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Page 1:'ls-rr• ••~~ A WCIIIDUL Ia ..o14 ... IoGb. • .... Ule world. lfo W'OIDaJoobMol4ullaet. • - 111\k
Page 2:'ls-rr• ••~~ A WCIIIDUL Ia ..o14 ... IoGb. • .... Ule world. lfo W'OIDaJoobMol4ullaet. • - 111\k

UIIIJO'ls-rr• ••~~ .. A WCIIIDUL Ia .. o14 ... IoGb. • .... Ule world. lfo W'OIDaJoobMol4ullaet.

• - 111\k baa liCe "" It• .--.1 ---· Youoa~. UlifiGiD ~ O'Dt.I'IIIQttD. .. aonua oo~or. 01' ..__.. • ...M',.,.... .._ ___ of ~

Ayer't, Hair ·VIgOr.


The modem stand­ard Famlly Medi­

C,*- the common ever'J'day ills of humanitf.

BTOILY OF TBB iJ•10111Amt.

Hl;tory ol tbe kind that enr1, hody waola to know la told b~ Jlr. Bar­low Ou!Dberlaod In ' Tbo &or)' ot tho llolon Jaolr: Howlt 1re• aud wbt.L it wu, P&r\loularl.f illiC. oonoeoLinn with tho hlatort of C.oada.' (Wm. Briaa. Toronto.) Doublleu tbeto are many io&elllpnt ponone who ha•e ne•Jer e•eu aeked wbtlhe Britl•h 8t.g Ia epolr­eo olai the • Jaok,' aull whci la the ai1oilicaooe ol tha word • union,' io hla coonec:tloo. WWte to tho orowd

&.be combioatloa ot crnaaee io cor­ner or the eoeJan la merely a pvt. of the &COOpted ONe~ Uf thlnp, fl5ndOred eomewbat mye&erloue by an unoertain· '1 ae to the re!At.he poeition• of Lbe broad and narrow white atripea. A book like the ~no DllW before u•, ana· wera the nnd of a national lgnonr.nee. The C.Crm • Jack,' aooordlng to Mr. Cumberland, oomea from tbe ancient • Jacque. or tbe mec.llae•al knigbla, a ldAd ol a ebirt worn •bo•e tbe armor. Durio1the Cruat.dee each ltoiglat wore a.l.aqe ero.. embl~t~Uned on the j~&Cque, boUl 1P froot and behind. na· Uooalitr in the oomblned armt of Cbrialendom wae dlatiogui~hed by the oob ollll crou, and ar .... r Cbo ae&·Vlc· &oq ..-r Be.t.,m under .R1oNal Ooeur­d•lecm, &be.&clilh W~>re the reef CI'OII olthe'\mcllllonal bero of tb&t ~on, &. Oeotae or C.ppaaoela. 'Tho Cbda~ an hero St. Oeorce la elated to bnuuf· re~ martyrdom durin« tho reign of the apoela&e Emperur Julian, otorl from bia hninc been behel\ded rnr hla faith oo the L-n~r·~hird o( April, A.D., 861, tho dotf hae alo~boe6 oelo­brated ae '&. Oeorae'• Day.' Hla mom· OfT hae alwaye lu•on ~really rnered In the, partlcularlt by Lbe .Oreolt Ohuroh; an\1 one or ~he tlraL oburobea ereo&ed br Oooetaotloe the Great WAI dedleatet.l to him. The form or hi• CfOII fa kOOWn U the 0Nelt en ... , and Ia dlaplated in Lhe upper oorner or ~ho natlOMl Greek enei&D. · • It Ia to bo noted, bbwefer, &bat St.

Oeone bat nenr been oanunl&ed, n?r hit name placecJ bJ' ~be Roman Ohuroh in l&e ealeodar or ucml ujn&e Hia name, like thoae or SL. Chriatopber, &. BebaeLlan, aod St. NichQiae, wu only included lo a litt declared ~J. P~>pe Gelaelu•, lo 4.1)., 4~ ae befn& thoee "wboee ~~ are jiJ•llY r<~•eronced amon1 men, but wboee aetiooa u e known only to God.'' '

The On. or 8t. G._,rg., w .... , flua. 6nL adopted at\er a Yiotory •t aea, and oeoturiN al\er~rde thla rod crou on a wbl&e pound wae euprem~t upon ~be .... ae &be Eo,U~b baaoer, or • Jaolc.' Tbo aame Ita«, wiLh a ' Uoivn J..clt • in the comer, u atlll tbe dinlooti"e • Wbl&ft Eoeltm : or the W!Whipe or the Britlab D.f ·~" . '

Tbe Soo&~b Jaolt wae blue with a whke aallire or&. Andre•'• erot~, ba .,. Inc lc. own lf'Aeoda and hunonr.ble ae· aoelaliooe. KiD& J&ma. the FinL, rul· lor oYu b<Kh counc.riee, LhouahL well to oombl$le the Lwo emblem•, malrlna • au r.dditilia41 ~~,: 10 ~ 'ftec.l jo certain olrocuna&&Qoel. lL ~ qnUe~ tho Rae with two CI'OIIel that Ooanacl>' _... won In 1769. It wae ukiklo1 dealan. The bro.d whl&.e- aallire or 8'- Andrew wae DO&~ 1~ COYered by tbe red &tlltlr.s or $. 2a&rfok. That wae added, maki111 Ill• ~atlona~ Ja~{.mboli&o the • tToioD' i:l BDaWMI, and aod Ir~laod. Tbla appe<'ra • to &be upper oaoloo, DOS& theetatr• or lhe. Bed En· aJco ' ae our fiN In colDmon uae la pro­palr3ed. ICr. Cumberhmd uplatoa the ~Df ·~~ pJaei~or the Jack. dftl ~~ to"'ree&.J t&ema aboll& a.ilo raoeral. to ~an a peodlx th~c a .. roa .. whl&e diamond la ad ae a aubalitu&e lor the C&n· arma io tbe dy or the Oan•dlan eaai(D. If. would be more tully dla· lioRJtbed at a· dlataooe than tbo pllo..&if I ~; IJqt jl may be remark· od thM &be m&ple · eat '" whiui or &Old wi&boa& !he diamond, would bo etill beUer lD Lba& reapeol. Be•oral oolcxorl ~&ee oopiea ol old oogn.•lop, et.o., Add to tbe •aloe of a book which Ia a ore to be uei~Jl fd popular.

.UY.aot of Jloclen a&iaoe.

Tbero are 10me lbat f~oe Lbal the .,, bu beeQ dMLructlYe ol &be·~~ Jq ~,. In nal.hy h mon th&o aiiJ oeb'er iooe· Ule worid bepo. bae brou1ht home to the .... ,.. ... mall &be ewpendou mlnole of &be world. Tbey caU lL a m~ri&U.& 11p, which b• ob&inod &be 10ul of mao to lam But almoet before tbe re~·· ,. ~eard, wsooe pNClalme tbat ~be,e U ·q·o '•dbh APRI ., jnert m&&&u, ihat owen If t.lJn, and Lb~ our mor&at bodlee are YaeL oom· poai&e ooaclomeatloae of Uvlna orpn· lema, a~ wboee pitched baulea In oar nloa deDt.od our health or our dla· elliee. To take but 0110 ioatanoe. Im· .,Loe~lJ &bat !fe undentand by the wOld m'icrotle, aM l~en ~I ~e raot

the mlatobe wu 'pi&C-Uoally on· wbeo &be qaMO came to Lbe

ro a Yef1 epeetal r .... hion, tMa "'~eel~ U, t. new he& 'flO

a Qelf 84r1h1 lnlqftcill ~uweloue, l.adfJa. &e ~ qodlfii&Dcij• eo '"' tbM lolle iDI.Dd ol man oannolliy M<Ueh· inc loci It out. Beblad e&ob dlaa.•nrt that r.dY&OOOI our knolfledse, Lhe in· Iloilo unknown lndellnltelt l'ee4!dee. We wlab &l)e fl&n, t.oalTH their oom­poeiUocl io"lhe epecl~; 'e photo­mph the moon imd make mape or the O&D&la in But Car more etupeo. do!M are the that ha•e b!en maCfe, .,a& ~ dlatant .. ot email JaQieCI:J]ea Solenoe. &hrouab tbe daJ•Ir•n.,.. ed the inw1·1~J.

to eoJot " ReVOepeet ot Yura," br w. T. ~.In June ur Jle'fieWI.

·n. Oro.M-.~ ........... u. Tbe arowtb .ru,. Geruu.o nny eThoe

1872 bae been estnordi.D&rr. Accord· lor to llaorea quoted in &he ~lei'IIM& &beJncreua In D&'fal ox~odhure elnoe lli&t c4Ut b .. bela 6'Z1 per oeot. Tue ou&lar oltbl .. aft~ eenaao ~fecJera· !Jon In 1870 .... ool1 £1.~1.000; In 1885 that or the Germa.n Em:r.lre •IOod a.L fS,lJ9,ooo~;::: && the ate ot the

:t:: i! ~··a.100~~~rctrtlt.('=' , .. h&4 ....., to Tb PfO' paeala ol the German lldmlralt7 for the preeeo& Je&r inYOIYed ao up.oditure

;:a~~= _;y.~~= ~ • ,....~!Da ' . . .

that 1.e to e&J, ol nine J...,..;-no 1 .. than 86 new unila ban been ai1ded &Q the 80ft. Bu& yel n~l&.her Ka1aer Wll· liam nor Admltal BollmaDD ill&&leftfd. Like Oll•er Twla&, tbey an aeltinc Cor mllfe, and aao malri"' iL 'IU1 obYioua that ther lo&eod to 1-..liiiOft. Oo&P'· Mahan'• "luftueooe o( Sea Powu on Blatory" hae lnet.ruoted otben breld" ourael"W.

The Protramme or ablpa to be oom· ment'«l durinc the nos&. four yean wu no4 indeed a pudoulariJ &aqe ooe. .It l.n•olYed the oooel.ruct.loo or 4 baUJ• ahlpe, 8 tarae c:ruilen, 8 am&ll cral.en, and 86 torpedo CI:IA. Wh&& IJI'OI-blt al•rmed Lhe II' iolleta, waethe hint Lha&. w&r -..cnln a&. DO 'fer)' dil&aot d~. and tbc y nUed ,Pft&M'Ino 10 dlapuc.e Enll"nd the command of tb11 eea. The demanJe, too. werei· denly put forward, an\1 public opl• bad not been rollr jtropued for l The OODIOQueooe wu U\1.& &be JIUb o and tbe rei'oba&a« were IKwlldereCl, and refuaed to be ruabed loto a 1reat out· lay for t.ll obaeun end.-Fortni1btly



Do n 1 .. ~

Dep•·c ·· ·~ ·\ d bec.1:... ·, • :1:1Ve ?een un:~~l • • .our$~'" ,.,

th:Jt c t1~:- l' cough.

You • l ·.-a ~ mcnti:- ~~:~ _Eew aaf ~~ m m pound.s.

Cheer .. ~p t There :~Jl"'~rt t'or you if you .vii! i ro; th:Jt staDd­ard pr•.r• -~:i_c~t t.hllt hal been 1:: ~se for more th:1n ,v_~

Wlstar's B ... bam of Wild Cl-- :..rry.

Yos.. ~g~ For sale by Mel8111. T. M' Murdo" -RBIUl'IIATJSV OKE or Til£ NA~ & Co., s~. J'ohn'a. TURA.L RauL'rs-OHI:' wRo StTF- ==::===?====~===== .CR£D roa UtwA'!lD3 or Nn;r; BB OAR8PUL WITS TBAT LAMP I Yuu 0tY£S Hts ExPa:aruoa:. --l-

Fk.m tbe lo' ,,.,.,00

,. ... , .. ~"e•llle, Oo•. J llloef'rely bope LbaUtrs. Pllmtr bat abeD· . , ....... ..,.. ...,.. • • dootct lbe ot lraepl~ ao oil lamp I ........... ~ ( bi:ITDIDI ID be.r room Of Dllbll. llbe ~

t IS oubt ul if there ia any other o04 .. ,. wbaltha o_u,. wu, bl:ll I ''"'"' occup ion more try in~ to the con- IL oo loo .. r mate. It ~lble 10 avoid 11, ao lllb~ lboold bi:ITD In a room wberelo ~· alitution than that of t ae thresher. pie .,.. aa .. pr~. TIM ..... ao•• oaabt 10 .,.

E d t h • d plaiD 8DOOCb, 7el WG Will n..ed lt_,DI In xpoae o t e rams an atornu or ooiDmon oauLion. Tbt• aa.~7 bad be.,.., and

the autumn eeuon, aod at the &&me ;~, ':':::~J.n oomlna out or tba u tiwe choked With the dust CODIO· WriUOI alloal IL abo IAJI : " H wu In lbo

~uent upon threshing, he eu1'll) aummer or UN. oo110oa alter tbe 4uLh oc - mr bDiband.. 1 bad bftn Wlf'd IO ll"plnc an alia a prey t.o disease. Mr. J'oa. . ol lt.Dlp bl:lrnLn1 tn mr room ro't oonv~nl·

D l ' d • r•h hi ( -dllrtna lbo DlabL, Ona nllblt •«Jdtni­&V a, a real en. o • o to.rns p o &117 o"rturotct tbt tamp, and a blue kind I·

Wioklow, ~utinga C?tmty1 followa :\~ 1-;'p~no-:-r~m ~.u!.ac:.:Salf ... ou~1:'~ the threshmg machine tor aome antcJ.- abd .... downllalra wllb \bam Jo~

:!\on•~a every (all For eig" • l>r In ''"'• to a>revenl 1or~het dl~aatar. B•r>PI, .., • ,. • 17 lor 01e, I -ped wHb •IIebl bo•nt','blll ne yeare ~P 1f&4 aqbjeot tQ at- nnl nom eooMqU41fteu nranoLber lrlod.

t.aoka ~f inQaro mat.o~y rb~II:~IJlatlalJl. m~:r"Qq rr!11:~ ~~~~~lltr~~ d~P~~~":'J 'fhe d1aease qaually lJlade i~- all Qwer, wa. IIDabt• Jil ~RIIb '""~'~ . " 1 Oqro m:r bouCbC.. lly name 8ft ed m, pear4nce II') t .. e ,,u,, ~4 eo . qq. Pltta~l!,obiY:J"•~ ~or.ta7 1row ~~ ,., ect throqgboqt ~~e 1fiq~r. 04QBin~ W, ~a1t b':s ,:' ,.~,!: ,,.. ~~:.::r::~,~· no~ onlt tnQch eqfJerllliJ but IJrl&$ '"':,. d'f¥ ~~\alia tn .i[ mQ~tth, be~ inconvenience, Alr. Davle1 moat ~:wOC:~:' • '.:a''nf(oA~ 0~l,~11 :~g aerlout attack occurred durlnar the cr-L o ... r \b'fn,. .:l.~r; .. l •u w~. b;a

i -'-( 89S I Y I'O lnlluenoe wllb - wbelan•. 1 IIOII4M w nte .... 1 . t 6rtt made 1taolr to toolld~ mJalren~u. wnb beet toa a.nd ~ani(eat by the swelling of the ::r~~n:=aod ~ble«<rma ordlet, ngbt ba.nd, and before twenty,four ..:...!!>• ~ wbom 1 oonautled aid 1 wu b h d ed •b ... _.. ...... ttom DOn-OWl dobll\41 'and WHit•

ours a pa.u • e u11eue ap- ·-· Tb., aa•• nM p..-rlptlona, wbleh 'hri~ t o .~ave gose ~hjngb the ~· .. ~~d"='aU~~h:~ ~~~:,~~ w q 41 111!"1% all-, t~1~ .. ga ~ere e..!-l!,TC:.:.. !! ~'"' ap~..s 10 t~a""' swollen to an al:in_o,mal tftM, lo m ~i4~~Dt~ ~~~~·&:r.i'r~ ~J~f~ much ao tha~ the JOints were not moolb i"~tr:gl..s w1u. U.l• awu" visible through the .. ~ellinga. For :!~~~~'~'nfflDJ'!.:'r;? a':u":':f.t 'f ::!.1~; ten mon.'hs the tro~ble continue,d :d"!.:".!~'o}~t.'r:"0::~1~bl\'l tollow..s m, aodaunng that per1od Mr. Daves "AI u.a~ ume (laouar.loc,~ r ebaoO!d 1o wuJu~~ble '<? pill on hie oloUlee, ~·Pu~~~·:,.,,:S,...J-=t.~l~ an4 ~tO »4lq ·~i ~n4qreg almoa~ •r.:ncl tbo'llomplalata •u.odtq "· r.o,14,.. pua cotQp~e aio'q. ~no <lqc- wti;r~n..'!U,.f1Jei!Jl;"'~:J2 tor art~r aoo~btl' aa bled but !'hh: m;;r,"':i~,\Jj.~.;i'~lfi·Ai!,i."i. out &DJ ~flelol l reault.a. Then ......., ..-..,_... After \U"1':c al 1'\ctt!ti! adnrtlaed rotcli inea were tried =:1' bettar. l-td oaa IDII ~ ooNo4 bu' whh no beltereocceea. "t can ... f :I::::-.::;-:~ 1 -!a:'?:.':'~ hardlf say," aaid 'Mr. Daria, ''bow ll,.:::!::-~a':~t=:Z~~=e:'f:: muo'b money I fPII'}' on dootor11 l~~~.._._.,boall.b. hr and medicine, 'bul n anioQnte4 t4 a l.bllt. !5 '=~~a-. JR.:.;.-:.',:! aconaiderableeom and yeU wool K.--;!41111or In cw \elay -.m ~oat willioglybav~gi•en ~y ra~ ~!~i.rtam:r.ia.UM~~.w:t~ ~ ~!.~ri<J qf ~lJ· ts~ri9b'~ ptlq f "~ iat" ~~~{. m·-= ·~ .orciN $0 eqc!qr•, ~~~ -.n IJJY PJ· ,.~,;'~n&J¥••11 ll,AD •~a•

r ndltures aeemed 0 no avail, and q~~u ~!l' r ru be~ran to dee~-tr of a cure At l.bal ••IOiaot aboollto u.e iCe u..i P t"!" · 'lftll prOduce lndi ... UOO 01 a proltland an

•u I funoture, a.ottag on the ad rice toLraetallle t,-pa. Tbei•Ueuae& laiiiDII.Iat· of a riend, I be&an using Dr. WU- ~ :'i::.:;:•eoar:=cmr1,:r.:ft11 Ttl!.: Iiams' Pink Pilla. The drat six ~IU .& ll)r the pnaon"la&l,ollla•r •:f.·u.· ~qt~ J q~~d a~med from outwa.rd .3t.ol~:'"':~:-:1~,d;r,..:~ ap~rall'Cee' to hove ha'bo 'etfec~ ..,..... a -'ltd "••""'" d'-- ru~ ,and I !el~ almost like givlnc up lD =~.1\':.;\~f~~...,~o Clea~r. I lhougbl, however, &bat ~~~bo~L:'cs.'.~: posStbly that waa not a !&lr trial (or do.

11Tbta lewb&l No&ber = .. ~ .. 8~rop df:

One i dill d I !Dr n Pll•or, aod will 410 tor JOU In -, • o my con on an ~roour·. i;bloll Prv'f*na. Rwbldl 1ou an ever over-

ed a turtber aqpp)J. Jty e time rowaiD llu mann~. I had used three bo.xea mo ltie.,_ ;eo;; . wu a considerable lmJM'O'fement .tt.J!iGlJLA. 'fiONFJ noticeable, aud from J.hA1 ott~ eaob "':1 dar rognd me sro.Jtfnc better. r -!If-, contlnuea· Ulnw- ib. ~ Williazu~ llsfer&l88 1110 DlJBLIQ Hl<U VQ Pink Pilla unUn bad taken efaht. J.' I! ~~4!qt teen boxea l)y wbloh time every vestige or the pain had lel't me and I was feeling in every rupect a new .. m&n. I believe, too, ~bat the o\mfh l>t~IN•P.•n~ 1ot l ~aJ!f Jl~t knowQ 1fiJat jt 11 lo aq.ffer ,nh rbeumatl•m elnoa.

!t wUl thut be aeen lhat Dr. Wtliiama' Pink Pilla released \lr Dnia from the painful tbraldo~ of rbeumatiam at a. comparatinly amall "~"~ ~ner clootore and oth~r nY~dlcfri!• ~~cl ut~~b fall~d t.o gcve him even a tai~ meuu~e·ot relief. fj'a Q~tlore·Lbm,ron~ that if nr. lli~' 'nk ·pnt. ~re giYSn a r trfal bei •Fe aqre to bring relief and a cure. • "Sold bf all dealera in medi·

ome or wlll be aent poet at 60e. per box or aix boxes for S2.50 by addrusiog 'Meam. T. HcMurdo -tCo:. St fobnle,••hol u.J., asr•nta r~r Nlld." ' • " • "TT•1 1::,

.. " Doot.ort aaid tli~ pht'l~Jan'a wife, wby don" you La~e a rOOd 11JDI l'f!IL t

Go a war aO!JtoWMq1 'atld enb7 )'Oilr" •elf. You're 1furtdnc JOUJie.trtnto rour grt.'fe. You bann'c been OD~ or lOiftl lhil o .. e yean.''

"My dea.r," the oelebraleJ praclltlon· er aaid: " 1 do not dare ~ JeavJI 1t I dld 10, moat or I'QY patient. would dla· COYer tlrat they could get alon1 juat ae wdtl whboot-n,e, a11ti «p,Y Pf&C~Joe fOUid be ruined I" • · '

Dr. Hone'• fodlan Root P1lJa re1UOYu all obetruetlone, purify the blood. and 1he to the eltlu that braol,ifnl olt•ar "nJ hA!Lhf•tl l.qqk r frt!alJ1 admll't'd In a beanL ru ant tft!allhf tiorpall. At certain J:Orlllda tbeee P.JI.Ia are an lndlepcmaable OODJpanlon. Frofll ()fte tq fc>qr l!hoqllj bt Lallen eaob daf, nnijl rellefle ol!faf!J«t, 4 rew 4DIM oc-· alonallt•IU keep •he eyetem .01\MIU.j and the blood eo pure, that ean: ~ enter the boor. Dr. llorH'I I,. dl¥1 ~ Pille eold b1 all mecll· c!-ne dealea.

L ~nalreee mueL be etriclly Included noder tho followin~t heada :-

(a) Aaaye or Metallicotre. (b) Ataaye or eoita for agrioultunl '' PII~' . .. .. • (c) A.,aye or J'~~er foJ domtatlea

pDrpotOI, {d) A ... p O( bOYer&JtN for aloobol. 2. Each aample muat ·be marked io

eoo~edlatlnoli'fu Wlly,eitber by number or, etc. '

8. Samplee muat. not. be ruarlted in poeraJ C.Crme, aa, "for analy•ia." but. muat be ffi~.!lted "for copper,'' " ror sold," 4i&c. "4l"\be um'O ~imll' tHe !iueat tlon zpay be aeked,"' Ia tbta lllcf1IY 'to~ ot n.iupr ~11 appt{oatlone mual tic made &Jlrot11b the 8\ir,eyor Qeoe~l,

4. Sample. will not be aooepted' f110ru Oompa.nlee or Syndioa~• who are oaaually lfOrkln~t mlnu, nor from per· 1001 who can alrord to be.r the upcmao or an aeaay th meehc1 •

~- SampCtll moat ~ eeot iu lh('ir ongidlll ron}!-not. 11round qp T .. ·o nr three poon<ft ill ~be C&Je n1ln~nlrw! 'l eo moe; In the ca.~ or wath rtwo gml~ 10~Th{! deJ~f~eot ~un~: pron7ie~ to •• ,e •• ,q .. JO PN?PtJtJCI . I'- diJh' .. I• to determine 00~1111 1 •

7. SoU. ebould ~ ror,;.rded fo quan litlte or ooe or t."o •"-•


St J h , A ril 81UTotor Gcnenw. • u I) •• p ~b. 1897.


Page 3:'ls-rr• ••~~ A WCIIIDUL Ia ..o14 ... IoGb. • .... Ule world. lfo W'OIDaJoobMol4ullaet. • - 111\k


Takes Up a Popular Subject.

He writes about Paine's Celery Compound.

STROHOLY llBt.~ 11'.

Like acores of other clergymen lfho hnve been made beart.f vigor· .. uq nnd strong by the uaeo Pahre'a Celery Compoun:J the Rev. 1. D. I.d~hllll\0, or AnROI, Onl .• with all hone.sly nnd candor acknowledgttll the hlul'inga lhd the great medl· cine confers on)those who toake uee llf it.

recommended h &o ~• ad'er­log from . nerYoaa debliUJ aDd aiMpleua.... I bellewe h to be a moe& powerful medicine. 1& &leo pari&.~ the blood and reYiv• the eyetem. GiYe U a fair trial and iL will in theM caMI be foaad Jlel~ fill."

A Solllaaa~buiUt'a Pa&al PaiL

Ingerwoll, Onl, Aq. te.-A Bell Telea)booe lineman named .Joha Paddeld, of London, fell oa& of a tbird·ltorJ windOW Of the .DII.IIII'r-t,

Bouee, be&ween eleYeD and t.welve o'clock lu& nl1bt. ud .aaatalaed eerioua injorlee. Hit left I• ud left arm were fracwred and hit face and t.he upper ..:.& ofbia body were painfully bralied. A ~­by noUoed him lying on tb~t aid• walk in an uncoMoioua aLate and

Such testimony as the following gave the alarm. It ia aap~ ~bould prove helpful and encourag- that. the unfortunate mao, while iog to 8\·ery wed:, ailing and dreaming, go& up, pariially dreaed broken·down man and woman. I bimHlC, wen& &o &he wladow ofhlt

Rev. Mr. ~· bruan aaya: roum and jumped oa,. He wu a i ",I bave a aye found Paine'• alng1e man and had been In the Celery Compo nd nn excellent eml'loy or the t.elerhone company nene tonic. n~ have frequently for aome yeare.

Worth"their weight in GokJ. ' Dr. MORSE'S INDIAN

Root Pills.

Dr. Morse's Indian ROOT PILLS.

Dr. Morae's 'h,diiln ~oot Pilla

--=-:--=_,.... --1 Dr· M..OISE'S INDIAN -......___/ Boot PUJs.

Dr. Morse's • Indian Root Pills.

To Save Doctors Bills, use gr: ~or§~·~ lndi'n Root PUis,



ONE OF THE OLDEST SHIPS. .. . ~· .,, !IJ'AC&.L . .

~~-=·==--~ .. ~ ................ ~ ............. ................ ...... .... _. ......... _.,..,

"'·"-' ..... ~ .... a ..... . ....... .,_....__ ... 11:.-&'=--;s::.:.::.


\ ... - .. :.=--.....~

-A BriUah authorlly Kivea &he nlue ofthe principal i-allw&!l of empire u follows: The Grea& Euteni, ~000,000 · the Grea\ Nortbem, 148.~i~!; the Grea\ Weetem, £102,uuu,uuu; &he Lan­oublre .and Yorkshire, £64,000,-000; J,he London and Northwestem1 :£188,000.000; the London an<l Soutb•eatem, £66,000,000 · the Midland, £1~.~000; the Nortb­... tem £64,000,uuu; &he North Bri· l.iab, £51,000,000, and &he Man­ch•ter and Sheffield, .£.46,000,000; a &o&al or l:l'ifl,OOO,OOO or about. 14.· 000,000,000.

-A photograph ia, after all, a nry unaatiifactory thing, ao far u beau\y ia concnned; It tells nothing beyond form of face. A pbo~ptier, explaining a la~y'a anUpatby t.o a eame111 aald-" Her featurea are no& regul~ and abe makea a bad picture. .ner beauty reete in her deep liquid eyee, coral lipe, rich auburn hair, and lovelJ ooaaplexion, quaiUI• preoleely whiCh a camera canno\ reflect. On &beolher hand, a woman dull of eye and fa.Jed or hair may make a capilal photograph if 'abo baa a IILraigbt nQBe and a toletably KOOd outline or features.n

A CBAJ(OK JN Tn£ CALKMDER Suo· oauo.-n ia ayggested that O{l 1anoary 1, 1900, a new division of the year Into thirteen months be lnaUtuted. rr such a division were made the fire\ twehe months would have twen\y-eight da.\"a, or four weelta 8f>Ch, and .the new month t.wenty-nine days. to make 365, and tbiny In leap yeare. After a few days there would be no need to refer to calender~', 1\8

tho same day of the wet~k would have th.e same date through the year. If January! were, say, Mon­d.ay, every Monday . would be the lat, 8th, 15th, and 22r.d: every Tuuday, the 2nd, 9tb, 16th, and ~rd, and ao on through the year. The cbanget or \be moon wouhl be on about the same ~tee through the year ancl many ealcol.tiona, like interest, datea of maturing aotee· and many other important dates would he aimpli6ecl. AI· lboqb tho present sene'*on would bave io figure new datel for birthdays and all leaat hollda7.a except New Yetu would b& oo dtf­feren\ dates, yet the gain would be more than the toea, aa t.bat woulli be j)ermuen\ and the ob­JecUona t.riflin1-BeifftAiftc bcriccm.

0. 0. JlJcll&aDe A Oo. D&A&8ua,-!'or mao7 yean J hue

bad ooly part1al uae or my arm, calliOd hy a eaadeo etalo. I b&Ye lliOd Mel')" remedy witJaouc. tl'eo&, until L J~ a IUDDie bciUie oC )IW(AJlD'8 LINI· lldT. Tbe be~W>8& llrecel•td from l& cauetd me &o ccm&loue ita uae, aod DOW I am happy &o eay my ann la compJe&e-11 fteknd.

GJaa&, On'- :B. W. Buateol'.

"A WoJCDU OP Mantc.u. Scu!fct.'' ID&J' welJ be applied &o Da. WD'Wt'll B.u.a.ut or Wu.oCluaaY. IL It Deat-11 half a c:en&ory aiDce thia rm~&rkablo remed1 w•• lolroduced &o &he poblio, aod yei &be immediat.e and en•iabJo npo&alloo wbich ll aaloed br ita woo­delial CQftl or OOQibe, lllfloena, ooo­aumpt.ioa, aod aU broachl&l eomplaJnta It &o tb .. da7 fully eua&alaotd,

Minard'• Linimeo~ com prcel io cowa.

The atomacb or man it aubjeot. &o a cloMo tueb common but ralDfol al· 1ec:&i0111 u cholera morb111, cholera, dlanllwa and dr~eotery, and bJaetrlea& aay ma1 be cbroolo aDd..,.._ oue. All an men Of leta palnlol: aDd lhe bft&, handle.&, auraL aod quicke.t rem~r It Pem Dam' PAD~ Xiu.D, a medic:IDe wbleb hu bHJI lriecl fa all ~ lbe wolld for mon &hao a

~•ner ola oenlory and nnu failed &o •• reUer. U Ia aold by all repo&able

ruatata. Larte boU..Iee now -* 25c. fliC:fl. ---Mioard'a Liniment Cwfe Dlat.emper.

A NOTABLE FAIIILY. Npa1u aad Well KJiow. lD Cauda ·

,. --For many, many .1eare a very

noble family, popular and "ell kno>wn, have conferred great bless· lop on Canadian bomee.

Tbla family to which we refer bu aerved the bomet of Canadians faithfully and well; they have brl.ghtoned the pathway of many a aad woman when tbe oloude were dark; they have cheered bearta when tlmea were doll and money acaree i \bey have been a bleasing to \houaaoda ofhaabandund chit. dren,belplnc them to dreas beLter~ 10 that mo&hera, fathtt• an<l ohll• dren were enabled to race world M h!§.ndaomely dreaed aa wealtlilet friends and neisbbon.

Tb ... popular, tried and helpful friend• are tbe Diamond Dyes, i ho aameln power, work and usefulneu to-day as they were &wenty yea"! IIJO.

There are many imit&Uona of &h... celebrated Diamond Dyes woi\hl.. and dan,eroua to uae. Beware of &h•e d.aepUn dyee, u U.ey can never do ~ work.

When yoa parobue dyea see tha~ the name "Diamond " Ia on every en'felo~. Wl\b Uie Diamoad Dyea aacoae Ia ahra711111re and certain

Too Reflaed aad Too Late.

She kissed the old man: abe abowered upon him kiasea and tea111. She told all the peoplellow good be wu. I thought if abe bad only given two of thOM klaaet per quarter for &he last ten yeare bow the kind-hearted old genU~man would have smilecl through bit teare. But now be took it all very coolly. He ~WU dead. He wu old and poor., abo young and rich. She bad \en rooms, but no room for fatb,er. Yo& be made room for ber when be bad onlv two. Tbe "old man" waa not educated. Sbe waa i a& hia expenae. He bad fed and clothed ber for twen~J:Jearsa& home and aL college, anUllbe bad risen into more "learned and oul · tured ~~-.x." and m¥ried amo01 them. 'Dhl old peoples' dreae •nd dialect were too coarse. She kii" d him, and buried him in a beau coffin. " Dear father" ia to ba ooeUy marblemQaumenL A warm kiaa while living ta better than cold mnrble when dead.

()• Eate!l'fc Micro~. ~-

The Bombay • Gazette ' describes a discovery which, iC true, may have wide possibilities in practical medicine. The orisinal announce­ment was made in an official re­port by Mr. B1nkin to tho govern­ment. Briefly put, ayiJuog Paraeo medical man, Dr. Ghadialli dia· c~ered a bacillus, to which be M­ao~ the peculiar power of de· atroying theenterioand other alliud micro-ot-ganiams. This di!covery was foun<Jed on a research suggest· ed by the intereatiolr facL that, iu samples of water aeoL for examina­'ion containing the newly discov· ered bacillus, the enteric microbe and ita allies were never iound. A aeries or experiments led to the gen­eral conclusion that, under cor .. in circumat.ances, · tbe new bacill ua was 11ble to destroy tho enteric forma in water. Mr. Hankin baa named theaggreaslve miCTobe u!ier ita discoverer the • MicrocOoc!\Js Ghadlallii.' In pare culturent Ia harmlft88 to man wben swallowed by tho mouth, and produces no ill eft'ecta lf'ben injectea into tho peri· toneal cavity of rabbits and guinea· plga. Aa Mr. Hankin is an ac­knowledged authority, Europeaa medical expert.s are inclined to be· lieve that tbe young Pareee pb,al­olan bu made a dijcovory of great significance.

_ __. _____ _ New Dbc:.ove17 hi Pbotocrapby.

..._l-Biltimore, Md., Aug. 17.-Dr.

Robert Xavier Olering of Bl\lli· more, claims to have ml\de are-­markable discovery by means of the Roentgen rays. Dr. Ciering at.ates that. by meuna of the X rays he can develop al\3 ordinary photo­sraph of a human ·being, show· tng plainly all the internal organa and the bonyllb'ucture or the body of the original of the photograph. In other -.orde, &he doctor ~in­taina that an ordinary photograph is not only a libneaa of the out· ward appearance ot tbe individual, but tbaL it cont.aina a reproduction of everything in the body, and that all that ie oeceaaary to make all visible to the naked eye ia to put the pbotogT&pha through a series of developments under the X ray.

• -LlDLY 'l'o B.£.-' Tho bone:y­moon may be said to be over.' aatd the Comminavilleuge in fine buret or alliteration,' when tho billa ror h.oon be&in to bt~ bigger than tho bl111 for boxes of bOnbons.'-Cin­cinnati • EtUtuirer.'

. ·

Pruldeat Polk ID tile White UOOM dlalr, While Ia I.OW"Cll,.... Doctor AJcr;

Jlolb wcl"c bUJ for hamaD weal Oac to..,.....,. aDd otte to heal.

A ad, a• a prceld~·· power of will lo111ct.t.CJ dcpcad.a oa a u ... r.pUI.

)lr. Polk took AJCCI PUla I !.toW Por lll.t U\'ltf', 10 ,_,. ._...

Ayer's Cathartic PiUs wo:ro deeianecl to auppl:v a modelpurp.tive to people who bad ao lona l.Q!arecl them.aelvea with ariPina medlainea. Beina caretuU:v prepared aDd their iD· gTedlenta adJuatecl to the exact neooeelti .. of the bowel• and liver, their popalarlty wu iu­llbntaaeoaa. That tbi8 popu-larity hu b-. maiDtalned Ia won marked ID ~ ~edal

· awarded th ... · . .,w. '' the World'• Pair 1808. •

so Years ot CUres, ta lmplaD~d Ia eYCry Dl&ll a lOY~ oC lfrc at.roa.: uoqb to m.ak.e hhu tremble aud ltnecl be(oro • death wbeu be lhorouablJ ~· •Jtca Its ap. proac:b. Tile trouble wilb mea la that tbcrdo aot ~­oaa~« deatb uniC11S It come. In IIOJDe Yioleat or npld form. Coaaumptlou II ilia mote mea tb~n wan, Cam. Ia"- platun

_ and =accilknts, ·- butltsapproacb

II huldlou" aad mm do aut tulw: tbat lMT are fh it• C'lntclt. While c:on•umptloa b a aerm di~ue. the bacilli will uot Ia· ndt •ound •nd hcallb7 lunp. Tbe lanp mu't liut be Ia D dl...,ued c:ondiUon.

Fint a wan feel• a little oul or ..:.u. •Prob&bl7 be: Ia ovcrworted and hu fiven too lillie tkuc to catilt1'. al«pint and rclt· I~~&. Hla appetite Calla otr. His dl~tloa IN out of ~ aDd hla blood c\oea aot ftftivc the pro~ UDOaat oC li~J.!<rtac

' autrimcat. Tbe ll"cr become. torptd aad tbc blood Is filled wftb fwpuritla. Thc..e an: 1•u•n.,cd into e\"cl")' Of'J:IItl o( the bod7 buililunr up unb~altby, half-dead !Wuce' Tile most banu l• done at tbt wcal&e.t apot. _ end mo.t /requenUJ tbat •pot b In tb~ lun!l""'. A alltrht cold fl'lld.s to loBamma. l ion, tlle banlli invade the: lunp aad we h a\."e a ClUe or c:on•umptlon.

NlnciJ. elallt pc:r c:tt>L or all t"U« or c:on,umptlot> a~ cured bJ Dr. P!en:c•e Golden lfcdical D'-""'ry. lt b lbc creat blood· mtkcr aud Oe-tb·bulldcr It rcatorca tbc loo-t np~tltc, millie& tllc dl,-c•tiot> pc:r· ,.. f:ct. lnviaor ole:~ the llvt'r, puri&ca the bloOd. build• n,.... and bcallbJ Scab us4 dtivC'I out all irupuritlcalna dJK~UC ~nna. It C:llfM , h rn:r<. •pilliDif or blood.o'-tf· a.11c cou::h' anJ lr.indrN ailmcata. No hoa· c:ot druRt•t •rill n:comme.t>d a au~tltate.

NN t ' ,...ul.a ll\labalft. of !ililtnnillc. :r:Jkr Oa., W V• , ~!< ' · " I Md a pAID Ia mylldr an lbc Umc. t.:.d t...t lhllr •Pt><ll~ an41(TtW ftrY Usia. Th·· · ·~:.:: ... ll<'ll•·•l t>~· ~ptly ,.-ur.; ; thi" ' "'"• f\ ~-~ my appc.tltc &Dd l.D­Cfta~ n\y •d.:tat..''

Break Up a Cold in Time aY USIN!l

PYNY-PECTORAL ft• Qtakk eue tor cououa.

cor.ns. oaovr, JU&Ol'­CID'DJ, BO~-

W•t. Jo..,..-tfoawte&, .......o...;... of6:1 ScA.Itr•4..._, T--. ...,._,

=-~~i;~~ ::.r.. -- ..,. . 1,_ ..... ,_ .. ......._ ___ . Jlo&.t::t.-:::W, N.D.. orr~ ... : U:~::JJ"-=~~-= ._. ................ -

• ~ BoUle, 14 c:u.

GUARDIAN · Fire a.nd Life

Assurance Co'y. l.LIMITED)

OF LONDON. 'iUIIIOU.B&D O.t.l'lT.u.. •••••• £2,000,000 Stjt l'ar.u.ln1t:8r&D FtmDS tJP-

Aw4JU)I OP·········-········· 2,760,000 Stg. UtlO!.U.IBCO!a tJl'W1D80P 850,000Stg.

The GUARDIAN being a flrak!Jus Engliah Inaurance Company, olrQra aU tboee aduotagca moe~ deeirablo to in· enrera, vis., undoubted atabiJUy, ruor· able torma and promp~ eetll811lco~ to olaima for lcea .•

The Uodcralgned ha\oiog been at-· pointed Agonta for Newfoundland aro prepared to i11ue PoliGice agaioat luu bv tire.

T. & M. WTh~R, SL. John'•· C. & E. GODDEN,

. Sttb-Agent. Harbor Grace, NOd.

- ----THE -

QUEEN lnsurante Co. Lo~t in the Great._ponOngrntion

· the sum

$541,000 a.nd the

QUEEN INSURANCE CO. paid O\tt to 898 of its pntrotts, whose policies were involveo in the fire, exa.otly a RitniiA.I amount, viz.,


Agent, St. John':-. . A. T. DRYSDALR.

A&ent, Harbor Gr!LOf> ,

. .


Page 4:'ls-rr• ••~~ A WCIIIDUL Ia ..o14 ... IoGb. • .... Ule world. lfo W'OIDaJoobMol4ullaet. • - 111\k




riUDAT, UPTIUl8U 11, ~.


NaYal Co111tructor Nixon contri· bt1tee to the Norflt A..,._ R.u. an arlicleon "The Military1Valae of the Shipyard," from wbteb we take the following in\erelliDg par· ticulan:

From 1885 to 1896 (incluain), England exvended for new war· ebipe and their araDament aboul £!¥l,CXIJ,(X1) stg. Inolodin1 the vote for the fiscal year .,_innin1 April 1 Jut, or nearly £11~,000 atg., the grind to\al liooe 1885 will be cloee on tMO,OOO,()()()-&n ex· peoditore equal to 12700 for eyery man, JIDmAO and child in New· fooaadland.

.!,~'!:& lthla[l!l'a o..-..d (rom 61,800 . to lOO,O&a Wi&b l.bi1 enormouexpeadltore ol money, abe bu built or Ia bulldio1 39 Art't·cll'll baUieebipe of aa ag· gregate o( 680,000 toni ; 8 MCODd· clue batlleabipo~, and 9 armoured cruiaent, o~,OOO loDaj of •-1• not armon but wiLh proteoted decb ~and 1 · elded batteries, 21 tlrU-claea cruf.· rs, displaciq202.· 760 wna. M nd-cfaa croiMra of227,250loD Of Yeatell n.ither armot1red nor protected, 9 oom· ~te •loope1.0a 80 pnbo&ta. dil· placing in all 84,000 ton1; 72 tor· Pedo-CAtohera, some ~them 1M&m· {ng oYer 30 knol.l, wl&b a total dl• placement of 20,000 tona. Tbil grand total of 262 ship~. wilD adit­placeme~ of 1 209,.(()() tooa. pro­pelled by' a totaf bone power or 1,· 9-i5,600tona,repreaentt &be increue in Bril&in's tu·menath wUbJn eleven or twelve years.

Mr. Nixon ahon that the ntheJ greaL naUo~U~, including the "Qol&ed States, thllogh each bu J»U' forth moet atreooo11.1 exertions. ban nol

able to come up totbe Mo&btr ._,, .... _, Taking the naval procreu

eiDce 1886, &I ODe, we thal or Prance to be 'wo­

M'Yenth.. Boaia two-ele•enLbt, the United 8&&&. two-,nlYtba, 'Ger· many lwo-(our\eeolba. Italr '•o­eeventeen&ba. ll will thaa be ..... tbaL EnfCland bu in the tbori period of a little over \en ye&rl COD• atracted a new Dao(y tha' beaN to the aew na'riee of tbe reel ol tb• world the ratio of 70 to M.

Io thla COODeOtioD U atrord• ua a~l ..u.fao&loa to be enabled to mate the &DDOODCtment ilia' rail­way operadou OG the N.N. & W. LiDe .,.. aaom.. lad tonrda ron -~·OD. ft~, .. flailb· eel to PCJrt...U.s..qU., aDd by the middle ol Dat mooth, U 110 -.ooD· • tbe nm&lai.D& Jlfteea mDee or rallt will be laJG. NoUalbs could w.U esoeecl tba d•palola lbOWD by the eaeip&lo ~~ I' hu beaD appuat . ~~oe tba& the coloay~li In 481CUriDI I1IOb a &nt-oa.. men • tM ..n. Bel &o cou\roct ill railway. Ia Yiew of the pteu!Oi faol alioM meatlOD.I4J1 1& fa la&iatac:

bow thai raanray wart on braaola will Ia all ~

batiiDI1b bePa In -.boat t•o wetb'

.ear& &otry Lbem.

IJl re w IJcmdtb.

To abe IoYer ot WCida Lbe cbW inLet­eeL kl ~e ••~!fee' ot &he lCloodllre reo lldee In Lbe name. To him, &here!ore, tbe loi.Uaadoo wiU be J:''eued o! valae &bU llr. op!Yie, or • c.aadlan ~ 8ane7, •1• tba& ~. word

Ia a mere rolner'e com1pUoo ol Tbrondla•J Lbe Iauer belnc &be Jocllaq n&lqe QJ \be DO. I'&PIOUI j~re~lr. h ~DeaD~ " plea&r ot ftlb.• ·&be 'l'luon· dlaok bellll a ramooe ulmoo e&ream.

NOT L.m,y D.cavao.-Tbe SL· John'• OppOdtion preu, io new or the near appl'C*lhlDI pneral elec· Uon, il now (u in Cl1d7 bound) endeaTOring to raiN U.uee wbioh, it fondly hopes, may ban the ef­fect or bllndmglbe eyee of the peo­ple._ and thue conemin ibem to re­cora lbeir vo&ee a,ainll the Gov· emmen\ nomin.._ Tbeold worn· out tlale catch-cry or .. Down with the Mercban&l '' is -eallecl into requitilion once a,ain ; biK il wUI, or coune, be taken by &be electon at ill true va}ae. H ee"ed ita Ul\• worthy pwpoee once before· but., if we know lbe people, it will nol do to again. Tiley need aol- to be .reminded of the ~alar e&DM~' which leddilecliyk»tbe aDionanate bank crub or a few , .. ra qo-Ule matter to them it too dil\ai\eful to be" tramjied Up 11 &I it DOW SOU&bi to ~ done Cor pure pany purpoees. The people, il may be relied on, ate in full poueaeion of an lbe faell, i.Dd will emile J• &heir aleeye at-tb~{!l &Uem_p\#Jiae oppoei· tion to ~b a JrM'k. nonae cal pany-ory. They realise that they have something el~ think aboul noti. They wit thank q_uondam friends or their Ul-judged kindneu. They will feel ra'ber that each is the woMan enemy.

~~· LABRAJ¥>a.-Tbe it. 8. Vir­ginia Lake, Capt. Taylor, is ex· pected toarriYe thit enning from Battle Harbor and Jntermediate p<)rta. The intelligence by· her ill by no means pleuing. There it no improvement to be reported in tlnl flaberJ, except in the Domino-Bat­&eau district. Floaters for the moat ~rt are badly fished. ln many ~ea hitherto llucceuful schooner owllefll arrived up with little or no fleb. J A few days ago there were abOUl 40 crane a\. Auiw Harbor which averaged aboo\ 200 qointals. An occuionit.l trip of from 400 to 500 quintals ill beard of. 'The In· dian Harbor and Smoky run a team· ere commenoed loading on the 10\h inel, aud are expected to be de· epatched about the middle of Oct.

At. Tomanek Wee\, Capl Bart­lett bad eeoured 5,000 ~\ls. and aL Tomanek Baa\, Capt. W'm. Henne•· ~bad dODe pr:oportioa&kly well. There wu no 6ab being ca~\. at. Battle Harbor when the ar.-mer len, but there wu fOr the 6m time this ~uon a good eiglf of herring that day. Beural for­elBa vessel• baYe loaded and aail· ed to market. A meuage ,to 1o Bros. & Co. aivea the Floaters p='fery well fished. LiWe 1m menl from Bat.teau to GE&f!Jt . lOme 6eb : coing " BmokJ ucl ... ladia llaibot. A tlitbt all roql)d lm~emeo\ Nol'\h. TbeDora leR Blpo&ablon Cor GlbraUar for ontett oa the lith ioat.

1 takiDJ4.500 qui oW. of prime

No: Jab. Tbeacbr.Maidawu al Blauo S.blon on the 12th loading for -market The entire catch on Labrador. juddng from present appearances, wUl be ehoner than that of luL year. ·

There are eigne of a herring fish· ery at Batlle Harbor tbit year. There bu bten a 1QOC! IAow of herrina th•J•, curd the prevallin.a wind• or late have been 8.E., well on the shore there, and conaldered fayorable (Qr the industry. "I wouldn'l be aurprlsedt" said a mer· cantile mau, 'if they bad op& ot the olci-ume berriq caleb· ea-frqm 3.000 to 7,000 baTels for the Call. .... '

-The Virafnia Lake wu aL Tilt Qoye 1qeecfay forf)DOOQ1 btJt no• word o hor b .. tiQo• b•eQ btl4rd. The aaen~ here eapeoted ber W•

• forenoon, bu' now po idea can be formed when abe will oomeln.


Local and o.thE'r Items. HARVEST QUEEN FLOUR.

·-Faolt'1:toll£-We wen• &lw 1u ' "" in &be U'erpool MHCury or a,reecut cla&e &be newt or Flora J. M. Munn, Pupil or Kemh:gLon Bouu, Birkcn· bead among the aueceeeful caotfldal\a {or &bo OxfOrd Prellmlnaey Rumina· &lou. Tbo younc lady beluuga to Bar· bor Gract~ and her friencJa will b~Lcn to aend her &heir cona~ratulallonr.

HARV}l)T QU~N PLOUR. -Wuscn IBCoRu:crf-Tbe Fiehcrit'a' ·

Comml.,ioo Rulea aay 1hal the closc­•eaaon for tl'Oul and ulhrr rr .. ahwater fllh ia between the lOth,,,., ofSep&em· btr and the Ui&h d&y or J•nuary, In any )'tar. The Telfjtnl.m a&)'l tba~ thn aeaaon ia rrom tho J6tb dAy o!Se_ptem· ber to the 16th of January. Wbaob ia &l.e com:c~ lnterprctallon ot &bo Ia w T

-llfDUC'nOlf Sca"a~t.-'Ibe Rev. R. Dunfield wu a ahor1. lime ago, duly ioat.lled in &he poaillon held by the late Canon .\\'()<)~) , Rootor or tho &riah or St. Thonaaa'e, St. Juho'a. The im· c•wr•ico waa conducted l.ty Re\',

OoUey-in a way tb•t l~ft uotb· 11111.0 be deaired. 'fb~ new r~ oehed be&rt1 cousntulati.m. of bit boa&e o/lrleude. • -A NAJIJlow E6c.u>a.-A youug hid

abou,r. 12 yearaold nam~d W. Herald, of Moaquii.O, bad a narrow rae~~ pc frvm being killed Tbunll•y .n..,rnoon. Jt aeellla that enerala.ou Wt're " torment· ing" lfeddf&rry and tb&t be ohufd &hem. Herald waa ulllOnJ the number and in gct&lng away be chmllcd UJ.> lhol -high fence bHween lhe Pnlllio Dock and Meeen. J. Munay & Son'• wtelem boundary. hOping 1.0 reacb &lsi' ,.dj,ceut M'C'ction, but he Wll eo terribly I right· ened that he waa fully u,u feel from that a pot: He bchl ucl to tho f!'net• •a long ae he could, 11nd then (~I. ~lri~ ing on hia back. Fortun,.tdy tiH'ro waa aon1e litUo waw •llt·ru he fell, and Lbla broke hit fall, htbcrwi•o he would have been coa•plcLcly broken up. Dr. &rapp cuminc•l the lad, hut be­yond a. «'rriblt rrixht and a h~,.··r a baking tho lnjwite are no& vef)' lt'rioua. 'Ibe c:auao of the lloublu-B:ury-fa an epileptic, and many c:umplainll tu n made or hia l.teiog a terror lO ooye fur anJ real or euppoeed annoyance. Al l.lfaL, he Ia bU\ a fit aul•jt'CL r"r the 'Poor HOUII', and a I.UIIrCO or tnmltlu IO m"ny pel"'ona. -A fatal a booting accidt:u~ oocurrt .. t

aL Woodford'a Arm, Hall'a Bay, un Moo.lay !alt. Th,. cattlAily rcault~l iu Lho death of Mr. P11uick F>~"''lu'l', the &man Catholic achcolt~achcr a& 1'•1· le7'• Ialani!. n.o fa()ll .. pul.tliaht ,J are aa follow• : 'I'he dtC~e~~aed •n•l •• friend, VrPA. Strong, left &hal place on Sa&.urda.y t,o apcnd an a!u-rnooo bird· bunting aL Woodf1•t\l'a Arut and 10 camp.. there for &bu ulgh&. Yt."llll'\1 •Y anemoou,aoeinJt &be J'yrikl ConlJtiiO)''II e&eam launch coming do"n Hall'a Bay tb .. y made ready to &oard bt•r to roluru bo01e, &heir boll& being agrou ml. F \ll\• low go& at . the bow an• I S1 ron~o~ nt &be alt'm to p1.11h her In I be w•u r: a loaded doubl&-barrtl ~tun oo tho h• lr cook wae In &he bow ohbe bt•&. Fo"· low, in puabing m1.11' bav11 le.anl'd over &be muule or the gun .-ad di1pla~ it, banalnc tbe uiaer aplmt aome ob­atnaotlon, caudn1 h tu go olhnd eeRd· ina &be full oU~ ur nno barre) lnto bti len eide 'at 'tie bottom ol tho luna aod paaelnJ upwal\la. llo called OUll "I am eh0t1 &ront:" and fell back. Buooc lfol bun on tioard tho hoaL ami puUed (or &be launch, hut hia friend waa beyond help when he reached her. Mr. Fowlo• WJ I tho aecoad aon of the la&e Capt. P. Fowlow oC the iJ!. falell 'Liou.' He waa educated a~ St. Don"'eoluro'• Colltt;e, and liaa taught acbool at .Pilley'a leland roc three yea.ra onr which place and Lillie Bay, where he w,..fa•o~ly know·n, &flloou, Ia caa~ b7tbe lad a~r, •

-Tho daJDAitd ateamer RoLtenl~&m, it u pi~· Lo hear, Ia 1.0 ha\'O Lem· porary re n eft'cc&ed to her in 't, Jobn'a. e work baa bt&an, and it ia upected will be ftniab~d in about Lhree week'• Ume. Tbla will prove a boon 1.0 &be ablpwrlabt. and t.•bortl"' or 8&. John'"· Harbor Graoa will not ht> hlamed !or et11oYlng Ole good f<'ttnno oO'the (&Yor~r ile&ropolla, which (u the bo11 eay) buo •II. A rtp;)rt llrjcJ• cqmmoy in &be local prftl, 1.0 th~ (f· feci tba~ lf.M.S. Cvrdeljll WJrltQI~ \'Ill!· iot Barb« Gn.ce, on tbo oc:c:a~1un ,,r her neJt trip around tho faland, and willelaJ here for a few d•1.•· ff this be oorrec&, &hen lt caunot fail to he (lf eom~ llWe adnotaae to th11 ll~u of &be aooood c.ltr. Tbe thouah~ tnll oc· cor to many or Lbem that it Ia to ho ~ lOCh a COUrieay (if )'OU " ill) cannot be ut.eoded orlcner &han it b . Bowa,er, these timte ono ltlUit bu &baolrful for amall (avon oven.

The macniO~ot Britiah baLllt~uil' Renown bi now en route! to J;f111ifax. and bae doobLleea arrJved lhrro tr· &bl,. The ipl.elliaeoco that tlto 1•1!·1 lei' waa naturallt received whh mu~h ioteree&. lbe h•• over TOO pusons;· .. board, aod Ia tbo fin& modtm uatth ablp to •bit BaJlra;~. Gt~llt J•fCJ'IIf·•· tloo. wero made at thl'l Hockyal\1 (.-r her reaeptfon. The arrival of the t.l~: nuel c:auaed qnlte a finllor or int(!r.•t and pleaauro.

No one In ordinal)' health u,t.1l '" como bald or gray. If be will full• •. aeoeible treatment.. We aJvuo t•lc• • · lineee of the acaJp and the Ultl of H111l • .JiaJr ~wer,

-1& ia (aan tho N11wa) rumort.1l 1h~t Ole Admiralty are lnttmtlng tlH u eel'• io &belmn mineloBay-do-\ \ni·· tbe Iron being m~t •uitablo for m:~~o ing cannon. it it 1.0 be hope;l Ill• ma7 &um oo& to be corzect.

-l'Diox.u..-Tbere took paua.:u (,.r Moone&J, oo morning, 1•11•· w.10 b-. been eajorfg &be invllt(ln\1111 w~er or HarbOr Grace and ir..' , .. •lroament. ICir the paat. &brec mont '

d-oarpe!J~Mr. Shaw.Jormerly t11 l h .,.geld; . ·111a~ bo \\ M mu~ • lllhl~ I hla abort aojouru t;• • wlUl~\ eayq,

-Tnc PJuaa.- No doollno In l • •• P:flco or Dour t\aa tekoa plao'!. S~• ~ · iloa brand, which aold b81'oro the n• . ami DOW tteJII fo~ tG.50. II. is in I ~ lftely tba\ &be price will f11 l. &Ome oOdftab Ia being diapoeed of-1h1 prioe llanc!fng &be IW11U U btrt'LOfM· re~. t!.20 glron for tbat. .qual Ill of lab atll&llf brought In by local li•h eraa-. ..

. .
