twi[n all!s dj'^ilyr...

TWi ■-VOLUMK 0. NUMUEH f»l. pilli M |ii ObaDceUor Cuno Eos - Plans to , Boise Uonojr in Bovonl Wajra; 1 International Coofcronco Will Bo Galled to MaUo Final Oon- sidoration o{ Offer. DKRMN'. Junn 7—Tlin Orriunn nnlu Placea In tho Immlii ot tin* iilllM to- ilay proposoB pnyincnl of oxui-lly 1.- . 200.000.000 Rold mnrkft nnniinlly n.n rf.poroiionii. , ChttBMllor Cuno priiiiniicn lo raluo llila amount at ( oIIowh; 1- 600.'OOU,ono miirhs OirouKli a DiortRace nn tho nnllonnl rallrouUn. 2-Anoihcr by mcirUaij. m Inn Indiitlry nntl (aclorlcn. V 3-200,000.000 liy u luxur>- lax. ,1 Tlio lutlor amuunt wmilil Iio com- niontnrnlely IncroaRCil nn ilic ctonom- !c dlatilKOr of Ouriiiaoy Ix roalorvd. - Cuno pnlnteil out to'tlio nlllc*. Sucli ■I La* l«foro tlv) w ar yloUlrit HOO.OUO,- ODO'-tuarki a ynar untl Cunii couHltlorn llial It would incrpaeu an comlllionn Improve. On International ccmfcrrnco will lio called to suRRcgt aay cliimRuN In llic plan, »' Tlio orriclul loxl or llm (larman nolc » tleclarcn Hint It wnulil mil l>o liunrHl I’ to promlno moro tlian tlm iiailnn will H be able to pay. and lhai mureovcr. tbo ablllly to pay ii n auMtlon on wiilch t' opinion* differ. Tlicrcforo Oerniauy ” otrers tu accopt ihe.declsiun of nn lni> <ConttDued.on.p«M 6.) li lieiiE ii ^ JilW NM j • ' IWNSA*-CITY.-Mo,; Jono 7-ElaIo KrUrieiC^ fS:'Kannan milk maid. wi« Tflllkln* chimplori or twn Blaien today. Elata oulmllkod Uornlce Willon. M iiiourl't entry In two mlnutea ut cempotlllon durlni; wlilch nho tlllod u " 12 quart pall tull lo tlie brim wllh f rich Jtraey milk. ' Allbouth hor opponctit wan a co>cd ^ trom 111* Mlnsourl Co'loRe of AkH* , culitire, who had milked tbe licnt cown ' In Ibal itata wlib «ucb dexlcrlly sbo J WBB picked l>y tho Kovomur to con- ^ in i tur Interstnlo honorn RUln'a prac* [ tical training un tbfl "(ild Ivimo farm" ' enabled tier lu win tho honnrn. -Wo havn ten cown nl home nnd I milk helf of Ihtm «v«ry day.” nho naid proudly .aflor lbe Judsoa hntl wolchdl tbfl iwo buckctn of rich toamlnR milit ! and announced her the winner. “Mllklns la an erl. tike piano play- , •inn. I do bolh. and cach in Kooil prac- • tlce for the othor." j TI-19 wlnnlnK tnUk maid, prim nml ' prolty In liir wblin dairy coaiume. , ban turned down mnny opportunillon to leavn Ihe farm and JnIn otber coun- try Rlrll in metropoliian purnuiln. "It may be old funhloned for mo lo say 80 but I belloru a country Rlrl •hould Niay nn tho farni," abo nald. liilio s LIFE’S MURES ClilCAQO: JUDO 7—Junl nn ordi- nary man wlih a rooU Job and plenty of frienda. Thoao aro iho ■•ircaauren of life," which Prince Michael 0. Ciinlacuxono. Ruiialan, sreat rretidRon of Proildent Grant and tsmnd nephew of Poiter Pa|mer. woaiern tlnancler, nouxht aa kB:Ktarietl -hin buulaent career as a teal oitale asent lier« lotlay. Caniacuxene. Intenrlowod while bo ■Diwered the telephDne. el^cktd In- volcea and dictated leiur*. aald he 7*aii llrlnK temporarily In tbe Palmer manalon in ih? Chlcaijo "goia coiul" but thal ho wna ‘•loqlclnK' for a, mile . aparinent lhat lan't tno expenalve." ’•My father waa Prince CanUcUKOiio and he married ihe Rranddapibter of Prealdent Grant. Naturally, I’m proud aaceatry, but I muat prefer bo- Inii called ."Mike'* aa thu boya know ma al Harvard. " I'r alwaya heard tbe real eilatn htalneaa w u -InloTaniluB and protll- ' oMe and lo Pm In it lo alay. I don't ikbow tbo delalU yel becaune I'm alaniar. but I like It alreitdr “[ tblnk every mi^n ougbt to work ami lhat'g vr,i I'm here. The linea he iakM,np.ahould be-datermlned br whai a man nicat; “If I caa « t a sice little nparl- .mtnt-Uial laot.too expenalve attd can haro a (MNl Job snil pleoty bf'frlanda pn have lbe real treaaurra of life and I'll be happy.- niiiio WEmiEii. .Hhowera tnd Ibunilerslorma lonlgbt and Friday. [N ¥ French Flivver Owner to Make Se^bhd Attempt ' I',vm.»liun0. M. j - Jon© 7 - Tbe ''njInW ntHcr.” which (iM nrn {torbol, Krench aviator call, bln -nvlelt^• In la rt (rar- aj^e Here todar itnkked almost beyand' reiialr, * , Barbot. in nti afltmpled fllRht from New York lo ffa«hln(rtnn in hll oeronaDlleuI frnik. mai ‘ j ninRbI In n m n l ot <ilhd j-en< Ifrday wbllo pannlnit orer here I and cranbrd Jnto n tree before I iin roBid irvt bU machine nnder S c o u l n l . I n !!><> Ml a wln^ nnn bodlj- daniBRVd. Imt (he aviator -encaped nllheut a nrmtch. Tbe Twirbliie. lioweK'r, vin« din- nbled. nnd tiie plane nn<« lell in a field. Ilarhei nnnnnueed hl« Inten- tion of reiumlnK <o .\nir York nnd atrnln nftempllac Ihe irlji, hot liieanwblle «an«eiilr hunfen nrrlved on ihr nrene. In their drtlre lu seriirc n plrrf> tif (ho nlrplane «lilrh Imi tirrn Ihe (lllk of (ho viorld. Ihp <wutrnlr !, ‘ hiinlrrK damniird the Riolnr nmi nrecktd tho frnmenork. ...................... u , ------- ^ SiiECWVE : WILLEiTOmn WASHINGTON, June 7-W lth u fi- nal Uny ut paRoaulry Ini-IudinR un y aerial circua put ou liy nomo uf tlo r mont NkiUiil flyurs In Iho army and . nuvy, und ii wnter pnKcant on thu i; I’oloniiic rlvor, the Slirlnorn cunvvn- |, I Uun will uffluially' eml lunlRht, but c , actually lbo Shrlnn hoMn will cun- j I tliiuo In pusncaalon ot WunblnRlon uo* j . tn Sundny. ^'ormnl ■.•lovulion lo Ibclr new of- , ficcfl of tho Imptjrliil dlvfiii will occur „ lotiuy and Clltford Iruluml ot I’curla, llin.. wlli bo sworn In an Imperlnl „ imicr guard, j Tho 'Malicti of Iho sinlcn-' will bo , Ihe cnncluillMK uvciit innlKlil on llio ( official .pruKram. Tbe munic of luu , bouda will bo broadcasted to every ; I pnn.Ilf tho counlry. as ibrnnKn danco - on'lilstorlc PotitJaylTanlu avrhuc. , Eastern -Knights , of Calumbus Will i " Journey to. West f NB^’ YOllK.'Juno 7-A twcnty-nlne 1 day excursion lo Calltomln will bu : conducted by Moniauk cotincll, ilrook- ' lyn of tho KnlRbln of Columliun next i month, ll was announced today. The nxcunlonlsta will leavo Drook- ' lyn July 1 and ro wenl thfouRb Chl- , cnRo, Colorailo S|irlnRii. tho llrnud Canyon and I.011 AnRoIen to San Krnn-, rlncd. roturnlnR July 29 vlu I’orilaud. Soulile, lbe Canadlnn llockivii. Torun- ■ lo and NIaitara F'nlln, 1 ,! Ill'N.S OUT OF TICKKT.H ' POllTLAND, Ore.. Juno 7—HavlnR 1 J run out of tlcketn. Mtke Colllnn, pro- moior of thft Dcmpney-Oibhonn flRh*. ut Siielby, Mont., ami. Mayor Jim 1 Johnson of Shelby, left Portland lanl 1 niRhl. Rolne back nflcr moro paste. 1 • boarda, , Tbo lioontern liitl tlD.OOO worth of ' tickcta In Uiln rlly for dlnponai. T H E R E ’S ; --- r I If ,'I I- •/ w M m % - \ i ALL! TW IN FA-LLS, I I S i l Bpccch Is Scheduled at Idaho Palb, Juno 28? Fourth Will Be Spent at Portland; May Speak in Alaska; Subjeots WIH Bc of Wide Rango, WASIIINGTO.V, Jnni' 7—t'anuern’ probirniH. lllo rnllrimdn aud Ihn world _ . cnurt will takn |int:iidt.'nt.-u uvor ollior T l lirdlilniiH ill llu, opeulnR n|iecchvn uf I* I’rcnlilonl HardhlK'n forlhconilnR I I wi-nu-rii Itnir, ll won Indlcaled loilny. Tho official iilniTnry, (Iunlly made up iitier many irhanKcn, wan Rlvon out , ijy Iho Whll.' Iloutif, Of Iho 18 net »iipefi»:fi Kchcdulcil, M will bu mailo un Ihc way-out. Tim prfnlil.!nilal pnrty will leave WnnhinKtun un a nprL-ini Iraln Juno <.r - :<), Tlilt fln l nptrrh will bu dollvgrud j„ I nt fit, IxinlB on (lie «t«-onlnif of Jun< - t 1 Jl. Kniiiuin City will licar un ovenlni; |,y I npci'i'li on Juiio iluichlmion, Kun- ur nun. Kotii tho flrnl nfU'rnouii iipeecli m on Sntiirduy, June ::n. I* Tho prcnldt-nl will npciik ia Dea- ... vnr Mondny luorninK, Junc'^S, and al '5 Choyennc, Wyo.. the namti day. Tho evenlnR uf Juno :>£ Iiu will addrein the pcoplo or ^ali Uikc, On June 28 '• he will dollvur two nprccbcn in Idalo, "* fionalor Dorah’ft ntnlf. npc.iklu* at Piicntvilo in Ihc mnrnlnR and ut Idaho Jl’ ’* h'lillii thill afternnon. or June 29 wli bt- npcnl In Moniaua OC ■' with a iii'oniInK n|"'ct:b In ilutto and a< "■ an evcnUiK onu In Helena. On July « “■ 2. Iho prenldeni will niiike a nlfihl al nprorh ut Kpoknnp. Waiih., nnd July ft will npeak nl tbo OrpRon Trail An- 0 nivurnary ct-lelimllnn at .Meacham, Hi '® OroRon. Ho will deliver Iho Jndopcnd- I" enco day ntlilronn on tho nfiornoon of di ■■y July 4 ul Porliami, iioforo lenvlnit for P' Tuconia. «-hern lii> >vl1I npenk Ihl 11 mornlnR of July r..' Tlml will con' 'dmlH l>’n n|ii'v«:li muklnR thin aide oi ti Alaska. No upcccben nro nclrcduled In S' Alanka, thuuRh nuiiio lirlof onon ma) 11 I m pitilv.. >1 «• • -On-Ibo relurn trom Alanka. ihi ui praaidonl will npeak nl Vnncouvor, U C., .July 26; Koniile, July 37; Kan A ne Franclnco. July ni; tos AnRClen, Auk. m bu 1 and Snn DIoru, .\ur. 4, Tben ho h k- will Ro uboard 11 nhlp fur Ihe water a: xt trip homo via llic I*nnanm Cnnal and i' VlrRln Inlandn. f< k- .----------------------- h ll- AVOPADW.KATINtJ MONKKV’H i (Id UPKKKP COSTS I,AIU1E HPM tl n- --------- -a Id. i^ S AN0EI.K8. Juno 7—A monkey n- wilh a a day nppnille-wlilch In- Bltiln on ulllealor .penrn fur n diol— . in Ibc while clophiiuL on Iho handn g of Colonel W. a. SnllR, imilluii plcluro U HR man ond too ownor. - Tbo Hlmlan ti ■o- learned lo cal Ihn costly avocado In a. h*. Porin niro. wbero ihey Rrow .wild, ti Im BDd DOW refuncn to eni anyihlns olie. ml Col. BcllK imlay offered lo rIvo away «: ;o- the epicurinn monkey to anyone who (1 Ruaniniera>4^natlify Itn Inordinate N of cravlnc>ir fodr pnijmln of allljiator n pearif'li day—al Sl a pound. R E ^“ a COG~LOOSE SOM I / HOW DO Yoo ( ( BoiT, bboTher ) im i S DJ , -I-DA-HO, T H U R S D A Y , J Wives to Raise ' Suhi for Release of Jailed Hubby }I,1NT.A A.\A, t-nU June 7 ^ IVIfe Xlh ) aad vvlfo No. :! lu ■ ' blitaiiir laoKlt* l»ve formed » -diine^ liarlnehhlp In nu - mieiupt'^^o «*•>>« thtir Julnt- 'linil)aR4.'I{. P. CoIIIdm, profrs. alodal-Ntl .knonji Ibl) •‘Don . Jnan o f ihe Dla- WaDd," b it uf .jBiL ColllBh cliant'^ nlth blpnmy, fneen iirfllnilnarr liparlmf herr lodar. Kell Kntii ('oIIIik. Ihe - A flnit and Dorolhr Mur- llncx,* lta> srrond, wbo bave liccomn'cla«fl Wmdn Mnce >iell In n huff, rituned hin arre-t, 1 have wbrkM up an llannibin act br .nlilch Ihcy liopp mlno enoBRh miner to hire hint n Rood lonrrr. * fRuSriGE 1 FAKE p ploi; NliW YOilK. Juno 7-CoiiulfrfeU- "I <Tii whn maniifacturud fnki- ll>iui>r Jabuin tu pann iiff dniloreil booie uh "renl Bluff," hnvo beon rouiiilod up by ll.i Hccrct seniit! in nrronin ivhliih aro believed lu have ihwnried a nn- , llon-wldo plot. Millions of boRun rovonuo iilnmpn. InbeU, filko niciilrlual prvncrlplloan ],i anil priming paruphernnlla were nels- ed. Sixteen nre under iirrcnt nnd moro b mny he inkoa. u Sccrul Horvli-11 aBonln who urronied Jh^ counior!(\]1l<-rn. nay llie laix-ln cnuld Jiiive baeu uned to dlnRuInn Jlili,- " 000,000 worth of any kind of lli|u<ir no na to make U appear ibal ll bad becu " nmURRleil Inlo ibln counlry from abroatl. J' The Rang worked In nevernl crouim- •' Dne dlvlnlun maiiufairtucod liauor nf ducutlonablo purity; uiiotbor made the ‘ (nko labeln: n Ihlrd manuKcd tu wlili- draw llQunr from,bond undnr fnk<- pormlia nnd lbe ta'urib dispeiinod llio ’ illoRal -waron of the olhcr thrct*. ' '' TIie iyAtomallc raldn were rondu<;l- ;d over R W iiilio'nrea In Sow YnrU. " Monl of tho'tblrlflon were laken in ' Ilrooklyn, Three were found In Man- Jmtlan. Two Already havo l>run bold ' un-bBll. • - . ' ' r ('olInwlnR Iho discnvorlen, Joseph I A. i’ttlma, cblof ot tho local Bccrol , , ncrvice, Innuod a warnlnR aRalnnC ' I huylnit ot hiRh Rrado Scoich llqunr ' and -Importeil" sin. Ho latd the In- ‘ I loxlcantn dlnaulaod by the cnualor- rollers waro ilanKeroua and ofdelaln ' bnd no way ot knowlnn how many ' IdRun ofboillea tnd been rlrrulalod ' [ throuKhoat iho .country beforn llic ' -arrosin were mado. J AKKH A i m i o n i T V > WASHINGTON, Juno 7-Tho Ont- ‘ I Eon Short Line railroad today anki'd I the Intcrstato Commorco,Commission , I for-jiuthorlly lo conatruct a lino Irom J I an exlatlnjc brucli near Nampa; Mil, . to a connection «ltb ila Uolnc-brnnch. The application atnted tho exlen- ' Alon waa ro<iiwMted that main line ) trains from Diatao may run through ) Nanpa without awlicblnR. and In maile r naceoiiNry by tiio chanRlnir ot llio 1 noluB" branch to tbo main line. 1EWHERE r ; ----- ^ ^ i t - ! ; 'i . I ‘jWwf A 1 ( —w.--- i2L'^' '^ILY , JUNE 7 ; 1923__________ l i l L l f ISifRW l BYfiSSEil]: A n t i - ProliibitionisU Mobilize j Strength to Repeal State Eii-j forccment Act; Aro Thought | to Have Edge on Volstead Elc- mont at Assombly. MAI)I.St).\. WIm., Jiilii' 7 - T lir Win-' coniihi UMaiiitjIy, nirikliir. U«.- Hr-'t | blow 111 Ibo Hi'nl 111 nliHiilntv lirolillil- llon, tiuluy apiirtived Hit: Tiu-ktT IMU lo ri'i'i'Hl Ibl' iiliilt; ilry ontiiricnu'ni Inw mill »i'Ul II III cnRriinniiii'ul. Thf voii. (it npprovni wnn 47 \i> Tlll^^n.•nllWl of fluul panimci In th.t I— nniicmlily In fxpcolcd r« bu dpcldrd In tavor Ilf Ull' -wfln- l.y vlrluu o( tin- two 4' tu 4U votes fnvurnlilo lo lbo 11 uifuiiuro loilay, .Shortly bctiirn llu- U apprurni nml ruRronnmout voio. lUo II ’ nunriiilily rofUKt'd to kill thu ri'jicnlor ' by nn Idoullcal Inillol. ' Atier fluiil paniinKo tlio im-nnnrit ' would llicii K» tn tllli nonulo wblili ' him kllli'il n biiU doien Irsn drunllc iiiiti-prol.ilililiKi proponain. A hi^ril fDiiKhl liniiiit of two boiirN ‘ pri'cciloil llio di'clnlvc wt-t vlclory. -------- .Sii MAIJISOX. WjH., Juun 7—Anii-prii- nl < biblllnnliilii In tho Wincnnnln unntmibly li< liiiiny clallili'd to havf dcuioiinlratpd ilr I Hutlivlunl slrcnKlb lu punii liio bill , rcMMillUK till' ntalu dry unfiircemcnt „ . net ni Thi- iiMKvuilily vulod 47 lo 33 10 lui- n, , modintoly I’linnlder tho L1ntlai\I act. , ciiimiK-niilnK Oov. Smith on nleninR iii Ihu Nvw Vork ropcalur. Tho uiotion „t , lo connider ibn renolutlon «««. bow- i ovor. lost, an Ih vole tell short of u . - iwo-ihlrdn uiujorily. . Thu uhnduw ot Senntur UKidloUu ' ,. noviTcil ovor Ihe luiprndUiK fray on 0 Iho *oto on Ihc repealer m'nrcil, Ilob- L on UKollellc, Jr.. the nonnlor'n non. , ' . and necretary and t-bolrman ot lbo I.* ' . mate r.imiral ropublltan cammlttco, confi-rred with Annemblyman I'rlco, j I- "dry" proKrcimlvo loador. Prlcn Intor . . ,1 Ivjid n connuH'nllun with Annpnibly- man Poloraon, Mllfaigice ‘‘wcl.'' * MADISON. Win., Juno 7—A trIpIo C ,i drive UKulnal prnhiblllon goi under wny loday In tho nnnembly of tbo Wln- connin ICRislniure. The wetn in Iho mnjorlty no tur ihin 1 Bcsnlon, caucuncd tor onouRh volon y td paaa the Tucker bill to repeal tbc ,1 alala prohlbfflHf*^rorconicnt lnw, 01 p HClioduled tor n veVi loday. Thirty- P tlvo antl-priihibiilon luinomb'ymen nl "J a meciinR lhat undod ul mldnlRbt, I" pltilRcd Ibelr Buppurt.and cluiuied to- . Uay lh.-il 1& moro had born Mvcnrcd. <" onouRh lo pann lbo bill hy nuv,.n volon. d. n Liquor S Z Is Identified as ‘‘ looted Flyer ^ le DENVEn. Jiino 7—The man arront- {j ,0 Od nen,r .Salldn. Colo.. Tuomlay, lie- " companyjni; ao aulomoblld truck load- etl with t 2t^iono wnrtb of bonded lii|- nnr, In Hcri M. Cote, prominent Den- ver avialor. prohihitinn- offlclaln do- | clared here loilay. Identification of 1 Ihe man.'who Rave Iho namo of B. H, I Pnwell. an C«le. wna mada Ihroiish * phoiniiraphn aont from Hutha VInln. Colo, where ho In In Jail, auihnrltlen claim. J. n. Mowry. driTor of the Iruck. In ninn bolnR held al-.lho Duena VInln . Jnll. Ofticialn who caplured the trnck after nn nxclllnc chaiie, Iijllovo It wnn Iiound tor Donvcr wltli liquor ohlalnoil In mbx/ co. _ v;’ ; ‘ • iiviliSt ^ m iiliiG l H I ------- 5VASWK0T0Nj-I>r-O,r-Jun«-7r— Tho' coat pf living In Amtrlun cillta ^Dtinuea to cre«p upward. , . niurea* Maued todar tiy'iho bu- „ nau et labor abowod'thW Iho prea-’ ® cDt r«io .ot tncr«a*a In food coaia, _ ' la miicti.:Bma'l!cr tban it baa beta . at tnW r^ofla ainea VIS. but tbat i)>«'taioerar.r|»nd«r«rM*'Itpward. - 'J In Sl'oCb'afMctrfd clUet tncr«Mea. y . wara ahtnra for ihd yaar J to May Ulla yaar while all of them I for, which flgurai ware available . Uvlog coat* ja ra coa^ldarably blgl^ar ^ ^ p!illn'S5|{^iTif^pir; cant; Balli. | more. Jium Cleveland. Uulavllle. [ Norfolk aad Ban Tmnclaco 1 par | In lha rear-from May IE, isn^ ' thaaa Ihcreaaaa wara-nolad: . J San' Praniiaco 8 per'ct& l; Dotte, ! 1 par eobt ^ \ MAyliABjJe85TpOW.BB \ - PITrsnBLD,.»Uw., Jma 7-»toc. trie cnrraat aa p«w<erfal-ma tba light' 1 . nine bclta that ’fUab - froo tba ikr. ' tore* of two ailllw volta 4M • . iFn anergy of tan mHiloa horaapowar , may be hameaaed to turn Ibe wheota , of induairy la tb* fntur*, -'. > ■ tr>. r TB Wheat States (C ! Take Steps to ^ I Harvest Crop h.VNS.tS I'lTV. .Mn., Juno 7 - f .\d<i>ui-e u'uurdo 'Kf »i>rkrrs In- ' , iiidMl tlio >nuI1i«o.| liHbi) and I 1iri:iin tlio lii-k i.f bll^tr^llul.- I Iho li:'.>n Mhi'iil rrop, ' ' Kuiisns, Okbibiimn uml 'I'i' min ' [ « rre lli.ndrd I.} Ihr liiini..1i.r>. ; ; \llin » u i drilM niiui-s ,.r 1=1 In <>:. < 11 dny ior llirlr lalmr- durlm; i ! Ihr niMlllt; si;i..ili. I .Mihimifh 11 rrrnni nu........ ul \ i oul>ld<‘ »i>rk<T< hnio l<i-oi< ' I dnnxii to Hip iihr^il iii'ld', lliiTr ; I l niiil ll llif Il.-Jii;iilil li.r oiiM.lo i I hrl|>, -.o nnilr li;i. lirni Ibr i ' ••horlnRo, nrrordlnu' to I-.... r. [ I Tucker, tiolil dlivrtnr i.i Ihr I', > H. I.niiiir luirniii. “ThnnHiiiiiK nirii ulll Ik-. , nordeil lo hiiiidir Iho rrnp,' miIiI 1 Tiirker. ........ . nro tin- .inildr fur 11 lili; }lrlil. ’i'ln- ; I inrnior bu- jii^l 1ir.:oii In rrall/r | I III- ulll bm r ll. ,ia} n hUlirr ! , j.ili-e fnr bU hilKir tlmn Ihr 1 . jirrsoiit nnirlii'l i.rlrr nf hIi.-uI JUHllflpv Mnn, nf tlirlll ur.- ■' nffrrlni* a dny tilth I....rd ,i und liidKimt fnruMird.” ^ :iNDUi"cHl\OS ! : WORRIES IERICA; WASHlNliTON. Jmi't 7 Tiir l->illnl '■ •Sialiii Kovornnionl In "uiiii li mnnTii- - n f ' ov.-r lbo poUlltnl ..ltn:,Unn In I Iloililiira-I, It wni. >,;ilil nl Ibr ^lull> I ilrpiirtim'iil lodiiy. ' I Tronbli- iipiii':ir.i i-trliiiu .................. ...' I u hlllrr pronlilpnilul .Miiipjilcu. Knur r.indbli.ton ri-iiri-.irul!m; ;i.i m:.ny I.u'- . ‘ tlonn, iro wl.loly dlvlilrtl 011 l:>t.iirtt ;iml • nerloUH irouldo iiiitirarn Immluoni l( ? Ih.-y cniintit Ue brounht Into nmno i.ori , ’ of anroomoni. , ' JcKni- Cnrnnn, wbo tvnn nrroHted In , “ ToKUclKulpb-wlill I'liirn PhlllliiH. tho | "linmnicr mnnl-rnin." wnn n-iiiirlird “ 111 l.ivc* Rono Iboro tor tlio pnrpnm' of | " imrili'IpnilnK In a revoluilnn. Mth. < ’■ I'hlllliin in an luiervlow nbnrlly br- , ' furo nlia wiui brought baok lo llir t!, ' S„ di'Flared I'anion plutled lo ovor- •, throw the irovrrnment and entnbilnh , bliiinnlf nn dklnlor. She wnn lo be 1 '* wua afJII bo'id In jail nl TfKUulj;al}ia, 0 O ir Swindlers’ \[ Arrest Cause of Receipt Decline WASllINGTO.S-, Juno 7—Tlu' pi)H- f. otflce dcpartwonl cnnipaliHi uRnlnnt promotion o f i:rBUduleni ull ntook ,1 Mjilen ihruURh ihe .malln wnn unofllo- I, Inlly hold rcnpunnlblo tnduy for ilic tuft Ibnl Korl Worth, Ti-xnn. wnn thc ti. only i-liy In Ihn ronntry roporllni: a n. drcroaiin III poniu', r.xolptn In .M.-iy. tip 10 Mny. Vort Worib hnn liprn nmonR the lendlnR clllm eacb mnnlh In reporllniS Increanm. Aiununt of tbo decrenno Hu-nr-wnn nol ntnlod. r NEW VOnK-A moiher of tlirrr cblldren. Mrs. Knlhorlno Clay, won a degree at llnrnnrd CoHpro. Shi did bor studying on tho nubwnyn gnlnc 10 . nnd from achool. "My II year old nne I* was my grealeal help," ahe naJ/}. 1- 1 British Railr< : H a h l Blo^^ : in Near : .NKW VOltK. Juno 7—The reported I I Hctinlalllmi by n Urlllnli Rroup of tho controllinR lotarent in tho Ilngbdud* . Ilallwai'. alguifloa a rupprochmoni bo- ll tweon Kagland and turkey, and the L a'moat cbmplflo political and econom* U lc lablation ot J^nco In 4he -Nwr Coat. In fact, with tho failure of Oio ' Prench-backed "Danquo Indttairielte' ' tn Chlah laat yaar, r raacc'a iBfluoface la louerlnB ibrougndtit :ib«, prieni— another - rTOBon why-aba must now ' oaaeanUate her aitaatioo upon the ', problomn In .GoRDanr. Or KAhrewd mov»—lha co-op«mtlon ad'.tha raparatlona commiaalon from' dlapiJaioK of the controlling maiortiy ' etVthe-Mock of.tha Qaghdad Railway ?, iffiiT''or*lho AnaUtlolan nillroad, :tho formar'i weaiam axteaaloa in' Aala la View of.lhet^ct that tha Trepch ooouuaud a mwvwr in, tha fepaja- ,, tiotiaJcoromlubflVtod that tUe quea- 1 Uon or,th» I^hdWll-.IUIItray la bt'ax- lraordltiary.ipll(rfat li..nrtnl)i; thb f' nrUf Oinu'taVxiJgirM ud 1t« n' eourn;ot cch0^ra(l6B'with.lh«,avT nuia ia this-.qnetUoa; .Eter ilnce UiCconoltialo& ofU iaaacrettrM ty:^ ,twoea P^ntsa'aaU'Tiitltay yraacchrhi&lah^cMpein^' ahd hopM to attain a deihltiiiUag piel$a ** In flfr^cbanDte'ilfe.'of tge.'tteir,Ti}i^ 2 ; , * ^ e tlrat,Wow (o 7taBM.e«ue:w(m M tha'fiu-kB KraliUd;AffleHoariU#Mtii " tha br' now waU.taiowB 0 |«9M r;i»< ■I* ' i ’ ’ ■ HES OLD VOL. x n r . no . sc. l i lER i COURSES l y ; O V EM i'Ehforccmcnl Agents Few in I Number, Giving Contraband I Opcrntivcj Almost Frco Rcin in TrnnsporlAtion of Stuff 1 from Cnnodinn Siiorcii. j 'i-'.i.vMiJii'' i'.':-r.."iiv'Viiiini,1 ; ItOl'KlS l’(HS-T. .\. V.. Jim.' 7 -T b r Jitiniim nl ........... . I..i.-,im; th.' Canail- Imr,U r ln,l;iy |., Ilmllr.l iintnlv^ by Urvr H,.,- ,aii i|ln|u.... nt al n protll. Tlir niui nilimT-i umrr rom rrn- r.l >vli!i Ibr ulurUri lli»n wlih Iho Miurii- Ilf .,npply or 1li.' ilKfirnltlrs nt I-.iaillii: 11 iiirivir. ”1 iMiiir l.< 111.- Uor.lrr um lrr lli- Mi-il. llniii, K. h.,. m ain Mil- rxnrt , Mil,;,Mnn i.fiif llir ri'| ut lln- Si-w I \-nrk nlulr ,,'llfnr. unu'uf Ihii ," «««nr 1 ^al<l. I .\ftrr Koif.r'-. irl|> u.nlwnrd 111 Cnv- Ini-.lnu. :i Klr.'lrh .if nllty nidi'K, ii biiol- I.i-,i-.rr,.- Inviu.imi .if tlio I'nltPd Stnt.rn ,1 lit In full nvihic. I 'I'll., f.'tlrral iiKrnt» arr uiitniiiuher- ,, i:d luu 10 1. Tti.- hmu(!i;lrni. worklni; In rolayn iliroiiKh ii.'nn'!. uf ixinir boUM-n Ihal .Inl lh.- irrrlt.irv w.-ni nl NnplorvIHo '' .mil Ui.'.illr. yu.-,, arr ii.iiirliiK hun- .Ir.-Iln ..f' loiuln ot CV.'ry , ■ kin.l nr Int.. .Vi-«- Vork. I -I loiind llut tlir rominK of num- ' mor uud Ihi- 1im"rn1ni: of Iho Nnw '' Vork I'liniilnliitlary nu hlKliwnyn untM by ihi, lli|iii>r runnurn. ban cnmblned II. uiv.. a m-'v life lo lbe boollrEglnR I'' iudiiMry. •'> l.llllr of tlii» famidbin lli)uur la flntllnK iin wny ibroiiKli lo New Vnrk " Cliy. Tbr Now- Vnrk "hnrd ulutC In comlm: trom tlm Wr«( Indies nnd Iho (>' llclllnb Inirn nn lbo Cnnndlau bootjeg- Ror canuut compoto wllb the low cont of Bll-wiitrr iNinBpnrtnilno cojiiycrt-by-• *'= lbo Inllrr. So lbo IJopjltniWl bootloR- 'n Ror Undn bln nmrkoln In tl'.'' upaUlo low«« ol Alliaay, tf/racuja. UUia h-nlls, TroV, Glennfnlji Hocheater, SnratoKn Sprlaga and Iluffa'o, A certain amount doon aeep aouth lalo norlhern I’annsylTniila nnd hence Into Oblo wbi-ro 11 tinda ltn mnrketa In e VouuRniown nnd even an tar weat an I Indlsnnpolln. Ilul the hulk ia con- .1- Humcd in tho Mohawk valley, l^k l.OST DN JKIVIMi PAY lo- LONO HKACH. Cnllf.. Jnno 7—C. H. ho llroodim. bunlnenn mun, gni lonl on hc mnvhiR day nntl had in oail In tho a ptillcu III hK-alii hln m w hnme. Hla ly- wlfo and Ibr hoitnrhold elfetilB weal rn nlicad on a truck and then Broedoi) ilh tnrgni lb., number ot hln hnuae. P ^ bo lice tnado the roundn ot the iranarar riiinpanlen nnd ohlainad the dfalred Intorniallfin. , a , NKW VORK—Three gny, .bobbed lid haired glrtn rolled down' Ihelr atock- 10 inen In abnw a ilroadway alreai crowd me what 7.lecroid misned. "We were ]«at cekhrallng''-Ihey lelJ the bfflcora. road P W vv to, Frajjoe East Region :vd I by Iho unanjmoiia pfofereaee of.; the ho T urka for Amarleaa-co-eparatloo..but Illd one of lla moUvo* waa alao tha(re- Do- aaotmonl fait 'agalnal ifraace .for he wfiai i»w Turka ctnaldered bar Aer* m* ahKUag and anralUbl&tttlinda at!tbe air ^-u^xana'peace'bOBhimwr'*'' ( . ow warda (he Tn^Uu OBtM'bthwTHaBd he lamei Haah< realised'th^rhlibii^*, try could act pRord tpi.atiUsAlse lon England permaantlT 4speetaII]T tty of their, (Inaaclal :^ k tiii aad 4tti<' « r tude which dlU ^m ed the Tnrfc^ j alB aged the ■aenettatloaa behf»«n jthe. Drlilsh and the O eim n-8«^ owiew Jtt- ported^ B^Uh^laa^

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Page 1: TWi[N ALL!S DJ'^ILYr · TWi -VOLUMK 0. NUMUEH f»l. p illi M |ii ObaDceUor Cuno Eos - Plans to , Boise

TWi■ -VO LU M K 0. N U M U E H f»l.

p i l l iM |iiObaDceUor Cuno E os - P lans t o ,

Boise Uonojr in Bovonl Wajra;1 International Coofcronco Will

• Bo Galled to MaUo Final Oon-

sidoration o{ O ffe r.

DKRMN'. Junn 7—Tlin Orriunn nnlu Placea In tho Immlii ot tin* iilllM to- ilay proposoB pnyincnl of oxui-lly 1.-

. 200.000.000 Rold mnrkft nnniinlly n.n rf.poroiionii. ,

ChttBMllor Cuno priiiiniicn lo raluo llila amount a t ( oIIowh;

1- 600.'OOU,ono miirhs OirouKli a DiortRace nn tho nnllonnl rallrouUn.

2-A no ihcr by mcirUaij. m Inn Indiitlry nntl (aclorlcn. V

3-200,000.000 liy u luxur>- lax. ,1 Tlio lutlor amuunt wmilil Iio com-

niontnrnlely IncroaRCil nn ilic ctonom- !c dlatilKOr of Ouriiiaoy Ix roalorvd.

- Cuno pnlnteil out to 'tlio nlllc*. Sucli ■I La* l«foro tlv) war yloUlrit HOO.OUO,- ODO'-tuarki a ynar untl Cunii couHltlorn llial It would incrpaeu an comlllionn Improve.

On International ccmfcrrnco will lio called to suRRcgt aay cliimRuN In llic plan, »'

Tlio orriclul loxl or llm (larman nolc » tleclarcn Hint It wnulil mil l>o liunrHl I’ to promlno moro tlian tlm iiailnn will H be able to pay. and lhai mureovcr. tbo ablllly to pay i i n auMtlon on wiilch t ' opinion* differ. Tlicrcforo Oerniauy ” otrers tu accopt ihe.declsiun of nn lni>

<ConttDued.on.p«M 6.) li

l i e i i E i i ^J i l W N M j

• ' IWNSA*-CITY.-Mo,; Jono 7 -E laIo KrUrieiC^ fS:'Kannan milk maid. wi« Tflllkln* chimplori or twn Blaien today.

Elata oulmllkod Uornlce Willon. M iiiourl't entry In two mlnutea ut cempotlllon durlni; wlilch nho tlllod u " 12 quart pall tu ll lo tlie brim wllh f rich J traey milk. '

A llbouth hor opponctit wan a co>cd trom 111* Mlnsourl Co'loRe of AkH* , culitire, who had milked tbe licnt cown ' In Ibal ita ta wlib «ucb dexlcrlly sbo J WBB picked l>y tho Kovomur to con- i n i tur Interstnlo honorn RUln'a prac* [ tical train ing un tbfl "(ild Ivimo farm" ' enabled tier lu win tho honnrn. ‘

-Wo havn ten cown n l home nnd I milk helf of Ihtm «v«ry day.” nho naid proudly .a flo r lbe Judsoa hntl wolchdl tbfl iwo buckctn of rich toamlnR milit ! and announced her the winner.

“M llklns la an e rl. tike piano play- , •inn. I do bolh. and cach in Kooil prac- • tlce for the othor." j

TI-19 wlnnlnK tnUk maid, prim nml ' prolty In lii r wblin dairy coaiume. , ban turned down mnny opportunillon ‘ to leavn Ihe farm and JnIn otber coun­try Rlrll in metropoliian purnuiln.

" It may be old funhloned for mo lo say 80 bu t I belloru a country Rlrl •hould Niay nn tho farni," abo nald.

l i i l i o sLIFE’S MURES

ClilCAQO: JUDO 7—Junl nn ordi­nary man wlih a rooU Job and plenty of frienda.

Thoao aro iho ■•ircaauren of life," which Prince Michael 0 . Ciinlacuxono. Ruiialan, s rea t rretidRon of Proildent G rant and tsmnd nephew of Poiter Pa|m er. woaiern tlnancler, nouxht aa kB:Ktarietl -hin buulaent career a s a te a l o ita le a sen t lier« lotlay.

Caniacuxene. Intenrlowod while bo ■Diwered the telephDne. e l^c k td In- volcea and dictated le iu r* . aald he 7*aii llrlnK tem porarily In tbe Palmer manalon in ih? Chlcaijo "goia coiul" but th a l ho wna ‘•loqlclnK' for a, m ile

. a p a rin en t lhat lan't tno expenalve." ’•My fa ther waa Prince CanUcUKOiio

and he married ihe Rranddapibter of Prealdent Grant. Naturally, I’m proud aaceatry, but I muat prefer bo- Inii called ."Mike'* aa thu boya know ma a l Harvard.

• " I ' r alwaya heard tbe real eilatn htalneaa w u -InloTaniluB and protll- ' oMe and lo Pm In it lo alay. I don 't ikbow tbo delalU yel becaune I'm a la n ia r . but I like It a lre itd r

“ [ tblnk every mi^n ougbt to work ami lhat'g v r ,i I'm here. The linea he iakM ,np.ahould be-datermlned b r whai a man nicat;

“If I caa « t a sic e little nparl- .m tnt-Uial la o o expenalve attd can haro a (MNl Job snil p leoty bf'frlanda pn have lbe rea l treaaurra of life and I 'll be happy.-

‘ n i i i i o W E m iE ii ..Hhowera tn d Ibunilerslorma

lonlgbt and Friday.

[N ¥French Flivver

Owner to Make Se^bhd A ttem pt

' I ',vm .» liun0 . M. j - Jon© 7 - Tbe ''njInW n tH cr.” which ( iM n rn {torbol, Krench aviator c a ll, bln -n v le l t^ • In la rt (rar- aj^e Here toda r itnkked almost beyand' reiialr, *

, Barbot. in nti afltmpled fllRht from New York lo ffa«hln(rtnn in h l l oeronaDlleuI frnik. m ai ‘

j ninRbI In n m n l ot <ilhd j-en< Ifrday wbllo pannlnit o rer here

I and cranbrd Jnto n tree before I iin roBid irvt bU machine nnder S

c o u ln l. I n !!><> M l a wln^ nnn bodlj- daniBRVd. Imt (he aviator -encaped n llheu t a nrm tch.

T be Twirbliie. lioweK'r, vin« din- nbled. nnd tiie plane nn<« lell in a field.

Ilarhei nnnnnueed hl« Inten­tion of reium lnK <o .\nir York nnd atrnln nftem pllac Ihe irlji, hot liieanwblle «an«eiilr hun fen nrrlved on ih r nrene. In the ir d r tlre lu seriirc n plrrf> tif (ho nlrplane « lilrh Imi tirrn Ihe „ (lllk of (ho viorld. Ihp <wutrnlr !,

‘ hiinlrrK damniird the Riolnr nmi n rec k td tho frnmenork.

...................... u, ------- ^

S iiE C W V E : WILLEiTOmn

WASHINGTON, June 7 -W lth u fi­nal Uny ut paRoaulry Ini-IudinR un y aerial circua put ou liy nomo uf t lo r mont NkiUiil flyurs In Iho arm y and

. nuvy, und ii wnter pnKcant on thu i;I’oloniiic rlvor, the Slirlnorn cunvvn- |,

I Uun will uffluially ' eml lunlRht, but c , actually lbo Shrlnn hoMn will cun- j I tliiuo In pusncaalon ot WunblnRlon uo* j . tn Sundny.

^'ormnl ■.•lovulion lo Ibclr new of- , ficcfl of tho Imptjrliil dlvfiii will occur „ lotiuy and Clltford Iruluml o t I’curla, llin.. wlli bo sworn In an Imperlnl „ imicr guard, j

Tho 'Malicti of Iho sinlcn-' will bo , Ihe cnncluillMK uvciit innlKlil on llio ( official .pruKram. Tbe munic of luu , bouda will bo broadcasted to every ;

I pnn .Ilf tho counlry. as ibrnnKn danco - on 'l ilsto rlc PotitJaylTanlu avrhuc. ,

E astern -Knights , o f Calumbus W ill i " Journey t o . W estf NB^’ YOllK.'Juno 7 -A twcnty-nlne 1

day excursion lo Calltomln will bu :conducted by Moniauk cotincll, ilrook- 'lyn of tho KnlRbln of Columliun next i

■ month, ll was announced today.The nxcunlonlsta will leavo Drook-

' lyn Ju ly 1 and ro wenl thfouRb Chl- , cnRo, Colorailo S|irlnRii. tho llrnud Canyon and I.011 AnRoIen to San Krnn-, rlncd. roturnlnR July 29 vlu I’orilaud. Soulile, lbe Canadlnn llockivii. Torun- ■ lo and NIaitara F'nlln, 1

,! • Ill'N.S OUT OF TICKKT.H ' POllTLAND, Ore.. Juno 7—HavlnR 1 J run out of tlcketn. Mtke Colllnn, pro-

moior of thft Dcmpney-Oibhonn flRh*. ut Siielby, Mont., ami. Mayor Jim 1 Johnson of Shelby, left Portland lanl 1 niRhl. Rolne back nflcr moro paste. 1

• boarda,, Tbo lioontern liitl tlD.OOO worth of '

tickcta In Uiln rlly for dlnponai.


; ---

■ r



I- •/w M m % - \


ALL!T W I N F A - L L S , I

I S i l

Bpccch Is Scheduled a t Idaho P a lb , Juno 28? Fourth Will Be Spent a t Portland; May Speak in A laska; Subjeots WIH Bc of W ide Rango,

WASIIINGTO.V, Jnni' 7—t'anuern’ probirniH. lllo rnllrimdn aud Ihn world _ . cnurt will takn |int:iidt.'nt.-u uvor ollior T l lirdlilniiH ill llu, opeulnR n|iecchvn uf I* I’rcnlilonl HardhlK'n forlhconilnR I I wi-nu-rii Itnir, ll won Indlcaled loilny.

Tho official iilniTnry, (Iunlly made up iitier many irhanKcn, wan Rlvon out

, ijy Iho Whll.' Iloutif,Of Iho 18 net »iipefi»:fi Kchcdulcil,

M will bu mailo un Ihc w ay-out.Tim prfnlil.!nilal pnrty will leave

WnnhinKtun un a nprL-ini Iraln Juno <.r - :<), Tlilt f ln l np trrh will bu dollvgrud j„ I nt fit, IxinlB on (lie «t«-onlnif of Jun< - t 1 J l. Kniiiuin City will licar un ovenlni; |,y I npci'i'li on Juiio iluichlmion, Kun- ur

nun. Kotii tho flrnl nfU'rnouii iipeecli m on Sntiirduy, June ::n.

I* Tho prcnldt-nl will npciik ia Dea- ...vnr Mondny luorninK, Junc'^S, and al

'5 Choyennc, Wyo.. the namti day. Tho evenlnR uf Juno :>£ Iiu will addrein the pcoplo or ^ali Uikc, On June 28

'• he will dollvur two nprccbcn in Idalo, "* fionalor Dorah’ft ntnlf. npc.iklu* at Piicntvilo in Ihc mnrnlnR and ut Idaho Jl’

’* h'lillii thill afternnon. orJune 29 wli bt- npcnl In Moniaua OC

■' with a iii'oniInK n|"'ct:b In ilutto and a< "■ an evcnUiK onu In Helena. On July « “ ■ 2. Iho prenldeni will niiike a nlfihl al

nprorh ut Kpoknnp. Waiih., nnd July ft will npeak nl tbo OrpRon Trail An- 0 nivurnary ct-lelimllnn a t .Meacham, Hi

'® OroRon. Ho will deliver Iho Jndopcnd- I" enco day ntlilronn on tho nfiornoon of di

■■y July 4 u l Porliami, iioforo lenvlnit for P' Tuconia. «-hern lii> >vl1I npenk Ihl 11 mornlnR of July r..' Tlml will con' 'dmlH l>’n n|ii'v«:li muklnR thin aide oi ti Alaska. No upcccben nro nclrcduled In S' Alanka, thuuRh nuiiio lirlof onon ma) 11 Im pitilv.. >1

«• • -On-Ibo relurn trom Alanka. ihi ui praaidonl will npeak nl Vnncouvor, U C., .July 26; Koniile, Ju ly 37; Kan A

ne Franclnco. July n i; to s AnRClen, Auk. m bu 1 and Snn DIoru, .\u r . 4, Tben ho h k- will Ro uboard 11 nhlp fur Ihe water a: xt tr ip homo via llic I*nnanm Cnnal and i'

VlrRln Inlandn. f<k- .----------------------- hll- AVOPADW.KATINtJ MONKKV’H i (Id UPKKKP COSTS I,AIU1E HPM tln- --------- -aId. i^ S AN0EI.K8. Juno 7—A monkey n- wilh a a day nppnille-w lilch In-

Bltiln on ulllealor .penrn fur n diol—. in Ibc while clophiiuL on Iho handn g

of Colonel W. a . SnllR, imilluii plcluro U HR man ond too ownor. - Tbo Hlmlan ti ■o- learned lo cal Ihn costly avocado In a. h*. Porin n iro . wbero ihey Rrow .wild, ti Im BDd DOW refuncn to eni anyihlns olie. ml Col. BcllK imlay offered lo rIvo away «: ;o- the epicurinn monkey to anyone who (1

R uan in ie ra> 4^natlify Itn Inordinate N of c ra v ln c > ir fodr pnijmln of allljiator n

pearif'li day—a l Sl a pound. R

E ^ “ a C O G ~ L O O S E S O M I

/ HOW DO Yoo (( B o iT , b b o Th e r )

i m i


Wives to Raise ' Suhi for Release

o f Ja iled Hubby

}I,1NT.A A.\A, t-nU June 7 ^IVIfe Xlh ) aad vvlfo No. :! lu ■ ' blitaiiir laoKlt* l» v e formed » - d i in e ^ lia rlnehh lp In nu - m ieiupt'^^o «*•>>« th t i r Julnt-

'linil)aR4.'I{. P . CoIIIdm, profrs. a lo d a l-N tl .knonji a«Ibl) •‘Don . Jnan o f ihe Dla- WaDd," b i t uf .jBiL

ColllBh c lian t '^ n lth blpnmy, fneen iirflln ilnarr liparlmf herr lodar. K ell Kntii ( 'oIIIik . Ihe - A flnit and D oro lhr Mur-llncx,* lta> srrond, wbo bave liccomn'cla«fl W m dn Mnce >iell In n huff, rituned hin a rre - t, 1 have wbrkM up an llann ib in a c t b r .nlilch Ihcy liopp l» mlno enoBRh miner to hire hint n Rood lo n rr r . *

f R u S r iG E 1FAKE p ploi;

NliW YOilK. Juno 7-C oiiu lfrfeU - "I <Tii whn maniifacturud fnki- ll>iui>r Jabuin tu pann iiff dniloreil booie uh "renl Bluff," hnvo beon rouiiilod up by ll.i Hccrct s e n iit! in nrronin ivhliih aro believed lu have ihw nried a nn- , llon-wldo plot.

Millions of boRun rovonuo iilnmpn. InbeU, filko niciilrlual prvncrlplloan ],i anil priming paruphernnlla were nels- ed.

Sixteen nre under iirrcnt nnd moro b mny he inkoa. u

Sccrul Horvli-11 aBonln who urronied Jh^ counior!(\]1l<-rn. nay llie laix-ln cnuld Jiiive baeu uned to dlnRuInn Jlili,- " 000,000 worth of any kind of lli|u<ir no na to make U appear iba l ll bad becu " nmURRleil Inlo ibln counlry from abroatl. J'

The Rang worked In nevernl crouim- •' Dne dlvlnlun maiiufairtucod liauor nf ducutlonablo purity; uiiotbor made the ‘ (nko labeln: n Ihlrd manuKcd tu wlili- draw llQunr from ,bond undnr fnk<- pormlia nnd lbe ta'urib dispeiinod llio ’ illoRal -waron of the olhcr thrct*. ' ''

TIie iyAtomallc raldn were rondu<;l- ;d over R W iiilio 'n rea In Sow YnrU. " Monl o f tho 'tb lrlflon were laken in ' Ilrooklyn, Three were found In Man- Jmtlan. Two Already havo l>run bold ' un-bBll. ■ • - . ' ' r

('olInwlnR Iho discnvorlen, Joseph I A. i’ttlma, cblof o t tho local Bccrol , , ncrvice, Innuod a warnlnR aRalnnC 'I huylnit o t hiRh Rrado Scoich llqunr ' ■ and -Importeil" sin . Ho la td the In- ‘ I loxlcantn dlnaulaod by the cnualor-

rollers waro ilanKeroua and ofdelaln ' bnd no way ot knowlnn how many ' IdRun o fb o illea tn d been rlrru la lod '

[ throuKhoat iho .country beforn llic ' -arrosin were mado. J

AKKH A im io n iT V >WASHINGTON, Juno 7 -T h o Ont- ‘

I Eon Short Line railroad today anki'd I the Intcrsta to Commorco,Commission , I for-jiuthorlly lo conatruct a lino Irom J I an exlatlnjc b r u c l i near Nampa; M il ,. to a connection « l tb ila Uolnc-brnnch.

The application atnted tho exlen- ' Alon waa ro<iiwMted tha t main line ) trains from Diatao may run through ) N anpa without awlicblnR. and In maile r naceoiiNry by tiio chanRlnir ot llio 1

noluB" branch to tbo m ain line. ‘

1EW HERE r ;

----- ^ ^ i


€ - !

■ ; ' i

. • I

‘jWwf A 1 (

—w.--- •

i 2 L '^ ' ■

'^ILY, JU N E 7 ; 1923__________

l i l L l fI S i f R W lB Y fiS SE il]:

A n t i - P ro li ib itio n isU M obilize j

S t re n g th to R e p ea l S t a te E ii- j

fo rc cm en t A c t; A ro T h o u g h t |

to H av e E d g e on V o ls te a d Elc-

m ont a t A ssom bly.

MAI)I.St).\. WIm., Jiilii' 7 - T lir Win-' coniihi UMaiiitjIy, nirikliir. U«.- Hr-'t | blow 111 Ibo Hi'nl 111 nliHiilntv lirolillil- llon, tiuluy apiirtived Hit: Tiu-ktT IMU lo ri'i'i'Hl Ibl' iiliilt; ilry ontiiricnu'ni Inw mill »i'Ul II III cnRriinniiii'ul.

T hf voii. (it npprovni wnn 47 \i> Tlll^^n.•nllWl of fluul panimci In th.t I—

nniicmlily In fxpcolcd r« bu dpcldrd In tavor Ilf Ull' -w fln- l.y vlrluu o( tin- two 4 ' tu 4U votes fnvurnlilo lo lbo 11 uifuiiuro loilay, .Shortly bctiirn llu- U apprurni nml ruRronnmout voio. lUo I I

’ nunriiilily rofUKt'd to kill thu ri'jicnlor ' by nn Idoullcal Inillol.' Atier fluiil paniinKo tlio im-nnnrit ' would llicii K» tn tllli nonulo wblili ' him kllli'il n biiU doien Irsn drunllc

iiiiti-prol.ilililiKi proponain.A hi^ril fDiiKhl liniiiit of two boiirN

‘ pri'cciloil llio di'clnlvc wt-t vlclory.-------- .Sii

MAIJISOX. WjH., Juun 7—Anii-prii- n l < biblllnnliilii In tho Wincnnnln unntmibly li<

liiiiny clallili'd to havf dcuioiinlratpd ilr I Hutlivlunl slrcnKlb lu punii liio bill , rcMMillUK till' ntalu dry unfiircemcnt „. n e t ni

Thi- iiMKvuilily vulod 47 lo 33 10 lui- n,, modintoly I’linnlder tho L1ntlai\I act., ciiimiK-niilnK Oov. Smith on nleninR iii

Ihu Nvw Vork ropcalur. Tho uiotion „ t , lo connider ibn renolutlon «««. bow- i ovor. lost, an Ih vole tell short of u .- iwo-ihlrdn uiujorily.. Thu uhnduw o t Senntur UKidloUu ' ,. noviTcil ovor Ihe luiprndUiK fray on0 Iho *oto on Ihc repealer m'nrcil, Ilob- L

o n U K ollellc, J r .. the nonnlor'n non. , '. and necretary and t-bolrman o t lbo I.*'. mate r.imiral ropublltan cammlttco,

confi-rred with Annemblyman I'rlco, j I- "dry" proKrcimlvo loador. Prlcn Intor . . ,1 Ivjid n connuH'nllun with Annpnibly-

man Poloraon, M llfaigice ‘‘wcl.'' *

MADISON. Win., Juno 7—A trIpIo C ,i drive UKulnal prnhiblllon goi under ’

wny loday In tho nnnembly of tbo Wln- connin ICRislniure.

The wetn in Iho mnjorlty no tur ihin1 Bcsnlon, caucuncd tor onouRh volon y td paaa the Tucker bill to repeal tbc,1 alala prohlbfflH f*^rorconicnt lnw, 01p HClioduled tor n veVi loday. Thirty- P

tlvo antl-priihibiilon luinomb'ymen nl "Ja meciinR lhat undod u l mldnlRbt, I" pltilRcd Ibelr Buppurt.and cluiuied to-

. Uay lh.-il 1& moro had born Mvcnrcd. <"onouRh lo pann lbo bill hy nuv,.n volon. d.

n Liquor SZ Is Identified as ‘‘

lo o te d F l y e r ^le DENVEn. Jiino 7—The man arront- {j ,0 Od nen,r .Salldn. Colo.. Tuomlay, lie- "

companyjni; ao aulomoblld truck load- • etl with t 2t iono wnrtb of bonded lii|-

nnr, In Hcri M. Cote, prominent Den­ver avialor. prohihitinn- offlclaln do- | clared here loilay. Identification of 1 Ihe m an.'w ho Rave Iho namo of B. H, I Pnwell. an C«le. wna mada Ihroiish * phoiniiraphn aont from H utha VInln. Colo, where ho In In Jail, auihnrltlen claim.

J . n . Mowry. driTor of the Iruck. In ninn bolnR held al-.lho Duena VInln

. Jnll. Ofticialn who caplured the trnck after nn nxclllnc chaiie, Iijllovo It wnn

■ Iiound to r Donvcr w ltli liquor ohlalnoil In mbx/ co. _ v; ’ ; ‘ •

i i v i l i S t ^m i i l i i G l

H ■ I-------5V A SW K 0T 0N j-I> r-O ,r-Jun«-7r—T h o ' coat p f living In A m tr lu n c illta ^D tinuea to cre«p upward. , .

n iu r e a * Maued toda r tiy 'ih o bu- „ n a u e t labor abowod'thW Iho prea-’ ® cDt r«io .ot tncr«a*a In food coaia, _

' la miicti.:Bma'l!cr tban i t baa b e ta . a t t n W r ^ o f l a ainea V IS . bu t tbat

■ i)>«'taioerar.r|»nd«r«rM *'Itpw ard. - 'JIn S l'oC b 'afM ctrfd clUet tncr«Mea. y

. wara ahtnra for ihd yaar Jto May Ulla yaar while a ll of them I for, which flgurai ware available

. Uvlog coat* j a r a coa^ldarably blgl^ar ^

p !illn 'S 5 |{ ^iT if^ p ir; can t; B alli. | more. J iu m Cleveland. U ulavllle. [ Norfolk aad Ban T m nclaco 1 par |

In lha re a r- f ro m May IE, is n ^ ' thaaa Ihcreaaaa w ara-no lad : . J

S a n ' Praniiaco 8 p e r 'c t& l; Dotte, ! 1 par eobt • ^ \

M A yliABjJe85TpOW .BB \- P IT rsn B L D ,.» U w ., J m a 7 - » to c .trie c n rraa t aa p«w<erfal-ma tba ligh t ' 1

. nine bclta tha t ’ fUab - f ro o tba ik r . 'tore* of two a i l l l w volta 4M •

. iFn anergy of tan mHiloa horaapowar , may be hameaaed to tu rn Ibe wheota , of induairy la tb* fntur*, -'.

• > ■ t r > .

r T BW heat States (C

! T ake Steps to ^ I H arvest Crop

h.VNS.tS I'lTV. .Mn., Juno 7 - f.\d<i>ui-e u'uurdo 'Kf »i>rkrrs In- '

, iiidMl tlio >nuI1i«o.| liHbi) and I1iri:iin tlio lii-k i.f bll^tr^llul.- IIho li:'.>n Mhi'iil rrop, '

' Kuiisns, Okbibiimn uml 'I'i'min '[ « r r e lli.ndrd I.} Ihr liiini..1i.r>. ;; \llin » u i drilM niiui-s ,.r 1=1 In <>:. <

11 dny io r llirlr lalmr- durlm; i ! Ihr niMlllt; si;i..ili.I .Mihimifh 11 rrrnn i nu........ ul \i oul>ld<‘ »i>rk<T< hnio l<i-oi< 'I dnnxii to Hip iihr^il iii 'ld ', lliiTr; I l niiil ll llif Il.-Jii;iilil li.r oiiM.lo iI hrl|>, -.o n n ilr li;i. lirn i Ibr i' ••horlnRo, nrrordlnu' to I-.... r . [I Tucker, tiolil d livrtnr i.i Ihr I', >

H. I.niiiir luirniii.“ThnnHiiiiiK nirii u lll Ik-. ,

nordeil lo hiiiidir Iho rrnp,' miIiI 1Tiirker. ........ . nro ild r fur 11 lili; }lrlil. ’i'ln- ;

I inrnior bu- jii^l 1ir.:oii In r ra ll/r |I III- u lll b m r ll. ,ia} n hU lirr ! ,

j.ili-e fnr bU hilKir tlmn Ihr 1. jirrsoiit nnirlii'l i.r lrr nf h Ii.-uI JUHllflpv Mnn, nf tlirlll ur.- ■'nffrrlni* a dny tilth I....rd ,iund liidKimt fnruM ird.” ^


WASHlNliTON. Jmi't 7 T iir l->illnl '■ •Sialiii Kovornnionl In "uiiii li m nnTii-

- n f ' ov.-r lbo poUlltnl ..ltn:,Unn In I Iloililiira-I, It wni. >,;ilil nl Ibr lull>I ilrpiirtim'iil lodiiy. ■ 'I Tronbli- iipiii':ir.i i-trliiiu .....................'I u h lll rr pronlilpnilul .Miiipjilcu. Knur

r.indbli.ton ri-iiri-.irul!m; ;i.i m:.ny I.u'- . ‘ tlonn, iro wl.loly dlvlilrtl 011 l:>t.iirtt ;iml • nerloUH irouldo iiiitirarn Immluoni l(? Ih.-y cniintit Ue brounht Into nmno i.ori ,’ of anroomoni. ,' JcKni- Cnrnnn, wbo tvnn nrroHted In ,“ ToKUclKulpb-wlill I'liirn PhlllliiH. tho |

"linmnicr m nnl-rnin." wnn n-iiiirlird“ 111 l.ivc* Rono Iboro tor tlio pnrpnm' of |" imrili'IpnilnK In a revoluilnn. Mth. <’■ I'hlllliin in an luiervlow nbnrlly br- ,' furo nlia wiui brought baok lo llir t!, '

S„ di'Flared I'anion plutled lo ovor- •,throw the irovrrnment and entnbilnh ,bliiinnlf nn dklnlor. She wnn lo be 1

'* wua afJII bo'id In ja il nl TfKUulj;al}ia,

0 O ir Sw indlers’\[ A rrest Cause of

Receipt DeclineWASllINGTO.S-, Juno 7—Tlu' pi)H-

f. otflce dcpartw onl cnnipaliHi uRnlnnt promotion o f i:rBUduleni ull ntook

,1 Mjilen ihruURh ihe .malln wnn unofllo- I, Inlly hold rcnpunnlblo tnduy for ilic

tu ft Ibnl Korl Worth, Ti-xnn. wnn thc ti. only i-liy In Ihn ronntry roporllni: a n. drcroaiin III poniu', r.xolptn In .M.-iy.

tip 10 Mny. Vort Worib hnn liprn nmonR the lendlnR c lllm eacb mnnlh In reporllniS Increanm. Aiununt of tbo decrenno Hu-nr-wnn nol ntnlod.

r NEW V O nK -A moiher of tlirrr cblldren. Mrs. Knlhorlno Clay, won a degree a t llnrnnrd CoHpro. Sh i did bor studying on tho nubwnyn gnlnc 10

. nnd from achool. "My I I year old nne I* was m y grealeal help," ahe naJ/}.1-

1 B ritish Railr< : H a h l Blo^^ : in N ea r :

.NKW VOltK. Juno 7—The reported I I Hctinlalllmi by n Urlllnli Rroup of tho

controllinR lotarent in tho Ilngbdud*. I lallw ai'. alguifloa a rupprochmoni bo­

l l tweon Kagland and tu rk ey , and the L a'm oat cbmplflo political and econom* U lc lablation ot J ^ n c o In 4he -Nwr

Coat. In fact, with tho failure of Oio ' Prench-backed "Danquo Indttairielte'' tn Chlah laat yaar, r raacc 'a iBfluoface

“ la louerlnB ibrougndtit :ib « , p rien i— another - rTOBon w hy-aba must now

' oaaeanU ate h e r aitaa tioo upon the ', problomn In .GoRDanr.

O r KAhrewd mov»—lha co-op«mtlon

a d '.tha raparatlona commiaalon from' dlapiJaioK of the controlling maiortiy

' etVthe-Mock o a Qaghdad Railway ? , iffiiT''or*lho AnaUtlolan nillroad, :tho

fo rm ar 'i w eaiam axteaaloa in ' Aala

la View o f .lh e t^ c t th a t tha T repch ooouuaud a m w v w r in, tha fepaja-

,, tio tiaJcorom lubflV tod th a t tUe quea- 1 Uon o r,th » I^hdW ll-.IUIItray la b t'ax-

lrao rd ltia ry .ip ll(rfa t l i . .n r tn l ) i ; thb f ' n r U f O in u 'ta V x iJ g i rM u d 1t« n ' e o u rn ;o t cch0^ r a ( l 6B 'w ith .lh « ,a v T

n u ia i a th is-.qnetU oa; .E te r iln ce UiCconoltialo& o f U i a a a c r e t t r M ty : ^ ,twoea P ^n tsa 'aaU 'T iitltay

y r a a c c h rh i& la h ^ c M p e in ^ ' ahd h opM to a ttain a deihltiiiUag p i e l $ a

** In f lfr^ cb a n D te 'ilfe .'o f tge.'tteir,Ti}i^

2 ; , * ^ e tlrat,Wow (o 7 taB M .e«ue:w (m M tha 'fiu-kB K raliU d;A ffleH oariU #M tii " th a b r ' now waU.taiowB 0 |«9M r;i» <■I*

■ ' i ’’ ■

HESOLD VOL. x n r . n o . sc.

l i l E R i COURSES l y ; O V E Mi'Ehforccmcnl Agents Few in I Number, Giving Contraband I Opcrntivcj Almost Frco Rcin

in TrnnsporlAtion of Stuff

1 from Cnnodinn Siiorcii.

j 'i-'.i.vMiJii'' i'.':-r.."iiv'Viiiini,1 ; ItO l'K lS l’(HS-T. .\. V.. Jim .' 7 - T b rJitiniim nl ........... . I..i.-,im; th.' Imr,U r ln,l;iy |., Ilmllr.l iintnlv^ by

Urvr H,.,- ,aii i|ln|u.... nt al n protll.Tlir niui nilimT-i umrr rom rrn-

r.l >vli!i Ibr ulurUri lli»n wlih Iho Miurii- Ilf .,npply or 1li.' ilKfirnltlrs nt I-.iaillii: 11 iiirivir.

” 1 iMiiir l.< 111.- Uor.lrr um lrr lli- Mi-il. llniii, K. h.,. m a in Mil- rxnrt

, Mil,;,Mnn i.fiif llir ri'| ut lln- Si-wI \-nrk nlulr ,,'llfnr. unu'uf Ihii ," «««nr 1 ^al<l.I .\f tr r Koif.r'-. irl|> u.nlwnrd 111 Cnv-

Ini-.lnu. :i Klr.'lrh .if nllty nidi'K, ii biiol-I.i-,i-.rr,.- Inviu.imi .if tlio I'nltPd Stnt.rn

,1 lit In full nvihic.I 'I'll., f.'tlrral iiKrnt» a rr uiitniiiuher- ,, i:d luu 10 1.„ Tti.- hmu(!i;lrni. worklni; In rolayn

iliroiiKh ii.'nn'!. uf ixinir boUM-n Ihal .Inl lh.- irrrlt.irv w.-ni nl NnplorvIHo

' ' .mil Ui.'.illr. yu.-,, a rr ii.iiirliiK hun- .Ir.-Iln ..f' loiuln ot CV.'ry

, ■ kin.l nr Int.. .Vi-«- Vork.I -I loiind l lu t tlir rominK of num- ' mor uud Ihi- 1im"rn1ni: of Iho Nnw ' ' Vork I'liniilnliitlary nu hlKliwnyn untM

by ihi, lli|iii>r runnurn. ban cnmblnedII. uiv.. a m-'v life lo lbe boollrEglnR

I'' iudiiMry.•'> l.llllr of tlii» famidbin lli)uur la

flntllnK iin wny ibroiiKli lo New Vnrk " Cliy. Tbr Now- Vnrk "hnrd ulutC In

comlm: trom tlm Wr«( Indies nnd Iho (>' llclllnb Inirn nn lbo Cnnndlau bootjeg-

Ror canuut compoto wllb the low cont of Bll-wiitrr iNinBpnrtnilno cojiiycrt-by-•

*'= lbo Inllrr. So lbo IJopjltniWl bootloR- 'n Ror Undn bln nmrkoln In tl'.'' upaUlo

low«« o l Alliaay, tf/racuja. UUia h-nlls, TroV, Glennfnlji Hocheater, SnratoKn Sprlaga and Iluffa'o , A certain amount doon aeep aouth lalo norlhern I’annsylTniila nnd hence Into Oblo wbi-ro 11 tinda ltn mnrketa In

e VouuRniown nnd even an ta r weat an I Indlsnnpolln. Ilul the hulk ia con-

.1- Humcd in tho Mohawk valley,

l k l.OST DN JKIVIMi PAYlo- LONO HKACH. Cnllf.. Jnno 7—C. H. ho llroodim. bunlnenn mun, gni lonl on hc mnvhiR day nntl had in oail In tho

a ptillcu III hK-alii hln m w hnme. Hla ly- wlfo and Ibr hoitnrhold elfetilB weal rn nlicad on a truck and then Broedoi) ilh tnrgni lb., number ot hln hnuae. P ^ bo lice tnado the roundn ot the iranarar

riiinpanlen nnd ohlainad the dfalred Intorniallfin.

, a , NKW VORK—Three gny, .bobbed lid haired glrtn rolled down' Ihelr atock- 10 inen In abnw a ilroadway alreai crowd

me what 7.lecroid misned. "We were ]«at cekhrallng ''-Ihey le lJ the bfflcora.

ro ad P W vv to, F ra jjo e

E a s t R e g io n:vd I by Iho unanjmoiia pfofereaee of.; the ho T u r k a for Amarleaa-co-eparatloo..but Illd one of lla moUvo* waa alao th a (re - Do- aaotmonl fait 'agalnal if raa ce .fo r h e wfiai i»w Turka ctnaldered bar A er* m* ahKUag and an ra lU bl& tttlinda at!tbe air ^ -u ^ x an a 'p e a c e 'b O B h im w r '* '' ( .

ow warda (he Tn^Uu OBtM 'bthwTHaBd h e lamei Haah< r e a l is e d 'th ^ r h l ib i i^ * ,

try could a c t pRord tp i.a tiU sA lse lon England p e rm a an tlT 4speetaII]T

tty of their, (Inaaclal : ^ k t i i i aad 4 tti< ' « r tude which d lU ^ m e d the T n rfc^ j

alB aged the ■aenettatloaa behf»«n jth e .Drlilsh and the O e i m n - 8 « ^ o w iew

Jtt- ported^

B ^ U h ^ l a a ^

Page 2: TWi[N ALL!S DJ'^ILYr · TWi -VOLUMK 0. NUMUEH f»l. p illi M |ii ObaDceUor Cuno Eos - Plans to , Boise

i & D Q UU rs. J . W . W hccU nB -Sodcty ;

MurnlnfoMr Mr-, Jinn. r, 1‘n r - , ivmliiU t C'litcrlnliK'il llu' .MorulDRnhli' cluli rlrmi -at her lwm>' \V<cin("iiI:i>’ Ddrrimoii. VuK'-T h(‘ liiinln<-Mi iii-'NiiiIi WHU |in-ili|i"l i:al,nW»rr by Mrn. l*r;.nk k, lli.'l|rt'uii

. ^ri-nlilrnl. Unll <ul1 win %y turri'O I I'Vi'iif" iJ lo r " Mrr. 'I--Pcrlliiicr an lnirr'i»iiiiif,|m i—v ijii ciii<tAnn'rlciinlr;itliJii. TIuti' » r n W I ;i^ i i i Wi'liiiitinlxTii iir<»<'iii uml iln’ iiiiinclub, .\1rii. r,i,l.-..i. Qiioii'uiKl lli« .Mfnni n .S.-ll, .............. .......... Th..CUIBCCI wllh ll ............ It Ml. l.ll luiiir Vlnltsnii rvlri'nliiiii'niH. ’’lll'.i

* ■ •; ( J h r i SuriirJ.r J’jirl) Ml- . C.uni.'n :m.lXollKriiJ MIIX till' ho^Irvi .■! a ic'iy 'lai:,pluanant Miirprlhi' iiariy civi'ii at h ''i I'hn:

— . liuuio OU.T.-I11II av.'iiu- nnrlli Wnlm".- NaMicliiy cvi'iilnj; In l>>in)r nf Mn- lilrthd.-ij " llmoC Mlnn Jiilhi lli iiih r . ........... .. mI»i|Mun «i)rii( Wllh niiiM. . ........... on.l :i i il hm m iy 'llll'l . T lion' ............ in . . 'n . |in iRrnlullllf .Mli.ri Iliinl.T n> l.' t' lrjti In. <1DniiBhiirlv. 11.1U lln « .„ , ,M |l|l..ti .lun.'Kohn. Itnlh Knhi.. M.'h.i i:i>l<. I 'u m . i. ........Ilnlllinil.- IlilIuM Slllll.ill, llii’i'ii:.! Jlrouti, K.’iilii'tli llriiiMi .m.l ll-.lli-_ _ _ - Si

Knlrriulni.HrMi-'v I'liili Mr-.. ,\v. !•Diintn'lly nt Slxlh ............... . >,111.-iInlniMl Illc S. S. Ilrlili;.' ilnh W. iin.' liny itflrrminii lU Urr lintnr, U.'Ii. 'I.-

^lurnln Wi'rr niTVr.l ill ill,....... . 'ci( llio-Kniilrn. Thn'.,- pn ....iil vm-i i 'Mrn. {icorj;.' Wiilhi, .Mrr. U .iiniiii Hini'll, Mr>i. Mnrl" M;i.miiI-v,

)lliz<‘l. Mrn. di'.iri'.i' 'I'hm-. ..;nl .1 Blli-lt or Ih- <Ulh w;.:i .Mr:., C. .1. Kii-linik «r riiiiii.

Klilrrliiliio Itiriiniiiill) Mr :in<lMr.W. 0. Kmlllt I'lit'T lahn .1 U'. <lii' ',.|.i% vvi-riliiK fnr % unil Mr., W, 1:. M.- Curly .in,1 th .'lr iluiiKliii'r, M e, K. i 'Jl.n ii Ilf I.01 AliK'-I<'H. Mr au.l Mri' McCarly will l.av.' '[Mln I'ulh. a,-.;.,Mr. MrCiiriy i.n,l lih. int........ in iii.'

’ InR horn Iraii’-r.'rr.'.l m llliirhai.i, lllnh. iiliout liii'iity-flx"- mil.'-. ln>iti Kali Uiki- City, Th.' . vi uliii: " wu- _ Dlrnaiinlly mix'IiI u llh nniMlr ;iiul :il a Ig Intc linur MrM. .^mlih i" 't i ..l ih r .'r- ■

. t ’n r lj MI»- Kiihii- T hr m nn- I ' brrn »r Mini. Dnvi- Kiilin'ii Suuiliiy ■ .Bchwil clai-ti .ll III,- M ,'t chiii'.U ■ pI.-nKanlly hiiriirlm,! ilmir K'ik U.t hi ■ iior bnini' nn Sixth iiv.'uiii' nnrlli cm " C

•.Tucmlny nfli', Th.' i',lrl.i i.r.- tl«rntfi| Ml»« Kuhn;,, wlin In 1,1 lu' mar- ,<rlr.l llilH mcinlli. wilh a hniiiliriil |il.',.- ,,flf allvi'rwure. Thu iillirriniuli uiiii .KpPHl In liitlMl,: au.l iMliu' i nu th.' h a w n . Diilnly'i.linnnlii w . f

, nrrvciI, Tlium- iiri-ii'ni w.t .' Ilnr.ilhy


•' TO.

i Lift Off with Fingers f."\ *50

t- \' \

'■ \ \ ", * • 1 \ - P

i ( n V ;'U J' ' - "

, D oetn 'l hu rl n M il Hrup K Uuln ,• •■rrctxoTio" oil'liliiK c o j ig Jn-

•ta n y r corn iilnr'i liurllui;. Uicn ■faoriljr ynu IKl U rli;ht o(t' w ith ' flQ*orii. Truly!

Your ilrURRlRl^nrlln u iliy ti bottlo of ••h'ri!<-iont'" f o r 'u frw c<'iii», nnt- ■ flcl*Di to rem cro .-vrry Imr.l corn,■nte corn, o r corn li.'iw.'pn th« tccij, '"'*1 BOd llio c.illuiica, wlilioul uofcncD# or — Irrllalloo. -

------------- ------- ~ f l


Wo soil ,’cm—Wo ren t ’em.Wo fix ’em.


“Compare the W ork” IE


W rito fo r CatalogIhfl

' Idaho .Typewriter Ex. SS li s . J l . ln a t - I ’orn(Hlo. ‘

J liai


E J K .. fE d iu ir — r iio n o 1339,

iillliir. l.ula Vm.m^ Dnrnihy H>il- ^

ihlM. II, Ir.'II,' Illll:.!.. C-|.nn.' Cnlil- = 5

........... nE«)!.-iiliir r iu h -T I .. ' ,\t.,Illor . Inh «a .

ll.TtaiiKHl Ul Ml., li.mi,- .'t .Mrr., C...-1 Whe r'lli. »i|ay 11 fl'l rll mill. T 'l m l y-t lirrr j . ......... . In roll . all "H 'l

ln l tv 'l ! h ', '‘',M l''''' 'A '” .' ''|.n :.u illv ; 1''' lll"lory ..t lh r Kla,;,- hy Mr-. C. 1. ‘''” >1 Inllh; violin an.l piano iln.l, II.'I.'U t'" ' n,l Ilalph ,\M,i iiiliuii; utiiii;. "nur » "H lai;," Wllina; rr. Iiallnn. -n i.- ll-'«''-hiK," (•T.iiiW Ul...... r.aitiiii;. "Ilur inriil.ailuiiM Khu:," V r|nia-t:rliniii; niiiiK. htil I'lui Sii,r :;|.aiK-|ril 11.11,nrr,' hy lh - u hu Im l-,niii|iauy. l.ninli w:r. Ili- ii >.<-rv-'1 h.v .....„, ;jl^ , : i n f . Wi'rrri-.i-nl al Ihl. ..... . T h- nrxt „"■•linr IMII 1/ ....... Ml-, l . ia r u .un.' IS, ...........Ill In l.r an.>M-r.-iI hyIlnI.ll llllln lln» .ri'____

fl’llllS i f n p l e W r a p o f P l a i n ' j

_ A n d F i g u r e d M a tc r i f t l

f i

m i mV; I J ' ' rlno

■ ■'■f f / i S^ W , ' , / : I / r Dim

l f i' m 3 < I

W«.r> w w O M A ira -M ill™ V V ^jfrj8T lT U T B "‘ ’ I


Tboro t l Q real raSBOn « b r lha itn- Tosuo for cape* iboiild recelre-ta# i,., | approral of tiomo ionera . aniS Uiat nm Ib ihat moal o( ibii alylAt. c aa bo dovolopud ntucb moro eaaliy anil quickly Ihan any oihor kind, ot n„, « rap. In (ncl. aomn ot tho imart> ra t and lov .llcg t' nirlxa ara tngb- lonod flullrcly nt stra lchl pinona ot „ '| 1 malnrlal. na In tho capv llluslralcil. nnd .lo nol ruqulrn a pali'-rn OTeo for filinrlne tho co llv . Surrly. bIiii- rllctly auch na ihla «liiiuld Irnd a»- suruucv to cape dnrrlopmoiit. ' NO

In noIrcllnR a capn. cnngld.>r Iho T.trlntts Iro,;kn n lih wlilcli It niu«t Dll bn vurn and Iho purponnn for which ll m-jnt ho uaed. It you wltiU It inoruly for ovrr.ins i;r parly wear, yon n i^ ' Im lu lc In a llRhl o r brlclit , cnlor, chot InfTntn aiiRRniillne ch.m nlnt i>o«iiIlilllllri). Hut If tho

tunrn c<in(inrvatl»o colorln* la ra- ifn lla l to Ihn BSIlBtactlon of teni- Ins approprlnicly .Iri*i<iini]. in ihla OMin, thu c.ip” III of Krny brocail# with Rray Cuuiiia crcpo. < • •

IIIIV .St ill T n n t l l a \ u - Tri...|. 7. Il.i« Sr.iMl- » lll h.ihl 11 ,

-Oiik.-d ......I «iilr III lhr .ihl .'‘rnL'KlT}■inlhlliiir. Siitnnlay, Ju u r Dili.


--------------W om en TcII Each O ther H ow They

H ave Beeo H elped b ; L yd ia L <"' P iiil(bam ’8 V egeU ble Componnd

Torrynburff. Ohi^,—"I tnoV Lr>lia E. tl I’inkliam'ii Vrj;'-'i-il'l« Comiiountl br-

jM lH ) ||^ ||l l | i^inii ill my a^des all

' n'lnvnibcr Just how lonn i nulTcrcd. but

ill Itwaafi^rBomollmp^

i l l mi'­lil and she anid aho v i bEa.1 h id bcon ju.1t llko I I”

Hf L • "■aa with palnn and f’’','^ ^ ^ ln ,.fv„.n.lrnnhl,i. nn.l cur

aho took tho VrttrUblu OimjKJund. an,I it curi-d lirr. .'y> then I went nnd cut eomr, nnd I ccriainlyrecommfnd it /o r j it Iji ipxKl. Whenever I ix-o any woman r who 19 i.ick I try ti) her to tako „ ' Lydia i'l I’inkbnm’d V .criablo Com-

i<iund.“ —Mril- Au.v Fu iu ;, Houlu y, •'>' ’crryBburi;, Ohio. or •

In nearly c tery neighborhood In ovcry pai lown and citv in thin country thcro aro womnn nho iiavo bcrn lielped by Lydia E. I'inkham’n.VpReUblo ^m potm d in \ tho treatm ent uf ailmentu ^ c u lia r to cul thi-ir aox, and thoy tako pleasure in pa.iiiin(r tlto K‘'‘>d wunl alonK to olhcr women. Thi'reforr. ifyou aro trouhird , in this wny. whvimt ifive l.ydia K.l’ink- bam'fl Vct;el*blo Coaiiiwimd a lu ir Itia l br«


Where C llpptr Can Oe .Ui«d Strono etanchlon', la ' SatliVaelory—

Catttng DKIerent.'

Tll.'re nrr loiiny iviijm .'.t rimniiltiR rntllu Uml urr t,. h r .Irh.TnrU, Wlirr.'. ' lhr iM.riiH nrr rrni..v.-,l wllh a .Miiprr a nlrniiK nliiiirhinn iluiy hr ull Ihul Ifl nri'-Nniry, or n .Irhiiriilni; . hm - nm l>r innilr It 11 iiiliuhrr hnvr In hr r-in^visl, httl fnr .111- <ir two nnhiiiilH uml u h r rr u "UW Ih u-<r,l 11 lo n rru ln il uirtlmil In t,i .'unl Ihr iinliiiitl. l-'.ir IliU iuir|>,i'r a .-u'tlnK Iiiiriien" Kui'h an ihr one alnnin III Ihe llliiMrulliiii und kimwn nn th-Knull-h' h-ilililr hull'’ hr.'n ......I withK.iml r.'full-'. Ill fa,-t In Ihr.iwlni: nn iinlinal fnr uuy llor|l^l^•- It will he fi.innl u .•nnvrnlrnl un,l rn 'y un'lhnl. ^

Ynu run inaKr ihln hy ]iliielns ■> rnj.-linl.hlr nruund rn.'h pn»I,-m. Hnvr the li.ihbl" llfh t rlloiiKh nn lhnl It <■"> 'll iv.ui’I nllp ilnwn oM'r th r h'lof, h u t -------I.M.... enniii;h In nllp n r.ijir h .'t 'i.'ru ll »—nn.l the Irn, A flrr II hohhl.' hni, 1.... .

Dlagfarn thowa how to throw nn am. .if Ih mat. Tho ropo neareot to the left tide "lu ' l of Iho drawing ahould be tied Into tho rlno hobble a t 1, paiiod throujh rlno» a t 2. 3 and 4, anfl then baek Into 1 again. Then tho rope, Indicated on the rioht. ohoutd bo ilowly pulled. In the , center thowa the hobble, wllh the rInu attached. . „ prinppllril li> carh nf the fonr pnnlrriiH, tir u rnj'- iKlii the hnhhle nu n fnrr Ihiih. then pttnii th r rn|M. ihmiich th r hi^lihlr nil lh r npp.i-llr f.ire lllnh. l li i 'n ,j |, nm ll huekv.iir,! Ihronnh Ihe ImMilr .lu j,r, lh r hitiil I.-K nf Ihr nnni.- »ldr. th.-n n.Tn-« thronsji th.i hubblr .in Ih r np.|ln^ll.' bill,! Ilinli, ntnl ll.... forward ni.'iitllirnnth th r UltiR hotihle, or Imbhle In ..,t « w hi'h thu ropi' was Ilrnl l lf i . ’ _ Uou

W hrn pull tip on llm m pr ihl» y_ ,11 11 lirliiK all four Ing* toKrIhrr, atul ill onr p.Tnrni ilnr* thia hnve n,nnr one -pim,. l.-1'iilly pil'h lh r -nnlmal .)vrr (iiwaj fnnn the nnr _pulllnc on th r miie). o,,. Then tir lh r rojir arnunil lh r ti'rl m flc, 1 Ihr iinliiinl cannoi Rrl frre. An ixioti n i th r ntiliniil Ik down hnvr nn u*i'l!'t nnt Uerp the hrnil doivn by hnhllni; th r Qg< u o k nKaliml Ihr icr'iund. A ttrr 'ih r nprrntloii h over, uiillr nlut rrinovr Ihe r.ipr nml li.ihhlM. A leather Ktrii|. " IuhI liirsr I'unnuh to ro nrnutnl Ihr pn«trru nnd whb-h run Im biirkli',!, with 11 l.iTK- rliis cm cmr nhle, inukrn n uood hnt'Mr, nnd one lluil Is ranlly pul oQ .111,1 Inkrn ..ff.

•-------------------------- "MUNO MORE BLACKLEG VACCINE n>

----------- ----------------------- thnDlurlbutlon of Vlrua Waa Olacontin- 11. ^

ued July 1, but Frequent Ro- <'<i»tquetia Aro Made. ..... .

|il«lrlbntlon of Wncklrc vnrrlnc hy lh- hurrati of nnlmal IndU'.tfy. L’nllril f ' " Sinti'K lirim rlin.'tit of Ak!rl,;ulUif.'. n (irni lh 'r whlrh ba* prrvnllril fnr ninii> y.-iir« wan .llnrontlnur.1 July 1, nud '"f*’ luihlle nm lrr « u i s'«'''U thr, llin.-,

Dl-i-onllmiiiiir^ wn" tlx-, rfiu lt .if 1111 llein In lh r iiKrlcullural i.piiroprhillnii :..t tin- y.'iir lir^-intilnK Jul}’ 1. liiJj. whh'h rru ih n i f.illown; '-l-rnvld'.'.I furlh.'r . Tlmt tio imrl of ihln "hull h r ii n-il for lh r niniiufuiMnrr,|.r. iiuratlm , nr .... . . hhu-k-Iri.- >n,vlnr," I'rr.iu.-nl ..... .. fnr

I'f aiilnint In.limlry, how-v.'r, nud np j.

Illln lhl' viH-i-liir fr.nn n ihrr H<iun-.'ii Shi,-r llir I'lurlclrj; vStTlnn Ik ii.i InllK.T i|l>lrlbut.'d hy Ibr hiirmu of nnlnml In dm iry, Ilvn "lorU i.>.riern nrr a.lxU.'il th;il niiiilli'iilli'nn fnr It .'unnoi h- t;ruiileil, nnd Ih rr will nvold it.-luy l>y n|i|ilyhiB illrrvl ,t.' loinnirrrlul .-on

____________ _ A


II l i Rich In Protein and Aih, tho '' Muicio and Oone-Dullding


Ilutlerm llk Ik nn cxrrllm l foml for ■UlM,-, parll,u larly Kmwlnv pli:". It l!> rli'h lu prnlrln and anh. Ihr niiiielr an,l ln u r hnllilliiic nmlrrliili', Vi.rl|.iii

»lr;iteil tlml w hru properly nui.plr nirul.'.l wllh crnln. fr.iiii live lo hlx lininiil-. nf liiidllulnl hultrriillllc hn i n f.'.'.IIiii; vnlu- ri|iiul In nnr jionnd of corn iiH n fn-d f,ir Kr>i\vliiic plKi.

E ll'ninatlno P a ra iltti.Il I'l .1 v,-ry enniinnr. praefh-r lu

Ill'll k nf rvir-.. k.'.-|> thrm fnr tM<i ] . '« » and thrn .-oinplrirly rrll nitt fnr il }>-ar or-twn, Thl" plan.belpa tu i-lUiihintr parii'lt.-rt, ^

Healthy Llller*.Ui'nliliT llltrm n rr uaually mined In

colony bnii'.i'.u

Purebred SIrei Imporlani.'llliKui will i«li," T hura wby pure­

bred alrv* urr m liui'ortuni. |


WrrckuKr o t tbo bnKSiiRo cnr and n fl >pri-iin nnd kldunprd n nunihur of prim m ,'ranb J>y Allnn Kdwlnr for NKA Her

QUESTION ANDi!(Condueted by Am

Q -li.'.ir Auntl.i Su.-: Wlinl u hnoJi ron.

i |ir .r |a l r vnu. 1 wh h lo kiinn.- Iviiv loryI rr!ilr- u rui; und In whnui I nh.iiihl ll . r;rlll' In llii|iilr- VJiniil .iln]ilnvniri’l oiirI oiniiK-ll.'ti w lth > h r coui.lnieli<iii' Ihr llnm III Auirrli-iii l-'alln? lie- a ^llii.-ltnlly ,Miiit:i. -N, n - ll) a

.-nmlA -T h r r r hi-rm,. In I,....... . an nrl HKhl

•al .lirf.T.-nl’ wiiv.,,’ ^:,uii'tim.->; wllh |..|V, lur nnd i.,ini"t|i;ii':i v.nh IrM i 1110:1:1, ,|, ,r . in Iiullr lllllr, .Mra. .V l l . vnu WlM I'l Kn-at'-r i.ul l-ifa.-t mu hv . iiu:illll Ini- ,prorrii:ilniml . IrHni-r .ihnni Ihhi. I

iiv.n'l lh r iip;iir h n r In |;n Inln ll .I hnroilc.hlv ,1:1 II xvnllhl l.r liri.-u-iry Cor .>nr whn 'Icr. n rvrr umlrr- “ Ikrii lhr ]<ih l...r..rr. In un.|i\;ilanil |i ' 11 hi InipiiMilhle fnr MIU in \,in -iu l' p ri.fn .loual cb i.n ri,.»M I.' ti.i>a,Mln ''

ml n i .In ;ilt I , an.Adilrwii iu u L lm in iiy for vinpl.iy Ij,',',

i.'iit nn 11.,' rT^.-rriilr wnrli tn I’rnJ .1 Mntt:iKrr. n u t.-d l^ i lln-hima- I.u IJervU-.-, Aui.-rh ..n r:illi.. 1-hilui, "

y - Ilrnr Auiilh Hll' ; WliiTii hi th ....... I ItrRr»i ii-lriir.ipr ~ ln Ihr worlfl? ihitn 'hanklUK ?nil tu ailv:in<'.- Krnl II. ‘-'la A --Thr imviil (ih'.i'rvalory nayn thnt >.'nt

■ir th rr .' lnr*:i'.,| ir lm , ,I,1.':> a rr rr- .T I lr,I,ir:i, Ihnl 1:. In nny, .n rv n i nilr- atul

:OSTS OF M ILK PRODUCTION t------------ fnnt

lullelln latued by Unlveralty af Wla- .Il;:u'comln Clvea Oood Information tn rj

for Daliyman. |M

,Ni't miiiiy .Inlryin'rn n rr thnrouKhly Inrl 'nmllliir wlih lh r M5 .lurMl.m of Ihr •arlnlh'U In lh .'i^ ;> tjjt pn',hirlnR nillk. • - ■Milk i',i-li a ix hrrM^ao• In orderII (b'lrrmlne iirnlll;i o r loKirx .if ' hr hrr,l." '■:iy I’- K. MrNull und D.I, Mllrhrll In th r lr npw liiilli'lln. "Why ' of Milk Vorv," whlrh him Jn-.t...... lH-nr,| by Ib.' i:nlvrr>.liy ,if WIk- '•nnalli. ■'Cn«M I'.T bundn-.bvrlitht .if n '’.k vnrhvJ frnm Sl-«vS t<i JI.Ol for dlf- > rrnl nmnlliH nf th r y rn rA - Surh . 'a c t ' IIH th n r a rr hrijURlil out In lhr irw hiillrtin, wtili-h n>nllllni Viiltuildr nfnrinalliin for, th - priirll,-al .Inlrymim ivho- | i tryliic 111 hold .l'>wn prtKtuc- ilon ri'slB.

E«c«IIenl Hog Paiture. ■M''illii:n ri',1 .li.x.T m a k - rx rrllrn t ■

lios paslnrr. Sn i|--’h nlfoltn. I t In iminllv .- ,- l .r tr. ;:i't rh 'v rr Kinrlril. linrilnitarly ..u in-H- hiiid, thnn al- fnlfn. •

Paclurjge for Owlne. l’nniirai:r ....... Iir provhlnl- fnr t

nj.rtiii; ;iiii| [all lltlrra . ^

CIves NeedeA Exertlio. ((Gnnlriiliii- nir'ir-N nnrdril rxerclao •"

tor iiii'iiy "Hirtl hui.tnm'' men,"

Otrange.A fouiliilnr Irnu i-rr on puyrholoRy

Urtvrrtl'ra h rrnrlf .-•< " th r wi.nton who o rirr wat.iei a wnrd." Tlila a trlk n j„ as 11' m.iiiriblnB nr'.r In femlnluliy.

.Aew 5 h o A S o <

/ T ® " A o p e

V M ShoePol' M akes o SKoes l o

( f t


» fira l clamuco-ieh w hrn Chlnmo bmidlln irimtliirnC^..&}m:rlcanii ntul Kurop-ami. T Hcrvlcc nnd ThoTliii.':i n r r lh r flrnl t,i t

answeiTbox fA nntio S u e .) ih ii

I niiiki

-------— no .on. u rr Ih r lur.ii: ; ii'i.-.l H' hrini: '.'i;hl:i a 1,11-iiii. Mniiill Wlliinii .'l.:r-rva- ------nry ha:, a m irini iD'l nii'hr i In .Ihiin/ l.-r; lhr lli'iiilulnn nli'i,-r\;il.'r >• liui'l Ur 7J Inrlli", lu illJUlirlrr Ullil Ihll ..iril Koi.'ii- l.-l,", Kill- In Irrhiiiii hu'' i

^llv.'rrl| i;l:i-.;i 7^ liirh-i. In iliiinirl.-r Iri a r,'fiiH-lliii; ii-l.'«i npr, u Ii i i t or '

iKhI In Ihr f.'i-ii ,; tb r l;ir;',.': | ri'fr:.'--

i-lV, lin-iiMirlni',,i linli.-i in .llnm-

IJ lifciT .\n iillr S u r; Wlml will he fil-il iMiiU ul III.' ,\nii'rl.-.iii l-'all-i )»ni [irnjrri rntn I'.I nt, oml ah.Illt i,iw hrni: will 11 t^il.,' in 1'iiuplcl" liir vhnh' IJ)inj:7 .M. J. II.

A Tin: llm l Mi-p 111 hiil'ilini; of Ihr L Inm will hr lh r rm i.ixai nf ih. tc'vn § f _ If Anirrh-an l-'.ai:i to u hlKh.T rh'Va- Inn Ihiill Itn lin-'i'iit t.llr w hhl. will \IC floi.ilnl hy th r r. :n-rviilr w airr, lhl:i wnrh h, helm; ul.irt. il Ihh, Mini-

.vlll follnw linnirilliilely,T wii u r Ihr.-r y r:iri will h- rri|iilr-

'll III rnnipli'lr Ihr i nn.-.l rui-Umi nt Ihr lain lliirlf. The new lrrit:ntlnn j.rni- i-riM will follow Ihe ,hini, rciiiilrfiii; u ”” l . ’nr or in.ire prohably brrnr.: any. iu'hl I'r uiii ulllvutril I.ilidti vah he w.'ilercil Itnl ueluiilly tiirninl.

Cauliflower and Veouvlu*.T h r rnullllo.'IT a rn w h.-:<t nl Ihn

fi',it of Mounl Ve.iuvlil", whli'h hr» Il;:iir.'.l fnr no mnny rrntnrh-a In hlit- tory. T o rr- Aiiuunrlntn aud Torn)Dri (Irrro n rr Iwo of thi»br'<l rent.TS tor rnhlllliiivrf. T lirlr noil It p.irtlcu- Inrly rh'li.

T o S t a r I n E u r o p e C, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a

Klnrrnfr Ma,1>r|h. .> .i.nii lilrr o( ll;c I(o^ 11,111V' ul .'X ml ,ui| . 'I 'h n.->mr.

n JU a r<.m'p!i'ii', I r riul.v <ivr l-,lllii|, i';,f:i !,o,l-<-» llic tll.-r.iC,imii|U, it'rN,,i;,..; |i|)i<-r.i, l’..ri.;M<.nl.-<.-.l-, IV.r.t;.,:..-, Sr,>m;

ihcllll” n)ir.T-V,ur,.,'V:U,,!i,'u'Vi,r^l!ii, unmirr, I h r j . .r: ..,y il nl 1 fu ,

o e ^

____ _____________________ . ■. . ^


— T — V^ ::"hi

J/BA • /._____________ Hioro

dim dernlind the I’ukow-lVkiiu: lllu ,' Thrnr plclurrn. laken Jnat n flrr

t,i rcnc^t Amrrloa.

"iJroeory" Storet.WrI.Hlrr’N dlrlliinnry c lv n na onr ot

lb.' imuiilusn o t tlfii wonl "Krnrrry" In •Ibi; rn llr ,I Ktnirn a •Telnll Rrtx-er'i I»," ll la qullu 'i'orrcci to une It In I[ l.ll wnnc and to pluriillr-i- It. no'«" to Itiiiiki" It unttwrnaary t.i aay "Brorrry IHi.'rrs," ju s t n« wc hnvit "I'afcrrl.-a," L

G R A ]R i c h , r i p e , h e a l t l g r o w n i n t h e fam o ' o f S o u th e r n E u ro j t h e c r e a m o f t a r t a i

t R o y a l B a k in g P o w

T h e m o s t e m in e n t i n t h e w o r ld s a y erf m a k e s t h e b e s t a n d f u l b a k in g p o w d e r

R O YB s i k i n g P i

T h t O N L Y n a t i o n a l

C r c a m o f T a r t a r B c

Contains No A lum —Lea

' S tep o n t;

W - '

H(*\V ni/inv iiiiifs Illl 11 hill llial vr.ii 111 t';.silv liiU.- -Ill lii -l

iiii.lwiiv IliiiUviiiir i-iiuiiIltlll l i l ., ' i> kIichiM '<11 MM

I'mlmlily ynii'vi; hli

P |ii']-hi'i|H, yiMi lil.u'l kinnv U |.i!iiili <111 II f;.Illll (i.'iiliiiiK I''ill yimr tank \villi Vi

lj iiUlaiirri'siiiii l-' lij t lI'iMluivf jiils Ijf [iiiwi'i' allll f.

Vollc.ic is u Iii li >;rai!i! i.liiii-. 1( is cli'aii and |n MitiHlaiii'i s tiri' iv'iniivi'il iin‘iit. I'A'Opy ilni|t Ilf i liif.''-gus.

‘ • ' 'IVj- a Inifk full of •'WIt.'x, TIml's

r I

AK W DI' ; • ' ' Bolllof


T lir i t :

' K i.n w jn w *iVonlr.'i, fin.' h lr red oniui. 11.10 tb l\u

whllr Ih.'y i-aii lu hud. fur n low’\i-.,-kii only. Halt iloirn 7.''..:, .loion,$l.l‘ri: tw,i iln i'ii, di-Uvured. Tack- ,'il'ni’iil i.hliipwd lo your friends uny- whrrr for KIli; rxlra. Phour 1 79. City Tower GrrriiholMcH, Twin Kull#, Idn.


I F y o u r w o m o r d a m * '* A ged t i r o is n o t w o r th ^rcp a ir iR R w o w i l l to llyouiotionkly. W oarowyour tecvlce—alwDyi—;o holp you sel Iho limit ol long wear (lom yoiu liiea, regtnllees oi tnako.

Lind Auto Co.

I T i ^ ^ l

I th f i i l g r a p e s , nous v in e y a r d s r o p e — p r o d u c e . t a r f ro m w h ic h o w d e r is m a d e .

in t a u th o r i t i e s c re a m o f t a r t a r nd m o s t h e a l t h ­ie r .

f A LPow dern a l l y d i s t r i b u t e d

B a k i n g P o w d e r

.eaves No Bitter 'ta s te

th e ' -

l l i l \ r Vllli s l l i r l l 'i i IlltllM iii;rlil y iiii , ', .u l , l ^

iif.'li a m i r.iiii irl i i lx iiillu ii ti ' ili '.lt i 'l >.i'i-ni IIIMM-h a l i i l l?

I tla n ^ 'ii i-v i'i'y lliitiK

<IU' U nit sn I llll i-ll '.l t!-litii ', ,

V n ll. 'v a tlll I rv llin s i 'V n ii'll I... M iqiriM i'il

iiia ii i 'i '. 'I 'h iT i- 'l l III,Ml I h n . I l l , ' „ m l v .i t r i l 111 K i 'l - a - u a y . ‘

till!. s l r a iK lit r im p a s - i iioNvi’i 'm i . A ll l a r r y ,•n l hy a il a r i . I l i '. - a l- •f i l v a j i r i r iz . 's i n ln « ; , -

n f Ih is s i i |u ; r - g i i s ___


soBa-KNTJiivr ooMPAinf Of Independtnt-Product*

rllSD A T , .IIINB 7, 1!)2.'l. ___

Page 3: TWi[N ALL!S DJ'^ILYr · TWi -VOLUMK 0. NUMUEH f»l. p illi M |ii ObaDceUor Cuno Eos - Plans to , Boise

9 'j » ' ' IQOO 7or<)i of

I Z l / » jirrcnliM Hir 11J I ^ k V * aocj your clio.1

g y L tsd tcH ’ "lirlyim I I host- f o r 'c t c r j

, . A p e r, iiuir .... ......

SU pontiil ciiMi . W U ^ )>r c to^cl »Qt I

yiiiir rliolcp ....

' ■ ^ rinnnslx■ I / I /% ». Knoll Lrniy qi

A ^ r ^ n o i T !ii our »u

, -------------------

BeHer^FriO u r E c o i k

Ijiillfft' 3&i: Hum Doimrli Slorr hiiHo will ,bo cloMcil ou (lltr Kcunoniy SlUHomeni.per I 'a tr ...................... ...... *

CiiJixl (Iililllly liliicU miluRli Iiu notil III our IliiKc- Oiiifiii; in r yurU ....... j ........®

• 7i;x'jO fine quiilHy willIn Illir Koiiicmy 0 4monl. t v M icet...,/.... V -I-*

t;i.r.O w ool linttn rnint tlio Duliariniuiii tiinro vMl hit aol the vory low (irlco, hiU C ' fMM, ru it i ................. V X #

ti.fls aualliy or (ho wcii ki Itoyil Wori'cntcr cor»(il*; t» : lltr utinimcr L-btatt^ Qnlxci; now ...........................S 'Full n lll ' pllltiwn: reniilar J (roni lllu llulil l)c|iiirlnieii( H no» In H an.- O - f -muHl. «tacli .............. V .I .*D reu iT ururfii: vitry rtood Iiik: !•>' Iiu i ldiivcl <iuV In ' >9 cu r liancnicril tor. eoch.......1

Ansoriment of chltilren‘« po roRulnr C5c i|ualli>-; .claiio Q

.ou t price, fliTcIi .......- ..........O

Dinnerware«-lncb ptflin whllo «m l-ponplalea ael nf -0..........1„*......

'!'(>*lncli Illlln whlto anml-iior' plaits.' Set ot 0......................

' .7-locti pillin'* ■wliUo Mral-iionpli^ltfc.' So t' o t 0;.'-..........-

^ , 8-Inch plula whllo loml-iior plBlel. S u f o t 6.....................

O l'll 1,KA1>KII

42'i<lcc« Rluo m ra illnnor H . A ii'» l t>»rs»ln. e o I

' Only ........... - ......... v O « '

, rialn wlilIu Kaml-porcelalaaud uuudirii. H«i ut 0.........

,-.4.lncli plain w hile nt-ml-twr• i • '.tru lli. Sol o t C......................

. e-lncli plain whllo leml-por r ’ ontmrulii. bul of 0.................

i -‘ Bmill plain wlillo icnil-porK. Bra»y ho»U .........................

' ' MiMlluni l l u p la in whilo'. i p a rrtla in ..........................


;■ ,r ■; . FR ID A Y

’i f It l .n ’t,AU R : Bac

T inm S D A Y , JU N E 7,

" i


of tiKhI unil Ilark ^ m • llillll -.lurp HolcI ti.r it!r uiiil I / J k . lOi-h'. iii'P p a ir ....... ^................... X T . *

yon'’ hoNc, n h|iIpihIM rultuii ^ 'cr)><lay f>rsr| yiiur rhu lrr, 1 ■ l i

iilinu ImtiNt klip 7;is!Ms u lllIt 111 our Kcuiiomj Iliiirm riil, s C v l ,

Hk In IlKhl niiil ilnrk p n llr ras t ^ m ' quaiil; tliAt rPlolU-d f(ir SSp| I / | ,Husrmrnl fi.r, ynrU................. A T I T '

____________ ^

r id a y M o r n in g i l o n a y B a s e m e rnrimi.-nt nsx^o Inrh nil uilk t-rO|in

oul lil i:hlnvn In uliout ID dlttuT

196 ......... $1.5will :tfi.lniU blcarlii'.l inuKllii;

quiillty, ~r>0 yiinlii in Iio rula In uur li;.....inem. | O W

vlll iirtll IUT ynrd .......................1.10 (!hlMron'H Iiohi- nu]ii>nrlurii

' blnck uml wNliu in our 4 i 10 Hulll, Ilam'mcni. piilr ................... i *aold III

t r t A All iiiiiiiiriiiii'nt nt nicn'H nucli • U t f yuu u-tll rUul lu OUT VV-UU'

-= ™ . ; s ” “ . ..............2 !ft roRn-Q f i o I'OdlPH puro Kllk Iiiittortly; ri • l o u llir I2.0U ho,10 In blnck o j i

“’"'I culur»: imlr ........... t P i * .

I Hturni O i: kliiiumi cloth from thi- I f - I t t ' '- ifru firw nrvM rw 'riiir bu«o- o < A .* X v nionl. ppr ynrd ............... V i

Kl look* SO'Inch nil .I'Hro Ilnrn rrnnh i-llnK; bit« ' oiliillly;

PBmpn: 38-lnch tiuo iiualliy unlilPm Q Q a m uilln; ICcnnimiy I l l y

. OilV- nnncnionl jtrku ; yd.... J l i /.

n ^ I B u h l^ E C Oe G la s sw a r e

[lorcclaln .L ars« a b a S o t. wpII mnildA |. bltir. fftticy ciil. 8«l of S........

C iDbular uul lumblur« wlili I tiopri.iiiin pUther lo mulch.- A' ru iil.j

waro bur*alii ...........UMO U ........... i larse olghl-iilucu aeli:. I

lioavy Iiiililli »nro ronaltilli. liorcclafn oiiu Klaan covered bu ller dlil:.___ f l.lo KOOd Hlto,. lemon mjuci-Mr.

• mcwurinR cup, ihroo >nl liorculatn howln In throu dlttarenl niz«ii

• I J t quart plicher.'; A np after ut -------- ------ - ................


lo r n«t. Small bell-Hhaifo f^w u r vani

*•95 ;,™ iSr” .18l la ciiM The hlKBosi Klaan wnro boi

t i d i In lown. Bix nlcnly made .li........’ •*’ RlnMoi. w nh pUrhttr \o wimreslnln I" >'lcply Um IkiioU pall^ spoda l ....... - .........................................“ A, wiilo optic rIom , nlno o*. iDorcelnin ‘J’*"porc.inm iHibblM. A Klve awa........per BPl of «............................................................. .....H OJ. wlilo optic boll-ahapfl (laporceW n „ m |.lli ln quollty. « e l of t...... . Jae ^ urape Tine sppclal frotleil

, '•iRti. ]Q a nlno ox. strniglit le - lem l. , i a „ vc ry atlractW c. «e ......-JMe Iix ................ ......... ...

: 6 . o p e r a t i V e "

P A R I S H H A L L , - w

Y P^ M. | 1

R i g h t . B r i n g I t

»ck ; .


f f l

4c The Clos ^ D epartir—T- A good m any lot ^ m ade a special e ffor t / C groups and lots the

tention to some of th

Be Het~ r 1 \L L SHOES

M v i^ tB e C lci n f ------------------------------------------

— S H O E S !3|in llu - - -------- - -irturout Onr lot'' of 'bnyH' bluck uI Q A brnwn cult hlnclipr nlincn; wcL « 0 9 drrfiil viilupn; will Q

; fine oiiP lo i 'o t incn'H, wumon'H itrulBlled clilldrrn’u brdrncun Hllpimi» l / _ will Ploiiu lu our KconulS / 2 C nrni.oncul f n u n -

89c S1.79l.uilli-n' ri'cnliir Sn.7ri Murl

X U C WuiililuKluu, Jullol hIikch; w

Jiir.''"....... $2.9■n-«iw««y Mcm'h niuli'iiklii bUu m ; A Q _ alzuii: will null In our Koonoi2 S « f C Hnncmrul, par $ 1 9

ritRii- Men'n mpdluni Urnvy lim

1 < |A blitrliiT ithopn, Jiiiil Ihc Illl .,,r r „ „ „ , . „ r :

lut Hllhl

32c “ Tlf.O imlni woiiii'nn oxrordn i.

mil low- uiimp:i: cumblnsUuiu a O Q a blnck nnlln ntrap luirnpn;

. A 9 V nlirti: Kirlrnillil nhoca; liil Ktylp*: Kul<t ri-KUlarly a t |7 .

biPnclic.i whilo thoy innt. Q I 1 A 0 your chulco ...........

D O N ’ T F O R G

I D e p a r

e 'Tiriv?& #e.‘ii]« luin< Medium nix's fidiir ol(tora, bnly-i ......... I9pIlll lnrr;a Lamo ulxg riour n ltlera In o■III i;la;ii Kcunohiy IkiHunitnt i................i

fo.' KCll-xt;-i in tr a honvy und well made tlo

i l* e « ~ .—.... Isor. Olio ^11 In lunvy , |„ 'pann

mlxInK —li«n and .

l" ‘>‘‘'l'<»»l >l» cnko p»n«......... I

/ SI-KCIAI. vano. o IJ ,,ini iin cupn will le ii I 4 O n our I'Tconuniy HnKenionl C g

for. each .......................

borxalnl e ’.liBuvy Sniall ulzcil niiKol food cu. w nlch. pnnn ............................... ...............pallurnn...........Mpillnm uitod 1ih>io bitltoni r in*. «oml- ................................................ .and freo

aioaium l l i n l mltk nirnlnar....!

lf*lj“*“-Vc *'**“' *" pa n * :', l« e< r'‘th- tf"»‘ ...... ...........................^ 5islit Ride

•e t b t Al* I" tin plo and cako pai..I— ...60c Irom ........... ............._6e 1

[ n / U i o D E ^




sin g O u t d1 n e n t S toreots have been closed vput 9rt for F riday And Saturd he rem aining best values ; thcffi^n this ad.

?re Friday a n d .• S F R O M T H E E

lo se d O u t — W a t c

S H O E S rund .Mi'ii'n bruwii drcmi iihocii In

wou- i:ttKll''b uml biix - i QA Q lov: ull Nitcti III. . t p lk v A V

» V V i,iiiiii,h‘ tw utd iic imtirni nndH mill pik oxtnril; low rulilicr tliiixdiiiorn: livnl; 'u l l C Q C Ainumy .......................... V W # U » 7

iMun'ii hluck und brown elk[ | iikjn cnlf wo<;k nliiiitK. Kcnn-

lurlba prlrc. puir ........ $ 2 .9 5: will Uiiiicfi' imloni unO bliiclc kid

.9 5 s ^ r t r r S 2 .9 8uU l.aiHfv' 5\-.»U'.nv vin Olil inww;

inomy law rubber llpix'd O Q 4 QQ C - horl: p r ic p i l ..........

• 0 C f 20 Jinlni Iudlcu' liruwn nucdotiriiwn purnpn, F rench ' lipiil. lomhcrllilnit irlninivil; vury itrriiy: nil Httpn.

.^ 9 $ ^ .9 5J.bX'3 ,

n uudand . r, pnlrn bullin ' wbiip Nulmrk

i:, nilliiltnl uxfords; npiondld niylen; rexu*


S E T T H E C L '

■ t m e n t IY - B

G r a n i t e w a r e

ly .£ lr l.arRO iilxo i:rnnllo c1ianiber<i....CI

I onr Urqnlio lon poi. in medium nli ....2 ;c .only ...... ............... ............................W

tiour ' *‘«»l«». InrKO rIi .While Ihpy Innt .......................« l.l

Cutffo puin. meilluni ouif lumilscn .............................. 0!>« and 71

Qrniille ilbb imnii-..... •“*' 'C.V, 7«c, Wc, OJc nnd It.SO

.KI’EL'iAl.I j„ h::xlrit licnvy coniod itrnnlio f t VnildlnR p:ini>. In our Rcimumy

^ ' S n ..............- 2 8 c

Urunilo iluiiblc buIlLTH. in nipi'Uu)...«Ue ....................................♦«.!

arnn llo lii ito r pnlin OOc, Olc, II.:

' Granlio cup* nml '•auconi. unn ctr....8lc ami iiauccr -.............................-.'I:

Uppod,'liirRO iilxe banOlud noUi0 Sic puna ......... ................ .„ tt

p a n i; Uailnd anil rnvaroi] keitieB— |3 c 47e< U c , K e . 89e «nd Me

' € ^ e c t ' i e : i

R A R T M I N ^a o a a a m i g m


' F T W I N F

BAS)f th e B uhl e Continuesit entirely. But we have rday to gather again in !s and a^e calling your at-

! Saturday


: c i i T h e s e P r i c e s

S H O E S !In lit, in lr. hrown and bi.nrk ox- Q "tiiriui far w ouiciii. u lt nlxcs,■ , ;iiiiiii' niiorl oxfordti; ruKUlur

1’ ' :b ::;;.* ‘ S : p , $ 3 . 9 5Wvinci.-:, ivhll.. cnnvan «lr;.p

,,,, Jllpji'Tii: mlllinry b rrl : rPi;u-

15 ....... $3.95l i* y<. Old Tyiiip- < i.uiron oxfiirdn l o f o r Udlvn: ru K u lu /' Sil.HU

rs ...... ■ .> $2 ,719, Oni' lot (,t chlblrrii'n nnd

' inlnni’n' nluivn; nil nlxi'ii, ri>ui;>Ini: III prln- f ro m -

1 5 6 9 c ... $ 3 . 7 9

L O T 3

,100 pnlrn wiimcn'B uxfurila nnii . utrnv ulUipurn; till uUcti, lalo »lylci und tucn; rvRulnr nclliuR

$3.95 .


s t o r e

l A S l it A l i m i n u m w a r i

....Clc Tlirc<>-piocp puddlsiR pun iutn...DOe

niiu Aluminum n o io r pltchcr.......|U U

Aiiimln'uni double bullur. mudinm»lia. Hixo ................................. ............IMO

Aluminum Indlvlduul loaf pan# « c

Albnilnum -w u ter palln—I <>c 9I.4U nnil ri.19

{irm lind niutlln puna from .ID COc lo I I “5

f .Sl'K riALnlio .Medli/m nlzn ulumlnum seani* imy Icnn u a kolllus. K xlra lsov><J

^ ; ; : r i .............: $ i . w

♦ n o BlamJnum pW?co- laiur ........................................ ;,...»1.I0


" ,'**n Moitlum Blip rouml roaaler... fl.lOJ ,

noUco Small sixo b.-jlled .i tn ir covered .„05« ........... .................I ............

I8e 13^u art prenervlnc keitla.......11.70

I S k j r e ;I Q ‘P rogressiv t

■ ■ . ■

F A L I ^

m \1 ^ 2 C r .. .

5 ------------------------------ -0 / \

n<rUiis <|U»II() <iU

..,oii.i n _________ ■■___________________

t* ^ n i n . i i i i t A ’.s lio s i:I I 1 ^ ll.l ju li un lll); tb<- III I I f f ull sl/.'s,|in il <,id<l Ihn

,„ ,r ii.ilr

1 / J H o p e M u s l i n ,

X O O c u s t o m e r

M E N ’S W O R F F R O M T H E Itlt iiiiliu' • I', .s. Army blauliiilii; nlz.t <lii l.y sn: Ulll h.-ll '.lu r-

....... : $3.791 lol of ‘nii'ii'n Cltip iiuullly druHii

. 98cI Illl ini'ii'H bill oviTalb: n-jtnlnr

$1.49I Il'i Ilf uu'n'n lllrll Kradn drivm Ilirm: rcKulur C f 1> A

Ullll y.'. V1.U11.S. nf.w .Mcn-N Kvcr Wcur kooiI licivy ifo- nlin wnlKl iivpri>ll>i; u ill null in uur Woiinmy Hnno-”'Q 4 Q Amrnl, per juilr ........... « P i* O S >" |uilr incn'n corduroy luintn;

... :..:$2.98. .Mrn'n liluii i-li;iiiibray work nhlrln.'‘ • IJISP H U 10-i t ; i,,lrii A Q a I r.uaU vulup; u«w ciilv.......

• muo ^ «K ulur 2, c Aroow IlrnndI. coll.nru: ull mIiph nnd nlylpn;

-will cion? fnr. . C n ___ Mrh .............................wi'


I n O u r

I V I E N Tt r e B a k i n g w a r e

.DOe Muiiluin kIzo buller Jur wllh, JU ....... ........................... - .......... M r

Inrn IJirKi;. nlie nnit conlalncr. only.,UOr.

^fuiTnacy liruwn waro for buklni:. « c pnrponcii, Cuntard •'liow li iinU

Imkcd appll) huwin, l':acb.......^JSc

All nltrn In bowli. raoRlni; In prico on-SWc, S3c, OSc, 42f, iDc, 7Hp nml »WS.


.,,j Medium nito oarlbenwaro wa- f c lo r .o r milk pllclier. t f fiood value a t .................

Cuvuroil ca»iiorolon—

I, «:ip, Ktr, IHc and 11.10

lUian poli.............<»f. C3e Bad JHcn.ioYullow wnru ouorim enl. Qood.

'’" ' I hpnv/ rolllnir’ pin*, only...........60<..ODf

Medium sIsb nilxitu: ltowl..Qo04i

M.70 dUftlUy' .............._________ __

P E T E E t

m \m


« r: pliiM '. » l r lp r > .^ .>lii <-uIiir> Ibllt Milll I m i .

rpiiiulnlnif Huhl »t"ck

«U cU.lU «UlU. uud

lioin-, p rr )uril .

is i; Th.- , «i l l Umrnu ^ / V I- llnhl -lui-k hud nearly > ■ ■.Iimu iW .‘Oc^ i ci,

16cIK c i , o t ; h i n gB U H L S T O C K

ii; Mpu',- A-i 1-pvI Hlrau-i wulnl OV«r-

9 ..$1.74 ,1! pair uicn'n kliultl' pantH; ilto

^ 4U nlld 4‘J. Illllil prli-u IB 'I .O A C ji.7C ; ..ur price .

9’**’ .Chllilrro'n ciivtrallK In bUiP doulin irlmiiipil In red: ri'Kulnr f i A nn .o il valilrn: o n ly ............ O S f C

A M.-1.-U ' riKUhir IJ.uo nnd |2.C0 ^ palm rrii' i.voniUi.; will C - f C A

snll wlilli- i l i i7 U ^ . . . V i . V V

A tllr.h buck kbakl i n overalla: 4 9 imlrn McDuimld mnku. 0 4 >9B

' "Uc 4U un.l <"-wulBi.,., .

i f i 1’nluii‘ni' Jacket* lu \('hIfo: worth

■” ..............:..$i.09 , . .

C Vilnl«rii' WU «w taJU Sn wblle',, nlzit 34 und 36; HubI-^ iinro

S*'.,"*.........$1.59^ -'C Can’t Hunt 'Km mako, •

hi*IOP • . ■ . . , '.7:7 ^

"j I in lll rn l! c m im x O f f W •j ' i t . i-tiPi^*.-....:................ .-....... A O C I

1 111. till I lo r td y 's IV n- O l 5 4 » - , j.a", m i t lW t U - r . . : ........ .......

liiiri:(! Hiz(! I'oHt ToasiW ,o|-.,y K c1Io k ’« C o m 't F ln k c s ..............................X i l W y t

1- C o n ll huney , ■ i f tT r tW w % jit*r H«*otii>n .............. . J l y l w * ^

J 10 Ib. cnn w liito

W rw o n O il,, t |t i u r l n ite

JHc L a r c e l iz e S cgu -

=»«i. P u r e . ocou in 1 'u lk ,- 460< p e r po iiik l.....

M eiliiiin irizu V na..-^SiutuM io:t ■“ 1‘o rk im M k iiiii fc

Ir ' A i l

' P A o a n i K E i ,

Page 4: TWi[N ALL!S DJ'^ILYr · TWi -VOLUMK 0. NUMUEH f»l. p illi M |ii ObaDceUor Cuno Eos - Plans to , Boise

; .R c t i E r o m t 7 ’


T be T iin e i baa more R e n d o n in t pn lilicu tion .

• P ab lltb td B»«rT Breoln* Bicopt Bumln . CoiBP»JiT. Twin FaHl

r. H. HAflTBnS-------------------------------

' ''E nured a t Ibo Twin KqIIh I>o*lotfico ni

Bnllr I’uljllcullun. Aprl

"suiTs^mo.N ID uily , ono y e n r ........ .... ...........................D nily , s ix D u n th s .......... .................... .D aily , one m o n th ........ - ......... v ..............


A ll w ho c an h[i:ii',' iiuu. ........ . heco-opc 'm tiv r-iii iirk ftiiii ,' iil Hm; ■I’ju i'.h Ino ’cloclc. T he Kuliji'.'t i'i lit....... I' vitlll if n c t t lm l III* is m>l n i w rll luiciun |,-.’iiis fiuIlJr rm in I..... . ih i' .snlr

v C o -« j)p rn tio » ill lhc c ifn m T y n tiJ i is h e re "10 s la y , a jui ihin \vi[ iiicliiclr- cci o f tt i ^ n t pc rc cu tn K f of htn llc 'fu n ii c r

I lo w cv u r, thin clofs nni •n in iif tlui' ftam e lines f n r p r iv a te c«i»ri'tiH<'- Aj l u t i i r e HH ill thl- 'p tiK t |ir ivn l* '^ titiT pv isc o p e ra J iv f c o n cv rm . i.l' sihan do lip lil t lc ilnmaKc tn oilier nu-n 'niiti u n i te d e f fo r t s a t tin - m inkriinu ; c tnl m t h m in o n iii in r ily Jlie ivim' wiiJj n 'f c rc r e tn i l end o f biiNincii'i, ye t p riv iiii' luisii c o n tin u e nii<l ijaoh m ethod w ill jim vc n

T lic rc in ^ n o d a n « .T o f i. ftii-nnTK tllo f ltn lcm cnr w hich S a |iirn luiidi' tn .1 t 'a rm crH cnn , ir 'c o -i iin T a titii f n iu lc r *• diH tribu tin ii, e lim in a te iisrl'i-ss cliark'c.i i' th a n w ould o thcrw isi- he tin, ease, Imt ■■ w id e d if fc rc in 'c s in Incnilnti, farmcrK ctn iH t h a s .......... in «aiii iiii)nit]i^y ]irol

lic in -c, w liilc til l ' iiltiiiiaic n -sid t nii l o r , thl* co -o |ic ra tiv c iiinvcim’iil has cmn fit* w ill he ii|.|.ri'.-i..h lr,


A inerii 'f l’K [ilari fo r th e Kiiji|>n'ssion ■ a t th e H ourw s Hjioltr' fn r its e lf a t the NfttioiiH^^inid .^.jtrong, cjin\!Kli JO,, oun ijidiK »«tioti. T h e Icajriic, iircorcliiijf in c u ts f o r a H i i l i ^ i i t c mid iimm;ii.iiis |i on th u Rcorv tlm t A m erica hinl iiiMiltcd tb e liro]>nuul o f thin ro im tiy . It is si^ p r o n t in j t in lh c w dc t.f <i|.inm w ere liic tlieniBclvcH a n ti whr> did th e nmst in niul rpfufiol to net iiiioii the i-.iiii,',

S Inny iiifi 'rc iiees will he ilrnw n rmn: n o t 11 incm lic r o f th o l<'iunie. i>laecd ii | o p iiu n t r a f f ic be fo re llie hm ly. T here v t l i a t th u m c tlux l o f jiroeedure, ilie him v ith o n C arRiimcM l, ‘w as the jirope r nne : tb e A m erienns huvc no o frieia l s tu ln s

' tboHC w ho w ill Kny th a t th e lea«ii.-H ii| m ilt IN p ro o t o f tlie witidom nf th is em: s ide . In nuHWcr it m ny be s.iiil l l i a t. dc th o d c lc f f fttc s 'n n d de sp ite ih c e frn rls p la n by th e BiibMtiimioti d f nuc wlii-Oi ■ iM g u c n tlo p tc d Ihe jiroposnl, W ithr.ii M tionK to n c l in tb is qiiestinn i.hen- w rtilt« , n fn c t rccoRni^cd to Ihc full hy ii a eokioR to cn inhnl the (rre» | ja n d iiiKT O a k la n d ((’n l ) T rib im o (R ep ,).

J n s t OH it w ns foum l itie ffpc iivc to tm f f ic w illlOlll 111'’ cn Dpi'riltinli (.!' ih e 1 a n tlic do p e e v il w ns found iiia<lci|imtc. ' nationN . -M oreover, the iiiii 'riia lii.m d . i mtiMl be m e t by iii ie r iin lin iid ae iin ii, if

- N a tio n s by nceciM int; a iilnn r.l' a emiii Blmws th n t i t is n o t l.ouiid )iy n a i rn '

8op*rl*tl»« III.Dre»dlnB. | -Tti*r« U m iniirocillij: t" »lilfh. i

wtialavM* our r*nk »iul tinliifr. >\c nrf t-ei.aj,,,a lm nc »«»iiil».— ilip ni-i.rwii- ] --------1B( thRt com u from want coiuliUm. j tiam o t o«»*rt.—DiilH'crl.rlJ.'H-

~ ' ~~ f bi«l

T a k e V i c k s o n 3 \

Y o u r V a c a i l o n

N a r l r evtrybody u m Viek» oino.for ceW ttoabUt, a s t h ^ h a y -------!m f,e iu rrho rtoB »U itU . T h tie I• te |afl»miD4tlona o l the air p u - ' ■■> la<

w t f o r p t that h ’l . ^ Smtiiut u sood <or InflammaUim.-----oi lha ikin or m iueltt. 1" “ 'r

T ik « tb« (asiiUkr tiloe J tr on 'yi'< you r M U tion wul try It fo r aun- '


AILY TIMES , r't W I S f a l l s O O U H T Y . ! I

1 th ia G ity th a n a n y .Yh.r i |on.___________________________ j H

mlnr ti r th» T1m«a Publtablcc j y ^alti, Idaho. I i

fer. ■ ■ _ i ') nn Bccond C Irh M atter ■■ • j iprll 11, 1918. ' j

^ " itA 'l’KS. i.............. ................ *(>,00 1..................................................11,00 j.............................................(30 , I

^E M OVEMENT-^VlIKl.A.N.)heiu' W allin i IV lecl •.peiik nn

, hull tn m i'ir- iw (illi’nm ..n nl \ in t,.,c '.I II,.'1, CN.-.|.I 1'nr th e 1,-cncrnlly ,is A ;.in it S a |iifn . he iih jc - l . ' /d I'linny o ih e r l i .... . .d' b iisiiic^sc n .o |ie ra tio ii i n ' i h e m arkc tinu ’ e r'ip 'J. ■ .liat th e re is i,.i room in ih e A s a n ia t f i r o f I'nei. i n c i t e

rise w ill Sll........ 1 iilonj^tK ide^i- ^■ sin-ee.-VHlnl ei..<.Iicr/itive m td e e s ta lilis ln n cn ls W hile the

Mill do m uch m ore hiiM iicss ere /jec I(» MjrOj c l 'fo jls ;il ib e isine;m in-operly n ianai:ed will ' II stilonlliH to th e n lh e f.r'K tn i s t , m id to th a t .•\'teiit , J i i d - c (In ry w as m isIcadinK .

'•a re fu l ........................I. M .'.idys Hlld K d a h e i te r net iTroTTl t e o n s id c r iin ' riie iiiiiiihcfH aiKl < e i.nno t com bine a s th e stee l M'ofits nm l nm liie advanliiK cs, m ay no t he a ll ih n t is hoped

nm c It) .sliiy m id th e lu-t liclie.


in o f Ihc dn |ic ev il l>y s tr ik i i i i ; |he in ecliti« o f th ^ Leil'Kile <jj | a - . ' a il .n p ro a r^ o j ' niojd^.^ri^slLtl ' Bni.' to <les[)atehi's, lieard n)^(u- BI p la n , im iiilk 'ed in coiiiplninlK 'fj ed m e m b ers a n d th e n a d o p t. 'd Hsi^’Mil'ic-aiit tlm t l l ....... ..................... R

llic o n e s w ho look in sn ll ii|i<.n |a a k e n f an ine ideiil ■•xeiise fo r t

•nm th e fae l th a l th is .n im l ry . |II p ro g ra m fn r tlca liiii ; in th e § e w ill Ije a -jrc iien ,! n ,:i-eenient 0 <im|ile siibtnis.-'ion o f th e p lan g le in till ' face o f Ihe fac t th a l | ns a t ( le ii. 'v a . T h e re w ill In- In p ro i ir an<l a ssn m p tin n o f in . ;

-n n n iry renm iiiinu ' " ti th e oiit- d c sp itc tlic n i .ro a r o f som e n f , .

Is lo v id c ln ie k tb e A m eric'n ii |•h m e an t l i t t le o r n n tli in « .- th e | n m t siitnn hiieli f e d e ra tio n o f |• w o u ld lie l i l t le hope f o r i e- |,• a ll o f th e m 'cne ies w hi'-h :.r.. |i le rm itln iia l t r a f l ie in d u p e .- - | '

to Ivy to e lim in a te th e liip io r ^le n a t io n a l C nion , so th e f ijih l ------c. w h en e .m liiied to ind iv idn iil il .a sp e .- ts o f lihe lic|H nr ev il, if m e i a t a ll. T h e Len«iic of iim try w hich rei'n ses In .-n ter, ro w i.rnjudiei'H in i t s ' iici i.nis

Loaf«r. I I a C lau Apart, rlctiln ot till*/ pi-oplc are n d

BKalJcd I f li.ufern,

~ G b lT R E ~ S Y M P T O M S .

I]illultiin. I'linkhic iind llUilneoH.•mil l.ndT TcIN <>( Ilrlit-f III

Sliort rime. I.Inlniriil I'-ir.l.

.'DTi:: tl «'<m1il tie I11ci::il l<> I'lll.- 1 iIm".' ..lal.-im-inn If licit Irm-, tf!., 1'el.T Jiia'--ii, l.oHl Nall.'ii,••a. I.:.vr> "My K.'llr.' w.i,i Krn>vliii; il.Ily vaUHlnt: n.iu-Ii illMri'm...■r u.liii? Horlinl.Uiinilruplc a ik. I nnlli-eO lailirnvciiifiil." Slu- I write l.> niiyonii abotit tier cnni- I" rrin-t. Si<rl><il-(jii:iilriilile iihciI.;.'l fiirIlic.T liiforinnllcia 'trom -Milr-• Ki K iniiiitrlrk (Clly I'liiiriiwieyt

VVO-^l'cr.' cir wrll" lu.l foiiiiuffJT M.;clmiile^liiirf:,

I.S l»,4N K K ri‘T('Y M l. eii.Mi. ^llle J')lNlrll-l l-o.irt .'f Itll- fllllecl -------

ilntrc. (nr tlic DIutrlet <rf. Iilnlio. :«UII,.T1) nivh lcn . Milllip im iltrr <if n..ycl S.Imw. Hunk- , „ n | , 'H'l- oVrrnM.II nre (LTi'hy nnlifleil tlial 'W -n ec t >l iiii'tinR ..t c rnlllnru nt nnlil IlmA- ,>t will he tiRliI at ttir .'ffle.. nf flie , ' IcrnlKm-O H -frree III Twin nilVi. ‘ .'® iniy of Twla t-'ulh. S u te of lilulm. l!;uil oVIock I-. M.. on tli.- llt l i day Jutir. A. U. l«:.l; «ueh mrriltiR will ]»'li| for Uic nllow nnrr of c ’alrii*. ,

,iolntni-nl ot T ru itr i'. nnd cxnmln- I'll of Itaakriiiil.• tltlY I. KINS'RV.

1 H ^ I M C

miGIN IIKItU TtUJAV ttio i*^C»lvl.i Oray eoinr. D«ll«« «njl

SSrI'iV.” n“ri'iiu<'«,“ A n«t‘ -j>’r!

nvu i« . II. tn . oil n« o . of ci'in .M

nliBncJ«ny.'‘V»l«M <lr«y Bi'd o t IDruiiiUui to iiikka llio flsl.l * liu< niBCloofc auin.

NOW (50 ON WITH HTOIIY cnur MmiiwI.118 It b « ^ n o tlmt

Hrorploii wnn mi'lill)' nprrMllni;. (or ,,aci,l

■lalrii now. iiiiil ttio oinco viitit bo- fninmc cromI-.l. Th« Intrr urrtval. ; ^ . ro . ln 1111.0 to « ltn c « McWn.1«

<^tllmlly .Irfrr to hla p..rtnrr Biid lo chiu hixir tllm imnoiincn a mrn yom atroke o( fori.inr h™<J favi.rwl por- of till, paftlculnr iMue of i p

s mock, for Ihn lund wlilch rcwlly bo- ' tonceU to tli-» company had turnc<l I

.out to Im much t>rtter than ttiat V oblcii II ow nnl CorUUn liiform.v ^ Uon from tin- flpli hod (irrlvpd thnl J very dny wUlch wiia OouniJ Cn acarl Uie §lock to two doUora.

Tho r«fundlne ot money hnltM: th»re w«a a drni of nolny anfumci.U < Bomo of the dtarrunllcd Invtator*■tm InatatwJ upotj anlllnK out: olhi-r« (trcldrd to hald on; even a fow o-ikrO to rtpurchnao the niock they had ^ turned In. and thia tlioy wrre rcluci- aknlly perTiilttrf to do a t an advnneo ^ of n tty p«r cent. ^

Wheo the laal oittsr had dl»at>- paorn], Qmy Innulrrtl. curlouAy:*n2oir a n you solns lo muke good " on your aaaerUon tha t the atock wtll r u e r , . ,r j

-lilaayr aald Btoner, “111 channe f \ tnlo my old clolhoi, put four mud K - cbalna on my J u . «nd drive op to M tha oxchiuirB la a hurry, then sive U1*C aome cabby n y a Up to grub WA £>«e«-t HcorT>Ien for me a l a dollar ItEI *nd a half-oJl ho canNtgt. Alter , Uiat I ’ll Bhoot out of town on hlsh, “> =

I witb tha euM ul etxin. Them wilt * t>e a atrln* of eora nflor mo Inalde bt half an hour, and tha atock will be ” Up laaforo 1 can se t Uick." “ “

ClIAPTEH X in ^Mra. Itlne b R^rprUed nual

T l/fA UtilBKOW oiwaya bad b«-n her ^ V f ^ o * n aa a<«*onAn. Ktetiout <0'<

KUlle. but of Inte ehn hod dr> awll »»lop«J rare poWrra- of -tliuimulu. ec»Ltton. Hhe wioi. In fuel, lendlns u Oldouble llfn, nnd nellber her huaband ^;n|tiior ber dauRliler BURpecled the ca- iicUitent of hor deception. hnir

Yea. Ma hud .IIi.ikhI the leoah. .'the whnWna a rol.ber l«ironr*a; ahe dwnlt In oniha rocky "(naineai'-—wlulever that p-na'ruJ—aurrounded by u crew of out* amolawa aa ilMporwle oa any that rver h«rdrew cullaaa uml daccrr, and abe ivfaruled them not oalv by native Anyatrenctti ot chnrncter. but alao b r M

,. the <tlr of other t i i r c c ^ a * ahe wna thaton Jclondly terma with ih.i hluaprominent woo.1 aprtl'e«. falrlen. nnd tbeUio llko. and tie y brousht hor wl»- pmjdom- p*„,

The Noleh notnl wna nllocnthrr lliloo rich for Ou. llrtrHdw'. tilewl. eo comho aointht a moro eoni:enlal environ. u>kment. He found It In th.. vlllnKe. lu ujwi

, a livery alnblo; there, amid fitmlllur the B odor* and aurrouiidlnsa bolb ncree- {-umg able nnff «c«»;sinJatJ, he ai>cat aont lo t>n of hln Ume. leavlnx Kin to umuaa -1U h e ^ l f njid Alllo to pumue her roll- howty Une of atudlea kUd dovrii by her tu- Ma'ig to r e u «j

0 once: her ntavUm had tw-u rratiual DH ■—U ie'n:«ult of her poralatent aa. hta

□ plorotJODa. Uvrr dm i»r Into the wtilH wlldamua ehe pnneirniod, bu t with ijho


> ExporU of canned fcMsdatuff* .'fl in po»t-ww year* ayerage 5 ,i'^ time* •* m uch ta value a t a n

.p r» .w ar year*.: ------------ thJd

The accinalnlaiicc which the fnr- «er< eiun worlJ niaife wilh Anicri<-aii iliii tanned fDn^iliiflii doriiiK 'lie I’nilhat rieveloiieit a iiermanrnl pent- rrva wnr demanil for itiii juniliK-i of nirti our inilutlriea. 1-iiftirei cmiiiiiled Itiry by Ihe Trade Recc.rd .if The N:.- try i liunal Ciiy Raiik ..f .S'ew Yotk lion show that Ihe e^p o rn of caniicil. and

'(oodtlu fli in the pn»t-uar yeara inilli a reraRf five tim e, a i m..c-|. in value year a t in the yrara i.receilinu the w sr cludi and tKat ihe rannr.l fi.o.l. n .- Tl port«I from the (.‘nilcil Slale t inler tince the heuinninK of the the ancreKale a hillion ilc lh r i in value, .-ippa I 'rior (o the war lh r expciru of rapii i-ainied Rood* anKrrKated ;chuiil IS prrj niillfoii dollnr. 4 y -i '- . """• they j.nrt

; K* rnnninK al>..ul 7S niilhuni u criM ! V^dr, '. tl.e I

A F r a ^ Start. ,Mlaa M. w rtira Ihat'w hile ihe wna ,

llltlne her tli lc r In Ih^ cutmiry alia j ,. ff. vrrnli-jit on.' iniirnlni: ami wiii nx nli- | -i,,!,;!) led t,r her llctle /ilere. 3>i yean. oW. .[ , , ho ci.-ialm.-d: "Aunt Annie. «ri up ; |10 Wnrl.l haa l.etan."—Ho*l.ui Kvc- i,»v,. in* •Irunt.-rlpl.

lor Stateaman.I.niiii' iliKks nrc In'-vlliiMy hy.proj.

icta of i...i'»hir ,;..v..rimi.-nt^ Ilnl J - - ...rj; .-tateHmun bhmihl huve « Irnde.


x r:;CT:-ii3araagCTBCT:Ji:.-TCTJtn.:::.;:.ii c.i;,'',^ when I

o n | M | £: r . "rcIleeUo

bo niy caution of an old foi,rrturB- ,(uO)«i n« to li» Inir. for .he waa alxvny. u ,Kin« follnwed by wicked p.ople. k ^ tnvlne Uifllcd theni nil. ahe taui;Iie<l rurnfiilly, nunc deceit lo tho >rli>d>, ,t, || wll tma burned Jlrulatht to the ••faat. „f no p

Al .tlig aoond hi-r irYPny t»*nd •nmo boundlOK lorib to ...«.l her. ^

tlcivlnc aec;iHcO Ihelr hon«E« i.i.d ^innrd ll.e dolnlLa of Uirlr lale.t n.btx i4!ulniil Her enamy, Uie (nl>.e Duke “ 'n It D nlln«-ha w fio., trmchery bnd *«und nado her what *hn »-n»—ahe na- Elrl la umrd her thnina and bald torinul lo^a

. Tho Ihron* waa • Io't. nal rock be- r o l ie i / . I.ln n atreum. nild u.oolly Mu ro- ellrfe^ i nnvr.1 ber *ho«a and itoeklnea nnd inddl.d hn- fcrl In.(Iin wuIrr while Use n he Kuve BUdlenca lo vlaUlns poten-

Thus t>ouId Mn nrloknw apend on* Allle nornlnjf. Anoihor perhai-a aln- l.oih |>I vuuld be an allourUiur dirTrrei.i npplimt :t.nTBcler, l.ul ulimya ahe wu. tmd nur roiiiiR and b.flutlfjl nnd Cull of who cm :mce. end only whrn li came time nr»!riinlt

Mm it

MIL DEl-AAtAT|.;K STTU-MHUiD '•I’ahfl Cn>ON IT WIULB MA lllUHKOW ‘T ou' WAS IN. TUI3 MWJiST O r O.WE OF " 1th bn ItEUGAMlCS.' ll«te dl

duce."0 CO did aho naiume ths dlasulao ot T n ■ in aRe<l. wrinkled, bent old woman, ly. “U lomo-.tmea aha ran mllea and mllea You cot It n ' atretch, dnrttnE- aprlnelns IRte col call > fawn, ruablns throucb th* aott. uaed to ?r»«n len'rea, leaplnir rock and rllt. Ushl—** :ier tauchlor echolni;. her bora llmba -Qoot (luahlnc. her solj) hair itreamlns. dalmed le r eointy cJtkaa Cropmtea wblppad "now :a '*hr*d« beklad ae» bvU ie -va ry T n .w innca of her fjolnn. Oh. tho "Yc«u^ xslAity of tnall Tile azclteoientl "Veer

Ot couree Mb did not actually run. "Hbal Neither did Itfir. bar* llKiba naah— m enu, i •ring Incaard In llannrla. And her of oarcl inlr wna not ROld. II waa cray, aeJa w< «h«t lllUa there «-aa ot IL No. ahe tlencor inihlrf a' bit. perhapa, wboro the "I BO rmaa waa abort aod Uio fround “1 ha imoulb, thon oho atood atlll, eloaad “I ba inr eyea. ahd m n and leaped and Cecorat iviuyrd ond darf«l—wllh bor arma. - "Too KT,i\«t\y enn do It. D ut A

Mb UrI.kow had nevor drcwnod atart In Ihat Iho world «a« ao clean. Sift to " -" «- iluaaecl Ood for maklnc oU to lla In <»o° Ibe rocka of tho earth, and abe Af Hr [imyed Ihal nnnu of "Ihoui botat S iUQ tH-<iplo" would dineovef hor roirm t. tiul boi

Hut. cf cojre", aomebody did dla- conaten :ovrr It. Mr. IJeliunatcr. tho dflao- » “« inn lii«iriii.'i<ir. tor one. alumUed no iil>oo ll while &lu nrlakow waa In ohuanlr tho mldat of ono of her Imairtoary '.o rkea Eum.a, and ha reported hla diaoovwy a lhlD| :o the day cierJc. oMo: <

-W bot nlla Uint oW dama. a n ^ *ni nowr- ho inquired, ortar recoaoUac talned Ma'a poci^nr behavior. tcnoraa

"Not ^ th in B Ul th* wpria «nep t hondaa m o n e jif^ e c lerk,d,clerid. ah* <all

Dodbltully Ur. ^M am atar ahook PhTBiea (lU handMirea auburo boad. Toopla «aa . t i with c«od aenao d«o't net Uko toaipar ijtie waa dome aA l«adot» D oaam (Ooc

ANNED GOODSThU t.frnaiifiit ev’ulenre of a for the

.i>{ e>i'orl lu thi- line, ,»y , „ i,ir a,,.' he Tfudc l{rfc,r,I. the re>nlt nf aJv jn ie i

leiiiiiry oi rxi.cfiiiienlat work j„ njyy .y the fooil and aKricullursl ex- iciio irrlx of the m .tniry. It was in (Ud that Ihe hrM terioiii ntleini't*.ere nu ilr in ll.e U n.trd State, in ho (me l.y tlir e.{-.h!<if in In.inii h .t '- ry (or the "jire.- rvalimi of prriOuhle fc.oil. in her- f " '’ ' ' ' “ iirtically .e ilf .l Un^" and a cen-

lillioii Jo llaf . in IK.'i'). the Iir.lear in .which ihe indiMtfy waa in- All Iluded in eeniiM recorda. canneilT hat the fm anrljl and bu-ine^i country

ilerc«l» O fjhc cm niry rrcoRiiize<l i:/n«(h he value of lhi> new Indo-try it the courppifeni if /im the fact Ihal the -inanitanapilal,lr,| in ihe ra.inlnii and Califn irejcr>inif iinlinirv i. cfTicially re. land are .nrtr.l al -M niiHion dollar, in Ihe hiRK<«l I eiiMii of IMW ;iinl J7K millions in hnl Ihe he ccn .in ol t'.'.’O. The nuini paid practical

Pit Apparantly Bottomleaa.In n voh-iinlc rra le r In Ihe-Sangro a i l-rM n nic'iintallK In -Sun tanhr-I Na-

.nal f.irc-l Ii nn iii.pnmntly tinltmn- yrnr»'Jill, wllh htael; jnurlilc ahtci. (n rflctii

,leh deinh -.iindiiiRs of fuel m.m-VI- fiill.'d t.. loueh l.ottoiii. uiialj-

Feoll*)) Qu**tlon, I“I »ui>poso you w.-re loorhed whrn ur « if f s*Nc yen thnt H «0 wnich I I 'c i “ji.u r hlrth.hiy?' " ffi coune I \ta» I*'" Iichfd. How do you Ihlnk alia *ot l|0'l’l>l

{ E g - w i w w r - ^ a

............ J*—n I anw hor. Dancln*—It you

to <iill ll Vtatl Anyhow. r>tr j wna, «ho wm nopplna"' ;

.m m )ind Jlcirllna up und down." jnuler Uui:n«il. «t the memory. ^ ^ore'a a bic. nwkurutd tiUlI—aort 5 cm nnorbu iz ,.rdo f aomSklncI- ] SEMI dancra. I novor imw one. but reminded mo of It. And aho ,,

;l Oeel 11 wn* f le r « r>ld «;he ioe y o u r 1 Aleiirroly, 1 don't mind bclRie WIUI Aille"—Debunaler'a teoUile lo a amllo, thnn, aneinf hla lPr»p.eUon In u convenient Ditrror. he ,led II wllh complucenl fuvor.irled to amtle nEaJn. and. seltm c L- -tsril*. htn holler oiil.fiictlon, conclud. trlliuti••don’l mind l i« bit. bul a boaky 1 c.v.-r Wllh a in-.d wotnao U my W«a0 place lo b|*.~ nnnnu llllor" Ttio clerk lifted hta brows. r.iveri

“ ' o i i r ' ' “*

inV”th* wiVl. o^klnd^wort. t Z la human. I'm probnhly diniT- to anyttilns thal ever rotn.- Into f. i ’’"

sr.'nnil yet—" Tho Immaculate .’iil.ociofrowned. "I-lilher amrll. 1

n biinir. nnd mnlhrr'a a null ,,,; I t w..uld UUio auiiie coin to «

'Z ‘ nr'i;"kow wnn In IrclnlnK. j '"!. i>hy»1cnl nnd inrnlnt. nnd the , f 'imtlon. Iho ci,*f»y ehe dJ.plnyed ,. >'cr ol

nurt.flird 'not only her parantn. ' -idi mcould t.ut dimly underatnnd tha | r.iwcil

•nnlty of aelt-cultHro. but nl.o ? |;v.-:;, iidnu-- Iho InatriiRrrrm. Mra i ,

t, a hunil.ome, inlddle-nged wo- tnonlli1 whose apeclalty wua tho fliilah- 3 , . of wrnllhy yoiinn “t<.dle.," had jI Iniluetd 10 accept Uila poaltkinly l.y r « .o n of the attn .rtlvo Thery nirnUoned In Calvin Qmy'a I fiirtneirrBm, and partly by renMn of i thcir |fa rl lhaf nho needed a r r i t 3 „( tj„,llle po«MucKl chamcier and wUl ? I'artiii

ed’ Mr*. I lln s’a lulorihip wlih- ’ ']commtfnt .or qurallon—Oilvln . u.taiiii

r had rroimmrnded 11, therefore ' ‘K ‘inlob*>-ed-bitndly—bul one dny. tin

r Ihey had become oottled In tho -IiK-k.inuilna, ahe cnmo oul wQ) a "Knniieful drcl.irallon. „#»e knew full well her own ahort- ' „.Inc*, ao ehn drclnr«l. and aho ?

not conlent to lewm a lew 'ff» day by day. She demanded 'nained traininK; educaUoa uedcr Ho* Ied draucbL [I irnlhi'r/ery well lUUlnc la u aiiiart no- i>tulli>IplUhmenl. Cno you rids a [ ,„„j. i,

► uolm;•ahnwl I can carry a horao.* 3rou'd look well In a habit, and \1 bntha, moMHife, dnnclnc, and a i —> dial 1 dju-o eay you can r*- i '

3 In ’■11 alarro," AiUo aaaericd. Sere*- ? aiitliot“But tha t nln'l hnlt enough. i bluck.-c o tu Siva tne m ore'aludytn'. I * _____caUouaea on my handa and I’m II to work. Wo-U c«i up a t day- i p ~ - t - “ ' , . 1lood hcavcoar lira . lUnc « • I • ' ined, faintly. B ■Tow lonr r o a oftow tt irtu ta H er r« a tder w o ti«o '**»rucc«l. \ I ftxra. perbapfct ' ' Uli-*cr»r fiTbal culluro, aoclnl accompltab- hiU. are tho reaulU of ffenamUona lj tarcful tralntnc. I 'm not a mir- ■Jjf

worker. C ut why thU impa- J l. SI

h a v e .- ' ' • ' * ' • • ' y[ bav* a reaaoo. I <nn*l tak* a \ 'jratloni I 'd b« foo tato.", R Vroo tats for whatr* RIt AlUs rofuaod to anawor. “Wa-n Bt In today » n d w all work donbla B ftsr UU on* o t u t playa ooL W bat Bu a a y r ^ C first U rs. lU nc (ook this «aei« a deolarailoa wltb aesi* resarra,

befor* lone sba r«alUod with J, Itertiailon th a t Altlo Brlakow

In d»ep pameat aad Uiat thUn o t't t aoft barth. Jnataod ot ___

’■2,,.“ : f t Hag of Iroa: abe waa todaCaUK- : aad b te t h in t to e kacxrtadf* m Mtnsallata; I t craw dally aa sba ■ ■

lad foUar ttndarsiaadJiw of bar ' “irasea. » o « t thloca ah* aanr*- R u a raadUy aaaucb. btit ^ * a Ej faUad to taoin. wbea SMatal o r Q V l B la) awkwaitfaM i bo iud p r o r H l l w tbea ah* flew ta te • fa iy . U tr g p w appallaa U ra. R tsc . . . B P S

S ^ R O A Dhe m iteria lt iiie.l in ihe c in- and pre.ervinK e5t;lUIl^hmelll1 - •' m ed from JU milli>.ti dolUra . .jSV 10 mllliuii du lbra in

rn the.e enorin.iii. li.t-iU do iocl.ide the iiicau ami soui.i / cd t.y me Jireal meal ).acl.intf I Uchi .liihm rnl. or the coiidriiu-d

“TiiHh Ihe (loiiiejtic and e»ii..rt g'. thoiiRh Ihe Vjlnr nf the O fed B<'T'l» exported clnr. in- : all cannccl m eat., and coa- ed and evaporated mnk. >1 the world a .k . fnr our j ,eil Roodt. They ro In every ;try and continrnt. hut the ■lh ha« heen ino.t siriWin,: in i.rounlrie* which made iheir as- - . :itance durioR the war.lifnrnia. New York an-l M a ry . | ■ are, in the o rdrr name.t, the • ■

t«t proclucert of canned R ood.,' i f c * ! Ihe induilry now extendi lo % ltically every stale. . ^

A Python'* Long Fatl. jA inoTi..t.T iiylhou. ut the I-ondcm 'o.rfi-i'nlly hn.ko n iwo nnrt u Imlf•nr»' fiiHi l.y .k-vourlns n i.lRcon. l i t(ctiralisl the fcu( _hv eiitrnj (lire*lire nl nne mcni. Smikcs huve noti.rl- hoilalj- crriitle nlii>.'llI.-». '

O tplh and 8tllln*M. ^C'iciir vvrilera. Ill:o r lrn r founlaint,I n-.l ai'cm *<• d.-.-p us they uro: tho Il's I'lild louk tho niutl pr^.found,—Walter


.. 1 HU V E ' S T O G K


utstlonnalrea WIII Do Dlitributad on AQrlcultural Routas by Rural

Mall Cirrlera.

•rtp.rtd br th . fnn.d N l.lx Ofuarlnnol ^The H-cohcV N^aa.“ui“iuii’l plB survey. ^in ls (ur ivhh'h ure tn^lnu <U'" Bll>ut.'d.tu ru n il^ u a ll nirrler.t. will H iv.'r Itlc i-nllre eonniry, the Haltedlateen iJ.^iiariment nf Xiirli-nlturi- ha* ■ iiinuac-d. Tin- KUr\-. - hiM sprlnK . ^ iverni ca iy ,17 HlalnH. hul us nn Indl-illcm uf i.reNent nn'l i>n.l.aldi' |.Ir prn. a ,. lUlliia the Miirvt-y wns u ;;reiil «ii.'•SH nnd r>-iullly di-mniiitnil.-d the d’UHlhlllly of ext.'liillm: ll>c nec.pu <.( Ile Imiulry. snv" lh - .l.-|'iirlin.'nl. ITrn ,v<r<M or will )<.' Onlrlhiil.-cl l.y .•in-li rural mail .-iirrler /1 iiRrlmltural ri.iile*. ,\i'i..-:-\lr;rii'-lyI.CW c'urdH will I.'- .lent oul, 'J'liey X .

I'l,•Iicnr pi.snllili-, till, imill nirrleiM « lll i ^ .1 In the aa"'\ei-Ti n ' mud'- l.y tin- Im - j — iNer-. The eiinls will hti.m- ilic nun...•r of HoiM. farr..w.-.l .lurlni: ll.e lie.l ) '•!I im.nlh>i of Ili'JI, ll .liirliiR Ihe llr»t »lx .... ..'.■InnnV.’:;, Ill'' nimiher of :<'.«•< fiirroH.-d, i^ H .i lc ,le I., tarrow jhirli.j; Ihe luntontliH c.t I1V.-J, 1,11,1 the hre.l onc._• liilen.I.'d t.. he hr.’.l to (iirr..»- durIK thr Ilrhl .dx au.nilm ot ll»:-;i. *■'The ....................... . Illlt I.nrv.'y m theirtiier* In .•nal.llni: theni to ndjii-l icIr [.r.iiUii'll.m lu the j.nil.iil.le ni-edx ' tJi.' nmrtc't (» «tCc’KMi( I.y ll.e -h-

l-l‘ 'm !.'\t..''k !‘\m .rn H 'irn - l..‘r-.‘ 'i‘ind' f.!;"".mtid.'-i..n men. hnve very ..xtciislve ■S‘>nlnill.,iis tor liitorinliig Ih rn o -r h v i ,lroxv• the iirodiieiloii of erojis IU.........iK-k. Die .leinirlinent |.ulm« out. nj.iiel ••unii.'rK hnve no Mu-h ,.ri:»iiln,lh.ti nn.l ( ' Uielr ..Wll. nml olivli.iiily Infonnii- o '" "" l.n of Ihhi .-l.iiii.cler 111 JII-.I an liiil'or-

hi. il.'iil In farm in-..diK-t.r, Une

nher mill piiI.IMi Ih.-'e ......e s« n ry !^ " ‘‘’ulli>lle» In orilei- Hint the I'rndiie.'r- 1 „uy huvc- Min.e kin.wl.-d;;e of whut.Illk' ea la the ivny of" ^

... r iItlior ..f n..l>.rIoi;., f.iUch'-.cU. Ihrj » » * uck.-n the «l><ile .if lila houne- „

J'n n n---------^ ^ ---------------------- Vuu



I c W T e W lg q i

■cMaiMTiCD E S n S S B E I ;TODAY— ONLY ; ^

W allace R d d : IElflie Ferguson , ff

- l a — ' I V“FOREVER” I 1

frntn tho N'orrl ^• “ PETER IB B E T 80N ”

T n o (iuod ro iiird lri

—KKIDAV AM) SATIHIIAY— 1 llclnni KniniKcnirnt nl Jtcgutnr ! f)-jj

I’riccs « t

“The Four Horsem en ' the Apocalypse”

j Sfi

I, l io t s KmTm'o TTVt APOotlYPIC» 1 I ^

The I'Ifturo Tlint .llBdc

Rodoiph V alentinoComc £ a r J r '.f'

I l 's n l.mii( I 'lch irc (11 lln(1ir) 10c -HIUIHT COjn;i)V lOr

T n iT ^ S D .V T , .ir.N T ; l , 792!?. ’ ’

H ale G ives' Tanlfic Hie Unqualii^ed;

Endorsem ent

"I (eel JIIM nice n dlfferenl por-m. li:n.'_j;'rrTTnM.'n ........ and tnyiniiiaeh Is IIU.- n.-w.- d.-clansl J-’miik •lie, w.'ll Knnwa San KVanclseo ll;:en. iil aTli! T hird Avu- ne. In reliiHiii; liln expi-rlrhcu wllh 1.' 1'imlni: irenlimrnt.••f-'..r I'lf iiinnthii I (vlt drowsy nn.l

liiKKl'di nil Ihe llnm and what tll- |e (noil I Cnrc'd ihiwa n.-emed to0 me harm lo'ile.-id n( r.ffnl, to r . I |wii>H »iiff.T.'d (n r.hnurs a d o r cal.- iK. I-'iiwilly. I M iim w > » k nnd rnn- mvn I iniihl-T 'a rnti' slay on tujr

"hinec tnlllnj: Timla^' thal llrml. r.iu«y. uUiKuMi hvlliiK U'U ruo atlr.'ly. i have ii ..irklnK KOoil l>[iellli- cal Jniil anyihlnR 1 want n.l (eol finer Ihall ia years, Tve rcr- ■nineiiile.l Taalae in .liit.'na o( iny lenilii nn.l they ull Ihlnk Ihc iiarno . r1 I .In. that 11-11 the hent ever,"Tanlii'-, l!> for sale hy a ll Rood

ver'':i7 'inniic> 'n'holll.'" ' i'.d!l,7

T aa lae , VeKelahl.' Pills a ro 'N n - . , ir.''» nwn rem.nly (or cnnaftiintlon...r Kale .-verywhere.

^E0MATISM<-nnnot In tlic Jlumnn Hody. If ^uu m i l U"o Trunk’s l*rc'ierl|illon.

It is iKiJioiitcroiis: In fact. It I t a liani'i to iinffcr wllh Inflnmmatory,, iiLlailc ur nny form , of Iicijuj4ii;ini.Thin nruvcrliiUnrv .iJe<*...LOt ru in I" iiloai.’ich, ll does hnt d.tpruus ttiO cart. l;a i <i]| Hut meul and Rnod ...ll you wisli irhllp laklnR T runk 's rc.arljiti.iii. Contains no mercury, il.r jla iu tioda. oil. wlntcrgrcoa or artoUc's. hut poalilvcly nvurcomoa / ny hlad nf rln'unmllsm or rouI oap t-—— irih, Wlml mora .hi you w ant? h.'r.. hi nulhlm; Jlint ns Ki>oJ,snn(l

III lin:ic:ari|hl.i to Kut unmotlilnit eticr. Thu K ri'atrst uric a d d bo| .

™ Ji;* ! , ." 'Trunk'* Pr.'scfIi.lIon aottn (or *1.70

r ji fur only JG.OO n l ilruR etorcs. uth an Sijlirumni.Julinsoa D ru* tore*.

T O in r , Ftlltf.H -, SATURIIAT MnlliiN- un.1 Hicnlnit

KKillT ttlC HEELS ------T

Klrsi National AtlractioD Niimia siiiipurled t.y KuRCae O’JIricH, Kchi/n .SfrrfH* nntt 0 (J |.. cm In llohrrl Hltrhlns* rarooni >>i>c1 unit druinn. ^i>» ihe IHn srn'.ul1..n n t Amcrica.

—oilher (ionil Hnhjeciii—

U nihcun t)rche»tra ..

ificnrrol I'rlCffi! M atT nr«"ijN i 10c mid iMi'i ETenlnir, o|>ca 7 il5 ,Iflc, 2tip, aOf. .


Page 5: TWi[N ALL!S DJ'^ILYr · TWi -VOLUMK 0. NUMUEH f»l. p illi M |ii ObaDceUor Cuno Eos - Plans to , Boise

T m m S D 'v r , r t x i : 7 , I d s x w

■ fe so e iiNORVA HAN TliltlLLI.NO

K01.K l. \ XEW IXAY

"Tho. Vole# from llib M lnarcl." a F lrs l N ational plcluro »lnrrlnK Nor­ma TalmadSfl. wlilch la flch-tJtil.-d lo opon tt threo day coRaRomeni a t lh« Orpboum Iheairo todax in proctulnii'il to bo tho nio il ifarlltInK vehlclu lu whIcK Ibis a lar hnii oTcr iiiipcare.l. Robert Illchena. who ban Kalncil In- tenuillonal famo aa a w riter o t nlor-

• Im of the Orient. I* tho auUior of tbo

D o u b le E conc


KING COAL stores coal we have ever h hard compact struetu heat virtue.It is prepared at the there is i


Buying quality coal’i age rates is a double


UNITED S T A lU tah Coal I

I ^(Miners on

Uy q . I', AUSTIN ............ Nalunuil CUy

■ ; o f N rw Yorh.New railway* ^ 1 , ,0

the iaieriur u{ Ute uiidevelupcO tioru of Ihe (lobe will bc dciiu b / Ilte uituuminK world in ili<

. mediate fuiure. The numbe “V . jooullij whidi iniul l< fed and

X iu whicb mutt be clullicO kuc* <\ crrasinft ai an a|>u4llinK >i>cecL V

iHipiibtinn, xvliicli oliiiiul' /BU,000.000 ill 18J0. wj> 1,(U0.U< in 19J0. Iiavini: ihuj increajcil iu the single cciilury. .Tbc uclu cTcaie in mmilirri in ibc i'ir«i > ycarj uf llic ccntury nmtrr d i i ' liun wai 170,000,000 ami in tbc iliK tircniy ycarj of tlie ic 2a7.(X»,U00. nutwilliMindinK l<i< tliat tbe rrctni twenty yrar 1 includci tbe crcatcM wur ilu

^ world lias ever kin/wu.Sbuuld Ihe prtariil rite of i«<

continue, llie world'i i-uimlalii I'JSU wuuld ai.;>r..ximalc 000. or nearly (lun ; pm cnl time, Wbcii tu ' hm! lb p rocnt world iirotluciiun of tbc toi'd aud clulIiiiiK tljpli-l, > Corn. rye. jHjlu1i>ni, snKJr. i. wool and fibrei, ii in {iruciically insiaiiic ln> thun Ib;^ nf Uic imniediately prccnlinK tbe wa invoiimiarily wunder wbcre ibc il lo oblain tbe iieccs^iiry U«

. .Ilf fCud aud clulbiui: tlu t ll croued (Mipulatiun oi tbe near :

^ 1 demand.' - d lU t lT AttRAB H TUil

U.spUVlilXJt’EO- 'T h i j norstlon il aniwerctl I . exaiulHaiJon uf Ibe - ncvuinpa

map tbowinK Ibc land and transiKirlaliun facililin o f Ibe. and in tini* tiie enurtnnns l.iiul )(X awKiling traniporiaiioii (ac lu enable Ihein to lend their |k produciJ tci lbe walcr'j ciluc wl now pleiilifnl inpply o t tlran

I »ill bo available |.> carry them-Ibe ocean to the MClionl o t ilie wbicli do not (irniluce c:iuiii;l ibeir o'vn Te<iuircinenlj. li w »eeu tlial Ihe interior a rc jj oi

• o i liw ti* ST-jiid divivi.mi «world. Sontb Americj, Africa, and Auttralia, are >ei laekii railway (acilillei.Ja-aublc ih<

• , move iheir po»»ibIc,.M«diii;i» tw airr'i edge:-'‘The iliiiibuilJln tl»itV«ji( S e war and Ihc year*

, itimedlaiety followed it liave fii< the world ample (acilitia for purtwg merchsndite on tbc o

. lir tJ railway'foriiUTKlion Iia* '. p r ^ e a l ly *apctided ,&iee tb

V of the w v andwrben »' amlaC 'tlie map* of |he conr- 'jb o * ^^ m ed I t > «pparf3>i ibai . b»r9 '« iim a Iheir rtipective tni

rncinM tit productnff a re u h»«e;M f^dlitie* for piovtn* pfodoea x r po iub if product* t

'S d w 'A n r ^ 'f o r

000 mUn. ,A (ria . wilh u ar• " -11,620;(I0I) wnare milU haa bu

000 mHcs ^ rvslway. while E wilh ta area ooe-third aa ma

S hook OD which iblA production in ban- vd. Krnnk Lloyd illroclt'il It.

Bw ltliym ovlnR . tho ploi irttvernpii u vnm oxpiinsc. wllb lx>ni1on. Ijom- boy nnd Dnnmiicun tho IncnlcN, MIaii TalmuilKo In cant In ihc tmrl ut Ijvdy Ailrlvnno. who ■uffrm iKnoinlny »i tbc hamls of hor hunbanil. Mvrn from

AY him, tlu<lR |nvi> in Uvi denert, hecoinen tbo victini of » iri'urbcrnun t>lol nnd Ih tho center o t o lh rr mlsiiilvcniun;t

° o t u hiRhly thrllllnR nnlnre.KiiRi'nu O'llrlcn plnyn oinionUo Mbui

Tiihnnilne nnd rIvoh nn <'Xi:rllonl por-jnl

“ K O nt U<)KSEMK>’’ STfKS \ l l KHl)TH).\S SAYS .MAY(»I{or- \ — —Ibo Thnt MctroV iirOHcniatloii ot "Tlif

lom y ill 'S to r in g

I m i> W ! ^s better than any, other heard of—because it’s

tuve seals up all its high

he mines in a way tjiat ioss through slacking.


ND CLEAN ’l a t the prevaitmg stor- le economy.I OOAL DEALER

J E S FUEL CO.II Sales Agency and Shippers)

E ^RA1LR(ily lla n f O F \10 reach .iped vcc- uiiUiKe M uur ovin, and 1einanded trali.i, which appruximalei lltc Uillic im- Slalei in arcn. hat but unc-lcnll

nber o( many m iia of ruad a* we luve,and bod- Tbe omiiiiralivf ab.enee olr t oil 111- wayj ill |(,e fuur sraiid divis,L World , u » e referred l.i, 2«v<l> Amc

Africa. AiU and Auiiralia, ii deucc-d l y l i ic fun Ibal ibc iiui

cd IJ5% ..f milct I.f railway for eatbactual in- iboii\jTid •.rniirc iniic^ of r.rri i■ll twenly ihe Ignited S lalti B3; in all of N.nivdcri- America Mr. in Kiimpr 1,2; in Stbc d„»-- , ^

|hc f.icT t ^ i CMir iTTiud . . . . ! _iiu t ibe . ' Q

inctraic ! ' • fb ll,., l,r ' U<>,

tlKKrcj: '-•.•.A-'-’I, wJiral. ,

;ii ; ':" c ;y , ^Ibc world . I T I •

Hiiamiiy ’ ; j V J ——; Ibe il,- I . ja r fuiure

, ___ [./S'yjr- ^

:npanjinK J ] r ‘J ^ ^ F S l f €id walcr • ' / •

(aciliiic*. ' / • ’: gK g. r-fiM / v -■r |K.uil,lc / / ; . -■ where r« ^ , . : 1.. , _• t ' . . _Irainibiiu '

lbe worldjiii:b for , ; . . u ____I—*------------I will bc •••' jS tfn i-v

of four I 'r i • ' ,, «{ Iica, Aji-1 __ : .ekinu inihem lo . • .

t» to the ' 1 , -

a r t wWch ' t flivni lo • ' ' or ir .n i- :


ortlineni* ,1 , „ibal Ihey _ ' “ “f

J whIdi America 7; in Australia 8;' lnin* thdr f •nd> Afriw l.'..U to tbe PR O D U C nV B LANDS l l tU

FO R BA IbW A T D & nec. witli V KLOPaiKtnr mile* hat Nor can U be a tsued lh u ihewhile the *»n«r of riUway* in the undcrelie««4un eoaiinenli U due to a bck ofh u 252,- duciac p ^ r of th r ir zreat inl<

I a t u e ( A rtu . South Amerjc* hai proibm 32.- teu o t what o l i b r b e termed ‘

; Eorope ert’ Uad » p ro p ^ lo n to !U 1mtKb a i a r a thaa tbe United S u u a hamOa o f the early tta ie s of i a dertfopa

lore Ihan and her o c a ta ln t r a i ire irid Su lei. MTtatet propoftios tisan e a r 1 m A wO- . Africa, k l i t m , b a t t e r Sal

______________» » i t n < g r ^ t r w n >

ban- l-’ii'ir Ilomonipn of tbo Apoi^alyivio."Ihu Hex iMKruin iiroilui:lloii ndolitrd

rnrn for Ihu ncrcvn by Junu Miilhlii. rtviih Inm- Ihl' Kri^ntpni tlii'otrlcnl offiTlnKn of MIm llu- IPKillniiH." iiliiKi-. Wiin lbo oiilnlon jvdy of John (inivlii. Mayor of Clui'Uiuuil. c III n tlr r Iwlci, vluwlni; l lv I'liliin- ’in Iroin Now York. Tlilii ncrocn iminiiTlilcc; iinv" I'l I'liniliiK to lint Idnlm thciilrc, •

" Il In lhi' iiri'Aluiil liltUirn -1 -hnve u rct ,io,-lured Slr.-Cnlvln, "lln

Orainatb: jiowor in iioni.-lhtni; won- Miiui „,„i „ „tf,,,-i.>il ni'? Jnm nn much

an tlionRh I wi-r.- wlinr«iilnK n mifrticn pi-rloruiniici'. . ll mini tin- rmotlhnii an<l I nln nol aiihiiincd 10 nay Ibui parin uf lhai picture broUKhl a limip

Y(»f{ to my ihroat iind t.'an ' Ui my uycn,"i’li-luniH llku •Tbn Kmir Hornti-


nn I'Xclnsivi' nnd in tii N'irw. Y iirl; ImtiUcr, um l .In.v l.i'c

^ li’K il iK’lio ii iiKiii'isI Slilliiiiin for

lO A ^ S Rl W O R LD 'S

lid Al'l- Asia bcr A ribijn mid nrrat Oolc Uniled iJcnri.i, and Auiiraha her fircal qrii•Icnlh at inlerior, Iml our own rxi.i-ncnce willlavc, llu t a;c4 which a b;il( u-nliiry aivo t rail- wai callcd Ibc •' AniiTiiMU llc^

division* cri" b:ii shown Ilul culiivalioii alon;Amcrica, in ,c d i;r i incrra%ctl ilip ino.liiciii

is evi- I'oHfr of ibc ailjairnl l.iiidj, und tli' iiumlrer i:i’plioll<in of u j I'T by irrlK.iiinatb oiic ''•I’ tnidcrcd ilie arid Untl c'ctrciiicl,r ri il in I'riHliictivr,i)f Ndnb 'Tbii iL'vcliiinnii;! of llic prodiici’i in Soulb power <if our own dc'crl area.; fol

p S E p T ’"

I 'j '■

I p "

Map l<h«wl.f Jlp* W .fld'. K m u . K

' In A*Ia lowed ilie exltniion o f the raifwa): inlo lhat area, and limilar experience

lltiAUi' mixbl be expected to follow, an ei Ei. leniion of traniportalion faciliiiei t

and williin iboie area* of Alia. Afric 1 Ihe ob- and Auttralia nuw looked upon « Icrelop^-- dcjert*, and enable tbem to not onl of pro- lupport a jtreater produdn* popub inl<Har tlon bul contribute larsel/ 10 lli

p ro t^ ly wacti of otiief. pam of the worh cd “del* Aiide, however, (rotn liie now "dei iu lota!, ert" aection* of Africa and Aii I had in ^ ihere are ffreat arts* of abeolaiel io p a a o .:- fertile U ndi'of high producfnc pon. r i T m er which only need tnmtpartation an a t cure, a ta n e r popnbtion to enable then 1

S a h m , c o n t n ^ eoormota q u sa tito c

IN FALLS DAILY TIMEnuTi.' nro lbo EriMlciit liiml of ndvi-r-

.<•'1 IlMvinrnl to Iihovv Umi ib.' inovb'n ur.-il^ raiiiib'o of Junl ;i;i uiincb rful driiniiitli'of Uftrcl nn lliu,n|>i'.iUliiK idaK". It ?<1u>w;ion whnl tri'iiii'ndoii i tblngn lh<' bli; i-iini-111. jpanli'n Ilf tho irinMou iih lu iv Inilunlry•III aru ilotni; li> aihanr.- ilic i.Iiindaril ot.'c: idi-tilrrn.” '

r i r t i Rteord of Moior Cae.)n. Th»> flrnl recoril of a nn'l»r'iiro|ii'llrd I.], runfl vehlcl»« i1i«lr« i,Hi-k |o 17(10. whi-n a cn itPBin otwrntril ciir ivini liiri'iilcd lij mil r.«iitnlB Klrbolm J. (•iiuti''I. n r n ’neh- lal nmn. In IM.I nnd |S47 u rn-nuiullc ii|> tin- wan j'litentud l*y 11. W. ’nionU'aon.

.lu KnulamL (iunolluu w«h dlncovered ,u- In IMO. ^


H i i ' ' ®

ilininlo’ fiuni'slinnt n f ’.Tnmi's S iilin n iii. I .cc is . Klin T.cnl.s. w lio i.liiiis■(»r till' I 'liiM ’s Kii|Tporl,

.E Q U iK t [ i P R ^ D t KOobi h>r«5 and manwfnc'.iirinK malrrial toarid Ibc diiijcly populated lectiuni of thowiib f;lobr in wbich siicli materials' arcai;o aclnally rc'inirc'i.

I^c'* UAIt.ttO.MIH .iS’D rOinil*ATION Trur. the ri'icsticn of population

j'-'ll'if wilil ivbicb lo jifudutc lbe /oiKlmuiri’ .md niaiinfaetjir^uj; nialcrial ivbidiiluin railivaii iniut Hand ready tn" ‘^ly . i-rry . wouhl 1« in ccflain aresi a

furllier problem bni wlleii wc recallici'iff (hc ircnieiidouj uddiliotii whicb oilier

fol- fpnlincnu coiiiiibiilcd tn imr own

rticucH f-

■ '''.. ...


• E ( ^ IVe.M-. 4i ^ « . r u d II

wayl population durinc ihe y t u t in whichrnce* we were extending railway* to theI ex- interior o{ llie United S l a te a a u m ttr t to fertile area* o( the interior of the(rica otber euntinenii would nut Innc’ a i ca „ producera.ii-Uaey were luoplied withonly facilities for moving their produeU

puU. ‘® the water** edge, and espcdally mIhe view of the growlnif demand for food

orld. elotbinz maieriali in other parti"del* world.A lia Recent derelopmoits fn thc appD-otely cation of m eehanial power lo pro- tww-

m ta w a e time iderease Ihe width o f tbeI of. belt w U di wrailway'nuy serve.^The


Tree la a Drldfla., Tin* grenu-at woudiT of Uic I’Plrlfled

" I tori'ol l» tbo upil'- brills'*. Tbla l< a luite U ll' H»' liT \ b 'lij.

; iilns n Wt f.xit Y iii.n i, Naluro„'t Miiicnrlne, The J il ire t n f 1« niadr up

of aiintrn. l»«f>rr«, ibnl.-iiloii>, nndutbi-r lilfhlV color>-il nnd handn.... ..mono*. Ill till' cniiyon dlrc'Uy b>-1i>iT 1 Ihe ngalo brldur Ik it pcH.t of nul.T,

led and around U grow tli# oidy-trrrn In 11 a the wbolo isiuntry. i>j :eh- — . --------------------- ‘ " . I v _ille Tha Intplred Compoiitnr.on. K nt'lih I’api-r—"In uut bi» vront llWe red a flrn7" wnn. declaluiea wlih iii<ini>1<i

force. Ihn fu rl pownr oF hl« vnlc p be-__ Ins runmiHl fur thia pa»»«£e,—Boa-

ten Trunnrrlpl.

f f l

^ I R E b u y l n g i t M <3 1 n o t be a m atte r

of bargaining o r of risk. You can hava every Buurance -of g o o d v a lu e , good service,and asquiuv

■ deal. All you h&vo to do Is to b u y y o u r tires where you m « th e Goodyear Servn. ice S t a t i o n Sign^

, ,T h e r e i* o r t r - « n ^ our place o f b u » l^

nesa in th is town^

W m tl^ T n tJ »n4 U th

^ l l n t l A u to Co., Uoyd A ccesw ry Co.. BuU

G O O ^ ^ a S T A B .IIIIS W«w.mTf»d«"

D F O R D C IN G POto RTowlns uw ^ acricultural ma- 1

lbo I'hincry inclndiuK farm molort aud '“ f= sratlot* would increase eiiormiiujly,

tbc prudiieini; power of tbc popub- ‘ON lion a.1 coin|iarcil wiib that in whichion llie preirail Rrral prodnciiiK atca.<llfi were developed, and llic u«c 0 / ihoidl au|i>in»bilc and freiRbl trurk forto irant|>urlini; product* frntn tbe farm

I a tu lbe coininim carricr wuuld ciialJcrail a given numlier of niilc.t of railway bcr li> serve a mucli larcer area tban wu.i■Wll ihe in tbc years in wliicb farm

m m


V;*"” ‘v' ET-.E

■ ’H iV :-'-. ik’V :'i t . ^ K ’

•d u > v w t ArMw Him •• -it Co br k

lich products were grown and hirrestedthe witb only man power and traniportcdestt <<1 the railway by the aid of honestbe or dxen, which neceuarily eonstimedraiC a considerable percsitage of the (oodrith produeU ef the area which theyleU served *nd whieh eould now be serve<lr m m port by mcchaaical power,ood Railway dereloptnent in re«n tirU yetrs ha* not kept pace with the de­

velopment o f population, eomraerte,pn- o r eafryiag power 00 the ocean*. .r a i lw v aulesm gf.ihc world in'lWO iIso '..w as pT K tkal^ the sane a* a t thetbe b e ru iin c of tfae war. while pepnli?tbe tion incrased !0% .and the seatha]rh e tonnate o l 'a te a n m s e l i or -ihe

■ ■ N c:___' , ^ ,-i* . , • ■ i


Small Oay'a !<•»..Uji) a JuTcnlle- companion. Iiavlni: ob-

aorved tM> corner aionr of s public bnlldlnc Itucrlbed "A, I ', 1B12." ujade Ihf* itm einaat. ”1 *upro«9 t iu t nieiai

up *AU done, JUta."’ (illd ......... vimp Nothing to Brig Of.h>'T if An »dv*rllnenienl r e id i : "Tho bc»t I'T. j nuia are crown In .^mrrlcn," True 1 In j eneiith, hul I'liJ bra< i bonl > in l

I A r e y o w r A t w a y s l— T h e v e ' i y f i r s t t i i i

1 u s e C a l u m e t y o u r '

w i l l b e p e r f e c t l y

s w e e t - a n d w h o l

A n d y o u c a n ^ e x p i

f a i l i n g u n i f o r m i t y

l o n g a s y o u c o n t

u s e i t , b e c a u s e ■

CALIT h c E c o n q j n y BAi

t N ever holds t streng m a d e t

* - > c a n til ^ I h e fir

' T here ll

A poul J 6 o u n in 1 2 (

w a n t i

= J T H E W O R L D ’S C R E A

D E V E L O I 3W EPv: ;>- ccpani iiifTtavid U% in ibe same pe- ,d riod. Thm llic ralio of world rail-[j; way milriKC to world population cir

ocean traiDjKirlaliou declined duriu|{1, Ihe pcrioil 1|(!^-1'/J0, Jllil mcanlimeJJ the demands ol llie wlitld for food |,g and tbc faciliiiet for lyovint: il aerois,f tbc oceans eonliiiucd'tu increase,n CO.Ml»AttATIVK COSTS O t'Ic ILMt,ItOAI» CONHTRLtrriOSly Thc coil of llirie n^dcd new rail-u w-jys per mile, in pmjiortiim to tlKi>eni wbich have bern already conjtrucled.

1 A i t c ~ T . ' t ' ~ b z x ' ^ t ^

' IJ K , • ['-■ r : ‘- p c f X ' h •

' 4 u S T r t A U i V - .

>r K ^tfUda.

r f ' ■ I . V 1'■J BAUlW AYS O F T H E W ORU

5 •o l Europe ............. 3.S72.600 476,000,0

N ortti Amcrics . . 8,S89J 00 13d,000;0 South America , . 7 ^ ,1 0 0 6S,fXXI,9

^ Asia . . . . _______ 17^ 06.100 921,0000)w A f r ic a ...... ...........11,622,600 }4i00Q^» A nttraiia --------- 2.97<600 -5,417,0^ U iJted S » te t (b ) ifO SX O IlOnOkO «] (a> E xdoslfe of Polar re^oos.' . ta (b ) E * c J « i» 0! A J a i t a u ^

■ I ■ ■


^ w:t 5; p a g e p i r a

U n tl te nemambar. ob- Mo.t of un a.--m lo be hnileBlB*

ibllc 1hn>mb the yinir* wulj-htrii with the ,ado coiihiloiiinri. Ibllt more la beln* «x- c ia i of U, than Wi‘ ran ev .r properly>.f ai'i'oinpltil;, unill hiiiuan life Sa f**t ^ llirpKli-nlni; tn n->ohv llavlf Inlo a

I'l-ahclvua pur-iili ,if tbv tlilni* (1>*t , , a rt du.ilni-.1 lo r.'in iln undone. Wb'et . ihplier to k-rciiT- r l l ^ a craraT 'W bat •

lauunr lo Krow w|,i-;^iT>nt»k41| r t e . ^

i r B s ^ n g s ( U n i f o r m ?l i m e y o u

" a s.olesome.:pect un- ty ju st as atinue to ^4.


VniETHSiS^G POWDEft’c r varies. A 'hc cnn you b uy to ila y Js thi; sanie (iiiality and leavening ngth :is the lirjit 'can th a t w as k tlnriy-fivc years a«o. In every

the last spoonful is a s good as first.

rc U no Riibntiiulcfor C nlunset—ootliina t nn Jtood." Iln anlc la 2V^ tlm ea ae b aa tb a l of nny o the r b rand .>ound c a n o f C olum et c o n t a i n s fa l i su n c e s . S o m e b a k in g powderM com a 12 ounce in tte a d o f J 6 o u n c e c a n t . — j u r e y o u g c f a p o u n d w hen y o u n f it.

E A T T /S ^ y r I M K I N G P O W P J g R

» P M E N rwould probahli' I'c less tlian the world/ - " ^ arcraKc, furtbe)>woutdi>cchkffya»> viructrd in area) now sparKly popu* ' Jjicd aiid.tlicfcfore lbe ."right o f way“ indiiding i !k cott o i tlv land actual­ly utilised by them would be in most

■ ta tc j nominal and in olber iititaoee* where Ihe jiopulaiion is dense "btit

■ wates luw the labor cort of construe- ' tion wunid tie cumiiaraliTely sirelfl.I thoutili tills would l>e in tome de-I grec offset b)' the hicber pricei now ' '> prevailing and alto by the coit of

tran»porting the. rails.and. eqliiptnent which would iircttsarily lw broiiichi from olber parU of the world. I 1ie ,Coil of railway construclion, nf '

e course, variet’ Krcally nol merely in I. reblion to the phyijcal charactcrii-

tics of lbe areas llirtfuKh whicb lliey ^ run bui esiircially in tbe sumi de- iiuridol iur_rii:bi of way. and, ihe land on which ihe rnadi are buiil, Rail­way comlrunion in cc.-iaiu tounlrits of liuroK where ihc n(.|,o|altbn wss already dentc and Ijiidi and exitiing biiildiiiKj " f an c*pcn»ive character WM emteiiiely conly ami in certain of tbc Hiiroiiriii coiinlriei ivliiib wetf U lly dfvclo[>eJ prior lo llie advent or'llie railway ihc Coit including Ibe ncld V way. and land npon which

' they wertvliiiiji briiigl ll(c present es- ' innate o f\csp iial tier mile" ti> (tom SlSatWO ItKfiSO.OW. wblle m the new cuuHVies where failwayt pre­ceded iwpiilaiiou the capital per milo ,II ila led 'acln s Ihan half lhat in the older and.alreaily developed com -' muniiic*. averjgiiiB from isS.OOO to $75,OU<) i>ek< mile, as aKsinst SISO.WO

Rrteol tW lalions by tbe Uureau of Railway l-^nnmics a iid |» lher high ' aniho^iitei put ilie “nel capiialixa^ioo" t>er mile ‘of tlie railroads of tbe Uniled Stales al while Ihccapiial per mile in th ^ ^ u ro p e a u coimiric4> (whidi were a lrA dy devel­oped whm railway conitruction o c curred) is double and in some ose* - treble lhat of Ihe United States. Tlie ■'capital per mifc" of the railway* of I ranee (exclusive of stale railways)

« i l 8W H and the Unfted

■sel down at Jlll,156, « « U in tbc * iitwtT muntdes where railwMS pre- . ceded densil^ of populatioa the o s t is iBDch lower, n n g in f fn>m S24j j 91 m Weslern AustralU lo |60,M iu .New Zialand; pnd »S 714-lnT Q nU ir:The loial e ipitatiatioe o i.-s tt- ih o railways of the world an arca tly a ^ P fo*»n«« J».OOaoOOtflO ceverinc the 7SO.OOO ntila nf read-.aiototloK atl average cost o f . ^ ^ ^ - p c ^ u Q b t :

f r i n p tobM y lbs m sM fitnr btUiv, • ^ the world average of-ewUt».>tar»j ' .

.- I .: -1 . • * . .

RLD, BY G B A l b ^ W V I s i i o i b .

laOaa 81;. U U lM ta '‘> ' -00,000 1219 f m m - 'dW i - S M - r ' ' DOiOOO U J a w jfe , ‘ J f i S ' j ' a U ) ' ' ' ' '


• ' 'v

Page 6: TWi[N ALL!S DJ'^ILYr · TWi -VOLUMK 0. NUMUEH f»l. p illi M |ii ObaDceUor Cuno Eos - Plans to , Boise



' r "— ■ Illl)

8up«riorily of Qiant# a n d ’Yanks Over Olbor Olubs Is Seriously

In terfering wllh Atlondance In D ifferen t OlllesJDuUido-of New .

Y o rk . i f t l ! J l l ! ; : :

' HV ilKNHY I., J'AUIIKI.I..U. I’. (V)rroji|»lii(liT;l.

§ |jn^iliino^»liiiii1 llip Nitw

tiailo' ciiiijiirfil liy uilil-

Don^lH by K l Dolnt" anil llic (Hiinm liuv» u

li-acl ut icri iiuIiKn 111 iicniiuMt riM'i',Ttii'nn rtmuway rn»-«"i fi)Iluwlnc iwci

cciiiiirtiitlvi- worlil ncrlrii botwi'rii lln- Ni'w Yurk i-lubx, ar<i mil liulpUiR ibi' jioihi'i liooltH of lhu n :iiiii:mii''i< n nn mttiiilancn flRitrcii itliilnl)'' ihow.Nor nro Ihny lntr<‘i>iiUiK Ihu tm i. • In biinnbull. ihrijiiKlumi iln' tm intry. ^

Tho luniirKciil (jwtiur« Jiuvii Irli-.l ,,. nmU'blilK New Votk ol Iih oh'd kuiiic

of puiirliiK moni'y Intu ii binolmll tnn- ' „ •'lihKi. bill tliut luinii'l hc'liivd ' nny. I Comlnkoy Rriiunil iiii thininiindii iif rroirnbncliM In u nicul rhuiiiiur hi> flK- ^ urt'il woulil turn out n inoiii'y mnklni: j.),) hull i:hil>. but Iio Kul only—hiiali.

Wjdjlo JClimi4 woulil. hnvc bem ' j, worth tlUU.OiiO to any o'nu olni.' hul Ui ]>f,, hnsn 'l cBiibcil n n-nl (or ll4y Whlti.'Sox whn mill nri> liiiiKOlnhlni^ In Ihi- __i-.rlliir wllb pnmoi’ilN ihut they, will rrm aln iIhto. Tbi-re In i-vtn Inuw lhat Comlikvy is nick uf tliv jNj I and WilllnR lu h<OI 'bl* Iranili.lx-. i _

.Veanx'WJjf Il«> YaiiitH jiml fJJoui" runtlDue to nm nwny ^ Ith llm i><-n- mint uml ll») money. Iloih utipiirrnily Iiro III n i-lnuii hy thioni*<Ov.-« nml nrcn-. j(,„. ilMlluuil lo klaso u Ihlnl. tunnccutlvr ]| nrlvnlo worhl hitIm In New York un- i>ru ififi Ihal "How ^ilnit In ilonc n)on.

l l iniik lbi-/rnti<rnnllon»l cluh own-i prM R cv o rji^ u rii in bnmh u|> ihp Hul-I mmor< 'fciiTn Hhlcli hnil run nway Vcr w llh ih ln t* 111 ihnl circiill uml hurt ]{ huiliiona In olhor townn. T li^ io v r - Tyi, moui BRiiIhtit N'oiv Ynrk hnH llfi'U iih- „„ii lior way fnr lumo ilmo, bu l Ibi' rumlilo in bocomlnR n roar nnil th r ^ n i l t iti'ri'nlortli lo"Hi na'crlit'H rtn. oal

------- ' - ........... S“ l,


IIETUOIT-Thoumii n.irni. ..n.l An- , suala OilonilMT Wori' Hcnimi i il lii kIs iimnlbB. to rvnil ihi- two blbli-n Ibcy _ mole ftain n huok ntorc. J|

I>CTIU)lT-.Mr«. Owiiiilyin W bll.' I(llcil NUlI (nr Olvii*<i;, rhiirKlnR bi't Ihliihunil kf|il iX'i'rnl ihn tart tbal b.- J -hml iwii cork Ii-r* until iitK'r Ihry ' — wi-ru nuirrlctl,

nO K TO S-Jobn K.'jinliin. fin. f.-ll oil nlIb r k'o hvri) nn llc< linlli“>I ihiy of HrIhu urniioii. friirlurlnK an nnn uml n ihc li-R. U liilRbt bi< ailili-il th:it Iliv <ci- il.i WIIH In nil Icc boimo.

TIANDOLPH. MnB«.- I.lKlilnlnn b it I.a. . a barn horv, cxi>lmllnR inn callonn nf lU'i

borne mailo hooch.

i1n<l p n ^ [ V U T ^ r j B | | Alll 2 i 2 5 B f l L ! * L ^ U

OAKLAND. Cailf.. June- • - " I ’hiit W lllbi- Mocban pu'Jrii n Wlllanl Im- '• furo 9,000 rixhl funn al Ili<- aiKllIur- ium ^hcro Innt niRhi. Iiumllni; iT itlUr ' wnllop li> ~SnMli'r",(;oorit.’ Uimron In Ih rlr four rounil boui. .Miihaii hml nol foURhl for ni'vcrnl miintlin. "

YKSTKUtlAV’.H IID.MH III'.NS .MflJor. AthlfHi-K, J—<,Tnhln. Ilrnwnn. l - H . tinyilor. (Iliintn, 1—::,J'abm-. Wblto «iix. 1— I, J t'onnolly. Inillann. 1 -1 ,__________

“ Relieved in 3 Daya” iC O wrices one o f my psclents jI '^ w h o h a d w ffe fc d se v c T c ly fro m 1 Pilesfornumyyears. H er letter and

. th o te o fac o rc so fo 'd ic T sw h o h D v e | bcer» p w in in en tly cured by my non-*UTBlcsl ttcatm ents are con- ,

Ita lned liy tf 'iro k w hich I sha ll i be g la d ^ send any Pile lufferct |

• FREpi'Upoarequert... [bliu, DD kAMithctle. M

shock, bo d u tg tr . M cm & xnxot to bed er nncMutd k CUARAKnED c m

h e w ^ ie re your^cue |

J f . C £ A N I




_ C

. AMKniCA> l.HA«aiK *'■'

At .New Y o rk -:t InnInK": • „ ‘r-hli’.- .K o ................... . non (IS«w Y o rk ....................................01,(1. 0 ,

Kininr n .l|.'i | i.n iiunt rnln j ■Haiti rii'Ki l^ 'trn 'K .' an.l .‘ clmlk: u<-<

lliiyi anil l lo fm n i in .^ ful

AI I’hllnili'liihia; 1< I). Kl-oni" ............. y :: j.ii

I'l. Ili.lrl|.hl;. n 1Ilnlli'rli'K; Wrluhl mnl Scvi'rrlil;

IlfJiiiiirb nml I'rrklnn. ' j

liMHion " , ? ............ T in Ull.ilt.:rlrt<: Sbuuir ; (J’.Vrlll

anil IK'V.irmor. ■ J'”

01 Wu«hlni:tiin • :i lnnlnK«: li.iro lt : in —a\Vii..hlnKt<in ;iur.-li ih<

llJ-liiynl iircuiint fllormy wr; 6,7llall.-rl.'»: 1‘lllrlt.. uml llu.Mur;

Warmonib’ nml Hui’l,

.s.Jl', i .r .v n rn

A* i ‘hl<ni;o—7 IiiiiIiirh:N«iv .Vor ........................ : 0o m i - 7 .I'hli'UKii ............................ OOI 302 U-li

ilaii.Tl«n: Uynn ami HnyiliT; AImx- i-" aiiiliT anil O'Kurri'll.

Ilrooklyn at I'lliKliurRli, iH«liion.'il. ffi ruin. r»-i

Al ll. 11. KHomun .................................... I '1 1 hn(.'Ini'ltimiil ;i l'» I iri

llallrrlrH: Ormliiii-r anil O'.SVII; lll*. y ami WlnR...

Al HI. l^illnK«: . l'hllM.l.!l|iblu .......................... lino 0 - l i

ilaIli rb-M: ' ItlnR.....uinl ' Huullnu; I'Vl>f.'ffiT anil .McCunly.

___________ I m

I C O A S T L E A G U E j l“i

Al .‘ aiTnnii'nin: 11. II. K.Ull. AukH i’ii ............................. ■ f. £j

llniivrb'H: MuRbcn nnil ilaUlwIn: I'ruiiRb unil Si'hauR. .

•Al Ul* AnRi'li'": IL' 11. K.tV-altb- ........................................ 7 n 1Vi-rnon ......................... f i l l 1

Ilattorlci: (lan luer anil Vnryiui, Toblii; ilelRcr, OllOcr. JamU« uml Hnn- <v. nah. llr

— miAl. Salt U k o : ll. II. K.

Oakland , .............................. Hi 10 I.Sail U k i - .................................. i;i IT : I,

lliilliTli-ii: .Miilbi aii.l n iiilila»r • Ounlil, I'rumiiK-r nml I'clrrn,'.

At San 'Kranclnco: U. 11. K.|I'ortlami ................................... :i 11 o ,Kan K runirliico........................V Iti 1

H allrrlt* : Si-hroi'ihT. l'>k.-rl. I’ll- bllln nnil Haly; IIoiIri. ami AKnow. I'li

I W a t c h i n g t h e i .«I SCORiEBOARD | "l_ _________________:______________ I „

--------- ^Uril KulH'r ”< ani.i hack’' ami knoi'h-

n l Ibit firiil boin<-r of hl« lann-r, an.l Allorb ivnnoi'k lom bin tlrm K»n«. nf lliIhi'.ii.'nHiin wbon Iho Whllu Hox. b.'ai l’>tl.i Yuukt 4 to I. tl:

Connolly liIt>S^om c nin wlib ibo __l.a .o . full / m l T > vo la .iil boi.t lbo Uoil hlir y III 4.

Kour|>blu ilmihU- |i1uyi> cut ilown lbo SI. l.oniB a llaik nnd Ihi.' AlhlPlU'N wun r. to Ihl

Wullor Johnn.m-K i;ooil form onablod Wni.hlni;Ion lo ilofoul lhu TlKcni r, to V 1. Dclnill Rlll only flvo IiIIh. . /

lloiiihor DRaln blow up iinil lbo M r- I* alvn iiounilrd him for hIx blin In Iho lu .nlxlb InnluK. dofonllni: Ilnioklyn 7 n,

Tb<- (lIuntH Rot only Il'i-'-o blin off L"' AldrldRn anil lbo rul.» won

_____ eo^ o r i ^ aaiTlfli'o In Iho I2th InnlnR


Jnck Daw ha.lV alkod mllo-i aiul i At I ta i l 11 sfemoit tba t (nr. Kor 1 now nnil thoD hi« .woulil havo lo m ile a b t l w»ni ihixiilnR ibri.iJK)i Klip, ll I. fullhtul iloK. nl l.lK boe



S ^ R T } ^

S p o rtlii^ S q u ib s P o f A ll K inds i -

Coich JltlR.. llMdi'k-* Vonn' State bi(t.byll Illuu will |)lu)' :!l eniilCH.

NoWftfk. N, J.. bouma iwpniy.lhrpc guir llnk i la the city nntl auburhn.

I.n fajoilc oolli-i;.-, ICi.mi.u. Tu., will uoouijy lu IICW WUO.UW ityin In iho full.

"Nap" Ilmkor. ubl NiillonnI Ipai-uf Iilu-Ii|.r, may boiMiiii. i-.uicli ul I'rinci-• a;:;

i r natH} llulb ba* to jinr Ibnt l»),- rciuWW, Ihf uftli'Inl Ji'ortr will »ay bu la ,„„j uut. 1(0.1.

. • • • (JfiUTill- prliiro uf WnloH will lni-QtiiA

l.ri-xMini uf (be-Nallunal t’ulu nucli-iy n w i jc a r . ,

T hs ThlrileUi Annuffl O nifli ' Do.'Ihuxr bfid In I i IIiikIud. Knslund, lia.l B,7tW I'nirU'i. ,

J. U. Cilrninck C ^ ) >iaa hcon clvctcdrapiDln of ih .' Ilnlvorvlty of ivunayl- „„„viiRla l>aiO(vll.iill loUiu fur ) p n ^ l . - rh

• • • * Wai •riio I'lllnfll'l.l club of llie Kamoni Tra

IraRuc .bR« a.iltl OtlllU'hkT Adi-lborl ot t l Cnpca to lb« TrtroWo In(fmailunDli. Illui

Uoib Wlillo Hojiiw an.1 Jako Bchnr- >■ (cr mnrll^l tb r lr brlllluct bllllur.l .'a- r»-or» a« boy wuudur* u t (he uf." .>f »lx.

Jf {« tprribir ro ihliiV iTh«t would hnvo linjipjnMl lo fc|irlns bii)n-bn1l , irulnlag if lb.; North I.nd lo it thc Ulril wnr. will

IWb Konvnrrt, S Novn Sccitla iiltfh- <•;Ini: rronili rFloniifil by tbo I’lltahuriib dayNntlohnlR. hna bcn talc<-n oa fur trial prnby Ibc IloU .Sox. dor

• • • . A f A total of .1_W? hnrm.* fook part In

mi'lnjt pmiruni* tlimuRli.mi Knglonrt lum (.fa.on, n i c lolul. for North AnK•^ ‘•'’o' Icn •waa ri.IMO, }“ "

Ciiiclier William Nrfrjik of the St. .. JoM'i-h WMitcm tran ip doh rum bnck to tho IhiLutii loacur. llu ban hecn£j|il 10 the AbonUvn olub, jp,,,

' « • •Jlrnmy Jubiii.tnn. .m rr rcsn ltr Ihlrit moi

bnficiiinn of lllo Tirooklyn iM lfrrx. Ma>n-111 ho "prn nt nhnrimop il^la^piinXn, worbnrrlnic li(JuTt<<i to bliiK.Jf, ' put Ji.m-«, Allnnta'* fnin.m* boy wonilor nt^Rolf, oolchrutnl b ll iwoniy- 1‘ Ilrm lilrili|1uy n frw iliiya ^iro. He ll muilylns i l lla rvnrd unlvcnliy.

Jim MdJulro. Totcrun ratch’cr. minor 'J l”Irnstio manHtirr ami la lr^m -out nnd , ‘ conoli 'for lbo I>utnill ■IIri' tk, I* In hnd houllb ul hla homo n rn r Albion. Mlcb. rcci

, • • • IYuIc- hnxkrlhnll. hoi-kc)-. wrrmlinx

rh<l m.’imnilnic irnma bnvr nil romr ' ]| tbrjiURb. ><> It will h'i< IIP to Ibr Kll ihc linarbull und foolbull <iuiniu lo runnd Thr out n banner yrnr. , nUi

• • • ,<;ri; Hormiin llnlbaw ny -SI. winner of all i’llll

btit uno (if IiIh bimln In Ihr ir>6-i>niind I " ’'' oJairv In Ihc cl(l«I tiiMK, hi:i l-feii r M - ' ' ' rd oati'uln of ih r NorlMrMiBrn uni- von-lly wrosilliiR icuiu. ■ y

MonlRouiory. Aln,. boa nulled (he li'i") AlbloiU-. B..' n r l l nn u Iralnlni! fump^wil lhat I''iit ShlU- anil M nnatrr.K ni l-uiinlo Mm-k huvr uRrord to rciurn f o |l l 1;i the Alnbunin cnpltul d iy noxt iprlu*. Icon

----------------------------------------------------- j ' " "i:avo Iho I'lirdlnaln ii 7 Io 6 vlclory | , ovor Iho l>bllllo».

AyiTho ItcilH took Ibo Horond Ramo of

lh......... (rom tbo Ilruvcn T. lu 1, '^uirrivlni: f.mllloi.H nupporl to Donubuc. Ij,in

^ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , , , , ,

Monalir P l a n i t iSverylblng eonnoctiil « ltb the imn

la atuRRcrlnRly I.Ir, T li.'io llllle dirjc iuii-apuli wblcb you |ic rr a t m utloujlr 1 ibroufli the medium o t a tiuokcd slaM mu urr. iQOit of them, loany tbnusamla of lor miles acroi». One w m tneaiuirtl and Jol found In have a d laniclrr of in.UOO O'ui inllt“i»—irhJr/i i:wai:it lhat Ihr earth nf rould havt been pltclxHl Inln It like a culf bull mto a I>all o f wuter.


m p Iw w s f

j s M r ______________ y

Ild mllra ihrauRb tlie heniiilful wnoiln, or hln IKIln li-RH wcro vory Urrd nnd lo mop and c n lch 'b l» nldon. bi-cuunu

i.UKii Ihcm, Uul. on bo IrudRc.l, w lih C beeln.

-----------T '


' AduJfrait] I'ar i'riM i—A larRP crow d is nnd

>rumiHii.l for tbo memlnR lo bo liuld weeor W, I'riuot nl ihe I’orUh Ulll- (o- Pub iiurruw Dflvrnoon u t .1 o'clock.

---------------------^ Al■Many N cncnnipn—Mnny now renl- nt '

...... . uru 111 ovldun<o hcro, ll In ru- tlnnxirlnl nt lhu riiy w uirr ufflcu lo- monlay. • .Mrn., Kuthurln.- I'rovoul, clly nulln-a>niri-r nnyn (hut a duzuu now tivH.... .. b:tvo hcon i>ui on ilurinR the Tlam week. Ilun

----------------------Tnkf-i Kollb H ounii-M rn. Almo ‘ami

ivury hnn runted (bo Kcltb roorna. Ihu•ci'onily conUuclod hy .Mr. Odoklrk Aind moved In today from lbo Ilex Chh(oiiinn. Mrn. Oduklrii buu inuvvd lu midIfiu Third uvenuo wunl. •. jino

—............. J.OUWalker Vunoml Tuniurrotr — Tho anil

iincrnl of H. Juy W alker will ho . lold Krlduy nl 3 oVIock f r i ^ llio' Ironnmun cliapel nnd conducted by lev. A. a . Tcarion ot lhu rroahy- erlun church. ___

llreunn Trail lionklel--Tho Cham- i®" lior of, Conirnorirc In In rurolpt ot n - luiiilicr of bcaiillfni bookletn. ootltlwl ,, , •The Ohl OruRun Tritll." by I’roahlent iValkr i:. Mcaubani nl thn Ol.l Oregon , ‘ rra il annoc'lullnn. Varluua pIcturaH it llllli pan of Ibfl atato are among Ihc illumratlonii^____________ _

Klk- I-araae T u n te h i-T h o Elkn will liavo u Rreat parade tonlgbl a lartlng 111 7 oVLHik. lo he followed by inllln- lion o f l i s (-.nndldatou, Thoro w ill bu iiumiTuUii—tualuro*; of an om uiing , ■linrarior In (tlo parndo. Under (ho ‘ <iiporvlul(in uf Kxaliod Uulor H. U. U.uii.rhui:h. niKCiul Initiatory work . . . A'lll hn put on. I I

I'lilldrrn'n liny i’ru irrnm -N cx t Sun- lay « chlhlren'a dny prni;ram will bo prmrnlcd nl (bu Dainhil cliurcb un- I llur Iliu aunplccn of Ibu Hundajr achnul. I A fin.' prograiu la b..|0R prepared by Ihc riimniiiliio K blrh In beudvd by Mbin Kinlly llunimnan and n laruc iTowil In nxpi'cicd. Tbc cliurcb bnn lum bi'cn kultumlncd and luokn vvry bouuilful iniildc, )

----------------- r>ln>-.n« .Meei—Tho Twin Knlle Mtt- nln

■onIc lodKc tnui lam iivrninR In tholr nieiliidKo rooinH wilh a cuod nIzeU a t- ofirmhmre. IloRu'lar Imnlnuna of (ho UnilodKe won inkcD np nud n num ber o t Dotmomhi.rn were vuuO on. W ornhlpful tlolManicr K. Jonen niinounroil Ibat ir rwork In thc i.ocond .IcRrec would bo |>laput un Krhlny ovenlni; and i ^ u d tbc gni: incinhrrn to bo prcipi u_-— for

Isanr* Y hlla lin t rh r r r—Ooorgo II. a rrInau.*. mmo Illb .•..mminnlonDr. a r- ronrlvrd In Ibln city today on’ bln way am:lo Ibc Cedar oreek nola to gnlbor finiegRti Inr Ih l ' m a u hatoUorlni. ' 'H e th*wan acaotiipanlcl onl hy W. It, P rlr- nblbc. They jvlll he back tomorrow cluI'vcning. So nu wonl bnn boon pinreculveit In r.oRard lo Ihc flah taken S In ib^dnrlnR robbery Sun.lay niRbl.

llork Creek Silll Ogipn—In aplle nf KmIhc nprclflc mnlriuents pnhllahcd In ITho.Tlrn.n of Jmio I, the rum or per- ininlii In nomo riuurlern thn l HoiTS twiCrc.^k bnn bron olosod lo flKhitrmon, jTblH rumor'WOH omtiliuilonlly denied twilodjy hy ]’r«Hlil.-iit Jnck Slirout ot (the Simlhorii M;ibt> Klnh & Oumu k « a»Hm-lallim,

Y^.lliir Ih Sick T h-re -M rH . H I'. Naiico of Splrll l.-ike. Iduho. U oulle Mirk al tbo homo of lie r nlHlcr. Mrn. Wllllnm SoDlt. wllb Influcnxa. Mrn. , > Nnnn- canio Iuto on her wny In llbiikfnot I., iillonil llm O. !■:. F. _ convonilon ai. u delcRntc nnd Inok nick horo.. Sho w ||l not bo ahlo Ml lo nllrnd the ccmveiillnn. Vni

,( 'akp ,lmiln»t Iloj's IllK iiiloiril-Tho ranc aRalnnl Krancln Flynn Mnrle Ayrcn David Alvord. John McMartln. lliul Knnlcd. for allORcd illaturb- . ' iiiuT ot Ibo pcnre In Toin'n cufe. ,Un Mnrch •). whiPb wnn ponding on Th appeal trom Iho pfobnte cou rt., haa nci b..rn dlHnilHn..,l by JuiIrb T . llnllcy «d Ix'o, on million rtf I’roiecu llng Al- ihi tonioy J, W. Taylor. lui

------------------------ IbtllcmBnrts n n i r r SDpiilr—flull In »nl

mumlnmu;i.wa« m arled loUay by Al- I'U lorm-y O. C. Hall. In behalf of A, J. in Johnnnn. lo nmipol ibu TWIn Falla lln Cunul oompany to deliver 2C Inehea to of walcr lo <0 acrea ot Innd. which dc lbo plaintiff boiiRlit frum C, K. H all nt<i lunt Janunry. I 'la ln tl/f clalm a th r um •■uicr wnn ilcllvorod ronllnually un- Idi

■\ . . j r

.Vow and tlicii ft friendly Mlllu m ulfrnailwny In frim t of Jnck. Klip nlwa;Inlh-d unlmalH. unly lo be callcd bad

U, rein bopped up ln(o Ihe blRb branrhc• l.nllunRPB In lilgb-jdtehod rhnttor.

T W I N F A L L S D A I L Y .T l

S.O.P. W ff lf ,i" MKSCHEDftEDS

_____ NIi ? (AkeiWA8HINOTOX. June 7—John T. Conj

Adumi, chairman of ihe republican stale nndmiai coidm{((e<i. will begin noxt cori) week active propftratlonn fur thu ro- publican proaldtnllal campuign u> Ui 1«:4,

A.luma’ flrat mop will bo a aerie* nf confernnroH wllb repuhilcan na- Poni Unnal cominllternicn nnd ntnlo clmlr- 'ho i mon to bring uboui complrm coordl- nium nation uf national an.l malu party ac- ilvlllcn, , .w ,

Tbo firm cnnforcnro will ho h.tid In Iluntuu on Tuenday. June l: . l l will iMj ullcniled by republican nallonal .amimlllecmvn nnd Nlalu chulrnivn oC ” lhu New liiKlund alaloii.

A Illtle Inlci;, Ailnm* wll cnnfur in ChlcaRU w llli puriy Icudura trum Ihs „y„> mhldle wom. llo probably will mcut ,1,,^ nnolbur group nt Kaniua Clly o r Kl.1.0 Uln und will ulmllnrly covur lliu onllrc country. n,c.Adamn will hoo I'^ealdeni H a n ^ g in tl

before b.> glnrla out on hln lour, Tbo on } prcnidcnt may take occaalon n t tha t ' Tli llnio tu aot a l real ropnria (bat h.i wlll aak Ihnl Ailuma retlgn heforo tbtf 1924 cunventlon hacauaa ot Admun' hnmlllty 'io lbe world court proposal.

T hcrn Ix ao lonner moth iJunjior Ihal thia laiiio will dlYliIe tho ropuh- liciin party lulo honlllo cnmpn, I’ron- Idoni Harding will mako It c lenr be- toro Ibo ond of hin furthcominK >rl|>Ibut ho In roaily to antUfy Uie doman.l ot riipuhllcan Henainm wbo aerv- ed nnllco on him (hrough Henulor Wnlnon of Indiana tha t ihoy "hml lo bo nhown” tlmt the court would nol Involve tho Unlle.1 Htatea In Eurupenn entunglomcDls o r-In (he leag u e ot Nnllonn.

utahS T osesTOVANCODVilN

BOISE POLO GAifiEDUIBE. Juno 7~standlngfl In ^ho

ninth urmy curp* nrea pulu lournu- ment wurr nnnffrctcil by ihe vlclory of tbe Seventh Infantry, Vunconvur Unrracka, over (ho :iKih Infantry. Fort DouiJlu*. Utah, uu tbo Uoiiio Uarracks tiold hero Wedncnday. Two bourn n t­l r r a heavy rain and bitll aKiriii tboy played tlvu chukkcrn, flnlnblm; tho gnniu Inierruplcd by rnln lbo day hc­foro. Vancouver won len lo throe.

I ’omponcnienln Ivivv cumpullud r<i- nrranRStnuni uf tbo Bcbodnlu fo r tho rcm of tbo lournabieni. Camp Uowln and Monterey arc rxpcc(cd lo play the finaln forlbo urmy cup on fiunday nnit th«"w lnner of tbal gnme Will jirob- nbly nompcie with the lln lir itolo rlub un Momluy for tho upon i:ham- pinnnhlii ot tbu I’acltic hurtbwuHl. ' BM

Summury uf Wcdnculay’n gamo:H.:urc by periods: • -

V.-^ncuuVum ............... I l l 401 jy - lOKnrt Dougins ............. UX) 0:'« 0 0 - .1

I.Ineupi:V iincouvci'-trnlllcr, one; McKoj.

twn; W it. throe; Hlrlekland. four. ^Kort DouRlun~S.m1p, ono, Murpby.

tw o; I'rlnci-. Ihreo; Allen, fnnr.(ionln-Vanroiivur, Colllor 1, Mc­

Kee fl, Wll, 3, Kort Dour.lun, .I’lln c r Allon i.

K.iuln-Vani.iHVcr 5; Kort DouRln.i

Kutullcn—Ko;l DouRlan'4, -n,IteforccH—Hnrry Hunion an .r-W nj.

Cnmplon, IVnvcr I’olo club. ^

111 June 2 .-when for reaHonn tin- known (o -him, ilellvory mopped. Ilo nnv* unlrnn ho Rtl* Iho w nlor bn will puffer »:COO lunn, ^Tho rune In not to r JuDQ 10. nl o'i!1ock.

. Tliree llule Ninrr g u lN -W , K. Col- ,llnn nnnouncud yr.l-.enbiy th a t riio Three ItulcN Store wouhl .ju ll'h iin l- ncn* in Twlnj-'nll*. Tbu ntorc Ik rlon- ed today for rcinarklnR uf Rowln for the blR llumuval *a1o wblrb nlartn lumorniw mornlnn. Mr, CnlllnH Ntalrn Ihm cTorytbbiR will ho uttered in this nnin tivi'n down lo llu' fixiureii. Thia bualnrnn hnn b ren 'v ery natlnfarlory in Twin Falln, according lo Mr. Col­llnn but (iwlnR to a deiOre of thc firm to conncrvc Ihbir Inlcrcnlii (b ry havu drcldcd 10 noli nil nt Iho Twin Knlln mock Ihm cnn be nold bolween now und July 1 nml mnvo Ihe balance to IdaWi n i l ln,___ ______________________ ^

Stor/ - — ‘

* p

> 1 ^ W \ *

lUlrrel would ncnm per'ncr.ini (bo ' So Iway* mailc n daub fur thu fiirry- hrii hack by bln mnKicr, un tliu ngulr- liit, iche* ot II tree nml x.guecked xafc len



K K .(n i ,\LAHK.\ w„HNIJ.SANA. Alnnka, Juno 7—Agrlcul- bam

:ural roiourcci of Alauku woro Iho ub- (oucl o t Innpucilon Wedncaduy when a Slui}ariy of 27 Unllod Slnlet conRrean- n d : men touring Alnaka. rcacbod V.iro on tlorIbolr way to J'alrbapkf. Gur

NBW m ilTAlN. Conn.-Idland# wera rlAketi from the clock tn the Plrat ropCongregatlonat church bccauio of the poamale law forbidding any clock to rc- dayL-ori> dayllghi ajivln* timr. iiaj;

UiLLlON (iULIt .MAiiKK A VKAK poa (ConUoaed no ta rax « L ) < un

partial, international Drgnirizmi^ r r ; Pthe (olnl ,-imonril uf rrpnrnllon* that I'mum bu pnbi, v f ' l ’

-------- ^ GWASIIINOTON. D, Juno 7 , - nru

liennnn Auiha*niidur' Wiedfohll Io- proday hnnilcd Kecn'lnry llughvn n ururopy nf Ocrmnnji'n bit.'.nl n'paratlonn >rci u tfer .' • V

Wlclflpl.l In n brief Htul.'m..nt in- HllHucd nl tbu nnmu time nald ihnl ^tho nuw (lormnn nntc. "in nrdor to I’muvold ovcrylbliiR 'w hich miRhl ren- ofllcr mnro difficult lonniimniallnn of ihoIhn now ropiimliomi priiponal" wun the.'onlincil lo thonn polnln on lodilbe ulllod RovernmoDln a* «txprc* IloiIn tbolr ropllei to the Gcrninn note draon Mny : held almllar vlown." N

Thu loxt given Selrelary Hughnn ro»

m E Y ’S REDUi

. X ^ -------------- -

A l l M i l l i n e r y g o e s w i t

n e w M i d - s u m m e r s t y

' I iii 'h iilc ir in nnlo nro diiz.-ns hulK in u ll ooIoi'k; n lic (iiit ifiil. 1 nnxcirtiiipiil o r fSutlors iinil S |u irt .1 Hlitj|iivt itl (JifriToiit Kl.vlos ’iJiiil o

D o Y o u N e cRead W hat M r.. (B.;

, Optical Co.’s I(Namo on ro

I tr . JJ. I)a»Js T »Jn >»JJ», Mjibi Dr'nr Sir:

“1 r rr ln ln lr know tny glasnr b rlle r nntNfnetlon. I (udiiy muuI.1 I pahl you fur my Rlasnrn, ond ; I nonid onr no. you krep thr-m n

“J u . t lant Turndaj Mrv. A. l.inil nan hri'r^to Mr me In rcifn led nin nnd the eandltlun of niy lo lirr and luld her notlil>); bul Kulng n ie r lo rnnnntt yon nhour hible." Y unn Irnly,

(Nnme on r« Thn ahote U unn letter of

(rom MilUfled pallentn.You loo will he glad lo ree

, prices while Icnn Ihan eNewhrre tlunlUr ur nntlsfaethin.

DAViS OPTICAL CO. AF o r G o o d G l a s s e s ■

S t o r ; b y H a l O ochran C


' Bo iiiiercmcd wa* Jack In Iheno unlmni* hrlghtly oulnrud leuvcn aml^bunhen, ihnl luio Iho woodn ho wnn wanderlnK. Ho lenvoa Into lbo nir when bo noticed nn alttlni: on a tirne-worn log, (Conllnued

I 'r il

wnn dciirrlbed by. (ho G erman,.afn* banahdiir u'a li meniorondimi, bihilcd . • '(u tho guvornmenia of the United Sluloa, Oreut Urllaln. Ituly, France, ndg luni nnd J i i p a n - ^ iin explana­tion and ' aupplcmenl of iho new Gurman offer of May 12.

PARIti, Judo 7—T h t now Oarnian roparailona otf%r U abotlutely Im- poaalblo, I’rem ler Poincare aU ted lo ­day, B few hours nflor iho document Imd been rer«lred.

Thu Kroncb premier aald tho pro- puanl doea nol comply with tli« flrat condiilun domanded by F ranco—«eu- w ^.m uf tbu police ut pualVo renlat- ailci] In Iho lluh r uccuputlon,

I'oln.mro lukld be did nut ball<iv«r.m,. reply wnn nuoomary. I ' ■ •*

w'Guaruninen muuiluned In tbo offernru lumiflfoloni in Ihemielvea uuil.tlui,__pruponitlomi rcRurillnR ruparddoiiji °uru contrary tu Hpecltlr.ationn of lli> ircaly ut Vvrnalllcn, I’ubicuro udduil.

JU IL L .V X Il llK K L ^ IO ^ A.^KlIllKn ATI.ANTIC CITV. N. J.. Juno 'J—

(binnlnioiiii re-olcclioii of Lou Holland of Kannun <!liy. Mu, on prealdent of ihft Annocliilcd AdvcrllnlnK Clnlm of the Worbl, wnn(,prnctlcully annure.l loday when ll wan annouiicml that Ilomer J, iluckley. ChlcuRo had wKh- drawn (rtini tbo race.

Noinlnallonn will bo tnndo tomor-


1 f c / 7

v i t l i t h e e x c e p t i o n o f

s t y l e s j u s t a r r i v i n g .

.'US o f m iinrt f lo w er tr iin m c il iM in o o f I’lit tc n i lliitH ;*t .Llntx, mill M 'vorul iii itr iin ino il ..1 oolnrs.

; e d G l a s s e s ?B.) Think#-of Davis ft Eye Service1 rorjuom)Jabo.

jsnrn eonldn’l ha te c lirn any uuldn't nreepl niy money back nd yon lo lake bark (he glnaKe*•monej-.A. H. s ;» Mother from Tori.‘rmrdH tn bun niy {(InaneN flt< niy eyen, I re«omDiended_joa - i

bul th r (rnlh nhn nald nho.noH / 'iour h r r eyr^ nn noon an \jCh. y ' »

Jlrs . (I, K. U. . /1 rcHuenl) ^of hnndredn- n e have on tw y " ^

reeonimtnd our Serrlee. (lur irre nrn nut a l Ihe rXpenne'ot

D raw inffB b y L ee W rf^ h tt;

___ ta n a - ,

ml* hnd In ihu great tree* asU hni hu didn't reulite huw deep Ho bud JiiHt fllckeil a jillo of nn old man, Jnm ahead of blfn, jlUvd,)

TlIO nSD .W , .ll-NE 7, 1023. *

Page 7: TWi[N ALL!S DJ'^ILYr · TWi -VOLUMK 0. NUMUEH f»l. p illi M |ii ObaDceUor Cuno Eos - Plans to , Boise

Business Directory |

Attorneys —POUTEIl f t WITUAM. L»W7««.

BuH» X. SmUh a . Itlca Dldg. —

JaiDM I t Dolbwoii - . O rr C b K c au lui BOTIIWELL f t CHAPMAN

Wtto<U lloomB E. 0. 7. 8 », 1« ^

BW EIXET ft SWBELHY—A U oniin- —r i r e t NMloBftt lianlc Bide.______ •

^ ASHER B. WILSON—OlflCi: H n l im National BMik Uldg. Cu

-------— — . — of

Shoe Repail'ing s— — . ____ - ............ ... ll>ROYAi, f ilfoB RjsPA rn s iio r!—R a

Moyon. Prop. 130 Becoad St. B , lo Twin F alli. lilnho._______________ —

Welding S'---------------------------------------- ;--------- AtW. N. SKINNKR-Oxyawlylcno.wnld >U

Ibr: aulo aprlnM mndo lo onlor; btackaciltblng. f h . ■426, 230 2nd- N.

I. Hemstitching »'if JBS8 D 16^0N N CTTB-2:3 Main Ay* -

./■X I'liono 98.1.______ y

Transfer ><• o n o z iE R T iU N a n :u c o m pa n y - ~

rbono 318.

M’NICHOLS TllANSKiJn fi 8T0H- kAGE CO.—anrbaBo tiaulcd Oally. - Phono 200.'

-------------------------------------------1---------- i';iINTKUUiniAN M0T(MtVII»:i(iHT1-<t. lo •Ttin Jlurliskln T rn rks fur H rrtln .”Bnlly (rcU bl runn in ’ 4;: ti)wn:i In j',';

Idnlio. I■:x]ln• tl f'crvii'K ;il rr.'iKiH ‘lreii'B. I'lion.' Xl, li.-iuii IK! Third Kc., i..'

P. 0 . llDX T.s7. _----- ------------------------- V


DlBcksinlibliii;, UollormukinK. Wutd- _ . Icb. Marlilulntn, iii>rliiK Work. Man-

ufActurvrn, Kupitlli'ii ot nll klndH. , , K ninsol Miicliliiu Co. AK<-nla to r . Aultmiin-Tnylnr Mnrblnnry Co.

. PJiono 12U2. ;so - ::u :od Hoiiih. y --------------- 1-------------------------------------- [,

Miscellaneous................. ...........! Ill

HONBT TO LOAN on moaom dwoll- - in i . A rthur 1 Bwlm.__________

DR. BULA O. SAWYER , . Ofltoopaiblo I’liynlclnn ' Bultoo 1 nnd 2. Goni IlulldlnK. 1>< Phono 1G<0-W._______ IU". 1C40-J. T

ELKIIOUN CUK.VMi:UV CO. ju1‘ocatello. ■“

An Idnho concern. Wliy no t nell vulh»m your eroara. BWtlon a t 334 w OouUi Main, ■I'liono ir.4Fi.' Croam. - #&ullry nnd *kkb. Onpn Saturday trtgUl* until 10 o'eloclc"Diaii, Undor- Wwood. Acent. . P.

D l i r s PLACE 1Now tn d BOCond hnnd r lo th ln i _

cooKht tn d ioId. SOS BouUf RhoahociGtr<«t. , . ni

- nA

F l n l c ln ii flnddio Ilorties for Wft>—/p r fffotlrmpn or Jci.'f'*. IIorsM* llom ts Hccond OTrnno Hu.

7 P e t Farm Loans "A H T D U B L . S W IM k CO . -

Phone 003J11 for WATKINS " PRODUCTS. WntUIn* Co. AKonU E. U. Frooman. Ru No. 2. Splcea. Exiracls nnd LInlmunL All p rd tru v promptly dollvorcd. ^

~ 0

Oo to th s Shodair R oom Ior & cloan. qnJot rooma and good • hedt. P r ic u COc, 7Cc. a sd tl.- Spoetal rate* by tho week or month. Phono OS. .M n . J D. . RoKera, m anasor. Oror Pa rro tt Optical Co.. Tw in Fall*. Idaho, „

_____ • I'

‘ rOUI-TUY WANTKI*J ' B rine w hnl you havo lo ub Wo q

pay ynu io r hrljmtni; them In. Rcu ■' Ul bpforo you Bntl. Soutli Iduho - PouUry Co. p t tho crpam oMtion

I opponlto WarhurR'n BIomro, «gi}• Shoshono wphl Phono I»I7.

2 S t a g e s D a i l y

iTwin Fklls-Boise»L*nTC'as3b,,a. -n . nna '3 i30 p. a .

. . , • dnlJy ■ • , _

I F o r F i le r , B u h l, C o g o n n a n , 'B llas, K Joff H ilJ , f lk n n s F o t ty , -U ouiita iii/- H o m o ,' O oo d ln g , i I f a i r f i B ld - a n d H ailey . '■

/ 'A r rh lo ir ln-J^«Hajr a t 3:30 p. m.FAUE I.KH9 ' T1IA5- ItAlLUOAU

Mornlnir Bt«?« eonneeUnfr Ko. 10 n t MotintAln Horae, (or

* Nna[L«, ro rllaa il, SulU a.

V e ca ll for p iu ie ag e n fre* ot *' cbATge. ' We niao lundla b a m g t .

r « 0 > E S i OB 682W.

Trask Bros. Stage Co., Inc.

TilTJBSDAT, ;TT'NE 7. in2'!.

Help WantedWA.VTKI>-Clill<lr.-n lo bo.ird uml “

iHkv Clir- of, 1440 UiU n v iiii '. fu»t. ;ir

WA.VrKD-Woiiiiill ciiok for Imy ~r r.w . 10.. c r . Tlm.'»._____________

\VA.\TKI>—ComiR'i.'iil womuu for «i'1kt:.1 bou.ii.\vcirU nixl ti> i'an. to r : ai nmall clilMr. ii. Miint liiiv., ri'tun ni ■(-llll i:i:it; Mu|iU> us. uuu lH't^vc<:u liour:> - of f, mid S |i. ni-- f -------------- ------------------ 1 ---------------- III

SAI.KHMAN~r:xn'i«lloni?l cipiu.rluii- j., Ity. lIuHil.'ra carnltiKii biK. Wrllu Me- C lw ry C.jJfudar i-Viflory, WuAftiiJ/jton. — lowu. >-

■ nl'IST S— I'liirii U-r,-$100 w.-c.uiy. .Spur.' llnuv I'oiiylm; Aiilboru' -Maiiti- HcrliilH. W rite Jt. J. Curni'i-, Aiilbi.r:i' - An.'Ut. C-n-i. Tullaiuai:>;i. (lu.. t»r jiiir- -

‘i ----------------------------------------' ll'COl.l.KIil': t!lll l,:i, TKACni'WlS, .May i,

tlnn? I'.iiillliiii will jia}' lM.(t..'r' than - M.w for llir.'.. inoiitlia. 'riu ' .SurU.'ti I'lv. Oi;clc-n. i:ial».

Situation Wanted -WA.STKH- W.irl; by .................... I

pmni; mail ;v. i.alui.T^ ami i:u . I.ut.l,', a

~\V.\.S'ri';n W oriPby m l.M I- 'ip -d v,ciiii;in. Italirli \u,rU iii.lVrrcd. Kv- | | l.rrl.'n..'.!. ;iiHi Tlilril u v tii i- -

WANTIOn’-J 'o i.ltInn nn di^rir7>'r"do- uI.iirllm'iU iimnui:.-r In « tilor.i or f;ig- ..lory by muu ut iiuvorul y.'ara' oxiicr- - Iwit'c. il/ivo iii;nmi:r<l liiinl:ii-i.i form y .ic lf 'f-r n ry crjl -uiiJ liijuiv' f'lb.- m.Tcliauilliiini; biialm-.ia. Ihi.t - ‘‘ vlow on r.riiin>,,t. Aililrc;.ii W, K. c;.ir..;

Wantcd-Miscellaneous" ^ x n ' n 7^(T.‘.ii7i foTi^.TTTuiuiTTi r-•» liarKaln. A.Mfi':-! II. .-arc- trf » TUii'’ '. _______________ _ ^

WANTKU l\ri',aj;i- 1- Cali'i.rula lu . ur vl,, K . i ur,' Tliii-n.

' \VAN ri-:i) M;.>- il.-rrl.-k. lair I !>.. In

WANTi;i>- l-'iirnlliiro i.iiil mrr! ! i.'.iiih i.rli i- liaftt>. I'Immi ..

WANTKD—Wanllll'ir; to luk.- tmiiic , o r uorlc !>y ilio bour. I'bont- r.:i7JL-. |

W A N T lil^Iron , inolal. rai;«. rui). ' hnr. UM.:<r liiacbllivry. |iU>.< und i.ackii. . Twin I'ulin Junk lIoii;a', iil:; :'ml uvu- | UIIU J'))oDo "I'i. Wu f^ilj for -Juuk. _____________________

W ANTKI)-I.iiwn mowcrn In srlnd Will cull for iiuil .lcllvi;r. I'liunu M4. W, T ., Moort-, n s K-cotid, uv.;nuu So,, j

W ANTHD-Sccond hand furnlluro. ' Will pny cuab. A .-II . Vinccnt Co7 Plione 40t). a i6 Sbonbono St. Somii,

For Sale-Automobiles iKOU SA l.i:—(’lii-vrol.-l cur. Al cou-

nillmi. KOO.1 prlc.-d rU:lil. K. RncW lil. WuRliliiKtiin nurlh. IJel/u.i; ( Aililitlonnl.

R)U SAI.r.. Six c-yllii.liT :• p<i:irn-u- i:rr r:>r 111 I'Xirllrjil i-iillilllloll. WJll • ;im1I . liia i. or ini.l.' for luri:.-c .'iiclici....I .u r . Ilox r,o. cur.! T lm i'a.___ ]

I'liK SAl.l';--lDia Hurley Duvldiion m.irliHycUr. ll.-nl off.-r. C -nlrul liur-a»;.-. I

I'-imi) T(»I)lUN(i cur for aulo cbi-uii, , Auto ll<-l>'Sbol>. slioriliouu St. ISoutb. I'li.inp a . __________ ^ _______ _:


Aulo RprlHKB hum nnd rtp jttod . i KrcDKi'l Machlno Co. ilo-SZO iic o n d • AVC. .S. I'hon.) 1U0S..-A.U.

For "Pep" «eo‘" 8 l»p." th# Cylinder ! Brintler, H 7 SgconJ avoniio Borjh.

W ANTI-:i>-Ford*.'open nnd cloafd ! fiiodolti. 1 cnn URO nn uullmUuft-num' . le r . Ccn tra l ( ji ira r^ __________

______'So Trade_____ ,,T 0 TllA I)l':-r:7ri.(m |ilmn0Rrnl>U

nril) :0 rrmi-ilti fnr |)l;l>o. Wrlto Jl., euro TIuiph. . • \ ____________

T h t Former E«tl«r Pfeklt^B.Vou can pick nul yoor f - ”!'. hv tbclr

quentlon* an.l «l«“‘ lai i) ’h rir an. awera.—Uoston Ti............

Full hlondcd ISrlKlnn lio rtr. ItrlKhl do ip ip hny. wrlRlit SlfW lhx,*lO ycam old, n t llom o'a Homo

; for rfomnior ____ ,


I W ' / " t h a t b u m p a i hK / A BA D S P O T U P

. |* H (30IH G T O 1 U P A - U T tL E . B


M lw 9 ^ ,

t im e s) W A N I______For Eent______ R

I FOIL UK.NT-I’uriiliilir.l rooma. I .. :inl uv.'luiu tioMi, l-hon.' J. —

>■ r o l l UKNT. . Nl.'I'ly furnlril d room, KrIilcnly ll.u 'wut.-i'. ;iU T h ^ n o r l h . —

r Mni. C ia t~ b a n fur'nl.h.'li i-l^.liij-, Wl uiiuriUK'iil. llouiil If .l.-..lri'il. I'JU lith

l-\)U llKNT l-onif:.tu'.l,i'i>- .'oi- Iiu; ro..m and i.I.-.-i.ltK r 'ln b . a l... Uu I- h.rK'1 la-ilrooiii, cl.i.r In. I'bom- adaw.

KOU u i:n t' Itoinns .-"III a|>irlimill:i. I'bolic ]

4:,a. Jiliilaiiic.o lau.

’, I 'O ir ” llT !J^ ~ n ir r7-n acr.'i ~ f- hluc»i:ruun i,a.-.liir.'. Ilv.. roam boiiri". ba y ami othur oiilhiilhtiniiii. J l i lu-r “ I- nionth. rimn., aa.iUll.

;i l-Dll UKNT- I'.ii.lur.i. Klui;nl,ii. y. 1'"

l'-«m HK.NT 11 'fmiii; - ...... .. Sixth U'.,'llll.' .'.l:0 .

- ~ 'o l~ lu f N T - l 'i i “ roc.m fiitlih.b.-.l I-., d ai.arliai'iit.. llnor.alowi'. APH. ;,tli I'lr. irt ami ..i„| uM ini.'

II IMll UKNT Ml it i ^ , .'a!.b or crop. llo1hw.ill k Cbapinjtm______________

- I'-Oil' llKNT-I.Uilil^kcop1n;. - 3- Ullll iik'i'iuni; roomn. J'J:: Kilib uvuuuo;• cui.t. Illlr WATKU Tf) UKNT- 4U lo lilD Kbur.'.' - ,v for I'Jri nc.oion I'uii ba ..i ll ili-llvctc.l

U> niiywhrr., un tlh. lr;.ct. If your ... .Illcb."! buvc ca|ia .liy lo curry 11. Ar- Nh■- tbiir I., Swiui. Twin Kalb^__________ -

r o u UKNT-llotmc kc.-jiInK npari - S incnti. furubiho.l fur IIkIi '- houBokPoplnK. otiu, two and thru.- U roctns. clone In. nml low raltii. bj ‘f v»Mk or moatiL Tbo Oifur.I, 4JS Uatn- N- . , ' ____ _______________ ]

l'hirnh.b.!d hi>mi.-h.'ci.lnK nparl- , _ niL-nia. Daiibi lli.nio. 4u:i .Multi Av...‘u No. I'lM.iio !)71.

Wanted to KentWA.NTKl* TO UKNT S li ..r .'litlH fiirnl'.b.'-l Imu..'. cb.:... In. Atl- ' '


- .................................... ' ' - i , .u r ___ - — ------------------------(

-- Miscellaneous [''*■ llumlia)iii,. |.„|y of m , ' . ,u w .a iM j f i'Ol Jiwrry (..lani|..| Vli.ial.,.|ly*: .( .g '-til. Ih'iiniiion, Ohio. ___________ -

M ii.sT il iTjIii.kv"• .liti-tii f('r.Sluiirl*s Pm rturN uud tUu j_ Vurnrll .Crpuiiis. I'l....... 007. l!iu:i „o ScH'nlh ........... rnst. r

u- F l in irT A X IK ,\ny»lipr<>,' nny time, .‘ico Uob ut■ i; (Jrlll «'ufr. j -

— CLitTAl.NS ' u- Waahed or Biralcbod. Phono 225J . ’ "

"1 llC liS PLKANKH. PifoNK 401. SIMI'KKIAL CI,HAMN(J CO. a]S SUO- "s i i o m ; s r . k a s t .

’r'l I’U \ST OLADIOi /a s NOW—Our " prliu mlxluro of-KorKcoim bloomInK

— ruro l.Ar»;o biilhti. IOQ (or S.1 ,■ p. o r Uft for » l. Florlflt collodion. 100 ’ ^1. for $: or 41) fnr J l. Mutnmoib bulh'J ‘

mo for J 4 or 20 for J l, prepaid. U. J, ‘— Ulhhlmi, Ml. ilolly. .S'. S. I

PRI'a^KUVI-: YOL'lt KdC.S wltb K i ‘id. O I’n-Bcrvuilvo. Ifn In powilcr' form ., nd —Iho he;it am! mnnl convi-nl.-ni On tliv "

miirlii-I. Durrow Ilron. .Seed fe Suppl)' '!— -------------- :__________________________

W JI .S-U.K-Vn)*j'ur VurnW). the . vnrnUh for flooia nntl fiiriiltiiro. Tlio vurnlnb thul hot w at..r won't tu rn „ nhllo- rhono r.. Moou'H Shnp. .

“ CJIKiPKU MONKV — Unllmltod nniount nn fnrmn now iii 7 imr com. IncluilInK nll rommln«l({}iti. U-tach i

,,,, Wllllnmn. Pbnno ailL |

" • HAKBR /{OOMS-DfltA* Sic. 44B

Profltleio Oetupallon. II'' An Imllnn In lla- I'liiijnb w rl ln In I

Ink In Arubic u rcrnc Ibi- K.>rnn ion II triiln of po||Hh.-.l rlc-. Th.. vcmc i

” In Wfltlcn by thl. i.roJ.-cl<-.l and pol- il»h.-d ilnscr null o t tb.' wrli.-r and th.i '

w Aruhic cluimctcrM ur.- an lM-antir<illy iD lr«c>-d tldu onn m,»y read Ibi-m wltli .B tb." iinl:c-il .-vr. Tb-.- nrll»t. n mbWI'~ |

iici'd man. ban hccn .loIni; Ibla kind Iof work fur yeara. i

e d u f f s — .

W H T E R L E PT 1 fl U P T H E R E .A t , C . 1

a TOUCH IT ? ' w \ . . V T- .B E F O R E ( .l4>/N M O RSE- W 'A CCUPI& B U C K ^

'( "rtVNA 1

\ T— I— P /. P mIK/! ?'S

J " ............ ^ - ? W I N F

r A D SfF o r S a l e - M i s c c l l a n e o u s !

KOU SAI.K- Koiiiilni". :i: .J .l

KiiU KAL,K "• il' .iai .Whllr.,, I'rlr.. i l.l ;i. l’l,.iu".-.i:.Jl. ]j h ''llry mii.ri ., Ira-.cpli.itnc . J. .-I.;U l I ^ _ ^ h W ^ ' . _____ ___ ^ .

KOU :;a i .i ; - h . , 1,1 i,.',i-.lln,; uml Irtill. ,Mir. II. K. «:t;i>, T hliil w r.i , . '

I'OU SAu T c IIKM' Kl .Ml,'Ill i;„i.,| i.'iiaii. i:.:; .......... .iv .- |

~KOU S A K ~ l'la r;-. Uh.' m-.v ..I a;ban'.alo. IMU U . . ....... 11, . ' ^ . ______ j

j'-i>u y-M.i:- Ui .M'.at:.i,a .Mitt,-:l,.'.,TI', at Vr. :r.o . altall.i r.,','d al

V mll,'^ M O ^ !j£ n ,,I . ' r a - . , . r J.'i i a W :

' to •lllAIlK ' JV....... iil.„oo;'.;'ai,li,.in,l J'l r .'.„ i,|:, f.,i i.I.iiio. W n;.' U..

KOU S A Ij; Son,.' itniic '^.t'li; ■frnll \V. C. .11, . ’.n ly. i'l.'t i,- IM,'.;

" m T s . u . K Ikou s a i .k -ITi i't cla' :i hay. I 'u l- ,

rl.l;- Wymt,...I'hon.- ‘

KOU H \l.K -»al.'" l buy,. Muikhi'ii| llla.'loiintO^.'^hoii, 14: 4tli avenuo >vc;il.'

m T .n s ' i t i i t ' s l i iK1',;T M rjlcaiia: Ifr,I Kbincy,.. K. J.

M.iioiir. I'h.iii.- m.-..ij.______________rcdfnirK iirtiT l^auH pr r rVnt.KOit S A l.K -ra ln t tin,l kulnomlno:

tor ruliiiliii; utld kuliionilnlnK. I'bunu.(. Mcai'n Sbop.___________________ J

L i v e s t o c k a n d P o u l t i * y "

K.Hl .SAl.i: T .a.n i.i.ll, ', T.; obi. ......... -l,.a ....... . bani,-:.,,, flT.'.,

. ll'iillb,' ■|,''','!'',-l,u'-r! I'm r loUra ‘ ,o'.h:», 't ,.f ^ uiiiU C ru m r____ "

KOU S.M .K -lluff Oriiliii-.lon ckku.7C.; f o ^ i r , . J ' l i ^ ^ C J X __________

I'OU U.\l.V';-Ono rri;liil.iroil Duruc•|, n, J. 1)1 - _ _ _____ _____ o! ’ " n > lT 's . \ i j “ l'Vw DiPror J. r'o”y b r d l ' ' J,:lb.,. .\Imtl'. owrio., H. I). .So.

1 KOU SAI.K- A irclak- P'Ui:'. p u rcb rn l!'• : rrKh<lrn-,l lr<.iii i:h..iiil*li.n.,lillN blood- i'

I i lliicu. Twill KulUi VvUrliiury Iloupllal. -Ili'U . U rooino..' ...................... ................

- T o i l SAI.1>-Cb«)ilcr Wlillo bred f, Howii uud Kllta to fi^rrow In Muy, Juuu .jh

» July. YounK lx>nr«, old viiuUKb fur |i I iiurvlco-now blood. K. J . .Mnloue. n

Phono fi75J 2. ______________________ .

t L o s t a n d F o u n d j; IlKWAUl) for iiilormution u>i to rcil «

■ lrl:,|i lU'llur .loK alob'U Hiunluy noon , i; n l Prlrnt <m SlU,;f c irck . Aiuiwcrs to nnnio of Quccu. Stcvu IUioud:>.'j

I Slv)slmiic, Iduho. [s

’ For Sale-Real Estate[ I'OU S A I.i';-4t> ucrcn unlmiirovnl !;: luml niu.ul :i inll.-ii Irom UnU. I 'r l r -H: JOi) per uer... |M>0 flown, r.rnl lo ..nil

Ul C i.i-r C..U. S.-.-. ::n. Twp. .J, uun,;c‘ H. over ihu )u»d before y.m' wrlti. nil., Ih iiry U illlman, UiUcnld.', ••. K t ; i h , _________ ________ ________ II‘ KOU S.M.K I'.II urrcK, will u<'r..iil ,] ' :;iii r».';, fur .--loity. I 'r l c jKir, i.< r i,■ ai'M'. S.'.' A. J. I'lx, 11:7 .Mi.ln ura-..

B o a r d a n d R o o mp _____ ___ - J0 llOAillJ ANI) R O O M -i:;i Bovonih ! :> nvcnuu n o rlli______________________ 1

■| STOP A.M> THINK 1II In Umn ici clcan bouse. Kulnomln- r

t Ini; nu.I pabillnK wor)t nuuralUocd. r I'bone l&ia.

. —-------------------------;-------------- IB Drey* Tbrcupb O host,' ri

Onu durk liliibt wbcil 1 wu-i .Irlvlni; i• uloiiB n lonely rond. my hopnn b.-cnni" ri

frli;lit.'n..,i and r.-fu*.-.l in pri.c-.-d- In 11 laokluit Iili.-iid lo .Ib^covpr Ibv cuuae. 1. ' I J.UW u aboi.illlie fl;;urc. (.tnndlni: In llia ■• mlddb- of lhc Urllfvlnc Ihut '• K'.Bic-nnn wns rrylni: to frlKblrn me. 1 ! 1 wblppeil lli.t horn,- and niti'mplcil. to • . ’ ntn tbu J..)(i-r .luwn. I wna very mocli' , I Kurprlned wlii’n I riiii m j bor*(j own- ,• pb'tety tbniiiub Ih.- sbosl—li .lcll«i‘ | ‘ll-I Inr of f.ig riabij from u mud piih'U'i— i

Cbb-np) Jourmil. J

O u t o f I. f ____________/ o u PA Y 'E M FO R A \ F IR S T CLACjS JO B ,A N D - L


i r M U S T HAVE BLOWN T• P A lfT n w ^

F A L L S D A I L Y T T M E a

\ A ' 'I / '" '-

! ■ i if ? 1’ -->0 6/-OI

o r r Y - c . ' - x J.WOI.'KI[“i I .... . V. A

V .C L U ?:

■ J '

i ySfv i

m MK .k c : , <Au c y n . f w A u K C v^ai iT .iiA f-.-r-ovj Mi^-r.;/»c.

\ } f L i_ A T T litL '.iA M C ■ Yl. •__________

: MASKETSf■ CIIKACO, III. .llll." :. I..ui, „r "•

= iS f'F ii;? ..................................

..'onlbv.-,.,.! u li.'i ,. furto,'.;i v . rc 1.-- p.>fti',l .!!„i.o„|nr ..r Ib.'lr nloi'l;'.. Tli.' 'd f.'c.lliiK d.'iouii.l from Ih.'a- ac. lb m i : - 1.1 hua prurlb 'ully dbiui.iiciu'cd. C^r.h : "

|,rl...'a w,,r.‘ ji.iii'rally I..W.-1'. (.'jo|. It >. ni-Wf. Will. i;cn-rully favor.iblc. “ i

Oata Iuckcd f.^nlurr-,.Open, llbtb. I.0W. C loa.,'

.WIiKAT— ■ I'. July ....... I l l 111'k ll. |l^ Iliii'j b‘I .S.'til........... 110^-; lio '.j lo t. ', l.i'i'-. i" iD i'c ............Ii:;i.- ii: '.-i l i i '- j l i i H 's l C O H N - ■ ;i'' . 'Ju lv .......................M".;, so>.i Sl

:s .'iit........... 7T ;!i : : ' ' j

■j iJS .:::; ;;5 m S., S,.]Dci:............ 40' i 4' l ^ 411 10' .

P4tTAH>K.S iU CIIICAnO, June 7. -I'oIaKa-r..-Uc- -', .-.'li.lri ll.ic . 'an .; Wla.oii'.ln uilI Mln- 1,

ni'iiolu wbbi. 7iir,isr,c; Alabama and 1- I.0iib.luna iriaroi.ha Sll.l r.'ii il.lin; '■ " ibirk. Jn u n .r , ; South C.'.iollou r..h- I ■f bb ra n.r,o. {


- c-l{.M .’IC.onO; I!i:irkrl ><ir:„ly J» JOc ' h Iow .t: lop, JV.:;:.; bulk j:;.i'; ;

lM-a\‘.ywcU:l.t. jr..-;:,'0 7.111-. m.-.llom.- j 7«|i7-'jr.; lli;hl f r, v'.il, t.'JO; lb;hl

• llrbiM, Jfi.-liKfiT.'ir.; In-uvv ii'o-UIni; *1- fnw:. Jfi.Iiir„i;.:ir,: pariihic .lown d. no irb 7.7fl'-.|M; kllllni:, plra »7Sr7.::.-.. *

l 'u ltle -lU - .,li .li. Il.niia; mi.rli.'l:- b.-ef i .( i 'rn * 4iid y.':.rHnnn veiy alow V

nmJ ".v/.aV 10 lU- lowrr; r^irly l"i> IK matured iii.-crn J l l ; ..omo hel.l Sp nroun.l Jll.::i>; t.-w b.u.l:. . hob-.- kludi. I' n Jlii.r.O^ni).''.; plain llnbl lui.l ’I'.ihrn.1 .lownwnr.I from Jx; b e t y.'urllmoi 'I,■ early |IO .:n : »br-Mtork,. .'.imi.ura- C; lively Hcurce moderately artlv... 'J 1.. atronK: ■lrT.!r:.hlo href 1 „ .b (.lfn rii In fairly .b m n m l;! ’

k jf ls ivMk. hl<w/nr Khfriiftr l"<yrr 011 >" vrul .'.liven: tew .-uriv nuh-,.; v.'al- I '• .th '' I.. ..iilf.I.tern llo.r.o and uiiwar.l.'• Sb.-..p -'U .-rcl|il» 71100: mnrket rlow I- -Heady; 'b u lk -JiT ^^ lu llvo ..iirlnRi-ni 1

j)r.«rir.,:r.; t..w to .iiy biii.:ii-'ru, i

f Paint—and Luck!

i i i v

I '*«r-Rr;?ijaB3a


m ssml u

> z »

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K C n ,V J » \0 \ a = O C C A l H U N T /m /tC. I r-!OM v /j 'O I l - .M A fJ l^ '.i.TOP:l.;, c- CV--OT W H lH R i: L E C T C P l u u

o 'lv iiA i . i v r s r o r u . '

m .r i '. '.l

' ' “ 'Tlif.'irk.'l I

.'W.':..l ,

, r ............ . . ^!' : I'IIIITI,A.M> I.lVi;.STO» K.

-C uttle . - K-'i' :;i'.o: mark.-i mow und

ll cbolrc .it.'i-m, t7.r,0<-u.>-; fa ir loI. n-'i.'l t'tecrit. JiJli'.r.i); .bo l..; cown

■ omt (icif.T:. frt'iifi.Rd; caiinern fl.r.H-ii , luiiin cnivc;. $4?i>:.

, : !i,.i;«-it.'.'<.!|.ii. i;!:*: m arket :r,r •lowi.rr prime inlxc.l J7,7I{fS: r.uiith

.. braU.Ti Jfl«/7,:.0: pl,;a. JT.r.nfi 7.7f..; : SU.-..|>- llrrclplH markrl u'euk..c I'rlin.. limb.. J lK i; fulr lr> m..-

illitm lli ir ir l l: y.-nrllnc.. l '.,'thcr..,. jfidi'K;, .'WCI, J i i i K.po,

‘ i Twin Fafls LocalProduct M arkets

'■ HELLWO P n /C t»

Irlck C h o e a a ______ ^ . Z ~ . 41''olery _____________________ 7«4OJ0r

I- i<tiuc«. b u n c h _____________ ISVj OIOll Irrnd __________________________ Ifki; ''iirVftya, d ra w n _________________ 35e>- llrnn .................................................. :;sc

touiid a t e n k ___________________ 20cIlncon ____________________ ;_____ 30ftIlncon. I l l c e d --------------------i._^:i_40o;i«m ---------------------------------------- SBC

'’ork c h o p s _______________ ..IfS sO cI'ork r o a a t ________ _______lCO20c

„' IJinb .chopa _______________ 20©3Cei’ork anunaxo -------------------_ _ . l C cr-buno s lcn lc_________ _________ 22c

■J ,-lrloln aleak ____________ _______20ci’: BOTINO I'lUCEH,w Whcftl, No. 1, per cw l....................Jl.CO,,, Horn - .................................. .....J£,fp7.t.O1.1 Slecra _____________________ __40B«b. K-'iw* ......................... - ............. ...|30'4n. n ivp* ----------------------- ------------- 406e■11 Turkeyn ...................................... - ......IKc

Gcflao_______ ____________________12c.... ' ‘II.-1., ________________________ U fi.f Hcnn .................................................... ir.c,1: b'prlnccra ...................... ................... 26e,,i Mutton ..... .......... ......................... ......Rc,1- I.i.nibii .............................. I............. ...lied. PBOUOCK /iw llanch huilnr, per pouiift-........... '-.Steni nulloffat ...... ....................... _....33i»3fic.1, Kurn ................................................k c

l [ / O H . f M S O S l / T H A T » B u m p

*-A O O ER b u t


: O L D H O M E T O L

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^ . m i r . \ r , i ; s E v n M


^ p j j U ,

- H s J d \


■JQ. K cjPi " n iC P C D T i-^ ip p n o AMD

U U f lK C P - F E U LtT A IIL C / ^

, | .aberat* Tailoolno.. ' A r,',.iut'e ..f M«..Tllnn^^U lalloolnr.' S..m.- .'f it'p •Tlrn..fdlunry farlnl fea- I inn -, l.k e »U y.'iirn lo coiaplr-lu..


• n r lo si i(i; AMI o iin ia t ^ UK-SAI.i:.

'•'I Th.' Mlllli;.! K.iil.llai; uml I...UU Aii"0- .l.itli.ii, u .......... ..llon, i'lulnllff.

I (■ II. Kploii :>ii,l. .•<.'111.' Kiilon. hiin- huii.l uml wU.' uml Uunk ut Klm-

! b.-rly. u .'or]i„ralloii. It.,f.,iitbinla.Cm lrr un.l by Uruiv of uu Order uf

•!Sal-, uu,l Di'.r.,,. ..f I'-or.-. lo.'iurn la- Mh'il .an of Ibe Dlntrlrl Courl of tbo l'',l.,'v.'litb,rsl Dliiiri. l of Ihe Hlalo of l.iub... lu Ulld fur Uin Couaty o(Tw in l-'ull;.. dnti'd Ihn 25lh dny of May, Illi'l, wbcrcin Ihu I'lulullff abovn

' ' ' m.'till.juiil .ihlaln.-,I u di.rr.H- oRnlnnt llo- Ilitc.-jduiilM bercln oa tho 22nd

i' .lay of .M;\y. lUl'H, which nald drcrofl wun on ih'v :2II.I day of May. 1923. r.'..<.r.b.,l III Juilr.nii'ul Book Elfiht on paj:r 4'J*'> of nuld Dbiirlct Court, I am conimanil.'d to kcII nll th a t crrtn ln lot. ilii'ce or pnrcvl of bind aUuatiHl,In Ibo Ci'uiy <>f Twlu Fall*, Slato of .

I Idabo, nml boumb-.l nnd dvacrlbod aa , followi., lo-wll:

— I.ot Nineteen iIS) In Block Tw cnty- nln>- CJU) ot Kliiiln-rly Towo'klte. ac- .or.lliiK to th r plot thereof aa th6

t s numn In recorded bi Ihn Offlco o( tho ('oiiiiiy lleconli'r of auld coualy.

I'uhllc Notice In hereby filven. T hat 5. onib.i ;;r,th dnynt Juno, 192S. a t tho

b.>nro r o'clock p. m, (Moonlaln Ijr Tlm.-> of nnld day. a t tho cnat frrsnl 16 of Ibo Court Houno. In tho Coun.Oe ly of Twin r.illn . Slalo o f IdBho, I !5e will, lu ob.-.llcnco lo aalij or\lor of aalo Sc nml dpcrct- of fo recW irc. aoll Iho Oc ubovo d.-t.crll.rd pro![erty-.lo #4tl»fy Oft plubillffn .Iccren wllh Intnfrtll thore- Oo <.n. loReiber wllh n il conm Ihat haTO Be nccrued or may acrruo. to tho tiR best Oe M .b ^ f o r cnah. laWfiil monoy o t the Oc lln l fr^ U K -n nf AWnrlcft. •Oc DfaSl'lhiH 2»th dny of May, 193S.Ce M, K, r iN C n . Sharlff, :Cc , BV E. P . PRATER.

. Dopuly.

CO F all hloodod J e r te r b a n for lU i [,0 a«a.iion’B aorrlee. JlortM* Somi^Ce Srcond Brenne lontit.

ii .... . .................... .Kc ...................... . ■ II .1 K

Jr PA IX n . HANPTr.c (irnduato Inatlluto Mualcal A r tHe OrKanlat M r»t P rM byierlancboreb..Kc l-if-nnnna In Plano. O rsao u d H a r- 'lc mony. IMplla arccpiMl for Jn a a ’i

no<l July, 311 Clh Ave. N. T34J.;Bc V. . • . ■ : i‘ . I;!Be '

■— ^ B y A : ^ A N ■ - ]

S O R R .V^ P E O V O U } ^ V.. :vu T X ^ H ' T ' iVA^-T\<E R & - / ' ‘ •

a u r i g h t ^ X : • : : ./ , l.E N A -1 H A O T O i O H ^ f ’ - . 'i

O O W r t 'A M V V ^ V 'l lW l f r .

ji r j _ I

Page 8: TWi[N ALL!S DJ'^ILYr · TWi -VOLUMK 0. NUMUEH f»l. p illi M |ii ObaDceUor Cuno Eos - Plans to , Boise

. . g A o p jE jiq iy r ___________

lOiBiN im m K I

o n o D M pD ea d W o m an T o ld D c. D w ig lit i<y »'

-Sbo T o o k M odieino B ocauio iriimti

’ H u ib a n d W a n te d H e r T o ; Dd-

f o n d a n t -Told V a r io u s 'S to r ie s

to o m c e r .T '

A t ' 8 o’eloek Ih l. nfl.Ti.i.nn,I'robalfi JnclKeHj. V. Ih iia ll noder «dtiiietarnt unlll |o !)inan]n]ri the arK um rnh n( n/inti 1 ' ■el for Melrin ninplil)iirn. »li.i conlended thnt «hr rtld rn c^ Iti- ' ' . trodar«d l*y the w»u»i» wA , .w ir ra n t holdlnir Ihelr rllctii fur u n j h ijh e r ollen»c llinn nofi.tiil " dfffrto ranrder, If (or Hint. ,

'fb a t StelTlii Hlackliiini. rjiaritfa .n l th the m nnlrr ol hi*. wHn (>• r l l IlnrKt niarkhurR, lolil him <>», ,the eicnlnir of May 17, llml ii ' (rirpd >iad Kl>en him thn’ mnll> , ciBe whleh he -en i t.> hi- «l(p. addhiKt*'! BirrMd iu kp<-|i u Ktvrrt nn jt nn* » penllenllarj- of|pn«r." nnd th a t on (hr eTciilnit «f Mur I ai, Mn*. UlnekUuni »i,orc»cd liU h in d and look It hRran-rhe n a n trd m r K ” Here Ktrikhm ' u talencnlii of Hr. Knrnk .1. Jtnlutit ,

, lw tJie (trfllmhiarjr rxnmlnntlun ,Ihl* nom ln ir whrretn lllflrklium U ehanred «Uh (Iml ilejtrrp mnr. , ; d f t. I»ei.urr KherlK J . U . (Ji.U- " bari mM tha t a l odp llmc lllBrk- ' , horn inJd he rcI Ihr iioMdrr^ hr , , Ncnt from n dm inrM In tb r nrnr- . , M t dm ir elere en Sho«honr Mrrel . ‘ ;

. aod ffol I t from Ih r - b lm « t wnn 'Ihew " i?nd polntn] out .Mr. Mnr- m y i tli*t la ir r he naM ho Kol Ihr ' M W dm from a nnmnn In H trr , j* iTlioin' hfl paid lif l anil ihot U te r »tm he unld Ihr pemsn rlr*m Yfhom h r ro» poitdrr^ wai« bnt of thp rnonlry . Jlr . Mnr- ray n t onre rirnnnnenl Ihr (Ir>t n torr nf ntnrkhnm n« •‘n .tnninrd IK - The d rfen .r pot n n ^ n tr-.- 'llm nnr and eonri adjniir)»»<l imlll ‘8 o’eloek li> lirnr nnmnienlfc ol , nttemeyN on th r niolInn of tip. , ' frndanl'o lanxrm , I’n r tr r k Wltham. l i a t I’robnlr JuJk« t). I’. ' ' D nrall «bftnld redarp Ihp chnrBP "lo neeond dnrrre m iirdrr. iinnc

Mother T es tlf in ,iliiu-M n. \Vlll1nm IL niiro l. iimiUnr

the dead woinnn. woi iho firm wll- ncpi. She irnlil ihnt sho woui Id bni („rQ e a r lr on lh<i uvrnlnR of Muy in. nlxuf.0 o'cliwk. Komi' tlmn nllrrw an lr c„, waa aw aktnnl 1>y llio {alln of Mrn. ,1,^ Uliickhurn anil lior nlnlrr nml w i l l i« „n u: Iho liednlile. w hire INt womnn «vn» i„;vp, Irinc, viunlilnti. Mrn. llluokburn li»‘l i unj,,,, aomo powilem which ^h^ rnvir to ilm n rri 't wllnMN Mylng. " li l» m.-.llcln.- thnt| (iff MeWIn ticnl. burn It ui>." Tho wllii'-t. |j|, inyH Mho tiiAk the powili-rn nrtd h c p i'o ,,. ,i 'them. Inxlend nf ilonlroylnK lUcm. Tltxl i,i >,r nnxl nioVnlnx >ho cnllrcl Dr. Dwlsln.' i),ciu who waa. unable lo romo liiimuiUaiP-; |„,i i ly. t)Ul n^rlvtxl m noon ok Ur coiil'l. ,„i,i abnill 1:30 p, m. Mo look tlm i''>wl'-i» uIpcv and Ircaled thu Klrl who wun tiroiixl.- n,,, . lo tho Twin Knils RoniTnl hnspltitl. t a n j whero ah« died on May Sl, .Sim *:il I tI i th a t Blackburn and Ceull wcri' nmr- rled Ja n « an -4 6 , IBIS, a (cw .luyt h .- ' cnpi, tore the aeeoad tria l c t th r prl"otnT] luiiili on Ihe rep* chnmo wan to comc up. ^

Thn Harata lire n in r m lln nnrth <>t ),p in Pllor In .tho canyon. Mrn. Huml nalO „ iir tha t her (]aiiEbU-r ahownl tor a c-ouiil - rrali: of wsAka th a t abn woa III hut dlO nnr ij.„ t complAla. Sh> hnd bcun inklnc ».»im- while tablela for iwo or throe wpik» p

Ur. Dwlaht told fln.llnc ilir «lrl IrylnR to vomll. with ll|i« JIon. anil pilUo al wrlnt Ronn «hcti hn railed. He KS»<- hypo*trfllr i”

m renstlipn Imp,hear! tiitloig.ainl llii. lia.I Iho ilrnlrrd «iffri'r. She wan ir.Mi „ rd ai Ihr hn»plial jokI iifiar n f< w , ' , tlnyn rould Bwnllow. U lc fu h c t liail ' Tlo'nnl vonillhiK of Iilmni noil iwurn*-Icr arllon wnn n’.ow n. Hi* c;liiirRrilIh ti wllh rriimmtlhllliy for hur ilcaih.

)l«dr » T r .l 11 , 7 ," ':H r liaM lUul nt. tlm .;»cmIo-J nf Mnv '

11. h r hail, wllli A. li, hnijmr. It..' . ilrUKKl’<t. iiiailo loniPtliliiK <i£in clicni- .Irnl ..................... cif llic iK.*-.IcrK, iii 'V 'Ifir K l-lirr .In ir .omp.iny mi.f... ll In- tllcaloil pfPM'iiri' ..t Ul.r.UlurUUuof mcr- , ‘ I r.iirv, lull Iib w,i « mil iKiiiiiivi- I^iIit . City n irm lm K. ll. no«tcy im.dr iiu- ' ••

'.cxnmlnniUm niul riniml ll. He «ali|

M O V E ITo 207 and 209

Shoshone Street SouOui- iii-escnt location

rooms adjoining noi-tli o' It will be our constant

you best.New ancl Used Furnil

L O W R E N T M EA M 3

A; H. VincenIn i o x E ^oi 2<i:

. /

.1 lie atilidl i;i;icliliUMi whnl ll ""‘'.Bin nriil III ill*' pa licri aliil Iii* ,i:iUl li'< .liul know. A»Un<1 H h« coulil tlua '

. UliicUburn i.jlil li" ilioiiaiu li*j

al ))f r i'lu rn r 't lii nliinil Vii iii'ii-'•••I nuil nahl II Wiih lalolli'-l pDWdc,-. i

I'aiil t iu l Hti"*i ir iK 'illn f \v. ii'kluirn III It'll whrrc In- Knl II. M'" ! nui'im rxmrr rrp lliil llm l lir ^ol It fr-nii n ; ilnn: inil, luu iirnin'fii'il not lo i r ll '^ ^ l ' | i l i - 1'

n pi'nlli'nllary ollriini'. T I . 'N 'H - ' \V 'll nalil tlial ^V''< llla 'liliu in " a i . i . tn i

a an alinrdnn <ii> Him iiIkIii ■>( .'lay ’ lUc Old ini1linrlll>-« Miiiic lliin a K a"' .ninii

chlorhln an amoiiK iii.>illi:iiic» inxil I rbnrs prnilur'' nil iil>i>rllou, liut iiii><t<rn [iruj;

in aid nm nn acm ant nf Ihc ni'ViT- of Ihl' in'Uaii, 'I'lu' at.nrlliiii » i ' iliU i

I Illl' nf (Icaili, 'Vlilch li<' ai- ycjiri Iiiiti'il Kl lllll corrniilvc ’ ui'IIoli "t „r th • pnlncn. Two <ir lliri-r lie- wli i-l■c II.. iinUnuliiK ,Mni. H'«i:l!hiini ;:,.tiri: rl cftllnl ,tt IiIh iifflcc, nalil ntic 'vanj Mr, Pi;iiaul. nml nnUi'il lilni in h rlp hcr.!),^ n . Inv|i:iii nalil lir ri'fiinnl nu<l a il'jram ii iril lirr In i;o liIiiM'1 niul lirriillli' 1 „f |I Illicr ai;a1n. Hc I;ii'-v nf iin ri'ii iMl , i.inlci ly un alMjriInn i-liuiiM huvc lai'n ■ imtn rtui'UlcO, jrnilip

(•rrnt l{nnniJl) ut TiiNiiii 11.> niHiv I'licmliil iJnnliy liild i.f lilii cX-1 llIKitlnli Ilf Illl- powilrrK. Onu rxaiu- ,‘nlKll 'll rriiilii!n'-il alxiiil (io i;ralnu atul j ;n i| nlhiT 74 rralnn, lie «;ihl- Jlinl In Ui'nI njiliilnn Mrn, llla<.kl>iirn Irul iIlcl will

Ihc cnrrii'ilv.' pol.uuilliK. .Hi- tol'l'nul Illr Iinni iiKirliul rxumllinll<»l. ninrr '. II. I-. .^Irxaiiilcr. iilici lllll llic «nrl: ] ill*' luni iiinrlriii i^iiMiliinllim i:ir,’c , —nil UIm niiliilim Mial th r i nrrin>iv': I liniuliif? hail klllcil llic woiiiati nai. | I f ul tlu ' nhnrllnii win tint th** c ii i i" ', . ilr:ilh, 7-

Ilrpiily Slirrllf J. W. naliliari ;iall C|. mill Illarkluirii Unit lie oiii;l.‘ l'< WliK

II wiirrc hc cm ih<' uinjk-lni;. Iilai-'i- itm ril n.ilil nl tlr«l tlinl h r koI U tfnui ,m>!mi ilrurKlnl frirml of hiu, Al Ilrui lie wnn iilM iiijI nay wlicrr. Then lin nald ar.n Han (lie lnr>!c!il iiiiiu In (he nearestIlK nlnrr, lull dlil mil Klve hh, ii;!iiie. Mr ikcil to pnliit him nni. lie potlllril JunlI Mr. Murray. On Mny - I . I-- «‘il‘l vlnll i;i)l th - im-illi'liie trom u wn'iuin lu

Icr. vvlin i'Iiart;cil liliii ! 1U lull uni Mr.1 U'hlil II v.-.-iri. He jrflii Iii' pi'ill ir r IIII' llir wniliaii i;uvc ivlthniil nticiilMi: firr;:I' piu'kniir. flu 111!' llnu orrriiilou hr VIrillId Ihul hc wcni Irum the lintipllii' Wllhthc (Iniit ntnri' ntl'T Dr. Dwlr.l-' Wall

kcd him lo nnnin iJic m cdlilni' und I’orllII Inld Ihnl il 'v;in crilnmel. \Vlii:i

nictiDiiui'd Ulf r ilc r wc'iiiaii, lu' MrId h r drnvc down nnd Iclrplionr I her r from llir I’crrliu- linlid nml lli;'i Buxri e Iiald II M-nn cahitarl. On a lldr l |l. Mcnnlnii. I......lllll Ihlll l ! . ' p r rm n wli"rnli'licd llir mcilli'lni! wuti mil c'f .Mt r rnlinlrv. ' on.Mlun N rlllr lli iiilir >if KII'T 'uiM m I. al nh" iiccnniiiaiilcil lllackluirn J"Ilanrc in Twin l-'alhi on llic ii!ith' .Ml May 7. Itlack liu iu -a id lie In il n«V San IiIk wife lo i:n ..i illvon-r as In- iM'' ,Mr

ll wanl lo live wlih her. Mrn. lliirui id fra llflnl Ihnt Hl,-irl:burii wnn ni>i t j rinc; with l . 'r druii:hl-r fnr in'ii nc lieforr Ihc llm t mIip tiiolt Hi’' lal lllncna nnd hnd not lircn nt'tln'i'" aer wlihln two or Ilircc w crlci lir P rc llini k'Vunl. , . -

T 'nrirr l ln l .f i 1’nint I'niHnln J. \V. I’o rtrr niutitmlrd I" r rniirl llml hr woii'il like in pre'iTitI urKUininl fnr blmllnK over for n ’ w rr d rcrcr thnn ilmrKnl nnd c'liir' IJnurnril iinill ~ O'llocll In lieiir ll-r ''' ‘ 'i;umcnin. ‘ .® Dfflcrrn hnvo nlinivn 'n iltiipoulllor' '■ illBrcKnrd Ihc vnrlliiin n a lr iiiciiCi of ,r Ilrfciidant. on thr thi'ory Uinl h r "

Iirnln«hly Rlvlnc oul Mickc In llTi)'.- *' icin llif Ihc iruck, althoiiKh ilih I 'II Iiprilflcnily nialnl ul nny Hm ‘' ’'- iil If thry Kivc iinylliUiK "up ihrl ■' rrvcii" lii'Voml wlml 'va-< rcv n i'i l c;»IC wllncni'i niatul. l l. 'y Imvr l;r|i; I ' ' ' ‘• Ifrjully cnvcreil, ' 'The nati.r rctlieiii-,' 1-. ill.m l. l.y lli "

I'fiinnc. W hin It «JM !'iii;i;c-<ii-d linplain I’n r tr r tliU i.flrrni.oii ili:.l tu- ilillit furnlnh n iien:'.'illnn by Indliat IX what llir line of ilcfrnKr I'nilld h r lailchlllKlv dri'llnnl anil raid , "Vni' * n r n i.llrr Ihiil w.- Imve i-arrfu llr rr- ''U' -aUii'd fnun dniiii: uiiylhlni; of Ihi- _ , Iml.” id.*ar^chial School

A t St. E dw ard’s to Close on Friday

____ offl.Sl. Kilward’n pnrnrtiliil 'u-lnml. 'nil-

lU'teil Iiv ille Slnlirn of Ihe llidv ‘"'I roK.t will have i n 'tim m i'rinrin li>- lOrrnw mnrnlnK on ihn ix-canlou of " If* (ru rt nf S a rrn l H ear/ nf .Ii"-ii:* here Kill be hluh maiin i nlel.fatr.l 1 S o'clock III xtlildi Ilir rl.llilicu hll urc inrmlii'rTi nf Ihc C.illuil'r lu n li w lll.tcc rixe Iiuly i i>nuiiiinlnn. ■IlilnmiiH svlll br kIxi'Ii by Itrv . Ka- irV Uriiil K. KeyMcr,T h r piiplla have adviini-nl raplillv f J lirllli: lbe piird year In llie brnnihr;.Ill,'thi, whlih Incliulc thii-n' i.iir iu-d I idmllar i;ra<lrn In Iho puhll- chnoln.

)ii is the two store Lm' our_ formor location.

mt endeavor to serve tm*'IhyImy

niture: ’ ^IS L O W P R IC E S . tho


at Company §M7 ,1M> :>na k iio h i io m ; s t . so . to,


------ - t w jn -f a :

Bingham Canyon W ill Welcomb-Mr.

M cCary B a c ki;p--:iliini; of Ihe antlrf|iatcd rcliini

f W. t'. M. Carly nr IhJ'i <'lly. U< llu- lanuReiiuinl nf the Srhratiiin-Jnhnn.>ii nil! nrtire ai IliiiKhani Tanynn, ninb.:,■ l-rrnii-llillletlti n( lill.l town 'layiit ,W. i- Mi-i'iiny, Mini 11ve.l 111 fllnc-,

mmrbUc.l''wUh V .'^’ll." Wi.odrinR IM 1C .IrnK htiulnciiH will ri'turn f . nmp iibiuii Ihc ::oili of June to lakebnrKc of (be .................................lnm Hlni-e here. _ M r . M.C.irly haa i-.-n nianliKrr of iTic dnn: nlnre for '.In rnmiiany In Twin l--.ilb* Inr miuiy c iiri nnd will rciurn tn Inlir cliiirrc. f thc drui; bimliirnn In lllni-liiini •h^ih Mr. WoiHlrliiK h:in uolil rn ihe, chramin-Jnhnm.u <|i:iny. IMr. MtCarly ii frlniiln 'vlll wrli-oiiin

nnd Mi-i. M el'arly bai-1: It. Ihc^

If"'l'lie lVrMi-Uu"lr!lir Mr. ’'Mcl'aM V i -,'l Inlnl lhai hc Innl nlwnyn Illird Iilnn-' i„ am and rdnn the i^.-'iramtii-Jnliiinoi: : niiip";iy mndr him a fbiiirrlni: i>lfer[ j,, 11 malianr Ihln nrw liilHlnrn'i hr Ima, crhtr.l lo a rre |.l . Mr. MrC.irly Um..." , „„ nndlllnmi In IllnKhani im frw in-u u thc, wi'M und hln arrcplam 'c of

vlll 'i in n i if t th r p.'<.p|r nf llir ranm |I.lf they will bave an ...................... A

P E R S O N A L S ’^ ^ ________ i; ", 1. Ilarl.;ci of lbe Illi; I |.i Vlillc ntorc, n lurneil Tuendny fruui 1 biiHlliena tr ip in Illarkfont nliil nlliri'u.lnlii In canirrii Idaho. Mr. Karl I vnn in hti.dncm a niinihcr of yc,ira; mo in llUlcllfonl. * I 'ij

Mr. ailll Mrn. K, C, l.l. Ullirr| ", ilnl returned (rnm n nmplu nf day.i j | •inll In Holnr. .

Mr, nn.l .Mrn. Joliii_\..hlr and damih-' r r llari.ara Irll Imlay fnr Salrm .l Irr^nn. In hrlni; linnic Ihrlr il;iiii;btrr. i

,VIIUimc'l1e I'lllverslly , ll•'•l |'r|;.;s ll:.Vlill ai-ioiiipaiile,| Iiirni un Iar a..[ ul

Mrn. Ollll Ilalirr I.-(i yr.ili-nlay (nr l!

im rriil cinj.1 wiili lier niMrr. Mr:. I-:"• -____ ____________________A

Mru. Mnrv Krllnct; ami li.-r itc^uid- !'on. I'arroll Kcllnm-, ur- mi Ihclr w,iy ''

lo lown lo vl'llt. "

Sa'n"’'f'rim.-'i'.‘ n' vIhiI'i,',''; Imr''p.-liraln,Mr uml Mrv I.. Krirdman. "

Baptist Guild Girls «Hold An Interesting " M eeting a t Bungalow "

Thr Wnrld Wide (liilM Cliln nf I'ti. " Ilni'l'nl fh iirct, In-'t ii' Un; Imii^alnu u " TiirK]By 'n».'nlni; ni Hinu. •i,i;.i„T va-i nerv«d In llir hanerncnl cf llir ih u i. libv Mcr.dnnieii ............... ul .inhiruor ofIho Wi.mnn'n Mlh.dnu Circle, nftrr which niljniirnnicni wni Inkcn to Ihi- bimcnlow w birn Ibc luttdnevi nicrt-lInr wan held,

Thir. wan fo'low rd liv Um procnini on Uio^«liidy^lw|^

.mr. nf M and’on' ih r 'rm irU i'n f j'l’iu' lliixcl Kcrni. wa'i In eharKc nf ihr

pro;:rani. T aklnc p.irl w.-rr (irne. vl.-tc and fllmlyn W llcol. M ar'r Nun- ncllv, Winifred T inker, Uulh Tnlllvrr -mil lleba nm lcr

Tlm nrxl nil riini: will i,r lirliUlu :h r bllliKlllow July :i. |

Idaho O fficers 'Continue Search j

•for Homesteader. 'M-dKANK. Wash., Jiiim 7 -Iilubn l

offlclalA w rre io,|.iv ct.ntIniilni; llieir -ran-li fnr Krank STaiiil, hom-'..tri.<|rr ind i.lI"Kcd ulaycr nl W, Welnl. ir

Woodnincn hrllrl-e llm man will n i 'ir r hr fminil. un tlir f n r d lu " u h li h r In he'h '\i-.l lo I.e hUHii;: la nlmonl Imt.en.irable.

T h r hnilt In belnK J'rIltrrrrI In Ihr

cant uf Sl. MurI.-H,-

Flood Once More Threatens Folks in

Oklahom a CityOKI.AIlf>MA CITY, O kla. June T,

-(Ikaabnnia Cliv mrn:..... . inh irh wnler Imlny fnr Ibc ni-eniiil llmc Ihln year,

Th.' Sorlli Canadian ilvcr nlmnl Ul IK feel mill a rinr ..f m, i,i|>l|. tlonal font wa« prrdlrt.'.l hy nklit- fnll. Mnny icnl.Irnlii In llic lnw- Iambi Wrrr forird In Iil.:lirr cn.uml S r r r ra l nlrrrtn In Ilir i.rra havr been donrd In irafflc.

I >v(i i i i ,i v im : ' i{I'it s .I I,(m A.SC.Kl.l-:;\ Cr,|„ Jnn r 7. -An Ibn nprrlncuhir ii .rc rr o ' Tlumm'i

tl-rc' WiKflwlni. In llm dlnirlr; Al- llornry'ii nffli'e cmled Imlny, fnllmv- tinK hln r.-nlr.nnilnii y n , accniinl of Illl hcallh, bln dutlr«Cwcrr lakeii up Ihy Ana ICcycn. ^hi. Ijnn been n ilcp- luly III Ilm Uftlcc (or 'jn yearn.

Jeb far "Mtn." r rrd d te wa* mnch vlatrd a t Iho

IhouKlic of soinc ilnirnlown to hny hi* ftrat cloUi snlt, Hm lie lonV.'d dn- blutiNly a t Illn iimtber. who wiia pr>w 3 pann;: tu (o u lih Mni. Ttien liK face B brl(btenr<l. and. looklni lini^.rlunllv R nl UN fnlhrr, lie nalil. ••Daddle. don't H ton lldnk n . mon w.,ul,l trnm' um'.o | sboul bujini; u nultV —Kxiliunge. •


Silk PongeeTlibi l-l a Kcimlim Jap pnnKcc. I-;.-Imporicd. i!ovr-niincnl utampcd i,.|and iH.-iltlvclv all nllU; .the lir.t poni;rc Nabm In muny innnllin; unld cl-*rwherc un hltih '

S 1 .0 0 -C rystal Crepe

Alno nobl nn Onmllc CInlh; In M11 nev, >iummrr bibrlc of npe. piila l (Ine n'm lliy knllteil iillken <<Cinlli; Im-lim wide, nmi III»mi chiirmlm; for ’wiilmn. eidrr.'<i:<-Ti und nklrin. Your choir.. ' Id

price,!,‘''lU r‘y!iTd ......$ 2 . 7 5 IColored Pongee

The Kcnnon'n mom ilrnlriibli'! j,imiorl ifnhrl.: for upon uklrln. ,niij.orl drcuttus unil ivnbilit, now nliiiwlm: Uiu very hlcriL colorn:Uirre I-t liarilly n moro ncrvice- nhle iillkcn mnlerhil Ihau

$1.85 JSilk Shirtings '

A ;i:!-incli wide idlkt'll clolh,in u now runRC i>( l>cniKirul ulyl-'n und .olurn: .. heavy \M-li:bl ami moiit ihipcndnblr

$1.35 "Crepe de Chines i<

A full nlnn.lnrd wcIkUI "'fabric; nofi fliilnll niul nil llir 'III-1C-.I;idc-.; In nn diiriibl.' ''J UK It In KOiXl irmliliit: und williiKalii proiM on-' nf Ihc imnl ' rm m lar iillki I'-Hd Ibln niiin-

;rv-,ir5.....$1.69Silkj T affetas ,

Sirli'lly n ll- .d lk taKcIa. lu a linpicbil w plrht: very flnrly rwoven nml i."-aull(nlly fliiUheil, co(f..ii;<l iu whir ruMKo nf col- v

... ::-;$1.85-—?

WB1 f f ™

SPECIAL SHOW ING ' Sm art G ingham Fro*

•i'hri" |,i,-iiy IICW [:liir.hnm Jm ckn wlH." liv.Mt. ..{ m-.«y v.onwv. Tb.-y ,vf xery b, u ,|nality KlUKbam. « llh .lal..........uff,.'v pueki.t:.. imnln i. Tinb" Iniinil ,1 V.'hle raim r „f Ihr niiw .'dorn nml piillcnia lo Hcliil froi ibarmlm: fmcltn hnvo been iilvrii :.|I.|.(.-;i, raiii;lnB trom -

§1.23 $4.49Ladies’ Sum m er Knit Union Suits

K nillr.l nf fine combed yarn.In a vcrJ- (Inc Rnncc nnd Ilnhf iirlKhl wllh bnillcp loji. nml rniiiiil ncck. lUid niff.Jjncc. nlno in low ncflt nlylr wllh cuff liner, a w.'ll Inllntrd Rarmmt llirmich.iul; tdl.-n aC lo AC - ., .h r Mill. 5 9 c

Vounr ' H citr - l.:nlb'n- fin.'lltll,......... lilts. An eii.cclally!Ui.- muiU'.-i r.nntu-iit. ..iik Mb.Iir.rrit irlm m r'l' li> low neck

B niM coff U re i.t.'lc mndr otI .<i,'( lal n. b i-lC'l rradu of fine- B c^.iib.,l y .r li; id i.', K lo 44:

I ;;ir“ .. ........89c

■ ^ T ~

C otton RatinesK.nprclnlly nltrncUvc; fur/iipori wear; fine for nporl ilri'iuicn. ti]i.>ri Hlilriii. In lly. Iiitciit nnm- mcr nhnilen,' an inchcii wide: . priced, tbc _ pri

Japanese CrepeaMedium wcIkUI. nofi flulnli Ini- I"'ported Jntianenit crojii.', plnln I"-lolorn. IniludbiK nil tbi; nrw p'- llk-lil nnd ilurk nbadru (i.r worn-I'lru nml cliil.lrcn'u ilri-iinc:! nnd ,rr

... 35c »Im ported Ginghamsrin e (Iiinllly iniporird OblK- t'nlinnin: cliccli, plniii nnil broken cojiliild p.iiicrnn. fuul colorn. .-bnofi rinlnh; 112 Incbrni A Q a kIi:widr; ;;cr ynrd .............n

Dress Ginghams , pnAll cxcollcnl qunlliy BinRhnm In iilain .-olor:. und i-Iirckn and ' hu I.Inldii; uln.i nlrlpc.l pullcrn". 'f '' ' faiil colorn; liiclicx wlili.; n ilra rllv f nnnorimcni from j.j wblch Io maku your nvlccilun. liii'IndtiiR nil tbe ileidrrd cid>

.............25c «•;Tissue Ginghams

lu tho mont wnnlcd aummer • nt

riunliUcn wllh nn.l wiihoul idjidik iir lp c .I i.u lterna; one of cathe 'p o p u la r uuinmcr fubrkn,J.rlccd th.t ynrd, n l— , ^

59c and 69cDress Voiles e."

In Iho new Kcypllnn pnltfrmi, ”lu nn nllractlvp.uRKorlmi-iil nf rolom- .Vo nntnmrr wnrdrohn can ho c.implolL' wllhoul n Ofvnili- drenn; IIQ Incbcn widr; of

-r;S“''...“'"-7-- ';r--59c—-S JU N E W H ITE

A pni.. iv r l ,„v r : liv e nn .l ilciicii.InM i' i|i

K .-u ily -to -W cnr l)c |m rli i

N<'U' ilie mimy s,mS ^ B I v V / ''l>'-i'inl .llKiiiiiyn.

I.ildlr.’ (;nw ii«-Sllii.ovcr //lOj M lilmnnn nicevcn. in flno nu l\ I /In iiulniiely irlmmnd with cm U / A pricpd. oui'h— .

^ $1.23, $1.49.I.ildlr*' Cnnlls—Ilnnd mnil

' / J m ! a . Ufully embroblercil; uli. / / « ^ Ilalniy Inen; I’lilllppino in/ IM /W ■ ■ '•I'tlonnl vnltrrn; prl.-nl i

/ j m . $2.98, $3.49j j l l T hat “SOMETI: ' W I Have or Ha

.Mnny a u m ...... i.l.i'f.iM' .me cnlch..'.'. th e

i G O F

r o c k s I;!;- ‘i;,“will Ilhl.I.Icntvtr mii.l.^ ot H sim lliiM.lalnly l ollur u-nir,— llm t ' is, il' y o u IT hrre a rc lo -.i-i-ici is n M oiiiirl l'n r^

III,,,,, i , , , - , „,|_v uiirhct 11


Ladies’ Hose Priced Lower

A biK Ilnv ot plain und nnvcliyallk hmrt«ry iiinde of puro nml „nrllMclnl nllk mlicil. They f.

■ havr dainty clockrd ilfi-iRnn nn w Ihe uiilile uml rually look like . f<locklnR> Ihul nhould ncll fnr ''counldernbly more. Have hl*b 3hpllcril hccin and .lonbln aolri ,nnd toen nmU doublo kniltt.l jlopu o t miTcerltpd coiton, In, jhlark. maboKnny nnd African j brown, .a n d w hlto; . Q Q a ' •>

vricod the pair...............v O i * j

T l i r

^ e s s v ^ m r sW f

ii • ,f' liVcAi’ J.j llr fOiMllO**

Cotton Goods^ 3 Scction

Quppn of tlir H om e-nldr H brrt. ■]''lm ; - 8 old only nt tliix alore, nf oxcoptlonully flnu .|unllty. prli'cil—

........65c j:........ 69c

lu-t blcncll.'.l. ' J Q np,..r ynnl ...................... ^Ilnlh .MntM.-Kllli nnme nn cx- I,frn heavy wcIkIU Turklnh ],tr.w-el; In n rnnRc of now ilnrk l,pnticrnn iin,l siylcii; p rlteil ...

;;r':............. $349t 'o l . im l ' TJihIr Ilnmn«k—l-Mat !' cniorn ,w'lth nnlln fliilnb, In .-beck, block nnrt'* /nncy dn- *•;Kicnn; In blur, rrd nnd buff;,1 cloth ilini w in aIvo mo9t ii;illi>fn«rtory ncrVIri'; 'Q G f * ■!prlcril. thu yanl ....... . v O ^ Jllm i'lrc ShcpI*—W llhoul fill. biK In full *1*0 KlxOO, nnd

$1.69 JI'lllnw /iH r '.-M a d o Of (ull Hinmlanlf wriRht pillow cnnInK f,wllhoul (IIIIiiR or nlnrclt: ii:/n ,,

..:....35cSnilu lied Sprrnd 't—OffcrlnR nnmnt unununl n tlraclivo TnJuc- .fnt Ihln price, cm c o rn rr; In n ,,variety nf bandnnmo dcnli;iin: ..

$6.89 ;■Tiirkl«Ji •. TonrlH — IJIcnchcd, n InrKe lHx30 nixn, hrnvy wolRhl, 1'hrinnn'd nml ready forV nnp. i. with red. bluii nnd w tiiu .'^u r- | dcr; priced, 3 v C '

Sanita.ry Napkins ^lilTOffrrlnR an pxtrn nprclnl vnluo R- I of (Inr <|uullly.-niid pul up nlX If’

E SALE— Once A gain a Im portance to W omer

iiKsciii1>1.-iI linniln 'ilH o f .'iio l iiii.].m-i;i ' i |i i a li ty , ;i( iiiu ih iu iIIv '’ in v it in g |n iirliiii-nt nil lint liiilonny. .

s|u-cinl rcn liii'i 's I'ijMliiilii'il in lli is i

vcr with nel-ln. ninn l.adi.'s* f p l l lc ) Iiualliy nalnnook. ex- dim lialii.njok,

embroidery und Ince: In Iran i nnd 1 priced-—

9 , o W 8 $1.!mnile nnnncnin: < \nu- I.nillri’ ^!nT0la|

ulhO* irlnimeil ^vhli nn.l ahuuldnre iiiAclc RurmonlH.' cz> nuinnmik'. - luctn l III . p riced--

9 $4.98 $1.!TH ING ” You E i t h e r

Haven’t in DressI'H iicci']itc .l h r r i 'je e t. '.i j.nij;

th e c o lo r Ilf ti.?r eyes. I l 'i i im l, in lli r lic ii'lit nT riixliion, yel

n r i s n ’t, iiieliiiic in tlic .■iiscni- liiil o n ly woiiicii w ill li'H you in n c llii i i i ;" ih—ilic j in i |ie r cor-

iliitn : 1» ni-Jiicvc tlm si' kitii's of oil Know lln- s.'c i'c i. . \n il llic I 'n rsc l . /

i.l I '.irsi'i is llu- .M mlnrt, so -' M I, so f re e ill ilH fc i'liiij;, l lm t. l't liU.' n .\lo .Iiirt. ^

O L U S rV E A O E N T S F O R MO-

JE C O R S E T m T W I N F A L L S .


P riced L• '-l.u. ..

Pain ty—A xcry fine ,'O nuRifi I' rlilldrcn’a hoae o t m edium 'w-rl|!hl. hlchly m rrcorlU 'd; nn ' j’ pxccptlonnlly blch Kratie .mock' . ^Iiik nrllUiR rrsulnt-ly nl 49c Ii

a 'lu i l r for.................., $ 1 * 0 0 4

Mo. Gft—CUlUUcli'a . otmedium wplRhl. nrhmlpHn, wlili hiRh npHccd Iifcl, u mont dc; _ peuilHble iiunllty. JtcRUlar HSr W

........: $ i . o o

n im .S D A Y . .JU N E 7, 102n............................. 1— ' •* I /

36-ln. Spanish Lace Flouncing

.Vow micd BO exicnalvcly (or nuinmcr drennen: in entirely now dcnlKna; In tbo mo»l wnnli'd abndeii of wlillu, blnck, ccru, llKbl uroy und brown:

j;;;?.’.:.!.''!........$2.39Spanish Bertha

Lace ^Tbcne ciimn In the unnip pnt- ^ lernnTind colom nn iho.Hpnnlnh lacr (lounclng lo mnlch;

S d ' ' - , " " , ; ...................89c ■Peter Pan Laces

llenvlly embroklerod In nnif rolnr nnd (nncy colorn on or- Knndle.n, In cxtiiilallo d f5lKn«, nnd-vory popular {or irimtHlnRt nummer (rocka; priced, by the , point—

12c 20c 25c 30cDeauville Squares

Tho nuw fnd In nnckwrnr, nnd vcry populnr. In ihe nc^- pnlii- Icy-UulRnrlnn pnilprnn, bem- nllti'hp.l In rnitnu

... -98cLadies’ A ll Linen

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