unit 1 early exploration

American History: Unit 1 Lecture 1 The Earliest Americans and European Contact

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American History: Unit 1 Lecture 1

The Earliest Americans and European Contact

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Arrival of Human Population

• ~ 15,000 – 12,000 years ago – Stone Age Hunters

• Ice Age reveals land bridge connecting Asia and North America

• Known as BERINGIA• ~ 8000 BCE people

dispersed throughout the Americas



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Native American Societies

• Over time, various complex cultures form in America

• Culture – Beliefs, norms, traditions, and values of a group of people. • No private land

ownership, close dependence on environment

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Early European Exploration: Why Now?

• Growth of centralized nations after the Middle Ages

• Crusades create a thirst for Eastern Goods (spices, rice, coffee, lemons, mirrors, cotton clothes, writing paper, etc., etc.)

• Renaissance ideas/discoveries lead to inventions that make long distance sailing possible (Astrolabe, Caravel, cartography improvements, etc.)

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Early European Exploration

Motives for Exploration

“The Three G’s”• Gold• God• Glory

Early Explorers• Vasco de Gama – sails

around Horn of Africa to India

• Columbus – looking for a shorter route sails WEST – stumbles onto the Americas - 1492

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Early European Exploration

Columbus:• Claims new lands for

Spain• Enslaves native

population of San Salvador

• Opens the door for Columbian


Columbian Exchange:The exchange of people, ideas, plants, animals, and diseases between the Old World and the New World.

• Disease devastated Native Populations

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Effects of Disease

Columbus remains a controversial figure today…click here to see why.


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The Columbian ExchangeThe Columbian Exchange had not only a great effect on history, but still effects our lives today.


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Spain becomes the first European nation to COLONIZE in the Americas.

COLONIZE – Take control of the people and resources of another land

TREATY OF TORDESILLAS – Divides Latin American between Spain and Portugal

Spanish holdings as of 1615


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• Britain and France are eager to establish colonies in the New World as well.

• These nations soon begin establishing colonies of their own in North America!

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Non-Wiki Images1. From http://www.learnnc.org2. From regentsprep.org3. From http://northspringsapwh.blogspot.com4. From http://mapas.owje.com