une introduction aux humanités numériques

Une introduction invitation aux humanités numériques Pierre Mounier Open Edition / EHESS Rennes – JE data & capta – 02/04/2013

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Page 1: Une introduction aux humanités numériques

Une introduction invitation aux humanités

numériquesPierre Mounier

Open Edition / EHESS

Rennes – JE data & capta – 02/04/2013

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Digital Humanities – une impossible définition

• « Let’s be honest—there is no definition of digital humanities, if by definition we mean a consistent set of theoretical concerns and research methods that might be aligned with a given dis ci pline, whether one of the established fields or an emerging, transdisciplinary one » : R. Alvarado

• « A few months back, I gave a lunchtime talk called "Digital Humanities: Singular or Plural?" My title was in part a weak joke driven primarily by brain exhaustion » : K. Fitzpatrick

• « Les digital humanities désignent une transdiscipline, porteuse des méthodes, des dispositifs et des perspectives heuristiques liés au numérique dans le domaine des Sciences humaines et sociales ». Manifeste de DH

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Melissa Terras : « how many of us, when asked to explain DH, go “well, its kinda the intersection

of....” – and you lost them at kinda »

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R. Busa : Index Thomisticum

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L’ordinateur : machine à calculer ou machine à communiquer ?

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3 questions pour les humanités numériques

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William Blake Archive

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Visualizing Cultures

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L’Echo de la Fabrique

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Cranach Archive

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Ara Pacis Augustae

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Van Gogh Letters

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Mapping the Republic of Letters (Stanford)

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A. Blanchard : « Ce que le blog apporte à la recherche », in Read/Write Book,

OpenEdition Press, 2011

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Les DH comme outil tactique

• M. Kirschenbaum : « Digital Humanities As/Is a Tactical Term »

• « Digital Humanities thus emerges as « tactical » in the sense that it is also procedural in such an instance, operationalized through the automated functions of a site that harvests a self-selecting group of users who voluntarily affiliate and align themselves within the scope of coverage »

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P. Svenson : « a trading zone and a meeting place » : « the digital humanities

needs to support and allow multiples modes of engagement between the

humanities and the digital in order to touch at the heart of the disciplines,

maximize points of interaction, tackle large research and methodology

challenges, and facilitate deep integration between thinking and making »

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Un ensemble de valeurs ?

• L. Spiro : « This is why we fight »– Openness– Collaboration– Collegiality and connectedness– Diversity– Experimentation

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Methodological Commons (McCarty)

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Merci [email protected]