ubiquitous space 1889

Ubiquitous Space 1889 Karl D. Brown 2012-2014. A rules upgrade for 1889 that is essentially plug and playwith existing 1889 materials. Space 1889: is Frank Chadwicks registered trademark for his roleplaying game of Victorian Era space-faring. Leagues of Adventure is the rpg of Victorian Adventure by Paul Wade-Williams. This article is presented under Fair Use and is intended to enhance the popularity of both works. Both Leagues of Adventure and Space 1889 are required to make full use of this article. This version current as of 11/04/2014. Latest version is on Scribd Introduction The Space 1889 setting was a breakthrough when published, in 1988 but even by the standards of the day the rules system was clunky and combat was especially confusing. Being able to run existing adventures with a modern set of rules has been a long held desire of many. The obvious choice is to convert to an existing thoroughly tested popular set of rules rather than creating a whole cloth. The ideal conversion would be able to use existing adventures and supplements with almost no work. The best approach would be conversion for smallest rules units (such as attributes, skills, etc) so that any existing rule can be translated. The Ubiquity system is well suited to this purpose because it has similar sets of attributes and skills to 1889 and these are assigned values within similar ranges. The goals of this article are to: Provide a plug-and-playconversion, for the most part converting pre-existing NPCs, PC careers, equipment, and adventures should be just a matter of translating the names of the attributes, skills etc. into the names used in Ubiquity. Maintain fidelity to the original Space 1889 setting both stated and implied by the rules set. Since I started on this project another group has produced a Ubiquity version of Space 1889. However this version was initially only available in German and only recently did I discover that later an Engilsh version was funded via Kickstarter. I do not have access to that publication do not know if you can use your old GDW Space 1889 adventures and materials as easily with it. It is likely that the German version (and its translation) did not have a plug-and playconversion for using old GDW materials as its primary goal. I would be grateful to anyone who has a copy and willing to comment. While one could easily run a game set in the Space 1889 universe using the Leagues of Adventure rules as isthis option would not have good fidelity to the original source material because the Leagues of Adventure (LOA) makes very different assumptions about player characters and the society they live within, assumptions that are hardwired into the rules. Compared to Leagues of Adventure, Space 1889 is much closer to historical Victorian society. In Space 1889 society is more rigid; social class and gender both limit occupation; in turn occupation determines the bulk of a characters skill set. Additionally, compared to Leagues of Adventure Space 1889 characters are: From a broader cross section of society and social class Often extraordinary in one attribute Found to have a broader range of wealth On average wealthier (greater discretionary funds) Page numbers are given as LOA# for Leagues of Adventure and GDW# for Space 1889. This document contains several optional rules for 1889 purists. Optional rules restore some additional features of Space 1889 but add complexity marring the slick simplicity of Ubiquity. I suggest trying the conversion without the optional rules first.

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Post on 30-Oct-2014




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A rules upgrade for 1889 that is essentially plug and play with existing 1889 materials.Space 1889 was a breakthrough when published, in 1988. However the rules system is clunky compared to many current games and combat was especially confusing. Being able to run existing adventures with a modern set of rules has been a long held desire of many.The obvious choice is to convert to an existing thoroughly tested popular set of rules rather than creating a whole cloth. The ideal conversion would be able to use existing adventures and supplements with almost no work. The best approach would be conversion for smallest rules units (such as attributes, skills, etc) so that any existing rule can be translated. The Ubiquity system is well suited to this purpose because it has similar sets of attributes and skills to 1889 and these are assigned values within similar ranges. For the most part converting pre-existing NPCs and adventures should be just a matter of translating the names of the attributes and skills into the names used in Ubiquity.Requires Space 1889 and Leagues of Adventure for use.


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Ubiquitous Space 1889 Karl D. Brown 2012-2014.

A rules upgrade for 1889 that is essentially ‘plug and play’ with existing 1889 materials.

Space 1889: is Frank Chadwick’s registered trademark for his roleplaying game of Victorian Era space-faring. Leagues of Adventure is the rpg of Victorian Adventure by Paul Wade-Williams. This article is presented under Fair Use and is intended to enhance the popularity of both works. Both Leagues of Adventure and Space 1889 are required to make full use of this article.

This version current as of 11/04/2014. Latest version is on Scribd

Introduction The Space 1889 setting was a breakthrough when published, in 1988 but even by the standards of the day the rules system was clunky and combat was especially confusing. Being able to run existing adventures with a modern set of rules has been a long held desire of many.

The obvious choice is to convert to an existing thoroughly tested popular set of rules rather than creating a whole cloth. The ideal conversion would be able to use existing adventures and supplements with almost no work. The best approach would be conversion for smallest rules units (such as attributes, skills, etc) so that any existing rule can be translated. The Ubiquity system is well suited to this purpose because it has similar sets of attributes and skills to 1889 and these are assigned values within similar ranges. The goals of this article are to:

• Provide a ‘plug-and-play’ conversion, for the most part converting pre-existing NPCs, PC careers, equipment, and adventures should be just a matter of translating the names of the attributes, skills etc. into the names used in Ubiquity.

• Maintain fidelity to the original Space 1889 setting both stated and implied by the rules set.

Since I started on this project another group has produced a Ubiquity version of Space 1889. However this version was initially only available in German and only recently did I discover that later an Engilsh version was funded via Kickstarter. I do not have access to that publication do not know if you can use your old GDW Space 1889 adventures and materials as easily with it. It is likely that the German version (and its translation) did not have a ‘plug-and play’ conversion for using old GDW materials as its primary goal. I would be grateful to anyone who has a copy and willing to comment.

While one could easily run a game set in the Space 1889 universe using the Leagues of Adventure rules ‘as is’ this option would not have good fidelity to the original source material because the Leagues of Adventure (LOA) makes very different assumptions about player characters and the society they live within, assumptions that are hardwired into the rules. Compared to Leagues of Adventure, Space 1889 is much closer to historical Victorian society. In Space 1889 society is more rigid; social class and gender both limit occupation; in turn occupation determines the bulk of a character’s skill set.

Additionally, compared to Leagues of Adventure Space 1889 characters are:

From a broader cross section of society and social class Often extraordinary in one attribute Found to have a broader range of wealth On average wealthier (greater discretionary funds)

Page numbers are given as LOA# for Leagues of Adventure and GDW# for Space 1889.

This document contains several optional rules for 1889 purists. Optional rules restore some additional features of Space 1889 but add complexity marring the slick simplicity of Ubiquity. I suggest trying the conversion without the optional rules first.

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What Has Been and What is to Come/The Victorian Age Do not use this chapter of Leagues of Adventure. The first chapter of LOA describes a setting a decade ahead of Space 1889 and with very different assumptions. Players are directed to read ‘The Victorian Age’ chapter of Space 1889 instead. Take this as a further statement of intent; this article is not about mixing the two settings, it is about preserving the setting of Space 1889 while applying a different rules set.

In general Space 1889 is less technologically advanced except in the field of space travel and pays greater attention to the classed society of historical Victorian England. The core rulebook for Space 1889 provides a lot more background material than LOA but to be fair LOA draws on numerous novels written during the Victorian Era providing ready-made sourcebooks and is therefore truer to the fiction of the period. I enjoyed reading both and consider both to be excellent settings for Victorian era adventure.

Concerning the Nature of Character and Inherent Qualities/Characters Character Generation Overview While historically groups much like the Leagues of Adventure exist they are not an important part of the Space 1889 setting. Therefore characters do not get zero level rank in a League. The defining aspects of 1889 characters are social class and career. Alterations to the character creation process are noted in detail below working through the character generation steps (LOA16-17).

Note that these rules tend to make 1889 characters more powerful than those of LOA. However, three other changes made to emulate 1889 (NPC capability, event resolution, and ‘semi-automatic’ fire) eat into this power-gain substantially.

Step 1 Archetype You archetype is your career in Space 1889. Unlike the freeform archetypes of LOA, Space 1889 careers have attribute and gender requirements that must be met in step 3 below. Characters can have a second career if they wish at the cost of fewer discretionary skill points. Non-human characters, such as the Martians given in the core Space 1889 rules, are available as PCs and are represented by ‘careers’.

The text boxes in the careers section of 1889 provide good background information that will help you formulate a likely background for your character, understand how your character fits into the world, and the kinds of personalities often associated with your career choice.

Step 2 Motivations This step is unchanged from LOA21.

Step 3 Primary Attributes At this point the desire to emulate Space 1889 causes greater divergence from LOA. Every career has requirements, where those requirements are primary attributes convert to LOA 1 to 1 as per table 1. It is recommended that players check the requirements for their desired career before assigning values to primary attributes.

Space 1889 Attribute Ubiquity Attribute

Strength Strength

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Agility Dexterity

Endurance Body

Intelligence Intelligence

Charisma Charisma

Social Class Social Class (new)

- Willpower

Table 1: Attribute conversions. Note there is no 1889 equivalent to Willpower when converting NPC’s in printed adventures use average of Social Class and Charisma round down or just pick a value. For NPCs associated with players, such as Allies, assign unspent points to Willpower.

Players have 22 points to spend on primary attributes rather than 15. You must meet the requirements of your career(s). Most attributes must be in the 1 to 5 range. Unlike LOA you may have 1 attribute rated 6; the maximum for this attribute is also raised by 1 (to 6).

Space 1889 presented an option that player characters have one attribute at 6, one at 5 etc. down to 1. Purists may instigate the following:

Optional rule: Players to distribute the following values among their character’s attributes: 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, =22pt

Social Class In Space 1889 social class is of greater importance therefore a new primary attribute has been introduced. Social class is your place in society from poor (1) to aristocrat (6) just as it is in Space 1889. PCs may come from any social class. Most careers have a Social Class requirement. Social Class grants Resources and Talents in later steps of character generation and is associated with three skills during play. In addition a character’s Rank (LOA59) in any non-criminal organisation is limited to Social Class or lower. Only characters of Social Class 5 o 6 may take Status (LOA65).

Step 4 Secondary Attributes This step is unchanged. In addition, a character’s weight in pounds is 20xStrength then add 100 as in Space 1889.

Step 5 Skills All Space 1889 skills have LOA equivalents (see table 2). Unlike LOA, you have 16pt to spend on skills not 15. There are also restrictions on how you spend your skill points. You must buy the skills associated with your career(s) at the level listed with the career. After you have bought your career skills any remaining points are free choice. A character with two careers has only 2 free points to spend on skills just as in Space 1889. Umlike LOA skills can be bought to level 6 and characters do not get zero level skills. A selection of translated career skill lists follow to allow faster character generation; all the careers form the core book. Note however not all published careers for 1889 are given below, more were published in articles and suppliments, and even for those given taking the more involved option of doing the translation yourself effectively gives you more skills to choose from.

Army Male only. Stratified by Soc Soc1: Private Soldier, any branch – Melee 1, Survival 1, Firearms 1, Bureaucracy 1.

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Infantry: Firearms 1, Bureaucracy 1 Cavalry: Riding 2, Investigation 1. Artillery: Gunnery 2, Craft (Mechanics) 1 Sapper: Firearms 1, Demolitions 2 Medical Orderly: Medicine 1, Science (Biology) 1, Empathy 1 Soc2: Non-commissioned officer-Melee 1, Survival 1, Firearms 1, Intimidation 1. Branch skills the same as for private soldiers. Soc3: Officer, native regiment or technical branch. Intimidation 2, Firearms 1, Melee 1. Infantry (Native Regiment): Expeditions 1, Linguistics (including language of troops commanded) 1, Empathy 1. Cavalry (Native Regiment): Riding 1, Linguistics (including language of troops commanded) 1, Empathy 1. Artillery: Gunnery 2, Craft (Mechanics) 1. Engineer: Science (Engineering) 3 Surgeon: Medicine 2, Science (Biology) 1 Soc4: Officer, common regiment or technical branch-Intimidation 2, Firearms 1, Melee 1. Branch skills the same as for Soc3 except that for the Infantry and Cavalry Linguistics 1 is removed and Expeditions 1 added in its place. Soc5-6: Officer, fashionable infantry or cavalry regiment- Intimidation 1, Firearms 1, Melee 1, Linguistics (any European language) 1, Riding 1, Diplomacy 1.

Navy Male only. Stratified by Soc Soc1: Ordinary Seaman- Athletics 1, Gunnery 1, Craft (Mechanics) 1, and any four of the following: Linguistics 1, Investigation 1, Melee 1, Firearms 1, Trimsman 1, Pilot (Any) 1, Medicine 1. Soc2: Petty Officer-Athletics 1, Gunnery 1, Craft (Mechanics) 1, Intimidation 1, and any three of the following: Linguistics 1, Investigation 1, Melee 1, Firearms 1, Trimsman 1, Pilot (Any) 1, Medicine 1. Soc3,4: Engineering Officer- Intimidation 1, (Craft Mechanics) 2, Science (Physics) 1, and any three of the following: Linguistics 1, Investigation 1, Melee 1, Firearms 1, Trimsman 1, Pilot (Any) 1, Medicine 1. Soc5,6 Line Officer- Intimidation 2, Melee 1, Piloting (any) 1, Investigation 1, plus any one of the following: Academics 2, Anthropology 2, Connoisseur 2, Linguistics 2, Firearms 2, Gunnery 2

Foreign Office-Agent Int4+ Linguistics 2, Spying 2, Con 2, Investigation 1.

Foreign Office-Diplomat Male, Soc3+ Int4+ Bureaucracy 2, Linguistics (French & two others) 3, Diplomacy 1, Empathy 1.

Colonial Office Male, Soc4+ Bureaucracy 1, Linguistics 2, Diplomacy 1, Empathy 1, Con 1, Firearms 1.

Big Game Hunter Dex 4+, Bod 5+ Expeditions 1, Stealth 1, Survival 2, Firearms 2, Linguistics 1

Explorer Bod 5+, Str 2+ Survival 2, Expeditions 1, Firearms 1,Linguistics 2, Diplomacy 1, Athletics 1.

Dilettante Traveller Soc 5+ Expeditions 2, Pilot (Nautical, Balloons, or Aerial) 1, Science (any) 1, Survival 1, Firearms 1, Athletics 1.

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Adventuress Female only, Int 4+, Chr 5+ Melee 1, Firearms 1, Linguistics 2, Con 2, Diplomacy 1, Spying 1, Performance 1

Reporter Int 4+, Chr 4+ Investigation 1, Con 2, Performance 1, Expeditions 1

Actor Soc 4-, Chr 5+ Con 3, Performance 1, Linguistics 2, Diplomacy 1

Personal Servant Soc 3-, Chr 4+ Melee 1, Linguistics 2, Bureaucracy 1, Medicine 1, Riding 1, Empathy 1

Tutor/Governess Soc 2,3, or 4, Int 5+ Science (any) 2, Linguistics 2, Performance 1, Con 1, Intimidation 1, Medicine 1

Grounds Keeper Soc 3-, Bod 4+ Firearms 1, Expeditions 1, Survival 2, Stealth 3

Inventor Int4+, Dex3+ Science (physics) 2, Science (Engineering) 2, Craft (Electrics) or Craft (Mechanics) 2.

Merchant Soc4-, Chr4+ Bureaucracy 3, Performance 1, Linguistics 1, Diplomacy 2.

Mechanic Soc 3-, Dex 4+ Craft (Mechanics) 3, Science (Engineering) 1, Science (physics) 1, Investigation 1, Bureaucracy 1

Engineer Soc4-, Int4+ Science (Engineering) 2, Craft (Mechanics) 2, Science (Physics) 1, Investigation 1.

Seaman Soc3-, Str3+ Brawl 1, Melee 1, Athletics 1, Linguistics 2, Pilot Nautical 1, Investigation 1.

Detective Soc3+, Int5+ Melee 1, Science (Chemistry) 2, Spying 2, Con 1, Survival 2, Medicine 1.

Doctor Soc3or4, Int4+ Science (Biology) 2, Medicine 3, Investigation 1, Linguistics 1.

Scientist Soc4+, Int5+ Science (Physics) 3, Science (Engineering) 1, Investigation 1, Linguistics 2 (German and French*) *If either of these are your native language you get English instead.

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Master Criminal Second career only Int6 Spying 2, Craft (Chemistry) 1, Melee 1, Firearms 1, Con 1, Linguistics 1, Intimidation 2, Medicine 1

Poacher Soc 3-, Dex 4+ Firearms 1, Melee 1, Stealth 2, Survival 2, Larceny 1

Smuggler Bod4+, Dex4+ Melee 1, Pilot Nautical 1, Acrobatics 2, Linguistics 1, Bureaucracy 1, Athletics 1.

Thief Soc3-,Dex5+ Melee 1, Stealth 1, Larceny 1, Gambling 2, Con 1.

Anarchist Soc3-,Dex5+ Spying 2, Melee 1, Performance 1, Demolitions 1, Con 1, Linguistics 1.

Canal Martians: General Notes I'd ignore the triple and double costs for Canal Martians to learn human skills and languages. Some fan made rules for Martians grant bonuses and penalties to characteristics, do not do this stick to the canon prerequisites of Str4- and Bod2+ for Canal Martians instead.

Canal Martian Merchant Canal Martian Str4-, Bod 2+, Int4+, Soc3 (exactly) Bureaucracy 2, Ride 1, Brawl 1, Archery 1, Survival 1, Firearms 1.

Canal Martian Cloud Sailor Canal Martian Str3or4, Bod2+,Soc3 (exactly) Trimsman 2, Melee 2, Gunnery 1, Archery 1

Canal Martian Mercenary Soldier Canal Martian Str3-4, Bod2+, Soc 3 (exactly) Archery 2, Firearms 1, Melee 1, Survival 1, Expeditions 2

Hill Martian: General Notes Social Class represents the characters standing among Hill Martians. Hill Martian Soc adds to skills and provides benefits during character generation but in a role playing sense most NPCs will not regard you as anything more than a savage with social standing 1. Some fan made rules for Martians grant bonuses and penalties to characteristics, do not do this stick to the canon prerequisites of Str4- and Bod2+ for Hill Martians instead. As far as skills are concerned I would inform players during character generation that human technical and weapon skills are vitually unknown among Hill Martians but not formally impose any bans on skill selection or expendidature of experience points.

Hill Martian Freelance Hill Martian Str4-, Bod 2+ Riding 2, Archery 2, Firearms 1, Survival 1, Expeditions 1.

Hill Martian Nomad Warrior Hill Martian, Str4-, Bod2+. Riding 2, Animal Handling 1, Archery 1, Survival 2.

Skill Translation Where two Space 1889 skills overlap in translation (for example Leadership and Eloquence can both translate to Diplomacy) the player should select different Ubiquity skills for each if at all possible. There are no default skills gained from attributes in this conversion. Also unlike Space 1889 you do

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add your attribute level to any skills you have points in (see LOA73 for associated attributes). If you have no points in a knowledge type skill (usually those based on intelligence, the untrained skill use rules in LOA cover this (attribute level -4, minimum 0). For non-knowledge skills roll attribute -1.

Space 1889 Skill Ubiquity Skill

Bargaining Bureaucracy

Close Combat Melee

Crime Choose one: Larceny or Spying or Acrobatics

Eloquence Choose one: Con or Diplomacy or Performance

Engineering Choose one: Craft (Carpentry) or Demolitions or Science (Engineering)

Field Craft Expeditions or Stealth

Fisticuffs Brawl

Gunnery (any) Gunnery

Leadership Choose one: Diplomacy or Performance or Intimidation

Linguistics Choose one: Academics or Anthropology or Connoisseur or Linguistics. Linguistics provides one extra language per skill level (not a group of languages as per LOA and not by skill rating). In 1889 the languages of the colonial powers will dominate most interactions.

Marksmanship Firearms, Athletics, or Archery

Mechanics Choose one: Craft (Electrics) or Craft (Mechanics)

Medicine Medicine

Observation Choose one: Investigation or Empathy or Art

Piloting Choose any one Pilot. A new pilot skill ‘Ether Flyer’ exists.

Riding Choose one: Animal Handling or Ride

Science Choose any one Science or Craft (Chemistry) or Craft (Pharmacology) or Craft (Electrics). For Science use 1889 (not LOA cascade skill divisions) except there is no Science Chemistry (this is a Craft now).

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Stealth Stealth

Swimming Athletics

Theatrics Choose one: Con or Gambling

Throwing Choose one: Athletics or Melee or Archery or Sports

Tracking Survival

Trimsman (either) Trimsman (new skill)

Wilderness Travel Survival or Expeditions

Table 2: Skill conversions. Note that every LOA skill appears on this table. Trimsman is a new skill a description of this skill can be found in Space 1889 and the skill is frequently used in rules relating to liftwood vessels in this document. Unlike Space 1889 a single Trimsman skill covers both Martian and European vessels.

Skill Specialisations Note that in Space 1889 aeroplanes and submachineguns have yet to be invented and there are no stats for crossbows. Therefore, do not take specializations in these.

Social Class Skills In addition three skills have had their associated attribute switched to Social Class to reflect that opportunities to learn and practice these skills is more common for the upper classes and to better emulate the original source material. These skills are:

Pilot, Ride, Medicine.

Step 6 Talents and Resources This step is completely rewritten. Compared to those of LOA, 1889 characters typically have considerably more resources and talents at their disposal after character generation but are restricted in their choices.

Characters receive Talent and Resources from two allocations: a common allocation in this step and allocation by social class in Step 8.

All characters receive a rank zero Talent or Resource and two other levels. Choice however is restricted. Talents that increase primary attributes are not allowed these are: Agile, Giant, Intelligent, Iron Will, Strong, and Tough. Players must work through table 3 from top to bottom until their allocation is spent.

Character is/has… Receives… (Maximum 2 levels plus one at zero)

Personal Servant Career Ally 2: Master

Adventuress Career Ally 2: Gentleman Companion

Military Career Officer Rank 1: in your service

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Master Criminal Ally 1: Henchman

Social Class 6 Ally 1: Manservant if male, Maid or Manservant if female.

Inventor Artefact 1

Adventuress, Criminal, Inventor Wealth 1

Master Criminal An additional level of Wealth

Any character Any Talent 1 except Agile, Giant, Intelligent, Iron Will, Strong, and Tough

Any character Any Talent 1 except Agile, Giant, Intelligent, Iron Will, Strong, and Tough

Inventor Artefact 0

Social Class 3 or 4 Refuge 0

Social Class 4 to 6 Rank 0 in a Society*

Any Contacts 0, or Fame 0, or Patron 0

Table 3: General Talents and Resources. *Only Societies that were a historical fact or that appear in canon Space 1889 materials, not the fictional Leagues of LOA.

Rank Most often rank is used to describe military rank rather than rank within a league or society. However, several organisations are either historically fact or mentioned in the 1889 canon including: British Aeronautical Society (GDW166), The Martian Missionary Society (GDW167), Royal Geographic Society (GDW 122-123), The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge, and the Royal Martian Geographical Society (a suitable Heliograph Press invention), and the somewhat disreputable Explorer’s Club (“Steppelords of Mars” mentions that this club has Clubhouses as far afield as Moeris Lacus and Sytris Major).

Step 7 Flaws (Optional) This step is unchanged.

Step 8 Starting Experience Points/Social Class Benefits Step 8 Experience has been completely replaced with the following rules for the benefits of Social Class. These benefits replace, and usually exceed, those provided by experience during character generation in LOA.

Social Class Talents and Resources

1 Any one Talent 1

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2 Wealth 1, any one Talent

3 Wealth 2, Refuge 1

4 Wealth 3, Refuge 1

5 Wealth 4, Refuge 1

6 Wealth 4, Refuge 1, Status 1

Table 4: Social Class benefits.

Step 9: Finishing Touches This section is unchanged except for determination of equipment. Characters are assumed to have ordinary clothing as appropriate for their social class; clothing that if subjected to anything more than a brief walk through the snow covered streets of winter London will not be sufficient protection and most likely be ruined. Adventurers who expect to trek the wilds should buy appropriate garments. If the character has a residence this is furnished as appropriate to the character’s social class. Unlike LOA, characters do not automatically get any weapons or tools.

Most characters begin with funds from Wealth (free funds and gear equal in value to a month of income); those with no wealth have £1 to spend. Players may only select gear from the Space 1889 equipment lists; they may not shop from LOA.

Step 10: Starting Style Points No change to this section.

Sample Characters/Sir James Rochester None of the sample characters in LOA are compatible. Instead I present the fine example of Sir James Rochester.

Archetype: British Army Officer, Cavalry Regiment. Attributes Body 3

Charisma 3

Dexterity 2

Intelligence 2

Strength 3

Will 3

Social Class 6

Size 0

Move 5

Perception 5

Initiative 4

Defence 5

Stun 3

Health 6

Skills Diplomacy 2+3=5

Firearms 2+2=4

Melee 2+3=5

Linguistics 1+2=3 (French)

Ride 2+6=10

Performance 1+3=4

Connoisseur 1+2=3

Expeditions 2+2=4

Intimidation 2+3=5

Brawl 1

Flaw Nil

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Talents and Resources Rank 1 Army Officer

Ally 1 Manservant

Contacts 0 (Military)

Wealth 4

Refuge 1

Status 1

Starting Equipment

Rochester has £500 worth of funds and adventuring gear.

Resources/Non-Player Characters

Allies, Followers, and Patrons For Allies, Followers, and Patrons the tables below replace those within LOA. This necessitates small adjustments to the attribute and skill levels found in original 1889 materials. The skills and attributes are raised by the same amounts as for PCs and attributes are applied to held skills (LOA73). Note that all Allies, Patron and Followers only have resources as determined by their social class but social class itself is limited.

Another issue is that after creation PCs in this conversion do not increase their Attributes players expect that NPCs are under the same restriction. This becomes a problem when a player advances an attached NPC to the next resource level. One solution is that the player finds a new more competent NPC. However, player become attached to particular NPCs and would rather keep and advance them. For this reason notes are included that provide additional skills in lieu of attributes.

Ally Ally Example Attributes Skills Maximum

Social Class

0 Weak 16 6 1

1 Average 19 11 3

2 Talented 22 16 6

3 Influential 25 21 6

4 Powerful 28 26 6

5 Very Powerful 31 31 6

Table 5: Allies: an existing ally gains 10 skill points with every level advanced instead of the increase in the above table.

Stock Allies For full narrative descriptions of these characters refer to your copy of Space 1889. Except for the henchman, each has two skill lists, choose one. The first preserves all of the skills from the 1889 version providing the breath to cover skills the party is lacking. The second preserves the NPC’s higher-ranking skills providing better competence within a narrow focus. Where Social Class grants a Talent ones that simply boost secondary attributes are granted to keep game play simpler. The social class listed in 1889 is preserved.

Gentleman Companion Ally 2 Str 3, Dex 5, Bod 2, Int 1, Chr 4, Wil 1, Soc 6 Size 0, Move 8, Perception 2, Initiative 6, Defense 7, Stun 2, Health 3 Brawl 1+3=4, Sports 1+5=6, Stealth 2+5=7, Firearms 1+5=6, Expeditions 1+1=2, Athletics 1+3=4, Science (astronomy) 1+1=2, Performance 2+4=6, Linguistics 3+1=4(French, German, Italian), Ride 2+6=8, Pilot 1+6=7 (Nautical).

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Alternate Skill List: Brawl 1+3=4, Stealth 3+5=8, Firearms 1+5=6, Expeditions 1+1=2, Performance 3+4=7, Linguistics 2+1=3 (French, German), Ride 4+6=10. Motives: Friendly, Generous. Talents and Resources: Wealth 4, Refuge 1, Status 1 Size 0, Move 8, Perception 2, Initiative 6, Stun 2, Health 3. Motives: Friendly, Generous.

Manservant Ally 1 Str 4, Dex 3, Bod 4, Int 2, Chr 3, Wil 1, Soc 2 Size 0, Move 7, Perception 3, Initiative 5, Defense 7, Stun 4, Health 5 Brawl 1+4=5, Athletics 1+4=5, Stealth 1+3=4, Firearms 1+3=4, Expeditions 1+2=3, Investigation 1+2=3, Diplomacy 1+3=4, Linguistics 1+2=3 (French), Bureaucracy 1+2=3, Ride 1+2=3, Medicine 1+2=3. Alternate Skill List: Brawl 2+4=6, Expeditions 2+2=4, Investigation 2+2=4, Linguistics 3+2=5 (French, German, Spanish), Ride 2+2=4. Motives: Honest, Loyal, Steady Talents and Resources: Wealth 1, Robust Size 0, Move 7, Perception 3, Initiative 5, Defense 7, Stun 4, Health 7.

Maid Ally 1 Str 2, Dex 3, Bod 3, Int 4, Chr 4, Wil 1, Soc 2 Size 0, Move 5, Perception 5, Initiative 7, Defense 6, Stun 3, Health 4 Brawl 1+2=3, Athletics 1+2=3, Sports 1+3=4, Stealth 1+3=4, Expeditions 1+4=5, Empathy 1+4=5, Linguistics 1+4=5 (French), Bureaucracy 1+4=5, Performance 1+4=5, Ride 1+2=3, Medicine 1+2=3. Alternate skill List: Diplomacy 2+4=6, Empathy 4+4=8, Linguistics 3+4=7 (French, German, Italian), Ride 2+2=4. Motives: Honest, Loyal, Cautious. Talents and Resources: Wealth 1, Alertness Size 0, Move 5, Perception 7, Initiative 7, Defense 6, Stun 3, Health 4.

Master Note: the Master is an ally not a patron because he is physically present during most of the PCs adventures and he is usually swayed to do as the PC wishes, but not always. Ally 2 Str 4, Dex 4, Bod 4, Int 2, Chr 2, Wil 2, Soc 6 Size 0, Move 8, Perception 4, Initiative 6, Defense 8, Stun 4, Health 6 Brawl 1+4=5, Sports 1+4=5, Stealth 1+4=5, Firearms 1+4=5, Expeditions 2+2=4, Athletics 1+4=5, Investigation 1+2=3, Science 1+2=3 (chemistry), Diplomacy 1+2=3, Linguistics 2+2=4 (French, Arabic), Ride 4+6=10. Alternate skill List: Brawl 2+4=6, Sports 1+4=5, Stealth 2+4=6, Firearms 2+4=6, Expeditions 2+2=4, Linguistics 3+2=5 (French, German, Arabic), Ride 4+6=10. Motives: Adventuresome, Arrogant (or Proud), Rage. Talents and Resources: Wealth 4, Refuge 1, Status 1 Size 0, Move 8, Perception 4, Initiative 6, Defense 8, Stun 4, Health 6.

Henchman Ally 1 Str 4, Dex 5, Bod 3, Int 3, Chr 2, Wil 1, Soc 1 Size 0, Move 9, Perception 4, Initiative 8, Defense 8, Stun 3, Health 4 Brawl 3+4=7, Athletics 2+4=6, Stealth 5+5=10, Larceny 2+5=7, Expeditions 1+3=4, Investigation 2+3=5, Con 2+2=4 Gambling 2+3=5. Motives: Loyal, Sadistic Ambitious. Talents and Resources: Iron Jaw Size 0, Move 9, Perception 4, Initiative 8, Defence 8, Stun 4, Health 4.

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Followers Followers Number* Attributes Skills Maximum

Social Class#

0 1 16 6 1

1 2 16 6 2

2 4 16 6 3

3 6 16 6 4

4 8 16 6 5

5 10 16 6 6

Table 6: Followers: *instead of increasing the number of followers you may improve them by 10 skill points for each additional level instead of the increase in the above table. Alternatively you may replace them with more competent individuals with +3 Attribute points, +5 Skill points, and +1 Maximum allowed Social Class for each additional level. Note that a level of Social Class is not granted but the maximum is raised. However in game it is very difficult to rise in social class and improvements in this area most likely represent old followers leaving to be replaced by new ones. # The maximum social class of Followers is the listed value or the PCs own Social Class whichever is lower.

Patron Patron Attributes Skills Benefit Maximum Social Class*

0 19 11 +1 Bonus Character’s own +1 (max 6)

1 22 16 +2 Bonus Character’s own +2 (max 6)

2 25 21 Bonus Resource Character’s own +3 (max 6)

3 28 26 +4 Bonus Character’s own +4 (max 6)

4 31 31 Bonus Resource Character’s own +5 (max 6)

5 34 36 +8 Bonus Character’s own +5 (max 6)

The upper classes often take promising members of the lower classes under their wing. Table 8: Patrons. *Patrons of Social Class 6 receive additional levels of Status up to the Patron level. The player may decide the Patron has a lower status than indicated but is not compensated for this choice. Status 6 indicates the patron is member of a major royal family, possibly even Queen Victoria herself! When advancing patrons it is more likely that the player exchanges for a more powerful individual, if however the same patron is kept do not advance attributes and add 10 skills for each level instead of the increase in the above table.

Mechanisms of the Known and the Unknown/Event Resolution The contents of this chapter are left largely alone. Die rolls are as described except for the Difficulty ratings are raised by one. This approaches the probabilities of success in 1889 more closely and lowers the power level of the characters a little. In some instances, such as the freeze ray, a save in 1889 must

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be converted to a Ubiquity difficulty, the save column here is for that conversion. In a few places the Space 1889 adventures call for a ‘quick roll’ when that occurs treat difficulty as Average 3.

Difficulty 1889 Equivalent Rating Save

Easy Easy 1 5-6

Average Moderate 3 4

Tough Moderate 4 3

Hard Difficult 5 2

Very Hard Formidable 6 1

Nigh Impossible Impossible 7+ 0

Table 8: Revised difficulties: note that Easy still allows a skill of 1 to succeed but other Difficulties have raised target numbers.

Style Style is awarded for player activity and roleplaying. Experience (next section) is rewarded for in-character achievement. At the start of the session I use this checklist: Style Point for: Player: Player: Player: Player: Player:

Showing up 1

On time (within 15min) 1

Brought snacks to share 1

Brought some Victoriana (article, object, book etc.): 2

Brought game aid (other than dice and pencil) such as useful miniature, : 1

Brought writing or drawing related to parties adventures: 3

During the session (From Leagues of Adventure): During the game you may earn Style points during play for a variety of different reasons: * Pursuing your character’s Motivation: 1 pt. * Succumbing to your character’s Flaw: 1 pt. * Heroic actions (Cool tricks, daring stunts, brave acts, etc.): 1 pt. * In-Character (Roleplaying, humor, etc.): 1 pt.

Experience Points Leave the gaining of experience per session as described (LOA106) except that the referee keeps track of experience throughout the adventure and awards xp at the end of the adventure rather than at the end of each session. When spending experience the referee will dictate how some of the points are spent to reflect the circumstances, the content of a published adventure, or the guidelines in Space 1889 (GDW48). In practice the referee keeps a tally of xp from actions that directly relate each of the renown types in Space 1889, those related to Knowledge for inventing (GDW49) and a free choice xp tally for actions not related to any renown type of knowledge. A rate of 0-1 free choice xp per hour of

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play and 0-1 assigned xp per hour of play is about right. Often a printed adventure will give some guidance for assigned xp. At the end of the adventure the referee informs the players of xp Renown, Knowledge and free categories. Renown points are only awarded if the players exploits are seen by many or the players promote their adventures after the fact, perhaps with the Times. Knowledge points do not suffer this restriction. Finally, some canon adventures award renown or knowledge to particular careers. It is recommended that these career restrictions on awards be ignored. Most often such awards are for scientific discovery or martial service to the Crown both of which are themes of the setting all players should be encouraged to participate in.

Attributes Attributes are not to be raised after character generation except in extraordinary circumstances, probably involving an invented organic compound or marriage to a duke. The Space 1889 rewards are converted as follows.

Money Valuable goods and cash rewards are left as they are printed.

Renown Type/Knowledge LOA experience

Close Combat xp Melee or Brawl

Heroic Acts Fame, Followers, Allies, Patrons.

Scientific Achievement (for inventions rated Artifact 1 or higher created during play)

Fame, Followers, Allies, Patrons. Possibly Rank in the ‘Royal Society’ or similar*.

Exploratory Discoveries Fame, Followers, Allies, Patrons. Possibly Rank in the, Royal Geographical Society, or similar*.

Military Prowess Fame, often with a medal by level: 0-1 campaign medal, 2-3 mentioned in dispatches, 4-5 Distinguished Service Order (officers) or Distinguished Conduct Medal (other ranks), 6 Victoria Cross. Officers only (Social 4 to 6) might be awarded Status 1 but no higher (a peerage as described GDW48, 33). Further rewards would give a peerage of increasing precedence but this has no game mechanical effect.

Service to the Crown Fame and/or Patrons. If Social Class 5-6 Status might also be awarded.

Free Experience Attributes are never raised after character generation. Other than this Free Experience can be spent in any fashion chosen by the player that relates to the events and outcomes of the adventure (i.e. the referee can veto expenditures that do not make sense)

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Knowledge for Inventing Transportation Electricity Biochemistry The Ether Optics Geology & Metallurgy Flight Precision Machinery Power Combustion

Each xp point is assigned to one research area by the referee. Xp may be spent on the skills assigned to that research area in the inventing section Science (Engineering) and Craft (Mechanics) Craft (Electricity) and Science (Physics) Craft (Pharmacology) and Science (Biology) Craft (Electricity) and Science (Physics) Science (Physics) and Craft (Mechanics) Science (Geology) and Craft (Chemistry) Science (Engineering) and Science (Physics) Science (Engineering) and Craft (Mechanics) Mechanics and Science (Physics) Demolitions and Craft (Chemistry)

Awards and Renown These come in different categories read GDW48-49 for advice. Renown in a printed adventure is translated as LOA experience points (1renown to 1xp) spent on the items below: Table 9: Experience. *Only Societies that were a historical fact or that appear in canon Space 1889 materials, not the fictional Leagues of LOA. Every player should be a handout of table 9 to record their character’s experience points on. Referee’s worksheet

Renown Type/Knowledge Player: Player: Player: Player: Player:

Heroic Acts

Scientific Achievement (for inventions rated Artifact 1 or higher created during play)

Exploratory Discoveries

Military Prowess

Service to the Crown

Free Experience

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Knowledge for Inventing Transportation Electricity Biochemistry The Ether Optics Geology & Metallurgy Flight Precision Machinery Power Combustion

Fisticuffs, Firearms, and Falling with Grace/Combat This LOA chapter is unchanged. Notes for converting Space 1889 weapon for use in Ubiquity rules are presented in the appropriate sections. Optional rule: Morale. Unlike 1889, Leagues of Adventure does not formalize morale for NPC’s leaving this to the discretion of the referee. Those wishing to roll for NPC morale may do so as follows. When the Space 1889 rules would call for a morale check roll NPC Will+Melee against a Tough difficulty (4). PCs may aid NPCs using Performance+Charisma to inspire or Intimidate+Will to brow-beat. In these cases treat as a Teamwork check (NPCs roll Will+Melee) but without the requirement for participants to have at least 4 dice each (LOA32).

Aerial Combat NOTE: this system has had only preliminary play testing. I’d love feedback on where it is flawed. Here we present a hybrid system that combines a variant of the movement rules for aerial combat from Space 1889 with the dice rolling and vehicle attributes from Ubiquity (LOA141). For the most part these rules follow the standard Ubiquity procedure for combat. Rolls against a variety of skills replace the random rolls of the Space 1889 aerial combat system to ensure that most characters in a roleplaying party would be able to contribute meaningfully to an aerial battle.

Ships The first step is to convert the vessels to a modified Ubiquity format. Size = Use the largest of A and B. this replaces the number in the square box on the ship record sheet.

A= count the number of squares of length on the vehicle record sheet x6. This is the length in feet. However for except gas-bag vehicles halve this number before consulting the Size table (LOA28) as flyers have a thin profile.

B= Machinery is denser than flesh so halve tonnage then consult the Size table Def = DV+X. Where X is 2 for gasbag lift, 4 for mostly wooden Martian ships, and 6 for metal and wood European ones. Most land vehicles are also in the 4 to 6 range but iron-clad engines like the Tin Juggernaut would be 8. This replaces the number in the hexagon on the vessel record sheet. Strc = This is more complicated than presented for Leagues of Adventure, see the section below. Spd = 1889 Speedx12 (also in parenthesis note speed in 200’ hexes/6 seconds=LOA Spd/40 round up unless less than one in which case express as 1/x where ‘x’ is a number of rounds). This replaces the number in the circle on the vessel record sheet. Han = Is by type. Gas bag -2, Kite -2, Screw Galley -1, or Steam Launch 0. Use the LOA vehicles as a guide for other vehicle types. Modifies both Pilot and Trimsman. Crew = Count up the crew boxes, manoeuvre boxes, and gunner circles

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Pass = Count the number of passenger boxes Cost = As per 1889. Structure Total Structure: This is what is used if normal vehicle combat as presented in LOA is used. For most vehicles this is Sizex5. For Aerial vehicles for which a Space 1889 aerial combat record sheet is available count all the hull and screw (or mast) damage boxes. Component Structure: For aerial combat a more detailed approach is used. Use the record sheets given in Space 1889. Each damage box is a point of Structure except those for Crew and Passengers (see below). Apply the ship’s defence only and determine damage of this hull hit.

Example: Aerial Steam launch. Size 2 Def 6 put in hex Structure: Total 10, Component see record sheet in Space 1889. Spd 60 (2 hexes) put in circle Han 0 Crew 5 Pass 4 Cost £4840

Turns Turns are 6 seconds long the same as in LOA combat. Initiative can be determined in one of two ways. For player characters and important NPCs roll initiative as per normal except for the ship’s captain. All non-important NPC or ship actions occur on the roll of Intimidation for the ship’s captain representing the skill at which orders are given. PCs and important NPCs take individual actions. The actions of unimportant NPCs generally boil down to the ship moving the firing weapons. However should the order of actions become important they act in the following order all on the Captain's Intimidation roll: captain, officers, petty officers, deck hands, manoeuvre crew, trimsman, passengers. Generally, the actions of most unimportant NPCs except gunner and helmsman can be ignored most combat rounds. At least until damaged ship’s mostly fire and perform a double move. Ship’s fire weapons on the lowest initiative among the weapon’s gunners. Ships move on the lowest of the helmsman’s or manoevre crew’s initiative.

Ship’s Crew PCs and Important NPCs might have their attack action consumed by a ship action. Generally where a skill check is called for and the post not staffed treat the result as zero successes. For a character to move positions (say a deckhand to replace a fallen gunner or a upper class passenger to assume command as captain requires a move action assuming they do so without others protesting). Captain: In most turns the Captain’s action can be ignored. He must be ready to sacrifice an attack action for social skill checks when called for by these rules and thus often holds their action. If called on to make a skill check when he has spent his action treat as zero successes. Only the captain can affect morale rolls. Manoeuvre Crew: use up their attack action stoking the boiler, tending the sails, or working the crank-shaft as appropriate. The maximum speed of the vessel can never be more than the number of Manoeuvre crew who have already taken an attack action to keep the vessel working in the round. Signals (if any) if multiple vessels are to fight in a coordinated fashion or PCs on different ships wish to communicate the Signals officer must spend an attack action for this to happen. Helmsman (Pilot) must spend an attack action to move the vessel, or both actions for the round if the vehicle is to make a double move. Since maximum allowed move is limited to the number of manoeuvre crew actions already taken the Helmsman by default holds his action until after all of the Manoeuvre crew. If the helmsman does not perform his duty the ship continues at the same speed (including double move if that was performed) as the last round. Gunners must use their attack action for the ship's weapon they are attending to fire. If the weapon has a crew of two or more then the appropriate number of attack actions must be spent for the weapon to reload. If the gun is understaffed then the required number of attack actions can be spread over multiple rounds to reload. Trimsman must use an attack action to maintain trim on any liftwood vessel. If this action is not spent everyone aboard takes -1 to all rolls as the deck pitches up and down until the trimsman resumes his

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duty. Also, there is a 1in6 chance that the vessel drops one altitude at the end of every round in which the trimsman neglects his duty. Officers and Petty Officers: these are essentially spares during combat (see default skill levels below). Deckhands: while needed for the long term running of the vessel deckhands are not needed in combat except perhaps to take the posts of fallen comrades. Default skill levels. If not defined a crewmember serving at their original post has a skill level of 7, an officer or petty officer stepping in has 6, a deckhand replacing someone has 5, and a passenger stepping in has only 3.

Movement Note that the movement rates of vessels is lower than given on the original sheets to accommodate a shorter combat round however since the manoeuvre crew usually spend both actions on keeping the ship moving then in most rounds a ship usually performs a double move. Move can never exceed the number of manoeuvre crew actions used to move in that round to a maximum of the ship’s double move. Movement is conducted on hexes as described in Space 1889 (GDW102) except that the rule for collisions is changed. If two vessels enter the same hex at the same altitude the helmsman of each vessel should as a defensive action make a pilot roll (average 3). Don't forget to modify for vehicle's handling. If the vessel is without a pilot the trimsman may decide to make an emergency fall as a defensive action. If he does he makes a trimsman roll (tough 4) the vessel falls one altitude level, and everyone aboard is jostled for -1 to all actions until the trimsman spends an action to level and settle the ship. If neither the helmsman nor trimsman makes a defensive roll, roll one die. As long as either ship gets at least one success a collision is averted. If a collision occurs and either ship attempted an emergency fall both vessel fall one level. When a collision occurs both vessels roll dice equal to Size+Def and compare successes. The looser takes damage equal to the difference. If an emergency fall causes a vessel to reach the ground it crashes.

Altitude Altitude is handled exactly as described in Space 1889.

Kites The rules for kites require only one modification; kites move at 1d3 each 6 second turn or 1d6 for a double move. A kite performing a single move cannot then ‘change its mind’ and perform another move action.

Combat All ship weapons retain the fields of fire as shown in the vessel record sheets in Space 1889. No ship may fire on another if the difference in altitude is greater than the range. If firing on a higher target is possible add 200' to the range for every level of altitude separating the vessels. Firing on lower altitudes does not affect range gravity is with you. Rate of fire for weapons is that used in personal combat. Assume that vessels are in the midpoint of their hex (vessels in adjacent hexes are 200’). Where vessels are in the same hex range is 100’ unless a collision or ram occurs in which case range is 0’. In fact all weapon statistics are those used in ordinary personal combat. This version of aerial combat uses the same die rolls as personal combat except where specifically noted.

Damage Damage Location Unlike the original Space 1889 rules all hits are hull hits unless a called shot is made. New variations on the called shot rule are detailed with each damage/location type. Optional rule: All non-called shot (normal) attacks are assigned a hit location by a d6 roll on the Hit location Table in Space 1889 Aerial Combat Charts. Called shot rules and damage effects Crew. Ensure you know which character is serving in each position and who are passengers. Some crew boxes are already assigned a crew position and therefore a particular character or small group of characters. When a character is knocked unconscious, killed, or otherwise unable to staff the position a box for that position is crossed out. The effect of a crossed out box varies (see above and below).

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Gunners are affected by crew hits (gunners who are shown as circles on the deck plan rather than a damage square). When a crew hit occurs first roll the ship’s defence and subtract that from the attack, being on a moving vessel offers some protection. If a hit is still indicated at this point then the character within the group with the lowest initiative who is still conscious rolls defence subtracts this from what remains of the attack roll. If the result is zero damage the person is unharmed but the ship is sustains a hull hit based on the ship defence alone. If a group is targeted a character with style points can spend one before rolling for defence to be passed over and the next lowest initiative hit, who may also spend a style point and so on. If all characters in a group spend style return to the lowest initiative character and begin again. Repeat until someone 'takes one for the team' or runs out of style. There are several kinds of crew hit affecting smaller groups of crew. Crew: This is a rather indiscriminate attack on the most unfortunate of the crew. All crew members are in the target group. The active crew member with the lowest initiative is hit. Manoeuvre Crew (Screw/Mast): If the person is hit and knocked unconscious or killed cross of a Screw/Mast box. If the number of Screw/Mast boxes is less than speed in hexes reduce maximum speed to this number. Gun The defender chooses one gun facing the firing aspect of the attackers weapon. If there is more than one such gun and the attacker wishes to choose then he suffers a further -1 penalty. Hitting a gun is treated like hitting a held object (LOA109). Guns and their crews are more exposed than most of the vessels crew. Use the highest of the ship’s defence and the gun’s defence (6 for European weapons with more moving parts, 8 for Martian ones). A gun has a structure equal to its defence. After determining damage to the gun any overflow damage is applied to the gunners (in order of initiative) who may roll their own defence (only) to further reduce this number. Critical Systems The critical hit system from Space 1889 is replaced by further called shot targets as below Magazine: To hit the ammunition locker for a weapon you must be able to target that weapon (see Gun above). To hit treat as targeting a specific weapon as above but with a further -1 (i.e.-2). If the hit is successful then add the DR of the targeted gun to the attacking weapon then roll again for series of separate attacks for the gun, its gunners, and the ship’s hull.

Armour and Penetration Other than very high values armour DR and weaponry dice on vehicles uses all the same rules as those used in personal combat.

Small Arms Fire No special rules are needed for small arms fire. Treat exactly like any other weapon fired from a ship.

Martian Lob Guns




Trappings, Necessities, Weapons, & Conveyances/Equipment Players may only select gear from the Space 1889 equipment lists, not from LOA. LOA is set a little ahead of the 1889 starting year and LOA differs in the statistics assigned to weapons and armour.

Fuels These can be used as is out of the 1889 rulebook.

Explosives Do not use the explosives in the Leagues of Adventure equipment lists.

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Space 1889 contains much more extensive treatment of explosives than Leagues of Adventure. Explosives in Space 1889 are given a power rating usually related to mass. Gunpowder is 1 power per pound. Keep this statistic. The diceless breaching barriers rule from Space 1889 can used unchanged. In Ubiquity explosives are treated as area effect attacks (LOA117). The area (in yards radius) affected can be found on the Explosive Burst Size Table (GDW101). All Explosives have a damage rating +3. All thrown explosives able to be lifted with one hand have a base range of 10 feet. Nitroglycerine is highly unstable. The die rolls to determine if it explodes with rough handling can be imported directly from Space 1889. The Space 1889 Referee screen added the rule that if nitroglycerine is thrown roll 1d6 on 1-2 it reaches the target before exploding, on a 3-4 it explodes mid way, and on a 5-6 it explodes in the throwing characters hand.

Firearms In LOA wounding and accuracy are rolled together into the damage rating. To reflect this the new LOA Damage rating is Space 1889 wounds plus ‘Y’. To determine Y refer to the Space 1889 Save. If Save is: 0, Y=+2; 1 to 3, Y=+1, If Save is 4 or higher, Y=0. If the Space 1889 wounds is listed as 1D treat as 3, if 1D/2 treat as 2. If listed as 1-2, treat as 1 and use the LOA rule for pistols at close range instead (LOA114) To determine if the damage is lethal or non-lethal consider the type of attack. For LOA118: “Lethal: Cutting, slashing, stabbing, burning and other major trauma that is highly damaging and will quickly kill someone. Most weapons do lethal damage. Nonlethal: Bruising, fatigue, illness, shock, and other such minor traumas that are not immediately life threatening. Only a few weapons do nonlethal damage, but it is often caused by environmental conditions.” LOA STR is the same value as the Space 1889 Required Strength. Range is left unchanged. The values differ from those for the same weapons in LOA but are still quite usable. Note that 1889 is much less lenient on effective pistol ranges than LOA. Cap. Is Space 1889’s Mag. The reload rules of Space 1889 are completely supplanted by those of LOA. Rate is converted from 1889’s Shots by the table below. The rules covering burst fire in LOA have been altered to preserve the advantage of lever-action firearms and other easy-loaders that provided their owners with substantial advantage over older bolt-action firearms in the early 1890’s. ‘L’ (for lever action) adds +1 die while those firing 3 to 5 shots in a round (M) gain +2 die. This rule is also one of a number of small changes that eat into the power of characters. The 1889 rules also cover full size military machine guns which Leagues of Adventure does not feature. To allow for this level of carnage further gradations have been added ‘R’ rapid fire (+4), ‘V’ very rapid fire (+5), E extremely rapid fire (+6) and VE very extreme. Cost and weight are unchanged.

Example: Heavy Revolver DR 2L, Str 2, Range 15, Cap 6, Rate (M+2), Reload 3/round, £2, 2 lbs

Example: Breech-loading Carbine Damage Rating 3L, Strength 2, Range 60, Cap 0, Rate 1, Reload 1, £2 6/-, 7.5 lbs

Melee Weapons Reach, no conversion LOA does not use Reach. Option: 1889 purists could apply the difference in Reach as a modifier to attack rolls. Option: 1889 purists could apply Block as a modifier to parry rolls. Use of Block and Parry captures differences in weapons that DR misses. Without using these sabers and knives are functionally equivalent. Damage Rating is 1889 Wounds + Y, where Y is determined by the Hit Dice of the weapon. If Hit Die is

1889 Shots LOA Rate

Less than 1 Same as in 1889

1 1

2 L (+1)

3-14 M (+2)

15-29 A (+3)

30-44 R (+4)

45-60 V (+5)

60-74 E (+6)

75+ VE (+7)

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1, Y is zero. If Hit Dice is 2 or 3 Y is +1. If hit dice is 4 or 5 add +2. Some weapons have +S after their Wounds, for these add +2 to Damage Rating. Block values are not used in LOA. The lizardmen of Venus accept bronze tools and weapons as trade goods becuae bronze does not rust in the humid atmosphere of Venus. No rules are given for bronze weapons in Space 1889, here we assume the only difference is that bronze weapons cost 1.5x that of mundane steel or iron ones.

Example: Knife DR 3L, Str 1, 2/-, 2-5Lbs

Armour Use only Space 1889 equipment list; LOA can assign different values to armours. Def = Space 1889 Armour Value Str = Space 1889 Armour value Dex = zero. If full medieval plate was encountered it might have -1 Dex but nothing in the core 1889 book would have this disadvantage. Cost and weight are unchanged from 1889. Note: Only one type of torso protection may be used (Corset, doublet, shoulder scales, mail, or breastplate). All other armour effects are cumulative.

Shields Shields have been converted as per the armour rules but they can also be used to actively block. To reflect IF the otional block rule is used a shield provides Block 2. Shield*: Def 1, Str 1, Dex 0, 12/- 4Lbs If the optional block rule is used a shield has block 4

Example: Helmet Def 1, Str 1, Dex 0, £1 2/-, 2 Lbs

Primitive Weapons Primitive missile weapons are converted exactly as firearms are.

Example: Stone DR 1, Str 1, Range 5, Cap 0, Rate 1, Free, 1 Lbs

Machineguns For the most part machine guns can be converted as per other firearms above. DR for machineguns is recorded as for a single bullet and a ‘+’ noted after the ‘L’ as a reminder that rate of fire will add more dice. Leagues of Adventure only gives rules for submachine guns, weapons much more advanced than the heavy machineguns of 1889. Machine guns are not hand held and therefore do not have a required strength. Record the reload time from 1889 unchanged. When converting machine guns multiply the shots and mag both by x10 before consulting the conversion table. For rate record both the actual number of bullets and the letter. Where a machine gun has two fire rates record both. When the faster fire rate of a dual rate weapon is used if the player rolls three or more failures on his dice or scores no successes the gun jams. Clearing a jam take the same amount of time as reloading the weapon. Note that as per these rules a machine gun is a terrible weapon rightly feared. Any pretence of game balance must be discarded to properly represent this weapon as it appears in Space 1889 and real history.

Example: Gatling 1 Inch Damage Rating 5L+, Range 300, Cap 180, Rate 20A/60E, Reload 4, £70, 250 lbs

Artillery Ignore the advice for vehicle weapons (LOA134), Space 1889 takes a less cinematic approach to the effects of large weapons on PCs. Do not use the vehicle weapons from LOA. Instead convert Space 1889 weapons as follows. Cost and weight from 1889 are unchanged. Rate and Range are converted from Space 1889 to Ubiquity as described for firearms except that were 1889 ROF is given in parenthesis Rate is 1 and then it takes the given number of rounds to reload. If Shots is not listed Cap is zero. Burst is the radius of the area attack in yards (see LOA117). Though determined by the artillery

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ammunition used, rather than by weapon, Hit and Save from Space 1889 can be converted to Damage Rating using the procedure already described for firearms. If a shot misses it still lands somewhere, often with terrible consequences for someone. Deviation is handled thus, on a missed shot roll one die on odd the shot falls short on an even result an overshoot occurs. To determine how far short or long for each point of failure the distance is 1 yard out if the intended target was at close range, 2 yards if the target was at medium range, 3 yards at long range, 4 yards at very long range, and 5 yards at extreme range.

Example: Martian Sweeper Range 100, Cap 0, Rate 1 and 1 to reload, radius 2, £200, 1 ton.

Example: Shot Ammunition DR 5

Of Physics & Metaphysics/Science The entire Of Physics and Metaphysics chapter from LOA is discarded. In Space 1889 inventions are comparatively toned down compared to LOA. For example the Mechanical Man (GDW68) is one of the hardest inventions to create yet is approximately equivalent to the level 1 LOA Artifact ‘Jeeves’ (LOA151). In Space 1889 the difficulty of creating an invention is determined mostly by its deviation from the capabilities of historical Victorian technology. The in-game power of the invention is a factor but not the only one. For this reason, and for back-compatibility, the approach taken here is to adapt the Space 1889 rules to the LOA method of dice rolling.

Inventors In Space 1889 the Science chapter talks of inventors but it is not spelled out whether this is to mean that inventing is reserved for those with the inventor career only. In this conversion it is assumed that anyone with the appropriate skills can invent during game play. Inventions are a major feature of the setting and players should have access to them. Also historically, people for whom inventing was not their principle work created many inventions. The inventor career provides a good skill set for inventing and a minor invention during character creation.

General Research Every Research Area has two skills associated with it. The sum of these two skill is the character’s Understanding. Understanding is a new statistic that replaces the 1889 Knowledge Level. Every Research Area has its own Understanding. Finally, the character may distribute an amount equal to her Intelligence among her Understandings of the various Research Areas as she see’s fit. A player should record all her character’s Understandings.

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Knowledge Area Transportation Electricity Biochemistry The Ether Optics Geology & Metallurgy Flight Precision Machinery Power Combustion

Skills used to determine Understanding Science (Engineering) and Craft (Mechanics) Craft (Electricity) and Science (Physics) Craft (Pharmacology) and Science (Biology) Craft (Electricity) and Science (Physics) Science (Physics) and Craft (Mechanics) Science (Geology) and Craft (Chemistry) Science (Engineering) and Science (Physics) Science (Engineering) and Craft (Mechanics) Mechanics and Science (Physics) Demolitions and Craft (Chemistry)

The required Understanding to create an invention is: Required Knowledge level/3.5 round up. Why? This produces required skills levels of 1 to 12. As stated in Space 1889, PC’s are unlikely to ever create the most advanced inventions themselves, such powerful artifacts are more likely to be encountered in the possession of villains (GDW80).

Experimental Devices Creating an experimental device requires the character pay the monetary construction cost (if any) (GDW62-71) and the experience cost of the invention as an Artifact (LOA 106, 15xp per level). The invention’s artifact level is: Artifact level = Required Knowledge level/7 round down. Unlike LOA, the artifact’s level is not determined by the item’s enhancements and flaws. Note zero level artifacts are those with a required knowledge of 6 or less. Reliability has the same effects described for the invention in 1889. To determine the reliability roll die equal to the half the character’s Understanding in the Research Area (round down) then compare the number of successes to the experimental number of the device (GDW81). Whenever the character’s Understanding in a Research Area improves by 2pt he may re-roll to try to improve any one existing invention from that Research Area (at no xp cost, monetary cost if any still applies). The character re-rolls keeping the new reliability if it is higher and retaining the old one if the new roll is equal or worse. Where Space 1889 asks for a roll against reliability roll dice equal to reliability to at difficulty rating 2. Lightning Cannon: DR=reliability+2*, range reliability x 200, Cap unlimited, Rate 1, Burst=reliability, Reload NA, 10tons, £500. *The lightning cannon is not a particularly accurate weapon is suffers -2 to hit targets size 2 or less.

Ether Flyer Design I’ll get to this eventually.

A Guide to Navigating the World of Adventure/The Referee GDW34-35 contains some of the best advice for being a referee I have seen. Following this advice would improve the entertainment you provide your players in any game system.

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Style of Game Returning to LOA, the action level of Space 1889 is best set to ‘Adventurous’ (LOA155). While nothing like style points exists in the Space 1889 rules the published adventures do contain both coincidences and an expectation of daring-do on the part of the PCs. Option: some may wish to set the action level to Gritty (LOA155) removing style points to better emulate the outcomes of the 1889 game system but perhaps not the tone of the canon adventures.

Adventure Types All of the adventure types described (LOA156) are found among canon 1889 adventures. In fact most 1889 adventures mix action, exploration, and investigation in roughly equal measure.

Adventure Ideas While 1889 provides excellent advise for how to run a game at the table LOA provides good advice for creating new adventures (LOA157). All of the material in the Adventure Ideas section of LOA is compatible with the 1889 setting. The section on travel problems (LOA158) could be especially useful in an 1889 campaign.

Of Travel and the Unseen Marvels of the World/Travel and Exploration Additional good ideas for issues encountered while travelling can be found in Leagues of Adventure (LOA158). Similarly, the NPC ideas in this chapter (LOA159) cover many of the stereotypes encountered in adventure fiction written in the Victorian era. However, Space 1889 does a better job of describing the rates of wilderness travel and the hazards likely to be encountered in this era.

Exposure and Armour There are no rules in LOA for the effects of armour in the heat. I'm likely to rule that, should it be important, torso armour raises the heat of exposure a number of steps up the exposure table (LOA126) equal to the AR. In the cold this could be helpful.

Land Travel At the end of each week in the wilderness every character should roll Body+Expeditions against Easy (1) to avoid fever. The highest Expeditions skill in the party may be used for every character. If the character falls ill roll an Average task (3) against Body+Will each day or suffer a point of non-lethal damage. A success breaks the fever. This damage cannot be healed until the fever is broken. Once the fever breaks the character may rest to recover the non-lethal damage normally. Mountains…

Foot Assuming 8 hours of hiking a day multiply the hourly move rate (LOA28) of the slowest member of the group by 8 for the distance covered in a day. Halve this rate for mountains and swamps. At the end of each day characters roll Athletics. The difficulty begins at Easy (1) adjusted for the modifiers in 1889 (GDW114 3rd column).

Water Travel Space 1889 devotes two pages to the hazards of water travel. Use the prices given for the cost of obtaining passage. Stats for water vessels. Typical Steam Launch Cargo capacity 5 tons

Inland waterways Roll for fever as for land travel. At the daily travel scale a human powered vessel’s crew may exert itself to travel at 1.5x the usual speed by making an Average (3) Body check. On a fail they are reduced to half speed until a day of rest is given. Inland vessels must make an Easy piloting roll (1) every day to avoid white water, sandbanks and other hazards. A steamboat can cruise faster and for longer each day (double travel speed/day) but

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then the roll to avoid hazards becomes Average (3). If a Hazard is encountered roll a Very Hard Piloting roll. Compare the degree of failure to the table (GDW117) rather than rolling a d6.

Ocean Travel On an Average (3) Pilot roll an Ocean going sailing vessel can move double its normal movement for a day. All vessels have a navigator who must make an Easy (1) Expeditions roll each day to avoid ocean storms. If there is a storm roll Expeditions Average (3) again for severity, a good navigator will be able to skirt a severe storm. On a fail the storm is Severe otherwise it is mild. The Effects of a storm are as given in 1889 (GDW117, second and third paragraphs of Storms at Sea) except an Average (3) Pilot roll is needed to prevent a man powered vessel sinking in a moderate storm and a Very Hard (6) roll for a severe storm.

Encounters Use the encounter tables for the terrain and world. Each day one character rolls Survival against the Encounter Number as difficulty to avoid any encounter. Alternatively, characters might be hunting a particular encounter type in which case the Encounter Number is the difficulty of finding the specific encounter type sought. If the character fails, roll on the appropriate encounter table.

Weather Weather during ocean passage has already been discussed, for all other terrain types Easy (1) Expeditions roll each day to represent the effect of proper understanding of local seasonal changes etc. On a failed roll, roll another Expeditions test against difficulty 6 (see GDW121 & 207). On Mars a success or a degree of failure of 4 or less indicates clouds, a degree of failure of 5+ indicates a windstorm on Venus a success or 3 or less successes weather goes down one level, on 4 or more degrees of failure the weather goes down one level.

Space Travel


Mars This chapter contains mostly descriptive detail of Mars. The few mechanical items, such as the rules for Martian player characters, can be converted using the rules already presented.

Venus The whole of this chapter for 1889 is descriptive detail only and requires no conversion.

Stalwart Friends and Fiendish Adversaries/ NPCs Just as the PC’s are more capable and better resourced than those of LOA, so are their allies and opposition. Again the goal of smoothly emulating 1889 to allow rapid translation of existing material results in these characters being more capable and better resourced than their LOA equivalents. For NPCs not linked to the PCs as Allies, Followers or Patrons just translate the primary attributes keeping the printed values then assigning a value to Willpower and Talents/Resources by Social Class and the needs of the story. From the primary attributes secondary attributes can be calculated as needed. For skills translate to LOA equivalent skills then add the associated primary attribute. Use the 1889 rules for NPC motives. After a short period of time you will find you can do these conversions ‘in you head’ and ‘on the fly’ as you are running a canon adventure. When creating your own NPCs assign them a

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follower, ally, or patron rank to determine the points available for skills and attributes. When converting NPCs from canon works they will not fit neatly into these categories and levels. If this becomes important total up the NPC’s prime attributes and consult the appropriate table to determine the highest level the total falls below or equals. Repeat this procedure for skills. This done average the two numbers and round up to give level. Example: Vladimir Illyich Tereshkovich Vladimir is a mover and shaker in his little world and was once an important scientist in Russia so we’ll call him a Patron. His Prime Attributes total 27pt. Consulting the patron table this makes him a level 3 patron. His 42pt of skills is literally off-the-chart but since every level of patron gives +5 skills we can extrapolate. He has the skills of a level 7 patron. So Vladimir’s final patron level is (3+7)/2=5.

Minor NPCs Some minor NPCs in Space 1889 are not fully detailed, in these cases convert what few statistics are given and calculate secondary attributes. You can return to them later and flesh them out properly if needed. In some cases, such as the marines in The Burning Desert from Tales from the Ether, NPCs are described as only green, trained, experienced, veteran, or elite. In the core 1889 book (GDW36) these adjectives are equated with levels of close combat skill and morale that's it. While I haven't restricted other NPC's to the levels indicated by these adjectives for NPCs in published materials given no other details use the following conversion.

* Note that Skill Level is before the attribute is added. # The level is a rough recommendation only. Use this as a guide if you go on to detail the NPC. Such NPC’s are also often described as Mental or Physical. If not noted the NPC is probably Physical. Physical NPCS: Str4 Dex2 Bod4

Int2 Chr Any, if in doubt 3 Wil by experience level above. Soc Any. Size 0, Move 6, Perception varies, Initiative 4, Defense 6, Stun 4, Health varies Mental NPCS: Str2 Dex4 Bod2 Int4 Chr Any, if in doubt 3 Wil by experience level above. Soc Any. Size 0, Move 6, Perception varies, Initiative 8, Defense 6, Stun 2, Health varies

NPC is... Melee Level* Will Follower/Ally Level#

Green 1 2 Follower 0

Trained 2 3 Ally 1

Experienced 3 4 Ally 2

Veteran 4 5 Ally 3

Elite 5 6 Ally 4

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Animals Space 1889 only gives animals enough attributes for combat rather than defining them as fully as regular characters. Here I have provided a quick method of converting Space 1889 animal combat attributes to Ubiquity. After this an optional system to fully define animals as NPCs is given. Space 1889 animal attacks also differ from Leagues of Adventure animals in that many animal attacks have special effects, these attacks are described below.

Animal Combat Where available do use the statistics given in Leagues of Adventure. Where an animal is unique to 1889 this section provides enough of an animal’s details (bolded here) to conduct most combats. Space 1889 #APP is unchanged. To convert Space 1889 Size figure out the total number of squares. Some judgement may be required using weight as a guide. 1889 Squares or descriptor

Weight Ubiquity Size Example

9-16 10-50 tons Size 3-4 Brontosaurus

5-8 1-10 tons Size 2 Elephant

2-4 500 lbs to 1 ton Size 1 Horse

1 100-500 lbs Size 0 (total size for swarms) European

1 10-100 lbs -1 Alsatian dog

Tiny 1-10 lbs -2 Cat, bat, rat etc

Ignore Space 1889 Save the size rules for Ubiquity make this redundant Stun=Wndx1/5 round up Health=Wnd Space 1889 animal weapons have four numbers (A,B,C,D). These are A: Hit Die B: Required hit number C: Reach not used D: Wounds. Damage Rating is 1889 Wounds + Y+ Z, where Y is determined by the Hit Dice of the weapon. If Hit Die is 1, Y is zero. If Hit Dice is 2 or 3 Y is +1. If hit dice is 4 or 5 add +2. etc. Some weapons have +S after their Wounds, for these add +2 to Damage Rating. If required hit number is: 0, Z=+2; 1 to 3, Z=+1, If required hit number is 4 or higher, Y=0. To determine if the damage is lethal or non-lethal consider the type of attack. For LOA118: “Lethal: Cutting, slashing, stabbing, burning and other major trauma that is highly damaging and will quickly kill someone. Most weapons do lethal damage. Nonlethal: Bruising, fatigue, illness, shock, and other such minor traumas that are not immediately life threatening. Only a few weapons do nonlethal damage, but it is often caused by environmental conditions.” For 1889 creatures with: Stinger: half of the damage is venom, if this is less than 3L increase the venom damage to 3L. Poison is only lethal to animals from the same world. Alien animal poison is ‘N’ to humans. Horns: the creature has the parry talent. Fangs: a successful attack enables the creature to bury its long fangs into the enemy. In subsequent rounds it can choose to hold on doing weapon dice (only) damage automatically. It can also attack with its other weapons if any during while holding with fangs. A contest of Strength removes the creature. Coils attacks first with a grapple then constricts doing its STR+Coil worth of dice and the victim rolls 2xSTR instead of his normal defense thereafter until the victim escapes the grapple.

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Tentacles: the creature can split is attack dice into separate attacks. The creature can choose to grapple with these attacks. Once one of these attacks hits the creature uses STR+1 dice to constrict the prey and the victim rolls 2xSTR instead of his normal defense thereafter until the victim escapes the grapple. Talons: a successful attack enables the creature to latch its talons onto the enemy. In subsequent rounds it can choose to hold on with one talon doing attacks using half weapon dice (round-up) plus STR and Brawl+2 with its other talons and continue to use any other weapons it has normally. A contest of Strength removes the creature. Drop: treat as a grapple then after movement the creature drops the victim for falling damage. All these are Talents. Most creatures have only one such special attack. For those with more than one complete the design sequence then reduce the number of special attacks to no more than: Defense-Stun+Health-Size, +2 for apes and ape-like creatures (minimum 1). Initiative: Carnivore 4, Omnivore 2, Herbivore 1, does not eat 1. Then subtract size. Remember subtracting a negative number adds, minimum 1. Add +2 for agile creatures and -1 for creatures with tough shells or other armour. Animals noted for poor eyesight -1. Blind animals without sonar or similar are at -2. Those from Luna or Mercurial gravity add +1. Minimum zero. Defense: Carnivore 2, Omnivore 3, Herbivore 4, does not eat 4. Then add stun. Then subtract size. Remember subtracting a negative number adds, minimum 1. Add +3 for agile creatures and +1 for creatures with tough shells or other armour. Animals from Martian gravity also gain a +1. Those from Luna or Mercurial gravity add +1. Blind animals without sonar or similar are at -1. Optional Morale: Use guidelines GDW109 but for ‘wounds’ read ‘sum of Health and Stun’. The animal’s die pool for morale is equal to Will plus highest weapon dice. Will is determined as follows: Carnivore 3, Omnivore 2, Herbivore 1, does not eat 0 then add size. As with other NPCs the target number is 4. Move: to convert to Ubiquity move requires the comparison of two calculations. Ubiquity move A= 1889move x3/5, if four or more legs x1/2, round down (minimum 1). Ubiquity move B=Defense-stun+(2xSize) (minimum 1) Use the highest of these two results. If the creature has four or more legs run is double move. If the creature is a swarm use ‘A’. Strength=Move-(Defense-Stun+Size)-1 (for knockback and attacks). If the total is more the maximum strength by Size (LOA28) add the remainder to Brawl (below). Brawl=by diet Carnivore +3, Omnivore +2, Herbivore +1, does not eat +0 (skill for animal attacks). This base is modified by excess from the Strength calculation above. Particularly ornery herbivores such as boars and rhinos +2. However maximum Brawl is double Strength.

Example: Flyer A small harmless flying fish of Mercury that can breathe air for short periods. #APP 1d6, Size Tiny -2 (weight 2Lb in Earth gravity), stun 1, Health 1, no weapons, initiative 7, defense 6, Move 24 flight.

Animals as NPCs (Optional) While Space 1889 considers animals to be just background until they engage the characters in combat some players and referees might like to treat animals as fully realised characters this rules provide that opportunity. Unlike LOA there are no “Unnatural Beasts” in Ubiquitous 1889, unless perhaps someone creates artificial life. All creatures great and small are evolved animals with a place in the ecology. Like all animals they are given a Follower level. Begin with the converted combat statistics from the above procedure. All animals have: Archetype: Animal Motivation: Survival No Resources Flaws: Bestial or if an ape-like tool-user then ‘Near-human’

Primary Attributes Body=Stun Dexterity=Defense-Body+Size Charisma=0 or 1 for apes and ape-like creatures Intelligence= 0 or 1 for creatures of ape-like intelligence

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Will=Health-Body-Size Social Class=0

Secondary Attributes The following have already been determined: Size, Move, Initiative, Defence, Stun and Health. Perception=Intelligence+Will

Follower Level

To determine an animal’s Follower level sum its primary attributes and consult the table below. Follower level determines the skill points available to an animal and the number of Talents (animals have no social class to grant them Talents). *this allows for special animal attacks. Sum of Primary Attributes

Follower Level Skill Points Talents

16 or less 0 6 0-1*

17-19 1 11 1

20-21 2 16 2

22-24 3 21 3

Skills After deducting the cost of Brawl from the available skill points most animals have Stealth and Survival. After that some levels in Athletics might be considered. Social animals of ape-like intelligence might also have Empathy.

Appendix A: Converted Equipment Axe: DR5L Str4 2/-, 3 lbs Bayonet/rifle butt: DR 3L or 3N, Str 3, cost +8d for bayonet, +1Lbs to weight of rifle. Boarding Pike/Spear: DR3L 1/- 2.5 lbs Bolt action carbine (LM): DR 3L, Str 2, Range 90, Cap 8, Rate 1, Reload 4/round, £2 6/-, 8 lbs Bolt action rifle: DR3L, Str 3, Range 120, Cap 5, Rate 1, Reload 5/round, £2, 9 lbs. Breastplate: Def 3, Str 3, Dex 0, £1, 6Lbs. Breech loading carbine: Damage Rating 3L, Strength 2, Range 60, Cap 0, Rate 1, Reload 1, £2 6/-, 7.5 lbs Corset: Def 1 against hand weapons and arrows, Str 1. Cost varies from £1 to over £30. Weight is negligible, this is part of your clothing allowance. Club: DR2N, Str2, Free, 3Lbs Club, Lizard Man War: A large club traditionally covered in teeth and sharp stones but more recently some clubs have been augmented with broken glass instead. DR2L, Str2, 2/-, 3Lbs Cutlass: DR3L Str3 £2, 2 lbs Doublet: Def 1, Str 1, Dex 0, 1/-, 1Lbs. Gatling 1 inch: Damage Rating 5L, Range 300, Cap 180, Rate 20A/60E, Reload 4, £70, 250 lbs Greatsword Hatchet: DR3L, Str3, 6d, 1Lbs Hatpin: DR 1L, Str1, 5 pence, more for decorated versions, wt negligable. Heavy revolver: DR 2L, Str 2, Range 15, Cap 6, Rate 3M, Reload 3/round, £2, 2 lbs Helmet: Def 1, Str 1, Dex 0, £1 2/-, 2 Lbs Knife: DR 3L, Str 1, cost 2/-, wt 2-5Lbs Lever Action Rifle: 2-3L*, Str 3, Range 75, Cap 12, Rate L2(+1), 9Lbs, £2 2/6 *inflicts 2 wounds unless within 10yards of the target in which case inflicts 3

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Light revolver: DR 2L, Str 1, Range 10, Cap 6, Rate 3M, Reload 3/round, 10/-, 1.5Lbs Long hunting rifle: DR 4L, Str 3, Range 200, Cap 0, Rate 1, Reload 1, £6, 10 lbs Machete: DR 3L, Str 3, 8d, 2Lbs Mail: Def 2, Str 2, Dex 0, 18/-, 4Lbs. Maxim Gun: Damage Rating 4L+, Range 300, Cap 500, Rate 100, Reload 2, £150, 40Lbs Nordenfelt 5 Barrel: DR4L, Range 300, Cap 480, Rate 80VE+7, £100, 450Lbs Shot ammunition: DR5 Shield*: Def 1, Str 1, Dex 0, 12/- 4Lbs If the optional block rule is used a shield has block 4 Shoulder Scales: Def 1, Str 1, Dex 0, 2/6, 2Lbs. Spear: DR3L, Str3, Range 10, Rate 1, 2-5Lbs, 1/-. Smaller versions may be thrown. Stone: DR 1, Str 1, Range 5, Cap 0, Rate 1, Free, 1 Lbs Sweeper, Martian: Range 100, Cap 0, Rate 1 and 1 to reload, radius 2, £200, 1 ton. Sword/Saber: DR4L Str2 £2, 2 lbs

Appendix B: Converted NPCs 1889 NPCs

Baron Hasso von Gruber Patron 3 Str 4, Dex 2, Bod 1, Int 5, Chr 3, Wil 4, Soc 6 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 9, Initiative 7, Defence 3, Stun 1, Health 5 Brawl 3+4=7, Melee 2+4=6, Stealth 1+2=3, Firearms 3+2=5, Investigation 5+5=10, Con 4+3=7 Linguistics 3+5=8 (French, English, Dioscurian), Bureaucracy 1+5=4, Diplomacy 1+3=4, Ride 6+6=12 Motives: Ruthless, Aggressive, Hatred (the British) Talents and Resources: Wealth 4, Refuge 1, Status 1

Ravachol the Anarchist Ally 4 Str 2, Dex 6, Bod 4, Int 5, Chr 3, Wil 4, Soc 1 Size 0, Move 8, Perception 9, Initiative 11, Defence 10, Stun 4, Health 8. Brawl 1+2=3, Athletics 1+2=3, Stealth 5+6=11, Spying 4+5=9, Survival 3+5=8, Investigation 4+5=9 Demolitions 2+5=7, Performance 4+3=7, Con 2+3=5, Linguistics 2+5=7 (German, English). Motives: Hatred (For authority, government, and the upper class), Cautious, Ruthless Talents and Resources: Captivate (Oratory that pushes buttons with pin-point accuracy)

Major General Andre Foucard Patron 4 Str 4, Dex 5, Bod 6, Int 2 Chr 1, Wil 5, Soc 4. Size 0, Move 9, Perception 7, Initiative 7, Defence 11, Stun 6, Health 11. Brawl 3+4=7, Athletics 2+4=6, Stealth 4+5=9, Firearms 2+5=7, Survival 6+2=8, Expeditions 1+2=8, Investigation 2+2=4, Intimidation 2+1=3, Riding 3+4=7. Motives: Arrogant, Sadistic, Lustful Talents and Resources: Wealth 3, Refuge 1, Rank 4. Note that Foucard's rank is arbitrarily added to his normal allotment of Talents and Resources from Social Class simply to match the character's role in the story.

Kaaraahn Kaashneek Str 2, Dex 5, Bod 4,…

King Hattabranx Patron X

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Frederick Gustavus Burnaby

Minor NPCs These NPCs are converted from the encounter tables at the end of the core Space 1889 book. They are presented in sufficient detail for a fight only. Further skills and talent can be added up to their follower or Ally level maximuns if desired.

Lizardman Headman Ally 1 (Minor NPC) Attributes: Str 2, Dex 4, Bod 2, Int 4, Will 3, Chr 5, Soc 1. Size 0, Move 6, Perception 7, Initiative 8, Def 6, Stun 2, Health 5 Skills: Melee 2 archery 2 Talent: Lizardman Attacks Bronze Hatchet: DR3L, Str3, 9d, 1Lbs

Lizardman Hunter Follower 0 (Minor NPC) Attributes: Str 4, Dex 2, Bod 4, Int 2, Will 1, Chr 3, Soc1 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 3, Initiative 4, Def 6, Stun 4, Health 5. Skills: melee 1, archery 5 Talent: lizardman. Attacks Bow DR2+7L, Range 30, Cap -, Str 2, Rate 1, Reload 1. Club DR2+5N, free, 3Lbs

Lizardman Porter Follower 0 (Minor NPC) Attributes: Str 4, Dex 2, Bod 4, Int 2, Will 1, Chr 3, Soc1 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 3, Initiative 4, Def 6, Stun 4, Health 5. Skills: melee 1, archery 2 Talent: lizardman. Attacks Club DR2+5N, free, 3Lbs

Lizardman Guard Ally 1 (Minor NPC) Attributes: Str 4, Dex 2, Bod 4, Int 2, Will 3, Chr 3, Soc1 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 5, Initiative 4, Def 6, Stun 4, Health 7. Skills: melee 2, archery 4 Talent: lizardman. Attacks Bow DR2+6L, Range 30, Cap -, Str 2, Rate 1, Reload 1. Throwing Spear: DR3+6L, Str3, Range 10, Rate 1, 2Lbs, 1/-.

Lizardman Raider Ally 2 (Minor NPC) Attributes: Str 4, Dex 2, Bod 4, Int 2, Will 4, Chr 3, Soc1 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 6, Initiative 4, Def 6, Stun 4, Health 8. Skills: melee 3, archery 4 Talent: lizardman. Attacks Bow DR2+6L, Range 30, Cap -, Str 2, Rate 1, Reload 1. Club DR2+5N, free, 3Lbs

Animals Animals from a variety of canon sources other than adventures.

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Earth Animals listed in Conklin’s Atlas of the Worlds.

Elephant #APP1d6x4, Size 2, Stun 4, Heath 20, Crush 6N, Coils 3N, Horns 2L, Initiative 1, Defense 6, Move 12, Strength 8, Brawl 3. Talent: Parry

Mercury Animals listed in Conklin’s Atlas of the Worlds.

Flyer A small harmless flying fish adapted to air-breathing for short periods. #APP 1d6, Size Tiny -2 (weight 2Lb in Earth gravity), stun 1, Health 1, no weapons any damage is from impact which the flyers usually avoid, initiative 7, defense 6, Move 24 flight, Strength 3, Brawl 6

Bag Fish A Mercurial jellyfish #APP 1, Health (=2d6-1), Sting 2L+3N, Initiative -1-Size, Defense 3-Size, Move 6 Health Weight Size Stun Initiative Defense Move, Strength, Brawl 1 5 -2 1 1 5 6 3 0 2 25 -1 1 0 4 6 4 2 3 45 -1 1 0 4 6 4 2 4 65 -1 1 0 4 6 4 2 5 85 -1 1 0 4 6 4 2 6 105 1 2 0 5 6 3 2 7 125 1 2 0 5 6 3 2 8 145 1 2 0 5 6 3 2 9 165 1 2 0 5 6 3 2 10 185 1 2 0 5 6 3 2 11 205 2 3 0 5 6 3 2

Serpent A huge eel-like fish. #APP 1, Health (3d6), Teeth 5L. Health Weight Size Stun Initiative Defense Move (Swim) Strength, Brawl 3 6 tons 2 1 3 2 12 8 4 4 8 2 1 3 2 12 8 4 5 10 2 1 3 2 12 8 4 6 12 4 2 1 2 12 8 3 7 14 4 2 1 2 12 8 3 8 16 4 2 1 2 12 8 3 9 18 4 2 1 2 12 8 3 10 20 4 2 1 2 12 8 3 11 22 4 3 1 2 12 9 3 12 24 4 3 1 2 12 9 3 13 26 4 3 1 2 12 9 3 14 28 4 3 1 2 12 9 3 15 30 4 3 1 2 12 9 3 16 32 4 4 1 2 12 10 3 17 34 4 4 1 2 12 10 3 18 36 4 4 1 2 12 10 3

Snake A smaller eel-like lungfish. #APP 1d6, Size 0, Stun 1, Health 1, Fangs 2L, initiative 5, Defense 4, Move 12, Strength 5, Brawl 7

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Crab Pseudo-trilobites and other arthropods infest the shallow pools of the world river. #APP 1d6, Health (2d6-1), Teeth 3L (These can be jaws, mandibles, or pincers depending on the species as described by the referee). Health Weight Size Stun Initiative Defense Move, Strength, Brawl 1 10 -2 1 6 7 6 3 3 2 110 0 1 4 5 6 4 2 3 210 0 1 4 5 6 4 2 4 310 0 1 4 5 6 4 2 5 410 0 1 4 5 6 4 2 6 510 1 2 3 4 6 3 2 7 610 1 2 3 4 6 3 2 8 710 1 2 3 4 6 3 2 9 810 1 2 3 4 6 3 2 10 910 1 2 3 4 6 3 2 11 1010 2 3 2 4 6 3 2

Squid There are several tentacled creatures the naval marines stationed to Mercury have taken to calling ‘squids’. Larger species have been known to hunt boaters. The ‘squid’s’ tentacles explode out of the water in a surprise grapple attack then moves back below the surface taking it’s prey with it. Below the surface the victim must contend with the constricting attacks and drowning. Be sure to read how tentacles work in combat. #APP1, Health 1d6. Health Weight Size Stun Initiative Defense Move, Tentacles Strength, Brawl 1 10 -2 1 7 7 12 5N 3 4 2 60 -1 1 6 6 12 6N 4 5 3 110 0 1 5 5 12 7N 5 5 4 160 0 1 5 5 12 8N 5 5 5 210 0 1 5 5 12 9N 5 5 6 260 0 2 5 5 12 10N 5 7

Fish #APP1d6, Health 1d6. Health Weight Size Stun Initiative Defense Move, Teeth Strength, Brawl 1 10 -2 1 7 7 12 2L 3 4 2 60 -1 1 6 6 12 2L 4 5 3 110 0 1 5 5 12 2L 5 5 4 160 0 1 5 5 12 2L 5 5 5 210 0 1 5 5 12 2L 5 5 6 260 0 2 5 5 12 2L 5 7

Gator A carnivore with lobed leg-like fins able to hunt on land for several hours. #APP1d6, Health 1d6. As a quadruped can double move on land Health Weight Size Stun Initiative Defense Move, Teeth Strength, Brawl 1 10 -2 1 7 7 3 2L 3 4 2 60 -1 1 6 6 3 2L 4 5 3 110 0 1 5 5 4 2L 5 5 4 160 0 1 5 5 4 2L 5 5 5 210 0 1 5 5 4 2L 5 5 6 260 0 2 5 5 3 2L 5 7

Runner A small herbivore with the most evolved limbs of any native vertebrate, a true amphibian. As a quadruped can double move on land. #APP 2d6, Size -2, Stun 1, Health 1, none, Initiative 4, Defense 8, Move 12, Strength 5, Brawl 7

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Centipede The dominant native land predators are a genus of centipede-like creatures some weighing several tons. These creatures are ambush predators. Double move when running. #APP 1, Health (2d6), Sting (actually a poisonous bite) 1L + 3N venom, Tail 3N. Health Weight Size Stun Initiative Defense Move, Strength, Brawl 2 2000 2 1 1 4 7 2 3 3 3000 2 1 1 4 7 2 3 4 4000 2 1 1 4 7 2 3 5 5000 2 1 1 4 7 2 3 6 6000 2 2 1 3 5 2 3 7 7000 2 2 1 3 5 2 3 8 8000 2 2 1 3 5 2 3 9 9000 2 2 1 3 5 2 3 10 10000 2 2 1 3 5 2 3 11 11000 3 3 1 2 5 2 3 12 12000 3 3 1 2 5 3 3


Pteradactyl Ungainly flying reptiles as large as a dog. #APP1d6x1, Size -1 (35Lbs), Stun 1, Heath 1, Talons 3L, Initiative 1, Defense 4, Move Fly18, waddle 1, Strength 4, Brawl 8. Attack Talons 15L Talons: a successful attack enables the creature to latch its talons onto the enemy. In subsequent rounds it can choose to hold on with one talon doing attacks using half weapon dice (round-up) plus STR and Brawl+2 with its other talons and continue to use any other weapons it has normally. A contest of Strength removes the creature.

Pacyosaurus Rhinocerous sized hadrosaurs that are naturally docile but might fight to defend young or if a bull is startled. If caught young can be tamed and used as beasts of burden. #APP1d6x1, Size 2 (1500Lbs), Stun 2, Heath 10, Horns 2L, Initiative 5, Defense 4, Move 9 (x2 quadruped running), Strength 5, Brawl 1. Talent Parry, Attack Horns 8L Talons: a successful attack enables the creature to latch its talons onto the enemy. In subsequent rounds it can choose to hold on with one talon doing attacks using half weapon dice (round-up) plus STR and Brawl+2 with its other talons and continue to use any other weapons it has normally. A contest of Strength removes the creature.

Appendix C: Non Canon Careers Eidechsemenschen This material is a conversion of a non-canon article that appeared in Rpg Review 20 While Space 1889 provides the option playing Martians, the other well-known aliens, the primitive lizardmen of dinosaur infested Venus are not presented as PC careers. This article addresses that omission. In keeping with Victorian era English these people are called lizardmen, not lizardfolk. Suffragettes are encouraged to remark upon this during game play. Players should read the material on lizardmen in Space 1889 (p196-197). All Venusians are restricted to maximums of social 1, intelligence 5, and education 3. They only speak their local native language by default and must invest in linguistics to learn English, German or other languages. When gaining Talents and Resources at step 6 of character generation Lizardmen must work through the table below before proceeding to the core table.

Character is/has… Receives… (Maximum 2 levels plus one at zero except for colonial Servant career)

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Talent: Lizardman All lizard men can hold their breath underwater using oxygen absorbed through their skin for 5min x (Bod+swimming skill). They can also ‘see’ underwater

using echolocation (obviously this ‘sight’ is colour blind) and also while submerged their sense of smell is acute, treat as +1 to tracking rolls while underwater. On the down side when exposed to cold or dehydration lizardmen suffer one extra point of damage whenever damage is done. All NPC lizardmen have this talent as their talent granted by Soc1.

Venusian Careers

Hunter Str 3+, Bod 3+. Archery 2, Melee 1, Survival 2, Expeditions 1, Athletics 1.

Porter Second career only. Bod 4+ Firearms 1, Melee 1, Brawling 1, Athletics 1, Bureaucracy 1, Linguistics 1 (English or German or Italian or Russian), Expeditions 1.

Headman Int 4+, Char 4+ Archery 1, Melee 2, Athletics 1, Diplomacy 1, Bureaucracy 1, Intimidation 1. This character is accompanied by a loyal guard NPC.

Merchant Int 4+ Char 3+ Archery 1, Melee 2, Athletics 1, Bureaucracy 1, Linguistics 1 (other Venusian, English or German or Italian or Russian)

Guard Str 4+ Bod 4+ Archery 2, Melee 2, Brawling 2, Athletics 1.

Raider Str 3+ Bod 3+ Archery 2, Melee 2, Brawling 1, Athletics 1, Pilot (nautical) 1 or Ride 1

Farmer Bod 3+, Int 2+ Archery 1, Athletics 2, Melee 1, Bureaucracy 1, Expeditions 1, Science (biology) 1

Fisherman Bod 3+, Int 2+ Archery 1, Athletics 3, Melee 1, Expeditions 1, Survival 1.

Pirate Str 3+ Bod 3+ Archery 2, Melee 3, Athletics 1, Piloting (Nautical) 1

Lizardman Lizardman Talent

Colonial Servant Career Master 2 Ally

Headman Venusian Guard Ally

Lizardman Swim 1 talent.

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Barge Crewman Nil Archery 1, Melee 1, Piloting (Nautical) 2, Expeditions 1, Linguistics 2 (other Venusian or English or German or Italian or Russian).

Colonial Servant This character has fallen into the personal service of a colonial master. Second career only. Chr 4+ Melee 1, Linguistics 1 (English or German or Italian or Russian), Bureaucracy 1, Medicine 1, Ride 1, Empathy 1, Athletics 1. This character is accompanied by a Master NPC from the core book.

Supporting NPC: Venusian Guard This NPC accompanies a Venusian Headman. 19 11 Str 4 Dex 3 Bod 4 Int 2 Chr 2 Wil 3 Soc 1 Size 0, Move 7, Perception 5, Initiative 5, Defense 7, Stun 4, Health 7. Brawl 2, Melee 3, Archery 2, Survival 1, Athletics 2, Empathy 1. Talent: Lizardman Motives: Aggressive, Proud, Loyal. A large lizardman dressed in either native talismans of rank or a second hand and ill-fitting European uniform. The guard’s attention constantly shifts from his master to their surroundings wary of potential dangers to his chief.

Appendix D: Referee’s Eyes Only. Conversions of Canon Adventures On Gossimer Wings

Proffessor Grant Ally 4 Str 4, Dex 6, Bod 1, Int 5, Chr 2, Wil 2, Soc 3 Size 0, Move 10, Perception 7, Initiative 11, Defense 7, Stun 1, Health 3 Brawl 1+4=5, Sports 2+6=8, Stealth 5+6=11, Craft (electrics) 4+5=9, Investigation 4+5=9, Science (physics) 4+5=9, Science (Engineering) 4+5=9, Performance 2+2=4, Ride 3+3=6. Motives: Adventuresome, Curious, Friendly. Talents and Resources: Wealth 2, Refuge 1 Approximately £20 of adventuring gear including a revolver, but don’t worry too much about equipping the professor just go with the gear made available in the adventure.

Professor Grant rewrite from http://www.drpetrov.com/1889/gossamer/goss1.htm Ally 4 Str 4, Dex 1, Bod 6, Int 5, Chr 2, Wil 2, Soc 3 Size 0, Move 5, Perception 7, Initiative 6, Defence 7, Stun 6, Health 8 Brawl 1+4=5, Sports 2+1=3, Craft (electrics) 4+5=9, Survival 5+5=10, Investigation 4+5=9, Science (physics) 4+5=9, Science (Engineering) 4+5=9, Performance 2+2=4, Ride 3+3=6. Motives: Adventuresome, Curious, Friendly. Talents and Resources: Wealth 2, Refuge 1 Approximately £20 of adventuring gear including a revolver, but don’t worry too much about equipping the professor just go with the gear made available in the adventure.

Vladimir Illyich Tereshkova Patron 5. Str 3, Dex 5, Bod 2, Int 5, Chr 3, Wil 4, Soc 5 Size 0, Move 8, Perception 9, Initiative 10, Defence 7, Stun 2, Health 6

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Brawl 4+3=7, Athletics 1+3=4, Stealth 4+5=9, Craft (electrics) 4+5=9, Firearms 4+5=9, Survival 3+5=8, Investigation 4+5=9, Science (physics) 4+5=9, Science (Engineering) 4+5=9, Con 3+3=6, Linguistics (English, German, French) 3+5=8, Ride 4+5=9. Motives: Greed, Madness Talents and Resources: Wealth 4, Refuge 1. Vladimir’s relatives presume him dead and have claimed or sold off most of his wealth and possessions on Earth. Here within Luna he has a well appointed cave to himself and £500 worth of adventurous gear and flawed diamonds. The mad Russian’s freeze ray: Projects a heat dampening ray which freezes targets in its path. Effective range is 10yrds per reliability number. Characters hit by the ray roll Health for a target of 6 to avoid being snap frozen solid. They will thraw out with no ill effects one hour later. Each turn roll reliability to beat 2 to prevent overheating. If the device overheats it will not fire that turn. The next turn it will be cool enough to resume firing. Wt 1 ton, Price £200, Power 1. The original adventure does not describe what powers the ray. Here we assume that batteries salvages from his crashed flyer power the Russian’s ray. Batteries: power 1 for 1 hour (1/24th of a day), 93 lbs.

Selenites Selenites have no charisma or social class because these attributes are meaningless in selenite society. Where charisma and social class are required to calculate secondary attributes treat both as 1 for this purpose only and as zero when added to skills. Will is generally equal to intelligence. Selenites are size -1. All have been assigned Willpower 4. Drone (minor NPC) Str 1, Dex 2, Bod 3, Int 1, Wil 4. Size -1, Move 3, Perception 2, Initiative 3, Defence 6, Stun 2, Health 3 Firearms 0+2=2, Melee 1+1=2. Custodian (minor NPC) Str 1, Dex 3, Bod 2, Int 2, Wil 4. Size -1, Move 4, Perception 4, Initiative 5, Defence 6, Stun 2, Health 3 Firearms 3+3=6, Melee 3+1=4. Full Attributes Version For this I was guided by my Rpg Review 8 article “Eyes in the Dark”. Follower 1 Str 1, Dex 3, Bod 2, Int 2, Wil 4. Size -1, Move 4, Perception 4, Initiative 5, Defence 6, Stun 2, Health 3 Melee 3+1=4, Brawl 3+1=2, Empathy 3+2=6, Medicine 3+2=5, Firearms 3+3=6, Survival 1+2=3. Motives: Loyal, Steady Talents and Resources: Nil Specialist (minor NPC) Str 1, Dex 3, Bod 3, Int 4, Wil 4. Size -1, Move 4, Perception 8, Initiative 7, Defence 7, Stun 3, Health 6 Firearms 3+3=6, Melee 4+1=5.

K’Chuk Based on the version in the extended version of the adventure on the internet and my article o0 Selenite characters. Ally 3 Str 1, Dex 3, Bod 3, Int 4, Wil 4 Size -1, Move 4, Perception 8, Initiative 7, Defence 7, Stun 3, Health 6 Melee 4+1=5, Stealth 4+3=7, Firearms 3+3=6, Survival 3+4=7, Empathy 4+4=8, Academics 4+4=8 (Selenite History), Performance 3+0=3, Linguistics 4+4=8 (English, Russian, and two other selenite languages). Motives: Loyal, Honest, Wise Talents and Resources: Nil

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Selenite PCs The article Eyes in the Dark describes selenites as a PC species for the original 1889 rule set (RPG Review 8). Selenites get less than the usual amount to spend on attributes, and have attributes at set values in exchange for a small number of special abilities. These conversion rules work well converting the set attributes by caste to Ubiquity equivalents except there is not score for Willpower. All Selenites have Will 4.


Lunar Caterpillar Combat brief version # APP: 1, Weight: 1000 lbs, Size 2, Stun 2, Health 10, Fangs DR3L, Coils DR4N special when a wound is scored with the fangs the creature has bit down and holds the character in its jaws. In subsequent rounds it automatically gnaws and coils its body around the victim. Init: 5 Def: 5, Move: 7 Note: for the calculation of Move the tiny claws of the caterpillar do not count as legs. Full NPC Version Follower 0 Archetype: Animal, Motivation: Survival Primary Attributes: Body 2, Dexterity 5, Strength 1, Charisma 0, Intelligence 0, Will 6, Soc 0. Secondary Attributes: Move 8, Perception 6, Initiative 5, Defence 5, Stun 2, Health 10 Skills: Brawl 2+1=3, Stealth 5+1=6, Survival 4+0=4. Flaws: Bestial Weapons: Fangs DR3L, Coils DR4N special when a wound is scored with the fangs the creature has bit down and holds the character in its jaws. In subsequent rounds it automatically gnaws and coils its body around the victim. I

Lunar Rat #APP: 1d6x1, Weight 2, Size -2, Stun 1, Health 1, Teeth DR2L, Init: 6 Def:10 Move: L6 Strength ?, Brawl ?

Lunar Bat Swarm #APP: Swarm, Weight 2, Size 1x1, Stun 1, Health 1, Swarm DR9L Init: 6 Def:10 Move F24 Strength ?, Brawl ?

Ether Governor The Ether Governor use by Grant is not described in game terms anywhere (1889 statistics in parenthesis). The attributes here were derived by 'eyeballing' considering that a hack inventor like Grant can build one, comparison to similar devices, and likely effects on the game balance (minimal). Research Area: The Ether (GDW 1889 rules Knowledge 8, experimental success number 1) Understanding 3, Artifact 1, the reliability is the maximum safe speed of the flyer for fine maneouvres such as near the surface of an airless world. If flying at the maximun safe speed make a Average (3) pilot ether flyer roll every round (6 seconds) to avoid accidentally exceeding the safe speed. If this speed is exceeded then the flyer rapidly accelerates to interplanetary speeds in a few seconds; roll very hard (6) pilot ether flyer to avoid crashing at interplanetary speeds killing everyone aboard most spectacularly. On a success the flyer accelerates out (35xflyer speed miles) into interplanetary space in the first round and twice that distance every following round, but at least you are alive. Handling (Han) is reliability -4 while the governor is in use.

The Burning Desert

Travel times Though the printed adventure blithely states that the Mosquito travels from the pole to the equator to make matters worse the players don’t know how down the world river they will have to travel. Fortunately, a little research and arithmetic provides agreeable answers should they ask. At the steam launches pace of a whopping 60mile per hour only 160 hours of continuous flight is needed to the 9525 miles to circumnavigate the tiny world; well with the steam launches 40 days endurance. Form the pole to the equator is 2381 miles. At 60mph this takes 39h40min if the players can stoke, pilot, and trim in shifts without stopping the vessel. There is nothing that can threaten an aerial vessel on Mercury but

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even so acknowledging how long it takes is an important way of helping the players understand Mercury and the capabilities of the settings technology.

Weapon’s Locker The printed adventure does not describe any small arms that the crew of the Mosquito might be carrying. In my game I described a locked cabinet in the bridge with three old breech-loading carbines inside. The expedition leader is given the key before the party sets out.

Marine Privates Two marine privates accompany the PCs. In the printed adventure these are described merely as ‘Veteran’ NPCs. One is has skill in machine guns the other does not. Here I have detailed these NPCs more fully. In my game they were marine private David Gilby (handsome, blue eyed with blonde mutton chops) and Nathaniel Smith (brown eyes and hair with a trimmed beard and ready smile). Both are strapping poor lads who have a rough humour, are loyal to the navy that ‘rescued’ them from destitution, and when the chips are down 'ard as nails. Ally 3 Str 5, Dex 4, Bod 5, Int 2, Chr 3, Wil 5 Soc 1 Size 0, Move 9, Perception 7, Initiative 6, Defence 9, Stun 5, Health 10 Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Craft (Mechanics) 1, Empathy 1, Firearms 3, Gunnery (Gilby machine gun, Smith cannon) 3, Intimidation 1, Linguistics (Gilby Mandarin, smith Hindu) 1, Medicine 1, Melee 4. Talents and Resources: Gilby is attractive; while Smith is notably a light sleeper.

Navy Crew The Burning Desert instructs the referee to supply Trained NPCs to cover any crew positions the PCs do not have the skills for. The positions required are helmsman (i.e. pilot), trimsman and engineer (a marine private is the gunner). Ally 1 Str 3, Dex 3, Bod 3, Int 3, Chr 3, Will 3, Soc 1. Size 0, Move 6, Perception 6, Initiative 6, Defence 6, Stun 3, Health 6 Skills: needed skill 3*, Athletics 2, Empathy 1, Linguistics (Portuguese or Spanish) 1, Melee 2, Firearms 2. Talents and Resources: All these NPCs have one Talent assigned with a name motivation and two traits below: Peter Smith Iron Jaw (stun4) stubborn broad shouldered reads penny dreadfuls Jack Brown famine hardy Frugal athletic build lowland scot accent. John Black robust (health 8) adventuresome healthy country youth *Needed skill is of course whichever skill the party is missing to fly the steam launch.

Juggernaut Crew Typical crew members of the Juggernaut can be represented by the same statistics as the Navy Crew except languages are (including native) Italian, Polish, and English and all of them have famine hardy as a talent. What is the current crew of the Juggernaut? The block text of the adventure does not make this really clear. Maintenance crew 5man shiftsx2 =10 but one shift killed =5 Two Engineers Pilot Captain (prof), two gunners, first officer (Brupmford), Steward, Total: 13 NPCs In the final battle the other maintenance crew who where held loyal by the promise of payment see the writing on the wall and if possible escape into the wilds. The professor two gunners, first officer, Steward (five NPCs total) will oppose the players.

Professor Ignatius Wisniewski Patron 3 Str 2, Dex 3, Bod 2, Int 6, Chr 4, Wil 4, Soc 4 Size 0, Move 5, Perception 10, Initiative 9, Defense 5, Stun 2, Health 6

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Skills: Brawling 1+2=3, Sports. 1+3=4, stealth 2+3=5, Craft (mechanics) 2+6=8, firearms 1+3=4, survival 1+6=7, Investigation 6+6=12, Craft (chemistry) 5+6=11, Science (engineering) 5+6=11, Con 3+4=7, Linguistics 4+6=10 (German, English, Dutch, French), Riding 3+4=7, Pilot 2+4=6 (Ether Flyer). Motives: Greedy Ruthless, Driven. Talents and Resources: Wealth 4, The Tin Juggernaut.

Claude Brumpford Ally 3 Str 3, Dex 4, Bod 3, Int 3, Chr 2, Wil 4, Soc 2 Size 0, Move 5, Perception 7, Initiative 7, Defense 7, Stun 2, Health 7. Skills: Brawling 2+3=5, Athletics 1+3=4, Stealth 3+4=7, Spying 2+3=5, Firearms 2+4=6, Survival 2+3=5, Empathy 3+3=6, Diplomacy 1+2=3, Con 2+2=4, Riding 1+2=3 Motives: Ruthless, Greedy Talents and Resources: Wealth 1, Subtle Strike (Stealth Attack)

Tin Juggernaut Size 8, Def 10, Spd 12 (1/3) the Juggernaut generally travels at 10mph but has a top speed of 12mph, Han -3, Crew 12, Pass 3, Total Structure 40. Structure Breakdown for Aerial Combat: Note: when first encountered Bridge: C H O Deck 0 (the steward) Maneuver: 000000 Gunners 00 Passengers 000 ‘Screw’ 000000 (max altitude zero!) Hull 00000000000000000000000000000000

6 pound Hotchkiss Rotating Cannon The Tin Juggernaut is armed with a 6 pound Hotchkiss Rotating Cannon. This weapon though listed in the equipment section is not given any combat statistics in the 1889 book. What follows is my best guess. 800Lb, £220, DR shell ammunitions 3L, Range 600, Cap 10 ‘clip’, Rate 2, Area 4.

Challenge 45: Mercury The Nodding World: Supply Ship Rescue The column and a half of magazine text isn’t much more than an outline for an adventure. These notes fill-out the outline to create a short basic scenario for play. You should still read the original article to make sense of what follows. Before playing skip ahead to ‘Packing’ and prepare notes or a simple spread-sheet to help your players plan during that phase of the adventure.

Set-up At the end of the Burning Desert the player’s return to Princess Christina Station to find that a naval ether-cutter has called and whisked away the Prometheus to Venus to ‘be visible’ during a visit of a German ether-navy battleship to Venus orbit. The players will be stranded on Mercury but might be able to catch a lift with the regular civilian government supply ship in a fortnight. Let the players describe how they spend the next fortnight. Re-enforce that there is no communication with Earth, you can write an article but publication will have to wait until you return to London. The bases two ether flyers head off on scientific missions to take measurements relating to the 'nod'. The players cannot accompany these missions without missing their lift home. Present the nod as an astronomical event of interest to scientists but NOT at all spectacular. The supply ship fails to arrive at the station. The players a stranded again, have them describe how they spend their time. Then a month later the PC with the highest Perception sees a bedraggled and exhausted man stagger out of the forest. The survivor is John Smith, a large frame is visible beneath the man’s sunken skin he has a wild beard and his clothes are torn and muddied. Two large puncture wounds on his right leg are festering and he is near death. Second in command of the Lucy Jones ether supply ship he has endured a harrowing

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journey on foot through the prehistoric wilds of Mercury. Four other did not make it but the rest of the crew and passengers, 27 people, remain with the crashed flyer in the Throckmorton Lake lowlands. John has a scrap of paper with the coordinates of the crash site. He dies soon after arrival unless a player makes a difficulty 6 medicine roll to treat him using the depleted medicine supplies. One of the station scientists pipes up that the nod surge is due any day now, the exact time is unknown. The local aerial steam launches and ether flyers are not available. There are three small steam-boats available. (these are small boats with a 1.5 ton capacity valued at £7 Size 2, Def 4, Strc 7, Han0, Crew 2, Pas 5(comfortably)). The boats require a pilot (nautical) each and there should be at least one Craft (Mechanics) (one per boat). If the players don’t have these skills an NPC will provide them. Navy Crewman Ally 1 Str 3, Dex 3, Bod 3, Int 3, Chr 3, Will 3, Soc 1. Size 0, Move 6, Perception 6, Initiative 6, Defence 6, Stun 3, Health 8 Skills: needed skill 3*, Athletics 2, Empathy 1, Linguistics (Portuguese) 1, Melee 2, Firearms 2. Talents and Resources: Robust (already added)

The Journey Out The crash site is 300 miles away on the shores of Lake Throckmorton (30 small hexes on the Mercury map in Conklin’s if you have that, Lake Throckmorton is the large lake on the second map). Use the water travel rules for the journey out. Slow speed, territorial wild animals, and threat of fever make ‘routine’ travel in the wilds a dangerous buisiness. Be creative with animal encounters, large fish will ram the boats, squid will emerge as an explosion of tentacles that grab and drag characters over the side. As the players get within 60miles downstream of Lake Throckmorton describe the spongy ground rich with organic matter. Ask the players to make an Average (3) Science Biology roll (allow unskilled at -4). Each level of success yields some information: 0(3 evens) the squat shapes of some of the trees 1 The trees though short have buttressed roots 2 The plants here are either large squat types or younger fast growing types but nothing in between. 3 Many trees have an oval cross-section to their trunks all facing the same way. 4 There are clusters of leathery eggs high up and hidden in the canopy. 5 There are burrows hidden among the buttress roots and holes of various sizes bored into the trees. The area probably could not support this density of animals most must be dormant. Borer ‘lobster’ stats are as per the smallest size crab. The creature benefits from Major cover (+4Def) in its burrow. When the player’s approach the crash site they will see three survivors around a small fire at the lake edge. These British marines were expecting naval aerial flyers they are disheartened to hear the flyers are not coming. They lead the PCs into the stunted forest to the crash site where the other survivors are living. The survivors will be devastated by the news that John Smith and the other messengers have died. The news that a huge tidal bore is going to drown them all reduces them to despair.

Packing Players must figure out how best to use the limited space aboard their 3 small steam launches (during play testing one of the three boats was sunk by fauna before reaching the lake). Assume each person uses up 100 pounds of the 10080 (3x3360) pounds available (people stand or cling to goods). There are the player’s team plus 27 survivors at the crash site. Five of these are injured but stable with 3 lethal wounds each. 5 more have a fever with 3 non-lethal damage and must roll health 3 each day or get another. There are also supplies: Medical tonics & supplies 10 tons (22400 Lb) Spare parts 10 tons, including parts for aerial steam launches, boats, etc. Nutritional supplements (including bully-beef) 10 tons Miscellaneous 20 tons (44800Lb) Five of the clerks (who are inexperienced in water/wilderness travel) take it into their heads to walk out and climb tress to escape the waters. They also point out this makes more room for supplies and the injured. Players must beat each walker in a social contest to convince them to get on or tie them up. No sooner do they load the supplies when they hear the roar of the approaching water and the crack of snapping trees…

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The Wave Describe the approaching wave with plenty of drama, the white churning water filled with smashed trees and smashed corpses of huge primeval lungfish and trilobites. Unless they have really hike away from the camp let the PCs get to the boats. If caught during the surge characters will be tempted to climb (Easy 1) a tree this takes one climb roll but the character will be snapped at by some animal on the way up treat as a single melee attack plus one more per failed climb roll until the PC succeeds in the climb or gives up. Each boat pilot must make a Pilot (Nautical) 7 roll. Compare any degree of failure against the navigation hazards table. Measure of failure 7 results in a sinking. Everyone is thrown overboard and must make a 4 Athletics roll to swim. Each failure results in non-lethal damage from water in the lungs or pummeling. Players can keep trying until they success or go under and die. Those who succeed grab hold of flotsam. Ropes or swimming checks can then save the character.

The Flood In the aftermath of the surge describe the smashed and splintered ferns and primitive trees, the broken and rent corpses of the lungfish, shattered bodies of trilobites etc. Let them react then throw in a large predator feasting. Describe how its actions are becoming more rapid. Have another arrive and the two snap at each other. All the while the sound of animals builds. A feeding frenzy is building. The players will face 8 animal encounters per day for the first 10 miles of travel as all around them creatures fight eat and spawn in a frenzy. There is no roll to avoid an encounter here. After that check encounters four times a day but otherwise using the usual rules for a further 50 miles. Extra speed not added by current increases these rates of encounter. Unlike the published adventure I’m allowing the usual travel speeds despite laden boats. Smart PCs will use the current to travel faster. Work down the table first (do not roll) to give the PC’s a variety of encounters. The animals have and equal chance of attacking NPCs and PCs possibly eating someone the PCs has gone to great efforts to rescue.

Surge Encounters

2d6 Creature

2 Navigation Hazard

3 Fish

4 Runner

5 Quick sand

6 Flyer

7 Larvae Swarm

8 Crab

9 Centipede

10 Squid

11 Gator

12 Serpent

Navigation Hazard. Pilot to make an Easy roll to avoid if fail see Ubiquitous 1889 Water Travel section for more.

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Quicksand The lead of the party must roll an Average (3) Survival roll to spot the Quicksand before it is too late. The degree of failure is the Strength roll difficulty and number of successes needed to extract him. The number of successes needed rises by one at the end of each round. The degree of failure is also the initial depth the character has sunk to. This increases by 1 foot in any round in which not successes are scored. If the depth is more than the character’s height they begin to drown (LOA123). At height plus 3’ the character’s hands slip below the surface…

Mercurial Larvae Swarm #APP: Swarm, Weight 2, Size 1x1, Stun 1, Health 5, Swarm DR9L Init: 6 Def:10 Move Sw12 or walk 5(10 run) Strength 1, Brawl 2 A swarm of small newly hatched fish or ‘crabs’; born hungry and fearless. These swarms are fortunately quite rare, occurring only after a nod surge has awoken them from their dormant state.

The rest of the way For the rest of the journey the characters face the usual travel encounters and fever problems for travelling the wilds of the world river however there is an equal chance that predators will attack the NPCs they have just rescued. A week after the PCs return from the rescue mission the Prometheus returns and the PCs are able to hitch a ride back to England. Describe the military conditions aboard the Prometheus (cramped, regimented, clean, the sailor swear like troopers when the officers aren’t around). At Speed 4 the trip takes just over 23 days. Get some feedback as to how the PCs spend this time. The players return to Earth and, as recent adventurers to Mercury, are invited to attend a lecture (fund-raiser) for Le Durieux. This is a way of building a connection to a later adventure ‘Le Durieux’s Mad Journey’. Portray Dr. Jacques Le Durieux as a flashy, pushy, fame hungry Frenchman. If PCs get past this they may discover he has an excellent analytical mind skilled in mathematics and physics.

NPC List

7 Merchant Ether Flyer Crew (the engineers have the fever) Pilot, five engineers, steward (cooking). Ally 1 Str 3, Dex 3, Bod 3, Int 3, Chr 2, Wil 2, Soc 3. Size 0, Move 6, Perception 5, Initiative 6, Defence 6, Stun 3, Health 5 Skills: Brawl 1+3=4, Melee 1+3=4, Athletics 1+3=4, Linguistics 2+3=5/6 for steward (Parhooni, Eastern Ishtar Venusian) , Investigation 1+3=4 Science (Physics) 1+3=4. Crew skills by position: Engineer: Science (Engineering) 2+3=5, Craft (Mechanics) 2+3=5 Steward: Diplomacy 1+2=3, Craft (Cooking) 1+3=4, Linguistics +1=6 (French), Empathy 1+3=4. Pilot: Pilot (Ether Flyer) 2+3=5, Pilot (Aerial) 1+3=4, Bureaucracy 1+3=4. Talents and Resources: Wealth 2, Refuge 1.

10 Marines (five injured) Ally 2 Str 4, Dex 4, Bod 4, Int 2, Chr 3, Wil 4 Soc 1 Size 0, Move 8, Perception 6, Initiative 6, Defence 8, Stun 4, Health 8 Skills: Athletics 3+4=7, Brawl 3+4=7, Empathy 1+2=3, Firearms 3+4=7, Gunnery (Canon) 2+2=4, Intimidation 1+3=4, Medicine 1+2=3, Melee 3+4=7. Talents and Resources: Accuracy

8 Clerks (five decide to walk) Follower 1 Str 2, Dex 2, Bod 2, Int 2, Chr 3, Wil 2 Soc 3 Size:0, Move 4, Perception 4, Initiative 4, Defense 4, Stun 2, Health 4 Skills: Bureaucracy 2+2=4, Linguistics 1+2=3 (German), Diplomacy 1+3=4, Empathy 1+2=3, Con 1+3=4. Talents and Resources: Wealth 2, Refuge 1.

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2 Scientists Ally 3 Str 2, Dex 4, Bod 3, Int 5, Chr 3, Wil 4 Soc 4 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 9, Defence 7, Stun 3, Health 7 Skills: Science (Physics) 4+5=9, Science (Engineering) 1+5=6, Investigation 2+5=7, Linguistics 4+5=9 (German, French, Italian, Parhooni), Medicine 1+5=6, Craft (Electrics) 1+5=6, Anthropology 1+5=6, Craft (Mechanics)1+5=6, Craft (Chemistry) 1+5=6, Craft (Pharmacology) 1+5=6, Science (Biology) 1+5=6, Science (Geology) 1+5=6, Science (Archeology) 1+5=6 Talents and Resources: Wealth 3, Refuge 1.

The River of Life

An appeal for help/Arrival in Tuscon I found the idea that the players go all the way to Tuscon just to have a conversation pretty annoying. Instead, when the characters return to London. Inside the door of the most ‘respectable’ PC they find three pieces of correspondence.

1. A letter from Annabelle Sommerset. 2. a telegram to say she has become increasing anxious about her uncle and the

lack of a reply from the adventurers, therefore will arrive in London in three days to seek you out. The telegram is dated a week ago.

3. Finally, there is a calling card to say the young lady is staying at Ritz. Eventually the players will make their way to the Ritz and Miss Annabelle. Convey the information from “Arrival in Tuscon” but transpose the events to the hotel in London. The flyer is at an airfield just outside of London.

Annabelle Sommerset Ally 3 Str 2, Dex 2, Bod 4, Int 4, Chr 5 Soc 3 Wil 5 Brawling 3=1+2, Athletics 3=1+2, Stealth 6=4+2, Firearms 4=2+2, Survival 8=4+4, Empathy 5=1+4, Performance 9=4+5, Linguistics (Apache, Spanish) 6=2+4, Riding 7=3+4, Pilot Ether 5=2+3, Pilot Aerial 4=1+3. Motives: Adventuresome, Responsible, Love (of her uncle). Note that I have added pilot skills so that she can pilot her uncle’s ether flyer from Tucson to London and if necessary to the moon.

The Selenite Village Adjust the description of the Selenite village and how warmly the players are received their to match the outcomes of the players actions On Gossimer Wings. The statistics for armed selenites have already been given.

Descent into the Unknown Navigating the narrows is a Hard 5 pilot aerial flyer roll or Average 3 if smoked goggles or the like are used. If the players fail this roll the Perception roll to spot Grant’s flyer is Hard (5) and the roll to crash onto the same ledge as Grant’s flyer is also Pilot Aerial Hard (5).

Options No notes needed

The Underground River In narrow channels the pilot must make an Easy (1) roll against piloting skill and if he fails all characters must make a Dexterity (x2) roll difficulty 3 or fall into the

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water. Those who fall in must make either Athletics or Dexterity (x2) whichever is higher vs Average (3). If this roll fails roll the same again but Very Hard (6) and apply the MoF as wounds. Characters who are made unconscious by this will require saving with an Athletics roll of Tough 4. The usual Ubiquity rules for drowning apply. Cataracts are treated much as narrow channels except the initial pilot roll is Average (3), and if no successes are gained the raft tips over dumping all the characters into the water. If this happens any items in the boat the characters are not carrying is lost.

Island of the Moon Men The stealth task is Easy (1). It is not entirely clear if the guards are Soldiers (who have electric rifles on the NPC table) or Guards who are only listed as having sabers on the NPC table. I gave the island guards Soldier stats and the guards in the city dungeon Guard stats. Note that if the players use the submarine then there is only room for 10 people. Any criminals present will argue strongly that they be allowed to accompany the PCs. The criminals will not cause trouble but will abandon the PCs as soon as they set foot on dry land at the city. The criminals will make for the outlying countryside to take up thieving and banditry again.

Naporrow Bing Ally 3 Str 2, Dex 4, Bod 4, Int 5, Chr 3, Wil 3 Soc 1 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 8, Initiative 9, Defence 8, Stun 4, Health 7 Skills: Brawling 1, Melee 1, Stealth 3, Firearms 4, Athletics 3, Investigation 4, Gunnery 2, Performance 3, Pilot (water vehicle) 4. Talents and Resources: Tinker: no penalty for improvised tools.

The Submarine No notes needed but representing the vehicle in Ubiquity terms may prove useful. The Moon Man submarine is a special deep diving submarine with reliability 30 (able to dive for 300 hours) and a better top speed than anything humans could hope to build any time soon. It has no torpedoes and is armed with a largely ornamental ram. Treat this last as per a ram except after one use it is broken and will not aid future ram attempts. Size 8, Def 9, Spd 15 (1/3), Han 0, Crew 4, Pass 4 (up to 10 in cramped conditions), Total Structure 40.

Arrival at the City Few notes are needed here. The Ubiquity stats for the lightning cannon might be useful. Lunar Lightning Cannon: DR=6*, range 800, Cap unlimited, Rate 1, Burst 4, Reload NA, 10tons, priceless. *The lightning cannon is not a particularly accurate weapon is suffers -2 to hit targets size 2 or less.

Options: The City of Light and Science Stock NPC moon men are given at the end of this section.

The Dungeon The stats for guards and prisoners are at the end of this section. I found it useful to map out the gaol as the players explored it. We used a vinyl mat erasable markers and miniatures. A real olde school dungeon crawl!

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Their Undeniable Guilt! This is a roleplaying scene with very little opportunity for players to roleplay. If your players are caught do not dwell on this too long after the unfairness of it becomes obvious.

Experience Do not award the PCs grants flyer or governor just yet otherwise as directed in the printed adventure.

Tearful Reunion & The Ways Home Not much to add to either of these scenes.

Concluding the Adventure 3 free spend experience points 1 Close Combat experience point to PCs who became involved in close fighting 1xp in Electricity to those who took the time to examine any of the electric wonders of the moon men. Scientific renown xp is awarded as described in the adventure. Those returning with proof of their exploits will also receive a point of Heroic xp for every member of the party. Referee’s may however wish to carefully consider the implications before giving the players an ether flyer, particularly one as advanced as Grant’s. If you are using published adventures then the ownership of a flyer gives the players the ability to go to any world of the inner solar system instead of where you want them to go next for the published adventure. Of course if you have the time to write adventures yourself you can respond to PC actions much better.

Lunar Life

Humma An agile domesticated insectoid with a armoured exoskeleton. #APP 2d6, Size Small -1 (weight 30Lb in Earth gravity), stun 1, Health 1, no weapons, initiative 1, defense 11, Move 8 (16 run) Str 4, Brawl 6. Total attack 10

Lunar Flyer A large flying animal from the moon. #APP 1d6, Size 0 (weight 100Lb in Earth gravity), stun 1, Health 2, Teeth 3L Talons 3L initiative 5, defense 4, Move 24 fly, Str 5, Brawl 10, Total attack 18L. Talons: a successful attack enables the creature to latch its talons onto the enemy. In subsequent rounds it can choose to hold on with one talon doing attacks using half weapon dice (round-up) plus STR and Brawl+2 with its other talons and continue to use any other weapons it has normally. A contest of Strength removes the creature.

Lunar Fish Small lightly armoured fish-like creatures #APP Size 0 (2Lb, (-2) mass each), stun 1, Health 1, Swarm 5L, initiative 4, defense 5, Move 12 swim, Str 1, Brawl 2, Total attack 8L Swarm.

Grabber Like nothing on Earth, a large lamprey like creature with 3 pairs of tentacles #APP 1, Swarm, Size 0 (400 lb mass), stun 2, Health 6, Tentacles 6L, initiative 6, defense 7, Move 12 swim, Str 5, Brawl 2, Total attack variable. Tentacles: the creature can split is attack dice into separate attacks. The creature can choose to grapple with these attacks. Once one of these attacks hits the creature uses STR+1 dice to constrict the prey and the victim rolls 2xSTR instead of his normal defense thereafter until the victim escapes the grapple.

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Lunar Whale A collective term for any huge lunar fish. Typically slow moving and placid, roll survival 3+ to avoid accidentally provoking the beast , the whale only attacks if you fail. #APP 1, Size 2 (7 tons mass), stun 2, Health 10, Teeth 4L, initiative 1, defense 4, Move 6 swim, Str 1, Brawl 2, Total attack 7L.

Water Snake More of an aquatic giant millipede really. #APP 1, Size 0 (200lbs), Stun 1, Health 4, Teeth 4L, Initiative 4, defense 5, Move 12 swim, Str 5, Brawl 6, Total attack 15L.

Moon Men


Merchant (Green) Green Minor NPC Follower 0 Str 2, Dex 4, Bod 2, Int 4, Chr 3, Wil 2, Soc3 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 6, Initiative 8, Defence 6, Stun 2, Health 4. Skills: Melee 1+2=3, Firearms 1+4=5 Knife: 3L, Total attack 6L

Merchant (Trained) Trained Minor NPC Ally 1 Str 2, Dex 4, Bod 2, Int 4, Chr 3, Wil 3, Soc3 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 7, Initiative 8, Defence 6, Stun 2, Health 5. Skills: Melee 1+2=3, Firearms 1+4=5 Knife: 3L, Total attack 6L

Fisherman (Trained) Trained Minor NPC Ally 1 Str 4, Dex 2, Bod 4, Int 2, Chr 3, Wil 3 Soc 1 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 5, Initiative 4, Defence 6, Stun 4, Health 7 Skills: Melee 2+4=6, Athletics 3+4=7. Spear: DR3L, Str3, Range 10, Rate 1, 2Lbs, 1/- Total attack dice: Melee 9L, Thrown 10L

Fisherman (Experienced) Trained Minor NPC Ally 1 Str 4, Dex 2, Bod 4, Int 2, Chr 3, Wil 4 Soc 1 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 6, Initiative 4, Defence 6, Stun 4, Health 8 Skills: Melee 3+4=7, Athletics 3+4=7. Spear: DR3L, Str3, Range 10, Rate 1, 2Lbs, 1/- Total attack dice: Melee 10L, Thrown 10L

Thug (Trained) Trained Minor NPC Ally 1 Str 4, Dex 2, Bod 4, Int 2, Chr 3, Wil 3 Soc 1 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 5, Initiative 4, Defence 6, Stun 4, Health 7 Skills: Melee 2+4=6, Athletics 3+4=7. Knife: DR 3L, Total attack dice: Melee 9L, Thrown 10L

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Thug (Experienced) Trained Minor NPC Ally 1 Str 4, Dex 2, Bod 4, Int 2, Chr 3, Wil 4 Soc 1 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 6, Initiative 4, Defence 6, Stun 4, Health 8 Skills: Melee 3+4=7, Athletics 3+4=7. Knife: DR 3L, Total attack dice: Melee 10L, Thrown 10L

Soldier (Trained) Trained Minor NPC Ally 1 Str 4, Dex 2, Bod 4, Int 2, Chr 3, Wil 3 Soc 1 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 5, Initiative 4, Defence 6, Stun 4, Health 7 Skills: Melee 2+4=6, Firearms 4+2=6. Lunar Electric Rifle: DR2+L* lbs Lunar Electric Rifle: DR2L+* Range 50, Cap 100, Rate 1or 5(M+2), Reload 2#, priceless, 8Lbs Moon men never use the 5 dart automatic setting. # The rifle clip includes a battery that takes 1 hour to recharge. Finding replacement darts however is a much more difficult proposition. Total attack dice: 8L electric rifle

Soldier (Experienced) Trained Minor NPC Ally 2 Str 4, Dex 2, Bod 4, Int 2, Chr 3, Wil 4 Soc 1 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 6, Initiative 4, Defence 6, Stun 4, Health 8 Skills: Melee 3, Firearms 4. Lunar Electric Rifle: DR2+L* lbs Lunar Electric Rifle: DR2L+* Range 50, Cap 100, Rate 1or 5(M+2), Reload 2#, priceless, 8Lbs Moon men never use the 5 dart automatic setting. # The rifle clip includes a battery that takes 1 hour to recharge. Finding replacement darts however is a much more difficult proposition. Total attack dice: 8L electric rifle

Prisoner (Experienced) Experienced Minor NPC Ally 2 Str 4, Dex 2, Bod 4, Int 2, Chr 2, Wil 4 Soc 1 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 5, Initiative 4, Defence 6, Stun 4, Health 8 Skills: Melee 3, Firearms 2, Club: DR2N, Str2, Free, 3Lbs Total attack dice: 9N club

Prisoner (Veteran) Veteran Minor NPC Ally 3 Str 4, Dex 2, Bod 4, Int 2, Chr 2, Wil 5 Soc 1 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 5, Initiative 4, Defence 6, Stun 4, Health 9 Skills: Melee 4, Firearms 2, Club: DR2N, Str2, Free, 3Lbs Total attack dice: 10N club

Prison Guard (Green) Green Minor NPC Follower 0 Str 4, Dex 2, Bod 4, Int 2, Chr 3, Wil 2 Soc 1 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 4, Initiative 4, Defence 6, Stun 4, Health 6 Skills: Melee 1, Firearms 2, Sword/Saber: DR4L Str2 £2, 2 lbs Total attack dice: 10L saber

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Prison Guard (Trained) Trained Minor NPC Ally 1 Str 4, Dex 2, Bod 4, Int 2, Chr 3, Wil 3 Soc 1 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 5, Initiative 4, Defence 6, Stun 4, Health 7 Skills: Melee 2, Firearms 2, Sword/Saber: DR4L Str2 £2, 2 lbs Total attack dice: 11L saber

Anarchy in the Ether! After the River of Life the players return to Earth late in the evening with Grant and his flyer with the governor. In this way the players need not have been given the Governor ship, important to the campaign arch. At the most influential PC’s house they discover two gentlemen waiting for them at their doorstep. The older of the two is a well dressed and dignified gentleman who offers his hand “Dr Cornelius Worth, and this is Inspector Montrose of Scotland Yard” The second man, in his early thirties hands you his papers so that you can confirm his identity. At this point go to p42 TFTE ‘A Nocturnal Visit’ and play through that section except that it is the Inspector who informs the players of the arrival of Grant’s original flyer (with Governor) which came to the Inspector’s attention because Annabelle was seeking them through the police. The plot of Anarchy in the ether is so obvious that the PCs might thrawt the villain without leaving London. On the otherhand they may feel the need to play along as their characters, stifled by social niceties, can’t simply umask the villain in his own library. In either case as soon as they are no longer needed Grant and Somerset leave for Tuscon. This is a pretty short adventure granting a single free spend xp, perhaps a close combat xp, and most importantly xp for service to the crown and heroic acts as detailed in the adventure as well. The adventure also calls for those receiving three or more renown to be knighted. I would NOT do this. A knighthood is an entire level of Status worth 15xp, way to large a reward for such a short adventure. Character’s will also receive a monetary reward.

Transition: Supplemental to Challenge 45 The next morning, the posh-est PC’s are accosted by a very insistent French gentleman, Dr Le Durieux as they leave their residence. He says in light of their recent exploits on Mercury are invited to attend his lecture (fund-raiser) next Thursday. The lecture followed by a drive for public subscription to fund his venture. Public Subscription was the ‘KickStarter.com’ of the Victorian era. Perhaps players will part with some of their reward from Anarchy in the Ether. The whole scene is just a roleplaying opportunity. This is a way of building a connection to a later adventure ‘Le Durieux’s Mad Journey’(Challenge 45). Portray Dr. Jacques Le Durieux as a flashy, pushy, fame-hungry Frenchman. If PCs get past this they may discover he has an excellent analytical mind skilled in mathematics and physics. You could put some down-time in here and then run ‘Le Durieux’s Mad Journey’ but I consider it better to immediately present the players with another adventure and return to Monsieur Durieux at a later point in your campaign to simulate the Frenchman’s struggle to fund his eccentric endeavor.

1890 EARTH-VENUS Ether Ship Etiquette This section will adapt the article in Challenge 39 “Ether Ship Etiquette” to a trip to Venus rather than Mars.

Drums on the Border From “Tales from the Ether” Note that a bullet will NOT cause a hydrogen dirigable to explode or even fall out of the sky. In the game Simon need only make a single cut in the envelope puncturing one gas bag to sink the ship but this will happen very slowly over several hours.

Simon O’Rouke Ally 3 Str 4, Dex 5, Bod 4, Int 3, Chr 2, Wil 4, Soc 1 Size 0, Move 9, Perception 7, Initiative 8, Defense 9, Stun 4, Health 8 Skills: Brawling 3+4=7, Melee 2+4=6, stealth 5+5=10, Larceny 2+5=7, Survival 3+3=6, Empathy 2+3=5, Con 1+2=3

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Motives: Greedy, Sadistic, Ambitious. Talents and Resources: Acclimated Attacks Machete 6+3L Str 3 8d 2Lbs Heavy revolver: DR 0+2L, Str 2, Range 15, Cap 6, Rate 3M, Reload 3/round, £2, 2 lbs Winchester lever-action rifle: 2-3+0L*, Str 3, Range 75, Cap 12, Rate L2(+1), 9Lbs, £2 2/6 *inflicts 2 wounds unless within 10yards of the target in which case inflicts 3 Folding Knife DR 6+3L, Str 1.

Ghillie Ally 2 Str 4, Dex 6, Bod 5, Int 3, Chr 2, Wil 3, Soc 1 Size 0, Move 10, Perception 6, Initiative 9, Defense 11 (12 with shield), Stun 5, Health 8 Skills: Brawling 3+4=7, Stealth 5+6=11, Survival 4+3=7, Empathy 2+3=5, Con 1+2=3 Motives: Disgraced, Loyal (to O’Rouke), Cautious. Talents and Resources: Lizardman Attacks Machete 6+4L Str 3 8d 2Lbs Two throwing spears: DR3+4/6L, Str3, Range 10, Rate 1, 2-5Lbs, 1/-. Knife: DR 3+4L, Str 1, cost 2/-, wt 2-5Lbs Shield: Def 1, Str 1, Dex 0, 12/- 4Lbs

Thymon Ally 1 Str 2, Dex 6, Bod 5, Int 4, Chr 2, Wil 3, Soc 1 Size 0, Move 8, Perception 7, Initiative 10, Defense 11 (12 with shield), Stun 5, Health 8 Skills: Brawling 1+2=3, Stealth 5+6=11, Survival 4+4=8, Empathy 2+4=6, Diplomacy 1+2=3 Motives: Loyal, Friendly, Curious. Talents and Resources: Lizardman Attacks Two throwing spears: DR3+4L, Str3, Range 10, Rate 1, 2-5Lbs, 1/-. Knife: DR 3L, Str 1, cost 2/-, wt 2-5Lbs Shield: Def 1, Str 1, Dex 0, 12/- 4Lbs Club, Lizard Man War: A large club traditionally covered in teeth and sharp stones but more recently some clubs have been augmented with broken glass instead. DR2L, Str2, 2/-, 3Lbs

Oberst Hans Kurt Patron 3 Str 4, Dex 2, Bod 1, Int 6, Chr 3, Wil 5, Soc 5 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 11, Initiative 8, Defense 3, Stun 1, Health 6 Skills: Brawling 3+4=7, Melee 2+4=6, Firearms 3+2=5, Investigation 5+6=11, Con 2+6=8, Riding 4+5=9, Motives: Ruthless, Arrogant, Ambitious. Talents and Resources: Wealth 4, Refuge 1, Rank 4. Attacks Sword: DR4+4L Str2 £2, 2 lbs Light revolver: DR 2+2L, Str 1, Range 10, Cap 6, Rate 3M, Reload 3/round, 10/-, 1.5Lbs

Geoffery Forbes-Hamilton Ally X Str 2, Dex 4, Bod 1, Int 6, Chr 3, Wil 3, Soc 5 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 9, Initiative 10, Defense 5, Stun 1, Health 4 Skills: Brawling 1+2=3, Stealth 3+4=7, Investigation 5+6=11, Science (physics) 2+6=8, Performance 2+3=5, Pilot (aeronaut) 4+5=9, Motives: adventuresome, curious, eccentric Talents and Resources: Wealth 4, Refuge 1, Status 1 Attacks Nil

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German Trooper Ally 2 (Minor NPC) Strapping hard men in Imperial German Army Uniforms. Not trusting his men to not fire when under pressure Hans Kurt has armed the troopers only with lizardman weapons for the attack. if however the players attack the army camp the troopers will have bolt action rifles. The soldiers chosen for this mission are all experienced and loyal. Attributes Str 4, Dex 2, Bod 4, Int 2, Wil 4, Chr 3, Soc 2 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 6, Initiative 4, Def 6, Stun 4, health 8. Skills: Melee 3 firearms 4 Attacks Throwing Spear: DR3+7L, Str3, Range 10, Rate 1, 2Lbs, 1/-. Smaller versions may be thrown. Club, Lizard Man War: DR2+7L, Str2, 2/-, 3Lbs. Faced with shards of glass from English Worstershire sauce bottles. Back a the camp only Bolt action rifle: DR3+6L, Str 3, Range 120, Cap 5, Rate 1, Reload 5/round, £2, 9 lbs. Bayonet/rifle butt: DR 3+7L or 3N, Str 3, cost +8d for bayonet, +1Lbs to weight of rifle.

German Officer Ally 3 (Minor NPC) Strapping hard men in Imperial German Army Uniforms. Not trusting his men to not fire when under pressure Hans Kurt has armed them with lizardman weapons for the attack; officers have retained their pistols but are under strict orders not to use them. Attributes Str 4, Dex 2, Bod 4, Int 2, Wil 5, Chr 3, Soc 5 Size 0, Move 6, Perception 7, Initiative 4, Def 6, Stun 4, health 9. Skills: Melee 4 firearms 3 Attacks Throwing Spear: DR3+8L, Str3, Range 10, Rate 1, 2Lbs, 1/-. Smaller versions may be thrown. Club, Lizard Man War: DR2+8L, Str2, 2/-, 3Lbs. Faced with shards of glass from English Worstershire sauce bottles. Not to be used Light revolver: DR 2+5L, Str 1, Range 10, Cap 6, Rate 3M, Reload 3/round, 10/-, 1.5Lbs Back a the camp only Saber: DR4+8L Str2 £2, 2 lbs

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`Tables for play Space 1889 Attribute Ubiquity Attribute

Strength Strength

Agility Dexterity

Endurance Body

Intelligence Intelligence

Charisma Charisma

Social Class Social Class (new)

- Willpower

Difficulty 1889 Equivalent Rating

Easy Easy 2

Average Moderate 3

Tough Moderate 4

Hard Difficult 5

Very Hard Formidable 6

Nigh Impossible Impossible 7+

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Space 1889 Skill Ubiquity Skill

Bargaining Bureaucracy

Close Combat Melee

Crime Choose one: Larceny or Spying or Acrobatics

Eloquence Choose one: Con or Diplomacy or Performance

Engineering Choose one: Craft (Carpentry) or Demolitions or Science (Engineering)

Field Craft Expeditions or Stealth

Fisticuffs Brawl

Gunnery Gunnery

Leadership Choose one: Diplomacy or Performance or Intimidation

Linguistics Choose one: Academics or Anthropology or Connoisseur or Linguistics. Linguistics provides one extra language per skill level (not a group of languages as per LOA and not by skill rating). In 1889 the languages of the colonial powers will dominate most interactions.

Marksmanship Firearms, Athletics, or Archery

Mechanics Choose one: Craft (Electrics) or Craft (Mechanics)

Medicine Medicine

Observation Choose one: Investigation or Empathy or Art

Piloting Choose any one Pilot. A new pilot skill ‘Ether Flyer’ exists.

Riding Choose one: Animal Handling or Ride

Science Choose any one Science or Craft (Chemistry) or Craft (Pharmacology) or Craft (Electrics). For Science use 1889 (not LOA cascade skill divisions) except there is no Science Chemistry (this is a Craft now).

Stealth Stealth

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Swimming Athletics

Theatrics Choose one: Con or Gambling

Throwing Choose one: Athletics or Melee or Archery or Sports

Tracking Survival

Trimsman Trimsman (new skill)

Wilderness Travel Survival or Expeditions

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