unit 1€¦  · web viewwhat does she really do to earn something for which respect is way too...

UNIT 4 POLITICS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS LEAD-IN 1. Look at the pictures. Give your opinion on the following quotations. 2. Discuss the questions: What is the role of diplomacy in today’s world? Is the role of a diplomat subject to change in the near future? What does the job of a diplomat involve? What are the challenges? What are the most/least desirable characteristics in an ambassador? Use the adjectives from the box: aloof analytical articulate assertive charismatic pragmatic persuasive intuitive meticulous dogmatic committed corrupt devious dignified diligent energetic good at solving problems impulsive bigoted indiscrete observant 1

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1. Look at the pictures. Give your opinion on the following quotations.

2. Discuss the questions:

What is the role of diplomacy in today’s world? Is the role of a diplomat subject to change in the near future?

What does the job of a diplomat involve? What are the challenges? What are the most/least desirable characteristics in an ambassador? Use the

adjectives from the box:

aloof analytical articulate assertive charismatic pragmatic persuasive intuitive meticulous dogmatic committed corrupt devious dignified diligent energetic good at solving problems impulsive bigoted indiscrete observant outgoing charming passionate provocative respectful sensitive strong stuffy self-effacing willing to learn, resilient, prejudiced


Read the extracts from the interviews with ambassadors. Match the questions (1-10) with the answers (A-K). Which of the personal characteristics are mentioned?

1. What steps did it take to become an ambassador?


2. Could you please tell me how ambassadors are selected?3. What is the hardest part of your job?4. How do you know what the proper etiquette is when dealing with different

cultures?5. What is the job of an ambassador? x 26. What kind of education do you need to become an ambassador?7. I would really be interested in knowing what it is like to be an ambassador.

You must get very stressed out.8. What is your workday like?9. What personal qualities do you need?10. What did you most/least enjoy about being an ambassador?

Extract 1A. Question:_________________Ambassador: It's a tough job. In addition to promoting the interests of your country in a way that makes them understood by others, you have to also take into account the interests of your partners and work to forge a consensus that would embrace both.В. Question:_________________ Ambassador: You have to be well versed in the history and culture of other countries and to be able to present your arguments clearly and persuasively. Any education which helps you to achieve these qualities would do.C. Question:_________________ Ambassador: Sometimes you are woken up in the middle of a night to discuss a new crisis about which you don't have instructions. Then you have to go by your instincts and hope that they are right.D. Question:_________________ Ambassador: My workday starts at 9.00 a.m. by reading cables from Moscow. Then I attend various UN meetings which last until late afternoon. After that, I have to write my reports and suggestions (hoping they will be accepted), which typically lasts until late night every day.E. Question:_________________Ambassador: Ambassadors are appointed by presidents. How they select ambassadors, I don't know. I never served as President!

Extract 2F. Question:_________________Ambassador: I’m a career diplomat. I had been engaged in diplomatic work for more than 20 years before becoming an ambassador. A rich diplomatic practice is an excellent way to prepare for being an ambassador. What you study in college does not matter much in determining whether you become an ambassador. The important thing is whether you can develop yourself and acquire certain necessary skills, such as thorough observation, in-depth thinking and analysis, and being good at discovering and solving problems.G. Question:_________________


Ambassador: Being strong and healthy is very important. You must be able to endure the long-hour meetings and conferences at the United Nations and be energetic all the time. It is a great honour to be an ambassador. I’m very proud to represent a country that is the birthplace of a 5,000 year-old civilisation, now one-fifth of the world’s population and whose economy has been developing at a rapid pace over the past two decades that is rarely seen in the world today.H. Question:_________________Ambassador: A person’s knowledge is always limited no matter how intelligent he or she is. There are 191 member states in the United Nations. Each country has its own different history and culture. So it is hard to know each culture very well. But I think the important thing is to be self-effacing and eager to learn when you get along with people from a different culture. When you respect others and treat them as equals, you will surely be respected and find it easy to make friends.

Extract 3I. Question:_________________Ambassador: All independent countries of the world seek to foster good relations with each other and for that reason they appoint citizens to represent the country's interests abroad. For the most part, all nations have the same interests - trade, national security, health, education and so on. But not all of them share the same point of view. This is where an ambassador is called upon to be a diplomat - to be sensitive while handling of discussions and negotiations on matters which could be of vital interest to the country they represent, while being careful to maintain good relations between her country and others.J. Question:_________________Ambassador: Being an ambassador is a job about relationships, so one of the most obvious qualities would be an outgoing personality - someone who is charming, charismatic, articulate and can think quickly on their feet. Being willing to learn constantly is another very important quality. Representing a small nation brings its own degree of difficulty, so an ambassador for such a nation, like my own Grenada, has also to know how to balance sensitivity to the positions of others while being assertive of their own country's interests.Presenting yourself with dignity and poise-without being stuffy - is indispensable for creating the kind of impression that commands respectful attention. Need I add committed, passionate and diligent?K. Question:_________________Ambassador: There is very little not to enjoy about serving your own country and fellow citizens. The reward of assisting others on an individual basis, raising your country's profile within the community of nations or delivering an international agreement that boosts your national economy, gives an ambassador immeasurable satisfaction.

What was the most surprising about ambassadors’ answers?


4. Listening

Unit 4. CD 4.1.

Listen to excerpts from a lecture on diplomatic missions and complete the sentences.

1. Chancery is the place where__________________________ but the ambassador may not__________________________.

2. Legations no longer exist but were used to show that neither country__________________________.

3. __________________________ are different because, although they represent different countries, they still answer to one Head of State, even if only for traditional reasons.

4. __________________________ is the state that people can be in when they are staying in a place that protects them from attack, capture or arrest.

Provide Russian equivalent for the following:

(Permanent) diplomatic mission High Commission (a diplomatic mission, equivalent to an embassy, found in many former British colonies that are now members of the Commonwealth of Nations. Their general purpose is to provide diplomatic relationships as well as travel information, passports, dual-citizenship information, and other services between Commonwealth states).High Commissioner Embassy Chancery Diplomatic chanceryLegation Sanctuary

5. Vocabulary Work

Match words from box A with words from box В to make as many collocations about the world of diplomacy as possible.

A cultural diplomatic international overseas summit

В awareness conflict community crisis immunity incident meeting negotiations posting mission

Translate the sentences using collocations about the world of diplomacy.


1. Целью данной программы является повышение культурного уровня учащихся и укрепление духа взаимопонимания.

2. Швейцария открыла свое дипломатическое представительство в России в 1906 году.

3. Это решение ни в коей мере не направлено на подрыв наших хороших дипломатических отношений с Израилем.

4. Хотелось бы напомнить, что г-н Смит сослался на дипломатический иммунитет, чтобы избежать судебного преследования.

5. Его первая дипломатическая должность была первый секретарь, а затем советник Постоянного представительства Кипра при Организации Объединенных Наций, куда он позже вновь вернулся полномочным представителем и послом.

6. В прошлом году в Эстонии, Литве и Латвии были проведены совещания на высшем уровне по вопросам о терроризме, организованной преступности и коррупции.

7. Существуют опасения, что это приведёт к дипломатическому скандалу, мы же должны любой ценой избежать дипломатического кризиса.

8. Одни лишь санкции и давление не решат проблему; дипломатические переговоры, по-прежнему, представляют собой наилучший вариант.

9. Мы, как международное сообщество, должны, по-прежнему, проявлять решимость в борьбе с терроризмом.

6. Reading

Use the collocations to fill in the gaps in the article.

overseas postings diplomatic immunity

cultural awareness summit meetings

international relationsthe good of the state

A Diplomatic Career

‘An Ambassador,’ wrote Sir Henry Wotton, ‘is an honest man sent to lie abroad for 1__________________’ — a nicely ambiguous phrase in the 16th century when lie could mean reside. Now, hundreds of civil servants, men and women, reside abroad on 2__________________________.The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), has 233 embassies, high commissions, consulates and missions. Before you get too excited, diplomatic service staff also work in London. As a career diplomat,

however, you could expect to spend two thirds of your working life abroad protecting and promoting British interests. These days this does not mean sending a gunboat (although consulates do their best to help any British citizens in trouble) or attending high profile 3__________________________ that will change the world. You could work as a political officer, monitoring developments in your host country; in press and public affairs, stating Britain’s case; in consular and


immigration work; or as a commercial officer. More than a third of frontline staff work full time in assisting British businesses to export or invest. In London you could specialise in relations with specific countries and advise ministers and officials.Omar Daair, who has a BSc in 4__________________________ and an MSc in Middle Eastern politics, is based in Khartoum where he is a head of press and public affairs and second secretary, political. ‘I split my time 50/50 between contacts with the Sudanese media and political work — which involves following internal developments in Sudan. I meet with government officials and members of opposition parties to monitor events at a very important time for Sudan. To do this though you have to develop

5__________________________, which you can only do by living and working in the country. The job is not always exciting, although we did have a politician seeking 6______________________last week.However, although it can be just like any other job, it is an experience like no other.’ This is his first posting.After joining the FCO he was placed in the European Union Department in London, working on Spain and Gibraltar. ‘I did the more political bits, but also contributed to policy about shipping, aviation, animal welfare and a range of topics I had never expected.’Omar’s Khartoum posting came after 18 months’ Arabic tuition in London and Cairo. Pay for graduate entrants ranges from £20,240 to £30,330.

Scan the article again and correct the incorrect statements.

1. The job is not always very exciting.2. Not everyone gets to be an ambassador.3. Career diplomats spend over two thirds of their time in the UK.4. 33 per cent of staff work in the business sector.5. Omar didn't know all about Sudanese culture before he came to Sudan.6. Usually you work in one sector and one country only.

7. Role play

Work in two groups. You are all part of the organising committee for a diplomatic reception that was a disaster. Each group should make a list of the things that went wrong. (e.g. the catering/food, the guest list, an embarrassing incident, cultural mistakes, entertainment). Criticise each other using modal verbs+perfect infinitive (should have, should not have, could have, might have, ought to have, ought not to have done smth.).

e.g. You should have sent out more invitations.

Home Assignment 1


1. Study Vocabulary of the Unit.

2. Read the article “A Woman’s Work is Never Done”, be ready to discuss it in class.

3. Study GLOSSARY 1 and answer the following questions:

1. What is the meaning of a constitutional monarchy? What are the powers of the Queen?

2. Why is the British Constitution one of the most notable features of the British system of government? What are the sources of the British Constitution?

3. What is the composition of the British Parliament? What are the major activities of the Parliament in Britain?

4. What are the functions of the party whips?5. What is the function of the House of Commons?6. What are the powers of the Speaker in the House of Commons?7. What is the composition of the House of Lords? What powers are vested in the

House of Lords?

Strategy Points: how to provide the best answer to the question Make use of various sources of information (text-books, multimedia

materials, the Internet, etc) to obtain necessary data, facts, information Use appropriate vocabulary when answering a question (refer to Glossary) Use a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures. Make sure you keep to the topic.



1. Watching

Watch and summarize the following video episode:

Queen Elizabeth II becomes longest reigning British monarch in history (3:25 min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGU9ZBO58Dw

Find a word or phrase that means:

1. to be better or greater than ……………………………2. someone who has an important official position ……………………………3. to become king or queen of a country ……………………………4. certain to do something, or certain to happen in the future

…………………………5. formally give up power/ to stop accepting a particular responsibility or

obligation …………………………… 6. to begin to like someone or something ……………………………7. to sail or fly completely around the world ……………………………8. to start a new project or activity, usually one that will be difficult and will take

time ……………………………9. as an expression of high regard ……………………………10. to die ……………………………

2. Discussion

Discuss the following questions (Use words and word combinations from GLOSSARY 1):

Strategy Points: how to provide the best answer to the question Make use of various sources of information (text-books, multimedia

materials, the Internet, etc) to obtain necessary data, facts, information Use appropriate vocabulary when answering a question (refer to Glossary) Use a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures. Make sure you keep to the topic.


1. What is the meaning of a constitutional monarchy? What are the powers of the Queen?

2. Why is the British Constitution one of the most notable features of the British system of government? What are the sources of the British Constitution?

3. What is the composition of the British Parliament? What are the major activities of the Parliament in Britain?

4. What are the functions of the party whips?5. What is the function of the House of Commons?6. What are the powers of the Speaker in the House of Commons?7. What is the composition of the House of Lords? What powers are vested in the

House of Lords?

3. Reading

Read the article, complete the tasks and be ready to discuss it.


What can a constitutional monarch like Elizabeth II, prohibited from exercising any real power, actually do to justify her country's steady devotion—the crowds who line up to cheer when she passes, her face on each coin and bill and postage stamp, a national anthem that beseeches God to save her? What does she really do to earn something for which respect is way too small a word?

A. The Queen is acutely aware that the continued success of the monarchy depends on the careful nurturing of popular consent—and that a peculiar danger of being the best-known woman in the world for over half a century is becoming background noise, ubiquitous but forgotten. Her press secretary, Penny Russell-Smith, says that the last 15 years of coverage, focused mostly on the misadventures of the younger royals, has created "a generation of readers and viewers who aren't aware of what the Queen's work is all about." The antidote is more exposure. So not for the Queen a quiet retirement: she plans to keep working, and for people to see her working, as

long as she can manage.B. There is not much she can do entirely at her own whim. Technically, she could dissolve Parliament to get rid of a Prime Minister she disliked, but it would provoke an unthinkable constitutional crisis if she tried. Yet she still derives power from her twin roles as head of state— the one who opens and dissolves Parliament, makes splashy visits abroad and hosts dinners for foreign leaders—and head of nation, a focus for British unity and identity, rewarder of excellence, a visible oasis of continuity in an accelerating world, even as Prime Ministers (she's had 10) come and go. A clutch of other symbolic roles—Head of the


Commonwealth, Supreme Governor of the Church of England, chief of the armed forces—reinforce a peculiar kind of omnipresence in public life. In a media-soaked age, that is a fantastic asset.C. It is a balmy period in her 54-year reign. The tabloid fodder of Charles and Diana, Andrew and Fergie, the death of her beloved mother at 101, are all behind her. Charles is at long last married to Camilla, which according to courtiers has reassured his parents about his long-term soundness; Princes William and Harry appear to be well launched. Her country is prosperous and generally content with her performance. According to a poll commissioned by Buckingham Palace in January and seen by time, only 19% would like to switch to a republic—one more percentage point than in 1969. D. Just a few years ago, few would have predicted such an outcome. That republicanism has no political fraction after a period when many Windsors acted less as exemplars than as reality-TV stars is due largely to the Queen. She may be remote, but her dedication to duty gets widespread respect. It could hardly be otherwise. Since 1952, she has received more than 3 million letters, hosted around 1.1 million guests at her garden parties, and made 256 official overseas visits to 129 countries. Asked to explain his mother's relationship with the country, Prince Andrew says: "It's slightly complicated for people to grasp the idea of a head of state in human form, but I would put her appeal down to consistency. In their eyes, she's never let them down."

E. The Queen wants the monarchy to be a focus for continuity and enduring patriotic values, which make instinctive sense to her. She was never a rebel: she venerated her father, a shy man with a stutter who was thrust into kingship by the abdication but mastered his task through hard work. During her wartime adolescence, the idea of obedience and doing one's duty for the greater good was the norm. She really meant it when she said at age 21 that "my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service," and has not changed her core old-fashioned values. But for the monarchy as an institution, she is averse to risk, not to change itself; she knows staying still has its risks, too.F. The Queen has also subtly refurbished the most public aspect of her work—her interaction with ordinary people. She has never been naturally extroverted, perhaps a reaction to growing up so famous that as a child she had a territory named after her in Antarctica and was immortalized in Madame Tussaud's astride a pony. But over the years the Queen has learned to make encounters more enjoyable—and memorable. When she grants honors, she studies biographies of each recipient and writes down a few words which an aide reads to her as the person approaches, allowing her to start an informed conversation—one she knows will be repeated to family and friends. (She reads fast and has a flypaper memory.) Dinners during regional trips used to strand her at the top of a long table with predictable dignitaries; now she will be at a round table with perhaps a nurse, the leader


of the local Sikh temple and an entrepreneur. Parties at Buckingham Palace are increasingly built around themes, like honoring transport workers and members of the emergency services after the London bombings of July 2005. G. What does the Queen herself have to do with these changes? Does she benignly preside while staffers take the initiative, or is she a hands-on manager? Her staff say that she is almost spookily well-informed and observant. Prince Andrew says, in some awe, "The Queen's intelligence network is a hell of a lot better than anyone's in this palace. She knows everything. Everything. She just knows. I don't know how she does it." The Queen will spot tiny errors in memos, and approves details as small as bedroom assignments and whether a photographer may stand in a corner at a state banquet. She doesn't usually get cross. "Do you really think so?" is usually enough to signal staff they are proceeding down a dead end. But as for changing the fundamental ways the palace works, she sticks with her instinctive pattern and mostly waits for suggestions. H. She is a consistently popular boss— which has not always been true for all members of the royal family. People stay a long time, and they don't get rich. It's because she's wonderful to work for. You cannot bluff, you cannot pull the wool over her eyes. You get clear direction, never ambiguous, and once a decision is made, it's not changed. The hardest thing about the job is ever letting her down. I. Does she like her job? Does she never tire of the grind, the rigid code

of behavior, the deluge of small talk? Her diaries, carefully tended, may give the answer, but they will not be seen until after her death. She once said she would have liked to be a woman living in the country with lots of horses and dogs. Most likely, the concept of liking her job would seem odd to her. Prince Andrew explains: "People say to me, 'Your life must be very strange.' But of course I've not experienced any other life. It's not strange to me. The same way with the Queen. She has never experienced anything else. That life, that knowledge, that wisdom is purely natural to her." The Queen is very religious, but she is also philosophical. She feels she must do the job she has been given and that it will be for others to judge whether she has succeeded.J. Her staff is organizing her schedule to keep her visible and active with less strain by hosting more events at Buckingham Palace, and when she travels, seeing more people at slightly fewer venues. Her children will pick up more of her duties. But all who know her say that barring physical collapse, she will not abdicate in favor of Charles.K. Given that she intends to remain firmly at the helm, where will she steer the monarchy now? The polls reveal some directions in which imperceptible change - or more - is needed. The palace already works to include more ethnic minorities and representatives of non-Christian faiths in the Queen's events, but can be expected to do more of this. Another area the Queen can develop is what is called the "welfare monarchy": the royal family assisting charities and


groups that help the disadvantaged. British monarchs have been doing this since at least Victoria; the Queen is already patron of 620 voluntary organizations. L. And what, in the end, does she want as the legacy of her Elizabethan Age? In the way of monarchies, one part of the answer is already

determined: Charles, then William. At this stage they appear to be a good bet. But, in the end, everything will depend on choices the future Kings themselves will make. As for the in-stitution of the monarchy, the Queen's track record reveals what she wants to leave behind: a Crown relentlessly pragmatic enough to stay popular.

J.F.O. McAllister, TIME

4. Vocabulary Work

Comment on the following lines from the text. Explain the underlined words.

… the careful nurturing of popular consent (Par.A)The antidote is more exposure. (Par. A)In a media-soaked age, that is a fantastic asset. (Par. B)… only 19% would like to switch to a republic (Par.C)I would put her appeal down to consistency. (Par. D)… which make instinctive sense to her. (Par.E)The Queen has also subtly refurbished the most public aspect of her work … (Par. F)Her staff say that she is almost spookily well-informed and observant. (Par. G)… never tire of the grind, the rigid code of behavior, the deluge of small talk?(Par. I)… she wants to leave behind: a Crown relentlessly pragmatic enough to stay popular. (par. L)

Match these words with the definitions 1-15.

antidote consistency to refurbish to venerate ubiquitous a dignitary continuity a national anthem to abdicate balmy venue deluge helm grind legacy

1. a song of loyalty or devotion, as to a nation or college2. anything that counteracts or relieves a harmful condition;

remedy3. an overwhelming rush or number4. having or seeming to have the ability to be everywhere at

once5. mild and pleasant6. conformity with previous attitudes, behaviour, practice, etc7. a situation in which smth exists for a long time without


changing8. laborious or routine work9. to respect or honour10. to give up a position of being a king11. to repair, improve, change12. something handed down or received from an ancestor or

predecessor13. a person of high official position or rank14. any place where an organized gathering or public meeting is

held15. a position of leadership or control

Provide Russian equivalent for the following word-combinations:

to exercise one’s (constitutional/ real, etc) powers ………………………………….to nurture popular consent …………………………………………………………..to dissolve Parliament ……………………………………………………………….to host dinner for smb ……………………………………………………………….to get widespread respect ……………………………………………………………to be averse to risk …………………………………………………………………..to pool the wool over smb’s eyes …………………………………………………...

5. Writing

Write a summary heading for each paragraph (A-L), justify your variants.

Strategy Points : When writing a summary sentence study the suggested variant and the paragraph it is based on avoid using exact words from the text, use your own words to express the ideas . always try to paraphrase the information, using synonymous phrases and

different structures.

A. To be closer to the young generationB. ……………………………………………....................................................C. ……………………………………………...................................................D. ……………………………………………...................................................E. ……………………………………………....................................................F. ……………………………………………....................................................G. ………………………………………………................................................H. …………………………………………….....................................................I. ………………………………………………................................................J. ………………………………………………...................................................K. ……………………………………………....................................................


L. ……………………………………………………………………………….

6. Summarizing

Summarize the following article into English (220-250 words). Use the words and word-combinations from Task 4.


Английские юристы лишили свою королеву Елизавету II одной из главных традиций – запрета поворачиваться к ней спиной, когда визитер, завершив свою аудиенцию, удаляется восвояси. Обоснование звучит весьма убедительно: если уходящий, пятясь, упадет, то, будучи травмированным, он вправе вчинить судебный иск королеве.Казалось бы, зачем вообще спорить о такой старой и выглядящей сегодня нелепой традиции. Однако прежде чем дать согласие на данную реформу, королева долго колебалась. Прежние традиции и без того падают одна за другой. Вот уже и палату лордов грозят переодеть, отменив парики и средневековое облачение под предлогом смехотворности всех этих "ряженых". Но монарх в Британии – это, помимо прочего, защитник традиций. И потому Елизавете II не до смеха.С тех пор как после гибели принцессы Дианы с легкой руки премьера Тони Блэра британская монархия была провозглашена "народной", все смешалось в доме Виндзоров. Первым

"святотатством" в отношении незыблемых монарших традиций стало решение приспустить флаг Букингемского дворца, хотя никогда в истории не дозволялось это делать во время присутствия монарха в резиденции. Но так решил народ в знак скорби по Диане, и королеве предписано было подчиниться.Второй существенной переменой явилось то, что правительство стало весьма жестко прописывать Ее Величеству, как и на что тратить ей средства из государственной казны. В частности, недавно кабинет отказал королеве в средствах на ремонт ее дворцов, многие из которых уже в прямом смысле слова осыпаются, роняя известку на головы проходящих.Лидер партии консерваторов Дэвид Кэмерон несколько лет назад выступил с программой радикального "реформирования королевы". Он заявил о необходимости лишить британского монарха ряда его важнейших полномочий. А именно: права объявлять войну и посылать войска на чужеземные территории, заключать международные и европейские соглашения, производить структурные изменения в правительстве.


Однако, предложив столь серьезные подвижки, Кэмерон "наехал" отнюдь не на Ее Величество, а на британское правительство и премьера. Именно они, как известно, руководят государством от имени и по поручению монарха. Сама же королева реальной политической властью не обладает.Консерваторы настаивают на том, что предложенные конституционные реформы ограничили бы отнюдь не власть монарха, а становящиеся все более безграничными полномочия правительства. На такие "персональные прерогативы" власти монарха, как право

распускать парламент и назначать главу правительства, консерваторы отнюдь не покушаются. "Я преданный сторонник конституционной монархии", – заявил Кэмерон, в очередной раз присягнув тем самым королеве. И есть все основания полагать, что его поддержат такие же, как он, многочисленные конституционные монархисты.Однако кто бы ни пришел в Британии к власти, ясно одно: к монархам былого почтения уже нет. Им диктуют новые правила поведения, и эти правила короли и королевы вынуждены будут послушно исполнять.

По материалам "Российской газеты"

7. Speaking

Give your opinion on the following Speaking Points:

1. “The right kind of monarchy is one where everybody goes about with the permanent conviction that the king can do no wrong.” G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936), English essayist, novelist, journalist, poet

2. “Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it.” George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950), Irish dramatist, critic

3. “Do not to let your feelings (very natural and usual ones) of momentary irritation and discomfort be seen by others; don't (as you so often did and do) let every little feeling be read in your face and seen in your manner . . .” Queen Victoria

4. “It's all to do with the training: you can do a lot if you're properly trained.” Queen Elizabeth

5. “Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom.” Queen Elizabeth


Home Assignment 2

1. Study GLOSSARY 2 and 3. Answer the following questions: 1. What are the actual powers of the Prime Minister as opposed to those of the monarch? What is the official residence of the British Prime Minister?2. Who presides over the Cabinet? What are the principles of the Cabinet work? What is “collective responsibility”?3. What are the two main types of courts in Great Britain? What is the highest court in Great Britain?4. Who are Justices of the Peace? What kinds of cases do the magistrates' courts try?5. What type of election system is adopted in Great Britain? 6. How often do general elections take place? Who takes the decision on when to hold a general election? What is the difference between a general election and a by-election?7. What is Hung Parliament → Coalition Government?

2. Summarize the article «Ушла и Говорю» into English (220-250 words). Use vocabulary units.

3. Panel Discussion

Look for the information on BREXIT in various sources of information. Be ready to hold Panel Discussion on the following topic:

BREXIT: Was it the right thing to do for the UK to leave the bloc?

The aim of this Panel discussion is to discuss: the significance of Brexit; benefits and drawbacks of leaving the EU; the challenges faced by the UK following its decision to leave the European Union; the future relationship of the UK with the bloc and the possibilities in which the country can strike deals with the EU and other nations; Brexit aftermath.

These issues may be useful to consider while discussing benefits and drawbacks of leaving the EU:





IMMIGRATION (example)Leave: It is difficult to control immigration, as freedom of movement gives other EU citizens an automatic right to live in Britain.Stay: Leaving can’t solve the migration crisis but bring it to Britain’s doorstep because border controls from the Continent will move from Calais in France to Dover in UK.TRADE (example)Leave: Britain’s links with the EU are holding back its focus on emerging markets – there is no major trade deal with China or India, for example. Leaving allows the UK to diversify its international links.Stay: 44 per cent of Britain’s exports go to other EU countries. Putting up barriers with the countries that Britain trades with most would be counterproductive.



1. Watching

Watch, discuss and summarize the following video episodes:

Episode 1Brexit vote׃ Prime Minister David Cameron announces decision to resign (3:21 min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0GosY7QceA

Episode 2Theresa May's first speech as Prime Minister (4:28 min)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mf_toHmY7Q0

Find English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations (use them in the summary):

Episode 1 обходить проблему стороной/откладывать решение спасти экономику страны от краха пообещать пересмотреть (вопрос о ч-л) вести страну в другом направлении ввести в действие статью 50 (Article 50 is the plan for any country that wishes to exit the EU. It was created as part of the Treaty of Lisbon)

Episode 2 следовать ч-л курсу наследие вопиющая несправедливость работать сутки напролет отдать предпочтение принять вызов

Answer the following questions:


1. What accomplishments of David Cameron does Theresa May mention?2. Who does she address in her speech?3. Which problems does the nation face?4. What burning issue does she put at the heart of her speech?5. What pledges does the new Prime Minister make?

2. Panel Discussion

* Panel discussion is the format of a debate in which participants representing various shades of opinion on a topic argue the case, usually under the guidance of a chairperson.

Research Work. Look for the information on BREXIT in various sources of information. Hold Panel discussion on the following topic:

BREXIT: Was it the right thing to do for the UK to leave the bloc?

The aim of the Panel discussion is to discuss:

the significance of Brexit; benefits and drawbacks of leaving the EU; the challenges faced by the UK following its decision to leave the European Union; the future relationship of the UK with the bloc and the possibilities in which the country can strike deals with the EU and other nations; Brexit aftermath.

The relevant issues may be useful to consider while discussing benefits and drawbacks of leaving the EU:

IMMIGRATION (example)Leave: Britain can never control immigration until it leaves the European Union, because freedom of movement gives other EU citizens an automatic right to live here.Stay: Leaving will not solve the migration crisis but bring it to Britain’s doorstep because border controls from the Continent will move from Calais in France to Dover in UK. TRADE (example)Leave: Britain’s links with the EU are holding back its focus on emerging markets – there is no major trade deal with China or India, for example. Leaving allows the UK to diversify its international links.


Stay: 44 per cent of Britain’s exports go to other EU countries. Putting up barriers with the countries that Britain trades with most would be counterproductive.



Arrange the information in the written form. Choose a CHAIRPERSON to lead the discussion. CONTRIBUTE to the discussion.

!!! Strategy Point for PANEL DISCUSSION Voice opinions you are a party to. Take turns to practise reporting your ideas on the issue. When you report ideas in discussion, you must not read your source material. It is

more usual to summarise or paraphrase the ideas in your own words. Listen carefully to the other students’ reports on their reading and make notes on

the key points. Respond to the arguments of the participants with your own ideas. You have to take care to make it very clear to your listeners when you are

expressing your own opinions, and when you are reporting ideas you have read or heard about.

Use a repertoire of expressions for voicing strong agreement, disagreement, and all the shades of opinion in between.Expressing an opinion:If you ask me…If you want my opinion,

Strong agreement:Absolutely.I couldn’t agree more.

Conceding an argument:Ok, you win.You’ve convinced me.

Hedging:I take your point, but …Yes, but …

Qualified agreement:That’s partly true.I’d go along with that.

Strong disagreement:I totally disagree.On the contrary …

3. Discussion

Discuss the following questions (Use words and word combinations from GLOSSARY 2 and 3):

Strategy Points: how to provide the best answer to the question Make use of various sources of information (text-books, multimedia

materials, the Internet, etc) to obtain necessary data, facts, information Use appropriate vocabulary when answering a question (refer to Glossary) Use a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures. Make sure you keep to the topic.


1. What are the actual powers of the Prime Minister as opposed to those of the monarch? What is the official residence of the British Prime Minister?

2. Who presides over the Cabinet? What are the principles of the Cabinet work? What is “collective responsibility”?

3. What are the two main types of courts in Great Britain? What is the highest court in Great Britain?

4. Who are Justices of the Peace? What kinds of cases do the magistrates' courts try?

5. What type of election system is adopted in Great Britain? 6. How often do general elections take place? Who takes the decision on when to

hold a general election? What is the difference between a general election and a by-election?

7. What is Hung Parliament → Coalition Government?

4. Summarizing

Summarize the following article into English (220-250 words). Use vocabulary units.


До ухода Маргарет Тэтчер в отставку британская политика напоминала коммунальную кухню: Елизавета II царствовала, но не правила, а глава правительства Ее Величества правила и даже немножко царствовала. При этом дамы не очень ладили — все помнят демарш королевы, которая отказалась согласовывать с премьер-министром цвет и фасон нарядов при совместном появлении на публике. И тем не менее более десятилетия леди Тэтчер изящно держала за глотку всю мировую политику, а сильные мира сего, иногда сами того не замечая, радостно плясали под ее дудку. При этом среди политических трофеев баронессы Кестивенской оказались не только «головы» лидеров государств и партий, но и целые страны с континентами,

включая постсоветское пространство. Вот почему тихо уйти в мир иной у Маргарет Хильды Тэтчер (урожденной Робертс) и не получилось. Первой в истории Англии женщине-премьеру заранее были уготованы похороны по высшему разряду. Из некоронованных особ такой чести удостаивался разве что сэр Уинстон Черчилль, один из организаторов победы во Второй мировой войне. Леди Тэтчер одержала победу в двух войнах помельче: в Фолклендской и во внутренней — с профсоюзами. Зато она стала основателем политического стиля под названием «тэтчеризм», что синонимично термину «либеральная диктатура».От отца-бакалейщика она переняла бережливость и умение


распоряжаться сначала своим двухпенсовым бюджетом, а потом и бюджетом всей Англии. Он же внушил ей, что нет таких слов — «Я не могу» и «Это слишком трудно», не уставая повторять: «Никогда не следуй за толпой только потому, что ты боишься выглядеть непохожей. Веди толпу за собой!»Образование она получила сама: на химфаке Сомервиля — лучшего женского колледжа Оксфорда. Уже на третьем курсе мисс Робертс, отодвинув плечиком подрастающих джентльменов, стала президентом оксфордской Консервативной ассоциации — «за деловые качества и воинствующий консерватизм». «Мы все ее не любили, но уважали», — скажет потом один из ее сокурсников и уточнит, за что именно не любили: «за несговорчивость и жестокосердность». Выйдя замуж за владельца химической фабрики майора Дэниса Тэтчера, у нее появилась возможность получить юридическое образование, стать адвокатом и заняться политикой. А потом и государственной деятельностью.Штурмовать парламент Маргарет Тэтчер начала еще в 1950 году. Причем с таким упорством, что заслужила прозвище Бронированный Танк. Тем не менее, четыре попытки оказались неудачными — добрые соратники из Консервативной партии неизменно распределяли ей такие округа, где шансов заведомо не было. Ее звездный час настал только в 1959 году – она, наконец, оказалась в Палате общин и тут же

нарушила партийную дисциплину – проголосовав против рекомендации партийных менеджеров.Времени для настоящего взлета оставалось все меньше. Преодолевая на пути к власти сексистские предрассудки и энергично расталкивая джентльменов, она возглавила Консервативную партию лишь без малого в пятьдесят лет. Премьером стала в пятьдесят три. Премьерский пост достался Маргарет Тэтчер потому, что другие государственные мужи не особо жаждали «класть голову на плаху». За три послевоенных десятилетия доля бывшей «мастерской мира» в мировом промышленном производстве снизилась в два раза — до пяти процентов, по темпам экономического роста ее обошла даже побежденная во Второй мировой Германия. Денег в казне не было, однако лейбористы, заигрывая с избирателями, продолжали идти «верным курсом». Как утверждала сама Тэтчер, даже не к социализму, а прямиком к коммунизму. В результате инфляция достигла 25 процентов, в крупнейших городах страны, если верить очевидцам, перестали убирать мусор, а в парках за многовековую историю появились неухоженные газоны. Все это на фоне стремительного распада империи, над которой прежде никогда не заходило солнце. Депрессия стала национальным явлением.И только Тэтчер нашла лекарство от «демократического социализма» — «шоковую терапию». Она взяла


под контроль денежную массу, ограничила вмешательство государства в экономику, существенно снизила прямые налоги (в том числе для малого и среднего бизнеса) — чтобы люди работали на себя и побыстрее становились собственниками. Но при этом резко сократила расходную часть бюджета (кроме затрат на оборону — это святое), распотрошила монополии, лишила поддержки госкорпорации, провела тотальную приватизацию и обкорнала социалку.По ее прогнозам, перемены к лучшему должны были наступить не раньше чем через восемь лет. Но люди не умеют ждать, особенно когда безработица зашкаливает за три миллиона человек. Первыми на тропу войны вышли угольщики: им нечего было терять, потому что все нерентабельные шахты закрыли. Но поскольку дальновидная госледи предусмотрительно усилила полицию, наняла штрейкбрехеров и запаслась углем, профсоюзы проиграли с треском, а шахтеры сели за парты осваивать электронное производство. В результате Англия чуть ли не раньше Японии стала компьютерной державой и удивила весь мир неожиданно быстро растущей экономикой, преображающейся промышленностью и низкой инфляцией — всего четыре процента.

Крови она тоже не боялась. Когда, в том числе и в расчете на женскую слабость, Аргентина аннексировала Фолклендские острова, госпожа Тэтчер без тени сомнения заявила: «Джентльмены, мы должны воевать!» — и отправила на другой конец земли целый флот. И в результате выиграла и продлила свое пребывание на Даунинг-стрит.В ноябре 1990 года Тэтчер пришлось уйти с поста премьера. К этому моменту грехов у нее накопилось множество — в том числе и отдающий средневековьем подушный налог. Но главная причина отставки заключалась в том, что «железная леди» скептически относилась к перспективам евроинтеграции, из-за чего вошла в мертвый клинч с брюссельской бюрократией. А соратники все как один предали.Впрочем, даже став баронессой Кестивенской, Маргарет Тэтчер так и не стала своей для высшего круга. Все помнили, что она дочь бакалейщика, да она и сама этого не забывала. И, возможно, в пику столбовым английским дворянам даже на заседаниях кабинета министров появлялась с любимым котом Уилберфорсом, что дало повод язвить ее врагам: «Калигула ввел в сенат коня, а Тэтчер — кота!»Но прежде она сама вошла в большую политику, а теперь уже и в мировую историю.

Олег Одноколенко, ИТОГИ


Home Assignment 3

1. Project Presentations

Make a Project on one of the following topics.

1. The Monarchy: its role, values, changes, future. The financial aspect: who pays Her Majesty’s living expenses? (make use of this information -http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1292088/Queen-cutting-maintenance-grant-slashed-3-3m.html)2. The House of Commons: its current composition; its leaders; the incumbent Speaker; the layout of the chamber; the current activity - Bills currently before Chamber, issues under discussion, recent decisions. (http://services.parliament.uk/)3. The House of Lords: its composition, the Lord Speaker, current activity, issues under discussion, recent decisions and reforms.4. A Bill in progress: provide an example of a particular bill before Parliament, its going through the stages. (http://services.parliament.uk/bills/)5. Incumbent Prime Minister: background; policies; Prime Minister’s Question time.6. London is the centre of world business: the City, Canary Wharf.7. Immigration Policy of Great Britain.8. The Party system in the UK.9. The two main types of courts in Great Britain? What is the highest court in Great Britain? Who are Justices of the Peace? What kinds of cases do the magistrates' courts try?10. The historical background of the system of Parliamentary Elections. Who is eligible to vote in a general election in Great Britain? Who is not entitled to vote in parliamentary elections. The advantages and disadvantages of the current voting system, its opponents and proponents, recent reforms.11. Some historical aspects of the relations between the UK and Russia.

2. Study GLOSSARY 4. Answer the following questions: 1. What form of government do they have in the United States?2. What is the structure and the powers of the Congress?3. What are the powers of the Senate which are not accorded to the House of Representatives?4. What are the sole powers of the House of Representatives?5. What is the role of the lobbyists in Congress?6. Who originate bills? How does a bill become a law? 7. What choices does a President have when a bill reaches the White House?

3. Read the article “Bill Clinton – My Life”, be ready to discuss it in class.



1. Reading

Read extract from the book “THE EARLY YEARS” by Bill Clinton, complete the tasks and be ready to discuss it.


“Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book”. Ronald Reagan, 40th president of US (1911 - 2004)

October 3 was a beautiful autumn morning in Arkansas, crisp and clear. I started the day that would change my life in the usual way, with an early-morning jog. When I headed for home, I saw a newspaper vending machine. Through the glass, I could read the headline: "Hour Arrives for Clinton." On the way home, several passersby wished me well. Back at the mansion I took a last look at my announcement speech, where I put out a strong statement reaffirming my commitment to run for the presidency.The rest of the year was full of the frantic activity: getting organized, raising money, reaching out to specific constituencies, and working New Hampshire.Then there was the media. The big papers had been camping out in Arkansas for weeks, looking for whatever they could find on my record and my personal life!

I tried to keep things in perspective. The press had an obligation to examine the record of someone who might be President. Most reporters knew nothing about Arkansas or me when they started. Some of them had negative preconceptions about a poor, rural state and the people who lived there. I had also been identified, as 1992's "character problem" candidate; that made the media vulnerable to whatever dirt they were handed to support the preconception.Intellectually, I understood all this, and I remembered and appreciated the positive coverage I had received earlier in the campaign. Nevertheless, it felt more and more as if the investigative stories were being prepared on the basis of "shoot first, ask questions later." Reading them felt like an out-of-body experience. The press seemed determined to prove that everyone who thought I was fit to


be President was a fool: the Arkansas voters who had elected me five times; my fellow governors, who had voted me the most effective governor in the country; the education experts who had praised our reforms and progress; lifelong friends who were campaigning for me all over the country. In Arkansas, even my honest adversaries knew I worked hard and wouldn't take a nickel to see the cow jump over the moon. Now it seemed I had snookered all these people from the age of six on. At one point, when things got really bad in New York, Craig Smith, finance director of my campaign, told me he didn't read the papers anymore, "because I don't recognize the person they're talking about."Near the end of March, Betsey Wright, who was at Harvard doing a stint at the Kennedy School, came to my rescue. She had worked hard for years to build our progressive record and to run a tight ethical operation. She had a prodigious memory, knew the records, and was more than willing to fight with reporters to set the record straight. When she moved into the headquarters as director of damage control, I felt much better. Betsey stopped a lot of factually incorrect stories, but she couldn't stop them all.On March 26, the smoke seemed to clear a little when Senator Tom Harkin endorsed me. I was also helped when Governor Cuomo and New York senator Pat Moynihan criticized Jerry Brown's 13 percent flat-tax proposal and said it would hurt New York. It was a rare day in the campaign; the news was dominated by people concerned with

issues and their impact on people's lives.On March 29, I was back in the soup again, with a problem of my own making. Jerry Brown and I were in a televised candidates' forum on WCBS in New York when a reporter asked me if I had ever tried marijuana at Oxford. This was the first time I had ever been asked that specific question directly. In Arkansas, when asked generally if I had ever used marijuana, I had given an evasive answer, saying I had never broken the drug laws of the United States. This time, I gave a more direct answer: "When I was in England, I experimented with marijuana a time or two and I didn't like it. I didn't inhale and I never tried it again."My answer hit the roof, and the press found another character issue. As for the "didn't inhale" remark, I was stating a fact, not trying to minimize what I had done, as I tried to explain until I was blue in the face. What I should have said was that I couldn't inhale. I had never smoked cigarettes, didn't inhale with the pipe I occasionally smoked at Oxford, and tried but failed to inhale the marijuana smoke. I don't know why I even mentioned it; maybe I thought I was being funny, or perhaps it was just a nervous reaction to a subject I didn't want to discuss. My unfortunate account of my marijuana misadventures was cited by pundits and Republicans throughout 1992 as evidence of my character problem. And I had given late-night TV hosts fodder for years of jokes.As the old country song goes, I didn't know whether to "kill myself or go bowling." New York was suffering


from severe economic and social problems. The Bush policies were making things worse. Yet every day seemed to be punctuated by television and print reporters shouting "character" questions at me. Radio talk-show host Don Imus called me a "redneck bozo." When I went on Phil Donahue's television show, all he did for twenty minutes was ask me questions about marital infidelity. After I gave my standard answer, he kept on asking. I rebuffed him and the audience cheered. He kept right on.Whether I had a character problem or not, I sure had a reputation problem, one I had been promised by the White House more than six months earlier. Because the President is both the head of state and the Chief Executive of the government, he is in a sense the embodiment of people's idea of America, so reputation is important. Presidents going back to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson have guarded their reputations jealously: Washington, from criticism of his expense accounts during the Revolutionary War; Jefferson, from stories about his weakness for women. Before he became President, Abraham Lincoln suffered from debilitating episodes of depression. Once he was unable to leave his house for a whole month. If he had had to run under modern conditions, we might have been deprived of our greatest President.Jefferson even wrote about the obligation of a President's associates to protect his reputation at all costs: "When the accident of situation is to give us a place in history, for which nature had not prepared us by corresponding endowments, it is the

duty of those about us carefully to veil from the public eye the weaknesses, and still more, the vices of our character." The veil had been ripped from my weaknesses and vices, both real and imagined. The public knew more about them than about my record, message, or whatever virtues I might have. If my reputation was in tatters, I might not be able to be elected no matter how much people agreed with what I wanted to do, or how well they thought I might do it.In the face of all the character attacks, I responded as I always did when my back was against the wall—I plowed on. In the last week of the campaign, the clouds began to lift. On April 1, during a meeting with President Bush at the White House, President Carter made a widely reported comment that he supported me. It couldn't have come at a better time. No one had ever questioned Carter's character, and his reputation had continued to grow after he left the presidency, because of his good works at home and around the world.Some people in the press were coming around. Maybe the tide was turning; I even got a cordial reception on Don Imus's radio show. Newsday columnist Jimmy Breslin wrote, "Say what you want, but do not say that he quits." Pete Hamill, the New York Daily News columnist whose books I'd read and enjoyed, said, "I've come to respect Bill Clinton. It's the late rounds and he's still there." The New York Times and the Daily News endorsed me. Amazingly, so did the New York Post, which had been more relentless in its attacks than any other paper. Its editorial said: "It speaks strongly to his strength of character


that he has already survived a batter-ing by the press on personal questions unprecedented in the history of American politics. ... He has

continued to campaign with remarkable tenacity.... In our view, he has manifested extraordinary grace under pressure."

Develop the following points using the information and the vocabulary from the text:

1. Pre-President record of Bill Clinton was full of deeds and short of misadventures.

2. Both adversaries and allies of Bill Clinton contributed to his success. 3. The press and Bill Clinton had an uneasy mix of cooperation and conflict.4. American Presidents were careful to hold their records in check.5. Bill Clinton was gaining both fame and notoriety during his election campaign.6. Bill Clinton was skillful in facing the music in the awkward “marijuana” matter?7. Comment on the quotation preceding the text.

2. Vocabulary Work

Comment on the following lines from the text. Explain the underlined words.

1. … full of frantic activity: …. working New Hampshire (Par 2)2. … negative preconception about a poor, rural state (Par. 4)3. … even my honest adversaries … wouldn’t take a nickel to see the cow jump over the moon. (Par.5)4. … as director of damage control. (Par.6)5. … a problem of my own making. (Par 7)6. … the press found another character issue. (Par 8)7. … was cited by pundits and Republicans (Par 8)8. … every day seemed to be punctuated by … “character” questions … (Par. 9)9. He kept right on. (Par 9)10. If my reputation was in tatters… (Par. 11) 11. … the clouds began to lift. (Par. 12)12. It’s the late round and he’s still here. (Par. 13)13. … continued to campaign with remarkable tenacity. (Par. 13)

Look through the text again and find English equivalents for the following:

1. подтвердить решение 2. выставить кандидатуру на пост президента3. конкретный избирательный округ4. не дали бы себя обмануть 5. снова оказаться в затруднительном положении6. был подобен разорвавшейся бомбе


7. до хрипоты, до потери сознания 8. дал повод для шуток на многие годы 9. соответствующие способности и таланты10. скрывать от людей 11. достоинства и пороки 12. несмотря на все нападки 13. находился в отчаянном положении 14. упорно продвигался вперед 15. ситуация стала улучшаться 16. колесо фортуны повернулось 17. чья критика была наиболее безжалостна

Underline or highlight the idioms in the previous task, then match them to the definitions below and complete the gaps in the sentences with one of the idioms.

a. to become extremely angry, completely furiousb. this idiom is used for saying that there is no use in

trying to persuade smb to do smth because you will not succeed

c. in trouble or difficultiesd. not to be tricked by someonee. to change a situation, especially so that you begin

to win instead of losingf. to be in a very difficult position

1. You can tell your kids not to do something ……………….., but if they want to do it, they will.2. He didn’t dare tell a lie, because he knew Mary ……………………. . 3. The year ended: another passed, with the war still dragging on, although …………………. with the triumph of the Soviet forces at Stalingrad. (K. S. Prichard, ‘Winged Seeds’) 4. My dad will ………………… when he finds out that hundreds of pounds of damage has been done to his limo. 5. The Prime Minister ……………………….., the Chancellor has brought his objections out into the open. 6. I can always get on all right for some time and then I land ……………. .

Think of ONE word which can be used to complete all four sentences in each group below.All the words in this task have appeared earlier in this unit, but not necessary in the same context or in the same form (for example, you may have studied the verb, but need to use a noun here). 1It is not your fault that you have no ……………. for politics.


Those wise ………………… came to the conclusion that there was hope.When will the crisis come to a …………………..? He was …………………. over ears in debt when he married her.2This airline's safety ……………… is impeccable. It doesn’t matter now, but just for the ………………… – you were wrong. His diaries ………………… the lives of ordinary country people. This is strictly off the ……………., the information is confidential – Conservatives admit they cannot win the election. 3…………….. as he might, he couldn’t forget her.I have always wanted to …………… my hand at writing a novel.There are no guaranties it will work, but it’s worth a ………………. .We should ask someone the way, this woman looks like a local – we should give her a ……………………. .4Probably we should draw a ………………. over the last year or so and think more constructively about your future.A ………………… of secrecy has been thrown over the final preparations.His attempt to get us to help him is just a ……………… form of blackmail.It’s unreasonable to ……………. facts and names, the press will dig up them in the end.

3. Summary Writing

Think of and write down at least 7 summarizing sentences to cover the extract:

Strategy Points : When writing a summary sentence study the suggested variant and the paragraph it is based on avoid using exact words from the text, use your own words to express the ideas . always try to paraphrase the information, using synonymous phrases and

different structures.

1. Bill Clinton announced his candidacy for the office of President.2. …………………………………………………………………..3. ……………………………………………….………………….4. ……………………………………………….………………….5. ……………………………………………….………………….6. ……………………………………………….………………….7. ……………………………………………….………………….

Make use of the above statements and write a SUMMARY of 100-120 words, using linking words.


Strategy Points : When writing a summary remember that a summary should contain: an introduction (a main idea of the article), a main body ( in which the idea is covered) and a conclusion (in which you sum up the idea). avoid using exact words from the texts, use your own words to express the ideas in the text. always try to paraphrase the information, using synonymous phrases and different structures. you may need to use some names and other words from the text, but don’t copy whole phrases and sentences. use some of Linking Expressions given below to connect summary points and three parts of your summary. Linking expressions: Sequencing – firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, etc Contrasting – although, despite, in contrast, while, whereas, on the other hand, at the same time, etc. Adding – as well as, another, by the same token, in addition, added to that, moreover, also, etc. Concluding – therefore, for this reason, in conclusion, to sum up, etc

4. Discussion

Discuss the following questions (Use words and word combinations from GLOSSARY 4):

Strategy Points: how to provide the best answer to the question Make use of various sources of information (text-books, multimedia

materials, the Internet, etc) to obtain necessary data, facts, information Use appropriate vocabulary when answering a question (refer to Glossary) Use a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures. Make sure you keep to the topic.

1. What form of government do they have in the United States?2. What is the structure and the powers of the Congress?3. What are the powers of the Senate which are not accorded to the House of Representatives?4. What are the sole powers of the House of Representatives?5. What is the role of the lobbyists in Congress?6. Who originate bills? How does a bill become a law? 7. What choices does a President have when a bill reaches the White House?

5. Watching

What do you know about the Practice of Impeachment in the USA?

Watch and summarize the following video episode:


How Do You Impeach A President? (3:17 min)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRwPqfPFHSw

Discuss the following questions.

1. What is impeachment? 2. What is enshrined in Article Two of the US Constitution? 3. What is the penalty of the impeachment charge? 4. What is the role of the Congress in the case of impeachment?5. Name the Presidents that faced impeachment.

6. Speaking

Give your opinion on the following quotations:

1. In 450 BC Aristophanes addressed a famous public figure: “You have all the characteristics of a popular politician: a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner.” (Speak on the characteristics you think a popular politician should possess.)2. In 1996 Douglas Adams, an American writer said that “Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on NO account be allowed to do the job”. (Speak on the characteristics you think a capable President should possess.)3. In 1960 Nikita Khrushchev criticized politicians: “Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river.” (Do you consider politicians’ pledges to be enforced fakes or sincere attempts to contribute to the good of the country?) 4. “The press and politicians. A delicate relationship. Too close, and danger ensues. Too far apart and democracy itself cannot function without the essential exchange of information. Creative leaks, a discreet lunch, interchange in the Lobby, the art of the unattributable telephone call, late at night.” Howard Brenton, British playwright. (What is the role of the mass media in a rise or fall of a politician? Give examples of “delicate” relationship between the press and a politician.)5. In 1985 Christopher Lasch, an American historian, wrote: “The job of the press is to encourage debate, not to supply the public with information.” (Remember to give examples of the news or issue coverage which caused heated debate in the press and society.)6. IN 1974 R. A. Butler, a British politician, claimed, “In politics you must always keep running with the pack. The moment that you falter and they sense that you are injured, the rest will turn on you like wolves.” (A political career can be ruined due to the failure in the party loyalty. Think of some examples.)7. Politics is so expensive, it takes a lot of money just to get defeated. Will Rogers, American humorist


Home Assignment 4

1. Study GLOSSARY 5 and 6. Answer the following questions: 1. Is American President comparable to a reigning monarch? A Prime Minister or Premier? What are the chief duties of the President? 2. What is the President’s Cabinet?3. When was the State Department established? What are its major activities?4. What is the system of “checks and balances”? How is it exercised?5. What provision is made by the Constitution or by law for the execution of the duties of President in the event of the death, resignation, or disability of the Chief Executive, or his removal from office?6. What is the main principle of the system of justice in the United States?7. What is the structure of the Federal court system and jurisdiction?

2. Summarize the article «Ярые Советчики» into English (220-250 words). Use vocabulary units.



1. Watching

How do Americans elect their President?

Watch and summarize the following video episode:Do You Understand the Electoral College (4:48 min)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6s7jB6-GoU

Discuss the following questions.

1. What did the Founding Fathers think of Democracy?2. What are the main stages of the Presidential elections?3. What are Primaries and Caucuses? What is the difference between Primaries and Caucuses?4. What is the procedure for electing delegates to National Conventions?5. What is the function of the Electoral College?6. How are the electors to the Electoral College chosen?7. What is the procedure of Electoral College Voting?8. What are swing states?9. When do American people vote for one of the presidential candidates?

2. Discussion

Discuss the following questions (Use words and word combinations from GLOSSARY 5 and 6):

Strategy Points: how to provide the best answer to the question Make use of various sources of information (text-books, multimedia

materials, the Internet, etc) to obtain necessary data, facts, information Use appropriate vocabulary when answering a question (refer to Glossary) Use a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures. Make sure you keep to the topic.


1. Is American President comparable to a reigning monarch? A Prime Minister or Premier? Is the President technically a “Chief of State”? What are the chief duties of the President?

2. What is the President’s Cabinet?3. When was the State Department established? What are its major activities?4. What is the system of “checks and balances”? How is it exercised?5. What provision is made by the Constitution or by law for the execution of the

duties of President in the event of the death, resignation, or disability of the Chief Executive, or his removal from office?

6. What is the main principle of the system of justice in the United States?7. What is the structure of the Federal court system and jurisdiction?

3. Summarizing

Summarize the following article into English (220-250 words). Use vocabulary units.


Кризис в отношениях США и России вызван не только столкновением интересов на Украине, но и непониманием логики и намерений противоположной стороны. "Власть" изучила, как устроена американская система принятия решений в отношении России и на какой экспертный ресурс опирается Вашингтон.Все проблемы начались из-за неправильно выбранного глагола. В мае 2012 года американский Конгресс утверждал бюджет на финансовый год, который заканчивался 30 сентября 2013 года. Среди расходов Госдепа США с 1983 года существовала статья на изучение стран Восточной Европы и бывшего СССР. В 2012 году (услуги дипломатов в тот год обошлись казне в $43,3 млрд) в ней было изменено всего одно слово: вместо глагола "должен" (shall) появилось

"может" (may). Отныне Госдеп не был законодательно обязан финансировать изучение постсоветского пространства. "Произошла классическая бюрократическая история. Раз деньги "можно", а не "должно" потратить на развитие русистики, которая даст результат неизвестно когда, то можно их вложить во что-то быстрое и понятное. Например, в какой-нибудь маленький проект в Африке",— рассказывает "Власти" источник, знакомый с ходом обсуждения. В результате с 2013 года Госдеп полностью свернул финансирование программы, подготовившей не одно поколение американских специалистов по России.Закон о финансировании исследований стран Варшавского договора и подготовке специалистов-советологов был принят при администрации Рональда Рейгана в 1983 году —


тогда же, когда президент произнес определения "империя зла" и "стратегическая оборонная инициатива". Хотя "восьмая статья" (Title VIII) , как назвали программу, обходилась бюджету всего в $5 млн в год, ее стратегическое значение было не меньшим, чем у знаменитого проекта "Звездные войны". "Основанное на фактах и достоверное знание о странах Восточной Европы и бывшего СССР имеет огромное значение для национальной безопасности США",— говорится в законе. Подготовка специалистов, которые "могли бы работать на правительство и за его пределами", объявляется одним из ключевых национальных интересов. Среди выпускников программы — бывшие госсекретари Мадлен Олбрайт и Кондолиза Райс, бывший посол в Москве Майкл Макфол, тысячи американских дипломатов, военных и ученых. Снижение финансирования по государственной линии объясняется тем, что в 1990-е американцы перестали считать Россию важной страной, признают опрошенные "Властью" эксперты. "Интерес спадал, потому что Россия перестала быть вызовом номер один",— говорит Эндрю Вайс, работавший директором по России в СНБ при Билле Клинтоне. "Русистика перестала быть хлебным занятием",— резюмирует директор Московского центра Карнеги Дмитрий Тренин. О программе вспомнили лишь в разгар украинского кризиса. Накануне референдума в Крыму

The New York Times написала о плачевном состоянии русистики и отсутствии в США достаточного количества специалистов, которые могли бы понять логику действий Кремля и придумать эффективную стратегию. Припомнили Госдепу и срезанное финансирование на Title VIII. "Теперь финансирование расходов на русистику наверняка будет восстановлено, а может быть, и увеличено. Изучение России — приоритет администрации и вопрос национальной безопасности, теперь в этом ни у кого не осталось сомнений,— говорит высокопоставленный источник "Власти" в Белом доме.— Нам теперь есть за что поблагодарить Кремль".В целом собеседники "Власти" сходятся, что экспертный ресурс по России, которым располагает Вашингтон, вовсе не так плох. Тем не менее, нынешней политикой Белого дома в отношении России недовольны почти все эксперты и даже некоторые высокопоставленные чиновники. В чем же дело? По мнению экспертов, хорошая экспертиза не обязательно трансформируется в хорошую политику. Сама система принятия решений в США, которая действует в условиях многочисленных сдержек и противовесов, стала хуже. "Политика плохая не потому, что у людей нет информации. Нужно понимать те ограничения, в которых работают политики. Эксперт может руководствоваться идеями того, как идеально решить проблему. Если ты сидишь в Белом


доме и принимаешь решения, то масса опций сразу отваливаются по разным причинам — из-за обязательств перед союзниками, твоих прежних действий, мнения Конгресса, позиции прессы,— объясняет старший научный сотрудник Международного института стратегических исследований (IISS) Сэм Чарап.— Так что когда они принимали санкции против России, я примерно представлял, что их реакция будет примерно такой". Саму цепочку принятия решения собеседники "Власти" описывают так. Все принципиальные решения принимает лично президент Барак Обама после совещания с членами своего кабинета. В случае с Россией это госсекретарь Джон Керри, шеф Пентагона Чак Хейгел, помощник президента по национальной безопасности Сьюзан Райс и ее влиятельный заместитель Бен Родс (давний соратник Обамы и его спичрайтер), а также некоторые другие министры. "Важная проблема состоит в том, что все наши политики такого уровня давно не занимались конкретно Россией. Она всплывала в контексте Ливии и Сирии, но экспертами по этой стране никто не является",— говорит высокопоставленный сотрудник Белого дома. Если говорить о влиянии экспертов на принятие решений, то это во многом вопрос личных связей. В Вашингтоне важно не только что ты знаешь, но и кого ты знаешь.

Влиятельны те эксперты, у кого есть отношения с политиками. По словам высокопоставленного сотрудника Белого дома, проблема еще и в том, что события развиваются крайне быстро — и приходится реагировать на текущее развитие ситуации на Украине, не имея возможности выстроить долгосрочную стратегию. "Подумать вдолгую могут ученые из "мозговых центров", но у них тоже есть свои ограничения. Какие-то вещи можно сказать только на закрытой встрече с президентом, но их сейчас нет — потому что надо действовать, а думать особо некогда",— говорит он. "Какие-то вещи нельзя ни сказать, ни написать. Например, многим нравится высказанная Россией идея федерализации Украины — почему мы в США, образце федерализма, должны быть против? Но раз это озвучил Лавров, теперь публично поддержать эту мысль нельзя, пока не зайдем совсем в тупик — иначе можно прослыть городским сумасшедшим или, чего доброго, агентом влияния "Газпрома"",— говорит один из экспертов.В итоге в условиях жесткого давления со стороны СМИ, а также своих однопартийцев из штатов, где сильна украинская диаспора (например, сенатор Крис Мерфи из Коннектикута), Барак Обама вынужден принимать все более ситуативные решения, последствия которых далеко не всегда тщательно просчитаны.Александр Габуев, "Коммерсантъ Власть" №19


Home Assignment 5

1. Project Presentations

Make a Project on one of the following topics.

1. Founding Fathers. The US Constitution: origins, basic principles, primary aims, its evolution. 2. The House of Representative: its composition, the current activity (issues under discussion, recent decisions), its leaders, the incumbent Speaker, etc.3. The Senate: its composition, the current activity (issues under discussion, recent decisions), its leaders, the presiding officer of the Senate, etc.4. How a Bill becomes a Law: the bills passed by Congress recently, the bills vetoed by the President. 5. The American Congress, the British Parliament and the Federal Assembly: what features they do and do not share.6. The incumbent President: his political and social programmes and their outcome.7. Capital punishment in the USA, the UK, the RF: history of the issue, current situation.8. What are the major differences and similarities in the powers of the Russian President, the USA President and the British Prime Minister?9. The electoral systems in Russia and the USA: differences, advantages and disadvantages when compared.10. Some historical aspects of the relations between the USA and Russia.11. British-American relations: history, current policies.



1. Revise Vocabulary of the Unit and translate the sentences.

1. Иностранные представители были сбиты с толку неоднозначной формулировкой закона.2. Автор книги в мельчайших подробностях описывает научную деятельность и жизнь выдающегося ученого.3. В мире повсеместной рекламы нет предела голодной погони за товарами и услугами.4. Не смотря на все превратности судьбы, у неё хватило сил выстоять и не сломиться. Она решила начать новую жизнь с новой карьеры.5. Компания цепко удерживает господство на данном рынке.6. Все было тщательно продумано, однако из-за непредвиденных обстоятельств нам пришлось внести некоторые незапланированные изменения.  7. Для рассмотрения проекта президентом был создан специальный комитет, также было решено распределить обязанности между членами этой группы. Однако роль некоторых членов комиссии в этом деле непонятна.8. Было принято решение выделить деньги на финансирование проекта по переустройству госпиталя, этот щедрый вклад в развитие больницы оказался как нельзя кстати.9. В инаугурационной речи президент изложил свое видение жизни страны в течение следующих четырёх лет, а также поблагодарил всех, кто агитировал за него и помог выиграть выборы.  10. Елизавета II взошла на трон после смерти своего отца Георга VI.11. Директор нашей компании работал сутки напролет до того, как подняться на свою нынешнюю должность, когда же фирма оказалась на грани банкротства, он сделал все возможное, чтобы спасти ее.12. В октябре 1962 года мир оказался на грани ядерной войны.13. Теперь, когда страна находится (балансирует) на грани гражданской войны политики готовы начать болезненный процесс примирения и восстановления страны.14. Президент отправил госсекретаря в качестве своего личного посланника, чтобы заручиться поддержкой стран-союзников. Он наделил его правом решать все вопросы, которые могут возникнуть.15. Во времена Средневековья церковь была наделена величайшей властью.16. Конгресс примет законодательство, относящееся к данному вопросу.17. Заседание суда объявляется открытым, председательствует судья Джон Смит.18. Суд обвинил преступника в мошенничестве. Через три года этот заключённый получит право на условно-досрочное освобождение.19. Тот факт, что эти дети не умеют читать, является убийственным обвинением в адрес системы образования.


20. Правительство может распустить парламент, назначить выборы или провести референдум.

2.2.1. Complete these sentences using a suitable form of the following phrasal verbs, which are all related to war and conflict.

• call up • drive back • give in • break out • give up • put down • fight back • take over

1. Rebel forces were threatening to _____________________ the country.2. The government were unable to _____________________ the rebellion.3. War _____________________ in 1914.4. All the able-bodied men were _____________________ for army service.5. When attacked, the army _____________________ bravely.6. The army succeeded in _____________________ the invaders.7. When they realised they could not win, they _____________________.8. They were forced to _____________________ their weapons and accepted defeat.

2.2. Complete the sentences with idioms using strike. You may need to change the form of the verb.

a bargain balance gold

a blow for STRIKE while the iron is hot

home it lucky happy medium

1. By publishing evidence of the repression, the newspaper hoped to _____________________ for democracy.2. Now is a good time to ask her; you'd better _____________________. 3. It's not always easy to _____________________ between public interest and private profit.4. We_____________________ with the weather today - it's been wonderful.5. His hurt expression showed that my comments had _____________________.6. The government _____________________ with a large pharmaceutical company.7. Mrs Perkins realised that she _____________________ with Emily, who was a trustworthy and tireless assistant.8. You must try to _____________________ between too much work and too little.


2.3. Use the words below to complete the sentences. Make any changes to the words that are necessary and then explain the bold parts.

• fight • drive • drag • outstay • bite off more than • a drop • a storm • make a mountain • common a law

1. The government _____________________ its feet over prison reform - it's high time they did something.2. They are trying to dismiss Saturday's demonstration as just _____________________ in a teacup, but I think it is more important than that.3. A lot of money has been collected for charity, but it is just _____________________ in the ocean compared to what's needed.4. The police have admitted that that they _____________________ a losing battle against mobile phone theft.5. International aid agencies _____________________ they can chew when they say they will eradicate poverty in five years.6. It is _____________________ knowledge that the government want to change the immigration laws.7. The Minister is _____________________ unto himself; he refuses to allow others to tell him what to do.8. The government spokesman said that the press had _____________________out of a molehill as far as the unemployment figures were concerned.9. After he had made a series of inflammatory remarks in public, the government announced that the foreign guest _____________________ his welcome in the country.10. Many people feel that the new policies favouring certain groups _____________________ a wedge between different sections of the community.

3. Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits into the space.

A Success Story

The Barnstable Herald is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary. This small local newspaper has managed to 1)............ all of its rivals, none of which survived the last recession, and whose owners obviously 2)............ our dedication and determination to succeed. Over the years our 3)............ has steadily increased, and many Barnstaple residents now take out annual 4)............. Our paper boasts a wide 5)............ of local and national events, written by experienced and qualified 6)............ and we pride ourselves on our 7) ........... from governmental or political party



control. Any 8)............ that takes place is on purely ethical grounds and we have not allowed ourselves to be intimidated by 9)............ pressure groups. And while there has been some 10)............ of the brevity of our reporting of international sports news, we feel that as a local paper, our duty is first and foremost to supply the public with local news.



Ambiguous (adj) |amˈbɪɡjʊəs| — двусмысленный, неясный, неоднозначныйambiguous answer — неопределённый /невразумительный ответambiguous terms — неопределённые /нечёткие условияambiguous information  — неясная информация 

Meticulous (adj) |mɪˈtɪkjʊləs| — тщательный, дотошный, скрупулезныйbe meticulous in little things — быть педантичным в мелочахa meticulous account of the event — подробный отчёт о событияхbe meticulous in the choice of words — осторожно подбирать слова a meticulous worker/ personality  — добросовестный работник/ педантичный человек meticulous examination — тщательное обследование 

Ubiquitous (adj) |juːˈbɪkwɪtəs| — повсеместный, вездесущийubiquitous pollution of the environment — повсеместное загрязнение окружающей среды 

Tenacity (n) |tɪˈnasɪti| — упорство, стойкость, твердость волиdemonstrate / display / show tenacity — проявить силу воли his tenacity was rewarded — его упорство было вознагражденоtenacity of belief/ prejudice  — стойкость веры/ предрассудков Tenacious (adj) |tɪˈneɪʃəs| — цепкий, упорный, упрямый, стойкийtenacious memory — хорошая памятьhave a tenacious hold on — крепко держаться/удерживать позициюsmth has a tenacious hold on the minds of people — крепко держится в сознании людейbe tenacious of one's opinions/ rights  — стойко отстаивать свои взгляды/ права

Eligible (adj) |ˈɛlɪdʒɪb(ə)l| — подходящий, имеющий право be eligible for re-election — он имеет право на переизбраниеbe eligible for the vacancy/post — подходить для данной должностиeligible investment — выгодное капиталовложениеFifty-one per cent of eligible voters voted in favour.If you are eligible for financial help, we will tell you how to claim.She will be eligible to compete in the next Winter Games .

Multilateral (adj) |mʌltɪˈlat(ə)r(ə)l|  — многостороннийmultilateral treaty — многосторонний договорmultilateral disarmament — многостороннее разоружение


multilateral agreement — многостороннее соглашение 

Plenipotentiary (adj) |ˌplɛnɪpəˈtɛnʃ(ə)ri| — уполномоченный, полномочный, неограниченный ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary — чрезвычайный и полномочный посолplenipotentiary ambassador — полномочный посол minister plenipotentiary — полномочный министрplenipotentiary powers — неограниченные полномочияPlenipotentiary (n) |ˌplɛnɪpəˈtɛnʃ(ə)ri| — полномочный представитель appoint a plenipotentiary — назначить полномочного представителя  conference of plenipotentiary representatives — конференция полномочных представителей 

Envoy (n) |ˈɛnvɔɪ|  — дипломатический представитель (посол, посланник), доверенное лицоenvoy extraordinary — чрезвычайный посланник envoys of good will — посланцы доброй волиenvoy on human rights — представитель, занимающийся правами человекаdiplomatic/ foreign envoy — дипломатический/ иностранный представитель   recall/withdraw an envoy — отзывать дипломатического представителя  

Endowment (n) |ɪnˈdaʊm(ə)nt| — пожертвование, вклад, талант, завещание the Carnegie Endowment — фонд Карнегиthe hospital is under an endowment — больница содержится на средства жертвователяnatural/ intellectual endowments — природные/ умственные способностиeducational endowment — пожертвование на цели образования Dissolve (v) |dɪˈzɒlv| — распускать, расторгать, растворять dissolve a government/parliament — распускать, расформировывать правительство/парламент dissolve an alliance/ a union  — расторгнуть соглашение/ разрушить альянс/ расторгнуть союз

Ad hoc  (adj) |æd ˈhɒk| — специально созданный/ привлечённый для данного случаяad hoc act/ committee  — специальный закон/ комитет ad hoc judge — временный судья 

Allocate (v) |ˈaləkeɪt| — распределять, размещать, резервироватьallocate funds for new projects/education — ассигновать средства на разработку новых проектов/ на развитие образованияallocate tasks/ duties  among — распределять обязанностиallocate resources — распределять ресурсы 


Canvass (v) |ˈkanvəs| — собирать голоса (перед выборами); агитировать за кандидата / выявлять число сторонников путём опросаcanvass a subject — всесторонне рассмотреть вопрос canvass for votes — вести предвыборную кампанию canvass public opinion —  проводить опрос населения canvass the market — изучать конъюнктуру рынка canvassing board — совет по вопросам предвыборной агитации canvassing campaign — рекламная кампания telephone canvassing —  опрос по телефону 

Ascend (v) |əˈsɛnd| — взойти, набирать высоту, продвигаться (по службе)ascend to the climax of glory — достичь вершины славы ascend to the throne — вступить на престолarrange in the ascending order — располагать в возрастающем порядке 

Brink (n) |brɪŋk| — край, граньon the brink/ verge of ... — на краю ..., на грани ...balance on the brink of ... — балансировать на грани be on the brink of ruin/bankruptcy/death/ war/ tears — быть на грани разорения/ банкротства/ на краю могилы/ на грани войны/ чуть не заплакатьdraw back from the brink of ... — устранить непосредственную опасность ч-лbring smb to the brink of bankruptcy — привести кого-л. на грань банкротства 

Embark (v) |ɪmˈbɑːk| — начинать (дело); браться (за что-л.); предпринимать (что-л.)embark upon a new course — взять новый курсembark on (upon) a dangerous venture — пуститься в крайне рискованное предприятие

Vest (v) |vest| — облекать властью/ наделять правом; возлагать обязанностиvest smb. with power — облекать кого-л. властью 

Enact (v) |ɪˈnakt| — предписывать, вводить в действие, постановлятьthe president enacted the bill — президент подписал /утвердил законthe bill was enacted into law — законопроект стал закономenact a decree/ a law — издать указ/ принять закон  enact a bill — утвердить законопроект

Indict (v) |ɪnˈdʌɪt| — обвинять, предъявлять обвинение indict smb/smth on smth.: the Governor has been indicted on 23 criminal counts including fraud;indict smb for doing smth: He was indicted for committing crimes against humanity.Indictment (n) |ɪnˈdʌɪtm(ə)nt| — обвинение, предъявление обвинения


bring in an indictment against smb. — предъявить кому-л. обвинение waive the indictment — снять обвинение 

Misdemeanor (n) |ˌmɪsdəˈmiːnə| — проступок, преступление, судебно наказуемый проступок Preside (v) |prɪˈzʌɪd| — председательствовать, осуществлять руководство preside at /over a meeting — председательствовать на собранииpreside in turn — председательствовать по очереди preside over a case/the trial/over a court  — руководить судебным заседанием/ вести судебное заседание 

Convene (v) |kənˈviːn| — созывать, собирать convene a meeting/a council/an assembly — созвать заседание/совет/ собраниеconvene a rally — созывать митинг 


GLOSSARY 1. (The Legislative Branch of the Government in the United Kingdom)

Study the following words and word combinations and use them when answering the questions.

Constitutional monarchy“unwritten” constitutionConstitutional ConventionsCommon LawStatutory (statute) law

a parliament billgovernment (sponsored) initiated billa Private bill

reading of a billto draft a billexamine a proposal, a billpresent a proposalto revise, amend a bill, legislationto initiate (introduce, propose, sponsor, bring in) a bill, legislationto place a bill (before the Queen) for signaturedebate a billto delay (disapprove of, defeat, oppose) a billto pass a bill (The House of Commons)to pass legislation (The House of L.)chamber (syn. House)lower (upper) chambera one (two) chamber parliamentThe House of Commons (the Commons)to enter the Houseto attend the Houseto preside the Houseto control proceedingsthe State Opening of Parliamentto dissolve Parliament

Конституционная монархия«Неписанная» конституцияконституционные обычаи (соглашения)общее право, основанное на прецедентестатутное право, «писаный» закон, принятый Парламентомзаконопроект, Парламентский билль (законопроект) правительственный законопроектзаконопроект, внесенный на рассмотрение рядовым членом Парламентаслушание законопроектасоставлять законопроектизучать законопроектпредоставлять проектизменять (вносить поправки) в законопроектвносить законопроект на рассмотрение

представить законопроект на подпись (королеве)

вести дебаты по законопроектузатягивать, задерживать; не одобрять; отклонять; воспрепятствовать законопроектупередавать законопроект (Палата Общин)утвердить закон (Палата Лордов)Палата Парламентанижняя (верхняя) Палатаодно (двух) палатный ПарламентПалата Общин (нижняя Палата в Британском Парламенте)стать членом Парламентаприсутствовать на заседаниипредседательствовать в палатеруководить заседаниямиофициальное открытие сессии парламентараспускать Парламент


dissolution of Parliamenta hung Parliament

session of ParliamentParliament is in sessionmeeting of Parliamentto sit in Parliament/to have a seat in Parliamentto stand (run) for Parliamentquestion timeto scrutinise the work, an activityto act as a check on governmentconduct inquiries intoto subject an action to public scrutiny

to be held to account (by Parliament)Standing Committeesthe departmental Select CommitteesThe Lord Chancellor (or the Lord Speaker)to have an important judicial rolethe highest Court of Appealallowances to cover attendance

ArchbishopsBishopshereditary peerscrossbench groupswhipdepartmental spokesmanto regulate itselfto pass a resolution/ a vote of 'no confidence'

роспуск Парламентаситуация в парламенте, когда ни одна из представленных в нем партий не имеет необходимого большинства для формирования правительства; «подвешенный» парламентсессия Парламентав Парламенте идут заседаниязаседание Парламентабыть членом Парламента

выставить свою кандидатуру в Парламентвремя, отведенное на вопросытщательно проверять работуконтролировать правительствопроводить расследованияосуществлять общественный контроль над действиембыть подотчетно парламентуПостоянный комитетведомственные Специальные КомитетыЛорд-канцлер (Спикер Палаты Лордов)

играть важную роль в судебной системевысшая апелляционная инстанциясумма на покрытие расходов, связанных с посещаемостьюархиепископепископнаследственные пэрыгруппы «независимых»организатор работы палатыпредставитель по делам министерстваработать по принципу самоуправлениявынести вотум недоверия правительству


GLOSSARY 2. (The Executive Branch of the Government in the United Kingdom)


Head of the Cabinet – Prime-Minister HEAD РУКОВОДИТЕЛЬ DEPARTMENT МИНИСТЕРСТВОThe Deputy Minister(not a permanent position, existing only at the discretion of the Prime Minister)

заместитель премьер министра

Chancellor of the Exchequer,the Treasury,the Exchequer

канцлер Казначейства, министр финансов

HM Treasury(Her Majesty Treasury)

Казначейство, Министерство Финансов

First Lord of the Treasury

Первый Лорд Казначейства, должность Премьер Министра

Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

Министр иностранных дел и по делам Содружества

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Министерство иностранных дел и по делам Содружества

Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor

Министр юстиции Ministry of Justice Министерство юстиции

Secretary of State for the Home Department,Home Secretary

Министр внутренних дел

Home Office Министерство внутренних дел

Secretary of State for Defence

Министр обороны Ministry of Defence Министерство обороны

Secretary of State for Health

Министр здравоохранения

Department for Health Министерство здравоохранения

Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Министр по вопросам охраны окружающей среды, продовольствия и

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Министерство по вопросам окружающей среды, продовольствия и


делам сельских районов

делам сельских районов

Secretary of State for Transport

Министр транспорта Department for Transport

Министерство транспорта

Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport

Министр культуры, СМИ и спорта

Department for Culture, Media and Sport

Министерство по делам культуры, СМИ и спорта

Secretary of State for International Development

Министр по вопросам международного развития

Department for International Development

Министерство по вопросам международного развития

non-departmental minister

ad hoc committeecollective responsibilitybe collectively responsible forcabinet reshufflecivil serviceto resign, resignationto appoint / dismiss ministersto allocate functions amongto act unanimously

министр, не возглавляющий министерство, министр «без портфеля»специальный комитетколлективная ответственность

перестановка кадров в Кабинете министровгосударственная служба, аппарат чиновниковуйти в отставку, отставканазначать/ увольнять министровраспределять функциидействовать единогласно


GLOSSARY 3. (The Judicial Branch of the Government in the United Kingdom. Parliamentary Elections.)

judiciarybarthe Barto be at the Barto go (to be called) to the Bar

to be called for the Barbarrister

casethe case of lawcodecriminal codecivil codecourt

court of appealHigh Court of Justice

The Chancery Division

The Queen’s Bench Divisioncounty courtCrown court

Magistrates' courtThe highest court (House of Lords)Old Bailey

JusticeThe Justice of the Peace (J.P.)

законодательная властьсуд в полном составеадвокатура, коллегия адвокатовбыть адвокатом (барристером)быть принятым в адвокатское сословие, стать адвокатом (барристером)быть назначенным королевским адвокатомпрофессиональный юрист, имеющий право выступать в суде в качестве обвинителя или адвокатасудебное делослучай в судебной практике, вопрос правакодекссвод законов уголовный кодексгражданский кодекссуд, состав суда, заседание суда, помещение судаАпелляционный судВысокий суд (суд первой инстанции по гражданским делам с юрисдикцией на территории всей Великобритании)Канцлерское отделение Высокого суда (рассматривает гражданские дела)Семейный Суд (отделение Высокого суда)суд графствасуд Короны (уголовное отделение высокого суда)Магистратский суд (Великобритания)Верховный суд (Великобритания)то же, что Central Criminal Court (no названию улицы, где он находится)правосудиемировой судья


Elections in the UKballot papersecret ballotboroughcanvassingconstituencysafe constituency

marginal constituency

countrecountelection (to)general electionby-electionelection agentto win/lose an electionelection campaignto fight the electionto fix an electionelect (v) smb toelect smb Prime-ministerelectorelectoral addresselectoral issue

electoral lawelectoral registerelectorate

election agentto be eligible to votemanifesto

nominee (n)nominate smb (as a candidate)nominationopinion poll

бюллетень для голосованиятайное голосованиегород, приравненный к избирательному округупредвыборная агитация на дому у избирателейизбирательный округизбирательный округ, большинство избирателей, в котором традиционно отдают свои голоса за кандидатов одной из двух основных партийизбирательный округ, в котором нет традиционной единодушной поддержки одной из двух главных партий, и поэтому результаты выборов обычно непредсказуемыподсчет голосов избирателейпересчет голосоввыборы (в)всеобщие выборыдополнительные выборыорганизатор избирательной кампаниипобедить/проиграть на выборахизбирательная кампаниявести борьбу на выборахорганизовать выборыизбирать кого-либо визбирать кого-либо премьер-министромизбирательобращение к избирателямпроблема, решение которой предлагается кандидатами или партиями в ходе избирательной кампаниизакон о выборах, избирательный законсписок избирателейсовокупность избирателей, поддерживающих определенного кандидата, политику или партиюорганизатор предвыборной кампании кандидатаиметь право участвовать в выборахпредвыборная платформа партии, предвыборная декларациякандидат на выборахвыставлять кандидатуру на выборахофициальное выставление кандидата на выборахопрос общественного мнения


to take pollspolling daypolling districtpolling stationto put up (one's name for Parliament)to return smb to Parliamentreturning officer

election returnto stand for parliamentary electionsvote for smb, smth (v)vote down (a proposal)to vote by proxyto vote by postvote (n)

put to the votevoting (n)

preferential voting

turnout, turnout of...%to win a majority of seats

проводить опрос общественного мнениядень голосованияизбирательный участокместо голосования, пункт голосованиявыставлять свою кандидатуру, вносить кандидатуру в списки для голосованияизбирать кого-либо в Парламентдолжностное лицо, ответственное за организацию выбороврезультаты выборовучаствовать в выборах, выставлять свою кандидатуру

голосовать за кого-либо или что-либопровалить на выборах, забаллотировать (предложение)голосовать по доверенностиголосовать по почте1. голосование2. голос избирателя на выборахставить на голосование избиратель1. голосование

система голосования, при которой избиратель отмечает цифрами против фамилий кандидатов, в каком порядке он за них голосуетявка избирателей на выборынабрать большинство голосов


GLOSSARY 4. (The Legislative Branch of the American Government).

SenateHouse of Representativeslegislaturelegislative branch, legislation

to legislateto vest powerto levy taxesto appropriatebicameralregular sessionspecial (extraordinary) sessionto be in sessiontransaction of businessto conveneunder standing orderSpeaker

to be in the minority/majority

to keep a check oncaucusmajority leaderminority leaderto take the floortalks on the floorto recognize smbto hold hearing on …proposal for a new lawa billto introduce a billto originate a billto refer a bill to a committeeconsider a billto debate a billto veto a bill

СенатПалата представителейзаконодательный орган; зд. законодательная власть, законодательство; закон; законодатели, законодательная власть, деятельностьиздавать законоблекать властьюоблагать налогами, взимать налогиассигноватьдвухпалатныйочередная сессияспециальная (чрезвычайная) сессиязаседатьведение делсозыватьсогласно существующему положениюспикер, председатель Палаты представителейбыть в меньшинстве/большинстве зд. ополитической партии в Конгрессеосуществлять контроль за...совещание фракции Конгрессалидер большинствалидер меньшинствавзять слово в Конгрессевыступления в Конгрессепредоставлять слово кому-либопроводить слушания по ….проект нового законазаконопроектвносить законопроектвносить закон-кт на рассмотрение палатыпередавать закон-кт на рассмотрение в комитетрассматривать законопроектналожить вето на законопроект


to override or defeat the president’s vetoactto draw a billenactment of a billto recall a billselect committeestanding committeeterm, term of officeto expirePresident of the Senateto presideto supervise the work of the legislatureto hold office, to hold a post

преодолеть президентское ветозакон; законодательный актсоставлять (формулировать) закон-тподписание, принятие законаотклонять законопроектспециальный комитетпостоянный комитетсрок пребывания на посту, срок полномочийистекать (о сроке)председатель Сенатапредседательствовать (в Сенате, Палате)руководить работойзанимать пост, должность

GLOSSARY 5. (The Executive Branch of the American Government).

THE EXECUTIVE BRANCHthe Administrationofficeto administer and execute lawsthe President’s CabinetDepartmentAmbassadoremergency powersto enforce lawFederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

system of checks and balancesto appoint smb (as) sth,to appoint smb to a position

ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ВЛАСТЬправительство СШАдолжность (на государственной службе)исполнять законычлены Кабинетаминистерство, ведомство, отделпосол, дипломатический представительчрезвычайные полномочияпроводить закон в жизньфедеральное бюро расследований (ФБР)Центральное разведывательное управление (ЦРУ)система сдержек и противовесовназначить кого-либо на должность


министр иностранных дел

Department of State Госдепартамент(Министерство иностранных дел, МИД

Secretary of Defence Министр обороны Department of Defence

Министерство обороны

Secretary of Homeland Security

Министр национальной безопасности

Department of Homeland Security

Министерство национальной безопасности

Secretary of Treasury Министр финансов Department of Министерство


Treasur y финансовSecretary of the Interior

Министр внутренних дел

Department of the Interior

Министерство внутренних дел

Secretary of Commerce

Министр торговли Department of Commerce

Министерство торговли

Attorney General Министр юстиции Department of Justice Министерство юстиции

Secretary of Agriculture

Министр сельского хозяйства

Department of Agriculture

Министерство сельского хозяйства

Secretary of Health and Human Services

Министр здравоохранения и социальных служб

Department of Health and Human Services

Министерство здравоохранения и социальных служб

Secretary of Transportation

Министр транспорта

Department of Transportation

Министерство транспорта

GLOSSARY 6. (The Judicial Branch of the Government in the USA. Impeachment).

to impeach of, with


treasonbriberymisdemeanorto dismissdismissalto convictconvictionto remove from office


proceedingsverdict of guiltyto disqualify from

THE JUDICIARYdistrict court

appellate court(circuit) court of appealsfederal courtState courtpolice court

magistrate court

обвинять в совершении тяжкого преступления"импичмент", обвинение и привлечение к суду (процедура привлечения к ответственности высших должностных лиц)изменавзяточничествомелкое преступление, наказуемый проступокувольнятьувольнениепризнавать виновным, вынести приговор, осудитьосуждение (по суду)смещать с должности, постаобвинительный акт; вердикт большого жюри о привлечении к уголовной ответственности и передаче дела в судпроцедура; (судебное) разбирательстворешение о признании виновнымлишать права

ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛЬНАЯ ВЛАСТЬфедеральный районный сyд, федеральный суд первой инстанцииапелляционный суд, суд второй инстанции окружной апелляционный cудфедеральный судсуд штатасуд по делам о мелких преступления, расследуемых полициеймировой суд


inferior (lower) courtSuperior courtlocal courtcourt of small claims

United States Court of Military AppealsUnited States Court of International TradeUnited States Claims Court

Court of Customs & Patent AppealsCustoms CourtProbate Court

Tax Courtjudiciary

federal judiciaryjurisdictionoriginal jurisdictioncome under jurisdictionjuridicaljuridical reviewjusticechief justicejustice of the Peaceadversary/adversarial system

barthe Barto be at the Barto go (to be called) to the Bar

to be called for the Barbarrister

Casethe case of lawcodecriminal codecivil codecourtcourt of appeal

нижестоящий судапелляционный суд штатаместный судсуд мелких тяжб (в ряде штатов США для скорейшего разрешения дел небольшой исковой суммой)федеральный апелляционный суд по делам военнослужащихфедеральный суд по вопросам международный торговлипретензионный суд (суд для рассмотрения исков к США)апелляционный суд по таможенным патентным делам

таможенный судсуд по делам наследства, опеки несовершеннолетних и т.п.налоговый судсудоустройство, судебная власть, судебное право, системафедеральная судебная властьюрисдикция, отправление правосудиясуд первой инстанцииподпадать под действие правосудияюридический, присущий судебной властипересмотр деласудья, член Верховного Судапредседатель Верховного Судамировой судьясистема соперничества в суде между защитой и обвинениемсуд в полном составеадвокатура, коллегия адвокатовбыть адвокатом (барристером)быть принятым в адвокатское сословие, стать адвокатом (барристером)быть назначенным королевским адвокатомпрофессиональный юрист, имеющий право выступать в суде в качестве обвинителя или адвокатасудебное делослучай в судебной практике, вопрос правакодекссвод законов уголовный кодексгражданский кодекссуд, состав суда, заседание суда, помещение судаАпелляционный суд


GLOSSARY 7. (Elections in the USA).


ballotingcast a ballottally the ballotcaucuscandidatecandidacyto announce candidacyconveneconventionnational conventiondelegate to the conventionelectionnational electionpresidential electiongeneral electioncongressional electionelectorelectorateElectoral Collegeto hold, conduct electionto fix electionto enroll for, into be inauguratedinauguration

nominatenominationnomineethe oath, to take the oathpollpollingpolling stations (places)polling dayPresident-elect

primary, primary elections

1. избирательный бюллетень;2. голосование, баллотировка;3. список кандидатовбаллотировка, голосованиеподать голосподсчитывать голосапредвыборное фракционное партийное совещание кандидаткандидатуравыдвинуть кандидатурусобирать, созыватьсъездобщенациональный съездделегат на съездвыборыобщенациональные выборыпрезидентские выборывсеобщие выборывыборы в Конгрессвыборщикизбиратели, контингент избирателейколлегия выборщиковпроводить выборыназначать выборызаписываться, вступать в члены (организации)вступать в должностьторжественная официальная церемониявступления в должностьвыставлять кандидатомвыставление кандидата на выборахкандидат, выдвинутый на выборахклятва, дать клятвуголосование, баллотировкавыборы, голосованиеизбирательные участкидень выборовизбранный, но еще не вступивший в должность президентпервичные выборы


state capitolvote for, againstvotevotervotingelectoral votepopular vote vote for as a teamcast a votecapture a majority votecertify the vote

здание законодательного собрания штатаголосовать (за, против)голос (при голосовании)избирательголосованиеголоса выборщиковголоса избирателейголосовать за обоих сразу, вместеподать голосполучить большинство голосовофициальное утверждение результатов голосования

GLOSSARY 8. (The Legislative Branch of the Government of the Russian Federation).

Федеральное Собрание - Парламент РФСовет ФедерацииГосударственная Думазаседать раздельно/ совместнозакрытые заседаниярегламентизбираться сроком на 5 леторганы государственной властиорганы самоуправлениянаходиться на государственной службесобираться на первое заседаниеГосударственная Дума нового созываполномочия Думы прежнего созыва

доверие правительствуназначение и освобождение от должностиСчетная Палатараспределять места (в Парламенте)право законодательной инициативыотклонить законпреодолеть «вето» президентапроголосовать за закон еще разквалифицированное большинствосоставлять проекта федерального бюджетавыражать недовериеотправлять правительство в отставкусоставлять проекты федеральных законовподлежать обязательному рассмотрениюсогласительная комиссияпреодолеть разногласиепартийная фракция (в парламенте)

the Federal Assemblythe Council of the Federationthe State Dumato hold separate/ joint sittingsclosed-door sittingsprocedure rulesbe elected for a term of 5 yearsbodies of state authoritylocal self-governmentbe employed in the state servicebe convened at its first sittingthe State Duma of a new convocationthe mandate of the State Duma of the previous convocationconfidence in the Governmentappointment and dismissalthe Accounting Chamberassign a seatright to submit draft legislationto veto legislationto override a presidential vetoto reconsider legislationa majority specified by lawto draft the federal budgetvote no confidenceto dismiss the governmentto draft federal lawsbe subject to indispensable considerationthe Conciliation Committeeto overcome the uprising disagreementparty group


GLOSSARY 9. (The Executive Branch of the Government of the Russian Federation).

Ежегодное послание Президента Федеральному СобраниюГосударственный СоветСовет БезопасностиАдминистрация ПрезидентаВерховный ГлавнокомандующийГенеральный прокурорсубъекты федерацииСовет глав правительств Содружества Независимых Государств (СНГ)Председатель Правительствавести заседания правительстваобладать правом решающего голосавременно исполнять обязанности(временно) исполняющий обязанности президентауставной органорганы государственной власти федерального уровняправо законодательной инициативыотклонить законкандидатуры на замещение государственных должностейпротиворечить Конституцииближайшие, среднесрочные и долгосрочные цели и задачив рамках своей компетенцииквалифицированное большинствоконсультативный орган при (ком-то)подать в отставкувведение военного положениячрезвычайное положениесрок действия полномочий

the President’s Annual Address to the Federal Assemblythe State Councilthe Security CouncilThe Presidential Executive OfficeСommander in СhiefProsecutor Generalconstituent territoriesthe Council of the Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)the Prime Minsterto chair meetings of the Governmentto have the decisive voteto take over the duties ofActing President

the charter agencyfederal governmental bodies

right to submit draft legislationto veto legislationcandidates for official state positions

contravene the Constitutionshort-, middle- and long-term objectives and targetswithin the bounds of their authoritya majority specified by lawan advisory body under the auspices ofhand in its own resignationthe introduction of a martial lawa state of emergencythe term in office


The HEAD of the Ministry

The Ministry

Министр финансов Minister of Finance Министерство финансов

Ministry of Finance

Министр иностранных дел

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Министерство иностранных дел

Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Министр внутренних дел

Minister of Interior Affairs

Министерство внутренних дел

Ministry of Interior Affairs

Министр обороны Minister of Defense Министерство обороны

Ministry of Defense

Министр юстиции Minister of Justice Министерство юстиции

Ministry of Justice

Министр промышленности и энергетики

Minister of the Industry and Energy

Министерство промышленности и энергетики

Ministry of the Industry and Energy

Министр экономического развития и торговли

Minister of Economic Development and Trade

Министерство экономического развития и торговли

Ministry of Economic Development and Trade

Министр регионального развития

Minister of Regional Development

Министерство регионального развития

Ministry of Regional Development

Министр здравоохранения и социального развития

Minister of Health and Social Development

Министерство здравоохранения и социального развития

Ministry of Health and Social Development

Министр культуры и массовых коммуникаций

Minister of Culture and Mass Communications

Министерство культуры и массовых коммуникаций

Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications

Министр образования и науки

Minister of Education and Sciences

Министерство образования и науки

Ministry of Education and Sciences

GLOSSARY 10. (The Parliamentary and Presidential Elections in the Russian Federation. The Judicial Branch).

the Central Election Commission of the RFпартийные спискифедеральные спискииметь право выдвинутьфедеральный избирательный округпреодолеть 7-процентный избирательный барьерсубъект федерации

Центральная избирательная комиссия РФparty listsfederal candidate listsbe entitled to nominatefederal constituenciesto pass/ to clear the 7% threshold for eligibility

the subject, the constituent territory

Конституционный СудВерховный СудВысший Арбитражный СудГенеральный прокурорпротиворечить Конституции

the Constitutional Courtthe Supreme Courtthe Supreme Arbitration CourtProsecutor Generalcontravene the Constitution