undaunted -fearless · 2020. 6. 25. · undaunted -fearless unrelenting -relentlessly uproar urbane...

Undaunted -fearless Unrelenting -relentlessly Uproar Urbane -refined Wizard Wily - cunning Wanderlust -strong desire to travel wistful- sad and longing avant-garde -Morden zeitgeist -spirit of the times volta face Sine qua non Suo moto on one's own Tour de force Raison detre- real purpose Keep a stiff upper lip -no influence Gird one's loins- to be strict In the line of fire -scapegoat Laissez faire -freedom The lion's share -large part

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Post on 27-Jan-2021




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  • Undaunted -fearless

    Unrelenting -relentlessly


    Urbane -refined


    Wily - cunning

    Wanderlust -strong desire to travel

    wistful- sad and longing

    avant-garde -Morden

    zeitgeist -spirit of the times

    volta face

    Sine qua non

    Suo moto on one's own

    Tour de force

    Raison detre- real purpose

    Keep a stiff upper lip -no influence

    Gird one's loins- to be strict

    In the line of fire -scapegoat

    Laissez faire -freedom

    The lion's share -large part

  • Untoward -unfavourable

    Unmitigated- complete

    Usher- announce

    Vicissitudes- ups and downs

    Vis a vis -opposite

    Volatile -unstable

    Vicarious- second hand pleasure

    Wherewithal -resources

    Woo- try to win

    Wretched- miserable


    Veritable- real

    Umpteon- many

    Unravel- disentangle

    Unleash- release

    Hell bent on something- kuchh karne ki jidd

    Fall on hard times- bad time

    Break the ice- to start

    Skating on thin ice -great danger

    Icing on the cake- Polisher of a situation

  • Helter skelter- titar bitar hona

    A hot potato -sensitive issue

    Hustle and bustle- commotion

    Hatchet job- sarcastic

    Thrive- to prosper

    Trounce- to defeat

    Traverse -travel across

    Skullduggery- deception


    Turpitude – corrupt act


    Tumble – luthak Jana

    Twinge-sudden sharp pain

    Tamper with – interfere

    Stoic – saint

    Sceptic- a person who doubts

    Salacious- vulgur

    Perpetrate – to commit crime

    Prowess-valour – braveness

    Low key – less important battle

  • Bury the hatchet- to finish a battle

    Hang up one's boots- to retire from service

    Hand in gloves- mili bhagat

    Let someone off the hook – to acquit

    Polemic- controversy

    Prostrate -abysmal- miserable situation

    Resilience- springing back

    Resurgence- har ke baad Phir se jitna

    Respite- relief

    Rejuvenate- fir se yuva banna

    Plausible- reasonable


    Preempt – ghatna ghatne se pahle

    Renege – to break the words

    Rigmarole- confusion procedure

    Quagmire-marshy land

    Plunge- plummet

    Paradigm- framework

    Move heaven and earth- akash patal ek karna

    Heads will roll- kuchh logo ko dand milega

  • To make hay – sahi avsar ka fayda uthana

    Run with the hare and with the hounds- doing two opposite


    Hard nut to crack- difficult work

    Ovation- welcome

    Onslaught- furious attack

    Ombudsmen- lokpal

    Onus- responsibility

    Nitty gritty- basics matter

    Nuance- delicate difference in meanings

    Niggardly – miserly

    Melifluous – sweet sounding

    Metamorphosis- total revolution

    Milieu- environment

    Moribund- at the point of death

    Myhem – state of violent disorder

    Leeway- freedom to act

    Insidious- treacherous -dhokebaj

    Invidious-ill will

    Hammer and tongs- bade jod shor se

  • Split hairs- bal ki khal nikalna

    Bang one's head against a brick wall – to try futile

    Go through hell – to run bad time

    Get down to brass tacks – to think over basic issues

    Insomnia – inability to sleep

    Headstrong- obstinate

    Internecine- mutually- destructive


    Ilk – of family/type

    Live wire-energetic

    Illegitimate- illegal

    Kow tow- surrender

    Juggernaut-a powerful sweeping force

    Inadvertent -by mistake

    Impunity- freedom from fear

    Impetus- moving force

    Hiccup- hicki

    Hollow- holy

    Hierarchy-organisation with ranks

    Juxtapose- place by place

  • Idiosyncracy – eccentricity


    Hiatus- break in continuity

    Improptu- sudden

    Hobnob- socialize

    To go haywire- to go out of control

    Gratuitous -done without reason

    Galore – in plenty

    Germane – relevant

    Euphemism – using mild words

    Espouse- to support

    Entail- make necessary

    Eulogy -praise

    A gut feeling- internal feeling

    Greener pasture – golden opportunities

    Good riddance- to get freedom

    Grub street- low level literature

    Greek to somebody- beyond of understanding

    Flippant- light minded

    Exasperate – to irritate

  • Fillip – incentive , encouragement

    Fraternity- brotherhood

    Fissiparous- dividing

    Fortuitous- by chance

    Gambit- first step

    Gamut- entire range

    Forte- strong point

    Fiasco- complete failure

    Egalitarian- barabari

    Eerie- enigmatic-mysterious

    Exacerbate- aggravate, worsen

    Fritter away – to waste

    Fumble- founder, flounder—larkharana

    With a pinch of salt- aviswas ke saath

    Stick to one's guns- apni baat par jame rahna

    Come to grinding halt – kaam ka thapp parna

    A grey area- unclear


    Desultory- aimless

    Drudgery- unpleasant work

  • Doyen- reputed person

    Cataclysm-sudden violent change

    Chimera- fanciful – imaginary

    Defalcation – scam

    Discrepancy- gap, difference

    Duress – under pressure, force

    Disseminate – spread information

    Coffers- treasury


    Conjure- to display by spell

    Capitalize- to take advantage

    Culminate- reach the final point

    Grease somebody's palm – to bribe

    Not give a damn – not to focus at all

    Let the genie out of the bottle- danger ko khula dena

    Cajole- coax persuade

    Abysmal bottomless dismal

    Craven – cowardly

    Crux- central part of a problem

    Cavalier-nonserious ,cursory,casual

  • Apocryphal- of doubtful character

    Abeyance- in a suspended state




    Beholden- indebted- gratitude thankful

    Apocalypse doom catastrophe

    Adaptation- getting used to

    Archaic – old fashioned

    Throw down the gauntlet- to challenge

    Play to the gallery- doing inferior acts to attract folks

    A guinea pig- creature for drugs experiment

    Go against the grain – to against the nature

    Give up the ghost – to stop trying

    Allegiance- loyalty fidelity

    Belligerent- bellicose

    Brook tolerate

    At the behest of – on the command of anyone

    Boisterous- noise violent

    Burgeon – sprout

  • Bonhomie – pleasantness of manners- good manners

    Boleaguer – besieged , to surround

    Aplomb confidence

    Anathema- curse

    Axiomatic – needing proof ,self clear

    Awry – go wrong

    Amnesia – loss of memory

    Abstemious- caring at food

    Aberration- abnormal ,departure from normal

    For a song- bahut saste mai

    Find out-

    Figure out – understand

    Up front- khara khota

    A foregone conclusion- whatever is already known

    Waive remove


    Replica- exact copy,duplicate


    Rift breach bay

    Venal-capable of being bribed

  • Vantage- position giving an advantage

    Withhold- keep back

    Wrath – anger

    Clout – influence

    Wither – to wilt

    Wrest – to take away forcefully

    Whip – flog lash

    Xenophobia- fear of foreigners

    Yeoman service- great service

    Fly by night- incredible

    Follow suit – to obey

    With flying colours- to succeed easily

    Flog a dead horse – to try putting soul into deadbody

    Flex one's muscles- to show off power

    Vandalism- breaking of public property

    Vehemence- wildness , turbul, full of excite

    Vogue- fashion

    Vie- to complete

    Wreck – to destroy

    Wield – to wield power- using of power

  • Wreak – give expression to


    Viable- able to exist

    Vendetta ,revenge ,reprisal

    Rapt – fully attentive

    Restive – restless

    Savage – uncivilized

    Sinister – suggesting evil

    Sedentary- sitting- aramvala

    Get the flak- severe criticise

    In a fix – in a dilemma

    Have a field day – pleasant time

    A fait accompli – inevitable

    The fag end – last part

    Supersede-take the place of

    Supercilious – adamant

    Tryst- meeting,private meeting

    Thwart- to make unsuccessful

    Sporadic – irregular activities

    Scion- successor of king

  • Sagacious – wise

    Sartorial -pertaining to dress

    Subjugate- to conquer

    Rebellion sedition

    Ramification – spreading

    Reion in to control- control

    Regime – system of Government

    Subsequent- later

    Subsidy – financial aid

    Out of the frying pan into the fire – asman se gira khajur par


    An all weather friend – faithful friend

    A fair weather friend – pleasure friend

    Forbidden fruit- manahi ke karan kisi vastu ko chahna

    Put one's foot in one's mouth- feeling shy oneself

    Serenity calmness

    Surmise guess

    Retrospective- looking back at past Retrospective-

    Retrograde- going backward

    Sangfroid- coolness – braveness

  • Salvage- rescue- to save from crisis

    Repercussion- reaction, impact

    Accusation and recrimination-

    Rapprochement- reconciliation

    Rudimentary- not developed

    Realm- area – kingdom

    Profane – to desecrate

    Replenish- fill up again

    Ruse – trick

    Precocious- mature before time

    Flash in the pan – sudden

    By fits and starts- irregularly

    Fish in troubled waters – to play with danger

    Fire in the belly- severe excitement

    Breathe fire – to vomit blaze

    Schism- split

    Vagary – sudden changes /uncertainties

    Wont – habit

    Wanton immoral

    Vociferous- noisy

  • Utopia – imagined happiness world

    Unsavoury- dirty ;disgusting

    Dishevelled – untidy

    Tortuous- winding

    Tenable- well founded

    Ubiquitous- omnipresent

    Ulterior – hidden



    Threshold – entrance

    All fingers and thumbs- keeping on err

    Fight shy of – procrastinate

    Not give a fig /damn

    Play second fiddle- be on second place

    Fit as fiddle- be completely healthy

    Status quo- as it is

    Travails- troubles

    Tenuous- fragile – weak

    Doctrine tenet

    Succour- relief, solace

  • Stringent- severe- harsh

    Scruple- sense of right and wrong

    Tribulation- suffering

    Travesty- mockery- parody

    Provisional -adhoc- tentative

    Lukewarm- tepid – slight hot

    Tacit- understood

    Tantamount- equal in effect

    Stagnation- motionlessness

    Scourge- something that causes fear

    Sit on the fence- in dilemma

    Play fast and loose- to deceive

    A far cry from something- to differ a lot

    A false dawn – deception

    To lose face – to lose prestige

    In a shambles- to be in a soiled situation

    Reiterate- repeat

    Rampant – unrestrained growth beyond control

    Rife – widespread

    Plagiarism- theft of ideas or writing

  • Pernicious – destructive – harmful

    Proclivity – natural inclination

    Replete with- filled with

    Sacrilege- desecration ;profanity

    Sacrosanct – most sacred

    Saga – a traditional story of heroism

    Render – to give

    Redoubtable- strong

    Paradox – contradiction

    Paltry – meagre , petty

    Face the music- to pay of bad doings

    Put one's foot down – deny

    A fly on the wall – inspection

    Go with the tide – to float along with stream

    Figment of imagination- imagination

    Preposterous- absurd

    Rendezvous – secret meeting place

    Requisite- necessary- requirement

    Poignance – heart felt sorrow

    Precedent- earlier example

  • Privileges- prerogative

    Chasm – gap – gorge

    Resume restart

    Gratuitous- uncalled for

    Predilection- strong desire

    Intractable- unmanageable;perverse;stubborn

    Pensive- thoughtful

    Quash- strike down ; unaccepted

    Qualms – feeling of doubt

    Inclination- penchant; proneness tilt

    En route – on the way

    En masse- together

    Egg on- to provoke

    Ill at ease – to feel uncomfortable

    Push the envelope- to work enthusiastically

    Precursor- forerunner- sign of something that is to happen

    Quisling- traitor

    Paragon- quintessence; best example

    Pariah ; socially outcast

    Onerous- challenging; burdensome

  • Obviate – to make unnecessary

    Nullify; cancel ; unaccepted

    Non entity – a person of no importance

    Nonplus ; to confuse; surprise

    Mishap; accident

    Macabre; gruesome

    Myopia ; short sightedness

    Stampede- melee – commotion

    Manipulate – to manage with skill

    Defame- malign

    Eat your heart out – to be sad

    At the end of one's tether – helpless

    Easier said than done – doing difficult and saying easy

    Deal in – to trade /sale

    Deal with- to discuss/ behave

    Oscillate – waver ; vaciliate ; not to stay one's idea

    Oblivion- forget fullness

    Mandatory obligatory

    Meticulous: over attentive

    ostracize – excommunicate , to sendout one from society

  • Overture- first move; first step

    Outskirts- periphery;

    Nexus- link

    Neophyte- beginners, a recent convert

    Mandate- order of the people

    Militate – to go against

    Noxious- harmful

    Peripatetic- nomadic

    Obsession- severe attachment

    Nepotism- favour to relatives

    Get just deserts – result of labor

    A double whammy – double loss

    Dejavo – feeling of occurring something

    Cul de sac – a dead end

    Devil may care attitude- careless

    Nostalgia- desire to return home

    Incipient- nascent; starting

    Nebulous- vague ; unclear

    Magnitude – extent ; degree

    Meddlesome- interferring

  • Modicum; small amount

    Miscreant; rowdy element; bad element

    Longevity- length of life

    Lethal deadly

    Intruder intrusion

    Scutable – possible to investigate

    Ingrained – entrenched; andar tak betha

    Inimical- hostile

    Dr jure- in law

    De facto – in real /indeed

    Play ducks and drakes with – for one's goodness

    Down the drain – to ruin

    Down and out- pamper / hapless

    Incessant – continuous

    Intermittent- continual / not continuing

    Magnate- VIP

    Menace danger

    Impervious unaffected

    Inkling- hint / clue

    Insular – alag thalg rahne wala

  • Juncture- critical moment

    Levity – lack of solemnness / light heartedness

    Myriad- many

    Mammoth- gigantic; gargantuan

    In lieu of- instead of

    Jovial happy

    Lethargic indolent lazy

    Inveterate- habitual

    Impending- imminent/ approaching

    I reiterate, It’s confidential no retaliating. It’s fortuitous but

    harangue. I’m consecrating . It might mollify you. May u

    burgeon & keep on guffawing! I exhort to peruse & construe

    properly please I’ll eradicate. I delineate , elucidate ,

    vindicate and censure .It would be equivocal. Don’t thrive to

    eschew. My life has exacerbated. I’m abysmal , sybarite ,

    besotted, parvenu, lugubrious & erratic but aboveboard &

    docile I’ve always assailed only but you’ve debunked. I’m

    dupe not duke. You’ve eluded yourself. As a cynic &

    imprudent ,I exasperated you with strings of never ending

    questions but it’s excruciating .You can fete your own hero. I

    finagled you but I’m not fleecing you. I’m floundering. You’ve

    given me formal statement about your background but from

    various hints, I’ve gleaned that you grew up in difficult

    circumstances. Having castigated I goad you for guffawing. It

    has ham-stringed me. Now I meander. I’ve mesmerized. Can

    you patronize? I’m perturbing you. Standing forlornly by the

  • window, I keep on pinning for you. I’m not prevailing just I’m

    quoting. I’ve reneged on nearly every agreement. Don’t rile.

    You would savvy what to do. I don’t want squander. My

    father has thwarted me. I’m not unnerving you. I aspire to

    vanquish, encumber & fawn you. It’s my artifice. I never care

    what others say about my appearance but I’ve chagrined by

    the smallest comment from you. It’s conundrum &

    convoluted that you’re abstruse. You’ve

    already admonished. You’re amenable & munificent,

    precocious ,scrupulous ,affable ,placid, unstinting & I’m

    anomalous. Promise! I’ll ameliorate & exalt. Bolster me

    please. I’ll never circumscribe to chortle. I concede, You win!

    I’m deleterious for u. You demurred but I denigrated,

    debased, degraded, demeaned & besmirched. I don’t use

    dilatory tactics. I’m known for my eclectic, pernicious,

    petulant. I’ve always obtained efficacious. Don’t vilify & be

    egregious. You’re an eminent girl. Your love has enervated &

    incensed me. It has engendered. By the time we reach 21-

    years old, most of our habits are so entrenched that it is

    difficult for us to change. The lifespan of a one sided love is

    ephemeral & transient, lasting from a few hours to a couple

    of days. Don’t foment, deride & banish me. Even though I

    don't like me, I’ve decided to ingratiate myself to you in

    order to advance my career. I lambasted. You keep on

    quipping. Sanction me to love. I venerate female races. I miss

    your benign, and calm. You can indict. I’m completely

    enamored with you. I’m bereft. I'm contentious,

    inconsequential discordant, obdurate, don't gainsay my

    proposal. I've paucity of knowledge. I don't prevaricate. I'm

    wary as well as veracious.

  • Flaw- defect antonym perfection flawlessness

    Perceptible obvious distinct antonym obscure doubtful

    Adroit expert skillful adept antonym inept clumsy awkward

    Obdurate adamant stubborn antonym flexible supple

    Abound; full of; flourish antonym deficient scarce

    Benevolence kindness antonym malevolence bitterness


    Accumulate store amass antonym scatter dissipate

    Futile useless vain antonym effectual useful

    Repugnant unpleasant detestable antonym likeable pleasant

    Pacify assuage soothe antonym aggravate

    Assiduous careful attentive antonym indolent lethargic

    Aversion dislikes apathy antonym affection fondness

    Counterfeit unreal fictitious antonym genuine reliable

    Audacity daring insolence antonym submission cowardice

    Mitigation alleviation abatement antonym augmentation


    To clear the air- to clear the doubt

    Up in the air - uncertain

    Take someone aback - to surprise

    Achilles heel - weakness

  • Across the board - after all

    Absolve pardon forgive antonym accuse charge allege

    Renounce ;to give up ; to abjure antonym approve adopt

    Apathy indifference antonym concern care sympathy

    Briskness swiftness alacrity antonym sluggishness indolence

    Hostility enmity antipathy antonym empathy friendship;


    Adjacent adjoining contiguous antonym distant remote

    Unison ;in agreement consonance

    Antonym discord controversy disagreement

    Triumph win success follower antonym adversary antagonist

    Baffling confusing frustrating antonym clear lucid

    Savage uncivilized barbarous antonym cultured civilised


    Reproach blame censure antonym commend applaud praise

    Bleak dismal gloomy antonym bright cheerful balmy

    Tantalizing mesmerising fascinating- antonym repugnant

    disgusting nauseating

    Abash ;to feel uneasy antonym encourage embolden

    Come of age - to be mature

    Alive and kicking - full of enthusiasm

  • All and sundry - common people

    To run amuck/amok- to behave violently

    Up/raise the ante - to do wrong deliberately

    Outrage anger indignation antonym tranquility harmony

    Votary; a devoted adherent antonym nonpartisan

    Touchstone test criterion antonym probability conjecture


    Voracious greedy covetous antonym selfless generous


    Obesity fat corpulence antonym lean thin delicate

    Proselytisation conversion antonym persistence endurance

    Heterogeneous diverse plural antonym homogeneous similar


    Monochromatic;of only one colour boring tedious antonym

    polychromatic diverse multicolored

    Contradict deny oppose antonym approve endorse sanction

    Scorn contempt dislike antonym praise approval

    Conspicuous visible obvious antonym obscure concealed


    Consolidate ;to strengthen antonym weaken sever

    Repercussion- result consequence antonym beginning


  • Assent ;to agree / to consent antonym to disagreal ; to


    Comprise include / consist of Antonym exclude reject

    Bee in the bonnet - depression

    Upset the Apple cart - to mar

    Seal/stamp of approval- to sanction

    Keep somebody/ something at arm's length- to keep distance

    Under the auspices of- aegis/shield

    Turmoil disturbance excitement antonym tranquility


    Terse/short and meaningful; succinct antonym verbose


    Cease terminate discontinue antonym commence initiate

    Calamity adversity misfortune antonym prosperity fortune

    Catastrophe /great destruction antonym prosperity


    Dismay disappointment consternation antonym repose


    Callous indifferent heartless Antonym concerned

    sympathetic sensitive

    Accusation allegation defamation calumny antonym praise


  • Enchanting charming fascinating antonym repelling offending


    Immaculate pure virtuous antonym defiled sullied

    Collision encounter crash clash antonym agreement harmony


    Convenient suitable appropriate antonym inconvenient


    Approval agreement endorsement antonym opposition


    Compassion kindness clemency antonym cruelty barbarity

    Deride mock taunt antonym praise loud love

    To have been around - to be in existence

    Give a good account of- doing good

    Above board- honest

    As nauseous/ad infinitum- verbose

    Hold all the aces - get triumph

    Deprive / to dispossess/ to disinherit antonym restore invest


    Elegance refinement grace style antonym clumsiness


    Intimidate /to frighten/to discourage antonym encourage

    animate embolden inspire

  • Collapse decay decomposition antonym flourish thrive


    Duplicity deceit artifice antonym honesty veracity

    Decipher decode interpret antonym distort confuse obscure

    Procrastination delay postponement antonym acceleration


    Paucity dearth scarcity inadequacy deficiency antonym

    adequacy abundance sufficiency

    Deplore lament regret bemoan antonym rejoice cheer

    applaud celebrate

    Deliberate intentional considered /well thought-out

    Antonym rash random capricious whimsical

    Demolish devastate raze dismantle antonym repair construct

    Hallucination illusion deception antonym reality veracity fact

    Desecrate /to pollute/to defile antonym purify sanctify

    Appetising delicious palatable antonym unsavoury distasteful

    Defray/to meet /to bear /to pay antonym declaim decline


    Alter ego - mirror image

    Alma mater - an institute

    Cast aspersions on - defame

    Lead someone astray - to divert someone

  • In ages - for a long time

    Ambiguous vague equivocal antonym lucid unequivocal


    Explicit obvious intelligible antonym hidden implicit vague

    Ardent staunch earnest determined hardcore antonym

    negligent frivolous careless

    Eccentric abnormal cranky antonym methodical natural


    Rapture ecstasy delight euphoria elation antonym despair

    depression melancholy

    Exempt /to set free /to exclude antonym confine limit

    Perpetual eternal endless antonym transient fleeting


    Infringe intrude encroach violate

    Forbearance endurance patience antonym breakdown

    impatience volatility

    Obliterate /to destroy /to annihilate antonym maintain/to


    Frivolous worthless petty antonym pertinent relevant solemn

    Elucidate/to clarify/to illustrate

    Embrace cling hug adopt antonym reject neglect shun

    Abolition eradication removal extermination antonym

    restoration revival

  • Avoid /to evade elude antonym acknowledge confirm

    To get on the bandwagon-be a part of what is in fashion

    Not to bat on eyelid - frustrate

    Bend over the backwards- to put everything getting anything

    Turn a blind eye - to ignore

    Out of the blue- sudden

    Colossal mammoth immense enormous antonym trivial


    Endeavour effort struggle antonym quit shun

    Brunt burden hindrance encumbrance antonym incentive


    Embezzle /to swindle/to defraud antonym redeem


    Reverence respect honour antonym ridicule spurn despise


    Prevarication avoidance antonym compliance action

    Frugal economical thrifty parsimonious antonym extravagant

    lavish prodigal

    Precursor forerunner predecessor antonym follower

    successor descendent

    Antagonist adversary foe antonym friend fellow

  • Redoubtable formidable strong dreadful antonym weak


    Fragile frail brittle antonym tenacious robust

    Suffrage franchise /voting right /privilege antonym bondage


    Fragmentation atomisation antonym totality entirety

    Wreck demolish dismantle antonym construct fabricate

    Frantic violent frenzied mad antonym gentle subdued

    Push the boat out - to have fun

    A bone of contention/an Apple of discord - root of fight

    The bottom line-crux

    Get to the bottom of something- to find truth in any situation

    On the brink/verge of doing something- - to be near of


    Replica/exact copy ; facsimile antonym dissimilarity novelty

    Facile effortless easy antonym arduous slow

    Dither waver falter antonym persist endure determined

    Fanaticism/narrow mindedness bigotry antonym liberalism


    Fatigue lassitude weariness exhaustion antonym vivacity

    vigour briskness

    Loyalty fidelity trustworthiness antonym infidelity chicanery

  • Ephemeral fleeting transient antonym eternal unceasing

    Volatile wavering fickle antonym determined resolute

    Strife feud contention antonym harmony reconciliation

    Flimsy weak brittle antonym firm tenacious

    Tentative uncertain antonym firm certain resolute

    Renounce/to give up /forsake antonym maintain retain

    Deviate vary vacillate fluctuate antonym stabilise firm steady

    chicanery cunningness deception duplicity guile antonym

    frankness sincerity

    Dazzling magnificent brilliant antonym dull unpretentious

    Bag on - to be right totally

    Bark up the wrong tree - to go behind wrong person

    Baying for blood- to keep desire harming anyone

    Beat a hasty retreat - to turn rapidly

    In a jiffy - in a moment

    Glittering garish tawdry antonym dull faced

    Gallant intrepid chivalrous antonym timid craven coward

    Loquacious talkative garrulous antonym taciturn reticent

    Benevolent kind generous antonym malevolent stingy

    Ferocious barbarous untamed fierce antonym domesticated


  • Affable pleasant cheerful antonym sullen dismal morose


    Spurious deceptive imitative

    Mirth fun delight antonym gloom dejection sadness

    Glut overflow overabundance antonym moderation restraint

    Grisly disgusting horrifying antonym beautiful alluring


    Spectacular magnificent beneficent gorgeous antonym dull

    modest banal mundane

    Hypocrisy deception trickery antonym sincerity integrity


    Abominable ugly shocking hideous antonym alluring

    attractive appealing

    Hustle bustle-hurry haste antonym lull quiet

    Back to the drawing board - go back

    Back to square one - to return on same place

    Take a back seat- to be back in a work

    Bag and baggage - with all stuffs

    Have a ball - to enjoy

    Peril risk danger hazard antonym security assurance certainty

    Heinous outrageous awful wicked antonym righteous


  • Suave charming self-confident antonym unsophisticated


    Gaunt exhausted lean haggard antonym active lively robust

    Haphazard reckless unarranged antonym thoughtful


    Hamper /to hinder /to obstruct antonym facilitate foster

    Hapless unfortunate ill-fated antonym lucky fortunate

    Arrogance obstinacy naughtiness antonym humility modesty

    Heresy unorthodox maverick antonym believer orthodoxy


    Dissidence protest opposition disagreement antonym

    agreement conformity

    Deception trickery hypocrisy antonym reality sincerity


    Hail /to greet /to welcome antonym to disregard/to avoid

    Ignominious scandalous disgraceful antonym creditable


    Indispensable essential avoidable antonym needless

    superfluous redundant

    Sluggish lazy indolent antonym agile energetic vivacious

    to wait with the bated breath - to wait with excitement

    To pass on the baton- to transfer responsibility

  • A bed of roses - life of happiness

    To hit below the belt - to behave immorally

    Get the better of somebody- to win

    Irrepressible- unshackled unhindered antonym submissive


    Invincible impregnable unconquerable antonym beatable


    Frighten/to intimidate antonym to hearten/to encourage

    Chivalry courage valour antonym timidity cowardice

    Tangled/complicated/intricate antonym orderly manageable

    Conspiracy scheming plot antonym condour sincerity

    Intrinsic genuine inherent antonym extrinsic extraneous

    Bankruptcy insolvency antonym solvent wealthy

    Inquisitive curious inquiring antonym negligent indifferent

    Innocuous harmless innocent antonym harmful deleterious

    Ingenuous naive candid antonym wily crafty perfidious


    Resentment wrath rage indignation antonym equanimity


    Feeble weak emaciated antonym strong robust virile

    Tarnished tainted sullied antonym untainted unsullied

  • Drown submerge immerse sink

    Work like a beaver -a person who works with enthusiasm and


    To fit the bill - to suit

    A bird's eye view - summary

    To bite the dust - to lie

    A blast from the past - anything that reminds past

    Imminent impending approaching antonym remote distant


    Prejudice bias partiality antonym impartiality

    Hindrance hurdle impediment antonym facilitation aid


    Encroachment infringement transgression antonym

    conformity concurrence observance

    Ingenious deft dexterous proficient

    Destitution poverty indigence penury antonym riches

    affluence opulence

    Incompatibility incongruous antonym compatibility


    Inclination disposition proneness antonym neutrality


    Provoke incite instigate antonym deter dissuade

  • Arrogance haughtiness insolence impudence antonym

    politeness humility submissiveness

    Devout religious holy antonym irreverent unholy irreligious

    Privilege prerogative immunity antonym liability interdiction

    Imbecile worthless /mentally unsound /senile antonym wise

    sane Sagacious astute

    Impair diminish worsen antonym revive resurrect

    Camouflage mask conceal Antonym communicate reveal


    Blaze a trail - to guide

    A blessing in disguise- unexpected profit

    Bad blood between- to hate

    A blue eyed boy- most loveable

    Pass the buck - to transfer responsibility

    Senile old dotage antonym young juvenile

    Vindicate justify antonym accuse impute

    discrimination unfairness antonym impartiality righteousness

    Discerning thoughtful judicious antonym foolish fatuous

    Melancholy sad despondent antonym cheerful jubilant


    Jaded fatigued exhausted antonym restorative refreshed

  • Monotonous boring uninteresting jejune antonym interesting


    Triumph victory win antonym loss surrender submission

    Jovial cheerful merry antonym sad solemn morose

    Knotty complicated antonym simple manageable

    Bizarre grotesque preposterous antonym balanced consistent

    Laconic terse succinct antonym wordy diffuse

    Extravagant lavish abundant antonym frugal scarce

    Laudable /clear/sound /coherent antonym obscure


    Once in a blue moon- occasionally

    Call someone's bluff- to expose

    Make no bones-no objection

    Bring somebody to book - to get punished

    Think out of the box- to think different

    Temptation inducement lure antonym repulsion

    Insanity lunacy madness antonym normalcy sanity sagacity

    Delay prolong linger antonym hasten quicken

    Accountability liability antonym unaccountability exemption

    Vehement /forceful and violent/fierce antonym merciful


  • Falter flounder antonym accelerate expedite spurt

    Mendacity falsehood deception antonym honesty probity

    Erratic unstable unchangeable mercurial antonym steadfast


    Mettle courage determination antonym timidity diffidence

    Mitigate lessen reduce assuage antonym augment enhance

    Molest harass antonym soothe comfort

    Momentous notable eventful antonym radiant lurunous

    Murky bleak dismal antonym radiant luminous

    Recalcitrant obstinate unruly antonym loyal submissive

    Mutual reciprocal Antonym divergent distinct

    Break somebody's back - to defeat

    Take somebody's breadth away - to surprise

    Bear the brunt of something- tolerate

    Make a fast buck - to earn rapidly

    The buck stops here- To be responsible for situation

    Negligible trifling antonym substantial considerable

    Exorbitant excessive inordinate antonym insubstantial trifling

    Paucity shortage deficiency antonym glut profuse

    Annul nullify Invalidate antonym uphold endorse

  • Debutant tyro beginner novice Antonym veteran experienced

    Agile lively active nimble Antonym tardy languid

    Nefarious illegal unlawful antonym worthy commendable

    Nasty filthy antonym attractive pleasing

    Indigenous local aboriginal native antonym exogenous alien

    foreign exotic

    Vigilant careful antonym careless negligent

    Nonchalance indifference negligence antonym attentive

    vigilant ostensible apparent evident overt antonym

    concealed covert

    Ominous threatening dangerous antonym conducive


    Outbreak explosion outburst antonym passivity

    Transparency probity antonym opacity

    Like a bull in China shop- worthless

    On the backburner - To make unimportant

    Burst the bubble- to end good days

    Bird of passage- momentary

    Obsolete outdated archaic

    Antonym modern vogue

    Overwhelming overpowering / so strong as to be irresistible

    antonym feeble weak

  • Omission- a mistake because of neglect error antonym


    Despotic tyrannical intimidating antonym humble submissive

    Enigma secret mystery Antonym lucidity unambiguity

    Opaque obscure antonym transparent bright

    Formidable strong challenging arduous antonym facile easy

    Posterity / coming generation/progeny descendent antonym

    ancestor forefather progenitor

    Abhorrent /offensive to the mind; odious antonym likeable

    Inscrutable unfathomable esoteric beyond of understanding

    antonym fathomable intelligible

    Sycophancy subservient obsequiousness antonym defiant


    Pernicious injurious dangerous obnoxious antonym desirable


    Resolve determination antonym timidity cowardice

    Pungent sharp strong antonym mild soothing pleasant

    Predicament dilemma plight quandary antonym certainty

    clarity firmness

    A wet blanket '- to spoil fun

    Hit and by- gradually

    Stab someone's the back - to put knife in the back

  • The bare bones-important points

    Turbulent hostile agitated antonym placid tranquil unruffled

    Palpable concrete prominent antonym concealed obscure


    Tangible obvious Explicit antonym intangible intrinsic

    Dread apprehension panic antonym confidence security

    Precarious uncertain antonym assured unreliable

    Torment persecute harass antonym comfort console

    Baffle confuse frustrate puzzle antonym assure

    Flamboyant pompous showy antonym modest humble

    Docile amenable pliable antonym defiant adamant

    Ransack ravage pillage antonym restore redeem

    Tenacity steadfastness perseverance antonym sloth lethargy


    Incessant perpetual perennial continuous without stoppage

    Piquant charming interesting antonym dull insipid


    Frenzy violent excitement antonym equanimity composure

    Arbitrary capricious whimsical antonym well thought out

    Spill the beans - to expose

    Take a beating - to lose

  • Have a bee in one's bonnet- to frustrate

    A bitter pill to swallow- to accept

    Blue-collar- physically laborious

    Wayward winding crooked zigzag antonym straight even

    Zest enthusiasm energy antonym passivity languidity

    Pinnacle zenith summit apex antonym nadir base bottom

    Fanatic partisan zealot chauvinist antonym tolerant liberal

    Fervour enthusiasm ardour antonym apathy reluctance

    Yield to/ to surrender succumb antonym resist protest

    Yearn /to crave /to pine antonym content satisfy

    Yoke connect shackle antonym liberate release

    Yawn doze sleepy increase antonym close wakeful

    Utterly completely antonym incompletely

    To take umbrage - to feel bad ; resentment dissatisfaction

    antonym sympathy goodwill

    Uncouth vulgar inelegant antonym elegant graceful

    Unseemly undesirable awkward antonym acceptable


    Coup-military takeover; putsch antonym civilian government


    Taboo ban prohibition antonym sanction consent

  • Venerable respectable antonym unworthy degenerate

    Better off - recover

    Backhanded compliment- unclear statement

    Beg to differ- to deny

    To win brownie points - marks

    A can of worms - box of problems

    Pungent acute sharp penetrating antonym mild soothing

    Puerile shallow immature antonym profound sensible


    Proscribe ban forbid antonym permit sanction

    Appease pacify placate antonym exasperate annoy

    Prodigy extraordinary antonym normal mediocre

    Diminutive small unimpressive antonym immense prodigious

    Curtail/to reduce antonym enhance increase

    Quarantine isolate seclude antonym mingle socialise

    Dubious doubtful antonym authentic reliable

    Quaint odd Bizarre antonym usual normal

    Annul /to quash /to abrogate antonym permit sanction

    Prevaricate - not to stay on one's word/ equivocate quibble

    antonym cling adhere

    Suppress subdue quell antonym provoke instigate

  • Moot controversial questionable antonym straight;


    Remote distant inaccessible antonym adjacent contiguous

    Not have a clue - without knowledge

    At the crack of dawn - morning morning

    A cakewalk - easy work

    Call the shots- control on situation

    Sweep something under the carpet - to hide instead of

    solving the problem

    Ruthless merciless savage antonym lenient benevolent

    Rustic pastoral rural antonym urbane cultured

    Vanquish rout subjugate antonym succumb retreat

    Upright honest virtuous antonym unfair immoral

    Redress remedy antonym degenerate spoil

    Endorse ratify approve antonym deny dissent

    Remorse lament regret antonym relentlessness obduracy

    Salutary beneficial salubrious antonym harmful deleterious


    Sanguine optimistic hopeful antonym pessimistic hopeless

    Retract withdraw recant antonym confirm affirm

    Ecstasy bliss rapture antonym melancholy agony

  • Devastate destroy raze ravage antonym restore renovate

    Veneration respect reverence antonym disrespect


    Residual remainder antonym complete whole

    Abdicate relinquish abandon antonym persist hold

    Carrot and stick - reward end punishment as well

    Put the cart before the horse - doing opposite work

    Let the cat out of the bag-to reveal

    Set the cat among the pigeons- to put others in difficulties

    A catch22 situation- Confused

    Prudence discretion judiciousness antonym imprudence

    recklessness rashness

    Promulgation declaration announcement antonym

    suppression withhold

    Presumptuous arrogant insolent antonym unassuming

    modest bashful

    In a fix /dilemma predicament quandary plight antonym

    certainty assurance

    Submissive docile pliant pliable antonym defiant adamant


    Jeopardise imperil endanger antonym save rescue

    Eminent famous unrivalled antonym mediocre average

  • Mundane everyday routine unremarkable antonym special


    Pamper indulge flatter spoil antonym disparage chasten

    Sycophancy flattery cringing antonym loyal faithful

    Subversive destructive antonym creative constructive

    Sabotage destruction rampage antonym creation

    Rigorous austere severe antonym lenient benevolent

    Stigma disgrace blemish antonym honour virtue nobility

    Filthy soiled squalid antonym tidy spruced neat

    Throw caution to the wind - careless

    Charity begins at home - improvement starts from home

    A chink in somebody's armour- weak point

    Hobsons choice- no alternative

    Taboo ban forbidden antonym permission sanction

    Reticent reserved taciturn antonym loquacious talkative

    Sway influence power antonym incapacity impotence

    Novice tyro debutant antonym adept connoisseur veteran

    Uproarious tumultuous riotous violent antonym harmonious


    Frivolous trivial futile antonym significant consequential

  • Hackneyed trite commonplace antonym extraordinary


    Trenchant sharp forceful antonym feeble shallow

    Vacillate dither antonym steady firm

    Tenacity determination resolve antonym vacillation waver


    Temerity audacity indiscretion antonym caution wisdom

    Congregation gathering crowd antonym handful dispersion

    Wary cautious chary antonym negligent reckless

    Whimsical capricious impulsive antonym considered/ well

    thought out/ deliberate

    Wane decline dwindle antonym wax rise ameliorate

    Go round in circles - no solution

    A class act - marvelous act

    Make a clean breast of something- to accept crime

    Make a clean sweep - to win

    Out of the closet - to come before of everyone

    Adamant hard inflexible antonym flexible malleable

    Adverse hostile unfavourable antonym favourable conducive


    Ally calm pacify antonym aggravate worsen

  • Adulterate /make impure antonym purify

    Altruism welfare

    Acrimonious angry

    Anomaly abnormality

    Atone / to make amends

    Appraise/to asses

    Adage /wise saying

    Annihilate/to destroy

    Absolve exonerate

    Amalgamate /to mix

    Acumen-mental sharpness

    Ancillary auxiliary

    Amnesty pardon

    Adulation flattery

    Ameliorate/to improve

    Abscond -run secretly

    Acme pinnacle

    A close shave - to save oneself

    On cloud nine - On the seventh sky

    Under a cloud- in a trouble

  • A cock and bull story- myth

    The other side of the coin- second side of picture

    Beguile cheat delude

    Behoove / to befit/ become

    Blatant /openly shameless

    Bereft of /without/devoid of

    Benefactor- a person who gives benefit

    Bonanza windfall /sudden gain

    Bellicose belligerent

    Bigotry fanaticism

    Bestow / to confer /to give

    Bravado /false courage

    Besmirch defile sully

    berserk - to angry

    Bode - indicator of event

    Blasphemy- anti religion

    Bid effort

    Give somebody cold shoulder- rude behaviour

    Throw cold water on-to spill water over expectation

    To be on a collision course- root cause of quarrel

  • Cold comfort- false sympathy

    Cool as a cucumber- patient

    Grotesque bizarre awkward

    Fickle capricious

    Massacre carnage

    Virtuous chaste

    Cogent convincing

    Compatible/in agreement

    Incompatible/in disagreement

    Collusion nexus conspiracy

    Coalition/ coming together

    Corroborate/ to confirm


    Arcane mysterious cryptic

    Commensurate/equal in proportion

    Capitulate surrender

    Chagrin disappointment

    Wrap somebody in cotton wool - Not to leave freely

    Couch potato - tv spectator

    A sacred cow- tradition

  • Shed crocodile tear -duplicate tear / show off

    Carping / finding fault/to cavil

    Mojo charisma

    Cache- clandestine

    Coercion force

    Cliché /overused praise

    Chauvinism/fanatical patriotism/jingoism

    Conflagration/widespread fire

    Surreptitious clandestine secret covert

    Overt obvious open

    Chastise / to punish

    Connivance collusion

    Countermand cancel revoke

    Devoid of/without lacking

    Disdain/treat with scorn

    Heterogeneous diverse

    Come a cropper - unsucced

    If it comes to the crunch- needed time

    Crystal clear - to support

    Take up the cudgets- to support

  • Off the cuff- without considering

    Dilatory /causing delay

    Dilapidation ruins

    Dire disastrous

    Demolition destruction

    Demise death

    Desecrate /to violate sanctity

    Debacle defeat

    Dovetail /to fit together

    Devout pious

    Deter discourage

    Deference/to care other feelings

    Dauntless bold brave

    Enormity/great wickedness

    Extant - in existence

    Emanate from / issue from

    Enamoured/in love

    Exonerate acquit

    Emulate - to follow

    Estranged separated

  • Extraneous external

    Ennui boredom monotony

    Exquisite beautiful

    Eschew/to avoid

    Epoch era

    Extol praise

    Errant - diverted

    Expiate/to repent

    Come to a head - to be on judgement

    Come to a pretty pass - to be in a bad situation

    Chop and change - to change frequently

    Down to earth - basic

    A damp squib - to break something

    Fortitude courage

    Feasible possible

    Glutton - greedy for food

    Gimmick trick

    Foray raid

    Fawning flatterer

    Ferment agitation commotion

  • Flout/to violate

    Gruesome heinous

    Gusto enthusiasm

    Grueling tiring

    Foible weakness

    Flaunt / to show

    Furtive secret

    Fracas/noisy quarrel

    Put a dampener on something- dismay/to obstacle

    Call it a day - abandon

    Carry the day- to win

    Give the devil his due - fair judgement

    Flux-quick change

    Grimace-expression of pain

    Glib/ smoothing talking

    Goad provoke/urge on

    Faux pas - an error in manner or behavior

    Grouse complaint

    Gainsay deny

    Humdrum monotonous

  • Halcyon calm peaceful/great days

    Gregarious sociable

    Garish gaudy

    Ghastly horrible

    Holocaust/great destruction

    Trite hackneyed

    Hazy obscure

    To die in harness - death on duty

    The die is cast - last judgement

    Never say die- not to defeat

    A dinne a dozen - bundle

    Dog eats dog- season of competition

    Stalemate deadlock impasse logjam

    Imbroglio/ complicated situation

    Jinx-some thing that brings bad luck

    Death knell -last blow

    Kudos honour respect

    Imbued with - filled with

    Impeccable faultless

    Jargon -abstruse

  • Kickback bribe

    Jubilant happy

    Knotty complicated

    Knack art

    Implead hamper

    Innovation-introduce new thing

    Jolt jerk

    Dog in the manger- obstacle

    Done for- to ruin

    Done with - to accomplish

    Done in- tired

    A doubting Thomas- doubtful person

    Not one's cup of tea - beyond of courage

    Curry favour- to benefit by flattery

    Cut corners - to adopt wrong ways

    Call somebody names- to abuse

    Carte blanche- open freedom

    Fallible/liable to err

    Infallible/ one who can't err

    Flagrant /openly wicked

  • Emancipate - to make free

    Envisage imagine

    Fray contest

    Fervent/extremely warm

    Exodus/large scale migration

    Egregious horrible

    Diaspora- to settle permanently

    Endemic- one area

    Epidemic-many areas

    Pandemic- world

    Foolhardy rash reckless

    Fraught with/filled with

    Rain cats and dogs - heavily rain

    Catch somebody napping- to be caught

    Feet of clay- weak part

    Come with may - whatever occurs

    Have one's head in the clouds - to be ignorant