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TWG Broshure


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“To provide the best of our services is to provide the best of us. Every project, every step, and every line reflects a collection of our experiences and those of the ones we work for.”

Laura Nassr i Warren, AIAPrincipal

Laura Nassr i Warren, AIA is the founder and principal owner of The Warren Group Architects with over 26 years of experience in the design and construct ion industry in locations through-out the United States, Mexico, and South America.

HerHer continued commitment to customer service and her st rong bel ief in long term business relat ionships en-ables her to provide her customers with a broad vis ion and customized services through unique designs and planning solut ions. Customers f rom al l over Europe and nationwide seek The Warren Group’s advice, exper-tise, and services. Her measure of success is demonstrated by her record of repeat business and referrals wor ldwide.

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THE WARREN GROUP, Architects Inc. is a service or iented architectural , planning, inter ior design and project management f i rm based in McAl len, Texas. Founded by Laura Nassr i Warren, AIA the f i rm has bui l t a reputa-tion by providing an innovative and practical design solut ions for our customer needs. The f i rm’s prof i le re-flects our commitment to provide personal ized service to our growing customer base in both the U.S. and Mexico.

Our continuing commitment to excel lence is evidenced by the increasing number of repeat and referred cus-tomers seeking our services for al l their planning and design needs. Our f i rm’s dynamic spir i t cont inues to bui ld an International reputation of customer sat isfact ion and profess ional recognit ion within the industry.

The f i rm’s principal bel ieves that invaluable to the success of a project is the f i rm’s careful ly selected mem-bers of i t’s Design, Production and Project Construct ion observat ion team. This team approach provides a broad base of experience required to solve complex and special ized planning and construct ion issues. Cur-rently the team draws f rom a col lect ive force of more than 100 individuals.

Our f i rm bel ieves that al l types of project planning and development must be dealt by special ist f rom al l f ie lds and in a coordinated manner. We feel each member of our f i rm plays an important role in the Design and Management process. Our f i rm feels that ful l communication and optimum eff iciency can be assured with the Design Team ap-proach. We have worked successful ly with many complex projects and have invaluable experience in meet-ing local, state, and federal requirements in the completion of projects as wel l as coordinat ion and compli-ance with program direct ives.

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The Chi ldren’s Hospital of Alabama

A 250,000 S.F. ten mi l l ion dol lar faci l i ty includes a seven level parking deck and a f ive story Medical Off ice bui lding.

The Bui lding design features intr icate br ick work and playful window forms to incorporate the structure to the Chi ldren’s Hospital of Alabama Campus.

LauraLaura Warren was a team leader on the deign team and a project manager through-out the construct ion of the faci l i ty.

The Bui lding design was recognized by the Alabama Masonry Inst i tute and the Alabama’s chapter of the American Inst i tute of Architects.


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The Chi ldren’s Hospital -Birmingham AL.

A mult i-bui lding master plan and var ious projects included the addit ion of a 5 story tower, Nuclear Medicine Dept. Burnt Unit ,Crit ical Care

The faci l i ty was designed with the patient experience in mind. This al lowed to provide a heal ing environment that looked less f r ightening for a s ick young patient.This was achieved through a color and l ight ing study and a team cooperation with the Hospital’s staff .This was achieved through a color and l ight ing study and a team cooperation with the Hospital’s staff .

Playful colors and forms greet young patients and their fami l ies.Warm indirect l ight ing, natural l ight, br ight colors, comfortable furniture al lows for a comfort ing and heal ing environment through-out the faci l i ty.

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Birmingham Museum of Art -Birmingham AL.

4 Mi l l ion dol lar addit ion to the South West wing featur ing an outdoor plaza and two new exhibit gal ler ies. In conjunction of B i rmingham Bui lding author i t ies, Cultural and Art Community, Histor ical Society, and Museum Leadership under Giatt ina Fisher Aycock architects.

B i rmingham Museum of Art -Birmingham AL.

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Panasonic Service Center

114,000 S.F. Service Faci l i ty located at the Sharyland Business ParkLaura Nassr i Warren, designed and managed the project for the 5 mi l l ion Dol lar Faci l i ty.

The Bui lding features a modern exhibit area with an offset panel That plays with the landscape and the lake feature located in f ront of the faci l i ty.

The Warren Group ass isted Panasonic with racking lay-out and carrousels for handl ing of product.


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Community Master Plan

Welcome to Sharyland Plantat ion, a rapidly growing 6,000-acre master-planned community in the heart of the lush and fert i le Rio Grande Val ley. At Sharyland Plantat ion you wi l l f ind a real community, where neighbors are f r iends and lovely palm l ined boulevards welcome you home. With an array of neighborhoods to choose from and homes ranging from the 180's to over $2 mi l l ion, you're sure to f ind something just for you.

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Capote International Bus iness Park

350 acre Business Park to Include Retai l , Commercial and Industr ial use land. The Master Plan in-cludes Base support service Faci l i t ies for the BSF - GSA Federal Agencies and the Pharr Interna-tional Br idge.

The design of the park was designed with an International Service Outlook and taking advantage of the exist ing cross National and International Corr idors avai lable f ro this S i te.

The Architectural sty le is in keeping with the South Texas Histor ic Bui ldings with a modern Industr ial f lare.

The Warren Group has designed al l the Industr ial Bui ldings in this park and has worked closely with the Property Owners and The General Contractor in a cohesive team approach; which has en-sured this venture a continued repeated success.

Vicinity MapNot to Scale



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Nu e v a Ca s t i l l a - In d u s t r i a l Pa r k

Nu e v a Ca s t i l l a De v e l o pm e n t :A M i x e d -u s e M a s t e r Pl a n n e d De v e l o pm e n t pa r t o f a f i v e m u n i c i pa l i t y e n d e a v o r pe r f o r m e d f o r t h e c i t y o f M o n t e r r e y , Nu a v e Ca s t i l l a a n d A po d a c a - M e x i c o .T h eT h e W a r r e n Gr o u p pl a y e d a k e y r o l e i n t h e c o o r d i n a t i o n o f m u l t i pl e pl a n n i n g –zo n i n g , CFE a n d Ro a d w a y A g e n c i e s t o d e v e l o p a m a s t e r pl a n t h a t w i l l l i n k e c o n o m i c g r o w t h e f f o r t b e t w e e n t h e pa r t i c i pa t i n g m u n i c i pa l i t i e s . He r e s h o w n i s a 2 5 0 a c r e In d u s t r i a l Pa r k l o c a t e d i n Nu e v a Ca s -t i l l a Ci t y .Ou r t e a m a l s o d e v e l o pe d i m a g e s t u d i e s f o r t h e n e w In d u s t r i a l B u i l d i n g s t o b e b u i l t a t t h i s pa r k , a s w e l l a s pr e pa r i n g a l a n d s c a pi n g a n d w a t e r pr e s e r v a t i o n pl a n t o b e i m pl e m e n t e d i n a l l pu b l i c a n d pr i v a t e l y o w n e d a r e a s .

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Gr u po GP A po d a c a B u s i n e s s Pa r k

A po d a c a - 1 3 0 a c r e M a s t e r Pl a n , M o n t e r r e y , N. L . M e x i c oA 1 3 0 a c r e M i x e d -u s e Pl a n n e d Un i t De v e l o pm e n t i n M o n t e r r e y , N. L . M e x i c o e x e c u t e d f o r Gr u po Ga r za Po n c e , o n e o f t h e l a r g e s t De v e l o pe r s i n No r t h -e a s t M e x i c o . T h e De v e l o pm e n t i n c l u d e s :

3 2 a c r e Cl a s s “A ” In d u s t r i a l Pa r k w i t h u s e o f Ra i l .

4 0 a c r e s i n g l e Fa m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l De v e l o pm e n t .

5 8 a c r e c o m m e r c i a l a n d Re t a i l De v e l o pm e n t5 8 a c r e c o m m e r c i a l a n d Re t a i l De v e l o pm e n t .

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Hidro Aluminum

A 147,000 S.F. manufactur ing faci l i ty, located in Parque Industr ial Vi l la Flor ida in Reynosa Tamps. Mexico.

The Warren Group was hi red to provide Project Management Services and init ial assessment. This project was del ivered under the most chal lenging s i tuat ions as i t began after the construct ion had been stopped for re-valuation.

Our services include assessment of exist ing construct ion performed, evaluation of costs, re-negotiat ion of construct ion and energy contracts, evaluat ion of administ rat ive program, design of off ice areas, code com-pliance review, and coordinat ion of equipment instal lat ion. In addit ion coordinat ion of environmental impact evaluation, ut i l i t ies contract negotiat ion, pay application review and cert i f icat ion for approval, construct ion observat ion, and substant ial complet ion assessment and cert i f icat ion.

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Doctors Hospital at Renaissance

AA ful l-service hospital , Doctors Hospital at Renaissance includes a 45,000-square-foot, three-story Oncology Center, a 220-bed Women’s Hospital , an 80-bed Behavioral Hospital—which is subdivided into ger iatr ic, adult , adolescent and pediatr ic centers—and a 320-bed general hospital faci l i ty, which houses nuclear medicine, general surgery, diagnost ic centers, and labs. Reflect ive of the local vernacular, the architecture employs a Mediterranean Architectural sty le. Throughout the project, the value and heal ing potential of color was em-phasized greatly; a color study at the onset evidenced the value of warm, soothing tones as wel l as the po-tential of more active colors l ike green, which encourages achievement. For example, the wait ing room in-cludes a dome painted with blue hues so that l ight ref lects down and provides a l ight of hope to patients. The blue is picked up in the carpet and complemented by heal ing earth tones.

Main Entrance at Lobby Area

Master PlanNot to Scale

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Patient Courtyard

Day RoomExter ior Detai l

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McAllen Mi l ler International Airport Expansion

The project was provided in joint venture with URS Aviat ion Group.

The study includes revis i t ing forecasts and faci l i ty requirements and wi l l result in recommended alternatives to modernize and expand the terminal, including revamped restrooms, restaurants, lounges, and secur i ty check points. Upon acceptance of the preferred alternative by the Cl ient, the project is expected to proceed into design and construct ion management phases.

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The County of Hidalgo Commuter Rai l System

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GSA McAl len Texas

30,000 SF Federal bui lding faci l i ty that houses seven dif ferent federal agencies to include GSA, Criminal Inves-tigation Department of IRS, SBSE-IRS, Department of labor, among others. This project was successful ly del iv-ered on budget under t ight t ime schedule restrains.

This Bui lding was designed with restr icted publ ic access and level 2 secur i ty bui lding enclosure design as per GSA specif icat ions.

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Lone Star National Bank - Corporate Faci l i ty A 45,000 S.F., three story bui lding, bui lding current ly bui l t on the most aff luent part of the city.

The Warren Group developed the bui lding’s dist inct ive design to embrace the complexity and divers i ty of cultures in this region. The bui lding wi l l house a bank lobby, Land T i t le Company, International Investment Group and Executive The bui lding wi l l house a bank lobby, Land T i t le Company, International Investment Group and Executive Administ rat ion Departments for bank.

The inter iors wi l l feature contemporary, innovative, indirect l ight ing design and natural stone mater ials throughout the faci l i ty. Stained Maple was incorporated to br ing a warm look along with brushed aluminum windows al lowing natural l ight to al l working areas with in the bui lding.

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The Art Village on Main

The Art Village on Main is the revitalization of a full city block to greatly enhance the Art and Culture District within the heart of McAllen’s downtown area, providing the community with a sense of place and a flourishing arts district.

CurrentlyCurrently a sea of asphalt after the demolition of some dilapidated buildings, the block includes an old funeral home in the center, which will be retrofitted, and upon completion will include four additional buildings, several kiosks and abundant outdoor space adorned with lush, native landscaping. The monthly Art-Walk features graphic art, sculpture, theater, music, dance and other genres, which are hosted at local businesses and galleries. The redeveloped block will feature separate buildings devoted to a pho-tography studio, dance studio, painting studio, jewelry outfit and a depot of glass and stained glass.

The structures will pay homage to the culture via local architecture, which will be reflective of the region along with some Hill Coun-try nuances. Many of the old doors and windows were reclaimed from the original buildings—along with copious asphalt from the street—and will be applied to the new structures, adding great character. Public green space will be an integral component of the development, comprising approximately 30 percent of the area, and will provide great outdoor gathering areas.

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Medical Conference Center

A rapidly growing and divers i f ied Medical Center dist inguished by physician ownership and commitment to the highest qual i ty patient care.

Committed to maintain and operate a state-of-the-Art Hospital dedicated to the provis ion of qual i ty, com-passionate and cost-effect ive patient care, the hospital’s leadership has began efforts in bui lding a state of the Art Medical Conference Center.

54,000 SF faci l i ty at an approximate $14,000,000 bui lding construct ion investment;; The Medical Conference Center wi l l generate approximately 293 jobs within the Rio Grande Val ley area.

Wi l l provide a venue to the Medical Community to inform and educate The Rio Grande Val ley of Medical re-sources and procedures avai lable in the area.

Support Health Awareness programs within a state-of the-art Medical Campus.

Enhance Medical Educational program growth by partner ing with local Univers i t ies and Col leges. Wi l l provide a venue to promote the creation of educational opportunit ies in Medical, Nurs ing and research programs.

Wi l l provide support venue for the development of the Edinburg School Distr ict programs such as Art exhibits , music & dance performances, profess ional development programs, and Region One conferences.

A f lexible design that includes an 800 seat state of the art auditor ium makes i t ideal for the performing art events that may offer a home to The Rio Grande Val ley Symphonic Orchestra and presentat ions of the Rio Grande Val ley Bal let.

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TWG APPROACH: The vis ioning process by which The Warren Group Principals faci l i tate group brainstorming sess ions that involve al l team members in order to generate design solut ions that benefit the project and cl ient.

An integral part of our Integrated Project Del ivery process, the Partner-in-Charge hosts mandatory al l-hands team meetings that include the cl ient, engi-neers, consultants and every member of the design team.

This meeting does more to keep projects in budget and on schedule than any other aspect of our AP-PROACH. The benefits of our STRATEGIC APPROACH are huge in that i t opens communication, solves problems and conf i rms the cost very ear ly in the process.Address ing the ent i re team, the cl ient ex-plains the project’sgoals and ant icipated problems. As a result , the tunnel v is ion accompanying most de-signers’ work is gone. Team membersare no longer working in a vacuum, but are together and focused on the same outcome.

Value Engineer ing Work Sess ion

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“…The Warren Group seeks to f i rst to understand the customer’s needs and translates those needs to exceed the customer’s expectations…”

Phil BrownDirector of Aviat ionMcAl len International Airport

”They’re”They’re extremely practical—they’re always looking at how we can make i t work. Their drawings are also ex-cel lent, the information is there—so as a contractor, there’s no guess ing. That’s worth a lot of money to the owner.”

Dan OgletreeDivis ion Manager – South Texas Region Bul lard Construct ion, Inc.

“They think out of the box, they act fast and have a sense of urgency. They gave us a dif ferent look on budget and on a t ight t ime schedule.”

Phil DyerPresidentCapote International Bus iness Park

“It’s“It’s a testament to their talent that they did such a fantast ic design on this complex project with an unreal is-tic budget. They knew how to work with al l the dif ferent const i tuents who had dif ferent desi res. We had high expectations in spite of our budget and they more than exceeded them. The end result i s winning rave reviews f rom al l the users—students, faculty, and the many vis i tors that come to our s i te.

Bob Dyer Board member and Committee Chair ,San Juan Diego Academy “I think the key to being a great architect is to be able to real ly hear what people say and use your sk i l l s and talents to make i t work. They spent a great deal of t ime researching and learning about what the staff and end-users wanted and needed. They got what we were doing and then were creative in t ranslat ing that into a bui lding that wi l l not only be beauti ful , but is going to work for al l of us.”

Alonzo CantuChairman Doctors Hospital at RenaissanceCantu Construct ion & Development Co.Cantu Construct ion & Development Co.

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Cantu Construct ion and Development Co. Mr. Alonzo Cantu President, Proprietor 5221 N. McColl Road McAl len, Texas 78504 956-631-1273

McAl len Economic Development McAl len Economic Development Mr. Keith Patr idge President 6401 S. 33rd Street McAl len, Texas 78503 956-682-2875

Capote International Bus iness Park Mr. Phi l Dyer Mr. Phi l Dyer President Route 4 Box 116-A Pharr, Texas 78577 210-273-2793

Edinburg Economic Development Corporat ion Mrs. Nelda Ramirez Executive Director Executive Director 602 West Univers i ty Drive Edinburg, Texas 78539 956-383-7124 West Second Street Associates, LLC Mr. John Sabty Co-Managing Partner Co-Managing Partner 140 East Second Street, Suite 225 Fl int, Michigan 48502 810-239-1551

International Bank Mrs. Karen Valdez Executive Vice President 1801 S. 2nd Street 1801 S. 2nd Street McAl len, Texas 78503 956-664-8400

McAl len International AirportMr. Phi l BrownDirector of Aviat ion2500 South Bicentennial Boulevard, Suite 100McAl len, Texas 78503McAl len, Texas 78503956-682-9101

McAl len Economic DevelopmentMrs. Janie RamosVice President of Bus iness Recruitment, U.S.6401 S. 33rd StreetMcAl len, Texas 78503956-682-2875956-682-2875

Bul lard Construct ion, Inc.Mr. Ralph Bul lardPresident, ProprietorPO Box 575Addison, Texas 75001972-661-8474

City of Pharr, TXCity of Pharr, TXMr. David GarzaAssistant City Manager118 S. Cage Blvd. , 1st FloorPharr, Texas 78577956-702-5335

Fal l ing Water Realty, LLC. Ms. Gayle C. King Ms. Gayle C. King Broker PO Box 720969 McAl len, Texas 78504 956-789-7367

Fulcrum Management, Corp.Mr. Christopher A. Haridopolos PresidentPresident14930 Bal lantyne Country Club Dr.Charlotte, NC 28277 786-210-8932

General Services Administ rat ion (GSA) Mrs. Els ie AcevedoSenior Property ManagerBorder Service CenterBorder Service CenterMcAl len, Texas956-618-8125 x 225

First National Bank Mr. Robert Gandy President and CEO 100 Cano Edinburg, Texas 78539 Edinburg, Texas 78539 956-380-8539

Hunt Val ley Development Mr. Paul Curt in Executive Vice President 3930 Plantat ion Grove Blvd. Miss ion, Texas 78572 956-585-9595 956-585-9595

Grubb & Ell i s Mr. Paul Douglas President, Broker 1335 NE Loop 410 San Antonio, Texas 78209 956-585-2020

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Samda Associates Mr. Bernard Gray Managing Director 4200 Waters ide Centre, Sol ihul l Parkway Bi rmingham Business Park, B i rmingham B37 7YN England (44) 0121-224-5670

Doctor’s Hospital at RenaissanceDoctor’s Hospital at RenaissanceMr. John Rust icDirector of Engineer ing5501 S. McCollEdinburg, Texas 78539956-661-7232

Peterson Construct ion, Inc.Mr. Brad Peterson, LEED AP Mr. Brad Peterson, LEED AP Project Manager808 E. VioletMcAl len, Texas 78504956-631-8197

QSN Industr iesMr. Raul LemusExecutive Vice President3620 W. Mi l i tary Hwy. McAl len, Texas 78503956-630-1501

Grupo Rio San Juan-Construct ion & Development Grupo Rio San Juan-Construct ion & Development Co.Mr. Jorge MontemayorDirectorSegunda No. 120 Col. Las FuentesReynosa, Tamps. 88710 Mexico+52 (011) 52-899-929-3000

Hydro AluminumHydro AluminumMr. Kjeld SchouProject ManagerPrecis ion Tubing Tonder Post Box 50Hydrovej 6DK-6270 Tonder Denmark

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Thank you for your business

1801 South 2nd Street Ste. 330 McAllen, Texas 78503. I 2313 Lake Austin Blvd. Ste. 209 Austin Texas 78703 t: 956.994.1900 t: 512.481.1700 e: [email protected] w:

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