types, styles and roles...national celebrations/events (royal wedding, guy fawkes, night, mid-summer...

Types, styles and roles: Types and styles of volunteering: Bearing in mind different people are available at different times… Individual Groups Regular Occasional One-off Special events Weekend Evening Summer evening Weekday daytime Employee volunteering Volunteering via CSV, Probation Services, Emergency services, Armed forces Roles: Existing: Practical work Wildlife Monitoring Archaeology Photography Help your local common Help at events Public Relations Website content Website management Historical research Researching sustainability issues Oral history skills Possible: Education Community outreach Local deliveries (newsletter, leaflets, etc.) Local group admin/management Planning watch Publicity Computing Fundraising Recruitment (volunteers/members/supporters) Wardening Writer/editor (for articles and adverts on web, in local newsletters, press, media, etc.) Walk leader

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Page 1: Types, styles and roles...National celebrations/events (Royal Wedding, Guy Fawkes, night, Mid-summer night Craft fairs: Bodging, woodland crafts, green oak/oak framed buildings Pony

Types, styles and roles:

Types and styles of volunteering:

Bearing in mind different people are available at different times… Individual Groups Regular Occasional One-off Special events Weekend Evening Summer evening Weekday daytime Employee volunteering Volunteering via CSV, Probation Services, Emergency services, Armed forces


Existing: Practical work Wildlife Monitoring Archaeology Photography Help your local common Help at events Public Relations Website content Website management Historical research Researching sustainability issues Oral history skills

Possible: Education

Community outreach Local deliveries (newsletter, leaflets, etc.) Local group admin/management Planning watch Publicity Computing Fundraising Recruitment (volunteers/members/supporters) Wardening Writer/editor (for articles and adverts on web, in local newsletters, press, media, etc.) Walk leader

Page 2: Types, styles and roles...National celebrations/events (Royal Wedding, Guy Fawkes, night, Mid-summer night Craft fairs: Bodging, woodland crafts, green oak/oak framed buildings Pony

Motivations: Malsow’s Hierarchy of Needs model shows we’re all motivated by needs – the most basic of which are inborn and have developed over millennia.

He stated that each must be satisfied in turn; starting with survival itself.

Only when the lower order needs of physical and emotional wellbeing are satisfied do we become concerned with the higher order needs of influence and personal development

A (non-exhaustive) list of motivations for volunteering: Commitment to the organisation / cause Doing something worthwhile To give something back Good use of spare time Improve community/local area Gain recognition for the community To follow an interest To learn new skills Utilise existing skills Develop skills Pass on skills Increase knowledge Build confidence Meet a challenge For personal fulfilment

To keep active Health & wellbeing To contribute to other's wellbeing Be part of a team To be with friends To meet people Make new friends As a break from home To have fun Be in charge of something Gain recognition within the community Gain work experience Gain status with an employer

Ask yourself how you could address any of these, depending on what the role will entail and the sort of person/people you will be targeting for recruitment?

Page 3: Types, styles and roles...National celebrations/events (Royal Wedding, Guy Fawkes, night, Mid-summer night Craft fairs: Bodging, woodland crafts, green oak/oak framed buildings Pony


Get help: If you are having difficulties with recruitment perhaps the first thing you should consider would be whether or not you should recruit someone to help you with recruitment!

• What sort of person would this be?

• What sort of personality?

• What background?

• What skills and experience? …And then

• What funds/resources will they need to successfully carry out this role?

• Is there any way in which you could target their recruitment?

Diversity: Does your group reflect the make-up of your local community or the communities you are trying to engage? Barriers can be a reflection of diversity issues. Are your volunteers:-

• Of all ages?

• From both sexes?

• From a range of religious backgrounds?

• From a range of educational backgrounds?

• From different ethnic groups?

• From other countries?

• Able-bodied and with disabilities?

Most common Barriers: The most common barriers to volunteering have been identified as:

• I didn’t know about group

• I haven’t been asked !

• People are time poor – or have enough time but activities are at the wrong time

• Competition from other voluntary organisations

• Existing volunteers can be off-putting (Cliquee’ or older = sorry but it’s true!)

• Lack of confidence

• Feeling they have nothing to offer

• Unsure - Will I fit in?

• It’s Outdoors

• Don’t have the right gear/equipment (waterproofs, tools, etc.)

• Can’t afford it

• Location – difficult to get to

• Transport – none or expensive

• Childcare – costly

• Other responsibilities

• Don’t know what’s involved

• Don’t know anything about commons

• What if I can’t make it?

• Cultural issues: No women only activities No female leaders No interpreter

Page 4: Types, styles and roles...National celebrations/events (Royal Wedding, Guy Fawkes, night, Mid-summer night Craft fairs: Bodging, woodland crafts, green oak/oak framed buildings Pony

Volunteer Role Description

Role title:

Group: [Group name] [Brief description]

Location: [Nearest village/town:] [OS Map No:] [Grid Ref:] [Disabled access:]

Purpose of the role:

Type of work you will be involved in:

Experience &/or qualifications needed:

Times/days we would like you to be available: [Flexibility is often possible]

Benefits to volunteer: [Incl. possible training opportunities]

Reporting to:



Page 5: Types, styles and roles...National celebrations/events (Royal Wedding, Guy Fawkes, night, Mid-summer night Craft fairs: Bodging, woodland crafts, green oak/oak framed buildings Pony

Volunteer Recruitment Plan:

Issue / Question


Assess your image – how could you make it more attractive for the people you want to recruit?

What volunteers do we need? (Tasks & Numbers)

Do we have a role description for each different role?

When, and for how long do we need each volunteer?

What training, support or other benefits will the role offer the volunteer?

Will our current volunteers welcome and accept new volunteers?

What sort of people should we target?

Where can we find them/how can we get our message to them?

What other methods could we use?

Exactly what is our message?

Page 6: Types, styles and roles...National celebrations/events (Royal Wedding, Guy Fawkes, night, Mid-summer night Craft fairs: Bodging, woodland crafts, green oak/oak framed buildings Pony

Message (cont…) Do we have the resources available to support new volunteers:

• Induction

• Supervision

• Mentoring

• Training

• Budget

• Tools & equipment? If not, what do we need to do before recruiting them?

Comments/Other observations:

Page 7: Types, styles and roles...National celebrations/events (Royal Wedding, Guy Fawkes, night, Mid-summer night Craft fairs: Bodging, woodland crafts, green oak/oak framed buildings Pony


Press (Adverts / Articles):

National papers Local papers (some have a regular volunteering slot) Free papers Local newsletters (Parish, Church, Residents association, Clubs, societies & associations)


National radio Local radio Hospital radio National TV Local TV


Create a website Update metatags/keywords Social media (Blog, Twitter, FaceBook, Linked-In, Flickr, Other local websites (Parish, Clubs & societies, Farmers market, etc.)


Local interest groups Community groups Social groups Clubs Schools, Colleges & Universities Religious groups


Door to door Libraries Shops Post Office Local garage/petrol station

Exhibitions / Stands:

Local high street Local supermarket Local market Farmers market Fete’s and fairs Carnivals Green fairs Volunteering fairs Careers & recruitment fairs Conferences

Page 8: Types, styles and roles...National celebrations/events (Royal Wedding, Guy Fawkes, night, Mid-summer night Craft fairs: Bodging, woodland crafts, green oak/oak framed buildings Pony

Events (get local press/media involved):

Community events Open day(s) BBQ’s Fireworks Taster days Theme days on site (bugs/spiders/birds/trees/local history) Festivals – Ede festival on Dunstable Downs? Stunts National theme weeks (Volunteers, Woodlands, RSPB Bird Surveys) Volunteer week 2011

European Year of Volunteering Wildlife week Big (society) Litter pick Bob-a j-b week Tree week Commons week National Tree Week Tree Dressing Day Big Schools Garden Watch National Storytelling Week RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch Weekend National Nest Box Week National Outdoor Week

Invite local organisations, clubs, societies, associations onto the common for their own activities

Get other people/organisations/groups involved:


Local farmer – Ask to use his digger to re-establish a dew pond – then the Fire Service to fill it up! Make it an event – invite children along – get school involved – Ideal publicity opportunity with local press/media… Local businesses: Team building day / Employee volunteering / Supply materials or resources Prison service, Probation service, Youth Offending teams: Long Crendon, Springhill Assylum seekers: Campsfield – Every large town in the UK has some Involve other local groups:- Young Farmers Local history society Butterfly Conservation RSPB BTO Bat groups Wildlife Trust Woodland Trust National Trust BTCV: Green Gym GP Surgery: Health Walks Local Camera/Photography club Integrate other local activities (some can be contentious): Football: Provide 11 or more fit males for practical work!

Page 9: Types, styles and roles...National celebrations/events (Royal Wedding, Guy Fawkes, night, Mid-summer night Craft fairs: Bodging, woodland crafts, green oak/oak framed buildings Pony

Cricket: Ditto Include in mountain bike, running, orienteering trails Include in local (circular) walks and inform Tourist Information Centres, Ramblers, Field paths Society, etc. GeoCaching Treasure Hunts: Schools Vintage car/motorcycle rallies Village fete’s/Fairs Farmers markets Re-enactment societies Educational activities: Nature walks, Local history National celebrations/events (Royal Wedding, Guy Fawkes, night, Mid-summer night Craft fairs: Bodging, woodland crafts, green oak/oak framed buildings Pony club events

When NOT to hold events:

Think about times that lots of people are likely to be unavailable…

• Wimbledon

• Cup Final

• Religious festivals

• Etc.


Flier in parish magazine Flier in church newsletter Flier in other, regular, local mailings Flier in daily or weekend newspaper delivery Flier in local nursery, school, college or university mailings Obtain local mailing lists – electoral register

Individual letters:

To people you think:-

• are likely to be interested

• who have time

• or who have specific skills you are looking for

Word of Mouth:

Need I say more?

Page 10: Types, styles and roles...National celebrations/events (Royal Wedding, Guy Fawkes, night, Mid-summer night Craft fairs: Bodging, woodland crafts, green oak/oak framed buildings Pony

Local press and radio Events such as Volunteers Week also provide an opportunity to get coverage in the local media. Coverage in the local media might range from feature articles to brief news stories. Try to build a good relationship with local newspapers and radio stations, stressing the ‘human interest’ of local people getting involved to help the community. A steady stream of coverage about your organisation, its work and its volunteers can help to raise your profile and thereby aid recruitment. Press coverage can also be used as a form of public recognition for volunteers’ work. You can also advertise for volunteers in the local press. Do your research and find out what sort of people are likely to see the advert. Tailor your message accordingly – for example, stressing the skills and experience that can be gained. Nationally, The Guardian newspaper runs a volunteers page every other Wednesday in its supplement. They currently charge a minimum of £30 for a short recruitment advert. The adverts tend to attract a large number of job-seeking graduates. There is also a wide range of specialist media in which you might consider advertising or seeking coverage. These include:

• company newsletters

• professional and trade journals (particularly useful if seeking someone with specialised skills)

• the black press, such as The Voice

• the gay press, such as The Pink Paper If you are considering placing an advert you should:

• ensure your advert reflects the diversity of the local community

• consult with other organisations who have placed adverts

• check the newspapers circulation areas and numbers

• ask if there is a special rate for volunteer vacancies

Page 11: Types, styles and roles...National celebrations/events (Royal Wedding, Guy Fawkes, night, Mid-summer night Craft fairs: Bodging, woodland crafts, green oak/oak framed buildings Pony

Retention & recognition:


Tea and biscuits Cake


Provide induction Recognising skills, experience and expertise Give responsibility Provide mentoring Provide training Provide team building activities Get involved in mentoring & training Concessions or free membership (if you charge membership) Include volunteers on newsletter mailing list Ask for photos to use in publicity, newsletter & on website(s) Ask for specific contributions to newsletter Ask for specific contributions to local press and media Ask for specific contributions to website and social media Annual conference


Invite to management meetings Getting volunteers involved in publicity Involving volunteers in decision making Ask for ideas and valuing input


Say thank you ! Treat everyone equally Occasional social events/Days out Birthday cards/treats Leaving cards Awards (internal and external)

Practical/Financial: Provide workwear (gloves/wellies/overalls/waterproofs) Provide equipment and materials for role Make expenses available

Career / Professional:

Give references Provide certificates

Page 12: Types, styles and roles...National celebrations/events (Royal Wedding, Guy Fawkes, night, Mid-summer night Craft fairs: Bodging, woodland crafts, green oak/oak framed buildings Pony

Where to recruit:

Volunteering services:

Volunteer centres => Do-It website CSV TimeBank

Business & commerce:

Local businesses / companies (Business in The Community / Social responsibility programmes, Employee volunteering) Pre-retirement courses

Public services/Local Government:

Job centres, benefit offices, council buildings Welfare and benefits rights/advice centres (e.g. claimant’s unions, CAB) Local Social workers, Youth workers, Community workers NACRO/Local Prison/Probation services Health Centres, GP surgeries, dentists, hospital waiting rooms Sports and leisure facilities

Local Community:

Village halls, community centres and other local, public buildings Libraries Places of worship – churches, temples, mosques Religious leaders Pubs, bars, clubs Post Offices, shops, launderettes Local garage/petrol station Allotments shed Lions, Rotary clubs, etc Sports/hobby clubs Local groups such as play groups, youth groups Uniformed groups (Scouts) Other local volunteering organisations with similar interests – NT, Wildilfe Trust, RSPB, BTO, etc.)


Nurseries Schools Colleges and universities Student groups at colleges & universities (e.g. “People & Planet”) U3A Teachers, lecturers and assistants

Page 13: Types, styles and roles...National celebrations/events (Royal Wedding, Guy Fawkes, night, Mid-summer night Craft fairs: Bodging, woodland crafts, green oak/oak framed buildings Pony

Further resources:

National: Volunteering England www.volunteering.org.uk Help, advice and resources

CSV (Community Service Volunteers) www.csv.org.uk Helping build skills & capacity

TimeBank www.timebank.org.uk Vol programmes & mentoring

Do-It www.do-it.org.uk Advertise vol opportunities

Local: Volunteer bureaux (national site): www.do-it.org


Community Impact Bucks C/O South Bucks Council Offices, Capswood, Oxford Road Denham, Middlesex, UB9 4LH. Tel: 01895 837545 e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.communityimpactbucks.org.uk

Hemel Hempstead

Volunteer Centre Dacorum The Roundhouse, Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP1 1DT Tel: 01442 247209 e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.volunteerdacorum.org

Leighton Buzzard

Volunteer Centre Central Bedfordshire Volunntary And Community Action, Bossard House, West Street Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 1DA Tel: 01525 850559 e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.action-centralbeds.org.uk


Voluntary Action Luton 15 New Bedford Road, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 1SA Tel: 01582 733418 e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.valuton.org.uk


Windsor & Maidenhead Voluntary Action 67 St Leonards Road, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 3BX Tel: 01753 622433 e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.wmva.org


OCVA The Old Court House, Floyds Row, St Aldates, Oxfordshire, OX1 1SS Tel: 01865 251946 e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.ocva.org.uk


Volunteer Centre Reading Volunteer Centre Reading, 8 Cross Street, , Reading, Berkshire, RG1 1SN Tel: 0118 957 4123 e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.rva.org.uk

Voluntary Action Centre (Reading) 8 Cross Street, Reading, Berks, RG1 1SN


Watford CVS c/o Watford Council for Voluntary Service, Holywell Community Centre, Tolpits Lane Watford, Hertfordshire, WD18 9QD Tel: 01923 216950 e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mywatford.net

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Specific recruitment/promotion: Skill (People with disabilities) www.skill.org.uk Student Volunteering www.studentvol.org.uk vInspired (Young people) www.vinspired.com Experience Corps (Over 50’s) www.experiencecorps.co.uk

RSVP (Retired / senior volunteers) www.csv-rsvp.org.uk REACH (Professionals, managerial or tech) www.volwork.org.uk Business in The Community/Cares www.bitc.org.uk Employee Volunteering Project www.nationaltrust.org.uk/employeevolunteering For some ideas! Media Trust (Free media & marketing advice) www.mediatrust.org