types of joint

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  • 8/3/2019 Types of Joint


    Nicole Meliza Ann C . AbellaIV-2

    Types of Joint

    A joint is the point where two or more bones meet . There arethree main types of joints;Fibrous


    Cartilagenous (partially moveable)

    Synovial (freely moveable).

    Fibrous joints

    Fibrous (synarthrodial): This type of joint is held together by

    only a ligament. Examples are where the teeth are held to

    their bony sockets and at both the radioulnar and tibiofibular



    Cartilagenous (synchondroses and sympheses): These joints

    occur where the connection between the articulating bones is

    made up of cartilage for example between vertebrae in thespine.

    A cartilagenous joint between two vertebrae

    Synchondroses are temporary joints which are only present in

    children, up until the end of puberty. For example

    theepiphyseal platesin long bones. Symphesis joints are

    permanant cartilagenous joints, for example the pubic


    Synovial Joints

    Synovial (diarthrosis): Synovial joints are by far the most

    common classification of joint within the human body. They

    are highly moveable and all have a synovial capsule

    (collagenous structure) surrounding the entire joint, a synovial

    membrane (the inner layer of the capsule) which secretes

    synovial fluid (a lubricating liquid) and cartilage known as

    hyaline cartilage which pads the ends of the articulating

    bones. There are 6 types of synovial joints which are classified

    by the shape of the joint and the movement available.

  • 8/3/2019 Types of Joint


    Nicole Meliza Ann C . AbellaIV-2

    Types of Synovial Joint

    Joint Type Movement at joint Examples Structure

    Hinge Flexion/Extension

    Elbow/Knee Hinge joint

    PivotRotation of one bone around


    Top of the neck

    (atlas and axis bones)Pivot Joint

    Ball and



    Abduction/Internal & External


    Shoulder/Hip Ball and socket joint




  • 8/3/2019 Types of Joint


    Nicole Meliza Ann C . AbellaIV-2

    CMC joint of the


    Saddle joint




    Wrist/MCP & MTP

    jointsCondyloid joint

    Gliding Gliding movements

    Intercarpal joints Gliding joint

    Planes of Motion and Terms of MovementThere are three planes of motion in which we move. If you think about it, most of our

    movements are not straight up and down, or side to side etc, especially in sports. They tend to

    combine a mixture of movements in different planes.

    The three planes of motion are:

    Sagittal Plane

    The Sagittal plane passes through the body front to back, so dividing it into left and right. Movements in this

    plane are the up and down movements of flexion and extension

    Frontal Plane

    The frontal plane divides the body into front and back. Movements in this plane are sideways movements, calledabduction and adduction

    Transverse Plane

    This plane divides the body into top and bottom. Movements in this plane are rotational in nature, such as

    internal and external rotation, pronation and supination

    Anatomical Neutral

    This is the starting position for describing any movement. It is important that you know this to be able to

  • 8/3/2019 Types of Joint


    Nicole Meliza Ann C . AbellaIV-2

    understand what is meant by certain movement patterns. It is sometimes also called the anatomical starting

    position or fundamental starting position.

    Anatomical neutral is:

    Standing upright

    Legs together and knee straight

    Toes pointing straight forwards

    Arms by the side

    Palms facing forwards


    Flexion and Extension

    Flexion is a movement in the sagittal plane, which decreases the angle at the moving joint. Extension is the

    opposite movement, which increases the angle at the joint. Many types of synovial joint are capable of flexion

    and extension (hinge; ball and socket; saddle; condyloid) including the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip and knee. Here

    are some examples:

    shoulder flexion is the action of raising the arm above the head. Extension is then the downward movement. In

    the photo, the shoulder is in an extended position. For the knee, bending the knee is flexion, as the angle is

    reduced (as shown in the picture) and straightening it is called extension.

    Flexion and extension at the ankle joint is called dorsiflexion and plantarflexion. Dorsiflexion is when you point

    your toes towards the ceiling and plantarflexion is when you point your toes away, towards the floor. Remember

    to start in the anatomical starting position!

    Abduction and Adduction

    These are movements in the frontal plane and involve moving the body part away or towards an imaginary

    centre line. Abduction is taking the body part away from the central line and adduction is moving it towards

  • 8/3/2019 Types of Joint


    Nicole Meliza Ann C . AbellaIV-2

    (remember this by thinking adduction adds the body part to the centre). Adduction can also be moving the body

    part across the centre line and to the other side of the body, shown in the hip abduction video below. Amongst

    the joints capable of abduction and adduction are the shoulder and hip.

    Other abduction and adduction movements include the fingers. If you splay your fingers and move them apart,

    this is abduction as they are moving away from the centre position. When you bring the fingers back together,this is adduction, as you are adding them back to the centre line.


    Rotation movements are in the transverse plane and include any twisting motion. Joints which permit rotation

    include the shoulder and hip. These are both ball and socket joints. We can also rotate our necks and backs due

    to a series of smaller joints, including the atlanto-axial joint which is a pivot joint in the neck between the first

    two vertebrae (C1 and C2).

    Rotation of the hip and shoulder can be broken down into internal or external rotation (also sometimes known as

    medial and lateral rotation respectively). In the example of the shoulder video below, internal rotation is the

    movement of the hand either inwards towards the body (when the shoulder is adducted) or down to point

    towards the floor (when the shoulder is abducted). External rotation is therefore the opposite, when the hand

    moves away from the body (when the shoulder is adducted) or up towards the ceiling (when the shoulder is


  • 8/3/2019 Types of Joint


    Nicole Meliza Ann C . AbellaIV-2


    Circumduction is a combination of all of the movements above. It is possible at ball and socket, condyloid and

    saddle joints such as the shoulder, hip, wrist and ankle. It involves moving the entire connecting limb through its

    full range of motion. Here is an example of shoulder circumduction:

    Pronation, Supination, Inversion and Eversion

    Pronation and supination are specialised movements of the forearm and ankle. In the forearm, pronation is the

    movement of turning the palm over to face downwards (or backwards if starting in anatomical neutral).

    Supination is the opposite movement, of turning the palm up or forwards. The movement here comes from the

    proximal radio-ulnar joint (the joint just below the elbow, between the Radius and Ulna bones) which is a pivot

    joint, allowing the Radius to move around the Ulna.

  • 8/3/2019 Types of Joint


    Nicole Meliza Ann C . AbellaIV-2

    At the ankle, supination is the movement of turning the sole of the foot inwards. This is sometimes called

    inversion. Pronation is the movement of turning the sole of the foot outwards, sometimes called eversion. You

    will sometimes hear people saying they have over-pronated feet, meaning their sole turns outwards slightly more

    than it should when they walk or run, giving the appearance of a flat foot, without an arch.