ulcerative colitis & total abdominal colectomy/end ileostomy · as evidence by weight loss pta,...

Ulcerative Colitis & Total Abdominal Colectomy/End Ileostomy Cori Glazer Northwestern Hospital Chicago, Illinois Morrison Dietetic Intern February 15, 2018

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Page 1: Ulcerative Colitis & Total Abdominal Colectomy/End Ileostomy · as evidence by weight loss PTA, severe episodes of diarrhea/day, and dx of ulcerative colitis. -remains of concern

Ulcerative Colitis &

Total AbdominalColectomy/End

Ileostomy Cori Glazer

Northwestern HospitalChicago, Illinois

Morrison Dietetic InternFebruary 15, 2018

Page 2: Ulcerative Colitis & Total Abdominal Colectomy/End Ileostomy · as evidence by weight loss PTA, severe episodes of diarrhea/day, and dx of ulcerative colitis. -remains of concern



AbigthankyouinparticulartoEmilyTurnertohelpmefindthispatientandbeingsosupportive throughouttheprocess.

Page 3: Ulcerative Colitis & Total Abdominal Colectomy/End Ileostomy · as evidence by weight loss PTA, severe episodes of diarrhea/day, and dx of ulcerative colitis. -remains of concern

OverviewPatientProfileonAdmissionBackgroundResearch/NutritionalImplications– UlcerativeColitis– Totalabdominalcolectomy– Ileostomy

NutritionCareProcess– Assessment– Diagnosis– Interventions– Monitoring&Evaluation


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PatientProfile• NHisa57y/oM

• PtwasdiagnosedwithUlcerativeColitisin2005.Sincethen,hehasbeentomultipledoctorsandhastriedmanymedications.

• Ptstartedtakingprednisone40mgdailyon12/14/17.Symptomspersistedandworsenedwith20BM/dayandassociatedwith8lbweightlossPTA.

• AfterafewdaysoftrailIVsteroidsandnoimprovements,thepthadatotalabdominalcolectomy,endileostomy,andimplantationofrectalstumpon1/17/18.

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Background Research1,2,3,4,5

Ulcerative ColitisUlcer:spotsinthelargeintestinemucosawheretissueiserodedawayandhasopensoresinthemembrane


Etiology:• Geneticpredispositionand


• Withrecentresearch,ithasbeenseenthatdietandstressaresecondarycausesofUC


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Anatomy & Physiology of the Large Intestine1

Majorfunctions:• Asiteforreabsorptionofwater,electrolytes,and

somenutrients– VitaminK,Biotin,Sodium,Chloride,Potassium,

Short-chainfattyacids• Siteforformationandstorageoffeces

• Asmanyas400differentspeciesofbacterialivewithinthecolon• Theyprovidefermentationoffiber,


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Background Research1

Ileostomy• Removalofthecolonandrectum.Theendoftheileumissurgically

attachedtothestoma– Stoma:surgicallycreatedartificialopeningintotheabdomen

• Theindividualwillthenhaveapouchwherethefecesandotherwasteproductsarecollected

• Stooloutputwithanileostomyismuchmoreliquid

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Nutritional Implications1,8,9

• Goalsfornutritiontherapy:– Decreaseriskofobstruction

– Maintainnormalfluidandelectrolytebalance

– Reduceexcessivefecaloutput

– Minimizegas• Inordertoreduceodorandinflationofthepouch

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Patient Profile• NHisa57y/oM

• AdmittedforexperiencingUCflares(steroiddependent),abdominalcramping,increasedBMfrequency,andbloodydiarrheafor6weeksPTA.

• Colonoscopy(1/16)showedmoderate-severeUlcerativecolitis,despiteIVsteroidtreatmentinthehospital

• Totalabdominalcolectomy,endileostomy,andsubcutaneousimplantationofrectalstump(1/17).

• MedicalHistory:UlcerativeColitis,C.diff,hypothyroidism

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• Significantevents/Issues– ThedaybeforeCODEwascalledbecausethepatientwasfoundpulseless.

– PtwasthenreturnedtoSICUincriticalconditionduetohemorrhagicshock.Pthadseverelacticacidosis,acutekidneyinjury,andstartedContinuousVeno—VenousHemodialysis(CVVH),andwasintubated

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• Ptwasstartingtofeelwell• Ptwasextubated1/22andswitchedtoanasalcannula• PtwasonCVVHandswitchtoHemodialysis(HD)on1/22• Hewaspassingsmallamountsofclotsandairintheileostomy

bag• Showinggoodsignsofimprovement

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• Diethistory:– PTApt wasnotfollowinganyparticulardiet– Perpt report,helost8lbsassociatedwith20BMs/dayandpoorPOintake

• Ptreportedtotolerateclearliquidsbuthasapoorappetiteduetorecentsurgery.

• Deniesabdominalpain/nausea/vomitingrelatedtofoodintake

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– Changedbecausept nolongerisintubated



Goals:ToleratePOintakeandnofurtherdrywt loss


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ImportantEvents• 1/24:Theptwasunabletotolerateclearliquidsduetonausea/emesisthatoccurred– TPNwasstarted(1/24)

• 1/26:OnCVVH.NGThelpedn/vthroughoutthefewdays.Onnasalcannula.

• 1/28:stoppedCVVHandstartedHD.NGTremovedlaterthatday.

• 1/29CTscanthatfoundgascystsofthebowelwallandtheywereconcernedforischemicsmallbowel– TPNwasheldd/tpatientfebrileat101.7Fthatmorning–awaitbloodculturestobenegative>48hoursperprotocol

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Follow-Up(1/30):NutritionInterventionPESstatement:• Moderatemalnutritioninthecontextofacute


• Wt Hx:Admitwt (1/9):222lb (100.9kg)Updatedwt (1/24):231lb (105kg)– Weightchangeslikely2/2fluidshifts

• EstimatedNutritionalNeeds:Calories:2085-2502kcals(25-30kcal/kgIBW)Protein:100-125g(1.2-1.5g/kgIBW)Fluid:perMD– Changedrequirementsduefluidshifts

• Labsofnote- BUN:70,Cr:8.51

• Meds:PPI,ZofranPRN,HumaLOG PRN





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SignificantEvents• 1/31:restartTPN,bloodculturesnegative• 2/01:Pthasgoodostomyoutput

– Meetingestimatedkcalandproteinneeds.Bloodsugaracceptable.K+,Mg,CaandPhossupplementationwereadequate.

• 2/2:IRvascularcatheterplacedforcontinuedHD.• 2/4:Ptwasfoundtohaveanewlineassociatedwithdeep

veinthrombosisintherightcommonfemoralvein.– Ptstartedwarfarin

• 2/5-2/6:TPNcontinues,clearliquidsallowed.• 2/7:Fullliquidsinthemorning.PtadvancedtoGIsoftlater

intheday.Overnight,thept experiencedemesisx2.

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• Asaptrecoversfromsurgery,followalowfiberdiet.• Forthefirst6weeks:

– choosecookedorprocessedfruits/vegetables,refined(white)grains,anddairyastolerated

Topreventblockage:1) Eatslowlyandchewfoodthoroughlytoprevent

blockage2) Avoidskins/fibrousrawfruits&vegetables

Toreducegas/preventodor:1) Avoiddrinkingstraws2) Avoidcarbonated

beverages3) Limitfruit&vegetable


Topreventdiarrhea/helpthickenstool:1) Avoidspicy,fried,andgreasyfoods2) Avoidsweetenersandfoodshighinsugar3) Limitcaffeineandalcohol4) Onceabletoincorporatefibertomeals,thatwill



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FoodGroup FoodstoChoose FoodstoAvoidDairyProducts lowfatmilk,cheese(creamcheese,small

amountsofBrie,sourcream) plainyogurtCheesewithseeds/nut,yogurtwithseeds/nuts/fruitskins

Proteins Groundorwell-cooked tenderbeef,ham,veal,pork,orpoultry,eggs/eggwhites,fish,sardines,hummus,liver,smoothpeanutbutter,tofu

Toughfibrousmeats, chunkypeanutbutter,driedpeasandlentils,soybeans,kidneybeans,blackbeans,veggieburger,shellfish,delimeatswithwholespices,soybeans,almonds,peanuts, cashews,walnuts,pumpkinseeds, organmeats,chickenliver,beefliver, oysters, crayfish

Breads,Starches White, rye,grahambreads,sweetrolls,pretzels,creamofwheat,drycerealsfromcorn,rice,oats,refinedwheat,oatmeal,potatoeswithoutskins,whiterice,cornorflourtortillas,grahamcrackers,crackers,pitabread,pancakes,potatochips

Breads/rolls/crackers withaddedbran,seeds,nuts,orcoconut,wholegraincereals,“highfiber”cereals,wholewheatpasta,potatoskins,brownrice,popcorn,quinoa, branmuffin, raisinbran, wheatgerm,potatoeswithskins

Vegetables Asparagustips,beets,broccolitips,carrots,peeledeggplants,pureedvegetableswintersquash,pumpkin,avocado,

Allrawvegetables,bakedbeans,kale, Brusselsprout,cabbage,cauliflower,greenpeppers,collardgreens, onions,corn,cucumber,sweetpotatoes,greenbeans,spinach, chickpeas,broccoli,mushroomslentils,turnipgreens,tomatoes, zucchini,SwissChard,artichokes


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FoodGroup FoodstoChoose FoodstoAvoidFruit Cookedandcanned: applesauce,peaches,pears,


Apples,apricots,berries,grapefruit,grapes,freshpeaches,freshpears,pineapple,driedfruit, coconut,cranberryproducts, cranberry juice,prune juice, oranges,melons,nectarines,cantaloupe,kiwi,pomegranate

FatsandOils Margarine, butter,cream,oliveoil,vegetableoilspreads,plainsaladdressingsmadefromallowedfoods

Soybean oil,canolaoil

Desserts,Sweets Low sugaricecream,popsicles,pudding,honey,chocolatesyrup,cookies,sherbet,piesfromallowedfruits,hardcandy,marshmallows,gelatin

Dessertsorcandythatcontainnuts,coconut,dried fruits,jam,preserves,ormarmaladewithseeds

Other Broth,cream/pureed/homemadesoups madefromallowedfoods,mustard,alternativeyogurts,ricemilk,almondmilk,spicesandherbs

Soupsmadefromvegetablesnotallowed, pizzamadewithnotallowedvegetables,hotchocolate,greentea,seeds,olives,coconutwater,molasses

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• Afterstarting6weekspost-op,itisrecommendedtoaddonenewfoodeveryfewdays.Startwithfoodsthatthepatientwasabletoeatwithoutproblemsbeforesurgery

• Slowlyaddfiberfoodsbackintoyourmealstoallowyourbodytogetusedtothem– Itisbesttokeepalistoffoodsthatcausethesesymptoms.Ifacertain


– Trailanderror(andsmallamountsofit)todetermineifyouareabletohandlethem

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• Pt’s withanileostomylosemorebodyfluids,andatagreaterriskofdehydration.

• Spreadoutaminimumof8-10cupsofwaterperday

• Avoidhigh-sugardrinks,alcohol,andcaffeine• Nocarbonation• IncludedrinksthatrehydratethebodywithaddedelectrolytessinceyouarelosingPhos,Na,andK+

HYDRATIONP t ’ s w i t h a n i l e o s t o m y l o s e m o r e b o d y f l u i d s , a n d a r e a t a g r e a t e r r i s k o f d e h y d r a t i o n .


S p r e a d o u t a m i n i m u m o f 8 - 1 0 c u p s o f w a t e r p e r d a y

A v o i d h i g h - s u g a r d r i n k s , a l c o h o l , a n d c a f f e i n e  

N o c a r b o n a t i o n  

I n c l u d e d r i n k s t h a t r e h y d r a t e t h e b o d y w i t h a d d e d e l e c t r o l y t e s s i n c e y o u a r e l o s i n g P h o s , N a , a n d K +  

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Discharge?• Theplanisforthept tobeonwarfarinforatleast3monthsthenitwillbedecidedifitisstillneeded

• ContinueHDMWF• AfterdischargeatNorthwesternthept willbegoingtoaninpatientacuterehabduetoshowinglimitationsofdailylivingtaskswithoccupationaltherapy

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