

Wrecking out


Ben amp Son Aulo amp Truck Salvage (formerly Jeny Bi~)

4260 E Illinois

Tucson Arizona 85714



Castings - Aluminum - Iron

1lt Siraighlcd 1lt Welded

1lt Rebuill

- ANTIQUES REBUILTshy Malthines Eng ines Cars

217 N CicveinllJ

P O Box l7J

Bowie l riZ)i)l 85(it)~


Larry Dandridge


1710 S JEFFERSON 10 TUCSON ARIZONA 85711 571-9680

Please patronize our advertizers whenever you can They help us - Lets help them

NOTE- - Ad s in VA I RS N SPA RE S ar e f ree to jCA membe rs No n -mem bers ca n p lace a 4 line a d fo r $ 2 50 Member s se nd a dsVairs 0 Spares di rect l y t o CORVAIBSATTON editor Non shymembers sen d ad and payme nt to Go rd on

shyPARTING our 66 Monza Coupe Many good used ilems stil l available ind uding windshield and rear glass red door panels and other misc parts If I have whal you need its available at a lair pr ice Gordon Cauble (002)299-1122 592

I I n ~A fp (1 NpmJ IUl Hro atiy 1 1 lilL llt I ell ( Jil lll I lie IIncHI li IIee 11If1()m fl l lI P rl i III 11][ irl 00 ril l Cl ( II 1 1(1 11 1 EIIgi Jl Nun L SelJ imiddotve r y lhll lB 1l)S 11 0 Uu I)(() VOl kswOf nn 1311 1 l e w r e nl p l

i u ~lum fOL ~~ Neel s l1 f fp l ill i sh0d A ki p ~ AOO OII )13 UltlC J lI) lloo f l~ t gt O jIl Adj)J I shyn lJ l c 11111 l o I II I f- 01 1II d IJr l m 1 to lJ r u nl ~~ 1() Orgt 1nl p l L e loLs ll f ~ll R (4J 1 111(11 1IS bull AII t Vo lknI r) II lcIlLI1 l lpfHl l ltlll I h lJ~ j LI 2)~ - ~ MI I r GIGI d 1gt pound11 Ave lII (srln Az iI ) (I(

FOR SILt= 66 MONZI 2-door autolll atio body stfalghl except for crease on Fight door greel interior ok paint ru ns good $900 Call John McNamara 624middot4045 292

FOR SALE 64 CORVAIR Monza 2middotdoor Complele or pnrt OUt Flusted uul good parts Del ~lgl (602Ifl836794 o r 8 83 - 5902 12l1

FOR SII F 65 AlGIIl DOOR (lor 2-lt100r) t 15 two ebuiluaole carburetors $ 15 101 both 6~ amp 65 bumpers and trim parts and filters Make olle r Del Ught (602)883-6794 1291

FOB SIL[= 63 f)OOIl amp QUIRIErI PINFU 101 a onvertlblc red wiHlOut buuulIs Larry Dandridge 57t-9660 109 1

rOR SAL r SPYLlEn COUPE 64 while wwhitp seats and red Interior IrilO Rust Iree body and new tire A aile owner car that can be driven anywhere

aBO Call Gordon Cauble at (602)299-1122 491 ($2500 )

FOR SALE The Al e xes have to se l l Esthers wh ite 4 d r 4 on th e f loor 6 6 Monza wit h fac tor y AC Cecil

t ltill drive h i s 65 Co rs a Ca ll - 29 3- 4 156 fo r details

Ca ub le 5950 N Camino Arizpe Tucson 85710

AUla BODY REPAIR and restoration Traveling estimates It could be less than you think but thell again II could be more Corvairs are my first love Ted Christianson 887middot9449

FOR SALE NEW AND GOOD USED PARTS- - Rebuil t f lywhe e ls for ear ly o r la t e bolted ba l shyanced and g uaranteed $90 all other parts f o r clutch job available FC a xles with pa c ked be a ring $75 e~

65 Corsa wi ring harn e sses mai n amp engine $30 ea new gas d oor g ua rd $20 reconed Co rva i r radio speakers ea rl y $]6 l a te $20 Call Gor do n 602299-1122

FOR THE DOI fYOURSELFEAS Mag ignition wires and long rotos ptus all regula ignition itellis Wlapped Ian belts all and 011

fillers plus IllolI O -rings and oil cooler seals Calt Gordon Cauble (602) 299-1122

I-OR SALE conVl1R PARTS Large outdoor yard lull of great Corvair parts Call Barry Cunningham for Informalion at (602)7 47 shy9028

CORVAIfl PARTS Large selection 01 early and late Resonable prices Larry Dandridge 571 -9680


Piccadilly Cafeteria 676 7 E Broadway Tucson

630 pm Parking Lot Bull Session 700 pm Dinner (opt i onal ) 740 pm Heeting sla r ts

cotunG EV~NTS

l l llj 1(11 II 11111

Dues Reminder - Check be mailing label below - yours may be duel

Regul ar Honthl y Heeting Wednesday ~-ebruary 26 1992 TCA Board Meeting Wedne sday Mar 2 1 992 at JBs Swan amp Speedway 730pm

PI r IJrJJ1I(illJ Ii l I A I II I AI)llHr (n 1 111 J W j 1)1 FHI INI ((Jn UI tRI IlIill 1If rI I

Tucson Corvair Association 4072 E 22nd 51 SuitS i 97 middot Tucson Arizona 857 11

J--_ ~at ~ AS5~f

Page 7: TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION TUCSON. ARIZONA · TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION . Corvairsation i s a monthly publication of the Tucson Corvair Assocjation, which i s . dedicated to the

Early Model Speedometer Gears By Bob Kirkman Cvrl)allatics

Fe Speedometer Gears rom SilvlY suggesled 1 (llli((I on

speedumeter geClrs (at the real (lxh ) be((lllce ti l

frequent substitutions 01 C C(llvir passenger

(i1r recH ltI xle iSSeurolllbly inlo an rc flllre ofh1l i~ a qUfSlioll of what 10 do Iboul speedolTleter

geilTS sinn th ee is ltHI obviuus (hfferellceuro intire

si7e It seem logicCllhltlt the CrJtViljr axl would turn slower (revs r er mile) iIKi wOllld nerd geilring 11) speed up Ihe speenorlleter II lIeuroerls buut a SY boo~1 or bout I looth less Oil Ihe

driven gear filling Bu CAUTION ~eilrl 011

bltgtfQre you s imply do h(1

1100kerl in Illy rehwelTY 1972 r amp A CttltlklY

for help My ildvice is d ont look in thai hook fUI

1Ilr II C)llli1iIlS 1lOT errors 111lt111 good stull Following liI1 I obtAined gear thowil19S

desigll layouts illci aselllbly nHtlual s to pul together the (01)011119 illfOT1J1ltllioll It dues 1101

ltIglee wilh sUflplier catalogs They probably tried to dedpher the II amp 1 stull

Speedo Drive Gear (Steel) Ihis i ~ the 9ltIr 0 11 the rear axle pini)11 5hillt

lil a looks tikI it is rnltlrl~ as [I it of (he s halt il se lf II s ve ry rldlirull II) relllOVI ltInd replace w ithoul ltI1I1ge 1900 CorvairS did hltlve the gear

ill(lchilled (5 rar uj the shilfl This was changed

I pre~serl VII geilr ill 1961 p(llly due 10

Ullnltlli Clio (lllh~ 327 ltIxlc rltl(io Ihall equ ir ed a

Icu ge r steel gflL



(I SO 13 CnTvili R51 8-10

iOIl 1-1 (jrelltjCt ~II) 700



Uri V( Gear OrhPIl J)riE (ellr oriven

AJoCle HaHo Oulicte Uia GeM1 ~e lh Olll~ide Oia Geilr TI(gtlh

J 08middot J 27 18114 2(1 1 8~~ 2 1

(11 1 n(ll J91 IlUilIUII1)

1 55 18-111 n 1 7(1 23 IJ7f11l1Y31 tifPRUqq) 21 (elrly 101

389 176 I N I (J I 25

1J7f11l1Y91 (tlJ7RtIYY) 26 (eilTl~ 1961))

SO IIltgt ltlesi911 Ider uce to his r ) in hul 1l)9ftlr illtH r)l1ll(lH J U8wls uSeO lor ltI s ltorl pel if in 13

on cr with 1021 1[ e rgil1tgt mdl s peed lrill1 ltrll i$ju lll Yilt dtld wl( 111I~ rtiolo ltIn r c lnll ~s y(IU

ltllso hltlve il hig V R engine

bullbull I quId 0) rlCl19li7e tmylhit19 Itllhi)Il~W Yfrilll for Vltl liIlU IJ tn tgt 5 1


Corvilir 11 Pul Into An rC Driven Gear Illl o rrlliltioll

3 27 Hilli) ~e use your old FC 20 Im gtI gea T

3~ 1~ il1io 1 here is no recognized good substitulioll YOlleltgtd ltl 22 luuth yeaf bu t there IS

nOlle 10 Iii Ihe sleel drive gevr II yOll lIS~ Ihtgt COlvair 23 loolh gpltIr yetI

speed ome ter odometer will read about 5 slowpr

389 Ratitl Hemiddot use your old rc 21 toolh ge M

111 drive gelrs hwe 8 h~plh Yuu can see 8

slarls 0 11 th e end of the gear Its difficult to

count teeth across the top o f the gea r

While all hav e 8 leeth there are two di[felellt

oUlside d(lllleters and pitch diameters Th erefore

you C(lIlIlOt 011middot hand s witch parts arollnd

Speedo Driven Gear (plastic) his s the geM 1111 Ihe end of the tOTperlo

housing Ihll is reHlovabie hom Ihe reM a)(le hmlsirgtg These geMS have 20 Of more leelh This is what the f~ c tory put in to match your axle

ralion of 327355 or 3 89 Instrument Cluster is h(t unil wilh ~ glilss

II 0111 I 11lt1tlllOUllis to II Ie illstrument panel Within

it is fhe Speedomeler Head A55embly fhat is a

r emov(ble unif rOlltilining fh e Spepdomel er

wh ich is Ihe need le all rl mitfs per rou r pMI of

thp business The Il e (ld Assemgtly ltllso Clgtlltlills

the Odo meter w hich is the miles frlveleu row or

numbers With the o dorneltgtt is I set o f geltlrs Ihll

take lOOI1fOtuIi0115 of Ihe sreerlomPI(gtr shalt nr cable 10 ro ll up o lle (I) lIlile All fil r t~ Hlcgtrlpl Cnrvlirs anrl a ll F C s rld Ihis s ltlme gfal illg 0 1

lOt re vs peuror Illite r-o r refe relle th e 19659 CHvair wi(h lelt Ironl w heel 5peedornff p r ( llgtle drive had ooolleler geltlrillQ lor 82Srev~ pfr Illile)

Thf Speedometer c( n Igte rf(~Iibrlfd 10

register fMtgtr or slowe 1Y ( ~peerlnll1pttgt shop Tfgltl Hll e ss 0 1 ltIlly q(gtlring t thp a t le l1d ()j 11i(

spfedome le r c(lgtIf Its I nlllttfr o f t11lt1gnetislll

eeio~ conellt s no 1I11111cI ~Ir i llg

A speednmetf ~hl 1 tl ( lmol p(IIIgtIle illl

odometer Aillhey (Ill dn i~ 11) put ltIll (gtJoC IPTIllI

oltlrl (r (r p(ld Ih t 9ltgtltIr poo I ld $1-) 10 t1ffdu )l

or ~Iow dowll th p speed0l11Clei (Igt If Whlevel

an adlpler dues 10 lIffecl the oeiOll1eler Iso

allecl5 the speeciomeler So Ih(Is why r QI1l a~kerl I()t 11 lew

(ullknowil1gly) IIHlt1SltI lld vo)lds

SpeeOOllie tel gerig lt11111051 lIever prodl1t(gts ob50tute acclT(lle re~u lls Generally they kepi 0 11 Ih e fa~t sieie by at-ou l 5 excepl for 1960

Esselltially no OIIP IISIS oligillill lire Si7fS l orl (~ so you r speedullleter is no lIme 01 less

ilccurilf Ihll1 ori gin1 If you ge t inlormltion hOI11 ~Ollf lire stlpplier Oil

revolutions per Illile you rail 00 S(lIlle


(Revs Mile) ~ (Axle ~ il lio)

IBi 100 II

Numuer 0 1 teelh in drilen gear

Use lewer leeth lid VOllr spperlonleler head

TUI1S fast Use more teeth ltllld it rUIlS slow

As a SUlllmcuy caut ion ac cording 10 records f

can piece together 2U 21 22 leel h geMS IMY be inlerchanged ill iI I eltll aole Geltlrs of 23 211 25 26 leeth 1llay ue int er changerl in ao aole but you canlmx ue lwe en the groups 1 hltve exreriel1ced

gpars 011 axle rebuild that I coulei 110t gel lugelhpr heclllsP Ihe e~tlr wele jal1l1l1e(

logether 100 c1ostiy I 111 ( heltlrd Ilf the plaslic 9( (r h vil1g thc tfeth 11(1 (1 011 IIgt just 11 fe~u

revolu tions whell jllSt ~OIlle -Ie WltI$ put ill

Ihtgtle to lill Ifl lhe 11I1f In the best of illY kll(llVt~Ogl Ihi~ I Ihe right

infonn(llion IIthel is HI en (H (h(1 you knowQl

pleuroltlse rnl1(d 11110 51l1 rltll1 hI ~lrtitJhtlllgtd oul

lill pf



By Gary Baxter

The March 1983 COnSA Communique had speed ometers are driven directly by the front larger lire Iaslhe opposlle eHect Usually the some good Informallon on wlteel and tire seshy wheel the tire has 10 make 825 re volutiolls cIanye Is slight Ho wever changing 10 lecti on To carry it a lillie further I would like per mile also This requires a Ure with a rollmiddot something like a 180middot 70x 13 has fhe effecl of to show some of the effects lire size has on illY diame ter of 2445 inches or using the changing the final drive ratio from 355 I to speedomeler accuracy and engine speed 1025 valve from above a free diameter of 384 1 and Increases the engine speed by

folrsl an explanation of roiling diameter 2505 inches 8 --shyvs free diameter When a loaded tire rolls it Interes1ingly enough the standard IIres You probably nollced a wide variation in flexes causing Ihe effective diameler and used by GM did nol malch Ihls dlameler dimensions for the same size tire This has alshyIhus the distance traveled to be less than that Several Corsas Ive driven show about 3180 ways been a problem wllh the old number of a non-loaded or free tire The distance the rpm on the tach when the speedometer and leiter size lires The metric size lires elim shyfree lire travels Is lis circumference or shows 60 mph The lach should only show inates such wide ranges from one style or 3 1416 times ihe diameter By measuring 2933 rpm for the Ideal size lire This means brand 10 another The first number 180 In the distance that a loaded Ure travels we can the speedometer needle Is registering prop middot the above example shows the width at the calculate Its effective diameter a11d the pershy erly for a lire that Is oilly 92 6 of the tdeal widest point The second Is the ratio or permiddot cent that this Is of the free lire For a sel of or a free diameter o( 23 1 inches I howe cent that the height between the rim and the adlallires J measured I came up with an efmiddot measured 6 50x13s with free diameters of Iread is of Ihe widlh or 70 of 180 which Is eclive loaded diameter of 97 6 of tile (ree 2325 10 24 3 Inches The smaller tile Is 126 These numbers are III millimeters so diameter This means that the free diameter close to what the needle appears to be set we need 10 COnvert 10 Inches to find the has 10 be 1025 limes larger than the loaded for The odometer however seems set for dialneler 126 divided by 25 4 eqlJltIls 496 diameter Ihat I want to end up wilh Other the ideal lire I also measured a 700x 13 Inches limes 2 since there is a section of lire styles of lires might vary slightly from this diameter at 24 75 Inches on each side of the rim gives us 9 92 inches

Late speedometers have a sticker showing Changing lire diameters also affects the for the lire plus 13 inches fo r the rim for a that they are designed (or 825 re vo lutions engine speed at a given road speed A small shy lolal diameter ot 22 92 per mile At 60 mph the speed ometer cable er lire has the effect of lowering the gear has to be turning at 825 rpm Because Ihese mlio which increases the ellglne speed A

More on Tires Speed etc

The fitsl chari below shows the flee diameter for several avail~ble lire sizes The second shows engine speed vs yround speed for both 3 27 1 and 355 1 fillal drive rallos Thts Assumes that til Ideal size liT is uSd

SIZE 50 60 70 75 80 13x 175 1989 2127 22 65 23 33 2402 185 2028 2174 23 20 23 93 24 65 185middot80 is 160 100 ~mall

195 2068 2221 23 75 24 52 25 28 ~--14x

185 2128 22 74 21 20 24 93 25 65 185-75 is 48 100 small 195 2168 2321 24 75 2552 2628 195-75 Is 188 100 large 205 2207 23 69 2530 26 11 2691 2U5-7U Is IU 100 large 215 2216 2416 2585 2670 215-60 is 355 100 small

lihls equalls 369 gear rallol 15 185 2228 23 74 2520 25 93 195 2268 24 21 2575 2652 205 2307 2469 26 3U 27 11 215 2346 2516 26 85 27 70

SPEED TRANS ENGINE RPM mph RATIO 327 final drive 355 I LI 45 48 9 lU 311 1 1399 1520 2U 22U I 198U 2151 25 1471 1654 1797 30 1471 1984 2156 35 U 1575 171 4U U 18UO 1956 45 U 2025 2200 50 LI 2250 2444 55 U 24 75 2689 60 1 1 2700 2933 65 1 1 2925 3178 70 11 315U 3422

RPM trailS rallo - 3 11 220 147 U 6000 speed 429 60 6 907 1333 (327 rear end) 6000 395 55 8 83 5 1227 (355 rear end) shy7000 46 U 65 1 974 1431 (355 reor end)

The above gear ratios are Ihose of the 66 middot69 Saginaw 1 speed The ralios for 6163 are 3 65 2 35 144 and 1 I fnr lsi 2nd 3rd and 41h respecllvely 64 65 ore 320 218 144 and 1 1

Major life companies houtd be able 10 ~lpply IItp diameter re volutions per mile md recommenrled rim wirlths for IIPlr IIres partIcularly their performance treo iJo expecl thfi disro llill hri1llds (0 know diM you are 1lklng aboul lei ill o l1E hilvP my irIltinn

P(r) IN ~ ON1E ~ SE~VICtTM

RON BLOOM - PH 881-1443 C-39R Ucensed Contractor C-62

bull Warm Air Heating bull Service Maintenance bull Cooling amp Ventilating bull Home Improvements

bull All Types of Repair 4072 E 22nd St Suite 197middot Tucson Arizona 85711

Bonded Fax 602-745-8114


TI trp I SlIre r s rpo r t wll l he available as soo n a s a comp lete nHt is pe rf ormed Lo ok for re po rt in the n~xt CO I-vaj rs at lOll

Ron Tl Ll en Trea su rer

Wrecking out


Ben amp Son Aulo amp Truck Salvage (formerly Jeny Bi~)

4260 E Illinois

Tucson Arizona 85714



Castings - Aluminum - Iron

1lt Siraighlcd 1lt Welded

1lt Rebuill

- ANTIQUES REBUILTshy Malthines Eng ines Cars

217 N CicveinllJ

P O Box l7J

Bowie l riZ)i)l 85(it)~


Larry Dandridge


1710 S JEFFERSON 10 TUCSON ARIZONA 85711 571-9680

Please patronize our advertizers whenever you can They help us - Lets help them

NOTE- - Ad s in VA I RS N SPA RE S ar e f ree to jCA membe rs No n -mem bers ca n p lace a 4 line a d fo r $ 2 50 Member s se nd a dsVairs 0 Spares di rect l y t o CORVAIBSATTON editor Non shymembers sen d ad and payme nt to Go rd on

shyPARTING our 66 Monza Coupe Many good used ilems stil l available ind uding windshield and rear glass red door panels and other misc parts If I have whal you need its available at a lair pr ice Gordon Cauble (002)299-1122 592

I I n ~A fp (1 NpmJ IUl Hro atiy 1 1 lilL llt I ell ( Jil lll I lie IIncHI li IIee 11If1()m fl l lI P rl i III 11][ irl 00 ril l Cl ( II 1 1(1 11 1 EIIgi Jl Nun L SelJ imiddotve r y lhll lB 1l)S 11 0 Uu I)(() VOl kswOf nn 1311 1 l e w r e nl p l

i u ~lum fOL ~~ Neel s l1 f fp l ill i sh0d A ki p ~ AOO OII )13 UltlC J lI) lloo f l~ t gt O jIl Adj)J I shyn lJ l c 11111 l o I II I f- 01 1II d IJr l m 1 to lJ r u nl ~~ 1() Orgt 1nl p l L e loLs ll f ~ll R (4J 1 111(11 1IS bull AII t Vo lknI r) II lcIlLI1 l lpfHl l ltlll I h lJ~ j LI 2)~ - ~ MI I r GIGI d 1gt pound11 Ave lII (srln Az iI ) (I(

FOR SILt= 66 MONZI 2-door autolll atio body stfalghl except for crease on Fight door greel interior ok paint ru ns good $900 Call John McNamara 624middot4045 292

FOR SALE 64 CORVAIR Monza 2middotdoor Complele or pnrt OUt Flusted uul good parts Del ~lgl (602Ifl836794 o r 8 83 - 5902 12l1

FOR SII F 65 AlGIIl DOOR (lor 2-lt100r) t 15 two ebuiluaole carburetors $ 15 101 both 6~ amp 65 bumpers and trim parts and filters Make olle r Del Ught (602)883-6794 1291

FOB SIL[= 63 f)OOIl amp QUIRIErI PINFU 101 a onvertlblc red wiHlOut buuulIs Larry Dandridge 57t-9660 109 1

rOR SAL r SPYLlEn COUPE 64 while wwhitp seats and red Interior IrilO Rust Iree body and new tire A aile owner car that can be driven anywhere

aBO Call Gordon Cauble at (602)299-1122 491 ($2500 )

FOR SALE The Al e xes have to se l l Esthers wh ite 4 d r 4 on th e f loor 6 6 Monza wit h fac tor y AC Cecil

t ltill drive h i s 65 Co rs a Ca ll - 29 3- 4 156 fo r details

Ca ub le 5950 N Camino Arizpe Tucson 85710

AUla BODY REPAIR and restoration Traveling estimates It could be less than you think but thell again II could be more Corvairs are my first love Ted Christianson 887middot9449

FOR SALE NEW AND GOOD USED PARTS- - Rebuil t f lywhe e ls for ear ly o r la t e bolted ba l shyanced and g uaranteed $90 all other parts f o r clutch job available FC a xles with pa c ked be a ring $75 e~

65 Corsa wi ring harn e sses mai n amp engine $30 ea new gas d oor g ua rd $20 reconed Co rva i r radio speakers ea rl y $]6 l a te $20 Call Gor do n 602299-1122

FOR THE DOI fYOURSELFEAS Mag ignition wires and long rotos ptus all regula ignition itellis Wlapped Ian belts all and 011

fillers plus IllolI O -rings and oil cooler seals Calt Gordon Cauble (602) 299-1122

I-OR SALE conVl1R PARTS Large outdoor yard lull of great Corvair parts Call Barry Cunningham for Informalion at (602)7 47 shy9028

CORVAIfl PARTS Large selection 01 early and late Resonable prices Larry Dandridge 571 -9680


Piccadilly Cafeteria 676 7 E Broadway Tucson

630 pm Parking Lot Bull Session 700 pm Dinner (opt i onal ) 740 pm Heeting sla r ts

cotunG EV~NTS

l l llj 1(11 II 11111

Dues Reminder - Check be mailing label below - yours may be duel

Regul ar Honthl y Heeting Wednesday ~-ebruary 26 1992 TCA Board Meeting Wedne sday Mar 2 1 992 at JBs Swan amp Speedway 730pm

PI r IJrJJ1I(illJ Ii l I A I II I AI)llHr (n 1 111 J W j 1)1 FHI INI ((Jn UI tRI IlIill 1If rI I

Tucson Corvair Association 4072 E 22nd 51 SuitS i 97 middot Tucson Arizona 857 11

J--_ ~at ~ AS5~f

Page 8: TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION TUCSON. ARIZONA · TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION . Corvairsation i s a monthly publication of the Tucson Corvair Assocjation, which i s . dedicated to the



By Gary Baxter

The March 1983 COnSA Communique had speed ometers are driven directly by the front larger lire Iaslhe opposlle eHect Usually the some good Informallon on wlteel and tire seshy wheel the tire has 10 make 825 re volutiolls cIanye Is slight Ho wever changing 10 lecti on To carry it a lillie further I would like per mile also This requires a Ure with a rollmiddot something like a 180middot 70x 13 has fhe effecl of to show some of the effects lire size has on illY diame ter of 2445 inches or using the changing the final drive ratio from 355 I to speedomeler accuracy and engine speed 1025 valve from above a free diameter of 384 1 and Increases the engine speed by

folrsl an explanation of roiling diameter 2505 inches 8 --shyvs free diameter When a loaded tire rolls it Interes1ingly enough the standard IIres You probably nollced a wide variation in flexes causing Ihe effective diameler and used by GM did nol malch Ihls dlameler dimensions for the same size tire This has alshyIhus the distance traveled to be less than that Several Corsas Ive driven show about 3180 ways been a problem wllh the old number of a non-loaded or free tire The distance the rpm on the tach when the speedometer and leiter size lires The metric size lires elim shyfree lire travels Is lis circumference or shows 60 mph The lach should only show inates such wide ranges from one style or 3 1416 times ihe diameter By measuring 2933 rpm for the Ideal size lire This means brand 10 another The first number 180 In the distance that a loaded Ure travels we can the speedometer needle Is registering prop middot the above example shows the width at the calculate Its effective diameter a11d the pershy erly for a lire that Is oilly 92 6 of the tdeal widest point The second Is the ratio or permiddot cent that this Is of the free lire For a sel of or a free diameter o( 23 1 inches I howe cent that the height between the rim and the adlallires J measured I came up with an efmiddot measured 6 50x13s with free diameters of Iread is of Ihe widlh or 70 of 180 which Is eclive loaded diameter of 97 6 of tile (ree 2325 10 24 3 Inches The smaller tile Is 126 These numbers are III millimeters so diameter This means that the free diameter close to what the needle appears to be set we need 10 COnvert 10 Inches to find the has 10 be 1025 limes larger than the loaded for The odometer however seems set for dialneler 126 divided by 25 4 eqlJltIls 496 diameter Ihat I want to end up wilh Other the ideal lire I also measured a 700x 13 Inches limes 2 since there is a section of lire styles of lires might vary slightly from this diameter at 24 75 Inches on each side of the rim gives us 9 92 inches

Late speedometers have a sticker showing Changing lire diameters also affects the for the lire plus 13 inches fo r the rim for a that they are designed (or 825 re vo lutions engine speed at a given road speed A small shy lolal diameter ot 22 92 per mile At 60 mph the speed ometer cable er lire has the effect of lowering the gear has to be turning at 825 rpm Because Ihese mlio which increases the ellglne speed A

More on Tires Speed etc

The fitsl chari below shows the flee diameter for several avail~ble lire sizes The second shows engine speed vs yround speed for both 3 27 1 and 355 1 fillal drive rallos Thts Assumes that til Ideal size liT is uSd

SIZE 50 60 70 75 80 13x 175 1989 2127 22 65 23 33 2402 185 2028 2174 23 20 23 93 24 65 185middot80 is 160 100 ~mall

195 2068 2221 23 75 24 52 25 28 ~--14x

185 2128 22 74 21 20 24 93 25 65 185-75 is 48 100 small 195 2168 2321 24 75 2552 2628 195-75 Is 188 100 large 205 2207 23 69 2530 26 11 2691 2U5-7U Is IU 100 large 215 2216 2416 2585 2670 215-60 is 355 100 small

lihls equalls 369 gear rallol 15 185 2228 23 74 2520 25 93 195 2268 24 21 2575 2652 205 2307 2469 26 3U 27 11 215 2346 2516 26 85 27 70

SPEED TRANS ENGINE RPM mph RATIO 327 final drive 355 I LI 45 48 9 lU 311 1 1399 1520 2U 22U I 198U 2151 25 1471 1654 1797 30 1471 1984 2156 35 U 1575 171 4U U 18UO 1956 45 U 2025 2200 50 LI 2250 2444 55 U 24 75 2689 60 1 1 2700 2933 65 1 1 2925 3178 70 11 315U 3422

RPM trailS rallo - 3 11 220 147 U 6000 speed 429 60 6 907 1333 (327 rear end) 6000 395 55 8 83 5 1227 (355 rear end) shy7000 46 U 65 1 974 1431 (355 reor end)

The above gear ratios are Ihose of the 66 middot69 Saginaw 1 speed The ralios for 6163 are 3 65 2 35 144 and 1 I fnr lsi 2nd 3rd and 41h respecllvely 64 65 ore 320 218 144 and 1 1

Major life companies houtd be able 10 ~lpply IItp diameter re volutions per mile md recommenrled rim wirlths for IIPlr IIres partIcularly their performance treo iJo expecl thfi disro llill hri1llds (0 know diM you are 1lklng aboul lei ill o l1E hilvP my irIltinn

P(r) IN ~ ON1E ~ SE~VICtTM

RON BLOOM - PH 881-1443 C-39R Ucensed Contractor C-62

bull Warm Air Heating bull Service Maintenance bull Cooling amp Ventilating bull Home Improvements

bull All Types of Repair 4072 E 22nd St Suite 197middot Tucson Arizona 85711

Bonded Fax 602-745-8114


TI trp I SlIre r s rpo r t wll l he available as soo n a s a comp lete nHt is pe rf ormed Lo ok for re po rt in the n~xt CO I-vaj rs at lOll

Ron Tl Ll en Trea su rer

Wrecking out


Ben amp Son Aulo amp Truck Salvage (formerly Jeny Bi~)

4260 E Illinois

Tucson Arizona 85714



Castings - Aluminum - Iron

1lt Siraighlcd 1lt Welded

1lt Rebuill

- ANTIQUES REBUILTshy Malthines Eng ines Cars

217 N CicveinllJ

P O Box l7J

Bowie l riZ)i)l 85(it)~


Larry Dandridge


1710 S JEFFERSON 10 TUCSON ARIZONA 85711 571-9680

Please patronize our advertizers whenever you can They help us - Lets help them

NOTE- - Ad s in VA I RS N SPA RE S ar e f ree to jCA membe rs No n -mem bers ca n p lace a 4 line a d fo r $ 2 50 Member s se nd a dsVairs 0 Spares di rect l y t o CORVAIBSATTON editor Non shymembers sen d ad and payme nt to Go rd on

shyPARTING our 66 Monza Coupe Many good used ilems stil l available ind uding windshield and rear glass red door panels and other misc parts If I have whal you need its available at a lair pr ice Gordon Cauble (002)299-1122 592

I I n ~A fp (1 NpmJ IUl Hro atiy 1 1 lilL llt I ell ( Jil lll I lie IIncHI li IIee 11If1()m fl l lI P rl i III 11][ irl 00 ril l Cl ( II 1 1(1 11 1 EIIgi Jl Nun L SelJ imiddotve r y lhll lB 1l)S 11 0 Uu I)(() VOl kswOf nn 1311 1 l e w r e nl p l

i u ~lum fOL ~~ Neel s l1 f fp l ill i sh0d A ki p ~ AOO OII )13 UltlC J lI) lloo f l~ t gt O jIl Adj)J I shyn lJ l c 11111 l o I II I f- 01 1II d IJr l m 1 to lJ r u nl ~~ 1() Orgt 1nl p l L e loLs ll f ~ll R (4J 1 111(11 1IS bull AII t Vo lknI r) II lcIlLI1 l lpfHl l ltlll I h lJ~ j LI 2)~ - ~ MI I r GIGI d 1gt pound11 Ave lII (srln Az iI ) (I(

FOR SILt= 66 MONZI 2-door autolll atio body stfalghl except for crease on Fight door greel interior ok paint ru ns good $900 Call John McNamara 624middot4045 292

FOR SALE 64 CORVAIR Monza 2middotdoor Complele or pnrt OUt Flusted uul good parts Del ~lgl (602Ifl836794 o r 8 83 - 5902 12l1

FOR SII F 65 AlGIIl DOOR (lor 2-lt100r) t 15 two ebuiluaole carburetors $ 15 101 both 6~ amp 65 bumpers and trim parts and filters Make olle r Del Ught (602)883-6794 1291

FOB SIL[= 63 f)OOIl amp QUIRIErI PINFU 101 a onvertlblc red wiHlOut buuulIs Larry Dandridge 57t-9660 109 1

rOR SAL r SPYLlEn COUPE 64 while wwhitp seats and red Interior IrilO Rust Iree body and new tire A aile owner car that can be driven anywhere

aBO Call Gordon Cauble at (602)299-1122 491 ($2500 )

FOR SALE The Al e xes have to se l l Esthers wh ite 4 d r 4 on th e f loor 6 6 Monza wit h fac tor y AC Cecil

t ltill drive h i s 65 Co rs a Ca ll - 29 3- 4 156 fo r details

Ca ub le 5950 N Camino Arizpe Tucson 85710

AUla BODY REPAIR and restoration Traveling estimates It could be less than you think but thell again II could be more Corvairs are my first love Ted Christianson 887middot9449

FOR SALE NEW AND GOOD USED PARTS- - Rebuil t f lywhe e ls for ear ly o r la t e bolted ba l shyanced and g uaranteed $90 all other parts f o r clutch job available FC a xles with pa c ked be a ring $75 e~

65 Corsa wi ring harn e sses mai n amp engine $30 ea new gas d oor g ua rd $20 reconed Co rva i r radio speakers ea rl y $]6 l a te $20 Call Gor do n 602299-1122

FOR THE DOI fYOURSELFEAS Mag ignition wires and long rotos ptus all regula ignition itellis Wlapped Ian belts all and 011

fillers plus IllolI O -rings and oil cooler seals Calt Gordon Cauble (602) 299-1122

I-OR SALE conVl1R PARTS Large outdoor yard lull of great Corvair parts Call Barry Cunningham for Informalion at (602)7 47 shy9028

CORVAIfl PARTS Large selection 01 early and late Resonable prices Larry Dandridge 571 -9680


Piccadilly Cafeteria 676 7 E Broadway Tucson

630 pm Parking Lot Bull Session 700 pm Dinner (opt i onal ) 740 pm Heeting sla r ts

cotunG EV~NTS

l l llj 1(11 II 11111

Dues Reminder - Check be mailing label below - yours may be duel

Regul ar Honthl y Heeting Wednesday ~-ebruary 26 1992 TCA Board Meeting Wedne sday Mar 2 1 992 at JBs Swan amp Speedway 730pm

PI r IJrJJ1I(illJ Ii l I A I II I AI)llHr (n 1 111 J W j 1)1 FHI INI ((Jn UI tRI IlIill 1If rI I

Tucson Corvair Association 4072 E 22nd 51 SuitS i 97 middot Tucson Arizona 857 11

J--_ ~at ~ AS5~f

Page 9: TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION TUCSON. ARIZONA · TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION . Corvairsation i s a monthly publication of the Tucson Corvair Assocjation, which i s . dedicated to the

P(r) IN ~ ON1E ~ SE~VICtTM

RON BLOOM - PH 881-1443 C-39R Ucensed Contractor C-62

bull Warm Air Heating bull Service Maintenance bull Cooling amp Ventilating bull Home Improvements

bull All Types of Repair 4072 E 22nd St Suite 197middot Tucson Arizona 85711

Bonded Fax 602-745-8114


TI trp I SlIre r s rpo r t wll l he available as soo n a s a comp lete nHt is pe rf ormed Lo ok for re po rt in the n~xt CO I-vaj rs at lOll

Ron Tl Ll en Trea su rer

Wrecking out


Ben amp Son Aulo amp Truck Salvage (formerly Jeny Bi~)

4260 E Illinois

Tucson Arizona 85714



Castings - Aluminum - Iron

1lt Siraighlcd 1lt Welded

1lt Rebuill

- ANTIQUES REBUILTshy Malthines Eng ines Cars

217 N CicveinllJ

P O Box l7J

Bowie l riZ)i)l 85(it)~


Larry Dandridge


1710 S JEFFERSON 10 TUCSON ARIZONA 85711 571-9680

Please patronize our advertizers whenever you can They help us - Lets help them

NOTE- - Ad s in VA I RS N SPA RE S ar e f ree to jCA membe rs No n -mem bers ca n p lace a 4 line a d fo r $ 2 50 Member s se nd a dsVairs 0 Spares di rect l y t o CORVAIBSATTON editor Non shymembers sen d ad and payme nt to Go rd on

shyPARTING our 66 Monza Coupe Many good used ilems stil l available ind uding windshield and rear glass red door panels and other misc parts If I have whal you need its available at a lair pr ice Gordon Cauble (002)299-1122 592

I I n ~A fp (1 NpmJ IUl Hro atiy 1 1 lilL llt I ell ( Jil lll I lie IIncHI li IIee 11If1()m fl l lI P rl i III 11][ irl 00 ril l Cl ( II 1 1(1 11 1 EIIgi Jl Nun L SelJ imiddotve r y lhll lB 1l)S 11 0 Uu I)(() VOl kswOf nn 1311 1 l e w r e nl p l

i u ~lum fOL ~~ Neel s l1 f fp l ill i sh0d A ki p ~ AOO OII )13 UltlC J lI) lloo f l~ t gt O jIl Adj)J I shyn lJ l c 11111 l o I II I f- 01 1II d IJr l m 1 to lJ r u nl ~~ 1() Orgt 1nl p l L e loLs ll f ~ll R (4J 1 111(11 1IS bull AII t Vo lknI r) II lcIlLI1 l lpfHl l ltlll I h lJ~ j LI 2)~ - ~ MI I r GIGI d 1gt pound11 Ave lII (srln Az iI ) (I(

FOR SILt= 66 MONZI 2-door autolll atio body stfalghl except for crease on Fight door greel interior ok paint ru ns good $900 Call John McNamara 624middot4045 292

FOR SALE 64 CORVAIR Monza 2middotdoor Complele or pnrt OUt Flusted uul good parts Del ~lgl (602Ifl836794 o r 8 83 - 5902 12l1

FOR SII F 65 AlGIIl DOOR (lor 2-lt100r) t 15 two ebuiluaole carburetors $ 15 101 both 6~ amp 65 bumpers and trim parts and filters Make olle r Del Ught (602)883-6794 1291

FOB SIL[= 63 f)OOIl amp QUIRIErI PINFU 101 a onvertlblc red wiHlOut buuulIs Larry Dandridge 57t-9660 109 1

rOR SAL r SPYLlEn COUPE 64 while wwhitp seats and red Interior IrilO Rust Iree body and new tire A aile owner car that can be driven anywhere

aBO Call Gordon Cauble at (602)299-1122 491 ($2500 )

FOR SALE The Al e xes have to se l l Esthers wh ite 4 d r 4 on th e f loor 6 6 Monza wit h fac tor y AC Cecil

t ltill drive h i s 65 Co rs a Ca ll - 29 3- 4 156 fo r details

Ca ub le 5950 N Camino Arizpe Tucson 85710

AUla BODY REPAIR and restoration Traveling estimates It could be less than you think but thell again II could be more Corvairs are my first love Ted Christianson 887middot9449

FOR SALE NEW AND GOOD USED PARTS- - Rebuil t f lywhe e ls for ear ly o r la t e bolted ba l shyanced and g uaranteed $90 all other parts f o r clutch job available FC a xles with pa c ked be a ring $75 e~

65 Corsa wi ring harn e sses mai n amp engine $30 ea new gas d oor g ua rd $20 reconed Co rva i r radio speakers ea rl y $]6 l a te $20 Call Gor do n 602299-1122

FOR THE DOI fYOURSELFEAS Mag ignition wires and long rotos ptus all regula ignition itellis Wlapped Ian belts all and 011

fillers plus IllolI O -rings and oil cooler seals Calt Gordon Cauble (602) 299-1122

I-OR SALE conVl1R PARTS Large outdoor yard lull of great Corvair parts Call Barry Cunningham for Informalion at (602)7 47 shy9028

CORVAIfl PARTS Large selection 01 early and late Resonable prices Larry Dandridge 571 -9680


Piccadilly Cafeteria 676 7 E Broadway Tucson

630 pm Parking Lot Bull Session 700 pm Dinner (opt i onal ) 740 pm Heeting sla r ts

cotunG EV~NTS

l l llj 1(11 II 11111

Dues Reminder - Check be mailing label below - yours may be duel

Regul ar Honthl y Heeting Wednesday ~-ebruary 26 1992 TCA Board Meeting Wedne sday Mar 2 1 992 at JBs Swan amp Speedway 730pm

PI r IJrJJ1I(illJ Ii l I A I II I AI)llHr (n 1 111 J W j 1)1 FHI INI ((Jn UI tRI IlIill 1If rI I

Tucson Corvair Association 4072 E 22nd 51 SuitS i 97 middot Tucson Arizona 857 11

J--_ ~at ~ AS5~f

Page 10: TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION TUCSON. ARIZONA · TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION . Corvairsation i s a monthly publication of the Tucson Corvair Assocjation, which i s . dedicated to the


Castings - Aluminum - Iron

1lt Siraighlcd 1lt Welded

1lt Rebuill

- ANTIQUES REBUILTshy Malthines Eng ines Cars

217 N CicveinllJ

P O Box l7J

Bowie l riZ)i)l 85(it)~


Larry Dandridge


1710 S JEFFERSON 10 TUCSON ARIZONA 85711 571-9680

Please patronize our advertizers whenever you can They help us - Lets help them

NOTE- - Ad s in VA I RS N SPA RE S ar e f ree to jCA membe rs No n -mem bers ca n p lace a 4 line a d fo r $ 2 50 Member s se nd a dsVairs 0 Spares di rect l y t o CORVAIBSATTON editor Non shymembers sen d ad and payme nt to Go rd on

shyPARTING our 66 Monza Coupe Many good used ilems stil l available ind uding windshield and rear glass red door panels and other misc parts If I have whal you need its available at a lair pr ice Gordon Cauble (002)299-1122 592

I I n ~A fp (1 NpmJ IUl Hro atiy 1 1 lilL llt I ell ( Jil lll I lie IIncHI li IIee 11If1()m fl l lI P rl i III 11][ irl 00 ril l Cl ( II 1 1(1 11 1 EIIgi Jl Nun L SelJ imiddotve r y lhll lB 1l)S 11 0 Uu I)(() VOl kswOf nn 1311 1 l e w r e nl p l

i u ~lum fOL ~~ Neel s l1 f fp l ill i sh0d A ki p ~ AOO OII )13 UltlC J lI) lloo f l~ t gt O jIl Adj)J I shyn lJ l c 11111 l o I II I f- 01 1II d IJr l m 1 to lJ r u nl ~~ 1() Orgt 1nl p l L e loLs ll f ~ll R (4J 1 111(11 1IS bull AII t Vo lknI r) II lcIlLI1 l lpfHl l ltlll I h lJ~ j LI 2)~ - ~ MI I r GIGI d 1gt pound11 Ave lII (srln Az iI ) (I(

FOR SILt= 66 MONZI 2-door autolll atio body stfalghl except for crease on Fight door greel interior ok paint ru ns good $900 Call John McNamara 624middot4045 292

FOR SALE 64 CORVAIR Monza 2middotdoor Complele or pnrt OUt Flusted uul good parts Del ~lgl (602Ifl836794 o r 8 83 - 5902 12l1

FOR SII F 65 AlGIIl DOOR (lor 2-lt100r) t 15 two ebuiluaole carburetors $ 15 101 both 6~ amp 65 bumpers and trim parts and filters Make olle r Del Ught (602)883-6794 1291

FOB SIL[= 63 f)OOIl amp QUIRIErI PINFU 101 a onvertlblc red wiHlOut buuulIs Larry Dandridge 57t-9660 109 1

rOR SAL r SPYLlEn COUPE 64 while wwhitp seats and red Interior IrilO Rust Iree body and new tire A aile owner car that can be driven anywhere

aBO Call Gordon Cauble at (602)299-1122 491 ($2500 )

FOR SALE The Al e xes have to se l l Esthers wh ite 4 d r 4 on th e f loor 6 6 Monza wit h fac tor y AC Cecil

t ltill drive h i s 65 Co rs a Ca ll - 29 3- 4 156 fo r details

Ca ub le 5950 N Camino Arizpe Tucson 85710

AUla BODY REPAIR and restoration Traveling estimates It could be less than you think but thell again II could be more Corvairs are my first love Ted Christianson 887middot9449

FOR SALE NEW AND GOOD USED PARTS- - Rebuil t f lywhe e ls for ear ly o r la t e bolted ba l shyanced and g uaranteed $90 all other parts f o r clutch job available FC a xles with pa c ked be a ring $75 e~

65 Corsa wi ring harn e sses mai n amp engine $30 ea new gas d oor g ua rd $20 reconed Co rva i r radio speakers ea rl y $]6 l a te $20 Call Gor do n 602299-1122

FOR THE DOI fYOURSELFEAS Mag ignition wires and long rotos ptus all regula ignition itellis Wlapped Ian belts all and 011

fillers plus IllolI O -rings and oil cooler seals Calt Gordon Cauble (602) 299-1122

I-OR SALE conVl1R PARTS Large outdoor yard lull of great Corvair parts Call Barry Cunningham for Informalion at (602)7 47 shy9028

CORVAIfl PARTS Large selection 01 early and late Resonable prices Larry Dandridge 571 -9680


Piccadilly Cafeteria 676 7 E Broadway Tucson

630 pm Parking Lot Bull Session 700 pm Dinner (opt i onal ) 740 pm Heeting sla r ts

cotunG EV~NTS

l l llj 1(11 II 11111

Dues Reminder - Check be mailing label below - yours may be duel

Regul ar Honthl y Heeting Wednesday ~-ebruary 26 1992 TCA Board Meeting Wedne sday Mar 2 1 992 at JBs Swan amp Speedway 730pm

PI r IJrJJ1I(illJ Ii l I A I II I AI)llHr (n 1 111 J W j 1)1 FHI INI ((Jn UI tRI IlIill 1If rI I

Tucson Corvair Association 4072 E 22nd 51 SuitS i 97 middot Tucson Arizona 857 11

J--_ ~at ~ AS5~f

Page 11: TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION TUCSON. ARIZONA · TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION . Corvairsation i s a monthly publication of the Tucson Corvair Assocjation, which i s . dedicated to the

NOTE- - Ad s in VA I RS N SPA RE S ar e f ree to jCA membe rs No n -mem bers ca n p lace a 4 line a d fo r $ 2 50 Member s se nd a dsVairs 0 Spares di rect l y t o CORVAIBSATTON editor Non shymembers sen d ad and payme nt to Go rd on

shyPARTING our 66 Monza Coupe Many good used ilems stil l available ind uding windshield and rear glass red door panels and other misc parts If I have whal you need its available at a lair pr ice Gordon Cauble (002)299-1122 592

I I n ~A fp (1 NpmJ IUl Hro atiy 1 1 lilL llt I ell ( Jil lll I lie IIncHI li IIee 11If1()m fl l lI P rl i III 11][ irl 00 ril l Cl ( II 1 1(1 11 1 EIIgi Jl Nun L SelJ imiddotve r y lhll lB 1l)S 11 0 Uu I)(() VOl kswOf nn 1311 1 l e w r e nl p l

i u ~lum fOL ~~ Neel s l1 f fp l ill i sh0d A ki p ~ AOO OII )13 UltlC J lI) lloo f l~ t gt O jIl Adj)J I shyn lJ l c 11111 l o I II I f- 01 1II d IJr l m 1 to lJ r u nl ~~ 1() Orgt 1nl p l L e loLs ll f ~ll R (4J 1 111(11 1IS bull AII t Vo lknI r) II lcIlLI1 l lpfHl l ltlll I h lJ~ j LI 2)~ - ~ MI I r GIGI d 1gt pound11 Ave lII (srln Az iI ) (I(

FOR SILt= 66 MONZI 2-door autolll atio body stfalghl except for crease on Fight door greel interior ok paint ru ns good $900 Call John McNamara 624middot4045 292

FOR SALE 64 CORVAIR Monza 2middotdoor Complele or pnrt OUt Flusted uul good parts Del ~lgl (602Ifl836794 o r 8 83 - 5902 12l1

FOR SII F 65 AlGIIl DOOR (lor 2-lt100r) t 15 two ebuiluaole carburetors $ 15 101 both 6~ amp 65 bumpers and trim parts and filters Make olle r Del Ught (602)883-6794 1291

FOB SIL[= 63 f)OOIl amp QUIRIErI PINFU 101 a onvertlblc red wiHlOut buuulIs Larry Dandridge 57t-9660 109 1

rOR SAL r SPYLlEn COUPE 64 while wwhitp seats and red Interior IrilO Rust Iree body and new tire A aile owner car that can be driven anywhere

aBO Call Gordon Cauble at (602)299-1122 491 ($2500 )

FOR SALE The Al e xes have to se l l Esthers wh ite 4 d r 4 on th e f loor 6 6 Monza wit h fac tor y AC Cecil

t ltill drive h i s 65 Co rs a Ca ll - 29 3- 4 156 fo r details

Ca ub le 5950 N Camino Arizpe Tucson 85710

AUla BODY REPAIR and restoration Traveling estimates It could be less than you think but thell again II could be more Corvairs are my first love Ted Christianson 887middot9449

FOR SALE NEW AND GOOD USED PARTS- - Rebuil t f lywhe e ls for ear ly o r la t e bolted ba l shyanced and g uaranteed $90 all other parts f o r clutch job available FC a xles with pa c ked be a ring $75 e~

65 Corsa wi ring harn e sses mai n amp engine $30 ea new gas d oor g ua rd $20 reconed Co rva i r radio speakers ea rl y $]6 l a te $20 Call Gor do n 602299-1122

FOR THE DOI fYOURSELFEAS Mag ignition wires and long rotos ptus all regula ignition itellis Wlapped Ian belts all and 011

fillers plus IllolI O -rings and oil cooler seals Calt Gordon Cauble (602) 299-1122

I-OR SALE conVl1R PARTS Large outdoor yard lull of great Corvair parts Call Barry Cunningham for Informalion at (602)7 47 shy9028

CORVAIfl PARTS Large selection 01 early and late Resonable prices Larry Dandridge 571 -9680


Piccadilly Cafeteria 676 7 E Broadway Tucson

630 pm Parking Lot Bull Session 700 pm Dinner (opt i onal ) 740 pm Heeting sla r ts

cotunG EV~NTS

l l llj 1(11 II 11111

Dues Reminder - Check be mailing label below - yours may be duel

Regul ar Honthl y Heeting Wednesday ~-ebruary 26 1992 TCA Board Meeting Wedne sday Mar 2 1 992 at JBs Swan amp Speedway 730pm

PI r IJrJJ1I(illJ Ii l I A I II I AI)llHr (n 1 111 J W j 1)1 FHI INI ((Jn UI tRI IlIill 1If rI I

Tucson Corvair Association 4072 E 22nd 51 SuitS i 97 middot Tucson Arizona 857 11

J--_ ~at ~ AS5~f

Page 12: TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION TUCSON. ARIZONA · TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION . Corvairsation i s a monthly publication of the Tucson Corvair Assocjation, which i s . dedicated to the


Piccadilly Cafeteria 676 7 E Broadway Tucson

630 pm Parking Lot Bull Session 700 pm Dinner (opt i onal ) 740 pm Heeting sla r ts

cotunG EV~NTS

l l llj 1(11 II 11111

Dues Reminder - Check be mailing label below - yours may be duel

Regul ar Honthl y Heeting Wednesday ~-ebruary 26 1992 TCA Board Meeting Wedne sday Mar 2 1 992 at JBs Swan amp Speedway 730pm

PI r IJrJJ1I(illJ Ii l I A I II I AI)llHr (n 1 111 J W j 1)1 FHI INI ((Jn UI tRI IlIill 1If rI I

Tucson Corvair Association 4072 E 22nd 51 SuitS i 97 middot Tucson Arizona 857 11

J--_ ~at ~ AS5~f