tunay na pagkakaisa ng mangagawa sa asia brewere v asia brewery

G.R. No. 162025 August 3, 2010 TUNAY NA PA GKAKAI SA NG MANGGAGAWA SA ASIA BREWERY,  Petitioner, vs. ASIA BREWERY , INC.,  Respondent. D E C I S I O N VIARAMA, !R., J.: For resolution is an appeal by certiorari filed by petitioner under Rule 4 of t!e "##$ Rules of Civil Procedure, as a%ended, assailin& t!e Decision "  dated Nove%ber '', '((' and Resolution '  dated )anuary '*, '((4 rendered by t!e Court of +ppeals C+- in C+/.R. SP No. $*, &rantin& t!e petition of respondent co%pany and reversin& t!e 0o luntary +rbitrator1s Decision 2  dated October "4, "###. 3!e facts are Respondent +sia 5re6ery , Inc. +5I- is en&a&ed in t!e %anufacture, sale and distribution of beer, s!andy, bottled 6ater and &lass products. +5I entered into a Collective 5ar&ainin& +&ree%ent C5+-, 4  effective for five - years fro% +u&ust ", "##$ to )uly 2", '((', 6it! 5isi& a t 7a8as n& %&a 9an&&a&a6a sa +siaIndependent 579+INDEPENDEN3-, t!e e:clusive bar&ainin& representative of +5I1s ran8andfile e%ployees. On October 2, '(((, +5I and 579+INDEPENDEN3 si&ned a rene&otiated C5+ effective fro% + u&ust ", '((( to 2" )uly '((2.  +rticle I of t!e C5 + def ined t!e scope of t!e bar&ainin& unit, as follo6s Section ". Reco&nition. 3!e CO9P+N; reco&ni<es t!e =NION as t!e sole and e:clusive bar&ainin& representative of all t!e re&ular ran8andfile daily paid e%ployees 6it!in t!e scope of t!e appropriate bar&ainin& unit 6it! respect to rates of pay, !ours of 6or8 and ot!er ter%s and conditions of e%ploy%ent. 3!e =NION s!all not represent or accept for %e%bers!ip e%ployees outside t!e scope of t!e bar&ainin& unit !erein defined. Section '. 5ar&ainin& =nit. 3!e bar&ainin& unit s!all be co%prised of all re&ular ran8andfile daily paid e%ployees of t!e CO9P+N; . >o6ever , t!e follo6in& ?obs@positions as !erein defined s!all be e:cluded fro% t!e bar&ainin& unit, to 6it ". 9ana&ers '. +ssistant 9ana&ers 2. Section >eads 4. Supervisors . Superintendents A. Confidential and E:ecutive Secretaries

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G.R. No. 162025 August 3, 2010




For resolution is an appeal by certiorari filed by petitioner under Rule 4 of t!e "##$ Rules of CivilProcedure, as a%ended, assailin& t!e Decision" dated Nove%ber '', '((' and Resolution' dated)anuary '*, '((4 rendered by t!e Court of +ppeals C+- in C+/.R. SP No. $*, &rantin& t!epetition of respondent co%pany and reversin& t!e 0oluntary +rbitrator1s Decision2 dated October "4,"###.

3!e facts are

Respondent +sia 5re6ery, Inc. +5I- is en&a&ed in t!e %anufacture, sale and distribution of beer,s!andy, bottled 6ater and &lass products. +5I entered into a Collective 5ar&ainin& +&ree%entC5+-,4 effective for five - years fro% +u&ust ", "##$ to )uly 2", '((', 6it! 5isi& at 7a8as n& %&a9an&&a&a6a sa +siaIndependent 579+INDEPENDEN3-, t!e e:clusive bar&ainin& representativeof +5I1s ran8andfile e%ployees. On October 2, '(((, +5I and 579+INDEPENDEN3 si&ned arene&otiated C5+ effective fro% +u&ust ", '((( to 2" )uly '((2.

 +rticle I of t!e C5+ defined t!e scope of t!e bar&ainin& unit, as follo6s

Section ". Reco&nition. 3!e CO9P+N; reco&ni<es t!e =NION as t!e sole and e:clusive bar&ainin&representative of all t!e re&ular ran8andfile daily paid e%ployees 6it!in t!e scope of t!e

appropriate bar&ainin& unit 6it! respect to rates of pay, !ours of 6or8 and ot!er ter%s andconditions of e%ploy%ent. 3!e =NION s!all not represent or accept for %e%bers!ip e%ployeesoutside t!e scope of t!e bar&ainin& unit !erein defined.

Section '. 5ar&ainin& =nit. 3!e bar&ainin& unit s!all be co%prised of all re&ular ran8andfile dailypaid e%ployees of t!e CO9P+N;. >o6ever, t!e follo6in& ?obs@positions as !erein defined s!all bee:cluded fro% t!e bar&ainin& unit, to 6it

". 9ana&ers

'. +ssistant 9ana&ers

2. Section >eads

4. Supervisors

. Superintendents

A. Confidential and E:ecutive Secretaries

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$. Personnel, +ccountin& and 9ar8etin& Staff 

*. Co%%unications Personnel

#. Probationary E%ployees

"(. Security and Fire 5ri&ade Personnel

"". 9ont!ly E%ployees

"'. Purc!asin& and Buality Control Staff A e%p!asis supplied.

Subseuently, a dispute arose 6!en +5I1s %ana&e%ent stopped deductin& union dues fro% ei&!tyone *"- e%ployees, believin& t!at t!eir %e%bers!ip in 579+INDEPENDEN3 violated t!e C5+.Ei&!teen "*- of t!ese affected e%ployees are B+ Sa%plin& Inspectors@Inspectresses and 9ac!ine/au&e 3ec!nician 6!o for%ed part of t!e Buality Control Staff. 36enty '(- c!ec8ers are assi&nedat t!e 9aterials Depart%ent of t!e +d%inistration Division, Full /oods Depart%ent of t!e 5re6eryDivision and Pac8a&in& Division. 3!e rest are secretaries@cler8s directly under t!eir respective

division %ana&ers.$

579+INDEPENDEN3 clai%ed t!at +5I1s actions restrained t!e e%ployees1 ri&!t to selfor&ani<ationand brou&!t t!e %atter to t!e &rievance %ac!inery. +s t!e parties failed to a%icably settle t!econtroversy, 579+INDEPENDEN3 lod&ed a co%plaint before t!e National Conciliation and9ediation 5oard NC95-. 3!e parties eventually a&reed to sub%it t!e case for arbitration to resolvet!e issue of 6!et!er or not t!ere is restraint to e%ployees in t!e e:ercise of t!eir ri&!t to selfor&ani<ation.*

In !is Decision, 0oluntary +rbitrator 5ienvenido Devera sustained t!e 579+INDEPENDEN3 afterfindin& t!at t!e records sub%itted by +5I s!o6ed t!at t!e positions of t!e sub?ect e%ployees ualifyunder t!e ran8andfile cate&ory because t!eir functions are %erely routinary and clerical. >e noted

t!at t!e positions occupied by t!e c!ec8ers and secretaries@cler8s in t!e different divisions are not%ana&erial or supervisory, as evident fro% t!e duties and responsibilities assi&ned to t!e%. Git!respect to B+ Sa%plin& Inspectors@Inspectresses and 9ac!ine /au&e 3ec!nician, !e ruled t!at +5Ifailed to establis! 6it! sufficient clarity t!eir basic functions as to consider t!e% Buality Control Staff6!o 6ere e:cluded fro% t!e covera&e of t!e C5+. +ccordin&ly, t!e sub?ect e%ployees 6eredeclared eli&ible for inclusion 6it!in t!e bar&ainin& unit represented by 579+INDEPENDEN3.#

On appeal, t!e C+ reversed t!e 0oluntary +rbitrator, rulin& t!at

G>EREFORE, fore&oin& pre%ises considered, t!e uestioned decision of t!e >onorable 0oluntary +rbitrator 5ienvenido De 0era is !ereby RE0ERSED and SE3 +SIDE, and + NEG ONE EN3EREDDEC7+RIN/ 3>+3

a- t!e *" e%ployees are e:cluded fro% and are not eli&ible for inclusion in t!e bar&ainin&unit as defined in Section ', +rticle I of t!e C5+H

b- t!e *" e%ployees cannot validly beco%e %e%bers of respondent and@or if already%e%bers, t!at t!eir %e%bers!ip is violative of t!e C5+ and t!at t!ey s!ould disaffiliate fro%respondentH and

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c- petitioner !as not co%%itted any act t!at restrained or tended to restrain its e%ployees int!e e:ercise of t!eir ri&!t to selfor&ani<ation.



579+INDEPENDEN3 filed a %otion for reconsideration. In t!e %eanti%e, a certification election6as !eld on +u&ust "(, '((' 6!erein petitioner 3unay na Pa&8a8aisa n& 9an&&a&a6a sa +sia3P9+- 6on. +s t!e incu%bent bar&ainin& representative of +5I1s ran8andfile e%ployees clai%in&interest in t!e outco%e of t!e case, petitioner filed 6it! t!e C+ an o%nibus %otion forreconsideration of t!e decision and intervention, 6it! attac!ed petition si&ned by t!e unionofficers."" 5ot! %otions 6ere denied by t!e C+."'

3!e petition is anc!ored on t!e follo6in& &rounds




3>E CO=R3 OF +PPE+7S ERRED IN >O7DIN/ 3>+3 3>E *" E9P7O;EES C+NNO3 0+7ID7;5ECO9E =NION 9E95ERS, 3>+3 3>EIR 9E95ERS>IP IS 0IO7+3I0E OF 3>E C5+ +ND 3>+33>E; S>O=7D DIS+FFI7I+3E FRO9 RESPONDEN3H



 +lt!ou&! +rticle '4 of t!e 7abor Code li%its t!e ineli&ibility to ?oin, for% and assist any laboror&ani<ation to %ana&erial e%ployees, ?urisprudence !as e:tended t!is pro!ibition to confidentiale%ployees or t!ose 6!o by reason of t!eir positions or nature of 6or8 are reuired to assist or act ina fiduciary %anner to %ana&erial e%ployees and !ence, are li8e6ise privy to sensitive and !i&!lyconfidential records."4 Confidential e%ployees are t!us e:cluded fro% t!e ran8andfile bar&ainin&unit. 3!e rationale for t!eir separate cate&ory and disualification to ?oin any labor or&ani<ation issi%ilar to t!e in!ibition for %ana&erial e%ployees because if allo6ed to be affiliated 6it! a =nion, t!elatter %i&!t not be assured of t!eir loyalty in vie6 of evident conflict of interests and t!e =nion can

also beco%e co%panydeno%inated 6it! t!e presence of %ana&erial e%ployees in t!e =nion%e%bers!ip.">avin& access to confidential infor%ation, confidential e%ployees %ay also beco%et!e source of undue advanta&e. Said e%ployees %ay act as a spy or spies of eit!er party to acollective bar&ainin& a&ree%ent."A

In P!ilips Industrial Develop%ent, Inc. v. N7RC,"$ t!is Court !eld t!at petitioner1s divisionsecretaries, all Staff of /eneral 9ana&e%ent, Personnel and Industrial Relations Depart%ent,Secretaries of +udit, EDP and Financial Syste%s are confidential e%ployees not included 6it!in t!eran8andfile bar&ainin& unit."* Earlier, in Pier * +rrastre K Stevedorin& Services, Inc. v. Roldan

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Confesor,"# 6e declared t!at le&al secretaries 6!o are tas8ed 6it!, a%on& ot!ers, t!e typin& of le&aldocu%ents, %e%oranda and correspondence, t!e 8eepin& of records and files, t!e &ivin& of andreceivin& notices, and suc! ot!er duties as reuired by t!e le&al personnel of t!e corporation, fallunder t!e cate&ory of confidential e%ployees and !ence e:cluded fro% t!e bar&ainin& unitco%posed of ran8andfile e%ployees.'(

 +lso considered !avin& access to vital labor infor%ation are t!e e:ecutive secretaries of t!e/eneral 9ana&er and t!e e:ecutive secretaries of t!e Buality +ssurance 9ana&er, ProductDevelop%ent 9ana&er, Finance Director, 9ana&e%ent Syste% 9ana&er, >u%an Resources9ana&er, 9ar8etin& Director, En&ineerin& 9ana&er, 9aterials 9ana&er and Production 9ana&er.'"

In t!e present case, t!e C5+ e:pressly e:cluded Confidential and E:ecutive Secretaries fro% t!eran8andfile bar&ainin& unit, for 6!ic! reason +5I see8s t!eir disaffiliation fro% petitioner. Petitioner,!o6ever, %aintains t!at e:cept for Daisy 7aloon, Evelyn 9abilan&an and 7ennie Sa&uan 6!o !adbeen pro%oted to %ont!ly paid positions, t!e follo6in& secretaries@cler8s are dee%ed includeda%on& t!e ran8andfile e%ployees of +5I''

N+9E DEP+R39EN3 I99EDI+3E S=

C" +D9IN DI0ISION". +n&eles, Cristina C. 3ransportation 9r. 9elito L. 3an

'. 5arrauio, Carina P. 3ransportation 9r. 9elito L. 3an

2. Cabalo, 9arivic 5. 3ransportation 9r. 9elito L. 3an

4. Fa%erona&, 7eodi&ario C. 3ransportation 9r. 9elito L. 3an


". +balos, +ndrea +. 9aterials 9r. +ndres /. Co

'. +l&ire, )uvy 7. 9aterials 9r. +ndres /. Co

2. +noMuevo, S!irley P. 9aterials 9r. +ndres /. Co

4. +viso, Rosita S. 9aterials 9r. +ndres /. Co

. 5arac!ina, Pauline C. 9aterials 9r. +ndres /. Co

A. 5riones, Catalina P. 9aterials 9r. +ndres /. Co$. Caralipio, )uanita P. 9aterials 9r. +ndres /. Co

*. El%ido, 9a. Rebecca S. 9aterials 9r. +ndres /. Co

#. /iron, 7aura P. 9aterials 9r. +ndres /. Co

"(. 9ane, Edna +. 9aterials 9r. +ndres /. Co


: : : :


". 7aloon, Daisy S. 5re6!ouse 9r. Gillia% 3an


". +rabit, 9yrna F. 5ottlin& Production 9r. )ulius Pal%ares

'. 5ur&os, +delaida D. 5ottlin& Production 9r. )ulius Pal%ares

2. 9enil, E%%anuel S. 5ottlin& Production 9r. )ulius Pal%ares

4. Neval&a, 9arcelo /. 5ottlin& Production 9r. )ulius Pal%ares


". 9apola, 9a. Esrali<a 3. 5ottlin& 9aintenance 9r. Ernesto +n&

'. 0ele<, Car%elito +. 5ottlin& 9aintenance 9r. Ernesto +n&


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". 5orda%onte, R!u%ela D. 5ottled Gater 9r. Faustino 3etonc!e

'. Deauna, Edna R. 5ottled Gater 9r. Faustino 3etonc!e

2. Punon&bayan, 9arylou F. 5ottled Gater 9r. Faustino 3etonc!e

4. Sa&uan, 7ennie ;. 5ottled Gater 9r. Faustino 3etonc!e


". +lcoran, Si%eon +. Full /oods 9r. 3soi Ga! 3un&

'. Cervantes, 9a. S!erley ;. Full /oods 9r. 3soi Ga! 3un&

2. Dion&co, 9a. 3eresa 9. Full /oods 9r. 3soi Ga! 3un&

4. 9abilan&an, Evelyn 9. Full /oods 9r. 3soi Ga! 3un&

. Rivera, +urora 9. Full /oods 9r. 3soi Ga! 3un&

A. Salandanan, Nancy /. Full /oods 9r. 3soi Ga! 3un&


". 9a&ba&, 9a. Cora<on C. 3an8 Far%@

Cella Services

9r. 9anuel ;u 7iat


". Capiroso, Francisca +. Buality +ssurance 9s. Re&ina 9irasol


". +lconaba, Elvira C. En&ineerin& 9r. Cle%ente Gon&

'. 5ustillo, 5ernardita E. Electrical 9r. )or&e 0illarosa

2. Catindi&, Ruel +. Civil Gor8s 9r. Ro&er /iron

4. Sison, Claudia 5. =tilities 9r. 0enancio +lconaba


: : : :


". +lvare<, 9a. 7unin&nin& 7. /P +d%inistration 9s. Susan 5ella'. CaMi<a, +l%a +. /P 3ec!nical 9r. C!en 3sai 3yan

2. Cantale?o, +ida S. /P En&ineerin& 9r. Noel Fernande<

4. Castillo, 9a. Ri<a R. /P Production 9r. 3sai C!en C!i!

. 7a%adrid, Susana C. /P Production 9r. Robert 5autista

A. 9endo<a, )ennifer 7. /P 3ec!nical 9r. 9el OMa

 +s can be &leaned fro% t!e above listin&, it is rat!er curious t!at t!ere 6ould be severalsecretaries@cler8s for ?ust one "- depart%ent@division perfor%in& tas8s 6!ic! are %ostly routine andclerical. Respondent insisted t!ey fall under t!e Confidential and E:ecutive Secretaries e:presslye:cluded by t!e C5+ fro% t!e ran8andfile bar&ainin& unit. >o6ever, perusal of t!e ?ob descriptionsof t!ese secretaries@cler8s reveals t!at t!eir assi&ned duties and responsibilities involve routine

activities of recordin& and %onitorin&, and ot!er paper 6or8s for t!eir respective depart%ents 6!ilesecretarial tas8s suc! as receivin& telep!one calls and filin& of office correspondence appear to!ave been co%%only i%posed as additional duties.'2 Respondent failed to indicate 6!o a%on&t!ese nu%erous secretaries@cler8s !ave access to confidential data relatin& to %ana&e%ent policiest!at could &ive rise to potential conflict of interest 6it! t!eir =nion %e%bers!ip. Clearly, t!e rationaleunder our previous rulin&s for t!e e:clusion of e:ecutive secretaries or division secretaries 6ould!ave little or no si&nificance considerin& t!e lac8 of or very li%ited access to confidential infor%ationof t!ese secretaries@cler8s. It is not even farfetc!ed t!at t!e ?ob cate&ory %ay e:ist only on papersince t!ey are all dailypaid 6or8ers. Buite understandably, petitioner !ad earlier e:pressed t!e vie6

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t!at t!e positions 6ere ?ust bein& reclassified as t!ese e%ployees actually disc!ar&ed routinefunctions.

Ge t!us !old t!at t!e secretaries@cler8s, nu%berin& about forty 4(-, are ran8andfile e%ployeesand not confidential e%ployees.

Git! respect to t!e Sa%plin& Inspectors@Inspectresses and t!e /au&e 9ac!ine 3ec!nician, t!eresee%s no dispute t!at t!ey for% part of t!e Buality Control Staff 6!o, under t!e e:press ter%s of t!eC5+, fall under a distinct cate&ory. 5ut 6e disa&ree 6it! respondent1s contention t!at t!e t6enty '(-c!ec8ers are si%ilarly confidential e%ployees bein& uality control staff entrusted 6it! t!e !andlin&and custody of co%pany properties and sensitive infor%ation.

 +&ain, t!e ?ob descriptions of t!ese c!ec8ers assi&ned in t!e storeroo% section of t!e 9aterialsDepart%ent, finis!in& section of t!e Pac8a&in& Depart%ent, and t!e decoratin& and &lass sectionsof t!e Production Depart%ent plainly s!o6ed t!at t!ey perfor% routine and %ec!anical tas8spreparatory to t!e delivery of t!e finis!ed products.'4G!ile it %ay be ar&ued t!at uality controle:tends to postproduction p!ase proper pac8a&in& of t!e finis!ed products no evidence 6aspresented by t!e respondent to prove t!at t!ese dailypaid c!ec8ers actually for% part of t!e

co%pany1s Buality Control Staff 6!o as suc! 6ere e:posed to sensitive, vital and confidentialinfor%ation about co%pany1s products or !ave 8no6led&e of %i:tures of t!e products, t!eirdefects, and even t!eir for%ulas 6!ic! are considered trade secrets1. Suc! alle&ations ofrespondent %ust be supported by evidence.'

Conseuently, 6e !old t!at t!e t6enty '(- c!ec8ers %ay not be considered confidential e%ployeesunder t!e cate&ory of Buality Control Staff 6!o 6ere e:pressly e:cluded fro% t!e C5+ of t!e ran8andfile bar&ainin& unit.

Confidential e%ployees are defined as t!ose 6!o "- assist or act in a confidential capacity, '- topersons 6!o for%ulate, deter%ine, and effectuate %ana&e%ent policies in t!e field of labor relations.3!e t6o '- criteria are cu%ulative, and bot! %ust be %et if an e%ployee is to be considered aconfidential e%ployee t!at is, t!e confidential relations!ip %ust e:ist bet6een t!e e%ployee and!is supervisor, and t!e supervisor %ust !andle t!e prescribed responsibilities relatin& to laborrelations. 3!e e:clusion fro% bar&ainin& units of e%ployees 6!o, in t!e nor%al course of t!eirduties, beco%e a6are of %ana&e%ent policies relatin& to labor relations is a principal ob?ectivesou&!t to be acco%plis!ed by t!e confidential e%ployee rule.'A 3!ere is no s!o6in& in t!is caset!at t!e secretaries@cler8s and c!ec8ers assisted or acted in a confidential capacity to %ana&eriale%ployees and obtained confidential infor%ation relatin& to labor relations policies. +nd evenassu%in& t!at t!ey !ad e:posure to internal business operations of t!e co%pany, respondentclai%ed, t!is is not per se &round for t!eir e:clusion in t!e bar&ainin& unit of t!e dailypaid ran8andfile e%ployees.'$

Not bein& confidential e%ployees, t!e secretaries@cler8s and c!ec8ers are not disualified fro%%e%bers!ip in t!e =nion of respondent1s ran8andfile e%ployees. Petitioner ar&ues t!at

respondent1s act of unilaterally stoppin& t!e deduction of union dues fro% t!ese e%ployeesconstitutes unfair labor practice as it restrained t!e 6or8ers1 e:ercise of t!eir ri&!t to selfor&ani<ation, as provided in +rticle '4* a- of t!e 7abor Code.

=nfair labor practice refers to acts t!at violate t!e 6or8ers1 ri&!t to or&ani<e. 3!e pro!ibited actsare related to t!e 6or8ers1 ri&!t to self or&ani<ation and to t!e observance of a C5+. For a c!ar&e ofunfair labor practice to prosper, it %ust be s!o6n t!at +5I 6as %otivated by ill 6ill, bad fait!, orfraud, or 6as oppressive to labor, or done in a %anner contrary to %orals, &ood custo%s, or publicpolicy, and, of course, t!at social !u%iliation, 6ounded feelin&s or &rave an:iety resulted : :

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:'* fro% +5I1s act in discontinuin& t!e union dues deduction fro% t!ose e%ployees it believed 6eree:cluded by t!e C5+. Considerin& t!at t!e !erein dispute arose fro% a si%ple disa&ree%ent in t!einterpretation of t!e C5+ provision on e:cluded e%ployees fro% t!e bar&ainin& unit, respondentcannot be said to !ave co%%itted unfair labor practice t!at restrained its e%ployees in t!e e:erciseof t!eir ri&!t to selfor&ani<ation, nor !ave t!ereby de%onstrated an antiunion stance.

G>EREFORE, t!e petition is GRANTE". 3!e Decision dated Nove%ber '', '((' and Resolutiondated )anuary '*, '((4 of t!e Court of +ppeals in C+/.R. SP No. $* are !ereby REVERSE"#$% SET ASI"E. 3!e c!ec8ers and secretaries@cler8s of respondent co%pany are !ereby declaredran8andfile e%ployees 6!o are eli&ible to ?oin t!e =nion of t!e ran8andfile e%ployees.

No costs.


MARTIN S. VIARAMA, !R. +ssociate )ustice