two days after christmas

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  • 8/14/2019 Two Days After Christmas



    Inspired by "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle"

    'Twas two days after Christmas and in one part of town,

    Sherlock Holmes was lounging in his purple dressing gown.

    A felt hat was hung on the wood chair with care,

    Looking seedy and cracked - much worse for the wear.The forceps and lens were an arms length away,

    So Sherlock Holmes was engaged well today.

    Peterson was the giver, Holmes was the taker

    Of the hat and goose, "For Mrs. Henry Baker."

    Holmes began to infer from the battered old hatGrizzled hair, self-respect, and odd things like that.

    Then Peterson entered, astonished and dazed,

    And showed us upon what the goose must have grazed.

    When what to my wondering eyes should appear,

    But a bonny blue thing in the shape of a tear.

    With facets that twinkled, sparkled, and shone,

    I knew in a moment it was the Countess stone.

    Holmes sprang to the Times to review all the history

    Of the Hotel Cosmopolitan jewel thief mystery.

    The crime was fixed on a plumber named Horner.

    No Christmas pie, no plumb; for him, a corner.

    More rapid than lightening, Holmess orders now came,

    As he wrote an advert and called the papers by name:

    "Evening News, the Star, Globe, and Pall Mall!

    St. Jamess Gazette, Standard,Echo, et al."

    The stone which Holmes held was the devils pet bait,

    With a sinister history for a forty-grain weight.

    Robberies, vitriol, three people now dead;And all for a stone which should have been red.

    Henry Baker then called on the street with his name,

    Wearing a plain tam oshanter, much to his shame.

    Holmes gave him his hat and then the bad news:

    That we were compelled to eat his fine goose."To eat it!" said he, as he rose from his chair,

    "Do not fret, Mr. Baker, we have one more there."

    Holmes offered to him the disjecta membra,

    Relics of an adventure he still could remember.

    And taking his items, Baker turned with a jerk,

    As Sherlock Holmes and I set straight to work.

    To the Alpha we went, then to Covent Garden

    Where Breckinridge against our pleas seemed to harden.But we finally found the origin of the geese,

    From one Mrs. Oakshott of Brixton Road, east.

    We overheard Ryder, who was hot on the trail,

    So as a four-wheeler passed, we decided to hail.

    Riding to Baker Street, of the mystery, no mention,

    But all the way there, we could sense Ryders tension.

    As he saw the truth, our guest stifled a howl:

    The stone had been rescued from his bar-tailed fowl.

    At Holmess request, I helped the small imp,

    To whom Holmes referred as simply "a shrimp."

    The little man clutched at the detectives knees,

    Shrieking and begging and putting forth pleas.

    For Sherlock Holmes, the case held no glory,

    He was simply looking for an end to the story.

    Cusack, the maid and Maudsely, who went bad -

    Both wanted the stone that Holmes just now had.

    The hotel attendant did the deed of evil,

    Fed the stone to a goose, in the hopes of retrieval .

    There were two that matched, but he hadnt looked.

    So now it seemed that Ryders goose was cooked.

    Holmes said "No more words," and turned to the lout,

    Ryder opened the door and then ran straight out.

    The crisp rattle of footfalls, up from the street,Told me Ryder knew that Holmes had him beat.

    "I am not here to perform Scotland Yard's role,

    But it is just possible that Im saving a soul.

    Its the season of forgiveness, a time to have heart,

    Let us begin another case, in which a bird will take part."

    - Scott MontyDecember 1995

    This and other similar items can be found on The Baker Street Blog.