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  • 8/15/2019 TWL Rules



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    America's Army NA Ladder Rules

    America's Army NA Ladder RulesRule Index

    General Ladder Information

    Ladder Specific Rules

    Player Guidelines

    Team Management

    Server Requirements

    Server Settings

    Match Details

    Match Results Reporting

    Match Dispute Filing

    Substitute, Dropped or Additional Players

    Game Demo Recording

    Cheat Deterrent Client (CDC)

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    Match Observers



    Penalties for Rules Infractions

    Admin Structure

    Version Releases

    Rules Statement

    Important Links

    General Ladder Information

    Current America's Army Game Release used for TWL Matches

    Version 2.8

    Ladder Play Definition

    TWL Ladder Play is based upon an attacking/defending ladder rung system. Teams may join ladders attheir discretion and attempt to work their way to the top by attacking teams on "ladder rungs" abovethem. A successful result by the attacking team results in them taking the spot or rung from the defendingteam. In turn the defending team falls to the next spot down. If the attacking team loses the match thenboth teams stay at the rung they were on prior to the match. Teams who are in an active challenge andteams that are on official "rest" are the only teams that cannot be challenged. All other teams can bechallenged and "must" accept any challenge made. Failure to do so could result in loss of rungs on theladder or in removal from the ladder.

    TWL America's Army Ladder matches are played using a best of 12 round system on a single randomlygenerated map. Winning the most rounds results in a match win. Certain scenarios can exist where

    individual rounds can be tied. Specific information about Type of Gameplay, Round Wins/Ties, Maps, RoundTimes, and Squad Size can be found in the Ladder Specific Rules.

    In the event of a tie after all 12 rounds have been completed, the teams will play a Sudden DeathOvertime round on a different site generated map. A list of the prospective Overtime maps and their roundwin/tie scenarios are found in the Ladder Specific Rules Additional Overtime logistics can be found in theMatch Details section.

    How to Join a Ladder

    Please click here for a tutorial on how to create an account, create a team, join a ladder with your team,and add other players to your team's roster. Please note that in the GUID section of that tutorial you woulduse your "exact" Americas Army player account name. Additionally, please familiarize yourself with our

    Player Guidelines and Team Management rules before registering.

    Ladder Play Logistics

    Issuing a ChallengeTeams that have reached the required roster minimum, and do not have a pending challenge from anotherteam or have not lost a match within the last 24 hours, are eligible to challenge up at any time. Challengesare issued through the teams Admin Console by the Team Founder or Captain(s). NOTE - You must belogged in to the TWL site in order to administer your team. Please see the next section for details on howhigh up the ladder you can challenge. You will not be able to challenge teams that have another pendingchallenge, are on rest, or have won a match within the last hour.

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    Ladder MovementYou can challenge anyone above you 10 slots or 50% of the remaining ladder from your current rank -whichever is higher. (Ex: Rung 100 can challenge rung 50. Rung 48 can challenge to rung 24. Rung 15 canchallenge to rung 5).

    Challenge and Match Date AcceptanceThere is a time limitation for match responses. This includes Acceptance of a Challenge and/or DateAcceptance. The present time frame is 48 hours. At the 48 hour mark a "Forfeit Flag" is created to notifythe Ladder Admin that their is an overdue acceptance. The Admin will then look into the issue and eithergive more time or award a forfiet loss and ladder rung drop to the team failing to meet the 48 hour

    requirement. The admin would choose to give the other team more time if they feel the team is making aneffort in scheduling the match.

    Map SelectionThe Team Warfare server randomly chooses both the normal map and overtime map once the challengingteam has selected the match date. The maps are selected on a weighted scale that tries to ensure that allmaps are picked an even amount of times for each ladder. For a complete list of the maps played in eachladder please see the Ladder Specific Rules section.

    Match CommunicationsAll Communications concerning Match Logistics must take place within the TWL site provided "MatchComms" section. The "Match Comms" button becomes available once the match is confirmed.Communications in Match Comms are to be limited to specific match information. Players found abusingmatch comms could be subject to unsportsmanlike conduct punishment.

    Server ChoiceThe server must comply with the Server Requirements section of the rules.

    When the Attacking team chooses the date and confirms the match they must immediately post theirserver information in match comms. The Defending team then must choose and post which server theywant to use 24 hours prior to the match. Failure to do so will result in them losing server choice and thematch will be played on the Attacking teams Server.

    If neither team can provide a server for the match, the appropriate Ladder Admin should immediately becontacted.

    Side ChoiceThe Defending team has the right to pick their starting side for the match. It must be confirmed in thedrop down box 24 hours prior to the start of the match. If the Defending team does not select a starting

    side, it reverts to the Default (Defender = Defend, Challenger = Assault).

    InactivityTeams are expected to remain active at all times while on ladder. The only exceptions are when teamstake a "Rest" period or during official TWL Holiday periods. Further information concerning "Rest" can befound 2 sections down.

    To combat inactivity TWL has instituted the following 2 rules.Teams receiving 3 no-show forfeit losses in any 45 day period will be removed from the applicableladder.


    Teams must play, or at least attempt to play, a minimum of 1 match every 3 weeks. Teams failingto follow this guideline will be removed from the applicable ladder.


    ReschedulingBoth teams must agree in Match Comms to the rescheduling of a match. Once the new match date/time isagreed a notification email should be sent to the Ladder Admin.

    Rescheduled match dates must be within 10 days of the original match date.

    Teams can only agree to reschedule a match 1 time without Admin approval. If a 2nd reschedule isneeded, please contact the Admin for the ladder to request the reschedule.

    If both dates selected by the Defending team conflict with other confirmed matches for the Attacking team,then the Defending team "must" agree to reschedule the match.

    RestingTeams may rest for a total of 7 days per 3-month period (13 weeks). Teams start and stop rest via the

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    Admin Console. Please note that you cannot go on rest when you are in an active challenge or for 24 hoursafter you report a match loss. Rest is counted in whole day amounts.

    Teams in the top 5 spots on the ladder are not eligible for rest, but may contact the appropriate LadderAdmin if a situation exists that they feel warrants a short rest period. The final decision to grant top 5teams rest will be at the sole discretion of the Ladder Admin.

    Deviation from the Defined RulesTeams may choose to play their Ladder match pretty much any way they want, provided the change isagreed to in "Match Comms" by BOTH teams. They can change maps, change times, change weapons

    assignments, number of players, etc, etc, etc. It has been said by Senior Staffers in the past that teamscan choose to play Yahoo Chess, if that is what they want to do. TWL only requires that the results bereported consistent with ladder match results on the date the match is scheduled to play.

    Top of Section

    Tournament Mode Requirement

    TWL Americas Army uses the game feature Tournament Mode in all matches. A tutorial for how to setupTM on a server is available here. Tournament Mode settings and known bugs can be found here.

    Game Demo Recording

    Recording of Demos during Ladder Matches is optional. Players, at their own discetion, may record themand provide them as evidence towards a match dispute. Further explanation of how to record demos canbe found here. Also see the Match Dispute Filing section for information on how/when to submit a Demofor a dispute.


    Players are strongly encouraged to take screenshots at various times throughout matches. Screenshotsoften can be instrumental in resolving match disputes quickly and efficiently. Examples of when playersshould take a screenshot include.

    F1 screen and CDC playerlist during Mission Planning or when a team has determined their opponentis not showing up for the match.F1 screen showing the score at the end of each live round.When TM is reporting erroneous round scores both teams are required to post the actual round

    score at the end of each live round and take a screenshot of the global chat.Global Chat of any team discussions over any kind of issue.Global Chat where any opponent is exhibiting unsportsmanlike conduct.Any other situation where a player feels that a screenshot might show a potential match issue.

    Cheat Deterrent Client

    TWL requires all players to run AA CDC in all official TWL matches. Information on downloading, installing,and running CDC can be found here. Additional CDC rules and procedures are found here

    Rule Index

    Ladder Specific Rules

    Below is a list of each Ladder type for the Americas Army North American Division. Click the relevantlink below to view the specific details for each ladder. Rules in the ladder dropdown section take

    precedence over conflicting General Ladder Rules.


    [O] 2v2 Combat Ladder

    [O] 2v2 Objective Ladder

    [O] 4v4 Objective Ladder

    [O] 4v4 Speed Objective Ladder

    [O] 6v6 Objective Ladder

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    [O] 4v4 Special Forces Ladder

    [O] 6v6 Special Forces Ladder

    [O] 8v8 Objective Ladder

    Rule Index

    Player Guidelines

    TWL P layer Account(s)

    All players wishing to participate in TWL Ladders must maintain a single active TWL Site Account and usethat account to join any TWL League or Ladder site wide. Players found using multiple accounts could besubject to disciplinary action including site ban.

    TWL In-Game Identifier (Anti-Smurf ID)

    Players wishing to join a TWL Americas Army Ladder or League are required to list any Americas Armyplayer names they plan on using in their TWL profile. Players must do this before they attempt to join ateam in a League or Ladder as the TWL Site will block them from joining. Adding an AA Player Name isaccomplished by the following steps:

    Click on your TWL Player name at the top left of the TWL Page to open the dropdown menu.1.From this menu highlight "Account Maintenance"2.To the right of "Account Maintenance" click on "Profile".3.

    On the profile screen find the section "Anti-Smurf in Game Identifiers".4.At the bottom of the "Anti-Smurf section click on "Add another id".5.Enter your "EXACT" Americas Army Login name and then click on "Add Identifier".6.If you have more than one Login name repeat the steps to add all of them.7.

    Please note that you must spell the AA Game Name exactly as it is in-game. You must accurately add allpunctuation and letter case. Failure to do so will result in you being blocked by CDC from joining a serverfor a match.

    Ladder Eligibility

    A player may only play on 1 team per ladder. A player found to be playing for more than 1 team on a givenladder will be considered Smurfing.

    Upon joining a ladder, a player is not eligible to play in a match that was already "accepted" by thedefending team before the day he joined.

    Player Conduct

    Players are expected to conduct themselves in a courteous manner at all times in the Match Comms andduring Match Play. TWL has a zero tolerance for Unsportsmanlike Behavior such as use of profanity,inappropriate racial or sexual comments, taunting, showing disrespect, and spamming of game chat ormatch comms with non-match related comments. The list in the previous sentence is an example and nota complete list. Players found exhibiting Unsportsmanlike Behavior could be subject to punishment underthe Sportsmanship section found in Penaltiess for Rules Infractions. Determination as to whetherpunishment is warranted is at the discretion of the applicable Ladder Admin or Senior Staff Member.

    Rule Index

    Team Management

    Team Management on the TWL AA Ladders is handled by the Team Founder and players on each ladder

    roster that he/she designates as Captains. Captains have the same authority level as the Founder when

    administering the team on the ladder with the exception of joining new ladders, editing the team profile

    information, and changing the founder. The Founder is encouraged to exercise caution when choosing

    captains as they can do things such as forfeit challenges, kick players from the roster, and remove the

    team from ladders. However, TWL does encourage the founder to appoint enough Captains to ensure

    challenges are accepted and match scores reported in a timely manner.

    TWL requires that the Founder or a Captain is present for all matches. They are not required to "play" in all

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    matches but must be available to report the match score or file a match dispute within 1 hour of match


    Team founders are responsible to ensure that his/her players do not cheat, are not banned from TWL

    under other accounts, and do not Smurffor other teams. Under certain circumstances the Founder can be

    suspended or banned from TWL for failing to keep his/her team cheater/smurf free. See the Penalties for

    Rules Infractions section for details.

    TWL will continue to support teams who police themselves of hackers, cheaters and smurfs. In caseswhere a team purges a hacker from their ranks and brings it to the attention of TWL staff, team

    punishments will be waived.

    Once a team joins a ladder, that team has 2 weeks to bring its roster to the minimum roster requirement

    for the ladder. Teams are also required to maintain the roster minimum at all times while on the ladder.

    Roster minimum requirements vary by ladder and can be found in the Ladder Specific Rules. Failure to

    reach or maintain the roster minimum will result in team removal from the particular ladder.

    Rule Index

    Server Requirements

    Server Capabilities

    The Server must be running the TWL Prescribed game version.The latest version of Punkbuster must be running. Directions for setting up Punkbuster to run on aserver can be found here.Player slots equal to the number of prescribed match players for the map plus 2 extra slots forAdmins/Match ObserversMust be capable of being run in Tournament ModeShould have a minimum of 512kbps upload connection speed. Teams can agree to a slowerconnection speed via match comms but in doing so they wave their right to dispute on grounds ofhigh pings or lag.Admin control of the server must be available before and during the match in case of setting issuesor crash.

    Server Rules

    Match servers must be located as follows:

    North American ladders: The server must be located in North America.European Ladders: The server must be located in EuropeOceanic Ladders: The server must be located in the Oceanic Region.

    ***Teams may request in match comms to use a server located outside of the designated region.However, the opponent is under no obligation to agree to the request. If they DO NOT agree then a serverlocated within the designated region must be used. If they DO agree then they waive their right to protestgame play issues due to high ping and lag. Teams found using a server for a match that is located outside

    the region without notifying and receiving approval from their opponent; will receive a forfeit loss for thematch. Subsequent attempts by the same team will be met with stiffer penalties.

    If the server is being hosted by a match player, that player cannot be connected to the server via thesame connection. (i.e. from behind a router or firewall)

    Teams that lease servers with log keeping capabilities must set them up to do so and keep all logs for aminimum of 72 hours. Servers that allow FTP access can create and store logs. To setup logging youshould only need to create a folder named "Logs" in the AA System directory.

    Rule Index

    Server Settings

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    Server Admin P anel Settings

    Configuration Tab:Make Server Private: OnGame Password: Your Choice (must be posted in match comms)Minimum Player Honor Level: 1Maximum Player Honor Level: 100Maximum Players: As high as your server allowsMaximum Admins: 2Auto-Balance Options: Never Auto Balance TeamsGame Play Mode: Force Live Fire Weapons

    Rules Tab:Enable Multiplayer cheats: OffShow Death Messages: On****Rounds Per Match: 12Round Time Limit: Ladder DependentSpectator Rules: Players only first person viewScoreboard Display Rules: Scoreboard always available****Disable Player Shadows=CheckedFriendly Fire Roe Limit: 150Kick Player for Early Roe: OffRoe Violations Options: Ignore Violations****

    Idle Player Kick Minutes: DisabledIdle Player Kick Rounds: 20HUD Options for Enhanced Difficulty: All Unchecked****

    ****Special settings exist for the SF Ladders.

    Tournament Tab:Match Name: TeamWarfare MatchLeague Name: TWLTournament Name: Ladder NameHome Team: Defending teamAway Team: Attacking teamRequire Team Passwords: OnHome Team Password: Team Choice (post in Match Comms if this is for opposing team)

    Away Team Password: Team Choice (post in Match Comms if this is for opposing team)Requested Pause length: 180 secondsSwap Sides Every: 6 roundsSwap Delay: 180Mission Planning time: Same as Live round timeCaptain Request Delay: 30 SecondsDelay Between Rounds: 15 secondsTie Breaking Rules: Allow TiesUse Endex Rule: OffOpen All Weapons Slots: OffAllow Team Captains: OnRandom Side Starts: Off

    Additional Server Setup In formation

    Punkbuster must be running on the server during a match with "No" optional PB features. CVAR checks/3rdParty Anti-Cheat Organization ban lists are not to be running during a match. If a player from the teamvisiting the server is kicked due to any PB optional feature, the team hosting the server will automaticallyforfeit a round and the player must be allowed to rejoin.

    No scripts are to be running that spam the console with messages.

    No 3rd party programs like ServerGuard or ExploitEnder are allowed to be running during a match.

    No game play modifications are to be active on the server during a match.

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    Known Tournament Mode Bugs

    Players sometimes will not spawn at the beginning of a roundMore instances of Game Crashing happen while servers are in TM.Tournament Mode does not support Overtime. Tournament Mode will have to be reset via a serveradmin.Tournament Mode will not score Combat matches correctly. Teams must keep score manually.

    Procedures to deal with several of the bugs listed above are found in the Match Details section.

    Rule Index

    Match Details

    Preparation for the Match

    In the days/hours leading up to a match both teams are required to familiarize themselves with the LadderSpecific Rules and match applicable sections of the General Ladder Information. The team providing theserver is to also ensure that it complies with the Server Requirements and that it is setup properly as perthe Server Settings rule. Players are to make sure that they have the latest PB client installed and thatCDC is functioning properly. The team member designated to be the Team Captain in the match must befamiliar with the Tournament tab functions found on the "F1" screen. Failure to be prepared will only leadto unnecessary match delays and disputes.

    When the teams enter the server they will join their side using the team password. One player from eachteam will choose the Team Captain spot.

    Setup (Mission P lanning) Round

    The Mission Planning round must begin no later than 10 minutes after the scheduled match time. As longas their is at least 1 player present from both teams this can happen. The short handed team(s) then havethe length of the planning round to get the rest of their players on the server. If one team has no memberson the server or on CDC at the 10 minute mark then the team that is on the server will take a screenshotof the F1 screen and the CDC playerlist showing their presence then leave the server and file a no-show

    dispute. If both teams have all members on the server and assigned to the proper team before the 10minute mark then the team captains should select ready to begin the planning round early.

    During the Mission Planning round the teams are to verify the following:

    All opposing players are on the opponent's roster and are eligible for the match.All opposing players are on CDC. To check select alt+PageUp and all players logged in to CDC willpop on the upper left hand side of the screen. Once done checking select alt+PageDown to clear thescreen.The server is set to the proper map, the proper number of rounds is set, and HUD settings complywith the rules for the ladder.Captains, via the Tournament Panel, need check to ensure the Rounds Before Swap is set to 6rounds and that Shadows have been disabled.All players should move around the server to check for lag or warping issues. If the server is

    extremely laggy for multiple players on a team then each should open their console, type stat net,and take a screenshot. Discuss multiple player lag issues with your opponent. If the opponent is alsoexperiencing the problem, quickly move to a different server. If no other server is available or bothteams are still having issues on the second server, then reschedule the match to be played on alater date.

    Teams failing to perform the checks above forfeit their right to dispute over them once the matchgoes live

    Additional Mission Planning Round Information/InstructionsDuring the Mission Planning Round God-Mode is automatically activated.

    Teams are allowed to discharge their weapons and test their Grenades in their general spawn area only.

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    The opposing team is encouraged to stay out of this area while their opponent is discharging weapons.

    Teams can ready-up at their discretion during the Planning round. They may use the entire round andready-up at the end of it if they choose. However, they must do so no later than 5 seconds after the end ofthe Planning Round. To ready-up the Captain needs to select "ready" in the Tournament Panel.

    Once the Mission Planning round ends the match must go "Live", even if all players from a team are notyet present. Teams beginning the match with less than the max number of players may subsequently bringthem in by following the procedures listed in the Substitutes/Dropped Players section. The exception to thisrule is if a team does not have the required minimum amount of players present. In this scenario the

    match ends and the team in question will report a forfeit loss. The minimum number players allowed isfound in the Ladder Specific Rules.

    Teams are not to take objectives during the Mission Planning round. If a team takes an objective that endsthe round, they will be subject to a 1 round forfeit.

    Live Rounds

    Additional Server Setting ChecksDuring the first live round of the match there are two server settings that need to be checked.

    Round TimeSpectator View is set to 1st PersonDeath Messages off on the SF Ladders only.

    The settings above cannot be checked during the Mission Planning round under TM. Teams noticing any ofthese settings to be wrong should immediately notify their opponent. The round will then stop, the settingwill be fixed, and the match will start over. These settings can only get brought up for repair during the 1stLive Round of the match. If they are noticed later, they cannot be changed and neither team can disputeover them.

    Round PlayThe match will go 6 live rounds and then the server will automatically swap sides. At this point the teamshave the option of taking a 3 minute intermission or they may immediately select ready to begin the 2ndhalf Mission Planning round. Teams have the option of using the entire Mission Planning round or ready-upin order to begin the 2nd half Live Rounds.

    Up to 6 more rounds are played in the 2nd half to determine the best of 12 round match winner. If thematch ends after 12 rounds in a tie, sudden death overtime will be played.

    Sudden Death OvertimeOvertime will be played on the TWL randomly generated map unless both teams agree to a map change.The Defending Team has side choice on the Overtime Map.

    TM doesn't recognize the need for Overtime to complete a match so someone will need to join the serverand manually change maps and adjust the server settings if necessary.

    The teams may take a 5 minute break while the server is being reconfigured. They are then expected toquickly join the server and ready-up so the Mission Planning Round can begin. From the end of the 12thround to the beginning of the OT Mission Planning round no more than 10 minutes should pass. The same

    Missing Planning round rules apply from the beginning of the match.

    Teams will play 1 round on the OT map and if there is a round winner, that team is the match winner. Ifthe teams tie in the first round of OT then the match continues 1 round at a time until someone wins around. That round winner is the match winner.

    Top of Section

    Match Play Potential Issues

    Tournament Mode IssuesTournament Mode does not properly score rounds on the Combat Ladder when players on both teams arealive at the end of the round. Teams must manually keep score and report the end of each round in global

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    comms on those maps. Each team should take a screenshot of this exchange of score information.

    CDC Server IssuesIf both CDC servers are inoperable at match time, teams may choose from three options on how toproceed.

    Play the match without CDC (Both teams must agree)1.Kill the match (Both teams must agree)2.

    If both teams don't agree to the first 2 options then the 3rd option will automatically be envoked.

    Reschedule the match to a different night.3.

    Game Authorization or PB IssuesIf Game Authorization is down or PB is having major issues with kicking large numbers of players on matchnight the teams will reschedule the match to be played at a later date. They also have the option of killingthe match but only if both teams agree.

    Server CrashesIn the event of a server crash, the last round will be replayed with the number of players that were alive inthe round when the crash took place. The replay round will begin and immediately all players that weredead before the server crash will suicide. The remaining players will have the full time limit to complete theround.

    Stopping Live PlayLive Round play is not to be stopped unless agreed to by both teams. There are 3 known exceptions to thisrule.

    The first two exceptions are situations where a player fails to spawn or has a Critical Error causing gamecrash at the beginning of the round. If the team with the member having one of these problems reportsthe condition to the opponent via global chat within the first 20 seconds of the round, the opponent isrequired to "discard" the round. Failure to abide by this rule will result in a match forfeit on the part of theteam refusing to honor the discard request. If this problem occurs, the team that requested a discardround should immediately screenshot their request and evidence that the opponent refused to grant thestoppage. They then are to notify their opponent that they are leaving to file a dispute. If they choose tostay and finish the match then they cannot file a dispute for the infraction. The opponent can, at theirdiscretion, attempt to verify the validity of the discard request "after" granting it by checking to see if the

    player didn't spawn or has crashed. Having a player a few feet above the ground usually indicates that hedid not spawn. Signs that someone has crashed would be the character idle at spawn or walking into walls.Obviously, if the crashed player has left the server no signs can be found. If the opponent feels that therequest was invalid, they may leave the match and dispute. However, if the dispute is overturned they willforfeit the remaining match rounds.

    The final exception applies to no objective spawning on maps with a moveable objective. When a teamdiscovers the objective is not in its location, they are to notify the opponent via captain's chat or globalchat and the round must be discarded. The same procedures from the paragraph above apply for teamsrefusing to discard or for teams improperly making the discard request.

    Rule Index

    Match Results Reporting

    Match results are reported by the Founder or Captain from the "losing" team in via their teams AdminPanel for the particular ladder.

    At the conclusion of the match the "winning" team is required to post the final score in Match Comms.

    The "losing" team has 1 hour to report the loss via their Admin Panel or file a Match Dispute. Failure to do

    so will result in team penalties.

    Rule Index

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    Match Dispute Filing

    Dispute Type Choices

    Bug ExploitBefore filing a dispute in this category its strongly recommended that teams read the Cheating rulessection to determine if TWL considers what your reporting an exploit. When a Bug Exploit Dispute is filedthe specific exploit must be listed along with the player using the exploit and an approximate time that ithappened. Example: Player Snake used the Run/Shoot Exploit in the 3rd round to kill Player Mongoose. Beaware that without a Demo recording most disputes of this type cannot be proven.

    CheatingTWL has a zero tolerance for cheating and gives all disputes for cheating its full attention. TWL also takesfalse cheating accusations very seriously. Therefore it is recommended that a team which is consideringfiling a cheating dispute take a few moments and do the following:

    Have a little cooling off period with your team while you discuss what transpired in the match.Read the rule section on cheating to see if it can help you determine what the opposing player(s)were doing.If any of your players took screenshots or recorded a Demo, have them review them. They shouldmake notes of the specific times they feel the opposing player(s) cheated.

    Once this is done if your team feels that they have specific instances of cheating to report, please go aheadand file a dispute. The dispute needs to have specific information about what your team feels transpired."They were head shooting us all over the place" is NOT specific information. "Player X shot and killed 2team members through smoke during the 3rd round. In round 6, Player X killed our whole team with singleburst shots" is the kind of information the Ladder Admin would need in order to properly research theclaim.

    Invalid ServerDisputes would be filed under this category for server requirements or setting problems.

    Teams cannot file disputes under this category after the match has ended. By playing the match teamsagree to any server inconsistencies versus the posted rules.

    No ShowThis category covers teams not showing up for the match at the agreed upon date/time.

    Before filing a dispute under this category please double check the date/time in the Admin panel and check

    match comms.

    No show disputes are processed much quicker if the disputing team can produce, for the Admin, ascreenshot of their team on the server.

    Rules ViolationThis category would be used for the rare problem not covered by the other more specific categories.

    SmurfingSmurfing disputes must be accompanied by the player profile of the suspected smurf "and" specificevidence of the violation. Teams are not to smurf dispute because they "think" an opponent "might" besomeone else.

    Unsportsmanlike Conduct

    Harassment in match comms or during the match in the form of name calling, profanity, racial slurs, ortaunting are valid reasons for filing Unsportsmanlike Conduct disputes. Additionally there are severalplaces throughout the rules that discuss and define Unsportsmanlike Conduct. Screenshots of this type ofbehavior during a match are required evidence.

    Dispute Filing Procedures

    The team founder or captain must go to the Admin Panel for the match they want disputed and clickon the "Dispute Results" button.


    On the next screen they will choose the appropriate dispute type. Explanation of all the disputetypes is provided above. Also on this screen they will provide an explanation for the dispute. Specificinformation must be given when filing cheating, bug exploit, or sportsmanship type disputes. "Theother team cheated" or "They head shot us the whole match" are NOT acceptable explanations. TWL


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    needs specific information such as what kind of exploit was used and in what rounds.Right after the dispute is filed the disputing team "must" post in match comms that they havedisputed and provide a brief explanation of why. Failure to follow this part of the dispute procedurecan result in ladder rung drop penalties or ladder removal for repeat offenses.


    The disputing team must collect all necessary evidence such as screenshots and demos and beprepared to provide these things to the Admin upon request.


    The team founder or designated captain(s) must frequently check the match comms for updatesuntil the dispute is closed.


    Top of Section

    Additional Dispute Processing Information

    There are a few conditions listed in the Match Details section that require teams to immediately leave theserver and dispute. Beyond those conditions, teams are encouraged to try to finish matches before filing adispute. TWL does not have a rule that automatically allows teams to go back and finish matches shouldtheir dispute be overturned. So it is very important for teams to ensure they have sound evidence of amatch overturning violation before they choose to quit in the middle of a match and dispute. Failing to doso could result in the presiding Admin ruling that they forfeit the remaining rounds that they chose not toplay.

    Once disputes are "filed" an email is automatically sent to the Founder/Captains from both teams and the

    Admin for the Ladder. Additionally, a thread is automatically generated in a staff area of the site.

    All communications with the Ladder Admin concerning the dispute need to take place in Match Comms. Theonly exception to this would be when emailing screenshot or demo evidence to the Admin.

    Teams filing "cheating/sportsmanship" type disputes need to understand that the opponent is going to bevery upset. Because of this they need to stay out of the match comms other than to notify the opponent ofthe dispute and to answer questions directed by the presiding Admin. They MUST NOT engage in arguingwith the opponent no matter what might be said. If the comments by the opponent get out of hand, theAdmin will handle it.

    After a protest has been initiated, both teams have 24 hours to gather evidence. In this time the teambeing protested against may issue a counter-protest.

    TWL strives to complete all match disputes within 48 hours of them being filed. However, occasionalunforeseen circumstances do force them to run a bit longer. If you feel that a dispute is taking too longyou may email the Lead Ladder Admin.

    TeamWarfare allows Game Administrators full discretion regarding decisions and punishment. Ruleinfractions are handled on a case-by-case basis.

    Appeals to the presiding Admins decision must be made to the Lead Ladder Admin within 48 hours of thedispute being closed.

    Rule Index

    Substitute, Dropped or Additional PlayersPlayer Substitutions

    Substitutions are allowed at any point during the match. The proper procedure for getting a substitute intothe match is as follows:

    Teams requiring a substitute during live round play must notify the opposing team via Global orTeam Captains chat.Upon notification each team captain will immediately select "Pause".There then will be a 3 minute pause of the match before the beginning of the next live round. Assoon as this Pause begins the player being substituted must leave and the replacement player mustimmediately begin joining the server via CDC.Once the player has joined the server and his team, both captains will select ready. At this point

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    an additional "Mission Planning" round will begin. Both Team Captains must immediately select"Ready" again in order to procede to the Live round. This "must" be done within the first 20 secondsof this "Planning Round", with no exceptions.

    If the player is unable to load CDC and join the server/team within the 3 minute Pause time then thematch will procede without him/her. His team may request a second "Pause" round after the current Liveround in order to give the player a 2nd oppurtunity to get in. However, if he fails a second time then thematch will continue with that team playing short handed until half time or the end of the second half (adifferent player can be brought in for OT).

    Dropped Players

    Players dropped from the server due to connection issues or game crashes are to return to the matchusing the same procedures listed in the paragraph above. The exception to this is if the player crashes atthe beginning of a round and his team reports this fact to the opponent within the first 20 seconds of theround. Details on this kind of situation are found in the Match Details section.

    Additional Players

    Teams may use the procedure above to bring in additional players if they begin the half with less than theprescribed roster size.

    Players are NOT to join the server during a live round under any circumstances. Doing so w ill

    result in an automatic round forfeit for their team.

    Rule Index

    Game Demo Recording

    Demo I nstructions

    How to Record?While in game open your console prompt1.Type demorec" (Do not include a file name with the "demorec" command as this renders the Demounplayable)


    Hit "Return Key"3.A comment will appear in the console window stating that the recording has started.4.

    How to Stop?While ingame open your console prompt1.Type stopdemo2.Hit "Enter" Key3.

    Where to Find a Recorded Demo?In the Program Files\America's Army\Demos directory

    How to Play?Start Game1.Open Console Prompt2.Type demoplay "filename"3.

    Demo Requirements

    When recording your Demo for potential submission to the TWL Staff, you must record a separateone for each half of the match. TWL will not accept a full match demo as evidence for a dispute.When submitting Demo's to a TWL Staff member you must first compress them into a single fileusing Zip or WinRar. You also must name the compressed file in a way that identifies your playername.

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    Rule Index

    Cheat Deterrent Client (CDC)

    Help for CDC installation or operation issues can be found in the CDC Support Forums. When using the

    forum please check the FAQ before posting a question. If you issue is not included in the FAQ, please make

    sure that you provide specific details of your problem when posting a request for help.

    You may use CDC for TWL matches, TWL supported events, and for scrimmages involving 2 TWL teams. If

    it is found that you are using CDC for any competitive matches outside of TWL your right to use CDC will

    be revoked. CDC is a product created by a 3rd party and this is part of the usage agreement for the

    product. There will be no exceptions to this rule.

    You are also allowed to test CDC at any time to make sure it is working perfectly when match time comes.

    TWL recommends that all players connect to their own server via CDC approximately 15 minutes before

    match time. This should give plenty of time to solve most issues that might be encountered.

    Players caught testing a cheat on CDC at any time will be subject to the same punishments rendered for

    using the cheat in a match.

    CDC File Execution Block

    By default, CDC blocks possible file execution via the game console or by keystroke/mouseclick. This is inresponse to the number of players accidently executing various weapons load out type text files during amatch. The Anti Cheat team must examine these files whenever they are executed in order to ensure theyare not part of some kind of game cheat or hack. The shear volume of these kinds of files being executedhas far exceeded the Anti Cheat teams capability to review them. This has resulted in the CDC block beingput into place. Players may turn off this feature, but need to understand that accidental execution of thesetypes of files will result in automatic suspension. Please see the Cheating rule section for details.

    How CDC Blocks File ExecutionThis feature works by automatically changing one of the players aliases in thier User.ini file to a new alias.By Default CDC uses the following normally unused Alias:Aliases[32]=(Command="Axis aBaseX SpeedBase=100.0 DeadZone=0.1",Alias="SpaceFighter_JoyX")CDC changes it to:Aliases[32]=(Command="say Exec not allowed.",Alias=exec).This effectively blocks any file from being executed in game. When the user shuts down CDC the CDC Aliasis removed and the original Alias is returned.

    Changing the AliasFrom the CDC GUI a player can choose to customize which Alias they would like to use for the blockingcommand. Players are encouraged to make sure they understand what they are doing before using thisoption.

    Removing the BlockPlayers may remove the block by unchecking the "Use EXEC Protection" block.

    CDC Not Removing the Block Upon ExitThere could be occasions where CDC does not properly remove the blocking alias upon closing. If this isencountered, the player would:

    Re-open CDC and look at what the "Current Alias" is set to. ie.. Aliases[XX]1.Open your user ini file and scroll down to Aliases[100].2.Copy what is in Alias 100 from the "(Command" on to the end.3.Scroll to the Alias number you found in the CDC GUI.4.Paste what you copied into this Alias. (Make sure you paste after the "Aliases[XX]=".5.

    You then should be able to execute files as normal.

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    Rule Index

    Match Observers

    Match Observer Function

    TWL AA employs a group of staffers to observe Ladder matches. In the matches they login as a ServerAdmin in spectate mode and watch how the match progresses. While they are not Administrators and have

    no decision making authority, there are many things that they can do to help ensure smooth matches. Thisincludes:

    Check out the server setup during the planning round and let the teams know if there needs to besome adjustments. This solves common server setup dispute issues.

    Match Observers are authorized to answer rules related questions as long they are asked in globalchat and not in the middle of a live round. Private communications with MO's during a match isprohibited.

    They do take extra screenshots and create notes when they notice something out of the ordinary.This can be a big help in faster dispute resolution.

    They can quickly get an Admin in the server to help deal with an issue or to help watch someone

    suspected of cheating or exploiting. This can allow the match to continue without a player having todrop to find assistance.

    MO's can keep score manually in case of TM scoring issues. Plus they file a report which includes thescore right after the match. This report can help Ladder Admin quickly resolve a failure to reportscore dispute.

    They can politely remind everyone to "start your Demos" at the beginning of the match.. Not a badthing to have happen considering how many often players forget and then get a vacation.

    Match Observer Setup

    Requesting an ObserverTeams interested in the services of a Match Observer need to follow these procedures.

    Post in match comms that you request a match observer be present for the match. Teams are not torequest Match Observers without first notifying their opponent.

    If your team is hosting the server for the match you would then open the Match Observer RequestForm.


    Completely fill out this form and submit it. Failure to provide all the information requested couldresult in your request not being processed.


    A Match Observer will then sign up for you match and the MO Admin will post in your match commsverifying that your request has been filled. If the MO Admin does not post prior to 24 hours beforematch time then you may email them at [email protected] for verification that theyreceived your request. Do NOT submit a 2nd request via the form.


    If your opponent is hosting the server then they "must" follow the procedure above for requestingan observer. Your team may verify this by visiting the site to see if your match has been put in forrequest. Again, the opponent "must" agree to your request.Observer requests must be made more than 48 hours prior to the match date/time.

    Other Methods for Setting up MatchesThe Match Observer group is sometimes available via IRC to request for a same night match. However,they are under instruction to always handle Observer Site requested matches as a priority over IRCrequests. The MO's can be found on gamesurge in the #twl_mo or #twl_aa channel. For more informationon how to use IRC please see the tutorial located in the Q&A forums. Before you request a Match Observer

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    via IRC, you must notify your opponent via match comms.

    It is prohibited for teams to contact Match Observers to request their services by any means other thanthe Observer Site or open IRC. Do not use email, IRC pm, MSN, ICQ, Xfire or any other private chatmethod. The MO's are instructed to ignore all requests coming from such sources.

    Server Setup for Match ObservingTeams must provide the Server Admin password for the Match Observer(s) to join the server. It isrecommended that the team standard password be changed prior to the match.

    The server must have 2 Admin slots available because there will be times when more than 1 Observer jointo spectate a match. This is normally the case when new MO's are being trained.

    During the MatchTeams are to refrain from asking the Observer if he/she saw a potential rule infraction. The MO will "not"answer the question. If he/she noticed something it will get filed with the match report and is available tothe Admin staff should a dispute arise from the issue.

    Do not attempt to communicate with the Match Observer via Team Chat. He/she will not respond to you.All communications with the MO must take place in global chat and full view of your opponent.

    Match Observers are members of the TWL Staff and should be treated as such. Harrasment or abuse of anMO would be considered unsportsmanlike conduct and penalties could result.

    Teams that having issues with the performance of a Match Observer should contact the Match ObserverAdmin. If he is not able to resolve the issue then the Competition Manager may be contacted.

    Additional Match Observer Information

    There will be times when the request for an MO is not filled. There will also be occasions where the MOcannot make it due to a last minute unforseen issue. Matches are to be played unless both teams agree toreschedule and wait until another MO is available. However, they are only to do so 1 time. If no MO isavailable a second time then the match must proceed.

    TWL Admins reserver the right to require teams to request a Match Observer due to issues between theteams. When an Admin wants this done he/she will be clear that it is a mandatory requirement.

    After discussions with the Team Founders in the Leadership Forum, the Match Observers are also going tobe assigned to observe random matches and specific teams with a history of match issues, on occasion.The random matches will lean toward matches between newer teams as an attempt to help them becomemore familiar with the TWL match play rules.This procedure will be accomplished by the Match Observer Admin or Lead Ladder Admin joining matchcomms and requesting that the teams sign up for a Match Observer. Teams are "not" required to followthese instructions but are strongly encouraged to do so.

    Rule Index


    TWL Cheating Definition

    Cheating in TWL is defined as any action by a player performed with the purpose of gaining an unfair

    advantage over other teams and players. TWL AA breaks Cheating into several categories for ease ofexplanation and to set penalty levels for players caught performing the action. The categories are GameHacking, Exploits, and Illegal Game Settings/Commands/Binds. Penalties for all cheating infractions can befound in the Penalties for Rules Infractions section.

    The specific actions listed in this section do not cover every possible situation that could be consideredcheating. TWL Administrators maintain the right to make spot decisions concerning what constitutescheating if it benefits the teams involved or the community as a whole.

    This section may be updated frequently as new cheats are found and old ones made obsolete by versionupdates. Teams are strongly encouraged to check here on a regular basis.

    Game Hacking

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    Game Hacking is categorized as the use of 3rd party programs such as:

    Aimbot and other programs that increase accuracyRadar and other programs that give locations of the enemySpeedhacks and other programs that manipulate weapon rates of fire or player character speed.Ushield and other programs that hide the running of 3rd party hacking type programs.

    TWL works closely with other Competitive Gaming and Anti-Cheat organizations through sharing ofinformation on players caught cheating via 3rd party programs. As a result penalties are handed out byTWL for players caught game hacking in TWL, in organized matches hosted by other gaming organizations,and in public servers.

    TWL considers Testing of Game Hacks to be the same as using them in matches. Therefore the penaltiesare the same.

    Illegal Game Settings/ Commands/ Binds

    This category is defined as the changing of game settings through the use of illegal settings, commands, orbound commands. This rule also covers the execution of files that illegally change settings or issuecommands. The specific actions are broken in to 3 Sections based upon their impact of fair match play.Different penalty levels exist for the 3 sections and are found in Penalties for Rules Infractions.

    Level 1 Illegal Game Settings/Commands/Binds

    Built-in game cheats such as devmode or the mpcheat commands.Use of game mods or the modification of any game files, other than modifications to .ini files asrequired by the ladder.Invoking commands either directly from the console or by bind that:

    Turn off fogChange the player character speed, health, or CEMChange weapon dynamics such as ammunition count, rate of fire, or recoil/accuracyCombines centerview with any action

    Level 2 Illegal Game Settings/Commands/Binds

    No single key may be bound to more than one action. Action key examples are Sprint, MoveForward/Backward, Strafe, Lean, Crouch, Prone, Jump, Take Objective, Open/Close Door, Fire,Change Rate of Fire, Reload, Fix Jam, Zoom. Examples of commands not considered Action areCommo Messages(all), Gamma, Brightness, Contrast, Mouse Sensitivity(provided its not adjusted toa level that affects weapon recoil). Commands not considered Action can be bound together andwith Action commands at the users discretion.Key binds that causes any variation in the normal speed of an action. An example of an illegal keybind would be one that allowed you to crawl at the pace of a run, or any bind that cuts the time ittakes to perform a normal action.Using STAT ANIM or STAT ALL at any point during the match.Use of 3rd person view.SoundVolume set to higher then 2.0AmbientVolume set lower than .5Netspeed set to lower then 4,000 will not be allowed

    Level 3 Illegal Game Settings/Commands/Binds

    Dead players communicating with live players via the console during match play.Sound Rolloff set to anything other than 1Sound manipulation that lets you hear something you shouldnt or subtracts sounds that should beplayed.Gamma set to anything outside of .5 to 1.5Contrast set to anything other than .0 to 1Brightness set to anything other than .0 to 1

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    Game Bug Exploits

    Game bug exploits are actions that the game developer did not intend for the player model or weapons tobe capable of performing. TWL does not consider all game bug exploits to be illegal. This is due to eitherwide acceptance/knowledge of the bug(level playing field) or due to TWL not having an effective methodfor policing the action.

    TWL maintains the right to add and subtract from the illegal exploit list as necessary. If you are concernedabout something not listed here then you should contact the Lead Ladder Admin, Competition Manager, orCompetition Director for clarification.

    Current Illegal Bug Exploit List

    The use of any map exploits (This includes map holes or the ability to leave the normal boundariesof the map).

    Current list of known map exploits:Around the outside of the map, Examples: Woodland Outpost and SF Arctic

    Firing an automatic rifle while sprintingSprinting and pulling the pin on a grenadeFiring while in the action of going proneHigh rate of fire on AR/RPK

    Additional 203 shell load out above the map defaultLooking through objects exploit(includes rocks, hills, walls, and other structures)SF Artic, Assault team moving up next to Stryker and firing AT4/RPG away from the Stryker so thebackblast kills/injures the Defender inside the Stryker.

    Executing Files In Game

    CDC, by default, blocks file execution from either the console or via keystroke. Please see the CheatDeterrent Client Section for details. As a result, any player found by CDC to have executed a file via theirconsole or keystroke during a match will receive an automatic 30 day suspension. Additionally, the playerwill receive an email from the Anti-Cheat team with instructions on how to send in the file for review.Failure to send in the proper file will result in the suspension increasing to 90 days.

    Other Executed Files

    CDC also monitors other files/programs running on a participants machine while logged in. The AC teamreserves the right to examine any files that are not readily recognizable. When the AC requires a file forexamination, an email will be sent to the player with specific instructions on how to send the file to them.The player has 72 hours, from the time the email is sent, to respond by providing the file. If the player failsto send the proper file within 72 hours he/she will be suspended from match play. The suspension will bein effect for 90 days or until the file is sent and verfied to be legal by the AC Team. If the player sends inthe proper file within 72 hours and the AC Team determines that it is clean, no further action will be taken.

    Rule Index


    Smurfing is defined as:

    the act of signing up/playing for more than one team on the same ladder, either under the sameaccount or a different account.The act of playing for a team you are not registered to play forSigning up for the same team under multiple accounts.The act of playing a match using a TWL registered game account belonging to someone else.

    Penalties for players/teams found to be Smurfing are found here.

    Rule Index

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    Penalties for Rules Infractions

    Statement on Rules Infraction Penalties

    The penalties listed in this section are considered a standard guideline for use by the TWL Administrators.Teamwarfare allows Game Administrators full discretion regarding decisions and punishment. There maybe times that the ruling Admin increases or decreases punishment based upon specific factors at the timeof ruling. Players who wish to appeal their punishment may do so by going to next higher authority abovethe ruling Admin. See the admin structure section for chain of command information.

    Game Hacking

    Hacker caught in TWL Match:Player Permanently banned from "all" games at TWL.Forfeiture of the Match the player was caught hacking in.The Team the player was hacking with drops 20% down the ladder.

    Hacker caught playing in a match for a TWL recognized competing Gaming Organization:Player Permanently banned from TWL Americas Army.Player banned from all other TWL games for 1 year.

    Hacker caught in a Pub/ Scrim:Player Permanently banned from TWL Americas Army play.Player banned from all other TWL games for 1 year.

    Level 1 Illegal Game Settings/Commands/ Binds

    1st Offense: Player banned from TWL, match forfeit

    Level 2 Illegal Game Settings/Commands/ Binds

    1st Offense: 90 day match play suspsension, match forfeit2nd Offense: 180 day match play suspension, match forfeit3rd Offense: Banned from TWL, match forfeit

    Level 3 Illegal Game Settings/Commands/ Binds

    1st Offense: 15 day match suspension, match forfeit2nd Offense: 30 day match suspension, match forfeit3rd Offense: 90 day match suspension, match forfeit4th Offense: Banned from TWL, match forfeit

    Game Bug Exploiting

    1st OffenseSingle instance of exploit use: Player Warning, Team Loss of RoundMultiple instances by same player in the match: Player 15 Day Suspension, Team Loss ofRoundMultiple instances by multiple players from the same team during the match: Player(s) 15Day Suspension, Team Loss of Match by 12-0 score

    2nd Offense:30 Day Suspension, Team Loss of Round

    3rd Offense:

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    90 Day Suspension, Team Loss of Round

    4th Offense:1 Year Ban from TWL Americas Army, Team Loss of Round


    The Smurfing player will be banned from TWL.If the smurfing took place through use of another players account, that account will be banned fromTWL.The team that the smurfing player was caught playing for will be removed from all TWL AmericasArmy competitions.Players in the match and on the team where the smurfing took place will be subject to 90 day matchplay suspensions or more depending on the severity of the smurfing offense. The team founder, ifhe/she played in the match, will receive a minimum 180 day match play suspension.If applicable, the smurfing players original team will be dropped 33% down the ladder where thesmurfing took place.

    Top of Section

    Unsportsmanlike Conduct, Player

    1st Offense: 15 day match play suspension or warning email determined by the severity of theconduct2nd Offense: 30 day match play suspension3rd Offense: 90 day match play suspension4th Offense: ban from TWL match play and forums.

    Unsportsmanlike Conduct, Team

    1st Offense: Match forfeit or team warning email determined by the severity of the conduct2nd Offense: Match forfeit and reduction in ladder rank of 33%

    3rd Offense: Match forfeit and removal from the ladder where the offense occured.4th Offense: Match forfeit, removal from all TWL competitions, and Founder 15 day suspension

    Failure to Report Match Results

    1st Offense: Team warning via email2nd Offense: 20% drop in ladder ranking3rd Offense: Team removal from Ladder

    Suspension or Ban Circumvention

    Players caught circumventing any type of match suspension or ban will automatically be permanently sitebanned from TWL. The teams the circumventor played for may also be subject to penalties as listed below.

    Player circumventing on the same team he/she was suspended or banned from:Team will be dropped to the bottom rung of all ladders they participate onThe team founder will be suspended from match play for 30 days.

    Player circumenting on a different team than the one he/she was suspended or banned from:TWL may impose similar penalties as listed above if it determines that players on the new team hada previous relationship with the circumventing player or if its clear that no research was done by theteam into his/her background.

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    Decision Appeals

    Each player and team has a right to have the decison rendered against them reviewed by higher authority.Before filing an appeal the offending party must check to see who issued the penalty. That is the first stepto knowing where to appeal.

    Competition Manager Issued Suspensions/BansCompetition Director1.Quality Control2.

    Anti-Cheat Team Issued Suspensions/BansAA Anti-Cheat Manager1.Competition Director2.Quality Control3.

    Link to the AA Staff contact information.Quality Control email address.All appeals must be filed in writing via email and submitted within 72 hours of the suspension/ban start.

    Rule Index

    Admin StructureStaff Makeup

    The admin staff for each game is made up of responsible players from the TWL community. Most oftenthey come from the gaming community that they administer. Each one volunteers his/her time to helpmake TWL the succesful competition and community site that it is.

    Staff Assignments/ Chain of Command

    The AA Competition Staff is broken up by 3 regions: North America (NA), Europe (EU), and Oceania (OC).

    NA Ladder AdminEach Ladder is assigned a primary Ladder Admin to oversee the operations of the ladder. Ladder Adminsreport to the Lead Ladder Admin.

    NA Lead Ladder AdminEach competition region is assigned a Lead Ladder Admin to oversee the daily operations of thecompetition Ladders. When players/teams have issues with ladder admin decisions or concerns about theirperformance, the Lead Admin should be their first contact. The Lead Ladder Admin reports to the NACompetition Manager.

    NA Competition Manager (CM)The NA CM is responsible for the daily operations of all TWL competitions North America and the NA MOstaff. Players/teams not satisfied with ruling reviews performed by the lead admin would be brought to theCM. the CM reports to the Competition Director.

    NA Competition Director (CD)The NA CD acts as the CEO for the NA TWL community. The Competition Director oversees the Competition

    Manager and Community Manager. He/she works closely with the game AC team by participating in thesetting punishment policy and the review of appeals. The CD acts as the "end of the line" for disputeresolution.

    Anti-Cheat Team (AC)

    The Anti-Cheat Team exists to catch players attempting to cheat during game competition and researchplayers banned by other Anti-Cheat organizations for possible banning by TWL. The AA Anti-Cheat teamconsists of an Anti-Cheat manager and 2-3 Anti-Cheat Admins. The AA Anti-Cheat Team reports to theTWL Anti-Cheat Director. Players wishing to appeal suspensions/bans handed out by the AC team need toappeal to the applicable AA Regional Competition Director. If the CD does not overturn the AC ruling thenthe player may request further review by the Quality Control team.

    How to Contact an Admin

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    The TWL Ladder Admin staff idle every evening on IRC to assist with match issues and to answerquestions. The official TWL Americas Army IRC channel is on under the channel name#twl_aa. For a brief tutorial on how to download, install, and navigate to our TWL channel using a free IRCclient, please click here.

    Link to the TWL AA Staff Listings

    Link to the TWL Senior Staff Listings

    Rule Index

    Version Releases

    TWL reserves the right to set the Version used for Match Play. Should the version come in conflict with the

    latest released version, TWL will provide the community with ample notification.

    When a new game version is officially released for public download from the Army, the following guidelines

    will be put in place:

    All matches will be postponed on that day plus an additional 3 days (minimum).All matches scheduled for that day and the next 3 may be killed or rescheduled by the request ofone team.

    Any matches that are already scheduled 4 days after the release through 7 days after the releasemay be rescheduled by agreement of both teams.

    Matches that have met the criteria for being killed or rescheduled must be forwarded to the appropriateLadder Admin via email. A link to the Match Comms must accompany the message.

    The TWL Staff reserves the right to extend the dates above if the release warrants more down time whilesignificant game play changes are explored.

    TWL STRONGLY recommends that its players always choose to download the new "Full Version" releaseversus a "Patch". Significant conflicts can develop between patched game versions and our CheatDeterrent Client.

    Rule Index

    Rules Statement

    All rules are to be viewed as 'General Guidelines'. Certain situations may require an admin override a

    posted rule if it is felt to be in the best interest of the community or teams involved.

    The rule set can be modified at the discretion of the Game Competition Director. Notification of rule

    changes will always be made via a post in the TWL AA Ladder Forum. Also on some occasions rule changes

    will be included in an email to team founders/captains. The change will be considered active the moment it

    is posted in the forums. Be aware that rule changes are not automatically added here. In some cases the

    change may be temporary to deal with a short term game issue and not necessary to add here. At other

    times the staff reserves the right to gauge community reaction based upon the forum post before adding

    the change here.

    Rule Index

    Important Links

    Match Observer Request FormTWL America's Army Ladder ForumTWL CDC/CDS Support Forum

  • 8/15/2019 TWL Rules



    TWL America's Army Q&A ForumTWL Support Forum for Account/Team and Site IssueAmerica's Army Official Game Site

    Rule Index

    Rule Change revisions will be listed here..

    Ruleset created 07/27/06 by r@ttl3r and Caliber

    Updated "Cheating and CDC" sections to cover the new CDC Exec blocking feature and penalties for

    executing files. 09/11/06 by r@ttl3r

    Updated 2v2 combat rules to address plane camping. 09/29/06


    TWL NA Time: 5/ 4/ 2007 10:26:19 PM

    TWL EU Time: 5/ 5/ 2007 4:26:19 AM

    All content 2000-2007

    TeamWarfare League

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