u irll if hi tt i m0b3smms wwkm aa...u irll if hi j i tt i m0b3smms 17sw 6 wwkm.ay aa 1 1,cdl vol....

17 sW U irll if Hi J I tt i m0B3SMmS 6 ww km .Ay aa 1 1 ; ,cdL VOL. III.--N- O. 301. HONOLULU, HAVAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1885. PRICE 10 CENTS gbtotrtistmtnts. Advertisements. xtt&irftsniunls.' business Card' THE DAiLY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. L. B. (ji. .1. WALLEE. B XJ T OHBR.I MEECHANT TAIL 01? T O T II i: F It OX T . A ORE AT BOOX TO THE Honolulu Public ! i Ila Just Iteturne! from i:urM' WITH A LARGE STOCK OF Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fork aul Fish kept for FO L Ii DAYS after being killed, by Bell-Colema- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Guaran- teed to keep longer after delivery tbau FKESII KILLED MEATS. tt-- be had in any of Mr. Waller's Markets. New Goods r K ERR, f and Materials 1 H E Of the Latest Styles and Patterns, fc'hich be la Prepared to Make up in tbe LATEST FASHION. AND FOR TliE LOWEST PEICES POSSIBLE 533 my 11 -- T Brunswick, Balke-Collend- er THE MOST EXTENSIVE BILLIARD HOUSE IN THE WORLD. Manufacturers of Billiard ami Pool Tables. Importers and Dealers in all kinds of Billiard Materials. Sole Agents for Hyatt Billiard Balls, which will stand any climate. Ten Pins, Balls and Pins. Sporting Goods of all kinds. Sole Owners and Patentees of the unrivalled "MONARCH QUICK CUSHION." the best in the world for accuracy, correct angles and durability, and unod exclusively frr all Championship Games. QSend for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List..Xl Office and Salesroom, 6S3 and 6S5 Market Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. : o : F'. JJ. LtHJML'M tfi TTOKNKY-AT-LA- AOmpSOLIClTOK IN A riian.-ery- . Ollice rm;rH's Block. second story, rooms n aiifl 9. nce on Merchant street, if '.aoJ'iln, n. J of P tf 'Ad- - Of t' MACF-'LAN- E & C0-- , OLESI DEALERS AD UK. eral in WINKS and LIQUOKS. c'1- - o Haahumann .Street, lJ Honolulu. 375-t- f "r TT nir 1 ii it v m rtn. pl. HiiUAX XiJiU OS UU., j. i.V tlt.VL, COMMISSION AGEXTM. a tf Queen St.. Honolulu. H.I. M I banking. w JfAERTEXS. e OFFKKOKLT ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., Importers A Commission 9Iercliant. Honolulu, H. I. 368-- tf A. S. CLEGH0KN & Co., 1nifMrters ami Wholesale and Retail General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. 3f 9-- t M. PHILLIPS & Co., Importers anil Wholesale Dealers In Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish ins and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu street Honolulu, H. I. S66tf-w- tf S. J.LEVEY & CO., Grocers ami Provision Dealers. Family Grocery and Feed .Store. Orders entrusted to us from the other Island will be promptly attended to. 52 Fort St., Honolulu , 3f7tf-wt- f JOHN-RUSSE- LL at I.au. Vttontev Xo. -- ' M KUCHA XT "NTKEET. XEAU FORT ST .18 "iff-- CI.AC.l SPKF.OKM.S H. U. IR4TIX. VM. 0. IKWTN & Co., w?i.l: itnit CuinmiSHlou ' KJ v.hMS. Honolulu, 11. I. atil-tfw- tf j J. l.ON L. J. l.KVKY. LYONS & LEVEY, AM). General Commission Merchants Reaver Blo-k- , Queen St., Honolulu. Sales of Furniture. Stock, Real Estate Oenern.1 Merchandise properly attended to Sole AgrentK tOr: American & Enrojeau Merchandise. .172-tfw- tf J. IYI. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Keal Ilstate in any part, of the King; Bought, Mold and Leased on Commission Loans Xegotiated and Legal Documents Drawn. o. 27 MERCHANT STREET, Oazette Block, Honolulu. 371-- tf Dr. E. Cook Webb, Residence and Office, cor Richards Berctaitia St Special Attention given to Diseases of the Kidney and Urinary Organs Okkick Uouhs: 8 to 10,") 2 to 4, I Telephone 3. 7 to 8. J 565-my2- 4 J. 31. Oat, Jr., & Co., J. STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Oazette Block. Mert-lian- t St., Honolulu. II. I. Ol'it tl THOMAS LINDSAY i 3Iaiuifactiiring Jeweler, 5K N'o. HO XiiMMiiu Street. '.t-N- J .Opposite H,:Uster A Co Honolulu, If. I. Particular atteii tli;n pai'l to rt'tiiiiriii. :yJU M. HKKIN J. J.s. RI'BASH. Hawaiian Jewelry Faetory, Mi'rrliant Mroct. Uoiiolulu, H.I. KCKCI JEWF.MtY, FINE DIAMOND SETTING a Speri,i!ty. All kiiiils of Jewelry made to order and re- paired. Watches carefully repaired and war- ranted. General engraving and fancy monogram neatlv executed. All done at moderate prlcei. 5.111 tf FOR and THE CURRENCY ACT The New Gold Law. I'EW COPIES OF THE WEEKLY Paeilie Commereial Advertiser the 39th July. 1SSI. rontalnlng at FFf,I. TEXT or the Currency can be had ou application to P. C. Advertiser Oflice. Office Price 25 cents each. ment Publisher P. C. ADVERTISER. i S. !. SIAMilY. JOHX SPltfA.Vtt. j ' Spr nance, Stanley & Co., I Importers and Jobbers of Fine i WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, HO Front St., San Francisco. 173 tf fc w Buit & U'inck, The Leading Fashionable Tailors OF SAX FRAXCISCO. No. 620 Market St., Opposite Palace HotJ. Having already a large trade with Honolulu, they respectfully solicit further Island patronage, and are prepared to complete orders at one day's no tice, .ferieet satistaction guaranteed, and tue finest stock of latest goods constantly on hand. 491 tftw FRANK GERTZ, Importer and Manufacturer Of all Descriptions of BOOTS & SHOES (CTOrders from the other Islands solicited. Xo. 114 Fort St., Honolulu. tf JOHN TJTSCHIG, Fashionable Boot Maker, Xo. 326 Bush St., San Francisco, Cal. Will fill orders in his line at tbe shortest possible notice. Planters will find it te their advantage to call on MR. UTSCHIO before going elsewhere. 494 tfdkw IX REST MARKET. Corner Hotel and I'tuon sirecta, nilAXCH Or EFREKA MARKET. 'I'he imib-rsiri.-- will open this new market with bees, veal and mutton. Also Fresh I'ork Sauae. niale every day Illootl and Liver Sausages ami Bo loifiia a Specialty. All orders promptly attended to Respectfully, . EO. D. St llllAF.DEK. Forest Market, Telephone No. 3G3. Eureka Market, Telephone No, III. 48I-apI- 0 ALYIiV 11. KASE31AN, BOOK BINDER, 2aper Ruler and Blank Book Manufacturer. of all descriptions neatly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. Gazette Building, 3'--- MERCHANT STBEKT. J. J. WILLIAMS Xo. 103 FORT STREET, Leading Piotoirajler 'of Honolnln. WORK FINISHED IN Water Colors, Crayon. India Ink, or Oil, Ptaoto. Colored, Ac. The only Complete Collection of Island Views Ferns, Shells,, Cnriosities, &c. CHARGES MODERATE. 385tf W HINOLKY. 6KO. WOOD. J. W. HIN GLE Y & CO. Manufacturers of HAVANA CIGAKS, Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealt rs iu Tobacco, CfeMtes & Smoicrs5 Articles TltY oun Home Manufactured Cigars. of Xo. .19 Fort St.. iu Campbell Xow Firejiroof Building, and Xo. 7S Hotel Steeet. HONOLULU. Jt.I., 410-W- tf TELEPHONE 55 PNTEEPRIS 833 P PLANING MILL. P JUS Alakea. near O.Heen St. . C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor. Contracting & Building. MOULDINGS AND FINISH ALWAYS ON HAND. SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cn Split. 377 tf and MONTHLY PAYMENTS. per All aeomints for Adyertlsinsr and Job Printing from the or Pacific Commercial Advertiser will from this date be presented for pay. monthly. Hoooluln, March 2.l?S-5- . PETER DALTON, No. 91 Kina St. Once more solicits the patronage and support of those who for twenty years knew and dealt with him. Plain Talk Pays Always. Peter bus for many years worked for and en deavored to please every class of the mmunity J irom ine ntgnest in tan land down to tn humblei of the working classes, and be can say that durfcr' that time be never made an enemy or lost '', tomer. Now he has again put bis baud iT the plow, and Is aa well able and willing to gl--- aonest work, good material, and lair value fo- - Hioney w ever yet was done in the Hawaiian ' ands. Has Aft always on hand Klnifle and Double Hr s rHH' Express Hr VT tRtlou IlarueaH. Whlp4, Spur, Brushes, Aia ver i requisite for tbe pr-- Stable. tftfA fii' t'of English and Sydney saddles, SadJle r s. Blankets, etc., always in stock. A' hat t rvs not got he can make. 290 my!f14w HAWAIIAN HOTEL STABLES, (Cor. Hotel and Ilichard Streets, Honolulu. Ii. I. Opposite Itojal Hattaiiau Hotel, Wish to notify tbe public t tint they are prepared to furnish BUGGIES, PHAETONS, WAGONETTES, ETC., With Stylish, Gentle Horses. Horses boarded by day or month. Saddle Horses to Let. Horses Bought and Sold. Hacks at all hours day and night. Any Incivility, reckless driving, overcharging, etc., by drivers employed by this Company will please be reported at the oflice. MILES Sc MACFAKLANE. Telephone No. 32. dAw "Cordon Rouge" (mil mm ri MJMSI EXTRA DRV DRYvroWtlAVj lUPORTATinHtNlgi 07 g4423 Cgg W. MACFARLANE & CO., Cor. Fort& Queen Sts., HOXOLt'LC, H. I. Sole AsentH for thi Favorite nraifit ot CHAMPAGN E. I. 4fi9 tf W No. W. MACFARLANE & CO., t. 5 V IV a or Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., the Act. jroxxjLtxr, H. I. the SoleAKCuts for tbis Farorile Brand of CHAMPAGNE. 470;fdtv.- - G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., Agent for the Hawaiian Islauds. a rs PUBLISHED Every Morning .Except Sundays. Daily 1 c Advertiser, 1 yettr, (t'asnj f3 00 Dally P. C. Advertiser, 6 months, (Cash) 5 00 Dally P. C. Advertiser, 1 wrek, fCash) 2.5 Weekly P. C. Advertiser, 1 year. CCash) .. 6 00 Foreign Subscription W, P. C. A. (Including postage) $s 5o QMvfrtljefcmfnt.. JOHN COOK, Larpeniei No. 31 Alakea St. Will attend and contract for all kinds of work In bis line. REMOVING, RAISIXO or REPAIRING old or new buildings. Work to be paid for when complete. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. Charges as low as the lowest in the town. Pont Office box 13T. 29-e- 30 65,000 Feet of Galvanized Iron Pipe mid "F'ittingsu K, ''4 "'"1 ll5 inch. For sale, at very low figures, by .1 - A. HOPPKR. I -J EUBEKA ! We have received a consignment of the most Economical and ValuabA Feed for all kinds of Stork, via.: COOKED LINSEED MEAL. It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and Butter producer In use. Oil Cake MeI shows about 27 per cent, of nu trltive matter; this nearly 39 per cent. 100 lbs. of thin meal Is equal to 30O lbs. of oats, or 31 H tt. of corn, or to 767 lbs. of wheat bran. For Sale in Lots to Suit. ,ba, out Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well aa our usual supply of the best kinds of $Ihjt, Oat'i, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc. LAINE fe CO. Hi tf California Rose Company. UK. V. V. MACFABLAXE TAKES J'LEAS- - ure in anuouncing that he has been ap pointed SOLE AGENT of the CALIFORNIA KOSE COMPANY For the Hawaiian Islands. I'urtiea who desir to add choice and beautiful varieties of THE QUEEN OF FLOW KIM T- their flower gardens will be furnbhed with CATALOGUES containing names, prices and .other information concerning over 250 varieties, OROWN OX THEIK OWN ROOTS. I'rlci-i- ! tuMiJishingly low for guaranteed " vurieues. C. W. MlCfAHLAXK, Agent. Honolulu, March '27. 1HS. i,t;r2'----Uw- tf )VEXNE1 it (JO. 02 i'urt Strv t. !i v' mi bund New Furejii uinl Homemude Wutch s, Hiv.crlt ts, Necklets, G. l!.S L.. i't, Clocks, .ini oniti'uelits of all kinds. Silver aud Gold Plate r.lenut &UI Milter Tea Sets. Siijtab' (or I'resentation. I'.NORAVIXU AS If ,VAT1VE JEWELRY A Specialty. jtpairiits in all Itw Ibrauehe. (7 Sote Agents for King's Eye Preserver. G. ST. MATTHEWS HALL, sX MATEO, CALIFORNIA. School for Boys, TXDER MILITARY DISCIPLINE. IS TIIE BEAUTIFUL LOCATED on the Soutliern Pacific Kail-roa- d. 21 miles Irom San Francisco. Established in ISfiJL Fourteen instructors of reputation ftl abUity. The buildings are extensive, are heated by steam, and are in every ay arranged for the health and comfort of the cadets. Trinity Session began July 24th, anu the Easter Session will com- mence January 8, 185. For further information and catalogue, Just .jut, address REV. ALFRED LEi BREWER, if. A., 59.ap-dAwJy- 9 Principal, :7 tfJkw THE WHITE HOUSE. Metropolitan Market, On Kins Street. MEAT FOR SALE ALL DAY. City Market. On Xuuanu St. Hotel Street Market. On Hotel Street. Eureka Mai'ket. At Fish Market. Hawaiian Market. On Maunakea St. Chinese Market, On Meek Street. BEEF AND PORK. iio-T- h linking tbe public for past favors. I so licit a continuation of the same. 397 tf O. J. WALLER. "ONTARIO" NEVILLE &; CO., S O E E A iEX T S . SAN FRANCISCO MADE FROM AI ABAMA BOTTOM COTTON, FREE FROM SIZIXU AND NOT LIABLE TO MOULD. WARRANTED The Best and most Durable Sail Duck IN THE WORLD. Por Sale in Honolulu. GANDY'S PATENT Made from the Very Best Hard Wove Cotton Duck. NEVILLE & CO., SOLE AOEXTS, SAN FRANCISCO. THE BEST DRIVING BELT, Xeither Heat or Dampness affects tlieni. Tliey do not Stretcli. Stronger tbau Leather, Better than Rubber, WILL, OUTLAST BOTH. l"or Sale in Honolulu. loo-t- f my9 SUfJ FIRE OFFIGE O F I, O X DOX ESTABLISHED 1710. EFFECTED UI'ON EVEHV INSURANCES property at the current rates premium. Total sum Insured in Is 3 3 - - 310,121,000. Claims arranged by the local audits, iiud paid with promptitude and liberality. The jurisdk-tiu- of the LciCt. I Tribunal.-- ; recognized. G. W. Macfaria.-i- e & Co., tf A;;.i.:.i IVi the Hawaiian Islands. C. IjIUKS & CO.. r:t IIHjfl STREET. Peekham. I.oudou. S. E. Colonial Merchants. Indent executed for alUind-- t of English: Continental Good, against Bank ' Credits or Produce, facilities for drawing against the latter. Agencies accepted at 2V J cent nn net amount of manufacturer's J j iqvoioe. including cash discount, varying l to 3 per cent. Purchases in im- - j ter's own name. Twenty year?' hnyinc experience for export. Eeference: Continental Bank, 79 Lombard Street, E. C. 463ap3 MESSES. RAPHAEL AVEILL & CO. Co. 7i :o:- - buyers, and delivered in Honolulu, attention to our lorrg established its I.onoiaLIt dealings, and bcjL; pains to continue to deserve their ' ailtl POSt StrGOtS, Have the honor to announce to their numerous customers of the Hawaiian Islands that thoy are prepared to take .Special Orders for all kinds of Merchandise in the DRY GOODS LIHSTE, To be executed in Paris by their via San Francisco, in transit. We beg further to call their house, known all over the Pacific for to assure them that we will spare no patronage. - -- :o: All Orders Promptly Executed, and Samples sent on Application. :o:- - ITT . V . 011161' Keai'IlJ7 SAN FR.A.ISrCISCO. 477 Bp23Jt

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gbtotrtistmtnts.Advertisements.xtt&irftsniunls.' business Card'THE DAiLY PACIFIC



Honolulu Public !i

Ila Just Iteturne! from i:urM'

WITH A LARGE STOCK OFBeef, Veal, Mutton, Fork aul Fish

kept for FO L Ii DAYS after being killed, by Bell-Colema-

Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Guaran-

teed to keep longer after delivery tbau

FKESII KILLED MEATS.tt-- be had in any of Mr. Waller's Markets. New Goods


K ERR, f

and Materials 1


Of the Latest Styles and Patterns,

fc'hich be la Prepared to Make up in tbe




Brunswick, Balke-Collend- er


Manufacturers of Billiard ami Pool Tables.

Importers and Dealers in all kinds of Billiard Materials. Sole Agents for Hyatt BilliardBalls, which will stand any climate. Ten Pins, Balls and Pins. Sporting

Goods of all kinds. Sole Owners and Patentees of the unrivalled

"MONARCH QUICK CUSHION."the best in the world for accuracy, correct angles and durability, and unod exclusively frr

all Championship Games.

QSend for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List..XlOffice and Salesroom, 6S3 and 6S5 Market Street


: o :



Ariian.-ery- . Ollice rm;rH's Block. second

story, rooms n aiifl 9. nce on Merchantstreet, if '.aoJ'iln, n. J of P tf

'Ad- -

Of t'MACF-'LAN- E & C0-- ,


c'1--o Haahumann .Street,

lJ Honolulu. 375-t- f

"r TT nir 1 ii it v m rtn.pl. HiiUAX XiJiU OS UU.,j. i.V tlt.VL, COMMISSION AGEXTM.

a tf Queen St.. Honolulu. H.I.M



ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,Importers A Commission 9Iercliant.Honolulu, H. I. 368-- tf

A. S. CLEGH0KN & Co.,

1nifMrters ami Wholesale and Retail

General Merchandise,Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. 3f 9-- t

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,Importers anil Wholesale Dealers In

Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnishins and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu street

Honolulu, H. I. S66tf-w- tf


Grocers ami Provision Dealers.Family Grocery and Feed .Store.Orders entrusted to us from the other Island will

be promptly attended to. 52 Fort St., Honolulu, 3f7tf-wt- f


at I.au.VttontevXo. --' M KUCHA XT "NTKEET. XEAU FORT ST

.18 "iff--


VM. 0. IKWTN & Co.,w?i.l: itnit CuinmiSHlou '

KJ v.hMS. Honolulu, 11. I. atil-tfw- tf j

J. l.ON L. J. l.KVKY.


General Commission MerchantsReaver Blo-k- , Queen St., Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture. Stock, Real EstateOenern.1 Merchandise properly attended to

Sole AgrentK tOr:

American & Enrojeau Merchandise..172-tfw- tf



NOTARY PUBLIC.Keal Ilstate in any part, of the King;

Bought, Mold and Leased on CommissionLoans Xegotiated and Legal Documents Drawn.

o. 27 MERCHANT STREET,Oazette Block, Honolulu. 371-- tf

Dr. E. Cook Webb,Residence and Office, cor Richards Berctaitia St

Special Attention given to Diseases of theKidney and Urinary Organs

Okkick Uouhs:8 to 10,")2 to 4, I Telephone 3.7 to 8. J 565-my2- 4

J. 31. Oat, Jr., & Co., J.


Hawaiian Oazette Block.

Mert-lian- t St., Honolulu. II. I.Ol'it tl


3Iaiuifactiiring Jeweler,5KN'o. HO XiiMMiiu Street. '.t-N- J

.Opposite H,:Uster A Co

Honolulu, If. I.Particular atteii tli;n pai'l to rt'tiiiiriii. :yJU


Hawaiian Jewelry Faetory,Mi'rrliant Mroct. Uoiiolulu, H.I.


All kiiiils of Jewelry made to order and re-paired. Watches carefully repaired and war-ranted. General engraving and fancy monogramneatlv executed. All done at moderate prlcei.

5.111 tfFORand



Paeilie Commereial Advertiserthe 39th July. 1SSI. rontalnlng at

FFf,I. TEXT or the Currencycan be had ou application to

P. C. Advertiser Oflice.Office

Price 25 cents each. ment

Publisher P. C. ADVERTISER.

i S. !. SIAMilY. JOHX SPltfA.Vtt.j

' Spr nance, Stanley & Co.,I Importers and Jobbers of Fine

i WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS,HO Front St., San Francisco.

173 tf fc w

Buit & U'inck,The Leading Fashionable Tailors

OF SAX FRAXCISCO.No. 620 Market St., Opposite Palace HotJ.

Having already a large trade with Honolulu, theyrespectfully solicit further Island patronage, andare prepared to complete orders at one day's notice, .ferieet satistaction guaranteed, and tuefinest stock of latest goods constantly on hand.

491 tftw

FRANK GERTZ,Importer and Manufacturer

Of all Descriptions of

BOOTS & SHOES(CTOrders from the other Islands solicited.

Xo. 114 Fort St., Honolulu.tf

JOHN TJTSCHIG,Fashionable Boot Maker,

Xo. 326 Bush St., San Francisco, Cal.

Will fill orders in his line at tbe shortest possiblenotice. Planters will find it te their advantage tocall on MR. UTSCHIO before going elsewhere.

494 tfdkw

IX REST MARKET.Corner Hotel and I'tuon sirecta,


'I'he imib-rsiri.-- will open this new marketwith bees, veal and mutton. Also

Fresh I'ork Sauae. niale every dayIllootl and Liver Sausages ami Bo

loifiia a Specialty.All orders promptly attended to


. EO. D. St llllAF.DEK.

Forest Market, Telephone No. 3G3.Eureka Market, Telephone No, III.



BOOK BINDER,2aper Ruler and Blank Book


of all descriptions neatly andpromptly executed, and at reasonable charge.

Gazette Building,3'--- MERCHANT STBEKT.


Leading Piotoirajler 'of Honolnln.WORK FINISHED IN

Water Colors, Crayon.India Ink, or Oil,

Ptaoto. Colored, Ac.The only Complete Collection of

Island ViewsFerns, Shells,,

Cnriosities, &c.CHARGES MODERATE.



J. W. HIN GLE Y & CO.Manufacturers of

HAVANA CIGAKS,Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealt rs iu

Tobacco, CfeMtes & Smoicrs5 ArticlesTltY oun

Home Manufactured Cigars. of

Xo. .19 Fort St.. iu Campbell XowFirejiroof Building, and Xo.

7S Hotel Steeet.HONOLULU. Jt.I., 410-W- tf



P PLANING MILL. PJUS Alakea. near O.Heen St. .

C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor.

Contracting & Building.MOULDINGS AND FINISH


SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, CnSplit.

377 tf and


All aeomints for Adyertlsinsr and Job Printingfromtheor

Pacific Commercial Advertiserwill from this date be presented for pay.


Hoooluln, March 2.l?S-5- .


No. 91 Kina St.Once more solicits the patronage and support of

those who for twenty years knew anddealt with him.

Plain Talk Pays Always.

Peter bus for many years worked for and endeavored to please every class of the mmunity Jirom ine ntgnest in tan land down to tn humbleiof the working classes, and be can say that durfcr'that time be never made an enemy or lost '',tomer. Now he has again put bis baud iT theplow, and Is aa well able and willing to gl--- aonestwork, good material, and lair value fo- - Hioney w

ever yet was done in the Hawaiian ' ands. HasAft

always on hand

Klnifle and Double Hr s rHH'

Express HrVT tRtlou IlarueaH.

Whlp4, Spur,

Brushes,Aia ver i requisite for tbe

pr-- Stable.tftfA fii' t'of English and Sydney saddles,

SadJle r s. Blankets, etc., always in stock.A' hat t rvs not got he can make.

290 my!f14w


(Cor. Hotel and Ilichard Streets, Honolulu. Ii. I.

Opposite Itojal Hattaiiau Hotel,

Wish to notify tbe public t tint they are preparedto furnish



With Stylish, Gentle Horses.

Horses boarded by day or month.Saddle Horses to Let.Horses Bought and Sold.Hacks at all hours day and night.Any Incivility, reckless driving, overcharging,

etc., by drivers employed by this Company willplease be reported at the oflice.

MILES Sc MACFAKLANE.Telephone No. 32. dAw

"Cordon Rouge"


mm ri



lUPORTATinHtNlgi 07

g4423 Cgg


Cor. Fort& Queen Sts.,HOXOLt'LC, H. I.

Sole AsentH for thi Favorite nraifit ot


4fi9 tf W





orCor. Fort & Queen Sts., the

Act.jroxxjLtxr, H. I. theSoleAKCuts for tbis Farorile Brand of

CHAMPAGNE.470;fdtv.- -

G. W. MACFARLANE & CO.,Agent for the Hawaiian Islauds. a


Every Morning .Except Sundays.

Daily 1 c Advertiser, 1 yettr, (t'asnj f3 00Dally P. C. Advertiser, 6 months, (Cash) 5 00Dally P. C. Advertiser, 1 wrek, fCash) 2.5

Weekly P. C. Advertiser, 1 year. CCash) .. 6 00Foreign Subscription W, P. C. A. (Including

postage) $s 5o



Larpeniei No. 31 Alakea St.

Will attend and contract for all kinds of work Inbis line.

REMOVING, RAISIXO or REPAIRING oldor new buildings.

Work to be paid for when complete.Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay.Charges as low as the lowest in the town.

Pont Office box 13T. 29-e- 30

65,000 Feet ofGalvanized Iron Pipe

mid "F'ittingsuK, ''4 "'"1 ll5 inch.

For sale, at very low figures, by

.1 - A. HOPPKR. I



We have received a consignment of the mostEconomical and ValuabA Feed for all

kinds of Stork, via.:

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and

Butter producer In use.

Oil Cake MeI shows about 27 per cent, of nutrltive matter; this nearly 39 per cent.

100 lbs. of thin meal Is equal to 30O lbs. of oats,or 31 H tt. of corn, or to 767 lbs. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Lots to Suit.,ba, out Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well aa

our usual supply of the best kinds of

$Ihjt, Oat'i, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc.

LAINE fe CO.Hi tf

California Rose Company.


ure in anuouncing that he has been appointed SOLE AGENT of the


For the Hawaiian Islands. I'urtiea who desirto add choice and beautiful varieties of


T- their flower gardens will be furnbhed withCATALOGUES containing names, prices and.other information concerning over 250 varieties,


I'rlci-i- ! tuMiJishingly low for guaranteed"vurieues.

C. W. MlCfAHLAXK, Agent.

Honolulu, March '27. 1HS. i,t;r2'----Uw- tf

)VEXNE1 it (JO.02 i'urt Strv t.

!i v' mi bund New Furejii uinl Homemude

Wutch s, Hiv.crlt ts, Necklets, G.l!.S L.. i't, Clocks,

.ini oniti'uelits of all kinds.

Silver aud Gold Plater.lenut &UI Milter Tea Sets.

Siijtab' (or I'resentation.


jtpairiits in all Itw Ibrauehe.(7 Sote Agents for King's Eye Preserver.





IS TIIE BEAUTIFULLOCATED on the Soutliern Pacific Kail-roa- d.

21 miles Irom San Francisco. Establishedin ISfiJL Fourteen instructors of reputation ftlabUity. The buildings are extensive, are heatedby steam, and are in every ay arranged for thehealth and comfort of the cadets. Trinity Sessionbegan July 24th, anu the Easter Session will com-mence January 8, 185.

For further information and catalogue, Just.jut, address

REV. ALFRED LEi BREWER, if. A.,59.ap-dAwJy- 9 Principal,

:7 tfJkw


Metropolitan Market,On Kins Street.


City Market.On Xuuanu St.

Hotel Street Market.On Hotel Street.

Eureka Mai'ket.At Fish Market.

Hawaiian Market.On Maunakea St.

Chinese Market,On Meek Street.BEEF AND PORK.

iio-T- h linking tbe public for past favors. I solicit a continuation of the same.

397 tf O. J. WALLER.


NEVILLE &; CO.,S O E E A i E X T S .




WARRANTEDThe Best and most Durable Sail Duck

IN THE WORLD.Por Sale in Honolulu.


Made from the Very Best

Hard Wove Cotton Duck.



DRIVING BELT,Xeither Heat or Dampness affects

tlieni.Tliey do not Stretcli.

Stronger tbau Leather,Better than Rubber,


l"or Sale in Honolulu.loo-t- f my9



EFFECTED UI'ON EVEHVINSURANCES property at the current ratespremium.

Total sum Insured in Is 3 3 - - 310,121,000.

Claims arranged by the local audits, iiud paidwith promptitude and liberality.

The jurisdk-tiu- of the LciCt. I Tribunal.-- ; recognized.

G. W. Macfaria.-i- e & Co.,tf A;;.i.:.i IVi the Hawaiian Islands.

C. IjIUKS & CO..r:t IIHjfl STREET.

Peekham. I.oudou. S. E.

Colonial Merchants.

Indent executed for alUind-- t of English:Continental Good, against Bank '

Credits or Produce, facilities for drawingagainst the latter. Agencies accepted at 2V J

cent nn net amount of manufacturer's J

jiqvoioe. including cash discount, varyingl to 3 per cent. Purchases in im- - j

ter's own name.

Twenty year?' hnyinc experience forexport.

Eeference: Continental Bank, 79 LombardStreet, E. C. 463ap3




:o:- -

buyers, and delivered in Honolulu,

attention to our lorrg established

its I.onoiaLIt dealings, and bcjL;

pains to continue to deserve their


ailtl POSt StrGOtS,

Have the honor to announce to their numerous customers of the

Hawaiian Islands that thoy are prepared to take .Special Orders for

all kinds of Merchandise in the


To be executed in Paris by their

via San Francisco, in transit.

We beg further to call their

house, known all over the Pacific for

to assure them that we will spare no

patronage. -

-- :o:

All Orders Promptly Executed, and Samples senton Application.

:o:- -

ITT. V . 011161' Keai'IlJ7


477 Bp23Jt


" '- . . " a

3UHtttistiunts.rounding earthworks of Herat are'.J Frank

Awaken THE DAILYThere'i

The chill L"His Utt 'ylCommercial AiTertiser

the Afgha general Komaroff.The former i i of great import- -ance to Russia

It is a notev net that Kal- -koff 's Muskaker L

. ; of the 7th ofk : ..t.i: .i i i ni


;r and 63 HOTEL STUEET- - -- (.CAMPUKUS

Wholesale and. , .,.. i isi iri;u t irnIsland Butter amavs i

free of charge. Telepbwne No. 240; P. O.



Gringer A-le-,

Soda "Water,

AwakeThere's t


With! I



Thorncetor asessoxrEB5IS or sruscBiPTiox.

" ' - 00many..ttkaSSr "500one - -- J"eiljoyaberlllons Payable nlra inman,sne.?vpmunIcatlon' tTOm aJ1 pam ot the KlndoE0gyes.ways be very acceptable.

long rOBS residing In any part of the United States"Whllemlt the amonnt of subscription due by PostSOUUmoapy order.fOWatter Intended far put.lication in tfie editorialSGTuwnns should be addressed toLufth- KB,TOB I'M IHC C'OMMKKCIAL APVEBTlflEB.'

business communications and advertisementsgtfOtild he arlressd simplyfif "P.O. ADVKRTI3EB."CHtiftjftt to iudividiiHis.


: ? Thi Wskkh P. C. ADVRBTI8E.B is Uie bestmdtnost complete paper published In the King -

jVn- Having been thoroughly remodeled In alldepartments, it will be found to be uniformly

c .Tit, newsv and reliable. Being intended speoi- -

;fr tot ,ne 'ull' circle, It will contain nothing: nsive to morals or refloed taste. Arrange.

Z'-n- t have been perfected for giving a completeO et of the world's news up to latest date, in0 Jitlon to all the local and general news of the6 --'logdom. Correspondence, detailing facts, Is in-- 5

Tlted from all parts of the Islands- - Orders for. inscriptions should be addressed to the Manager.

.The Weekly P. C. advebtcskb Is mailed to; subscribers at $5 per annum, payable In advance.

Remittances may he made by P. O. Order.



We print additional news items into-da- y's issue. It will be seen thatthe Mexican Government Is preparingfor war on an extensive scale. Theredoes not seem to be much excuse for

Grand Opening'Grand Opening!

Grand Opening!

The "TempleS. 61, G3 AND

.A.pril IS Ma,3;

S. COHN &Beg to announce to tbe public that they will opon their new store (formerly occupied byMr. Richardson) with the most Fashionable aU(l Complete Stock of GENTLEMEN'SCLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOOD. 'Wiile trying to please and cater to thawants of our gentlemen patrons, we have also remembered

T II E LADIES,And have opened the FINEST AND MOST COMPLETE YASHIONABLE MILLINERYESTABLISHMENT. IN THE KINGDOM, at the head of which reigns the celebratedMISS BURK, a lady whose experience alone Hhould recommeni her to the patronage ofevery lady in Honolulu. Particular attention is called to our stock of MILLINERYGOODS, which, without exception, ia the finest ever imported to this Kingdom. All weask is a call at our opening day, which will be sufficient to prove our assertion.

gathering so large an army as is be-

ing concentrated at Mexico. The' death of Barrios has also weakened

-- any pretense for interference thatmay have previously existed. TheMexican Congress was consideringthe propriety of endowing the Ex-ecutive with extraordinary powers tomeet any emergency. Mexico has along pending claim against Guate-mala which she will probably preferat the canon's mouth.

' France is making active prepara-tions to send further troops to Ton-qui- n.

Three divisions are to beformed, two of which will embarkspeedily, the third remaining in thesouth of France ready to embark ifnecessary. General Courcy will com-mand two corps that embark for

selsas the highest type of war vesselthat floats. It was built for Chile inEngland by Sir William Armstrong,aud is about 4,000 ton?.The Oceanic Company'N Steamers

Wanted Tor Cruisers.Washington, April 11th. It is

stated on the authority of a navalofficer that the Russian Miuister tothe United States has endeavored tosecure the services of a naval officerhere in purchasing a number of thesmall vessels used between San Fran-

cisco and the Sandwich Islands in the. .. : cT1 rn t. Tha v9?ftkranspwftuiiwti ji "ou" w -

to be used, the officer says, in. inn upon cumiueico n

fca. ese and Indian waters, shoulddeclared between Russia and


; T wtiseinents.


iA from the 5ti" Apply at thePostofllce. apzi-l- t

J. D. rtin,Retnll Dealer lu Wl. ml Liquor.


1IK. MARTIN BEGS TO AN. XCE THATill he is now prepared to open ise to thepublic, and will conduct the same a roughlyfirst-clas- s establishment. A RefresL Haloonand Lodging Accommodations connec "n tnepremises, and no pains wUl be spar. thecomfort of guests. A choice assortment 'es,Wines, Liquors and Clears constantly on .

Assignees' Sale at Auction- -

TH K UNDERSIGNED, ASSIGN EES OF THEof A. W. Richardson, will offer for

Rale at the auction rooms of Levey & Co., onMONDAY, the 4th day of May. at 12 M., thefollowing lota of land, situated in Kapabulu, thename being a portion of Land Commission AwardNo. 8,5oS. The lots are Nos. 8 and 9 of Kapahulu,adjacunt to Kapiolanl Park, and contain, in all, 8acres and 0, and more fully described in acertain deed from J. M. Monaarrat to A. W.Richardson, and recorded in Liber 80. pages 2S3,2 t and 255 in the Registrar of Deeds Office. Thelots are as fine as there are in the Park, and wouldmake a very desirable lot to buUd on, and aresold subject to a mortgage of $ 250.


Honolulu, April 20, 1835. ap21-2- t

Notice of Copyright.

Be it remembered that on the 15th day of April,A. D. 1835, THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL AD-VERTISER COMPANY of Honolulu, Island ofOHhu, in accordance with secttan 3 of "An Act toencourage learning in this Kingdom by securingthe copies of charts and books to the authors andproprietors of such copies, approved on the 31stof December, A. D. 1884." have deposited in tillsoffice the title of their book, entitled THEHAWAIIAN LIVE STOCK BOOK AND REU- -ISTEK," contaluing the names, ages, pedigreesand other parUculars concerning foreign and do-mestic (native) live stock within the HawaiianKingdom, compiled from information given byowners, the rlijhtsof which they claim as ownersand proprietors.

Jn testimony whereof, I hare hereunto set myhand and caused the seal of the Interior Depart-ment to be afn zed at Honolulu this 16th day ofApril, A. D. 1885.

(Signed) CHAS. T. GULICK,ap21-2md- Minister of Interior.


Prograrame of the Races


Thursday, June 11,1885,


Hawaiian Jockey Club.

1 GRAZIER'S PLATE.Running Race; half-mil- e dash open to all;

weight for age.

2 QUEEN'S PLATE.Trotting Race ; mile heats, to harness ; best 2 in

3 ; for Hawaiian bred horses only.3 HAWAIIAN JOCKEY CLUB CUP.

A Sweepstake of f 50 added ; cup to be won fortwo consecutive times by the same person ; one-mi- le

dash ; open to all three-year-old- s, foalednominations, inclosing a fee of $10, to be sent tothe Secretary of the Hawaiian Jockey Club, on orbefore 2 P. M.on the 4th day ot June Final ac-ceptances as to the balance of sweepstakes on orbefore 2 P. M. on the 10th of June.

4GOVERXOR DOMINIS' CUP.A Sweepstake of $."0 added. Running Race ;-- mile dash ; open to all two-ye- ar old Hawaiian-bre- d

horses ; entries closed on August 1, 1884.

5 KING'S FLATE.Trotting Race; mile heats, best 3 In 5 ; open

to all.6 KAHUKU CUP.

Running Race ; mile dash ; open to all Haw-

aiian-bred horses ; weight for age.

7 RECIPROCITY CUP.Running Race; lli mil dash; free for all;

weight for age.

8 GENTLEMEN'S RACE.Trotting or Pacing ; mile and repeat ; open to

all horses that have never beaten three minutes ;owners to drive, to road waon.

9 PONY RACE.R'lSnlng Race ; railp dash ; open to all ponies rif

14 hands or under.

10 KAMEHAMEHA PLATE.Running Race ; 2 mile dash ; open to all ;

weight for age.

Applications for stalls to be made to the Secre-tary.

Amount of purses will be given on or beforeJune 1, 1885.

All ruuulng races to be under the rules of theHawaiian Jockey Club.

All trottiBg races to be according to the rules ofthe National Trotting Association.

Entries close at 2 P. M. on Monday, June 8th,at the office of C. O BEROER, Secretary, withthe exception of races No.'s 3 and 4.

C. O. BEBGER, Secretary.

any moment. Ou 'Change the fluctuationsin British Console were noted with peculiarinterest, an indicating in a great measurethe extent of the war feeling in England.On the !.Uh indtaut the closing quotation wasgiven at 01, the lowest point reached formany years. Then war appeared to be mostimminent, and the Breadstuff markets werovery excited the world over. On the 10thEuropean advices were of a more pacific na-

ture and Consols rose to 9-- J 11-1- 6, droppingagain yesterday to 93 V,.

On the 10th the English Wheat marketadvanced Is'gls 6d quarter for cargoes ;

Chicago wa? 3gG$4c bushel higher thanon the previous day for futures and NewYork advanced y 6c bushel. In SanFrancisco the Wheat transactions have beenmostly of a speculative character, large saleshaving been effected on call. For actualdelivery business has been greatly restrictedby the extreme prices asked, though somesales of shipping were reported as high as

1 40 f? cental, aud possibly more has beenpaid. The closing rates show a comparativegain of 7S V cental or $1 52H $ short ton.There were no sales of buyer the year onthe 4th, but on the 2d this option closed at$1 48?j,or 8c lower than yesterday say$1 60 V ton. Spot Wheat was quoted onthe 4th at SI 801 32i t cental for No. 1,

or7ic lower than yesterday n gain per tonfor the week of $1 50.

The City of Sydney took down tothe Colonies a cargo of California pro-ducts valued at $71,022. Canned goods,seeds aud sugar formed the bulk ofthe cargo. The Australian trade iscapable of great development.


What the European Preut Have to Hmyon the Outlook.

Ayoub Khan, brother of the ex-Ame- er,

has been arrested by the Shahof Persia in consequence of the influ-ence of Sir Ronald Ferguson Thomp-son, British Minister at Teheran.Ayoub intended to go back to Afghan-istan uuder Russia's encouragement.Minister Thorn p-o- n says that theShah is now anxious to prove that hewill not put himself under the thumbof Russia. The Shah has, accordingto Thompson, just awakened to thebelief that Russia is scheming tomake a way to the sea through Persiaand the Persian gulf. The Shah hashitherto been perfectly respectful to-

wards his powerful neighbor on thenorth, but his backbone has now be-

come stiffened, and no Russian troopsare to be allowed to inarch throughPersia, to get from the Caspian toAfghanistan.

The London Telegraph says: "Notime ought to be lost in inviting theSultan and King of Italy to sharewith us the duty of preserving peaceand establishing legitimate commercein the Soudan. It would be an easyand profitable feat for diplomacy toarrange at once for theof Turkey and Italy, thereby settingfree 10,000 or 15,000 splendid soldiersfor India, and sending the sick andwounded home.''

The native Indian press is nearlyunanimous in favor of war; but acareful observer can discern in thisnewspaper advocacy of war, whereverit is unhampered, more of a nationalIndian feeling of resistance to Russianaggression than of sincere loyalty topurely British interests.

General Stewart, in anticipation ofinstructions to advance his entireIndian command, has ordered an advance by way of Quettah of the artillerv corns now stationed in theKobat, Peshawer and Hasar districts.The utmost secrecy is maintainedabout the movements of Britishtroops in India. The press correspondents at Rawil-Pind- e are refusedall information about army orders.It has, however, been ascertainedthat a number of detachments havealready left on the route to Qoetrah.

News has been received fromOdessa, by way of Varna, that thetransports on the Black sea are busilyengaged in the work of carryingtroops and munitions of war fromSeba8topoJ, Nieckaloof, Batoum andBatoli. Extensive works are beingconstructed for the defense of Batoumand Nieckaloof. The new works ofdefense at Sebastopol have been forthe present suspended. Numerousbattalions of Cossacks are reviewedevery day at Odessa. The garrison atKertch is engaged night and day inhastening the completion of theworks at that point, and the fiouriugmills are worked at their full capacityin the preparation of provisions.Russia is fully alive to the importanceof the control of the Dardanelles, andthreatens to propose at the next ses-

sion of the Suez Canal Commissiont hat the regulations proposed for theneutrality of the Suez canal shallalso be made to apply to the Dardan-elles.

A Singapore dispatch says a Russiantransport left there on the 13th, andauother arrived there on the sameday.

Le Nord predicts war between Rus-

sia and England. Le JVord is re-

garded as a semi-offici- al organ of theRussian Government, and this arti-cle Is believed to have been inspired.It says the open threats and insultsto Russia contained in the toasts ofAmeer Abdurrahman and Lord Duf-feri-n

were equivalent to a declarationof war, even while England was ap-

pealing for conciliation.The Viedomosti says : Russia would

have greater justification in demand-ing that England explain her occurpaucy of Quelpaext the Coreanisland referred to in yesterday's sup-plement, than England has in ask-

ing Russia to explain the attack on

250 feet wide at base. r0 feet high,surmounted by a wall 25 feet highand 14 feet wide at base. This de-

fensive work is supported by 150 cir-cular towers, protected in turn by aditch 43 feet wide and 15 feet deep.The surrounding country is cut up bynumerous irrigating canals for therice fields. The Heratese are a peace-ful, trading people, more allied tothe Persians than to the Afghans,who have a strong garrison therefrom Cabul. Herat has been in thepossession of the Ameers for about aquarter of a century. It had previouslybeen subject to Persia, but was longan independent state.


The Lunatic Asylum at Palama iswell situated, there being amplescope for exercise and light fieldlabor on the extensive grounds sur-rounding the institution. The loca-tion is pleasant and healthy, and theinmates appear to be content, as faras contentment is possible in theirunhappy condition. Mr. WilliamWright, although a full-blood- ed Ha-waiian, makes an admirable super-intendent, being at once patient,gentle aud firm with those under hischarge. The food is wholesome andabundant, the daily ration being con-

siderably in excess of what is deemedsufficient for adults in similar publicinstitutions in the Slates.

But the Honolulu Insane Asylumis very far from being as perfect as itmight be, or as we think it should be.For example, it is hardly proper toemploy men as attendants on femalelunatics. But this is the existingmethod. Native men are employedto attend to and render all the delicateoffices that may be required in thecare of the insane females in the insti-tution, several of whom are whitewomen. This is not proper, andshould be remedied, even at the ex-pense of bringing trained female at-

tendants, if necessary, from abroad.The buildings are not adapted for

such an institution. An idea of theirgeneral adaptability for the safe keep-ing and treatment of lunatics may beformed when it is stated that a skit-tle alley was provided and equippedat very considerable cost for the re-creat- ion

of the inmates, and that thenew addition was built with wideglass windows, low placed, and with-out any protection or guard whatever.Wire screens have since been placedin front of several of these windows;but this would be a very slight ob-

stacle to any lunatic with a suicidalmania. Indeed, in the old cells ordormitories, which are kept as cleanaud sweet .as possible, facilities forsuicide appear to have been providedwithout stint. The buildings need athorough overhaul to render them atall what they should be as an asylumfor insane people, representing, as theinmates do, nearly every race andnationality frequenting these islands.

Dr. Webb, the medical officer incharge, visits the Asylum daily, andmakes a point of seeing every inmate.This constant attention by the med-ical officer renders the task of thesuperintendent easy, more especiallyas Dr. Webb has had large experiencein the treatment of lunatics in NewYork insane asylums and elsewhere.


A description of a Chinese lotteryor gambling game vill be found inour local columns. It will be seenthat no more perfect swindlingscheme could be devised, and thewonder is that so many Chinamen,not to speak of natives and whites,are taken in by it. But the fascina-tion of a game of chance is appa-rently too much for them to resist,and they deliberately throw awaytheir money in the most recklessmanner, the chance of their winningbeing exceedingly remote. The lawagainst gambling is very defective,and we recognize the difficulty in theway of securing conviction underthe statute; nevertheless we sincerelyhope that this will take place in thecases now before the Court. Whenthe .Legislature meets, this questionshould be fully considered with aview to enacting a bill which wouldenable the police to keep Chinesegambling in check, if not to suppressit altogether. The possession of alottery ticket should be sufficient to6ecure conviction. It should also bemade an offense to issue, sell or dis-

tribute such tickets, and those who"run the bank ' should be reached Ina much more direct way than Is nowpossible. Inducements should alsobe held out to informers by givingthem a portion of the fines. In thisway the vicious and demoralizingpractice of gambling would bebrought under control, and therewould be fewer temptations to ignor-ant people to invest in games ofchance. It is notorious that thereare four Chinese lottery games run-ning steadily in Honolulu, the earn-nin- gs

of which must sensibly dimin-ish the volume of money in generalcirculation.

The effect of the war news upon theproduce markets of the world is de-

scribed as being very stimulating.The San Francisco Chronicle of the12th thus sumarizes the points :

The past week was one of fererish excitement in business circles, owing to the start-ling rumors of more serious complicationsbetween England and Russia and the proba-bility of a declaration of war being made at

Retail Grocers.f. "

:7apl6-86-l- a


AT- -

of Fashion,G5 FORT STREET,

20th. and 31st.:o:- -

fl,500,000 00

2,479,400 00

O. BERGER,Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.


tit. Laul. Mo.Manufacture and Supply all kinds of

Hook.Flat rimI Label Paper.

ItiuderM" ltoarils,Twiuen, Etc.


iiOS I,eileHIorr Ntreet.Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO.

X. IJ. Special Attention Ktven toLarge fontrar(i. 474 tfw


A REWARD OF ?30 WILL BE PAID FORinformation that will lead to the arrest and

conviction of the party or parties who, on theevening of the 29th Instant, tampered with thecalling wires of the Hawaiian Bell Telephone.GODFREY BROWN,

President Hawaiian Bell Telephone Company.March .'10. 1i8.. . 27 mar 30-t- f

Benson, Smith & Co.,



VXaile Cologne,113 AND 115 FORT STREET.

mar?7-19-Cn- a

Peujdek and prophv e recentbattle. W-

Russia contluues hefeg. j ujmilitary preparations wit'..A t

Admiral ShestakolT has oi.: x .

torpedo boats to be sent to the t:7and the Black seas. V

Torpedoes have just been sunk athe canal binding St. Petersburg wiv' s

the sea. Cronstadt, St. Petersburgand the palace at Krasnoe-Sel- o arenow connected by telephone, so thatthe Czar will be informed of everymovement incase of attack by theEnglisn fleet. The Russian fleet hasbeen in a thorough state of readinesssince the 2d of April.

Komaroff 's brother, editor of theRussian journal Svet, announces thatRussia intends to send 100,000 men toHerat as soon as the English advanceto Pischiu.

The Journal de St. Petersburg,speaking evidently by official inspiration, says the comments upon the re-

cent Government utterauces in thsBritish Parliament upon the Penjdehincident are premature. It also saysit thinks it would be preferable forthe Euglish members to have sus-

pended judgment until the receipt ofmore complete information. Theyshould have acted ou the suppositionthat it was unlikely that RussianGenerals, acquainted with the inten-tions of the Russian Government,should have acted without good rea-

son. They should have borne inmind that collisions such as thatwhich occurred on the Kushk riverare always possible in the presenceof the violent and undisciplinedAsiatic population. "The Penjdehincident', concludes the Journal,"was certainly an untoward event,because it may adversely affect the i

negotiations pending between Russiaand England, which still justify ahope for peace."

Mar Between Mexico an-- l CluateninlaProbable.

President Diaz Is collecting a largearm V at the City of Mexico for ser- -

V . L ,vice against uuaiviuaiu. lweivethousand troops had arrived on April11th, and a grand review will be heldby Diaz on May rth, preparatory tosending Jhe army to the southernfroutierPena will probably be incommand of one column. It is statedthat General Monastereo has beenordered to Acapulco to take charge ofa Mexican gunboat at that port.Eight thousand more rifles were sentto the frontier, in the Stateof Chiapas,on Wednesday.

Guatemala is said to be making ex-

tensive preparations to overwhelmSan Salvador and Nicaragua, andnews of a decisive conflict, which itis supposed has recently taken place,since the death of President Barrios,is looked for daily and even hourly.

The Sueeessor of Barrios.News has been received that the

Congress of Guatemala merely declared Genera) Manuel Lizandro Bar-rillo- s

Provisional President until ageneral election can be held. Bar-rillo- g

was an intimate friend of thelate President, Barrios, and for manyyears they were partners in businessmatters. It is believed that he willendeavor to carry out the policy ofhis late ambitious partner. GeneralBarrundier, Minister of War of thedeceased dictator, continues to act inthe same capacity to President Bar-rillo- s,

and i3 pushing war prepara-tions with the greatest speed andenergy. Ho is supplying arms to allwho ask for them. The country is ina great fever of excitement over thetragic death of Barrios and his son.The resolve to avenge Barrios has be-

come a national cry, and all late in-

formation from Guatemala indicatesthat the people will make a most de-

termined struggle to carry out thepurposes of Barrios and unify CentralAmerica.

General Grant's Condition.The San Francisco Chronicle of the

12th April states ; " General Grant'scondition seems to be worse than itwas in one respect his inability toendure the pain of his disease with-out the liberal use of opiates. Therecan be no such thing as even tempo-rary recovery when the system hascome to depend so completely uponanodynes, which kill pain and soothethe nerves, only to rentier the patienta slave to their use. Despite whatsanguine observers say, the convic-tion is forced upon one that the Gen-

eral cannot last many days longer,and that death will be a relief to hislong 8uffering,which even his stoicismwill welcome after his long endur-ance of an incurable-disease.- '

An Order tor Fast Cruisers.Philadelphia, April llth. An

order for six fast iron cruisers of theEsmeralda pattern was received inthis city Thursday. These vesselsare nominally ordered by privategentlemen, just as they might ordersteam yachts, but they will be forsale when completed, and the offersof only one European Governmentwill be entertained, and it is thoughtthat that Government will be Russia.Three paramount features will be in-

sisted ou nineteen knots speed andcoal-carryi- ng capacity for twenty-fiv- e

days, and steaming and buoyancy forthree fcteel-rifle- d cannon of large cali-

ber. The Esmeralda is regarded byhe prospective owners of these ves- -

The Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,


Tonquin. This is not to interferewith negotiations for peace that are


Having established an Agency at Honolulu for the Hawaiian Islands, the undersigned la preparedto accept risks against fire on Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture and Machinery on the most favor-able terms. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAYABLE HERE.

C.mar27H-ddv2- m


Groceries? Provisions and FeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe. Frash CaliforniaProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solid ted. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postofflce Box No. US :Telephone No. 92. 80ap21-8la- s

The attempt by Ayoub Khan to escape from Persia to Askabad, wherehe would join the Russian troops, issignificant of Muscovite duplicity.This prince was ruler of Herat underhis father, the late Ameer, ShereAll. He supported the pretentionsof hia brother Akbar Khan to thesuccession, when the British tookhim out of the prison to which hisfather had consigned him for safekeeping, although it was Akbar'spersonal courage that defeated Ab--

durrahmanu Khan and seated nim onthe throne. Shere Ali soon becomejealous of his capable son, however,and kept him in close confinement.

After the Cabul revolt and mas- -

Bcot-- of the British envoy andguards, Akbar abdicated and wentto India, wnere ne now resides.Avoub then took the field and advanced on Cauda liar, which had beenerected with a quasi-independe- nt

sovereignty, with a garrison of Eng-

lish soldiers. Meantime Abdurrah-rnan- n,

a pensioner of Russia, badbeen seated on the throne of Cabul,by British bayonets, and Ayoubaimed at dividing Afghanistan withhim, by capturing Candahar and an-

nexing it to Herat. General Kirk-patric- k

sallied out to meet Ayoub,and his command was cut to pieceswithin eleven miles of Candahar.The surviving British garrison was

then cooped up in the citadel, andclosely besieged when General Rob-

erts cut loose from Cabul, marchedacross Afghanistan in the heat of sum-

mer, and engaged and defeatedAyoub's forces as soon as he cameup with them near Candahar. Ayoubthen escaped to Persia, where he hasbeen a pensioner of the Shah, whogrew tired of him and his 500

retainers, and recently threatened tostop their monthly allowance unlessthe Indian Government undertook torepay him. Ayoub would willinglyplay the part of uis cousin, A bdurrah-man- n,

who is now Ameer and pen-

sioner of England.Herat, the objecti ve point of the

Russians, is situated in the center of

a fertile and well watered plain. Itis the point to which all the great

highways of Central Asia and Indiaconverge. It is protected by a wall,stupendous earthworks aud a moat,

and if the Russians once establishthemselves there, it will be exceed-

ingly difficult to drive them out. SirHtnry Rawllnson states that the sur



i (i. fi tocMCl jri2.J Lea! I IYj

3ii .' mtmfawmwtefiwg

The most artistic Upright Pianos ever produced,both for quality of tone and wonderful and elasticactions. The coming upright pianos of the world.Send for illustrated catalogue, description andprices to

F. XV. SPEXtER A-- ..

Paciiic Coast Agents,

23 and 25 Fifth Street. SAN FRANCISCO.475 tfd--

Furniture Bedding,

A.?vTD CARPETS,The Finest and Best Selection on the

Pacific Coast.

All of Eastern and Foreign Make,and Latest Design.


Jos. Fredericks & Co.,64 and fill Market St., SAN FRANCISCO

473 ap23'v






G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

Personal ot" A Trip to Ilalnnan-mau- .

The New York World, March 29th, sutea:"Mr. and Mrs. Farker of Honolulu are hereat thj Hamilton House and are the guests oftho Hawaiian Minister and Mrs. Carter.Thoy aie ia reality the Prince and the Frin-cc- -.

s of the ijandwk'h and are travel-ing

Mr. Joliu L. Dow, member of the Vic-toiia- u

Legislature, and special correspond-ent of the Melbourne Age and Leader, wasa passenger for his home by the City ofSydney, tie took a short run ashore in thiscity to visit old acquaintances. Mr. Dowand Mr. Derry, C. E., were commissionedby the Melbourne Goverament to visit theUnited States and report upon its varied


Mirrlees, WatsonAND

John Fowlerf !

Have on hand, for immediate delivery, "


ONE TRIPLE EFFECT G feet pans, 3,433 square feet of -

ing surface, with pumping engine complete. v '

ONE DOUBLE EFFECT 0 feet pans, 2,290 square feet of i ;iug surface, with pumping engine complete. ' "

Iron staging for either of the a hove apparatus. ,

tjONE 26x51 MILL, with enrin. glaring, cane and megass enrr CJP,

complete; one spare 26x"t ro h r. . n p

SPAKE PINIONS, wheels ami segment for 2b inch mills. j ;

'ONE PAlIt OF COMPOUND. HOILEKS, 6x19.6 feet and

feet; completo mountings and spare boiler tubes.

ONE 24 INCH GAUGE LOCOMOTIVE, G inch cylinders. j


rails.WESTON CENTRIFUGALS, single and in hcx? of two and ioi

with Mirrlees, Watson & Co.'s new and improved arrangement of mixi

and framing. Spare spindles, hushes, pulleys, etc., for centrifugals; ccitrifugal linings, rubber butlers, Helvetia belting, sugar carrying rubbe.




TIPPING WAGONS, for excavating and road making.

PLANTERS studying economy should inspect the Glasgow Filtc;Presses, Cane-to- p Cutters and Drilling Machines i

:o:- -

& Co., Glasgow,A

& Co- - Leeds,


Ma ! irom our

n int'-- n.




G. W. Macfarlane & Co.

Also offer for sale

Clarifiers, Flat Coolers, Tipping Coolers, Cooler Wagons, Crab Winches,

Chain Blocks to lift 10, 20, 30 and 40 cwt., Bourdon Pressure and

Vacuum Gauges, Rubber Valves for Vacuum Pumps, Steel Sleepers andClutch Bolts for Portable Track, Car Springs, Railroad Spikes, PlateLa3rcrs, Spares autl Tools, Hammers, Rail Benders, Rail Tongs, Files,etc., etc., and they would call particular attention to some Saccharometorsand Thermometers, imported specially for boiling-hous- e use.

Also, to a few samples of Iron Fence Railing.

Estimates furnished for any machinery or ironwork on application to



Absolutely Pure.This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,

strength and wholcsomeness. More economicalthan the ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold in com-

petition with tho multitude of low teat, shortweight, alum or phosphate powders. Sou onltaCANS. KOTAL liAKIMi 10 WD fO. , W&U-g-

k. y.2S0 tf

WANTED,4 CHINAMAN OR JAPANESE, TO CLEANi. our store and rooms. Apply to

SELLER &. KALBE,ff Confectioners, King street.


Grand Skating Tournament Rt Central PorkSkating Rink ou


Two Handsome and Valuable Medals will of-

fered to the Contestants.FIRST PRIZE (3 miles) liold medal, hand-

somely engraved, valued at $25, for gentlemen..SECOND PRIZE (3 miles) A beautiful SSIIver

medal, valued at $10, for boys undor 17 years ofage.

Entries for the above races can be made at C.J. McCarthv'a Astor Billiard Parlors this morning.Ten entries for each contest.

The Medals will be on exhibition in the win-dows of tho Temple of Fashion this afternoon.



V ORPKK OK M. OREEX AM V. F. RKV- -Iy NOU'S, A.si?nres of the Bankrupt Estate of

Kennedy & Co.?We ar iiitruet"'l lo sell nt Puulic Auction,

On Wednesday, April 22(1,VI . O'CLOCK NOON,

At our saliMooni, corner of Queen uud Fortstreets, the Stock iu Trade, Book Debta and soodwill of said firm of KENNEDY A CO., said stockbeing now at No. 10'J Fort street, Honolulu, ndat Wailuku, Maui.

The stock u Kurt street will be open for inspectlon on

Monday and Tuesday,April 2vtb and 21st, from 10 n. in. till 2 p. iu.

TERMS OF SALE.Cash, iu United States Gold coin ; 10 per cent,

of purchase money must be deposited with theAuctioneer, as a guarantee for completion of pur-cha- se

on the fall of the hammer.


For further information apply to the Assignees,at the ofiice of M. Phillips & Co., Honolulu,

LYONS A. LEVEY,Auctioneers.



MR. B. F. DILI.INCiHAM has instructed me tooffor for Private Male a portion of his Splendid

Woodlawn PropertyOu UeretanlK and Binsbam tit.

Lot No. 1 Is 114 ft'et front and 300 feet deep,with a Fine House and ont Buildings, Stables.Carriage House, etc., upon it. and Is the propertylately occupied by Rev J A. Cruzan. The House Iscomparatively new Is In fine order and will beopen for inspection for any person desiring to viewIt. The upset price for this splendid piece ofproperty will be f ,500.



Lot No. 2 is 90 ft by 200 ft: upset price J 1,325 00Lot No. 3 is 85 ft by 200 ft; upset price 1,300 00Lot No. 4 is to ft by 200 ft; upset price 1,300 00Lot No. 5 is '.5 ft by 2(M) ft: upset price 1,20 00Lot No. 6 Is 75 ft by 200 ft; upset price 1,200 00Lot No. 7 is 80 ft bv 200 ft; upset price 1,000 00Lot No. 8 Is 80 ft by 200 ft; upset price 1,000 00Lot No. 9 is 80 ft by ) ft. upset price 1.000 00

And upon the same terms as for Lot No. 1. so j

that paymeut.s can be very easily mil. I

A plan of tht-s- lots can bo scu at the auction room J

Tho nc- - Txa.uwJtV, fir which a Charter wasrecently grunted by the Legislature, will brliisthis Property wliuiu 15 minutes of the Post Officeaud win naturally Increase It value. We Invitean examination and Inspection of those Lots asthey are well situated and very desirable

TC. I3. ADAMS.17 mar 27-- 1 ia

British Benevolent Society.

ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BRITISHT Benevolent Society will bo held at the roomsof the British Club


Satut George's Day), at 7::!0 P. M.

Arrangements will also be made for the cele?bration ot Her Majesty, Queen Victoria's. Birth-day. By order JAME8 A- - KENNEDY,

3 Kecretary.

How the Chinese Iottery ;hio IhRan.

The recent raid by ilarshal Soper ou ChitiCbo gamblers in Ilotcl and Maunakcustreets in tim city resulted not only incatching the parties running the game, butalio in the capture of their outfit. This isnow at the tation-bon- e, and the nodaoperandi, as explained to an A&vebtiseb rcporter, will be described. The game iscalled

PAK SAP PO,And is essentially a gambling one, differingfrom lotteries or raffles in this importantparticular. In the former games some oneor more parsons are sure to win the prizes,while in the Chinese game to be describedhereafter, it may happen that no one win3anything. Pak Kap Po i.? carried on asfollows: Tickets about four inches square ofthin paper are prepare!, on which areprinted ten rowa of character, each rowcontaining eight characters. These ticketsare sold for any sum the purchaser choosestoinve8t, running from five cents to $3 33,the prizes being a certain number of timesthe amount paid, as will be explained further on. These tickets are hawked aboutthe streets by agents who have, besides thesingle ticket- - they nell, others bound in abook.


When a ticket is purchased the buyer is atliberty to mark out as many of the eightycharacter as he chooses, up to ten. Theagent then marks one of the tickets in Lisbook in the same maimer and puts the num-ber or name of the purchaser on the margin of both tickets. At the close of hisday's work he turns iu his book and thecash he has received to the banker or secretary of the firm that runs the lottery, andis paid his commission. The drawing"."if they can be called such, take place twice aday, between 2 aud 3 o'clock, and again at 8

and 9 o'clock, p. m., and it is to attefld thesedrawings that so many of the Cliiaese ser-

vants employed about Honolulu go iutotown so regularly. At the plat where


Is carried on (which need not be, aud infact rarely is anywherr ueur the banker's orsecretary's place of business), a large sheetof paper ruled in eighty squares is hung up,and on each sqnara is lightly fastened byone corner a bit of paper on which is a char-acter corresponding to the one in the likesquare on the tickets sold. Four commonbowls are tien placed on a table and thebits of ptiper being pulled off the large bul-letin shet, are folded up, thoroughly mixed,and tien dropped, one at a time, into thebowl? until there are twenty bits of paperiu ?ach bowl. Then four small squares oftin, each numbered from 1 to 4, are placed,

one in each bowl, on op of the twenty bitsof paper. Four pieces of paper are thenmarked from 1 to 1, folded up, mixed, andany one of the bystanders picks out one.This is opened and tlie bowl bearing the cor-responding tin tag is selected, the othersbeing put on one side. It is the twentycharacters in the bowl selected that arethen Htuck on the bulletin sheet and are thewinning ones. It will be seen that sixty outof eighty of the original characters are en-

tirely out of the " drawing," and out of theremaining twenty, nono of the ten on histicket may Ikj among those displayed ou thobulletin bheet.

THE BULLETINIs consulted daily by holders of tickets, andif auy one finds a sufficient number of thocharacters ho has previously marked out onhis ticket displayed he can claim the follow-

ing prizes: If less than five of the num-bers ho has marked are shown the buyergets nothing. If five, he gets his moneyback. If six, he gets fifteen times theamount of h;s stake. If seven, 150 timesthe amouut. If eight, 730 times. If nine,1,500 times ; and if teu, he is entitled to3,000 times the amount of his original in-- !

vestment. The limit that can be won is$10,000 on ten numbers marked on a ticketfor which $3 33 has been paid.

VEBIFYJNO IBE WINNING TICKET.Whenever a party claims a prize his

ticket is compared with the duplicate in thebooks handed in by the agents. As thesebooks are often hastily marked with a brushfilled with India ink, disputes frequentlyarise when auy considerable prize is claimed,and in any event 10 per cent is deductedfrom the amount claimed. The largestprize ever drawn here was one for 1,500times the amount invested. In that casethe wisper was paid if 1,350.

It wjll be seen that the chances are enor-mously in favor of those who run the game,they very seldom being called upqn to payany considerable amount in prizes.


Saturday, April. 13th.J. Hagesen was fined $5 and $1 costs for

being drunk.Kealiekuewa, charged with assault and

battery on Frd Johnson, pleaded notguilty. All the parties made statements,and the defendant was found guilty andsentenced to imprisonment with hard laborfor five days, and to pay $3 costs.

Manuel Fjo, remanded from the 1 Oth onthe charge of assault and battery on Palinet,was discharged after hearing evidence.

Keola, an insane person, who had pre-

viously been in the asylum, was sent backas a dangerousjunatic.

Monday, April 20th.Jt; Dole, Kahimoku, Zulu, Makakhkona

and Maiol each p:id 56 fine for beiugdruuk on Sunday.

Ah Wong and Ah Man were charged withfurious driving. The first was found guilt)-an- d

'fined $10, with $1 20 costs. Ah Man

forfeited his bail of S10.Nahuina, charged with violating express

rule No. C, was reprimanded and discharged.Bolabola, charged with disorderly con-due- t,

was remanded until the 21st instant.Frank Davis, charged with assault and

battery on Yee Yin, was found guilty andfined S9 and ?1 20 costs.

Mr. Kutledge, of the S. F. DramaticCompany, has kindly tendered a benefit tothe Geo. W. DeLong Fost, Xo. 45, G. A. R. ,

and has selected next Thursday evening forthat purpose, when the beautiful play of"flosedale, or the Rifle Ball," will be given.

Subscribe for the Weekly I'. G. Adve-rtises and mail copies to friends abroad. Asingle copy will give them a better idea ofthe progress and condition of the islandsthan twenty letters; however voluminous,could do.

Com mercial Advertise!



1 4 prepared to do all kinds of

Commercial & Legal Work

CO RKF.CTLT and with dispatch.

j Having just Received a Complete and NewAssortment of

Job Types and Ornaments

Of the Latest Sty lor., from the most Cele-

brated Foundries of the United States,and employing only Experienced

and Tasty Workmen, we are

prepared to "turn out

Letter Head.Bill Head..

Circular.Xote lleal.

statement.urn or i.nUifr.Contracts,

Mortgage BlankM.LeaifM,

Khlitplutr Contracts,fin Hawaiian fc English;

Caleuilars,fllauk Cheek ,

RuuiIh..Stock Certificate.

liiisiiiesx Cards.Meal Cheek.

Milk Ticket.Bank Cheeks,


Marriage certificate.Diplomas, j

Catalogues, i

Blottlnsr Pails,Drutrsists' Labels.

Knvelope.Shipping-- Kecelpl.

Ball Programmes,Theatre Programmes,

And in fact everything wJiich a First-Cla- ss

Office oan do.

P. C. A. Jo!) PrintiM


Honolulu AlmanacAND


Business Directory of Honolulu,


Statistical! kwrnl Information !

Delating to the IIaw,n Inlands.

For Sale by J.M.Oat, Jr.. & CoAND AT

The P.C. Advertiser Office.PRICE,

FIFTY CTS. PEE COPYHonolulu, January 27. HS--

Landlord's NoticeOF

SALE OF FURNITURE,Taken upon a Distress for Rent.

DIRECTION OF JAS. STEIN Ell, I AMIY to sell at Public Auctioc, at mysalesroom, Queen street, on

Friday, May 1, 1885,At 12 M., the .following Furniture:

1 Walnut l!edstead ;

1 Bureau ;1 Washstaivil ;

1 .Sprint; Ma;tr ss ;

4 C'hiiirs :

1 Toilet Table :

Belnsr the samp distrained Irom the premises ofJOHN BROWN, in rear f Hotel street, No. y9,Honolulu, on March 2ii, 1 for non-payme- ofrent, by said Jas. steiner.

E. P. ADAMs, Auctioneer.Dated Honolulu, April J'V,.



At Easter, aud by request tf niauy of my cus-

tomers, hereafter I shall hnvc HOT BL'Nsfor my customers

EVERY SATURDAY AETERNOON.Guaranteed ss good as the Easter HOT CROSS

bt;ns.tW Leave your ordcrM C;irly.

r. HORN,

Confectioner mid Fancy Bake-- , notel street.tf

6. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

USPAKIVIKNT OK INTEBIOK,Slosou: u: , April I, 13",.

MR. w. o. aTWaTKR U this day appointed' An Ag?m to grant ra-.rr- i2 license lot th?Jlfltrlct of Honolulu, Island of Oatiu."

;flAH. T. OULICX,7ap2 U I Minister of Interior.

All person are hereby forbidden to bathe lathe pool tt Kapena Falls, in Nuuuvou Valley, orla nay way to defll the water supplying thesame, or to trespass on tho adjacent ground.

Any person disregarding tbl notice will beprosecuted to the full extent of the law.

CHAS. B. WILSON.Superintendent Water Works.

Office Honolulu Water Works, March 2 ", 199-3- .

Approved: CHAS. T. O CLICK,mr23-l3-lmdfc- w Minister of Interior.

fnat of (tie Mooii nnrmir April,143.

D. II. II.New Moon 21 o iHr.ht.

The Kllntf autl Setting of tue Sun.The sun rises morning at o'clock.The sun sets this evening at C:2l o'clock.


ABBIVALS.Moxdav, April 20.

Stmr Kaplolanl, from EwaSchr Manukawai, from KoolanSchr Luka, from Kohalalele.Schr Wainaalu. from Honomu

ieparti;res.Mondav, April 2K

sirnr Llkellke, Lorenzen, for Kahului and Mo-loka- l.

at 4 p.m.Htmr Walmanulo, Nelson, for Wairnanali.Schr Sarah and Eliza, for KoolauSchr Rainbow, for Koolau."Hchr Mana, for 11 Ho

Vewel Leaving Tni ny.Htmr Kin t u, Kin?, for Maui and Hawaii at i

p. mStmr Planter, Cameron, for Nawlliwlli, Wal-xe- a,

Koloa, Eleele, and Kekaha, Kauai, at p. m.Stmr Kapiolaol, forKwaHchr Lea hi, for KohalaleleSchr Luka, for KohalaleleSchr Malolo, for Laupaheeb.eeSchr Caterina, for UanaleiSchr Rob Hoy, far KoolauSchr Waioli, for MalikoSchr F.hukai, for WalaluaSchr Nettie Merrill, forLahalua.Schr Walmalu, for LaupahoehoeHchr Manuokawal, for Koolau

Veel Expected from Forelgrn Port.iteam.-thl-p Alameda, H GMor.se, from San Fran-efac- o,

due April 22L' S S Hartford, Perkinn, from Valparaiso, Chill,

S A, due Mar 23-2- 3

Hark W H Meyers (Ami, 1'aul, from San Kran-I'K.- o,

due April 15-- 20

Hark CO Whit more (Am,, Calhoun, from Porfrrtwiieud, due April 27-- 3()

bark Ceylon (Ani, Barstow, from Departurei'tvy, due May 10-- 11

Hark TLos it Foster (Haw), from Newcastle, NH W due April

Am hark Neptune, Irom Newcastle, 'S W.due.Hay J 5

Am bark Autumn, from Newcastle, NSW, dueMay 510. Hark Chasca (Brit), irom IJverfO'!. due AprilJ9-J- 5" Bttxk Meudota. from New fork, due March

.55-- 31

Brit bail Jaujew t Hain, ftotu Sun iVriro, dueMarch

Brit hark Hinuali. WtJ, from Glasgow, rtueApril 30

Brit bark Orleule. lighes, from Liverpool, dueMay 20

Am bark Amy Turner Newell, from Boston,due April 30

Bktue AmeltaAm), Newhall, from Port Town-ten- d,

due May 10-- 15

4lO bktne k'atle Flic-kinder-, Young, from Sew.ritif . N rt due April 25 30

Am bfe-U- Beulah, from Newcastle, N S W.;ae Anri

JJxt" C'laus Sprockets (Ami, Drew, from SanFranurfsc'O, due April IUM

Ai brgtne John Smith, Fjss. from Newcastle,N S W, due April 510

Am tern Reporter, Cook, from Newcastle, N SW, due April 1015

Au Miuioii team-bktn- e Morning Star, I.iity, from BofttouNor ahlp Imperator. it C: Hoie, from Liverpooltjrig Allie Howe, J H HoUud


From Kona, Kau aqd Maalae.t, per W O Hail,April 19 Ht Kev Bixhop of Honolulu, Mrs AWilds, Kev G B Simeon. Hugh B StmeoiT, CaptU K O Jackson and son, K Smith. John Kifra, FSmith, Mrs Tallant, Capt T Smith ani wife, MrLane, and 51 deck passengers.

From Kaimea, Koloa, Wahiawa and Hanapepe,yer Planjer, April IJ Kev A O Forbes, Kev A H."Smith, Kev Father Leonor.', F J Chapman, AlexVuunx Sr, S Nauao, Miss Aliuna, Mrs Aiau.Vlonu, arm 7? deck.

For Auckland and Sydney, per City of Syduey,April 1 j Count F Morbotter. L F JO Ittmau, J)r

"Frauk Cowan, H V i'oxe, J B Dunscorabe andson.

From Hana, Kaiinakakul and Kahului, perLikelike, April 20. lion J W Kulua, M Decker, JD Marllu. Mr Nakamura, D MeKeuale, V Jtajvmond, and S3 deck.


The schooner Luijn brought MM bags sugarI'rojn Kohalalele. '

'fbe schooner Malolo brought 2,411 bags sugarfrom Laupahoeboe.

The schooner Bob Hoy brought 5 bags riceand the Manuokawal 620 bags do, from Koolau.

The bark O. C. Perklu sal) Pday from Ka-

hului for San Francisco with a full load of sugar.

The schooner Waioli brought up an old mooringfrom Walalua to be repaired, she sails to-da- y forMaliko.

The schooner Walmalu brought 1,400 bags sugarf rua pukaa, and the schooner Waioli 560 fromVaialua.

The chooiier LhtJiho brought t0 cords flre-OA- d

to the Inter-Islan- d HJeapi Navigation Com-

pany from Haninkua,The steamship Alameda, and probabjy the

tamers C. It, Bishop, IwalanI and Kilauea Hou,i 1JJ arrivefhf frame is nil up and planking U now

)at on for Mr, F. Wundenberg' new steamer torun on th Molokaj route.

The bark Ferris S, Thompson cleured from SanFrancisco on the !Uh for Kahului with the follow-

ing cargo: 125 cases coal oil, 200 barrels flour, 7 H?

centals barley, Id centals oats, S3 7 pounds butter,

W pounds cheese, 25 barrels salmon, tf3 halestay, ec. Value, 5,814.

The brigauilneJ. D. Spreckels cleared from Sanfrapej-sc- o ou the ftn instant. She brings the foil-Uvvi-

cargo; 1,540 gailons gasoline, 70 barrelsflour, 170 bales hay, 9025 poundabone meal, 1,200

pounds lard. 20 half barrels pork. 3jJ hogs, 25,000

hicks, etc. Value, f 4.0'P

The steamer City of New York, which sailedfrom Wan Francisco on March 19th and Honoluluon the 26th, rrlred At Yokohama April 10th.

The American steamer City of Tokio, CaptainMaury, which sailed from Han Francfsco March5th. bad arrived at Hongkong at that date.

X4vertise in the Weekly P. C. Adyebtisebii you ?hh to sell your wares to advantage,

ft ia more generally cad than any otherpeekly paper published i4 the Kingdom.

methods of irrigation. Mr. Derry was alsoa passenger by the City of Sydney.

Miss Peralta, sister of Mrs. Dargie, of

Oakland, California, now on a visit to Hon-

olulu, is expected from San Franci-o- o by

the Alameda.Mr. F. 3. Cunningham of the Melbourne

Arjns Staff, who accompaui c"

torian Irrigation Commissio'1 wa3 a Pas"sener by the City of Syd'y- - He paid a

pleasant call at the Adveb'-Ise- r ofiice.

Mr. G. Dalziel of the Chicago A'eics Letter,and formerly of the Sydney Echo, was goingback to his old stamping ground by the lastAustralian steamer- - He married "Dickie"Lingard, the actress.

A party of gentlemen, among whom areLord ElphinsJone, Mr. Wolff, Mr. Schofield,

Newton Booth, Col. L. S.Adams, Hon. J. Ashbury, Mr. Davis, Hon.S. G. Wilder and Mr. M. Rose leave on thestealer Kinau this afternoon to visit theera'er f Kilauea. The steamer will touch

f Mahukona, Hawaii, where Mr. C. L.Wight will join the party, which will thentake the cars and go to Nuilii, to visit Mr.C.'' F. Hart's mill. The tourists will returnthe same day to Mahukona, and take thesteamer for Hilo. Leaving Hilo on Thursday they will stop at the Half-wa- y Housefor the night, and go on to the VolcanoHouse the next day. Friday and part ofSaturday will be spent at Kilauea, and thenthe party will return and embark on theLehula and arrive in Honolulu again onSunday.

The Wilder Steamship Company will pro-vide everything requisite for making thetrip horses, guides, eating and sleeping ar-

rangements and all the details. Beddingis to be taken to the 'Half-wa- y House andleft there for the benefit of future tourists,and for the first time in the history of theseexcursions, the entire party will be providedfor with everything essential to their com-

fort. All thoy need do is to enjoy them-selves to their highest capacity, and dividethe expense between thorn when they return.This plan, if carried out in the future,would bs a great convenience to that largeclass of tourists who look uioreto comfortthan to expense.

Til 4 llHMHiian Live Stock Hook millRegister,

Tin; Minister of the Interior notifies thepublic that the Pacific Commercial

Company has copyrighted a bookunder the forgoing title. In this connection,we shall briefly ttate that it is our purposeand intent to make "The Hawaiian LiveBook and Register" absolutely perfeot, andto that end invite the active and zeaious

of all importers, breeders andowners of thorougbred animals. Our cir-

cular, which will be addressed to each oneseparately, will more fully inform those in-

terested in blooded stock of every class whatis intended. It will cost a great deal ofmoney and care to perfect this work, butonce accomplished, it will be a perpetualrecord to which all cau refer. We look toour Island friends to back our enterprise,which wflladd a very considerable percent-age to the value of all stock registered in"The Hawaiian Live Stock Book andRegister."


Saii Fniiiel'o I)riimati- - Compaiiy. j

The production of "Ingomar, the Bar-- jbariau," at the Music Hall last night by theSan Francisco Dramatic Company wasifairly s ! ! isf.ietory those who witnessedit. The audience was quite a slim one, thecharacter of the play being too classic todraw the inultitnde. There was much carcTful acting and some effective tableaux, butit may be said that the laok of surroundingsin keeping with the aetin of the play pre-

vented the actors from doing justice to theirtalents.

How They Do It.Fragmentary conversation Hackmen talk-

ing together:First Hackman "What did you charge

him?"Second Hackman "Six bits."First II. M "Six bits! Why. you can't

charge him six bits you know."Second n. M. "I did thongh, all the

same."First H. M. "Oh, well! So do I when I

get the chance."


Monday, April 20th.A foreigu jury was sworn in this morning,

and the case of Barnes vs. Makee, assumpsit,occupied their attention all day. A. S.Hartwell for plaintiff, E. Preston for de-

fendant. Case continued to-da- y.

The Chinese firm of Ah Hong Bros., whohave been doing business in North Kohala,Hawaii, were adjudged bankrupts by theChief Justice sitting in chambers. Proofsof claims against them will be heard onFriday, May 1st, at 10 o'clock; whenasigutes will be ejected- -


Attention is culled to the assignees' sale,on May 4th, of desirable lots near Kapio-lan- i

Park, by order of Messrs. Parke andSmith, assigns of A. W. Richardson.

. Two handsome medals, one of silver audone of gold, are now on exhibition at theTemple of Fashion. Tho gold medal is in-

scribed : "The winner of the 5 wile skat-.iu- K

contest at Honolulu, April 22d, 1S35."The silver medal is inscribed similarly for a3 mile race.

A letter from a lady liviug in Canadacontains this passage : crossed theriver below the Falls on the ice a day or twoagp. He says the cones raised by the waterfreezing as it falls are one-fift- h the hightof the fall themselves, and the ice forma-tions wonderfully beautiful."

t s


t r


Successors to Dillingham 1 Co. hiiiI Samuel IVott.






Double Fiirrox"


Lltfht Steel Plos.

They are the BEST DOUBLE tH..uvv i..o.-- we used."-- ('. A. VA PI X, Maiue,-Kohal-

Plantation."It U the BEHT BREAKING PLOW I ever used." J. L. RICHARDSON, Mauuuer Wt-lana-e

Plantation.The VERY BEST BREAKING PLOW I ever used in this or rny other country." I WM. t .

HORNER, lAhalca, Maul.

New Goods received per Morning Star " and other late arrivals : Silver Plated Wore, stove.Rsnjfes and Unwure ; Refrigerators and Ice Chests; House Furiilshintr GO-kI- Chandeliers. Lampand Lanterns; Soap and Candles. Balance of consignment of Clock very lew.


SkiUffate, Oenulae Albany Cylinder, Lubricating, Lard, reanut. Castor and Nr atsfoot. Paint,Palr.t Oli, Turpentlu., Varnishes. California Wind Mills, the best In use. A very complete stock ofHardware and Agricultural Implements. Correspondence solicited.

5i2-aP7i- y PACIFIC HARDWARE COMPANY", Honolulu.,

IU. O. HALL & SON (Limited),Have Just received from Bo ton, ex. steam burke mine MORN I S(i STA R. ai.d by other ltt

arrivals, the following, vir.:






Stoyes an! Ranges


And Kitchen Furniture

Of Every I scrlpt'on.

Iron, Granite Ware,

Wire Cloth 'Rll si7.--s ,

Cotton Waste,

Packing, all kind-- ,

AXLE GREASE. "Also, Neat's Foot

1 liricatins Ote'I 'i- I.,.. Stock iM Hi.

M .r ifictuili-.i- c

I . r I m-- i ii t

I'.l ;. r.h i I,.. i rSki I, .!' t .ii in b. h, .

- Cylinder Oil. in x,

1'iir.iline Oil, in ciihi h,S(..tfi il, in drums

and barrelH,

ami IViinut Oil by the ease or gallon.

2 mayZO

Just to baud, a new lot of Hall'm CelebrHtetl Huns ami llreHkers, and about twohundred pairs of Plow Handlen of allMr.es. Al.,u, extra Plow Share to fit all our plow.Plow lien inn. AH kinds of Agrlcultiirnl Implement needed for rii e or cane t tiltnre.

A Fine Stock of Shelf Hardware Constantly on Hand.We make a specialty of tilling orders :or louutry xtor and plfiit.-iSont- , n, with our KiipTkir

facilities and loDg experloijce, can do so with the jrrenu-s- t ili-pi-

All our CooU aro of the Bet Quality, nnil re Ht l.onest Market Hate.

33. O. HALL & SON.A



- 5 M.


5 QUvtrlistrntnls SU)bfrtisnr.cn:s. Stortisfmrnts.

rjfounkV OFFICE OFAwake,aThe

There'chilli . WISEMAN. INTER-ISIaAN- D Notice to the Public. JSER-BUSCT- T

His littl JArise, an'i i Steam Navigation Co. BREWING ASSOCIATION.

Awake) I The EliteThere's tl paw mm IN 1879. (LIMITED.,Tis Cup i I



PARLORS !STEAMER W. G. HALL. 2) ?aSh' departments.Thai t rMALULANI. JlQ)o


Vrai run regularly to Maalaca, Maul, and Konaand Kau, Hawaii.

Ice Cream will served at the SARATOGAHOUSE, on Hotl Street, until Further notice.

f XOYlOBf T AOEKT. LlFK 1KSUBANCE AHIST,ThO 12S IxsraAXcs Agent, Hatxboad Aokst,

thjlt I t AVSJtTlsmo AGENT, AND GIXIRALThomC I--

: BtiEss Agent Also, Custom 4l l ter of a century. It hadpiwi"'- -Sbw.

STEAMER PLANTER,eior o ij, uorsK espn Moxxr BBor ' I

sessorTIIV .-

In thn Yinho 'e P- - '

en Dily until 10

Orders received and carefully attended to.

Weddings and Parties supplied.(LILIN'OE.) EXT R JVjMXI T

T.OTTTS LA&EE BEERCAMERON Commander"anyoaths....;-.:..- . ireproot Building, ST.

Opposite Campbell's Block, and NextDoor to the New' Bank Building,

Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets.t Timulav nl S n Tn for TCftwiliwili.

viuin n'nimni. Returning, will leaveek STREET.TOCHNTto U3& Telephone 181.Nawlnwlll every saiuruay an p. ni.,nmii.--; .nHonolulu every esunaay ai a. m.enjy"r,.e 172.

maQ, io 315. Honolulu H. I.pieXICraunUeye3, fwavs Buys and Sell Real Estate Our cart with Celebrated Ice Cream will make

STEAMER IWALANI,'it usual route In the evening.urubut f

rons rIon? leases and Rents Property of alliAN CommanderFREEMAN.rr,An mlt tr :o:- -

U'ill r.w. rcrnlnik- - tn IfiLllliift. Maui. Allll Kukllt- -" ""u Li i

format Ji,.,1 A -

baele, Honokaa ana raaunau. tiawun.Ci.iie. ti. li.witn. Pavsand DUchurffes.

.Win. (J. Irwin & Co.Takes insurances, ana neuusSeneraliy to Property vwoer- -

Interests. STEAMER C. R. BISHOP,Vrihisnr J;


EMPORI U M ( ) 1 T 11 A D EHas been Enlarged and Benovated, and

CommanderMACAfl.EY..lit the only recognized Passenger OFFER F4K AI.KAgent lor m noieu umivi ,..T-- . avnrv Katnrilav t 8 a. 111. for WaiaUaP.liurMiitfton aud Quinoy Route. Oahu, and Hanalel and Kllauea. Kauai, Return- -

afi r

C ";"i8EMANn lAavAa nana pi erprv 'l upsnav m i u. ui.. uuu

touching at WaUlua and Walanae Wednesdays,itfmi.i.r'iiatnm House Business:and arriving at iionoiuiu same aay i t v- -

Enters oooas, Discnargen rxeii. Sip! Sugar! Sugar!and Duty Bills, ana ueiiTm the Manager now Irishes to inform the Publicsame.i STEAMER JAMES MAKEE,IsTfi: Paris, 1875; and Amsterdam, 1683

Pl,H-.1el,.!,- U.nward.,1,oM Medals and Premiums

MACFARLANE & CO.,1 that anFinds Employment lor all seeking CommanderWEIR. 1woric on tne jsmnui.Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

TTnnnnmnnn Street, Honolulu, H. I.itmi,i t, aiirl ArcnunU: then .V ... HILEA PLANTATION " Washed " Sugar 471 tf & wDistribution or vjuarieriy T. R. FOSTER, President. this (eit.bbated beer.soli: agents for STOCKand collects tne same. NEWENTIREin keg.s.J. Ejja. Secretary.

Loans Money on good Real Estate CALIFORNIA'SUGAR REFINERYBecurtty.

ej, : rj3


i I :ted Tr"(i5:MAV? -- iiibscrlptlom

'ti: : subs ;

l Bee. Wl'iKUAN

OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO.Tnonroa vnnr T.ifo and Drotect3 you Has been Received by late Arrivals, and moreIn Dosses ty iire in uie ut-- i.

A Horse! a Horse! My Kingdom for a Horse. King Richard.Companies in tne ona.

Cnbe Sugar in 25 lb. boxes.

Dry Granulated, in barrels and kega.

"A" Crushed Sugar, is barrel."D" Coffee Sugar, in kegs.

Gnlu-- n Syrup, in gallon tins.

to Arrive, in the Line ofIs known to be the only standing

Oeneral Business Ageni on me--

THE NEW AND ELEGANT STEAMSHIPS The Fast Trotting StallionHawaiian Jsianas. Clo th.iii.2:, Shirts,'MARIPOSA' & 'ALAMEDA.'Tl?Answers all Correspondence of everyl; W13MAM

Will leave Honolulu and San Francisco on theBusiness nature.

FIRST and FIFTEENTH of each month.ISTeckwea 1 TTi icier wear,

TrToe, Bandkerchiefs,WISEMANCoils Manila Rope, all sizes.

Coils Sisal Rope, C thread to 2 inch.fCoils Rale Rope and Ranana Twine.

Receives orders of every descripitonfrom the Various Islands, andattends to Shipments Promptly. PASSENGERS may have their names booked

in ftHvanoebvannlying at the ollice of the Agents.

M office is conducted on Sound BusiWISEMAN Snspeiaclers, Pl:i1, Caps,PASSENGERS by this line are hereby notifiedthat they will be allowed 2f0 pounds of bajrgaseFREE by the Overland Railway when travelingEast.

ness I'rinciples, ana an rsiruusBnd him Energetic and Attentiveto their business wants.

rvrntDcynv TTnWTS for round trip.- - Il'--a. Reed's Patent Pipe and BoilerGood to returnby any of the Company's steamersoMthln ninMV da VS. Covering All" Sizes.

Boo ts, S 1 10 ( rrmiiks,Bags, Valises, Etc., JCtc.MERCHANDISE Intended for shipment by this

line will be receivea iree oi m. .D.ahnmp. ntiri rereitjts issued forGive Wiseman a Call.

ame. Insurance on merchandise in the warehouse will be at owners' risK. :o:393-t- f MANILA CIGARS. VENTURE.WILLIAM a. IRWIN CO..

384-t- ftSTThe Main Feature of the O. P M. Ji. is to sell 2o per cent, less than



RECORD, 2:271- - I any of its Competitors. This it is enabled to Jo by Uie advantages of Low-Salmon. Beef and Port, in barrels.PACIFIC HAIL STEAMSHIP 10 Having purebred thu celebrated stalljouinjnM. fS'clrS? Rents, Purchasing for Cash, anl General Good Management,

ffiowirnd Terms for tne .eason, S50 ; toinsure,

$100.One 1--a foot Smoke Staclt, 85 feetTIME TABLE. CALL AISTD INSPECTDescription.

u:;r.:; mi co.,

Qtieen fc Edinburgh Streets,


Dealers hi

II AY AND GRAIN,Telephone No. 175.

floods delivered promptly.

Island Orders Solicited.

IIlKta. will be Sold Cheap.574-Ju-

... . , . 1 tr i i. i;,.i. ,itii wji.rii5 ftlinnt 1.100 Doundts. IlltrnSrS Auuo'an prance, tomplrament and

is tne pictoat inn,.,,., he is without speck or blemish. Our Large & Varied Stock.PACIFIC MAIL S.S. CO.tS


he is i m i udisposition, .Access his numerous progeny, both in Cali-A- sa stock horse he i Lav "J?401!1"5 SCyeral

;'o being able to trot low down,

fornia and m this country, ;o o? lvnS i, afs the dam of Transit.and one of his daughters c u. .....

vrn. He trotted a mile last-- :o:-BEAVER SALO0H.For San Francisco WhlCU IS SaiU lO UO luu v..-.- . .0 v

geason, as a yearling, in 2:45.JPedigree.Zeahtndla On or about May 10th Thaukins our Friends and the Public for their Generous Support

. i.nran. foaled iu 1863. bred by Henry Williamson, Esq.. Oakland,XO. 1 FORT STREET.Opposite Wilder Co.'sL heretofore, we respectfully solicit a continuance of their patronageFor Auckland and Sydney:3S1UI;

4 ) California? 1,1 American lloy. he by Seagull, he by Imported Expedition.Citv of Sydney .' On or about April IS

.A.T THE383-tfw- tfTLe Celektei HatcMess Polish, H. J. Nolte, Propr.FOR SALE AT

Oli'KN 'OM 3 A. M. Tl LL 10 P. M

One Price Mechanics Bazaar,







Sole Aent for Hawaiian IsUndg. Cigars and TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS.

Opposite Campbell's Block. Honolulu, II. 1.

- -. " i



(King, 'Commander),


1st dam, Miss Mostyn, by American i., oi.2d dam, by Kenuer's Gray Mcdoc.3d dam, Imported Lady Mostyn, by Tenters.4th dam, Invalid, by Whisker.5th dam, Helen, by Hambletonian.6th dam, Susan, by Overton.7th dam, Drowsy, by Drone.8th dam, by Old England.9th dam, by Cullen Arabian.10th dam, Misa Cade, by Cade.

nth dam! Miss Makeless, by son of Greyhound.Belmont, by American Boy.

1st dam, Imported Prunella, by Com us.2d dam, by Partisan.3d dam, Pawn, by Trumpator.1th dam, Prunella, by lligbllyer.5th dam, Promise, by Snap.6tu dam, Julia, by Blank.7th dam, Spectator's dam, by Partnei.8th dam, liouny Lass, by Bay Bolton.9th dam, by Darley'a Arabian.10th dam, by Byerly Turk.11th dam, by Taflolet Barb.12th dam, by Place's White Turk.

v.,tiirnl P.ai-- Mare.

Plain and Fancy PIl'ES personally selected from

AN AND AFTER TIIIS DATE ALL OVR:o:- -J accounts will oe renaerea the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety

of BEST QUALITYf quarterly, a-- neretoion,. ,

Will leave Honolulu each Tuesday at 4 p. M. for7i. toi 9nd. 18S5. 497 tf Store open from 6 A. M. to H I. M. Saturday Evening till 10 o'clock.SMOKERS' ARTICLES.Laupahoenoe ana una. lcuvcs inu.-j- o.XlUIJVtUIUf A , ... F

A. ROSA, jr. L. ROSENBERG. S. W. LEJJEItEIt, Managernoon, tOUCDIHK at iue muic 1

(tie-- iiark Saturdays.391 tfLovers of BILLIARDS will find an Elegant

4 TTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUB- - PASSENGER TRAIN from Niulli will leaveeach Friday at 1 r. m., to connect with the Kinaunt. Mahukona.

oiaol Hale, Honolulu. H. I. UWICK I CO. BILLIARD TABLEt-- i,, u-i-r r. rm-ci- r nt Honokaia and

Faaubau on down trips for Passengers if a signal is lotn uaui, .'''- - ......on the Premises.made from the snore. J O II IN nott,Paiitlieoh Stables, The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a calTr nffcrin" the services oi ims nuioo iu i""""- - iw " "

i ie L the highest bred trotting stallion in the world, living or dead, and in supportclaim I am willing to submit it to any authority that can be obtained, and if he is

oi mis .h,'m, tn horse knowledge. It will be seen that his nediereethon I Kill 1UUL-- aij uit v,.. , "STEAMER LIKELIKE,

(Lorenen, Commander),om his Friends and the Public generally

who mar desire a... .i I. nrr huh onCor. Port Sc. Hotel Streets.f 3


. .!.. I., ...nrir VfrtlKinV nt 4 V. if. fOT 1.1 XCII. A SMOKE, OR A'UANK 'Leaves uuuuium .

Kaunakakai, Kahului, Kcanae. every other eek., i'nitfd states. lien veniurt: u uu uv iun, a.vm vu.

sensational horse of the Pacific Coast, and the sporting papers in the, lrp shmaeo much opposed to running blood in the trotter, commencedBH.I.1ARIM.Huelo, Hana, Kipanuiu ana .uu.

stop at the above ports, arriving buck Satnrdaycold cruss in it, at the same time declaring

mornings.LIVERY, BOARDING, trying to find auickin- - away at his pedigree,

simply impossible for a strictly tl,that " , !.,: tliev liad to

iiorougnuml noise to tror as msi as ne wasFor malls and passengers only.

Hive it up, ana aumittta tne lact tnai ne was aand were unable to accountSt vtSubVed he, butdeclared 1dm aphei.menonTHE CAS tWO

AT THE IMB'iAND SALE STADLES. re, old Bflinoiit, ih almosttnr hisWat speed at the trotting ea. h"

nicked better with the trotting families- . . ....ii l-- notrn i inr 1 t i h mSTEAMER LEIIUA,

( Pavies, C'oininnndcriworhl-wid- e, anu it x "

horse ever known, as, in addition to venture, twothan that of any other thoroughly a

Webster and Owen Dale, were said to have pos- -trill rnirulnrlL- - fnr Pnil 11 llilU . KollOlultlt. other thorougnoieu " - i.p the dams of Belle Echo. 2.20 : FloraIS OPEN EVERY DAY.

g-r- ije only Wea-SM- e Ki"url in tl"CarrUiseH lor hire at all hours of the dr y or

ufchUalao. conveyances of all kinds, for parties

wntiur around the Island.Ookala, Kukalau, Honohlna, Ijiupahoelioe, Haka- -

lau aua unompo. sessed great spee a ; R 2.m a gUowi

?t"??lfTltou trotting bred hor.es cannot equal. Air. Patrick Farrell.,.n tlie Pacific Coast, told me the last time

'maulr Excellent NMldle Horse lor Ladle If. .1. XOI.TF.H liidom. who is one ot me i"F" V' "

f trtn,r t.,:lt iie ever milled a line over, andSTEADIER KILAUEA HOU,uuarautewi uenne...h .ntlemea. I saw him, thai "niuic - T ";; :VV haA hitn(Uh h0 believed that hethat46' 7' 4' 'Crrla VI:barth, Commander), AVEEY & PALMER,in si. 52 U(I 53.V.'lll leave regularly for same ports us the S. S.Lehua.bo had ontoalwayn..iwuble and single teams

most reasonaDje tw.livery at the, amall omnibus for picnica and excUr- -

General BnIe andReal Estate AtrentN.

Prompt Attention given to Collections.

Office, Xo. Ott Fort Street. Honolulu.:.S9 tt


. (Mi-Grepo- Commander),rtoaparUes. carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, ran At the Old Stand, No. 8 Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu,

IMPORTER AND DEAL Kit "IN ML THE I A TEST IMPROVEDv alwaya be secured iy special

kai, Kkmalo;'Putoo. Moauui. Halawa Wailau,Peleknnn and Kalaupapa ; returning, leaves Pukoo.. t .i,ino loama T.nlinlna Saturday' fJor Pukoo.' remaiaining Sunday, and arriving at

VU temner nau not men ..o.,...i,o it1V if not surpassed, all the records ever made, and that he could show

W0.Ulrnne eait 'with him to a wagon, but in company he would become wild, on ac- -

Tm" that could rdly run as fast ascount J10, 2.27 U. which was no measure of his speed, was made at theS track in 1877 in e which he won, beating Alexander, Gus, Oeneral Reno and

"nTTTrSi htlii JSSe people

his tlfat anperformance.

horse is not as good a producer as a youngV, ,f nn rrater mistake could possibly be made. Indeed, the opposite is claimed by

breeders and are so numerous of horses siring their best foals at anmany large Inah long ago exploded. Imported Diomed wasfdTaLMBpn old sifed Sir Archy, his best son ; Bonnie Scotland, who diedS?v e!vB "o, siwd L?uke Blackburn and George Kinney, by far the best of h s get,

?. tf twentv five - Imported Leamington sired Iroquois, his best son, the last year

&tefna mar be mentioned Volunteer, the sire ofShta iSfleJ who taThirtUne years old this spring, and is said to be as lively and vigorous

foai3 as promising as any that he ever got. Old Ramble- -

f e6 J 18? vears, but sired two foals the last days of

S!i?e dd onoMheS cHamblltonian's last, made a trotting record of 2:25 thenther one is said to be equallv as fast.

P"vXJte" facS i Plain the age of a horse has nothing to do w th

1 afa I Sink ravself that there is a great deal in the condition that ai"9 BP?f?-pn-

r foJ an animal that is well fed and cared for, with plenty of exercise, willKr8t fo?l8 is turned loose and never stabled or fed grain. .

5 Venturers tien" Sfo je"s old this spring, and with the care that I intend to give

XOTICE."hi Stoves and Ranges,IThe undersigned have this day been appointee

ASSIONEES of the Kstate of A. W. RICHARD-SON & CO., bankrupts. All persons indebted tosaid estate are hereby notiued to make immedi-ate rayment at the office of W. C. Parke.

V. C. PARKE, Assignees.G. W. SMITH.

Honolulu February 26th, 1S83. 558 tf

Itublif-- Hv-,- ;

Galvanized Iron and Lead l ipe ;

Slifet Lead and Copper ;

1 rfn-stfn- e Iirain Pipe.

Granite Iron Ware, Plairl ami Nii kH l'iutclTin Ware, of all kinds:Chandeliers ;

Lamps and Lanterns ,

Pumps ;

Honolulu Monaay evenmK.

' &S" The Company will not be responsible forunless receipted for, nornny freight or packages

for personal baggage unless plainly marked. Jotresponsible for money or Jewelry unless placed incharge of the Purser.

All possible care will be taken of Live Stock, butthe Company will not assume any risk of accident.

SAM'L tl. WILDER, President.S. B. ROSE, Secretary.

OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.23-- ly Mar 30

omnibus time tables can be obtain n app. i --

rjjg at the office.Batblnic Hone


always be secured for picnic or excursion

applylnff the oHc.partlea by

Corner Fort and Holel Street.Telephone No. 34.

JAS. DODI), Proprietor.398tf

LOST!nooker's Book of Ferns,

(Spl niMmHIllaitrMwl.

'suitable $? ZSS.


better ioai uih uiia uc.uii. -hiw to sire :him, I expect Tre tn him vet that didrt

P. P. GKAY, M.D.,


Ofiice next dooi to the HONOLULU LIBRARY,Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work,brf dCorAuc?a foaled Umatv beauS crnow on 07 ranch, are worth a long

? ?o to the general publi0, nos ee ,. and now as ne i ?ejourney interest as to neglect the opportunity

OF ALL KINDS. ATTENDED TO.9 to 10 A.M.2 to 4 P.M.1 ta 8 P.M.Office Hours

Drifted Snow Flour.(ROLLER PROCESH.)

LEASED THE SALINAS MILLS,HAVINGnow prepared to supply, In quantities

usult.fdl orders, with the celebrated familyFlour. DRIFTED SNOW, and also the A No. 1

bakers' brand, RISING 8TJN. Please address allorders to C. L. DING LEY,

mli24-7-3- m No 13 Steuart St., Sac Francisco.

Sundays 9 to 11 A.M..r2-7-o- ciO. T3. MILES. Proprietor.

Honolulu, April 10, 1533.XT A Variety cf House Furnishing Good-?- , too liunieroii;-- , to mrntin.

RESIDENCE Cor. Kinau and PeDacola Sts.o31 mvl7

' fJr
