tuesday 21st january 2020 - microsoftbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site15871/police...

1 Horsham Weekly Bulletin Tuesday 21st January 2020 Crime summary Burglary Reference: 1020 19th January Location: Laughton Road, Horsham Date and time: Between 1830hrs and 1840hrs 19th January Details: Male entered a property, unsure if anything has been stolen. Burglary other than Dwelling Reference: 0183 14th January Location: Coombe Hill, Billingshurst Date and time: Between 1900hrs 13th January and 0745hrs 14th January Details: A lock to a garage door was forced and the garage was entered however nothing was stolen Reference: 0244 20th January Location: New Street, Horsham Date and time: Between 1000hrs 4th January and 1800hrs 18th January Details: Damage was caused to a garage door believe in an attempt to enter, no entry was gained and nothing was stolen. Reference: 0332 21st January Location: Little Dippers, Pulborough Date and time: Between 7th and 17th January Details: Items were stolen from an insecure shed. Other This week we have had a report of theft from an insecure shed and we would like to remind everyone to ensure all sheds and garages are locked when not in use. Don’t make it easy for thieves.

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Horsham Weekly Bulletin

Tuesday 21st January 2020

Crime summary Burglary Reference: 1020 19th January Location: Laughton Road, Horsham Date and time: Between 1830hrs and 1840hrs 19th January Details: Male entered a property, unsure if anything has been stolen. Burglary other than Dwelling Reference: 0183 14th January Location: Coombe Hill, Billingshurst Date and time: Between 1900hrs 13th January and 0745hrs 14th January Details: A lock to a garage door was forced and the garage was entered however nothing was stolen Reference: 0244 20th January Location: New Street, Horsham Date and time: Between 1000hrs 4th January and 1800hrs 18th January Details: Damage was caused to a garage door believe in an attempt to enter, no entry was gained and nothing was stolen. Reference: 0332 21st January Location: Little Dippers, Pulborough Date and time: Between 7th and 17th January Details: Items were stolen from an insecure shed. Other This week we have had a report of theft from an insecure shed and we would like to remind everyone to ensure all sheds and garages are locked when not in use. Don’t make it easy for thieves.

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News and appeals

Sussex Police secure first stalking protection order in the country

Sussex leading the way in protection from stalking.

The first Stalking Protection Order (SPO), believed to be the first in the country, was obtained by Sussex Police at Brighton Magistrates' Court on Monday (20 January) in respect

of a 22-year-old man from Lancing, just hours after the new Stalking Protection Act came into effect

It relates to his alleged online stalking of a woman in her early 20s, who does not come from

Sussex. She lives elsewhere in the UK.

The man was present in court and did not contest the application, which was granted and prohibits him from: contacting the woman directly or indirectly, by whatever means; sharing or posting any photograph of her on the internet, social media or in any public place; sharing

or posting any photograph of her to any other individual;

The Order will last indefinitely.

Meanwhile a criminal investigation is ongoing into this case. The man has not been charged with any criminal offence at this stage.

See details of the new law and of Sussex Police plans to use it here.



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Search across Sussex for Lee Milton known as Ricky

Police in Sussex are searching for Lee Milton, 29, also known as Ricky, who is wanted for allegedly breaching court bail conditions, and are advising the public not to approach him.

Milton, a chef, of Seaside Road, Eastbourne, who is described as black, about 5'8", of

medium build, with short black afro style hair, had been charged with causing grievous bodily harm to a man aged 54, and actual bodily harm and assault by battery to a woman

aged 26, both known to him, following an incident at an address in West Sussex on Saturday 11 January.

On Monday 13 January he appeared at Crawley Magistrates' Court and was released on court

bail with conditions, pending a further appearance at Lewes Crown Court on 10 February.

However detectives now believe he has now breached those conditions and are asking anyone who sees him or who knows where he is to contact them.

Detective Constable Nikki Clarke of the West Sussex Safeguarding Investigations Team said;

"If you see Milton or have information on his whereabouts, please do not approach or confront him. Please call us right away on 999 or 101, quoting serial 644 of 11/01."

You can also contact the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously if necessary, on

0800 555 111.


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Partridge Green man given 17 years for sex offences

An engineer from Partridge Green has been sentenced to 17 years imprisonment for violent and sexual attacks on two women.

Neil Scott-O'Connor, 23, a household appliance engineer, was sentenced at Hove Crown

Court on Friday (17 January) for; - six offences against a 29-year old woman at an address in Brighton on dates between

September 2018 and January 2019; one offence of threats to kill, one of attempted strangulation with intent to commit a sexual offence, two offences of causing actual bodily

harm, and one of harassment with intent to cause fear; - three offences against a 17-year-old girl at his address in Partridge Green in December

2018; one offence of attempted strangulation with intent to commit a sexual offence and two of causing actual bodily harm.

He had pleaded not guilty to all charges, and was found not guilty of one offence of causing

actual bodily harm to the 29-year old woman.

He will have to serve 11 years and four months before being eligible to apply for parole, and will have a to serve a further four years on extended prison licence supervision whenever he

is released.

Scott-O'Connor will also be a registered sex offender for life and was given a sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) until further court order, severely controlling his access to women. The prosecution, authorised by the Crown Prosecution Service, followed an investigation by

detectives from both the West Sussex Investigations team and the Brighton Safeguarding Investigations Unit.

Scott-O'Connor had his own business an emergency appliance repair man, driving around

Sussex fixing appliances in houses or in businesses.

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Police first became aware of Scott-O'Connor's offending when the 17-year-old woman from Crawley came forward. She had extensive bruising on her body and reported that she had

been strangled almost to the point of unconsciousness by someone she had met on Facebook, during their first date.

This man was Scott-O'Connor. He was arrested in December 2018 and was released on bail

whilst an investigation began.

The scope of his sexualised offending soon became apparent when the 29-year-old woman from Brighton then came forward reporting similar attacks and non-consensual strangulation

during their short relationship.

She too had photographs of extensive bruising and injuries inflicted by him. When the relationship ended Scott-O'Connor made multiple threats to the victim which included him threatening to burn her house down, to cut the brake lines on her car, and shoot her and her

two-year-old son. Fearing he was capable of carrying out these threats she immediately reported him to police. He was further arrested and interviewed during which he continued to

deny any wrong doing.

Officers conducted a thorough examination of his mobile phone and revealed a wealth of information including an Amazon shopping list of weapons and restraints, hundreds of

screenshots of female Facebook profiles and the purchase of tracking devices. His Internet search history raised concern further, as did his choice of horror movies depicting rape and


Detective Sergeant Andy Ricks said; "I am extremely pleased with this result. My team had worked tirelessly to build a solid evidential case against Scott-O'Connor who clearly posed a significant risk, luring his victims into relationships through charm and flattery, in one case

via social media, then turning to violence and fear to act out his dark sexual fantasies. "His obsession with strangulation was a common feature in the investigation and it's only by good fortune that one of his victims was not killed. As Counsel for the prosecution, Richard

Hearndon said of Scott-O'Connor; "...during strangulation he literally had their life in his hands".

"We would also like to thank the victims for having the courage to come forward and

supporting us in putting this dangerous offender behind bars."

For information about support and advice available to victims see the Sussex Police website. https://www.sussex.police.uk/news/sussex/news/court-results/partridge-green-man-given-17-


Help us keep Sussex safe If you saw or heard anything, or have any information about any incident in this message please contact us online, email us at [email protected] or call 101, quoting the reference number provided. Alternatively you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111, or online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org

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Links and attachments: Sussex Police will only ever link you to secure Websites we trust. We will only send you attachments where we believe it is absolutely necessary.

Message Sent By Janice Brown (Police, Prevention Support & Engagement Officer, Sussex)