u25a0 i prosperity - chronicling america

19 LODGE BOOU ECHOES. Points the Outer Guards Are Allowed to Furnish. FINE SHOW OF UNITED WORKMEN QSMS City, Ho. 10, K. of P.* Fays a Fraternal Visit to Caity?Degree Vsrk for the Odd Fellows. L I HE Ancient Order of United Work- J men took a great spurt on Mondsy night, when Co- lumbia Lodge, No. 10, initiated sixty new members. Buch a record it unheard of. even in tbia city of fra- ternities, and Co- lumbia Lodge and its members are to be warmly con- gratulated on such a magnificent rec- ord. Those Inter- ested war# so happy over the result that they Indulged iu a fine banquet after the ritnai work bad been performed. Lest night the Went sienttle Lodge of Knlgbia of Pythias took in t?n now member* in the presence of a largo number of visitors from the city proper. This organisation baa now a comfortable and safe membership, and Ita adherent* take great interest in the work. On Thursday night (Jueen City. No. 10, K. P., paid a fraternal visit to Unity Lodge, No. 94, oat in the Walla Walla addition and were cor- diallyreceived and well treated by the brothers in that happy suburb Great activity is being displayed by a constantly increased number of believers in the order of Royal Arcanum. The Kebek&hs will begin their socials on next Wednesday evening at the Odd Fellows' tem- ple in North Seattle, and on October 'JO the Friendship Social Clnb, composed of young Odd Fallows, will give their first entertainment of the season. The Masons are quietly pursuing rbe even tenor of their way, but are making progress toward their pet scheme lor the estab- lishment of their library. Each loJge has ap- pointed a committee and matters will take defl- nit* shape iu a short time. Fro* and Accepted Masons. On Monday Arcana Lodge, So. fC. F. A A. M., had a regular communication and after business was dispatched the Entered Apprentice degree wm conferred on one candidate. On Thursday especial convocation of Seattle Chapter, No. 3. Royal Arc h Masons, waa held and the Pas. and Most Excellent Master degrees were worked. From this date during the winter mouth* nil Masonic bodies have their time of meeting hali an hour earlier. Of thia the fra- ternity wtil take notice. The ladles of liorrame Chapter, No. 6, Order Eastern Star, have under the able committee in charge of Mr*. W. V. Rinehart completed their arrangement* for the entertain neat In Masonic temple on Weduesdav, Ortober 12. The pro- gramme will la': announced thi* wecK, and the musical part wiU be of the highost order. \u25a0\u25a0dependent Order of Odd Fellows. Seattle 1-odge, No. 7, of the I O. O. F., held a line meeting ou Tuesday night and conierred the third degree ou one candidate. Olive Branch, No. 4, met on Wednesday night and put thmugb one candidate in the beautiful work of lho First decree. It is aaid that the secred ritea were contorted tu a manner never before sees in this city. The team that Olive Branch has is said tu be one of the finest in tbe State On Wednesday night Rctteksh Jewel ftegree Lodge, No. 4t>, held a meeting for the first time In Its new hall in the Hiuck.ey block. One new member was initiated. The lodge received a \u25bcisit from the grand master of the state, W. G. Albin, and gave him a cordis! welcome. He complimented the lodge on its good work and fine showing. A banquet followed the regular work. Gsrmanla Lodge, No. 102, met on Thursday night and transacted a large amount of impor- tant business. night Mystic l»dge. No. 81, met at the nsuat placo and conierred the Third degree on one candidate. Brattle Lodge, No. 7, will give a barlesgue do- |rw la about throw weeks. The Knights of Pythian. On Monday Queen City Lodge. Nix 10, K. of P., incitt the regular place and conferred the Pego rank on one aspirin* candidate. Arrange- ments were nlso consummated for the visit to Unity Lmlgo. No M, which did take place on tho following Thursday evening. Lake Lodge, Na ftv, met on Tuesday evening and conferred the Pago and Esquire ranks on two candidates. Seattle, Na 61. met on Wednesday night, and, strange to say, transacted only routine business. On Thursday uiglit Queen City l.odg'\ No. 10, paid a fraternal visit to Unity lodge. So. IM, in the W alia W alia addition, and were given a roy- ally good time. Speeches aero made by a num- ber of the visiting and local msmbers and all had a jollygood time. More of these visits will Ist arranged lor In the near future, as they tend to promote a fine feeling of fraternal love and affuctton. last night a number of the Seattle brothers went over to West Seattle and assists! the lodge over there to iaitiate ten new member''. North Star. No 4?, h«is hail a largely increased attendance Mine itehaiigod its general meeting place to tlic Pythian castle. In the Frye block. I-ast uight the lodge uiet and transacted much important business. Harmony Lodge, No. 5, uiet on Thursday night with Chancellor Commander K. Morgen- steru In the chair The Km)aire rank man con- ferred on two candidate*. Puget Sound l.od?«» \n. ?i, held its regular meeting on Friday tiurht and conferred the Knight rank on threv candidate-. Woodland lodge, of K:< i mont, has incorporated with a capita! stork «?! sl, j«» The lodg- is in a prost«routCondition, aud its members are do. lug fine work. Ancient Order I iiitsil Workmen. Sh->rtlv alter J o'clock '.asi Mondav evening a large nambcr ot A. O U. W members begnu to assemble and set tea Iv for a go«*i time in their hall lu the Masooic building, corner of Second and Pike Btrest*. Th \u25a0 occasion was one of great interest to the order at large. and espec- ially to Columbia I. »«\u25a0:«\u2666, N v 10, the attraction balng the initiation into said lodrv of tiftr-Ave member*. 1 his brings the membership of this lodge up to aNvit ?? with more to lie initiated Monday evening next. It s helieved to !*« tho largest b«ige of »nt o: l. r in the statu of Wash, tnglou, and intra is to hold it* position A* far as can t«e learned no lodge in Oregon o 1- Wash- ington has taken in msny at one time event at the n stitut ni of anew one Ihe meeting wa»calle<t tooidcr by VVorkman Will- lam 1 heoi.iitig. who invited several of the vis- Itors prcseut to a scat on his r.ght. \mongt>:e natnlter v»e notnv l the grand recorder of Wash- inglon, W. K Stcinback, of Tacoma. '1 tie hall was titled «ith a treble r 'is of chairs, everv one of which wm filled. I .'.ere were present about 3DO, not including t' e csmdidaies lor The i-edestai In roat , ft « presiding officer s Chair had upon It a very title Unique! of flowers presented b> one of 'tie brothers, which ?!-e?it«»d the whole h 1 >in a'td g.*v*t i very tine aj»- pearance. the work accompiisbe<t is the more commondsb'.e. Inasmuch us tlieic l:a* »M<«n hohlme laek oi a»r>!ra>its, the tact t-e ng that ten memiwrs w.-rv laken iu August, and several others the earlv part ot Septsuihwr. The order lor the initiati a of caudidates ha* tt.g been rest red tN- mamer workman resigned his posttioa fv>r the time l-eiug and i> ilrand ktasterO. > Jones proceeded to tnrtruct thoss aspiring to becwae members into the mvstertes ot "workrianship" in s maauer ditt cult to tie Improved uin> s. A finet t«vl> meti :s rarely »reu In a Iv-d.ro room an i reflected s>vat credit u -on tbtwe who bad them. All tbcoffi- Cs'Ts with b'-ii on; eXcepllou »«tsi present an vj pot:Ortned ibeir re«|«oi tive liul'.m iu s msuiitr gratifying to ail true w.trkmen. while ho who was not pr\-sent the earlier part ol the evening turned up later After ihe ceroinouie. ot roat riding were over an aOiourneMnt was made to the batif noting hall where everyone was s-<v,i employed gaittui; on the outside ot much co'- Iste. ssudwirhes. fruit, vl. . as they convenient y eould. li was rumored that a msuivr of tu v proeimoi ug ci>;amittee, lesnstg test there should t e a dearth of good things by some Mean* p-<s> n»'<d I.;-!.self of a key pertaining to « certKiu restaurant, while the owner ot th« aante was taking riding .esso;.* tipon the goat tiar iby the w. ?»;.:«# tor such pi.rpOwa He sticoueded in g-ott ng :wo Uuled hams and tome other edit>ios and left tSie i>wner toaend in hi* feO*wh«u te fiivw-U u.kuv« L.« iwaa, Altvt ?app«r the majority left for borne, while the others retained to the lodge roost, where the bom* members were entertained by some inter- esting remarks from visitors, some of which savored very strongly of "tsfTy." The meeting then broke up, eTeryone feeling good. All members who possibly can sre requested to at- tend next meeting, as business of importance will come up. Ancient Order Foresters of America. The regular meeting of Court Enterprise, So. 7,962, wa*held on Thursday evening in G. A. R. ball, and in connection wttii a large amount of routino business two cand.dntes were initiated and ten applications for membership were re- ceived and acted upon. This meeting wss marked as beior the largest in the history of the court, the ball being filled to its utmost ca- pacity. J>r. D. B. Channel!, of Portland, grand chief rang9r of Oregon and Washington, paid an in- formal visit to the court snd wss received by the "boys" upstanding and giving a hearty ap- plause of welcome lu speaking under the head of "Good of the Order" Dr. Channell expressed his great pleasure at beiur present in the court meeting again and at seeing such a large num- ber present, which spoke well of the livelv in- terest felt in the court and the order in general; that, in fact, the meeting rsnked far ahead of any other which he bad attended within his jurisdiction. Queen City Circle, Companions of the Forest, held their semi-mouthly meeting on Wednes- day evening in G. A. R. ball, and after disposing with routine business a good programme wns rendered by a number of the members, which proved highly instructive and Interesting. It was decided that the second Thursday evening of each month ve set apart for socials, given under the auspiees of the Court and Circle to the members and their lady irieud*, thus bring- ing thern iuto closer fraternal relation with one another. Court Monte Cristo has been instituted at Sno- homish with a charter list of forty names, and a new court organized at Everett, the present outlook beiug very encouraging at both places. P. J. Witt man, deputy grand chief ranger for Washington, will visit the newly organised court at Everett next Wednesday evening, and will no doubt give it a good impetus on Its Forestic journey. Ancient Order of Foresters. Court Friar Tuck, So. 7,#il, had an interest- ing and well attended meeting last Thursday. Nine applications were received for member- ship and twelve candidates were duly initiated into the order. Among other business done, the chief ranger, A. J. Clark, waa elected aa delegate to the next meeting of the Sub High Court, and to enable worthy applicants to enter at a low price, the charter was opened for two weeks. The social feature of the evening waa greatly aided by Brother Williams' singing. At the present rate of program the court, not a month old, will number 159 members before the close oi the year. Independent Order Good Templar*. Seattle Lodge, No. 6,1. O. G. T. t held their reg- ular meeting Monday evening, with a good at- tendance. After the regular business the fol- lowing programme was rtudcred: Reading Mr. George F. Cotterill Recitation Mr. William B. Mullen Remarks Mr. Charles Easton Recitation and oncore Mr. B. E. Eggan Paper Mise H.Valentine Remarks Mr. John Brown Next Monday being the twsnty-sixth anniver- sary of Seattle lodge, a meeting appropriate to the occasion wilt be held. All the members of aister lodges are invited to be present. Woodmen of the World. On Friday night Seattle Camp, No. 69. W. of W., held a regular meeting in O. A. R. hall. liuportaut bualneas was transacted, and two new members elected to membership. A com- mittee waa appointed to make arrangements for an opeu rnesting, to be held on Friday night, October 28. It is expected this meeting will bs the beat open meeting held by the craft in Seattle, the camp having added about fifty new members since its first meeting 01 the kind, held July 6. Women's Relief Corps Fair. The Stevens and Miller corps held a joint meeting Friday aftcrnoou to consult about their coming fair. There was a full attendance, and all the ladies were enthusiastic. The executive committee reported that as far as their work had progressed, it had been most encouraging, and that wherever they had been soliciting they were received with courtesy and gen- erosity. Sons of St. Oeorgs. Washington Lodge, No. ,lu7, met last Tuesday. The attendance was unusually large. A com- mittee was appointed to make preliminary pre- paration for a large family social, to take place at>out October 25l Next Tuesday the ordinary monthly meeting will be held. Lstons Fraternal News. I-ntona todgc, I. O. O. T., No. 29, held their regular meeting Thursday eveaiug, with quite a large attendance. The following literary pro- gramme was rendered: Heading Mrs. 9atnuel Coons Kecitatiou Mrs. William Cowan Song Miss Ada Bell Reading Miss Patella Cowan K'citation Mr. E t Williams. Hong Mrs. W lliam Cxpcstick Keadiiifc Mrs. Samuel Coon-, jr l»uet Miss Winnie Walker, Mrs. A. C. Walter The members have decided to give a "Green Social" next Saturday evening, October h. ,\ very nice literary programme will be given. Ro- freshment« will be served also. Everybody cor- dially iuviied to attend. Tacoina Fraternity News. Tacoma, Oct. I.?Special.}?Assembly Knights of labor, held the first red letter meet- ing iu several years last Wednesday. T!ie Trades Council transacted no business of Importance this wc«*k! The employes of the Tacoma Railway A Motor Company hare presented Auditor Bird with a solid silver ten set. HOTKi. AKKIVALS. THI OCCItXMTAI.. .1 Wataon, Tacoma J K ItutiiphriesA w, City K L lawyer, do W H Thompson Aw, do K s Johnson do l»r F W Sparling do M S Do tinher, EHenst'rgß O Itii.-e A w, do A t'otumbia B B Ford, w A c do s Williams, Blaine W II llill A w, do A II Harding Portland F V Dingman, do I M Fisher, Port Town C Primrose, Ft Madison W Kreduiau, W Uatcoin O M Kellogg A w. Alia 1* M li-t.iH', i'ort.«na CC Ihorntoii, Everett W P llerrv, do K M linker, Whatcom ft' W illtanis, Suohom'hW I. Meredith Aw, Citv W l> Child*, do F F Williamson, Olyui J II t'obenU, Tacoma J A Gram, Portland M P Roche. Omsha A J Koslord, 6 F E A Granden, K Wusb'gW I, Hill, City it i Smith A», I'ort.'d IIE Mil ligan, do A C Todd, Frauk'.in W Kohn A w, Tacoma THB Aat.tNC.roN. W We*t:ake, Warspito t Hatcltward. Hvacinth A V\ H.im-,11 iownsml C l> Swrensy, Everett J A Benedict, Portland J T Rogers, do Win Mevenson. fienver Jos a Borden, Sjnikane W X (,i!uiore. o.ympia J I; Mcklnloy.N W hatin Thos Kirk, t' lownsead Ttios st Ix>tus Moriti Kix ti, ? ity * K Plimpton, Citv f K owing-, >edro k HowartiAw.PGamble w A Avery, Portland W t Hiircti, I't Augelea Ret aUiotin.i'i iowns Mrst. i.l ugiaud.'Suohui M .ss I M Ja. k»on,r<uuhiuVli»i l. ;| Janseu.Auacta l'r K W -setnealv. City RII Ferguson, Cty J M> Reavy, Hoodsp»rt Milo Kelly, Tacotni N ciiar, Dubuque, la Frank t';ab,Uubuque,la TH* NOKTHKKS. WK 11 ay nor, Everett I'las Campbell, Tacotna t ii lievis, ilo I" Forbes, jo F i lark, d > It S do A F Patterson, do Sam G folia, do J 11 W iters, rsuobomisb i' W I alliwr, Portaud A B Martin. oo >P-s McClure, do i llo*.t>e»r. IK-troit « S 1 o»»erman, do M 1> Mcv'uti hesiti. Ham A t l.swreuce, uo J Mci uteliein. d.» Mi-s .Marher A r.eice.NY i I viei.rsu, lUlt more J li it, Taconia tilldden, > K Fred ioavis, ae A 11 t raue. l.ynu. Mass 1 ii K HOMK 1 iTY liiRHCTORY, t'orhett A »:.j.'s r-es:t!» City l>.rectory is now :u pr«s« and will ap(>ear 'n new dress Those who have roa ie any tiiaiige in :ir a name, busi- c.ws or res dsnee I -aitoa sia( e having tie«?n esllea ui-oa, or persons wao are iu doubt as to t: % ir nanto* nanng rieeu tasen. w.ll pu-ase sea 1 notice o: such criaagea to our address. CortieU a i'o., P. it. u>» .isl, or toSrsitlt t ;ty Oirectory, ottie*', - -T, SeatUif oiock. Seattle. W*»r>. Trie Nor?;.era Pacific Railroad Companv run throus i i man cars from neattle to Chicago without cbsLge, tur.k.ug tt:aeo( aut trau«- coktiMiiti. ,oe Its itiaing is uuex ce..e«l and ail irds the m>wt eomfot;- at-le route lor , assenger* ticketed to jvucu ia the t.a«:, -s. ith or dootliwest. See your tickets tvad over th:s ae. For tickets, Pullman reser- vations and inosruiatioa write 1 A Nadeau. genera, a.s. t. >estt e. or cal. at city tieaet oihees, Ol> uspic blora. o,iruer Yos er avenue and FMnt street, or depot ticket uffiee, foot oi l edumbia street. can be sine! by M-ying European steamship Uck- u. outward and propai.t, at Northern Pacing city ticket beatUe, *asfc for aii hues. liokeu <>*er at! tr«anaUaeUß alaamtfeip !Jn#i <»>r N«;e at N<irther.i I'adfic cur t;ctct oSkw, curuer awu*;<s aa J t;ou; a*a»».o. Haa&. A BATTALION DRILL Very Large Numbers Out to See the Militia Train. SQUAD CONTESTS IN COMPANY B. Battles for the Medals Irsty Month- Orders From Capt. Booth?Notes From the Tacoma Guards* ATTAUOW drill drew both the largest number of soldiers as well M visitors on Monday night to the Armory that has ever gathered before to a similar event The gal* lery vat filled \u25a0 with fair visitors who watehed the movements of the militia with great interest while the drfll was in progress, and who descended to the floor and joined in the dancing as soon as the bard military work of tbc evening was over. Borne otjactionable characters who tried to get in were very quietly bnt SrmJy told that they had better depart in peace. The squad medal con- tests that are to take place in Company B Will b? held the fourth Tuesday in each month. No squad wiil be allowed to drill with leas than six men. and each drill will be preceded by an in- spection of arms and equipments. The medals will b3 worn by the members of the winning squad until the next content, wbeu some other squad may achieve the honor of wearing them by putting up a better drill. Capt ingraham, of Company E, is contemplating attaching a bicycle corps to bis company and is discussing the scheme with the memters. The idea is fa- vorably received, and if there is any way in which the bicycles can be (secured the corps will be formed at one?. Extensive investigations and endless trials have proven beyond a doubt that such su attachment to the militia is a val- uable one, aud in Europe and in the Eastern states bicycle military companies aro a great success. Company K'a Target Work. Captain Ingraham ordered Corapiuy E to the rifle range at Columbia last Saturday aud put them through a shoot at the distance of 200 yards. Each man had five shots, and those mak- ing over fifteen out of a possible twenty-five were as toliows: Captain Ingraham 4 3 4 4- 4?19 Sergeant Pbiliips 3 3 4 3 4?17 Sergeant Joslin 4 4 4 4 4?20 Serjeant Dittemore 4 3 5 3 5?20 Corporal Clay wood 3 4 3 2 3?15 Private Case, B. W 2 4 4 3 3?16 Private Kmister 2 4 3 3?Li Private Morford 5 4 4 5 4?22 Private Odiu 3 5 3 3 3?17 Private Carlston 4 4 3 5 4?20 Private Morse 2 4 2 2 5?15 Private McCouoell 4 3 4 4 2?17 Private Meiby ,3 4 4 5 2?W Private OUon 4 4 4 3 3?IS Private Speir 4 4 4 4 3-19 Private Skinner 4 0 4 3 4?15 Private Turnbow 3 4 5 4 3?19 Private Weaver 3 3 3 3 4?16 Private G.fford .4 5 4 5 5?23 Squad Drill Contests In B. Capt. L. & Booth, of Company B, has issued to his men the following order containing the con- ditions which will govern the pr.ze squad drill coutests, the first of which will begin on Tues- day night, October 25: Contests to take place on the fourth Tuesday of each month, the judges to be the first and second lieutenants and first sergeant, or such others as the company Commander may destg< nate. Each contest will be preceded by an inspection of arms, equipments and uniforms used or worn by the men in the drill following. The squad to be marked on the inspection the same as in the drill. Tlio inspection to be made bv senior judge. Perfection in the drill and inspection with a full squ.td will be marked 100; with seven men, >~' t ; with six men, 75. No squad will be al- lowed to drill witii less than six men. Au er- ror made by the whole squad, woether eight men or less, will be marked *points off; if made by one mau, 1 point off; two uieu, 2 poiuts < ff, etc. Each omission of auy part of the specified drillsnail count 4 point* on. No member can drill in any »quad except the one to whiMi he has been regularly aasigued bv the company commander. K;r<t contest will be in the school of soldiers n* far a> paragraph forty-four. The portion to be drilled iu each subsequent contest will be announced at the preceding contest 'lhe squad making the nearest toperioctiou will beawurdod the medals ami entitled to wear thorn uutil tho following contest; provided, ihut eacn member of the winning iquad has made >0 per cent, or better. Any member makiug Uss than aO per cent will not be allowed to wear a medal. Notes for i>uard*men. Company B had a good drill on Tuesday night at the Armory. Lieut. F. L. Stinson, of Company E, com- manded Company B at the battalion drill on Monday bight The officers hers are in receipt of slips sent out by Adj.-Gen. R. G. O'Brien, to be tilled out by the commissioned officers and returned to him, the object being to get a complete record ol all commissioned officers. The slips require the name, grade and date of rauk, the company, where born, whether in service of the army of the I'uited States or National Guard. TACOMA MIMTAKY HASHES. The Guardsmen Are Veterans, Having Keen In the ttattle of Uettjribarg, Tacoma, Oct. l.? [Special.]? The members ot the local companies claim that as thev have )>articipated in three battles of Gettys- burg, they should now bs classed as vet-* erans. One venturesone individval strayed over the battlefield, and picking np a car- tridge, had a card attached Htid a pink rib- bon to hang it by. iuscribed, "This takeu from the battlefield of Gettysburg," and it was taken to the Portland exposition to be exhibited. There was a short battalion drill of C and G companies Friday evening before Stirling for the exjKwition building to take part iu the last performance. Th« exposition management has reason to feel irratefnl to the "military'- for the interest taken, and. tijat it has helped towards swelling the receipts there can be no doubt The "Battle of Gettysburg" was produced six times, and at every performance au immense crowd was iu attendance. The company Tuesday evening was in com- maud of Lieut Jolly, and had the following new comrades present: Bergt. White, Sergt. Knox, (J M. f»ergt King, Corp. Amy and Corp. Emmons. Private Collins, of <1 compauy, will leave soon for Everett, where he has secured a good position. First sergt. E H. Butterfiett has returned from Kverett, where Le was engaged finishing up his firm's work. Capt Howell, Cant Billings, Lieut. Clarke, Lieut. Jolly. Sergt. Knox. Sergt King and Sergt! ssenley contributed to looking attt-r and making the visiting companies who were here lately feel at home. C company's rifle team are practicing faith fullyand mil soon bo able to give a good ac count of themselves. Maj Gaus, weil and favorably known in mili- tary circles as commanding the First battalion Fir-t regiment, N c, W\. and who considered one of the best tactitiana in the regiment, has beeu granted »ix months leave oi at>seuce and wilt for the time being make Portlaud, Or., his headquarters. "Ihere are men who are born s ddiers, with that excellent abilityof knowing just when commands are to fie given, insuring excellence at drill. An enthusiastic admirer of Vaj Gaus said today "it can be said of Ma tia is thiit he is of this quality." Another guardsman who is about to make Portland his headquarters is Sergt F. B. Mc- Donald, of G company, who has secured a lucra- tive position which eails for his be ng there most ot the time. This leaves coin pan y short of non commissioned offi<x*rs, and it byhooves the balance to get in aud work to keep meir ena up asid in line with the other companies. Lieut Dorr, of F company, t-ecoud regiment N G. W., Pavton, iVa»h., well and favorsb y known ia military circles, die! there recentiv. I ieut Knr was a capable officer aud yeil liked by all Who knew turn and wa» in attendance at the encampment at American iake. c company are recruiting a number of first class soaug men and tap:. Howell is weil pleased at the way the c-«kI w t >rk g h»s on Jackson has resigned from G company, it Compear eieetad t orp. iiauson quarter- master sergeant Ute.y. «« company ha* ;h» contain (or iu rifle teaci ex >«r(ti. H res «ett A cr«at amouot n( oriHltt i* >iue the ex-a? events t S,>r the iutew«i be to**ia tne matter. ii*sia< rule pit. arrao* if : ifp' t etr. an 1 tr\ ins; to area* aa i#:emt m VC.» tu« wytoe. riTE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCEF, SUNDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1892. the I DOORWAY is I I ALWAYS OF OPEN I PROSPERITY ? WHO ! INSURE r? IN H THE MUTUAL LIFE OF | ' . . NEW I YORK F. L STINSON, - - Gen. Agent FOR WASHINGTON-OREGON. ROOMS 20 TO 28, SAFE DEPOSIT BUILDING, SEATTLE, WASH. /?m SEATTLE fflP H MEDICAL and SLRiiICAL 3&J 1 DISPENSARY ...CONnt'CTEH BY ... Dm Merrill Mori-ill, The most widely and favorably knowa specialists on the- Pacific" l out. The- doctors are regular graduates fro'u the University of the I ity <i{ New York and of I.ons Island t'©liege Hospital, Brook- lyn. New ork. an 1 their lons experience, r -luarit- *il>:e *<ill and universal success in the treatment and cure of chronic di«e;i»cs entitle the** t<mm»nt physicians to the full conlMence of the s;tticted everywhere. No matter what your complaint, consul' these successful specialists, who are able to effeet cures In uitny c-whc" that havo t>e«»n pronounced h !{*'le*s. The; Irf»tSCIBNTiriCAUTaB.i SI C- CKSSPt I.LY. cure Q| H'KLY and CKK- .*I ANfc NTI.Y I'KIYAIK. HUKID AMiSKI.I I'l-EA-lA NKHVuI'S liKIUMTYANU KKX- IAI. DISOKIIK.LL". PILES. HSTCLA A>l> Rh.cTAL I'U'hKS, SYI'HiLIW, ttoSOKKfIfIEA, (?I.KE r. Spennatorrh i'i*,Seminal Wt-akne-». Lost Manhood. Nik'ld Emis»iona lhvtytd Kar ilties, Kheumati»m. Neurals a. Catarrh. Hro<-.-hlus. Asthma. Tumors, >.ruptions. s»all P.henra and t*cr<i;ula. HYr>H'«"HU; VARICOCELE an i S"TUI* rrRKH radicallv and safely cnrvl w thoni pain or delentton from husmesa and curea <-iarau- ieed. All 4>'f->rmitles and impediments to quickly removed. A t ERTAIN AND I><»SITIVK CURE tor th« awl'a. e;Teot?« of ? arlv . .ce and the numvruuj evils that follow in its train. Unnt experience, with unparalleled * tickets, is l!i»» h*--t evidence of a s*ill. iUHKANISOr WOMENaii') recet v<» :»oe*-lal atie .ii ut Consiili t»T«ou»lly »h>» <»LI>E<T an t moat E\ I'KKI KM ED SPECUMsrs «a Itie l - '-a«i. or write, sending *lan>p C<-n< i<:at »a ir«* mi conttdeniKL. Trrmeut Block, till Front Street, .Seattle. \u25a0 ~Ni?V./. v LATEST! - y 1 Li ia p.nmphiet No. 2, jo*i l&suea, Contaii.a of "Br. PiVrre's ißg V '?Vpßl'alest Vaitaait Belt "*h ;»p»aa- it) aud bptnal A| .aucw. latest Iraprova-S Beet ,-v N ID the World. Kjrapblel eentSealad VX_ i t 4 ct» >n Suapa. I!»;t .ri or Addreaa -»"V- s(«aarlle Klaalir Truaa (?Miway Mr MaPraariaee faiiroraia ?f Sa IU Win* fctwst, rsrtlsa*. Qrer* a SAVE A DOLLAR TO-DAY IT wiu ii maiT Ti aoßßow SEATTLE SAVINGS BANK Is an institution for iwv-injrs, and afford* the op. |K>rtuaity. lutnoi paid on dcj*i>;ts every six Uiooths if iUsirctl asving boxt.» s>ven i. ?>;»a!«it. oi* Money to iuau on real estate. C«ll ia> IWtigßtr Mk Ynut Av« A»» aovm map ST. DR. SANDEIT'B ELECTRIC BELT ~aA liMji ELECT*#- IMPROVEMENTS. SWMSoSr. Will «afa WiOioat Madiciaa ail Uritmi reaaltlac from ovcriaiailcn of braia, n»r«* farcaa.assmiaaaor ia'iacratioa, aa itiua. tituttiM. dr»,o« ioaaaa. urmi debi tt*a» IwsifM miu.>r. tbnun-a, aidner, li»»r aad "b.adSat "??'»mu. bat*. wiailaa, ganara ill-saaiik. ate Tan cieririe i-all eosuiuo WaaSarfbl lifni'Mi, *ll attiara. aad rota a eurrtcl that it iai-.aatiT fe'ibrtha »>«ir or »e forf-U fs.noo, and wIH fsm »:i of the alora dlMuo or aa pa;. Ikoam 1* hat* bean en rod b* tf.ia m%r- Ta'oua iaientiou after alt o»b*r raaaedlea failed, aa* «a fl»a boudra.il uf lao-.iaiSEikla .a «M» and ererr otter aula. Oarpawrfal ISPKOI Kit Kit! Tilt Msritji'll. (ha ffreatrat boon »T»r < Par-J ink aca.lKEt WITH 111 RSI.TS Health and n<ir#a atrea«th M*U|ITII»IiHI<>N Dara. Sand far m unrated Taoiphicu, aaiiad. aaaie*. freak Addraea ?AFFDXIIV BLBCTHIC 00., Ho. 172 First St.. PORTLAND. ORF / /YourselfiX M m Ask your Druggist lor ? A fr>, m bottle of Bvj V. Ttu only % f/r&f lon-pouonous remedy for all \u25a0 ItVaiV tbe unnatural dis< haiKes and private diseases ef men aud tha IEmUI -lebiliutiiig *eak ;.»-&> pecuoar 1 to women. It cure* in a few \u25a0 iQOladays without the aid or lr |?il of a doctor. %*" \Th» f mrrrt.il American Off*. % % Manufactured by \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 % XTbe ?raaa Chemical Oe.*"r mm SMITH PREMIER own Aft, g ftuwi Ipljiuf HOP GROWERS! w#> ran supply you with \u25a0 & SULPHUR f\ ( y OB KOLL. In any <|uantitien. Order* by mail B»ven oarntul ntt<>ntion and whip- mentt* promptly madti. M. STEWART & HOI,IS DRUG CO.. ~~ TO:j Front Street. Seattle. ALBERT HANSEN TOO FKOXT Celebrated I'atek, Philltppe Ac Co. Ueneva Watohwi. 7* :-: ENOINEERS r ANLrA^^TECTS'SUPPLIES^r| TRANSITS, LEVELS. RODS. >SLES, CHAINS. ETC. I Full lim Of KtttW * Saaar Goo da. X LI) WHAN i HINFORB STATIOSIKI AM fIWTIM CO, (16 PROST STRUT. I

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Page 1: u25a0 I PROSPERITY - Chronicling America



Points the Outer Guards AreAllowed to Furnish.


QSMS City, Ho. 10, K. of P.* Fays aFraternal Visit to Caity?Degree

Vsrk for the Odd Fellows.


HE Ancient Orderof United Work-

J men took a greatspurt on Mondsynight, when Co-lumbia Lodge, No.10, initiated sixty

new members.Buch a record itunheard of. evenin tbia city of fra-ternities, and Co-lumbia Lodge andits members are to

be warmly con-gratulated on sucha magnificent rec-ord. Those Inter-

ested war# so happy over the result that they

Indulged iu a fine banquet after the ritnai workbad been performed. Lest night the Went sienttleLodge of Knlgbia of Pythias took in t?n now

member* in the presence of a largo number ofvisitors from the city proper. This organisation

baa now a comfortable and safe membership,and Ita adherent* take great interest in thework. On Thursday night (Jueen City. No. 10, K.P., paid a fraternal visit to Unity Lodge, No. 94,

oat in the Walla Walla addition and were cor-diallyreceived and well treated by the brothersin that happy suburb Great activity is beingdisplayed by a constantly increased number ofbelievers in the order of Royal Arcanum. TheKebek&hs will begin their socials on nextWednesday evening at the Odd Fellows' tem-ple in North Seattle, and on October 'JO theFriendship Social Clnb, composed of youngOdd Fallows, will give their first entertainmentof the season. The Masons are quietlypursuingrbe even tenor of their way, but are makingprogress toward their pet scheme lor the estab-lishment of their library. Each loJge has ap-pointed a committee and matters will take defl-nit* shape iu a short time.

Fro* and Accepted Masons.On Monday Arcana Lodge, So. fC. F. A A. M.,

had a regular communication and after businesswas dispatched the Entered Apprentice degreewm conferred on one candidate.

On Thursday especial convocation of SeattleChapter, No. 3. Royal Arc h Masons, waa heldand the Pas. and Most Excellent Master degrees

were worked. From this date during the wintermouth* nil Masonic bodies have their time ofmeeting hali an hour earlier. Of thia the fra-ternity wtil take notice.

The ladles of liorrame Chapter, No. 6, OrderEastern Star, have under the able committee incharge of Mr*. W. V. Rinehart completed theirarrangement* for the entertain neat In Masonictemple on Weduesdav, Ortober 12. The pro-gramme will la': announced thi* wecK, and themusical part wiU be of the highost order.

\u25a0\u25a0dependent Order of Odd Fellows.Seattle 1-odge, No. 7, of the I O. O. F., held a

line meeting ou Tuesday night and conierredthe third degree ou one candidate.

Olive Branch, No. 4, met on Wednesday nightand put thmugb one candidate in the beautifulwork of lho First decree. It is aaid that thesecred ritea were contorted tu a manner neverbefore sees in this city. The team that OliveBranch has is said tu be one of the finest in tbeState

On Wednesday night Rctteksh Jewel ftegreeLodge, No. 4t>, held a meeting for the first timeIn Its new hall in the Hiuck.ey block. One newmember was initiated. The lodge received a\u25bcisit from the grand master of the state, W. G.Albin, and gave him a cordis! welcome. Hecomplimented the lodge on its good work andfine showing. A banquet followed the regularwork.

Gsrmanla Lodge, No. 102, met on Thursdaynight and transacted a large amount of impor-tant business.

night Mystic l»dge. No. 81, met at thensuat placo and conierred the Third degree onone candidate.

Brattle Lodge, No. 7, will give a barlesgue do-|rw la about throw weeks.

The Knights of Pythian.On Monday Queen City Lodge. Nix 10, K. of

P., incitt the regular place and conferred thePego rank on one aspirin* candidate. Arrange-ments were nlso consummated for the visit toUnity Lmlgo. No M, which did take place ontho following Thursday evening.

Lake Lodge, Na ftv, met on Tuesday eveningand conferred the Pago and Esquire ranks ontwo candidates.

Seattle, Na 61. met on Wednesday night, and,strange to say, transacted only routine business.On Thursday uiglit Queen City l.odg'\ No. 10,paid a fraternal visit to Unity lodge. So. IM, inthe W alia W alia addition, and were given a roy-ally good time. Speeches aero made by a num-ber of the visiting and local msmbers and allhad a jollygood time. More of these visits willIst arranged lor In the near future, as they tendto promote a fine feeling of fraternal love andaffuctton.

last night a number of the Seattle brotherswent over to West Seattle and assists! the lodgeover there to iaitiate ten new member''.

North Star. No 4?, h«is hail a largely increasedattendance Mine itehaiigod its general meetingplace to tlic Pythian castle. In the Frye block.I-ast uight the lodge uiet and transacted muchimportant business.

Harmony Lodge, No. 5, uiet on Thursdaynight with Chancellor Commander K. Morgen-steru In the chair The Km)aire rank man con-ferred on two candidate*.

Puget Sound l.od?«» \n. ?i, held its regularmeeting on Friday tiurht and conferred theKnight rank on threv candidate-.

Woodland lodge, of K:<imont, has incorporatedwith a capita! stork «?! sl, j«» The lodg- is in aprost«routCondition, aud its members are do.lug fine work.

Ancient Order I iiitsil Workmen.Sh->rtlv alter J o'clock '.asi Mondav evening a

large nambcr ot A. O U. W members begnu toassemble and set tea Iv for a go«*i time in theirhall lu the Masooic building, corner of Secondand Pike Btrest*. Th \u25a0 occasion was one ofgreat interest to the order at large. and espec-iallyto Columbia I. »«\u25a0:«\u2666, N v 10, the attractionbalng the initiation into said lodrv of tiftr-Avemember*. 1 his brings the membership of thislodge up to aNvit ?? with more to lie initiatedMonday evening next. It s helieved to !*« tholargest b«ige of »nt o: l. r in the statu of Wash,tnglou, and intra is to hold it*position A* faras can t«e learned no lodge in Oregon o 1- Wash-ington has taken in a» msny at one time eventat the n stitut ni of anew one Ihe meetingwa»calle<t tooidcr by VVorkman Will-

lam 1 heoi.iitig. who invited several of the vis-

Itors prcseut to a scat on his r.ght. \mongt>:enatnlter v»e notnv l the grand recorder of Wash-inglon, W. K Stcinback, of Tacoma. '1 tie hallwas titled «ith a treble r 'is of chairs, everv oneof which wm filled. I .'.ere were present about3DO, not including t' e csmdidaies lorThe i-edestai In roat , ft « presiding officer sChair had upon It a very title Unique! of flowerspresented b> one of 'tie brothers, which ?!-e?it«»dthe whole h 1 >in a'td g.*v*t i very tine aj»-

pearance. the work accompiisbe<t is the morecommondsb'.e. Inasmuch us tlieic l:a* »M<«n n«hohlme laek oi a»r>!ra>its, the tact t-e ng thatten memiwrs w.-rv laken iu August, andseveral others the earlv part ot Septsuihwr.The order lor the initiati a of caudidates ha*tt.g been rest red tN- mamer workman resignedhis posttioa fv>r the time l-eiug and i> I» ilrandktasterO. > Jones proceeded to tnrtruct thossaspiring to becwae members into the mvstertesot "workrianship" in s maauer dittcult to tieImproved uin> s. A finet t«vl> meti :s rarely»reu In a Iv-d.ro room an i reflected s>vat creditu -on tbtwe who bad them. All tbcoffi-Cs'Ts with b'-ii on; eXcepllou »«tsi present an vjpot:Ortned ibeir re«|«oi tive liul'.m iu s msuiitrgratifying to ail true w.trkmen. while ho whowas not pr\-sent the earlier part ol the eveningturned up later After ihe ceroinouie. ot roatriding were over an aOiourneMnt was made tothe batif noting hall where everyone was s-<v,i

employed gaittui; on the outside ot s« much co'-

Iste. ssudwirhes. fruit, vl. . as they convenient yeould. li was rumored that a msuivr of tu vproeimoi ug ci>;amittee, lesnstg test thereshould t e a dearth of good things by someMean* p-<s> n»'<d I.;-!.self of a key pertaining to« certKiu restaurant, while the owner ot th«aante was taking riding .esso;.* tipon the goat

tiar iby the w. ?»;.:«# tor such pi.rpOwa Hesticoueded in g-ott ng :wo Uuled hams and tomeother edit>ios and left tSie i>wner toaend in hi*

feO*wh«u te fiivw-U u.kuv« L.« iwaa, Altvt

?app«r the majority left for borne, while theothers retained to the lodge roost, where thebom* members were entertained by some inter-esting remarks from visitors, some of whichsavored very strongly of "tsfTy." The meeting

then broke up, eTeryone feeling good. Allmembers who possibly can sre requested to at-

tend next meeting, as business of importancewill come up.

Ancient Order Foresters of America.The regular meeting of Court Enterprise, So.

7,962, wa*held on Thursday evening in G. A. R.ball, and in connection wttii a large amount ofroutino business two cand.dntes were initiatedand ten applications for membership were re-ceived and acted upon. This meeting wssmarked as beior the largest in the history of thecourt, the ball being filled to its utmost ca-pacity.

J>r. D. B. Channel!, of Portland, grand chiefrang9r of Oregon and Washington, paid an in-formal visit to the court snd wss received bythe "boys" upstanding and giving a hearty ap-plause of welcome lu speaking under the headof "Good of the Order" Dr. Channell expressedhis great pleasure at beiur present in the courtmeeting again and at seeing such a large num-

ber present, which spoke well of the livelv in-terest felt in the court and the order in general;that, in fact, the meeting rsnked far ahead ofany other which he bad attended within hisjurisdiction.

Queen City Circle, Companions of the Forest,held their semi-mouthly meeting on Wednes-day evening in G. A. R. ball, and after disposingwith routine business a good programme wnsrendered by a number of the members, whichproved highly instructive and Interesting. Itwas decided that the second Thursday evening

of each month ve set apart for socials, givenunder the auspiees of the Court and Circle tothe members and their lady irieud*, thus bring-ing thern iuto closer fraternal relation with oneanother.

Court Monte Cristo has been instituted at Sno-homish with a charter list of forty names, anda new court organized at Everett, the presentoutlook beiug very encouraging at both places.

P. J. Witt man, deputy grand chief ranger forWashington, will visit the newly organisedcourt at Everett next Wednesday evening, andwill no doubt give it a good impetus on ItsForestic journey.

Ancient Order of Foresters.Court Friar Tuck, So. 7,#il, had an interest-

ing and well attended meeting last Thursday.Nine applications were received for member-ship and twelve candidates were duly initiatedinto the order. Among other business done,the chief ranger, A. J. Clark, waa elected aadelegate to the next meeting of the Sub HighCourt, and to enable worthy applicants to enterat a low price, the charter was opened for twoweeks. The social feature of the evening waagreatly aided by Brother Williams' singing. Atthe present rate of program the court, not amonth old, will number 159 members before theclose oi the year.

Independent Order Good Templar*.Seattle Lodge, No. 6,1. O. G. T. t held their reg-

ular meeting Monday evening, with a good at-tendance. After the regular business the fol-lowingprogramme was rtudcred:Reading Mr. George F. CotterillRecitation Mr. William B. MullenRemarks Mr. Charles EastonRecitation and oncore Mr. B. E. EgganPaper Mise H.ValentineRemarks Mr. John Brown

Next Monday being the twsnty-sixth anniver-sary of Seattle lodge, a meeting appropriate tothe occasion wilt be held. All the members ofaister lodges are invited to be present.

Woodmen of the World.On Friday night Seattle Camp, No. 69. W. of

W., held a regular meeting in O. A. R. hall.liuportaut bualneas was transacted, and twonew members elected to membership. A com-mittee waa appointed to make arrangements foran opeu rnesting, to be held on Friday night,October 28. It is expected this meeting will bsthe beat open meeting held by the craft inSeattle, the camp having added about fifty newmembers since its first meeting 01 the kind,held July 6.

Women's Relief Corps Fair.The Stevens and Miller corps held a joint

meeting Friday aftcrnoou to consult about theircoming fair. There was a full attendance, andall the ladies were enthusiastic. The executivecommittee reported that as far as their workhad progressed, it had been most encouraging,and that wherever they had been solicitingthey were received with courtesy and gen-erosity.

Sons of St. Oeorgs.

Washington Lodge, No. ,lu7, met last Tuesday.The attendance was unusually large. A com-mittee was appointed to make preliminary pre-paration for a large family social, to take placeat>out October 25l Next Tuesday the ordinarymonthly meeting will be held.

Lstons Fraternal News.I-ntona todgc, I. O. O. T., No. 29, held their

regular meeting Thursday eveaiug, with quitea large attendance. The following literary pro-gramme was rendered:Heading Mrs. 9atnuel CoonsKecitatiou Mrs. William CowanSong Miss Ada BellReading Miss Patella CowanK'citation Mr. E t Williams.Hong Mrs. W lliam CxpcstickKeadiiifc Mrs. Samuel Coon-, jrl»uet Miss Winnie Walker, Mrs. A. C. Walter

The members have decided to give a "GreenSocial" next Saturday evening, October h. ,\

very nice literary programme will be given. Ro-freshment« will be served also. Everybody cor-dially iuviied to attend.

Tacoina Fraternity News.Tacoma, Oct. I.?Special.}?Assembly

Knights of labor, held the first red letter meet-ing iu several years last Wednesday.

T!ie Trades Council transacted no business ofImportance this wc«*k!

The employes of the Tacoma Railway A MotorCompany hare presented Auditor Bird with asolid silver ten set.



.1 Wataon, Tacoma J K ItutiiphriesA w, CityK L lawyer, do W H Thompson Aw, doK s Johnson do l»r F W Sparling doM S Do tinher, EHenst'rgß O Itii.-e A w, do<» A t'otumbia B B Ford, w A c dos Williams, Blaine W II llill A w, doA II Harding Portland F V Dingman, doI M Fisher, Port Town C Primrose, Ft MadisonW Kreduiau, W Uatcoin O M Kellogg A w. Alia1* M li-t.iH', i'ort.«na CC Ihorntoii, EverettW P llerrv, do K M linker, Whatcomft' W illtanis, Suohom'hW I. Meredith Aw, CitvW l> Child*, do F F Williamson, OlyuiJ II t'obenU, Tacoma J A Gram, PortlandM P Roche. Omsha A J Koslord, 6 FE A Granden, K Wusb'gW I, Hill, Cityit i Smith A», I'ort.'d IIE Mil ligan, doA C Todd, Frauk'.in W Kohn A w, Tacoma

THB Aat.tNC.roN.W We*t:ake, Warspito t Hatcltward. HvacinthA V\ H.im-,11 iownsml C l> Swrensy, EverettJ A Benedict, Portland J T Rogers, doWin Mevenson. fienver Jos a Borden, SjnikaneW X (,i!uiore. o.ympia J I; Mcklnloy.N W hatinThos Kirk, t' lownsead Ttios st Ix>tusMoritiKix ti, ? ity * K Plimpton, Citvf K owing-, >edro k HowartiAw.PGamblew A Avery, Portland W t Hiircti, I't AugeleaRet aUiotin.i'i iowns Mrst. i.l ugiaud.'SuohuiM .ss I M Ja. k»on,r<uuhiuVli»i l. ;| Janseu.Auactal'r K W -setnealv. City RII Ferguson, CtyJ M> Reavy, Hoodsp»rt Milo Kelly, TacotniN ciiar, Dubuque, la Frank t';ab,Uubuque,la


WK 11 ay nor, Everett I'las Campbell, Tacotnat ii lievis, ilo I" t« Forbes, jo

F i lark, d > It S doA F Patterson, do Sam G folia, doJ 11 W iters, rsuobomisb i' W I alliwr, PortaudA B Martin. oo >P-s McClure, doi llo*.t>e»r. IK-troit « S 1 o»»erman, doM 1> Mcv'uti hesiti. Ham A t l.swreuce, uoJ 1» Mci uteliein. d.» Mi-s .Marher A r.eice.NYi I viei.rsu, lUlt more J li it, Taconia

tilldden, > K Fred ioavis, a eA 11 t raue. l.ynu. Mass

1 iiK HOMK 1 iTY liiRHCTORY,

t'orhett A »:.j.'s r-es:t!» City l>.rectory is now:u pr«s« and will ap(>ear 'n new dress Thosewho have roa ie any tiiaiige in :ir a name, busi-c.ws or res dsnee I -aitoa sia( e having tie«?nesllea ui-oa, or persons wao are iu doubt as tot: % ir nanto* nanng rieeu tasen. w.ll pu-ase sea 1notice o: such criaagea to our address. CortieUa i'o., P. it. u>» .isl, or toSrsitlt t ;ty Oirectory,ottie*', - -T, SeatUif oiock. Seattle. W*»r>.

Trie Nor?;.era Pacific Railroad Companv runthrous i i man cars from neattle to Chicagowithout cbsLge, tur.k.ug tt:aeo( aut trau«-coktiMiiti. ,oe Its itiaing is uuexce..e«l and ail irds the m>wt eomfot;-at-le route lor , assenger* ticketed to jvucu iathe t.a«:, -s. ith or dootliwest. See your ticketstvad over th:s ae. For tickets, Pullman reser-vations and inosruiatioa write 1 A Nadeau.genera, a.s. t. >estt e. or cal. at city tieaetoihees, Ol> uspic blora. o,iruer Yos er avenue andFMnt street, or depot ticket uffiee, foot oiledumbia street.

can be sine! by M-ying Europeansteamship Uck- u. outward and propai.t, atNorthern Pacing city ticket beatUe, *asfc

for aii hues.

liokeu <>*er at! tr«anaUaeUß alaamtfeip !Jn#i<»>r N«;e at N<irther.i I'adfic cur t;ctct oSkw,curuer awu*;<s aa J t;ou; a*a»».o.Haa&.


Very Large Numbers Out to Seethe MilitiaTrain.


Battles for the Medals Irsty Month-

Orders From Capt. Booth?Notes

From the Tacoma Guards*

ATTAUOW drilldrew both thelargest numberof soldiers aswell M visitorson Monday nightto the Armorythat has evergathered beforeto a similarevent The gal*lery vat filled

\u25a0 with fairvisitorswho watehed themovements of

the militia with great interest while the drfllwas in progress, and who descended to the floorand joined in the dancing as soon as the bardmilitary work of tbc evening was over. Borneotjactionable characters who tried to get inwere very quietly bnt SrmJy told that they hadbetter depart in peace. The squad medal con-tests that are to take place in Company B Willb? held the fourth Tuesday in each month. Nosquad wiil be allowed to drill with leas than sixmen. and each drill will be preceded by an in-spection of arms and equipments. The medalswill b3 worn by the members of the winningsquad until the next content, wbeu some othersquad may achieve the honor of wearing themby putting up a better drill. Capt ingraham,of Company E, is contemplating attaching abicycle corps to bis company and is discussingthe scheme with the memters. The idea is fa-vorably received, and if there is any way inwhich the bicycles can be (secured the corps willbe formed at one?. Extensive investigationsand endless trials have proven beyond a doubtthat such su attachment to the militia is a val-uable one, aud in Europe and in the Easternstates bicycle military companies aro a greatsuccess.

Company K'a Target Work.Captain Ingraham ordered Corapiuy E to the

rifle range at Columbia last Saturday aud putthem through a shoot at the distance of 200yards. Each man had five shots, and those mak-ing over fifteen out of a possible twenty-fivewere as toliows:Captain Ingraham 4 3 4 4- 4?19Sergeant Pbiliips 3 3 4 3 4?17Sergeant Joslin 4 4 4 4 4?20Serjeant Dittemore 4 3 5 3 5?20Corporal Clay wood 3 4 3 2 3?15Private Case, B. W 2 4 4 3 3?16Private Kmister 2 4 3 3?LiPrivate Morford 5 4 4 5 4?22Private Odiu 3 5 3 3 3?17Private Carlston 4 4 3 5 4?20Private Morse 2 4 2 2 5?15Private McCouoell 4 3 4 4 2?17Private Meiby ,3 4 4 5 2?WPrivate OUon 4 4 4 3 3?ISPrivate Speir 4 4 4 4 3-19Private Skinner 4 0 4 3 4?15Private Turnbow 3 4 5 4 3?19Private Weaver 3 3 3 3 4?16Private G.fford .4 5 4 5 5?23

Squad Drill Contests In B.Capt. L. & Booth, of Company B, has issued to

his men the following order containing the con-ditions which will govern the pr.ze squad drillcoutests, the first of which will begin on Tues-day night, October 25:

Contests to take place on the fourth Tuesdayof each month, the judges to be the first andsecond lieutenants and first sergeant, or suchothers as the company Commander may destg<nate.

Each contest will be preceded by an inspectionof arms, equipments and uniforms used orworn by the men in the drill following. Thesquad to be marked on the inspection the sameas in the drill. Tlio inspection to be made bvsenior judge.

Perfection in the drill and inspection with afull squ.td will be marked 100; with seven men,>~'

t ; with six men, 75. No squad will be al-lowed to drill witii less than six men. Au er-ror made by the whole squad, woether eightmen or less, will be marked *points off; if madeby one mau, 1 point off; two uieu, 2 poiuts < ff,etc. Each omission of auy part of the specifieddrillsnail count 4 point* on. No member candrill in any »quad except the one to whiMi hehas been regularly aasigued bv the companycommander.

K;r<t contest will be in the school of soldiersn* far a> paragraph forty-four. The portion tobe drilled iu each subsequent contest will beannounced at the preceding contest 'lhe squadmaking the nearest toperioctiou will beawurdodthe medals ami entitled to wear thorn uutil thofollowing contest; provided, ihut eacn memberof the winning iquad has made >0 per cent, orbetter. Any member makiug Uss than aO percent will not be allowed to wear a medal.

Notes for i>uard*men.Company B had a good drill on Tuesday night

at the Armory.

Lieut. F. L. Stinson, of Company E, com-manded Company B at the battalion drill onMonday bight

The officers hers are in receipt of slips sentout by Adj.-Gen. R. G. O'Brien, to be tilled outby the commissioned officers and returned tohim, the object being to get a complete recordol all commissioned officers. The slips requirethe name, grade and date of rauk, the company,where born, whether in service of the army ofthe I'uited States or National Guard.

TACOMA MIMTAKY HASHES.The Guardsmen Are Veterans, Having

Keen In the ttattle of Uettjribarg,Tacoma, Oct. l.? [Special.]? The members ot

the local companies claim that as thevhave )>articipated in three battles of Gettys-burg, they should now bs classed as vet-*erans. One venturesone individval strayedover the battlefield, and picking np a car-tridge, had a card attached Htid a pink rib-bon to hang it by. iuscribed, "This takeu fromthe battlefield of Gettysburg," and it was takento the Portland exposition to be exhibited.

There was a short battalion drill of C and Gcompanies Friday evening before Stirling forthe exjKwition building to take part iu the lastperformance.

Th« exposition management has reason tofeel irratefnl to the "military'- for the interesttaken, and. tijat it has helped towards swellingthe receipts there can be no doubt The "Battleof Gettysburg" was produced six times, andat every performance au immense crowd was iuattendance.

The company Tuesday evening was in com-maud of Lieut Jolly, and had the followingnew comrades present: Bergt. White, Sergt.Knox, (J M. f»ergt King, Corp. Amy and Corp.Emmons.

Private Collins, of <1 compauy, will leavesoon for Everett, where he has secured a goodposition.

First sergt. E H. Butterfiett has returnedfrom Kverett, where Le was engaged finishingup his firm's work.

Capt Howell, Cant Billings, Lieut. Clarke,Lieut. Jolly. Sergt. Knox. Sergt King and Sergt!ssenley contributed to looking attt-r and makingthe visiting companies who were here latelyfeel at home.

C company's rifle team are practicing faithfullyand mil soon bo able to give a good account of themselves.

Maj Gaus, weil and favorably known in mili-tary circles as commanding the First battalionFir-t regiment, N c, W\. and who i« consideredone of the best tactitiana in the regiment, hasbeeu granted »ix months leave oi at>seuce andwilt for the time being make Portlaud, Or., hisheadquarters. "Ihere are men who are borns ddiers, with that excellent abilityof knowingjust when commands are to fie given, insuringexcellence at drill. An enthusiastic admirerof Vaj Gaus said today "it can be said of Matia is thiit he is of this quality."

Another guardsman who is about to makePortland his headquarters is Sergt F. B. Mc-Donald, of G company, who has secured a lucra-tive position which eails for his be ng theremost ot the time. This leaves t« coin pan y shortof non commissioned offi<x*rs, and it byhoovesthe balance to get in aud work to keep meir enaup asid in line with the other companies.

Lieut Dorr, of F company, t-ecoud regimentN G. W., Pavton, iVa»h., well and favorsb yknown ia military circles, die! there recentiv.I ieut Knr was a capable officer aud yeil likedby all Who knew turn and wa» in attendance atthe encampment at American iake.c company are recruiting a number of firstclass soaug men and tap:. Howell is weilpleased at the way the c-«kI w t>rk g h»s on

Jackson has resigned from G company,it Compear eieetad t orp. iiauson quarter-

master sergeant Ute.y.«« company ha* ;h» contain (or iu rifle teaciex >«r(ti. H res «ett A cr«at amouot n(

oriHltt i*>iue the ex-a? events t S,>r the iutew«i beto**ia tne matter. ii*sia< rule pit. arrao* if: ifp' t etr. an 1 tr\ ins; to area* aa i#:emt mVC.» tu« wytoe.












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