ucp chelsea pierce

UCP’s College UCP’s College Transition Program Transition Program Chelsea Pierce Chelsea Pierce [email protected] [email protected] 4/23/10 4/23/10 EEX4070 EEX4070

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This is my powerpoint. I hope you enjoy!


Page 1: UCP Chelsea Pierce

UCP’s College Transition UCP’s College Transition ProgramProgram

UCP’s College Transition UCP’s College Transition ProgramProgram

Chelsea PierceChelsea [email protected]@knights.ucf.edu


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Early Perceptions I was surprised by how advanced the

students were, I was excited to work with a population with such varying disabilities. I was a little bit nervous and apprehensive because I wanted to teach my lessons efficiently. I felt welcomed and happy by the students, and knew that this was going to be an amazing experience!

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Introduction to the Setting

• My TIA project was conducted at UCP’s (United Cerebral Palsy) East Orange-Bailes campus. It is located about 5 minutes from UCF and was built last year.

• It is an inclusion school and services babies up to third grade and then the College Transition Program (18-22 year olds).

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Site/Community Demographics

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Personal Demographics• My Major is Elementary Education. • I’m a Junior at UCF.• I love to cook and do art, specifically abstract

paintings.• I cannot wait to have my own class to teach, I

love children and education!

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Engagement Activities

• My partner for this project, Terry and I went into UCP about once or twice a week. Two of the topics we discussed with the students included: money sense and interview skills.

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Money SenseStudents Learned:

– The difference between Debit and Credit Cards– Leaving a tip after receiving a check for a meal– Determining if a certain item can be

purchased, based on the amount of money a student has

– Finding and comparing low prices– Leaving change. For example, if a check comes

out to be $13.55, students need to remember to leave those extra 55 cents

– Different ways of payment– Keeping a tracking log of purchases/spending

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Assessment for Money Sense

• Students practiced purchasing items with pretend money. They had to pay with the correct amount of cash.

• Students completed a quiz (which I made) about money sense.

• Students filled out a spending log for a weekend.

• Students practiced how to fill out a spending log and determining if their purchases are necessary.

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Interview SkillsStudents learned:-How to dress appropriately for a job interview.-Proper hygiene prior to an interview.-What to look for in order to know that a place is

looking to hire.-How to ask for an application.-Interview etiquette (shaking hands, saying “nice

to meet you, phone away and on silent, etc.)-How to express what skills they can offer to the

interviewing company/store (words to describe their work experience and ethics).

-The importance of confidence.

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Assessment for Interview Skills

• Students took part in a mock-interview.• Students practiced how to ask for an

application and who to ask for (manager).• Students helped me to complete a chart

of the “do’s and don’ts” of interviews. • I showed students different clothes and

shoes and asked them to tell me which would be appropriate for a job interview, and why.

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Participant Demographics

• There were 7 students (4 Females and 3 Males)

• Students ranged from age 20-22• Ethnicity: Caucasian (5) and Hispanic

(2)• Exceptionalities: Down Syndrome,

Cerebral Palsy, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, and Intellectual Disorder.

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Experience Reflection• This project was amazing. I absolutely loved every

minute that I spent at UCP. I learned how to take control of a class, explain things further to exceptional students in order for them to comprehend what I’m saying. This experience was extremely rewarding, especially because the students in this program were always so eager and excited when Terry or I would come.

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Imagine a world where a child with visual impairments molds the solar system out of clay,

while his classmate labels each planet.Imagine a world where the child in a wheelchair who sat next to you in

kindergarten, now sits across from you at work.

Imagine a world where all children learn, play, and grow together—without limitations.

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Bibliography• http://www.ucpcfl.org/EO_Bailes_C


• This is UCP’s website for the East Orange Bailes Campus. I got their logo and quote from this site. Check it out it’s a wonderful resource

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Extra Pictures!

• I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

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From left to right: Taylor, Terry and Matthew. I captured this silly picture while we were waiting for our supervising teacher, Bonnie to bring her car up to the front of the school. This was prior to our Walmart trip. The students were excited for our trip and they were having fun and playing around! They’re such sweet and entertaining people and I enjoyed my entire time at UCP.

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In this picture, you’ll see Terry and Taylor looking at different items at Walmart while discussing their prices and functions. This was such a fun little field trip! It was an awesome experience for me, since I got to help the students use what we taught them and see how it is implemented in their everyday lives!

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In this photo, you’ll see “Credit” and “Debit” on the board. This is from when Terry and I were explaining the difference between the two. You will also see papers with items on them that students would practice purchasing.

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In this photo, you’ll see Taylor filling out a line in our example of a spending log. This was a great activity and then the students practiced filling this log out over the weekend!

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Money Skills Quiz• On the next few pages, I have

copied and pasted the quiz that I made for the students to take in order to test comprehension after the lesson.

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• Price Sheet

$1.25 Apple

$25.00 Shoe

$5.15 Crackers

$4.50 Smoothie

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1) What are some different ways to pay for things? List at least 3 different ways.1) ---------------------------------------2) ---------------------------------------3) ---------------------------------------

2) I would like to buy a Smoothie, and an apple.

$ 1.25 Apple $ 4.50 Smoothie

I have five dollars in cash. Do I have enough cash to buy them both? ----------------

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Quiz (Contd.)

3) + + = -------

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• Please fill out the information in the spending log.

• #4) On 2/25, I bought an apple at Wal-Mart with a Credit Card. It was a good, healthy choice.

• #5) On 2/26, I bought crackers at Publix. I used a Debit Card. It was a bad choice, because I realized that I didn’t need them.

Date $ Spent Where? Credit Cash Debit $ Spent Good or Bad Choice?