unicef turkey country programme 2016-2020. what is the cp? a proposal describes unicef’s...

UNICEF Turkey Country Programme 2016-2020

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UNICEF Turkey Country Programme 2016-2020

What is the CP?

A proposal describes UNICEF’s engagement in Turkey.UNICEF country office, through the Regional Director, requests the UNICEF Executive Board to design plan for support to Turkey’s children.The Executive Board (member states) considers whether the proposal is in accordance with the UNICEF strategic plan and Board-approved policies, and other criteria.

UNICEF Turkey has developed a set of ideas concerning the new Country Programme. These ideas are;

• In line with the United Nations Development Cooperation Strategy (UNDCS) preparation process, • The requirements of UNICEF’s global Strategic Plan for 2014-2017, • and UNICEF’s analysis of the country situation and national capacity for upholding child rights.

UNDCS 2016-2020 1. Sustainable, Inclusive Growth and Development

Result 1: By 2020, increased/strengthened capacity of private sector/ workers, government institutions for a more competitive, inclusive, innovative and sustainable growth and development that creates productive and decent work and better livelihoods for all.

Result 2: By 2020, increased and more equitable and equal access to and utilization of integrated, gender-sensitive and sustainable services (e.g. health, education, decent employment, social protection systems) by all (with focus on the poor, women, girls, and vulnerable) for improved human development and reduced disparities.

2. Democracy and Human Rights

Result 4: Central and local administrations and other actors more effectively protect and promote human rights, and adopt transparent, accountable, pluralistic and gender sensitive governance systems, with the full participation of civil society, including the most vulnerable.

3. Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

Result 5: Women and girls have equal, effective and increased political and economic participation and representation in decision-making, implementation, and monitoring at central and local levels in both public and private institutions.

Result 6: Government’s and CSOs’ including women’s movements and organizations, develop and implement policies and legislation (on prevention, prosecution, protection) and promote gender equality to reduce all forms of GBV (including child and forced marriages, sexual violence, honor killings) including during and after conflict and natural disasters

4. Migration and International Protection

Current Country ProgrammeComponents

I- Disparity Reduction,

Social Inclusion and Protection

II- Youth Empowerment and Protection

Social protection policy and budgeting for children Institutionalization of pediatric care & development Pre school (formal and community based) Completion of Primary Education and transition to Secondary Education Implementation of primary school standardsPrevention, intervention and monitoring non-attendance and drop-outsTransition to secondary education Effective child protection system Child rights monitoring and ombudsman system

Country Programme Component I

Country Programme Component II

Youth EmpowermentSupporting National Youth Policy developmentSupporting youth employment policy developmentInvestment in secondary educationBuilding life and livelihood skills for young people out of school

Justice for Children

Strengthening child-specific judicial procedures, reducing pre-trial detention periods, increasing use of alternative measuresSetting and monitoring institutional care standards for children deprived of liberty


Why Partnership?

• Achieving results for children, stronger advocacy for children’s rights

• Innovation for children• Greater aid effectiveness• Strengthened knowledge base• Changing landscape – evolving partnerships• Need for a systematic approach• Untapped potential • Reduced Resources

Who do we partner with?

• Government - programme and policies• Other UN Agencies – joint response• Civil Society – capacity building & advocacy• Corporate Sector – mobilize resources and child rights’

principles• Knowledge Partners – evidence based work, learning

from others, technical capacity• Media – raising awareness, engaging individuals• National Committee for UNICEF

Joint efforts for children’s right:Synergies through each others efforts Building on each other strengths

Some examples:◦Advocacy: focus on strengthening child protection systems in relation to violence ◦Child Rights monitoring: shadow report◦Technical assistance ◦Knowledge generation: joint research ◦Resource mobilization: National Committee◦Awareness raising: social media ◦Service delivery: CFS/emergencies


What is expectations todays’ discussions?◦ Feedback from you regarding focus for the

Country Programme for 2016-2020 (validating our assessment);

• Guidance and ideas towards UNICEF on the way forward: comparative advantage, added value;

• Outside-the-box discussions and ideas, and any other matters, related to cooperation UNICEF and civil Society;