typical production cycle in process industry

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Typical Production Cycle in Process Industry


  • 5/26/2018 Typical Production Cycle in Process Industry


    What are Functional Specifications?

    Functional specifications (functional specs), in the end, are the blueprint for how you want a particular report andtransaction to look and work. It details what the report will do, how a user will interact with it, and what it will looklike. By creating a blueprint of the report or transaction first, time and productivity are saved during thedevelopment stage because the programmers can program instead of also working out the logic of the user-experience. It will also enable you to manage the expectations of your clients or management, as they will knowexactly what to expect.

    A key benefit of writing up a Functional Spec is in streamlining the development process. The developer workingfrom the spec has ideally all of their questions answered about the report or transaction and can start building it.And since this is a spec that was approved by the client, they are building nothing less than what the client isexpecting. There should be nothing left to guess or interpret when the spec is completed.

    Functional Specification: A functional specification (or sometimes functional specifications) is a formaldocument used to describe in detail for software developers a product's intended capabilities, appearance, andinteractions with users. The functional specification is a kind of guideline and continuing reference point as thedevelopers write the programming code. (At least one major product development group used a "Write themanual first" approach. Before the product existed, they wrote the user's guide for a word processing system,then declared that the user's guide was the functional specification. The developers were challenged to create aproduct that matched what the user's guide described.) Typically, the functional specification for an applicationprogram with a series of interactive windows and dialogs with a user would show the visual appearance of the

    user interface and describe each of the possible user input actions and the program response actions. Afunctional specification may also contain formal descriptions of user tasks, dependencies on other products, andusability criteria. Many companies have a guide for developers that describes what topics any product'sfunctional specification should contain.For a sense of where the functional specification fits into the developmentprocess, here are a typical series of steps in developing a software product:

    Requirements: This is a formal statement of what the product planners informed by their knowledge of themarketplace and specific input from existing or potential customers believe is needed for a new product or a newversion of an existing product. Requirements are usually expressed in terms of narrative statements and in arelatively general way.

    Objectives:Objectives are written by product designers in response to the Requirements. They describe in amore specific way what the product will look like. Objectives may describe architectures, protocols, and standardsto which the product will conform. Measurable objectives are those that set some criteria by which the end

    product can be judged. Measurability can be in terms of some index of customer satisfaction or in terms ofcapabilities and task times. Objectives must recognize time and resource constraints. The development scheduleis often part or a corollary of the Objectives.

    Functional specification: The functional specification (usually functional spec or just spec for short) is theformal response to the objectives. It describes all external user and programming interfaces that the product mustsupport.

    Design change requests: Throughout the development process, as the need for change to the functionalspecification is recognized, a formal change is described in a design change request.

    Logic Specification: The structure of the programming (for example, major groups of code modules that supporta similar function), individual code modules and their relationships, and the data parameters that they pass to

    each other may be described in a formal document called a logic specification. The logic specification describesinternal interfaces and is for use only by the developers, testers, and, later, to some extent, the programmers thatservice the product and provide code fixes to the field.

    User documentation: In general, all of the preceding documents (except the logic specification) are used assource material for the technical manuals and online information (such as help pages) that are prepared for theproduct's users.

    Test plan:Most development groups have a formal test plan that describes test cases that will exercise theprogramming that is written. Testing is done at the module (or unit) level, at the component level, and at thesystem level in context with other products. This can be thought of as alpha testing. The plan may also allow forbeta test. Some companies provide an early version of the product to a selected group of customers for testing ina "real world" situation.

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    The Final Product:

    Ideally, the final product is a complete implementation of the functional specification and design change requests,some of which may result from formal testing and beta testing. The cycle is then repeated for the next version ofthe product, beginning with a new Requirements statement, which ideally uses feedback from customers aboutthe current product to determine what customers need or want next.Most software makers adhere to a formaldevelopment process similar to the one described above. The hardware development process is similar but

    includes some additional considerations for the outsourcing of parts and verification of the manufacturing processitself.

    GAP Analysis

    Gap means small cracks. In SAP world or in Information Technology world, gap analysis is the study of thedifferences between two different information systems or applications( ex; existing system or legacy system withClient and new is SAP), often for the purpose of determining how to get from one state to a new state. A gap issometimes spoken of as "the space between where we are and where we want to be."

    Gap Analysis is undertaken as a means of bridging that space. Actual Gap Analysis is time consuming and itplays vital role in Business Blueprint [AS IS Process] stage.

    A through Gap Analysis will identify the gaps between how the business operates and its needs against what thepackage can can't do. For each gap there will be one of three outcomes which must be recorded and actioned,

    1. GAP must be closed and customized software can be developed

    2. GAP must be closed but software cannot be written therefore a workaround is required

    3. GAP does not need to be closed.

    A point worth mentioning here is that at time people confuse between user-exits and Gap Analysis. User exits arestandard gate ways provided by SAP to exit the standard code and we can write our own code with the help ofABAP workbench, its not new functionality which we are trying to build in sap but its slight enhancement withinthe same code.

    Gap analysis is start point of Realization and once business Blueprint is finished we have to find the realization ofsap system for client requirement and there will be certain gaps when compared to system fit. Those gaps can beclosed either by re-engineering of business process to fit with SAP or we have to use USER exits in case of smalldeviations or complete enhancements with the help of ABAP to fit with the SAP system.

    The Gaps can differ from company to company. Most commonly, however, missing functionality is industry-specific.


    1. MGM Studios and Lycos sometime back worked with SAP to develop its new intellectual propertymanagement and media advertising management functionality, respectively.

    2. A leading Oral care product company wanted the promotion of free-goods where they wanted 'Buy one get 2different products free'.

    Transporting Table entries from one server to another

    By Suresh Kumar Parvathaneni

    Scenario: In this scenario, we would try to transport the table entries of table SCARR.

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    Go to transaction SE10. Click on Create.

    Following pop-up appears. Select Workbench request. (If the table is customizing table, then select

    customizing request)

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    Provide a short description to the request.

    The request is displayed as shown below

    Now double-click on the request,

    Go to change mode, and enter the following details:

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    Now click on the key button available under the name Function (As shown in the screenshot above).

    Following screen appears. Double-click on the first empty line.

    Here we can provide the entries that we would need to transport. For our demo purpose, we are

    transporting all the entries in SCARR belonging to client 800.

    Press Enter. Screen would look as follows:

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    Now you can check for the entries that would be transported as per the given condition, by clicking on

    the table button highlighted in the screenshot above.

    Select the third radio button Table contents specified by current key.

    Following entries would appear:

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    Click on Save. A warning message would appear.

    SAP issues a warning message when an application table is used. Following is the SAP help that

    would appear when we click on the message:

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    Ignore the warning message and click on Save. The request would appear as follows:

    Now transport this request to transport the data to any other system.

    Tracking the Transaction Code for the IMG activities

    By Suresh Kumar Parvathaneni, YASH Technologies

    Go to SPRO -> SAP Reference IMG

    Now click on Additional InformationAdditional informationDisplay KeyIMG Activity

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    You would see the activity names on every transaction in IMG now (as shown below)

    Note the corresponding activity.

    Now to transaction SE16 and enter the name CUS_IMGACH

    Enter the activity name as shown below:

    Execute and you would get the transaction code

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    Working with Screen Variants

    By Rajeshwar Rao Gadiraju, Yash Technologies

    Screen Variants

    Screen variants allow you to simplify screen editing by:

    Providing default values on the screen fields Hiding and changing the ready for input status of fields

    Hiding and changing the attributes of table control columns

    A screen variant contains field values and attribute for exactly one screen. A screen variant may beassigned to multiple transaction variants. Screen variants are always cross-client; they may, however,be assigned to a client-specific transaction. They can also be called at runtime by a program. Thedifferent possibilities for calling screen variants guarantee great flexibility of use.

    Normally when we create sales order, we can change the ship to party which comes based on soldto party, now for the demo purpose, we would disable ship to party so that the end -user cant makechanges to it.

    Transaction code: SHD0.

    Enter the transaction code, for which you want the field to be disabled, give a transaction variantname, this transaction variant will be assigned to order type later.

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    Here in this case transaction code is VA01.

    Click on Create button

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    Enter the order type and press enter.

    If you want to hide a field in sales order, then in this screen you can make necessary changes,according to our scenario we are just going to make changes only to ship to party so do not make anychanges in the screen, Click on enter

    Click on enter

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    Click on enter until you get the below screen where you are going to make modifications to ship toparty field

    Check the ship to party checkbox in output only (means display purpose) as shown below.

    After checking the checkbox, just click on EXIT and SAVE button shown in the below screen shot.

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    Enter the short description

    Click on save

    Assign it to a package.

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    Assign it to a transport request, and click on enter, you may get the same package and transportrequest, just click on save and go on until you encounter with the last screen.

    Now this is the final screen.

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    Now go to transaction VOV8.

    After selecting the order type, either double click or click on details button, it will take you to the nextscreen where you have to maintain the variant name.

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    Now when you try to create a sales order using the same document type then you can see that theship to party field is in display mode.

    Enhance SPRO to add customized views

    By Sai Srinivas, Accenture


    Enhance SPRO to add customized views to SPRO and make documentation of the relevant Zcustomization.

    Use in Projects:

    The customized entries and documentation will be with in SPRO and understandable to everyone.

    Entire Customization including Z objects comes under one tree(SPRO) Reduces the time to become familiar with the system & processes. Easy to maintain. KT process becomes easier.


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    To add this maintenance in SPRO, we need to enhance SPRO.

    Run the TA : S_IMG_EXTENSION from the easy access:


    Select the relevant IMG Structure from the F4 Button.

    In this case, the IMG structure is Sales.

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    Press F4 on Enhancement ID, It shows all the existing Enhancement IDs. We can create our ownenhancement ID.

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    Cilck SAVE Button.

    Object directory entry screen is displayed. Give the package name. Workbench request gets created.

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    Once saved, Click on continue button

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    Now we can see the ZALU as enhancement ID Original List:

    Double click ZALU or set the cursor on ZLAU Click on Continue.

    ZALU ALU Enhancement ID gets filled at Enhancement ID.

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    Now click on button Enhance Structure on the application bar.

    Change IMG screen is displayed.

    As we have selected IMG structure as SALES, we get all the sub nodes under sales.

    Now we are going to add a node as a sub node Under Sales:

    Here 4 application bar buttons:

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    The above two buttons describes at which level (Parent node or Child node) to add the node.

    We are going to add ALU Individual Customizing as Sub node to Sales,

    So set the cursor on Sales and click on

    Pop up comes with asking for Node text: Node text is given as ALU Individual Customizing

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    Click Continue.

    Now the structure displayed like below:

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    Now set the cursor on ALU Individual Customizing and click on the button Activity:

    Following screen is displayed.

    Give IMG ID (Any Name) and document name and click on create:

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    Add the documentation:

    Save and click on BACK button. Will be directed to initial screen.

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    Click on SAVE button.

    Workbench request gets created:

    Now Click on the Attributes TAB:

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    Following screen is displayed:

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    Here is the list of ASAP Roadmap ID:

    Selected 201 as ASAP Roadmap ID (Select the appropriate Roadmap ID, where this customizationcomes)

    Mandatory/ Optional as Optional,

    Critical/ Non_Critical as Non Critical.

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    Coming to the components on right side:

    Press F4 on components, We get a list. Add the appropriate component.

    Click on the SAVE button at the bottom:

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    Gets saved under workbench Request:

    Now click on the Tab: Maintain Objects:

    Give the maintain Object ID and Name:

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    Assign the customizing Object Here:

    In our example, the table name is ZEMPLY and the transaction code for the table maintenance:

    Click on the SAVE Button:

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    Saved under workbench request and click on Back Button.

    We are directed to Initial IMG Screen. And screen shows as below:

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    Click on SAVE button on the Top:

    Changes logged under workbench Request:

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    Now Run the transaction SPRO:

    Now we can ZUNBU in the path

    The documentation shown as below:

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    When executed, it shows the Maintenance Screen,

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  • 5/26/2018 Typical Production Cycle in Process Industry


    Typical Production cycle in Process Industry

    The below production cycle explains the basic business flow in Process Industry. The flow isgenerally focusing only on Production and Quality Management

    Simple Production Cycle:

    Consider all Raw materials are available in plant and production process yet to start, the followingstages are to be followed

    1. Create Process Order

    Here we are creating a process order based on the capacity of the equipments and resourceavailability

    2. Release the Process order

    Once Process order created, it has to be released for production, means system will check thescheduling, material availability, capacity planning, etc., and then release process takes place

    3. Goods issue from the Stores

    Once PO got released, goods issue against the process order will takes place

    4. Start processing

    Product process against the PO will start

    5. Confirmation Process

    After production, the final out put confirmation from the process will be entered

    6. Goods Receipt Process

    Goods receipt process plays a major role in any business here we have to do 101 movement typeand do the postings. In goods issue process they will issue the goods against PO in 261 movementtype.

    7. Quality Approval and Release

    Once GR from the production was made, the material will come to Quality control for approval. HereQC person will check the material and they will do the result recording and usage decision

    8. Stock will appear in Unrestricted use for SALE / Further Process

    Once usage decision was made the material will automatically moved into unrestricted use. The FG isready for sale

    By keeping above all points in mind, the following masters and transactions are required to


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    NoMaster Trans-

    actionT-code Description Where has to be used

    1 MM01 Create Material Used for creating Recipe and furthertracking

    2 CRC1 Create Resource Machine / set of Machines used formaking the product

    3 C201 Create Recipe Here we are calling resource and

    materials required to make thefinished product4 QS21 Create MIC List of specifications to be checked

    for that concerned finished goods5 QP01 Create Quality Plan Creating Quality Plan6 COR1 Create Process

    OrderInitiating Production Process by

    creating Process Order7 MIGO with



    Goods Issue Process Goods issue to Manufacturing unit

    8 CORK ConfirmationProcess

    Production Output confirmation

    Process9 QA32 Quality Approval

    and Usage DecisionQC will approve and release for

    further process

    Step by Step Execution Process:

    Scenario Explanation:


    For a leading Process Manufacturing Company ABC, they are selling the product FG 1, the rawmaterials and resource requirements are listed below

    Raw Materials required for making 50kg of Finished Product, FG 1 are

    S.No Material Code /Material Type

    Material Description Quantity required Unit of Measurement

    1 RM l 1 / ROH Raw Material 1 80 Kg2 RM 2 /ROH Raw Material 2 20 Kg3 BP 1 / FERT Byproduct 60 L

    Resources required for making 50kg of Finished Product FG1

    S.No Resource Code Resource Description Capacity1 CRC-001 Reactor 2KL

    2 CRC-002 Vessel 4KL

    List of MASTERS required for addressing the above scenario

    1. Create Materials using MM01 transactions in the following way:

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    In this screen select select views button and extend the following fields

    We have selected basic information entries field. Fill the information and finally select the Generalplant / storage data and give plant as 1100 and storage as 0001 in case of Raw material.

    The same procedure has to be repeated for finished goods and Co-Products, in plant storage data wehave to give Plant 1100 and storage 0004.

    2. Create Resource master using CRC 1 Transaction

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    Here we have to mention the Person responsible and standard value type SAP1 NormalProduction.

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    Here we are planning to give the controlling area and cost center. Finally save the data. The sameprocedure has to be repeated for CRC-002

    3. Create Recipe using resource and material in T-code C201

    In the above screen we have to enter the material we want to produce FG 1, and give the plant codeand profile PI01 then enter.

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    In the recipe header we have to enter the status as 4 and Usage as 1 , go for Operations screen

    Here we have to call the resource and the description details, for example in reactor CRC-001, theoperations like Heating and transfer process will be carried out the same has been explained in this

    description field. As per standard value key we have to give the duration for the operation time andlabor time. Both will be taken for scheduling.

    In the material tab, we have to enter the version for the BOM and usage details, after that we have toenter the list of raw materials required for making 50 kg of the FG 1 product. Here co-product isgenerating so we have to give the co-product BP 1 60 L as Negative producing after the process(NOT as INPUT) and activate as Co-Product by selecting the line item and press items tab and selectco-product tab.

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    In the header level line item we have the base quantity i.e Finished goods quantity, give 50 and save

    Now Recipe is ready.

    4. Create MIC using QS21 transaction

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    Here give the short text, field search and int. char.desc as pH and select the Quantitative check box.

    pH have some ranges so, we have to select the limits are upper and lower spec limits.The same way we have to create temperature also

    5. Now create the Quality plan using QP01

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    Now we are planning to create the quality plans which are to be tested before release from QC

    Header data details as above

    Then Go to operations and give control key as QM01, select the line item and go to inspectiondescription tab.

    Enter the MIC details here. While entering system will ask the upper spec and lower spec limits. Enterlimits and save

    Masters are ready to proceed the Production Cycle

    We will start Production Cycle using transactions

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    1. Create Process Order using COR1

    Here give the total quantity as 50 and enter the start date, system will check the scheduling andcapacity planning and finally finish date will come.

    Now, once the process is over check the master data, in that we can find the created recipe group forthat material FG 1

    Now the PO stated us Created

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    Press the Flag button and Release the PO for production. After pressing flag button, actually system

    will checks material availability, scheduling, capacity planning etc., Once it is over the status of the POwill be changed to Released mode

    Save the Process order.

    2. Goods issue against the Process order using MIGO Transaction

    Goods issue generally happens from store against the PO with the movement type 261

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    Once goods issue from the stores is over, the document number will be generated as below

    Now go to process order and check the order status GMPS will appear, that means GoodsMovement Posted

    Now Production process was started and completed. We are going to give confirmation using CORKtransaction

    3. Confirmation using CORK Transaction

    Once you enter, the yield quantity you have to confirm

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    Here in MM01, Quality Management views we have to activate the inspection lot origin 04 forinspection triggering while making Goods receipt using 101 transaction. The following procedure hasto beadopted.

    Select Inspection set up tab and activate 04 inspection type.

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    This activity has to be done at the time of creation of Master (MM01)

    4. Goods Receipt using MIGO with movement type 101

    If you check this screen the outputs finished product 1 and co product 1 with the quantities viz., 50and 60 will be there. We have activated QM view only for FG 1 and not for BP 1 material. So onceGRN was made the material FG 1 will be automatically moved to Quality inspection and BP 1 will bemoved to unrestricted use.

    At the time of GRN we are creating the batch for FG 1 as FG00000001

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    For BP 1 we are creating Batch as CO00000001. The batch can be created at the time of creation ofProcess order also.

    Here we are mentioning the storage location for the final products 0004

    Once GRN made the document number will be generated for Accounting updates

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    5. Quality Approval and Release

    Now check the MMBE view, in that the material FG 1 appears in Quality inspection

    And at the same time BP 1 in which QM was not activated, the stock appears in Unrestricted use

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    Result recording and Usage decision process for the Material FG 1 batch FG00000001

    Go to QA32 and give the inspection lot origin as04 and press enter

    Check the status. The system status should be RELEASED

    Press Results button and do result recording

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    After entering the actual value the final screen will be like below

    Now, go to Usage decision button in the same QA32 Transaction and do accept the batch

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    Once you save the inspection stock details will come

    Enter the stock quantity 50 to unrestricted and check the MMBE view now

    Material will be moved to unrestricted use . Now sales process will start.

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    The above cycle is simple production process generally carried out in Process industries

    Production Order Splitting

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    Production Order could be split due to following reasons:

    1. When partial lot of order is to be handled from the rest due to quality reasons.2. If capacity bottle necks exists.3. Material is committed for part of order qty.


    1. The split operations and the material assigned are copied into the child order.2. The structure of the parent order does not changes while the split off operations are copied into the child


    Status for parent order : SPLTStatus for the child order: SPLEFor operation : SPLT


    1. The parent order and the child order must be settled to same cost collector2. Read PP Master data is not possible3. Confirmations at header level is not possible

    Steps to perform split:

    1. In OPL8 Set the indicator cost collector2. Default Rule -Periodic settlement(PP2)3. CK11N do standard cost estimate4. KKF6N Create cost collector5. Create production order with op10,20,30,406. Go to op overview7. Select the op from which you want to split (exop20)8. Go to functions ----> Split order9. Enter the qty ,if necessary a different order type for the child order10. Execute11. Order will be splitted .12. The order can be splitted even from op10 itself13. Goto MD0414. Two orders will be created15. Go to op overview of each order and there you can see the splitting.

    MRP Run in background for all Network Plants

    By Divakar Rane, Suzlon Energy Limited


    To understand how to take MRP Run in Background for All Network Plants, using Transaction Code:-MDBT.

    Scope: To view Background MRP List.


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    Please follow the procedure as given below:

    Transaction code MDBT

    Menu Path SAPmenuLogisticsProductionMRPPlanningTotalPlanningMDBT--Background MRP

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    After filling information please click on Attributes. Here you need to do configuration for Scope of Planning(TCode: OM0E) or you can select single plant also. In Scope of planning you take multiple plants.

    Here youselect different option as per your requirement like protect variant.

    After Saving Variant you will get Variant SCM VB Saved.

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    We need to start our background MRP Run through Tcode- MDBT.

    Then go Tcode: SM37- Job Overview

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    After Successful completion of Background Job, please select the Job & then Click on Spool

    Here you will MRP list generated through Background MRP Job. This list will show which materials

    are planned with Plant & their exception group.