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--·--Original Messaqe----- From: Bcaudry~ Losique, llacques Sent: Monday, June 2~, 2009 10:36 AM To: Mccluer, Megan Subject: FW: Nevi NREL wil d/jobs study about to pop w reaay for Monday? rnportance: H:gh tvlegan, Are you aware of this N~~L study? Jacques Beaud. t:Loslq'lc DAS Renewab_c Energy EERJ ·----Original Message----- From: Zoi, Cathy Sen!.: salurday, June 27, ~009 0:2 PM tc: ~J()lmson, Kristina; Chalk, S eveni'; Beaudry-Losiquc, IJacqu0.J Sl bject: New NRL tind/jobs s'~udy about 0 pop - ready ~or ~londay? Importance: High Heard 21d har d tl at Rob Gramlich has a new wind/jobs study that C 1 d C l.n "(·~rGeorge Wi 111 scrappy op ed of this week. How close are we? Can we get it out now?

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--·--Original Messaqe-----From: Bcaudry~Losique, llacquesSent: Monday, June 2~, 2009 10:36 AMTo: Mccluer, MeganSubject: FW: Nevi NREL wil d/jobs study about to pop w reaay for Monday?

rnportance: H:gh


Are you aware of this N~~L study?

Jacques Beaud. t:Loslq'lcDAS Renewab_c EnergyEERJ

·----Original Message-----From: Zoi, CathySen!.: salurday, June 27, ~009 0:2 PMtc: ~J()lmson, Kristina; Chalk, S eveni'; Beaudry-Losiquc, IJacqu0.JSl bject: New NR L tind/jobs s'~udy about 0 pop - ready ~or ~londay?Importance: High

Heard 21d har d tl at Rob Gramlich has a new wind/jobs study that C 1 d C l.n "(·~rGeorgeWi 111scrappy op ed of this week. How close are we? Can we get it out now?


Lantz, EricMonday, June 29, 2009 3:33 PMKubik, Michelle; Tegen, Suzanne; Kline, DavidSpanish Jobs Response


Just a couple of things.

1) Cathy Zoi heard from somewhere that this response was put together and is very interested in seeing it. This hasgotten other center management (wind and analysis) interested in seeing the work so our timeframe may bepushed back a bit.

2) On the more practical level, there has been some question raised about whether this response/commentarydeserves "technical report" status as no new analysis was actually conducted for the work. Questions arecoming primarily from the author level. So my question for you is whether or not this is our only mechanism for·getting something out into the public forum. The initial thought was that we wanted it to be something otherscould reference and/or cite. Is there a formal memo or briefing publication category that this can be put underand/or what are the implications of designating it as a technical report.

Thanks much.

Eric Lantz

Markets and Policy AnalystStrategic Energy Analysis CenterNational Renewable Energy Laboratory303.384.7418Eric.Lantz@nreLgov


Kline, DavidMonday, June 29, 2009 3:51 PMArent, DougFW: Spanish jobs report response - questions about its release


As you probably saw from an ernail from Maureen, EE-1 has asked about the (tNRELReport" on the Spanish report.FWIW I agree with Suzanne that what we have is more of a memo than a report; a good critique of the Spanish report,but a memo-no research was done really. Please advisehow you would like us to proceed in responding to EE-1request: Form? Memo from whom to whom? (We don't have formal request to NRELfrom EE-1, just the chain of em ailsciting said request). Review, signoff etc? Given guidance, we'll proceed to make it so.

Thanks -- DK

David M. Kline, Ph.D.

Lead fori nternational AnalysisNational Renewable Energy Laboratory1617 Cole Blvd.fillS 301Golden CO 80401

Voice: +1-303-384-7435 I Fax: +1-303-384-7411Email; david.kline@nreLgov

PLEASE NOTE .CHANGE IN EMAIL ADDRESSNew email isdavid.kline@nreLgov

Among those whom I like or admire, I can common denominator, but amongthose whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.

- \liTH Auden---_.__ ...._-_._--_ ....._----_._---

From: Tegen, SuzanneSent: Monday, June 29,20093:18 PMTo: Kline, DavidCc: Lantz, EricSubject: Spanish jobs report response - questions about its release


Cc: Green, BruceSubject: FW: Spanish jobs report response

Hi Ruth,

Brian Smith would like to knaw when this report is going to be published as an NRELrepart and who. is handling itspublication process. He is concerned about the process we are using far reports written about wind by employees indifferent centers like Analysis. Apparently this report is attracting a lot of attention all the way up to Cathy Zai andMegan McCluer and that is how Brian found out about the existence of this report.


From: Smith, BrianSent: Monday, June 29, 2009 10:41 AMTo: O'Dell, KathleenSubject: Fw: Spanish jobs report response

From: Flowers, LawrenceTo: Smith, BrianSent: Mon Jun 29 10:02:122009Subject: FW: Spanish jobs report response

From: Lantz, EricSent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 10:16 AMTo: Flowers, LawrenceCc: Tegen, SuzanneSubject: Spanish jobs report response

Attached is the current version. It went aut to' management review last Thursday, but has not been distributed farexternal review yet. Let me know if yau have any questions.



Kline,DavidMonday, June 29,20099:18 PMTegen, Suzanne; Lantz,Eric;Reategui,SandraArent,Doug; Smith,BrianFW:

.FVI, link to the George-F. Will opinion piece that is evidently causing a stir at Forrestaland elsewhere.

I can't accuse Will of being a poor rhetorical strategist. He doesn't claim that the Spanishreport is right--in two different he denies that it matters one way or the other.

From: david kline [[email protected]]Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 9:15 PMTo: Kline, DavidSubject: Interesting Article at www.windaction,org

Hello George Harrison,

vriur friend david kline considered an article at our site interesting and wanted to send itto you.

Article Title: George Will: Tilting at green windmills Article Link:

Site Name: www.windaction.orgSite URL: http://www.windaction.orgi




Kline, DavidTuesday, June 30, 2009 10:09 AMTegen, SuzanneRE: Spanish Jobs Response


-_ .. r ,-- ._._--,-_. - ._._ .... _ .••••. 0.--- I think we can get done what weneed to get done via ernail. We'll stress with all the reviewers that Zoi has asked for this and see how quickly we can getit out of here.


David M. Kline, Ph.D.

Lead for International AnalysisNational Renewable Energy Laboratory1617 Cole Blvd.MS 301Golden CO 80401

Voice: +1-303-384-7435 I Fax: +1-303-384-7411Email: [email protected]


Among those whom I like or admire, I·can find no common denominator, but among.those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.

- WH Auden---_ ..__ ._.__ .._ ...._ ..-._-_ .._--_.__ ._._._---_ ...••-'_._-----_ ..__._.....,-..__ ..__._-_._..•-._ ...,,----_._--_.,,_ ...._-"'."

From: Tegen, SuzanneSent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 10:03 AMTo: Lantz, Eric; Kline, DavidSubject: RE: Spanish Jobs Response

I kind of want to just call it a memo, but Iguess white paper is a step down from a report - it's just informational. Sothat's better, in my opinion.

With all of the new people that have now been added to the review list, Cathy Zoi will certainly not have this when shewants it (yesterday), and it will likely' take a while. Bummer.

I think we should do whatever we can to get it out there.


From: Lantz, EricSent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 8:54 AM



Teqen, SuzanneThursday; July 02, 2009 9:56 AMKline, DavidRE: Spanish report critique

Noore sPo{)StV~


-----,------------------------------From: Kline, DavidSent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 9:55 AMTo: Tegen, SuzanneSubject: RE: Spanish report critique

> Thanks for your willingness to work on this before I do it wrong: )

I see the smiley, but I sure I hope I didn'timply anything of the kind!

There's more to say about why I offered to plug in at the beginning, but it would be better as a phone conversation thanan email. I am extremely conservative about what I will put in emails. If you have a chance to talk for five minutes

. today-even though we're both crashing before being out-we can do that. But it's not urgent. We can take it up whenI'm back on the 13th if you'll be here then.

The one more thing I'd add is that I bet this controversy is not going to go away. It would be useful to take a step back. and think about what's important for us to say, rather than doing repeated one-off responses to each new salvo thatcomes in. You'd be the appropriate thought leader for the Lab on that question; I'm happy to be a sounding board ifuseful.


David M. Kline, Ph.D.

Lead for International AnalysisNational Renewable Energy Laboratory1617 Cole Blvd.MS 301Golden CO 80401

Voice: +1-303-384-7435 I Fax: +1-303-384-7411Email: [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN EMAIL ADDRESSNew email is [email protected]



Garrett, BobiFriday, August 07, 2009 7:22 AMTegen,SuzanneArent, Doug; Porro, Gian; Hawsey, RobertSpanish Jobs Report


I looked back at the emails and I talked to Bob Hawsey this morning. Please include a header or footer on the memo (ifit isn't already there) that says "For internal Use Only. Not for Publication" and send the memo to Bob Hawsey. Pleasecopy me. Bob will respond back to Jacques and make sure that it also gets to Megan MCCluer. For delivery to DavidRodgers, please send the memo to Gian Porro for delivery. We will leave it to Jacques and/or David to communicate

. .

with Cathy Zoi.



Hartman. Liz

From: Tegen; Suzanne [[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 20095:33 PM

To: Hartman, Liz

Subject: RE: Renewable Energy jobs inquiry from DOE

Not really, We just normally don1t respond to reports like this, so I think our folks are just being cautious.Now that EEREis asking for it, I believe we will go through the publications process shortly,

From: Hartman, Liz [mai~o:Liz,Hartman@eejdoelgov]Sent: Tuesday, August 11,20093:29 PMTo: Tegen, SuzanneSubject: RE: Renewable Energy jobs inquiry from DOE

Thanks, this is great! Any insight as to why it's for internal use only?

·Liz HartmanWind and Water Power Technologies Communication [email protected]

From: Tegen, Suzanne [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:26 PMTo: Hartmanl LizSubject: RE: Renewable Energyjobs inquiry from DOE

Hartman. Liz


Mccluer, MeganTuesday, August 11, 200911 :39 AMHartman, LizFW: NREl Response to Spanish jobs report published by King Juan Carlos University

Follow Up Flag:Flag Status:

Follow upCompleted

Attachments: NREl Response to Spanish Jobs Report.docx

See email chain and attached.

From: Smith, Brian [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Tuesday,August11,200911:37AMTo: Mcduer, MeganCc: Tegen,Suzanne;Hawsey,RobertSubject: FW: NRELResponseto Spanishjobs report publishedby KingJuanCarlosUniversity

Dear Megan

Please see the below communication from Bob Hawsey to Jacques that forwarded the NRELResponse to theSpanish jobs reports. Since the initial inquiry from EEREcame through a series of channels, we were not surehow to best share the results of our analysis and decided on Jacques and you as the preferred paths into EERE.If you would like to discuss this response further, please feel free to contact Suzanne directly (phone:303-384-6939).

In addition, please note that the NRELanalysis has not been approved by DOE for publication or public release,primarily because no venue has been selected at this juncture. If you think that NRELshould consider some formof public release, from DOE's perspective, please let us know.

Kind regards I

BrianLab Program Manager, Wind & Hydropower TechnologiesNational Wind Technology CenterNational Renewable Energy laboratory1617 Cole Blvd., Golden, Colorado, 80401~3393office: 303-384-6911mobile: 303-549-5093fax: [email protected]


From:Sent:To:Subject: .

Tegen, SuzanneWednesday, August 12, 2009 11: 12 AMKline, David; Smith, Brian; Lantz, Eric; Hand, MaureenThe latest on the Spanish jobs report

FYI- this request (below) came from EEREby phone and now by ernail. Carla said that the Dep Asst Sec would like to putour jobs report up on the EERE website. I assume she means Jaques.

Currently; EERE has seen the report as has the Wind office. The new communications Team Lead in the Wind office (LizHartman) has asked why it is internal only, and would like all of the information we have gathered pertaining to thisreport.

Bob Hawsey and Bobi Garrett have copies. And as you know] Gian Porro also has a copy. Bob H sent the report toJaques] and Bob would like us to publish the report.

Doug Arent is the person who would like our response to remain internal. We are not sure why.

This has been a very burdensome process for a short memo. I am hoping that someone can figure out why Doug ishesitating to send out our response even though we have it and DOE wants it.

That's the update for now,


From: Frisch, Carla [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 8:36 AMTo: Tegen, SuzanneSubject: jobs report


Thanks for returning my call. If you don't mind, just send me the final copy of your report (and web link if it is posted)when you are ready.

Best regards,Carla .

Carla FrischOffice of Technology DevelopmentEnergy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyU.S. Department of Energyph: 202 586 [email protected]


Follow Up Flag:Flag Status:

Hawsey, RobertWednesday, August 12, 2009 1:27 PMKline, DavidRe: NREL analysis of the Spanish Jobs Report

Follow upCompleted

David,Our DOE sponsor and the cognizant DAS both have the report. They expect us to release it and are "concerned" that wehave not. .

Suzanne tells me it is ready.

lneed your plan for public release to get this action item in the "completed" category.


Sent using BlackBerry

From: Kline, David. To: Hawsey, RobertSent: Wed Aug 1212:51:532009Subject: FW: NREL analysis of the Spanish Jobs Report


Auto-fill-in fooled me and I originally sent this to your ORNL email without realizing it.


David M. Kline, Ph.D.

Lead for International AnalysisNational Renewable Energy Laboratory1617 Cole Blvd.M8301Golden CO 80401

Voice: +1-303-384-7435 I Fax: +1-303-384-7411Email: [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN EMAIL ADDRESSNew email [email protected]

Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but amongthose whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.


Hawsey, RobertThursday, August 13, 20094:48 PMKline, DavidArent, DougRE: Response to Spanish jobs report

David,Thanks very much for your response, which I appreciate.Please include me on your distribution list when the report (or other type of publication) is approved for public release.I will then provide a pdf file to our EEREsponsor who can do as they see fit. That will complete the action item.

Q: Can this be completed by around Labor Day week? The urgency is that we run the risk of being cited by DOE for a"deflciencv" in NREL'sannual performance review if we delay making the report available much beyond mid-September. (This may not be fair but it is the sponsor's expectation.)

Bob H.

From: Klihe, DavidSent: Thursday,August 13, 2009 4:42 PMTo: Hawsey, RobertCc: Tegen, Suzanne; Lantz, Eric;Arent, Doug; Newcomb, JamesSubject: Response to Spanish-jobs report


Yesterday you emailed expressing a need to know our plan for publishing our response to the Juan Carlos Univ. reporton renewables and jobs. We had not originally planned to publish the response, but considering the level of attentionbeing focused on the report and our response, we have reconsidered. I propose the following. (This email also servesthe purpose of asking for Doug Arent's approval, since he's currently on travel.)

We have revised the draft you've seen slightly, to make it more clear what we are saying about the JCU report. We havesent it to two outside reviewers for their comments. We plan to finalize the draft next week, send it to technical editing,and make it public as something less formal than an NRELTechnical Report. (There are such categories, but I can'trecallwhat theyare called.}.

If you have further questions, please feel free to be in touch with me.


. David M. Kline, Ph.D.

Lead for International AnalysisNational Renewable Energy Laboratory1617 Cole Blvd.MS 301Golden CO 80401



Kline, DavidFriday, August 14, 2009 8:07 AMLantz, Eric; Teqen, SuzanneArent, DougFW: Response to Spanish jobs report

Eric and Suzanne -

Can we plan to incorporate all comments and have it go final by Labor day as Bob H asks and apparently an unnamedsponsor is demanding?

Doug, maybe you're in a position to encourage Michael Pollin to respond quickly to Suzanne and Eric's request forreview.


David M. Kline, Ph.D.

Lead for International AnalysisNational Renewable Energy Laboratory

·1617 Cole Blvd.MS 301Golden CO 80401

Voice: +1-303-384-7435 I Fax: +1-303-384-7411Email: [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN EMAIL ADDRESSNew em ail [email protected]

Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but amongthose whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.

- WH Auden

From: Hawsey, RobertSent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 4:48 PMTo: Kline, DavidCc: Arent, DougSubject: RE: Response to Spanish jobs report

David,. Thanks very much for your response, which I appreciate.

Please include me on your distribution list when the report (or other type of publication) is approved for public release.I will then provide a pdf file to our EEREsponsor who can do as they see fit. That will complete the action item.


Kline, DavidFriday, August 14, 2009 9:58 AM

. Tegen, Suzanne; Lantz, EricRE: Spanish Jobs report

Hawsey has told us unequivocally that HQ wants it "published." Let's see what Doug says about white paper (emailconversation ongoing as I type), and then we can see if Hawsey thinks that will fill the bill.


David M. Kline, Ph.D.

Lead for International AnalysisNational Renewable Energy Laboratory1617 Cole Blvd.MS 301Golden CO 80401

Voice: +1-303-384-7435 I Fax: +1-303-384-7411Email: [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN EMAIL ADDRESSNew email [email protected]

Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among·those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.

- WH Auden

From: Tegen, SuzanneSent: Friday, August 14, 20099:30 AMTo: Lantz, Eric; Kline, DavidSubject: RE: Spanish Jobs report

This seems to be ouronlv option because we do want to make it something that people can still quote from, if that's. what DOE wants.

From: Lantz, EricSent: Friday, August 14; 20098:03 AMTo: Kline, DavidCc: Tegen, SuzanneSubject: FW: Spanish Jobs report

Hi David,Here is one proposed path of publication from Michelle. Under this method it would be a white paperand not atechnical report.Eric

( (

From:Sent:To:Cc: .Subject:

Lantz, EricFriday, August 21,2009 1:40 PMKubik, MichelleTegen,SuzanneHE: Spanish Jobs report

Sounds great!

From: Kubik, MichelleSent: Friday, August 21,2009 11:57 AMTo: Lantz, EricCc:Tegen,SuzanneSubject: RE: Spanish Jobs report

Eric and Suzanne,

I have checked with Publications, arid they are "on call" for Thursday morning. After you get it to me Wednesday, I willprocess all the final paperwork (please ensure I have the signed pubs approval form I sent you by Wednesday as well)and have it waiting for them first thing Thursday.

Please ensure that you have made all final wording changes to the Word doc that you send me. The proof we get fromPublications in PDF form is strictly to lookfor any shifts in text or missing graphics, etc. - no wording changes should bemade at this point.

With your OK on Thursday, they will release it to the database on Friday.

Hope this works for you!


From: Lantz, EricSent: Thursday, August 20, 20092:13 PMTo: Kubik, MichelleCc: Tegen, SuzanneSubject: RE: Spanish Jobs report

Hi Michelle,

I'm want to brief you on our game plan because DOE would like to have this report as quickly as possible. The short of itis that it will come back to you sometime Wednesday (8.26), probably COB, to complete the publications process. If wecould have it live by the end of the next week (8.28) that would be great. Is that possible?


..-----------,,-,---~--------,,----From: Kubik, Michelle .Sent: Tuesday, August 18,20094:17 PMTo: Lantz, EricCc: Tegen, SuzanneSubject: RE: Spanish Jobs report


Cc:Subject: .

Arent, DougWednesday, September 16, 20094:28 PMLevy, Jonathan M (HQ); Schmitz, Gary; Brown, Austin (HQ); Reynolds, Tom (HQ); Mueller,Stephanie (HQ)Noun, Bob; Masson, Kerry; Tegen, Suzanne; Lantz, Eric; Kline, DavidRe: Background On Group Critical of NREL Study


Multiple requests were received as part of our normal processes to conduct analysis and advise DOE. All requests camefrom EERE offices. I am not sure if that should be public or not.


Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

From: Levy/ Jonathan <[email protected]>To: Schmitz, Gary; Brown, Austin (HQ); Reynolds, Tom (HQ); Mueller, Stephanie (HQ)Cc: Noun, Bob; Arent, Doug; Masson, Kerry; Tegen, Suzanne; Lantz, Eric; Kline, DavidSent: Wed Sep 16 16:20:06 2009Subject: RE: Backqround.On Group Critical of NREL Study

I still have a member asking WHO requested the NREL report to be done. Who is it and can we share that information?

From: Schmitz, Gary [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 4:24 PM

. To: Levy, Jonathan; Brown, Austin; Reynolds, Tom; Mueller, StephanieCc: Noun, Bob; Arent, Doug; Masson, Kerry; Tegen, Suzanne; Lantz, Eric; Kline, DavidSubject: Background On Group Critical of NREL Study

All, FYI:

Here is the Web site for the Institute for Energy Research!

And. their lengthy blogfcritique of the NREl report!2009!09!03/the-nrels-flawed-white~paper-on-the-spanish-green-iobs-studyl . .

-- Gary

From: Levy, Jonathan [mailto:Jonathan.Levy@hq,]Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 2:04 PMTo: Schmitz, Gary; Brown, Austin (HQ); Reynolds, Tom (HQ); Mueller, Stephanie (HQ)Cc: Noun, Bob; Arent, Doug; Masson, Kerry; Tegen, Suzanne; Lantz, Eric; Kline, DavidSubject: RE: NREL analysis of Spain Green Jobs Study.

I defer to Tom and Stephanie from Public Affairs on that question.

From: Schmitz/ Gary [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 4:03 PMTo: Levy, Jonathan; Brown, AustinCC: Noun, Bob; Arent, Doug; Masson, Kerry; Tegen, Suzanne; Lantz, Eric; Kline, DavidSubject: FW: NREL analysis of Spain Green Jobs Study