ugly skirt to snazzy cocktail dress tutorial!

My Ugly Skirt Upcycle from Skirt Fixation! by April Iris McLeod of ThereCanBeOnlyOne From this To this The Ugly Skirt Before— shapeless, dated, with a big hole in the back! After—stylish, high-low cocktail dress with added straps, sash, and top trim!

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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Ugly Skirt to Snazzy Cocktail Dress Tutorial!

My Ugly Skirt Upcycle from Skirt Fixation!

by April Iris McLeod

of ThereCanBeOnlyOne

From this

To this

The Ugly Skirt Before—shapeless, dated, with a big hole

in the back!

After—stylish, high-low cocktail dress with added straps, sash,

and top trim!

Page 2: Ugly Skirt to Snazzy Cocktail Dress Tutorial!

The wonderful people at sent me an “Ugly Skirt” in the mail to refashion as I chose. I checked the mail with much anticipation every day until the skirt arrived! When I opened it, I thought, wow, that’s not as

ugly as I expected. I really like the fabric and it has adorable covered buttons, BUT, there was a big hole in

the back (on a seam,) and, the more I thought about it, I realized I had bought several skirts like this over the years

and ended up giving them away because this shape is just not flattering! So, I thought—at least I like the fabric and I tried it on, pulled it up, and realized it would make

a cute cocktail dress!

Left: Covered Buttons

Below: The BIG HOLE in the back!

Left: A scrap leftover from a

bed skirt—Compliments the

green in the skirt fabric nicely!

Page 3: Ugly Skirt to Snazzy Cocktail Dress Tutorial!

So, I pinned the hole in the back seam and serged it (with the colors I already had in my machine—since you won’t see the inside.) Next, I ironed

the whole skirt, paying special attention to the button and buttonhole plackets down the front, because, next, I stitched those down because they ALWAYS wrinkle in the wash. I didn’t need to use the buttons, so I decided to sew the placket closed to about 8 inches from the bottom. The last photo shows the inside of the placket with basting stitches and topstitching on both


Page 4: Ugly Skirt to Snazzy Cocktail Dress Tutorial!

These top 3 pictures show 1) one side of the front top edge turned under and pinned, 2) both sides turned under and basted from the inside, 3) the turned-under front from the outside. Blue line in first

2 pics shows original top front of skirt, while the red shows the new top edge. New neckline shown in blue in pic. 3 (The excess fabric

was trimmed from the inside)

Bottom pictures show hand cut and pressed bias tape made from green fabric, hand-stitched to the top edge from side seam to side

seam outside, then inside.

Page 5: Ugly Skirt to Snazzy Cocktail Dress Tutorial!

Next, I cut a long, straight piece of the green fabric about 4 inches wide, I made a tube and turned it inside out. I centered the seam on the back

side, and stitched a channel running down the middle for elastic to thread through. I tried the dress on over a bra to see where to place the straps (I wanted them to hide my bra straps,) and cut them about 2 inches longer than I needed. I measured the elastic for fit and threaded it through the channel. I zigzagged across both ends, catching the elastic (you could make the straps longer which will give them more ruffle, but I wanted

them just a little “scrunched”.) Then, I stitched each end of each strip to the front or back of dress where previously marked. I then topstitched

across the front bias strip, catching the straps in the topstitching for extra strength.

Page 6: Ugly Skirt to Snazzy Cocktail Dress Tutorial!

The final step was cutting another long length, making a tube with tapered ends and stitching it together to make the sash! I

hope you enjoyed my UGLY SKIRT Refashion! Thanks ;-)

(I’m making an adorable hand-stitched clutch from the green fabric, then I’m going out in my new dress!)