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  • 8/2/2019 Ud Revised


    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    MAngeles Iserte Bou

    DNI 18967936C



  • 8/2/2019 Ud Revised


    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL


    Con el fn de motivar el alumnado a apreciar su centro, se decidi en el claustrod'inauguracin del centro de este ao, crear un lema para el centro. Esta tareaestar a cargo del departamento de Llengua Valenciana y sern los alumnos de 1erode la ESO quienes sern los encargados de crear e inventar el lema del centro. Estatarea ser llevada a cabo cada 4 aos.

    Siguiendo esta lnea, se ha pensado desde el Departamento de Ingls en crear uneslogan en ingls cuya duracin ser de un nico ao (motivo por el cul se hallamado slogan y no motto). Para ello, se ha propuesto esta unidad organizadaen tareas ya que, pues como bien dice Nunan: las tareas de clase requieren que el

    alumno se aproxime al tipo de comportamiento que deber adoptar en el mundo queest uera del aula aunque es cierto que el alumno (har) cosas que dicilmentetendr que realizar uera del aula, pero no por ello hemos de olvidar que las tareasestimulan los procesos interiores de adquisicin (Nunan,1989, Trad. Gonzlez1996).

    El enoque utilizado ser el comunicativo-discursivo y se utilizarn textos escritoy sonoros, aunque a veces sean breves, puesto que nos centraremos en particularen eslganes. Esta unidad potencia la autonoma del estudiante ya que deberasumir la responsabilidad de su propio aprendizaje participando activamente en l(observando, deduciendo, reexionando, completando portolio). Para ello, 5sesiones sern presenciales pero parte del trabajo se realizar uera de clase con elfn de que elabore su propio plan de trabajo, desarrolle dierentes estrategiasmetacognitivas, reexione y saque sus propias conclusiones con respecto a lainormacin no verbal que aparece implcita en los anuncios y los destinatarios delmismo, desarrollando as su sentido crtico.

    Para ello se ha creado un mini-portolio que acompaa esta Unidad Didctica y quetendr que ser rellenada por los alumnos durante todo el proceso de este trabajo.En l se intercalan auto-evaluaciones para que l mismo vaya reexionando sobre eltrabajo realizado y por realizar.

    La lengua que se primar ser el ingls, aunque en las clases magistrales se podrintercalar inerencias en L1 para que puedan seguir todas las indicaciones einormaciones ms relevantes. En el mini-portolio se apreciar que las reexionesestn escritas en ingls, pero se permitir la utilizacin de L1 en las reexiones desu aprendizaje, si as se sintieran ms cmodos para expresar sus sentimientos.

  • 8/2/2019 Ud Revised


    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    CONTEXTUALIZACIN:Esta UD est pensada para los alumnos de 4ESO y se llevar a cabo en las

    tres clases de ese curso contemporneamente. Cada clase tiene 24, 24 y 27alumnos respectivamente.

    Se ha elegido este curso pues es el ltimo de la Escuela SecundariaObligatoria y en junio cada alumno decidir su camino a seguir: si continuaren Bachillerato, proseguir en Formacin Proesional, o irse a trabajar. Siendouna UD basada en PRE-TAREA-TAREA-POST-TAREA, consideramos que lesproporcionar a todos herramientas para dar libre albedro a su imaginacin

    y en no tener miedo a poner en prctica aquello en lo que crean, una vezestn uera del sistema educativo. Tambin les proporcionar el sentimiento

    de compaerismo y solidaridad al trabajar en grupo, y de ponerse retos apequea escala.

    Se tratar como un proyecto y se llevar a cabo desde mitad de octubre hastamitad de enero. Las 5 sesiones presenciales dedicadas a este proyecto sellevaran a cabo una vez cada dos semanas. Sern un complemento a lasclases de ingls que cubrirn paralelamente y exhaustivamente elcurriculum (libro Real English 4 ESO, de. Burlington Books), y a las deIngls Prctico, as como les proporcionar los elementos (vocabularios,gramtica, ontica) necesarios para poder seguir las sesiones de esta

    unidad: vocabulario especfco del mundo del marketing y publicidad durantelas clases de ingls prctico; en las clases de ingls y siguiendo el curriculum(decreto 112/2007) para este curso se habr ido estudiando el uso deconvenciones propias de la conversacin en actividades de comunicacinreales y simuladas, dndoles las pautas necesarias para realizarexposiciones orales haciendo uso autnomo de estrategias de comunicacinpara iniciar, mantener y terminar la interaccin en la L2.

    En la clase de inormtica se les ensear a subir inormacin en la pginaweb del centro as como en el blog y la aula virtual que el departamento deingls habr creado a tal eecto con WordPress como parte de su asignatura.Se dedicar una de las sesiones de esta unidad a las presentaciones y al usode herramientas para presentaciones (ver apartado TICs).

    Los alumnos estn motivados pues el centro tiene una pgina web en inglsdesde que se inscribieron a un programa de PEN-PAL EXCHANGE con uninstituto britnico (Waldergrave school in Twickenham, London).

    Los alumnos tendrn que crear un eslogan as como un escrito explicando elestilo elegido y las emociones que desean evocar a quien lo lea. Tendrn quesubir ambos a la pgina principal de la web en ingls y sern los alumnos delinstituto ingls quienes votarn al mejor.

  • 8/2/2019 Ud Revised


    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    El mejor eslogan tendr validez hasta que el 4curso del ao siguiente cree un

    nuevo eslogn para reemplazarlo, por lo que representar al institutodurante un ao.

    Adems, puesto que, como cada ao tendr lugar el viaje de fn de curso paraese curso, y con el fn de recoger dinero, se imprimir material publicitario(bolgraos, lapices, gomas, y grapadoras) con ese eslogan. Los alumnos seencargarn de proceder a su venta durante la semana cultural y entreamiliares y amigos a lo largo de los meses de mayo y junio.


    Villanueva (1997,57) no hay adquisicin de una lengua sin un desarrollo dela capacidad de aprender.

    El enoque utilizado para las TICs es integrador puesto que sern utilizadosPowerPoints para la clase terica, visionado de videos para ver y oir anuncios

    y trabajar los eslganes. Los alumnos debern preparar su ltimapresentacin (eslogan y explicacin del mismo) utilizando la herramienta

    EMPRESSR (http://www.empressr.com/), tendrn que colgar su presentacin einormacin en la pgina principal (versin ingls) del instituto, por lo queaprendern a utilizar WORDPRESS ( http://es.wordpress.com/). Una de lassesiones estar dedicada a ensearles cmo realizar una presentacinatractiva de manera sencilla (combinacin de clase magistral y utilizacindel laboratorio inormtico para llevar a cabo la tarea). El proesorpreparar algunos ejercicios en HotPotatoes para que los alumnos puedanpracticar ms proundamente los aspectos lingsticos (gramtica,

    vocabulario) (http://hot-potatoes.sotonic.com/)



    1. Describir y comparar anuncios de productos similares pero dedierentes empresas.

    2. Utilizar el presente simple para crear impacto en el lector. Saberutilizar el pasado para expresar hechos vinculados con el presente.

    3. Utilizar correctamente los adjetivos en grado comparativo ysuperlativo.

  • 8/2/2019 Ud Revised


    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    4. Analizar eslganes y predecir lo que ciertos eslogans quieren expresar,expresando certezas y probabilidades (may, might, can, can't)

    5. Expresar preerencias y opiniones.I love/ like/ enjoy/ dont like/ hate/ Its too , etc., Conectores: and, because,

    but, so, such, both...Adjetivos en grado comparativo y superlativo.

    6. Redactar textos de mayor complejidad utilizando el registro y laestructura adecuada para el propsito comunicativo de inormar susmotivos.

    7. Activar conocimientos previos8. Identifcar el tema de un texto escrito con el apoyo contextual que ste

    contenga. Identifcar la intencin del emisor del mensaje.


    1. Apreciar la aportacin de los compaeros2. Aprender a tomar la crtica de una manera constructiva para mejorar3. Trabajar de manera cooperativa4. Relajarse ante un nuevo reto, tarea.5. Participar en conversaciones y simulaciones sobre temas cotidianos y

    de inters personal con diversos fnes comunicativos, mostrar respeto

    hacia los errores y difcultades que puedan tener los dems.


    1. Preparar presentaciones orales.2. Utilizar el ingls como medio vehicular3. Utilizar un soporte digital para la presentacin.



    Las competencias transversales que se desarrollaran sern:

    las instrumentales: tendrn que saber analizar los textos presentados ypoder comunicarse de orma oral y escrita en L2.

    Las interpersonales: trabajarn en equipo, realizarn razonamientoscrticos.

    Las sistmicas: se les pondr en situacin para que desarrollen su

    aprendizaje autnomo y su creatividad, as como para que tomeniniciativas y se motiven por conseguir un eslogan satisactorio.


  • 8/2/2019 Ud Revised


    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    Se desarrollaran tambin las siguientes competencias comunicativo-discursivas:

    Comunicativa: la comprensin oral (audio y completar text, seguirexposicin oral y apuntar inormacin),la comprensin escrita (textocancin), la expresin oral (presentacin oral), expresin escrita(redacciones expresando opiniones) .

    Actividades: 1,2,5,6,7,8,1,11,14,15,16

    Lingistica: gramtica (tiempos verbales: presente y pasado, adjetivos:comparativos y superlativos) y vocabulario.Actividades: 4,5,8,10,11,12,14

    Genrica: conocer las particularidades del eslogan.Actividades: 1,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,14,15,16

    Estratgica: escucharan de orma estratgica los audios y las exposicionesorales. Metacognitivas ya que tendrn que seguir el proceso de suaprendizaje con un portolio donde se autoevaluarn regularmente y les

    servir para saber si estn avanzando.Actividades: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,15,16

    Intercultural: durante los audios el proesor les har conscientes de lasdierencias culturales que aparecen (ciudad, pas,monumentos, creencias)Actividades: 1,3,4,5,7

    Pragmtica: desarrollaran la competencia pragmtica socioculturalentendiendo los verdaderos mensajes que intentan transmitir los esloganesen pocas palabras y a quien van dirigidos.

    Actividades: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,16

    Digital: utilizarn las TICs como herramientas de presentacin.Actividades: 13,14,15,16


    Se tendrn en cuenta las orientaciones bsicas de Domnech (1999:77) porlo que se consideraran siempre al inicio de clase los conocimientos previos,as como los que irn adquiriendo con el paso del tiempo. Se ir de lo ms

  • 8/2/2019 Ud Revised


    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    sencillo, mostrando anuncios con eslganes, para ir a lo ms complejo: cules el signifcado que desean transmitir y para quin?, as como de lo ms

    conocido (eslganes en L1) a los menos conocidos (mismo anuncio en otropas, otro eslogan). Se empezar con ejercicios sencillos con contenidoamiliar y se ir creando un distanciamiento entre lo que ya saben y lo queestn aprendiendo. En las clases magistrales que introducirn los temas, sedar una gran prioridad a todos los contenidos de una manera transparente

    y clara. Los alumnos tambin tendrn las rbricas para que puedanconsultar qu es lo que se les va a evaluar.

    Conceptuales: 1, 2, 3, 6, 8,12, 18,20Procedimentales: 4, 5, 7,9,10,11, 17, 19

    Actitudinales: 13, 14, 15, 21

    1.Comprensin del signifcado general y especfco de textos orales sobre temasconocidos presentados de orma clara y organizada.

    2.Comprensin general y de los datos ms relevantes de videos emitidos conlenguaje claro.

    3.Descripcin y comparacin de anuncios de productos similares pero dedierentes empresas.

    4.Uso de estrategias de comprensin de los mensajes orales: uso del contextoverbal y no verbal y de los conocimientos previos sobre la situacin,

    identifcacin de palabras clave, identifcacin de la actitud de intencin delhablante.5.Uso de estrategias de comprensin de los eslganes: uso del texto y de los

    conocimientos previos, identifcacin de palabras clave, identifcacin de laactitud de intencin del autor.

    6.Utilizacin del tiempo verbal presente simple o contnuo para crear lasensacin de impacto tpica en los eslganes.

    7.Utilizacin de pasado para expresar hechos vinculados con el presente.8.Utilizacin de las ormas correspondientes para expresar certeza y

    probabilidad.9.Expresin de preerencias y opiniones.10. Produccin oral de descripciones, narraciones y explicaciones sobre

    experiencias, acontecimientos y contenidos diversos, teniendo en cuentalos elementos de cohesin y coherencia

    11. Redaccin de textos complejos utilizando el registro y las estructurasadecuadas para inormar motivaciones.

    12. Activacin de conocimientos previos.13. Apreciacin de las aportaciones de los dems.14. Aceptacin de crticas constructivas como parte del aprendizaje.15. Cooperacin entre alumnos.16. Relajacin ante un nuevo reto.17. Utilizacin del ingls como lengua vehicular.18. Participacin en conversaciones y simulaciones sobre temas cotidianos y

    de inters personal con diversos fnes comunicativos, mostrando respeto

  • 8/2/2019 Ud Revised


    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    hacia los errores y difcultades que puedan tener los dems.19. Identifcacin del tema de un texto escrito con el apoyo contextual que ste

    contenga. Identifcacin de la intencin del emisor del mensaje.20. Inters por una presentacin cuidada utilizando un soporte digital.


    Nombre Descripcin Objetivo/contenidos Metodologa Sesin/duracin

    1. Warm up


    Brainstorming.activar losconocimientos

    13 Apreciacin de las aportaciones16.Relajacin ante un nuevo reto.19 participacin y respeto

    17.Utilizacin del ingls como lenguavehicular..

    Toda la clase Sesin 110 min

    2.What is a slogan?


    Teora 1. Comprensin del significado general yespecfico de textos orales sobre temasconocidos presentados de forma clara yorganizada.4.Uso de estrategias de comprensin delos mensajes orales: uso del contextoverbal y no verbal y de los conocimientosprevios sobre la situacin, identificacin depalabras clave, identificacin de la actitudde intencin del hablante.17.Utilizacin del ingls como lenguavehicular.

    Clase magistral Sesin 125 min

    3.Can you matchthem?


    Unir marca coneslogan

    3,5,12,13,14,15,18,20 En grupos (3 4) Sesin 120 min

    4. CompareWriting

    Escribir frasesutilizandocomparativas

    3, 5,6,7,8,11,12,17 Individual En casa

    5. Observe andanalyseListening

    Ver anuncios,tomar notas ycontestar apreguntasdirigidas

    1,2,4,5,11,12,18,19,20 Individual En casa

    6. Warm upSpeaking

    Comprobar eltrabajo hecho encasa hacindolespreguntas


    13 Apreciacin de las aportaciones16.Relajacin ante un nuevo reto.19 participacin y respeto

    17.Utilizacin del ingls como lengua


    Toda la clase Sesin 215min.

    7.Let's watchadvert and slogansListening

    Escuchar, ver yentendercompletando untexto,contestandopreguntas.

    1,2,4,5,11,12,18,19,20 En parejas Sesin 240 min

    8.Express opinion,compare and usepast tenseWriting

    Escribirredaccin 50palabras, utilizaradjetivoscomparativos yreescribir eltexto en pasado

    6,7,8,9,11,12,17 Individual En casa

    9.Prepare a smallpresentationSpeaking

    Preparar unapequeapresentacin de3 frases (2

    6,7,8,9,11,12,17,19,20 Individual En casa

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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL


    10. Presentation

    and Grid fillingSpeaking


    presentation andfocus takingnotes.

    1,4,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,17,20 Individual Sesin 3

    55 min.

    11. Think of yourschoolWriting

    Escribir 3eslganes

    3,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,17,19 Individual En casa

    12. Let's make agood presentationSpeaking

    Aprender a haceruna presentacinescrita (slides)

    1,4,12,17 Magistrallab. informtico

    Sesin 415 min.

    13.Start draftingWriting

    Empezar apreparar lapresentacin consu eslogan

    1,2,3,6,7,8,11,12,17,20 En grupo Sesin 440 min.

    14.Create theschool sloganWriting

    Acabar de hacerel trabajo.Preparar unapresentacingrupal


    En grupo En casa

    15. OralpresentationSpeaking

    Presentacin oraly anotarcomentarios paralos compaeros

    1,4,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,17,20 En grupo Sesin 555 min

    16. Final DraftWriting

    Acabar laspresentaciones,los esloganes, eir enviandoinformacin al

    profesor via e-mail

    1,2,3,6,7,8,11,12,17,20 En grupo En casa


    Variado: videos (youtube-- enlaces includos junto a las actividades)Transcripciones

    Para consultar: diccionariosMini-Portolio: ser entregado al inicio del proyecto. Estar integrado portodos los ejercicios y dierentes cuestionarios que debern ir completando alfnal de cada sesin. Deber ser cumplimentado y cuidado. Al fnal delproyecto ser entregado al proesor para que sea valorados segn rbrica.



  • 8/2/2019 Ud Revised


    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    Clases magistrales para acilitar la inormacin necesaria para podertrabajar, y para motivarles en cada nuevo reto.

    Tutoras: el proesor est a su disposicin durante sus horas de tutora.

    No presencial: En la no presencial, los alumnos debern realizar unas tareasespecfcas y enviarlas por e-mail al proesor. Debern ir completando susportolios.

    TICs: el proesor proporcionar el correo de tutora personalizada que estarubicada en la pgina del instituto para que quien desee mayor aclaracin lecontacte.


    ClaseLaboratorio inormtico.


    5 sesiones de 55 min.


    Contnua. Este proyecto corresponder a una quinta parte de la nota fnal.

    Evaluacin participacin en clase: 30 %Evaluacin producciones orales: 60 %Evaluacin portolio: 10%

    Copia de las rbricas est includa en el portolio de los alumnos. Se deseaproporcionar la transparencia total de lo que se espera de ellos para quesepan cmo superar con xito el proyecto.

    Annex 10

  • 8/2/2019 Ud Revised


    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL


    Our school needs a slogan to be known around the world during one whole year.

    Moreover, this year, our course will need to gather as much money as possible

    for the course trip that will take place in July.

    Therefore, we need to print the slogan on all the merchandising (pen, pencils,

    rubber, mugs, etc) before end of May, so that we have the whole month of

    June to sell them and get the money for the trip. For this purpose you will

    have to imagine a brilliant slogan for two purposes: on one hand, atractive

    enough that anybody will want to buy our merchandising and on the other hand,

    anybody who would read the slogan on our web page would want to study here.

    We are going to start this journey together. Have fun!!!!

    Are you ready?? steady,.... go!!

    Just one more word: Keep your Portfolio clean and updated. Write in it all your

    ideas, notes and exercises.

    PRE-TASK 2 presential sessions 110 min.

    Session 1

    Activity 1 Warm upExercise 1: Brainstorming

    whole class 10 min

    Teacher ask students if they know any slogan in their mother tongue and and in

    L2. Writes them all on the board and add some more if you consider that all

    features you are going to tackle in the second activity are not covered.

    Activity 2 What is a slogan?- Magistral class. 25 min.

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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    Exercise 2: Theory. Using the slogan that have been said, teacher will explain

    what a slogan (also called taglines or straplines) is, and all the important

    features to be taken into account when analizing a slogan and when creating

    one. Important feature to be taken into consideration.

    ANNEX 1

    Activity 3 Can you match them?

    - in group 15 min + 5 min correction.

    Exercise 3: Competition. Match slogans with brands and product. Divide the

    clases in groups of three (or four maximum). Each group receives 3 envelopes.

    Each envelope have several pieces that correspond to a slogan, a brand and a

    product. The first team that matches all of them correctly wins.

    ANNEX. 2

    Next session will take place in two weeks time, meanwhile you will have to start

    your analyses at home:

    Activity 4: Compare

    - individual , at home.

    Exercise 4: Choose two of the slogans and brand we have seen in class: The

    one you like the most and the one you like the least. Compare them using the

    adjectives we have been seeing in class and use the comparative and the

    superlative. Write down at least two sentences.

    Exercise 5:

    Answer these questions: What is their main feature?

    Who are these two slogans aimed at?

    Activity 5: Observe and analyse:

    - individual, at home- Reminder: use dictionary.

    Exercise 6: Observation and registration: Observe adverts on TV,

    newspapers, magazine, internet, radio, etc... around you. Complete the grid

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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL


    Choose 3 products (or institutions such as bank, insurances, etc) with their

    brand name and slogans you come across.

    Analize the slogan main feature.

    Which public you think they are aiming at?.

    Explain the reason why you think they are aiming at this public, in your own


    Bring a printed picture of it from a magazine, from internet, from a

    newspaper, or the youtube link where we can see it.

    ANNEX 3A and 3B

    Session 2

    Activity 6 Warm up

    Exercise 7: Brainstorming mini debate.

    whole class 15 min important the talking in turns has to be in English,

    even if most slogan might be in Spanish.

    Teacher ask students about their research (how it went, if they had fun) and

    ask them then to tell him what are the slogans they like the most and the

    reason for it (music, colors, actors...), the funniest ones and the ones aimed at

    kids, women, men, young people. Any that do not correspond to any of these


    Where does the slogan appear in the vast majority? (answer: on tv at the end

    of the advert).

    Activity 7 Let's watch adverts and see their slogan

    Exercise 8 Watch video

    Work in pairs - 10 min

    IMPORTANT: watch exactly when the slogan comes out.

    We will watch them all once and then we will put them 3 times the first and

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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    the third to complete exercise 2

    1-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKL254Y_jtc

    (2,03 min)

    2-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miC1VZ9UVCQ&feature=fvst

    (1,01 min)

    3-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJPCAEkcyqg&NR=1

    (1,04 min)

    Exercise 9 Listening comprehension - Complete Missing Words

    in pairs 15 min

    Text corresponding to video 1 and 3 (ANNEX 4)

    We will put the video 3 times. Check with your partner. We'll checktogether.

    Exercise 10 Advert comprehension

    in pairs 15 min.

    1- What are their slogans?

    2- Do you find their slogan appropriate?

    3- What is the main feature of their slogan?

    4- Which advert did you like best? Compare them between them (use


    5- Who do you think each advert is aiming at?

    Next session will take place in two weeks time, meanwhile do the following


  • 8/2/2019 Ud Revised


    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    Activity 8: Express opinion, compare and use past

    Exercise 11: Think of the three videos (or watch them again in youtube)and write about which one you prefer, which one you don't and why you

    like it or don't. Use love/ like/ enjoy/hate or dislike to express your

    feelings and why. You'll have to include the following words in your text:

    and, because, but, so, such, both. (50 words)

    Exercise 12: Underline all the adjective in comparative and write their

    superlative form, or vice-versa

    Exercise 13: Rewrite both texts using past tense.

    Activity 9: Prepare a small presentation

    Exercise 14: Here is a list of school slogans or mottos. Read them, check

    the words you don't understand and choose the one you like most.

    Prepare a very small presentation (2 minutes) of three sentences:

    Start the presentation with: I have chosen the slogan ..... because I feel/ I

    think . and its main features are....

    1- What feeling does it transmit (future, passion, strength...)

    2- Main features.

    Feel free to change it if you feel comfortable, but don't forget to answer thetwo points.

    ANNEX 5 and 6

    TASK : CREATE A SLOGAN 3 presential sessions 165 min

    Session 3

    Activity 10 Oral presentation

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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    Exercise 15: Present the chosen slogan.

    Individual 50 min

    Exercise 16: Follow the oral presentation


    Fill out the grid with the information your fellows will tell while presenting.

    Next session will take place in two weeks time, meanwhile do the following


    Activity 11 Think of your school start drafting slogans

    Exercise 17: Start jotting down slogans for your school. Let your imagination

    fly!!! Write at least 3 to bring in next class.

    Think of your school when writing the slogan, think about the feeling you would

    like to evoke when reading the slogan, think of the audience it is aimed at.

    Choose the features you like the most. Go for it!!!

    Session 4

    Activity 12 Let learn how to make good presentation with empress

    in groups- Informatic lab 15 min.

    Exercise 18: Magistral class. Explain the main characteristics of a good

    presentation on slides (ANNEX 8) and explain how to use:http://www.empressr.com/

    Watch examples:



    Activity 13 Start draftingin group 40 min.

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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    Exercise 19: Work in group and start writing the slogansyou think is best

    among the one you have brought. Write features and feeling you think they

    evoque. Be creative.

    Next session will take place in two weeks time, meanwhile do the following


    Activity 14 Create the school slogan

    Exercise 20-

    Work with your team onto the slogan and the presentation with the main

    features and explain why you have created it, which emotions you want to

    evoque, etc.... Have fun with it!!! Feel free to add any extra to make it more


    Prepare your oral presentation in group. Divide what each is going to say.

    Remember the tips.

    Session 5

    Activity 15 Oral presentations

    In groups 55 min.

    Exercise 21 Almost Last presentation

    Each group will make their presentation in front of their classmates.

    Exercise 22 give your opinionIn groups at the same time.

    The other groups will have to give their opinions and suggestions for improving

    it. (ANNEX 8)

    This was the last presential session.

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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    POST-TASK : PUBLISH YOUR SLOGAN non presential

    Activity 16 Final draft

    From now on and until you publish your work , you will be in contact with your

    teacher by e-mail or during tutorials before publishing the final draft.

    Important dates:

    16th January:

    Send the whole presentation and the slogan by e-mail to the teacher. Once

    checked your teacher will send you either an OK or suggestions to improve.

    Once the teacher gives you the ok you will be allowed to publish it in the main

    web page.

    20th-28th February: During last week of February the students from

    Waldergrave school will be able to vote publicly through the school blog(English page). They will be able to write their opinions as well.

    28th February: give portfolio to the teacher and publish the summary with

    your opinion of the project: what you liked most, what you liked the least, did

    you like the topic, why, would you like to do another project, what topic.

    17th March: The winner team will be announced on the web on the second Friday

    of March.

    PRIZE: The winner slogan will receive an official Gold diploma from the

    director and the second best an official Silver diploma. All the participants

    will be invited to a meal in the school cantine.

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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    ANNEX 1

    TEACHER TIP : Activity 2 What is a slogan?




    Definition:A catch phrase or small group of words that are combined in a special way to identify a product or



    Un lema publicitario (Del galico escocssluagh-ghairm: grito de guerra), palabra adquiridaa travs de su uso en lengua inglesa, se entiende como frase identificativa en un contextocomercial o poltico (en el caso de la propaganda). Como expresin repetitiva de una idea o deun propsito publicitario para resumirlo y representarlo en un dicho

    Se usa la palabra en su misma forma Idioma inglesa, aunque ya ha sido aclimatada y aceptadapor la Real Academia Espaola en 1992; Manuel Seco recomienda usar la forma castellanizada

    "eslogan" y su plural, "eslganes"; muchos prefieren usar la grafa original. "Consigna" podraproponerse como equivalencia parcial.

    En los orgenes de la publicidad moderna, al comienzo de la Primera Guerra Mundial, unfamoso pster se diriga a los jvenes britnicos para trasladarles la necesidad expresada poruno de los ms famosos soldados britnicos, Lord Kitchener, un voluntario en servir a su pas.Su famoso eslogan "Tu pas te necesita"se escuch a lo largo del mundo. Todava hoy EstadosUnidos utiliza una variante de este eslogan ("El To Sam te necesita" "El ejrcito te necesita").

    Los lemas publicitarios son decisivos en la competencia comercial. Un lema efectivo debera:

    Declarar los beneficios principales del producto o marca para el comprador o cliente potencial.

    Destacar las diferencias con el de otras firmas, por supuesto, dentro de los requisitos legales.Ser declaracin simple, concisa, tajante, directa y apropiada.Ser ingenioso, si bien no todos los eslganes publicitarios tienen por qu.

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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    Adoptar una personalidad "distintiva" respecto al resto.Hacer que el consumidor se sienta "bien".

    Hacer que el consumidor sienta un deseo o una necesidad.Es difcil de olvidar, se adhiere a la memoria (quirase que no), especialmente, si se acompaacon instrumentos nemotcnicos como estribillos, ritmos, imgenes o secuencias de anunciostelevisivos.El buen eslogan debe ser corto, original e impactante. Para conseguirlo, se utilizan todos losrecursos estilsticos al alcance del redactor: onomatopeya, aliteracin, contraste, rima, etc.Tambin son muy utilizados los juegos de palabras puesto que obligan a hacer un esfuerzoadicional al oyente que permite fijarlo mejor en su memoria. El espectador, adems, losconsidera ingeniosos por lo que no los rechaza de inmediato. El mayor xito de un eslogan esque los consumidores lo repitan.

    Normalmente, los eslganes son producidos por escritores profesionales entre los que seencuentran algunos de literatura culta, incluso en determinadas ocasiones novelistas (por

    ejemplo, Vladimir Nabokov propuso algunos a un diario de la poca).Los eslganes publicitarios estn sujetos a controles ticos y a menudo se observan conreservas, si no con recelo, por las instituciones oficiales como la Advertising StandardsAuthority en el Reino Unido la European Advertising Standards Alliance que se atribuye unaresponsabilidad sobre el bien pblico y cuya toma de decisiones se recoge en un Cdigo dePublicidad. Organizaciones similares existen en Canad, Irlanda, Nueva Zelanda, Australia,Sudfrica y otros pases.

    "El doble eslogan": Hay anuncios en los que aparece un doble eslogan, que se dan en losmedios audiovisuales. Una parte es un texto y otra es la imagen. Hay anuncios que tienen undoble eslogan con doble texto. Hay eslganes que manifiestan un patrocinio. Hay eslogansobre eslogan para potenciar la marca. Estos se usan mucho en las entidades de empresas

    En tiempos contemporneos existe el trmino antislogan, muy empleado para calificar aquellossloganes que no cumplen con el proceso de estrategia AIDA. Estos o son muy largos, oincoherentes, o poseen una terminologa muy tcnica que convierte al futuro cliente en incapazde descifrar el mensaje que est recibiendo. Antislogan se puede tildar de irnico, surge en elcomienzo de la dcada del 90 con los primeros pasos en el rubro de mrketing y publicidad delos llamados pases del campo socialista ante las campaas un tanto disparatadas, que enestos se desarrollaban.



    What are the English Slogans Peculiarities in Services Advertisements?

    It would be recommended to analyze the slogans eatures based on the ollowing aspects:

    Firstly:According to the graphical aspect:

    - Capital letters are notiying in the slogans phrase. Usually the key words o a slogan are writtenwith capital letters with the intention o ocusing customers attention.e.g. Austrian Airlines service:Earn miles with Miles & Moree.g. Nostalgia Restaurant service:Elegance, Style, Refnemente.g. Sky Team Company:Open For New Horizons

    - Italics are used instead o capital letters or boldface type letters in order to emphasize the key

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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    words o a slogan.

    e.g. Somethingspecialin the air American Airlinese.g. AMustor everyKnee Patient Medical Help Servicee.g. Prompt, Courteous Service with An Elegant Touch

    Secondly: According to phonological aspect:- In order to be memorable and impressive alliteration is used as a special technique o advertising.

    e.g. Britains best business Bank Allied Irish Bank Servicee.g.Dont just travel. Travel right Expedia Company

    - Repetition is used to give the melodic aspect.e.g."Billions and billions served." MC DONALDSe.g Most valued by those who most value brand Prime/Ogilvy

    - Rhyme gives an aspect o poem, easy to memorizee.g. Tooth whitening simply and saely Budapest Dental Servicee.g. Give a hoot, dont pollute United States Forest Servicee.g. Only the Best or our guest Jolly Alon Hotel Service

    -Usingcontraste.g. Low Fares. Way Better Air Lingus Company (travel agency)e.g.Doing what we do best Invest Banke.g. Looking or the best? Huawei Consulting Services

    Thirdly: According to the lexical aspect:-Frequently using opersonals pronouns- we, you, us, our, your;Using the second person you, represents a direct addressing to the potential customer and it helps

    to make shorter the distance between the client and those who provide that particular service.Moreover using the expressions to you, you areor you have to... encouragecustomers and give them the eeling o priority.

    e.g. We speak your language International Medical Centree.g. Discover Maldives with us! Paradise Holiday Servicee.g Its a privilege to serve you First Republic Banke.g. Caring more about you Sky Team (airlines service)e.g. Exceptional cars or exceptional people Elite Rent a Car Service

    Using the frst person we, our represents like a sel-introduction to the potential customers andlet them know you and give them chance to make a collaboration with you.

    e.g. We take care o You! Agro Bank servicee.g. Our Service or Your Success! Audited Trade Fair Data Service

    - Frequently using words such as all,Always, now:e.g. Always on the Mark! CVS Servicee.g. All or clients Tourist Agency Fazane.g. Fly now. Shovel later Eastern Airlines servicee.g. We are here to ensure that all your dreams come true Travel Agency Servicee.g. The customer is always right General slogan

    Forth:According to the syntactical aspect: The research concerning slogans peculiarities shows that advertising slogans o services are

    usually brie, containing one or two sentences and just pretends that you are talking to ariend. To be successul, the slogan must not contain any pressure in the context. The slogancould be written as:

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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    a) Interrogative sentences;e.g. Alarmed? You should be Moss Securitye.g. Looking or the best? We hear you. Consulting servicee.g. Would you like that rolled over easy? T.Rowe Price Investment Servicee.g. Medical Insurance Cover? International Private Healthcare ltd

    b) Imperative sentences;e.g. Be smart. Pay less or your phone service. Broadband Phone Companye.g. Invest with confdence Rowe Price Servicee.g. Go your own way Radical Travel Company

    c) Simple afrmative sentences:e.g. Its time to y United Airlines

    Fifth: According to stylistic aspect :

    - It is requently use oellipses; the act o leaving out a word or words rom a sentence deliberately:

    e.g. Building a new lie Euro Credit Banke.g. Just like coming home Dedeman Hotel Servicee.g. The bank that like to Commercial Bank

    Sixth: According to grammatical aspect:- Slogans may break grammar rules, but have a structure that makes them intelligible. The auxiliaryverb, subject or predicate can be omitted.

    e.g. You and US UBS Bank

    Seventh:According to the semantic aspect:

    -Usually the slogans are compounded using the word playing technique. A specifc term that denotesthis is pun.

    Defnition: The clever or humorous use o a word that has more than one meaning.e.g. We really move our tail or you Continental Airlinee.g. Fly me National Airlinese.g. It neednt be hell, with Nicotinel International Health Association

    Summarizing it was mentioned that advertising slogan play the main role in the advertising processand it is the main phrase that helps to ocus the customer attention. It should be simple, memorable,and strategic. Slogans reect the brands personality and impact positive eelings or the brand.However being as a compulsory component in advertising not every advertisement contains aslogan; moreover there are advertisements which contain more than one slogan.

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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    ANNEX 2

    Tip to teacher: Cut each piece and put them in separate envelopes.

    Slogan Brand Product"Your Top 40,000." ipod classic Mp3Connecting people Nokia PhoneDriven to do better Banco Santander BankingWhere quality is cheaper! Lidl Supermarket

    NEVER ENDINGDISCOUNTS ALDI SupermarketSyncronising the world ofcommerce

    UPS Fast transport

    Probably the best ____ inthe world

    Carlsberg Beer

    Because I'm worth it L'Oreal Beauty productsHave a break. Have a______

    Kit Kat Chocolate

    Just do it

    Nike Sport clothing and gearI'm lovin'it McDonalds RestaurantFun anyone? PS2 Video gameDrivers wanted Volkswagen Car_______ is a social utilitythat connects you with thepeople around you

    Facebook Social forum


    DeBeer Jewellry

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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    ANNEX 3AGrammar tip:

    Usa la forma comparativa y superlativa para comparar y contrastar diferentes objetos.Ejemplo: New York is more exciting than Seattle.Usa la forma superlativa cuando se refiera a tres o ms objetos para mostrar cul objeto estsobre todo lo dems en algo.Ejemplo: New York is the most exciting city in the USA.

    Useful adjectives and verbs:

    Adjectives Verbs

    1. new 1. make2. good/better/best 2. get3. free 3. give4. fresh 4. have5. delicious 5. see6. full 6. buy7. sure 7. come8. clean 8. go9. wonderful 9. know10. special 10. keep11. crisp 11. look

    12. fine 12. need13. big 13. love14. great 14. use15. real 15. feel16. easy 16. like17. bright 17. choose18. extra 18. take19. safe 19. start20. rich 20. tastehttp://www.linguarama.com/ps/293-6.htm

    Exercise 4:Choose two slogans from the one we have seen in class andcompare them, you can use the adjective of the list above. Write, atleast two sentences, but feel free to write more:




    Feel free to use the back of this paper if you want to write more.

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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    Exercise 5:Answer these questions: What is their main feature?

    Who are these two slogans aimed at?

    MAIN FEATURE:1.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



    I think that this advert is aimed at: (what public?)






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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    ANNEX 3B






    MAIN FEATURE:1.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




    I think that this advert is aimed at: (what public?)




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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    ANNEX 4

    Watch this video:

    1-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKL254Y_jtc

    Complete the missing words:

    I've got a question for you. What does this city know about luxury? What does a town thatsbeen to hell and back know about the finer things in life? Ill tell you, more than most! You see,it's the hottest fires that make the hardeststeel, add hard work and conviction.

    And the know how that runs generations deep in every last one of us. Thats who we are.Thats our story. Now its probably not the one youve been reading in the papers. The one isbeing written by folks who have never even been here. and dont know what were capable of.

    Because when it comes to luxury, its as much about where its from as who its for.Now were from America but this isnt New York City. Or the Windy City. Or Sin City.

    And were certainly no ones Emerald City.

    Eminem: This is the Motor City. And this is what we do.

    3-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJPCAEkcyqg&NR=1

    Lyrics FIAT advert:

    Here, this is my world.This place inspires me. To be tougher. To stay sharper. To think faster.

    They may be just streets to you, but to me: they are playgrounds


    Further information:

    View of The Spirit of Detroit:The Spirit of Detroit is a city monument with a large bronze

    statue. In its left hand, the large seated figure holds a gilt bronze sphere emanating rays to

    symbolize God. In its right hand, is a family group symbolizing all human relationships. 26-

    foot (7.9 m) sculpture. It was cast in Oslo, Norway.

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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    Answers: Chrisler

    Imported from Detroit

    KIA- The Power to Surprise

    Fiat Life is best when driven

    WINDY CITY: CHICAGO The following "windy city" explanation is from the Freeborn

    County StandardofAlbert Lea, Minnesota, on November 20, 1892:[3]

    Chicago has been called the windy city, the term being used

    metaphorically to make out that Chicagoans were braggarts. The city

    is losing this reputation, for the reason that as people got used to it

    they found most of her claims to be backed up by facts. As usual,

    people go to extremes in this thing also, and one can tell a stranger

    almost anything about Chicago today and feel that he believes it


    But in another sense Chicago is actually earning the title of the windy city. It is one of the effects of the

    tall buildings which engineers and architects apparently did not foresee that the wind is sucked down into

    the streets. Walk past the Masonic Temple or the Auditorium any day even though it may be perfectly calm

    elsewhere, and you will meet with a lively breeze at the base of the building that will compel you to put

    your hand to your hat.


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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    SIN CITY: A film that explores the dark and miserable

    town, Basin City, and tells the story of three differentpeople, all caught up in violent corruption.(FrankMiller,2005)

    Emerald city: The Emerald City is the fictional capital city of the Land

    of Oz in L. Frank Baum's Oz books, first described in The Wonderful

    Wizard of Oz.

    Lyrics KIA advert:

    Who's the Black Sheep, what's the Black Sheep?

    Don't know who I am, or when I'm coming so you sleep

    Wasn't in my room, wasn't in my sphere

    Knew not who I was, but listen hereThen of course, the choice is yoursYou can get with this, or you can get with thatI think you'll get with this, for this is where it's atWhere's the Black Sheep, here's the Black SheepEven if we wanted to the flock could not be weakWatch me swing like this, why should I swing it like that,Because in fact, on me it might not attractYou can get with this, or you can get with thatI think you'll get with this yes, for this is kinda fat



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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    ANNEX 5


    This About.com page has been optimized for print. To view this page in its original form,please visit: http://teenadvice.about.com/od/schoolstuff/tp/oral_presentation_prep.htm2011 About.com, Inc., a part ofThe New York Times Company. All rights reserved.

    Here are a few tips to help you:

    Practice, Practice, Practice: Practice your presentation in front of a mirror or a friend.

    Use Note Cards Wisely: Write one point on each card. Don't write entire sentences.

    Remember: you have to speak to the audience, not read your cards.

    Slow Down, Speedracer! Don't speak fast. Practice your speech ahead of time, record it on your

    mp3, tape recorder.

    Pause, Project and Speak Clearly: Speak loudly and clearly enough so others can hear you.

    Take a small breath between each sentence. Smile at your audience and gather your thoughts.

    Make Eye Contact with your audience members.


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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    ANNEX 6

    Appreciaion Is ONLYBusiness Since 1989!

    Teacher Appreciation Is OurONLYBusiness Since 1989! MOTTOS & SLOGANS

    Below you will find dozens of the most meaningful mottos and slogans used by schools. We have

    collected these together for you to use as they are or to get ideas of your very own. Many schools usetheir School District's name.

    A Building With Four Walls And Tomorrow Inside

    A Family Of Learning

    A Great Place For Education

    A Great Place To Be

    A Great Place To Learn

    A Partnership In Discovery

    A Quality School

    A Tradition Of Excellence

    A Tradition Of Pride

    Above And Beyond The Call Of Duty

    Academy Attitude Positive Attitude

    Achieving Excellence Together

    Achieving High Standards

    Attitude Is A Little Thing That Makes A Big Difference

    Bringing Excellence To Students

    Building A Better World One Student At A Time

    Centers For Excellence

    Children First

    Committed To Excellence In Education

    Committed To Lifelong Learning In A Caring


    Creating A Community Of Life-Long Learners

    Creating Our Childrens Future

    Dedicated To Excellence

    Educating Students For Success In A Changing World

    Education Is Our Business

    Education Your Door To The Future

    Enabling Our Students To Learn

    Everyone Is An Achiever

    Everyone Successful Everyday

    Expect Success

    Expect The Best

    Greatest Kids In America

    Hand In Hand We Learn

    Home Of Quality Schools

    Hooked On Learning

    I Care About Kids

    Knowledge Is Power

    Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow

    Learning Today . . . Leading Tomorrow

    Learning Today For A Better Tomorrow

    Making Your Childs World Better

    Opportunities For Lifelong Learning

    Preparing Children For Success In Life

    Preparing Students For Success In A Changing World

    Pride In Excellence

    Putting Children First

    Quality Education . . . By Any Means Necessary

    Quality Education: A Community Commitment

    Quest For Excellence

    School Of Excellence

    School, Family, Community

    Soaring To Excellence

    Success And Spirit In Our School

    Success, Nothing Less

    Teaching Turning Todays Learners Into

    Tomorrows Leaders

    The Future Begins Here!

    The Heart & Future Of The Community

    The Place To Be

    The Race For Excellence Has No Finish Line

    Together Everyone Accomplishes More

    Together We Achieve The Extraordinary

    Together We Make The Difference

    Touching Lives Forever

    Treat Others As You Want To Be Treated

    We Enter To Learn, Leave To Achieve

    We Expect Success

    We Soar With Pride

    We Work Best When We Work Together!

    Where Every Student Thrives

    Where Kids Are #1

    Where Learning Begins

    Where Love Is Shown Daily

    Where Students Are Achievers

    Where Students Come First


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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    ANNEX 7

    1 Not at all 2- Not much 3- a little bit 4- Quite 5- A lot

    NAME SLOGAN Do you like it?




























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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    ANNEX 8


    TEAM NAME:________________________________


    Did the speaker keep eye contact?

    Did they speak loud and clear enough?

    Could you understand what they said?



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    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    ANNEX 9



    9 Presentation Tips for Students Create Classroom Presentations Worthy of an 'A'By Wendy Russell,

    1. Know Your TopicStudents usually want to charge right in and start using the presentation software immediately. Do the research firstand know your material. Think through what you will present before beginning the project on the computer. Creatingthe slide show2 is the easy part. The best classroom presentations are created by people who are comfortable withwhat they are going to talk about.2. Use Key Phrases About Your Topic

    Good presenters use key phrases and include only the most important information. Your topic may be vast, but chooseonly the top three or four points and make them several times throughout the presentation in the classroom.3. Avoid Using Too Much Text on the SlideOne of the biggest mistakes students make in classroom presentations, is in writing their whole speech on the slides.The slide show is meant to accompany your oral presentation. Write in the form of jot notes, called bullet points3, onslides. Use simple language and limit the number of bullets to three or four per slide. The surrounding space will makeit easier to read.4. Limit the Number of SlidesToo many slides in a presentation will cause you to be rushing to get through them, and your audience might end uppaying more attention to the changing slide than to what you are saying. On average, one slide per minute is aboutright in a classroom presentation.5. Layout of Your Slide is ImportantMake your slides easy to follow. Put the title at the top where your audience expects to find it. Phrases should readleft to right and top to bottom. Keep important information near the top of the slide. Often the bottom portions ofslides cannot be seen from the back rows because heads are in the way.6. Avoid Fancy FontsChoose a font that is simple and easy to read such as Arial, Times New Roman or Verdana. You may have a really coolfont on your computer, but save it for other uses. Don't use more than two different fonts one for headings andanother for content. Keep all fonts large enough (at least 18 pt and preferably 24 pt) so that people at the back of theroom will be able to read them easily.7. Use Contrasting Colors For Text and BackgroundDark text on a light background is best. This combination offers the most visibility. Sometimes though, you may wanta dark background for effect, to dazzle the crowd. In that case, be sure to make text a light color for easy reading ina classroom presentation.Text is often difficult to read on patterned or textured backgrounds.Keep your color scheme consistent throughout your classroom presentation.8. Try a Slide Design Template to Keep the Look ConsistentWhen you use a design template, choose one that will not detract from your classroom presentation. Test it ahead oftime to make sure that the text will be readable and the graphics wont get lost in the background.

    9. Use Animations and Transitions Sparingly in Classroom PresentationsLet's face it. Students love to applyanimationsand transitions every place they can. This will certainly beentertaining, but rarely will the audience be paying attention to the message of the presentation.Apply animations to graphics to make a point, not to entertain. Using preset animation schemes16 will apply action totitles and bullet points, keeping the slide show consistent and interesting. Remember, the slide show is a visual aidand not the objective of the classroom presentation.

    This About.com page has been optimized for print. To view this page in its original form, please visit:http://presentationsoft.about.com/od/classrooms/tp/student_tips.htm2011 About.com, Inc., a part ofThe New York Times Company. All rights reserved.

  • 8/2/2019 Ud Revised


    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    Adapted from: http://www.uen.org/Rubric/rubric.cgi?rubric_id=497


    Una presentacin de diapositivas debe ser un elemento de apoyo a la presentacin magistralque hace la persona, donde se debe buscar incluir elementos visuales que sustenten lo que elorador dice. En ningn caso podemos obligar a que nuestra audiencia lea en una diapositiva loque nosotros no les decimos y peor an, no podemos tampoco hacer que la presentacin dediapositivas sea el texto base que nosotros leemos al frente de la audiencia.

    Creo que cada diapositiva debe ser diseaada como una valla publicitaria. Qu encontramosen ella?

    Un texto legible

    No se trata de emplear nicamente un tamao de fuente grande. La legibilidad de un textodepende tambin del tipo de fuente escogido. El exceso de curvas en una tipografa cumple elmismo papel de las rayas en una cebra: Logran que los cuerpos (o letras) se difuminen en elespacio.

    Palabras claras

    En una valla encontramos muchas veces una o dos frases. El concepto y su explicacin lotenemos en nuestra mente gracias a que las campaas publicitarias se valen de muchosmedios para lograr la recordacin de un producto. Nuestra voz debe ser el canal principal de

    comunicacin con la audiencia, mientras que las diapositivas deben ser un apoyo a la ideaexpresada.

    Contraste visual

    Usa un color de letra que tenga un buen contraste con el fondo empleado. Recuerda que enmuchas ocasiones no tenemos control del proyector, por lo que el elegante tono fucsia quevemos en nuestra pantalla puede convertirse en un aburrido rojo. Asi tambin, los degradadosson poco recomendables pues en muchas ocasiones no facilitan la lectura.

    Si quieren ver algunos ejemplos de las presentaciones que he hecho, los invito a quevisiten mi espacio en http://www.slideshare.net/carloscaicedo/

  • 8/2/2019 Ud Revised


    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    ANNEX 10


    CATEGORY Mark: 9-10 Mark: 7-8,9 Mark: 5-6,9 Mark: 1-4,9Text Chosen font is

    legible. Bigformat. Clear.

    Chosen font islegible. Smallformat. Not clearenough.

    Chosen font difficult thereading, although it isstill legible.


    Key words Good use of keywords. Slidesare used aspresentationsupport.

    Some keywords, somesentences.Slides are usedas presentation


    Few key words, toomany entire sentences.

    No key words. Allsentences.

    Visual contrast Good contrastbetween thechosen lettercolor and thebackground.

    Not muchcontrastbetween thechosen lettercolor and thebackground

    Textured background.Weak contrast. Difficultto read.

    Too textured. Nocontrast. Illegible.

    Content The speakerprovides avariety of typesof contentappropriate forthe task, The

    speaker adaptsthe content in aspecific way tothe listener andsituation.

    The speakerfocuses primarilyon relevantcontent. Thespeaker sticks tothe topic.

    The speaker includessome irrelevantcontent. The speakerwanders off the topic.

    The speaker sayspractically nothing.The speakerappears to ignorethe listener and thesituation.The

    speaker uses L1words

    Delivery The speakerdelivers themessage in aconfident,poised,enthusiasticfashion. Thevolume and rate

    varies to addemphasisPronunciationand enunciationare very clear.

    The volume isnot too low ortoo loud and therate is not toofast or too slow.Thepronunciationand enunciation

    are clear.

    The volume is too lowor too loud and the rateis too fast or too slow.The pronunciation andenunciation areunclear.

    The volume is so lowand the rate is sofast that you cannotunderstand most ofthe message. Thepronunciation andenunciation are veryunclear. The speaker


    Adapted from: http://www.uen.org/Rubric/rubric.cgi?rubric_id=19

  • 8/2/2019 Ud Revised


    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    CLASS PARTICIPATIONCATEGORY Mark: 9-10 Mark: 7-8,9 Mark: 5-6,9 Mark: 1-4,9

    Participation Actively EngagedDiscussion Partner* often asksinferential questions* listens actively *volunteers answersand feedback

    EngagedDiscussion Partner* asks inferentialquestions *sometimes listensactively * sometimesvolunteers complexanswers andfeedback

    Lazy Discussion Partner* rarely asks questions, and ifso, literal ones * sometimeslisten actively * rarelyvolunteers answers orfeedback.

    Passive DiscussionPartner* does not askquestions, does not listenactively * does notvolunteer answers orfeedback.

    Adapted from: http://busyteacher.org/5963-10-keys-to-promoting-class-discussion.html


    CATEGORY 4-You've Got It! 3-Almost There! 2-Getting Close! 1-Take Another Look! score


    I completed all theexercises and the


    I completed mostof the exercises

    and the auto-evaluationassessments

    I completed a fewof the exercises

    and auto-evaluationsassessment.

    I didn\'t complete theexercises and / or the


    Readability I used neathandwriting.

    I used neathandwriting mostof the time.

    My handwritingcould have beenneater.

    My handwriting wasdifficult to read.

  • 8/2/2019 Ud Revised


    Dossier Sap404E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomasMster de SecundariaUNIDAD DIDCTICA: LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD GET A SLOGAN FOR YOUR SCHOOL

    CleanlinessI kept my portfolio neat and carefully.I kept my portfolio mostly neatI didn't keep my portfolio very neatly.My portfolio is not neat at all.

    Adapted from: http://www.uen.org/Rubric/rubric.cgi?rubric_id=497


    Liz Dale, Wibo van der Es, Rosie Tanner, CLIL SKILLS, Expertisecentrum mvt, Leiden, 2010

    David Nunan, El diseo de tareas para la clase comunicativa, Cambridge, 1st edicin:1989, traduccin Gonzlez, M.1996

    UJI, Aula virtual, ejemplo Unidad Didctica 2010 (M1): https://aulavirtual.uji.es/mod/resource/view.php?id=889013

    Noelia Ruiz-Madrid, DOSSIER SAP 404, E-A de lengua y literatura y enseanza de idiomas: Diseo didctico, conceptostericos, la competencia comunicativa-discursiva.
