types of text

Secretaría de Educación Pública Subsecretaria de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial Centro de Bachillerato T ecnológico Industrial y de Servicios N°85 Dr . José ar!a "iceaga. Name of school: Centro de Bachilleratos Tecnologico Industrial y de Servicios N°85 Student’s Name: Darwin Gerardo Antonio Raire! Te acher’s Name: "IC# $ose%a Suare! Gon!ale! Topic: &Ty'es o% te(t)  

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Secretaría de Educación PúblicaSubsecretaria de Educación Media Superior

Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica IndustrialCentro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Industrial y de Servicios N°85

Dr. José ar!a "iceaga.

Name of school: Centro de Bachilleratos Tecnologico Industrial y de Servicios


Student’s Name: Darwin Gerardo Antonio Raire!

Teacher’s Name: "IC# $ose%a Suare! Gon!ale!


&Ty'es o% te(t)


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Types of text

Instructive text

What are the instructional texts?

The instructive te(ts are instructions that are 'resent every day in our daily lives*+oth at school and outside it# The use o% the technological eans re,uired to %ollow

instructions allowing us handling this ty'e o% instructional te(ts# Instructional te(ts

intended to guide 'rocedures in detail* clear and 'recise to 'er%or soe activity

whether si'le or co'le(* according to two characteristics-

Guide on how to o'erate any e,ui'ent or syste such as- anuals use o% 

technological aterials* %i(ing devices* etc#

They e('lain how to draw soething %ro eleents and 'rocesses* divided into

the list o% ites or aterials re,uired and the 'rocedure itsel%* develo'inginstructions# .or e(a'le- A reci'e* such as /nitting a sweater* etc#

What are the characteristics?

The ain %eatures o% instructional te(ts are-

It re,uires s'ecial and distinctive %orat#

Develo'ent o% 'rocedures co'osed o% detailed ste's that ust +e et to get a

result# 01sually they are %i(ed se,uences +ut soeties it is 'ossi+le to a/e


Clear language* direct and linear#

1se gra'hic ar/s and nu+ers* asteris/s or dashes to di%%erentiate the series or 

se,uence o% ste's#

It can +e acco'anied with gra'hics* illustrations and 3 or drawings* according to

the ty'e o% instruction to develo' te(t# A''lied to children 3 as in the early grades o% 

'riary education* the illustrations allow the greater guidance in the 'rocess#

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Narrative text

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Based on 'erce'tion in tie# Narration is the telling o% a story4 the succession o%

events is given in chronological order #


The +asic 'ur'ose o% narrative is to entertain* to gain and hold a readers interest#

6owever narratives can also +e written to teach or in%or* to change attitudes 3

social o'inions e#g# soa' o'eras and television draas that are used to raise

to'ical issues# Narratives se,uence 'eo'le3characters in tie and 'lace +ut di%%er

%ro recounts in that through the se,uencing* the stories set u' one or ore

'ro+les* which ust eventually %ind a way to +e resolved# The coon structure

or +asic 'lan o% narrative te(t is /nown as the 7story graar7# Although there are

nuerous variations o% the story graar* the ty'ical eleents are-

• Setting when and where the story occurs#

• Characters the ost i'ortant 'eo'le or characters in the story#

• Initiating event an action or occurrence that esta+lishes a 'ro+le and3or


• Con%lict3goal the %ocal 'oint around which the whole story is organi!ed#

• 9vents one or ore atte'ts +y the ain character0s2 to achieve the

goal or solve the 'ro+le#

• Resolution  the outcoe o% the atte'ts to achieve the goal

The gra'hic re'resentation o% these story graar eleents is called a story a'#

The e(act %or and co'le(ity o% a a' de'ends* o% course* u'on the uni,ue

structure o% each narrative and the 'ersonal 're%erence o% the teacher constructing

the a'#

Types of Narrative

There are any ty'es o% narrative# They can +e iaginary* %actual or a co+ination

o% +oth# They ay include %airy stories* ysteries* science

%iction* roances* stories* adventure* %a+les* yths and legends* historical

narratives* +allads* slice o% li%e* 'ersonal e('erience#


• Characters with de%ined 'ersonalities3identities#

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• Dialogue o%ten included : tense ay change to the 'resent or the %uture#

• Descri'tive language to create iages in the readers ind and enhance the



In a Traditional Narrative the %ocus o% the te(t is on a series o% actions-


0Introduction2 in which the characters* setting* and tie o% the story are

esta+lished# 1sually answers who; <hen; <here; 9#g# =r# <ol% went out

hunting in the %orest one dar/ glooy night#

Complication or prolem

The co'lication usually involves the ain character0s2 0o%ten irroring the

co'lications in real li%e2#


There needs to +e a resolution o% the co'lication# The co'lication ay

+e resolved %or +etter or worse3ha''ily or unha''ily# Soeties there are a

nu+er o% co'lications that have to +e resolved# These add and sustain

interest and sus'ense %or the reader#

.urther ore* when there is 'lan %or writing narrative te(ts* the %ocus

should +e on the %ollowing characteristics-

• >lot- <hat is going to ha''en;

• Setting- <here will the story ta/e 'lace; <hen will the story ta/e


• Characteri!ation- <ho are the ain characters; <hat do they loo/


• Structure- 6ow will the story +egin; <hat will +e the 'ro+le; 6ow

is the 'ro+le going to +e resolved;

• Thee- <hat is the thee 3 essage the writer is atte'ting to


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"escriptive text

In descri'tive writing* the author does not tell the reader what was seen* %elt*

tested* selled* or heard# Rather* he descri+es soething that he e('erienced

and* through his choice o% words* a/es it see real# In other words* descri'tive

writing is vivid* color%ul* and detailed#

Based on 'erce'tion in s'ace# Impressionistic  o% landsca'es or 'ersons are o%ten

to +e %ound in narratives such as novels or short stories# 9(a'le- About fifteenmiles below Monterey, on the wild coast, the Sido family had their farm, a few

sloping acres above the cliff that dropped to the brown reefs and to the hissing

white waters of the ocean...


Descri'tion is used in all %ors o% writing to create a vivid i'ression o% a 'erson*

'lace* o+?ect or event e#g# to-

• Descri+e a s'ecial 'lace and e('lain why it is s'ecial

• Descri+e the ost i'ortant 'erson in your li%e#

Descri'tive writing is usually used to hel' a writer develo' an as'ect o% their wor/*

e#g# to create a 'articular ood* atos'here or descri+e a 'lace so that the reader

can create vivid 'ictures o% characters* 'laces* o+?ects etc#


Descri'tion is a style o% writing which can +e use%ul %or a variety o% 'ur'oses-

to engage a readers attention

• to create characters

• to set a ood


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•  Ais to show rather than tell the reader what soething3soeone is li/e

• Relies on 'recisely chosen voca+ulary with care%ully

chosen ad?ectives and adver+s#

• Is %ocused and concentrates only on the as'ects that add soething to the

ain 'ur'ose o% the descri'tion#

• Sensory descri'tion : what is heard* seen* sell* %elt* tasted# >recise use o%

ad?ectives* siiles* eta'hors to create iages3'ictures in the ind e#g# their

noses were et with the acrid sell o% rotting %lesh#

• Strong develo'ent o% the e('erience that 7'uts the reader there7 %ocuses

on /ey details* 'ower%ul ver+s and 'recise nouns#

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Informative text

In%orational Te(t is a su+set o% the larger category o% non:%iction 0Du/e @ Bennett:

 Aristead* 2# Its 'riary 'ur'ose is to in%or the reader a+out the natural or 

social world# Di%%erent %ro %iction* and other %ors o% non:%iction* in%orational te(t

does not utili!e characters# .urther* it has s'eciali!ed language characteristics

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such as general nouns and tieless ver+s that are not coon in other genres#

Soe e(a'les o% this structure would +e- &Dogs +ar/)# &Soe sea sna/es are

,uite deadly#) or &A''les can +e red* yellow* or even green)

 Authors o% in%orational te(t e'loy a variety o% structures to assist the reader in%inding in%oration ,uic/ly and e%%iciently# These ight include a ta+le o% contents*

an inde(* +old or italici!ed te(t* glossaries %or s'eciali!ed voca+ulary* e+edded

de%initions %or s'eciali!ed voca+ulary* realistic illustrations o% 'hotos* ca'tions and

other la+els* and gra'hs and charts# 1nli/e narratives that tell a story across tie

in a linear %ashion* in%orational te(t is o%ten 0though not always2 non:linear# It is

'o'ular with s/ill%ul and non:s/ill%ul readers as it is usually to'ical and readers can

locate a te(t on nearly any to'ic o% interest# Soe e(a'les o% ty'es o% 

in%orational te(t include cause and e%%ect +oo/s* &all a+outE) +oo/s* ,uestion

and answer +oo/s* and ost re%erence te(ts

9('ository te(t is o+?ectively 'resented %acts* ideas and conce'ts# Its 'ur'ose is to

re'ort on to'ics o% general interest to a lay audience* without 'rior /nowledge#

Belong to this ty'e o% te(ts- lectures* te(t+oo/s* news'a'er articles and reviews*

aong others#

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&xpository text

9('ository te(ts are those that esta+lish a to'ic or arguent 'rovides an oral

discourse* and social arguents that it contains one or ore ites4 ie can 'ic/ a

thee or ore to go to give a s'eech or 'resentation#

Fn the other hand* s'eciali!ed not re'orting +ut ai to understand scienti%ic

as'ects* which re,uire a ore s'eciali!ed* with greater /nowledge o% the su+?ect

rece'tor# They have* there%ore* greater syntactic and le(ical co'le(ity# Belong to

this scienti%ic* legal and huanistic te(ts#

Types of expository

In%orative- te(ts that re'ort on a to'ic o% interest# They are aied at a +road

sector o% the 'u+lic* +ecause not re,uire 'rior /nowledge on the su+?ect o% the

e(hi+ition 0news'a'er articles* notes* te(t+oo/s* encyclo'edias* con%erences*

collecti+les te(ts* +rochures* etc#2#

S'eciali!ed- te(ts that have a high degree o% di%%iculty* as they re,uire e(tensive

'rior /nowledge o% the su+?ect atter 0doctoral re'orts* aster* law* research

articles* onogra'hs* etc#2

Structure of expository text

Introduction- 9('lanation o% how the issue will +e discussed#

The develo'ent- The ost i'ortant 'art o% the te(t4 It is clear and orderly

'resentation o% in%oration#

The conclusion suari!es the in%oration 'resented4 its 'ur'ose is to suari!e

/ey as'ects o% the to'ic discussed#