ultimate exercise substitution list

Ultimate Exercise Substitution List w/photos (print this out) Sent Monday, October 21, 2013 This something I've owed you for a long time. After all, not all exercises were created for everyone, right? This is a NEW and improved Exercise Substitution List. You'll want to print this out and refer to it often. I don't want any excuses ;) Look, not everyone should be doing Jump Squats or Spiderman Pushups. If your form is sloppy, you won't get the maximum benefit and worse, you could hurt yourself. "Tis better to do Total Body Extensions than hideous Jump Squats" - said some Greek God... no, not really. Oh! And you'll also get some bodyweight alternatives for DB moves... ... so now you REALLY have no excuses. Let's do this by muscle group... sound good? Chest Exercises (Bodyweight Alternatives) DB Chest Press ==> Any variety of pushups that you can do with that rep range. For example, if a program calls for 10 DB Chest Presses, you could do Decline Close-Grip Eccentric Pushups to make those 10 pushups harder DB Squeeze Press ==> Close-Grip Pushups Dips/3/4th Rep Dips ==> Close-Grip Pushups or 3/4th Rep Pushups Renegade Pushups ==> Regular Pushups Easier Alternatives Spiderman/Spiderman Climb Pushups ==> Offset Pushups or Elevated Pushups Decline Pushups ==> Regular Pushups Explosive Pushups ==> Regular Pushups (or use less reps) Pushups ==> Kneeling or Incline Pushups NOTE - Don't be afraid to do an easier pushup so you can use great form. However, if a certain pushup is too easy, you can always go to the next level. That's the beauty of using a variety of pushups. Back Exercises

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Page 1: Ultimate Exercise Substitution List

Ultimate Exercise Substitution List w/photos (print this out) Sent Monday, October 21, 2013This something I've owed you for a long time. After all, notall exercises were created for everyone, right?

This is a NEW and improved Exercise Substitution List.You'll want to print this out and refer to it often. I don'twant any excuses ;)Look, not everyone should be doing Jump Squats or Spiderman Pushups. If your form is sloppy, you won't get the maximum benefit and worse, you could hurt yourself.

"Tis better to do Total Body Extensions than hideousJump Squats" - said some Greek God... no, not really.

Oh! And you'll also get some bodyweight alternatives forDB moves...

... so now you REALLY have no excuses.Let's do this by muscle group... sound good?Chest Exercises (Bodyweight Alternatives)

DB Chest Press ==> Any variety of pushups that you can do with that rep range. For example, if a program calls for 10 DB Chest Presses, you could do Decline Close-Grip Eccentric Pushups to make those 10 pushups harder

DB Squeeze Press ==> Close-Grip Pushups Dips/3/4th Rep Dips ==> Close-Grip Pushups or 3/4th

Rep Pushups Renegade Pushups ==> Regular Pushups

Easier Alternatives Spiderman/Spiderman Climb Pushups ==> Offset

Pushups or Elevated Pushups Decline Pushups ==> Regular Pushups Explosive Pushups ==> Regular Pushups (or use less reps) Pushups ==> Kneeling or Incline Pushups

NOTE - Don't be afraid to do an easier pushup so you can use greatform. However, if a certain pushup is too easy, you can always goto the next level. That's the beauty of using a variety of pushups.

Back Exercises

Chin-ups ==> DB Rows, DB Chest-Supported Row or 1-Arm Row (Bodyweight Alternative- Inverted Row or Strap Row with underhand grip)

Pull-ups ==> Overhand Grip DB Row or 1-Arm Row (Bodyweight Alternative - Overhand Inverted Row or Strap Row)

Renegade Row ==> Bodyweight Renegade Row (keep the arms tight to the sides and contract your lats HARD)

Other bodyweight alternatives...

Page 2: Ultimate Exercise Substitution List

When performing leg exercises, you can do them prisoner style, which means you'll keep your hands behind your head, pulling your elbows back and squeezing the shoulder blades together.

Zero-Equipment Bodyweight Row (don'€(TM)t knock it until you try it). Stand up with your feet shoulder width apart. Extend your arms out in front of you at shoulder height with palms facing down. Now bring back your arms by bending the elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades as hard as you can. Repeat for 12-15 reps. I had campers that were sore in their back the next day when doing these.

Leg Exercises (Equipment Swaps) BB Squat ==> DB Squat, Goblet Squat Deadlift ==> DB Squat or you can superset the DB

Row with the Stability Ball Leg Curl BB Lunge (all varieties) ==> DB Lunge (all varieties),

Goblet Lunge (great sub for bootcamps that don't have a lot of DBs)

Leg Exercises (Bodyweight Alternatives)

Squat (BB or DB) ==> Bodyweight Squat, Prisoner Squat BB/DB Lunge (all varieties) ==> Bodyweight Lunge

(all varieties)**NOTE - you can make the bodyweight lunge harder by doing 1-1/2 reps. So you perform a lunge, come halfway up, then back down and then finally all the way up... that's ONE rep.

KB/DB Swings/1-Arm Swings ==> Total Body Extensions Javelin Lunge ==> TD Lunge

Never tried the Javelin Lunge? Dude... Check this out:

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Goblet Step-ups ==> Bodyweight Step-ups Goblet Sumo Squat ==> Bodyweight Sumo Squat King Press (Bulgarian Squat with Shoulder Press) ==>

TD Bulgarian Split Squat

Squat Substitutions (Easer bodyweight moves) ==> Hip Extensions, 1-Leg Hip Extensions, Wall Squat (with a ball behind your back), Bodyweight Step-ups

DB/BB Jump Squats or BW Jump Squats ==> Total Body Extension or Bodyweight Squat

Lateral Jumps ==> Skater Hops

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More Bodyweight Alternatives:

DB Romanian Deadlift ==> Stability Ball Leg Curl, Bodyweight Romanian Deadlift, 1-Leg Bodyweight RDL or Prisoner Good-Morning

DB/BB Bulgarian Split Squat ==> Bodyweight Bulgarian Split Squat

**Note you can make the bodyweight version harder by doing 1-1/2 reps here as well. Go all the way down, halfway back up, all the way down and finally all the way up â€" thatâ€(TM)s ONE rep

Goblet Squat ==> Bodyweight Squat DB Squat, Curl and Press ==> Y-Squat

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**Note - another way to make bodyweight squats harder is to use eccentric training. take 4-5 seconds to lower yourself and 1 second to come up. Boom.

Lunge Jumps ==> Split Shuffle or Alternating Lunges

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Jump Squats ==> Low Box Jumps or Total Body Extensions

Bulgarian Jump Squats ==> Unless you're really coordinated, stick with Bulgarian Squats or Split Squats

Bulgarian Split Squat ==> Split Squat Long Jump (aka Broad Jump) ==> Low Box Jumps or

Total Body ExtensionsAb Exercises (Bodyweight Alternatives)

Ab Wheel/Stability Ball Rollout ==> Inchworm DB/Medicine Ball Chops ==> Bodyweight Chops Cable Core Press ==> Stability Ball Plank or Plank

Medicine Ball Slams ==> Bodyweight Chops

Spiderman Climb ==> You can make these easier by bringing your foot only halfway towards your hand

Squat Thrust ==> You can make this easier by doing Stability Ball Jackknives

Stability Ball Stir-the-Pot ==> If you don'€(TM)t have access to a SB, you can do X-Body Mountain Climbers

Arm Exercises DB Tricep Extensions ==> Close-Grip Pushups

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Conditioning Exercise Substitutions Bench Vault ==> Lateral Hops or Skater Hops

New to the Bench Vault? Check this out:

Death Crawl ==> Bodyweight Death Crawl (replace the DB Row with an Extended Arm Pushup)

Whew... that should do it. Have fun and keep working hard - Mondays are now a "NoExcuse" zone... cool?

Mike Whitfield, CTT