unhcr competency framework & core& core crosscross

UNHCR COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL & MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (PAMS) July 2012 Division of Human Resources Management UNHCR Competency Framework Values Values & Core & Core Managerial Managerial Cross Cross- functional functional Functional Functional 9 9 6 JD

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July 2012

Division of Human Resources Management





& Core& CoreManagerialManagerial




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© UNHCR, 2009. All rights reserved.

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This material may not be reproduced or referenced by any parties outside UNHCR without

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Applications for such permission should be addressed to the Performance Management

Unit, DHRM, of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

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Table of Contents

Background 7

Overview of the Competency Framework 8

Introduction to the Competency Framework 9

Overview of the PAMS 10

Levels per Grade .......................................................................................................................... 11 Definition of level of responsibility based on post grade: .............................................................. 12 Behavioral indicators .................................................................................................................... 13 What do competencies look like in the new PAMS? ..................................................................... 13

Competency Framework

Integrity ......................................................................................................................................... 14 Professionalism ............................................................................................................................ 15 Respect for diversity ..................................................................................................................... 16 Accountability ............................................................................................................................... 17 Teamwork & Collaboration ........................................................................................................... 18 Communication ............................................................................................................................. 19 Commitment to continuous learning ............................................................................................. 20 Client & Result orientation ............................................................................................................ 21 Organizational awareness ............................................................................................................ 23 Empowering and building trust ..................................................................................................... 24

Managing Performance ................................................................................................................ 25 Judgement and Decision Making .................................................................................................. 26 Strategic planning and vision ........................................................................................................ 27 Leadership .................................................................................................................................... 28 Managing Resources .................................................................................................................... 29 Analytical thinking ......................................................................................................................... 30 Innovation and creativity ............................................................................................................... 31 Technological awareness ............................................................................................................. 32 Negotiation and conflict resolution ................................................................................................ 33 Planning and organizing ............................................................................................................... 34 Policy development & research .................................................................................................... 35 Political Awareness....................................................................................................................... 36 Stakeholder management ........................................................................................................... 366 Change capability and adaptability ............................................................................................. 367

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Background The UNHCR Competency Framework was developed as part of the Performance

Appraisal & Management System (PAMS), launched in 2008 by the Division of

Human Resources Management. The framework builds on the previous set of

competencies, and has been updated to reflect the current work of staff members

across the organization. The framework was developed following a review of best

practices among other UN agencies as well as companies in the private sector. Within

UNHCR, the framework has undergone an extensive process of consultation with a

number of stakeholder groups. In addition to supporting the management of staff

performance in the context of the PAMS, it forms the foundation for a number of

related human resources processes, such as recruitment, promotion and posting

processes; career management and staff development.

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Overview of the Competency Framework CODE






























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Introduction to the Competency Framework

The competency framework is the backbone of the PAMS, guiding staff members on

how their skills, attributes and behaviors are rated. Competencies capture the

expectations of how the staff member should perform their responsibilities during the

relevant performance period. Competencies provide a sound basis for consistent and

objective performance standards by creating a shared language about what is needed

and expected by UNHCR. Furthermore, competencies help the organization to

determine its recruitment and development needs. Each competency has a

corresponding definition with specific behavioral indicators.

The competency framework is comprised of the following:

Values (3) originate from the UN Secretariat and are the shared principles and beliefs

that underpin the work of the organization and guide the actions and behaviours of its

entire staff. While the values are not rated, supervisors will comment on them

individually or as a group together with the Core competencies. They are not levelled.

Core (6) competencies are the skills, attributes and behaviours which are considered

important for all staff, regardless of their function or level. All six competencies are

mandatory and they are rated individually. Core competencies are levelled from 1 to 4

on the basis of job bands, which group a number of grades together under one level.

Managerial (6) competencies are the skills, attributes, and behaviours which are

considered essential for staff with managerial or supervisory responsibilities. They are

rated individually and are applicable for staff from GS-5 level and above, who are

exercising such responsibilities. Managerial competencies which are part of the job

description will automatically appear on the performance appraisal document (e-PAD).

They are levelled from 2 to 4 on the basis of job bands.

Cross-Functional (9) competencies are relevant for carrying out all phases of a job

irrespective of staff members’ functional specialties or skills. They are directly linked

to work objectives and the staff member’s career development aspirations. They apply

to all jobs in the organization, and should be agreed upon with the manager. It is

expected that staff members will select between three to five cross-functional

competencies per cycle. Cross-functional competencies which are part of the job

description will automatically appear on the e-PAD. For career development purposes

staff can add cross-functional competencies provided they are relevant to their work.

They are rated individually and are leveled from 1 – 4 on the basis of job bands.

Functional skills and knowledge are outlined in the job description through the ARA

(Accountability, Responsibilities, Authorities).

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Overview of the PAMS

The PAMS is designed to provide a process for assessing all UNHCR staff members’

performance, using clear criteria, which have been agreed to in advance through

discussion between the manager and the staff member. The goal of the PAMS is to

establish a framework for effective performance management, building upon the

elements of the previous Career Management System (CMS) and capturing the

opportunities of the specific changes introduced in the PAMS. It is expected that the

supporting e-Performance platform will increase accountability, transparency and

fairness of the process. It is important to emphasize at this time that ongoing dialogue

between staff and managers will continue to be indispensable throughout the entire


The key elements of the new competency framework are values plus core, managerial,

cross-functional competencies. Except for the Values, all these competencies are

levelled according to the level of responsibility and complexity of the job and are

linked to the grade of the post. The functional skills and knowledge are taken from the

job description and will automatically be included in the performance appraisal

document (e-PAD).

In most cases, the performance appraisal process is based on an annual cycle (which

can be extended in exceptional cases). Extensions up to a total of 18 months will be

granted subject to the final approval by the Performance Management Unit, DHRM..

Conversely, there may be instances where the e-PAD cycle may be less than one year

due to rotation, closure of office and other similar situations. The modalities for the

preparation of an e-PAD are described in Annex 1 of IOM/FOM 087/089/2008.

The new PAMS is built around three phases, each one requiring the full involvement

of staff members and their supervisors. During Phase 1 – Objectives Setting – staff

members and their supervisors will agree on three to five work objectives for the

reporting period. Phase 2 – The Mid-Year Development Review – provides an

opportunity for the staff member and the manager to discuss progress in meeting

objectives, make additions and/or modifications to work objectives if necessary and

address any performance issues, if any. Phase 3 – Performance Appraisal – in this

phase staff and their supervisors will meet to discuss staff member’s performance over

the previous cycle. The staff member and the manager will complete their own

assessment against objectives and competencies. The e-PAD results in an assessment

of whether a staff member has achieved his/her agreed work objectives, and

demonstrated the competencies required by UNHCR and for their post.

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Levels per Grade

How to understand your level: Leveled competencies provide indicators specific to each

grade band, thus enabling greater consistency and accuracy in the assessment of staff

performance. All staff members are expected to demonstrate the defined indicators for

their grade as well as those below. High performers are staff members who demonstrate

the defined indicators for the level above their post.

All competencies, with the exception of the Values, are leveled on the basis of job bands

as follows:

Competency type G1-G4 Gs 5-7,


P 1-2

P 3-4,




Core & Cross-Functional L1 L2 L3 L4

Managerial L2 L3 L4

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Definition of level of responsibility based on post grade:

Level of responsibility Corresponding post grade

Level 1

Staff members at this level provide support and

assistance in the functional streams. They

contribute to the overall performance of the team.

They have a minimum level of responsibility.

G1 to G4

Level 2

Staff members at this level are responsible for their

own performance/contribution to the team and its

outcomes. They have theoretical/technical

knowledge and are testing it in practical

applications, or are assisting substantive specialists.

Their decisions and recommendations are reviewed.

GS 5-7, NO A,B, P 1-2

Level 3

Staff members at this level have a solid

theoretical/technical knowledge of their field, and

can apply it to a variety of circumstances. They

may manage a team, work unit or an office, and

most have supervisory responsibility. Their

decisions affect the work of the team and/or project


P 3-4, NO C.D

Level 4

Staff members at this level are seasoned

professionals whose expertise goes beyond the

theoretical and technical knowledge of their field.

They make decisions base on a long-term, strategic

perspective, implementing, and innovative solutions

to achieve their vision. Their decisions affect the

entire organization, and they have a high level of

responsibility for effective use of resources and

oversight of staff performance. They are the

leaders for the implementation of policies and

change in their areas of expertise.

P5 and above

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Behavioral indicators

Each competency will have a corresponding definition with specific behavioral indicators

(multi-line text) and a required competency level based on the grade of the post.

The default level for each competency is based on the grade of the post and will be

indicated on the e-PAD next to each competency. Staff who may wish to view other

levels will be able to access them on the e-PAD.

What do competencies look like in the new PAMS?

The following pages set out the organizational Values, Core, Managerial and Cross-

Functional competencies followed by “behavioural indicators” for each level.

Every level has been defined according to the job level of responsibility as described

earlier in this document.

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Code : V001 Category : Values Levelled: No

Competency : Integrity

Definition: Demonstrates the highest level of commitment to and respect for persons of concern to UNHCR, partners and colleagues in all aspects of work and ensures that personal professional behaviour is of the highest standard.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Demonstrates the values and principles of UNHCR in daily activities and behaviours as reflected in the Code of Conduct

Reliably delivers on promises and honours commitments

Resists undue political pressure in decision-making

Does not abuse power or authority

Stands by decisions that are in the Organization’s interest, even if they are unpopular

Takes prompt action in cases of unprofessional or unethical behaviour

Demonstrates the highest standards of integrity, impartiality, fairness and incorruptibility in all matters affecting the work status

Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators

V001L1 Not applicable Not applicable

V001L2 Not applicable Not applicable

V001L3 Not applicable Not applicable

V001L4 Not applicable Not applicable

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Code : V002 Category : Values Levelled: No

Competency : Professionalism

Definition: Behaves in a way which is appropriate to a UNHCR staff member, demonstrating self control, perseverance and resilience in the face of pressure or adversity, and demonstrating knowledge on relevant subject matter and skills.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Shows pride in work and in achievements

Demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter

Is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results

Is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns

Shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges

Remains calm in stressful situations

Demonstrates integrity, truthfulness, dedication and honesty

Demonstrates willingnes to improve knowledge and skills on relevant subject matters and contributes to maintaining high working standards

Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators

V002L1 Not applicable Not applicable

V002L2 Not applicable Not applicable

V002L3 Not applicable Not applicable

V002L4 Not applicable Not applicable

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Code : V003 Category : Values Levelled: No

Competency : Respect for diversity

Definition: Shows respect for all persons equally without distinction whatsoever of race, gender, religion, national or ethnic origin, language, marital status, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic status, disability, political conviction, or any other distinguishing feature (e.g. HIV status).

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Works effectively with people from all backgrounds

Treats all people (including all persons of concern) with dignity and respect, and with a sense of fairness

Supports gender equality and equal rights for all, including gender equity among staff

Shows respect for and understanding of diverse points of view and demonstrates this understanding in daily work and decision-making

Examines own biases and behaviours to avoid stereotypical responses

Does not discriminate against any individual or group

Develops skills in age, gender and diversity analysis as applicable to the area of work

Seeks to understand and respect differences in people, in the professional and personal domain

Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators

V003L1 Not applicable Not applicable

V003L2 Not applicable Not applicable

V003L3 Not applicable Not applicable

V003L4 Not applicable Not applicable

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Code : C001 Category : Core Levelled: Yes

Competency : Accountability

Definition: Assumes responsibility for the delivery of high quality outcomes, in both good and bad times, upholding the values and principles of UNHCR; demonstrates the ability and drive to maintain focus on positive outcomes for persons of concern despite difficulties this may pose for self and team. Demonstrates security awareness.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators

C001L1 Sees tasks through to completion with professional integrity.

Adheres to standards of personal and professional conduct appropriate to a UN international civil servant in accordance with UNHCR values.

Takes ownership of all responsibilities within own role and honours commitments to others and UNHCR.

Is conscientious in meeting deadlines and achieving results.

Acts transparently and consistently and encourages others to do the same.

C001L2 Makes decisions appropriate to the position and takes responsibility for professional obligations.

Agrees challenging objectives for him/herself which reflect key UNHCR priorities.

Acts in the best interest of the organisation and its stakeholders without consideration of personal gain.

Is able to conduct open and honest discussions with staff when they have failed to meet required standards of conduct.

Proactively seeks responsibility in delivering towards the goals of the organisation, and is prepared to accept the consequences.

C001L3 Works to support directly reporting staff in the fulfilment of their responsibilities; monitors delegated tasks; client focus (clients at this level are both internal and external)

Takes prompt action in cases of unprofessional or unethical behaviour

Addresses problems rather than ignoring them or passing them on, choosing the right option, not necessarily the easiest, and focusing on solutions, not obstacles.

Takes personal responsibility in delivering the goals of the organisation, where applicable, including implementation of relevant policies; and uses feedback and learning in a supportive and effective way.

Demonstrates an understanding of the factors which have an impact on security.

C001L4 Carries out an effective management of resources under shifting priorities to meet expected results at or above UNHCR standards; external client focus.

Has the self confidence and authority necessary to invoke disciplinary measures and the judgement and technical knowledge to recognise when this is appropriate.

Creates and manages a results-based environment: sets clear, measurable targets closely linked to the desired aims of the organisation and takes ultimate responsibility for achieving them.

Manages human, financial and other resources consistent with UNHCR guidelines and policies towards the achievement of results.

Shows courage, judgement and resilience in making decisions and exercising appropriate leadership in the face of a range of difficult, testing and/or politically complex challenges, and stands by decisions that are in UNHCR's interest even if unpopular.

Makes decisions that have preventive effect in minimizing potential damage.

Does not abuse power or authority; positively supports organisational decisions to the exclusion of national and personal concerns.

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Code : C002 Category : Core Levelled: Yes

Competency : Teamwork & Collaboration

Definition: Demonstrates the ability to work effectively with colleagues and partners from different backgrounds, cultures and functions, to achieve shared goals and optimize results.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators

C002L1 Participates in team/unit projects, performs assigned work.

Demonstrates the ability to switch from one task to another at short notice and the willingness to learn technical language and new concepts in order to accommodate the needs of the organization.

Maintains an awareness of UNHCR activities outside the immediate office environment, and keeps in touch with developments which may impact on work requirements.

Sees role as providing a support service in a broad sense, i.e. not just to functional clients, but to any staff, partners or persons of concern.

Shares information and keeps others up to date.

C002L2 Engages well with peers and immediate work group to ensure overall team assignments are successful as needed.

Accepts and is willing to carry out new tasks which are important for the achievement of the work-related aims of others.

Helps create a positive team spirit, putting aside personal considerations to help the team achieve its goals.

Coordinates own work with that of the team to meet agreed priorities and deadlines.

Willingly puts in extra effort without being asked, and adopts a "hands-on" approach whenever necessary to achieve objectives, or to meet unexpected challenges.

C002L3 Actively promotes a sense of team by one's own actions; ensures staff contributions are recognized.

Seeks to improve services provided and to promote a service culture amongst colleagues by interacting closely with other sections or partners, looking to address common issues.

Sets a positive example to others and accepts a changing role in the team depending on work requirements.

Displays a high level of cultural awareness, sensitivity to different ways of working and leverages individual strengths in order to build a better team.

Addresses problems rather than ignoring them or passing them on, choosing the right option, not necessarily the easiest, and focusing on solutions not obstacles.

C002L4 Works to ensure the best possible environment for collaboration and knowledge sharing, leading by example.

Actively seeks others’ views and ideas and shows respect for different attitudes, skills, knowledge and approaches.

Demonstrates the ability to develop effective working relationships with director-level peers and senior management.

Builds and leads a mutually supportive team, in which all team members are motivated and encouraged to make their contribution, encourages initiatives.

Recognises the broad organisational picture as well as the interrelationships between different work areas and activities in order to promote coordination and integration of UNHCR processes.

Demonstrates the ability to enhance collaboration between UNHCR and external parties.

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Code : C003 Category : Core Levelled: Yes

Competency : Communication

Definition: Is sensitive, compelling and clear in formal and informal communication, which encourage engagement and contribution to improved outcomes for all the involved stakeholders. Demonstrates behavioural flexibility in engaging colleagues, partners and persons of concern of different cultural backgrounds, gender, or with different objectives; has well developed listening skills; explains complex matters in an informative, inspiring and motivational way.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators

C003L1 Listens and conveys information clearly.

Chooses the most effective mode of communication for any situation taking into consideration the UN values (professionalism, integrity, respect for diversity).

Demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping staff informed.

Asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication.

Listens carefully and genuinely to the views and positions of others; acts on received information.

C003L2 Engages in daily communication with peers and immediate work colleagues successfully.

Brings clarity and professionalism to verbal and written forms of communication, including communication in the language(s) appropriate to role, exhibiting commitment to two-way communication.

Speaks and writes clearly and effectively.

Adapts their communication style to an understanding of diversity (e.g. ethnic, religion, gender, etc).

Seeks to share information with others, both face-to-face and through communication and information technology as appropriate with due respect for the confidentiality of specific sensitive information, e.g. individual case information, privacy issues, etc.

C003L3 Pursues open channels of communication with other teams and relevant partners, and actively promotes ideas and manages information flow.

Keeps staff informed of decisions and directives of senior management and communicates them in a manner that ensures understanding and acceptance.

Listens and seeks to understand without bias, and responds appropriately.

Understands the audience's requirements and key concerns; chooses apropriate language and media, and responds.

Listens to, and seeks to understand through clarification, the views and positions of others, while not necessarily accepting information at face value.

C003L4 Identifies and shapes the area of responsibility’s message to internal and external partners; implements communication strategy.

Seeks consensus with others through a persuasive, flexible approach.

Shares information and keeps others up to date; actively seeks others' views and ideas and respects their contribution.

Advocates the organisation’s values and mission through communication processes.

Develops a network of appropriate contacts inside and outside UNHCR to gain information. Encourages their involvement and support for the cause of persons of concern.

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Code : C004 Category : Core Levelled: Yes

Competency : Commitment to continuous learning

Definition: Recognizes the importance of continuous learning and sharing as key components for organisational flexibility and responsiveness to a constantly evolving environment.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable

Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators

C004L1 Exhibits self-awareness and need for development.

Understands the limits of own capabilities, knows when to seek the advice or assistance of others.

Seeks feedback on own performance and always tries to learn from and build upon successes and failures.

Shows a willingness to learn from others.

Endeavours to improve work-related competencies through training and self-development.

C004L2 Takes time to assist others with their needs, encourages growth, builds confidence.

Seeks to share information with others, both face-to-face and through communication and information technology systems as appropriate.

Supports staff in identifying their training and development needs in relation to competencies required to do the job.

Actively seeks to develop both professionally and personally.

Discusses opportunities for increasing knowledge as a regular part of the performance appraisal process.

C004L3 Allocates resources for professional development opportunities for staff, encourages coaching and knowledge sharing across units and with partners.

Contributes to the learning of colleagues and subordinates as well as partners where relevant, provides effective coaching and encourages appropriate development activities.

Encourages learning activities which foster team building and effective teamwork.

Contributes to knowledge/network communities for topics relevant to area of expertise.

Keeps abreast of new developments in own occupation/profession.

C004L4 Cultivates a learning environment for staff to operate in; making efforts to share his/her own insights and knowledge when appropriate.

Applies knowledge and learning experience in solving problems and "real-life" situations and encourages those supervised to do the same.

Counsels staff in reviewing their future career options and identifying realistic career goals; facilitates achievement of development activities in support of goals where feasible and appropriate.

Seeks to maximise the use of on-the-job opportunities for developing staff, and in lieu of formal training, supports cost effective methods of development.

Champions the practice of continuous learning organisation-wide, encouraging staff to devote appropriate time to their development and career management.

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Code : C005 Category : Core Levelled: Yes

Competency : Client & Result orientation

Definition: Understands and exceeds client needs. Ensures overall provision of quality service to internal and external clients, including persons of concern, through the effective management of internal and external resources to achieve results. Is sensitive to and responsive to the age, gender and diversity requirements of clients.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable

Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators

C005L1 Works with and sets up effective relationships with clients.

• Makes efforts to understand internal and external client needs. • Provides quality service to clients. • Meets timeline for delivery of products or services to clients. • Quickly identifies and diplomatically takes care of the client's needs. • Identifies clients' needs and matches them to appropriate solutions. • Is sensitive and responsive to the age, gender and diversity requirements of clients.

C005L2 Contributes to successful outcomes for clients using basic project management.

• Demonstrates a willingness to go beyond basic requirements in order to deliver high quality service. • Supports client interests by actively applying human, financial and other resources in order to meet their specific needs and nurture their specific capacities. • Demonstrates drive to achieve high quality client focused results. • Seeks to understand the real, underlying needs and capacities of the client to achieve age, gender and diversity –sensitive results.. • Communicates the priority of a client’s urgent situation to others to initiate swift action.

C005L3 Focuses and drives toward meeting the client's needs.

• Establishes and maintains productive partnerships with client interlocutors by gaining their trust and respect. • Consults with clients, using an age, gender and diversity approach, and represents their needs, capacities and proposed solutions in decision- making processes. • Persuades management to undertake new projects and services that benefit internal and external clients; uses performance standards to monitor projects. • Anticipates constraints in services delivery and identifies solutions or alternatives. • Is dedicated to and focuses on the Organisation mandate and its persons of concern while performing official duties.

C005L4 Uses position to lobby and advocate for clients.

• Holds others accountable for achieving results related to their area of responsibility. • Monitors ongoing developments inside and outside the clients' environment to keep informed, anticipate problems, and identify client capacities and client-driven solutions. • Monitors service delivery mechanisms and protocols and anticipates changes necessary to ensure clients receive optimal service with the resources available. • Conceptualizes innovative, age, gender and diversity-sensitive, results oriented programmes and holds self-accountable for outcomes. • Listens to requests from donor organizations, missions etc., and quickly responds to them in a diplomatic manner in order to achieve results.

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Code : C006 Category : Core Levelled: Yes

Competency : Organizational awareness

Definition: Understands and builds formal and informal systems within a global organisation to produce desired results. Identifies and understands relationships, contraints and pressures affecting others, and especially persons of concern, by building support and developing political acumen.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable

Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators

C006L1 Uses formal hierarchies to get tasks done.

Demonstrates a basic understanding of the structure of the organization.

Acts as a facilitator for the requirements of other staff, partners or persons of concern, who need advice or support in order to achieve their own end results.

Focuses own efforts and energy so as to help UNHCR meet its objectives and improve its performance.

Awareness of UNHCR’s mandate and its role versus partners and the external environment.

C006L2 Builds support for projects and initiatives.

Makes consistent efforts to develop and utilise working relationships to achieve work-related goals, assisting and supporting contacts in their objectives where possible.

Contributes an informed viewpoint to inititatives affecting operational effectiveness.

Knows where to find sources of internal and external advice and guidance and mobilises their cooperation to provide it and to actively seek it.

Anticipates the effects of own actions and words in the culture/environment, and adapts own style appropriately to maximise impact and build trust.

C006L3 Uses critical thinking to identify solutions through inter-relationships.

Promotes an understanding of UNHCR’s concerns, objectives and priorities by providing information or expertise to interested parties, including donors.

Takes time to understand the culture and hierarchies of relevant external organisations.

Applies an understanding of UNHCR's mandate, policies and priorities to the development of region/country strategies.

Builds consensus to move work forward; identifies key players to gain support for new initiatives.

C006L4 Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of how the organisation functions along with well-developed political acumen.

Understands and takes due account of the political objectives of the organisations and individuals with whom UNHCR must work and whose actions affect the fate of persons of concern.

Builds trust and concensus with high-level peers; gains political cooperation first.

Nurtures alliances with counterparts to win support and achieve results.

Continually looks for opportunities to add new contacts to strengthen formal or informal networks within UNHCR, with government authorities, donors, NGOs, the wider UN community and other relevant organisations.

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Code : M001 Category : Managerial Levelled: Yes

Competency : Empowering and building trust

Definition: Creates an atmosphere of trust and confidence; puts in place the conditions needed for staff to be able to contribute their best.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable

Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators


M001L2 Shares responsibilities and ensures staff is informed and has the resources to perform tasks.

Shares information and keeps others up to date; actively seeks others' views and ideas and respects their contribution.

Holds the relevant person accountable for achieving results related to their area of responsibility.

Operates with transparency; and treats sensitive or confidential information appropriately.

Genuinely values all staff members' input and expertise. Delegates the appropriate responsibility and decision making authority.

M001L3 Actively delegates significant responsibility and works to develop a sense of trust.

Encourages risk taking and supports creativity and initiative.

Creates an atmosphere of trust and confidence in which others can talk and act without fear of repercussion.

Actively and realistically supports the career aspirations of staff members.

Delegates appropriately to make the most of others’ talents, clarifying expectations and allowing autonomy in important areas while providing necessary support.

Makes decisions in a transparent manner.

M001L4 Shows genuine interest in the all-round improvement of others. This leader typically attracts followers.

Empowers staff to help them maximise their capacity to make their own decisions and to develop and implement alternatives for solving their problems; gives proper credit to others.

Involves others when making decisions that affect them.

Encourages individuals to take initiatives and responsibility for putting ideas/activities into practice and making them work.

Displays a curiosity to understand others' motivation, and is able to adopt techniques and approaches to enhance motivation and personal effectiveness in the service of the organisation and the achievement of results.

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Code : M002 Category : Managerial Levelled: Yes

Competency : Managing Performance

Definition: Promotes a culture of regular and systematic performance management; Keeps staff on track of appraisal timeline; encourages two-way feedback throughout.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable

Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators


M002L2 Performs duties related to performance management and shows the ability to hold honest discussions.

Regularly discusses performance, provides useful feedback and takes timely and appropriate steps to address poor performance.

Sets and agrees clear, compelling and appropriate targets, goals and outcomes with others.

Provides useful continuous feedback and coaching to staff managed, with the aim of guiding them to improve their performance or acquire new competencies.

Guides staff in understanding competencies required in the job as a whole.

M002L3 Continually promotes performance management behaviour; seeks ongoing training for staff on issues such as objective setting and active listening.

Motivates subordinates through appropriate actions; fairly rewards achievements and efforts and gives proper credit and recognition.

Appraises the performance of the staff honestly, fairly and consistently, respecting UNHCR guidelines on applying the appraisal process.

Guides staff in understanding operational priorities for the period in question, and agrees objectives with them which reflect these priorities.

Makes sure that roles, responsibiilities and reporting lines are clear to each staff member.

Uses performance management processes (e.g. ratings) honestly and fairly to reinforce key performance messages.

Addresses performance problems.

M002L4 Invests resources of department, including own time and effort, to encourage a performance management culture.

Monitors progress against milestones and deadlines to ensure desired results are reached.

Gives staff with performance difficulties every reasonable opportunity and assistance to improve, but always addresses the problem directly, using the appropriate procedures.

Takes responsibility as Reviewing Officer for ensuring that the appraisal process is correctly carried out by supervisors, and appraising their performance fairly as a result

Assumes responsibility as Reviewing Officer for mediating appraisal disagreements between supervisors and those they supervise to achieve genuine and effective resolutions.

Gives regular, constructive feedback on performance, which is aimed at helping the staff member to capitalise on strengths and improve performance in areas of need.

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Code : M003 Category : Managerial Levelled: Yes

Competency : Judgement and Decision Making

Definition: Shows an ability for taking sound and balanced decisions: demonstrates the systematic gathering of information as well as thorough and objective judgement. Brings clarity, direction and good judgement to ambiguous, complex or difficult situations.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable

Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators


M003L2 Displays efficient decisions and good overall judgement.

Gathers relevant information and ensures decisions are based on best available, accurate and objective data.

Uses knowledge to adapt and interpret UNHCR policies to suit conditions when necessary, without contravening the rules.

Has faith in own judgement and stands by own decisions, while remaining open to new data and the views of others.

Analyses all available information, uses judgement to balance needs against available resources. Considers positive and negative impacts of decisions prior to making them.

M003L3 Uses objective reasoning and insight to take into consideration critical aspects of medium- and long-term decisions.

Uses judgement to identify problems and takes decisions with an aim to positively impact on others and on the organization.

Makes sound, timely and tough decisions when necessary, that are free from personal bias; stands by decisions without misrepresentation.

Able to make mature and well-reasoned decisions and manage these through to implementation in less than secure environments, managing related risks with pragmatism and courage.

Makes assessments of threats to security and takes appropriate actions to ensure safety of staff.

M003L4 Demonstrates broad vision with a focus on long-term decisions reflecting UNHCR goals and values.

Has the self confidence and authority necessary to invoke disciplinary measures, and the judgement and technical knowledge to recognise when this is appropriate.

Monitors the use of resources to ensure they are in line with UNHCR/UN rules and guidelines, and adjusts resource plans as required in response to changing circumstances.

Proposes a course of action or makes a recommendation based on all available information.

Identifies the key issues in a complex situation, and comes to the heart of the problem quickly.

Takes a firm stand on principles that will genuinely benefit persons of concern and UNHCR, including the principles of gender equality and empowerment; acting and making decisions in accordance with UNHCR's needs, priorities, goals and values.

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Code : M004 Category : Managerial Levelled: Yes

Competency : Strategic planning and vision

Definition: Demonstrates the ability to understand the broader UNHCR picture; to develop and communicate a clear strategic direction, taking into account the needs of persons of concern and the interests of the organisation as a whole.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable

Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators


M004L2 Adopts a strategic perspective and incorporates strategy into work and pursues projects with the overall vision in mind.

Involves staff in developing the strategic direction, and obtains their commitment to the proposed goals and the means to achieve them.

Shows courage and resilience when upholding the vision/mandate even when this is strongly challenged by others.

Identifies strategic issues, opportunities and risks and aligns actions to UNHCR’s vision, values and mandate.

Uses the agreed strategic direction for the area of responsibility to identify, prioritize and plan resource requirements as accurately and as early as possible.

M004L3 Defines strategic goals and understands importance of a clear, well articulated direction.

Able to identify and/or create the vision for a project (higher goals and objectives, issues, opportunities and risks).

Clearly communicates links between the organization's vision, values and mandate so that it has meaning and relevance to the work unit and aligns other's actions accordingly.

Generates and communicates broad and compelling organizational direction, inspiring others to pursue that same direction.

Identifies strategic issues, opportunities and risks.

M004L4 Translates vision into workplan and sets overall strategy.

Steps back from operational issues to focus on a long term direction for the area of responsibility which directly links the needs of persons of concern with overall UNHCR objectives.

Communicates vision to staff and explains strategy to achieve it; engages resources to achieve them.

Consults with groups inside and outside the organisation as appropriate to ensure that the strategic direction is realistic and suitable.

Develops challenging, yet realistic goals for the area or responsibility which provide all interested parties with a clear and common understanding of the strategic direction. Uses discretion and flexibility to comply with donor requirements.

Is tenacious, focused and positive in harnessing all resources and levels of stakeholder support needed to deliver the vision.

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Code : M005 Category : Managerial Levelled: Yes

Competency : Leadership

Definition: Demonstrates the ability to carry out the organization's vision to manage changes, make sound and timely decisions and be accountable for them, lead and delegate decision making authority to build and motivate the team to achieve planned results.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable

Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators


M005L2 Displays strong sense of conviction for one's work and displays strong decision making.

Exerts a positive influence on others and shows the courage to take unpopular stands

Creates an atmosphere in which timely and high quality communication flows smoothly.

Anticipates and resolves conflicts by pursuing mutually agreeable solutions.

Explains the reasons for decisions to those who implement or are affected by them.

M005L3 Leads by example; is accountable for work and decisions and challenges the team to constantly improve.

Drives for change and improvement; does not accept the status quo.

Assumes responsibilty and accepts accountability for his/her decisions.

Empowers others to translate vision into results.

Takes sound and timely managerial decisions, (including those of a sensitive,or contentious nature) which are consistent with UNHCR's vision and purpose.

M005L4 Inspires others to achieve higher results and fosters teamwork within the work place.

Establishes and maintains relationships with a broad range of stakeholders to understand needs and gain support.

Serves as a role model that other people want to follow.

Builds and leads a mutually supportive team, in which all team members are motivated and encouraged to make their contribution.

Demonstrates decisiveness when taking decisions and encourages individuals to take initiatives and responsibilty for putting ideas/activities into practice and making them work.

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Code : M006 Category : Managerial Levelled: Yes

Competency : Managing Resources

Definition: Demonstrates the ability to plan and use resources (human and financial resources and/or physical assets) in accordance with UNHCR/UN guidelines, including the gender equity policy, so that objectives are achieved in the most effective manner possible.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable

Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators


M006L2 Demonstrates awareness of resource planning

Identifies problems and takes action making the best use of available resources.

Participates in individual work planning. Makes appropriate suggestions to modify plans and practices, so as to improve efficiency. Uses time efficiently.

Identifies the resources currently in place, uses resources cost effeciently and makes plans to gain additional resources if required.

Accurately judges the amount of time and resources needed to accomplish a task and matches task to skills.

M006L3 Identifies resource requirements, develops budgets and work plans, and advocates for additional human resources with the consideration to achieving gender balance.

Recognizes and effectively leverages employees's skills and abilities.

Assesses suitability, cost effectiveness and quantity of internal and external resources required to direct, carry out and monitor projects in order to optimise their results and use of resources.

Monitors the use of resources to ensure they are in line with UNHCR/UN rules and guidelines, and adjusts resource plans as required in response to changing circumstances while aiming for gender balance in staffing

Uses the agreed strategic direction for the area of responsibility to identify, prioritize and plan resource requirements as accurately and as early as possible.

M006L4 Works with donors such as government leaders, private sector leadership and others to secure resources.

Guides staff and partners in understanding operational priorities for the period in question, and agrees objectives with them which reflect these priorities.

Reviews and evaluates achievements to enhance future planning and resource utilisation including developing and implementing a plan for achieving gender equity in staffing

Establishes realistic budget plans and demonstrates fiscal accountabilitiy.

Leverages the larger resources of national governments and other partners.

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Code : X001 Category : Cross-Functional Levelled: Yes

Competency : Analytical thinking

Definition: Displays analytical thinking by identifying, defining and analyzing information, situations and problems. Arrives at viable solutions through a variety of approaches: critical thought, methodical review of implications, intuition and rational conclusions.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators

X001L1 Analyses and compiles data into relevant and understandable information.

Undertakes basic analysis/interpretation of the data and identifies patterns/trends which can assist the work of others.

Reviews data and is able to identify and verify what is relevant or accurate and discards what is not.

Shows the attention to detail necessary to identify errors, discrepancies or gaps in information, and follows these up as required, on own initiative.

Carefully screens incoming information to determine key facts and assesses how this will impact the user’s needs.

Uses analytical approach and methods for the evaluation of issues and problems.

X001L2 Analyses information and data, and forms recommendations based on logical conclusions.

Identifies trends and implications of raw data to produce relevant and usable information, packaged in an appropriate format and communicated clearly.

Assesses needs quickly and accurately, makes logical conclusions and examines consequences of pursuing different options.

Displays a strong capacity for taking large amounts of data or information, identifying and verifying critical elements; focusing on aspects of particular relevance.

Offers well-supported recommendations for a course of action, using analytical and rational thought.

X001L3 Takes data and information analysis to the next level; taking recommendations with options, reviewing implications for the future: forms decisions.

Formulates plans based on strong contributions of staff; checks against own approach and intuition, identifying warning signs to trigger review.

Anticipates the risks or implications inherent in a suggested plan of action and proposes appropriate strategies to mitigate their impact

Is able to identify hidden or root causes of problems and predict the best option for long-term resolution or improvement.

Reviews reports of previous and current initiatives to assess difficulties and achievements to identify learning points for future.

Keeps an open mind with respect to the results of research and analysis, and to the strengths of other’s arguments.

X001L4 Checks analysis and recommendations against experience and own thought process; integrates results of analysis into courses of action.

Keeping UNHCR's mission in mind, converts detailed analysis of issues into strategy and action plans.

Weighs assumptions made in analysis and recommendations; brings experience and perspective to bear on issues to solidify or reject options and choose a course of action.

Makes choices in order to leverage UNHCR's resources towards achieving the overall mandate; is able to switch back and forth from detailed analysis to big picture thinking.

Can step back from operational issues and demonstrate long-term perspective on issues, evaluating implications and overall impact.

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Code : X002 Category : Cross-Functional Levelled: Yes

Competency : Innovation and creativity

Definition: Challenging established methods and generating/enabling new, innovative solutions, promoting brainstorming, and fostering creativity and reasonable risk-taking. Creating an environment where leaders can emerge.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable

Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators

X002L1 Demonstrates the ability to develop and implement creative and innovative ideas.

Actively seeks to improve programmes or services.

Offers new and different options to solve problems or meet client needs.

Is not bound by current thinking or traditional approaches.

Is creative while complying with UNHCR rules and protocols

X002L2 Creates an environment within the work place that encourages innovation, creative ideas.

Promotes and persuades others to consider new ideas.

Questions the 'usual way of doing things', and welcomes suggestions for improvement from others.

Thinks laterally and imaginatively to simplify processes and identify creative ways of working in order to improve work efficiency.

Takes an interest in new ideas and new ways of doing things.

X002L3 Fosters risk-taking with ideas and new ways of approaching work in others; openess to new approaches.

Seeks to consistently promote UNHCR’s objectives in innovative and creative ways which are sensitive to the political and social environment of the area of responsibility.

Takes calculated risks on new and unusual ideas; thinks "outside the box".

Contributes to development of innovative strategies for the work area to support UNHCR's strategy.

Builds a climate in which people are prepared to be innovative and offer suggestions for improvement.

X002L4 Works to find new ways of doing things on an ongoing basis and does so across work relationships within UNHCR and outside of the organisation.

Develops practical and innovative ideas for involving interlocutors in the work of UNHCR through projects, campaigns, etc., which are clearly linked to the organization’s objectives.

Develops and implements creative and innovative ideas for stimulating donors’ interest in programmes.

Develops a systematic and innovative plan of external relations activities which both support the overall direction of UNHCR.

Seeks to consistently promote UNHCR's objectives in innovative and creative ways which seek to rally support and are sensitive to the political and social environment of the area of responsibility.

Documents and proactively shares innovative strategies, best practices, and new approaches.

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Code : X003 Category : Cross-Functional Levelled: Yes

Competency : Technological awareness

Definition: Understands the value and power of technology and how to apply it for maximum benefit; sees it as an ongoing aspect of all work; invests time and energy to incorporate it.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable

Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators

X003L1 Shows interest in and ability to work with software and technology tools.

Keeps abreast of available technology.

Shows willingness to learn new technology.

Takes advantage of in-house software training offered by the organization.

Actively seeks to apply technology to appropriate tasks.

X003L2 Actively pursues technological solutions to work tasks; seeks training when needed.

Exhibits basic facility with standard computer applications and electronic communication methods, and uses them regularly in work tasks.

Understands the applicability and limitations of technology to the work of the office.

Actively seeks out training on complex software or other technology when there is a knowledge or skill gap.

Turns problems into opportunities by sharing technological knowledge with others with the aim to improve work efficiency.

X003L3 Participates in technology groups and other knowledge management circles in order to stay on top of useful application of technology for solutions.

Leverages information technology systems as a tool to share information with others.

Keeps up to date on available technological developments to stay current in area of expertise.

Sees and uses technology as a tool with broad reach and cost savings potential for some applications.

Possesses the ability to learn new technologies and the aptitude to understand technological concepts.

X003L4 Values technology and mobilizes resources to ensure its use to perform tasks and carry out the team’s workplans.

Allocates an appropriate amount of staff time and resources to establish strong technological skills within the work area.

Shares information learned at conferences, seminars, and training on new tools and technologies

Thinks through problems logically and breaks them down into component parts which users can understand, assimilate and respond to.

Anticipates possible problems that may have a wider implication for the organization. Tries to find workable and sustainable technological solutions.

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Code : X004 Category : Cross-Functional Levelled: Yes

Competency : Negotiation and conflict resolution

Definition: Demonstrates the ability to enable the parties involved in a conflict to come to mutually acceptable compromises and a practical solution to the dispute with a focus on maintaining a functioning work enviroment.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators

X004L1 Manages self and personal reactions well in dealing with conflicted parties. Shows respect for parties involved; gains trust.

Expresses disagreement in constructive ways that focuses on the issue and not the person.

Always demonstrates neutrality and respect of confidentiality in dealing with others. Uses knowledge of rules and organizational practices.

Proactively deals with conflict, before it can affect the team’s outputs.

Takes steps to understand and deal with anger and frustrations in colleagues or external stakeholders.

X004L2 Shows the ability to manage conflict between people.

Distinguishes between objective facts and subjective elements of individual problems and grievances through careful listening and meticulous study of all relevant documentation.

Encourages the different parties to explore the problem from different angles in order to clarify the facts of contentious issues and/or to re-establish meaningful communication.

Involves other parties (e.g. supervisor, director) in agreement with the staff member(s), with a view to proposing steps and interventions aimed at solving the problem.

Confronts conflicts so as to bring them out, in a way that acknowledges the feelings and opinions of all sides and redirects energy towards solution.

Holds oneself and others accountable for respecting organisational standards of civility in all circumstances.

X004L3 Uses conflict as an opportunity to explore perspectives and value diversity of opinion; promotes an environment where disagreements are aired and worked through to agreement.

Establishes a helping relationship which respects the individual, whilst aiming at understanding the perspective of other parties and acknowledging cultural, age, gender and diversity differences.

Promotes a mindset of co-operation, teamwork and a commitment to building and maintaining trust among colleagues.

Intervenes promptly in cases of unproductive conflict among colleagues, settling them equitably; involves external parties when necessary.

Works to promote a professional environment in which subordinates feel they are treated fairly: relies on trust to get disagreeing parties to talk openly and calmly about difficult subjects.

X004L4 Demands professionalism and civility while handling conflict. Sets standards and makes decisions when needed.

In cases of failure by the parties to come to agreement, drafts case summaries and makes specific proposals which reflect a final verdict or an administrative decision.

Models UNHCR standards of conduct and civility in all circumstances, and is able to conduct open and honest discussions with staff when they have failed to meet required standards of conduct.

Handles potentially delicate and conflictual situations well and models professionalism to those inside and outside the organisation.

Seeks outside help for conflict resolution such as ombudspersons or mediators as positive choices when situations can no longer be managed internally.

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Code : X005 Category : Cross-Functional Levelled: Yes

Competency : Planning and organizing

Definition: Able to organize self and others to take efficient and effective action over the short, medium and long term.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators

X005L1 Organises work according to established plans, allocating time and resources.

Identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required.

Allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work.

Monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary.

Foresees risks and advises those responsible for the plans and activities.

X005L2 Demonstrates good organization of time in project management and accomplishing daily tasks.

Monitors progress and adjusts plans if necessary to take into account feedback or changing circumstances.

Develops and communicates clear goals consistent with agreed strategies, which will deliver desired short, medium and long term outcomes.

Works across the organization to ensure the right corrective actions are planned and implemented when required.

Foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning.

X005L3 Carries out planning exercises with the team to identify resources needed early on; establishes management tools to monitor plan efficacy.

Establishes robust project disciplines, including participatory planning, contingency planning and risk assessment, milestones and measurement processes, regular reviews and reporting activities.

Creates "indicators" to monitor the progress and effectiveness of plans and use of resources and ensures that the team meets commitments and achieves required results.

Uses the agreed strategic direction for the area of responsibility to identify, prioritize and plan resource requirements as accurately and as early as possible.

Deploys resources (physical, financial and human) to best effect to achieve the locally defined vision.

X005L4 Takes final accountability for planning and organising resources; long-term focus.

Shows the ability to initiate, coordinate and develop a clear, realistic and effective planning process, involving UNHCR and partners using best practice.

Makes the most effective use of resources through the appropriate delegation of responsibility.

Reviews and evaluates achievements to enhance future planning and resource utilisation.

Organises own workload to ensure appropriate time is available for staff and stakeholders

Advocates for an accountability culture within the organisation, holding self and team accountable for achieving results related to their area of responsibility.

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Code : X006 Category : Cross-Functional Levelled: Yes

Competency : Policy development & research

Definition: Demonstrates the ability to undertake broad-ranging analytical studies which contribute to the formulation of policies, rules and regulations which have an impact on staff, persons of concern and partners. Develops policy proposals which address research findings in a consistent and pragmatic manner and uses that information to influence policy decisions within UNHCR and with stakeholders.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators

X006L1 Prepares information, research and analysis.

Carries out research on particular problem patterns under the supervision of policy makers.

Liaises with internal and external sources to obtain significant data.

Treats confidential research information with caution and discretion.

Brings visibility and sensitizes decision makers to relevant emerging issues.

X006L2 Analyses information and drafts internal communications.

Ensures UNHCR, and senior management in particular, is kept in touch with major developments regarding issues relating to persons of concern, by monitoring and contributing to academic or policy discussions in this field.

Is responsive to internal and external requests for information, providing a timely response which meets the needs of the client.

Demonstrates political/cultural insight in proposing technically sound, evidence based approaches/solutions in policy papers in line with UNHCR’s mandate.

Drafts clear, well argued reports, highlighting statistically significant facts or concerns, as a basis for policy making in UNHCR.

X006L3 Develops major policy papers.

Keeps abreast of, and analyses the significance of key developments in the internal and external environments, as a basis for assisting senior management in policy formulation.

Draws on own research and analysis to provide studies and position papers on relevant policy issues for UNHCR decision-makers, which clearly present different policy options and indicate their potential impact.

Is responsible for the production of new policies that may have an impact on staff, persons of concern or external parties.

Leverages UNHCR's international multidisciplinary expertise to influence the shape of policies and programmes.

X006L4 Uses UNHCR's position internationally and relevant policy research to influence public policy agendas.

Contributes to the production and promotion of major policy-oriented publications derived from linkages to the external community.

Keeps in regular contact with other work units to understand which issues are of particular relevance to UNHCR's mandate and operations, and how they are evolving.

Demonstrates skill in cultural sensitivity, political acumen and intellectual capacity in handling disagreements with UNHCR's policy agenda in order to promote UNHCR in an adverse environment.

Dialogues with national counterparts to strengthen advocacy efforts, incorporating country, regional and global perspectives.

Promotes dialogue with regional research institutions, agencies and other partners of regional influence on planned and operational regional and inter-country activities.

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Code : X007 Category : Cross-Functional Levelled: Yes

Competency : Political Awareness

Definition: Identifies and understands relationships, constraints and pressures affecting others as well as their motivations and objectives; in light of UNHCR's mandate to serve refugees and other persons of concern.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators

X007L1 Uses formal hierarchy and channels to accomplish tasks.

Knows who to go to for help in order to understand complex issues.

Understands and takes due account of the political objectives of organisations and individuals with whom UNHCR must work and whose actions affect the fate of persons of concern.

Is able to sense potential political problems and alerts superiors in a timely fashion, offers thoughts on possible courses of action.

Brings important and emerging issues to the attention of key decision makers.

X007L2 Uses deliberate, systematic judgement to understand political structures and process flows.

Understands when issues need involvement of other work areas and specific people to be resolved properly, or when no additional input is needed for the decision to be effective.

Steers complex initiatives to implementation through political insight and understanding of the work place functions.

Shows good understanding of inter-relationships and cross-department synergy opportunities.

Makes consistent efforts to develop and utilise working relationships to achieve work-related goals, assisting and supporting contacts in their objectives where possible.

X007L3 Organises relevant groups and builds support.

Anticipates the effects of own actions and words in the culture/environment, and adapts own style appropriately to maximise impact and build trust.

Balances conflicting interests from stakeholders through careful consideration and discussion.

In efforts to achieve results, builds alliances inside and outside of UNHCR with a variety of stakeholders.

Engages in ongoing dialogue with government officials to keep UNHCR issues on the table, ensure accuracy of information and prevent surprises.

Continually looks for opportunities to add new contacts to strengthen formal or informal network within UNHCR, with government authorities, donors and with NGOs, the wider UN community and other relevant organisations.

X007L4 Exhibits strong political acumen and a deft ability with people.

Understands how best to navigate host country political environments, using informal contacts and subtle influence so that UNHCR overall impact is improved.

Actively leads consensus building efforts within the UN system for the achievement of UNHCR goals.

Advocates for the UNHCR mandate at a global level.

Understands UNHCR culture and key player interests and uses them to gain support.

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Code : X008 Category : Cross Functional Levelled: Yes

Competency : Stakeholder management

Definition: The ability to see the fulfillment of UNHCR's mission as part of a United Nations system by building networks of mutual trust with stakeholders in order to maximise results for people of concern.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable

Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators

X008L1 Is aware of the importance of involving others within and outside of UNHCR in order to accomplish objectives.

Develops a strong and effective internal network.

Builds cooperative and mutually supportive relations with stakeholders to further UNHCR’s work.

Uses interpersonal skills to win the trust and cooperation of peers and others.

Takes the opportunity, when appropriate, to help key contacts in order to strengthen relations which will eventually benefit UNHCR.

X008L2 Engages with stakeholders and collaborates with partners, ensuring buy-in for plans.

Maintains respect and influence with stakeholders while achieving own and UNHCR objectives, consistently acting with integrity and respect for diversity.

Identifies the risks and opportunities linked to the perspectives of different stakeholders, and puts plans in place to address them.

Works collaboratively with other agencies and organisations with positive results; develops collaborative working as cluster lead as well as team member.

Views other UN organisations, NGOs and others as potential partners, and looks for mutual interest areas.

X008L3 Advocates for UNHCR with partners and incorporates the needs of others in solutions.

Creative in negotiating solutions for multiple stakeholders.

Negotiates diplomatically with stakeholders in complex environments which have conflicting objectives.

Builds advocacy for the local operation/UNHCR mission amongst the stakeholders.

Encourages “bottom-up” as well as “top-down” dialogue amongst different stakeholders.

Establishes credibility among peers through contributions to mutual stakeholder interests.

X008L4 Cultivates a position of authority and respect among partners and external groups based on trust and respect; uses position to advance the UNHCR mission for the benefit of persons of concern.

Clarifies own and UNHCR’s contribution and works to demonstrably value and maximise the effectiveness of other stakeholders’ roles.

Develops a deep understanding and appreciation of the needs, agendas and capabilities of stakeholders, and skilfully manages their multiple interests with the aim to benefit persons of concern.

Successfully establishes a constructive network of contacts across benefactors, persons of concern, NGOs, local communities, governing authorities and others to accomplish UNHCR’s mission.

Develops a reputation among peer organisations and NGOs as an authority and valuable resource.

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Code : X009 Category : Cross Functional Levelled: Yes

Competency : Change capability and adaptability

Definition: Demonstrates flexibility, both intellectually and behaviourally, to adapt to and work effectively in a variety of situations, often under demanding conditions, and to cope with the unforeseen or unexpected. Looks for opportunities presented by change and is not "paralysed" by new and unusual scenarios; creates opportunities to improve the way in which they work.

Behavioural indicators for non levelled competencies:

Not applicable Behavioural indicators for levelled competencies:

Lev Definition per level Behavioural indicators

X009L1 Agrees with new initiatives and works to implement them in the day to day operations of the unit.

Analyses the situation to fully understand and make the most of it, adapting to the local conventions and acceptable norms.

Demonstrates flexibilty in switching rapidly from general tasks to more specialized activities whilst remaining effective in the job.

Modifies own priorities or objectives in the light of a new or evolving situation.

Accepts a changing role in the team as work requires.

X009L2 Demonstrates optimism for new ideas, welcomes new approaches.

High degree of self-insight, with accompanying understanding of own impact on others and of the possible consequences of change on ways of working and on relationships.

Maintains an awareness of changes in Rules and Policies, assesses the implications of these changes and modifies own and/or office practices accordingly.

Is able to break down the challenges of major change into manageable tasks for self and others to achieve.

Adapts comfortably to a range of working situations and to a variety of people at different levels.

X009L3 Shows ability to support a change initiative that has been mandated; explains what it means to others and works to get buy-in.

Displays cultural awareness, and sensitivity to different ways of working and thinking.

Quickly adapts leadership and interpersonal style to different circumstances; manages the possible stress linked to change for self and the team.

Influences others and involves them appropriately in changes. Always tries to learn from and build upon successes and failures.

Builds a climate in which others are prepared to innovate and offer suggestions for improvement.

X009L4 Creates an environment where the staff and work unit adapt to change effectively as well as creating useful changes when necessary.

Recognises that other people have different attitudes and approaches. Accepts that other people's points of view are as worthy of consideration as own.

Remains positive, calm and reliable during times of turbulence, and consistently behaves with maturity and reasoned judgement.

Is vigilant for improvements in processes and outcomes. Does not accept the status quo. Takes positive action to create useful changes in processes and methods of work in order to adapt to changes in the environment and to maintain their team effectiveness.

Initiates and implements important changes, influences to gain support, maintains the effort with determination in spite of resistance.

Builds a climate in which people are prepared to promote change and adapt to change, is positive towards change inititatives and supports them actively.