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Turmeric SOA
Eclipse Day at Google 2011

Dave Carver11.30.2011

This template should be used for projects that are going through JAD and ARB.

There should only be one .ppt file created for any project. The same .ppt should be updated as the project progresses through JAD and ARB. Slides that are not longer relevant should be moved to the end of the presentation.

The updated file should be checked in to the VOB ebayv3docs \ARB\presentations\2004\ (date should no longer be included in the name)

There are four types of presentation objectives:JAD Session

Informational ARB presentations can be used to inform ARB about technical issues, vendor information, strategies, etc.

ARB Control presentations are for designated projects that are working through design issues in multiple ARB sessions

Approval Request presentations are for projects that have resolved all issues and are requesting approval of the architecture approach

If you are seeking approval and the approval can be broken down to specific parts of the design you should clearly indicate the different pieces you are seeking approval on


Mission is to open source some of the best of breed technologies that were developed originally within eBay Inc.

For the benefit of the community

Under a liberal open source license.

These projects are generic technology projects and several years of development effort has gone into them to mature them.

The first project that is open sourced is Turmeric, a comprehensive SOA platform

Why start a SOA project?

The Meaning of Words?

Isn't everything really a Service now?

Web Services are just a starting point

What is SOA? A Buzzword?


Comprehensive Policy driven SOA platform Pipeline based architecture

Can be used to develop, deploy, secure, monitor, and govern SOA services and consumers

Client side and server side runtime

Various Quality of Service (QoS) features provided through services

Authentication, Authorization, and rate limiting, which you control by defining respective policies.

Monitoring and Policy Admin console

Eclipse developer tooling

Plugins for creation of services and consumers

The Type Library plugin, to define and manage reusable schema type definitions across services, and hierarchically organize them.

The Error Library plugin, to define and re-use error definitions across services.

Local binding option, which lets you locally bind services to consumers as a deployment time

A Repository Service that enables service registration and governance.

Turmeric (contd.)

Is SOA Really This?

Not limited to WS-*

Is Web 2.0 SOA?

Web 2.0 IS SOA!

SOA is not a silver bullet Execution Matters

Data Quality Matters

Leveraging Open Source

Monitoring Console

Policy Admin UI

Eclipse Plugins


IRC Freenode.net: #turmeric-dev

Twitter: #turmericsoa

Twitter: @kingargyle

Google Plus+

Forums: http://www.ebayopensource.org/forums

Wiki: http://www.ebayopensource.org/wiki

Source: https://github.com/ebayopensourceTurmeric-runtime






Turmeric (contd.)
