twinkies dawn of time

Twinkies: Since the Dawn of Time

Upload: jonathan-unger

Post on 11-Jul-2015




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Twinkies: Since the Dawn of Time

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Twinkies will survive the apocalypse. That’s just an urban legend… or is it? Recent archaeological evidence proves that Twinkies have been satisfying taste buds since the dawn of time! Even more proof is out there suggesting Twinkies could be the everlasting snack food – but we need your help to uncover it.

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The Campaign Elements  

-  Fake press releases about new Twinkie archaeological discoveries -  Online video ads -  Interactive microsite -  Outdoor dig sites -  Crowdsourced competition

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Twinkophase   One  Twinkie  cell  and  one  daughter  cell  are  produced  

Twinkie  Mitosis  

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Fake Press Releases  

Fake press releases detailing the discovery of Twinkies at

archaeological digs will kick off the campaign to

generate awareness and curiosity. They will be placed on

the websites of scientific/archaeological publications such

as National Geographic and Archaeology and promoted

on Twinkie’s owned social platforms. The goal of these

press releases will be to reach top content aggregator

sites like Buzzfeed and Reddit, leading to virality.

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Online Video Ads  

Video content will be released along with the text of the

press release that details the exploits and experiences of

the archaeological teams. These spots will be produced

in a hand-held, rough-cut style, as though the discoveries

are being made live, right in front of the viewer. For

example, an archaeologist excitedly calls over the

cameraman to film a box of Twinkies she has discovered

carved into a line of hieroglyphics.

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Interactive Microsite  

Twinkies: Since the Dawn of Time, will have its own

campaign microsite, with an interactive world map of

recent Twinkie discoveries. The map will not only show

discoveries produced by our agency (with links to more

information), but users will be able upload their own

Twinkie discovery photos/videos/stories and geotag


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Outdoor Dig Sites  

Outdoor dig sites at urban parks will challenge

participants to get there hands dirty and make a Twinkie

discovery of their own! Boxes of Twinkies will be placed

beneath the earth along with other items, and teams will

be asked to sift through and uncover them. This is a

guerilla type activity that should generate great buzz and

excitement around the brand, while engendering real

loyalty amongst participants.

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Outdoor Dig Sites  

Outdoor dig sites at parks in urban areas will challenge participants to get there hands dirty and make a Twinkie discovery of their own! Boxes of Twinkies will be placed beneath the earth and teams will be asked to unearth them. This is a guerilla type activity that should generate great buzz and excitement around the brand, while engendering real loyalty amongst participants.

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Crowdsourced Competition  

Twinkies will run several competitions to see who can make the most

astounding Twinkie discovery, with winners receiving all-expenses

paid trips to famous archaeological landmarks (ie. The Pyramids of

Giza, Vesuvius, etc.). The challenges will range from Photoshopping

a Twinkie into a historical moment, to writing a short story about how

a single Twinkie changed the world forever. Winners will be selected

by users of the Twinkie microsite and followers of Twinkie’s owned

platforms (using a peer-vetted creative production model).

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Why This Has to Happen!  

-  Twinkies would use a pre-existing cultural reference

about the brand and spin it in a whole new light.

-  Twinkies needs to bring itself back to prominence, not

just as a brand people joke about, but one they purchase.

It needs a big, bold campaign to do this.

-  This campaign is high in potential for virality and also

builds in a great deal of interactive elements to increase

brand engagement.

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Why This Has to Happen!  

Also, this campaign gives agency creatives, as well as

members of the new Twinkie community, a near infinite

amount of material to work with. Virtually any event in

the course of natural or human history can be used as a

backdrop for a Twinkie ad.

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