tweetsgiving sponsorship presentation

A global celebration that seeks to change A global celebration that seeks to change the world through the power of the world through the power of gratitude gratitude. created by

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A global celebration that seeks to change A global celebration that seeks to change the world through the power of the world through the power of gratitudegratitude..

created by

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Epic Change TweetsGivingProven

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TweetsGiving09: Epic Thanks

Epic Change amplifies the voices and impact of grassroots changemakers and social entrepreneurs. We share their stories in ways that raise visibility and funds to support their extraordinary efforts to create hope in our world.

Epic Change believes that people's stories are assets that can be used as resources to improve their lives. We help changemakers share their "epic" true stories in innovative, creative and profitable ways to help them acquire the financial resources they need to create positive "change" in their communities.

We have been widely recognized for our innovative use of social media in creating social change.

Page 3: Tweetsgiving Sponsorship Presentation

Epic Change TweetsGivingProven

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TweetsGiving09: Epic Thanks

TweetsGiving was created by Epic Change in November 2008 as a 48-hour Twitter celebration of gratitude & giving. Created in six days by six volunteers, the event raised over $11,000 to build a classroom in Tanzania, where the Twitter handles of donors are now painted on the walls.

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Epic Change TweetsGivingProven

Track RecordPrimed for Success

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TweetsGiving09: Epic Thanks

TweetsGiving Successes:

•#1 trending topic on Twitter•Over 15,000 site visits•Over 3,000 “tweets” of gratitude•Coverage in hundreds of blogs•Over $11K raised•360 donors, 98% new•$30.92 average gift•1 new classroom

Press & Presentations:

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TweetsGiving09: Epic Thanks

Epic Change in Tanzania

Mama Lucy sold chickens & turned her income into the school that will transform her community. With our investment, she has:

•Tripled the size of her student body to over 300 children•Qualified to participate in national exams for the first time & scored #1 of 117 local schools•Secured land & built 5 classrooms, including a TweetsGiving classroom built from gratitude•Purchased a new school bus•Installed solar power, a well, running water and flushable toilets

Epic Change TweetsGivingProven

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TweetsGiving09: Epic Thanks

Epic Change TweetsGivingProven

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Cultivating Global Gratitude

Epic Change aims to create the world’s largest-ever public outpouring of gratitude. While many participants will tweet their thanks and donate to our efforts in honor of their gratitude, we also hope to inspire many others to express their thankfulness in their own families and communities.

We believe gratitude in any form makes the world a better place.

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TweetsGiving09: Epic Thanks

Groundbreaking Participation from Tanzania

Epic Change has won a grant from IdeaBlobto implement a technology lab at Mama Lucy’s school in Arusha, Tanzania. Our goal is to implement the lab in time to have students personally participate in TweetsGiving by sharing their gratitude and interacting directly with TweetsGivingparticipants across the globe.

Epic Change TweetsGivingProven

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In this photo, students and teachers lined up at a local internet café – many using the web for the 1st time - to participate online in Ideablob voting to implement the technology lab at their school.

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Epic Change TweetsGivingPrimed for Success

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TweetsGiving09: Epic Thanks

Why should my company participate in TweetsGiving09: Epic Thanks?

•Gratitude: Demonstrate your organization’s gratitude to its customers and/or employees & be associated globally with the theme of gratitude.•Social Media: TweetsGiving is a proven, low-risk entry point in building a social media presence.•Social Change: Be associated with a global, innovative social change initiative.

What will my company’s support fund?

•Funds raised during TweetsGiving will be used to build an orphanage, classroom, library and cafeteria at Mama Lucy’s school, and will support our efforts to to find and fund future Epic Change fellows.

Proven Track Record

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TweetsGiving09: Epic Thanks

Global Support

Last year, TweetsGiving was planned by six volunteers in six days. Already, this year, a 15-member volunteer planning team and many partners have gotten involved to amplify our success, including:

•The Dalis Foundation•12for12k•Social Media Club•Social Media for Social Change•Charity Tweetup Tour•Shutter Sisters•Picture Hope•and more!

Epic Change TweetsGivingProven

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TweetsGiving09: Epic Thanks

Sponsorship OpportunitiesEpic Change and TweetsGiving are committed to creating innovative sponsorship and partnership opportunities that are built to spread gratitude. Available sponsorship opportunities include:

Epic Change TweetsGivingProven

Track RecordPrimed for Success

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Title Sponsorship ($25,000)Our Title Sponsor will be the primary corporate or foundation partner of TweetsGiving, and will be directly aligned with innovation in social change, as well as a global celebration of gratitude.

Project Partnerships ($2,500 - $25,000)Project Partners make significant financial commitments that make campaign outcomes possible. Project partners may invest in a dormitory/orphanage, school library, classroom, school cafeteria, 2010 Epic Change fellowship, or Tanzanian student scholarship.

Local/Regional/Global Event Sponsorships ($500 - $5,000 per city)Event sponsorship opportunities offer corporations and foundations the opportunity to meaningfully participate in celebrations of gratitude worldwide. Substantial discounts available for regional/global sponsors.

Content Sponsorships ($2,500 - $12,500)Content sponsors inspire participation and gratitude by matching content submissions and/or monetary donations by content creators with financial contributions. Benefits include substantive social media visibility.

Gratitude Gift Affiliates (Negotiable % of Sales; Minimum: $2,500)Companies that market gifts associated with gratitude (e.g., flowers, gift certificates, thank you notes, etc.) are invited to participate in TweetsGiving by contributing a portion of sales during the celebration.

Individual Sponsors: “Top Turkeys” ($250 - $500+)Individual donors of $250 or greater will be acknowledged as “Top Turkeys” on the TweetsGiving site. Individual donors of $500 or more will be listed as “Terrific Turkeys”.

Media Partnerships, in-kind sponsorships, and customized partnerships are also available.

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Epic Change TweetsGivingPrimed for Success

Become a Partner

TweetsGiving09: Epic Thanks

If you are interested in becoming a corporate partner, please contact Shannon Aronin at [email protected] to discuss the level of your support and accompanying custom-tailored benefits.

We’re grateful for your consideration and interest.

Proven Track Record