twitter & language learning & teaching

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link Twitter with language learning & teaching


Page 1: Twitter & Language Learning & Teaching

黃鈺芬 林怡均


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• TwitterTwitter is 140 character miniblog that is 140 character miniblog that answers the questionanswers the question

""What are you doingWhat are you doing??""

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• Microblogging tool which combines features of SMS text messages and blogs.

• It allows users to send very short messages (known as “tweet”) to each other that are also readable by the rest of the web.

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It’s so popular nowadays

• A lot of people are talking about it, and plenty are using it, including some presidential candidates, well-known celebrities. Also news agencies have a Twitter profile, such as CNN, which posts new headlines with links to the full stories.

• In February 2009, Twitter had more than 7 million visitors, among whom many tweachers and twudents (teachers and students using the technology) worldwide who got into the habit of sending and receiving “Tweets” (i.e. messages in Twitterspeak).

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• Twitter keeps connected with a select group of colleagues and acquaintances through a shared space.

• Twitter makes people stay in touch virtually anywhere because it can work with either cell phones or a PC.

• Twitter builds online communities of people who share interests and activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others.

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• Frequent updates

-What am I doing?

-What am I thinking?

• Conversational writing

• Connect students beyond class

• Unique & practical communication

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For language teaching & learning• Reading-• (a) read the incoming messages of their fellow students. • (b) “Follow” some major news organization like BBC, CNN,

etc. with your students, and have your students select Tweeted stories to read.

• Writing-• (a) The students are asked to leave one Tweet question each

before the beginning of or during a lesson.• (b) Write summaries based on reading or listening activities

and send the message to at least two other people in the class.

• (c) start an opening for a story to all followings, and then ask them to continue the story in tweets, collaborating with previous tweets.

Having all students sign up for Twitter accounts and follow each other including following the instructor.

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Twitter as a tool for language teaching

• Following conversations

• Tweeting in a community

• Correcting Tweets

• Twitter conversation in class

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The numbers of The numbers of people who people who follow this twitterfollow this twitter

CNN on TwitterCNN on Twitter

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For language teaching & learning

• In addition to English skills, Twitter helps to create a sense of cultural awareness and acquiring cultural competence via the interaction with native speakers of English and the usage of English speaking Web-services

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Twitter vs. Plurk

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The benefits

• It facilitates active learning foster interaction about a given topic instead of simply

listening to an instructor and taking notes

• It can increase metacongitive works or help teacher realize what the students think about the lesson.

think about and reflect on one’s own learning

• It gets students thinking critically about the meat of their message.

• It increases the feeling of community among people.

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The benefits

• Relevance: Students are familiar with it.

• Quick and simple to use

• Distinctive communication style

• Conversational writing

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Reference • 15 Essential Twitter Tools & Application• How To Use Twitter in the Classroom

• Web2.0 Primer for Newbies

• 7 things you should know about twitter

• Promoting Twitteracy in the Classroom

• Emerging Internet Technologies for Education

• The twitter blog of CNN breaking news

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• Twitter for language learning


• Twitter and Microblogging for Language Learning

