unesco. executive board; 162nd; report by the director...

162 EX/INF.3 PARIS, 28 September 2001 English & French only UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION EXECUTIVE BOARD Hundred and sixty-second Session Item 3.1.1 of the provisional agenda REPORT BY THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL ON THE EXECUTION OF THE PROGRAMME ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL CONFERENCE SUMMARY As a supplement to the analytical review of programme execution (162 EX/4, Part I), this report contains a list of the main activities (meetings, publications, etc.) carried out during the first semester of 2001.

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162 EX/INF.3PARIS, 28 September 2001English & French only



Hundred and sixty-second Session

Item 3.1.1 of the provisional agenda



As a supplement to the analytical review of programme execution(162 EX/4, Part I), this report contains a list of the main activities(meetings, publications, etc.) carried out during the first semester of2001.

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Programme I.1 – Basic education for all

Conferences and meetings

Experts meeting on Educators for Basic Education Programmes (Paris, 26-28 February 2001).

National Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education (Phnom Penh, Cambodia,2-4 April 2001).

Early childhood training programme for Bhutanese Government officials (New Delhi, India,16-27 April 2001).

Subregional Consultation Meeting on Family Support Policy (Hanoi, Viet Nam, 22-24 May2001).

UNESCO-OECD joint workshops on early childhood within the OECD Sweden Conferenceon Early Childhood Education (Stockholm, Sweden, 14-15 June 2001).

Jury meeting of the International Literacy Prize (Headquarters, 2-6 July 2001).

Meeting of the bilateral and multilateral organizations on the Global Initiative for Educationfor All (Headquarters, 28 February-1 March 2001).

NGO Consultation on the Global Initiative for Education for All (Headquarters, 2 March2001).

Seventh meeting of the Intergovernmental Regional Committee for the Major Project in theField of Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (Cochambamba, Bolivia, 5-7 March2001).

South Asian EFA Forum (Kathmandu, Nepal, 10-12 April 2001).

Regional consultation meeting on APEID (9-11 May 2001).

Programme I.2 – Reform of education in the perspective of education for all throughoutlife

Conferences and meetings

International expert meeting on General Secondary Education in the Twenty-First Century(Beijing, China, May 2001).

Regional conferences for the Pacific countries and the Central Asian Republics on applyingthe Seoul recommendations.

Senior Experts Conference on HIV/AIDS and Education in ECOWAS Countries (EconomicCommunity of West African States) – Towards a Regional Strategy(UNESCO/UNAIDS/USAID) (Elmina, Ghana, 19-24 March 2001).

African Conference on Science Education for Girls in Africa, Lusaka, Zambia, organizedjointly with the Science Sector (18-22 June 2001).

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Panel discussion “Higher Education in Africa in the Information Age”, Geneva, Switzerland,16-18 July 2001 in the context of the ECOSOC High-Level Segment “The role of the UnitedNations system in supporting the efforts of African countries to achieve sustainabledevelopment”.

Plenary meeting of the Global Network for Innovation of Higher Education (Barcelona, Spain,22-23 March 2001).

Expert meeting of the UNESCO Research Management Forum (Paris, 28-29 June 2001).

CASTME-HBCSE-UNESCO International Conference on Science, Technology andMathematics Education for Human Development (Goa, India, 20-23 February 2001).

Regional Workshop on Scientific and Technological Literacy for All in the Arab Region(Beirut, Lebanon, 19-23 March 2001).

Regional Workshop on Teachers’ Materials Creation/Implementation for Science andTechnology Education in Africa (Johannesburg, South Africa, 2-6 April 2001).

Subregional Workshop for South Asia on Integrating Environmental Education into Scienceand Technology Education (Candigarh, India, 19-23 April 2001); subregional Workshop forthe Gulf States on Environmental Education (Dubai, 28-30 April 2001).

South Eastern Mediterranean Sea Project (SEMEP) Summer School and NationalCoordinators’ Meeting (Antalya, Turkey, 28 May-1 June 2001).

UNESCO/DAKAR Schoolconsem IV for sub-Saharan Africa (Dakar, February 2001).

UNESCO/Dakar Technical Consultation on Family Life and Population Education in Africa(Dakar, May 2001).

WHO/UNESCO Fourth Annual meeting of the School Health Component of the WHO MegaCountry Health Promotion Network and the E-9 initiative (Paris, July 2001).

Integrating Environmental Issues in Science Education, Subregional Workshop for the SouthAsian Region, 16-20 April 2001, Chandigarh, India. Report.


Innovations in Science and Technology Education, Volume VIII, on Science and TechnologyEducation in the Twenty-First Century (In preparation).

Local Action: Creating Health Promoting Schools (with WHO).

The Seoul Congress recommendations translated into nine languages and disseminated.

Publication of: Creating our Common Future; Educating for Unity in Diversity; selectedPublications and Documents in Technical and Vocational Education (CD-ROM);biotechnology Educational Modules (CD-ROM); Monograph on Career Guidance andCounselling.

National Education Policies and Programmes and International Cooperation: What Role forUNESCO?

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Guide to teaching and learning in higher education (Arabic) (CD-ROM).

Trilingual catalogue of documents of the Education Sector and the video catalogue.

Education for a sustainable future (Environment, population and development)


Learning and Teaching for a Sustainable Future - A Multimedia Professional DevelopmentProgramme - Second version. 25 topic training package for use by pre-service and in-serviceteachers in formal or non-formal settings.

Greening Science Education. Scientific and Technological Literacy for All; Seven complexlessons in education for the future, (Eng).

Is the Future Yours?, a UNESCO-UNEP Research Project on Youth and SustainableConsumption.

Two volumes of “Mémoires” uniting the substantive documentation of the InternationalMeeting of Experts on Environmental Education which was held in Santiago de Compostelain November 2000.

Cambiar es Posible, Maria Novo, UNESCO Chair on Environmental Education, Spain, 2001;first three issues of the Revue of the Social Observatory on Equity in Colombia, 2001.

Science, art et environnement – ECOART book with the special contributions of the “Caja deAhorros del Mediterraneo – CAM”, Spain, 2001.

Educating for a culture of peace


Informal Experts Meeting on Monitoring the Right to Education (Paris, 23 April 2001).

African Regional Training Workshop for ASPnet National Coordinators (Ouagadougou,Burkina Faso, 16-20 July 2001); third International Workshop for ASPnet OutstandingNational Coordinators and UNESCO Staff (Doha, Qatar, 20-25 January 2001); RegionalASPnet Workshop for Pacific Member States (Auckland, New Zealand, 19-23 March 2001);ASP National Seminar (Havana, Cuba, 23-26 April 2001).

European teacher-training seminar on “Intercultural Learning” (Bet-Berl, Israel,12-23 February 2001).

Latin America World Heritage Youth Forum (Lima, Peru, 26 February-1 March 2001).

African Regional Transatlantic Slave Trade Education Project Youth Encounter (Badagry,Nigeria, 26-30 March 2001); subregional seminar on teaching about the slave trade in theIndian Ocean (Cape Town, South Africa, 7-11 April 2001).

International Workshop on Promoting Peace and Conflict Resolution Education in Schools(New York, United States, 28-29 April 2001).

African Regional Workshop for TST National Coordinators (Banjul, Gambia, 23-27 April2001).

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International Friendship Encounter – Sport for a Culture of Peace (Dinard/St Malo, France,12-17 June 2001).

Regional teacher training workshop to launch the Caribbean Sea “Sandwatch Project” (SaintLucia, 31 May-2 June 2001).

Training seminar for leaders of UNESCO Clubs on education for peace, human rights anddemocracy (Port-au-Prince, Haiti, July 2001).


The Right to Education of Vulnerable Groups whilst Respecting their Cultural Identity (co-published with Intercenter).

Publication of second issue of TST newsletter “Breaking the Silence” and of second issue ofNewsletter “Teachers’ Forum on World Heritage Education”.

Drafting, revision and translation of the texts of “Best practices on conflict resolution atschool” and “L’art de vivre en paix” (English and French); construction of the non-violenceeducation website www.unesco.org/education/nved/index.htm (French and English).

UNESCO International Bureau of Education

Conferences and meetings, seminars and workshops

47th Session of the IBE Council, Geneva, Switzerland, 24-26 January 2001.

Three seminars/forums on the development of teaching programmes for: the Gulf Countries(Muscat, Oman, 17-21 February 2001); the Caribbean region (Cuba, 15-18 May 2001); andAfrica (Kenya, 25-29 June 2001).

Training of specialists from Kosovo, Priština, Kosovo, 2-5 May 2001.

UNESCO Institute for Education

Conferences and meetings

International Conference on Citizenship, Adult Education and Lifelong Learning, organizedin cooperation with the Danish University of Education (Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-6 April2001); International Conference on Lifelong Learning: Global Perspectives in Education(Beijing, China, 1-3 July).

53rd session of the UIE Governing Board, Hamburg (Germany, 24-27 April 2001).

Expert meeting on the use of African languages in education (Mali, 24-28 May 2001).

National Workshop on Effective HIV/AIDS Prevention through Empowering EducationalStrategies and Gender Sensitive Materials, with UNFPA (Philippines, 6-9 June 2001); AfricanWorkshop on Empowering Educational Strategies for AIDS/HIV Preventive Education andGender Sensitive IEC Materials (Nairobi, Kenya, 9-13 July).

Annual meeting of the Collective Consultation of NGOs Education for All (Bangkok,Thailand, 12-14 July).

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UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE)

Conferences and meetings, seminars and workshops

Training seminar “Programme of ICT application in education: projecting national andregional strategies”, IITE (Moscow, 21-22 February 2001).

Workshop “New hard- and soft-ware for education” (in cooperation with IBM), IITE(Moscow, 21 March 2001).

Expert meeting on the development of the IITE information system “ICTs in education: stateof the art, needs and perspectives”, IITE (Moscow, 26-30 March 2001); expert meeting“History education and new information technologies” (in partnership with the Council ofEurope), IITE (Moscow, 5-6 April 2001).

Expert meeting “Digital libraries for education”, IITE (Moscow, 7-9 June 2001).

UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and theCaribbean (IESALC)

Conferences and meetings

Seminar on “New environments in distance higher education” (Lima, Peru, February 2001)

Meeting of the regional committee for the follow-up to the World Conference on HigherEducation (La Plata, Argentina, March 2001).

First extraordinary meeting of the Governing Board (Caracas, Venezuela, May 2001).

Funding for and participation in the seminar on the “University in the twenty-first century:challenges and strategies”, organized by the Inter-University Centre for Development(CINDA), the Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra and the Technological Institute of SantoDomingo (Dominican Republic, June 2001).


Journal Educación Superior y Sociedad. Vol. 11. No. 1-2, 214 pages (1,000 copies); Activityreport for 2000, IESALC, 96 pages (1,000 copies).

University teaching: training of university teachers. UNESCO-IESALC/AUGM Chair. E.Gatti, N. Peré, H. Perera, Editors; Globalization and Higher Education in Latin America andthe Caribbean. Francisco López-Segrera. Respuestas Collection Nos. 17 and 18.

UNESCO International Institute for Capacity-Building in Africa


Telematics applications for education in Africa: creating learning networks for Africaneducators, French-speaking countries (Dakar, Senegal, 11-17 March 2001); and for English-and Portuguese-speaking countries (Kampala, Uganda, 19-23 March 2001).

African Languages Workshop (Bamako, Mali, 20-25 May 2001).

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Programme II.1 - Advancement, transfer and sharing of scientific knowledge

Follow-up to the World Conference on Science


Proceedings of the World Conference on Science (July 2001); publication of the electronicNewsletter on World Conference on Science Follow-up; to date 12 issues have been produced.

UNISPAR Programme

Conferences and meetings

UNESCO-NGO Workshop on Technology for Poverty Reduction and Development (Paris,France, April).

Expert Group Meeting on University Industry Cooperative Technology Development (Harare,Zimbabwe, May).

Science analysis and policies

Conferences and meetings

Regional workshop on the upgrading of absorptive capacities of domestic firms andinstitutions of CEE Countries, in cooperation with the Centre for Innovation Policy Researchand Education for Central and Eastern Europe (Budapest, Hungary, March).

International Conference on Science and Traditions, in cooperation with the Royal Academyof Sciences (Brussels, Belgium, April).

Regional meeting on exchange of experience and best practice in S&T and innovationpolicies (Damascus, Syria, May).

Foundation meeting for the establishment of an Arab Academy of Sciences, organized byUNESCO, ALECSO and TWAS (UNESCO Headquarters, May).


Two forerunner volumes of the Encyclopaedia of Life Support System (English), June.

II.1.1 Advancement, transfer and sharing of knowledge in the basic and engineeringsciences

Conferences and meetings

1st General Conference of the Engineering Institute of Cambodia organized in cooperationwith UNESCO (Phnom Penh, February).

Support was provided by the UNESCO Nairobi Office to the National Conference on the roleof IT in science and engineering education (Abuja, Nigeria, March).

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5th Meeting of the SESAME (Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applicationsin the Middle East) Interim Council (Cairo, Egypt, April).

Collaboration with the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC):

International School and International Conference on Macromolecular and Material Sciences,Stellenbosch University (South Africa, April); International Conference on Fundamentals ofAdsorption and Adsorption Chromatography (Moscow, Russian Federation, April);International Conference on Green Chemistry (Colorado, United States, June); WorldCongress “Frontiers in Chemistry”, in conjunction with IUPAC General Assembly, June-July;International Council of Chemistry (Brisbane, Australia, July); meeting at Ministerial levelconcerning microscience experiments of CEMAC Member States; and inauguration of theCentre of Excellence on microscience experiments (Yaoundé, Cameroon, January).

Euro-Mediterranean Master Classes in New materials and technologies for the conservationand restoration of cultural heritage consisting of natural fibrous polymers (Venice-Naples,February-March).

1st Experimental Plasma International Collaboration Workgroup Meeting (Bangkok,Thailand, May).

Training activities

Inaugural Meeting of the Great Mekong Subregion Academic and Research Network(GMSARN), Asian Institute of Technology (Bangkok, Thailand, January).

Two international workshops on University Science Education, Yerevan, Armenia, andTbilisi, Georgia, June; Fourth Working Group Meeting of ASEAN Virtual University ofScience and Technology (Langkawi, Malaysia, July).

UNESCO-Nairobi awarded five postgraduate training fellowships in basic and engineeringsciences.


The African Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1, June.

Under the UNESCO/American Chemical Society partnership, around 100,000 copies ofscientific books and journals were donated to Kenya, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad.

Promoting research capacities in the biological sciences and biotechnology

Conferences and meetings

Fourth Asia Pacific Biotechnology Congress (Philippines, May).

Training workshops

Six UNESCO/ICRO advanced training courses and international symposia on new advancesin the fields of cell molecular biology organized in Chile, China, Indonesia, Japan, UnitedKingdom and United States, for young researchers from developing countries; support for theparticipation of six young women (Chile, Brazil, Mexico(2), Peru, Uruguay) in aUNESCO/ICRO course: 2001 Yeast Odyssey in Molecular Genetics (Buenos Aires,Argentina, March).

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Within the framework of the MCBN, support was provided for 28 participants fromdeveloping countries to attend the IX International Workshop for Bioencapsulation inMedical, Biotechnological and Industrial Applications (Warsaw, Poland, May).

Under the UNESCO-MIRCEN Programme support was provided for the organization of morethan 10 courses and training workshops, in Africa, Asia and the Pacific and Europe.

Other activities

Support provided to the Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology of Cuba (CIGB)and for activities related to the prevention of HIV/AIDS in Cuba.


In cooperation with the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) provision of online giftsubscriptions to facilitate broader participation of scientists from 33 least developed countries;provision of 25 CD-ROM disks to facilitate through the Electronic Journal of Biotechnology(EJB) the promotion and dissemination of digital education and research in biotechnology to25 least developed countries, primarily in Africa.

Complementary digital material prepared by the MIRCEN in Ljubljana, Slovenia on: Toxicwaste management; Water pollution by waste substances with high toxicity for biosystems;Information methods in biotechnology; and Biotechnology and Globalization were madeavailable to research institutions in the developing countries.

Provision of 75 gift subscriptions the Biotechnology Development Review to academic andresearch institutions in developing countries through cooperation with the Research andInformation System (RIS); and, 75 gift subscriptions of the peer reviewed MIRCEN WorldJournal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology to MIRCENs, especially in Africa andleast developed countries.

Cross-disciplinary partnerships and increasing access to scientific information

Conferences and meetings

International conference on electronic publishing in science, co-organized with ICSU(UNESCO Headquarters, February).

Fellowships and Travel Grants

Twenty UNESCO/L’Oréal fellowships awarded to young women scientists to help thempursue a career in the life sciences; 10 L’Oréal awards granted to promote the role of womenin science.

Other activities

An online directory of science communication organizations developed as a first step increating an international science communication initiative.

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World Solar Programme

Conferences, meetings and seminars

Meeting on the Promotion of Renewable Energies in Africa (Niamey, Republic of Niger,January); Mediterranean Region Renewable Energy Business and Investment Forum(Marrakesh, Morocco, May).

Training of trainers course on the use of the educational solar platform (Harare, Zimbabwe,April); 2001 China International Training Course on Solar Energy Application Technology(Gansu Province, Dhine, June-July).

II.1.2 Advancement, transfer and sharing of knowledge in the social and humansciences

Chairs/training activities

Further expansion and consolidation of existing university networks, such as the UNITWINForced Migration Network; the WHO-UNESCO-UNISOL Network (“Universities and thehealth of the disadvantaged”) joined by 17 universities from all regions, plus AHEC, anacademic umbrella NGO including 45 American health education centres; and the AfricanUNISOL Chapter created, during the African Regional UNISOL Congress (Nairobi, Kenya,11-14 June 2001).

Support provided for the creation of the following UNESCO Chairs on SustainableDevelopment: a new UNESCO Chair for the training of Sustainable DevelopmentProfessionals at University Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3 (France); new Chair/relatedNetwork established with the international academic NGO “PRELUDE” at the Faculties ofNotre-Dame-de-la-Paix (Namur, Belgium), (42 institutions worldwide).

An international congress on human development organized by the UNESCO Chair of Vic(Catalonia, Spain, 8-10 February 2001); production by the UNESCO Chair of sustainabledevelopment of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro of video material and a CD-ROM onthe methodology of participative action.

Support for the development of a UNESCO Chair on Social Sciences at the University ofOmar Bongo, Gabon; new interdisciplinary Masters Degree geared to the needs of futureurban professionals created at the UNESCO-ITESO Chair (Guadalajara, Mexico).

Development of the “City Professionals” – Network. A supplementary survey is beingconducted in order to retain candidates from around 10 Latin American and Caribbeancountries.

Two meetings held for the launching of a worldwide network of architects (follow-up to the(International Union of Architects) UIA/UNESCO charter); launching of a network ofuniversities and architecture schools with the scope to generate new curricula on“Environment and landscape”, in the Arab region, with the support of University of Montreal(Canada), and Cobson University (New Zealand).

Further initiatives include two training seminars for young urban specialists carried out withthe cooperation of IsoCAaRP; the UNESCO Prize for architecture which focused on the topicof water(Tunis); and the UNESCO Prize for landscape architecture (Singapore).

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The International Social Science Journal appeared quarterly in six languages (Englishhardcopy and electronic; Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian hardcopy; Spanish electronic)(No. 167 March 2001 “Federalism”, No. 168 June 2001 “Science and its cultures”).

Development of the MOST Clearing House website (http://www.unesco.org/most). Threenew issues of the MOST e-Journal on Multicultural Societies prepared, focusing on“Managing religious diversity” and on “Endangered minority languages and efforts forsurvival”. Updating of the existing “Best practices on indigenous knowledge database”(http://www.unesco.org/most/bpindi.htm).

Updating of the DARE Databank Internet version; and of the data bank on Social ScienceOnline Periodicals on Internet and the publication of the “UNESCO databases” CD-ROM,2000 edition; publication, in March 2001, of an Internet database of human rights institutes(http://intranet2.unesco.org/fileh/HRWEBintro.shtml) and, in May 2001, of the fifth edition ofthe 2001 edition of the World directory of human rights research and training institutions.

Programme II.2 – Sciences, environment and socio-economic development

II.2.1 Earth sciences, earth system management and natural disaster reduction

Conferences, meetings, seminars, workshops

IGCP Scientific Board meeting (UNESCO Headquarters, February).

United Nations Scientific & Technical Subcommittee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space.UNESCO co-organized a special session on the use of space technology in natural hazardstudies (Vienna, Austria, February).

Meeting of the United Nations-Geographic Information Working Group, UNESCO co-chaired the task force on training and education (Rome, March).

Biannual international conference of the Geological Society of Africa (GSAf) (Yaounde,Cameroon, March-April).

Steering Committee meeting on the IUGS-UNESCO Mineral Deposit Modelling Programme(DMP) (UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, April).

Meeting on the organization of a geo-hazard theme study in the framework of IGOS, co-organized with ICSU (UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, May).

Steering Committee meeting on the UNESCO-IUGS Geological Applications of remoteSensing Programme (UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, June).

International regional conference on Geomedicine in Eastern and Southern Africa (Lusaka,Zambia, June-July).


Proceedings of International Conference on “Challenges and perspectives of InterdisciplinaryGeo-Networks in East Africa”, being held in Kampala, 25-27 October 1999: with financialsupport of UNESCO and DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) printed as Vol. 136of the journal Documenta Naturae.

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Proceedings of the Conference “Saline/Alkaline Lakes in Eastern and Southern Africa”(Nairobi, September 2000); proceedings of “Annual Conference of the Geological Society ofKenya” (Nairobi, November 2000), in press.

Proceedings of the “First Uganda Seismic Safety Association International Conference onEarthquake Disaster Preparedness” (Kampala, December 2000).

Electronic publication of an updated version of the Directory of Geoscientific Departments ofUniversities and Research Centres in Latin America and the Caribbean.

II.2.2 Ecological Sciences and the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme

Conferences and meetings

First meeting of the Asia-Pacific Cooperation for the Sustainable Use of Renewable NaturalResources in Biosphere Reserves and Similarly Managed Areas (ASPACO) (Nusa Dua, Bali,Indonesia, February).

Regional Meeting of Coordinators of MAB National Committees and Biosphere Reserves inSouth and Central Asia (Dehra Dun, India, February).

Bureau of the MAB ICC, March.

Technical workshop with Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger, for the establishment of atransboundary biosphere reserve, May.

VI IberoMAB network meeting: Reflections and perspectives of the MAB programme inCentral America and the Caribbean (Costa Rica, June).

International symposium: El Manu and other experiences of research and management ofneotropical forests (Peru, June).


UNESCO International Workshop on Economic Development and Ecological andEnvironmental Protection of the Western Part of China (Kumming, China, April).

Programme on Conservation of Plants and Environmental Education for Schoolchildren –targeting 200 schoolchildren from Bogor and Jakarta (Indonesia) – (October 2000-February2001).


Production on map on World Network on Biosphere Reserves in Arabic, Chinese, German,Portuguese and Russian.

Production and distribution of five People and Plants Conservation Videos among Africaninstitutions by the UNESCO Nairobi Office; production of photos of Biosphere Reserves inChina and a poster series on the MAB programme in China.

“Seville+5” Proceedings in MAB Report Series No. 69; special issue of PARKS magazine onBiosphere Reserves.

Education kit on desertification in 4,000 copies in English, French, Spanish.

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Other activities

Elaboration and approval of a regional project to support biosphere reserves in six WestAfrican countries (financed by GEF/UNEP).

Consultancies and technical advice to Member States on new biosphere reserves or revisionof old sites, e.g. for Burkina Faso, Gabon, Kuwait, Libya, Malawi, Oman, PDR of Korea,Russian Federation.

II.2.3 Hydrology and water resources development in a vulnerable environment

Conferences, meetings and seminars

Meeting of Global Water Partnership (GWP)/South America Technical Advisory Committee(SAMTAC) (Uruguay, January).

Preparatory workshop for the World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) (Switzerland,January).

FRIEND 2002 Conference – first planning meeting (South Africa, February).

Symposium on water resources pollution and its control strategy, Assiut University, February.

Meeting of ISARM (Internationally Shared Aquifer Resource Management) for InternationalGuaran Aquifer (Argentina, March).

Asia-Pacific workshop on ecohydrology (Indonesia, March); workshop on social watermanagement (Morocco, March); workshop on water conflict resolution (Austria, April).

First international conference on salt water intrusion and coastal aquifers – monitoring,modelling and management (Morocco, April).

Third international water symposium: Water, mankind and knowledge (France, May).

Inter-agency working group on groundwater (France, May); third international conference onfuture groundwater resources at risk (Portugal, June); International conference ongroundwater quality (United Kingdom, June).

International symposium on frontiers in urban water management: Deadlock or hope?(France, June).


Environmental isotopes in the hydrological cycle – Vols. IV, V and VI. TDH No. 39; urbandrainage in specific climates – Vols. I, II and III: Urban drainage in the humid tropics. TDHNo. 40.

Integration of social and technical science in groundwater monitoring and management:groundwater pollution study on Lifuka, Ha’apai, Tonga; Recharge study on Bonriki, SouthTarawa, Kiribati. TDH No. 43.

Design and implementation strategy of the HELP initiative. TDH No. 44; proceedings of theinternational symposium “Frontiers in urban water management: Deadlock or hope?”. TDHNo. 45.

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Public participation in the design of local strategies for flood mitigation and control. TDHNo. 48; Karst 2000. TDH No. 49.

Guidelines for non-structural measures for urban flood mitigation. TDH No. 50.

Environment and Development in Coastal Regions and in Small Islands (CSI).

Conferences, meetings and seminars

Media seminar “What Future for our Coasts?” (Comoros, January).

International seminar on Small Historic Coastal Cities: Balanced urban development betweenland, sea and people (Lebanon, May).

Training courses and workshops

Workshop on Wise Coastal Practices for Beach Management (Turks and Caicos Islands,February); UNESCO/CSI-UNDP co-sponsored workshop on Sustainable Tourism (UluganBay, Philippines, March); workshop on Integrated Management of Coastal Areas (Santiago deCuba, May); interregional workshop on Furthering Coastal Stewardship in Small Islands,Dominica, July.

Other activities

A competition on designing environmentally friendly waste bin for separate collection; WasteManagement Programme for Traditional Markets. CSI exhibition during the “EnvironmentalExpo 2001” (Jakarta, May-June).

Lagos Flooding Project Public Awareness Campaign, Lagos (Nigeria, June-August).


CSI Papers 7. Yoff, le territoire assiégé. Un village lébou dans la banlieue de Dakar (French);CSI Papers 8. Indigenous People and Parks: The Surin Islands Project (English).

Final report of the 1998 on-site seminar, Omisalj (Croatia) (parts in Italian, French andEnglish, plus CD-ROM).

Video on Urban Development and Freshwater Resources: Small Coastal Cities – the Omisaljcase (French, Italian and Croatian); Video on Hurricane Irene: the social and environmentalimpacts.

II.2.4 UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission

Conferences and meetings

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Conference (Shanghai, China, January).

International Council of Science Capacity-Building Meeting (Paris, France, February).

Benthic Indicator Group, 3rd Meeting (Charleston, United States, February/March).

Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (Recife, Brazil, March).

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Second regional meeting on the IOC/Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea/GlobalEnvironment Facility Project on the Development and Protection of the Marine and CoastalEnvironment in sub-Saharan Africa, Mombasa (Kenya, March).

International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) Steering Group on theIODE Resource Kit, First Session, Miami, Florida, USA, March.

Fourth session of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Steering Committee (Vina delMar, Chile, March). Sixth Session of the Sponsors Group for Global Observing Systems(Paris, France, May). Seventh Session of the Integrated Global Observing Strategy Partners(Paris, June).

Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network South Asia, Evaluation Meeting (Maldives, March).

Sixth session of the Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (Melbourne, Australia, April).

International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) (New Hampshire, UnitedStates, May).

Integrated Coastal Area Management Group of Experts Review Meeting (Paris, France, May).

Great Rivers Forum, Novgorod (Russian Federation, May).

First meeting of the Intergovernmental Working Group on IOC Oceanographic DataExchange Policy (Brussels, Belgium, May).

International Conference on Marine Pollution/Ecotoxicology Group (Hong Kong, June).

Advisory Board of Experts on the Law of the Sea, First Meeting (Paris, France, June).

Joint global ocean flux study-world ocean circulation experiment CO2 transport workshop(Southampton, United Kingdom, June).

Census of Marine Life Workshop (Phuket, Thailand, June).

Second Coastal Ocean Observations Panel Meeting (Trieste, Italy, June).

Fifth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Global Ocean Observing System(GOOS) (Paris, France, June).


Ad hoc Benthic Indicator Group Results of Initial Planning Meeting. 1999. 65 pp. (TechnicalSeries, 57) (English).

El Niño: fact and fiction. 1999. 2000. 116 pp. By Bruno Voituriez and Guy Jacques. (IOCOcean Forum /Editions UNESCO). (French, English, Spanish).

Des outils et des hommes pour une gestion intégrée des zones côtières (Guideméthodologique, Volume II). 2001. 64 pp. (Manuals and Guides, 42). (French. Englishforthcoming); Guidelines for the study of shoreline change in the Western Indian OceanRegion. 2000. 55 pp. (Manuals and Guides, 40). (English); Guidelines for vulnerabilitymapping of coastal zones in the Indian Ocean. 2000. 40 pp. (Manuals and Guides, 38).(English, French).

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IOC Annual Report 1999. 2000. 77 pp. (Annual Report Series, 6). (English); IOCStatutes/Statuts/Estatutos/Yctab. July 2000. (IOC/INF-1148). (English/French/Spanish/Russian).

Multidisciplinary study of geological processes on the North East Atlantic and WesternMediterranean Margins, 1999. 2000. 128 pp. (Technical Series, 56) (English).

II.2.5 Social transformations and development

Conferences, meetings and seminars

Organization by MOST, during the World Social Forum in Porto-Alegre of two round tables:one on civil society and the public sphere, and the other on the democratization of globalgovernance (January 2001); MOST meeting in Ankara (Turkey) on relations between theglobal and local levels (26 February 2001).

Meeting of the Scientific Steering Committee of the MOST Programme (Paris, 12-13 March2001); meeting of Intergovernmental Council of the Management of Social Transformations(MOST) Programme (Paris, 14-17 March 2001).

Fourth Conference of the APMRN network (Manila, Philippines, 19-22 March 2001).

Round table on social sciences in the Arab world (Rabat, Morocco, 7-13 May 2001).

Third international seminar on “Urban development: finding a balance among land sea andpeople” (Saida, Lebanon, 28-31 May 2001); subregional workshop with researchers andlocally elected officials from Senegal, Burkina Faso and Mali concerning local urbangovernance and the struggle against poverty organized in cooperation with ENDA-TiersMonde ECOPOP (Dakar, May 2001).

United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Istanbul+5 (review of HABITAT II).Organization of a UNESCO exhibition on “Humanizing the city” and a round table, on8 June, on “Participatory governance: a key issue in combating poverty” (5-8 June 2001).

Regional symposium on social sciences and struggle against poverty in Africa organized bythe Conference of Ministers for Research-Development in West and Central Africa (Yaoundé,Cameroon, 19-21 June 2001).


Management of Social Transformations, International Political Science Association, Vol. 22No. 1, Choucri Nazli; Laponce, Jean; Meadowcroft, James (eds.) (January 2001).

Teaching international relations after the Cold War, Institute of International Relations andPolitical Science, edited by R. Lopata and Nortautas Statkus, Vilnius University (Lithuania,February 2001); Anthropology, Theoretical Practice in Culture and Society, Herzfeld Michael,UNESCO-MOST, Blackwell Publishers (February 2001).

Publication of Nommer les nouveaux territoires urbains, Les mots de la ville, Rivière d'Arc,Hélène (ed.), UNESCO/Ed. de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (April 2001).

L’habitat urbain populaire en terre à Cusco, Wilfredo Carazas Aedo, Peru, Etablissementshumains et environnement socio-culturel, UNESCO (May 2001).

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Towards a culture of peace

Conferences, meetings and seminars

Subregional workshop on the promotion of democratic culture and governance in South-EastEurope (Istanbul, Turkey, 26-28 June 2001).

In cooperation with the Ethno-Net Africa network, conference on the theme “Meeting Africaat crossroads: complex political emergencies in the twenty-first century” (Douala, Cameroon,21-23 May 2001); workshop on “Democracy and democratic governance” (Windhoek,Namibia, September 2001).

Second meeting of the network Africa for the promotion of tolerance and non-violence on thetheme “Identities and citizenship – towards tolerance and a peaceful future in Africa” (Dakar,Senegal, 19-22 March 2001).

Participation by UNESCO in the “Supplementary human dimension meeting promotingtolerance and non discrimination” organized by the Organization for Security andCooperation in Europe (OSCE) (Vienna, Austria, 18-19 June 2001).

Advisory services

Feasibility study for the launching of a pilot programme on education for democracy inCentral Asia.


Updating and dissemination, including through UNESCO’s Internet site, of a reference workcontaining a world directory of institutions and organizations working in the field ofdemocracy, a bibliography of the main publications on this theme since 1990 and a list of themain international and regional meetings.

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Culture and development

Conferences, meetings and seminars

Two-week seminar on cultural development (Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 8-19 January 2001),which led to the elaboration of A Teacher Training Manual on Cultural Development.

Meeting of Leaders of Cultural Agencies (Wellington, March 2001).

Support to the organization of the XII Forum of Ministers of Culture of Latin America and theCaribbean (Santo Domingo, March 2001); and to the organization of the second InternationalCongress on Culture and Development (Havana, June 2001).

First meeting of APPAN: Advisory Board of Asia Pacific Performing Arts Network (NewDelhi, 2001).

Training activities

As a follow-up to a first consultative meeting (August 2000), two regional workshops wereorganized in view of the launching of the Observatory of Cultural Policies in Africa (Pretoria,29-30 January 2001 and Cape Town, 7-9 May 2001).

Training workshop for the Arab Mediterranean countries on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Carein Morocco (Fez, June 2001); 65 participants from Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Lebanon,Mauritania and Libya took part.

Training in wood carving, glass mosaic, gold-leaf stencil etc., within the framework of theproject “Cultural survival in Luang Prabang: documentation, education and training torevitalize traditional temple arts and building crafts within the Laotian Buddhist Sangha”(Luang Prabang, Lao PDR, 2001).

In the framework of the follow-up to the international conference on the training of culturalmanagers (UNESCO, November 2000) setting up of two new UNESCO Chairs in culturalpolicy and management in Girona (Spain) and Bratislava (Slovakia).


The book entitled European perspectives on cultural policy was published as the first issue ofthe new “Culture, Development and Society Series”.

In the context of the joint UNESCO/UNAIDS project “A cultural approach to HIV/AIDSprevention and care”, publication of the nine country assessments (Angola, Malawi, SouthAfrica, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Thailand and bordering countries, Cuba, Dominican Republic,Jamaica) and of the Summary report of these studies (2000).

Other activities

Development of a website and a list serve for the International Network of Observatories onCultural Policies and of a cooperative international research project on “Sustainablemunicipal cultural policies” coordinated by the Observatory of Cultural policies ofMontevideo.

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Financial and technical assistance to nine pilot communities to prepare heritage-tourismcommunity case studies in Asia.

Programme III.1 – Preservation and enhancement of the cultural and natural heritage

III.1.1 Safeguard and revitalization of the tangible and intangible heritage

Conferences, meetings and seminars

International seminar “Small historical coastal cities: Urban development – finding a balanceamong land, sea and people” (Saïda, Lebanon, 26-31 May 2001).

International symposium (Bucharest, Romania, 26-28 April 2001) on “Management of privateproperty in Historic City-Centres of the European countries in transition” (financed byUNESCO and the French Government).

International round table on the theme “Intangible cultural heritage – working definitions”(Turin, Italy, 14-17 March).

Regional seminar on the application of the Recommendation on the Safeguarding ofTraditional Culture and Folklore in the Caribbean (Kingston, Jamaica, 28-30 May);Conference and round table for Central and Eastern European Parliamentarians on the theme“Folk culture at the beginning of the third millennium: new challenges and means of support”(Vilnius, Lithuania, 6-10 June 2001).

Joint UNESCO-ICRC Regional Seminar for Southern Africa Development Community(SADC) States on Implementation of International Humanitarian Law and Cultural HeritageLaw (Pretoria, South Africa, 19-21 June 2001).

Eleventh session of the Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of CulturalProperty to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in case of Illicit Appropriation (PhnomPenh, Cambodia, 6-9 March 2001).

Seminar on national legislation for the protection of cultural heritage (Dushanbe, Tajikistan,14-18 May 2001).

International symposium on “Conserving cultural heritage for sustainable social economy andtourism development – Learning from Bali Cultural Heritage Conservation and InternationalExperiences”, co-organized with the World Bank and the Asia West Pacific Network forUrban Conservation (Bali, 9-14 July 2001).

Training activities

Workshops for over 150 senior museum staff and directors in Central Asia and the Caucasusorganized jointly with the Soros Foundation.

International training workshop on the Living Human Treasures System (Tokyo, Japan,13-23 February 2001).

Workshop for UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the IllicitImport, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (Nadi, Fiji, June 2001);Workshop relating to the UNESCO/Japan FIT project for the revitalization of indigenouslanguages in Melanesia (Nadi, Fiji, August 2001).

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Conference/workshop on Conserving the Past – An Asian Perspective of Authenticity in theConsolidation, Restoration and Reconstruction of Historic Monuments and Sites (Hoi An andMy Son, 25 February-3 March 2001).

Capacity-building in cultural resource management through the preparation of a zoning andenvironmental management plan for the preservation of Wat Phu and associatedarchaeological sites within the framework for sustainable development of Champasak, LaoPeople’s Democratic Republic (Champasak, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 2001).

Training courses for the indigenous community stakeholders involved in the project Nam HaEcotourism: Integrated planning for culturally and Ecologically Sustainable TourismDevelopment through District and Local Community Management Project (Nam Ha, VietNam, 2001).

Advisory services

Two expert missions to Kosovo to prepare projects for the restoration of religious monumentsand urban centres; technical study mission to Algeria for the restoration of the Nedroma andthe Sidi Braham Mosques.


Publication of the proceedings of the symposium on “Angkor and water” (FITUNESCO/France).

Publication of a guide on the exhibition “Ethiopia: a rich cultural heritage”, and of the reportInventory techniques workshop and the management of the World Heritage Sites at Axum andLalibela.

First issue of “Cahiers du patrimoine africain”, comprising a guide for the heritagecoordinator; publication Mapping Memories – Short Stories from India and Pakistan.

Publication of the English version of the Handbook for the Collection of Traditional Musicand Musical Instruments.

Other activities

Exhibition on wall paintings in Buddhist monasteries in Cambodia (Geneva Museum ofEthnography) from 15 March to 30 April 2001.

Study on the preservation and the enhancement of the cultural heritage sites in Saharancountries. (This study is an addendum to the document entitled Strategy for sustainabletourism development in the Sahara, thereby supplementing aspects relating to the culturalheritage.)

Creation of a special Funds-in-Trust for Afghanistan (406/AFG/70) in 28 February 2001;photographic exhibition held during the World Heritage Bureau Meeting and the ExecutiveBoard; agreements with NGOs, in particular SPACH, the Foundation for Cultural Heritage(Bunkazai Hogo Shinko Zaidan, Japan) and the Afghanistan Museum in Switzerland tosupport the taking into custody of Afghan cultural property available on the art market.

Signing, on 15 May 2001, of the financial agreement with the European Commission for therestoration of the Khan Al-Wakalat caravansary in the old city of Nablus; restoration of theKuttab situated in rue Zaouia Boukria in the Medina of Tunis (January-August 2001);

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launching in May 2001 of a major project to safeguard and restore the ancient silk road city ofOtrar in Kazakhstan funded by Japanese Funds-in-Trust.

International meeting of experts (Tehran, 25-27 June 2001): follow-up to the six regionalstudies carried out by the Accra, Apia, Beirut, Mexico, New Delhi and Tashkent offices onthe theme “Women, the intangible cultural heritage and development”.

Contracts for the production of 12 CDs in the UNESCO collection of traditional music.

Preservation of the wall paintings of a medieval temple in Punjab (India) with theparticipation of local community; restoration of Wanla Monastery in Ladakh with localmaterials and traditional technologies in collaboration with local schools and villagers(India/Pakistan).

III.1.2 Promotion of the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural andNatural Heritage

Conferences, meetings and seminars

A World Heritage Indigenous Peoples Forum held in conjunction with the twenty-fourthsession of the World Heritage Committee (Cairns, 2000). The main recommendation of theForum was to establish a World Heritage Indigenous Peoples Council of Experts (WHIPCOE).

Expert meetings: on biodiversity of designated and potential World Heritage sites in tropicalkarst ecosystems of Asia and the Pacific, Gunung Mulu National Park (Malaysia, 25-30 May2001); and on the identification of the World Heritage tropical coastal, marine and smallisland ecosystems (Palawan, Philippines, 17-21 September 2001).

Global Strategy and Periodic Reporting Meeting for World Heritage Cultural Properties inSouth-East Asia, Toraja, Indonesia (24-28 April 2001).

Conference of the Mayors of World Heritage Cities of the Americas (April 2001) incooperation with the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC).

World Heritage Youth Forum (Lima, 26 February-2 March 2001).

Training activities

Preparatory workshop for a regional training course on the application of the World HeritageConvention and its role in sustainable development and tourism (Roseau, Dominica,January 2001).

Two workshops “World Heritage in the Young Hands” in the Pacific; training workshop formanagers of World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites with special attention to theinvolvement of community-based volunteers and the implementation of related pilot projectsin Fiji, Tonga and Vanuatu.

Training workshops: in conservation techniques of archaeological remains with particularfocus on the daub grass growth at Taxila World Heritage Site (Lahora and Taxila, Pakistan,January 2001); in the preparation of World Heritage nomination dossiers and sitemanagement plans (People’s Democratic Republic of Korea, 2001); Mayors of WorldHeritage Cities (Suwon, Republic of Korea, 2001).

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Regional Workshop for the Preparation of Periodic Reports on the State of Conservation ofWorld Heritage Sites in Asia (Kyongju, Republic of Korea, July 2001).


Preparation of Management Guidelines for Cultural Landscapes in 2000-2001, forpublication in 2002.

Proceedings of the Workshop on Cultural Heritage of the Caribbean and the World HeritageConvention, Martinique (1998) published in May 2001.

Publication of supplementary reading material on the Hue World Heritage Site: One versionis for primary school students entitled “The Complex of Hue Monuments – The WorldCultural Heritage” and the second version is for secondary school students entitled “Hue –The World Cultural Heritage” , both in Vietnamese.


Promotion of the World Heritage Education Kit through UNESCO ASPnet and thedevelopment of teaching materials tailored to the Pacific region by using the World HeritageEducation Kit.

Programme III.2 – Promotion of living cultures

III.2.1 Promotion and protection of creativity

Conferences, meetings and seminars

Coordination meeting for the programme on arts education attended by the leading partners(UNESCO, Paris, 2 April 2001).

International seminar and festival of indigenous theatre, 18-20 February, Dacca (Bangladesh);Regional conference on arts education in Africa (Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 24-30 June2001).

Twelfth ordinary session of the Intergovernmental Committee of the Universal CopyrightConvention (UNESCO Headquarters, 18-22 June 2001); Eighteenth ordinary session of theIntergovernmental Committee of the Rome Convention (27-28 June 2001).

Training activities

International workshop for young professionals from the Latin America and Caribbean region“Socio-cultural language and training in the construction and de-construction of the subject’sidentity” and ITI Meeting for ITI Centres of the Americas and the Caribbean, 21-23 March,Mexico and Xalapa (Mexico).


Publication of two issues of the IMC Newsletter and one issue of the review Resonance; andof the literary review PEN International.

Wide distribution of the Guide to the Collective Administration of Authors’ Rights in Englishand French. Co-publication of the Russian version of the UNESCO’s first internationalManual on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights has been co-published.

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Preparatory work for the creation of Chairs in Copyright and Neighbouring Rights at theuniversities in Beijing (China), Rabat (Morocco) and Tbilisi (Georgia) were in the final stage(2001); assistance in training of future UNESCO Chair holders from Cameroon and Senegal,and preparatory work for the inauguration of the Chairs to be created in 2001.

Fourteen UNESCO Chairs were granted financial assistance for the purchase of legalliterature and subscription to foreign specialized journals; two UNESCO Chairs specialized inteaching of copyright and neighbouring rights created in Algeria and Jordan.

The capacities of the network of UNESCO Chairs in Latin America – RAMLEDA – (eightChairs) improved through financial assistance for the purchase of legal literature andinformation materials.

Other activities

Financial contribution: (i) to the Higher Institute of Arts for the creation of a diploma in artsociology; (ii) to the National School of Music of the National Centre for Art Schools for theacquisition of equipment (Cuba); support to arts teaching institutions for the preparation ofteaching aids in traditional music and dance (Tanzania); financial and technical contributiontowards the organization of a summer music camp for young people (Haiti) and the holding ofthe first festival of choirs and orchestras of Burundi.

Technical support/financial contribution for arts education and musical training activities inthe Dominican Republic, Paraguay and Venezuela.

Polyphonic meetings and workshops in the performance of choral music, training workshopson traditional music and dance for Portuguese-speaking teachers.

Organization of four radio broadcasting forums for young composers of electro-acousticmusic and young performers.

Support to activities (exhibitions, publications, meetings, poetic activities in secondaryschools, literary creation, poetry workshops, etc.) in Morocco, Jamaica and Senegal (April2001).

Participation in the international discussions on the actual copyright problems held by theAgence de la Francophonie (2001) and the Diplomatic Conference held by WIPO on therights of audiovisual performances (2001).

Technical assistance for the preparation of projects “Fundación del Cine Latinoamericano”,“Escuela Internacional de Cine”, “Oficina del Conservador de Trinidad”, “Museo Nacional deBellas Artes” (January-June 2001).

III.2.2 Promotion of craftwork and design

Training workshops

Working seminar on the training of the women trainers on marketing of traditional textiles inthe region of Luang-Prabang, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 19-30 March 2001; firstinternational workshop on lead and fuel substitution in traditional glazed pottery (Patzcuaro,Mexico, 12-25 May 2001).

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International Craft Trade Fair – A Practical Guide; Creative crafts workers 1996-2001 –UNESCO Crafts Prize.

Other activities

Organization of several exhibitions, including African Children’s Toys (UNESCOHeadquarters, April 2001); the works of the UNESCO Crafts Prize laureates from 1996-2001(UNESCO Headquarters, April-May 2001); “Khmer dances and silks” (UNESCOHeadquarters, June-July 2001); and “Continuous Connection” Design (New York, May 2001).

III.2.3 Books and cultural industries

Conferences, meetings and seminars

“MERCOSUR forum on cultural diversity in a globalized economy” (Asunción), 24-27 May2001; participation in the meeting of the MERCOSUR ministers of culture on culturalindustries in the subregion (Santiago de Chile, May 2001).

Training activities

Workshop on cultural diversity and cultural industries (organized in collaboration with theCouncil of Europe and the Russian Ministry of Culture, Moscow, 25-26 June 2001).

Towards a culture of peace

From interculturality to cultural pluralism

Conferences, meetings and seminars

International colloquium on “The Indus Valley Civilization” inaugurated by the Director-General (Islamabad, Pakistan, 6-8 March 2001).

An international conference on Dialogue among Civilizations (Vilnius, 23-26 April 2001),was held under the auspices of UNESCO, the President of the Republic of Lithuania and thePresident of the Republic of Poland; round table on Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogueas part of Dialogue among Civilizations organized at Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (25-26 June 2001).

Meeting of the Academic Council of the International Institute for the Study of NomadicCivilizations (IISNC, Ulan Bator) held at Ankara, May 2001, at the invitation of the BaskentUniversity and the Turkish International Cooperation Agency (TIKA).

Conference on “Heritage, communication and cultural management: towards a sustainableMediterranean”, held in May 2001 in Valence, Spain, and organized by the local authoritiesand the Mediterranean Council for Culture.


Strengthening of the network of UNESCO Chairs for interreligious and intercultural dialogueby the holding of several seminars, symposia and workshops on this theme.

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Publication of Volume II, Du troisième millénaire au VIIe siècle avant J.-C. (July 2001), withthe financial support of the Agence de la Francophonie; and of two parts of Volume III of theGeneral History of Latin America, Consolidación del orden colonial, in February andJune 2001 respectively.

Publication of “Silk Roads: Highways of Culture and Commerce”, co-published by UNESCOand Berghann Books, United States; production of a DVD, “Silk, Scents and Spice” (mastercopy) (July 2001), based on the UNESCO Silk Roads project.

Other activities

Filming (in progress) of a documentary on “The slave route”, a UNESCO/ARTE co-production; exhibition “Pompeii: nature, science and technology” at the Palais de laDécouverte, Paris, and organization on that occasion of five round tables.

Training workshop on integrated zones for government officials from southern Mediterraneancountries, held in May-June 2001 and sponsored by the Escola d’Administració Pública deCatalunya and the Collège des Hautes Etudes Européennes.

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Programme IV.1 – Free flow of ideas

IV.1.1 Freedom of expression, democracy and peace

Advisory services to Member States

Assistance to Albania, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Sri Lanka in adapting medialegislation to internationally recognized democratic standards (January-July 2001).

Conferences, meetings and seminars

Participation in the seminar on freedom of expression and media for development (Castellon,Spain, March 2001).

Organization of the second meeting of the follow-up to the Santiago Declaration, with specialemphasis on broadcasting in Latin America (Miami, Florida, March 2001).

Co-organization: with the International Press Institute and the Lebanese American Universityof seminar on freedom of expression and the media (Lebanon, Beirut, May 2001); with theSouth-East Asian Press Alliance, of a regional conference on press freedom (Phnom Penh,Cambodia, 3 May 2001); and with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, of a subregionalseminar on promoting human rights and a culture of peace (Rabat, Morocco, 3-5 May 2001).

Support for a conference in Caribbean small island states on free media and development(St Georges, Grenada, 26-29 May 2001) and for a meeting on media policy in Angola(July 2001).

Training activities

Continued support for the training of journalists of Beta News Agency in the FederalRepublic of Yugoslavia and the creation of an information exchange among independentpress agencies (January-July 2001).

Other activities

Launching of Network for Education and Academic Freedom (NEAR) for collaboration oforganizations working on issues of academic freedom and education (Paris, France,June 2001).

Continued support for local productions of documentaries and news reports (Bosnia andHerzegovina, Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, January-July 2001) and for theregional journalism training centre’s “media plan” and its regional information network(Sarajevo, February-November 2001); continued funding from Finland for a media adviser aspart of the team of media in conflict and post-conflict areas in the former Yugoslavia.

IV.1.2 Media, information and society

Conferences, meetings and seminars

Support for the first conference of Latin American women journalists (Brazil, 3-5 May2001).

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Workshop on safeguarding the African documentary heritage (Cape Town, South Africa,February 2001).

Fourth international symposium on electronic theses and dissertations (Pasadena, California,United States, March 2001).

Expert meeting on digital content development for information societies in the Asia/PacificRegion (Tokyo, Japan, 26-28 March 2001).

Meeting of 24 governmental experts to finalize the draft recommendation on the promotionand use of multilingualism and universal access to cyberspace (Paris, France, 9-10 April2001).

Biennial consultative meeting of INFOLAC (Trinidad and Tobago, June 2001).

Fifth meeting of the International Advisory Committee of the “Memory of the World”Programme (Cheongju City, June 2001).

Training activities

Workshop to introduce basic concepts of media education/media literacy (Auckland, NewZealand, March 2001).

Training workshop on access to information for women in rural areas (Ust Kamenogorsk,Kazakhstan, 18-22 June 2001); co-organization (with the Federation of Media Women inSADC) of training workshops on the use of ICTs for women journalists (Lesotho and Malawi,January-March 2001); script-writing workshop for women (Kingston, Jamaica, June 2001).

Awareness training on the Internet and introduction to basic media education concepts foryouth leaders (Apia, Samoa, July 2001); subregional training workshop on ICTs for youthleaders (Hyderabad, India, July 2001).

Three training courses for electronic thesis and dissertations project directors (Cartagena deIndias, Colombia; Montevideo, Uruguay; and Recife, Brazil, January-July 2001).

Training seminar in the use of IDAMS (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, May 2001);international workshop on the use of free software in social areas (Havana, Cuba, 24-28 June2001).

Major publications and documents

Publication of three guides on youth media education in partnership with the GoteborgUniversity (Sweden, January 2001).

Production of three CD-ROMs: “UNESCO Information Processing Tools” (May 2001);“Classic Polish Literature” (May 2001); and “Safeguarding our documentary heritage”.

Other activities

Joint launching (with the International Federation of Journalists) of Women Make the News2001 (5-11 March 2001).

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Support to the Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC) and theUNESCO Chair, Sookmyung Women’s University of Seoul, Republic of Korea, to produce agender equality tool kit for media practitioners (Singapore, June-July 2001).

Launch of the online version of “The Tale of Genji” (January 2001); and the Global HeritagePavilion (January 2001); launch of: the UNESCO Library Portal (January 2001); the VirtualCampus Observatory (June 2001); and the Free Software Portal (July 2001).

Inclusion of 21 collections from archives and libraries in 11 countries worldwide inUNESCO’s Memory of the World Register.

Programme IV.2 – Bridging the communication and information gap

IV.2.1 Development of communication

Advisory services to Member States

Expert mission to advise on reorganization of the news operations and output of the JordanianRadio and Television Corporation (Amman, Jordan, February-March 2001).

Conferences, meetings and seminars

International seminars on news agencies and the Internet (Amman, Jordan, 28-31 January2001); and on integrating new and traditional information and communication technologiesfor community development (Kothmale, Sri Lanka, 22-27 January 2001).

Twenty-first session of the Intergovernmental Council of the International Programme for theDevelopment of Communication (IPDC) and its Bureau meeting (Paris, March 2001).

Participation in the fourth Caribbean media seminar (Grenada, 23-27 May 2001).

Second Latin American CreaTV workshop (Panama City, Panama, 15-19 January 2001).

Meeting on the prospects of public service broadcasting (Paris, France, March 2001); supportfor two seminars on legal, financial and administrative aspects of public service broadcasting(Dhaka, Bangladesh, April 2001 and New Delhi, India, April 2001).

International meeting on broadcasting legislation – public service and commercial televisionand radio (Bled, Slovenia, 11-12 May 2001); support for and participation in internationalmeeting on public service broadcasting and citizenship in the information society andworkshop on promoting associations of broadcasting audiences in African countries (London,England, June, 2001).

Regional consultative meeting on promoting co-production of television programmes(Malawi, July 2001); support for the 2001 Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union children’stelevision programme exchange meeting and workshop (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 9-14 July2001).

Training activities

Support for a programme of the Timor Lorosae Journalists Association and Timoresejournalists conference (January 2001); training seminar on the framework for exercisingfreedom of the press under the rule of law (Equatorial Guinea, January 2001); introduction todrafting legislation in the audiovisual field (Panama City, 12-14 February 2001).

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Support for a training programme in communication and media skills for women journalists(Amman, Jordan, January 2001); workshop for women journalists on radio news productionand press releases for radio (Panama City, 12-14 February 2001).

Support for the first subregional seminar in Eastern Europe on the role of the mass media inprevention of AIDS spread (Kiev, Ukraine, 21-23 February 2001).

Support for workshops on (i) basic community radio concepts and environmental reporting(Papua New Guinea, March and April 2001); (ii) media education (Apia, Samoa, July 2001);and (iii) on the exchange of news among national agencies and ICTs (Maputo, Mozambique,March 2001).

Regional workshop for media women on information and communication technologies(Nairobi, Kenya, March 2001); training workshop for trainers on the use of information andcommunication technologies as empowerment tools for women (Nairobi, Kenya, 6-9 April2001).

Support for a regional workshop on the status of women journalists (Jaipur, India, 7-8 April2001); workshop on enhancing leadership and management skills of women journalists(Kuala Lumpur, 16-18 April 2001); regional workshop on television documentary productionfor 10 Pacific women (Samoa, April 2001).

Workshop on project management and implementation for Caribbean media professionals(Barbados, April 2001); support for the participation of radio practitioners in the 2001CARIMAC Residential Summer Course for Caribbean radio practitioners (Kingston, Jamaica,June-July 2001).

Regional workshop on the validation and adoption of draft model studies programmes fortraining in communication in Africa (Yaoundé, Cameroon, 21-23 June 2001).

Support for national training courses in audiovisual media (Baku, Azerbaijan, January-February 2001); national seminar on radio and technology (Jakarta, Indonesia, January 2001);and for the training of engineers from the Libyan Broadcasting Authority (Damascus,July 2001); training workshops on developing television skills for NGOs (Kazakhstan, March2001 and July 2001); workshop on the promotion of a culture of maintenance (Yaoundé,Cameroon, July 2001).

Major publications and documents

Production and dissemination of a 12-minute documentary film presenting the CommunityMultimedia Centres (CMCs) (February-July 2001).

Publication of: Promoting Community Media in Africa (Paris, France, February 2001); and ofA Community Radio Handbook (Paris, France, July 2001). Production in English, French,Spanish, Russian and Arabic of a booklet Public Broadcasting, Why, How? (Paris, France,February 2001).

Publication of Communication and good governance in Africa (Yaoundé, Cameroon,April 2001); brochure entitled Mbalmayo 107.1, women on the airwaves (June 2001).

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Other activities

Financial assistance and provision of equipment to: Niger for Internet access (March 2001);Guinea, for exchanges between the media in towns and rural areas (February 2001); RadioCocodrilo, in Cuba, the first UNESCO-sponsored community radio (April 2001).

Support for a survey on the status of women journalists by the International Federation ofJournalists (May 2001) as well as for a study on “The image of women in the Tunisian writtenpress” by the Centre de Recherches, d’Etude, de Documentation et d’Information sur laFemme (Tunisia, April 2001).

Support for the presentation of four documentaries and fiction films from Burkina Faso,Democratic Republic of the Congo and Côte d’Ivoire at the New York African Film Festival(April 2001); development of local production capacities and skills in Kiribati and theMarshall Islands (January-July 2001).

Support for the participation of six programme producers from African countries in thetwenty-fourth edition of the International Public Television Screening Conference (INPUT)(Cape Town, South Africa, May 2001).

IV.2.2 Development of “Infostructure”

Advisory services to Member States

Assistance to: Oman, in the development of IT in education and e-government; Saudi Arabia,for the establishment of a national policy and plan for the integration of IT in middle and highschools; Egypt, for the introduction of IT in higher education and the design of an EgyptianOpen University; and Syria for the establishment of applications and training in the context ofthe recently launched network for higher education institutions.

Conferences, meetings and seminars

Participation in the second ministerial meeting of the Acacia strategy countries (Kampala,Uganda, 30-31 January 2001) .

A symposium on “the Illinois experience in continuing and distance Education”, HelwanUniversity (Cairo, Egypt, March 2001).

Regional meeting on informatics strategies (Kingston, Jamaica, 3-5 April 2001); virtualCampus Observatory Meeting (Mexico City, Mexico, 23-25 May 2001).

Support for national symposium on ICTs and information gateways (Kitwe, Zambia,24-26 April 2001); and for national seminar on the use of ICTs in development (Madras,India, May 2001).

First meeting of the Interim Committee for the Information for All Programme (Paris, France,14-15 May 2001).

Participation in Dot Force (G-8) Africa/ECOSOC workshop (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,11-12 May 2001).

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Training activities

Workshop on effective use of Internet resources for research and networking (Nairobi, Kenya,12-16 March 2001).

IV Latin American and Caribbean workshop on Internet technology (Mérida, Venezuela,May-June 2001).

Regional training of trainers course to test the training package on library automation/ICT fordeveloping countries (Jakarta, Indonesia, January 2001); participation in a workshop onvirtual library and information services (China, May 2001).

Major publications and documents

Publication of Community Telecentre Cookbook (Paris, France, April-May 2001).

Other activities

Development of 17 electronic courses in science and engineering for higher educationapplications and of satellite-based training for regional faculty audience (Cairo, Egypt).

Support for the creation of a “database of Arab publications” in collaboration with the Unionof Arab Publishers; advisory support for Arab States to establish university networkingbackbones; production of a set of interactive JAVA applets for an electronic Calculus book inArabic.

Support for survey for the production of a computerized catalogue of audiovisual archivematerial in the Caribbean (Kingston, Jamaica, March 2001).

Support for: the creation of a UNESCO multimedia information centre within the RussianLibrary of Foreign Literature (Moscow, Russian Federation); the establishment of adocumentation centre for Egyptian National Council for Women; provision of a moderncomputing infrastructure to the Information and Documentation Center in Sudan.

162 EX/INF.3 Add.PARIS, 2 October 2001English & French only



Hundred and sixty-second Session

Item 3.1.1 of the provisional agenda



In pursuance of 30 C/Resolution 59(vii), the Director-Generalpresents herewith a list of major conferences and meetings,including advisory committees, panels and other bodies, whichhave been (or will be) convened between 1 July and 31 December2001.

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Para.30 C/5 Title Date Budget


Programme I.1 – Basic education for all

I.1.1: Providing basic education for all children

01111 Experts meeting for Improving Performance inPrimary Education (Dakar, Senegal).

9-13 July 30,000

01111 Regional Training Course in Guidance andCounselling for Trainers of Trainers (Domasi,Malawi).

9-27 July 50,000Extrabudgetary

01111 Inter-Agency Meeting on Textbook Provision andBook Development (Paris, UNESCO).

3-7 December 30,000

01112 National workshop on early childhood care andeducation (Thimphu, Bhutan).

November 8,000

01112 Subregional consultation meeting on earlychildhood indicators (Istanbul, Turkey).

November 15,000

01112 Inclusive Education for Children with SpecialNeeds (Harare, Zimbabwe).

4-9 November 10,000

01112 Regional Seminar on Guidance and Counselling forTrainers of Trainers from French-speakingcountries, Côte d’Ivoire.

19 November-7 December


01112 Meeting on Inclusive Education (Riga, Latvia). 12-14 November 20,000

I.1.2: Fostering literacy and non-formal education among youth and adults

01121 Annual Meeting of the Collective Consultation ofNGOs on Education for All (Bangkok, Thailand).

12-14 July 80,000

01121 International Workshop on Education and PovertyEradication: Creating an Enabling Environment forPoverty Eradication (Kampala, Uganda).

30 July-3 August 40,500

01121 2nd Plan African Reading for All Conference:Building Communities where Literacy Thrives(Abuja, Nigeria).

7-12 October 12,000

01122 Subregional Seminar “Combating HIV/AIDS byEducation: the case of street children in Africa”(Windhoek, Namibia).

26-30 November 38,000

01122 Regional Seminar “Towards the Gender Equality inBasic Education: Major Challenges to meet theDakar EFA Goals in Asia” (Kyoto, Japan).

28-30 November Extrabudgetary

I.1.3: Mobilizing commitments and partnerships for education for all

01132 E-9 Meeting: Workshop on “Planning for capacity-building for literacy and non-formal education”(Dhaka, Bangladesh).

29-31 July 20,000

01132 Fourth E-9 Ministerial meeting (Beijing, China). 21-23 August 60,000

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01132 Second meeting of the Working Group onEducation for All (Headquarters).

10-12 September 65,000

01132 Meeting of national EFA Coordinators, Africa(Headquarters).

17-19 September 50,000

01132 EFA Round Table organized by Moldova StateUniversity, UNESCO, Moldova NationalCommission for UNESCO, UNDP, UNICEF, theWorld Bank and the Soros Foundation (Chisinau,Republic of Moldova).

25-27 September 6,000

01132 Meeting of the High-Level Group on EFA. 29-30 October 40,000

Programme I.2 – Reform of education in the perspective of education for all throughout life

I.2.3: Higher education and development

01231 Evaluation Meeting: Women, Higher Education onDevelopment (UNESCO Headquarters).

17-18 September 19,500

01231 Meeting of the Bureau of the International Follow-up Committee of the World Conference on HigherEducation (UNESCO Headquarters).

22 October 5,800

01232 Expert Meeting on Quality Assurance,Accreditation and the Recognition of Qualifications(UNESCO Headquarters).

10-12 September 23,000

01232 Sixth session of the International Committee inCharge of the Application of the MediterraneanConvention on the Recognition of Studies,Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education(UNESCO Headquarters).

29-30 November 23,000

UNESCO International Bureau of Education

01410 46th session of the International Conference onEducation (Geneva, Switzerland).

5-8 September 159,500

UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning

01420 40th Meeting of the IIEP Governing Board (IIEP,Paris).

26-27 November 62,000

UNESCO Institute for Education

01432 Subregional policy dialogue on adult and lifelonglearning (New Delhi, India).

15-19 October 15,000

01432 International Conference on Pursuing Democracythrough Lifelong Learning: Concepts and Practicesacross the Globe (Kiev, Ukraine).

November 10,000

Towards a culture of peace

05201 International Conference on Women and SportAdministration, jointly with CIGEPS meeting(Athens, Greece).

29-31 August 8,000

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05201 Collective consultation of NGOs, sports institutes,universities and specialized structures dealing withphysical education and sport in the framework ofthe follow-up of MINEPS III (Havana, Cuba).

19-21 September 15,000

05201 Pan African Forum on Sport for Peace, incooperation with the Supreme Council of Sport inAfrica (SCSA), the International OlympicCommittee and UNESCO/Yaoundé, Cameroon.

26-28 September 10,000

05203 Regional workshop for the consolidation of theUNESCO Schools project Network (Ouagadougou,Burkina Faso).

16-20 July 15,000

05203 International ASPnet meeting on the TransatlanticSlave Trade Project “New Prospects andPartnerships” (Charleston, South Carolina, UnitedStates).

25-29 July 45,000

05203 Subregional ASPnet Workshop on World HeritageEducation (Granada, Nicaragua).

26-28 November 15,000

05203 Regional meeting on the Consolidation of theWorld Heritage Education project (Granada,Nicaragua).

29-30 November 10,000

05203 International ASPnet Workshop on the WorldHeritage in Young Hands Special Project (Helsinki,Finland).

11-16 December 30,000

05203 African Subregional meeting on the Zambesi RiverProject (Malawi).

Autumn 15,000


Programme II.1 – Advancement, transfer and sharing of scientific knowledge

02048 Final Conference for the first phase of the IHP-VProject 2.3/2.4 on Ecohydrology: “The Applicationof Ecohydrology to Water Resources Developmentand Management” (Venice, Italy).

16-19 September 10,00050,000


02102 International Symposium on “Role of InternationalOrganizations in the Development of a CommonEuropean Scientific-Technological Space” asfollow-up to WCS (Kiev, Ukraine).

22-25 September 40,000Extrabudgetary

02102 Round Table of Ministers of Science of the Balkancountries: The Past-conflict situation in theBalkans: Rebuilding cooperation in South-EastEurope in the Fields of Science and Research(Paris, France).

24 October 15,000Extrabudgetary

02102 International Workshop on Science for Peace asfollow-up to WCS (Jerusalem, Israel).

2-4 December 10,000Extrabudgetary

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02102 International Engineers Forum: Globalization:Engineering Issues and Professional Practice(London, United Kingdom).

December(3 days)


II.1.1: Advancement, transfer and sharing of knowledge in the basic and engineering sciences

02111 Fourth Working Group Meeting of ASEAN VirtualUniversity of Science and Technology (Langkawi,Malaysia).

24-25 July 14,000

02111 International Forum on Engineering andTechnology for Poverty Eradication (London,United Kingdom).

November(2/3 days)


02111 International Workshop on University ScienceEducation (Asmara, Eritrea).

11-12 October 3,000Extrabudgetary

02112 International Conference of African Chemists, inclose cooperation with IUPAC (Dakar, Senegal).

30 July-4 August 8,000Extrabudgetary

02112 International Consultation of the Satellite Centresof the Trace Element Institute for UNESCO,organized within the framework of the InternationalConference on Trace Element Research in Humans(Quebec, Canada).

15-20 September 6,000Extrabudgetary

02112 Third IUPAC International Conference onBiodiversity (Antalya, Turkey).

3-8 November 2,500

02113 International Training Course on MarinePharmacology, Chemical Products of Seaweeds andCultural Technology of Seaweeds (Qingdao,China).

9-23 October 18,000

02113 Twenty-second International Symposium on Yeasts(South Africa).

October 12,000

02118 International Conference on Integrated RenewableEnergy for Regional Development (Bali,Indonesia).

28-31 August 6,000

02118 Workshop on Energy Efficiency in Africa forSustainable Development (Nairobi, Kenya).

17-19 September 25,000

02118 Expert Group Meeting on Development of EnergyEfficiency Technologies in Developing Countriesin Asia (Bangkok, Thailand).

6-7 December 25,000

II.1.2: Advancement, transfer and sharing of knowledge

02121 Training workshop for young town-planners incooperation with ISOCARP-Enschede(Netherlands).

13-15 September 10,000

02121 International meeting for the application of theUNESCO/IUA (International Union of Architects)Charter (Paris).

7-8 August 5,000

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02121 International seminar “Water, a common worldheritage: innovative practices, local initiatives andgovernance” – UNITWIN/UNESCO Chair-PRELUDE – Cotonou (Benin).

15-19 October 12,000

02121 Workshop on the training of sustainabledevelopment professionals – ILO Michel deMontaigne – UNESCO Chair at the University ofBordeaux 3 and international NGOs.

18-19 October 15,000


Business Alliance for Social Development – HQ. 13 December 5,000

Programme II.2 – Sciences, environment and socio-economic development

II.2.1: Earth sciences, earth system management and natural disaster reduction

02211 International Conference on SustainableDevelopment in Karst regions and IGCP 448Working Group on “World Correlation of KarstEcosystems” (Beijing, China).



02211 International Conference of the Geological Societyof Uganda (GSU) and the Geological Society ofAfrica (GSAf) (Kampala, Uganda).

9-12 September 9,000

02211 GARS workshop on remote-sensing for thegeological study of major aquifers in the Arabregion (Damascus, Syria).

October 6,000

02211 IGCP 431 ADP-Workshop (Nairobi, Kenya). 22-26 October 10,500

02211 IGCP 419 business meeting (Lusaka, Zambia). December 10,500

02211 Peace-Building from Space: Use of satellitetechnologies for post-crisis development, co-organized with EURISY (Geneva, Switzerland).

December 1,000

02211 IUGS-UNESCO Mineral Deposit ModellingProgramme (DMP) workshop on lead-zinc depositsin India (New Delhi, India).

December 8,000

02212 Natural Disaster Reduction – Project identificationworkshop (Costa Rica).

28-31 August 20,000

02212 Training workshop on seismic analysis in SouthAsia (Kathmandu, Nepal).

10-14 September 35,000

II.2.2: Ecological sciences and the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme

02221 Advisory Committee for Biosphere Reserves –Eighth meeting (Paris, France).

3-4 September 23,000

02221 Seventh Meeting East Asian Biosphere ReserveNetwork (EABRN) (Vladivostok and Sikhote-Alinsky, Russian Federation).

6-13 September 25,000

02221 UNESCO/UNEP/GEF Project on Conservation andSustainable Use of Biodiversity in DrylandBiosphere Reserves in West Africa. First SteeringCommittee Meeting (Paris, France).

11-12 September 16,000Extrabudgetary

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02221 Bureau of the International Coordinating Councilfor MAB (Paris, France).

19-21 September 15,000

02222 Biosphere Reserve Integrated Monitoring (BRIM).Special meeting. Jointly with GTOS, FAO (Rome,Italy).

4-6 September 20,000Extrabudgetary

02222 UNESCO-Convention on Biological DiversityConsultative Working Group of Experts onBiodiversity Education and Public Awareness.Bilbao and Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve (Spain).

15-17 September 15,000

02222 Third International Seminar on Tropical RainforestPlants and their Utilization for Development(Padang, Indonesia).

23-24 October 5,000

02222 UNESCO-MAB Regional Seminar ECOTONE X“Ecosystem valuation for assessing functions,goods and services of coastal ecosystems of South-East Asia” (Hanoi, Viet Nam).

19-23 November 40,000

II.2.3: Hydrology and water resources development in a vulnerable environment

02231 Third Inter-American Institute/University of Miami(IAI/UM) Summer Institute on InterdisciplinaryGlobal Change Science in the Americas “IntegratedManagement of Water Resources in the Americas:Challenges and Emerging Issues” (Miami, UnitedStates).

15 July-3 August Extrabudgetary

02231 The Role of Water in History and Development:2nd International Conference on the InternationalWater History Association (IWHA) (Norway).

10-12 August Extrabudgetary

02231 31st International Association of Hydrogeologists(IAH) Congress: New Approaches toCharacterizing Ground-water Flow (IHP-VTheme 3) (Munich, Germany).

10-14 September 7,000

02231 31st session of the Bureau of the IntergovernmentalCouncil of the IHP (France).

19-21 September 20,000

02231 Eighth Meeting of the Regional Center for theHumid Tropics in Latin America and the Caribbean(CATHALAC) Governing Board (IHP-V Theme 6)(Panama).

23-24 October Extrabudgetary

02231 International Symposium on Achievements ofIHP-V in Hydrological Research (IHP-V general)(Hanoi, Viet Nam).

19-20 November Extrabudgetary

02231 International symposium: Human capacity-buildingin the Water Sector through Innovation andCollaboration, IHE (Delft, Netherlands).

28-30 November 5,000

02232 Sixth Scientific Assembly of InternationalAssociation of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS): ANew Hydrology for a Thirsty Planet (IHP-V Theme3) (Maastricht, Netherlands).

18-27 July 10,000

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02232 Fact finding and proposal conceptionalizingmeeting on the Volga River Basin (Joint Statementof Intergovernmental Programmes), Moscow,Astrakhan, Nizhny, Novgorod.



02232 Consultative meeting of Internationally SharedAquifer Resource Management (ISARM) forInternational Guarani Aquifer, Argentina.

August 10,000

02232 International Conference on Conflict Assessmentand Resolution for Reservoir Systems, Australia.

3-5 September Extrabudgetary

02232 The Application of Ecohydrology to WaterResources Development and Management IHP-V2.3/2.4 (Italy).

16-18 September 14,000

02232 International Conference on HydrologicalChallenges in Transboundary Water ResourcesManagement (IHP-V 4.1) (Germany).

25-27 September 4,000

02232 International Workshop on Non-StructuralMeasures for Water Management Problems (IHP-V4.3), London, Ontario, Canada.

18-23 October 10,000

02232 International Workshop on Modelling inHydrogeology (Chennai, India).

3-7 December 5,000

02232 Instrumentation and database workshop forexperimental hydrology, James Cook University(Townsville, Australia).

3-7 December 12,000

02235 Integrated solid waste management: a communitybased approach for Indonesia (Jakarta, Indonesia).

November 7,000

II.2.4: UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission

02241 COASTS Workshop (Paris, France). August 100,000

02241 WESTPAC International Scientific Symposium(Seoul, Republic of Korea).

August 15,000

02241 GESAMP XXXI (New York, United States). 13-17 August 12,000

02241 SEAGOOS Meeting (Seoul, Republic of Korea). 27-31 August 12,000

02241 NEAR-GOOS/WESTPAC-ODC Workshop onOcean Environmental Forecasting (Seoul, Republicof Korea).

27-31 August 25,000

02241 Ninth session of IBCM (Monaco). September 18,000

02241 Ninth session of IODE Group of Experts onTechnical Aspects of Data Exchange (Sydney,Australia).

17-21 September 20,000

02241 JGOFS Regional Coastal Margin Workshop(Taipei, Taiwan).

28-30 September 10,000

02241 IAPSO/SCOR Asssembly (Mar Del Plata,Argentina).

21-28 October 21,000

02241 ITSU XVIII (Perth, Australia). 29-31 October 15,000

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02241 OOPC Workshop (Woods Hole, United States). October 18,000

02241 GOOS-AFRICA Meeting (Nairobi, Kenya). November 30,000

02241 AFRICA Bassins Workshop (Nairobi, Kenya). November 8,000

02241 MAMCOMP Training Course with ROPME(Kuwait).

November 10,000

02241 Third COOP and Third Users’ Forum. Place: to bedetermined.

November 40,000

02241 Fifth NEAR-GOOS Data Management TrainingCourse (Tokyo, Japan).

November 27,000

02241 GLOSS Training Course, Adelaide, South Australiaor Hawai, United States.

November 28,000

02241 Caspian Floating University Workshop(Astrachan).

November 10,000

02241 JGOFS Regional Polar Margin Workshop. Place: tobe determined.

November 13,000

02241 GODAE Workshop, United States. November 18,000

02241 ODINAFRICA-II Review Workshop 2001(Nairobi, Kenya).

14-19 November 30,000

02241 OSCP Advisory Board (Paris, France). November 10,000

02241 IODE Group of Experts on Biological andChemical Data Management and ExchangePractices (Silver Spring, United States).

3-7 December 20,000

02241 MEDAR/MEDATLAS Workshop (Trieste, Italy). 10-14 December 30,000

02241 Mediterranean, Science Plan Meeting. Place: to bedetermined.

December 20,000

02241 MedGOOS meeting (Malta). December 20,000

02442 IOC Assembly (Paris, France). 2-13 July 70,000

02442 IOC-DANIDA HAB Training Course(Copenhagen, Denmark).

August 10,000

02442 IOCEA HAB Training Course (Accra, Ghana). 28 October-3 November


02442 Environmental Indicator in Fisheries (SouthAfrica).

3-5 September 17,000

02442 Second meeting of IOC’s Coral Stress IndicatorGroup (Brisbane, Australia).

25-30 September 14,000

02442 Fourth meeting Benthic Indicator Group (Crete). November 13,000

02442 Oceans and Coasts at Rio + 10 (Paris, France). 3-7 December 50,000

02442 UNCLOS/MSR/Transfer of MT (Dakar, Senegal). December 25,000

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II.2.5 : Social transformations and development

02251 Follow-up meeting to the international seminar“Balanced urban development among land, sea andpeople”.

26 September 1,500

02251 MOST project seminar “Cities, the Environmentand Women” (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso).

25-28 September

Cities: Management of social transformations and the environment

02255 International seminar “combating urban poverty:what policies?”

3 December 20,000

Programme II.3 – Ethics of science and technology

02301 Eighth session of UNESCO’s InternationalBioethics Committee (IBC).

12-14 September 85,000

02301 Consultative meeting with a view to establishing aninter-agency bioethics committee

17 September

02301 Seminar on “Water Ethics for the Launching of theRENEW project in the Baltic and Nordic countries”– COMEST Activity (Bergen, Norway).

10-11 August 1,500

02301 Second session of the World Commission on theEthics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology –COMEST Activity (Berlin, Germany).

17-19 December 113,400

Towards a culture of peace

05102 First regional meeting of experts on the theme:“Peace, human security and conflict prevention inAfrica” (South Africa).

23-24 July 25,000

05102 Meeting of the International Jury of the UNESCO2001 Prize for Peace Education (UNESCO, Paris).

3-4 September 21,000

05102 Regional meeting of experts on “Peace, humansecurity and conflict prevention in Latin Americaand the Caribbean” (Santiago, Chile).

26-27 November 27,000

05102 Regional meeting of experts on “Peace, humansecurity and conflict prevention in Central Asia”(Almaty, Kazakhstan).

November 15,000

05102 International UNESCO-Ecole pratique des hautesétudes (EPHE) symposium on “Civilizations seenfrom the other’s viewpoint” (Paris).

13–14 December 10,000

05102 Ceremony to award the UNESCO Prize for PeaceEducation (Paris).

14 December 50,000

05102 Workshop to identify and specify the needs of theprogramme of training and educating forcitizenship (Abidjan).

5-7 December 13,000

05102 Subregional symposium on the problems ofconsolidating the democratic process in Africa(Windhoek).

12-14 September 15,000

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05102 Second meeting of the Asia-Pacific Network for thepromotion of tolerance and non-violence (Tashkent,Uzbekistan).

3-7 December 25,000

05301 “Education for Intercultural Dialogue and Non-Violence and the Protection of Social andEconomic Rights of Children and Youth in theCaucasus” (Vladikavkaz, Republic of NorthOssetia, Russian Federation).

13-14 September 14,500


Programme III.1 – Preservation and enhancement of the cultural and natural heritage

III.1.1: Safeguard and revitalization of the tangible heritage

03111 Regional meeting of experts on UNESCO heritageinstruments (Yerevan, Armenia).

17-18 September 20,000

03111 Regional meeting of experts on UNESCO heritageinstruments (Baku, Azerbaijan).

20-21 September 16,000

03111 National meeting on the fight against illicit trafficin cultural property (China).

October 15,000

03111 Fifth meeting of States Party to the HagueConvention (Paris).

12 November 12,000

03112 Training seminar “Economics of the heritagepreservation, fund-raising, marketing, commercialactivities in the new economies of the SouthCaucasus” (Tbilisi, Georgia).

17-21 September 10,000(+5,000

from GeorgianICOMOS and Soros


03112 UNESCO/UNDP Donors’ Conference“Development through culture” (Yerevan,Armenia).

2-4 October 8,000(+18,500 from


03112 Meeting of donors for the restoration of the medinaof Fez, organized in conjunction with the Moroccanauthorities and the World Bank.

November 8,000

03112 2nd meeting of the Steering Committee for theproject to preserve the cultural heritage ofMauritania organized in conjunction with thenational authorities and the World Bank.

December 3,000

03112 Consultation meeting for African institutionsworking in the fields of the tangible heritage(Accra, Ghana).



03112 Meeting of the International Scientific Committeefor the International Campaign to Safeguard theSite of Tyre and its surroundings (Lebanon).

December 12,000

03112 Meeting on international cooperation and thecultural heritage of Africa (Accra, Ghana).

December 33,000

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03113 Regional seminar to assess the application of theRecommendation on Safeguarding of TraditionalCulture and Folklore in Siberia (Yakutsk, SakhaRepublic).

19-23 August 27,800

03113 Second Extraordinary Meeting of the InternationalJury for the Proclamation of the Masterpieces of theOral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity (Elche,Spain).

21-23 September 43,000

03113 First Meeting of the Jury for prizes forsafeguarding, protecting and promoting culturalspaces or forms of popular or traditional culturalexpression proclaimed by UNESCO as“Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritageof Humanity” (Elche, Spain).

23 September 43,000

03113 First meeting of the Jury of the Sharjah Prize forArab Culture – Award scheduled for 27 October.

1-3 October 15,000

03113 Two workshops for training in the Living HumanTreasures System (Republic of Korea andPhilippines).

To be confirmed 20,000

03114 8th plenary session of the InternationalCoordinating Committee for the Safeguarding andDevelopment of the Historic Site of Angkor(Phnom Penh, Cambodia).

6 July 13,000

03114 Technical Committee of the International Co-ordinating Committee for the Safeguarding andDevelopment of the Historic Site of Angkor (SiemReap, Cambodia).

December 10,000(FIT Japanand France)

03114 6th International Symposium on the Preservationand Restoration of Bayon (Siem Reap, Cambodia).

December 3,000

03114 7th meeting of the International Committee ofExperts for the reconstruction of the Old Bridgeand the Old City of Mostar.

November 10,000

03114 Meeting of the Ad Hoc Group of Experts of ICC(Siem Reap, Cambodia).

December 9,000

03114 International Conference of Islamic religiousleaders jointly organized with OIC, ISESCO andALECSO (Doha, Qatar).

29-31 December 33,000

Programme III.2 – Promotion of living cultures

03201 Workshop on copyright and neighbouring rights(Brazzaville, Republic of Congo).

7-9 August 3,000

03201 Meeting of the Jury of the UNESCO Prize for thePromotion of the Arts (performing arts), FESPAM(Brazzaville, Republic of Congo).

2-12 August 25,000

03201 Meeting of the Jury of the UNESCO Prize for thePromotion of the Arts (visual arts), IstanbulBiennale (Turkey).

18-22 September 30,000

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03201 Regional meeting of experts on arts education inLatin America and the Caribbean (Uberaba, Brazil).

16-19 October 40,000

03201 Regional conference on arts education in the Arabworld (Amman, Jordan).

December 30,000

03203 Conference on the arts industries and newinformation technologies in conjunction with theCouncil of Europe (Strasbourg, France).

19-20 November 5,000

03203 Summary of consultations on the arts industries inAfrica (subjects of international trade negotiationson cultural goods and services) (Dakar, Senegal).

December 20,000

03203 Workshop on the arts industries in Asia and thePacific (New Delhi, India).

December 25,000

03203 Regional conference on the arts industries in theCaribbean in cooperation with the DominicanNational Commission for UNESCO (SantoDomingo, Dominican Republic).

December 50,000

Reading for All

03301 Training workshop for 20 young illustrators ofchildren’s books from the countries of Central andEastern Europe and the developing countries incooperation with the International House of Art forChildren (BIBIANA).

September 95,970


Programme IV.1 – Free flow of ideas

Ethical, legal and sociocultural challenges of the information society

04125 Interregional seminar on Central and WesternAsian countries and the information society(Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran).

3-5 September 10,000

04125 International symposium on language in cyberspace(Seoul, Korea).

26-27 September 10,000

04125 National information policy seminar (Tananarive,Madagascar).

September 5,000

04125 Symposium on the digital Silk Roads projects(Tokyo, Japan).

11-13 December 90,990FIT Japan

Programme IV.2 – Bridging the communication and information gap

IV.2.1: Development of communication

04211 United Nations inter-agency round table oncommunication for development (Nicaragua).

November 30,000

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04211 A regional seminar on digital opportunities forCentral and Eastern Europe – communitymultimedia centres, and a round table ofinternational development partners (Bucharest,Romania).

12-16 November 50,000

04211 A seminar on the future of press agencies in Africa(Yaoundé, Cameroon).

7-9 August 15,000

04211 Workshop on multi-camera directing and studiolighting (Jamaica).

7-20 August 6,600

04211 Two subregional workshops on ICTs innewsrooms, Fiji and Papua New Guinea.

November 10,000

04211 Regional meeting on Pacific television. 3-6 October 20,000

04211 Regional workshop on towards a culture ofmaintenance: technology implications forCaribbean broadcasters.

September 5,000

04211 Regional workshop on new informationtechnologies for mass media (Tbilisi).

22-24 October 12,000

04211 National workshop on journalism ethics and mediamanagement in Dushanbe (Tajikistan).

October 10,000

04211 National congress on mass media of Kyrgyzstan:results and prospects (Kyrgyz Republic).

August 6,300

04211 Workshop to improve women’s access toexpression and decision in the media.

September 8,000

04212 Sixth African CreaTV workshop (Libreville,Gabon).

17-21 September 25,000

04212 Regional seminar on broadcasting standards, ethicsand responsibilities in the Caribbean (Barbados).

November 10,000

04212 Second Asian CreaTV workshop (Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia).

10-14 December 30,000

04212 Latin American CreaTV showcase (Los Angeles,United States).

16-17 November 10,000

04212 Eight CreaTV workshop for Eastern Europe andCentral Asia (Moscow, Russian Federation).

December 10,000